HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-29, Page 4Ro 874.
MAY 29
sreAul 1863Mr. Bodwell waa� the nominee a the public int(rests in earnest
t ratepay-
shown'to subject "The Characteristics of our
ill 3 inairuf acturers. of Questions for Question
cessful. J31it for Tu6kersiaith tpon
NEW AIDVE As to a Reform Convention for the same riding prosecution of the work A the session. Civilization
this Colin is 1!II town. a lar
as w611 i for many of those ers , in tile interest of the Sandfield Mae( on_ I I CoTigyratulate;yOu Oil -having passed- -Drawer.. Saturday, 9 to lave no preqeut
'tothe reqire- -;.rin.
its authenticity we I Second Form ;' History, Fourth F
leorge Brewn I an Elvetionlaw, 'Adapted
Farm for Sale�Taanes Martin. Mr. G
of the ii-�ighborii Lg Countios of Bruce It may have aid Government.
e 11 s of determining. espec ive and I Answers to Question Drawr - McKillo ) Court of in an I th �.on- I meats of the I t, rovinces, Sing
and Per 1 Se or h would a Mu -been a rep I nd the came into the riding in Spit e of e
ifition of Tuc W.
be. ch kermith. a
Stray ed �, Iare— John a case -well. trust that thiclaw, w h the amended Morgn.
-,us bargaill dodge, nd in t e volition, contested it with Mr. Bod
-enie4t'and centi�rd placo, all do 0 0�0
Ho for NlanitobhL-J. H. McCalluir more don d bog, the tri%l-,.* of Cot troierted Elec-
of the trick is, Ifii hie to W and won it by 275—the same maolity act foil
would b equally,ace sible"to bu3 Cal,lil, 10118,
House %lid Lot, f or Sale- -B.: Eden. rers pqoetrator in- that Col. Winier had over Mr. Edg ti -*Vill- resulf: in Securing lor the fa- The Marriage Presidp_4-t
old b eo -shch damages
g for as Clear
Enaun, Secretary. ing that Mr. Brown seb the CXI%11: ture pure and psAceable elections. Grant's Daughter.
This is a Matter ii L vhich the farmers c frinicrement a Well-6stablis ed patenb See
many ye1 e L)assed pl,
di so trs ago, Globe cannot The measure you hv vid-
tely interested.' n thlbs m 0. Miss Ellen Wrelishall -Grant, olligter
-Te e
the Counly a 1 ecii Col lit of the United 6tates
'in that the example has been Col- pin�,6,,,for the cous -tiou A the anadian
of the Preside
e -way will emble iny Goverii-
T, OU 0 If by etitiot 7at Ch se Fairs. a high itic Rail
4111 Ott V+' was marritol to Mr. AlgLerzio)IL Charles
OF THE WEEK. in as! . practicable
er price c- Frederick Sartor�s, at the i be obbal"Ined. for the article E ent to proceed as Soo
DO INION PARLIAMEN... with stick portions of he -w.ork as are
i by,the manUfaqt n from a privatei -Kansion, Wasi gton, -on the morning
lip, Vr BRITAIN.
SEAFORT11, F tDAY, MAY 29,; 1874. necessry to sectire coin nanication. witli N:1 A wedding at the
of the 21st o
purchasei, the f ari e will-' directly reap w TITL s. —Prince Arthur has been lal f A FORGIt B riti '. I Columbia. y oeell
the interior &lid vith
fort ie, eitablisliment White House is a very rare rreneq
Duke of Comidugh and Lord a, on the
the-beneft.- If compaling his cheese made t, Mr. Ross, Minister of -A ffiti
, ther-4alials of that Man ion, not mo.
I hope that the lt�
t of Ea- I
C+rc, Strathnairn bas received the Orders (If the. Day being c&IJ ed on Fri- ' S e
ma acturer lilitry'college -will be found to f trl- In -
with. oth �,,rs, the", nuf, of a a 'than one or tvo havin been celebratea
m! bers and si de agai ang
OppositionL Oppo bion of Sussex. day ref 3rred to a charge m list e a class of thor-
fil its d sin in s6cu is
lated to r iakea su erior article, tll,-Jpro e bi hn.A. Oug the re 'be.f ore '.\I 4 s- G pur
STORK—A violent thun'er storlu hi" ly educated 'officers for the military
since b* 'ir Jo
journals have I -1e lot -d in ther coni- ill a fie W evenings b It was the wi�h of the PresidenV8 famil-
respect will receive passe oVerL Londo and tl e -ididland a�dollald o ad y
that he (M r. f,o. s) Ii, w rit e.
