HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-19, Page 1- - ••••• • • I, _ • - _ 11111011611"11"111531123FMMII‘ig*.INXIII, 127 1874. NEXT TWO rEEKS FILL OFFER .)ashinere Mantles SUKSHA D• ilAt— BARGAINS. Grenadines, PED GRENADINES, '!! gpts COLORED BATISTE MusTins, OTRIPED NUS LINS kTED LAWNS, MUSLt NS, ED. SPOT MUSLIN . • • Iso 1 ViUt,b4Niz:• „ • '• .. • • • I, • • • vt't • TR PED CREN1DINES, ALSO ATSL GO „ IN Coats, . Russell Cord Coats, Flannel Coate, GEMMING—Full Line, - NO. CAPS. MS AND SHOES IN • and Children's, Primate isaceds s, Street Slippers for Ladies aug AN & DUNCAN t present s tall stock of wad House. FurnisbingIls wae' and colored, Towels and Tow • EVEN &Rt. vritocE NO. 341.1 SEAFORTH, FRIDAYJUNE 19, 1874. 41eal ,otixte tor FARM TO RENT, REN.T, Lot No.; 20, Thames Road, towuslii ed land, For terma and particulars apply th tho undersigned at Farquhar P. 07, np te july 841*4 JAMES GARDINER. - of Usborne, a farm containing 87 acres of clea FARM,FOR SALE. voR SALE, 150 -acres of laud, being compos d -12 of Lot No.23, Con. 5, McKillop, and west hsif of Lot N. 22. This property is situated within • Smiles of Sealeith. A good gravel road runs past the plaea. There is a school house within half a mile, There are 135 acres cleared, w(11 fenced and mostly free from stumps, and, eles.n and in good order. On the 50 acre lot there is a t good frame barn, dwelling house and orchard. ' n the 100 acre farm there is a good frame house 2 frame baroa with Andes:grow:id cellar, and a lar e orchard. The farm is well watered. These farina will be sold separately or together to suit purchas • or Fur further particulars; apply to the proprie- tor on the premises, or to WALTER COWAN, Seaferth P. 0., oi to S. G. Ifc0AUGIIE1, Sea- ' forth. 3411 FARMMANTED: WANTED to Rent, &FARM of from 30, 4O50 T or 60 aero 0 land. For farther partierd rs inquire at this office j*4 FARM FOR SALE. OT No. 22, Con. 7, McKillop, containing 04 -1-4 acres, 85 acres el ared ; 44 miles from Senior of a mile from theiNorthern Gravel Rota; lage bank barn, withStabiinE,* below-; also, other (*t- hemes; large new concrete house, well finishdd ; a good never-fail4n1; spring creek; also, a d od well; the land. is &Mai and of good quality, th acres of orchard, of ,N-ery best fruit tree, all b' ar- ing. For terms ang other particulars apply on he premises, or address 340 ANDREW COWAN, Seatorth.. FARM FOR SALE. T OT 2, Con. I, Stealthy, con a u g • aores, to- -tat• gether with east hall of Lot 2, Con. 2, Cent in- ing 50 acres; sittiated on the London Road, ne- quarter of a mile north of Kippeu ; upavard of 100 sores cleared and in good cultivation, good fr me barna and stables, tsnd frame house; two orchNrds in full. bearing ; a branch of the Bayfichl river rtms through a corner of the farm; there are also two good welth. Terms reasonable, one-half of Ithe purehase mouev will be required cash; the; re- mainder in equal annual installment s for 5 ye rs. Apply to WM. BLAIR, Kippe Also, a 110USE and. ON] .CRE OF LAN the Village of Kippen; good orchard and. ga.rd, • • at n • arailto* Corresponderfte. HAzatvroN, June 13, 1874. he weather for the past three days has been very cold, for the time of the year. Many fears were entertitined that we wouicl have a heavy frost, Ithit up to the present, this has not been the case; the nights have been elearand cold but a sto my wind has probably pre ented the • frost. Crops of every kind in the vicin- ity are looking well, exceptiug di wheat, wh ch is a failure. Fruit bids fair to be ve r plentiful, and the crop of *potato bu s will be enormous. (Ar city has been unusually lively for the past two weeks, ocasion4pd by the holding of THE WESLEYAN CONFERE TB, also the Colored Method st Episco- Conference. There ever 'probably less than 500 minister in town. session of the Wesleyan onference is was the have the igether in decided to aller ones, sion. The three con- nces, viz., Montreal, Toronto mid don, each having a presi lent of its n. A General Conference is also ere - d which will meet once in our years d of dee- rent. The the Meth - nada, with nee in the otne other pulpits of ie city were •ence. This )St of the absent at nd several ing Confer-- ces. The EATING, h d in St. James Hall, on T esday even in last, was addressed e . by BMr. Suth- er and and. others of the Wesl ya,nConfer- e ce and by Elder Hawkins, f the Col- or d. Conference. The Elderj took occa- si n to say that although he night differ fr m neatly present, yet he w s decidedly of the opinion that a white man wa,s jut as good as a colored man, if he behaved hi selt bet that he himself felt just as man as he estv. His , Ale and frame house, 11 rooms ; two wells, frame, st ,ble and cow house; convenient to ehurches and ost (Mee. Apply to 1 340 WM. BLALIi, Kippe . BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. • VCR Sale, about 20 good building lots, eligibly situated; terms reasonable. For particilars apply to 3894 F. Cr. SPARLING. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE sip,A,P for eash pr to Rent, in the Village of Roxborough, Township of McKillop. A good well on the premise!s ; lately occupied as a tavern ; possession g,iveu inunediateiy. For further pee - Stealers apply to B. EDEN, Harpnrhey. 338-4 FARIVI FOR SALE. LOT No. 5, Con. ,Hullett ; 140 acres, mcne or, less, 80 acres cl fired.. Plenty of water, and the north branch of the Maitland River running through the 18 acre bush; good fences. App ay on the premises to th proprietor, - . • JAMES MARTIN 308 or addaxes Constaisee FARM FOR SALE. - BEU\ TG composed of Lot I, Con. 10 of the 9:1Own- ship of Tuckeremith, containing 100 acres of excellent Inuit, upon which there is a new ame barn, 38x60 feet, and. also a good orchard.; For terms, which are easy, and. other informatio ap- ply to Mr. JAMES' ThAVEY, on Lot 1, Con. 2, of said Township, or to the vendor,11., ALTER EN - WICK, Sr, St. George P. 0., Brant Co., Ont. 2,9G STEA1VI SAW MILL AND FARM FOR S LE. B EING Lot 34, Con. 7,McKillop, cents.' ' 104 acres, all clear 0 with good barns and at bles, two good oreho.rds in full bearing; two neve -fall- ing springs which (supply the mill. Also, lo 35,, Con. 9, containing 48 acres of bush. The pro erty is situated 0 mil -s from Sealorth, with a good gravel road theret . For further particulars pply en the premises. It by post, to JOHN TH 311'- 60 • atiC pal not Th was an interesting one, as t las time the ministers would op ortunity of all meeting t on conference, it having been cli ide the -conference, into s -w ich was done during the se Ch. rch is now represented by fer Lo at foi legislation, and is compos ga, es from each Annual Confe O urch is now very much lik od st Episcopal Church in C.) th exception of the differ ers of the ministers and m nor Ipjjs. The different th Evangelical Church es of mostly supplied. by the Coufe s very opportune, as m P esbyterian ministers were th ir Assembly in Ottawa, of the Methodist were atten ei e in Toronto and other ph CO NEER EN CE TEMPERANCE SON, -Constance P 0., Kinburn, Ont. FARM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP poll SALE, a i,00d Farm, composed of North -1' half of lot 15 and the west half ef lot 14 Con. 12 MoKillopt, containing 100 acres, 50 cleared and well fenced, and, in good cultivation; balano timbered with In rdwood; a good frame and new lo.* barn.; good bearing orchard miles and a half from. a good gravel road; 10 miles from the village of Sea -forth; there are two eteana sawmills within 114 elites; convenient to churches, schools and Stores. For particulars apply to the proprietor au tlae premises, or, if by letter, to Winthrop P. 0. 28014 JAMES MoDONALD. members from manufacturing or dealing. in ardent spirits. They colmSel the brethren not to hold. office or vote, es- pecially in time of war, andprefer that • they should net vote or take any uterest. milked. the cows, aud probe in state or 'political matters ; an advise church next with her the brethren not to read political papers, on the plea that it has a tendency to lead their minds astray, and create discord, among the membership: .1 their eyes and admiration in their hearts. The old men wept for joy t .one Who had not bowed. t --sold her country produce, 41 1 I • m ieh above a whiskey whit d.d above his Satanic Ma w iole speedh was eloquen w tty, and created. a prefoun 1 sensation. T e Other addresses were of itne first or- • d r; and the cause of temperance in Ham- a on will have no reason tc regret the eetmg of Tuesday night. - The corner one of the Zion Tabernacle was laid on ine 6 by members of the Conference. , well . house • tVro - - -- TO . FARMERS. undersigned is now prepared to receive and feed a limited. number of Hogs at the Sealorth and Milburn. Cheese. Factories. TERMS--50c:per month for each hog. This is an excellent oppor- tunity for farmers having hags which they may wish to get fattened -cheap. 489 W. S. ROBERTSON. P'USLIO NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that I will not. hold -myself responsible for the payrnent of any notes of hand. drawn either by myself or myself and john Eastwood jointly, as all such notes have been paid by me, and. I do hereby caution any person or persons against purchasing or negotiat- ing suchuotea under the supposition that they are to be paid by me. SERVETIUS GALSTER. Zurich, Jane 1, 1874. 