HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-06-12, Page 512,1874 hotial inertia a grange. The Heat t hind in the co eardine ou Mootlay eltenzie's reitene, sel on Wednesday evea. eit-eleets- Seal Problem. sq. + el ea 11, and e the valuea ae numbers ?. • At. N. Waoit'a solution. em: Because 2 aw may e a greater naimeekai fidta because it may be ; comet have a greater q.,, and therefore lees • (x+y,) it must lie sq. + 2 (X -t -y) y to each a these we add sq. 4 - will he betweee e and 2 (x sq. z+ 18 and 36. Byte re a square number ; are number between it must be 25 - whence we slibtract &jalase tie get :o sq. -zee-, if solved, will give us . „oer 3 and y=2. ed the correct aoswer- ratteme from the fol: persons : Henry - Gee. Jamieson, ergueon, McKillop; • D. Stoddard, teen; ROdgerVilk Ga- it= ; John Ferguson, vin; Samuel Smiley, rehd. Taylor, Brussels ; Turnberry ; John More ; Gee. Reird, Bruree- tate, Brucefield Wm. h ; G. Murph'y, ffib- Mr. Watson, however, furnished by these pars ;e in the demonstration, phem, inasmuch as that ei adduced in. the sone, .ley the first factor, y -2 and that cameot be as - second factor has been a numerical value-' posi- n, which bag oot:been + V eeeaseespe. • offered by "Delta," w L -The Merchants Com - shipped to an agent in irreia of salt, to be sold f 4 per cent. He rein - in coal, 'first deducting of a per -cent. Total eived, $300: If the mice per barrel, after a ier cent, for freight, eee., pally a profit of 25 per f manufacture? famamiamireeesamesammeme lEtT118- iforth, june 10, the nas. Woods, of a son. nabrook, on June 8, the enry Belt of a son. rth, an June 5, the wife of a eon. McKillop. on May 30e .r. Peter McGrath, of a nu May 23, the - i.c.rfias Love, of a claugh7 foKillop„ on eThee 4, the ,mes Ramsay, of a son. eKillop, on June 8, the s. Wilsie, of a daughter. 6,11•I-A.SES. et -At the residence of on May 20, Mr. Josiah rly Of Clinton, to Miss e, adapted dkughter of W. D. M clndoe, of Wan- e -Near Bayfield, in the ot.lerich, on June 2„ by on MrRichard Bailie • eat daughter of /Paul ran Montreal, on re. J. Jones, W. J. Bar - le It. e.t. Department, 'Ot- t' Hunter, eldest daugh- enter, Esq., St. 'Pau* eee of M. C. , Cameron, Ioderich. -- 1n Tneker- residence of Mrs. Ram- Cby Rev. T.. (-JoIcismith, KcDougall„ of Seaforth, • 'only daughter of the Darter,. Eiq., of Seaforth. ▪ -1LY n. Tuckersmith, o of the bride's mother e Rev. M. Goldsmith', Cartee, of Seaforth, to .et daughter of the late Esq., of Titekersmith. tsnua.a. McKillop, e of the bride's father, ar Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, teTntaah, to Elizabeth, • of Robert Turnbull, ss. At Bracefield, on v.'Jolin Ross, Mr. Wil - to Ellen Tillie1 fifth Alex. Ross, Esq., all of B ATHS.. he tawaship of Hay„ on :Murray, aged 83. Fliite Hall, Michigan. on an V, ayne, soreitelaw of ▪ Harpathey, agee:r_27 Tnekerstnith, on May aged 69. Lerris, June 3, Jahn t7 years, 2 months. °1E(!lz_r_Fwzga, tit LETTERS ,the feeeforth Post Office un - Pe 1b74 nt11. Sarah X. Leelie & liohnes. Lennox„ Joseph het sideCarsen, ClutrIes 'McKenzie, J. D. ?McCallum, Lydia Metheerau, Wm. E. McCurdy, Thomas Meyer, Prod. C. OTileen John Scott, .haftwaed Wieldngs,R. Wilafr.ny, Mre. E. Weod, Mrs. _Wellace, Peter Wellace, Sameed or Wm - Wallace, Samuel. Wegner, Wm. S. DICIS:SON, P. M. RS WANTED. mtburn School' will receive easieleNer4DAY, etraY 1, for litien to Iiinburn Scheel, ae- eeccineations, to be seen at Drib., or at John. Williams', rfter the 12th of June. Con- an :materiel, The loweat or sarily accepted. jiltIES WILLIAMS, Seereta.ry-Treasurer. swum cow= canom eowriellreD eraosa FIRST raoa.1 right a wrong which had been commit ed .previous Government. The ea jneo is responsible for the acts of its Goyeminent, and not - this County, a colisequantly, ithie $7,500 remuneration to Mr. :Hays should be paid. out of the Provincial Treasury, and not out of 4he funds of this County. Perkins had been told by a r- oe inItlyth who is opposed to Mr. Hays that the present action of the Govern- ment in reuniting the Counter