HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-26, Page 4. 11 L I . . I.- � � I . - I . , � � i - . i - � i� � . I i; % . V I- � . - --- . -- - - - . . � .. 1. I ... . � �­ - - , � , - . . . i � — --1 . -- 11 . .. I - - t i . -- - , I I .1 . I - ; -----�­ -—I , ­ - ­7�j 1, - � - - - . . . - - — - ----- � - I - I . , � -- I I ; . � � � I � , . ; I � � - I - � - - - - 71 ­*�� �, � "I IITLZ , , ­ ­ - I - � . � , it, I - � . ­­- - �- - , - .7- , ­ - - lv�-' ­ — — - .. . . . � I - I I � . - � I .1 � - I i . I . - I I----,------.-- ii 'I : , I 1 i I . ... ­— — 1 . I I -- I I �. I I �-� ` i I I I - I , , - OWN Ei WIN 0 , - - � . , . Il- , - - . . � - . - . 1-M Z . 'aww, I i , 11 , � Milikk i , M i 1 111 ! , I , I :1 ­—+— --1 �-- -­- ­­­ -1—� 7 - . � I W -90,0, -7 --,..ii I . 6 I I I . - 11 I A . �--, - �­-­- . ­­ � -1 ­­ % � - - � � � � I . . I I I I .­­­-.­---- -- i� ­ � ,_: ; ­­- I � I - � � . � I . r , . . . -1 I - � ­ . � - -­ ­,�­�-----[­­­r - . , -- I ­ -1 - I . -1 1— I . I � I I . I-- - . � - , � .. I � . , . I . - ­ ­ . I ... . I ; . � ­ 4 - - . i 11 . . . t f . - . . . ; I . - � � . . � 1. , i t i I I . �1 � . . I I - I � � - -� - . I - . . � � - . ! � - Z . . e I I J . : . . , J . - . I :t : . I - : . i A I I . I I 1 11 . . I i I - . ; I I - . I � I � � . 6) I I . � i : I I - i � i - . I , . I- - ­ � . I i 6 I . ,� . . � I i . I � � I .---- - ­ . . - . - . i HURON ' --- -------- �— &am==" " . I I -1 .1 JUNE 261 , , I . ­ �. i . . i I I . � - . . I i I . � TE . EXPOSITOR. . i, -1 - , 1874# 4 1 1 1, I � --- I L;;L 11 1. A - "I ... I'll, - . – -- - - --- I � . – ----Moo . 1. 11 � . = . . I . -­ I I . I I . - � � i ; '. --------ftft–.. - -.1 - I -- � . ­�-O-' -- . ­ . I i � ' I . 1.�, - . I I I � I van:tkge from a balcony, the roof i ,� � . � -. - ,�� � . . � DtR�oj,' look d up ats half-bree4 'and lother re- 1 . . ; I . IN7 I kiv ADVERTISE] &EXTS. � of the improbability of au -y Settlement of His troops are suf%64g, f rom dysentery, , Y IN GO' . . . e L I . a t4 I . . � 8 as this 601ing wears � true place from which youllg 1110t, � . - � � , � I a , attributed to the use �f raw onions. - . I � I serves ; but as - ooii - I - alia . . - - the difficulty betw:: en the farm laborer 1. . Whe Mank of Commerce Btal"gl;rIzed off they : ang women can best makeeele8tiall , � - - - - . , . . -T . . find the old saying, " there Ate, yol in Ob. . . White Shirts -A. Or. M cD, Dl*gall. I ' uNrr.,T.D TAITS. heAcconatunbGaggedasid Kitiad- - Theatmoophere . t6 - employe rs, has asked Joseph .-I as good fish in the sea, as have been 1 servations. . Fine -flavored Tea and Cogde-Laidlaw's. and their TiiF, � Cu p.RF,-,TG�11 BILL. -The President clialled. . . I � I". I . I I Arch to take a po rty of farm. hands to has given his aBseiit f I o the new I Our townspeople were rather st'artled . caught," applied to. the lands in Mani- ! er regions is always obscured by Sraok, , - - ' The Bee Hive -Strong & Eairles". � . � I Currency � I I toba, for as good lands are a ill to be , and thingd, and it is Only On the 'h,, I � . ; I ;o exist I - � I -Dune , . I revent ,. Bargains an & Duncan. Canada, and decid r,,d to, give a free pass- bill. - Diverse op"Ilio" appear I on Friday morniu at, to hear 4bat a uW , . , I . 9 I found in the Province as any �hat have' top-. with the Scuttle .shut to -p I I I . -tudeson. I . ed -out laborers. The among the financiers lof Wall street as to 'd I and "we i find the i the rise of smoke -that a cotnet � I 1. I ' Disco'Lint Sale -Logan & J q age out to all lo'cli . . . . daring ,robbery had been coinmi#e at been appropriated ; call be I Harvest Implements-Johlism' the effect of .the 011111 ency bill, +6ome an - I Bros. Sam. of , I i . - the Bank of Commei-ce during � the- pre- most of such people eutoring 0r home-, -seen in all its grandeur. Farm for 6ale-Robert G,oyenloi�l . - $25,000- his been voted by the ticipatillIg expansion, and others. contrac . Lis night, Last m4ntcr Mien. a "I 11alm . 8till the rM -� . fo � vio I steads immediatel All'sucknitist do[ is not the only eligible spot forleotnetary � Farm r &%Ie--Johu Jolu son., � Union to buy -1),usages for intending tion, as the result. Inflation gailled. the ose c iarac I . y- . i . I House to Rent -Thos. Ad tms . � emigrauts. This is, certainly, . a . very , um of int rpreters this week, ber of lo I I ars, thrown. o t of , well. But there is another c more -observations. 80111e very excellelit ,,, . . I . Itr employment on the other side of the . . -onomical investigations have � been . . I anY there was coillAequently a general I numerous than -this one, whom � ti InQe , I E xcursl6n to Goderich, Juy 1. - ' - Sensible -decipion. These laborers will lines by the financial crisis, visiteO this things do not look'so bright. ��aae,, speak in summer-liouses and On sea-beache8. - . ' - Pocket -book Lost-Wrol. Moore. - . . rush to purchase i stocks, accelerated by province and robber es were f reqO at in , I anics, Where there's a will there's a �vy for . ,�. . � � . . I i -find in this couijt,y abLindatice of re- age of the T towns, I of the working men, both inech. 4 1 I I Lynn's NeNi� Store, Bru Sao] a. . - - '. i , . � �. the pass -4riff billwithout the other Goderich escaped, b�t 4ftor 1 and laborers. There ario-hundreds of; any ent�rpr rig Y�oung mail to give the . . . . . I 1-gi arp ' � . ind -will have A much clause taxing sales. of stocks and gold. iuht lady of his . C enters Wanted-Jatne4AA,,%lsb. ' 1 munerative labor, J.- `Z all it appears that k ome of thes6 - choice a fine and inter f I - I pouring in, i- . ! i�l � Such * i * .most --,of w om. have - Card.-J�. G. 8cott, .M. D. . I . F�­kmen Accao) - .-Afearful catas- qn�,,ered gentlemen b ave made their 1 Way re,cko ruPted � : . , I I -:to geb work for -t -U'rapliiic. I I � i better opportuuit�i of -providing . Com- ned upon being able view of the Com, . � � - .1 . c, (I acuse, New hither, as the Bank A Commeree�k�o,, 'a time preparator - to g -iDg upon land, - —.- Boy Wa,,�Ited-lkeatty &'c:), I r I trophe is report at Syr. I --.Q" -bb- - I - - -, � � . -: I f i ortable homes foi themselves and their .York. A -strawberry festival was being I y (11 . , I By-law-'-Villm,c, of.'seaforth. : to its CoSt4 . � and a larae number of thpl-In allrd Unable to Mathemazical ProbleM I . � 11 I ::> I . i - 6n t;be� could ever expect to 'beld in the Cdatrat Baptist Church, . , familiep tbzo , ' ' M - . -- - ­ � -­V!`��� � - - - - . ­ - � -.. - - . � - � � I . In order to understaild the mo(bl.� Op- ize their expectatiofi&- Me hun- -oble Yo. 6. , erch , , � . real Pi ,m A -2fhe M -,411ts A30M. � . . , Ider existi�.g circumstances, in when the floor of the room in which the ,6 (1i -- -t do, ul . en n - of the thieves a word of e�v- p ana- I I , . . ,� I I I . . .. � . , Won I I ; for, E glan are able and willing people were assetubled gave way, preci- tion as to the situation of the baAh will I dred's a're now walking the strIets, many pany, Seafoi-tli, Shipped to an a;gellt it, . , - t"Al , - (f 41 �i n I d. if tbe� "- . C-011 . . 