HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-26, Page 1Dr 1874. 14EXT TWO EKS MN CAN, L LIt shmere iiantics YS ADES BARGAI a Ines, AMES,- "AWED vERADINES. COLORED BATISTE. Aored Muslins, TWED MUSLIES TED LAWNS1 PAUSLINS, soir Earsums. t A se Cease Russell Cord Coats, Flannel Coats, f CLOTHING— till Line, FURNISHINGS, AND OAPS. I °TS AD SHOES IN d Children's, Prunella Laced, Street Slippers for Lai ea and DAR & DUNCAN at preaent a full etock of allsorta oode and Rouse Furnishings, Ts- rhita and colOred,TOwele DTOW rts. SEVE`INTII YEA.K. WOOLNO. 342.5 "Ca 604#..£4 , FARM FOR SALE. T OT 2,3, (Jon. 4, II iy,1 half inile from Zurich. -Li Gravelltbsul, 100 aetlea, '70 Reyes cleared; frame barn and stables; :goOd orchard; well wateaed. Will be sold either with or without crop, 8,8 pre- ferred. For fartherparticlra enquire on the eremises,or: by letter to Ro gerville P. 0- ' ,42*8 JOHN JOHNSON. 4. FARIVI FOR SALE. VOR SALE, Lots 26 and 27, Oona. 8 and 4, Me- x Killop, containing 1'75 acres, 150 acres are cleared and in a drqt-class state- of cultivatio sad thoroughly tind.rdrained. There is a lex e two-story briek hous , good out -buildings, also two large frame barns tbk1.l sheds. There is a large hearing oreliara. Iflie farm. is watered by a never- • ' S`tuated. on the Northern SEAFORTH FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1874. The ReeS,paoeity Trea The full text of the proposed city Treaty between Canada an ited„States, was submitted by t ident of the United States to ti assembled. -in secret executive A on Tuesday last. As Congress the point oa acrournment it was resolved to defer the, c nsicleration of t e Treaty until nAxt session, not upon, ny ques- tion as tkh its Merits hut in mein' to afford time for that full 'deliberatio the sub- ject dentandeal,1 and. which at ti e present moment would have been impo Bible. It is supoaed. that the President will con- vene the Senate for this purp ae a eveek 3r- 1 • empro- the Un - e Prea- e Senate ssion on was on failing spring. . or 10 days •prear to the ass Gravel Bond, within twb miles of the village of I •• COngresa in December. The Seaforth. For farther particulars apply on the prenilses or to Seafortn I' . 0. also have to receive the sane ROBERT GO VENLOCK. Canadian and Itnperial Naha, The Treaty will Pe known a the reciprocalregulation of Co Trade between Canada and States." Accompa,nyin.g the mated to the Senate was a m the President, earnestly comm the consideration of that. bo -- pressing no opinion absolutel F°"' TE, 150 acres of land, being eomposed 1 . - • provisiona. The followMg ar °Mot Na. 23, (Don 5, MeKillop, and west half FARM TO EMIT. r 1 TO RENT, Lot Na. W, Thames Road, township -2- of -Osborne, a bairn, 4ontaasina 87 acres of desir- ed land. For terma and partieulars apply to the .andersigned at Farquhar P. 0.; up to July 20. a 341*1 JAMES GARDINER, ...... a FARIIVI FOR SALE. a • of Lot No. 22. This property is situated within i provisions : stales of Seaforth. f A good gravel road rune 1 - The first and second article half a mile. There are 135 acres cleared, well 1 respective conatties the ri pat the place. Thera is a school house within 1 fenced and mostly free from eturaps, and dean fishing -and drying and curing and in good ordef. On the 50 acre lot there is a I other's sea coa,sts. Shell fis good frame barn, dwelling house an& orchard. On I ed from the operations of th the 100 acre farm there is a good frame house,:2 ; 1 ' fugue barns -with underground cellar, and a large I also are the salmon, shad, orehard. The farm is well watered. These firms 1 fisheries in the rivers and m - a retell- Or toeether to gulf, purchas- 'er8. The right of fishing WIt Ming of reaty will on of the oats. one "For merce and e United. draft sub- ssage from -tiding it to y butex- as to its its leading give to the • ht of free fish on each are reserv- Treaty, as and other uths of riv- onceded to Cheese Vats. Cheese Factory heaters.' Cheese presses orparts thereof. Churns or parts thereof. Cattle feed. boilers and stea parts thereof. Ditchers or parts thereof. , Field rollers or parts thereof. Fanning mills or parts thereof. Feed -choppers or parts thereof Porks.for hay and manure. Halal or horse grain drills o • thereof. • Grain broad -cast SOIVprs or thereof. Grain crushers et parts thercoli. • Harrows, ' Hoes, hand. or horse. Horse