839*3 PUBLIC NOTICE. CI 0. -WILLSON, of Seaforth, haibeen appoint - cd sole agent for the celebroted Mathes:Mk Pi- ano in the County of Huron,and this instrument ean only be purchased through him or his duly author- ized agents. Orders given to others than any agents or myself will pat be tilled. Tho following gentle- men have been appointed to act as my agents jai the County of Huron: Thos. OGIMOTH, ti. r,; Whiffen and. L. Murphy, Seaforth ; C. Doherty; - Cliutou ; suss1 L. S. Willson, God.erich. 820 ; O. 0. 'WILLSON, segorth. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL persons indebted to me either by note or bouk account are requested to cell and settle the same et nay reaidenee Turnberry street, Brus- sels, on or before the 20t1; inst. AR unsettled at that date will be put into Court for collection. 42 CHARLES "WRI 340 G Butcher, Brussels. - THOROUGHBRED AYRSHIRE BULL. VARMERS or (ahem desirous of improving their dairy stiwk eau have the services of my bull for the season . Terms :•41 50. Two half -bred Ayrshire Calves for sale. 3391.6 RODERICK GRAY: Lot 27, Con. 9, MaKilloP• DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. sulh-trribei• offers for sale a DURHAM BULL, ymirs old ; will he sold on reason- titerbslemitethrs,ni?. ITass1n• seen On Lot 20, Con. 3, Tuck - 3E9,4. as A a day -de • A California Peabody. One of the biggest public gifts, or rather collection of gifts, that 4rnerica has ever seen, is the act of Jams Lick, the wealthy San Franciscan, in deeding almost the whole of his large roperty, to public uses. He gives $700 000 for the construction of the largest ad best telescope in the world, for an obs rvatory at Lake Tahoe; $300,000 for the eudow- ment of a school of mechanical arts in California ; $150,000 for the erection of a bronze monument to the author of the "Star Spangled Banner" in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco; $150 000 for public baths in San Francisco • 100,000 for an old ladies' home; $25,00 apiece to the ladies' protection • reliet society, the Protestant orphan asylum, an the city of San Jose for an orphan sylum ; $10,000 each to the Mechanics' I brary iu San Francisco and the societ for the prevention of cruelty to anim ls ; be- sides which there are other ifts that carry the sum total up eon iderably above a million and a half. Ti en, after making ample provision for his rela- tives and reserving the hi mestead and $25,000 a year for himself, a e gives whatever of his estate may b left to the Pioneers' Society, Mr. ick is a rich old bachelor, rather odd as one might infer from one or tw of these gifts- but yet of some taste an culture, who lives very cheaply and las been popelarly supposed to have bee a miser. He owns a great deal of real estate in rhen finished it will be q tion to the church accomnao ty. • The efforts of the To feat Rev. Mr. Desvart h e editorship of the Guardi 6 effect of his being ele o erwhelmffig majority, and . . . g the Mail, Leader, S'pecta t eir impudent advice and m n t highly appreciated in su Rev. Mr. Rennelsoa has b s ailed as pastor of Kno • d is giving excellent satisf new organ for this church a d will soon be in working t the comfort of the ch rott, formerly of Seaforth, 1%s, to thecongregation as THE STREET CAPS routes, viz., d Station up .street to ess thus far ost sanguine utes are to ames atreet street West street busses for them - lite an ad- lation of the y Dress to s election to is only had. ted with an thus teach - or, &c., that d.clling *ere h quarters: . en duly in- -'s Church, ction. The has arrived order, much, rister; Mr and, doubt - ell. • , re running on one of the f •om Great Western Rallis). ernes street, then down Ki e Race Course. The busi I nauch in advance of the xpectations. Two other r e established_ at once, viz.,- -the Mountains, and Kin the Crystal Palace. Th • aye had. to makenew rout s lves or stop running. BUILDING i going on briskly this s s me (-apartments business 1 the seWing-machine m i dull. Many men are ou t ose who are not are m r his is also the case at the e n Railroad shops ; it is t at this vein not be the ca c ty is well filled with se rickets and beggars of 1 uch, to I the annoyance ctizens. • Dominion Day will be c an -racing, pig -racing, &c. tieity ilils, en ahlli, vgea nmoets ss ouncll ei as s owing our gratitiule for i -...