HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-26, Page 31874 ngetalz,e;-; place, torrainE lay any possibility ba sabinatiOn or proportioils .„or any otiier ingredients, vont azzathiog ever before, tha meat aittortishing re- aler raw:, of applleation before diaeovered. It con. D'1 h4u liquid, corm, - y eve:oar:at atta. NTheacezez. alt every drop ; waareas a zit...aria all the alcohol ia get anly the sinall (Juan ".ay ei att.: )1AS, Pit mars, n„ Lantana Toronto, Out., - ern. • r Eleetrized. E. Ftieltaton & Co in R. M I1 to it, suela ,aaa, aaatNeat vas, nays ataaans eta Tut:- hrNas, J • G BALSAM • Remedy. •kup the moat distre%sing r*g u not of too long • d to !rav('- entire sa tisfaa. , cm:Pratefi. eases of Con - 'Med itat to produce eos- s,e with most remediea,) oe taini u;1 opium in any be perfeeety harmless to altharezhet ta au- aetare ,._v r. stain:la. the system, stiy fu a ao mary deaths by u'a Lung Balsam will pre - 1; time. per Cottle. 8304 Itites), Painful Mertattua- 3. Uterus,. Ovarian Diseases, r, and all diaeasea 'mown ag !hey aro prepared with the ae pereonal supervision of a 44e female diseases a special „told they are a Medieine on tDIES ean deneia "in the as au unfailing ' REG CLATOR tilts everywhere. Price, one ; 44ent by mail free of post - ;from observation. For fall iir pamphlot, which, we will love to nay addreatt on re - to prepay returir postage. r pamphletr pills to - AM (4•RAY & , Windsor, Ont. by L Hicl-aon & Cc. J. S. Laud by- an druggists. ',..YMAN, Toronto, Who1esale- 336-e4itar per day. Agenta wanted. All iJ 5be Ot working tx, young or old, Make MOM SpO;re moments, or all the else ; Perneuntte free. & Co.,Vortland,Malue. 284 :aaxaaas=,_raaara-a=.amaaaaEumum RJEMI(Alta. (late of Carronbroola) J- County. of Perth. Office and BrotheaaHardware Store, R ., KING'S office -will be at - 2 87 C, M., Phyaieian, Sur- roner for tho County- of Huron. e, comer of Maaket and High Planing Mill. (Graduate of 2Ictall Univer- a Cormier for the County- of -,t_at door to Calder Brothers' -,_ opposite MeCallum'a Hotel, la, near the Railway Staticaaa El11.1.4 RGEGN,DentisotAc.,Seaforth, .,laterio. Plate work, lateata • neatly executed.. All sur- operationa performed with • Ifeea as low as can be ob- aftiee hours from 8 A. M.. to 5 M. A. G. afaDougall's Store, 270 Licentiate and. Prize- d Vniversity. Ithaca, NA-, and haVeterloary College, Toronto, mtly io Vania, where he will be Wog tq atteital to all kinds of is of aninaala (loan excepted), kb T. o.o.(1 at all hours. Resi- t) doors east of Cook's Tem - 3I9 URGEON.—D. MeNAUGHT, ounce to tile inhabitants of ding aountry that he has i4oioa of the Ontario Veterin- ow preaared to treat- diseaaes a" all domestic animas. Ile connaetion. -with his horse - will be foiled ready tu at- a of the fact speeially at- . office anal Quip in the rear suew store. 41,11 kinds of Vet - kept coostantly on hand. 229 Na. teriattuy Surgeon, (mem- atao Veterinary (iullege,) begs, - bits retuated, to the practice of ItitWELI, n.zal may at all times be di-iemaa, of Horse:a Cattle, &e. ma;eiiidantty ou hand. All (141...d to. ()Mee, at Mansion 273 Z. reltaill la dtir 1Viiili.ue ham been sp.- I, the Colonial Seeurities-Com- '.f-1 else...agent for several pri- ' who- loan Xigicy at atati. Interest payable yearly a 3:171. 213 7 4 -4 gem:el:ST.1a), Bit criateis, At. ' Solicitors' in Clitineery and e amt. °olive-yea:Leers. aula Satifortli. Aeertts for ra lee Company, [`end at 5 per etaitz Faring, arale. 53 Baariatera Bata Attoroeys -41 Clatutary and Ioactleency, . ' Pulaie, (ay. (JP-lees—Sea- t423,040-,a1 Priviitt- Fusels to tot eel vein. tatersee, payable 53 V. a. araran. - ::Itirriatt es Attorney fa Chanc- y1 li out. Office --over J. C. aaritina t square. 