HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-03, Page 7; •• r, co, RUMENT 1VE .... pA :ENT. thepublie, that 1 -of ell the different h their Veried -pre- E( - hasere eetay be able -blishment, without ee of the come* - ented by trandelitt -Auden the Faith.' a, - tandard Maclaine% gent -8. who can al;:... Tent and guarantee. - chaser is net suitea want, they tan have or any ether- We, freele Steck Of the es, ae well tee all the -an be paid for on ntisfaetory, can be z y be ilertal. UMW& (AK, Instraments, both rinot he stirpassed. lets which he Belie , not be questioned. - films. The Mathes - Meson & Ham- Iodeons. PLEMENTS, rain Cruehers, Root a Iltaele Powers, all 11. Se b purchase --------- . ; ma etse. ;and get one before- they 1670 I sold a0- of these ;re sold by me; in 1872, eny saleached. over of that can be offered ilae Harrows give. 1 L. L•S 0 hi , t,Seaforth.. 325 FORTH ACTOR Y. Rt. HOGAN . 17ORTH, ion of the farming cam- - NAM'S, _ a tON PLOW yorite, and with improve- ason, they have no h.esita- o be at least equalto any BEAM PLOW,. (me of the hest and rriOst• use,manufactured. & HOGAN eiebrated iljTTER 3earn. They are the onlY ply this favorite plow with This pIow is sold for $17, a other manufacturers sell FFLERS, A made to order on the n promptly attended to. sest materiel, both in iron. atrties purchasing from us a good am -Laura -1e article. RUE & 110GA_N, ivr Manufacturers, Seaforth. a Bowl% kept on hand for 0 AT LARGE. ()LEVER, ddle and Collar F ACTT: UR, SEAFORTII. .4 E SCOTCH COLLAR. it of light and heavy Harness, Clothing. &e., kept censtautly- g promptly attended to, and Reinexaber the place,sign of W. 11. OLIVER. LOST --$25 REWARD: :DAY, the 1St)), inst., between. on. IL -eleKiliop, and Leslie's - i Road, a DROWN LEATHER ataining $80 er $85 in $6 and rentiseory notes, all drawn in gned, and other papers. TIte will receive a rewerd of $25 • Seaforth. Post Office, or at owner. The public are hereby nachasing or negotiating anY 1 in my fa,vor, as tlere are twtte E contained in the lost pocket- HIRAM HANNAH. is I ULY 3 1874. 'Painted Tea. - People who drink no alcoholic liquors, and bY Whout even ale aslid beer are reek- ' wed, among forbidden beverages, usually imagine that they are placed -beyond the injurious inflatence not only of spirituous • excess, but of the deleterious ingredients , which frequently enter into the composi- tion of such liquors. The line of •absti- _ nonce roust, however, li>e drawn much closer than this, to escape from adulter- o atedbeverastes. Sandan their way in!to the darn dust is not mai-mown-du white clay -find tic sngar, brick °free, which has probably been ah'eadJ,r nix:ed. With chicory, and from Prins an blue to iron filings and misceUa,neou1 refuse there is au endless Variety of f( reign substances awhich are used for the purpose of in- creasing the bulk or "improving" the color of tea, We cannot speak authoritatively of the nature of the decoction known as New : Jersey tea—a productf the leaves of I) a ' the CeanA othus merica) s ---but it would certainly be safer to drink, without q• uestion, the extract from any . native substitute, rather than a great 4ea1 of ' the staff imported from China, andIJapan. To -the credit of the latter count y, be it said, the art of adulteraaion is still m its ' infancy- -there. Even so-called "green. ' tea" can be had of Ja aneae growth in which analysis fails to detect any arti- ficial coating on the Ileaf. As a rule, . however, ail the green bea sold in this or : any other market, as as ell as the pearl oolored and ether fanay shades which : • find favor with West rn tea drinkers, i are simply produota of art, with the re- motest possible resemb ance to the leaf as nature makes it, L af-buds picked in ' spring are supposed tol furnish the raw material of what is k -neem as -green tea. Bat in the first instance, the leaf thus aathered is not of a v a and no matter how ca of dying is performed, come greatly dulled.. , ing nations of the wes ry bright green, efully the process • he color must be- nt the tea drink - demand that the -- ••.; any such offer. As for pirate and ,other blGod-thirsty narsatives of villainy that never existed, we do not consider them healthful mental food for the boys and girls who read the Chron- icle, so that even if well . written they would not I be accepted. Last- ly, our young borrespondent will do well to remember that, however glaring