HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-26, Page 5r TNE 2, 1874 ;.alco4, thestoof te : ------ hicli ;young reee best make eeleeti tmoaphere in th k s obe.cured by sin_ ouly on the ho•uses le . shut to prevent ;- hat a comet cau ee eur. Still, the• tad e tspot for cometaret very excellent itigatioes have been made - see and oii. am -beeches. will therea a, .-vray for -oul man to give the , , . , , and interrupted Let.— phie.. --.0.4.4+------- atioal. Problerist. e.,—The Merchants Co. shipped. to an ageat in eterele Of salt, to be sad of 4 per cent. He eette, in -coal, first dcductjn 1of 5 : per cent. To .coived, $300. If price per barrel, after a ,per cent. for freight, eee,t rtpalay 4 profit of 25 per :of manufacture? te ts is the solution of the 1-1ssien on salt, 1-25 of ornmisaiork oa coal; 1-.21. te of price of salt. Then. ;35 ofeelling price. whole Eon. ! Hence 35-3x saw. !$I 25 per barrel. A det [er cent. leaves. $.1 x is 54 cost. Hence cost 'reel. !' lein we have received 30 ' whieh are correct. The .., naines of those who utions : A. A. Rib - ,Baird, Sr., Bruce - lamer. 8 - 1, 013 'Tdekerataith. ; 441,11, '`orilyee ; Archibald : . J. ttodfrey, Eg- Ma.iaffv, Hilebert ; .11. a iel :Win. KIliott, Mct er eon, Grey - John tenet) ; Robt. Mcangli- - Ie. Stoddart, Egmont/- 4h, A\ alton . ;Alex. t., . ..... nth rop s Mercy Steverte, erguson, McKillop - T. Wroxeeer ; Hugh, kae, % J. Phoenix, Turnberry ; elmore. NY 1'1O1US:31s. k give two problems,. and LI to receive solutions for l. \\e! will publish the who correctly solve each .ately. 7.—The Huron and Que- ;quires from the County of of $400,000. At 6per cent. el 2.1e per cent., for sinking Mount i woad regeire -se ugly to liquidate the en- 0leqeal1aanual payments, 1cent. interest on the sink.- : imuletiene ?--.Tohn Morris. -,..1 s. ---A_ Muller has a tri - eV, whose sides are to each umbers 5, 12 and I3. 1 -le reds wide all lound it, and iejest half the field. Find i,.!Itairti, Si%, Briceefield. :5--ructF. (JHERRIMAN'S •3›.‘p. CISION. r:NIVE-RSITY COLLEOE,)- TQROltire, eau° ne. isee. S ewer- to your question, I -.t when you have an aqua- e Cub, -1' 2e sq. - log-- 1,9)...- g coarse, that 2 is one of 1.4 that satisfy it, aud that e valuee are involved in the ;tor equated to 0; Look- )blem on the slip you M- atson's objediou as there iense ; he apparently does id the diethiction between '!' and an, " equation." If at the ;solutions were "k- at. not Showing thatthe so - was: the only one possible, * beeu excused, though a residual cubic shows there er solution. His own sok- • alied, is an minecessakilY eat-, of getting at a result ,. at once obtained by the ls of selvm` eta the equations. • Late-, J. ilk CHERRIMAN. [6,1‹.--Rev.'J. C.4... Bull, for- rth, bat now of MitchelI,,,, , recipient, a few evening‘ -e containing $50, accora- r'rolIotting address. The aa made on behalf of the frielade of the -Wesleyan -reit irt, -stlitehelL The fol - (1(11055: To Dr. Ben— i,- Sir : We, the members the 'Wesleyan Church in rO to express 'to you our -of your faithful, zealous ed labors among us dur- revivel of religion, which el of the Church, has been eirsafe during the past Mina „ We have admired your n1 forcliblts exhertations in vices. We firmly believe acknowledge that the re- commenced by our pastor, ad ininterest aud efficiency _ 'once and efrective tabors, tank yeti far so cheerfully ! our pa.stor's nivitatien, you heti found. a faislaful, :efficient; cotaborer. We ar matly Godly counsels Sly engtavect on our hearts, emanently mfiuence our It you may yet be spared :- esefulness in the Church -5e accept of this purse as a (nu- ireatitude, which in - presses our appreciation, of !ed- ChriEtiail and- ft faith- . the ;Sete Testament. .. BlItrysIS. ott June 15, the 'wife ge aleNey„ of a son. aforthe on Jane 22, the ThertutS' Bell, a 4 son, 6eafotth, on Wednesda.y, wife of Mr. Wm. Itoiland, i Tuelt ranith, on Tues - 3, the -ife of Mr. Joseph t.. ,- e sere 4tt 1.40 an, on Monday, the -wit of Mr. Richard a` a son. -... 