HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-03, Page 8••• • Von txpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. Z._ I - !THERE IS NOW in stock at Messrs.. Bskrre &Co.'s any qu ntity of ne Dry Goods. Also e lugs lot a To mud Sugars—extra good valtee—selling off daily t old 'news , or ()keeper than ever, notwiths ending the ohmage in the duties. Their cellar L. also constantly aupplied With all the vari.oue brands of Imported Wines and Liquors, in which line they are enabled to offer special inetteements. A. large quantity of cigars of the ValiOTE9 brands (*waste on hand at the lowest possible figures. Call and see for yourself. • WANTED—A Olart active lad as an apptentice, who can Write a good hand and is well up m figures, to learu a general store business. Apply at Beaxey & Co.'s. NICHOL'S Ft.ta AY.KATro, the best made, in half -gallon, j re, $2 25 each, or $24 .per dozen to Cheese Fattories t leioasoe's Drug Store. • **ELEVEN pounds -of very saiee Sugar for $3. At HICKSON'S. • • CHEAPSIDE —Stone Cream Crocks, Stone Butter,Croeks, Stone °hurtle, Stone Pre- serve Jars with Corks,. Flat Milk Pans &c. The largest stock in town and eheapest at A'LLE'S Grocery. r - 1 CRICKET Balls and Bats, Base Balls and Bats, Croquet Sots, Rubber Balls, herd and soft, at R. Lomsnetes Deng Store. e • I OPI'OSITION is TIIR eeIPE OF 'TRADE. — WALTER SCOTT intends opening a Furniture Wareromn in his premises opposite the Market where he will be prepareato furnish all kinds of house furniture, either wholesale or retail at tile „very lowest prices. PRESERVE JARS and Jelly Tumblers of all makes abEetexsores Drug and Crockery Em- porium. A NICE lot of Wire Covers for Meat, &c., and a great lot of House Furnishing Goods • just arrived, at lerwirsetzes. CHINESE GARDEN POWDER for the des- truction of caterpillars and insects on =tent:and rose bushes, finit imes, &c. Also, Lundy's Potato Bug Destroyer, Paris Green aud Hellebore, at R. LUAISTIEN'S, Beaforth. NEW SeIBSCRIBERS.—The Exiosrron. will be supplied to new subscribers from aoer till Tan 1,1875, for 62e cents. PERSONAL. —Mr. Robert Carmichael, of Seaforth, left town on Wednesday last on a trip to SCotland. We wish our genial townsman a pleasant voyage and a %afe return. PUBLIC ScHoor.s.—The midsummer examination of the Seaforth public Schools commence on Tuesday next. The schools will close for the summer holidays on the following Friday. . `hug IRISH - PIPES. —The old favorite, Professor Ferguson, will give one of his entertainments on the Irish Harmonic Pipes, in the Town Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday evening next. 'Wingharn. STAVE CUTTING EXTRAORDINARY .— We are informed that Mr. William Bal- lantyne, of the firm of Ballantyne et. Fowler, of the Wingham Saw Mill and Stave Factory, on Wedueliday of last week, cut: 43,000 staves. in the short space of 7 hours and. 40 mnutcs, which is an average of over five co ds per hour. The steaming vats of the factory hold 20 cords iof bolts, and M Ballantyne cleared., oat the vats 4twic . The vats were fille up as fast as emptied lay hands in attendance, and t e steam ap- plied at once with full for e, so that all the baits; sawn were fir t thoroughly stearoed. Mr. Ballantyn - also wishes us to state that if any pers n doubts that he has done as stated, he is Willing to do the same thing over aga for a wager of any amount from $50 to $500. A FINE FISH.—Mr. Charles Scobie, of Seaford', has shown us a well -executed painting of a speckled trout caught . by him a short time ago in the Belmore Creek. This fish when caught weighed two- pounds and seven -ounces, and meas- ured 17 inches - TILE FLAX CROP.