IV at
tu Qovqrui�ient for their were ten a lettor during tile asures
laints agaliA e. NK, I th the ceremony should be treated
Counties.on Vionday. Sme I 'L eS
direct be] lefit. lesides, if Fairwere it( Oape Breton I trust that the othe r m
lifLve adopted with 8 nueli unapimity dine, ot
you ucte4 enti�ely like the wed-
tardineSSL during ;Ipa past; session in' ring, i c d
lost, and considemble
estAll'shed here would be conveident done to election (lirectitigtL(xov(irn-.iaontofficii,lto 0.
tile CL rops. My, a Go- c an- ; will et�cial to the
onvard hap(itant public me4suxeg. to many of tile fi rmers of this aald the :
ing. f vote for M r. INICK likewise 1)ro*e ben
F r% AIN 'R r had, si� iol rge country;
didate. The lette e, the ch a
to ttend them-' 1:t -p
likean� other§ from
These� compl, y I and that it should have no official, char.
neighboring ties OF TRIP, AITNISTRY.— was made, been published a 1 1 (A ox
rc n I the H-oilse of 06=111Q�as: The invitations Wer,
the y collstituted s
whe t
;hey Corai6to be oca I GLUtieluell 0
same sourc I c ir. Itoss ii. w
selves, and by so loin-nlight gain much The lvfinistry is fill, 11 ernmen; paper. N acter whatever.
invetigated art Ila Principle, and srcely
a Sing.1 rited merely on a
imade perfta was
o� be witire I thank 14 ieaOH is with issued Upon Q
-information whic] I would be of Use to GODcr&I OisseY, of ly deni(d he hadever sent any such let- I . you for t ix
i , which you have for an c-
ai, nd Vice -President of tI e Council; ter or te d u-.�e L ']is influence anticip
groundless, nd - litter a them tile Op- lelolram, or Ila
them. A Ve would suggest that tile Tu 'k- ated. defici6licy, And. irrauted the cou of oj.lfi Miss (ITant
as a I tiIe blic s arvice. 'A
"es i a I position. I
tion have sb -%vn ti LOTI olitiess lucon-
c I De Minister of Foreign Af ister of the Grow in a sh a e
posi ersmith Branch Arricultural. Society, 2\1inister Of the Ill- 1 supphe for pu and r. Sartoris invitled their particiliar
in,9faUC(1, to bias Vote. IL this p0int
ab Of th Sente, G
-sisteney n6t at 1 drd& table lit view er Finance; Engene he desixed his language shquid be ashm- 1, Honor )a Gentlame4 entlemen personal ffiends. -Nrs. Grant and the
1'.-er -ill). This society is t i,)r tak e the mt
so of Co
-orks L Louis Pres wit friends, and
of the Hou
of the short e W1.11c] I hitervened be', X, liblic Al ident invited their o
I trust that tb,6 meas ires I ]lave caus- some o6er in itations were issued at the
ke a foremost part
dy to t, Caillau P phtic as possible. 1 -tis ri �a 3on for' not Imnons:
-ce. Viscount de C11-
t Cominei
-tween tile assur tption ()f Power by the ny enterprise halculted to advance donyllicl the statebient on tie spot IV alcen J r th Preservation taace, of Lieut. -Fred Grant
-e the allem
'6f that,helwas anxious to so: d
I in. 1. Adi, ed to be t Of especial ins
the ses
Goverlim ent an� DP mill; the agrimiltar. sts d we know Tailhand, Justioc. inake hisl -eply nore the peace inthp No west Territories nd other -Only
%I in bere , ail letter i order b iei-�ibers of the family,
itations re sell t to persolas
ti iat they Should will b� effectual in preventing tile, spirit -about 77-10, lay
cm, Elie Times -le lia 14 Ol
Sion, it is Sur 18 -XL compll. I ldasked)Ircl) laid,
of -nothi ir they cauld do -which would of lawlessness so, much tobe. feared in -in Washingto 'Reporters nd corres.
con-pspondent , t i ris' thinks le new
have so many in. ortant measures so a of -uupe Breton, for the lette!r, and been
tend mor D to this -esult than to esta-b- e
8 to go be-. these vast uns ttled regions, and'in pond
inistry -will fail if if4lattempt ents were rigidly excluded, the line
s to be Nble to Submit th-)m for promised ito' but wit On
vauccol. I lish Cimese Far if nythiug in this,.yond mere admidistration,- nd states. maintaining friendly rlatiolAs with the being very Sharply drwn aaint 31-1, 80
should be ui�,en to Iiiin for' inspect dn.
the coAsi deratioi i amid approval OE- Par -.1 to Indian tribes.
it President -McMalion th 'etened - that no paper ad no writer Should have
direction is to be lo e, it should bdolon-e th, that it Dc producc d. e East e no
Wi$ n` a, fe, W days 9i er the Dqlh� Ye tos reports th at all aid h hd. fell, no The negotiations 111 rgress relative cause of pomplahit. Th
at Once there "ot intich time for --real, I I . Mr. McDlmald a.