was mere - Iv a, dodge to get rid of Mr. Hays, fOid tliat as soon as h.e was deposed, the office would be re-established and. a friend of the Govenunent appointed as Registrar. At any rate, he considered that this te- ranneration to Mr. Heys should be paid by the Province; and not by this °min- ty, and the proper _way to make the Government pay it was for the County to refuse paymeot. If it was madelto appear in the public rints that the unty had. passed this sum in the esti- mates, there would. be no use in asking the Government to pay it, as they wonla my that it had already been provided for by. the County, .ancl woulcl in this way get out of paying it. Mr. Bishop was surprised at the pres- ent conduct of some members of the Council, especially in vie* of the ftel that this Council had again and agam imanimously petitioned the Governme t to reunite the Ridings. But the C.ouncil had not only petitioned -the Government to re mite the Ridings, but, in addition, had unanimously passed a resolution, asking the County members to introduce a private measure for the reunion of the County.' After Mr. Gibson had cone - there was danger of the ostoblished. The late I Go tablished theeoffice by an o cil, without referring the m liarhent at all. The presen could not dol this without t -Parliament, and. any *email) easily conceive that Parli not give its consent to y ou ing, opposition to the wi °minty representatives,l b County Council. Mr. &ruffian thought th ty in asking for reunion had benefit,. not to the Govern -Province, but to the Count ing the case the Ccupty thought, pay the rernunera Hays, and not talk the Thovin It is a matter whichl bolo County alert and havi g received a be efit we were m aurae the responsibLliti • ing of that benefit oc e motion as against the then put and carried. by a 13 to 11. Move d further in am n Mr. Garrow, seconded by being ree- rnment ea- r in Coon: - ter to Par- vernment e consent of e man could • ent would h proceed - hes of the ed by the to obt well the for cil s that as'- it is 'Wiper ct reuniting the Coun egtstrati n purposes, th odd pr vide for the pa prespnt incurnbent of the Registry Offi e of the sum the first day of October ne mates contaibing said. item should stan , and the G-ov strongly memorialized to refu Upon the names being called for the amendment to the Messrs. Garrow, Straohan, Cresswell, Lovell, Leckie, MP mon, Walker, Smith. Shand° Girvin, Hunter, Brown,. the Conn- sked for a nt or the This be- hould, he n to Mr. e to do it. gs to the ed for and. ally bound which the ioned. eport was ajority of raent by r. Cress- ive under of Huron this Conti? ent of the th Riding $11; ee st500o in - °f 87i5r Moene the same. t ere voted endment Monteith, ser, Slem- Bishop, 'Zander, 20. For ger, Mal- ly, Arm - Castle, ton, Ben - Ment was rihe• d at • 2 ;;1874. rmal ses- read and. tent busi- ournment oesday in lied with the unanimous request of the Snell, Gaunt,1Parsons, Yowl uncil, and introduced. a hill for the the amendment -Messrs. Ge purpose, and had. secured its passage loy, Scott, Hays, Gibson, .Ke upon the only terms it could possibly e strong, Dalton, Ford, Tay' secured, now, some members were ii Simpson, Weir, Perkills, Pa, consistent enough to come forward ari son,Greenway, eavil at these terms, and an attempt was The' am.endment to the ame being made to 'induce the 'Council to thue carried by a majority o refuse to comply with the terms of the The Collodi" then adjo sea He knew, and. those membets o'clock P. M.1 • - who supported Mr. Kelly's motion also knew, as well as he did, that the Legisla- ture could net be induced to give its sanction to a bill reuniting the County - which did not provide remuneration for - the present incumbent of the office. Neither could the Legislature be inducecl to allow the passage of a bill which would make it incumbent upon the Prov- ince to provide this remuneration. The uestion., therefore, resolved itself into : Whether was it better for the County to continue the expense and in- convenience of th.e two offices, including