—We are glad to learn that_the flax crop promises a good yield this year. - Any that we have seen is tall and thick on the ground, and. Will give a large yield. An unusually large breadth of this crop has been sown in - this section, and, from the, present- ap- -pearances, it will abundantly repay those who have sown it. —Mr. F. G. Sparling showed us yes- terday a quantity of flax plucked at ..ran - elm, from a field of 15 acres, near tthe Eclipse Salt Works, which measured 431- inches. This flax had only been five weeks sown. FALL Sisows.—At a meeting of the Directors Of the Tuckeismith Branch Agricultural Society, held on Tuesday last, it was resolved that the Fall Show of the Society be held at Seaforth, on Thursday aid Fridsy, the 17th eland 18th of September. The Hullett Branch Ag - Society's Fall Show will be held at Clin- ton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th and 16th of September. FELL FROM IettE OARS.—As the excur- sion train was returning from GOderich on Wednesday evening last, wheu near the bridge at Hohnesville, a yomag man of this village, 'rained Neil McDermott, either jumped or accidentally fell frona one of the cars. The train.did licit stop, but it is supposed that he must have been injured, as his mother was tele- graphed for yesterday and went up on the afternoon express. HoRsE Divs.—Mr. Thomas Bell, . of the Commercial Livery, Seaford', lost a valuable young mare on Thursday of Iast week. IA: commercial traveler had her, with another horse, on a trip north,- and _ when on the road between ;Valkerton and Paisley she fell dead * driving and hot have caused co which occasione valued. at $125. the harness. fHard eather are supposed to gestion- of the liings, death. The mare -was EXCURSION.-- eursion to Cxode off very supcess he Sunday School ex- ich,- on the 1st, passed fly and -pleas antly. In the morning a t ain of eight cars filled with excursioni left Seaforth. On, their arrival at Goderich the Sunday Schools, with in y others, proceeded to the wharf, wher they got on hoard the steamer Benton, and. went for a trip. on the lake. They afterwards proeeeded. to the grounds of Mr. At -trill, w1.4611 were by the of and ijged in, Wroxeter BAsg. BML —A mateh game of base ball was played at Tees ater, between the Doncasters, of Wrox ter, and the New Dominions, of Tees ater, on Sat- urday,June 27. The N w Dominions were,victorious by a' scor of 59 to 49. The defeat of the Wroxete boys is to be mainly' attributed to the s perior batting of their opponents, the fielding and catching f the Doncaster being equal, if not suPerior, to that of the New Do- minions. Below is the sc re: Innings . • 1 2- 3 4 6 7 8 9 Teeswater.. . . . . 14 10 11 8 6 6 0 7-59 Wroxeter 3 3 8 6 4 212' 9-49 Mr. Robert Scott act the scorers were F. Dick on, Wroxeter, and S. B ddy, Teeswater. RAnwi-v.—Mr. Robins n has a. large body of men on the Tor nto, Grey and Bruce Railroad between roxeter and Harriston, and is likel to push the work rapidly through. kindly placed a owner, where 1 the usual pic-nic until it was tim their clisposa ci was partak musena en ts ind for return. •co. R. COOPER, rosexon Newspaper PEassasAL.— Mrs. Ferguson last, after a- th friends in the Pr Ferguson states in the Eastern tremely wet a many farmers al sowing their spr russels. Brussels, Agent 4r *the Ex- nd, Sob Printing 0 'co.] ev. Mr. Ferg" son and etarned onW ee weeks' visi vince of Queb hat the season thus far Province has been ex - 1 backward, nd that just now en aged, in ng grains. =dnesclay among c. . Mr. SAW MILL S McDonald, who destroyed by fire purchased the sa Adams, at Wal mediate possess' chased, — indep consists of . the 'Mills, and five a paid for this pro considering the able. anon. . LD.—Messrs. e saw mill in few weeks mill and sto on, and enter n. The prop ndent of the saw, eh-iiigle res of land. erty was $3,00 ()cation, is ve • abee & rey was go, have k of Mr. into im- pur- stock,-- nd lath he price , which, reason- 1 I henPeoks ; the latter because she mar- ried to nobody, nor is she likely to to be, for she is an old maid and not market rife: And also I leave to Thpni and their heirs is* share of the stook; and itaple- menth on the farm, providing' always that the enclosure round my brother's grave be reserved, and, if either of them should die without issue, the other is to inherit the whole. 