• . A Peculiar S • 1 ring, and in s lively, but nufa,cariries it of work and - short time. Great West - to be hoped e long. The indlers, pick - every grade, of peaceable lebrated with orse-racing, , &c. Whaea, sibl way of onfecleration. ct. The T. nkers Ihmka ds, whose od- ities an 1 peculiarities f belief have eon brat. ght into` public notice by their , mual m eting at Girard -N, -eek-.; woUld seem te be a -WI lk; desijae their singul. Ieople areGerman Balite anilatio -himsica ..op. They arc sometun lers, from the method 1 aptizing, of placing the heir kudos, and. then pus . rd, into theTl ie water. ie Uumber ome 150,000 ai Mainfr t the West a "heel are- thrifty. and 1 !lass, and are Quakerish i VOMen. renounce all the v 1 . ttiring themselves in! - colors, many of them in both Old and: young; weal i or_ dates back to 1 name is derisiN. Ill., the Past very worthy rities. These ts, whose or - 08, and. their c, meaning • to ca.11ed Tum - San Francisco, including the Li a hotel which has the handsome room in America. Be began t disposition to give moneys f benefit, a year ago, and this se the culmination and completi very.commendable icliosyncras indeed, a big thingTa great e it ought to prove epidemical. Boils an Their C My experience of this peculia entitles me to speak with alit have given my mind as well as to experiments with them ; tivated them in the best and th eligible situations; and the res I am fully convinced that a bbi House, t dining - show a r, pubiic ttiS to be n. of his .) It is, ample,— re. aflhctiotl erity. I my body ave cul - most in - It is that IS as sup- erfluous tax that needs to. res sted, and that can be successfully Drive from you with scorn all tell you "a boil is healthy," re system. &c. Boils are a sev upon the strongest, and nea weak man. They are sym trouble,. that can be better directly cured in some other revented. hose who ief to the re strain ly- kill a toms of ncl more ay. All treatment of boiles is empirical; my way is to understand why 1 liave the . Some- times for months I have littl appetite, feel well and work hard, but waste, then I have boils and suffer in jeopardize my soul by bad • or Iused to do so—now I t At the appearance of a pimpl it three or four times a day less iodine (not to stain line produces great action of the • an -d. the pimple disappears. A time, T drink Guinness Du bottled by Burke or Dauhes; best form of malt in the worl eat what beef and game cc horse -radish put up by a man in Deer-. field (1. 1. Greenough is his help appetite. A plethoric boils may be helped by ta three or four times a day, an of Hathorn water, every mo week. No charge except for ' R. Tinc. Iodine, 4 oz. Camel Hair brush. - -use as directed. at there was Baal. She -went home, went to eetheart." • . Canada. Paris, Strathroy and Ki ardind -are agitating for the getting up of Boards of Trade. Under Mr. Blake's bill of last session, 30 traders or mechanics in any town of 2,500 inhabitante may constitute themselves into -a Board of Trade. 11 ;Airs. Elizabeth Frank, one of the first settler's in -Westminster township, having lived. there 57 year, died• last week. aged 86. -- The extensive works of the Ontario Car Company, London.? were destroyed by fire on Friday morning last. Several new cars, uearly completed, together with mach'mery,. workmen's tools and material were completely destroyed. About 150 workmen will be thrown out of- employment. The loss is estimated at $99,000. and there is insurance for $55,000. The fire is supposed to be the wa work of an incendiary: Operations are in again to be commenced as speedily as lY the Company can have the necessary buildings and. machinery ready. —The Canada thistle has been utilized at last. Hon. Billa Flint stated. at the late meeting of the Hastings County Council that the seed of the thistle is be- ing exported to Great Britain, Where the plant is used. for the manufacture of flax of which it produces an excellent quality. The Intelligence?. says there could be enough thistles got in Belleville and. neighborhood to run half -a -dozen flax. mills, and no coot would. 'be incurred for procuring the -material, either. Ampamilmanummosimsa.11111.1111111114 ( ITIcLEAN ft glomonts, rubliishers. 1 51 50 a Year, in advance. ter liking the 'mixture she had made, she became violently ill, and, -ttpoxi. nidical aid. being procured, fascertained thali She had taken rank poison. :The or used. the usual restoratives,: and it her round. again in A short er to ascertain what kind of poison tient had taken, the Doctor tasted t rtar emetic; and, as it is ahnost ss, took too much of it. In a few Llies he was seized with cramps and. nis, and it was with the- utmost dif- that his life was saved. he Manitoba Free • Pres says : sho 1.1 1 -be told that there really ate no or two lately arrived land -hunters farii the laanndl so Dbc bilot g ld i•( his the -bast min spa ficu -to be had on the principal street of ity, within the city limits ; and t -is very difficult