HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-29, Page 5N.AY 29; ...874, kubject, "The Oliaraeteriaties of oer Questions for Question awer. Sa:tutdety, 9 to 11 .---Granunar teeeeitl Form, Histery, Fourth Fo Answers to Question Drate-er ; (notate - ItIxercises. e The Marriage of Presicleue Grant's Daughter. Miss Ellen Wreushall Grant, daughter of the President of the United State.% neat married to Mr. Algernon Cheeks Frederick Sarto4s, at the Executive geneion, Washington, on the mormne A the 21st of May. A wedding at the White House is a very rare occurrenee ra the annals, of that :tlansion, not more ee-et one or two having been celebrated: here before the wedding of Miss Greet. trasthe wish of the President's family -hat ,the ceremony ehouldl he treated tint eondoeted entirely like the wed- • ot ' •ANY COUPLE IS PRIVAT Liee,„ nd that it shonld have no official char- 'tr-whatever. The imitations were ssed upon this priaciple, and scarcely single peteon was invited 111erely ac- ut of official position', 'Miss Grant it Mr. Sartoris invited their particular el -tonal. friends, Mrs. Grant ziant the . resident invited their own friends, and me otber invitations were issued at the pecial instance of Lieut. Fred Grant ul other members of the family-. Only - bout 7Q invitatioue were sent to persons Washington. Reporters and corres- %lents-- were rigidly excluded, the line -eine very sharply drawn against all, so !t no paper and no writer should have ause of complaint. The East Room -as decorated and prepared especially r the occasion. A profusion of beauti: it flowers and tropical plants were dis- osed in suitable posons. Beneath a trge middle window on the eastern side he room a low platform was raised nt carpeted.. The two tinted columns either side ot the window were twin- cl vith roses. On the platform was a e standing upon a- pedestal filled with Fite flowers et various kinds. Suspend- , 4 over the platform was .i. LARGE MAIZRIA4E-DELL, posed of entirely white flowers, sus.' Fe ded beneath the central panel of the 6jmn. Over the outee edge of the plat - eine were two evergreen wreathe„ in one fl -which was arranged :the initiate, -N. . G., and in the other, A. C. lit S. eetly epposite the window and plat- trm is, the large door opening from the lain heIlways FT0111 the two columns t the sides of the window were drawn ibbona across the room to either side d- ais door. The Marine Band was station - in the hall at the left of the entrance. t. iatural light was excluded from the low- pottion of the Executive _Mansion, and.. e rooms were lighted by chandeliers 4t n o'clock the gaestst to the number e nearly 200-, had aasenibled in the East 40011L. Mr. Sartoris was the first of the ridail party to arrive, accompanied by 4eut. 'Fred Grant, their entrance be. , ig the signet for the band to strike fp the* • wentnnen etAecir. c,extin the procession iwee the eight siedeintaidet-Miss Annie Barnes, (laugh-. dr of the Sureeou General7 e Miss Edith ' a ,isle. deughter of the Seeretery of State; iss Conkling a,nd Miss- Frelinglinysent angliters of the Senators of the same tames - Miss Lizzie Porter, danghter of kehni41 Porter ; Miss Minnie Sherman, latei);hter of General. 'Sherman ; Miss ›rexel, daughter of Mr, A. J. Drexel, of thilatlerlphia, and Miss Dent, deughter fl General R T. Dent. ' Following the tridesmaids were the Pt osident and the rkle, arid after them carne the mother fl the bride end other n embers of the 1014. The tree -mean !of _Miss Grant Fes alcaoslt wholly selected in 'New York, neept smite fine laces which -were im- c.,rted express13.