111(f the colistittit Oauada, un- and prepared especiall
of �UUU was decoratet-1
to the com ton, du to
ess"ion e new el ection. hoiIes Of Pas lawoloubt that the lettter written b y
Opel, considerxtion. A V, trust, therefore, have* beeiiab, dolled. The l q)ointment tb L� der'''the Treaty of Washin'ton will, I fo khe occasion. A profusion of beau-ti-
itia, and he had. be 9
Cle of. NL]il en
law was Submit& and, ws. so 'pletb -ship
Society -,Vill see its -way ar to of Generl ci�,qey to the remiel that tlie. d iii th, pre'iSiOn b the hope, realize our just expectations. We ful. flowers and tropical plants ere dis.
rq_11,S of orItire
f t h� OPP(isition y
that eve�n tiie le o' take thematter Up once, ndwe have causes 0115atioll. he V r's gilence. He I I-. Nfel)on� ad) b.%ve reason to rejoice that within bur posed- in Suitable positions. Beneath,
Alini. tL
-osperity, - ail(- e o
d: I peace. and
could find but Ii tie fault wi The :M Oil tlignae . is ppoilite -N inister of borders are indow n the,easter*.qide
no hesitation in. edicting that, i; it given tbc lebter to ir John A. ay Continuously of the rOOM
en in off ce for to pr that the country 'low -platform Nva8-.raised
late GovermIme hacl b, � I - d it had no.- beelL returned �y
TIE'llERH WN THE Ex- two flute'd Coililmis
does, none will be better satisfied with N. resi these invalable ties
enjoy sings. d carpeted. The
many -years, an inllthose yean,not- 'the season than cleat Thiers, in to �Aeplitation The Speaker of the tlfen n_ an iIdONV ere w
the result at the of on either aide of the w - I w Sir Jolui said that be-
exi ed attk-.MP bs had
withstanding that rep , e ing well acquainted withINI r., Eoss'hp ild - I nounceld that is Excelllicy had pro -
the officers of theSociety, and none will from the def. artment-of-Girolide, said th ed with rozes. * On the platform a a
ame a Meaa- monarchy -%v. iich he w.0 overtlirown for t rorrued Parliament tuiti the 6th of July -vase standing:upou a pedstl filled. with
been made, 111able to fr. be more raelv be a� fited than the farm- writing he I John) ll�d ssained it 0 0
-s illip next. -werS -,01 various kinds. Suspend -
r the nLot 23 Ir
ure . whiall the .1 S, � establisiting Ossible. A lie genuine, and, t1w letter to the white flo
ets withi tile Cheese Fair dis Conservati I I he closing proceedings were very ed -over tile platform WaS
vo, Republic alone could re -
Press. fie had subsequelItly handed it
aproval of Parlia Agaii �, the
m e a trict. �ijzauize nd pacify Frallee., I He hoped taffie. The majority -ibers to Dr. To. per, -who was )low at 1V10,a the men Lt which 1) Z
Gove'n e trel. Ia Mons composed of . eintirely White flowers, -ans'
had onlybeen
present that after its recent expeiien.6 , the As- had left for their* 1ho es on the �re
beneath the c ntral panel of the
Te Bi dulph End McGillivray gcai�ily would admit the no�cessity of I Saturday and Monola , and 64 aceollut, pended
0 own to
in office few in ilths, 1i rought d Ar. Ross com aned th it t, �abscnce y
0 natry pl�
n. makiiia the 0 the sovereign.Irbiter. no doubt, of finfavoralyle weathe�,, and roorn. Over the outer edc of the plat.
Parli l days before the cloo'se Claini !&gai U -
P3 of the letter deprived him of the oppoi
Htile previous day hAvi been a holiday, form were tw;o evergreen wre-aths, iA o
ament sevel expected a dissolution, which 'would tuility of she matte�*r �'ur- 119 ne
r will be that the town -
of tI I ilic "Railwa bill. it
a the attendance of spee tore wilis also of which was rranged the i �p I
ie session Pac -rehabilitate the Assembly in tile eyes Of ther.
The 1,�.te ("Coverninent, alfhoilgh they had sifps of Biddulph a d I ay pro,- the nation. The -electors �Vould be less small. Comparatively- ngers oc-: NV. :G., and, ill the other, A. C. 13'. S.
The House app Jew str.
eared to symoat ize
or P te if the Wactly opp6site
cupied seats on the floor of, the House,,. Dire' the window and plat.
eighteen', montlisi in whioli to prepare a.. -red a claim f option of the Rail wise and moder, with the and to reard tile
adies were iii fulldress. form is the large door open ing from the
way of -Hw lion produci6ii of the letter a--, a N cry
ere o" y rep ed to refund (lite t,fle County 11011 delayed. and none of the I
similar measure, were a
p (1,8C $ion however, is a m
aunt of the ugly Ancident in the ffibi
reiit- 'This'latter omis at- I main hallway.' From tile two COJU.Mn%
Submit it to Par i8ident orty-eight hours oil ace unicipal Loan Fund h
c f roln
A DFsP-%:r( Bayorne says en. ter of ve e comequence to the at the sides of the window were drawn
able to. all paitics conce'l-lied in its difap-
before -the close, of the. se Sion. r, Vh e -distribution.. The:Government appoint- g-agements take place daily between the Coutry. Thesession as been alengthy ril)bOar
across theroom. to -either side of
ay -important
Government are accused of incompE te on- nc
ed Hon. E. B. Wood nd Mr. Cayleyas Carlists and the Republicans for. the When the House o one. and productive Of. -much thdoor. TheMarineBa Iwsstation,
ossbAsion of the heights conimndillffL P ed on 8atur -the Ieft of the, ointrance.