rakes. Horse power machines or parts thereof. Hay-tedelers or parts thereof. Liquid Manure carts or parts thereof. Manure aowers or parts therecla Mowers or parts thereof.' Oil ana oil cake ot4tahera thereof. Plows or parts thereof. Root- arid ;seed. planters thereof. • e Root critters, ,pulpers and w parts -thereof. • Rakes. • Reapers or parts thereof. Reaper and mowers combinel. or parts thereof. Spades. Shovels. Scythes. Snaith§. Threehing machines or parts thereof. Schedule C, consistiag of lie follow- ing Manufactures: Axles.: All kinds of boots and shoes, oI leather. sammassmassameams0 and regulation of lighthouses OD. the Great Lakes. Article 11 mission for the inland • countries. , By Article stipulations ers -or era. Fes. further Wiles -dare apply to the proprie- British, subjects on the United. States esatarta P. ca se S. G. McCAUGWRY, Sea- coasts dees not extend: to s tor on. the premisea, or o forth. "1*4 ed south of the 39th parallel , By Article 3, places rese FARM WANTED. Or 60 acres, of land. For further parties:Um t inquire at this ofdce. 3404 I axe to be so reserved tin Treaty. In case any quest FAR FOR SALE. to the right of fishing in :OT No. 22, 04n. 7, McKillop, contadniug • 104 ; reserved, Commissioners are a of a mile from a ' ed to desianate such places -Li sores, 85 acre. cleared.; 411. miles from Seaforth; •bank barn, with houses; large ne a good never -fa. l coast of either country from _ WANTED to Resit, a.FARM of from 30, 40, 50 ; of fishing under the T right he Northern Gravel Road, axge sealing below; also, other °lit- I manner as under the forxner • concrete house, well finished ; By Article 4, provisam is e • gradual reauption of the d -o spring creek; also a ood u well; the land. is elean and of good. quality , thiee „ aeres•Of orchard Of very best fruit trees, all bear.. ; at the gate of the 1 reaty nit oth.er particulars applyon the articles, the growth of pro ess countiy name ' • th he ANDREW COWAN, Seaforth. • ' • - ed, denominated respective I A, B, and C. The redu . . place as follows in either c taneously : From the firs 1S75, to the 30th day of J two-thirds of the present levied ; from the first day to the 30th day of Jane, third the present duties and from the first da.y of ing. For terms premises, or sal 340 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 2, Con.; Stanley, containing 100 sews, to- gether with east half of Lot 2, Con. 2, contain- ing 5'0 acres ; 4uated ou the London Itoad, one- quarter of a mile north of Kippen ; upward of 100 acres cleared and in good cultivation , good frame bares and stabh in full bearing; through. a corn good wells. Terme reasonable, one-half ,-of the purchase mon will be required cash ; the re - mangler eqn 1 annual instailnients for 4 years. said articles are to be adm tted duty free. Apply to wm' BLAIR, EiPPell' -No higher clay -is to be imposed either Also, a 'LOUSE. and ONE ACRE OF LAND at , and cow house, • convenient tO churches and post facture of either:2countrye ot enumeta,tecl s, and frame house; two orchards a branch of the Baifield river runs r of the farm; there are also two •eries situat- ved , on the the Common eaty of 1851 er the new on maims as laces not so o be appoint-. in the same Treaty. made for the ties imposed upon certain uce of either tiles append-. y, Schedules tion to take untry sinaul- day of July, ne, 1876,, only duties will 'be of July, 1876, 877s only one - ill be levied; uly, 1877, the parts parts or parts parts' shers, or the Villag,e of Kippena good orehard and garden, by Can_aela or the United. Sates upon other frame house, 11 looms, two wells, frame . stable articles, the. growth, pro uce, or menu- oreee. Apply o 340 BUILDING VCR Sale, about 20 -1- situated; teams apply to 339-4 in the sehedule before entioned than are respect ve y p ticks the growth, produe of Great Britian or any o The following is a list coatained in the above chiles, A, 13 and C: WM: BL.A.111, ppen. i 1 int °seal on the like ar- LOTS FOR SALE! ‘: good building lots, eligably reasonable. For partieulars F. G. Sa.e.T.,flaa. FARM FOR SALE., OT No. 6, Con. 4,Huhett ; 140 acres, f more or -2-4 less, 80 saxes cleared. Plenty of water; andlthe north brattish of the Maitland Rives. running through the 18 acre bush; good fences. I Apply on the premises to the proprietor, jAMES TIN, 3.08 or address Constance P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. REING composed of Lot la Con.10 of the TOW11.