-- for the occasiou. THE MARRIAGE SIERNICE ) -As. read y Rev . Otis 1-14. Tiffany, Pee- n,- of th(1' Metropolitan (Jhurele where te- Pr -*dent and Isis 1 family attend: ivine ser1Le. The ma riage certificate tts signe I by Secretery Fish and Minis - ,kr Thorn on as witnessen thee latter be- e tthe o -Ty member of the Foreign Le- e ttiou wh was invited. I A f ter congr attn. tierts h41 been extended te the bride, i hour 'as spent in the lunch -room he partly left Waschnagton at 1:30 Clock ft+ NewYork, 1 ...n. pleasant in- dent, oeetirred as the carriage was leav- g the d )ior of the White House Two , 't,le girl; came out upon the porelt and ph thre, e a slipper after the departing oto, arid the omen of I good luck. was 'ade • complete by the (directness with hich they were airried,I01ie strikipg the •ide end the other the Imehand. The !tesident . and..-Nirs. Grant weut to _New ork on, the following da, and bid - Lion, to their daughter, who s:tiled. for trope on Saturday-, where she' -Will re - •in at least a year bef(Isre , RETURNING To .A.MUifrA. The VreSen,t8 were uninergeis, and for e thoet part were the offerioes f gentle e aTeetion' from: the givers o Miss :-antewho has gamed the estee1i of all rsons with whom the hae been brought to • aequaiotance. The gifts taxe ar- uged en the library, aud wet.) i shown - the itivited geteete: Ammer them was e e token of affection with wh eh IVIess tint end the fasnily 4peeiallY stead. It wae •a &liver fru tafish, a t; by the gentlemen employ d in the cectitive Mansion and attached to the 'esidenee household, whose Cordial re- act Mins (i int hale wen let -tlie sweet- tt,and amiability of her cl;ispositi0n. tig the Nunn cosines elf:TS •;1‘ At.:4-4ext set of i 84 silver pieces by., tt rg-f-t W. Childs I, a, complete silver , - streice by A.I J. Drexel, of Phil- , teiltia, worth ptobably it4,.300 ; bY ' etentry t nit a lane: silver tankard ; : L eLte rid and Mit. Sharp, tA New ets a ri5ne with stone eameo set with t%tuittItS ; bv Rtetteteeteeetleeeral Cres- t very -headsmen .tilver ice-eream 'vitt ; by ex -Senator Cattell, a Intent tine-, five st(ens ; 1)-, le - ' i'ritin ef New York, an emerald and ' 11.1 ring, (thea: twa rines are prob- el,000 ueele ; le).- *4(.‘e1etary tenee, a toilet tot ao.1 sisie piecet of ten entiteretely tieiehed, of the style _Letitia \L'", ; by -k. '1'. Stewart, of* lace etelte t he nt1kerellief t. 1are.et: size. etieli as st-E fol• $500 .,, et .rtsi Int )(etch, an elegant VaIei.-. ewe; leee fen with smoked feted f rame,. 'It -lie ':".trate ef else hride in gad. -, eereeei prune, i ed tu hit tette a 'large teenoit ef flowers;• The present of the r , f the 1,ride .is $10,0tee _ell the : c.et titt-min-rs .1,11t -f relli ti e et of the 's feeeily eave handsome. pres- •Hc iti:(11: AND 41o0:11. LI jilt:, et le: 19 until the coming 4th of She it a fair, sweet youne.' irij • ltair, twit ey t.s, e(''it. 9 1874. THE • •14,01\L:', gaposETOR. tinged with healthy -coke and a round full figure. She is scarcely:asItall as the majority of worqe, but bee 'An' en rea- sion of happiness in her face, nd a frank unaffected.manner that is ver wtdiinnin An only daughter„ and Pettcta dalged not only by, her pare ts but by all her ielatives; and for. ten,rears ipast surrounded by those only top anxious to show her attention, she has rarely kuovm -what it was to be Crossed or thwarted. Only a singularly amiable disposition could have escaped, being, spoiled. Her parents,' however, have been )udielOus even in their indulgence, nev r permit - F ting their daughter to parti ipate too freely in gayeties, and one ( . r both of them always accompanied her to balls, . , parties or any large entertainnients. She is not much of a talker, but is decided- ly a dancer, and a very Iracefel one atthar. Milgernon ,Sart,oris, the groom, is I ' 23 years of age, and is the only sur viv- mg eon of Mr. Edward. .