P legislation.
arbitrators o hear] evidence and decide it was expected that 8ir J ohn becuie they wete imabl:6 durill0l tile late ac' aud useful ed in th6liall at
'the low--
Bilboa. 'It is claimed tha the Carlists atural light was excluded from,
the lo;ter
nald woiild� 'have produced
0 aim. 11 1-0
a measu for -upon the, .1 1 lie onthofAugust have -gained some successes. General it tri- The P e M�Lcdoyald Letter. xeci a in 9
ion to brin f rward a
signe m Ros falsely OP
er poirtion of the E -itive,"M . io and
the establish m e4 �6f i Ca iTt Of las the arbitrators, aer hearing evi-: Concha has entered Vittoria.
to tlic A letter has been received by, tile See-
er OJ
AiCARLI bute, Minist the room were lighted by chandeliers.
At 11 o?cIocL
T RAID.—Tbe Carlists have
k the guests, to the number
41 point t lie ntari) Or- deaice from both' sidesi decided that. ani was, so Sir ry -he Commisioners at present en-
Appe, Ol th telegi A114 told tile retai - of t
sed and surrounded detachment gan -of - -the itioill' remarks these townships bad no just claim'to aiTy 'UrP " House 4 the: preVIOUS day at to 0, rer- craored ininvestigating irr nilailtiesincon- f neaxly 200, had ssembled in the East
vo Re 'rst of the
-t of lunteers near Santnder. The
en, take r Tupper, who had tTe lette: - m
The prese-at le4der of e Q oveiun portion of this.- �refund. This decision D I nection with, the coi)(14C -of the Montre- Room. Mr. Sartoris was the 1i
ast ccounts held olit' and
f this . lad al Post Ohice, which -,V11) rently cll�a
publ �cans ait 1, pos M f 'o an
8 ssion it 3 ontreal. bridal party -ive, 11 ty
twas in the lu�$it of Sir didot s�ktisfy the- townsbips, th had been seat them. Great'excite- been 11 r8 UP Lieut. Fred Grant, their entrance be -
%I'd eY relie �
0 If tern �Ilail shc uld the my tery �s t the st&ler �of -the flow
d e, the I
John cd6na d becttse I'lle delayed importuned the Government until they. nwilt J)revails here, as the nien ill. dnaer ing tile Sinal for the band to Strike
hav 'b ught the lett ut. no letter lo -- letter. This
Ce. )cspatcli6s
I�Iow- doe I hear' ng. W . for 11COM111% -Ild Il likely that letter was recieved I rolla a 'L%fr. Thomas
-reed 1 Ilow them a seconc 411 Delong to this i)la' lip tho�
s ag LO A _Nvas. for tills 1 0
from ',Santander, repreisent the Carlist unient 1 ever mill Boyes, a late clerk in t4e ilitia Office
-'T)I'e IOUs
tb�elpore IV'
The'rnatt r, ccording] gali, III
he propose to jIistify hi *6- wa delay Y, came up, aid in that vicinity s 'a, formidable
tb e ei Lylit
TI e proceeding 'in -Xfointreal, and is wi follows 0
lie light of day. Nex t, unwit- oners at Toronto movement.' ome'1,500 insurgents are see t t in, tile procession e
I In this par I the o rganis before, t e Commissi
graP) reflec upon IV -he "MOLtreal, lthAI)r:il 1LB74 bridesmids—Aliss Annie Barnes, dalla-
no cr d"t
ible additionl evi- wi
th in fi re leagues of the toi vii. They leadin- members of the 0 )0osition, a d. Slit 'Sceina that Ir. Palmer of the
YS n
tingly, of course,' pit Mackenzie a ter of the Surgeon (3-eueral iss Edcl
YS "s"Ier 0 th
give no qurter
w no Montre -offipe is s pected of com-
high Complimcnt� He ideatly expects dence wAs submitt"p(i by the townships, the uso� of the forged I' al Post Fish. of ilie 8ecreatary of tate
tei as,
UN D as, of litt 'valne in s doubt, � mean wid slo w shbterf conflin" and MisFj Frelingliuysen
t at allecil stration of theL
that Mr. lZie'. 01111t. -of his but it it o far as Pi�cipi-,o(,Pry.—I-tesolutio-ns have been inflic t
ace, plicity in the so -c
emForaryilijury pona 0 tors Of the &-line
PAAi Cal Pope--,\,facdOD.%Id letter, 1-. desire, for tile- daughcrs o the Sell. I
anti ti n a -im was concerned pssed by the New York Pi oduce Ex- superior bility, ��Ilould be able to do ii -ubst, the' cla 'Of
lonent. i 111mes ; Mis Lizzie Porter daiii,lifer
'learn d tht th Commis- ebdge 0 purpose that"
1110 Sir John: 1q&C onad 0
We aV t; se tire the dopti a . by Con- 9PI of clearin hat-
e not'learn e 9 Amiral Porter Miss Minnie Sherm3n
eight. re THE rACTFIC!SCANDAL INNESTIGATIMN. -the folowing facts of
areS8 o )1, al treaty between act.0r, to state
6 ye veil eir decl fa oc, the A return of the e datialiter Of eneral. Sherman Miss
s unable to ac oniplislil ght years., petise of the'Roya -IT ation of the Com-