the typographical errors which sometimes .1:1 appear in the pa.pr may -look, to hi eyes, editors are great sticklers fororthog'aptly,. and compositions other than local cerres- - ponclence, which abound in orthogtaphic- al and syntictical. errors invariably find their way to the custody of . the tagman who claims the contents of our waste basket at stated eriods. We advise our young friend to ontinue his studies at • school or at hom to read good books in- stead of the tras iy novels that haVe ev- identlybeen part of his mental fare and to give up once for all, any no ion of ever making rnon y out of literary effort. ..7 ---Waterloo Chro tide. . --4,-•-•$------ Salary jor Ministers. lt may be: safe Y'said that ,iip sioiA or even occupation inthis. e -requiring a ' like amount of - inte and acquired knowledge, Or exacting an , equal eaxpenditu e of tithe and -e 80- ill paid. as that of the minister (..tospel. Wh.. ile e is debarred b by.public opittion and his own co' from every '. gainfal pursuit ' out ,profession., add is as absolhtely . ed from cngagink in. efforts for - crease of his Mc me as if a statu it a, criminal. off lice, he is restricted,. in, the great majority of instances, tjo a sala - be scornfeilly rejected ' i)ilities „in almost any s calling. .. -Awl the:peo- fitted by his Ministra- e devotes - all his .time .sympath.y, take • advan- hat he has no choice of en in everv. other. call- profes- uutry, ligence ort, is of the duty, science de his revent- he in - e made dried product shall ha e a brilliancy of color such, as nature lever knew. To satisfy this demand, the Chinaman has recourse to pigments, and since he mast paint the tea, he is much more likely to select inferior varieties of the Autumn nanhnity or ge erous feeling prevailed, and. dark -leaved gathering than the tie men avould.be verywhere prompt to see greeu leaves for the operation. due to the digaity of Green tea, therefore, like cocoa or ailing and. the eminent mustard or sherry has come to be a mere. moral forbe which it re - commercial product, owing its existence as much to foreign substancea as. to the , substratum of original, matter with which, they are as4ociated. In nine Cane Met of ten, a green tea which. the trade calls " genuine k' is a more or less inferior leaf, yainted with Prussian. bine ortgypsum. These snbstances are cer- ' tamly not poisonous, but if the tea. of which. they form a part were openly said ellUXLEY ON THE B1.81.14.—Professor Huxley, the foremost English expounder of Darwinism a,nd consequent sdientific opponent of the scriptural theory of man's creation, •actually confesses that • the reading of the Bible in the public schails is -a beneficent practice. "I have alwa.tra," said he, on a recent occasion, been strongly in favor of secular educa- tion, in the sense of education without theology.; but I must confess 1 have been no less seriously perplexed to know by what practical measure the religious feeling, which is the essential basis of conduct, was to be kept up, in the preS- _ent -utterly chaotic state of opinion on these matters, without the use of the Bible. By the stmly of what other book could children be so much humanized and made to feel that each figure in the vast historical procession ' fills, like themselves, but a momentary space in. the interval between two eternities, and tearns the blessings or curses of all time, according to its effort to do good arid hate evil, even as they are also earning their payment for their work ?" ary which woul by men of like ordinary busine pie who are ben tions, to whom 'and talents and tage of the fact occupations as ing have, but roust remain perinanently in the one prof ssion to Which he has consecrated his If men. were not be so. If t ous, it would b life. agnanimons, this could ley were merely gener- differerit. If true mag- • not only what ' the niinisterial intellectual and. quires for its prosecution, but they would_. recognize its claims Upon them by reasons self-abnegati which I. the isolation. 1 other it absolutely liectessitatea. e to this noble d -dicatiora. of the peculi it demaucls, an pursuits which 'And in respons self -surrender and exalnsion from all those opportu, itaes whiels. aye other, men, • Chrisfian con were magnani ions or generous with this explanationwe presume very just, the hire • of their faithful few people would be foimd to buy it.. would no long r be suffered: to The English Court of Queen's Bench has; the raean anal insufficient sc, just deeded that tea so colored must be, now rules in so many parts of s given to the public with a pi am intim.