HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-07-03, Page 3JULV a,. 1874. LIAM kY's. AfterTa MEDICINE' s, such us Tremors, De. hiciz, irz mane eases, era nee in the use of tabs" Taut rite Specht Medicin headed as an anW :a termatoifrhtiaa, that follow as a segs `le i oty, Universal 1)irinatas of iia>ion p any €,the. diseasesthat .tamptit-an and a is as rule, are first cacti tth of nature a 4 Orer i4 the result .of a Ufe if experience in tr I`ttll z) i.rtictii:Era le to aerial free b rrn � mil soul by all Dr lata tt ka ;e for i, or will be the money, by a ress- \I GRAY & Co:, \\ indsor, pn, nicks= Co,, x. €l by all Druggists. , Toronto, Wholesale fl3aervr 'per day. Agentsi watttac� kll classes of -wore otzng or old make Inas .pare moments, o1' all tlae g else.. Particulars free, Se, Portland 28 Haute fol t;arrofbrook,) noty or Werth. office and i.rothot Hardware Store,: .1 U 1' office will be at. 287 0. AI., Physician, - Er for the County of Huron. rner of Market and High ung Mill- kau to of M eCull Maher- aroger for the County ct - door to- Calder Brothers' poaite 'cCallum's. Rot i, ieatr the Rail : ay Station. L.D.S., - <ON,Dontist,&c., Seaforlit, azo Plata Stork, latest € tts executed All sur eratiorfs performed with Fees as Iow aa earths ab - :e hours from S A. M. ti) -5 A. G. McDougall's Ston. 27a S. Licentiate and Prize= aiva raid s Ithaca, N.Y., and -eterinary College, Toronto, y in \ a:zzra, where ho be to attend to all kind of t animals (maim <exeepted) and at all hours. ices bort east of Cow`s Tem - 819 tiC EI>:.—I3. tcNA,UGHT, auneo to the inhaabitants�o�f. to country that he -l''• arta of the Ontario Vete - prepared to treat diseases €t all domestic suime1s. He Connection with his horse - will be found ready to at - as of the feet speeielly ata , office and shop in the rear- taw store. All kinds of Vet. ut coustuntiy on haint'ix , Veterinary Surgeon, (mere- io Veterinary College,) begat returned to the pructiee t arth, and may at all tinesbs eases of Horses, Cattle, is. constantly on hand. All ted to. Office, at Mansion-- 2'MOA 16 tor, \Cinghacm, has been ap- the Colonial Securities Com- also Agent for :several psi- Avow, who loan Money at Interest payable _yearly .S71. 213 iL31k:STE.I), Barristers, At ,Solicitors lir Chanee39. and Pabl e 'out Convt-ratncers. Bank, , eaforth. Agents for trace Company, iul at J per cent. arms, file. a8 t. Barristers and Attorneys in Chancery and Insolvency-, I'uldie, etc. Offices—Sea- 3,000 of Private Funds to t per cent. Interest, payable 53 x, tv- O. MEv>x. irriater, Attorney Fri Chang clz, Oast. o#iilce—over Um, Market Square. 26 yt,c»gala€a1,. bieys Satliaitors in Chancery °ii'LCe—two floors nottbof DAN1l' L McD()NALD, Brussels. ` E TEL SEUFO1:TH. — Thomas Eaki to his Old friends and }c, that he lz:a.s leased the `. -lac 'Ir. MURRAY, and se DOWNEY HOUSE, and - atiuuanee of the patronage upon him Burring his many ;iiese, Every comfort and •'ravidecl for travellers, Viti t'agara only kept in the Bar• boa tier 20 Way.% in attendance. r1 E AS KN OX, Proprietor. )TEL, ;£AP0RRT»-- begs to inform his of ',raveling public that he has adjoia>ittg the Post Office' ks the very best aceonamt daa a. The lest of liquors aan& `i I10MMAS FOST1 ift z,1C Axil AI.L STABLE& 's 11aat4�1, Seuforth;, Good tT. Gouveyatncehaaitirtt:isou ` SE.i,Fa1TH, Ont Conafort.able V ehicles, asiws; ys Arrangements made ' All orders left at g rtI attended. to. Las :—Third door North of trek . o3I AS BELL, Proprietor_ BR1NEg r.ONEEI4 for the County P ttt-1itied in all plata of t [[eft at the a O '11 n Office: 'cede€t to. LUS-B `, ()NEER for the Comity ot Mica in ttllpizrts of theCesua Personelle or ;exit to Seat o n1 tly attended to.. ORLANf C •AIITIbS. �brtts'ade sirup," iv 'soda, is much for in, certain Western towns. --Why is a grain of sand in the eye like a schoolmaster's cane ? . Because it hurts the pupiil. • " Can you return my love, dearest Julia?" " Certainly, sir. I don't v°ant it, I'm sure." =Lunch taken by a young fisherman of Athens, G.: One cracker, two onions and one quart of whisky. • lty are the ladies the biggest thieves in existence ? Because they steel thheir petticoats, bone their stays, crib eir babies and hook their°dresses.:. The Peoria woman who wanted to throw herself into her husband's grave a few months ago has just married a light- ning -rod man. _A, Maine husband wanted to bet his wife that she could whip a panther but she saw the joke and recused to try. THonetIGHE) RESPECTABLE.