-Sarteris, of Hampshire, Eeglandki. gartoris; Si., was recently, but is not now, a Member of Parliament. He has a very handsome country seat near South.ampton. Be- sides his son Algernon'he has a Married. daughter and no othei children, since the loss of his eldest son a few mouths ago. He is wealthy and 'Very taleuted, has a good voice, and is a good amateur artist. Mrs. Sartoris's.voicelis celebrat- all over Europe. Me. Algernon ' Sar - t ris was educated. in England and Ger- Many- The Sextons family aaie origin- ally from Sardinia, emigre ng from thence on account of their religion, be- ing Huguenots, . The groom is a good- looking young gentleman, !somewhere about five feet eight inches in height, and stoutly built. He has brown hair (which he parts in the middle,) , gray eyes, brown moustache , and short side whiskers. It has been remarked with Some truth that his cast of feattires re- zernbles that of the Guelphs. He first . met his - bride on board the Russia, 18 months ego, ,when Miss Grant was re- turning from her European toile and Mr. Sartoris, with his 'father, was . come ing to America to look after some lands ewned by the elder eentlentan -in Wis- tionsin. — ---- --soots. • Cheese Factory Aeports. For the following report of the opera - ons and prospects of the viarione cheese etories • in the Huron. Dis riet for the resent season, we are, ind . tratford Beacon. The :IA given by the proprietors, of each of the . tple factories belo-w mentioned in response to a circular addressed to themby the proprietor Of the Beaco4, and, a1though the report contains no returns . frjotn sev-. eral of the factories in this ount , it will be of interest,- to our reader BRUSSELS Fenno Y. Commenced operations vIay 9, with about 250 cows. Committ e, J. itMeCreat . John Broadfoot, and Donald Carte Les - nee and cheesemaker, 11 ug1 McCextuey. WANTON FACTO Y. Commenced. operations May 10;. re- ceive about 800 lbs. of rnil1 lail - own- er, Peter Straith ; eh es er, , John Straith. Prospects are 'fo y. light - make this seasoin as th c in this district are not in calf; entirely done, and the apearanc rags are poor. ., PHILIPSBURG E Commenced operatione 400 caws, and 2;887 lbsi o 152 patrons, of whom 32 milk. Prospeets goo cheesemaker, John Wool. • ererree ND FA:Ceol Y. Commenced operation It ay 1 ; with about 400 cows ; owneie Jo in C Idevell ; cheesemaker, Samuel Qh th committee, J. Washington, H. Ft Caldwell. Prospects ax though want of feed w ply of milk scarce for good season is looked 71 are well satisfied with of last year. SEAFORTH FA 'OR V. Commenced:operations May 100 cows, and a daily tvdrage lbs. of milk; owner, icheesemaker, ,Tamet_W odt ; co James McEwen, Wrn.j Atcbi John ( .arrow.1 Prospects are g KIN3311RN FACTORY. Commenetet operatics'. s May 100 cowt and a daily lbs. of milk ; owner, NA cheesemaker, John Mtn tee. Prospects good. (teelfeNBROOK_Af.".1:QRY i,do Commenced operetious May'l et- ners, Rebertson & Mc ougall cheese - maker, John I'arsons e01111 ittet, D. Gallagli er, J. Hayward. H. Jewell, Thos. 4tour1ey, Geo. Huriburt. Prespcets doubtful. . 1 PELLAI:TON PA TORY. I bted to the rina 'on -Was es QT ar mak ve ows' ed: is for lay 110 OW1 with - dailr ; sending er and Banker, and' J. v ry good,al- 11 akerthe sup - s'6 *me. A r, s th patrons he • e perience ; with of 2,500 bertson ; imittee, on, and ocl. e with everagerof 2,000 '. S. _Robertson ; ray; no commit- bore part of the loss; thiawas declined. and the owner being in Guelph on Saturday with the team, they were aeieed at the ellington Hotel stables uuder a writ of replevin. The owner �f the horses, Mr. Waterson, of 'Walkerton, stopped here on Tuesday night last on 'his way home with the recovered preperty, We *ere sorry to see what w4s bin a short time ago a splendid wen of horses end an ex- cellent buggy in'sucle a bad state. We presume that a taw snit of some sort will grew out -of the. affair. Doing' Evil tha rnod May Cone: The following letter fioz an Ottawa M. P. to a friendin the Co inty of Ilan - ark has been handed tb the 1 erth Courier for publication : "DEA. : The p c pal idpie of conversation and. del4te in political cir- cles here j usi 110W is he velations, as • they are balled, • before tl e Northwest! Committee. The Ge4s are raisiug a ter- rible hubbub about Sr Jo in's letter to • Bishop 'Peelle and his thee for a thou- • sand dollars -to take Rio out of the • comitry. "1 write this to your judgment until has been published, clearly shown. that t John bribed Riel to - Commenced operations May 1 7 with 300 e-)ws and a, daily erage oi 1,000 lbs.