The Huron Expositor, 1874-07-10, Page 2:V V 0 va P 1 J J "D V 1 4 U J X F. 4 R a 4c # # i7 ISE 4 H, EV -5 Lt S A Eli 5 i, J U V;"T 4 t ;A T i daw V, JULY 10, 1874, OSITQR, THE HTIRON EXP 2 I I Life. n n re ch er, TfiomaEV EclectrIc oil, 4uiline. nostrils were rael -and se fi8hp erly and then went 0 10 eer boril I 11. r companion by the refinement of long his hat gravely, witbout looking at the a WORTIT TEN TIVES ITR WEIGHT I.N GOLD. ])()yoTj we LIFE 01 MR. JOHN 'the sweet virgina, s,irprise of hese voice. A P"SAC� IN THE -tain -shy� lady went his wm�. It struck the hon- that XXOW.IXYT1111,10 OF iT? ring nd isolati+ and a cet althinkill of -I El- Ii OAKHURST. tinof the char. lovely eyes were as it -to be apene Oil Tha be yob Y-011 DID. We laugh c, I wa t! kin that ma -for, ve or die vir inity of ma er There was sug- est mastei %rpenter as on(, lir * racter her.plate as lipon the allaitt'speech s of I ie. tilThere are but few preparations of MiRdicin, we I ges ion of ph' n the folds of ming anomalies of his wife's ell, t 't I sical urity i ay to th4t whichba-veithatood the impartini judgine t too inuch f y fir comp, 0 0 tila 3CM WiCIj BY BRET HAME.' ysical evidently, dinner partner) that her sympathetic Col- 1 0 of king rpbe, and a certain tbau, althotigh the meeting was Jamilton ally IXho her fresh -100 e 8 the peoplo for filly gyeat length of tilli. 0130- of llO4 .et k%ined and. unpleasant, or came and went m)re with her own Mi. ot that se is THoi1A8'11,'LFCTl111V 011,* Alasl Re always thouaht it must have been pi ilresqvie tastefulikess. in the details,. veryinlich const t, to yon or him. But it the 0 11 1 el ,irward hiswife's spiritsbegan spirits than yours. B t you and ar , wrong M abion of six of some of thebest oils thut are Fate. CL_rtainly nothilia could: have that;. without knowilig why, made him histanblvfte yol�?re tile I., f, Why Ad. I might niake tlk. each one possessing virtues of its own. with his llabits� thir k that the robe 'ws 'You was hard oil him—a leetle not -in love with her, 10 been more inconaistant her invention to rise. lolds I only One herElsie," said the i master that be forin IjI, is. Ail([ even in the r seen by a . W f!e, I act t1le ralliallt se I than to have --been ill the Plaza t 7 'nd! liandiwovl, even� as th' carriage she hard, asn't you, said .. Mr. Mr. Oakhur fraid tUis I carpenter, )ookillor follolly at )ITS Wi The Met 11 pie was evid6n y"the wDrk of her Decker deprecatiligly_11 I'm fraid he, of. her Parisian go Nvll I ttrrl� C_ which cofila y eclock Of that midsummer morning. iwho isn't talked bout ; who6 work v,,,eet thoilgbtf, th-It face in Sacramento companion. Her owil hand, -a trifle too m.-�ytbiiilcl'N,el)rokemypeomise." "Ali, poor fellow. $tow the saine sill from tho. ii(i of nny (,Dv of orSight of his colorless ad , indifferently. of purity tbat he had seen iii her home.- in't iivilioctud or canibinntimis. Thns-in the folul -Why 1-10 was rare that &_mso nd, iudcod. at thiv, but well -shaped, gubtle-tingered. indeed," said the 1, y Mrs. Decker was glad he had s* okeil of this oil st, ell( eld 1 11, p 1 -in b1i g To things th, litle-wornauly, rested on the side Mr, Decker intantly stepped round to I SDull robe. And then there,was tih(� de- a ninpomitl wbi0i c(nild not by Pf)4-.4ildlitv be any season, anywhere, pn%liely, before, and, ge d zboilght so, 00 but --in the afternoon: Looking bok of. the carriage, the counterpart of the the front of the vehicle. "Yo -ti look lightful revelation tbat she could walk, about A. She Ila inlilde frow ttiiy othor coji7ibinati,in or propol 2 o'clock he r I she could not well be uncivil . o Mr. of the samcingredif,�nts. 1-1) Or ally otli-er illgrtllenta, andthat she had. dear' [ittle'feet of T10- fly upon. it in after years, in the light of a Irtasp of her COM-- like ail Al first-class lady rioling dow I -,N-110 Was a fine gentleman, antl ent'rely differclit front a;ivt1liT);4 stro g mechanical own -in the tiniest slipl: ors of.her ranch B ainilton, Ittle, ou'v which. the n-0 cV(T before re love tilt"i chanceful life, he debelmittedi with the pan on S. Broadway in herl own carriage, Elsie," i I powerful enemy. philosophy of' his pmfes- Said he ed yon iookin' so shoemaker with such preposterolls blue I without . mking characteriatic i There was sct�ae obstruction to the adInedicim'. over be fort, sion, - tb at it must 1) ave been Fate. bows, and Chapell)s own tarnp, Rue 1 " And he's alwas treated ine is if I Nva,) thall aliv all tl11Y pro veh ide, and Mr. Oak- I peart and ther, Paris, on t 6rcle " dded the tailiS no ILICOhOl orothcr volat e li(priti .0 1w de somethina or or o ie a born lady in his own i y t nty,,as a strict chronic- litirst stepped forwar I to assist. W 11 ile I A, few dayf; later tb(:,, proprietor of the n 1 is lily d little womah with certain prido,.� tha qrfvi�tly 4-, ver narrows le let o facts, to state that Nx1r. Oakhurst's the wheel was being Lifted over the curb- an Isabel Suiphur 8prings re-cei ed th( 10 1 yon get the bt-nefit of arop; viie 0 1 - ard 11 i�itli vheiullten�.d made her busbandforldlysmile. But ess ythat she should followin"', note in r. Oakhurst's we'll- He ran tow r preparations iinarly ill t es ; ee there that �moriling was Stoke, itwas nee ilo 1W pr color and outstretched hands', But Ae T have thoutllt of a plan. ffi', t ii)stiii'liatwity,;tii4ly()iige.tfiilythf,,,.