1: leave to my. sister- in-law, Louisa Dunlop,. all My share of the household furniture and such traps, with the exceptions hereinafter Men- tioned. leave my silver tankard to the oldest son of old John, as the representative of the family. I would have left it to old John himself, but he would have melted it down to make temperance medals, and that would have been a sacrilege. how- ever, I leave hini my big horn snuffbox; he can only make teniperance horn spoons out of that. N EXPOSXTQA. • I leave my sister Jenny my Bible, the property formerly of my great -great - grand -mother, Betsey ilarailton, of Woodhall, and -when she knows as much of the spirit as she does of the letter, she will be a much better Christian than 'she is. . I leave my late brother's watch ta my brother Sandy, exhorting him at the same -time to give up whiggery and radicalism, an.d all other sins that do most easily beset him. I leave to my brother-in-law, Allan, my purteh bowl, as he is 'a big gaucy man, and. likely to do credit to it. d as umpire ; [leave to Parson Chevassie my big Grey - BARN BURNED. —Dur* Thursday afternoon of 1 belonging to Mr. Peter Lot lot on. 15, Grey, lightning and burned t Fortunately, there was n barn Pit the time, so that so °Teat as it might othe There was an insurance property. the storm of t week, a barn McDonald, on as struck by the ground.. t much in the the loss is not *se have been. f $400 on the Bayfield DRei RD IN A WELL. of 1as week, a little d Georgrwin, of Bayfi years, Was raissed, and. made she was found. in quite dead. It is suppo been playing around th she accidentally fell in twice belng near, was d.; n On Thursday lighter of Mr. ld, aged two n search being an open well, d that she had well, and that and, no assis- wned. . Brucefiel PERSONAL—Dr. Mun ,,of Brueefield, left on Saturday last, on a pleasure trip to Manitoba. The doct r expects to be absent three or four wee s. . A- CIIRIOSITY:—A yea ago last spring Mr. Ferguson, of Bruce u eld, purchased from Mr. Robt. McMill of McKillop, two Hamburg fowls, a h n and a rooster. During the summer th hen laid and hatched a number of eg s. In the fall the rooster was killed. During last win- ter thelaen became sick and cast all her feathers. In the spring4 the new coat of feathers which grew e actly resembled those of a rooster, 1 and now this wonderful fowl has tike full plumage of a rooster, .and a- narently is rooster. She has not 1 *d any this sum- • mer,and has commence to crow, like a rooster. • Any one who s mists this rather marvelous hen -rooster s ory can see for themselves the transfor ed fowl at Mr.. Ferguson's residence; B ucefield.- Goderi h. FIRST OF JULY. —Th crowd in towip on the sioniste from Seaford', ford. and other placeq, influx Of people from th own citizens, crowded o The regatta was the thing if the kind whic place here. Theie wer for both races, and thes ancl close. The yachts appearance to speetato along before the breeze, with their white canvas. swimmers, made a goo ment. There were sev the lake during the weather was very favor delightful. The firewo made a fine display. re was. a great at.• The excur- rantford, Strat- gether With the country and our r streets all day. most successful has ever taken about 15 entries ailing was good presented a fine , as they glided dotting the water A tub -race, for . deal of amuse- ral excursions on aSs, arid, as the ble, sailing was ks in the evening Dr. Dunlop' Will. silver snuff-box I got from the Simcoe Militia, as a small token of my gratitude to him •for taking my sister Maggie, whom no man of taste would have ta- ken. • I leave to John Caddell a silver tea- pot, to the end that he may drink tea therefrom to comfort him under the af- fliction of a slatternly wife. • I • • I leave mjr books to my brother An- drew, because he has been jingly wally, •that he may yet learn to read them. - I leave ray silver cup, with the sov- ereign in the bottom of it, to my sister, Janet Graham Dunlop, because she is an old maid and pious, and, therefore, neces- sarily giving to boarding; and also my grandmother's snuff box, as it looks de- cent to see an old maid taking snuff. I do hereby- appoint, &c. WILLIAM DUNLOP. Huron County, C. W. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as follows : GOING EAST. Seafierth. Clinton. • 7:57 A. M. 7:85 A.M. • 10:40 A. M. 10:20 A. M. 2:25 P. M. 1:25P. M. 5:10 P. M. 4:30 P. M. GOING WEST. 7:5b A. M. 8:30 A. M. 1:05 P.M. 1:25 P. M. 5:10 P. M. 5:50 P. M. 8:57 P. M. 9:20 1'. M. A copy of Dr. Dunloo's will has been handed to -as by a frien for publication. isi.fast of our readers have already seenit. as it has, at various times, been extensively published, but there may be some who have not, and eve some of some of those who have will be mused to read it again. Dr. Dunlop livid near. Goderich, and in 1841 he was ele tell to repiesent the County of Huron i the Parliament of Upper Canada. Hi: opponent was a Mr. Strachan, of Tor 'Ito, SOD of the late Biehop Strachan. V1Ir. Strachan was declared the elected candidate, and, we believe, took his seat, ibut was ousted on a protest by Dr. Du op. The Doc- tor continued to repre ent this County until he received a Gov rnment appoint- ment of some sort, in co motion with one of the canals, when he as succeeded by Mr. Cayley, and not long after he died. He was considered at t at -day a rather clever man, but whethe , if he wereliv- ing now-aidays, we wou d think mach of him, in comparison wit the galaxy of lo- cal talent our County c n now boast, we cannot venture to say He was, at all events, a jovial, kindly man, and those who remember him say he dry, sarcastic. humor of the will was c acteristic of him. We clo not know who represented Huron before Dr. Dunlop, or whether he was the ,first representativ4. We would be glad. if some of our readArs who came here . in he "thirties," or at one who knows ankthing of those ea ly times, would sencl us a chapter of their reminiscences. They could not fail to 1e interesting and. . : would also be valuableitnlop's will historical data. The following is DrD In the name or God. Amen. William Dunlop, Jof Gairbread, in the toWnship o Col orne, County of Huron, -Western Cana a, Esquire, being in sound health of lfody and mind, which, my friends who jdo not flatter me say, is no great shaks at the best of times, do. make my last will and testa- ment as follows, revpkijng, of course, all former wijls : I leave the property of Gairbread and all other property I may be possessed of to my sisters, Helen Boyle Story and. Elizabeth Boyle Dun- lop, the former because she is married. to a minister who—may G • d help him.—she Morning Mail Day Express Afternoon Mixed Evening Mixed Morning Mixed Day Express Afternoon Mixed Evening Mail HORSES WANTED. TANTED immediately, a few good DRIVING . HORSES from 6 to 9 years' old. Apply at •I T. BELL'S 343 Commercial Livery Stables, Seaforth. • MISS WATSON, ORGANIST of St. Thomas' Church, will r4ttelie pupils for insernetion in Voeal and Imstrn- mental Music. Particular attention paid to the cultivation. of the voice. Reeidentse—Mrs. Dr. Smith's, Main Street. I , 1 843*4 LOST, I A PURSE with a steel chain cents g a sum e -e• of money, on Main Street, Seaforthi Whoever. may find it will be rewarded by leaving i with - MR. We N. WA.TSON, 343*1 - Insurance Agent, Seaforth. TENDERS WANTED. Truetees of Kbaburn School will ieceive Tenders up to THURSDAY, JULY 15, for uilding a Brick Addition to Kinburn School, ac - c rdiug to plans and specifications, to lie seen at A am Gray's, Seaforth, or at John Williams', 'nburn, any time after the 12th of June. Con- tractors to furnish all material. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • JOHN WILLIAMS, 348 Seeretary-Treasnrer. • STRAYED. FROM Bayfield, on June 23, a small brown HORSE, a little dappled, n� white spots on him, but a fork on his near hind thigh from a kick, will likely go north as he came from Grey. Any person giving information about him to REV. MR. WATSON would confer a kindness and would be stiitably roweled. 843-4 CARPENTERS WANTED. Two or three good CARPE TERS and JOIN- -a- MIS wanted inunediateiy3, Work for the sea- son and good wages will be geom. . 942-4 JAMES Seaforth. STRAYED. sTRAYED from the Town of Goderich, about the leth of June, a GREY HORSE, darker on hind- quarters than fore-quarters,has been corked on his left fore -foot, and has a smell soar upon his shoulder, is about 7 years old, Any person find- ing the same will please notify the subscriber and they will be cheerfully -rewarded. 343-3 DIXIE WATSON, Goderich P. 0. NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, are requeeted to Day the samei on or before the 15th Of July, as he will leave town at that date. .Alluotes and accounts remaining unpaid at that date will be placed in the hunds of Mr. J. S. Porter for collection. 343 A. J., McINTOSII. • WANTED. VIBST-CLASS'Forereart to take charge of the 'Seaforth Flax Mills. Apply imme diately to 343 JOHN BEATTIE, Seaforth. CHANCERY SALE. letURSTJANT to the Decree and final order for -1- sale, made by,the Court of Chancery in the cause of ZELLER vs. SClettelFER, bearing date respectirely the 28d day of September, A. D, 1878, and 19th day of June, A. D. 1874, there will be seld by Public Auction, with the approbation of the undersigned Master, by Mr. Edward Bossen- berger, Auctioneer, at the Victoria Hotel, at Zurich, in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron,ofl Saturday, the First day of August. A. D. 874. At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, in one parcel, the following valuable farm property, viz.: The east half of Lot No. 5, in the 9th concession of the said Township of Hay, containing 50 acres, more or less. The property, of which about 30 acres are cleared and the remainder timbered chiefly with hardwood, hemlock and ash, is about 20 miles from Seaforth, on the Grand Trunk Railway, is without buildings, and will be sold subject to a mortgage thereon to one phantz for $400 and interest, and also subject to the inchoateright of Dower of Mary Schaefer the wife of the defendant, Freder- ick Sehaefer. The parties to the suit are to be at liberty to bid. The purchaser shall atahe time of sale pay down a deposit of 10 per cent. of the pur- chase money to the vendors or their senator, and shall pay the rereainder thereofewithin one month thereafter, and Ppon such payment the pin -chaser shall be entitled to the conveyance and to be let into possession.' The conditions of sale in other respects to be the standing conditions of sale of the Court of Chancery. Further partiettlaeit and information rimy be obtained from Alexender Mil- ler, Vendor's Solicitor, Berlin., Messrs. Benson & Meyer, Seaforth, and from the said Master. Dated 25th June, 1374. J. WATSON 11- ALL, .8484 • Master at Berlin. • PIPE LOST. LOST, between Exeter and. Kippen on the Lon- don Road, e errelERSCHAUM PIPE, genuine. The finder will be suitably rewarded or leaving it with Mr. MELLIS, Kippen P. 0. 840*4 G. SCOTT, M. Te the, Physician, Sargeon and ai • Aceouchenr, Seaforth, Oht. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich. Street, fist door east of Presbyterian Church. 