sioners� 1, 81011y and the matter for the infoi
United States
but, frow w�it. ave heard, it is ev- ochefort and Commission on the Huntijigton charges missioners. Oil the.1norailig of 6ept. Drexel, of Mr. A. J. Drexel, of
The same maybe s�qid wi A -regard to the C,
tile was laid on the table in tile Hou' Phladelphi -aild 'Mis Dent, rl� I&St-I Called at the Post -office for
se on 2
Irisolvency bill. 1. 1 Pres ��Overnlucnt ery Way probable �Iiat- it will be th(J.' Oliver Pine Frelieli fit-itives-from
Friday. The item8 are is follows.: Jus. any emight )e' for the T authorities e of General F. T. DeDt. Follawina the
.111 ut few nths, were S_
C.%10(1 ll*, ettlemi, e ve
althou ini-office mo amOf the penal a at, h, tieb DI Uffi -cside
V, 8 5, expeusses, ce, where I am empic yed as a clerk. I
ervice','$1, bridesalaidS were the Pi at and the
and are Polett
at 'an I ancisco, '385 ustice e4, e)
bride, and aftr them came the mot -her.
enaJ)Ied to sub 'to Prliament a new "Dull palities must e possessed of more penses, received a Dumber. ay d wb-en sorting
ro for Ne York, whence theyro to
tile Militia Offie e I- f tl' of tbebrideand other inembers the
Swit� er14111d. Judge for serviCE S. 1,62i, ex-
st t han, ommon sense or Ia them at
IRS61, acy me, at le, end, a be Z o nd one ad
gard for thbir iiei(,],) ors, ri�rhts,-as- they TQ O -D TE11PLARS' CONVE'l, TIO -N. 0
C' penses, $393:; 11. J. Vaukoughn'ef, as dress family. -The tr assean of Grant
fore the paro,,gation. ild in coinl liance ed to lion. J. H. L-ope. iTh6 envel-
clirk, 8, 1, 606, expeiise§. 84 to ; pri was almost wholly. selected M, New York,
must kndw that th e' haie neither a le,,,%l fo 1111 d
with tile express wish of thiel House, re- 0 copies of re' ;0 L except some fine which. Nvere im-
1V6r hy' Lodge. of Grood 2, 000 "Iti 'a, ope had evidently be perfectly fas-
1 $ pc rt, t ; tened, for when 1, it, it WaS open.
-trs, the representati e body of the V24
hictantly Conseil ib�d- to V&,�v it to lie not equitable claini -.o plead. and it was French edition. $736 2-3 stationery, Noticina that the envel pe. was franked Ported expressly for
t Temperance Order in the world,
1.1, :r -h -week holdiug their n
on for con Ul ou� $83 72- adv, ncillg to Me isrs. Day i lid THE �-CILR .1, s-ri
over till next sessi only till g the rn' st persi-,teDt n.poir- with ame of tile Deputy..Kiister of
this. -06 a'
VXDkoughnet, for sundry � sbursemer ts, Justice was read. b Rev. Otis H. Tif1fany, -Pas-
h t they Lducqd the G 8ainnel D- R sting,-, of less ref ar-cled, $1 299 81 1
el vern- Session in Boston, a
tion: Sir )hi tunify and beibg wai. e of. th position tor of the y Ketropolitan Chilreb, where
Aldl'son, Wi1sconsill pre-Sidilig. About a the Government, I Con -
ills OL%[e Mencto give them a Isecond hearing. the President nd his fami
Puzzling his br� r a ililihar ance for disl 200 19 1
)III-sements, $3, to tal 1150 rid Inembers , e 'in at- cluded that the Contents of the letter
divilleservice. The marriage edrtilizate
for two half P'�I-ior to 6xpenditure,1 $10,918 64. To this ii1i were 'of political ntillic" and made my -
me, Mr. Pope held i
e-ajoKity of the
Y. e, (b aice, n�Ilglild was Sig
f k'Forg. "Letter. have - ' I ned,by Secretary
to -be a4ded 1,625, whi his expulsion froiIi-offiffiffiffiffic nd even in ch 'ppe srs S
e 'UniteL S) elf acquainted with the
Ouder in State 131. Considering
ill the estimoo'e for Judge Polctte�s E er- that Nlr. Youn w" beiL lg nUfLZ ss -the atter be -
ties uh'Coti ud, 113". (1 adathat t nable to We la�t welc p�ib ished letter which ter Thornt;n as An e C�s, -1
lirly treat. 0
y member of the Foreigm Lb -
51 iine wn s '�l vices, not yet, paid, ni-kin total c )at edr 11 -;,,Q itnother envelope to that ing the n I'
]I.%% e be written by ELL P,-TVEP.DisAqrjrr,.-2The final
was s4d �o have be 10 of the Comm�ission of 12,543 641 -letter for his ti
gi�pss wi gation whotvas invited. A f tCl' COD fftatll-
pro, th as to have it ill os-geiitleman,' forwaiUina ile
iix)g Lip 'of the number of lives hati:)ns had been extended to Ie bride,
'sape, for Submission. ent. Ross, NiIiiiister of.. Mditia, to a Postmas:- 1?y ie�� 111ill River Reservoir disaster I 1�qrmation, and I' solei nly asser -that
ancy I t Mr. Youn le 0 The Sell, e.. in ihour was Spent in the hilich-rooni.