$)ij li n a Very SLMp e, cause. At exactly half- hold his arm, and foi, a moment her thin known dainty hand : - ; , GAIriiTIES" gia e( d el ind. whipped her own b lie stay here if I shoul go away. If, for 11 tity of oils which they may contiii. bnk bellirr thern -V% to haai i rested there I ght nd cold s a . . THOMAS, x. y. I've been thinking to Sail, Fr%il(isco to I DEAR 8TMVH 'rapidly up and. down the long halli id. insiance into AndXORTHROP Ont., the %mount of $20,000, be lidd risell fe0lu silo, aild, le. 1—as 'it seemed to 'itioli t! buy Nichol's il Sole Agents for the Donlhiion. eek of cOlw1usiol over your . propos gpile i, I stoodlookingath!iin-witill ;ulhalf a- a 10 M a f of- few flkys b( the faro table, relinquished his seat to ail, hi,t —like it llow- lake melted away. - pist prop -c 140 quarter interes half inisubievons adiniration-in before I Should retu clude to i �NOTE.—L�lecti-ic—.Sel6ete(laiiiTIt',It!c,Lrize(I A philautl byaccomplislied assistnt, and -withdrawil, Th a p, use, and then con- it I q61t1 in Seafoxth .021 Co and R. there %vas W it,. Btit I don't qee how the thing oiub By the boys go 1.1aercontrast to 4er o reserve. _Mr. Decker was delighte ng glance from lady. joinillu occasionally d Old wine bibber qliie;�Iy, without attra ctii bil you have _11101,10W. will Pay tin more accolumo- I n lid t to Shke It nds ,ill lie Said. "go to the silent, uxions faces bo ed. over the and shyly. dation down -1 I've grea AVOID QUAICKS. agile -bottle I. -ii: ;iiere id for the best class y i0itir, down, d I'll empty o rou at 1. pss d me just Jck Oakliur -ft has lost it� table. But -when. h �editis luxuri- R appeared that they were man n(L .9i entei mean my customers. What we i Lt ill VICTI-11 of early now on the piazza With lit Speaking, a ad p`11 t y 0 his char -(,c." 0 S c P4�ssage- wife. hat for. the past two years she 'LI13 ql-1 Mrs. Decker did ' ot, tb: ha-,illg tried in Yankee tlitor ha oils Sleeping- room, cross want is in extension to tile Main rau after you, uppost, in, P bilt it was VIL111 .1 for 11Ard WO Or t11,06 c(AtigaS Put ur friend ' it; findincy lia been great invalid, and had lost i ing nd. every adartired b;is discbverp he was a lit e Shocked , 0 11 & - a Tmedy other poor prudent. Oakhurst is o I I r� the use of her I(T\Ver" Limbs from rbeumat- h %Alolrin� la silliple of w-if-eirre, he will selid free 'labor well worke1 the sun streming thiourrh ail inadve or to take hold of t hat Sle Jwieph, b -ab on. know his r6pu ation. to his A4dregt:, L 11. 1;0 hours ell I N.Ir Oakhurst tam. neredi t' )%%,it a btiil( teatly opened wind ;ometbing hi. Tht until ltely -she had been job at once. He takes bis sick wife, with z�l N In fact she did not know that she '? ow. vas so chailged. ought 1 78 Na u S 51 000 dam, -,,res for -er, bed,_- ; ritil. h ev 11 us ba, a c — hmand you are, to look fter thein as Id to go now, knowing that he wa onig the rare beauty of the m or perli, tied to h The more reason why !you shbi� 9 In I ? co thus llaii' Something in the - novelty of thp ide'l, whIn was a, ma�ter �carpenter—hd- be- you would one of k1s. PAUN-KILLEPI )011iljg to ine ? u - the same dy--but with ki�s NIr to be sf to, make her this c,,ir- know me. Who' chnged stru�ak him as he was b out , to, th e tb it himself I may run d4n fter First little. 0 THE edagoffne— You h%ve rewreate'd me. You founoi� a Decker overcalpe her scruplc�i.j She 1, 7bliads, and he hesitated. Tlien, takind ric e. Ife took her out regularly for an Little boy u IE the rces, just to look after things; but helpless, - crippled,' sick, poveirty-stricken ielded gracef Lilly. Few wolneri,iin faqt, OF THE yotirnae hishatfroin thetble he te peddown airi o, before goitta to work, -because it p 0 1 hnt set tip atly aine this season. tie dress to )let back, nd knew how to give up a point s charm- _Ob 110 Your name ttracted 0 - veloinctil, With 0 a private, Staircase into the street. wa his only time, And—they Yours a ways JOHN AKRUM. that her Own 111�1L]te, and you gve I er ingly ,is she-. OY, ere abroad t -that Tile ppo.ple. who w_ less attention.. They had tried many EZ.1 Ions - 1. They hd. 'Itwasonly thelasb pntenceof this life, health streu&t].L nd fortune. Vou nF, I internalln it cures Cholerat early hour were of a elm-, quite till- doctors, but without aval strelsy is can I did, and you kno; it, Sir. How do Von Pti Tin known to Mr. Oakhurst. There were been. advised to g to the. ulphur letter that provolKed'ei-iticism urrhma, Crilitip, and Pain ill the Stomaeb. ibablv Mr. understand, " said Mr.. If ainlinp profes- like your work.?" i. c caught; the 4e Bowel Complaints, Pabiters' Colk. Livtr Coln' 6ning'—prf - milknle4 and hucksters delivering their Springs, but it ws expensive. 