6.13,1t1, GES. June 23, at the I. the ride's -father, Mr. y, to 1 isa Jane Marietta, , tsinith. D1RAT HS. • Brussels, on Weduesday, telindat,idaughter of Mr. l t, bate er, aged 6 years es. •Za•••••••• 2 1874, L II MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jane 25, 1874. Business 4i11 continues good on ' the Seaforth mar' et, and a large amount of grain is yet ciaily brought forward. For wheat we qtote a slight advance this week with. a good. demand. Coarse grains rernailit firm at old prices. Higher than on quoted prices has been paid for during the pest -week, but such prices are inctuating a.nd net to be yepended On. We quote : Fal1Wheat, per bushel...........$1 25 to 1 28 Spring Wheat, per bushel..." ., - 1 18 to 1 21 Oats, perbushel...... 45 to 0 46 Peas, per bushel. . .. . ............. 0 60 to �5 Butter,No. 1, Leose;., -........ - 15 to 0 16 F.iggS..... • - - - .. - - - - - . - • • ...... - 010 Flour ......... . . ............... 0 00 to 6 00 ..............16 00 to 18 00 Hides.. ! • ......... ... .... ...... 5 00 to 6 50 Veal calf, per ralmmd., . 0 08 to 0110 Iamb Skins....a................... 0 15 to 020 Sheep pelts... ................... 0 12i to 015 1 Murrainitides. ................. 0 04 to . 05 Salt (retail) pe -barml........... i 25 Salt (wholesale per barrel. ,...... I. 05 Potatoetaper bu hel...... -...... 0 85 to 0 40 oatmeal •ti* brl . ...... .. . . . . . .. .. 0 4;i00 Wood......... ...... - .......... 2 50 to 275 Bed_ ........... ........ .. ...... 8 00 te el 50 Word- ....... .... , ......:...... 0 37 to 088 Tan bail. ... - . • ......... ... ' ... . 400 Crassroat, Srme 25, 184. j —__.... Fall Wheat, pea bushel............ 1 26 6 1, 28 Spring Wheat, per bushel......... 1 20 6 1 21 Oats, per bushel....,.. .......... 0 46 0 0 50 Barley, per bushd......,.......... 105 Peas, per bushel. ............ 0 60 g e 62 Butter............................. 015 0 0 16 Potatoes . - ....,,.. ... . . . . . „ - . . . . . . 0 80 a 0 40 Eggs. - ..... ... . ...... .......... 000 0 010 Hay, per ton, .... ..... . ... ......16 00 es, le 00 Woos ... ......... ..... 0 86 tell 0 40 INGERS LL CHEESE, MARKE At the I ersoll Cheese Market, on Wednesday ad, 12,000 boxes June make offered, a,nd 11 964 were sold-, 726 boxes sold at 111- ; -200 at 1 1c, 2,040 at I1e, 3,468 at 11e, 2,815 at 1 c, 380 at 11c to 11 1-16c ; 1,325 giltedge on private tales. TORONTO, June 25, 1874. There were in to -day about 400 bush- els of wheat at $1 32 tea to $1 34 for - white, $1 32 for Treadwell, and $1 23 to $1 24 for spring, a load of peas, at 73e, and. a load oats at -53c. Hay wae in light demanl and a slow sale at $20 to $24„ 'Ma was taken at 38c to 40c. Batter was -ether firmer with 19c paid for pound r Hs in basket lots, and 20c to 21c in a retail way. Eggs brought .21,-c to 14c according to quantity. • tate • ,ertoN EXPOSITOR slightly in was Ther class f carr prices. At demand for with no qu asking rates It has beelli quite a noticeable fact this season that the inquiry for 'fast horses has materially decreased, while there ha sprung up,i stead an active emand fo meditim. az d, chunky built horses o average fair speed, as may be daily see in Central Park before "T. ' dog -cart or Vi torias.1 Horses of this kind com inand. ready' sales at excellent figures the supply b ing so limited a to embar ram the rnost experienced horse dealers This change in the taste of he drivin pablic is partially owing to he growtl - I in favor of the modern Euroe an vehicle above menti,1ned, but probeb y more s to the macadamizecl boulev ids and th obstruction offered by the tension of the Eighth Avenue Railro: . over old Harlem Lane to Macomb Dam, by which free xercise of speed in the im- mediate en rons of the cit has been prac ically el eeked.