11 of them -Without a dollar to fielp them- t, to be ,aoia - . Al 00, � � pitating the n a browded . Toronto 2,800 barrels of sal b � I 1� , CO rse o notbeamiss. The bank proper o6cupies . ; � i I to work, there is plenty of room foi- selves."' n . I . � l -oom. below. Fourteen people we' . oil coinniission of 4 per cent. He reill. , re ! , - �— I I the 'round floor of Oe building Ill, m hich . I I ; rst (I .uc I I - - 6,18 It. theln in. -Caiiada, tui . d our farmers 'Will. killed outright And 200 ot�ers more or 9 - .0040- . ests pe. ting I 11 SEAFORTH, F RIDAY, JUNE 2 � . it issituated., and ini the rear t are are A RU . . bed .1 1 .71 NAWAY TRAIN AT GODERIC.H. .v . . . Tlie 1) ilding was a 'lc,%v I . : . .: his commission of 5 per ... , = . . 7 . . . --- ­ - -- ,, and -will less injured. u y - Cent, ToW . - I :��- hail their arrival with pleasure I two small rooms, on used as 'a, vate � I � . . . v r� i �Jl th � commission received '300 one, and is another warning to tbose I . " ,> - if the I - treat.' IlYe respect and oivilit 0 office by -the Manager, ,Ind tile; ther , Terrible Suliai#lt Up ox e "'r"t"ad f The �Reciprocity Treaty. I I them with . y I Who favor clieai) nd hastv co I . ­ I 11 . ­, - � i .ej, after , - i . I � lAracts.- . 4.11 . .4 —,. .,.­. �0 p -i agent's selling ri-ce per bar, i they desi,rve. . . convailling a s.0 rway ea( 1% 'Vo U, wrunim—nmren'll, ARCKWA 111P ---I � The tiations. for a reciprocity . -.11tPUBLICAN P1,AIFORAI.-The Illinois . - I I deduction -of 10 per cent. for freight &C . I - I ) . . L I �Iego J d = ­- I ... ­ ­ - - second ; from �the . I i : " � _ - I I i ; ate Convention met a few I I � . erty. � leaves the Company a profit of 25 per - . treatv b een Canadamid, the Unite I '. ­ _ Republican 8t. latter room on to 'a roadway botl,ween. On Friday morning 1-113t) I about 8� ,let N . 11 . es�e3 m Rail-We�y Man- days ago and adoipteda platform, -which I . I � . cent,, find cost of inanuf, . tire? I States b ave so far advanced'that Treat , . . I . the bank and Biaglam's rwqtaura,�Lit, the .� a draft 9 ' ' � I o'clock, a trainran away on 1he Grand . . declares afaills Ai6ii . . . The following is the solutio -ii of. the - of & treaty agreed UPOIL i agea,ment. I . t. I.U#Dediate contrae, door being 20 or 30 feet from tile ;;sti eet. I Trunk at Goderf6h, catis 1 terrible , . betw-een the i . � i - in favor of ; . . Alva . above: Commission on salt, 1.�25 of � � . .. . . of the I - I . tell( .r urrency, The second flat consists of a lar(fd room.' . - �� . . � A few inontlis ago a'Committee, ap- I , L11, t C-, I smash up and great destru , . . . negotiatmg parties has been submitted �� - f ree -banking vor of the , es ct'04' to P�OP � selling price ; comn-ussion. Oil coal 1-21 � . . - I . airway opens, =4 -a sit- erty. A -tr n n I of 24-25, or 8-175 of price of salt.' I . � I I . 4 - into which the at. . ai , co sisting of' 'an engine, itL, al)- pointed b the shareholders 'of the G'reat practicable' retall to Specie p � n. e Aeu, ' to tbe'United -States Senate for. ly I Theli I , . . . - I . ting -room and bed -room. occupiIled by vAn, arrived I - . . Western Bvailwiy, visited this country and the gradual� wthdrawal o reen- - ' ' nine box cars and a brake 2 1-25+8-1�5=3-315-of Selling price= whole proval. ! Should thi real y receive lie ) , the accountant, Mr. Robinsair � n enteringAlie yard, . ! 0- - : - � ' ,, who at that hour, and, o 1?� 15 . I . . , I . . -%rolitine of a iona conimissio � I backs as idle, the , n=830,0. Hence 35.3x IS . I approv al of thiq bo dT , ere are haii . . forthe purpose of enquiring into the coil- . i. . sleeps on the premises, The thieves haLl made What is called a " running shunt,." .300 Y'. as bh r -jitioll 7- - -eased rrel . . I i . I ' Bank curreticyisillici - evidently made themselves acqtaitited g:into the engine house- = $3,500, i, ,6., $1 25 per lya - A d& . , ( and, man ei-nent of the road. i Q. . the engine runnin ' pros -P6 , of its doing, an(. also the at)- . . Au,.,.1.N-.s,r,rnF, TRR),TY. -In the Senate, duction of 10 per cent. leaves. $1 1-iij - . I with the premises r. reviously by visitmig and leaving the cars th4 pass 10-10,19 the 1) J - .1 r'h% Mr. Chandler, of 'L%�ichigan, presented a . this by. problem is 5-4 cost, 11 If I at Committee has- returned home, v enoecost - � proval the Canadian aAiaaneilt,tl�e .. � . the bank on some pretended busi is !too much I . '. I I .; ind has reported." The report has just - memori�,I- of citize'As of that 8tate "less- line to the station. . It-ige-en 1 90 cel�v� per barrel. . .1 . . (�bili,sbn A the -f � . � speed had been given, an I cars, in � last barrier to - -itiltra-inelled ,trade ye,14- I On Thumday evening, -Mr. R ' I ; � , against any 11celp ocity Tre,tty with was at a. concert in the -ANIetho . . ­ To this. problem we have received ,�40 bee'n published. ; The, report, according . tions b' n the two countries ,",ill . . I . I stead of stopping at the' Station, rail on I 6tivee I I . 01,11ada. : . uhureb, of wbich the robbers; Were *the, solutions, 21 of wliich are correct. The � � a telegraphic statement.from the towards the steep grade leadiig to � have lieln reinoved. As to the - justice . . I Lon- . . . . GEINFRAL. probably aware. They entered the � following are the names of those who . � - , ii� � ('.oil correspondent of the Glob�e, condemns INTHR-21T.AMID-NAL Coy(.,,RE,,.,,s.-Tlie suc- i i hprbor. There was one."brabes-iii-ii On- have sent correct solutions - A. A� Rab. � �. , � I of the'proposed treaty so far as it building during hi� absence, ,obbad"1119 . board,. who did all lie could to top them, I . I 0 .� " . - I � I ies cone v I tied, vie thilly, . I cess of the C wigrass on. lilte'rilatiouil ingress, it gli t - - d th e. kirk, Crediton ;. ('eo. Baird, Mr., Bruce, . ' ' . eff�ets the --ountr A- tile ]Jresent manaLement. It� F enumerates ) . I . . . � is suppo ed. throu I- 8"le but some of the cars were new, an 'eo. nieson, Tucker . � � I . Law called to meet at Brussels, is very door, by Ineans -of i ske I. k'y, and brakes did not fit very � field; fx Jai smith - there e be no .objection. In * I cases of . careless Adininistrat1ion and lav- - . . I letol 01 :Well � divi(Wal. , I "land I- I I Ife ran G,eo. E. Wightman, Fordyce; Archibaii - , 411 I . d' 'btful. Eng ) France and Austria I a . I � ' lhh and reckless expendituile. It says, O"u . lockiug it again after they Nvere inside. ake van and applied the� interest' oil, both sides may .. prom pt op- * I . I - bject to the witzerland back to the br . . .$ 1 i I I se enie, mid 8 The lock oil this door is of a e, �,y or I Taylor, Brussels ; T. Jr. Godfrey, F,g- I , - pogitk)ni but, as a Whole, I It perns to tie � �. t past has been ohe of sp,ri6us error in. extends but feeble support. - diiiary kirld and colild be casily dvened. brakes to it so.quickly that t' e coup"D91 , mondville ; 0. .Mah-affy, Hib.bert; h. - . . - I 7 ­ , I.. I . m1controll, �.d expeudi I ture and ex-: � . I pin. broke.. and the iiine cars started down' I Cameron, Brucefield ; Win, Elliott, MO. . , fair ant, � equitable. . Avip1q, by 'it, the I I'Olicy, . TmiR113LE - .NLIARINR Dis.,,s,fhP.