- There is anOther considerati tion of its true charater, otherwise the ple wrong the?' selves when the dealer must incur the prescribed penal- salaat of tbeuj minister to a ties of the law against adulterationtwice scarce sufficient for -his This along with several. similar decisions sistence. Of ,ll professions in the world. on thc same subject, will have the effect that of the Minister of the Gospel most of driving altogetherfrom the English requires freqaent ancl prolonged inter- market the adulterated Chinese teas. It vats of calm withdrawal for eontempla- will take some time, howeverto inter- tion, reflection and study of the hearts rupt the manufacture of the "Lie" tea and. tempers Of himself an.l other men. whi6h contains the leaves of -a number of If he is -insufficiently paid, *is is' Um - worthless shrubs mixed with the sweep- possible, and his people are the real hags of the packing . houses, ; the iron sers. By jest as *ma, as their min- fihings andtother weight -producing sub- ister is absorbed in the consideration of stances will not be readily thrown the gnawing, of his.necessities, they are away by the Chinamen accustomed to excluded from the benefits of .his search their use, aod the green and other paiot- ings into the deep things of God. and his ed teas will be produced long after the _investigationS of the nature and wants of taw has stepped in to defend half the man. It -carinot he expected that a min - gullible consumers of the West. With ister will be profoundlylearn4c1 in .all the the English demand interrupted, this minutia! of the diseases which affect the market will continue to be more and soul of mai, or ready with the cures more flooded with those Chinese teas for which he may find by a study of the whieh human ingenuity has done a great works of the Great Physician. if the bulk 'deal more than nature. Failing a staff of his time iS diverted fromthese studies of analysts to detect and bring to pun- by the ea/A(41g and grinding cares of his nel ever -recurring necesities. open to egations or even minister ,emain on le which our land. 11. Peo- . stint the cant pit - ere sub - BUTTER, BUTTER. ishrnent such frauds upon the public, the own instant tea -drinker would. do well to exercise ex- We are -not only mean and ubgenerous to acres, being S. half of Lot 25; Con. 1, Mchellop ; tra caution in the s lection of his favor- our minister but are " penny wise and. 1 25 aeres, being N. W. Corner of Lot 25, Con. 1, , t and 1 mcKinop; 100 acres, being Lot 26, Con. I, McKil- ite leaf, am' espeeia ly to rid. his mind pound. foolish" toward our families 50 acres, being S. half Lot 27, Oen. 1, McKil. ourselves if We forget the Di hie maxim ii.. lop; lop ; 25 aeres, being .N W. corner of Lot 9, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, extending to Railroad ; 100 acres, being Lot 10, Con. 1 Tuekersmith; 100 ecres, be- ing Lot 11, Con. 1, Tuckertanith ; 50 acres, being ' ' N. half Lot 12, Con. 1 Tuckersmith ; 25 acres, be - and compensate it at its big S. E. corner Lot 12, Con. 1, Tuckersmith. ; 50 And certainly there is none nobler or pens, being E. hall Lot 11, Con. 2 Tucke e n'th ; , , 1 1 1 10 acres, being S. W. corner Lot 11, (Jon. 2, Tuck - more beneficent than that which is ex- EDWARD' CASH WILL BUY GOOD BUTTER ANY QUANTITIES BUTTER AND WOOL DEPOT, AT HIS :GARDNER ▪ „ - _ - • . .• ;•.. • • • - • . • . . - ' • - • • EWIN MACHINE IS STRONG 1 Easy Ru ning Machine 341 Goderich Street, Seaforth.. MONEY ADVANCED ON Mortgage Security, in such sums and for such periods and. repayable in suchManner as the applicant may desire. Apply to 322*52 A. G. McDOUGALL, Seaforth. . Samuel. Brodie, C. E., TelleROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Seaforth. All orders left at thelilansionHoese with Mr. John Murray will receive immediate attention. References—Dr. Coleman and Dr. King. 411'152 BRICKS, BRICKS. A KILN OF FIRST-CLASS TV A 2E1? BRICKS Is now ready and for sale at the Seaforth trick ,Yerd. Price $6 75.per 1,000, delivered in any part of Seaforth, or $6 at the yard. 341-4 'HENRY WALLACE. WE ADAPTED FOR 1 FA M I SEWING, AND igat Ma ufacturing A. the airs held throng very severe teat t some BEST JUDGES T E OULATT1i1 AND BY THEM' AW 13 Prizes in 87 and 26 Its simplioity of construction, strength and set of attt chme INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL HE Gardner Sewing Mael SAMUEL TROTT,. • Menufecturer of Machine Turned Butter Packages Of a Superior Quality. All orders, either Wholesale or Retail, Promptly Filled. 