- tease of last week. Theta good demand fOr the best age horses with Sales at firm the Bull's Head :market: .the ork horses weer only fair, table alteration! in =trent ' A. By -Law fio raise by way if Loan the sun of $15,500 for the pur .ose therein 4ention&l. ,ELEREAS, the 1V.Innicipti1 Cou lege of Seaforth have resolved of loan the stur of $5,500 for the St am Fire 1 e, and to carry i sa diecited ob eet it will be metals M nicipat Con eil to raise the en th manner h eivafter mentioned. oil of the Vi o raise y way arches of a to eff et the yfor the said of $5 500 in ild WKS AS, it will requixe the nm of $ 51661 to be raised annually for 1 0 payxlient of tbe s id loan, a also hereinafter in ntionec A4 WHEREAS, the amount of he who e rate - aide propeity 61 the said Municipal ty irres ective of shy future iluerease of the same and al o irre- spective of an income to be der ved fr m the j hi temporary inv ,stment of the sll g hind erein- afterlmention d, or any portion thereof ac ording to the last revised and equalized Assessme t Rs 1 for tile said MUnicipality, being for the year 1874,. was $225,000. And W.11,BREAS, thq amount of the existh debt of the Said 'Munieipality is as follows: Pri - eii3a4 0,000 ; 'bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent., and payable in ten years from the lst of eepteraber,1870. Towards the paynient of which loan of $8,000 the sum of $200 hai been annuaLy depo ited by the Municipality as sinking fur d from the above mentioned date, aiiL the interelit on the said loan has been paid semi-annually cal . the list days of March and Septemb r in each year. lAnd . WHEREAS, for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fmud for paying the Said sum of $5,500 it will reqnire a special rate of 8 280-675 nulls on the dollar in iddition to all ratee to be levied in each year. TORONTO LIVE STOCK -MAR 1i_ ET. Beeves.—There has been a fair. sup- ply of stal -fed cattle at this market during the ast week, and a few grass-fed haee also ceme in, the total number' of - about 300. The demancl was e and everything was sold, ed being about the same • as We quote- first-class, o o • fered being fairly acti prices rear t.ut week. $5 25, sec class $3 50 SHEEP.-- during the coming more abundant. Prices are -without (diange, however, fireelelass bringing $6, second-class $5, and. third.- class $3 to $4. Leefes.—Have been in steady demand with an iraprOving supply, prices ranging from $2 to $4. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Connell of the Village of Seaforth : That it shall be laWful for the IL -eve of the Vil- lageof Seaforth to raise by way cl loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willingto advance the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter ruendened a suns of money not acceding in the whole the sum of $5„ and to cause the sa.me to b paid into the t han of the Treasurer for the p se and with nci-class, $1, 50, and thir - T at it shall be lawful for the said Reeve to *the ebject aboVe recited. d. to $4. eau anynumber of debentares tb be made for e. ' several droves m sue trims of money as may bo reqaired, not less eek