-The I NN'hen lklr. Robinscii returned t gaining velocity as they weiit.I Turldsh vessel Enam from Salonica, wits the grade.,.� - . ;I 3 r K21op ; John Fergis on, Grey ; Jahn t avagance, withoat check 4,limitation. bank about 10:30 o'clock, he examineof . Morrison, .McKillop ; Robt. MON'augh. � -Unifted. 7 Aeswill receiv great,benefit ; run into I Egyptian vessel The-brakesina4l. and anothe man' tried � i . - lately, by - the fastenings down stairs as Listi0l. and Y' -V " � I at kless to tbemi. thaii, to u , . flie road is. descri)ed as well-nigh finan- named Behea, in Sea of Marmora, to overtake them, but tile ere I ton, W.inthrop ; 3). Stoddart, Eginoid. - .- I S ; ' . found them all see ire, after wh.kh, he - 'Lin Of six I . i 46 . . I too fast. At the elevator: a ti, . I , cially ruinea an( .as a chao of depart-: and sunk. The Kars had 340 persons I � i Walton - Aiex.� -'- whi Ill acgrue to . . ville ; Gilbert Smitl � I . yet thel b,anefibs . ell V I I i I P proceeded up -stairs, but while lbalssing cars was bein- loa6d with wheat. - ArL Johnston .. +- ioll" .laxity land waste. oil board, includii ig passengers and crew, -ross the large room he was s Im I Wintbrop ;' '1AUrcy Steveiij� 4, ' loleliml colifus I I CIC I sticl(lenlY engilae was attached to it h the . Canada'f rom the arran,, I ell f 'Will do I �. . &lid of this numli 320 were, drowned. . ead in(f UP - I . . " Credition ; R. Ferguson, McKillo; T. � ` lic, report recoun,neAds the complete re- - seized by two men 'who eDierged from c' very ida�ch more than.- overbalauce the I . No Compim-ass. --At the reception of t5 grade. The engineer took in the sltua-, W, Gibson, NArroxeter.; Hugh Rae : � 11 i - I behind a Screen in lie corner, while a ' tion at a glance, and, pu4ing on . f I I . cost, I the I first C&IIR I anization of tile Board of Directors. : Cardinals -by thoi Pope, oil. Tuesday, his I ste'%uil Wroxeter W. J. Phoenix, TUI11b=y; I A place, da, must org � . y - . �; . I If this'. statement.be corre t as it ilo. Holiness mentioned that proposals had i third mail came out of his rooi ' a b.o,their to meet the runnin'9 cars, jumped froml r . IV . Murray, Belmore. � forego a' profitable claim for remuncra- as.i.stance. A qui was throwh: over %, .. � .: e may look for cry impor- : been received emanating frorn exalted I I I . the engine, which had only alvanced &�, . NEW 1>R10-BL'F,A11L - tionforher' fisheries, n an Im- doubt is, m, � I . - I his head and he wa3 laid on 04 floor, few yards when a terribleL collision tookl . . . . � . political personages, looking to a recon- , . - We this ,week.g.i-ve two problems, and I ' the improve- U,#t Changes iii G. -cat WestEirn manage- I handcuffs placed upon him, blindfolded, . place. The whole train at th a elevator mediate',and large outliy ia i le I I struction. between he Papacy and tL ,tn ; shall be pleased to receive Solutions fer.. .. I - d gagged So as to prevent his making was forced back some distance, the rear� ment of i her canals and wo ter b igh,ways, E141it, ere long. . � Italian Goverilmont. He declared, how- . ; I . � � � I either or lkboth. We. will publish the I .1 � . I . any outery. His lloots werere'i6ved, car, which contained 4bO bushels of! I , , ­ . ever, that he -would yield nothing, and his fe � , I names of those who correctly. solve each - while tlie United States are freed . from - ' . et tied aud h6 was carrie(t down �hc. nd of the: . . I - 11, OLLOWING is -a specimen of the ,that any concession o.n. his )art woulo. I $ . 4 er �he. - - . . 1 .fkm F . I be : I ve men. wheat, being forced over `n , - , problem, separately. I the fishE ry.-debt and the outlay they are I I . . � stairs on the back' of ODe of 1� I I ), I injurious to the Chv J to society. I ­ track where the cribs are;'bi,A Y sunk for on � Que . . ii Problem Xo. 7.-­Tbe Hlir ' and - ' . - S�L,-� som etinies ta Iked in E iiggland about ' � I . . I The bank vault is iclosed by two heavy . � required to mali-,6 in the unprovement of . ; — -- -.-.-- I iron doors, ty I the new docks, and'about'lialf of it Sub-' bee Railway requires from the County of � � - - farmers in : . le Outer one furnitliqd with , . . dituada' : " At a meeting Of' I � . merged in the water. Ae fi -st car of I canals i* co m. paratively t -i flingf. Aside, ''I I I I I Huron a bonne of $400, OK At 6 per tent. - � � -et, The Royal Canadian Bank. a combination lock Eor whichnm �s - th - front of . i � 11 ewrnark one cf *the speakers declar- I . � . : key is the runaway train? truck I for interest and 21; per cent. for zinl* ' . I - � ­ however, froin benefits to be derived by I . ! I required. The robbers beiDg, ulliable to ' ' I . - : -s . I . .� hewould'. undertalce to Unport f roin i The Monetary 'Tiiw, in refe'rring,to the engine. The truck rpmal ed oil the'i fund, what amount would require to - �. Canada -fro m the treaty, t1 ie aiiiioulit ex- ed I . I , . ' open 'it theinselves, RobinsOl was track, while the box: mount ed t e � Ine I . . � 1. 1 � Canada a- sufficient number of. unem- the proceedin-as at e I late meeting of brought to the door, the bandage ,emov- - . : I I be raised annually to hq�idate the tn. � . . I yl . I I crushing in the fire box, carry] tir . t . off the' pended in -the eiil4rgement of'the canals 1 Shareholders �he Royal Canadian Bank, ed, and one of the robbers holditi a Pie- ; , ployed laborers t6 I fill the places ,of the . � . smoke stack and all the upper works alloll . . Lit in his section of the i smashing the cabin. .SeArc6y a frag-, a . � in n . I ' tol to his head ,and another a kiiif to hi' will not be ,-in untremun -ative invest- I , -refers to' the psist history .and fature ,allowing 6 per cent. interest on the sink- � � , I e locked O � a, I 11 8 ment. The.irLereased vo.ume;­of busi- � I . I � . ts of the institution as foll breast,he was informed that bc had just i iDg. fund aCCIU,111111ation-9 ?-JOIIA, X027i. . . * 11I prospec . � ows:- . I I . . . , donutry. It wo'lld be interesting to- ' ment of this car larger tbala' a r. ian�s ha;nd' , I ness which the improvement will . draw . . "'rbemeetingiof heRoyal Canadian oi)e minute to ope' tile vaul-b. Seeing � , . son, Windirop. . - I - I know whether this. Speaker really belieAl- Bank was held Wide rmcs that that resistance was aseless . was 1"ftl a portion of th& debris being! - Problent 2N'o. S. -A farmer lias a tri- - and; knowing . � I ­ , . int -to tfieni will nearly if noti entirely, Com- � forced I tbj tender and on the car ' � ly 1. g, c - . angular meadow, whosesides are top-wh , I � � ,� ed what he was sAying or knew he was were any6ing bqt p.eaSant to.the dirce- that the -money waA in two iro I safes r I 0 .1 . rear. - e� truckii-of the. next -three cars inburred iii. -a . I I -s 5, 12 and 13. He , . 'i tors and stockhol. 66. This bank, after within the -vault, of which be, had not. were al pika u i the most. hetero- pensate for the 'expen-ditu, e � deliberat!ely lying to suit his purpose. . � . � t p in � other as the number . , cutis a strip 2, rods Wide .ill i ound it, =d ... - ' . their.iinprovement. So flat, in reality, � . - commencing oper�tio asunderthe manage- the keys, he. compied with th ir de- -1 ' - - the ni ' .