342 , LOGAN & i 4.XIESON ON AND MONDAY, VIT 3 1871 BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS, IN DRY GOODS AT 6UNCAN & DUNCAN'& As we are going to MAKE EXTENSIVE LTERATIONS and Repairs on the Store t present occupied by us, and in order to o so we are obliged to MAKE Room for he Masons and Carpenters to work, we offer bur LARGE STOCK of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Qloths, Tweeds, .Readymade lothing, Boots and. Shoes, .at GREATLY EDUCED PRIES. • 9T JUN We have dete «ined •hold a Grand Dis on t Sale, When the Following G Vii4 be sold and t Discount Allowed : On all kinds of FANCY DRESS GOO 10 per cent. disount On all kinds of PL4IN L1USTRES, Blac and Colored, B1ak Siks, 5 per ceA discount. On all kinds of SUMME TWEEDS, per cent. diseount. On all kinds of SUMMEt SHAWLS, per cent. discount. -On all kinds of MU discount, LIN 10 per cen ,A lot of Underskirts fo half price. THIS SALE IS HO HUMBUG; Call and lie convin No Trouble t 'LOGAN • cal for 0149.8611;e Shoel Goods. JAMIESON, cheater House, Beef IN FANCY DRESS GOODS . hose Worth 15c. red 20c. :25c. 32c. 350. iced to 100. " 15c. tt ' it FAM Oc. 25e. 28c. Those Worth. 400. reduced to 30e. 50c. 40e, 200. 15e. 25c. 20e. 35e. 28e. Grenadines" tt C C C tt it I L Y MOURNING. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS From 70 Cents to $2 50. CORSETS worth 50e dawn to 25c. CORSETS worth 75c down to 65c.. PRINTED • .CORSETS worth $1 down to 80e.. OE CURTAINS • Th4 the Yard and Set at from 20e per yard. WOOL TABLE COVERS; • PIANO COVERS. Shawls, Black and Colored, From $1- to $5. ' • MANTLES AND 1 JACKETS. CASHMERE AND SILK) Worth $8 50 reduced to $2 $0. Worth $6 reduced to $5. • Worth $9 reduced to $7. 1' Worth $10 reduced to P.- Gambroons and Cottonades sell fitom 12-ic to 25c. PRINTS AT AWAY DOWN PRICES. WHITE COTTONS, IN ALL MAXES FROM ec. PER YARD: • HOLLANDS 1N ALL SORTS FROM 12ic. QUILTS AND TOILET. COVERS FROM $1. LADIES' AND MISSES' OSIERY k ALL IicINDS AND SIZES FROM 8e UP:. • Fu Stock of Gloves from 10c. CLOTHS AND T BEDS in Union -and all Wool from 40e per yard. Readynzade Clothing, „se: ee — • — Call oots -and Shoes, La'dies' Sun/eta des, ' Harvest Mitts.. arly and Secure Bargains. DLINCAX & DUNCA.N. Seaforthr. - 0gEVENTI-1 YEAH, SCIIOLE 1VO. 3.14. 1 _ omecioointi=eseeteeenesomia gotitU for „fa. fej7;Tr:RgSetE ilIATrllinarITIea;re4 .eeaeeaoihte of Buefiete: rising 145 acres, 100 acres eleared and in s state of cultivation, 85 acres eneculled bridle quality, all well kneed; good frame hone : frame barn, shed, granary fold tow house,' roa date of repair, one-half nearly new ; insurance $1,600, in the London Mated ; eery good orehard. and 3 wells on the pre) gravel road rruming alottg side and front; cc wit to churches, schools, stores, cheese tette market. Any person wishing to farm for or pleasure can hardly fmd a, better sitt For paxtiettlars aoply to the (p4rolip:1$ inet;L: premises, Or if by letter to BrtifeEtda 7. 0, 348-12 m FAR14 FOR SALE, T OT 23, Con. 4, Hay, half -mile seem Graeelletead, 100 titres, 70 acres eleare barn and stables; good orchard; wen Will be sold either witb or without ero ' ferred. For further particulareeenquire premises, or by letter to Rodgerville P. 0. Berm JOHN alarm FitAM. FOR sALZ., VOR SALE, Lots 26 and 27, eons. 3 end Killop, eontaining 175 acres, 150 sr: eleared and in a first-class state of caw and thoroughly miderchninee. The i two-story brick house, good out-bailding large frame banis saul sliees, There bearing orchard. The faun is waterees be• spring. It is situated on Inc Ne Gravel Road, within two miles of the -- Seaforth. For bather partienlare - 1 premises or zo Seaforth P. 0„ 842 ROBERT GOVENL, VAN TO 'RENT, ' TO RENT, Lot No. 20, Thames Road, to '3- of Usborne, a farm eontain inn' 87 aeries ed land. For terms and particulars apple undersigned at Fart:Inbar P 0., etp to July 341*4 JAMES GARD. FARM FOR SALE. VOR SALE, 150 acres of land, bete. -a- of Lot No. 23„ Con. 5, MeRillop, and w of Lot No. 22. This property is dtuated 3 miles of Seaferth. A good gravel pint the eilace.. There is a school house half a mile. There are 135 acres feneed and mostly free from stumps, and in good oreer. On the 50 acre lot th, good frame barn, dwelling house and or the 100 sere farm there isa goed frame frame btuns witb underground cellar, and orcherd. The farra