the erection of a new building at a cost of $8,006, or pay this $7,500 and. have it d id a the Ridings reun ed, anthereby avo the existing inconvenience and expense of maintenance af the new office, and in addition receive $2,000 annually of a re- fund, which the County would lose, if. the Ridings remained separate. It would be seen that, leaving the question of convenience out of consideratiou en- tirely-, the County would, in a financial Point of view, even after paying this $7,500, so much complained of, be large- ly the gainer. This was the view he took of it, and he was convinced it was the view which would be takem by a very large majority of the ratepayers of the County. Mr. Leckie was somewhat astonished. at the course pursued by some members of the Council. He had always. main- tained, and he was still of the setae opinion, that the North Rifling Registry Office was an expensive nuisance, and should be &banished. The Council by vote had. repeatedly acknowledged. this sio Itas nes transact d, when an was made ontil the unit We December. 1 Neen.-The re ort of Mr. Pay, Co will appear next week. 34•4 A.TURDAY0 June e Council held merely a f . Several by-laws wer ed., and some other unimp eipal uty Surveyor, oan nd istribu- ton 1 he followi g is a correct, statement which each of the severacnat4nicipahties will receive uoder the Muni ipal Loan Fund act Ateld Cli ton Colborne. Goderich Township Grey .$17,724 14 I 9,178 00 ; 1,058 79 16,458 44. 117,551 13 Ha ......... . ......... ... 17,742 36 . Ho -ck ...... • • ... . . • . • . 49,026 27 Hu ett... ...... • • • • • . • ., . 16,745 27 Mc op . ... • • • • 17,337 15 Mo ris .. .17,992 76 Seaorb p, 228 24 Sta ley 13,873 64 Ste hen. 19, 800 00 Tu kersraith.......... , 46,840 88 Tel berry... ... ..... 14,573 00 Usborne ,17,441 00 Eas .. . . 12,069 41 Wet WaWanosh.... .• . • . ,12,511 14 • THE ATA KErrS. TH, anni h, Dm. 1L_ lfll • SEAFO Fall Wheat, per bushel.- . se ...... 2 fact, and bad petitioned the Government Spring Wheat, per inishel..t ...... 1 14 to 1 15 to have it abolisbea, andafterward re- data per bushel45 to 0 48 • ° Peas per buthel...i .. . . .... .. ,.. 0 00 to 0 62 . quested the County -members to intro- Bute; No. 1, Loos . . 15 to 0 16 duce a bill doing awaywith the 111.118- Egg . 1 ' 0 10 ance. Every inembe,r at the Council Flour .1 0 0 to 6 00 Board knew perfectly well that the Hay. .. . ... ............... ... .....16 0 to 18 00 Hid s.... ........ .... ..... ..... 5 0 to 5 50 bill reuniting the County would not have teal calf, per poutid... .. 0 08 to 0 IA . carried in the Legislature had it not ' La4 Skins. • 1 . . 0 15 to 0 20 contained a provision making the County Shee pelts....... i ........ ...... 0 1p4 to o 15 remunerate the present Registrar for the roat e(lrinetliaiilti)e;er baFr'el . . 0 04 to ? 202 IOSS of his office. Yet, nottaithstanding Salt (wholesale) pet barrel; ...... ' 1 05 this knowledge, and their fornier expreso- 1- Pas. osEePer bushel 0 35 tO -0 40 r ' 0 CIO to 6 .00 ed. and. repeated Ili_ Oet desire to have the ealifbrl - 2 50 to 2 75 dings reunited, tbey now object to pay- Ze°e7 . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . .... . . . . - 8 00 e 0 5 50 ing thia remaneration. He thought woo . . ... ........r . , ... 0 80 to 0 84 • MI& conduct was inconsistent and un- jastifiable. He had. heard some of those eereeox, June 11, 1874. who supported the amendment to the I've]. Wheat,eer WI hel............ 1 20 0 1 23 report declare that ,it would pay thesin' g Wheat, per ushel. Oats, per bushel 0 46 ® 0 50 County to give even a larger Sinn than Baxley, per biathel. 1 7* 0 1 10' $7,500 to have the County reunited, and Pealer 0 15 0 0 16 , per bushel . . . 0 6 ® 0 64 now these same members wish to reBut- Potaitoes. . - OM @ 0 40 pudiate the payment of the amount ask- Bggs o oo g o 3.0 @ ed. In view of the past actions. of the Hay per ton, 16 00 18 00 Council he felt under a moral obligation • to pay the money, and. he thought the /4ARKE.T.S.