- -1" ship of Taokersmith, containing 100 a4es of excellent land, upon which there is a new frame barn, 3850 feet, and. also a good. orchard. For terms, Nvhich are eafi:T, and other information, ap- ply to Mr. SAamS DAVEY, on Lot 1, pen. 12, of said Township, or to the vendor, WALTER BEN - WICK, Sr„ St. George P. 0., Brant Co.; Oat. 206 STEAM SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. BE LNG Lot 34, Con. 7, McKillop, containing 104 two•good m:chards in full tearing; two neN e -I ivtigrounct. Con. 9, containing 48 mires of -bush. TheProperty is situated 6 miles from Setiforth, with a good gravel read thereto. For further particulars apply on the premisea. If by post, to JOAN THOMP- SON, Constance P. O., Kinburn, Ont 260 • FARM FOR, SALE IN MC FOR SALE, a good Farm, compo half of lot 16 and the west half of 12, McKillop, containing 100 acres, 5 well fumed., and in good cultivation; timbered with hardwood; a good and. new log baru; good bearing miles and a nalf from a good gravel r from the village of Seaforth ; there sawmills within 3:: miles ; convenien schools and stores. For particulars • proprietor on the premises, or, ' by letter, t(i• Winthrop P. 280*4 JA3LES MoDONAILD. acre, deared, with gm:alba-rats and stables, provides for a joint coma tile propagation of fish ire waters common to both 12 it is provided. that the! of the Treaty may be ex-' tended to Newfoundland. Article 12 declares that the Treaty shall -be in force for 21 years after the pecessarylegislaaion has been passed by the several contracting parties, and fur- ther'until the expiration of three yeas: aftet notice. • Articles 14 and. 15 are of a formal/ character only. The Treaty will bea come void if, within a given period. to be hereinafter inserted, the necessary legislative- measures, to give it effeet, have not b en passed by either of the Legislature respectively interested. ' or malaufacaure her counary. of the __articles entioned Sche- ll Schedule A, coasistin of the . fo ow- ing natural products : Athmals of all kinds. Ashes, pot,- pearl and Bark. • - Bark extract for tann ' Bath-briaks. Breadstuffs of all kin Bricks for building, a Broom corn. Burr or grindstone§ unwrought. 1Butter. • Cheese. Coal and Coke. Cotton wool. 'Cotton waste. 'Dye stuffs. Earths Clays, Ochr ing springs which supply the mi 1. , t 35 • Eggs. Fish of all kinds.' Fish Products, and er creatures living in fish preserved. in oil. L.LOP. Fire -wood. ed of • North Flax, unroanufatta lot, 14; con Flours and meals o cleared and 1 Fruits green or c balance well, ' ' frame housa Furs um ressen. rehard; tw Grain of all .kinde. ad; la nsile , Gypsum -- grountl, re tive ste Cined. apply to the Etay. to churchesi Hemp--unmanufa, Hides. 11111111MEHM2b- i WANTED, . . A GOOD StOad,y arm to Garden a d. take care ef -"--1- a Horse. : Apply at I 341 E. FLICKSON & Co.'s 3:)rnat Store. TO FARMER- • THE undersigned iki 110 w-prepozed to receive and - -- • ---- feea elle:sited number of Hogs. rit the Seaforth Ho Lan: • Lim Malt. Manures. - Marble— Stone; slate or geanite wrought or unwrought. . Meats—Fresh, s oked or salted. • oda. g purposes. s. • d fire -bricks. Boot and. shoe makiAg reachWes. Buffalo robes—dressed' and trimmed. Cotton grain hags. Cottou denims. °Wort jeans unbleaehecl. Cotton drillings unbleached Cotton tickings. Cotton plaids. Cottonades unbleached. Cabinet ware , and. furnattufe or thereof: Caxria,ges, carts, -wagons wheeled. vehicles and sleig thereof. Fire engines or parts ther Felt covering for boilers. alutta-percha belting and tubing. Iron—bar, hoop; pig, pudallecl, iod, sheet or scrap. • Iron. nails, spikes, bolts, tacks, bads or springs. India rubber belting or tubing. Iron castings. Locomoyes for railways or thereof. Lead, sheet or pig. Leather, sole or upper. Leather, harness arid saddlery. Mill or factory, or steamaoat fixed ens r parte thereof. hewn, wrought and, s or of. parts other parts A Huron Teacher on Dr. Sank- . ster. ✓ of the Huron. Expositor. teachers of Ontario support " such a man as Dr. Sangster we can (nay "say that "sad mist "the franc " such a June 17. • r chall . of arroga Dominion found, to for consa tespecting TO the Edit " If the s, sand ground or roclucts of all oth- the water, except ed. all kinds. cl. years head virtu tifica e year t by h. trate he w he thes high on tr der Pub be suc Dea the kn den pia ste 1 rtieLEALN nuoTirEias, PablisherA. 