286 ' SEAFORTH 0131', 336 - INCORPORATION NOTICE. rpHE Municipal Carillon of the Village of SEA- -1- FORTH hereby give notice that they will apply tOthe Governor-iii-Oomicil after the expiration of three mouths from the first iusertion of this notice to erect the -Village of Seatorth into a Town, un- der the name of Sealorth, and the following limits are intended to be included therein: aeres, be- inn- S. W. corner of Lot 24, Con. 1, McKillop; 50 of the del, ion. that f thered leaves can, without the , icl of at, be made to wear the color of right gireen or „pearly gray. —N. Y. Timm Tobacco Smoke Good for the Teeth. It is only- fair on tobacco to point out that it is gradually clearing itself from many of the serious charges brought against it.. It has been frequently and persistently alleged that among other. ill effects (besides death: and madness) pro- dacecl by tobacco, is destruction of the teeth. This, it appears, is entirely a mistake. Instead of tobacco causing the teeth to decay, it is the very best thing in the world for -them, and those who wish to preserve their teeth should im- mediately take to snaoking, if they have not already indulged in the habit.. At a lecture on teeth linahma and electricity delivered last month in London, by Mr. age attacked ansan in the same 1, cm v. "The laborer is worthy o The nobler and more benefi bor, the rea4ier should men his hire." - ent the la - be to rate rue worth. • Tinitla ; 5. 0 acrea, being W. half Lot 10, Con. 2, elusively devoted. for life to the service tuckersteith • 80 acres barability recent: ts, and demi ell TTACHMENT ine Con PE ER GRA GODERICH F , out the Dominion, this Alachine was put by the COULD PRODUCE RDED rizes in 1872. e d it to alt classes. It has a co Vete de of work. IVEN FREE OF CHARGE. ny, Hamilton, Ont. lEAgpeuStEloAr FthOeRcTonnEft,y of Huron. UNDRY.— , efw. • VT' The Goderich Fou dry, & anufa.cturing Co. Beg to inform the pub lc that they are steed to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOIL ; FLOU GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAWI G MACHIN &c. On hand—IRON AND WO DEN PL 'S, with steel boards, GANG PLO S CULTIV ORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, ATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &e. COOKING, PARLOR AND BO, STOVES, 'f arious SALT PAN (VIDE 0 ORDER. - IRON AND BRASS 'CAS INGS, D BLACKSMITH. WORK. BOILERS AND SALT P 5- REPAI B,D ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY HORSE PO 11 TUBULA BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Co pan y or Secrete y -will receive promptattention.„ A. HODGE, Secretary and Tre• surer. HORTO.N, Preaident. R. RUNC MAN, General Manager.t EGMONIDVILL SPECIAL NOTI E• 'T'HE subscriber has removed near the •esidence of Mr. John Logan , Egmondville,whe e he will be pleased to meet all his old customers dinany new ones. He will continue to make a peciality of HOME MADE BOOTS AND SHO SI As he has done for the past 20 Years, na feels confident that his work is far superior t • the sale work that the country is flooded with. GIVE MN A CALL. 889'1'5 JOHN STEET, Egm ndville. , being N. E. corner Lot ' of God. and the salvatioti 11 Con. 3, Tuekersmith, extending emit to west 50 rods, and eetending north to south 96 'rods • JO Y. Chlistia, InteUigencer. • acres, beiug N. W. corner Lot- 10, Con. 3, Tucker - smith, extending west Gaut to 16'4 rods, and ex - A SNA -11 -.81'01-ay.—Snake stones are from Suse* County, Dela,ware. IA that beginning o come in. The latest is vicinity, n long since, a curious and T deadly sna, te was killed, which meas- ured 28 in hes in length. About five inches from the eud of the tail were two thick protu . . "horns" ab crances, each eontaining 18 ut .one-eighth Of an ineh in length. • T ey - were hollow, and sup- plied with Ipaison. -strange story is stendieg north. to south 96 rods. • I.A.MES H. BENSON, Reeve. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Dated the 4th day ot June A. D. 1874. 389-13 JOHN S PORTER, One-horse Banker and Exchaege Broker. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.