— Lady : �- Well, 1think you will suit me. What is your name ?" *Mail / : " Shakespeare, Ma'am ; but no relation to the play -actor of that nave !" _, shirt for winter from that used i suin- -" Please, Sir," said a little girl who was, twee in a crossing ' for a Iivin mei linen gave lace to worsted. Thus ts yott have liven me a bad penny ' accoutred thegre t. work began—i there *'lever mind, little girl, you may keep were no cat i uh room. He could con - it for you honesty." verse with a (visit r while he wrote • con- tinue basil th ovilo off mandscri t with a phrenologist feeling _;he various bumps on his. hea —the cat only as fa- tal. As to the dr as, they were ritten in bed with a pencil-, and in a back band, hand- Ilent� , 1.11 and .n his sub - The e, and half 'a mile. On arriving at his home the naan said to;lhm, a You had better go home now.' lie then retired gracefully tillhis hole. ; I He was a cross between 'the Newfoundland and common cur, nev- er received any training, natural Instinct .governed hint, and.he apparently under- stood humnn,lan ;cage.' --New Ybrk Ob- server. --tea•= The-Ways.of Dumas Pere. THE - H"U I O'11N EXPOSITOR. SOMETHING OF IMPORTANCE THAT EVER BODY • SHOULD KNOW CASSIMERE CAFES THAT •AT OHN A writer in Apleton's Journal says : he1n one .Por the romanees" he absolutely refit fired a large blue sheet of foolscap oriole size— for the dramas, another patte . He was also particular about bis pen. It must be a steel pen, and -one of precise sort and none oher. If he could not procure large,. blue paper, and the pen of lyzed. B e miner, could er, he s and, erent ". Dumas wrote- paper and his dr his , romances mas on anothe his predilection, his ideas were par Other conditions were necessar• must take off his coat, winter or s and loosen his Cravat before he write. However; cold the weat must go to work in his shirt•sleev he was thus forged to adopt. a di ger walking in. the y g p _..-.A gave -digger, b street% of a country town the other day, chanced to turn and noticed two doctors walking beside him. He stopped till they passed, and then followed on be. - hind them. " And why this ?" said they. " I know my place in this pro cession," said he. —This is the way it generally is : Mrs., nes will say to her undutiful son, by ain't you like Willie Brown ?" Mrs. Brown will remark to her hopeful, " Why ain't you like Jimmy Jones ?" The boys have lots of fun laughing about it, especially when they are stealing wa- ter -melons together. ' Whenever you see a small boy emerging from the house with his - left arm shading his eyes and the other smoothing the basement of his trousers, it is safe to arrive at the conclusion that he has been chasing the boot -jack armed his father. - -There is a Danbury legend to the effect that a party desiring to transact some private business with another was invited by the other to step into a neigh- boring store. " But we will be disturb- ed there;" said the first party. " Oh ! no," said the second party `-' they don't advertise." The Latest Ugliness in the Way - of Dresses. It is proposed to introduce, this sum, mer, a novelty into American fashion in the forma of the "scabbard" or `Y sheath" dresses, au exaggeration of the clinging styles wh' h are now in vogue. These scabbard- resses are, in fact, the same as those worn under the French Direc- toire, and in which to look at a woman it would seem. utterly impossible that she should run, and a tour de force that she should even walk. For these dresses are not merely narrow, they are quite too narrow for grace of motion to be possible, clinging .not only to the up- per portion of the hip, lent round the knees. If they are ever worn in their present styles by our belles, it will be with such modifications (if that much- abused terra may beused) and alterations as will make them les§ startling to be- hold. And though economical "it would seem fromthe scantiness of the pattern, oar modistes, who many of them hail from London and Paris, will surely make up the difference of cost in the trimming.. A dress that from neck to hem is straight and clinging, withs only room to move the feet afforded by gores set in between the breadths at the bottom, and at but' a quarter of a yard from the hem, slightly widening the bottom, certainly would seem to