1 131 50 a Year, in advance. 1866 and 1871 Dr. Sangster was teacher in the Normal School by Of an appointment and a legal cer- of qualification, that between said he alleged crimes were perpetrated in the city of Toronto, if perpe- t all. Now, let us assume that and is that immoral being that 'been represented ; that during ve years, whilst occupying the moral trust in the land, he es every principle of morality un - the eyes of the •Council of i Iastruction. What, I say, can he only logical inference but that men as Dr. Jennings, Dr. McCaul, 1 Grassett, Dr. Ryerson, and seven editor of the Globe himself, 'with a wedge of all these alleged mis- e Dors, must stand on the same le of moral dean-adafion as Dr. Sang - Which is a.bsurd. 1 assume, also, the Legislature has made a ke in entrusting them with hise, which thea prostitute to purpose."- Signal Editorial, nge the whole fraternity t scribblers throughout the r wherever else they may be xcel or even equal the above rirnate gratuitous Mapudence, the teachers of Ontario. Read the °lures. id effusion a second time and then pictu Signal, w separate wailing t Legislatur teachers fit to pr ;liberty, s ing down that wou ment on their ow this pres ceive in issue fro ao that -do justic sto Dr. editor c 'without inferior morals, would s ,from parts` 3, gines.a,nd machines • Manufactures of marble, stone, slate. or granite. Manufactures of wood solely or tvoecl nailed., bound, hinge 1. or lock with actetal materials. t .1 Mangles, washing machines, wringing machines and drying machines, or parts thereof. Printing paper for newspapers. Paper making machiies or parts' thereof. Printing type, presses* apd Paper cutters, tailing Machines, paae- numbering machines .and. stereotyping and • electrotyping appartus, or parts thereot. Refrigerators or parts thereof. Railroad ears, catriagea and trucks soy parts thereof. Satinets, of wool and cletton. Steam engines or parts thereof. ungrouncl. or cal- tured. and Kiaburn C-heese Factories. fERs S— pei Ores. . month for each. hog. This is an efeeellent oppor- , All kinds of meta, tsmity for farmers having hogs which they may wish to get fattened elmap. 439 . W. S. BERTSON. PUBLIC NOT I 0 C.:WILLSON, of Seaforth, h. • ed sole tersest for the eelebrote Pelts. Peas --Whole or split. Petroleam 'rude or refilled or s. E. !benzole. • e been appoint- I Pitch. Mathushek Pi- Plants. also in the County of Huron and Lai instrument can only be purehaaed through him or his duly author- ized agents. Orden; given to othera than my agents Or myself will not be tilled. The 10110wing gentle- men hart:been appointed. to 8.et iny ageuts in ' the County of Heron : Thos. Connors, . William and L. Aturehy, Seziforth ; C. Doherty, Clinton ; and L. S. Willson, Goderich. 320 0. 0. WILLSON,,Seafor h. THOROUGHBRED AYRSHIRE BULL. •PARILERS or others desirous of improv ng theist dairy stock can have the services of ny bull for the season.. Terms al_ 50. Two half-lited Ayrshire Calves for sale. RODERICK GRAY, 339*6 Lot 27, Con. 2, McKillop. DURHAIVI BULL FOR SALE. THE subecriber offers for sale a DURILIM BULL, two years old; will be Sold on reason- able terms • elm be seep on Lot 20, Con. 3, Tuck- ersmith, S. 339*4 R. 11: CARNOCHAN. MARE STRAYED. STRAIED from the farm of Mr. Thomas Hays, !a' Oen. 3, McKillop, about 2 xveeks ago, a dark bay MA.RE, 16 hands high, and 4 years old. She , has a white spot on one of her nd feet, and is rotaan nosed. When hist seen he was lame on. the right front foot. Any perso . giving such in- formation to the undersigned, as will lead to the recovery of the above Easimal wil be suitably re- warded. 340 f3sE,ORGE E . 11 Seafoith. Poultry of all lei as. ; Rags of all kinds Rice. Salt. Seeds. Shrubs. Skins.