- • EGG EM PORI !M. The subscriber , hereby thanks his numerous customers (merchants and ethers) for t eir liberal patronage during the past seven years, nd hopes, by strict integrity and close attention t business, to merit their confidence and trade in t e future. Having greatly enlarged his premi es during ; the winter, he is now prepared to pay t • e HIGHEST CASH RICE1 For any quantity of good fresh_ eggs delivered at the NOTICE TO THE T AVELING PUBLIC. Tick ts to or from Europe, by the Allan Line, OAMPBELL'S CLOTHING STORE • TN addition to the Choicest Selection of theBest -1- Goods, I have on hand ei few Special Lbaes, to which I Would call the earneet attention of 'buyer 1 FORT GARRY And Dili points in the Northwest, by BEATTY'S LAKL SUPERIOR LINE,either by Duluth or the - Dowser], Route, else tickets to all parts of ther Eastern and Western States By It or Steamboat connection, can be had on appli •ntion to the undersigned. Seaforth Rail- way S atiou. Information cheerfully given to inte di g travelere. 339 R. B. MOODIE, Agent. DOMINION S AVINC & HAIRDRESSING 'ALOON AND BATH ROOMS. EGG EMPORI M„ Main Stree , Settforth,1 Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons f good. dry, clean WHEAT STRAW. SEAFOBT11, March 18, 1874. 328 D. D. W LSON.1 THE FARMERS' F IEND WILMA:NI GRASSI Of the Seaforth Carriage Works, hav ng sold off all his sleighs and cutters, is now b • sily mann= factiving WAGONS AND BUG His Wagons are strong and durable - His Buggies are stylish, and, being made of the very best material, and byeirst-cla,ss orkmen, are guaranteed to give aatififaction. He is in a position to sell on as fav rable terms as any in the trade. IES. NO LONG CREDIT. • • • d. t • 'ne I to sell eh ap, and wilt , hereafter give only short credit. Repairing aud. Genera Blacksmith ng attended to AB Usual. 'WILLIAM G • SSIE. BURST, OP N, Stand. CAPITAL, - - $0,000,000.01 One night last week, „ s a told of horned. snake which some years ' John Logan's Old - This is no blow, but, a fact. it CAUSE—A LARGE NEW S UOCK OF FRESH GROCERIE," . as connected with the dental surgery, lu coder to teseape, the man jumped be - MS Greenbacks and Ameriean Silver et cur- rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives - money on deposit, and pays 20 per cent. interest toBaleilyesnaAlsavissheillnsg troosuesI136411 L owt hs • epi la eus lgeeat-v it. g. Thonaas Brown, the lecturer observed hind a large tree, and the snake struck practice of smoking deteriorated the with such f rce that it buried its horn ; that it was popularlY considered that tue teeth. "There could," he added, " be inch: into the tri In 3 no greater fallacy. It was true that it ness in the ,masometimes discolored, the teeth, but it strange to s y, in another hour they com- did not cause decay ; on the coutrary, it menced fallilna off, and. to -day it is noth- nk about one-eighth of an minutes thereafter a clull- eaves was perceptible., and, prevented decay on account of the disin- ina but a withered, naked trunk. feeting properties of tobacco smoke." - This leaves the British Anti -Tobacco Assoeiation, and other kindred bodies, hi a very disagreeable position, for it destroys all confidence in the awfal pre- dictions they are in the habit of uttering as to the fate of smokers. If tobacco • does not injure the teeth, but is, in fact, good. for them, perhaps it does not short-, vity.--The. London. Saturday Bovtew. -ARRAN GE REFER EN CE Fal-nter say arraagemen enchance t these are: 1. A-VOi IENT OF FLOWERS, WITH TO COLOR. —the Canada, : A few simple rules in the of flower beds will materially e effect produced : Among placing rose-colored next to . en life, but is even favorable to longe- scarlet, orare, or violet. 2. Do not 'place orange next to yellow, nor blue ne 3. Whi not place itjn A letter from a correspondent to whom 4. Orange goes .well :with. blue, and we shall be so lenient aS not to publish yellow withiviolet. • I either his name or his effusion, has just 5. Rose icolor and purple always go -come to hand enquiring " how much you well togetilier. A Talk with a Correspondent. t to violet. relieves any color, but. do ext to yellow. would give me for writing short or long .stories for your paper." He either *ould copy them. out of the New York Leatoer,: SAFETY - force of st the Weekly, the Saturdcty Xight, &c., or appears, b would furnish original pirate, Indian, safest aroeS sailor or other sensational - tales. We ican and