require some` disguising of its original dimensions to obtain favor with us. But in a true sheath dress no over- skirt or draping is admissible. By draping I mean added draping in an in- dependent form, as it is needless to state after the above description that the original " sheath " garments could ' not be draped, and with- an overskirt it would no longer be a `scabbard" dress. eyes should not facie a light; it is eater But scarfs of u<nembroadered India cash- to have the book in such a position ;as to mere will be permitted to soften the have the light coma on the page over the crude ensemble if ensemble it may be shoulder. Young'i• Toronto,) Arai TLE .3.1-AIi • Gof the Coramere olllote1, S AFORTIL • :fs entirely Cliffe •ent writing. This hal and .no doubt was primers. The r rom his ordinary dwriting was ext the joy of edito rest of things manuscript was an erasure or the stitution of one wordfor another.. characters were firm, flowing legib. a delight to the eye. ; This unnfornn flow of unhiirried, distinct, unmistakable let- ters, words, and sentences wen-, on, day after day, month biter month, year after year --the machin only pausing to sleep occasionally,i take in fuel in the item of food, laugh, .discharge an epigram, tell an S. ROBERTS' IRUG STORE IS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MANSION OFFMAN BROTHERS'. OTEL, S. JAFO.RTH. NEW HE DYE STUFFS SOLD AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE Cassimere Mantles ARE GUARANTEE Of the First Quality and as Low in Price as at' any othe JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE QUANTITY -AT place in Town. PU`'E PARIS GREEN AFORTH. am.cdote, and the it began to r>In-jagain, and the never ending manuscript slipped steadily from beneath the pen; asst a end- less band of the t legraph operato • slips from- under the points of his i stru- meat . " e ROBERTS' _DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, S AT V . HOFFMAN BROTHERS%. { New Lace Capes AT Use - of Spectacles. When you find that you are beginning instinctively to got to the window r the open door wren you take up a papier or book to read, it is time for you to pur- chase a pair of spectacles ; then get¢those or i 1 get . If, t.of the lowest magnifying power, f they magnify too uch the eyes w H • prematurely old will fail rapidly - 5.rne when reading, yo find an inolinat.on to ston and wink .-t a eyes, as if to� clear them, you need sp ctacles, or if yo have them already you equire older one . A O good -way to rest he eyes from r ding or tine sewing is either to close them for a few minutes, or long distance off ; Do not.purchas or at cheap plac danger that the L have not exactly the same focus, made of soft glass, which is scratched, and then older ones are required. The vlue of Brazilian. bles, which is a natural glass, is greater hardness ;! hence, not easi Jared, last a' great. while and the eyi old very slowly. But if the glass€ soft or mismatedl having unequal points, the eyes ale strained and g in a short time, es ecially if both fo not in the centre o the glass. In s ing glasses choose those which enable you to see well without a strain, for] straining of the eye ages it rapidly ;; at the same time, avoid getting these of a stronger power than is needed. Glasses should be well washed , with . cold or warm Water at least every morn- ing, and should be wiped several times during the day with fine buckskin and nothing else ; paper scratches them and so does flannel, . and a handkerchief is seldom clean enough for the purpose. As the eye is the Most delicate organ of the body,! it should be treated with great care, and economy in spectacles is a great, a life-long misfortune: The 0 look at something a ,his gives great r lief. . glasses on the s reet, s, for there is great lasses are not a ikr ea—re their a.5 focal t old. i are lect- t O 320 T rrl OD —I 330 1,1 CD CD co FOR FINE FLAVORED TEA AND COFFEE HOFFNIAN BROTHERS'. LAIDLAV'S IS TIT PLACE. ;NEW- LACE MANTLES AT WE GIVE THE BES' THAT MO EY CAN PROCURE, HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. Just Received, a Ch1oic Lot of Sugar Cured Hams. 1873•-, CHEESE STI SUGAR—TWELV L ON H ND—TRY IT. NEW LACE SCARFS E POUNDS FOR $1. HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. rn called, also very large jet or coin neck..7, laces, row below row, as on the shah's neck. With the " scabbard " dress will appear a long vanished fashion ; those _ worn. abroad display the mode I allude to—embroidery above the hem. In some of these -dresses the ernbroid.ery, reap- pearing in a narrow design around the neck en collier, reaches as to the skirt up to the knees, and is of great richness and beauty, and of slightly contrasting shades.