• , Straw. Tallow. Timber and L imber of all tkinds, Tar. roma, hewed. ata sawn, manufacturea in whole or in pari. Tobacco, unman efa,ctueecl.6 Tow, unmanufa ttued. Trees. Turpentine. Vegetables. Wool. Schedule B, co ing Agrie•ultural I Axes. Bat holelers. Bee -hives. Bone &ushers, r parts thereof. Cultivators or arts thereof. • Chaff Cutters, or parts thereof. Corn Huskers, or paxts thereof. e to yourself the editor of the o, it seems, can b?stinctijcely he innocent from the geilty, e blundering, incapacity of our e, and to whom the Onterio ppear as a vulgar herd, only stitute the blessings of civil ernly, yet benignantly, look - upon the poor erring wretches dare to exercise their judg- business which is peculiarly • We will at all times, during nt •contest, be thankful to re- ormation on the question at whatever source it may come, e may be the better enabled to to ourselves, to the public and angster. But -when a public ndescends to establish guilt evidence, broadly hints at an standard of intelligence and or those whose ideas of justice em to be , superior, or who differ M conclusioas- from common 8 a that the freedom of -the Pres e was avail- abl then, as well as now, in the cause of Olio morals. To argue. that a great sc naal, involving interesting details of fli tatiou, courtship, bigamy, &c., could re in concealed without the facts, aye, an th ro it S. "1;] it a b n 0 11 1 1 premises, I can, therefore, not only speak for mys fession our hu lowed b j udgmes sunder t by very at such from s seems t sumptu that he play s icliosyn thing t lais lea Steel, wrought or cast, and steel plates an.d rails. Tin tubes and. piping. Tweeds, of -wool solel Water -wheel maehine or parts thereof. By Article 5 Canada, at her own cost the can Lake Erie and Moatrea of the passage of viesse of water, the locks to be not lese than 270 feet in length, 45 feet in width, and. 12 feet in depth, on the mitre sill. The St. Lawrence is aleo to be deepened so as to allow the passage of vessels draw- ing 12 feet of water in the seaeral teaches lying between the canals wherever nec- essary. This worle is -to be completed. by the first of January,, 1880. , ' isisting of . plements and 'appitratus, lf individually; but for the pro- enerally, when I say that it is le request that we may be al - all such th.e exercise of our own t without any incipient bullying e garb of an editorial dictated Q uestionable Motives. _ Looking art of the Signal Bi 1. be 'welcomed by both Canada and. tish Colurabia. —A aorse buyer was in 2arithill last eke purchasing horses for the Buffalo eet Railway. He did not appear to rit first-class horses, as hes price e only raged. from $80 to $110. —Mts. Codd, on the By Estate, Ottawa, is the owner of a goose that laid an egg out 11 inches in length, and from which two fine goslings were batched. They are now over two weeks olcl, and s em to be thriving as well aa any of the a slings that did not come into existence i so peculiar a manner. The twins eep constantly together, tight and day, nd seem to feel that there is a strong tie f frieadship existing between them. —A kidnapping case is causing some ensation Mount Forest, A grandson f Mr. R. Kilgour, Reeve Df the village, as carried off while the aaanily were at hurca, Sunday night. T e person. who tarried the child off was i s own father, ho eeparated from the mother some lime ago. The child was carried off to the neighborhood of Te vater, and at recovered. St a 1 more than the facts, being known to t last accounts had not bee tensors, as well as the people o o- to generally, would suggest to our nds a city of moral anomalies, and a ject worthy of greater morbid curios- Ithan was ever manifested for the ese Twins or the Woolly Horse of um. Again, we read in the Globe, atan eminent Queen's Counsel gives his opinion that the divorce is not 1 —Toronto, Ottawa, other places are just no flictea with small -pox, a apaears to be traveling. protect themselves and by at once getting every family .vaccinated, and ought to enforce any la in existence for the prate from the dire consequenc lontreal and. ''' seriously af- id. the scourge arents should their* children a 'ember of the r he authorities th.at may be tion of citizens ling in Canada, and that Dr. Sangster s cf an attack _ liable to arrest for bigamy at any. ; from this terrible disease. s • me " I confess that I, and probably I —A fine agricultural stallion, called 1 f. onduct on th veral poipts claim any le Df view, only one iency for such pre - us inapertmeace, and it is this. Lias been so long accustomed t cond fiddle fto every Otobi.sh rasy, that he cribbles off some at will chime with the music o en without tomprehending th insultin,g language therein employed. Haviag expressed. ;my sentiments fo the benalit of my frieincl the Signal, le s opportuniey of expressing, fo time, pay (Onion