don't like to discourage literary effort, question, tl, even in its incipient stages, but we are thatchlorof simply dumbfounded at the density of the , as ether, t ignorauca which envelopes the under- ture of chl standing of him who does not know that as experie Country editors are unable to pay for any than bichl original stories, and unwilling to let any- port of th body else do their scissoring on any terms.' tee, appoi Perhaps our correspondent would be ject, state tenally surprised, to learn that offers are dangerous open to us at any time to furnish paper with ever printed on one side in au excellent style lution of Wit h well selected matter at two or three most skill cents a quire more than we pay fin white paper. Yet we have no idea of aeceptmg F S.—If the tistics be of any value. ether yond question, to be the hetic. By cons ining Amer - latish data rela mg to this e result shows conclusively rmis eighttimeslas dangerous ice as dangerout as a mix- roform and ether, and, as far ce goea, it is mote dangerous ride of methylene. The re - London aloroforin commit- ted, to investigate this sub - that not only is ether less that). chloroform, but that care. and the most exact di - he chloroform vapor by the ul hands, the state of insensi- bility may pass in a few moments into one of irn inent death. will Iftiatme on hand like a. thousand of brick. , Bags Hides, Sheep Skins, Furs and WO ol at the highest prices.' All this is done with the above capital, wonder- ful, is it not ? Hand in your wants, wishes and -expectations, don't he afraid, he won't bust. 341 GOVENLOCK WOULD beg leave to thank his numerons cus- V T tertian for their liberal patronagoextended to him -since commencing THE LUMBER TRADE) Ile would also inform them that the same strict attention shall be paid to the business es in the past, and all orders sent to 'Winthrop P. 0. will be promptly attended to. Building and Fencing Lumber Qenerally on .11and. - He has made arrangements for the erection of a. GRIST AND FLOURING MILL Which will be in working order by the first of Sep- tember. 8324'12 THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD. • - -MABEE & M ACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that, they hare re moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and MST- SIMMS Mill. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS 01? LUMBER, dressed aud undressed. Also, LATH- AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Also. on hand any quantita of the beet ACTON LIME. Bulldera and others will find it to theii: advam tage to inspect our stock, and ascertain our pricee before partinteingelsewhere, as wa are in a position to offer good ludo eemente to cash purchaser. , 160 MA.BEE & MA.CDONALD. _TAMES REDMOND has opened ut ie John Logan's old and well-known stand a nice stock of Fresh GROCERIES comprising everything which should e found in a first-rate Grocery Stoffe. FLOUR and FEED on hand. He solicits a call, and will gnartin ee satisfac- tion. 319 X. 11 DMOND.. , 4 NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing v vl that he has fitted. up over his shop a number of nvenient and comfortable . I BATH ROOMS wIl re a olefin, and. comfortable bath /nay be had. at ti y time. 1. =The Latest Styles in FIRST-CLASS HATS, CL UDING Silk Hats, Felt Hats, Fur Hats, and Straw and Panama.,alarge selection of Boys' Hats. ' Summer Underclothing, -.WIRINO !SHIRTS AND- DRAWERS, As well • WHITE LLIVER SHIRTS. LINEN AND COTTONAD,E PANTS, ASD ALPACCA. COATS. A Large Stock of the Most Fashionable CLOTHING- For Youths and Boys, in suits for Boys from 3 years old upwards. These I consider rake good yaluerand will pay Mothers to purchase them for their Boys, as they are got up; in the Most Fash- ionable Styles, and made of GOOD MATERIALS.! Mothers, try thee Suits. My Stock of Cloths IS always kept fully essortedin the latest novel- ties, and all orders for Clothing will be _Executed ivith, Promptness And in Good Style. I W. CAMPBELL. SHAVINC AND HAIR DRESSINC Alt Mice to as usual. Also on hand a nice stoek,of L.441,1/,'S'CILIG.Ara2S AND Il_RA1DS Of he latest styles. Ile is also prepared to takein. LADIES' HAIR COMBINGS, „Lin I •have them straightened and worked into 13raids, Belts, Switches, Curls, Itc. Charges reasonable. GENTS' WIGS Fe nished on the shortest notice at less than city 1 pr ces. call is respectfully solicited. STOVES & TIN ARE ' f Of all 'dub, and in endless vitr ety at MRS. WHITN 'Y'S) Carmicho.el's Block, Mainstreet, eaforth. COAL 011-, Pure, good and cheap; wholesale and r .tail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM' WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to ang neatly exe- 1 ented. 