and the supply is be- tea 000 mill, (and not in tilt aggregete to ex- eee the Burn 'of $5,500), and that the said deben- tures shall be1 sealed with the seal of the Municipal Council, and be signed by the eaid Reeve and conixtersigue by the _Treasurer. of the said id debentures shall be made payable :s from the day hereinafter mention - By-law to take effe t at office of the h d shall have trt- ayment ofe eve and Trees - That the s in fifteen ye ed for the sai Treasurer of this Municipality, a taelied to the coupons for the terest thereon,signed b th R LITTLE FALLS DALRY MARKET. inY . - 1urea-. Lima FALLS, N. Y., June0. The market, is a little weaker this week for factories, but farm dairies are about the same. The delivery of the latter -was in the neighborhood of e00 fo bxs., and sales were made at from 14c. r the payment of the said debe eestualt sthe talie aforesaid to becom to 14tc, the last figure only for extra. q troatetof 8 230-675 m' The offerings from factories aggregated. shell braedidia an& eollecte inneLhallye°atril"e- otherrate 6,000 less., about 5,000 of which ob property t hands. The top •price was 141.0. for one tintlanceof t That the slid debentuxell shall ear interest at and after the rate of Sefeas per c ut. per anuum iron]. the dat thereof, , whieh Intel st shall be pay- able on the rst day of August in each year at .he office of the Treasurer aforesaid. . That for the purpose of formin a sinking hind tares and in o due there° an Is in the' dollar be raised ,levied all the rate ble e said Municipality,during the on- e said debentures or any of themi lot, 14tc:, being considered above the usual raarket rates. - We give the lead- ing transactions as follows : Argusville, 49 bxs. at 141c. ; Black Creek, 45 bxs. on commis ion-; Bates, 78 bxs. at 14e. ; Bark; Hill 49 bxs. at lilac. ; Brochett's Blidge, 90 bxs. at 141c.; Central Valley, , 63 bxs at 141c. •Chiistmen, 50 laxs. at 144c.; Cold ei0 reek, 6bxs. at 11•W.; and W. Mott act 4E; returam s r Dairy Hill, 40 bxs. at 14-1e.; Fairview, Routh division. 69 bxs. at 14;tc.; Empire Cheddar, 41 1 bxs. at 14tc.; Ohl Fairfield, 90 bxs. at : TAKE NOTI 141te.; Hassenclover, 34 bx-s. at 14ie. , The above is a true copy . of a The delivery of butter to-daY has been ! ereice tele be taken into con very light, but sales have been made at Conneil of this Munieipality aft 280. to 30c., according to quality, for , the first publication in titeHun in ; date of which first publication w horae consemption. The -weather . 1874, and that the vote of the el J SOME HINC OF IMPORTANCE THAT EV HN LS THE DYE ere wer r- That this y -law Audi take effdet and come mto operation npqn the istday of August, 1874. That a vote of the ratepayers og the said Village of Seaforth dhall be taken upon this By-law at the Town Hall and at Lumsden's St re, in thelTillage of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, the 25th day of July, 1874, at the hour of 9 o'clock in t e forenoon and that the poll shall remain open til 5 o'clock in the afternodni of the same day, a d that R. Lams - den act as Returning Officer in t e north division 01ficer for the • SI THAT 5 ERYBOD 140BERTS' DTI DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOTEL, STLJFES SOLD AT ROBERT ARE GUA.RANTEED Of the First Qt,iality and as Low in Price as at any o JUSi- RECE Herkimer is warm, and grass is in vigor- ous growth. Letters from England for the first week in June say all the extra. fine Am- erican cheese is sold and. none in the matket. The next quality brings 76s. to 78s.; seconds, 66s. to 74s. Teel other descriptions of cheese sell as follows': 76s. to Os. per cwt. EXCITSION TO English Cheddar,"78s. to 92s. per cwt. ; . Cheshire Fine, 82s. to 86s., and Scotch, In butter the market is firmer, and SHOULD KNOW! G STORE SEAFORTH. S' DRUG STORE VED A LARGE QUANTITY OF P AT ROBERT DRUGSTORE, MAIN STRWfl, er place in Town. RE PARIS GREEN SEAFORTH. 