01 SPF0I.AL NOTICE8 P1ft.ints,Dyqpepb1a and IndigetstiouSoreThro Wn 1 -lall tr- ain�cy-_ their Decker 'the liusbawl, had once saved oional brother, to whom Mr. Oakhurst's Be ms of her gown in eltbe� hand. aliol COCOA. — GIZ AT17,- SnAden Cilds, Coughs, &�c� at,,, xe do t13,6 inidale- wares, - sh des people opel ixt purpose, bu . t while in - San letter ws nolerstand, dropped him a playful courtosy. ie —I)r, :Cuyler Wauts ail Y� shops, house�maids s -weeping door ste s, 80 for, cart u T 'n, ITRed externaUy. it cure_,i Boils, Felowz, cut� FUL AND -a thor lurns und caldti, Old na together an4 say - p ill gesture, she 011611 aciscI6 had his odiket pidked—lAr. why Jack goosin heavy . and builds, for with a sudden, releutf S, ba and occasionally child. , These 'ikl r Fra knowledge of the natural lawE whiN .13welling of oilits, Toothache, Pain in the rifice; my lips that have It h , certain Pold Deckerwas so sens�less. (The intelli- its a. sure spfac, nd is bottild. to be a gave him both her a tile, operatimis-of diuestioll al-ld Neurlgia, Rheumatism. Frosted Feet, &c. Oaklinrst recyarded with or rough this 1)) quitoi f ree from the geiA reader need not be told t1lt it is ity soft thing in time, if ho comes Outrageous, as this Speech was, nd g'v' tie. path cuAosity, perhaps 0 nutrition, and by caref ill l)plic,%fion of 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE. that were -brought, up VY hSO lisf �e generally the lady who is, spmking-) They had re -c cynical c h here -rularly. _ku� why in blaDk he unfeminine, as I 1 -rust every air re td�ei vor wit which h 0 line properties of well-selecte I coeoa, one 'rho makes huul.t4 01 . bank this season nd take will deenvit, I fear it pleased Mr. () - looked, upon'th etious of his ilev�r been able t make' up the sum don't set -lip it Mr. Epps has provided our brea fast th- PERRY DAVIS & SON, Sofe Propxietors. t whena ly --mys, tb a race -wh om he was in tlie habit of meet- gain, %lid they badigiven -up the idea. the -chance of getting some of the moncy burst. Not but that bei �tccusto tibol stuc I - — -to-= bles with a, delicately flavoltred. beverare ing. ' Indeed, I think he was not -alto- It as a dreadful thing to have on Is back tht he puts into eircillaffort n" t- hatidker;hief ta)a e. o a certain frank- feiale admirat011; which iiiay save us inany heavy docto�s' black spot g Dia be -not think so ? building, is what gets me. I wonoler but then it.was of the cottG4�&!s nd riot ade lip$ wipes a, ether displeased, with the " adiniring pocket picked. bills. Gazette.'l 3 nose, a -wdaina between t1te and's fade was crimson, but nrw," he mused deeply, what is his of the cloister, NV,itli hich lie alwas G. SCOTT, ARI. A &c., Physicia, 18urgeoA and g ances W111011. se hithible - women Her husb simply with Boillng4 W,�ter oi, Aililk. nethrew -after his handsome tace nd figuret TVIr, Oak-hurst's cou1a�teuance was quite little gam e. persisted in associating Decker. Accol aclltur, 5ca forth.,diA. Officefljid�resi_ Eaah packet is labelled—YNirtsil Ef�r�s:& anyconsicuous even in a countr of fine- eal�n and unmoved s lie gravely agreed. The sesou had been prosperous.one To I)e ad(li-essed in t1i is way by n! dence south si(le of God-efich Street, th%,t door —ovrnice.— y Go. "Homo_�opahic Chemists, Lo idon. east of Presbyterian Church. _Hartford 1)3an was droivn0 looking -men. W h il e it. is very probabl e her, rild walke, I by her ide until to Mr. Oakhur8tj and roportionally valid Puritan, � sick sint� with the MAZ 'he t OF GOCOA.—"'Ve -w'll t lat! b that this vrrabond, in the- pride thw passed the littl,. garden that lie had disastrous to, the several members. of the aasterit of suffering. E till clotbing i(r, brought ][10311--P- now give anccount of the proces i adopt- D Sedorth, (late of CarroDbrookl) tea Wif. s they Cae of his Social isolat�'_' 'girl 'Here Mr S, y bo hail ed by James Epp & Co I �, nian- Coroner for the Count,,,, of P­crth� Office and ion, would have� been ad ed. ' * Oakhurst command- Legislatitre,Judges, Colonel *and others womau w B i ble on; the "is - 'advances of a: ed a alt na, going to the door,'a- who had enjoyed but"briefly the plesure ing-table, who ivent to clill1irch th, ce I residence over Johnson Bxothtrs'Hardware 8tor-e, door with tbiee()TpS coldly indifferen't to the ufact-urers of dietetic articles, �t - their i Calls tit DIL KING'S office will be at- appeared. aml Sailly Temark� on ld� d wa devoted tb 'i day Or ,� t�e n1_ t. -to ran Admir- to a proprietor by a preposter- of 'Mr. OiLlchurst's midniht society. tiuies a, day, ail works in the Euston Ilload Loiidon"— tended to h etter take him �i linelady, a little. prl -wl �er ingly b� nis side i a ragged dress had oisly etravagant o er for.a choice of And yet Sacramento had become very 0 lerely bowled him ovar. husband, c mp Household-Gaide. you had L ttLe power to call a faint Rus into his the flowers. Presaiitly he returned to dull to hini. Ff e had lately fornied a lie still held, her and,, as she went i In Hi L*ERCOE1 51. D�, AM, Physichin, Sur- back door, so he off, s P lmonic mised her ti ' The efficacy of Bryan o h at he,! carriage with hi i:arms.full of roses, habit of early morning w . alks—so unusual I I Why didn't 3 o Lr cf: nie before ? X V"l Lat geon, et.6., Coroner fol. the County of Huron. t)euQ NVafers- ill c 'ring Colds and all 0ifloc. and Residence, corner of :Uarket and High , —An iiisll post boy - last, but n until she had found out—' 1161iotrope and, verleua,' airl east them and strtlin,g to his friends, both m4e Z hai ot were you doing n I B,,.,hl,.l strcvts,'uex6 to the Plailin- Hill. ffections, - and cheel in. t lon<y staffe dUr ner or and female, as to- occasion the intensest Jose, in Oakland ? Yotr see I hi what Soo aer liqr large- hearted ill ihe lap of the in v id. While she was and.discriminning sex inevitably did— beriding over, them ithehildish delight, curiosity. Two or three of the latter set owed you. ae 01" afflicted. has passed into a prov i1b.. I n U. C.kNIPBBELL, (Gracluate of McGrill UDiver- rain) tb gentlemant �Civffl:Y saw I j� D sity lklontreal,) Coroner for the County of You as you e t�hc Unitied. States, -where these marve - n urst I I Padiy, ane y�ou no:Avery that