-*e have to omit reports Council should view the matter in the of Eoreign Markets this week i our col - same light. i umns being so crowded with other Mat= Mr. Messer had always been opposed ter. There is, however, no mportant to the reuniting of the Comity for Regis- change from last week 1 - tra.tion purposes, andhad he been a mc,m 1, ber of the Council when resolutions were Goa -D -The iinice of gold in ew York passed. to petition the Government for ' is quoted at 111. the reunion, he wOuld have voted against them. But he considered that as -the Council had now got what they aelred. for they should not refuse to pay the remuneration to the present incumbent. Mr. Weir was of opinion that, as the dace was a Governmeot office, and as the Government had made the office, and, in making it, had done wrong, the Governraent, and. not this County, should hear the expense of rectifying he ' error. Mr. Garrow judged from the tone of the discussion that seme members seem- ed. to think that the Government was responsible for the legislation reuniting the County. This was a mistake. ,The hill reuniting the. County was a private bill, and was passed- by the Ontario Legislature, and the Government was no more responsible for its passage than any private nieraber of the House The hill was introduced, not by the Government, but by Mr. Gibson, one of the 'members for the County, at the express and unan- imous request of the County Council. So that this Council, and not the Gov- ernment, were in reality responsible for the legislation. There was another pobat which some members seemed to forget. The payment of this money has been, ordered by statutory- enactment, Mr. Hays, could, under the act, sue the County and recover. the amount. If Mr. Kelly's motion was carried, the amount would be struck from the estimates,and the County Treasurer would have 110 authority to pay the amount wileu it became due. The con-. sequence would be that in Octo- ber Mr. Hays would demaricl his money, the County Treasurer could. not pay Paa- Mr. 'Jaya would sue the County and obfain judgraent for the amount, and the County, in addition to the original amount, woold have a large bill for costs to pay. Mr. Garrow also showed. the absurdity of Mr.. Perkins' statement that LOST. THURSDAY, Ilth inst., betwee4 the Farm- er's Store and he Post Office, Se forth, a let- ter addressed to Denaldson & Sinclair Toronto, containing a mu of money. The fi der, will be suitably rewarded Upon leaemg the sainle with the undersigued. 840 L. R. CORBEY. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. L persona indebted to me either by note or book account are requested to call and settle ame at nay reCidenceeTurnberry stteet, Brem- en or before the 20th inst. .All unsettled at date will be pit into Court for collection. CHA_RLES WRIGHT, Butcher, Brussels. A the eels, that 849* L° The with PIPE LOST. eT, between Exeter and Kippen on the Lon - on Road, a MEERSCHAUM PIPE, genuine. . 'der will besnitably rewarded ors leaving it Mr. ISIELLIS;ICippen P. 0. L 84044 FIRST BRI K KILN BURNED PROtArg. 1 TH Snbseribers have got a kiln of WeilTE RICK burned. Considered by practical Brick - mak re and Bricklayers to be first-olase, either as re ds manufactnte, material or color. 1 • 1 JOHN & JAMES SISOAT. i--) on. 3, MiliicKAillRo , abSOTtitik2AwYeeEksiDa.go, a dark t 6T ATED from tm e farof Mr. Thomas Hay's, bay MARE, 16 hands high, and 4 years - old. She has a white spot en one of her hind feet, and is rom n nosed. When last seen she wat lanae on the 'ght front:foot. Any person givi g such in- fornaatiou to the undersigned as wiU lead. recovery of the abdve animal will be snitabli re- warded. 340 GEORGE EWIN.0, Oeaforth. 