In view of thes.e7acts, thei, we ter in -his Province, - rolering him -to vote make al 140, of which a bodi' 1% �o�mm ttee of ;lie neither or r. -Palmer nor
Co s I Friday� I The party left Washington at 1:30
wtole on ai ended i ;lie any one else,
-It now. have been -reco-ered eithe in oiA of the Post- in -
I t live 'in(' 1 1
for the b I - lie Elect' a bill r New York. there few who,, wil b Ell: I i e ve th a tb e ntion o'clock fo
h ifest ithe P urnout'. 11 in wh eb i oifice,.except nkyse i If, k eiv anything of cident occurred s the Carl
s will -be' een byour Pa" delitified..
Oppost wlara ei%e sneere� or dopts s uRrolle
RA I LWA Y113 IT I ce the matter ; and while I ndi' t
\1r Ross never overnor sla0d -for Doi on Bice tb er wish
ir inenary elport� t4, t i this letter 'to be hudelIsto d as n. Atempt -f the lVilite' ilouse.-- Two
ti US
Char e4. Ayltner, of WISCOIIRIII, iss ed. circular iDg file.cloor o
Vic register of voters for I little girls came out upon the porch alia
wrote suall. a Jefte nd t e LeLialtiv 'ov� incomputelicy - aain denies all wlaah' aftclr Citing the, res Stace of at J ustification or ex t tiou I distinct -
't. P, 0 -ting
'till _Ilica("O
ly disclaim any idea o recluvVig any
.4t, the present council. but 4nly Until vot -rs, lists SIVII each threw a slipper after the depai
the eram(at cn be- We otild ki of ifj;r th person to whom
be provide(I fr votefSLill 0
the aw e ge, dire tly or bidire
and Northwe tern P "I,ctions to -10, Couple, nd the omen of a od luck was
it was addiessed. - i persoiud aklvauta ct-
-ly fault with liott, the letter.is II)ly. T ie ly fo made complete by
advise those who now find ssed by blic Assen r tb e coursc� I took -�Ir. Young is. the direetnev4L a forgery. 1 e) aye liSLII- I
ndmse lettei tariffli for traodsporttion of f- iht, lie nient niakes *the elec oral vote for which they were ied, oi-ir-, Striking the
" ll� 11 e 0 ( 'existenc nd I believe
othe:Ts buc, m y existenc
the Assembly in Prineo� E&A ard Island as 8 evelly leitized to pay only the mer scarcel OWS me by President and Mrs. Grailt weiit to
ciglft wouthi wh'at they tdiems ves has been 11rcre and. The
ed in d bride and the other the hust,
niented Oil by lmost every Oppsiti 1 well as the A�cr Provinces the assOf -name. d*re is l, an -
iouats the 14w prescribes for the ser- ' Only
on were unable to a6co'
inplish, in as any in ti e ProVin, the franch;se in elections to th York on the follwin da, id bid
road!i'La11d, if illey' exac
of the3el e Of cost to prevei-it other fromi
%ra P4 y t'
pap e r ce but we, hve Ilof
w be eXCeption illt) adieu to their daughter,
to 0* le time they ro , (Te- to mak4 Complaints of s --iol- Commons, thus abolisbic, an who for
f tet of !nine. Fore-
'Ille see
b th L PC by the LoNver sbolA will re-
ny of �t ein'live in
noticed ill. pil lislied -tices of e ep sanctione(I 9 Europe on Saturday, wbew
vote- to grumbliuu and fault-findina a tiuns Im-fore T#� a possibility of I i -viva to leave
of its uthenticity. IIaV6 thell-I WIlle lip before bialier CrIlIll-
Z5 Mof main at least a ycar before
amendment carried by the castin:r,,, the country, as I have I* slightest
U vote of the Chairmn. TO Istice to ucr I.S1 conlanga
11 right. n. ji courts. He rcol s ll Di trict At- inteutio if I cz.w avoid'i�, of be
ieli to ry of the �j ast, caref I study of - t III Provably son: 'to. W two to politici nd for
to these roads if lly meddlin, this letter
and they wi ing The Senate -have lso oduced. Thepresents were imil
Ro nd irl justice licir re ;\�ery important amendments in' the ders) they t,
Which- be ot them. ach thein. will xiot. be mailed our addres he most part were the offerinLS of en -lip
should ct tile lll�ir( things they "luld troverted Elections N11% botl pplyih ine aff-ection from. the (,iwrs to
STOCK, -011C of the to untill I cousider y
oircu ances de
as at existin in Ont -,i Milli, t Grant, who,,hu gained the esteeni. - f alul
-its proolactiou. T 0
botit I im. -w-lieu they, were 111111e). .�110st �j reiilrkal�lc sales of Blood Stock L Conch Sion I beg re- 1
A Cheese F for S�6fbrlt S With -on
everlie tookiplace.in Chicago on. the The first provides that all' the jud e, spectfully to ass persons w loin she bi 6fht
the impression tb&the had writteftiie Ill J� y oil tl at %e ry :
lie gifts were ar`
u of th -ly as I n election L 1) titi 11
inay-try pendi' f-, 0 into With tile mccep 0 loulit of 21st i�ist.j that iif the elebi I �-Ile of this notbrioRSIL-tter is exact
letter. It I vould, � Idast, only be lkpn� judges of Ontario having bee!) of opinion rang
6d in +11e rarthere ;is no I(Ir [iviid herd of h have stated. Ftiriber me �ls of hitherto tbat only the three jdges cont to the ;invited Among theni wAs
Oxford, we dou, s e his the saule, public' orthorlIs., 0 'IOU
-ity in WestO, roi Qntai-io �vliere the t -nt -1i
Ity -one ison ail
q. Fortv ght co
C t to giv )�Iq.