finding unclaimed. with crops in, and brick dwellings tithouses erected. thereupon." melancholy accident happened a le* days ago which caused the death of of I and Mss. Peters, residents Of the toe *lip of Etobicolte. It seeina that wh le they were crossing the '(rand Tr nk railway track at Weston in Alight, ody and language, is wise : , I- paint ith color- ). This bsorbents the same in stout, his is the ; and I n: Good ame) will man with ing yeast 1 a bottle fling, for a edieine : Correcting His. Exce Lord Dufferin is a good. Iri so is our esteemed townsman erator of the General Assem Canada PresbYterien .Church be impossible for two eitch, meet without saying some They met last week, i6 seems; lianaent Building at Ottawa, his capacity as Governor-Gea Dominion and the other as th presentative of the church of the ecclesiastical head. - His came in state to receive an a his loyal subjects of the C. and the 1VIoderater, Rev. M son, arrayed in his robes of o 'Allied by a deputation, app sent the address. The do read, and. His Eacellency p make a most gracious and an as no -te rn frc th to ti --Timothy Topping has been removed from Woodstock jail to the Kingston Penitentiary where he -will be confined during life. —A by-law has been introduced in the Ottawa City Council, impoSing a tax of $50 per head on commercial travelers. The hotels and railways oppose the meas- ure, but both wholesale and retail stores aro favorable to it. Why have not some of the smaller towns thought cif •follow- ing the example of the capital in this matter? Some of the villages in this vicinity might derive a handsome rev- enue from a very small tax on drum- mers. —The temperance men of the town- ship of Matilda, Dundas County, have succeeded in carrying the'Dunkin bill by a majority of 121. The law will come in force next January. —A young married man, about 25 years of age,' named Iiaurice Dunsford, cashier and book-keeper in a large car- riage building establishment in Peter- boro', having made too free use of his employer's money, became a defaulter to the extent of several thousands of dol- lars. In order to hide his guilt, he pour- ed poal oil over the books and then set fire to them in the office. The result was that the whole establishment was - con- sumed. By some means the cash-book was saved. An examination of this by the proprietors at once revealed the de- falcation. The young man was accused of thecritne and partially confessed his guilt. Before the necessary steps to se- cure his arrest were taken he fled, and hia present whereabouts cannot be ascer- tained. It is said that Dunsford is most respectably connected in Peterboro', and that his cinployers had the most un- • bounded. confidence in his honesty. • lency. hma,n, and the Mod- ly of the It would' riehmen to hing good. in the.Par- the one in eral of the official re - which he is Excellency dress from P. Church, Maepher- ce, accom- ared to pre- ument was (weeded , to olite rely. In doing so he, as we are informed, dropped an unfortunate sen mice which seemed to imply that all Presbyterians are Scotsmen. This was t o much for the :VIOderator, and. slightly interrupting His Ekcellency he assured him in the blandest possible tones, tha there was canclid.ates on no necessary connection bet -oen ;4cots- mg them for- men and. Presbyterianism. Ve score one ea in America for the Moderaton—Strateroi (1 Beacon. .are located -- d Southwest. A Fortune- for Som Swain. -ell-to-do, as . The Hamilton Tinze6 says. Among the instinct. The many visitors who came to tir citY Sat- nities of dress, Imlay to sell their country reduce, was plain,, modest a young lady from an • aAjoi ling county .alico, and all, who had. chic.kens, eggs an butter for sun bonnets, sale. Her beauty was of -anscendent church, each excellence. Bright, flashing intellectnal , while her eatly made, rich black ess. Highly uently, and irother, Salute by shakin the hand and deported herself with becom lig modesty. and rem ve them. while i . f th e -es and face round and. ros Style of par great geanc mothers' days, calico chess was p a n ( made of white Swiss Mu in. The men . and. fitted beautifully. Hei avear the style of dress Usually adopted. hair flowed in luxuriant rich by ' -the Quakers', and, on meeting a educated, she 'conversed fi '-; • • , chased • one havii g on her head. a lam cap o e 3 , • ' 1 i an R. CARNOCiIAN. MARE STRAYED. STRAYED from the farm of Mr. Thomas Hays, Con. 3, McIiillop, about 2 weeks ago, a dark hay MARE, 10 hands high, and 4 years old. She has a white spot an one of her hind feet, and is roraan nosed. When last seen she WW1 lame on the right front foot. Any person giving such in- forraation to the undersigned as will lead to the reetavery of the above animal will be suitably re- warded. 