340* EELAT , CREDIT AUCTION SALE 1 OP CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGO BER, AND STOCKANDTO6LS0taI1ki LS of all THE undersigned having disposed of ty in Seaforth, and being about to th,e °set -doge -reeking business, will offe Public Auction at his Carriage Works SEAFORTH, on 1 Satwdzsr, 'June i The following valuable propertY, CARRIAGES AND BU 0, LUM- KERS ds. *.proper - dire from for sale by Main St., 7th, GIES. 10 new Single Buggies ; 1 2 -seated Carriage; 2 new Lumber Wagons; 8 second hand I emoorats ; 4 second hand Buggies. The new vehi les above mentioned were all manufactured for he regular trade, are well gaup and finished, axid are made of the very best material. WOOD SHOP TOO S. 4 Wood Vises; 20 °ramps ; 1 Dext Machine; Saws, Chisels, Planes, Hollo Bits, Braces, and other like articles. CftUT10N. rp-ii Ts is to cauticn any person from gi iug credit r harboring nay wife, JANE A. P LMBR, as I w11 not be responsible for any debts 10 incurred aft r this date. - WILLIAM G. P remoter, May 80, 1874. r Boxing Augers, BLACKSMITH'S TOO S. Two Bellows; 2 An.vils ; 2 Via* Drilling Machine ; 1 Tyre Bonder; 1 Tyre Uric ting Ma- chine; 1 Tyre Plate •, 1Heavy Cone; 4 ew Irons; 1 set Heavy Dies, which cut up. to in h and a qUarter, right and left, also Fullers, Swedges, Chisels, Sledges, Tongs, Ham.mers, and all other tools connected with a blacksmith shop. PAINTERS' TOOLS AND S OCK. I. Paint 3/111, Turpentine, Paints and arnishes of all kinds. MER. 840-8 TRIMMERS' TOOLS. 1 Letter C Howe Sewing Machine, ne rly new, alsoDash Leather, Cloths, Moss, Buttons, &c. STOOK. A.bout 4,000 feet of Hickory Plank; 000 feet Basswood; a quantity of Ash, Oak, lin and Cherry, all well seauoned and fit for mediate use. A large lot of seasoned Hubs, Rim , Spokes, Cutter Staff, Carriage Bolts, Screws, S lver and Iron Banda, °lips, Shaft Shackles, Axles Springs, 8 large shop, Lamps, 2 large shop Stoves d Pipes, - 1 small shop Steve and Pipes, about 50 cords of 20 inch wood, also a good milch Cow nd Calf, and a thousand and one other articles. Sale to Commence at 12 o'clock, harp. _ TERMS: All sums of $10 and under cash; Ter that amount 6 months' credit will be given o i fine:dish- ing approved joint notes. " A. J. lktoINTOSH, Pro rietor. a. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 840-8 EXAMINATIO QF PUBLIC SCHOOLTEACHERS THE annual examination of candidates -1- School Teachers' second said tided cla icates will be held in C1 --Co I C Commencint on Monday, 20tti July, At 1:30 P. .M., for icon mass, and on Tuesday, 21st July, At 9 A. M., for TH111.1) CLAIM The examin time of candidates for first class, certificates will be held at the. mime place, commencing o Monday, 27th July. ; At 1:80 P. If. Forma of notice, to be previously give by the candidate% can be obtained on applicatio to any Inspector. - It is indispenaable that candidates shou d noti- fy the undersigned not later than the 80th June (this is imperative by resolution of Boar of Ex- aminers) of their intention to presem the s selves for examination. As -there will be no examination in De ember, teachers whose certificates expire at th t date must present themselves at the July exami ation. PETER ADAMS° , • Secretary Board of Exa Goderiche ante 8, 1874. Or Pub- s certif. -2 TENDERS WANT TENDERS will be received by the undo •°- for the erection of two BRIDGES o Refer Bayfield, (near Mr. D. Campbell's, Con, 3, H. R. S., Tuckeramith.) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Ma be seen at the residence of Mr. D. Ca The contract will be let near the proposed the bridgos on Tuesday, the 23c1 of June hour of 2 o'clock P. M. 840-1 A. BAY, Engi STRATFORD I CHEESE FAI a TRATFORD Cheese Fairs will be held at the Stratford Market, D. signed or the ot 16, Shellite of at the eer. On WEDNESDAY, the 17th of J And every two weeks s.fter throughout t BOIL HORSE FOR SALE. POR Sale, cheap, a good working or -11-: HORSE, 7 years Ma, of black color a ranted sound and true. Apply to • 884 STRONG & FAIRLEY, O sea - 339 -5 iving d war- aforth. THOROUGHBRED AYRSHIRE B 'PARMERS or others desirous of roving -1" their dairy stock .an have the services ef my bull for the seasen. Terms $.1 50. Two half -bred Ayrshire Calves for sale. . RODERICK GRA , 33946 Lot 27, Con. 2, M DURHAM BOLL FOR SALE. T Hie subscriber offers for sale a DI HAM -1- BULL, two years old; will be sold oneason- able terms • can be seen on Lot 20, Con. 6, Tuck- ersmitli H. R. S. 389*4 R. H. CARNOCHAN. L. TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will be reoeived by the undersigned -I- until MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1874, for tee erec- tion of a Brick Building on Main Street, a joining L. R. Corbey's Store. Parties may tenderlfor the vrhole or for the different parts separately. Plans and. Specifications may .be seen on application to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not neceasarily accepted. 