26,s a.Va: jit-Donzaa, .tori.eya .Solieittas at Chancery Wit. a:CC—two doors noAth of ANIEL McDONALI), , Ilamssels, tee,s. I Thomas ,tat a to his old friends and. Mahile, the t h ha.; leased the icCi ity Mr. MI '1;1;AY, and tL liONVNEY HOUSE, and tiathataace of the patronage -1 arta, him during his man.X ataiausq. Evety comfort ana ;orvi led for travellers. The (mIy kept iu the Dar. at ler ti1wily:4 in attendance. f21.:-; KNOX, Proprietor. SEAFORTH. tt bea4 to inform his old raveling public that he ha.s adjoining the Vest oftioe the very best aceommoda- '-r.he beat of 'ignore and Tilvz.Lks FOSTER. GAMTVES. he had a quarrel with A lover to fii4na that "she wasn'ton terms with that fraud any 0 agar Bascomwas- taken to the nsafle aserhun at Hartford, this - just three months from the day sou Joseph porehased a fiddle. . e -A, thirty -horse power boiler recentlyitnc , of our factories was rendered. erieagy useless by -28 of them being telten down by the epoetie, _The reason an urchin gave for being jst t school ittoudo.y \eras that the boy a net house wai going to have a eeetang-down with, a bed. cord, auli he Bed to bear him liciwl. Onea Our fashionable youths donned eeet silk hat find eigar Saturday even - tog. He got along Well enough witli the tiger, but he had to give up the hat --it Inge him sick at the stomaCh. A negro' boy was , driving a. mule in ' eMaica, when the animal eudclenly 3opped and refused to budge. " Won't go e said the boy.* " Feel grand do you! I ?pose you forget your Lechler was a jackass.' ..The drummers came down, like waves on the fold, there toes were all frosted, their Ilexes all cold. Their ereether-pneled buglestoon shoie through the town, they gobbled the money and, salted it down,' then took a few orders oa lit out of here, with their heads full of busirtess and skins3full of beer. Dad, if I were to see a duck on the and shoot it, would you lick me ?" oe, no, my son ; it would show that you were a goodmarksman, and I would be proud of you." " Well, then, dad, I peppered our old Muscovy cluck as he eras flyini over the fence to -day, and it will& have done you good to see him droo- • - —The editor of the Columbia, S. C., ilia,with grateful eloquanee acknowl- edged the receipt of a milk punch in one column, and in the next published a "Tempertmce Department.". Somebody has complained of his inconsitency, and he explaaus that the "editor of the Mai/ has nothing to do with what goes into the temperence column. of his paper, nor hoe the gentlemen who conduct that de- partment anything to do with what goes - into. the editor of the • —The worst featureabout the crema- tion business is that some winter morn- ing. in a fit of philanthropy, your wife's second husbancl may empty your ashes on the icy pavement. for the benefit of pedestrians, nine reveal some romise, additional teach. ing willasually be NY , ted pn her. Ila tree education consists in remedying takes—commonly ii separable from general Ohm ; in undoing what has done ; in doing what has been neglec **in The Pope,---tven an Init. would Xiteel to There is something marvellously Ian - untie in th atmosphere of this wood. rftil Pope. I ef3r any man who is a mai to stand in t at audience chamber and not feel an ins inctive desire to go down on bialenees, and, :of course, the very ilext minute do n he goes. It is not necei- sary to be a Catholic; it is not necesisary even to f the eope, pority of tanked By soribable the mome t he enters the room and holcle eted so long as you are in his And then it doesn't leave you ou 'tememher him with a sense on please re. It is Much like the levittion, the delicious calm a s 'after he has made a good cen- yeti know what that is; and of is - any een. ed... el el a tearticular reverence' for as you wOuld for any mani the hose life has never been at. his enemies. It is. the Inde - something that possesses you you fasci presence. at once; 111100111spiritual fellow fe feseion i Probably most of you don't !„, The Holy a Father was not more than ten mi 'in our room, for there were rooms 1 other folk anxiously waiting hi *each. To one he gave his belied and tease d on; to another, a Gene d• stincti n, he spoke rapidly and g eat sp rit, and yet he spoke t man of ar as if be was speaking child, as'n who had merited his f love, an it %me e Mbomou • se So were in roduceld who tette ed fro their na ionalit Et ing to hem which might inteeest his Holiness Then atue my turn. efore ntation m was -imediate y rec- and, with a twinkle in his eye acious familiarity, he lea ed on derand said to my cent. anion, greeted cordially : A e, this ericam 1" I WAS IleVOr so atter- my life—Foreign, Letter. ir • Grasshoppers, utes ill of ap- ction al of *with this to a ther's arming to witness the If e of the gentlemen by the proper officer, m their official doonment y nd the few iternSrelat- . f-tt. they could not bail it out, and. while full of water it would not support more than one person. The men put the girl in and. held on to the edges of the boat, supporting-tnern.selves by swimming till exhaustedand chilled. through by the cold water, and then dropping off, sank one by one. They showecl no thought of disputing the young woman's exclus- ive right to boat. • She was saved_ by their self-sacrifice. MEW essono my pres egmzed, and a my shou whom h is an A ed in all Ai Affectirtg naalaila1106. Ile was young, he was fair, and he parted his hair like the average beau, in the middle ; „Ile was proud, he was bold, but the truth must be told, he played like efiend on the fiddle. But aside frozn. this vice he was everything nice, and his heart was so loving and tender that he always turned pale when he trod on the tail of the cat lying down by the fender. He clerked in the store, and. the way that he tore off the calico, jeeps and brawn Sheetings would. have tickled a calf and made the brute laugh in the: face of a quarterly meeting. He cut (Fite a dash with a darling moustache, which he learned to adore and to cherish, for one girl had said, while she dropped. her proud head that ltwould kilt her to seethe thing perish. ' On a Sunday he'd search the straight road to church, un- heediug the voice of the scorner; and de- n:nerdy he sat, like a young tabby cat, with the saints in the far amen corner. He sang like a bird, and. his sweet- voice was heard fairly Jugging away at long - metre ; and we speakbut the truth when we say that this youth could. outsing hungry mosquiter. • She was young, she was fair, and. she scrambled her hair like the average belle of the city, she was proud, but not bold, yet the truth must be told that the way she chewed wax was a pity. But aside from this vice she was every thing nice and the world. much applauded her bustle, and the Fayetteville boys, beipec charmed by the noise, walked miles jest to hear the thing rustle. She cut quite a swell, clid this wax -chewing belle, and. Men flocked in armies to meet her ; but she gave them the shirk, for she loved the young clerk, who sung like a hungry metquiter. She hemmed and she hawed; and. she sidled. and he chawed until her heart and jaws -were both broken, then She walked. by his store, while he stood at the door awaiting some amative token; She raised up her eyes with. &pretty sur- prise, and tried to enact the proud. scorn- er; but U. tellthe -plain truth, she just . grinned at the youth who loved the de- vout amen comer. 41 , DUBU UE, la.,June 11, 1873.— of grass.hopper ravages in wester continue to arrive. Aoresident o boldt County says that section is with them, to the damage of the wheat and corn. The largest ar epode Iowa_ Hem- tocked rowing about two-thirds grown, and they vary in Size • from that down to those just They are not yet large enough to as yet they have committed depr only in ithe places where. their Raid. iii 10 or 12 counties west lboldt, and up the west branc !Des Moines River, the country them. . They have already _ e growing crops on the groan left th Many a crop, ; out of be the they e • and W sota s Humboldt they do not come so The hope now is that as soon a large nough to fly, say by J July 1 they will leave. . The clouds' nd go whichever way happe s to blow. It is hoped that their 111 depart re may be speedy. - ' A 44 TICKET " PRECENTOR. • lege near Airdrie, a ludicrou occurred lately at an of in meet' ' . The leader of the psalmody, a e a stum- stand in leree more out in his • as wank!" being ex - led *4 son • r and said no gang try again, right key- ience had. was joined the second d precentor . ! I've got - n although ad, as may ' their sides h laughter• atched: fly, and dations ggs are f Hum - of the 's full of ten the s, and fields as bare as board. f the homesteaders, in d spair of • have packed up and ar moving he country. Humboldt seems to astern limit, though- furt erruirtli tend further east into Kossuth nnebage Counties, and i •Minne- ill further