840 GEORGE 'EWING, Seaforth. Jiving the kiss of brothely love: When e he IN 01(.. no false bustle • pur a. brother is unfortuna e, financially, complexion., had no topknot on her head, 0 hey asst him, and in n ' case allow one ut stood in f their raembers to be au ported at the ated intelli- xpense of the state or Icounty. They to the des- ake this one • of the , points - in re- e gazed on or false fixings to present, the majestic beauty of a. er --------- uld not yield. potic dictates of. frivolmis has been a long time since such a sight The young around- her vaagon with re oppoSecl to all 'seer/ Societies, and fashion. It ceiving members. They' advocate tem- en crowded erance in all things, and prohibit their curiosity in ▪ ••-• ••••-• - --Twenty-three young men were or- dained as ministers by the :Wesleyan Methodist Conference, at the late meet- ing -in Hamilton. 7 -Mr. Gould, on . Lot 5, in the Sixth Concession of the township of West Zoira, -County of Oxford, sheared this spring 49 pounds of wool from four sheep, averaging 121 lbs: from each— three of them being yearlings.' —The Guelph Mercury says: We regret to hear that Rev. W. F. Clarke has sent in his resignation as. Rector of the Provincial Farm, and only wants -in- structions from the Government to cease discharging the duties of the office. It has become the common talk of the town that matters at this institution are in a yew unsatisfactory state, but, until some action is taken by the Government, which, it is expeeted, will be done im- mediately, we refrain from saying any- thing more on. the subject." every ratepayer shall bear his proportion. A simple sum in arithmetic shows that the annual sum payable by each will be 411 infinitesimal part of a mill, and the Assessor, not having any knowledge of a coin so small, is puzzled. In the lan- guage of Boss Tweed, "What is he go- ing to do about it ?" —.Mrs William Harvey, M. P., for East Middlesex, died at his residence in the township of Malahide on Sunday Morning last, after an illness of three la,ys. Small -pox, a disease which he sontracted in Ottawa while attending the late session, was the ea,use of, his death. lie was 56 years of age. --A sad accident ocleurred on Monday ast, about half way! between Meaford and Owen Sound, on ithe stage running ;between the two places. The driver ulled up to allow some passengers who had walked up a steep hill to get in, when the other stage, coming along side, started the horses to kick and run down a steep declivity. Theedriver, seeing the danger, threw the lines from him, and jumped off, leaving the team ' to dash down the hill. Those inside who had. an Ian, a train ran into the wagon, kill- opportueity jumped off arid were more t?ie occupants instantly, and serious - or less hurt. About half way down the njuring a son of the deceased. hill the stage came in contact with a tree . Last year a portion of the district of , and was smashed to pieces. Several skoka was visited by grasshoppei•s, I other passengers who remained in the 1 Considerable damage was done, but, the run was not general, very . little ice was taken of the loss. We regret state that this season the plague seems re general. Sad complaints are heard. ' various parts of the district, and ost serious fears are entertained as e results of this year's harvest. Sam Cole's circus, or rather H leaves a minute for ea -ch game on the av- ne of its employees, got into -very un- erage, with six minntes for resting. ... asant relations with a number of har- a —The Patriot, of Charlottetown, : r men at Southampton, in the County Prince Edward Island, says.: "Th. Bruce, which for a time threatened. to I, , ()maim Mail and Ale Montreal Gazette . —Mr. Turnbull, head master of the Clinton High Scheel, has been appointed to the position of head. master of the Dundee High School. —The Maisitoba Free Pres says that there are- over 200 unemployed. men in the city of Winnipeg at the pres- ent time; and many of them without a i have no contract with a corporation be- We have received several communica- dollar to help themsel/es. / !. fore their electien, nor have any money tons rely tiae to the decision m last num- • • - I claim again a, Twards. The Treasurer bei that none of the demonstrations sent - Kenneth McKenzie, Of Burnside, i cannot now legilly pay any money to a -us- of Problem No. 5 were complete. 'Manitoba, Lend formerly of Ontario be i Councilor for work of any -kind. " p r- . One of the demurrers has referred the gan sowing this season on the . 