1 339-2 1 M. R. COUNTER. DISSOLUTION OF PA.RTNERS Tint, Partnership of, JAMES P. KEN as Mill Owner a and Produce Me Reaforth, is this day diSsolved by nratu.al Parties indebted to Bai4 firm will pay to lames °zombie, who will pay all liabilities Seaforth, 3d, rune, 1874. JAMES P. KENDA.LL MARTIN CHARLES ORTH. Witnese---S. G. McCAUGHEY. 339-4 J. S. ROBERTS, Druggist, opposi e the Mansion Hotel, keeps Constantly on hand 11 kinds of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Genuine Patent • ALL & chants, onsent. rder of Medicines, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Toil t Arti- cles and Pithily Goods, Perfumery, °nee% Brushes, Combs, &c., which will be sold t very low prices. Prescriptions put up -sitit great care, and. warranted a th.apurest articles. ollEAPSIDE.--Thied Apples $1 75 and. 82 per bushel, the cheapest in tevrn, at Anenic's Grooery. , TO THE PROPRIETORS OF WM. 'CHARLES HULL, EN CHEESE FACTORIES. ORTH & CO. LAND, COMMISSION AGENTS IN PROVISIONS, [ESTABLISHED 184561 REG to offer their eervices as Commission Agents, an el will do their utmo t to insure satisfactory m -results to all who may favor them with consignments of Cheese, Butter, &e. Goods can be shipped th;ough to Hull, via Glasgow. Reference4MESSRS. E. HICKSON & Co., Seaforth, Ont. mocommnimumemo.memovroine JUST RECEIVED AT 11HE SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR 3 OAR LOADS SAW. Allaaina MERiCAN CUT NAILS From the Celebrated Factiory of Dewey, V Which we will sell at the same price as see them before you buy any other nail ee & Co., Wheeling, Virginia, anadian Nails, although worth $1 per keg more. Be sure and Sole Agents ti. Seaforth for the world wide known ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE LEAD, Warranted the best manufactured. In thing and everAiing you require in the Hardware have of good quality and low price. WM. N. B. -Just received direct from Buffele, a quantity of Line, we OBERTSON & Co., Fire Brick. JOHNSON SEAFORTH. ONT. FOCE PUMP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE EEN APPOIN7J,ED AGENTS FOR TFUS", SA_Ter OF THE JOHNSON FIRE AND GARDEN PUMP FOR THE COUNTY 1OF HURON. A Complete Machine for the following pu pose% and adop ed by the United States , War Depatt:ment over all others: Putting out Fires in the Keeping Adj oining Buil Watering Gadeni4 Washing Wii4icwaq Buggies ,THEY ARE EASILY 'WORKED, t Stages. Wet during a Fire: & IMPLE AND And should be ip every House, 5 ore or Workshop. 1 PRICE S/3 E Can be examined at our Drug Store, Stafortie CH. HICKSON & 17 7 HE COOLEST LOT EVER SEE JUST OPNE AT ASTONISHING L Arrived -Another lot of thoise C F DRY GOODS OR JUNE PRICES. eap PRINTS d COTTONS o much wanted. ALSO WHITE AND COLORED MUSLINS, And Nice SILK PARASO S for 90c. G. 1V1cDOUGALL. TWELVE POUNDS UGAR FOR $1, At LAI DLAIWS. 20 POUNDS PRUNES FOR St AT TEAS -50c, 75c and 1 Per 11\ T S P :17., 0 111 1 Ci INT LAIDLAW'S ound. 110T -NT IT' JA14ES . C. LAIDLAW. A NEW AND WEL4 SELECTED STOCK OF FURNITURE JUST REM see,D AT - 30I-1 N S 0 0 _ _ it gage tor Ade., 1 FARM WANTED. laTANTED to Tient, a FARM of from. 30, 40,60 " or 110 acres of land. Fes flartherpartionlars inquire at this office, 8404'4 ; FARM FOR , SALE. . T OT No. 22, Con. 7, McKillop, co4sining 104 J-4 acres, 85 acres cleared, 4ien4les from Seaforth, i Of a mile from the Northern Gravel Bond; large bank barn, with stabling below, also other out- houses' • bage new ooncrete house, well finished ; a goc.41never-failing spring creek, also, a good - well; tthe land is clean and of good quality; three acres of orchard of very best fruit