respecting the ture of Dr. i Sangster. And t necessary to state that. the Doct is no more of a personal friend or ene to me (so far as I am aware) than is ti Czar of Russia. On the contrary, aft; reading the charges preferred by ti Globe without any defence on the part, the Doctor, I felt inclined to give tae verclict against him by Vault. Bat, while I carefully read. the charges, I notice( at the same time a rather lin-, preced that is the ch lengin evid.en stance speaki says: discus that s This, ble argument, whilst the evident in tion is to imptess the public that no s document does dxist, and. thus establish a ch against Dr. Swigs angster did reply said.G/obe saw fit - brace t the firs candid may be grees to 'Onlarge is lying between , so as to. admit drawing 12 feet By Article 6 Canada agrees to censtruct on or before the first Of .Januar, 1880, • the work known as the Canghnaw-aga Canal, to conneet the St. Lawrence with Lake Champlain, witle the same stipulations as. to draught of water and lockage as- apply to , the ex- isting canais. Tae Government; of the United States agrees to urge apop. the State of New Xork to enlarge, or, if necessary, extendthe canal from White- hall to Albany, the canal last me the follow- : 11 11 dreds of others, accepted this state - eat as truth, nor doubted its authen- city. Judge of my surprise,then, pen reading the letter of Mr. Carter, 10., Professor of Criminal Law in eleGill University, Montreal, in which .• el denies the legality of said opinion, challenges any Queen's Counsel in Dominion to admit its paternity. nl vain. have we waited for the reply of his eminent Q. C., who is now supposed o be a manufacturer of law in behalf o4 beprosecution. Whatever may be th egal value of said. divorce can only b ettled by those competent to form a olpinion, but the moral features of tit q estion do not present the same dif- ti ulty. For since said divorce was a c pted by both parties as being yell and since tbe first Mrs. Sangster' renaa rted in February, 1871, under sanction said divorce, while the Doctor was n married to his present wife until Se tember of the same year, then the char of wilful bigamy againstDr. Sangster u terly falls, to the ground. R. FERGUSON. BRUCEYIELD, June 20, 1874. (Mime's' NOTE.—Ab the last moment, ninth o our disgust, we find that the above letter has 'been duplicated in the Clinton "New:Era." It is eontrary to our practice to publish letters or ar- ticles which are sent in duplicate to Other papers, and we have given prominent notiee of this ffor months together in these columns. If we tresplass the rule on this occasion, it is only through defer- ence to the .writer of the aboye letter, who, we presume must have been ignorant of it, and be- cause, since the Sangster affair was referred to by the Earosrroa, considerable attention has been directed to it throughout the County.] 411 o the same eatent as _Itionect The improve- ment of the Hu son River naesigation, in the same souse is- also provided for, - Article 7 throws open the inland coast- ing trade to vessels of either corintry. Article 8 prpviclesfor an eqhality of 'tolls levied. on Canaclian and American vessels passing through the canals of the Dominion. Canada, -is to impcse what -tolls she pleases on shipping- passing through her canals, bat without any dis- crimMation as to destination .of the vessels, or whether one or more canals be passed.. The St. Clair Flab Canal and Lakes Micaigaa and. Chainplainare els of .both coun- States Go trernment with the'!atates mn- o Canadian vessel the Whitehall, and e Canals on terms zena of the United oncessions be not the Fercheron, owned by Alex. o mes, 1 West Zorra, was taken , with Inflamma- tion . while on his route, and died in a few 'days. —Mr. L. D. Blinker; who was for many years General Su the Erie Railway, has General Manager of the to be free to the yes: tries, and the Unite( is to use its inflaenc terested to secure the use of the Brie, the Sault ate. a, of equality with cit States. If these granted, then the use on equal terms with Canadians of the Caughnawa,ga Canal will be suspended. Article 9 prOvides. for free trade in ships between the two countries. By Article 10 it LS agree4 to appoint a joint commission for advising the erection nted method of establishing, gm by attributing to Dr. Sangs racter of a villain, and. then