808 'A S.. NtetITNEY. •NG ;MILL, ND FACTORY SEAFORTH PLAN SASH, DOOR AND 111. THE subscriber begs leave to hank his numerous -1- customers for the liberal pa renege extended to him since commeucing business iu 'eaforth, and trusts that he may be favoreddwith a. continuance Parties intending tobeild wonld dcl well to give of the same. him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRIP PINE LUMBER, as WM. NEWM4N TO THE MEMBERS OF THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION- • _PiW0.11,KrIDA. Tundersigned beg a to annonnce that owing to the sudden disappearence of his represents:. e 3» Huron, he has returned to CLINTON F r a few weeks to take renewal applications from th se of the members whose policies expire dur- in MAY, JUNE and JULY. Owing to circum- st nees over -which he had no control a few policies ha e: been allowed to expire, these, howevertawill be first attended to, and all policies soon expiring wi I receivehis attentioii before expiration th .reof. ' resting to be favored si•ith a, continuance of th noblepatronnge hitherto given to the "An- rio tural, S A. S E S , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. e.r! 'Particular attention paid. to Ceetem Planing 201 JOHN H. tROADFOOT. 881 I am. gen tleinen YOurs CHAS. T. DOYLE, I Owen Sound, Ont., District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron. OPENED OUT. FPSTER'S OLD STAND. JAMES WRIGHT . AS opened in the stare next the Seaforth • Foundry and adjoiniee Foster'eHotel, a full ! andcomplete STOCK OF li1OCERIES.1 THE HURON PLANING MILL BSSRS. Bto Announce that tbey have commenced Ibusiness in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. •Inetin, endure now prepaied to fdl orders for Sashes,! Door's, Bli-nd, .211o11.1dings, And all kinds of planed lumbe. ALSO 'LATH ...-1.NIf CHEESE BOXES NO SETTERS, * FARM GATES, H4Y RACKS, &e. ; A good. stock of lSeasone4 Lumber On head. Factory and. Lumber 7aral on Goderich street, near Main street. Jig Sawing andostere Planing neatly done. A. GRA.Y. ' W. H.; SCOTT. SHROUDSSHROUDS 1 M. fto]ETsow, CABINET MANER AND UNDERTARIER, JOhnecn'S Old. Stand, ; Main street, -Seafoltstsho,haSnen; on hand a good rtmelIt o SI-11=LOT..733 Which he can* furnish cheaper than they can be gor, (est:Where. .- - '-,;:.:5; • -near:: -,;.ea --e-a.---- -el ere • -i,-:-....", - P 0 EXTRACTINO TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. CCARTWRIGHT, L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist . attends in Seeforth, at 1i -ilex's' Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each mon th ; in Clinton, at the Connaercial Hotel, on the following Thum- ; days and Fridays. • Tlaereenainder of_ the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at. SeefOrth anal Clinton, on tue first eel's of at- tendance. ; Testimonials of over 500 patients -who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at ray oflite (Alec in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the ntest substantial and im- proved styles. . Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner which cannot, be surpassed. 237 - . egItt guron piitr ,D1 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.. IN SEAVORTIL 1 TennS.—$1 50 -per leaf in advance, :or $2 at the end of the year, ; ' . Adverniel Ina- _Rates. First insertion, per lin4, 8 cents, subsequent in- sertion; 2 dents each -finial, per line. Advertisements 'of Strayed, Lost,,Fonnd, &e., not exceeding 10 lines--firet month, $1 ; after first month, 50 cents each month. , Advertisements of FARMS and. REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding lit lines--firstiumath $1 50; each subsequent menth,15 cents. Births, Marriages, and Deaths—Gratis. , Aelvertisements withont specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged secordingly. Adv.ertisemen.ti measexed by a !scale of solid uouweil. .1cLEAN BBOTEBBS. is Teas are Good, His ,S'ugarS Cheap, his ,Sipiec,s Strong. them a trial. -JAMES WEIGHT. ; Call and give 428! WOOD FOR SALE. OR SALE, a quantity of Stove Wood by tincord or in bulk, also it quantity of Cordwood, i hulk. Apply at the Huron Carriage Works, Sea orth. J. IicINTOSH. 1