- . I - � .. I . � . ment of an uiisti6cekaful scrvaiit of an- mand. lntlievatil;ix,asapacka,,,-e,con- geneous manner, while the - '"per por , fi a lie has cu�jiist half the fiel-iL ftd ain concession we, are called'upon ' ts area ?-Getr Baird 82%, Bruce ! � ; . A LA,RGELY .Vr�.,-­N-DF,D- public medting .other institution, hal a very chequered taining. $1,000, -�vl ich. had beel tions were badly brokew an4 tumbled'i - "' .fleld. ,* . I I . . . . i made I , 2 to. make to, gain reciprocity is the allo '. over at the side of the track. All the' . - . 11 W, - beld in Yale, Brit-. sh. Columbia, on Tues- existence for ahout three years, and fin- up to go to (Iiii to I by exp -injured and' 'U N 'C11F 'NIAN . I PROBLE, .10. 5-PP�OF. MR12 .'S 4 . . 3 - . otber cars were more or less . I . . ance due by the United 1. I )-tates: for the day. evening last, declared unaiRimously .,%Ily closed its doors in the heavy run mornin In the Excitement -Rdbi - . CIISTO-N. J . I - I I 111011 forced off the track.- The fr ut of the'! I urL ,- ' he 1.) blication:of ft his, and thE robbers finding -it .. I U.NivitasiTy COLLr-mis, I use of fishei ided for b th�t ensued on t a most jrgot . - * S, as prov , Y in favor of Mr. M ckenzie's Pacific Rail- - engine -was Smashed to paec , -some (,f.! - , I . - . . - � I I - . . � a� - took p( ToILOXTO, , 11110 18, M14. f I L . -of . L i qu rrelsome con *spoiidence between its , the W,Ihington Treaty. Ta - co"nsidei-4- ,m. L Issession. They then deni'lanhed a of the car that stru ck it pass- 1 , � I the timber i -Ila -tir question, I ' I ay policy. . Directors. An investigation being then ,the ke of the safes, but he ill �vvmed . 1. . Sin: In a , wer to yo tion, therefore, of the' vast -benefits V�e �- .. I - � y LW ing in at the front of the boilet and I . . I —"� made by an offica of the Bank of Mont- them t y ere not in. his po&,e P"s-1 wo uld say that when you have .in aquae- . ;. � . . ' i� i Oai011- ingotit,%,.here the smokestack haidb ..'' 2) (y cub. + 2y sq, - loy - 19) = - must derive from having f ree access 0 - CHITT-JUSTIOP, `OoD has arrived in real,*,% large amount of bad debts was re- His'pock-ets were se..rched ; a'Id With & I . 1. � . tion, (y - - I . I 1. . . . . . I Had it iidt been that -the enLgM S th -'--- I . ' �s �Nl' itoba, but iliA very feeble state of vealed, and a 1 � view of making hibi give them I e wa ere �, 0, it follows, of Course, that 2 is one of - I the Americ4rx mark-e-ts for our prodti.e. An - - redi,iction of capital seen to " C) 0 lip if to stand -the force of the shock) it is veryl � ' and manufa6tures, the -cos is not to lIe ll�altb.' Not haviLlcr - 1�e'absolutely necessary should. it be at. they were within reach, ODe of the men the values of 'y that satisfy it, and that . - . .- I . . n fter was apply % lighted c probable the elevator would - Iave been I . uvo -e( in � I _ill L tempped to resuscitai� the Bank. , A about to . Niudle to L .,! the other'three values are 1 h I ' the complained of. - If we obitain free trade � h oin his late se- re -raw ties , the long . demolished. It is fortunate tl,at the ae L. - to I WL Of life. I ining factor equated - 0. I,60k� ,i, great deal of Degotiation this was at last the sole� of his fee . Robinson agaill . 0 - ! i f 0 - � cident as unattended by l4s i lema - i . . . I Ing at the problem, oia, the slip you in- - with our neighbors upoli ;the proposed journey Was alnio�t'-tpo.much for him. effected. The capital was reduced to 80 andaggain assured hem that the keys A, number of men were engaged at the i ; L � - i L . . � L When he ari-ived �t Winnipeg he was so per cent. of its former amount. A new were in:the. possessi close, Mr. Watsoil's objection as,there I conditions, we may fairly �L feel that we, � 1. I . on of the mana-ver, time in loading the bars at th� elevator i' . I � . I L 1 stated is nonsense ; IIe apparently does - I I . . President wa8 elected, who, though a , and finally the burLIars took bic, W 'L but -some- parties seeing , t 1111derstand have made a very good balgaiii: t ill as to be unable-�o leave the boat -with- I I - " ord I I . 7 . . thel runaway , tllt� , Jistine ; . . I .1 . ory.. ide- commer 4 . r his train Coming, gm -e the alarm. �aiid . they ]no 'tio I . . lawyer, had a V cial ex- for it illd the torture.of burning ii between ' . - �. I . out assistance. B e is nowl I io wever, re- perience. The Board. was reconstituted. feet was not resorted to. The iME z i- an " identi:ty " and an " e(jua tiOIL') 'If i I . ' . . I ape � ( I ii hav- ese, d. I One inan ilaincol � Dan Patt'soll - County E,qualization. covering from.the fatigue of the journey, : aild a new Cashier ar) ointed. A - I . . � he had said that the solutio5lis were ' in. - I I . I course ing got all they wer( likely to ; t with- ured! � : .: . I I V . ge struck a post in jumping, and inj . r1ovision was I - I '' ) 0 that the. so-. I -10- It sdem.� that Goderich and Clint6n. . a' 'd we -hope that ere this he has suf- of pruning xnd at once en- out forcing the safe, which they � ppear- the aide Of ,his head, -biit not -very ,seri- complete- " front uot sho-wi) i(y i 0 ' W. L . I - h -,; tered on,! and sever4l branches cl'sed, ed ready to do, froui the fact tha; they as the only � lution- given was the only one possible, are not wholly satisfied -,v-i;h the Coun�y .ielitly recuperatA to. be able to: enter . ously. 1 This CA'. -lty. AS- I � , r the left a canister of poNi der behind, t lought - for to Strat�- . . I , . equaliza,tim-i, as passed at the I I I ate se�- L ll Uboll the. duties Of his offide. .- New arrangements W�ereL nlade fo � sistanAe wds telegraphed � - ie might have been excusea, thoilgh a , . .- -ie to take themselves c1f, but 0 . nce at the residual cubic Shows there � . foreign business of the Bank, awl the it was tin L a number Of in gla, ' � . ford, and. ell In proper I , le County Counci . *An , . - I ,- I -- stockholders. who 4re very numerous, in order tq make (ro d their es i 1, an be noL other solution. flis Lown SOJU- . I . Sion of tl -n &I)Pe I . LID Cap took appliances were seat, lip,, w 1;O C, I ared the C - p -unnecessarily L ; 1. I has bedn eilitered. in beliall: of (".0deri , NEWS OF THE'WEEK. rillied round the ,ius ituiibn with bearti- effectual means to ,prevent Ito i tion, as ,tiblished, is an . . I I I . .:- — I 1)1118011 . track of the debris, so th�t- traffic to the, L I , . 1 . - . I � ness and vigor. Thl"S is about three years giving the alarm. Thegag was draNvii * . romid-about way of getting at a result . I and the -Matter was to bav �., come before IL . - � . GhE.V1. BRUAIN. " � � '. . elevator could be resumed) n Sunday' which can be at once obtained by -the � � ago. Sincethenlac(ording to -the pub- tight and � n alls were 'removed the � . i . r - . ex i firmly secured � a . � - n TiLeqday last. On R, U L . L L I It . I L the County Judge, o I 1-103NIE a Home ' lishedreturnsaO statementsat annual .back of his ne k, and he : wits wheat unloaded from the subrilarged car 'L regular process of solving the equations. . . is - C(�m' i ' I PUile resolution, hich brls,aac Butt, meetings,- the Batik I as made -stekly and placed in a chair, an. I . o � . 