he was exceedingly free and operk'. took the opportunity of spies upon I is track, but the inquisition down the.canon, ud knew yba at n,,e. -t doorato Calder 33rothers, ous Wafers are ku�o 'It, they, be r doW�n Mixon. Office—Nex r.ah, J. iiont care bout 'b, ban ded with his Mo neyl and . also—what dr wing her husban. I side. resulted only/in the discovery that' Mr. I saw You Joseph, and ]new w . . I Marble Works, And opposite McCallum's Hotel, all Opp and eclipse tit ivalry re comin-a. AN, h y di osition. Lit plaZ4B Y�G honr,, Itin, vit per-h&,ps-,uoae other of her s6x ever did— Perhaps,'? he slid, in a low voice, Oak-hurstonly walked to the plaza, sat you we i Maiii-street, Seforth, near the Raihvay Sta tion. b y ldn't )'On the demand for them has steadi increa$- r. Fletcher that tlioi bold. black eyes'of this finoi gen- n, a manner, quite- ree fromrty person- down upon one particular bench for a write to ilie?. Yon will some t lute —The late D tleman were ita -reality of brownish &no! krinoyance, ppiliaps it'8 just a well few moments, nol then retlirned without 11 . I ed for the last twen t years, lit til n6v aneveing Sermon to a -crO' S I Good evening, Hamilton, I I . J. G. BULL, L.D.S., 0 the &,ties ae �-'ver one hvndr0d. 1 01 when 'a +.h Ub Iraw i her hands, but thousand box -es �ye.lir.' Einine it i T here was a, sniall cyzrden before. a cai� say now thait the pidkpocket was there was woman in the case was ban - She had w Plate wor-, latest n13 to hilli to intimate Hamilton, w cending the i �tair- -i4st) .eatly ex-eented. ll stir - even tender gr&y. th you lied. to he � as you did. You' seeing anybody, and the theory that I that not until was e'd A few uperstitious gentlemen. Wical -.operations performd with white c titae in a side street that at- arrested the -other dy, aud. you got your (Ion bers of the medical iprofession. wi tho t 8o was in ehiirchhe. case, was nearly abre-ast of them. fie number ad -mit that Ith 1 0 Of . 110 care and pro titude. as low as can be ob- H * Ig reaA the note ail tracted Mr. Okh-hrat's attention. It money back M . Oakbnrst quietly of his own profession believed that he� -&id y Ki mv avir it for "luck.". Some others, �moi iraisedhishatto er %itli well-bred c0m_ preparation producini such bene cil ro- tained: elsewhere. 010-ce hours from 8 A. X. to 5 was filedwith roses heliotrope nd ver- s, ed four- twen -dollar gold piece -e prac- tor move off, he im-m Oakhu Dou n ded- amil li a ell P. . Rooms over Mr. A. G. M ga 's Store, bena—iftewers fartillar enough to hi iu into the broad han of the bewildered tical, declared t1i at he went to " study posure, nod arly toi� st- sults as these WafersJ.- Whell, in great fervor., Y_ 2710. and. m patient. 1) more portable form of Mt. Decker.. " Say that—or anytfling points." and pssed OIL. Vilel L Ile h(I gone IX' rs. season. they effect ermanent cure- mercy on his the expensive and 0 Decker lif tea hei eyes to 0akb ui St. Sold by an 'dru mfists d. count . r, - dealers banquets, but, as it seetnedto hi m- then, you like—but the. truth. Promise me. After the races b N'lrysville, Mr. ---Phere is -a cleverla& Some day I shall ask a. great faver of A. ].Nl- CAfPBELL, V. S., Licentiate aud Prize - never before so notably lovely, Perhaps: you won't say �that Okburst went -to San Francisco ;. 'from at 25 cents per box. man. o; Cornen N.Y.; an&, -who will- get. his living v you 1)) : it -was because the dew wars yet fresh The. man proni.1-3ed. Afr. Oakhurst lace lie r6turDe to Marysville, but To OwNr,&s OF 11'116ES. —it 8 a Wep Graduateof OntarioVeteinury College, Toronto, For -tirnant tiatel Mr. Oak -burst begg�d that it s oald has ettled permanently iti Yarna, iyhery be -,ielll be htconfirmed by the I found retuly and willing to attend to all kinds f cut upon them, perhaps it was � because they quietly returned to the front of the little day's fterwas seenait San Jose, known ttested fc�, few be now. N , not; until you I is ;U were unplao'ked, but Mr. Oakhurst d- carriage. The si as " still anta Cruz, and - Oaklind. Tbose who tow diseases itiallItindsolf anials (manexcepted), woman w experience of thousands, that,". alley ; . at the antil of me better. T, ell, OM0 �ay, I sliall 11 kki�ds of weather, and at all hours. Resi- mired them not as a possible future tri- i eaerly occupied wi ;h the flo wers, and as met him declared that his manner was. Condition Powdcrs nol Ar4i He sea a mail pa t th4*400rto till bute to the fascituting acco she raised her eyes � o hisher faded cheek restless nd fe�erish, and quit want you to— 7 dence and office two doors ettst of Cook's Temm mplished e unlike L t awl—goinr, to iie, and when lughed, uch pleasant 1, tie Iemedy " for horses is supefid,r 1 0 ally- y She Miss Ethelida, then perfotming! at the seemed to have daught some color f roni -hia ordinar calmness -tkid phlelam. Col. 11 tbiDg of the' kind -row or everl known. I wish the (1-detor to �eut ringing laugh, s ell !display of les Vaxietie,4,'for" Mr. Odkliurit's '-especial the roses, and hen -eyes some of their Starbottle pointed out the fct that at AVeilow that it hs been used lin ian, SURGEO-\-.—b�, _11cNAUGAT, look at my stomach- -albeit a little fixed In the, corner of cases where the hors6 has been �onsic begs to an-noixace to the inhabitsilts of mind. was filleil with i VE ,it as- she had often assured him— dewy freshness: But at that instant ancisco at the club Jack had e- benefi.