is well watered. Thes will be sold separately or together to snit tirs. For further partieulars apply to the tor on the premisee, or to WALTER Seaforth P. 0, ea to S. G. eleCAUGHE forth. FARM FOR SALE. LOT ITo. 22, Con, 7, MeICillop, ovate. -1-3 teems, -85 acres eleared; 4 miles from. St ofee mile from the Northeen Gravel Road bank barn, witb stabling below; else, oth houses; large new toncrete house, well a good never -feeling spring creek; also, well; the land is Cleats and of good quality acres of orchard 01 very best fruit trees, s Mg. For terms and other particulars aped pretrtises, or address 840 ANDREW COWAN, See FARM FOR SALE. T OT 2, Coml.,. Stanley, eontainittg 100 --1-4 gather h east half ef Lot 2, Con. mg 50 acres; eituated onthe London Bo quarter of a enile-nortea of Rippen; apwar sexes eleered and in good en1trratiOa, goo barns and stables, and frame house, two e mainder equal annual insbelline tgApillb.rnro fooppiulubayllg,wthbsoe:nallingsme.:T;eeeyrannObwillfransthreeelblifer°01renatl*enired:Y WM. BL ER, Also a HOUSE and ONE ACRE 'OF L to urcthe-Veillhaogoeseo,f1Ki iprpoeonm;sr twowdmoo.rew33e4shLodirEfrorci and cow house; tonveneent chhes a and,v1 oam office. Apply to 340 PARINI POB SA. T _OM No. 0, Con. 4,Hallett ; 140 acme less, 80 acres eleared. Plenty of water,: north branch of the Maitland River through the 18 sere bush; good feneee- the premises to the peoprietor, eeleS MAIO 308 adatvseConatti6 • . FAILM FOIL SALE. REING•composed of Mot 1, Con 10 of th ship of Tuckexeraith, zontaining 100 excellent and, upoii which there is asp ham, 38x60 feet, and also a good. °ram terms, which are esseeand other Weenie ply to Mr. JAMES DAVEY, OR X/Ot 1, 00: said Township, or to the viatelor,WALTt , WICK, Se., -St. George P. O., BraiitCo,e0 STEAM SAW MILL AND FARM 101 11111tEING Lot 34, Con. 7, MeRnlop, contal -1-' acres, all cleared, with good blernsani two good orehards in fulibeening; twon ing spriogs which supply the mill. Vie Con . 9, containing 4$ acres of bush. Tim is sitnated 6 miles from Seaforth, witl gravel road thereto. For further partiene on theenemises. If by poet, to JOHN - SON ,Coustance P. 0., Kilburn, Ont. FARN FOR SAIE TN bielmil Von SALE, a good Pam., oonaposoL '-`- half of lot 10 aria the west half of Re 12, ateleillop, contenting '100 &eine, 60 eIl well fenced, and ba good oultivation- Taal ' timbered with hardwood; a good' fra and new log barn; good beaeing 014 miles and a half from a good gravel mai from the village of Seaforth; there are eawmiils within 31 -miles, eonvertient tee schools and stores. For particulars ap proprietor DU the prennses, or, if bee Winthrop F.0. 280*4 - jAMES Mope TO FARMERS. THE undeesigned41; now prepared to te feed alimited number of Hogs at the and Milburn Cheese Factories. TERV month for each hog. This is an extent tunity for fanners having hogs which -wish to get fattened &ear. 439 W. S. ROBlel PUBLIC NOTICE C. WILLSON, of Seaforth, luiebte ed sole agent for the odebeeted Nat - in the County of Httron,and this lode only be pamhesed through hire or leis 0 ized agents. Orders given to others tbeet or myself will not be filled. The folio* men have been anointed to act as my the County of Burma : Thos. Conn Whiffen aaad L. Murphy, Seafortb_ ; 0. Clinton; and L. S. 'Willson, Gpederiela. 820 t O. O. WILLSON — THOROITOIIBRED AYRSHIRE pmtm:ERs or others -desirous of 'es their deity stock can have the serv bull for the seeson. Terms $1 50. Ayrshire Calves for sale. RODERICK GI „Jeot27, Om 2 .839*6 • .POCKET BOOK LA) T OST, on WEDNESDAY, June 17, tt Hibbert, a plain buekskin PURSE, a sune of money. The finder win he warded upon leaving the same at the ondersigned, leatttes Corners, or at the. °me% seaforth. 342-4" _Nrazaix c$27lErAZLeiMuneipa10nneilofte:ieR1l:ivthetoveraenared fonaaonsgme:toumir vitimof the person or persons wh : PorkPae/iwHornef Tlermelhviiagclfsedohivnuemo riyayito1 BY:order of the ovum. 014 BEXSO2