'E,. proposed By-law idea:I/lion by the r and month &can ExeosITon, the s Friday, June 26, ctors of the said. Municipality will be taken ther 'on' at the Town_ Hall and at Lunisden's Store, 'n the 'Village of Seaforth, on SATURDAY, the day of July, 1874, from 6 o'clock in the forenoon until 5 o'elock in the aftelnoon. . 342-4 • WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Clerk. DOMINION DAY. GoDERIcii, • C. PI Sunday is in, favoof r higher rates; Undea: the auspices of the W the feelina. Corks, 124s.. per cwt.; Dorsets,! 124s.; and Kiel, 124. per Cwt., and no Cana -1 WEDNESDAY, Jersey, 96s. • Normandy, 144s.; Danish1 • Schools. diet) in the market. I A SPECI TRAIN will lea A.M., and returning leave GOI BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MAAKET.1 There sv 11 be a REGATTA " during NV 'eh time the Stete BUFFALO, June 25, 1874. Make exenrsions on the Lake. ' TICKETS for Goderieh and be had tit the ' Stores of Me Lineation Rogers, Beatty and N. B. -The Committee requ sionists o procure their tit morning of the excursion, iu o fusion at the starting of the t CA'ITLF--Receipts to -day 74 head, makingthe total supply forL the week, thus far, 8,483 head, or 499 cars, against 484 cars for the same time last week. The market continues lively to -day at yesterday's prices for good fat cattle, -with medenn a shade weaker, aad_ thin common stook a strong 1c off from last week's rates. About 2,200 bead dis- posed of. Prices ranged from ;14 25 te t38 75. SHBEP AND Lemes.—Receipts to -day • t2,000 head, making the -total supply fol the week, thusfar, 13,800 head, agents 7,600 head for the same time last week. The market Was more lively to -day at $4 50 to $5 for Canada sheep, $7 to $7 50 for Canada lambs Western sheep, 44 50 to $5. Yards full of stock. :Trans- actions were as follows: One hundred, and five Canada lambs, average -weight 56 lbs, at $7 50; 117 Canada, lambs .average weight, •57 lbs., at $7 50, or Canada Iambs, aVerage weight, 59 lbs. ,st$17 50; 27 Canada ,sheep, averagt. weight; 110 lbs., at $5 25. HOGS.--Receitxts to -day 2,600 head, making the total supply for the week thus far, 12,000 head, against 8,00 heat for the same time last week: Market' firm at $5 75 to $5 90 for Yorkers; and $6 to $6 20 for heavy hogs. . NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, June 26, 1874. With few and generally unimportant changes the horse market for all descrip- tions has been fairly aetive during the week under review. - Arrivals have been •JULY I, e SEAPORTS at 8 ERIC. ot 6 P. M. iu the afternoon, er BENTON will eturn 70e each, to rs. Hill, Lai:diem, unctin & Duncan. st intending excur- -ets BEFORE the :der to prevent con- ain. 842-1 POCKET BOO LOST, on 'WEDNESDAY, J Hibbert, a plain buckskin anus of mouey. The .finder warded upon leaving the sam undersigned, Latta's-Corners, Office, Seaforth: 842-4 LOST. ne 17, on Coe. 10, URSE, containing ill be suitably re - at the .Store of the rat the Exeosrron LLIAM MOORE. Lee 1— OMNI !HOUSE TO To RENT, a tommotliou Briek House on Goderich situated to the business part House contains 8 rooms, be good cellar. There is also a s cistern. Apply to 42 RENT. and comfortable tree t, conveniently the village. The idea it kitchen and oodshouse, well and RECEIVED, SOMAS ADAMS. IMPROVE YOU STOCK. FR. A. F. TYERMAN, t 6, Con. 6, Hallett, ILVL has la, thorenghbred AYR 'HIRE BULL which he will keep for the improve out of stook during the present season. „ 342-1 :NOTE -LO LOST, a note of hand dra the toivpship of McKill -der Robertaou, of the same of $70, and benailats-date Rho ary, 1874, and made payable The publio are hereby multi ing or negotiating the above been stopped. 