- of milk ; expect bout 5 0 cows ; • owner, William Franci. • • 'ehe sema,ker, Thos. Tapp j; committ e, Richard. Bain, . win. Porteous, -The , currelley, R. Francis entl. W. Fr, cis. rospects j are favoreb e. comae -nit tt CTORY. • Commenced operations May 4 ; with 200 . cows, and a daily aver ge of a out 3,500, ; expec more cewt ; owner, Jol n Clyn ; cheese - lbs. of mitt t t have bout 400 • maker, 1 tn. Clark ; commit ee, John Ho ts( ) n , John Muir, John , u d erso u, n John han aster. JI1RC(5FtBCi) it:ton-me COuin1 lIettl operati ns. May 1 e with 300 cows ; expect dun e the season to -have thZti milk of 500 own McDougall i Brownlee, proprietors. Seafor4. MAN N HEI M. F tcTORY., Will iat be operated this season. teimIN,IoN F. MORI-. E' • emuntenced operatic us Mat 4; with abeut 350 cows and daily sverage of 5,000 Pes. of milk ; 0 -ner and cheese - maker, A. J. Collins - commit ee, .1 emes Dickson, John 1[aniltin, Jr., and Fred. Switzer. Protnect• _tee goo I, and in • spite of the baekne rd spning then: is 11101•e milkmining in t iati, last year. ._ , —Anther benefit t f 'Fenn re? Clubs has just been seen iii Brant12 mhty. A nieml)er of the Brantf trd township eluh was lmlly behind inhi sp-ting work, owing to inners. A a mee ing ef the club it was de:eh-let ti at a he plug hand should he extende 1 e hien, , net a few dep.; thereafter 27 f inters • tith -their teams, invaded his net iitts ait l'in eeedingly ehort tin e h d. 25 ate:es plowed and to;kettl. Snell a_ benevolent action is worllty of all preisce k y he tv LS it e re leave u to suspend ole evidence will then' be son why Sir the country and go to the United State was simply because this 'WAS the most likely way to, get hold of him: and bring he wretch to justice. Iminedieter upon his arrival in l the United States a warrai• t was to be is- sued and the culprit kleinai sled. from the authorities there under th Extradition Treaty. Tile trap was entely laid and had ndt Bishop Tache t` smelt a rat," the vile murderer wouldI have been ca-ught end brought to that justice from which lie has so long been arifugitive. The Grit purists will no doubtisay that it was bath untlignified and dishitnora,ble for the Pre- mier of ft, great canary end a Minister of Justice to enter into a plot of this kind, but as a clergy nan (who seems to understand our pnueiplee well) said the other day at a 8n:tallithim° party of Sir oing evil that n practised in n of the high- est character and p i, ition itt Church and. State. Abraham lied. to Abimelecli and therebypreserved his wife'Elhonor andvir- tie. Jacob lied to ais father and there- by secured the Messina tt the party for whom it was not in eiled Prime Min- ister Joa,b, while prpfessir the strongest friendship for his r. *al Ain sa, smote him under the fifth rili, thereby seeming a longer terin of ofice for himself, and Judas acted the part of liar, thief and traitor, yet what untold blessings there resulted from his 1 fcarfui crime to the whole human family. This Clergyman seems to be a very 'clever rnan, and well nits of Theol- position have r this deliver - pulpit Ministrations. Some few years agq our wor1iy chief pro- claimed as with tritrapet tiigiie that this country " must be goveriie&I. either by force or fraud," aiitl. I opilie that by the