east, while smith of far east. they are' 25 or - i rise n he wind The Plano-Passiort• The chief defect of modern education is spoiled !If Immediately his • its uniformity and. routine. Certain studies are chosen and every pupil is ex_ cove for another chicken, pected to pursue them, regardless to cap 7 . turn. " Madame, I on't w acity hien You know Low i inclMation, or taste. This is alto_ ', • been i cooked." Just then a ! -ith mushrooms, was- - " Without green Ina vil- incident g sermon sonaew ble, a the si Immo at raw individual, ma d. finally canie to a dea ging of a tone. After essful attempts he crie agony, "This it most tremen The n cited of son &polo " ibilities of the aoclietic y the remark, the tro turned to the minis eticaily, That ane'l ava! Ile resolved, however, t and before he hid found the note, a gentleman in the a struck up " St. Pauls" and i in by the congregation. . At line, however, the disconcert bawled oral " Hand on a we ten't hoo "." ' Thecongtegati they dicl not " baud on," well -le imagined. to " haucl to pr vent them splitting wi SO EASILY SATISFIED. !hat will you have for dinner, Sandy!" sai Mrs. Black, "A chicken, Madame, " said the husband, st or boiled?" aske the wife. found it, Maclaine, y what I like !" The n raising the cover of , out : Bbiled chick •me ! A chicken boile 00 know and calk Mad gethee true of music, particularly .of pi- ano music, to which every girl in the land seems doonied to serve an appren- ticeship, whether or not she may have: any conception of time or tune. The less aptitedeehe shows*for it, the more necess sary it is thought to be for her to devote herself to the 'uncongenial instrument. Her parents, guardians or friends, 1 feel sure she has -talent ; all she nee application for its proper develop Consequently she is forced to spend, nms hours. every clay, aver key Dever learns tottonico save mechani and over notes possessed of no i meaning. She may be strong emit resist such misdirection of her Inc en, N tabic •the said my preS pera, goin pres s ea. look prec- the she me' aliy, ward • gh lties, u ought to* inner came, the dish, he n ! I hate it is a chicken wife raised a roasted to a* eat no roast should have sroiled. chick -- laced on the eas," roared. nimbler. Here the aatt. dear, " Mrs. Black., "Row re you spend They -Were a ndy in des - in He was you receive a e ?" but he lig face, and. hey do say he 'oAfaeJfid L uE CD LO feATJJV 3 CAR ECEIVEP AT THE SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. OADS AMERICAN CUT NAILS Fron the Celebrated Factory of Dewey, Vance & o., Wheeling, 'Virginia, Which we will soll t the same price as Canadian Nails, altbougtt worth 41 per keg more. Be sure and see them before yo buy any other nails. Sole Agepts Seafottla for the world wide known EIL.PHANT BRAND W Warranted the best manufactured. Anything and everything y have of good qualit and low price. WM. RO N. B. --Just race ved, direct from Buffalo, a quantity of Fire WILSO A,_ GOVENLOCIC FIELD .0 ITE LEAD, 01 require in tte Hardware Lin. e ,w ERTSON & Co., SEAFORTH. ONT. Wk. EEDS I SEEDS1 AT & YOUNG' JUST RECEITED A FULL S AND GARDEN 'SEEDS OF • WARRANTED FRESH SWEDE TUR • Westbury Improved. which has taken prizes'wherever gr 'varieties grown in this country; Scirving's Improved Purple White Dutch Sw ads, new variety, highly recommended. FALL. TURN White Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, and several CARROT %White Belgian, White Orthe, Long Orange, S MANGOL Long Red and Yellow Globe.—All the above varieties ha reliable Seedsnien in the Country, and will be sold cheap. and parties pm'ahasing large getahtitiei. SEEDS I SEAFORTH. OCK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, VD GOOD. HEWI. _ ASSIMERE CAPES AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' NEW PS. ; Carter's Imperial, one of the best p, also a good variety, and well known; s. t or well known varieties. t Intermediate, and others. • Cassi):nere Mantles ° e been purchased from the best and most pedal inducements offered to Jobbers AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND PROVISIONS REAP AND GOOD AS USUAL. Daily expected—Our Spring Stock of Crockery, which w le well worthy of Inspection. W tSON & YOUNG. GRAND 0 ENING AATOULD beg leave to thank his numerous cus- T tomers for their liberal patronage extended to him since commencing a THE -LUMBER TRAPEd OF If I ID 3:3 8 ON MONDAY, APRIL 20TH. —4 1 AT RY 17-) CD II T_Tist New Lace Gapes AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. • Dift. D would amiounce tO the Ladies of S afbrth and snriounding t" ountry that he has engaged the se vices 'of a c - FIRST-CLASS 'MILLINER, !NEW LACE - MANTLES AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'.