Col t I( c I
atitutilig the E'lectioll Court could hear 11 - th one token -of frection w1lich
they gi%jell 11— )IIIIS rere SOIJ the foriller .1 be had at the' Al iliti, Office in is and th family wure ezpccia�y
of Ch the let -ter.
�1` on more s that e
0l, qI.5 ail the 1. thetrils.i Tb�esecondproviilc y
e 0�e is C4 lied d- it to r 2 5, f-I'llyers I- , Unless thoso i ifallibl. exports Itnow
(to thi ci
clalisain bentiiwactgrantilwan more leated, It was -a silvzer Huron. Alth6ugh i iweseilt from every prt of 1.
th, the about tho 1 atte han I do. I
gift by th gentlemen emploed i the
lld III iiglalid. The n sino, e - UjI, t ffie i remain, Sir, your ervant,
-g, e 0
ast -tivo yiiors, on -account of the The R full Court he rctro"pect�: V (bedieal v
fo the:1), ailwa. -Agreement. from tb ecisio of "I
to the
Exectiti ansioll att
-Lr Le, the' b 11' )uke of 1-ii.11hurst qold Ifor 10 0 and Scarcity of pasti silicas has z Tuo, Las weet e put lishe(I what purport- roc.S 0 Englaii(l. - . UP BUSLNE� Presideuts household, w1wse cordial re-
f, o. i N ("
ith a duplic,
ant ha� won by the sweet-
s rentull eradve,; eitlict t0% the I
Oil tile con The above letter w, de ail- not been, or. _ct.
6d to be mernoran'lim. of u arecinent fro ni I I dessert to 2\1r. was writteii on
Producer or Illaull4eturer, is it other- I THk P(wj-, I Pope iS sufferillf). to llalf-PaA 11 o'clock, from ness and amiability of ber disposition.,
between. tll( f,olmo i, fluron and Bruce to April 11, last, *1114, had 1) en lef h in tho Anlon(r the
the result- of colit. %lid from half -pa
V o- qcII, tll� iiiterest has st 10 to b If past, 1, 1 honds of BoyeB, w fe to f4rward in case
Ve in([ the Huron vR it tile atie�,_
oent do n by the any one should bo wrong 1CCuse( WM a d"sert set f 84 pieces 4Y.
;0 havu lit consequence to conside'r measures -110ST cOSTLY continuqd to sprez until it -is bi ully 1
Senat re Nlr. Boyes left for �hi� 8ta S ininied
)e(,n uSpell
e. �o important lter tions 'vic
recuicut (led.