treee, all bear - rg. For terms and other particulara a.pplyon. the remises, or address 1 ; 40 . ANDREW COWAN, Seaforth, FARM FOR SALE. T OT 2, Con. 1, Stanley, containing 100 acres, to - 4 -I gether with east half of Let 2, Con. 2, contain- r.M g 50 notes; situated on the London Road, one - natter of a mile north of Kipp= ; npvrard of 100 eras cleared and in good cultivation, good frame arns and Atables, and frame house- two orchards frill bee.ring ; a branch of the Baifield riverruns origh a corner of the farm ; there are also two ood wells. • Terms reasonable, one-half of the urchase Money will be required cash; the re- mainder in, equal annual installments for 5 years. 16-PP1y to witt. BLant, Nippon. Also, a HO1JSE and ONB ACRE OF LAND at 1 he Tillage of rippen; good Orchard and gatden ; ranee house, 11 rooms; two wells; fauna stable nd cow house, convement to ehurches and post face. Apply to 8140 WM. BLAIR, iippen. BITILDING LOTS FOR SALE. OR Sale, about 20 good building lets, eligibly situ.ated; terms reasonable. For particulars PlAY th 81194 F. G. SP.A.ELENG. i HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE , ji NAP for cash or to Rent, in the Village of -' Roxborongh, Township of MaKillop. A good ell on the premises; latelY ocedpied as a tavern; oseession given' immediately. For further per- ttoulars apply to B. EDEN, Harpurhey. ' 888-4 I•1 FARM FOR SALE. . OlTessisTo8.05;cresn.ctalirelicill.e%;elty o;Lcwrattrial `,2 the north branchof the Maitland River running through the 18 acre bush ; good fences. Apply= lie premises to the proprietor,JAES MARTIN, 8 or address Constance P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. EING composed of -Lob 1. Con.10 a the Town- ship of Tuckersreith, containing 100 acres of e cellent land, upon which there is a new frame (1 b rn, 88x60efeet, and also a good orchard. For t rms, which. are easy, mid other informationotp- p y to Mr. JAMES DAVEY, on Lot 1, Con. 12, of saId To-wnship, or to the vendor, WALTER BEN - WICK, Sr., St. George P. 0., Brant Co,, Ont. 296 S EAM SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. BElhLot 34, Con. 7, McKillop, containing 104 acres, all cleared, -with good berm; and stables, two good orchards in full bearing; two never -fail- ing springs which supply the mill, Also, lot 85, QM. 9, containing 48 acres- of bush. The property in 1 situated 6 miles from Seaforth, with a good gr el road thereto. For further particulars apply on the premises. If by post, to JOHN THOMP- S ON, Cons tame P. 0., Kinburn, Ont. 260 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS given to these about to stab , housekeeping. A. selection of over -20 different kinds of CANE SEAT CHAIRS kept in deal, Sofas, Lounges and Bedsteads in endless variety. We are determined not to be undersold, and will iiell cheaper than the cheapest, as we are -determined to establieh a business in Seaforth. The public may rest assured that we shall save no expense or trouble in trying to give satisfaction. We have alieady d busi- ness we expeeted to have done at starting. Thanks to tho e who patronize us, hoping that those who have not yeb purchased will call and extol -line before purch Bing elsewhere. American Coffins always kept on hand and Coffi4simade to order. A Hearse to Hire. Three journeymen Cabinet Makers wanted, none but fir -Obese workmen need. apply. ci JOTINS & O. 1 FARM FOR SALE IN McICILLOP. OR SALE, a good Farm, composed of North half of lot 15 and the west half of lot 14, Con. 12 McKillop, containing 100 acres, 50 cleared and we 1 fenced, and in good cultivation; balance well ties bered with hardwood.; a good frame house an new log barn; good 'bearing orchard; two mi es and a half from s. good gravel road.; 10 miles froi the village of Seaforth; there are two steam sasirmills within 8i miles ; convenient to churches sc ools and stores. For particulars applito the pr prietor on the. premises, or, if by letter, to W' throp P. O. 280*4 JAMES MeDONALDs NOTICE. . A NUMBER of the paused at the late Bare rere --'- still missing. Any party