2181 ' formed. or to be performed " and if , e (j.liestion to Professor Cherryman, of April, ancl has under crop .190 acres, as does so in defiance of the statute, he Nil- Toronto University. When that gentle - follows : -Wheat -05 ; oats, 40 ; barley, ders himself ha le to serious pains and man „s-ives his decision, We will ublish :30 ; peas and. potatoes and. other roots, SO bc of coach were seriously injured, three of - them having limbs broken. —Two Hamilton gents—adepts at.the game—a few days ago played 174 gaseles of dominoes, in the space of three hours. One player won 88 and. the other 86 games: It will be noticed that the 174 games Were played in 180 minutes, which velop iuto somethmg ;serious, if not tr gical. The trouble originated_ in the e Pression by a harbor man of sympathy with one of Mr. Cole's employeee who hAdi been cruelly beaten. by a comrade. interference was resented by the the circus men, and words soon .1. -Cd. Abbott of Pacific Scandal notoriety, has bl, ws and the use of missiles and stzel ' :been sent here with Mr. bwinyard to act kiuck-les. Even revolvers were brouo-ht in that capacity. This is not true. The into play, and. the melee attained to siich have fallen into 'Orange error with re- spect to the geutlenaan. who has accom- panied. Mr. Swinyard to the Island, as his private secretary. They both con- fidently and. very indignantly assert that Mr. Norris, formerly clerk to Hon. Mr. dimensions that the evening performance had to be omitted, and threats of violent destruction to Mr. Cole's property were freely expressed. Such an outrage, how - es er, was averted by the prompt and de- the.prospects of an unusually large crop te mined action of the Reeve of the vil- this year. We believe the indications in la e. theNiagara Peninsula are extremely en- -The County Coencil of *Middlesex couraging. On Saturday -we were shown hive at length determined to abolish two twigstaken from a peach tree on tells on all roads in that County after Nevy Island. They pleasured some 20 the 1st of January next. The' County - inches long when taken together, and had. rciads will still be maintained by the 'certainly as many peaches on them— Cei—inTithye. Kingston Whig remarks : " The must be confessed. though in a very youthfel state, it vlsit of the Premier, Mr. Mackenzie, to - --A party of 40 families from the Kingston yesterday awakens curious re - neighborhood of Huntingdon and Cha- • collections and .reflections 'Yesterday teartgua,y, is about to proceed to Mani- lla came as Premier and real ruler of toba, under the direction of Mr. Mc Canada to inspect the military works of Donnell, a prominent resident of that Kingston with a view to considering their suitability for the purpose of a military section. li rought at some of these same works as a mason. Then he was a very humble member of society; now he holds the highest position among Canadians. What a sermon these two facts preach dut !" —The rate of assessment in the town of Mitchell will this year be $2 70 foi vere? $100 of assessment, and: ' even at is rate.sufficient funds will not be rais-1 ed to meet the requirements of tie. lace. Our neighbors had better sell ou gentleman with Mr. bwinyard is Mr. I. T. Wa.ugh, late of the Great Western Railway of Canada." • —A Hamilton contemporary says " peach-gro wers are in high feather about —The Western Fair at London will aeaderny. A score of years ago he this, year be held: ma the 29th and 30th of September, and the•lst and 2d of Octo- ber. 811,000 are offered in premiums. —A brutal affray took place on Sunday evenina at one of the toll gates just out- side of town of Ingersoll. A traveler named James Densmore, a, resident of Perth County, it appears dispnted with the keeper regarding the toll. The dis- pute brought on a scuffle during which Cove, the bull gate keeper, stabbed Dens- more several times with a knife, prOduc- - t 'once. • Mg serious and probably fatal wounds. —At the last meeting of the Bruce On the following morning Cove was ar- rested and taken before the Mayor, who County Council a by-law was passed . . - remanded him to jaAl. at Woodstock to doyporating Teeswater as a village. await the result of the wounds inflicted. --NITolves are very numerous in the southern part of the township of 'liner- :—That was a nice little idea that some ick, Hastings County, where they have nice little boys of St. Laurent College, lately destroyed many sheep. Numbers near Montreal, bethought themselves of, of them have been killed, although their: by way of relieving the monotony of twining is something wonderful ; and their studies. TheY organized a select the County Treasurer be called: upon Li disburse a considerable sum : for the Scalps