ch him to prove by document e that he is not. Take, for the statement where the Globe, g of the validity of the aivor " That it will be tune enough to that subjeet when it is . pro ecl eh a document is in existen e.''' t first sight, appears like a pla si- en - ich de- rge er. ver fin. ive art atd titer oral air. ards that et is to inj ire the repu , for motiaes which are purposely kept 1 the backaound, but which time will pa 1)0- ly reveal. That Dr. Sangster is pre- rain- ently qualified to fill the positicai to which he aspires is a settled qu s eon amongst those who are qualifiecito j dge. But is he Morally qealified as well ? this is the ppint in dispute. Upon this gales - tion teachers must form their own o -pin- ion, according to the evidence in their possession. I only ask that every each- er in this County will so far perfo M. his or her duty as to take every reasonable s to ac uire all the inforrhation ceptively seem t upon his ground Again *hen Dr. his own .signature reasoas best knowa to himself, , to only la mutilated version, inconsis with Ithe prin.ciales of justiee honor hence seems that o causee as well desire for rectit de are interwoven in. this a For these and. ot given! I have just there exists a con er reasons, after cause for suspipion spiracy whose obj ,ation of the Decto perintendent of been appointed Canada South- ern Railway. The appointment ite most excellent one, Mr. Rucker being a gentleman of energy and extensive rail- way experience. —Mr. Patrick Harr' the township of Dow n, a farmer of le, County of Perth, fell from a wa on loaded with lumber, a few days ago back. Ile is not likely —s -Gavin Fleming,. Brant, has donatecl a su school section in his trustees of which sha equal sum, the whol founding libraries in Mons. —A few evenings a two of the buffaloes in escaped from confine toward the Canada S track just as the train One of the buffaloes a the bridge over the struck by the engine, bridge into the ra,vi killed. The other rn subsequently secured —It is said that the tato beetles having de have taken wings and doing any particula young brood will hate be much more destrue —A grand Orange pecteci to take pia° year, on the Twelfth. —Mr. Joseph Gill, Hay,ais the fortunate prolific sow. This ye to a litter of 15 pig - living and. doing wel two previous years s ber. —On Monday, the *expected that the Wroxeter district wi kr..0gle R. Gowan ; —Caterpillars are destroying the foliag rounding Montreal. Mixed train going aa brought to a stanclsti vast numbers of cat which had to be se train could advance. , --A sensation has Canada. Steamboat fares from. Montreal to Que- beb have beetle -1m down by competition to $1 for cabin and 25 cents steerage: --A. new inaention for tanning leather is now being introduced into this coun- try. . The article used m this is to transform hides into leather is Marmel & Stockton's Patent Composition, and it promises soon to do away entirely with the old style of ta,nning. It deniands the use of no bark, which ia an inlpor- ta,nt item just now when bark is an ex- ceedingly scarce article, compared with what it was a few years ago. It saves space, for no ground is required as now for the storage of bark, and the article itself is not bulky. It is also, much less expensive than bark. The article has been tried. in the tannery of Mr. E. W. Hyman. London, and is said, to have giv- en the hest satisfaction, - —The Governor-General and family are expected to make a trip to the i west will probably be by Lake Simcoe and wa by a Presbyterial clergyman named about the middle of July. The route Muskoka and Paary Sound, and thence i Tellime, who poisone his wife a few days by Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. * ago. ahe now hes t the point of 'death. In coming back it is likely the party He has fled to the States. It appeaxs will visit Lake Michigan and return b3r that he was former y a, Catholic priest, but became a Pres terian at the same —On Monday last; Mr. Joseph.Mc- time as Father Ch Natty. She was also Sarnia and Goderieh. Arthur, of Bruce township, was Most °' c°11ver'' but recess ly went back to the severely injured.. Something caneed. his Church of Rome, fir which it is alleged i horses to take fright and run away. he_a_tterapted her li e, Mr. McArthur was thrown. from the Mr. .Sargeant, the new Managing va on falling upon a