3 � J. 13. clumlzlzuN�7- thatday tile Warden L. in ttee met I � . p I id '- Yours very truly, : � I . . firml 13 r s ­u �d and it hauled on to the track by the al , . � � . . . I - � � .. 1. . .q M, ff Is- eS 1_ , r. L i NLI . P. for Liiiiericl�, proposesto move on even rapid progress. Whien th� business il'to it, the whole bein y (lone wi b t 0119 of three eughies. The damag t, . 9.0000- 1 . at God,eriCb,, and re.t , d ,m IT. . 5 t I , a111 L � ; tile 30th itist., -in the Hou . of Com-: of the Ontario G mernment, with its im- marline, that it was -impossible fo - Illini I PF.ESENTATIO.K.-Rev. J. G� Bull., for- ' I ' I I�l � . I . . nated at $15 0. 9&e-grAe uwnwbichi .- , Sinclaif for -the defe.oice belWf of tlie '00 P ­ d 1 meily of Seafortb, bat now of Mitchell, . in ons, is in subStai ce as follows : "'That , meuse deposits, waS removed f rom the to move. He wits then plaqed ,i the the cars ran is about a; mile in len,,tli , I ' L . . . � . � . . I I I - . , . . made the recipient, La few- evenings Gounty. ,It was agreed b6tween, *the I I the opinion of tie House 1�1 � is expedi - 'Bank of .Montrea, , tb e Royal ,was one: of I table in the mana:er's room in . , ! , , ,. - . I. I 9 itch a and very *steep, the ,whole . being Was : descent " ,:)L ,it and just to restore to the.... rish nation , those which was eleeted to have a share position that � I I - , I . had be itteniptedito, throw ago, of a purse containing $50, accom- Committee aaId the appell nts'. to post' Le- . . : not far from 100 feet. Thougli there are fill. , . . -, Atisi�ely Irish , and CALwl away, � lie Would ! SomLe eb% I � tie powe-f of inans giii,g exe I .of the accounts. This, A once gave it a . the chadr over , , rp : anied, by the folloiviDg address. The pone t, .to I p I r I � ' ire, in an Irish Parliameiii, pro ii cir- run 9 -- to the track, with the eXeeptio i of one I ,a ther pr'oceedi--g- � ith a view �, � turns in it the train kept to - I I allow-ing G�oderlcll. to Withdraw th i : C vision prestige, and since then its deposits,, rreat risk of breaking his neek, , 1 present tion was made on behalf -of - the I I � . a the members and friends of the Wesleyan - I ear a,jp- ;. b 11 * IT made at -the same tim(� � for main- � culation,and general business bave -con-- E xtingilishing tbe wax candle y jiad of the trucks, which ran off at t ie switch 1 1 ! I . . I . . � � . pea,l. It seems that Godef-ich'Tand Clin. � the ilitegii by of - the I �uapire by stalltly increased,! I �, used in their operations, they.�, removed near the elevator. On 'a.pr-.evl)us oce, . t. � i Methodist Church in Mitchell. The fol-. ' I ­ . � . RPM ; , I I to the Imperial Pafflai it the - . " But for some' tin e back it has beei� the iron bar from th . door pass, . ton ,ire acting in cotice-rt, aud. that, whi le 11 . I . L . ) ed out) ,,Qion two cars rail down the sat ie rade,'� lowing is the address : To Dr. Bull- � I . 9 , th . c Reeve of Cx'oderich is willing on b �1- � I of Imperial affairs." . ` , noticed. tba.t the )Bai was a - creditor'in locked the door .tn([ made good their I being starte(I by the wind, but the dam- Rev., and Dear Sil, : We, the members J l - ' � t, I 11 ' I . � : I �- TRIKI,' ENDED.- -Tile strik in whiclij not a few of thosia fai [tires that have oc- escape.: Poor Robiason Spent a very age done �on, that occa,sioa was slightil and frien(la Of the Wesleyan Church in . ­ . 11 - uncomfortable night sleep being out of Mitchell, desire -to express ito you our . half of his Cotineil, to withdrawi the- .%.-)- � M'Dre than 10,000 niners -we b engaged, I curr'ed in the nierea,n;ile ,world,, a d ru i , - ; , �, L W endeol, . I ' l compared with the present mstt ce. 'file . t will- 'in Cleveland, YbAsbire is 0 mors of losses at t4is i TOIV,%rds morning he grateful sense .of your faithful, zealous . peal, the Co�mcil of Clinton is no I � point andthe oth- ; the question. occurrence is looked upon ar. accidental ' . . I 11 I . L a Ce. I lee Sint L Sted labors . pta of- U14 masters' er of its branch es, ai� d ,at the IF] ead 0 f - Succeeded by means 11 and di ere , among us dur- ing that it should. T hey, m- ailitain that � '"r ,tb the .c . L t ion. of of 'i's t0lIg �, -Ind though had proper care been exercise,41 . L I " . T i 0 . � '- tern -is, -which impose a redue 121- �]fice also, disturbed the minds of stock- teeth in working U, e ga biCIL :Was in underthei n d vil- -, . . 11 � . . I 0 W I itis not. likely it would baze happened. g the blessed revival of religion, which per cent. 'ill wages. % :holders and All vo.-Stois. The failure. of , made of cotton'tied' in haor'd k I the Great -Head of the Churcli. has been - : I L I nots,� ut . I . - lages are still entitled to a 'reduction of A., �-q I VEP, mmy. -Saturday 1, ist was tb e �;:One or two of its owil Directors added to . - - . . - I - I of his mouth, and -called. loudly� for ----..W - . pleased to vouchsafe during the past win- , ­ . i I ,- I . I . . L � . 49 per cent. - real value as Conipared th irty-seventh .*in] versary of � 4ueen Vic- '.tile uneasiness, and the general feeling assistance. He wa,,4 heard about b a1f - - : � ter and spring. ill - I I . I , , The'Coming Comet. , We have admired your 1p � I h ' lected in" the low pricE I , I . a I . It was wm ref , y . I - re a growing puviction, � to- a's accessionto the thron, . , of ..the. vast 6 o'clock b Nr. Binghim, bility, tact and forcible exhortations in ' , by the ri ig*iiig of ells firing stock i I with the townsh - i s. The Clinton Co -un-. otgerved ­ . I . . I who, - The' has been . ) ­ . ! I by means of a ladder; entered ,the i our special services. We Brinly believe . oil ha,s Sought legal opinion on this point, . . of late years that we have not bad .0111`1 . I : , ,, a&. .1.1tes "and the us al demons - . tions. . 11 The ap�ointmeiit of the Presideut to '; building through - an upper window, ,and r .1 � i itnol cheerfully acknowledge that the re- I . . . I fair Share: ,of comets. A good! I 0 I . and,, if the opinion which they obtain I I . FR'. �NCE. I I the office of Lieutena t -Governor neces- released him by cnttii ig the string� , a,"d 1 -comet has I not been on exhibiti , . mericed by our pastor, . � . - I � n for 2 -0 4: . . � ; � � L I Tym, CONSTITUT'O.INIAL Bn ts. -----; The sitated another appointment, and Hon - filin off the hand-cuf's. . - : at -rinented in interest aiid efficiency. - . .. fa,vors their view, the appeal -will likely - i . ty have L ­ � a I years. The occasional petty af airs th l were aula I I I . . . I C eliti I One of the robbers Avas a large, strong- I have be i by youl. presence and efl�eetive labors. I Committee of -Thi ommenced Mr. Ckmpbell has sigaalized his adv t :� � be proceeded with, and., if mot, it will. ' en palmed off upon us a i *comets,,. �1 L , I e oth4 x f the and whicli*6 have been! re A I . probably bie.dropped. . we (16 : the discuigion' of c L stitutional. bills re- to office by very. stri� igent measures of ly built man, tb' two were c an (I L . ques d to be-.' We heartily thank you for so che�rfully ; . . L . 