- Sail Fr t n innoce in her moutli—M, lit lig, i Scatorth awl siirronding countl�y tht he has mcle yet as a dotteeitr. to tile- enthrlina Nir. OakliurSt ritte-c- his 'bat, nd before clined. to deal. " Eland shky, Sir de- ed almost %vorthleis, -%vith the MO§t been ftwarded the diploma of the Ontario Yeterin- atna. th' maternal heart �a her brown eyes, and i�itch a loyely c lor I P_ Miss INfollittriorr-issy,. with -whom Mr, she could thank bid 1 was gone. pend upon it; -doa't stimulate enough— satisfactory, res I the horsel hvilig ftn- College, aDd is now prepared to trott diseases meant, -wish it to b in her cheeks, tliat, OalchurstA-Wh of . Horses lia Cattle rna all doniestit unuitals. He a f re Oakhurst ex ected to sti that eveing I grieve to. -say tb at Mr. Decker shame-� bla-lik. him. 0 been restored to _pCrf ct so-undribss or so nsrea, "that Idie p nt seldom lanalled--waslain to lau 00. has opened an offica in conuectionwith his herse. but Simply for himself, anayllap for Imly broke his mise. That night, From'San Jose he started, to go to Or- 91, This was .- he P proposed, t a much benefited th t the domplaint the floers' sake. Howbeit he passect ill the Ve il(ro- her experts' It was -is i f a la b had. I i shoeing hop, where he will- be found to at - of his heart and egon by land with rat ive I - could not be obs rved. 'NI , triumvhnt, and retired to in o a neicliboring h ep- y such tewl to cans. MAeases of. the 'feet specifilly at - on, au fox a fora horses h3ve fterl ard eu 0 "1 oMce and bhop ill the rear gorgao repletion, d. so out into the opP;ti'jyhvza, �where,. uxorious self like all de- outfit of horses iid camp equipage, but y be sold f 'r finding beuci -u- -he sudderil fold. of Killoran & iiew store. All kinds of Vet- ud at a cotton -wood tree, voted. husbands, i t Only offered him- ell reachin, Stockton di- from $50 to 1.,'�100 more tbai'n- they �r is, I c ker he fil-Bt. 4asted tbe seat with his hand- self, but his friend an(I benefactor, s a verged, nd four fiourr, later 1ound. him A few in s aft 'ML1d1Ch1,CR kept CODSt:11itly on hand. ave previ sly btonL'bt) d Charge reasonable.. 220 Won.d-brful- R=nj� o e a chIrwed circle :of her -ad- would h, Il kerchief; ano. then sat do-WIl. sa6rifice on the' family altar. It is only with a single hors& enterin, thecallort of It. S froin were well - wort the difiere][IM air was so fa�rj however,.to add that be spoke with the San Isabel arni. 8ulphur S mirerson.thell(tel. ia:zaexcused er- CH17 . 'ILL, Tli t let all. intereste coDsiddr - thID. It w a fie morrfnc,. The still and! that a sigh from tile sycai� fervo It was 'pretty triangular valley lying a tlo�gi ber of the Ontario gs-Ar. , and sec L in that the -t te that be has returned to r te neo�ity of I self for few i aughingly (le- Remember thena T. J exploits af th,4 Ahnr t -, � e, entb usi chned ail escoi t, ' (I ran over ;o her 0 ill -TID the practice of -Grindall, m selemed like the (teep-drwn breath 8 , and a %Iti with an m at the foot* Of three sLoping - montains,l John ilittle Cottage—one Of her i husba id's Signature Of HUTd. & Co. is on each pacl�- his profession iu Setiorth, and inny at all tilue be of the itist awakening tree, and.tbe faint quite common *with his class on the mys- dark with i)ines and fantastic with ma- runner in the world. Gil age. NN orthrop& L3 m an Torol to. oilti. consulted oil the discases of reition—across the road.' Pt 11 Aps in rustle of its boughs as the outstretchilac'r te ious fatne and prodigal -vices of the drono nd manzailita. estling ginst for Ca iach"13 Vetermary 11ledidues Constantly oil hinid. All Scotch t from the Sudden and uitwontilld ey ei cise prop old by 11.: caus Promptly attended to. O&e, at mansion oramped nd reiving-Jukbs. - Far bler. the mount, oggling builol- me S. q eaforth­. Nw y�ork, o the 28th ot, Of side, the., sti ler I away th� Sierras stood out against a sky And now, Elsi der, say that you'll ings and lo of the h6tel glittere ill her still ("Onvalescelit I state, she dicine de. Hou..ej n 73Y Pla7&L Iffis father, -a capablot well so remot'e -is to be of no . positive color forgive me, I) said r. � Decker. dropping through the 0 leave'$. and here and thert breathed hurrieo! vJ!,Fyi3oJ)y SUFN R u Ily and feverishly ts S P —It is tlie ; -I mist, triled to illt -'st A entered her I)Oudoir, and once or t vice r(',Sult Of sill nd violation f naturets 'li a% boy ' -wil. - M so rernotle that even the sill u. despaired of. On are. knee - b6i4 Le � his wife's couch I a white to' y -like, cottage. 'vN1r.0ak-' in hs o �cal - 9 - placed her han(l upon. her breast. he I'vs. Theo-reatGreatorof-thel r1i univerge J 11. L),EET, Solicitor,Wingliam, has liven tip- -was then bon.1 vnd so expende& iU "ll did, it for. the test. It wsforyou; hsl�tlionte was not ail dmirer of nature,. but ed. The bo merc3 (lone uch �o was Startled on it tip the lioh to it; A�s i4h-- has * polutett Agent. for the Colonial SeenritiL stretf-W recklessly oil the whole lquoir dearey. that I put that money on them lie felt somethin -of the same novel sat- C n butcher�l : 9 y the saffiaring of His pe Pik T of L, lip is also Agent for several pri- ington ig, h, t i i I h other bu. find her husbandurning vate Capitalists of Toronto, who Iion Ayt)Dey at tebr boys of the Sape; 61til it fiiy in -whito crdstlit lit it .'Frisco. thotio, t isfaction in: the view that he expeiienceil. r ying on the sofa all b -tire's 13 r I ot and excited-- - E sie, ' ing