having 13T1Ch will please leave the same at my office to save fnether trotible. ° AVM. ELLIOTT, 339-2 Village Clerk. TO BUILDERS. A NEW BRICK YARD has been started within -4-1- the MmHg of Seaforth. First-class WATER BRICK are now being manifactured, and. will be ready for delivery by the middle of June. Priee $6175 per 1,000 delivered any place in Seafortb, $6 t the yard. B888 IIENI:SY WALLACE. TO FARMERS. undersigned is now prepared to receive and feed &limited number of Hogs at the Seaforth an4 Einburn Cheese Factories. TERMS -50e per mo th for each hog. This is areexcellent eppor- tun' ty.for farmers having hogs which they may l'wiai to get fattened cheap. . 439 W. S. ROBERTSON. PUBLIC NOTICE. fl ODTICE is hereby given that I will not hold myself responsible for the paynaent of any notee of hand drawn either by myself or myself and John Eastwood jointly, as all each notes have beett paid by me, and I do hereby caution any pertion or persons against purchasing or negotiat- ing such notes under the supposition that they - are to be paid by me. SERVETIUS GALSTER. ZUrich, Tune 1, 1874. 889*3 PUBLIC NOTICE. C. 'WILLSON, Of Seaforth, has been appoint- - ed sole agent for the celeloroted Mathu.shek Pi- ano Inthe County of Enron and this instrument clue only be purchased through him or his duly author- ized agents. Orders given to others thanin.y agents or myself will not be filled. The following gentle- - men have been appointed to act as my. agente in the• County of Huron Thos. Connors, U. P. Whiffen and L. Murphy, Seaforth ; C. Doherty, Clinton; and L. S. Willson, Goderich. ' 820 O. 0. WILLSON, Seaferths MANITOBA AND NORTHWEST TER- RITORIES. ON AND AFTER the Stili JZIJNE next, the fol- lowing rates will be charged for Passengers and Freight between Primo Arthur's Lending, Thunder Bay and Fort Garry, Manitoba: Each paseenger, adult, with 200 lbs. of bag- gage.. ....... . .... . . .......... 00 Each passenger under 14 years of age, with 100 lbs. of baggage., 5 110 Children -under 8 yenta of age........ Free. All freight securely packed (not ineluding Household Furniture or Machinery) per 100 lbs. 200 Howsehold Furniture (at owner's risk) per 100 lbs 300 All Me.chineren special rates. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., at special rates. No Wines or Spirituous Liquors will be carried over any part of the route. Through tickets from Thunder Bay io Fort Garry oan be had at the Office of the Contractors, W. B. CARPENTER & Co., Thunder Bay. By direction, F. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Publie Works, Ottawa, May 8, 1874. J 288-4 INCORPORATION NOTICE. THE Municipal Ceuncil of the Village of SEA - FORTH hereby give notice that they will apply to the Governor -in -Council after the expiration of three mouths from the first insertion of this notice to erect the Village of Seaforth into e Town, un- der the name of Seaforth, and tbe following linaits ate intended to be includedtherein: 25 acme, be- ing S. W. corner of Lot 24, Con. 1, MeKillop ; SOL acres, being S. half of Lot 25, Con. 1, Mdflbp; 2511camcrielosi,)b;eilnogo N.acres, bCeri)urngel_jr oot126L.000t n25,Cr, n. K lop; 50 acres, being S. hallLot 27, Con. 1, IfeKil- lop ; 25 acres, being .N W. oorner of Lot 9, Con, 1, Tuekersanith, extending to Railroad ; 100 acres, being Lot 10, Con. 1 Tuckeisinith; 100 acres, be- ing Lot 11, Com 1, Tuckeramitb ; 50 acres, being N. hell Lot 12, Con. 1 Tue.itersmith; 25 acres, be- ing S. E. corner Lot 12, Con. 1, Tuckersmith ; 50 acres, being E. half Lot 11, Con. 2, Tuckersmith ; 10 acres, being S. W. corner Lot 11, Core 2, Tuck- ersinith ; 50 acres, being. W. half Lot 10, Con. 2, Tnekersmithe 80 aeres, being N. E. corner tot 11 Con. 3 Tuckersmith. extending omit to eveet50 roils, and eetending north to south 96 rods; 10 acre; s, being N. W. corner Lot 10. C011. 8, Tucker - math, extending west east to 1,61 rods, ti*t ex. - tending north to south 96 rods. JAMES H. BENSON, 1teevc Will. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Dated the 4t1 day set Arne A.D. 1874. 839-13 / :a