'lot know fel�red to them on ... onday. in the AS. pruning and,w-ritih-olf of bad andoloubt- . average size. They. were - masked � . r SP A - - .� 1:1 L . . . lieve ill although. they were imin isi e ov onding to our pastor's ilivi ation, � - legal point of view, I 9 � � ,_is I i in otind L a faishfu . � � , . SU ` I se�ibly the &P -bate apeiied on or Mile ful debts There' I I I a a, . always. when such ; dressed in ch a slov, ched Trianner that ,. 4' how good , %se, in a I 1. I , the naked I have been justly regarded; an(' that, you he f ' i I municipal , law. The Goverillnellt Wl- matters axe very 1 extended aiid Compli- i their figntag could nct be distinorui shed. eye, ,-, * ous and efficielit Colaborer. Vve . these - dissatisfied inunicipalities may i , n as flagrant,astronomical trifling with our 1" 'eal - itlit I I notinced that it was! determine -1 to insist cated, when e;ta1tes are in process of I A 'ijumber� of suspieious characters .1 ay that 'your maily (4odly counsels I , - feelings, astronomers having endeavored': pr . . . I L Y, We -CaA- 1 � its right. n+U.1ate inayors. An winding up, prop�rties in course of real- 1, were seen around bef " . . . � lili engraved Lon our heart% - have, bzut, as a matter of e , I - I Oil � t ? - . . . ore, some of whOln in a weak' and compr i - t to" may be inde loll LIS . atioti &c.. i eui4taiii and th' - I omising spiri . . not coi-i-sider otherwise than tbat they en.Ogetie opposit, certain. i�, margin of opinion ' ha �1 fl e dr, . . P 0 . � - ve sinIze.disappeared, , ougli tele- make up for the dearth of ­dnets by-, � and May permanently :in Lienc 0 have -re6ei � d hill justice at the bands of .�-ItisprobabletheAss I wilIsuc- as to the ultimate result. One person I grams were sent in all directions no ar- 1, ve I . I - , pplies of aste ; '� lives ; and that you may yet be spa -red . . � . , fresh su -tn l5rofuse . 'T - . I -cessively: reject' ali - the ititutional -,6o is sanguine will Estimate a lo,qs at a I rests have been made. - Had there beena . roid,s, . .1 ('� ess III the Ofturch-1 the Co,tincil, and -that they sbould be I ' I promises of meteo,ric sho,wersil- But, no I many YearsOf "Sefuln : i bills. -�Xlie Republicans Lifes't .joy certain figure ; another will take a more I good detective at baii.l. something I I of Grod. Please accept of this pu rse as 3 I 10 light i F erson, of good taste ta.. a le� ,lightest : I � - � sa,tisified to allow the equalization to ri�- Ov41r the p -o eCt, )elieving (.iSS0111ti011. gloomy View, and In ke it -far more. �' have been don ' bl 0 a, interest in' They am Small 1: am gratit main un . I I , . - Sp L I e,. but as we Ave a ' ' -I , asteroids. I - :. all token of oar t; uole, which inr 11 � , , - ppe'l be pro- wit be the inevita,b] result. I . Nothing. but tim m u c I . � . .. adequately ev.xpresses our appreciation of -. . . , disturbed. If thle & . I . e and the pro "ress � of I Mail who is fit 1, cy, nuinero-as and lacking in any ini erestill (T1 . . ]- t I q I,K . for a h an emerg C ceeded With, the:'whole e(Jualization wif., I The Conserva i ,es favor Ji ther post- events can den-io strale which is right. I the scoundrels will I 01 . . IQ , doubt scape to �, ! ou -as a devoted Christian and a, faith- I 10 � i P : qualities. But however.this maybe Wei' . i . p i1einent k� f the bills until �, winter, if In the present instance it is claimed that 1 renew their depredatio . I r - ew Testament. . � ::::: -o doubt, have to* be ii ot . . have a good old-fashio'ned. �:� ful minister of the .N� I -1. - in i -vestigAted, "til, I I ns elsew iere. 1 are re � I . . I . I., 9. The ' _____ L L . I ilolie of them Cali be adopted lfww, or the losses Will not turn on - to be -as muchas i They evidently go in I orbi g batil, y � comet = -a few weeks more. It may " -.--I------ -- I-— . - � - ­-­­ � � I I . I 'Ig int -es. dent ' 'KadNI&I'lon by written off. The Pr sident, doubtless, did not t e Robinson's watch, and some i not be a co met of exceptional brilliancy, 1 I I . . probably rearranged, whialk p0ce � edill, -+rveilfion of Pi � I .ak I BIRTHS. I rs, le . a A n . � I . will, occupy the Court for .da t , te�ils of ,a m6ss�ig,e,* holdingr thok kssembly has every possibI6 int -est in writing off dollars of money whic5i was taken, f rom. I -is ' . I e wife I heavy.expense to the Count�. L �,siboiisible f . . I ,n admill- . I a genii among comets, but -we ave tbe!` MCKAY.-In Grey, on June 15., th . A.lid, q- r( or failure to rec Ynize the sufficient in orde� that his ow his pock,et in the searcp for t e *key was I � . , I .. .1, . . I :� _ . � � ­ assurance of Professor Swift, - o ,has � I of Mr. George AlcKuy, of a son. . - - ,I PoWers of executive. - .. istration may begin (ii a solid founda- I replaced. They evidently tbought hey 1 been watchi'og it for some Weeks that it � BF.LL.-In -Seaforth on June 22, tllg - ' is . � . i . terL all ' done, no matter irha,t - the (. �� , � The Right iD, t 10'.French I ssenibly 'tion. I 0 � I had obtained more thaa they rea I - . :1. I . , . L ­ � I , did, . . Ono ason . I cision I ay be, the result c -ol falil i . I ep, sented as (If e ad by I I Time ow. . Meantime the : for the 'linton package was, made p of is a comet (if more than averagell.,talent. �: wife of �'Vlr. Th as Bell, of , - .n ann : i . a ply disco: i Lrag( . . will S� C . At present it1s lingering in the n ighbor- 1: FOLLAND.-lu Seafortli, oil Wedneeday,I, . I I I . . - . be. prootuctive of. discontent and , ill -feel- th-el,recent VDtesj fe(ling that its power stockholders may conso b themselves that 1 bills 'Of Small denominations iand was . hood of the.North Star, - ied i J Line, 24, the wife of Mr. Win. F olland, � � -- L I . I I I busily c ccilp 11 ing, + ppeal Should only ber resorted to is &b.ney and that t 'majority which it . thecapital is revre:sent, �d to be'perfectly I bulky for the amount t contained. -Sig- - . . t . - . I � I ,w4 bitherto able to courmand a broken i4taict, and that a�smal. reserved fund is ! gial. I . . I In growing a tail of respectable length I Of a SOIL . I I I * ; IIII. in a calse where a fla,grant 'Wroncr bas . - � . 4 . with which to enter the circle of planet- �i� ATCHI!ioxi. , Tuchersmith, on Tues- I I 0 t. But I ) . � :u -6,. it is apserted, is left to form the ngelen i of a res � � .0 ' . .� � . I . ' ry fashion. It is just visible t 'the ,; � day, Jun N seph . ; itted, and not a er Emigrants to Manitoba. a o .11 e 231, the wife of -Mr. Jo �� I . I i ! . a e a charge , . 0 i unassisted vision, and by the ail of an Atchison, of a son. , . I e�r The Left Cent been cd,mnu It ' ,iliscover mined to mak ' in the do- having said e in at 'observe that I . - . I overlim e:. a . - -- - . - .. T under any it"111 pru( I I - In the last issue of he, Manitoba Free L". S . . 'tan inna, thA to take advantage of a legal meslic policy of the,' I airc�ll n eg, leilce Z . . . I . .1. . I average opera- CARPENTER.