them ol" house !a le -rates. Intcre�..t pa-�%tLble yearly -tache-,hiins6f-to the ola, vivid very rare- to! win a heap�euough to take y011 in -his first morning wak in Sacramento. on look it of nat balm for every Nvund.;', c is the Ch;trges nioderate. ay riacres bcc -ol love," said N21r. Decker; "Yon' e aing kno,� Oakhurst took -off his bat' aw'! , ad enough eft to get you a new Aild now cat )ms him on- n&nt soon b eon V —Tin Killer-made,by Perry Da men, took. -worse—are you & S on, ahaf reclined on, th e beilati, with h is dress." the road filled with gayly -dressed wo of emen, face to the sky. Certain birds who bad ' Mrs. Decker sinfled. and pressed her &lid the cold, Cliforitia outlines,of the M:rs. D6 ker'Vce, had paled, but ow it stOPS� ins taiitiv� is used ANICCAUGHET It- HOLUESTM, At length his vemaTka flushed again. No," she said, I)n ly -a both illtei'lliLily and exterolally,:and is of fawndiurana e takeh a (;ritical ona spray above btlsband's hand- I do forgive you,' landscape began to take upoil themselves led. to a ailler, him, appa�eutiv beran �n, aidaiated. d in Cr little paill here, as she again pladd. her all other pain TeMeMes the ol flest , au�ll 1"Hol-yelicy, oturies Public find . , oe, de, -," she saicl, still stuilim. with soniewbat of a hnnimi wanith bd color. is: J ai hand upon lier cbrsa e. the best. Solicitor.,; for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth, for cussion regarding, his poisible malevoleilt eY(-'S abstractedly. lixed. on the ceiling A -Lid then the long bote"l piazza came in 9 i the Canada Life Long Iiialid, for a Purge 01 call. I. do �Liiythirfg for you," said No orgn of tboup lit or efion. can Iqe interit'ons. One or two, em, boldeaed by tted N. B.—S-30,()00 to fit 8 per eeitt. Farnis, by sevieral minutes, and you oilgbt te be whipped for de view, efflorseent with tile full, toile � � 0 1 rl Cr PU 0 5 the silence, hopp�d on the &roiind at his ceiving Die ffP le - -1ployed. Without tlLe assistnO of tile Houses aDd Lots for stle. so - you bad boy, aild. fair. Ok-burst, a good rider, after Mr. becker sill with, -c I tioll, 'on- 'ell the pescribed tdistalice cern. blood, and no or ail can be employed feet, until the so�,ind of wheals on the me mae such a speech. There.. say no the Caifornia fashion, did not check his .9 a. 16 secools. A - few un over ic io e ano. g in e r wi iinpaid wi iog a -Slip- s ers an orneys gravel walk frigh ened M i ore about it. If yoh?.11 be very g:)od speed. as lie approached. his destintion, glories -of Mine. FTancau some brandy, q ick of health up, 1 ply y blo)(1. With iiealtI.Ly Conveyancers, he a M-111, comirlff hereaf ter, nd. - wil. j u st now hand - me but charged the hotel at galop, threw 0 0 1 , �17. ublic, ote. on New Y a, Mr. DeckG 11 Mrs. Delcker Xereised oruaus beco;me well I forthandWroxeter, j23,00G_of Flills to sf�wytoard hirwrt, weeli noildes tht..cluster of ro3es, I'll forgive on." his horse oli his haunches witbin-a foot of %sea blood. the e dawned y I f 0 � the door: aud. pl tig deve-loped, whet -her they be illuscular- inyt-stalt once, at E i -ht per cent. Inten.q., im , bie' attractions offeret nipt vehicle, in w-hic a woman wa- :the pitzz, nd then o uietly emerged f rom -1 and bolted then h Y9 - 1. to all �contesta as She took the braich in her finger lifted or intellectual. By With- the roses to her fa( e, and presently said', ud of dusi-th- it e the us� of partly si pai:-Qy realitiiag. the clo her h, to 'er bbsom, drew a I Fello JAS. H. C. livyEi'. it was 11folded foill, s, - " Compound Syr pain. qure, rld. up of -Hypophosphites thre an -nO - g -wh , Mr. Oakhurst iustat- babildtheirleav ouitk win e� i tounting. b, y ie crriae w atever fevehsh excitement might was, I rieve to say,' in r. 0ll in rst's spee�ily vit%lized anct purl ed, W NV urgher, whose ly bonceived. that tl as tha, oe Wh, � I . c_ handwriting. I and so made Of pr0duciricr ra Go(le)-iVb, 0.11t. Offlee—ovel-J. C'. wid. wok - hip of tkeian, �NThat- is it, lo i ey have rag within. all. his habitual cahn Det1tir t'� lation was Free 3�toael 6h(,-- devouref: it with burntrige3 es and souncl mind and sound body.. Pet-' 26E partly from its oddity, pavtly from the "'Do you think that this M r. —w h at returned its he Stepped upon the, piazza. man y -to bel cheeks until th re camea step Upon the sons sufferina from im-pa e bi believed by stron echianical ll -and it, d 'you. call him ?_ Jack Oakhurst would With the instint of lono habit he turned r ood, or e 0 porch. -Then s _e hurrieoltyrepl 'led it whose healh is 91viurf iv.ay [either one or fiv mile niliex and partly ft,om. a. certain, pride and visi- have &,iven tha-mmey back -'to you if I and faced the battery of � eyes with the ttorliel:, Solicitors in Chiiiieeil cons icuolls, aspilauts ble consciousaless in the manner in which 'hadn't same cold indifference with which he had closel'18 p made that E.Peech ill her bosom 4nd. bilboltecl, the door. ministers or those wjio stui� Ont. o5nize—two dot.rs i)wtli of Her husband riterelol; she! rishol the will find the Syrup -the materiai to builil the Post Ofilce. ii I T'St of these coutesta. a Then Mr. Oak' Yes." for years encountered tile half-biddert W. R. ad 'Of tile whole field) hurst saw something more.; the man's If lit,-, hadn't wen me at all 9" sneers of men and the half-fri(rhtened spirits to her lips nd declared 11(rself 1 them ill), and the tonic to keep the' I 1" better. there DR.