841-4 ALEXAN PIPE- le LOST, between Exeter ant -2-1 don Road, a MEERSC -The finder will be snitubly r with Mr. MELLIS, Kippen by John Menarey, of , in favor of Alexan- ownship, for the sum t Wm 201.1* of Jana - one year after date. ned against purehas- vete, as payment has ER ROBERT SON.. Sirs Kippeu, on the Lou- AUM ruF„ genuine. warded on leaving it • o. 84044 re P4 0 c/3 TO THE PROPRIETORS OF P4- 0 1 CHEESE FACTORIES. WM. CHARLES ORTH .& CO. HULL, EN COMMISSION AGENT [ESTABLISHET BEG to offer their services as Commiasion Agents, a results to all who may favor theta with, conaig shipped th;ough to Hull, -via 'Glasgow. • Beference—AIESSRS. D. LYNN'S BR NEW STORE, 1.1SEL LAND, IN PROVISIONS, 140GAN & • will do their utnaost to insure satisfactory e ts of Cheese, putter, &c. Goods can be HICKSON SL' Co., Seaforth, Ont. ARGAI NS. .A.I\Timi\.&=\T SEi ci„E1A_Rii•Tc4- B1USSELS, lune 24, 1874. DEAR EX_POSITOR--- pLEASE inform your Many relicts that we are receiving this wee a large ddition to our stock of STAPLE AND F NCY DRY COODS, Which we aro dispos' At a Small 4clvance g of on Cost. We have Special L' es. in OF WHITE SHIRTS. A. G. McIOUGALL JAMIES ON. ON IND AFTER ;MONDAY, 29TH JUNE; We have. deterinined to hold v. Grand. Discount Sale, iWhen the Folk/sting Giods will be sold and the Discount Allowed : • On a..0 kinds. of FANCY DRESS GOODS 1 10 per cent. discount. On all kinds of PLAIN LUSTRES, Black and Colored, Black Silks, 5 per -.cent. discount. On all kinds of SUMMER TWEEDS, 10 , per cent. discount. On all kinds of SUiYIMER SHAWLS, 10 percent. discount. Has determined to offer his immense stock of WH4F SHIRTS itt greatly reduced prices. Shirts worth $2 50 for $2; Shirts worth $2 25 for $1 75; Siifts worth $2 for $1 50; Shirts worth $1 75 for $1 25; phirts worth $1 50 for $1. nRE Ss 0-003D S7 Whieh we offer at Great Bargains. We have also just opened up a large assortment of , BOOTS AND HOES ,THE BEE HIV Suitable for the 'season at vices which must , command attention.. The Goods offered are not old shelfiworn Stock but New and Fresh. EVERY SHIRT GUARANTE I7J, AND A PERFECT FIT. TERMS OF SALE ORICTLY CASH. : G. McDOUGALLY Clothier' and Gents' Outfitter FOR FINE FLAVORED --(EA AND COFFEE LAIDLAW S JS1fHE PLACE. WE GIVE THE BEST THAT!. MONEY CAN PROCURE. • Just Received, a Choice T1t of Sugar Cured Ham 1873 CHEESE STILL 4N HAND—TRY IT. SUGAR—TWELVE i"OUNDS FOR $1. J. C. LAIDLA On all kinds of MUSLIN'S, 10 per cent, discount. A • Aii..EXalnillatiOlt lof GOO( 8 an(6 Price.' Consisting of Teas, from 40e to $1 per pound; S the market; Currants, No. -1; Raisi The HIGHEST'MART( ET PRICE • 'laid for Butter "g$ 11114o1, L J. TUCK, Managtr. E, SEAFORT HAS JUS1 IIECEIVED • Another Lot of 342 1 NOTICE. , THEt party picking up the money letter off the Ride walk at Seaforth, on the llth of June last, addressed to Me -srs. DonaldsOn & Sinelaia, To- ronto, had better platte it in the Post Office to be ficut to it deliulttiOu or retn it to the subscri- la ber before it is o late to do so, as the person was seen picking ip the lette on that day. A few days will bel given for its return, or an imme- diate action will e taken. -- 841 L. R. CORBEY: 1- CANNED GOODS From the best resh Groceries igars, all grades -try thein; Tobaccos, the bes s, cheap and good; Rice, Pot Barley, &e. A lot of Westphalia SIMS for sale cheap. FLOUR Always on hand, from the well:know Mill of getting Flour as represented, as we keep no oth Parties wishing to sow BUCKWHEAT can b Also a few pounds of Turnip Seed in Swede, Gr Also SoWing Rape assod. for Sheep and Cattle. • .,.. N. B.