-IiI. Logan, on Mond L . I I � � glass, its rudituell4l�y tail, . I . ayj I . e! may hiLve, an advaiita�eo, - BONAPARTIST EFF6RTS. -The vigorous wan very c utious policy be � Prem we find the following : " As mch , which is as 1�et only a sort of panier, ,in June -229, the wite of ,Nlr. hichaTd � quibbl ' iis re- LIS that a i _. ' - � 0 L I , C 7 I . effo�ts being made bi - Bonaparti As to in pursued in future. T t Bank cannot st6amer comes in lade with its 7% 1 Sult. Ve do not think that either Clin- . . . � L i I its i be plainly discerned. As it is Irapidly - Carpenter; of a son. �, ; flitehce public opini ... causes nitich un- afford. to be bold and un great risks. I 100, and its 200 immi rants, the q ues- ' approachiifg the earth, it will be a con- - . . .f . . , ' 'Jt�t * . . ' r . . L ton or Goderich can establish'An equit� easiiiess. The 1? vet so iad -and careful I tiou - as ed, P_. I .. 6 , - . is organiz Ag Com- Nothing but is repeatedly 'what i t7 to I spicuous object varly in �. I . itt I e?, L It* ; I Aug-tist, When, MARRIAOTE'Ej able plea of -unjust treatment. . I mi ees in ever�v department, (stabliab- . banking, both at .he h ad office and - the I become of all these pe pl is ery if it follows the usual cometar' fashion N .. . I. . . � ing newspaper. organs and dis-mbuting branch�;, can po�'Ibly- ning a ut sat- satisfactory to know that a large pro por- - . I y �, Ice LOY-NMANISON. -011 June 23, at.the . - � 0 . . . in point of tail, it will rival the great residence !of the bride's -f ather, !Nlr- I political documents a olpetitions urgin resu 06rasping at i : . ..,. Engli�h Farm Lab ' rs for Can- . . � Its 4 futu �-e.' tion of those now co m-ing in contemplate I comet of 185�. . . ore 1. .1 �tbe restoration of the Empire.. - In great piofits, and a'mbi . t ons reaebing-out L . land and commencing fartinnig ' John -McGloy, to Miss -Jane Uall"Uk- . . M - . going upon . - I :a. A, I � . I ada.. 5 7 ; 14F after new business, should be carefully �a . I ' The uses of comets are vari('U all of Tuckersmith. I ., . . I JU N'. . . t once ; and what is - E till more. �atik fac- 1, sum I mer comet is especially usefu 1 as an ---. I I r I L . The �rouble in the agricultural dis- I T E IVIL 'AR.- -By latest advice avoided. The Bank a i a argre connee- tory is to know that but -very flirtation. It is estimat -,d that . - I I 11 .. � - S) 'tio, - III fe of �ilii . - . . . I , I the ... arlists are concantiating ear Es n and a very nu erous bo y of custo these return from their prospiec-�Ing tours I t 0 DEATHS. . . tricts in England has resulted. . a de� '' i t e last great comet was respons: ble for � I . . I " after -clearing the coun ry over ere, and if the busmess is carefully into the countyy othervh8e than . - CiSiVeL S�ep towards emiaration 10 caio� `Aati8lied, 34.000 (in round numbe rr . ELLIOM-In. Brnssels, on 'WeduesdaY, � � . I I i . ich theyL passed ol vii s i o , horses watched and losse'. avolided,'a good re- At first, the most of them express Some . , . - ; pro M engagementwand kisses without i uln e ` � -June 17, Melinda, daughter of Mr, , .1 ada beiii taken. The Committ�e of d vehicles. Conch% has 3F, . men at sult of net profit. ust !undoubtedly fol- dilissatisfaction at finding so . . ] 0 an . lg I I 3) . . much of the Tit Should not be forgotten that Whi a _ Robt. J"'ILI.i. tt, butcher, aged 6 ,ye= . Leamington Agricultural Uniop,; in View is command, and 87 pieces of, . tillery. 1 low. . beet lands lying in a wilde I � , i- I I en to - considerable - i and 3 month'$. i 11 I , i � � . I . L I i - : L . . L. I . I I _J I L I I . . J � ­ . I I I . . . � i I i 9 1 1 1 I 1� -1 n 0 1 " , - . I i�4 W I th I i I t 4 I I I let, I f ; , I !p I , �+ I -. t,j i a ) il taJining I le�vfila I " cqI1tr0I i I I I - I - �t�`il-yi � w ;`�,' 41 � �1 . i I I L . I . . I . . z ­ I . -, . I ! I �. � . � . f � . I i . I . . I - -- � . -1 . - I ; . i I . . . . � . . . . . . L I F � . . . . I - � : .. . - . . . � . . 1 -- � . I . - . . I -1 � - ---, I I I t � L � . L I L . � I -,.. . - i j. I . . I . I . I . ­ . � I . � I , : . .1 . . . . . . i I L ! i I . - . - . I I -1 I . � . - . . . .. J. . i I . I: I � . 1. . � ­ I : " . . I . - : Z, � 11 - i � i . I L - . L : � I L . I . � . � -17 -- I . . . . I - - I . I . L - i- - - � i . I 1. I ; . � . L � I I � I .- . . I I I I I . . � -1 I . I � ­ . I - - ! - . L 1 . � .1 1 4 - ­ — --. - � - L - - - ­ - . — 4 � - L - - . I - ­ , - �*' I - . I L - I - : . . I - . - . T � I I . I I . . ; i . . I . I . . i �� . . I.. . � . . �: 1 1 � * 11 * . . . - . . .1 I ­ --- - I—— 'I I I � 11 I � � i , � . I ­ . . . . I I L � . I " . I � . -1 .. . z I I : 1 . I j�, � — I - I : � i .rz I ,; --, 4 i� t 64 , 1- � ; a : z-, � : i, 4 f * � j, I t : i � � � I 111 31, , � . -1 I i - , � . i I I - . � m I . i �. 4 �, � . - �� � " I � 11 . K I ; I I . I '3 j! � I i ! �. 1 -� L i . - � T I . -� � 1 I - T. f . � i '4 1 1 � ; I I t . 11 , I I I . � , i � !�', : T � �1 I : i I � T . - . % . �kl Ill . I . � . � A � i - I I I I : it� I ; . I z ?, � I � I I I . I . . t� i � : i . - , � . I " , � : 7 . � � � � - . . . I � - � . . .- t! - I I I �� � i - I .1 .. . � �! �1 �! � 44 1" ill I I : � I P I i I I i � � I ; i � n . � . � , 0" i , � j ;, ! �, � I f, t , : �- " I - , I -,� ti�', F. . N �­ I &' 7 � � ; 3 %i I , � I � �Ii 4" � �-t - - � 1 4 j * V. -� � I - . . . � . - z . . � . � . t `4 � � i I I i � . - � - , - . ,�- Z iq -, , .., " - , P I : I I : I i L -T. . � - lv . , � 4L '.. I - I - .- � � t � , , 13 � � ., ` , - , : - - �� i . � I ; � -1 � 11 , i N ��: I . . . " I , � . � i - I � , i - - a z ., �, 4 . I .� ; � , I � i � I t i ii I j� Z - i i , i k I I r- . , i - I ? - i , : � I � � I I I i� � 1 I I , I P � � I � . . J , ­ 1, P. F i * , , i �Ft i5 1-1 I I � I � M.- I , , � . . F . t I , I I F , ,; . . I � I 11 . I � � � " I i. -­ .- I �1*! 4 � I- I , ,; � J - , F� . 't; . �� V, , I i � � . . I � � � � "I 11 . . I J I - i I I ! 1, 11 : i�: � 1" 74 . . � �; 1� q! �, t E if� � !.,; �, I , I k Al i'l I I . . . - - , . t'. , � - - - . 4-4't K. , . . F, r � . i , , - 1: � . I i ! �.�!. E ,ZA" , - 1�i 1. �1 4, I . . . I I ; I I � -� I � . r , . ill . I � ,� , i I-, �A -F v . [' I � � " -. ��-3r - I i. IT � , , I � . F t "I � .. - i � v ,�� 4 . , � � � I . �; I � , ,� , I Q - , 'Ar 71i I � -4 J . : : � �i a ­ � I ; �' P 11, 3.i � 9,1' . U'� � ; . - . ,- I , 1 r . . � I � i. 4- . , : 1i " - i 1 '11 - , -,�, F V . . ,, F - � �1 ; 11 -V �, 7 ; � r I � II I , , ::: � , , - - �; � 9 I . , - ! I . I � . 1 T, w �f, : �� If -- - ," � ��,:­ I " . , i--, , , 1 - - ki,i � � * . � ; , , I � Z , '! , � . �a , , z f � I I I . . I I - . - I I y ; - . � a A . - , I W1 .-, " I I ; i I -, , - .11 - , f 't : I - ! 7!. ii - .. � ; p I I � � ; � -I I � I 7 . ; . I ! t �t I I i , 4 i . I ; � - I ; . I il .1 a - � , � , �, � -, , 7� V, 7 , I � I - I r k r . . , � -, � � - ; . i, , . , tf i . _ . . � -_tjr _ ., � , � I � � i I I 11 , , , 11 " I ; i� . . , I 1, . . , , 2, 5 � '. . � . � ` I E , : 7 I i . I " r , ! : - ,- � . ; 11 - o I ; � I . � . - I . ir� ;. � P �-! ;) ��' " 15 - , . - - . � - I � - , I .- . � . . ! I ,- . . i . I � - . I ! - I I .. ! I � . . . i : I . . . � ., I I . , . .t ! I I . � � � I - 4 1. I . I � � � . I : : . . I I � ! � I I . , . , i - . .