time' Maekerizie ha 'a been elf as long in office as Sir John, be willhave arrived at the sante sensible Conel ision. Lest week instructions were issued by Sir John to the Mold newspaper to pro- claim this last development of • the Riel business a masterpiece of policy and the highest order of etatesmanship. ' The .111.ctil, as in duty bonnd, has done so ac- corditagly—every inan W11.0 calls himself' a Conservative, at fhis try history, is batmcl to do th honor of his chief and the John's friends, that good might come," I ell ages of the work the " ad -be by m versed in. all the ogy. Most of the made up their ance, to attend. hi otty p oyal 0 ds aft 'T'he Mere Ob. ort,( r says : ft will be remembered that nem, time a o a scoun- drel named, Ann tro stol a pair of horset from Wel eerfen, 's61( theta to IMaIlassah Leeson o Orang p v e, nd escaped to the S ate Hav ug bmieht the horses in. eon( Alt Mr. Leeson re: - fused to give thei u uules the owuer ng crisis of out seine for the success of his party. _ " We don't expect to de eat theGovern- ment this Session, Itut as , 'ir John is very restless in opposition he .will do some desperate thing t reac I the tteasury benches, away fro whie he appears to be ill at ease. If Blake • oms us, as we expect, we will defeat ti e, Govermnent next Session. " The man who s doin most harm to the .C.Jonservative perty w is Donald. A. Smith, member for Sel -irk. I never pass hun but I feel like committing an asSeult, and as you know, in the language of max chivalric lei der ai I most aecoin- p-lished. • gentleman, I '" 'mild lick • him quicker than h--1 qould. s oreh feather." "Yours, &c. • " OrrAw.t, May 20,11874." - S+nley • YABer SoLD.-L-Mr. J6 n Pollock has sold his farm of 100 acres ou the London 'Road, in the towt ship of Stanley, about a mile south , of Clinton, to Mr. James Johnston, for .$6, (11f). • FOR MANrro [144—Mess and Williapa Wajtts, of Monday last fors ItTanit ssThomas Stanley. left on ba, where they in terictspendmg t couple: of moethe on a tour of intpectiot Morris. BIRTHS, CRERA4R.—Itl. Grey, on Ma of Mfr. John Crerar, of a JoHes'fort.—In Grey, on witelof M Jas. Johnsto daughters WILLI& Exeter, -on wife, Of Geo. Willis, Es a son. MARI'LIAGE ID MC residence of the bride's Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, • day, May 27, Mr. Henr Neyeala St, to Mary -,-o of ,t e. 'late William. Ea Actip.114opv... WALDRON • • Frid y, May 15, by ,Rev. lock, Mr. Joseph Acheson, to Wal*ron, all of Exeter. GRA,NT-I—KAY. —In Toronto, on May by Rey. Alex. Topp, D. D., Mr. J Grant, postmaster, Brussels, to J. Jessie Kay, of the same place. WORTIIINC4TON—VANEG-MOND.----In lin- ton, on May 25, at the residene of • Mrs. R. Thwaites, by Rev. F. Icr Cuai , A. Worthington, M. D., to Miss L. VanEgmond, all of Clinton. 5 21,'the twife on. ay 25, the , of twins— ay 20, the ., Reeve, of illop, at the Iiiother, by on Wed Griffin ly daug ton, of Exeter, on Mr. t.1 hit - Ira. 15, R. es - of •ter lc- DENVA. .— faut on o • spec or of • aged 2 MO Niel1lo DIE. 21, amu Rob rt M 10 onth MURR1,Y.- Mur O'Bn . —It rick O'Ity DEATtiS. Seaforth, -on My 22, the in- . Mr. Archibal Dewar, In - Schools for • N rth Huton, iths. - In. Tuckersmith, on May 1. youngest son of the .late Mordie, aged 3 years and. n Theltersmith, on. May 24, ay, aged 76 years. McKillop, on May 1, Pat- , aged 57 years. H MARKETS. SEAFORT May 28, 18'74. .During he past few daye a large 1 , amount of wheat, .oats • nd peas has been sPld o the market. Only a few_ bandies of ool have yet been off red. Potatoes artstill coming f rward in ood quantities, lthough the I zee has s ine- what ceelin et . We gent ; Fal1Whea,t, pe • bushel '$1 18 to i; 20 Spiing, Wheat, per bushel. 1 13 to 15 Barley,iper bu •hel .. . . . . ....e. . .. 1 ,00 to 10 Oats, per bush 1.... ... . . - 45 to 46 Peas, per buslvd . 