� GLAY. d, a -ad was exialbe face was With that re a foul� Mr. Decker lool- ed up. His wife had admiration of women. Only on(. person .9 ended hwith st4ped fonvrd. to welcome him. Oddly Areyougoingoyer there tg,,IlLtO- ckns or, polso,.,\T1X�G G ty of not. fOrettfi-iig a face that had ever nianitged in some -wxy to cover upi her A � I I I X 0 distanceet him I t nioit asked 4r. Pecker, subm is �i rely. have occurred fr6n he use of Coinpo ld given him professional udience, he whole face with the roses, except, her enou,,,.,h, it was Dick Hamilton, perhaps No. " said 'Mrs. Decker, with. -her yrap of flypophosphite;, containiu strr�bniue, �\OX�S HOTIM, bBAYORTIL—Thonm �ioon afterward. Mr- stantlyclassitiedit under -the following eyes,,-whi6hwere klauggerously brigh the only one present wb6.by birth, I sold to the public withor, t beitiff . I 0 dreoily on the floor. prol. erly litbeltd and tor of the Howard ro-ental f t eyes fixed "Poison," p1lichase uox begs to tate to his 0141 frielills ormuli: " At 'Fkisco, Polka No ; it -was yon,. Elsie�it s all educlition, and position mi -lit have sat- T-!7 r of Dr. IVIYeeler'.4.Compoulft'd the t,:R ' h un(I editor of a sportill� I " I wouldn't if I Was you Sail -LN11r. Elixir of Phosphates and Callsaya, are rcqtiestj�.d Yelling public, thst lie h -is t e a t eek's wai4es. I reck- loilg.of seeing-yopii that made hifti do isCied the most fastidious social critic. . P Decker, wi It After- a not to confound. te two prepar- Hot(.'] 111telY Ocelipied �I)y '.Air, anvitea any person to run I 4D h on—$70—oa red.. _N, ever ca me gain. it. Happily'for Mr. Oakhurst's reputation, th siu ' of relief. Ationq� as they are entirc and inctlieinally. ly different cheuical1v I torinerly known as the 1)01V�N-By and the chaniplo hip �,of the A poor s ail lil�.e me -er and social pause he took I is seat oil tile and 1 Phosphtes of.t, hopes to receive a coL�tjnLiallcc of the, iuitronage was, liowevur, iio trce of this in in so] a, , fire necessa -111niqn. - x There ick lie was also very rich bank 'Do Mid e8sentil he ) so be9tolv(q], lip( -m it to BotA cc d his wi,e to his side, said o e P enoi na o I e, -it) a1lT the ayes and urimoved face tht he A sweet, litth. lovely, pooty'Elsie leader Do you know who that. is you org his entering int07 the conipof tion of ere years in the hotel En,17-Y comfort and ers, and signed the ell", turne(I upon �Iic tranger, who, on. the —If oe's own little Vifpy, How Gould he Spoke' Y0,11 I was thinking of 1 hen. solid 0 ZD 1 0 to asked young Parker, with an V i fluid of the body, aud ar s as our (jrL1i_ will lie pi-ovided for travellers. The mile match: with Alr� contrary, blushed, ooked embarrassed, help it?" , You CaDie in, lsie?'.' XLrs.'Deck-.r ran nitryfood. Assti%ychnin is frt_�ciuentl, poizon I firs Only kept ill the'llar. alarmed expression. Yes replied choicest LI(Inors and �Cjg A careful and xebabluhf)fi tier all wv in attendan track- was sel Nirs. Decker forlilly cast one arm around ffi%milton, Ni'th a characteristic effront- i in tile it if; of the greittest i 11 hesitated, and then stoppcd Nvith.. an in her fingers thr nall his stiff blacli, [lair, cc It ta 1THOIL&S KIZOX, Propr �etor. of May, voluntary motion tha 'brouttlit the car- her. bn.-,N�knd's ii still keepinry tile cry, the, ,in voli lost -a thousand dol- aud couldn. imagine. no(-, that 'this (:autionl,cheeded. 000 persons Assembled ria,(:Y,e and its fiwr occupaut face to face roses to her face with the other. From Jars to lastmweek. I only know blin 80- ws tliin�liurf of old times, Qlsie The Itei0edv. FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEA�0RT11. with Mr, Oakhurst. behind them. she Uqcla to murmur gently cadly." " But isn't lie a 7" c ue- i I was thinki of I the (lays Mo oddi were, 10 0 to 44) 111 JOU IDICAL PIL�S. FOSTEUt bc-g-; to inforin his old and betting Th sthe friends and he travelin - g piblie thfithebas I should hardly do justice to the posi- and idiotically, " Dear, ole square Joey. ried the youngest "He is,'? that kerridge fur you, Elsie— I THIS t I I U cratcl by Post Office cure of all those 1)aiqful and diseases open(d his new hotel, a(ijoining the - 11 tion she win occupy in this veracious Elsies Quey big bo )ful bear, " But, really, rep] ied -Hamilton, but I wish, my dear It W to whieb. the female co stitlition is - subject. It licaforth, wherc he has thc very bi.-.;t accommoda- simulta sed. to take ) on out to ride, aj as ' chrarlicle by desdribin,- the lady now— I do not see that iny young lady, that we all plved as ' 61i both hoss and driver! We wa duty as chronicler POOr Dl0t1VXat(-H All eXees,- line, Iteinovu4 all ob%tructions tion for inan and beast. The b, est of and op if, iti1eed, I am. Cer- then, an Elsi Ila e able to do it ill. of fcts compels me to continu r f ri end y d you was sick, u- at thv bar. e this little %lid lionebt gme as on ondei, 11,111 w dtmay b 3 relieti oil. the first inile, was run -1 tainly, t lady's speech arfy. Lurther, and* out of re- aud-wereas willin-as heisto abideby was happy. e ve got mo and in ashort time, bris- on, the monthly trs stin baciried he- popollaw estimate- was con ney now, To nirriea hulieg, it iF. 'tarbottle—to I spe a an ou'r flicting. The late Col. 8 ct -to the unmarried reader I st-op. its fortunes! quite another wo- MvEltv. 