�. � I . � I . � ; . ! I � I . � . . . � i . . . i � I � � I - � � � I I , : I .1 - I I - � I I � . I i i I � . � . � . . . . � . . . -- - . � . .; I - .1 I . . � . . 11 � - � . � . : a . . ­ . I I . � I - — I �, . ,- � . I I . - � . -1 I -_1 ­.­ . - - ­­ J -J L--­-­­�--L —­­ .- . -,..--.,.--�-�.��z.--.�-.----.-.�--,-�,.---�.�---�-11- - � . i . . I - I ­ - ­­.­-'­ ­'�--­ ­'..­--­- ­­­­­ ­­­­ . -k- - i-- -,-1- - -��----.�.-"�-"----"--,,-��,-"------.--.--]�-.�..-,.-.�L--.,- ----------.--i-1 . i - f0mi . I � ; . . . z � - - . I . - � I - . � I .. I , , - I � I I - � ­- ­ �- - - - , - --- -� . . ­ ­ - 1�1 - � - . � I � - . - . I I I � -- .- - I g � i I I I . � - 4-1- 8 I . � ffl" -1 874, , JTJ-NF, 7, �', I — i - - 10"m :-1 7 _---- -, - 1. . ­­ — - - .- - . - ­ ��� . . —, ­ .---, 0 W-0-0 �- I - 17� - - �� ­- rrIJE. MARKET . I � ---- � � I . SEAFORT31, J=e �, . I Blisiness ,S�in 'convinues gooil : I I . I th MaTket and a large, 41 rt # ; $eafo ; 1 1 . bronght fDrwa . . -1 is t aaily � . ,we (tuot - ,, a slight adva whezt I - I � i Witli A good demand- � - Veek : � � S remain firm at,Qltl Prices. Z -- ., . - wsin - , -tees hazbeeu4 . tll,-a our 11,oted pr � - - '�' - auring the past� wee1c, but such , I . . t to be ME`, ,fllictllatmg aud no . � . . . - � t We quote , .1 .V,,UWI -1 I , - leat, per 1),h( - - ­ ­'. ,..$I , , - I I � - I ,Wh,eaf, --per bushel. .-- ­ I.. I .1.1 , , . I 'Spring b,16111 41, 0�tsj -per ­­­ ...... *** I � perb.nsbel.-­­ .... 0 ..... � 06 - � - Pe"I . I I ,3,,tt,,,,.N70-1,,Loose...�*---**"-'- . . .... � ...... 04 , ,: � 7,10or ......... , ­­. � -16 f iffay.... � - - - * -- - 5 f ­.. � ...... � - - -1 :Mde$ ....... ­-­­----­­ ... ­ 0 4 -Veal ,,9,A per potmd - ... *I . I 1,,Wnb,SkiU8------­­­­­ 03. ;,�-, Sheep 'P11tg*­­­ """11,111" 11 . ff,des­­­ ............0t Urraln: I A .- i 31. � er bal'Tel ....... ­ ­ � I I - 13sit ("retail) 1), i ...- � -.1161t t,h'0,1er,A1,e) per buTrel. - � - . , ...'� 0 1 1 poitstoesilper bulliheL - . ­ 01 4 bA­­--­­­ ---21 , I 0itmPa1W , wooa .............. � ­ � ........ . � ­­ $ 4. 330el- � ......... * ­­­ , W,061 ............ ­­­*­­.. 4) I � . N I i I Tau barl­ .............. *** ...... 1 4— �. - . . I �CLINTOI'i� OVIM'� . I 4I . ,ilwho,it�pe,rbushel,�-------,--i�� 14 FA� 'Wheji.t, perbushel ......... � I S�prj:ng .. - � -...0 h . 'he, .. - � 1�ss,,Periyua -­­­ .. 1: 33,rleyl, per buil-d-­ -­ ­ ... � ��; . peas, per 1)ushel ........ ;­­," a' . 3311tter. � � ......... ­ � ........ *.� 0�1 � 0, � - potatoes. - .,- - - *,. � ... �, . � y,ggg".­ ...... ­...�­­�­ .. U. I �ffsy, per ton, ..... ::.30' I 'A :...., ..... 1- 0�: . W-001 ... ­­­- . I i 7 - -­#­ i 4 I . INC 0 -E . ,Ejt�,30LT, C11EE-o �'A) . . . . At the 1119en011 t"heese �-; Weduesdj�y 1�66t, 12,000 bo"Kes 4. V Offered. and I I., 9( were sola � �00 a I n ,. -C. solaallllz�, ­tt-)+.�. .111 3, 4 6 8 at I I t ; 2, 6 141 .c- . , . �. 3 I . 380 at Ile to 11 1-16c. -- 1,325 ) � I . ,on private terms. , I I -1 �.+� � . TORON TM June"' . Itherl- Were in to-aay about I - $1 32 to,,'to els,of wheat at - . - , te, $1 39 .for Treadw`eA al win . � $1 24 for spri,Ug ; a ' 10aA Olf 1) and a Iflo-ad, '03tS at 153c. 31. I .Zfv I ftht deinalid and- a slow 441-1, . $24. NV, 001 was taken -at -'I- - Butt;��o -r ,rm I -it er wag T'Athe fi, . Jer A . ., , olls in basket Iota, . for pound r I � , in a reta�IE way. Eggs V , - 21C � I � I � t yl-. to 14c atcerdi'Dg to lua;nt' . :� . - � I ­11�- I . �,TOR - , ON -To LIVF., STOCJ,-'�- ': ., I ,I . . . I EF B ,VES.­Th,e,rehas bfto'oi .p - at t � IV .of atall-fe,d tattle '- . lk-tiring the PaSt'week, and'ah. � . b'aye alao'Come, in the tot�%I. .. I . ' . . fered being abOul 3'00- Tb -e I . 4W,rl-v active and ev-OrAhW . I � � . W Itl ; 1. - � � , � . s realized being About . �, Mee 10 - - Ust week. We -quote. firiat i � -$5 25 -secO1Id-;,CL-1ss., t4 5'0,: � , . , . - . 31 . - I I �cla,ss �3 50 to $c . : ,SREr,p.-.Th,ere werl- 131-11 ' 1 .1 - Y. the weei-, awl the S$ aurmg � com�ing -more abundant#- � 4 -- I . ,ithout -change, . 'hOW`e-Ve1 . .A r", bringing $6, ZIE�C`Dnll-cl"s P-; . . . ! ,elass �$3 to -$.0 I . LA-qBS­-I-1av,e been In su- , - I . wi-th a6n improving supply, p � - - I i from $2 to '"K j ---------I@- - . . r . LT � TTLE FALLS DALRY 1, I � � Y-� , i I L117r-r, FALLS, - , , � - - The niarket is . a little I week for factories., but f3l* ,about tli,e ,same. The dA latter was in the ,-neighbor . bxs, , and sales, were =��die � � to Uel- c. I ihe last figure oul The - � factorie offerlog.s from ' . � 6,000 bx-s.,,abqtA:5," Of W: . - hands� The tOP Price W-1`8� . e-ll� lot, 14.&c. being �CO116A . �w . 0 . usualulark-etrates.. - e�,8 , , . ' Ion's as follo" ' ' � - - ransaef - Black 0 I "V 4, - J1 1 49 IS, at 141-c - I , . � I . on commission, Bates) 78' � :y . Barto HB1, 49 bxs- at 141 ... , al Bridw, 90 bxs- �A 14tc,; '10 z: . 1-4)c - Clarittmc , 3 tXS. -at i ,-, - - � . 14ic. -1 Cold 'k.:1',r-ee1--, '65 'b' I)airy,11ift, V bm. lit 14� C)q b,X.9: at 1-4.1,,c.; EnlViliv . bxs, at 141'e" '014 Fiiirke, , . - . 14j,C.,; HaSsenClOver, -134 b3� The deli-v�-ery ,of butter U very hiilt., but SaIes ha"', 'A � . according t ,�2gc. to soc�, - I - home eonstimption- - T' -h! . Iterkimer IS W I arm- -and 9-r. . . .-oue ,g,ro,Wth- n, . - Letters- ftOm- E, ,j,aiid . ,week in June, si�y all ebe I � ' . 7erican cheese is sold ant I . ma,&,et. The next qualit, , � irj.&� -, seclonds, %s- to ,1 , , - I � - _dese - .1 ripti,ons of cfj6eve ,,se I � - . � � , . - I - t. 0 � I Enghsh-C'bedlar 78s- , � . , I -1 ` . -- - ie, -08, . Cheshire Fil , 82s- "t 41 . 1 76s. to 808. Verewt- . In -butter thle M`ark`-t the fteline is in fa;V-Or 01 . t,,,orka, 124!s. per ,cwt- 0 �,;� . . Jersey, 96S.; Norma a,yj � and Rip-], 126's- per cwtr than i1r, the market. ­ , . . — -.-.---- BUFPALO LIVE' 'ZiT,01. I 47 I . - I BuFF.&LO, ,� CA'rFL'R--'R'eCei1A$ to - -1 � - makhro, the, tot -1.1 SuPOY- , ' � thus iax, 81 1483 heA -Olt � 4�84 -care f or the same . I The inurket tontillnes'' - I 1 � � yester"layi's prices fzorjl r r - . With mediuma sliade-�NN . stoet(. -a str, -41 c,ommon )II i � -week's rates. AbOut � .posed of. Prices raliblk $6 75- - - � SUFrP ANZO L&:,i'0,,',-- AOOO head,, 111alding the . C� the Week, thus IIAT. 13," � - - . 7,600 bead for the --;,Jiu-e�� r The =rko-t -Avas nl"'T� v . t' '� a . 34 50 0 $5 lor C liusA � .. I . 50. for ,caiiada la I - . �4.11710 t -$5 � Y, Artlrsi,�, 1, I "' .0 ` - . a oll � . ctions were as fo - c) I - an:d five Canada lasn-1 ­. 1 56 lbs -1 at ^.z,',7 50 ; 11.4 - . aver I age weight., .57 lb,� - Canada Iambs, avel-a"p- � At si-, 56 , vi cannii:k wei�-,ht, I I 0 lbs., -it -%.-,'* - � . � . ifo(;s�--Ileeeivts tw; making the Utal SUPIPI" � thus far, 12 ` 000 he;id,:10 . �� for the sai'lle tinle U;*� .. � � I - 9 firm at 1;:) iz to) 1�:) -, 0 i � . . $6 'to :,,',O 20 for heav- Y b -- -- 10 - X1.11W I i . Y011K Ht)l . . TrjF-,;x)AN' With few . an (I gwle - . � I . changes the horse UrA � . tions has 1wen fairlY week under review. . . I � : . . . - � . . - i I . ­ I � a --- ­ -- . ­ - I. ?�--- -- . -