of the slain. One hunter was lucky enough to come upon and. destroy litter of nine cubs, which were dul - Scalped.. —A full sized live potato brig found on the roof of a four story bric ibnilding in Mitchell a few days age. —Among the new features , of t M-iniicipal act pssd last session' IS seeret society of Thugs, bound together by the orthodox amount of blood -curd- ling oaths, and sworn to take the lives of suali of their playmates and -teachers as di ,pleased. them. They had already Marked out for slaugnter some nine of s the former and two or three of the lat- ter,, and, on the appointed. day, on the base ball ground, the massacre was to e have begun. The intended victims, how - ••a ever, made a Most unorthodox resistAnce, clause, Section 196, which aims to secu e and out of the youthful band of Thugs, the perfect ind4endence of municipal all of whom were armed with knives and bodies. It provides that "no member pistols, only one had courage enough to , of any Council, city, town or township, use his -weapon. He fired his pistol, shot :shall receive any money from the Treae- another boy in the head, and then • urer for any work performed or to be promptly fled, whLle.lis associates were performed. This will prevent Coma- ingloriously captured. mlors from doing any work whatever ft -yr icorporations after election. They can Problem. No. 5. 25. CultiVated grasses have done ex- ceedingly well -with him, and this year he has put down 18 acres more. *-4.-sou of Mr. M. Coates, of Dray- ton, aged about six years, a.few days ago ate a piece of wild. parsnip which he found growing in a .field near the houSe, and. died from the.poisonoua effects a few hours afterwards. . —Mr. John Renwick, of Ayr, Ont., has invented and patented a very in- genious instrument .for threading sewing machine needles. The invention is said by thosewhohave seen it to do its -work perfectly, and. all trouble by its use in threading machine needles is obviated. ..—A_ lamb, belonging to Mr. Robert Lytle- of the First Concession of Mary - generally spoken of under an obsolete er title long since disused, He wished A ut , ., 4. understood that he was not the " Czar,' to ' us blit the " Enaperoi of all the Russias," and would be very much. obliged to the of gentlemen of the press if they would be penalties. I ' ' it. We are informed that at t e late —On Fridayllast, Mr. E. F. Blacilt, rr(achers, Convention, in "Goderich, the *atchmaker from Paisley, was endedv- problem was laid before Dr. Sangster,. (nano. to sell a. Watch to certain parties in and thab he pronounced. distinctly in the °bar -room of Clark's Hotel, Tees- favor of the so-called. defective solutions, iivater. While thus engaged he took out a V ery fine gold watch, valued at 81i 0, which, after being exhibited, was s ut Czan NO M ORE. —We must not call him the czar any more, it seeins. At the up in its case, and laid on the bar by solemn hour of midnight, the Lomion ed- Cipal American and continental news- rs and the correspondents of . the prin- Mr. Black, who, being so ear.nestly n - gaged. in the prosecution of his busme s, it° the watch had ...ontinunique; from the quite forgot the gold. watch, and. w nt _ papers received. a out for some i).5. minutes, leaving it on office of the Cours Jovr nal. . .6 gist returned in hate to the bar -room, to fi id : it ,was that the illustrious ee.sitor was the bar. On tie discovery of his loss le during his abs rread annoyed at finding himself, so of strangers h implicate any disappeared. A miml ving passed in and. ace, it was impossible ne, and the whereabo 1------, 1... has four shoulders and six leas, of the gold watch remains a mystery. and is as healthy and frisky as it is the —A few we ,Ires acro, the township t to cal. was carried-, few days ago a woman named ing poop& th WoOdstock for a bonus East Zorra, to sa,ve themselves frora be- gooLl enough in the future no •i ___.---se-• juvenile nature of such. animals to be. with baking -soda for a driiak. Tnstea question comes in how is the money to him out of his name. moi for the purpose of N s TIM LIFE OR TnADS.-- Mrs. Dusenberry, of Acton, purchased to the Souther Railway, voted on a by- _ at a cli,-uggist's-what she. supposed to be law to grant to the Company $50. ThisOrros of tartaric acid, however, the druggist be raised.? The by-law provid.es that it wavrea sC0TT intends opening a FT.ii tare tartaric acid, -mixin and now the interesting urrush gave her in -mistake tartar emetic. .Af- shall be spread over 20 years, and that wareroera 1. ass premiaaetos oipposite stricinark41 ; hoe furniture, he w.turebe,peftefte wholesale or retail at the I very lawest prices. . ,. , , , • •