100 to 70. On. the, se(�i -whose lar(re e,-�parlencc of, a - cliarriliucy Nevertlieless, Me next morning Mrs. Bat Mr. 0alichurst was happily out of man. 0 I may sayi ear, that ycure a These Pills should 11 t be taken by remalps sex I have before been indebted for . Decker betrayed s)me Slight and ppar- hering of this collo uy, and, was even nvv� woman. And that's -wbere. the during the tirst three inonths of Preah'acy, as they STIARP'S 17ali. aheaol, antl retai 0 0 arc sure to bring on MiHearriage, bn T. the. suvtfitil nliit�, many aluable re- ently uncalled for irritability on reaching then lounging listles3y, yet, watcbf Lilly I trouble coniesd I could build. 0 �'�t any othj2� Office—At Good wit y)u a time they are safe. Horses oullind. drink zonle water whiel gret to say, dl'preci�tted her fascititions. the plaza, and pre;ently desired her hus- along the upper hall. 8ud(l enly he heard kerridge, Elsid I e,�ould build y >u a IU all of s and Spina AffectiO4 . S., b, t (e k a) I a Ii leol. hi A yellow -faced cripple, by dash—a b.%n(L to wheel her back home. Moreover, light footstep behin,-.1 him. and. ihen house, Els s - -in. 8)tebion ie, Lit there I stopre(.. I Pail's ill the l(rany eyes- ertion, palpitation of tho heart, ll�-i WLL'S LIVIM Ont. Sick woman, Nvith itlahb-.1 (.)lie she was very mudi astonished at meet- his name called in familiar voice that couldn't build up , o a. You're s -ong wsRid Good Rors($ and Coll"fortablc filways �T oil hand. F avDrable Arrangement-, waile Nviih these pills will ffecta cure w1len -W oth; took of your blalked - spiritual creatures-- ing Mr. Oakhurst just is they were re- drew the blood quickly to his heart. He i and pretty, ENie, lid fresh n6 J'iew. I means have failed; l5ow�rrnl With. no flesh on her bone�.` On the turning, and e-ven doubt'd if it were he, r'ned and s' Britsornehow, ,1sie,-youain'tnoN, :0 reme�y, do not contain t c vluartk e tu he Stood before him. k of U, caloluell 011tilli011y', 01Z HOTEL, will be.pronipt.1s�attenitea to. d anol an oned, hei husband as to his id en- Buthow trausfor�uled ! If I h mine t anything hurtful to the onstittition. pushed. be -fore other hand, however, she enjoyed latei _d. questi vQ best Ovvicl-� A -m 9,rAi.rFs:—Third door 'North of Full directions in t a pamphlet tirolind Ca4h Knox's Hotel, Main Street. Grintlll, 4 )1imentary disparagement from tity with the stranger of 221 THOMAS BELL. Proprietor. much coml -yesterday as he tated i! -o describe the hollow-eyed cripille He paused. With one ban, I - 0 - r, feared that hic er own sex. Celestilia Howard, approached. Her mannier to Mr. Oak- —the quaintly clres8e( artimu's wife a gentiv on his !forehead. anoll the -other JOIJ ew York, "ole Pr h �-Looapd pre 12 lilalea. wiae th tat the NTarie-­ burst, lso, was quite in contrast with few pages acro—what sha.11 I do with this ased upon li�r bopi�i'as i icentsforpostage.,en osedto.Northop&Lvmab secondleaderin ' eballe f to fie, I cer- Toronto, Out., "elleral gents for the D his rival anahiniself. ties, had, with great lliterativ'e direct- 1 her husbanchs fraii k welcome. Mr. Oak- gracefur, shapely, elegantly-attiredgentle- taiii of,the presonce� of hel. pain e J. P. BRINE. I I aidwill inslire a b-Ottle, c0lataiuin�f Oyer 50 piUs by it ness, in after years, denominated her as I hurst instantly de cted-it. " Her, hus- woman into whom she has been merged sweetly and soothi "rindall led y: return mail. 44 1 L AUCTIONER for the County of mile. Thi tie sp. Nine. Brimborion ban But it Sold in Scafor Huron. Sales at:Viided in all part-, rif the 8 was an aquili ol has told.- he -all, and she dislikes within these two months? In ood faith was Our ork, der." th I ly E - Hi­cksoii7& Co., nn d -P R. Lumsden. Countv. All Orders 1(-f tat the. Exiosrron Offlice Wild. (I remembereJ that she had 61ways warned me," be saixl to I imself . aind -with Ahat she w" very 1) etty. You and I, my Mr. Decker ;!Shoo- his bead soirow- '1 197 r will be prwniltb- attentled to. tier. mr. Jackt' tha this woman Would fatal'appreciatioll. of the half truths of a dear madame, would have bee ck to fully. " No, 11�Isie, not mine. I had 5's per day. Agents wanteki, tile belt- of cimmploil fj 0 _D worldrig Soon aftierwara (3�ril, epipoison" him. i u '1i the chance - a% Eff TO `26 But Af�.' Oakhurst, woman's mutives, f hat causes the wisest -see that those charming d mplqes were t I do it cc and I let it go, iAll classes of E. LUSBY, whose impressions care perhaps the most masculine critic. toAumble. He lingered laced f r true beauty-, and too fixed It's done now;'but I ot by me." people, of either s e_X, Piing or old, make more nn "Insp 0 at I for us in t gain in i quality for honest mirthfulness I Mrs. Decker Iraisel her surprisled i ended in ifflpartr gh!,to tak� the business in- _ woi T ICE, E D AUCTIONCELR, f or the Co tY of important, only aw a pale thin deep- only long enou n theit nfs, or all the -" Huron. Sales att of theCoun- time, than at n els; � Pfirticulars free. ty. �urders AIL eyed -woman—raised above t"he level of address of the hu. and, and then lifting. that tile delivate lines around these nocent eyes to his. �He kissed. heir ten- e proed. a Victory fox ddress G. STMN &Co-,I�otland,.Maine. 284 Post Office will be pro=$Itly sitended to. S27 t tl e we 'r t vil r n e Of Bde r Ole 'er 'was �Zrpbrie 0 tie 0 1 a,es i eye Yer ap 1] lit P pe c 0 �ely ate a Pon the e h r -P] T t at t 'tl Ol uner pa 0 1. �e hei yinpa tl 0 11 came and tit m)le wit" her own J i t� 11 t u 1 1. r.ts all � our8. �O and a e I vrol in in P a w he inh a al 4n iig t4 1