- • Frean one of th most Fashions.illeHeases in the Provi ce, to take charge of his Millinery Depart- eason in Ire would also inform them that the same stria mentawhich reprises all the 1 ading novelties of the attention shall be paid to the business as in the past, and all orders sent to Winthrop P. 0. will be promptly attended to. ' Vats, BOVfilet81 Bon et MaterialS, Building and Fencing Lumber Generally In great venal and color. Ale?'a large and elegant as on Rand. He has made arrangements for the erection of a GRIST AND FLOURING MILL Whieh will be in working order by the first of Sep- tember. 332*12 oney in that way ? nt," said his wife. S ill ion rose from his ch to say, " How dare nt without ray tea d at his wife's sm. ' he smiled, too; and r grumbled again. sill eas T IE DIAGNOSIS OF A. ST, trio, of Warren Hastings, terieal powers of Pitt, Bu to escape from drudgery which reit ses to den were brought so em atter a while, ,contineeus paessue , 'reit_ Hat row sehool, was an int xestecl listener that, ph old Dr. Parr, the h bear fruit. But the probability i on the , oecasion, for Ric ard Brinsley . ting her under the delusien shared y her kin, ceases her to believe, in the ace of ha been the cloctor'efavo ite pupil. At rausical. Then the destiny of h e die_ the doctor had retired t his corner in . the closc- of the eloqueu tourpaanent, nature's contradiction. that she is really musical ex-pressions, without a resp 1 the Westminster coffee -la use, when he harmony is fixed. She wreaks her elf On mere. we launching out, as -a in tter of course, in support of the speec of Sheridan. . chord in her entire breast, ascend' g ancl Burke happening in, bead . most of the descending the scale as she woul, tip, go doctor's eulogy, and, at its close, re- , At a people, We are not inusigal-tat ' ma ked., "Why, doctor,. nel. have said and. clown the back stairs. ' lead not in the sense in which the Ger- nians and Italians are. We do , ot in- herit any special love of muisic, an many tfus cultivate it wholly against th grain. acconnt of this deficiency, it is 'well. t:itat we should try to reniedy it liy- eclue' n, ion, provided. we do not go t o fat. To develope a, latent quality is v ey dif- tetent from struggling to develop sante- thing that does not exist. Musical in, ae etion is always good as resensicts,the tteunpt ; but its continua,nce shohld de - Pend -upon the manner in which the.:in- CH. —At the I When the ora- ke and Sheri- hatically into ad. master of struction received. The s growthis encouraging ; the absen growth is not A_ year, at the f rni ur piano -player. Unless in that .time • ca sizecl three ri hted it, but as wnl show ' • if a girl be designed. b allest e of all It -hest, nature nothing about my speech." "Your ech, Edmund," thundered forth the tor, " was oppressed by epithet, (lis- ted by parentheses, Knd debilitated amplification." NDIAN CHIVALRY. —1 The following story, the teeth of whicic is vouched for by a California paper, vouid seem to shew that the noble traith attributed to Indians by novelists and playwrights have some foundation of fact to rest upon : Six weeks ago seven male In - diens and a young Indian young womaA started across Clear la rthern end, in a small s ft the spe do lac by CLINTON MARBLE WORKS, HURON STREET, Next door west of the Commercial Hotel. • MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES/ • And work Of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at most reasonable prices. Mantles .of Various Colored Marble: sup'. plied OM Short Notice. • Granite Monuments to order. W. II. COOPER., Jr. T. CALDER, Agent. and Headstones imported 277 , • 1 ke, near the