pointed stick, D stated, have Engl nd. on. Aug. 1, next, Director of the Gra d Trunk, will, it is nied by Mr. Potter, - ompany. Mr. Hick - 11 become President uncil of thel Grand. and broke his o recover. . P., for North of $10 to each ,onstituency, the 1 vet apart an to be used., in he different sec - o, in Hamilton, a rn ett's Museum ent and. started tither]] Raiiway was approaching. tempted to cross ravine, and was knocked off the e, and instantly la.way animal was better order. first batch Of po- osited their eggs, departed without damage. The Out in July and rve. elebration is ex - at Exeter, this f the townsldp of ossessor of a most ✓ she gave birth , 12 of which are In each of the e had a like num- 11 13th. of July, it is • ranaenaen of the be addressed by t Wroxeter. ttst now completely in. the country sur - A few days ago, a t from that city was 11 on acconni of the rpillars on. the rails, ept off before the een created in Otte, - .4 mea con cons te h ere ected. -wit the cese so as to rein ieutious and intelligent ver poll. In the eantime, nts O . submit a iv important poi —The Board of Directors of th the serious cnsideration all er a iet at would which entered his sale, inflicting ti fear- , ful -wound. j;for Canada, .accomp I President of the Eon, it is stated, w of the Executive C Trunk for Canada, Mr. Sargeant holding the position of yie -President and Matte —The contract for the construction of an independent line from Weston. to To- ronto, by the Toronto, Grey and; Bruce Railway Company, has been let by Mr. . F. Shealy, -who intenas pushing e work forward. with all possible expetli- 1 ager. A County Poo — tion, and promises to have the road: ; ready for business by October neat. The al Farm is to be est ,: Company have already purchased the of Brant this EUEO iron, which is to be delivered as soo-" — . of Huron do lik8v) ' —Mr. Thomas needed by itIr. tihanly. —It is rumored. that Louis Riel is again I tor, commenced w , y in Montreal. He was observed a few the TorontoGre evenings ago sitting in the: gallery of a 1 Harriston and i house in the city occupied by a promiselast, with several - ent citizen, and in the company of sex er- 1 Mr. Robinson M al leading French Canadians. It is fur- 1 wInPleted' and e r ther added that his presence is due to watein four mon the forthcoming St. Jean Baptiste cele- bration, he being a delegate froni Math- Z toba, and intending to take part in the i DOMINION Dear procession, and also to deliver addresses mind -tar readers • • 1 that the Messrs. an extenstve auc struments and. se store in Zurich Dominion Day. chase a first-clas sewing machine not fail to take tunity afforded b at the various meetings m connection -therewith. e Ont a - for i rio Bank held their Annual General Meet- concarned. First, is it not consistent ing last week, at Bow ntanville„ the pres- with the laws of our country, as well as ent head -quarters of the Institution. The common sense, that a person sb.ould be Board determined upon increating their held. innocent until proved guilty? Then capital stock by $500 000 and removing , ,. e Vasil what one im oral act has been their head oface to Toronto. ia proued against Dr. angster ? s Let those —The Ottawa Times says advertise - war!) know of even o e answer thie ques- merits will be at once issuea bY the Pub - tion. Secondly, I aka.' now prepared. to he Works department, 'inviting tenders prove by documentary evidence athat for the construction of a telegraph line sone of the recklees charges praferred across the Continent. Wei presmne have no foundationtin fact, whatsoeverthere is no need to enlarge upon the *rdly, it is a fact that betwele4 the meaning of this announcement, whieh _ L t.• House and Industri- blished in the County er. Will the County e next summer ? )hinson, the contrac- rk on that portion of nd Bruce line between roxeter, on Monday large gangs of men. nds having theroad. ly for traffic to Tees - hs. rich. 'ALE. —'We would. re - 1 Zurich and vicinity randy intend. having om sale of musical in- ing machines at their n 'Wednesday next— who wish to pur- musical instrument or at a low price should vantage of the oppor- Messrs. Grandy. DEPARTURE F Messrs. Win. ILO ing left Belraore the Far West, f neve, of exam' imore. R 'THE NORTHWEST. --- 'limn and James Flem- n-June 9, for a-ir to ✓ the purposes We be- g the country.