—Jennie June. The Dog that Changed his Church. -Dr. S. S. Marcy, of Cape May City, writes to me of one known to the sarinner visitors there as the Presby- terian dog." " was raised," says the doctor, " and owned by one of my neigh- bors. living nearly oppOsite the Method- ist Church, the Presbyterian being about _four blocks distant. On the ringing of the second, bell on Sabbath morning he would quietly and orderly walk to the church, and, after the congregation had asserabled and service commenced he would walk into the middle aisle and_ lie down. When the coingregation arose for meters, he wculcl devoutly rise to his feet and remain until the dose, then recline ;to his bumble Positions At the close of the services he would waIle out of the church a,nd G0LDWIN SMITH'S VAG ARIES.—It and-. ly becomes anybody to be surprisekl, at any performance in! Prof Godwin Sith. He may avow at any moment purses and principles so readful as to ake the programme with which Hamlet " stumped "'Laert s at Ophelia's grave ;seem very tame in eed. Mr. Smith lives on the borders of land whose inhabi- tants " hate the 1ritish, and he iaiakes occasional raids int that savage coiintry to collect his salar After such liarcli- hood, he dares the orld. He has lately carried consternation to the hearts of the British free-traders and balm to Pitts - 'burg, by admitting that for Canada and the United States protection, after all, may be the best thing. And he is out in the last :MacMillan with an article of- solemn recantation for ever having signed! Mr. Mill's petition for -Woman suffrage. ;-.Like most recanters, Mr: Smith recants i cor- rigibly, and it wouldbe difficult , find any writer in opo sition to this re grin who discusses the s abject with so uch zeal and so littlej�ustice. He lay. his conversion to Mr $. Woodhull; to the story of a woman ilii America who ` em- ployed her husband as a hired labo er," and to other equally pertinent data A stupid Englishman, under new �c ncli- ' ' ome fight o be oust c.— tions, is usually quietly return to his kennel. On a fun- - one landed in a new COU,11 i•y nee s eral occasion, near the close, he has been debarred of pen an platform or he e °tent° follow the co egationuptothe expect to be talc n for a lima offin, stanel upon his ind feet elevate Springfield RepuNiTan. hi e igh. enough to vievv the corpse for a moment, and then quietly retire. esceremonies he performed for sever - Thee al years, as I have often been an eye. witness. On one Sa.bbath, the sexton, writes the fear of the dog before his Yeyes, ejected the quiet inoffensive animal ,froin the church. With severed kicks. The og so resented the ungentlemanly eatment, that be abandoned the church . direly, and attended the Methodist :church opposite his horneduring the re- bainder ef his life. He was beloved_ and caressed by all the villagers, And would. interfere to prevent 1any quarrelings among the other dogs.1 T will mention one instance of his good nature and sag- a6tY (among hundreds). An elderly gentleman, in a severe snow -storm, 0116 evening, returning hoMe at a late hour, and Passing by the house the dog came olit to him. The gentleman said to him, 'Come, go home with me.' The dog jai- Inediatery placed himself in front of the 14,1118,nd walked home with. hira, near .72 0 73 co 0 0 ja nipaWfolVirmar • • THE BEE 141 HAS J Another Lot NEW LACE SHAWLS AT E, EAFORTH, ST RECEIVE HOFFOIAN BROTHERS . NEW LACE POINTS tai 0 0 02 Ca 54 Consisting of Teas, from 40o to $1 per pound a Sugars, all grad s—try them ; Tobaccos, the best in the market ; Currants, No. 1; 11 'sins, cheap and ood ; Rice, Pot Barley, Sze. CANNED GOODS N END ESS VARIETY AIN SMOKE SHOULDERS and DRIED 13ACON. From the bedt Americo.n Pao A lot of Westphalia HAMS for sale cheap. FLOUR Always on hand, from the well -know Mill o getting Flour as represented, as We keep no ot Parties wishing to sow BUCKWHEAT can Also a few pounds of Turnip Seed in Swede, °- Also Sowing Rape, good for Sheep and Cattle. AND F er brand—the A Goods, as usual ED ALL & Co. Customers can rely on s, as we have a large stock on hand. AbErdeen, Red Top, Sharp's Leaf, ficc. delivered free of charge and promptly. N. B.