—Those parties in arreara will do well tikeselves trouble. Ws mean it. ENDLESS VARIETY erican Packers. SMOKED SHOULDERS and DRIED BA ND FEED S. P. KENDALL & Co. Customer ean re y on rand -the A No. 1. pplied from us, as we have a large stock on lad. tone, 'Yellow Aberdeen, Red Top, Sharp's Le ,&c. ds, as usual, delivered free of charge and pro ptly. lot of Underskirts for half price. 111 THIS SALE IS NO HUMBUC. Call and be convinced for yourselves. No Trouble to Show Goode. LOGAN & IAMIESON, Manchester House, Seaforth. SEAFORTH CHEESE AND BUTTER MARKET. IN accordance with announcement Made at the last Stratford Cheeee Fair, a Cheese and But- ter Market will be held in the TOWN HALL SEAFORT11/ • On Friday, July 3,1874. The Hall will be open from 1 to 4O'c1ock P. M. This Market will be held on each alternate Thursday thereafter during the season, commenc- ing on . . : Thursday/ July 16, 1874. larties having CHEESE or BUTTER to dispose of 3vould do, well to attend, as arrangements have ben made to pecnre the attendance of a. large number of the best buyers in the countay. By order of the Council. 841 ' WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASS U R A NCE ASSOCIATION 01? CANADA. OHARLES MORROW,Esq., of Clinton, having, some time ago, resigned his agency for the above Company, he has now no authority to take applications or to collect money for the said Com- pany, or to do anything else implying agency. Mn. CHARLES' T. DOYLE Has been appointed in Mr. Morrow's plate. He, or an assistant duly authorized by him, will be happy to wait on any one deshing bisuranee. D. C. 'MACDONALD, Manager. London, Ont., June 11, 1874. 341-4 Insolvent Act of 1869. In the County Cowr-t of the Coivity 1124707L Ih the matter of j.A.MES LEONARD an • Insolvent. Cada, Province Of Ontario, Co. of Huron. 0 N WEDNESDAY, the 224 alvy of jnly next the undersigned 'will apply to the said Court for a discharge under this tet. - Dated at Woodstock, in the County 'of Oxford, this lith day pf June, A. D. 1874. JAMES LEONARD, by BALL & MATHESON, his attorneys ad Mem. 841A 1 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. % Partnership of lA.MES P. KENDALL & 4- Co., as Mill Owners and Produce Merchant' s Seaforth, is this day disaolved by mutual consent. i Parties indebtedto said firift will pay to order of ! lames Crombie, who will pay all liabilities. Seaforth, 8d June, 1874. MARTIN CRABLESWORTH. JAMES P. KENDALL, ' Witness -S. G. MeCAUGHEY. 339-4 GALT, :roue 3, 1874. Parties indebted to the late firm of JAS. P. NDALL & Co. will please pay Mr. JAMES P. in R''FINDALL, who :rill ligniiiate AU liabilities and •Carry on the business under the style of JAS. P. 8419NDALL & Co. JAS. CROMBIE. $200 REWAR D. rriTIR 3.1Unicipa1 Council of the Village of Seaforth will pay the above mentioned sum for -such in- formation as will lead to the apprehension and eon. - mar. vietion of the person or persons who set fire te the Pork Packing House of Thonatte Stephens, in ithe Village of Seaforth, on the morning of the 81EstydnorydoefrMaof tyueclasto.uutiti. 441a4 J'AMES H. BENSON, Reeve. TRONG FAIRL Y. allan.d settle their accounts, and oblige us an save • GAUT I 0 N. THIS is to caution any person from giving credit -2- or harboring my wife, JANE A. PALMER, as I will not be responsible for any debts so incurred after this date. WILLIAM G. PALMER. Wroxeter, May 80, 1874. 040.3