0 60 to 1 60 Butter, No. 1, oose. 16 to 16 Eggs • 10 Flour' • I. 0 00 to 6 00 JiltY• . ........16 00 to 16 00 Hides. 5 00 to 5 50 Lamb Skins et eh.. 0 50 to 11 00 -Sheep skins e. 'eh 1 00 to 1 50 Murrain Hides , 0 04 to 0 05 Salt (retail) p ‘r barrel 1 25 Salt (wholesale) per barrel. ,...... 1 05 .Potatoes,per ushel..... . -." ...... . 0 45 to 0 55 Oatmea • IP br 0 00 to 6 00 Wood. 8 00 to 3 00 Beef 3 00 to 5 50 Wool..• .. 0 30 to 0 80 • * ' CLINT .s, May 28,1874. Fail Wheat, p r bushel......., ... 1 18,0e 1 20 Spring Wheat per bushel, .... .. 1 12'0 1 14 Oats, per bus el, . 0 48 g 0 50 • 1 20 6 1 26 Barky, per bushel..,,, 0 60 ((e, 0 63 Peas, per bus el 13atter 0 18 (d, 0 20 0 50 (_cti 0 60 Potatoes. 0 00 (y. 0 10 Eggs L Hay, pir ton, + 18 00 0 20 00 • Tonaetro, May 28, 1874. There w re in t9 -day about 400 b hels of wheat, $1 2 . to $1 30 for hite, $1 20. for Treadwell and $1 cit for spring; 10 bushels of Baxley at $1 ; a load of pea at 70e ; and of oats at 55c. Hay range from $28 to $36 for the most part, some inferior selling as low as:5;20. Butte t wa in moderate supply only, and and. firm t 25c to 26e for small oils. Eggs !sold. t ]3c to 15e. i The new clip of wcjol ha not yet begun to offe , but willtbe co mencine to arrive withi i the next en d ys. Buyers are prophe ying , -low rites t the opening, but it is i pos- sible i t pr sent to predict the cou -se of the Mark Something, we pre ume, will depen upon the fate of the re ipro- city negoti tions. . 1 ! ! Witite f to „, 2 12 spri --A 70 t$2; 05 1 $bI50;; ha ter; rolls BO" FF.A L CATTLE. making t thus far, 405 cars strong Ite closing There wa The bulk past 'was ( ern dealer dt t LONDON, May 28, 1 74. 11 wheat, per 100 lbs., '1 90 red fall wheat, $1 90 ti $2 ; eat, $2 to $2108 ; ball( y, $1 iats, $1 45 to $1 48 ; pe s, ; potatpes, per bag, $1 23 to 7, per ton, $12 to $15 but - 2c to 23c. 1 LIVE 1'(( 1V MAR BUFFALO, -2,1a.y 28, ' 1 74. —Receipts telday, 1,088 head, e total- supply for the veek, ,242 head, or 426 cars, a ainst r the pane time last week. - et opened. lively, at horn a to lc . advance on last eek's rites, according ;to I g -ades. •a, large attehdance of b vers. f the busineL-s for some 'nicks ,, one by intetior buyers, East - only supply ing their Mill e- tS. Sales comprised about 'NOTICE OF COP4RTNERSHIP. Nollicie is hereby given t t we Copartnership with us in t e Ha 0. REID, who has had e. m ness ince its corameneeme t, T 1 ed hereafter under the same firm undertsigned trust that the liber 1 since commencing business it 1Se: the new firm. SIL4VonT11, Amil 1, 1874. 11361.51F, have this (Ay taken into aware business, Mr. W. nagement of the said beid- e basilicas:kill be conduct - name as heretofore. The patronage enjoyed by us , orth will be continued to OBERTSON dk Co. TWELVE POUNDS At LAID 01.0•17r. SUGAR FR FOR AW'S. 20 POUNDS PRUNES FOR $i AT LAIDLAVV'S. I 1NT TEAS -50e, C 'T I TO fr A NEW AN K 0 !;;; PECIAL INDUO different -kinds o variety. We are dot de ternimed. to estab ex 'Anse or trouble i near; we exPeeted to have not yet purcha American Coffins JUS and $1 Per Pound. JAMES LAIDLANIV., WELL SELECTED URNFTU RECE VED AT S S _ MENTS given to thos about t CANE SEAT CHAIR, kept in rmined not to be Made s ld, an ish a business in Seale . Th trying to give satiate° on. W are done at starting. Lanka t ed will call and manila before ways kept on ha d and Three Journeymen Cabinet Makers wantet start housekeeping. A. selection of love 20 ,stopk, Sofas, Lounges. and Bedsteads inlen e s will sell cheaper than the cheapest, as we are !public may rest assuredithat we shall Save no have already done double the amount .Sof bud - those who patronize us, hophig that those who =chasing elsewhere. t offins made to order. A Hearse tpHire one bit first-class workmen need apply. HO FOR MANITOBA rjI-1 14 CHEAPST FAR T. JOHNS & CO. PASSENGE • AND leREI (HT T TO ICE IfS LS'S 'ED IS SEAFORTI . Leo AmrterstilEn Mr ' Millar, f th -, a ' , . --j. . o e Fourth Conass On of Yerris met with .2,200 howl. Canadiaai transaction : 25 Czni adieu: stockers isi aemcleet late y which pounds, ttrought $4 5 amputation'of is lee. . getting out of is labungt tickers, averaging 786 p t, • lilies oeer th dash -b aid. When he want to get in .again; an before he took bold of the 1in6s, thp ho se sterted, mak- ing a short te himself fromt ler jumped. necessitated. the t seems that ie he threw the es, follows agine 70' Canada e brounht ts5 24 Canada stockers, averag- Grand Trunk and Michigan ing 854 ts ands, brought 85. Railways SHEEP. ND Lemese—Receipts t -day, • including reported ;mire's, 3,400 ,head, making t e total supply for the week, TO , OOREHE thus far, 9,600 head; against 7,601 head for the sa, ie time week. The mar - ;count Ise to 8. head, week, head t few Yards bare of stock. Stiles of t $5 50 tie $5 75; heavy hogs, 12t. ;Prices stiff. Cows.+Iteceipts about 300 tod cow4 selling at WO to $t0 common stock slow at :425 to rn; in' order to aave oipg thros el out, Mr. Mil- lis feot �t caught some way in th e.wh eel, and th - ankle wits cern- pletely smash •d. Dr. T, mlyn, Wteg ham, amput -bed -the leg betWeene the knee aid the ankle on itteday Lett. The patient, we elieve, is doing well.—Ad- --Hen. A chibald. Me Cellar was mar- ried in Tfiro ito, • on We( nesday last, to a rs. Merce . —On Tnegday evenin last Hon. E. B. Wood was entertained , t a compliment- ary ban .quet bv the 'eiti z -eat of Brantford and vioinityi, and was - resented with a .82t0 -gold watch and c ails, The Hon. gentleman leaves- for M nitoba„ witlehis family. on. Moriday nex — At Otta-wa. on MOD lay last, a young French Canledian, whp mild not tpeak a word of English; was m inject to au Irish girl, Who kitew nothing of- French, The ceremouy was performed by. a Wesleyan Methodist Clergyman. I DYE ST-IiFFs, —Fines -6 Ma,dder, :Magen- ta, Cochineal LogwoOd, Int.qa0,.and Genuine Dye Stuffs ht Ie-msms's Corner Drug • Store. 1.rmsnEx's CebYhrated Coloring Receipt:4 f ' . (4r4titt ntailway. Traiur; Sealorth and Clinton S_tatiOns as GOING EAsT: tir4a forth. • Clinton. • 6:57 A. M. 6:17 X. M. • Morning MI 'I 10:40 A. M. 10:-)0 M Dey Exprees • 9-05 P M. 1:95 P. M. ftereooe ixed 5:10 P. M. 4:30 P, M. Evening Miged i. uorNe w ea•r. :Morning 3fi'ted ...... ..... 7:50 A. M. 5;00 A. M. Day Expre!ii 1;05 P. M. 1:25 P. M. Aft e moon Ali-xed.....- .510 P. M. ,:ifi0 P. M. Evening MaIl tN:57 I'. M. 9:20,1'. M. MR J. I MeCALL T -TAS BEE'N ap tointed Agent at SEA 'ORTEE -1"1- 1°17 the were TIIROUV,H • aver - to ; tiuds, MERTCAN ROL" 'E TO IANITOBA YL( liet at a ead lock; iBuyers, on a of low prices prevailing East, -ref pay rates dematided_ by owners sales. • Plenty of theep in the yam Hoe s. eceipts I to -day, 1;700 makine ie total supply for the thus far, 10,900 head against 9,50 for the s me time elast week-. B offefing. Yorkers $5..,90 to M teen head. per head /$30 per head. . Goma i;s (10.0teA. at 112,4. The price of gold. in Nes - York TOW SHIP OF MORRIS rr is dj -I- Fillip of HALL, on 31. Ali in govt. in the 318 ADJOURNED rt of Revision. tinted Conet of Revision fer the Town- Monis.will be held in the TOWNSHIP -MONDAY. 8th JUNE, at 10 e'eloek A. tereste1 e ill please- take notiee neelves accordingly, WM. CLEGG, — Cierk, • OE.RITOFt .ANTED 11 ett lade Presbyterial Church. Seefortle " APPlie itiens, stating sa1i1ry- required, to be sent te • 335 A LAN MeLEAN, Drawer 14, Seekath. And from thenc C ntr2.1 D, Fort Garry by Steamer. Fares by ti is Route Cheaseet than by any other. - Save time nd none:: by ioult,71;:”. Ticket:: from *JO', ng 'Through J, 11. -eleCA111.12-M, seafot-th. et_ MANITOB 'SEED 1 SEED, 1 EDWARD HAS .STILL 'PLENTY TARES AND COFiNI AT REDUCED P %ICES. OLD SEED -1'T 337 • cloileiieh Street, Sea -forth STRAYED:' PietAnEa'' QTRAYED from the 'Village of IlUyfield, a 5 year old MARE, light bay, small white star on fore- head, end some white on hina ftabck, in Very good cOndition, Any ilerson eYitingl'information that wilt lead to her reeovery will be suitably rewerded. 