—Those parties in arrears will do well themselves trouble- We mean it. STRO o call and settle G & FAIRLEY. heir accounts, and oblige us and save HOFFMAN BRO'THERS'. NEW SUN IlATS AT A NEW AND STOCK OF YOST WELL SELECTED FURNITURE ECEIVED AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. NEW PARASOLS CLINTON HURON STREET, ext door west of the Commercial Hotel. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at most reasonable prices. Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied:on Short Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. t 277 cZPECIAL INDUCEVRNTS given to those about to start h L" -different kinds of CANE SEAT CHAIRS ept in stock, So variety. We are determined not to be unders d, and will sell determined to establish a business in Seaforth. The public m expense or trouble in trying to give satisfaction. We have alre uaekeeping. A selection of over 20 8, Lounges and Bedsteads in endless caper than the cheapest, as we are y rest assured that we shall save no ay done double the amount of busi- ness we expected to have done at starting. a s o o Patronize us, hoping that those who have not yet purchased will call and examine before purchasing elaewhere. A.merican Coffins always kept on hand and Coffins ade to order. A Hearse to Hire. Three Journeymen Cabinet Makers wanted, none but first-cla workmen need apply, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERW. Aft New Silk -Umbrellas T. CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. A GRIEVOUS FA,A NE afflicts Jerusalem, and a measuie of c rn, which at 201 pia - have been considered Ares would. usua 1 beyond the reach of all but the .ricb, is , now sold for 42 piastres. Jerusale de- pends , for its supply of bread upo the crops raised on the plains of Sharo and in the valley of Jordan. But. this year, the Jordan over -flowed, and all the. lains on the western side were converte -into swgmpe. The lea ing Jews of the holy city have sent to heir coreligioni4, the venerable Sir Moses Montefiore, in Loncl- on, an appeal which reads li e leaf from the HebreW Scriptures, a new ".29th Nisan, 563 , they say a they grieve to sa.d.den Iiis old age with: their woes, bat, they add, "the fearful neces- sities of the daughiers of Jerusalem and the cries for bread.lof thousands of souls who have Dever before suffered fro such 4sore need, urge us 1,to cry aloud. and spare not, 8th. MESSETT LC; BROTHER, (Late of Hamiltond HAS JUST RECEI D Montreal Cut Naiirs BLUND Best Raw and Boiled Li KlbD LARGE STOCK Glass, 113 seed Oils, 3 AT F TRE BEST 140;IFIVIAN BROTHERS'. and Shovels, All of which will be sold cheap. Having parch in the trade. Remember the place, one door s sed MY Stuck fc)r ash, I will not be undersold by ny uth of Allen's Grocery, Main Street, Seaforth. FRESH ARRIVALS OF Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, 86c, Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art; and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A. call re spectf ally solicited. Calder's old Stand, opposite McCallum's Hotel, E. INIESSETT. H. MESSEOar. FRES ALS. BACON AND HAMS FOR SALE. TR -F. undersigned have on hand at KIPPEN about 25 tons of Superior Smoked Hams and Side Meat, Which they will sell by the ton or in smaller quantities on reasonable terms. JAMES & G-EORGE PETTY, WISHES to announce that he has n w on nd the largest St ck of Hair Orna.ments of every T description ever brought to the own of Seeforth, (we s y TowN now). Also, for the coining Hot Weather (may it come quickly) an xtens ve and varied Stec of Fancy Fans. He has also on hand a number of the Scented Nnc lace —This is someth g new; the Necklace is scented en- tirely through its composition, and will rete: its perfume for 'years. Another case of those Celebrated Longine Watches received the ot er . Tho fact of the iname of THOMAS RUSSELL & s SON being on these Watches is a sufficient ruarantee of their reliafbility as Timepieces. .REPAI_RING PROMP LY ATTENDED TO AS USUA4. WANTED -500 OlITNCES OF OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Spectiteles.—I have received. instill:let-ions from Lazarus, orris & Co. to sell their Spectiacies itereafter at $2 per pair, case 25c extra, nistee,e of at $2 50 asgo erly. 4 R, COUNTER EVERY WEEK AT CHPAP CASE /STORE,