oat, which was ni land. They ake was rough SEAFORTFI AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. lowers, Feathers and Ribbonl, ortmeut of HAIR, GcODS, Such as Chign us, Braids, Coro et Braids, Switches, & . . All shese goods are new and of the latest importations f •om the Europefti and American Marko s, and have been selected with great caxe and An earl inspection is elicited, and all orders will be attended. to with promptness, and dtme judgment. hi the neatest tyle. THOMAS KIDD, Main Street, Seafortb. NEW LACE SCARFS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. NEW LACE SHAWLS MESSETT. tri .B OTHER, (Late of Ha ton,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public tlaat they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headston s, Table Tops, Mantles, &c, Granite lifonuments Imported to Ordei•.-- Work of the best style and art, and. cannot be surpassedin this part of Ontario, A call respectfully solicited. Calder's old Stand, opposite McCallum's Hotel, a MAIN STKEET,.SEAFORTH. H. AIESSE'Pla E. MESSETT. THE SEAFORTH LITI\TBER YARD. ST ‘1PECIAL " different k variety. We determined to expense or tro ness we expec have not yet A NEW AND VV "ELL SELECTED OK • 0 F URNITURE JUST RECEIVED AT a3Z 0 - S - start housekeeping. A. selection of over 20 stock;"- Sofas, Lounges and Bedsteads in endless *ill sell cheaper than the cheapest, as -we are public may rest aasured that we shall save no have already done double the amount of hug- e those who patronize as, hoping Plat those who urchasing elsewhere. • • AMeriean C Coffins made to order. A Hearse t�Hire. 'DUCEMENTS given o those about t ds of CANE EAT HAIRS kept in re determined_ ot to be undersold, an establish a bus ess ' Seaforth. Th ni, ble in. trying t give s tisfaction. W ecl to have done, at sta Ling. Thanks urchaeed will call and examine before Bina alway kept on hand a,nd AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'!" • Three journeymen Cabinet Makers wanted, none int first-class workmen heed apply. 1 T. JOHNS & CO. MABEE & AODON ALD TEG to inform the publics that they have re -R-• moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS or, LUMBER, dressed and luidressed. Also, LATH .A.....arD SHINGLES,all of whieh they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Also. on hand any quantita of the best ACTON LIME Builders and others will find it to their advana tage toinspect our stook, and ascertain our prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. RS• 'T '1' 1\T 'T 0 1\T _ HAS JDT RECEIVED A. L GE STOCK OF THE BEST Montreal c4t Nails, Gass, Putty, Paints,,c. BLUNDELE, SlrENCE & Co.'s 1 Boiled L4t3e a Oils, Spades and ,Shovels, Bes, Raw al NEW LACE POINTS . IT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. All of,whichaaill be sold eh Lip. Having purchase m -y Stock for cash, I will not be undersold by tiny in the trade. Remember t °place, one door Bout of Allen's Grocery, Main Street, Seaforth. • JOHN KIDD. FRESH ARRIVALS. WISHES o announce t, deseiijjlilon ever bro Hot Weathe (may it come hand a meat er of the Sce tirely through its composit lLongine Watches re being on these Watches is M. R. COTTNTER NEW SUN HATS AT HOFFMAN -BROTHERS'. t he has now On hand the largest Stock of Itair Ornaments of every gilt to the Town of Seaforth, (we say TowN now). Also, for the coming quickly) an extensive and varied Stock of Fancy Fans. Be has, also on fed Necklaces—This is something new, the Necklace is scented en - on, and will retain its imriume for years. Aliother case of those Celebrated eived the other day. The fact of the name of THOMAS ROSSEI:L & Sow a sufficient gaarantee Of their reliability as Timepieces. NEW PARASOLS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. REPAIRING PROMPTLYi ATTENDED - TO AS USUAL. WANED -500 OUNCES F OLD GOLD AND SLLVER.. Spectaeles•—I have ueeeived instructions frOro Lazarus, Monis & Co. to sell their Spectacles bereafter at 42 per pair, case 25(1 extra, instead of at $2 50 as formerly. 11 M. R. COUNTER. New Silk Uxnbrellas AT, HOFFMAN BROTHERS. FRESH ARRIVALS OF 1V1, I In la 1\1- 1Ro "CZ EVERY WEEK AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS CHEAP CASE STORE, - sE,AiORTE. -