838.-3 JOH N MORGAN. , AND NORTH ST TER- . RITORIES. N AND kFTER the .7;th 31'N1 lo1 Ifent, the fol - wing rates will bi- Pa:45e1I0er5 and Freigt betwt en Prinee Law:Mg, Thunder 13 y and Fort harry. 3i t0-: : Earl passe leer, adult, h :14Q11,4. Of hag- gllge Each pasOuger under 14 Vrif ff.; Of a4e, W;th 100 lbs. 4)1 baggage 5. 00 All freighV securely packe:i snot ilIcluding n rit.141.6- yeals 4 ...... ; /101/34V1Ici1d Furniture or lIa('hho-ry) per 100 lbs., • 00 Hi1111:lbh(s).11 Fow urniture at ners 'ri-L•1 1 0,7r • 3 00 All Machinery. epeenil rates. lIorses, !Cattle, Sheep, :ie., at special rate. No \Vines oe Sphitneas Liquor); will he efirried over any part of the Thrnugb tiekets farat TIorel!er Itgy to Fort Garry can be lied at the tteiee of .,-11e Centrartorg, NV. II. CARPENTER tz Tintinier Bay. ' By dire•!tion, Department of Public Weeks, t Ottawa, May 8, 174. • FL DRAYS, Steretary. NOTICE. ritnn ennen in the Cori‘ora Hon of the County J- of will- Inet:t in the COURT 110031, in the • • TO WY OF Upon MONDAY, the 1st of JUNE, Next. PETER ADAMSON. -County dicee. I1 Al 7 )oek. P. M., wh, n the .k,140f,,-inent 1011g NNW I . be revi,e a and A.pp. els diepe ed of. All intero-ted will plt.aFe gr.-, c il: 7...:.n.s. Ives r ccoldirnyly, • N1 31. ELLIOTT, I 807 . Clerk. Comity :Yet • ` floderieh, 1,, 1,-74. - WEL:LANGTON." rrliE 'Ulao1o1:41-1:red hi -forted Clyaletelale Stallion 1Vellineton win , h'esi tee I! Lot No, 10, 11:IV, ;WV:N5I1 iy and on T11 -5))_'.V TUF.Sli.i.Y peening, May 20,' and proceed to Varna for noan, and from thence to Ilrueclield at night, where he will retAaiii Until Wedne,.day cvenieg ; on WEDNESDAY eveaing be will Pro- ceed to , reirminina until Timreday even- ing; on TH Jf-JAY evening he will 10-0eetA tft Rodgfe vino, re:leaning until Se turday merning, from iloq,:crvillg Le will proceed to Wlo. Dachau.- an's, '2d co..e` •fof noon, and. from thence to -his 4e.cnAvhcl'e he win romitin IMO! the Paltming Tineel'az teething route will le d for two tt, :41:a rvhieh h-- will take egelar onto, ty:, route bill, health perinitting, 837-2 Proptietors; GREAT EXIMITION. DUNCAN ttc DUNCAN AB E IN OW SHOWIN G MACNIFICENT STOCK OF NEW FRENCH TSILKs, IN BLACK AND COLORED. VELVETS, POPLIN DRESSES, Court of Retrision. , .r- 9-qn: Coutt Revi.r.lou for lite 3inukh.lity ef J•-• SEAFORTII, be heel la the Connzil Rowe, 1 FANCY DRESS GOODS, Black and Colored 1A1Srr 1Ra$, MOMINING GOODS, CC)3E1S"TS, CURTAINS AND I) MASKS, PRINTED WOOL TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, TAPESTRY AND WOOL CARPETS, SHAWLS, MANTLES AND JACKETS . GAII11R0O1S AND COTTON-ADES, • p."1\1 -1'1s, Earistone Ginghaw, Stout, Seotch, Gingham?, WHITE COTTQNS, Grey Cottons, Linens, Towelings, Bleached Daniask Cloths, Cotton Ticks, •Denims, Shirtings, Table Oil Cloths, at, Printed Wootl.,13ronze and Marble, Clothing, Tweeds and Cloths, V.ATER.P1?0OFS, QUILTS ASD TOILET COTTE1?S, LACES AND EDGINGS, INFANTS' 'WAISTS AND ROBES, Gents/ Outfittingsi Gents' Ties awl Sca4:11, V.U.LS'fifeVstie-aeltienset U, Largr- Riot* On Hand, LACE CURTAINS HOSIERY, CLOVES, On. SATURDAY, TilAY 30, RIBBONS IN' ALL STYLES, LADIES' PARASOLS AND SUN SI1A..1 >ES, BOOTS AND SHOES or Having got Our Immense Stock in before the advance in duties-, awl doitig a ninth 'larger trade than we ever did before, we are .exiabled to offer really tirsteclass eoods at mach lower prices -than _former years. Ladiea are respeetfully invited to call and ,lee through ear Large, a? Beautiful. 8/0e:tie E ery Novelty of the SCa;,i)11 (41 hand at & MII4CAWS.