rtant nianuft
ii:rr effect at tie fnrnlQr coinp.,eny na�iy of tll(.. ])ills 11
to the a complet;C silver
one of our n 7e
t (10'vil - afterwriting the JettL aidoDlyreturn- d;l
SO inolustri�s. Lver -For - in ltftly, ill of Monsstau's for in Pmix sty ecI to ast.: - 1-f e ha mer Service by A. J. of ehil
I I to worth probably I t lould, t1w
s called first. but the boll 1,1) e
tol.111 of year I U 1. -liament, of the wa the letter forwarhil (In 'atUrdy, all(l Fish a iftr il �r: talik,
I a 1.1110 I'Lliection by the Pai, oo ; by
iSholild lease t1w, 1!atter company fol on 1ki
fore, -C stililublte nd by tile Milli�.ter of telmall ws bsent, his m Ird
Di )tion (If such iiii- Lt, tho, couli nd Sbrp� of -N courage a b.U;iI
'ere soniew
ts urpi isedto learn of such tc"
lie I
mense builelit,to al classes of the Com- agreemen bavin. bee 0\ -)Ds -uiction! of tljo enat York, i riDg with Stone c- -o set Avith
re6 ti
m s wc
r at Gres*
t uS lie better to tho I�Alll conclu(ted I histitute ce C 'I * , land all the, business was
mullity.- I'll no IV YLC'%Il
could gmrcel belie e that the London in connection *ith this As- a very
UZIte 1)
1) the at- fi 'Josu- de in the Commons hy il:,,3o
. Nj,., t accom l r U llot I y a the C40U a
I;oc ation, -will bei lield b
pl; led tll� establishment (jompauy fli,er . 11 t L blundering ai mortally w(;11I1dLe,1 clear for th prorrgra At' Or scull -in iof a outubly bunglillfy COL111d be'lliducld to ellter into House, t* 11, C.�)Jltllluilig till the b 16cape to the Steamer Arizon,�, but ws York, till oweraid
cheese fair. By "yors such tile nd beneficial artang a sellsi e- aturday, at 11 A. Sa
His trial for-thr" outracire
Oil Tues�lay dsnion e J11all *IMOO
of I Will, Conduct th-
ild ill a -4-competition. would W
-prised, 1ritish-Coli-sul. fixed CIO by and sellerz; Would pe regularly brought I gster rinv, (tll�ese tNvt,) I-1118 iAl Ptlioll o
melit. not 8"u 1 f the aNy worth
het A% for the third P#Iiameiat of the 1) of exercises. The -followim, I'Vobesoll, a. toil, L
that Company, ti owyll thair �',-',ecre- the 2�th inst. CA Set nd -nadawasJ)rourrht to a clos4. A t ;he gramme be engund whicii could not til to 3 to f flie tYle
leappointed hour th ernor t- work for 8cpteiabe:t� try delly hving imli'de any s
uch acyree-
result beiieficiall I o 11hu producers- Dc-. election in 86-tith Oxfc ill t) oA, T� y 0- a Cht, Subject the Loadon Ad- ca
after niellt,of tu to Provlll�-;-1 f -w York. lef
sides this, Dil i f to tuiturs� would hve 'ill ieiit of Mr. '1odivell to i
-the lnemberiloi the Commollf, - t if a osays u-perinten(lentship of the Wei- as many of hem as
nity �Qll reinfix. st tio, I tile opportu of ii gp geach others'pro' or lie from 1,ocl ill Nvith ("oullty by Grcner�l ail
The h. d eere'taty of t nof closiiie: prc �ecdings—obi�ye(l bie st in- Aqso iatios.
r CO.mpftrID, notes 7'40 P. cif nues lac(t fall Nvith smol�t�t t London, Hurj�)n and& Bruce J%ailwy I ek. Both mons -for tieir the sa me Puldic Conversazinne, to 1*2. he0f tl-.e britIA, In formtion would be. -of writes a deniil of ll knowled(re of th e �-(�f tild Col, local chamber, g#.c his
gain i D, t It le,--,! Ia-
is alid for First agreement wh'ch lim
been published 'as Iliall are xiorniers, nd Supporters of
future =Unt of the"llum- .ptill", i ted to wif
tion of the essiou, in t F0 Ill, Junior Division rithintic til 109
been ointered into between the ilie P1 pr sent of th
esent Admim r tile conchisim of t1iis,1-1qfiS
ber of facturies ill immedite wiell xeeIlGll0Y colul-w-neing Fr�(;tlolls, ],oil laD, Huro� and Pruce Coilipan and was the noinince of the 1%'.eforin Coliveii- delivered th of the brik1t is 51
. I tho
y t
lQuestions for 011(- 41
ity, as well s.ni tributary the Hdroii ailidQuebee Railay Company. -tion. ("(,I. 8kinliet, ho
wever, 1was elect- Honorahle ("ejitienien of the 2 to 5—Discu-ision. :. Js it to Preside)itls fililily gave ed f
wc Ic 1+ of no better or I If INdr. Churelier's statement is to be re- Comity its.
to seafortli, lan,c ni�iol y of 2 a, hVing, 0 t1lellbusellof Colunions:
o r
pollefl. ority in every nil ci &lit
more cou've %09 ic lied on, tbcn� Powlei I hain C(lulleil of 1,1fllie JnStrue
nient it 101, 11 to CS mlioevei
in the riding except two. On the resul
has been runwile, the boiius election in 1 ir thn It early period'of the se-aon I a lable to tion N
-h ill e interest Of tile I The lie
f. m Ilu's village. L, t the 14amilton Thnp-v re- relieve yo tural Hi��tory,: Fourth Fol -111;
oderi th briilt�, 6f, tlio� colites u from fnIthelI atte Uce ill 4 A riciAtural Chemistry, Folrrth Fon nbe. 19 U1161 the Cour
ax a regular air was hela in. compan, inark -South Oxford seenis to ]lave Parliament. 9 inla 4th Of
filchiDa a leaf from
ye Mon
Y, has teen to Questiou Drwer.
the town of Stratiordi d was�'Vcry $tie- r. Ca r I i n g's book, allolf has played lialit )f juniping ov( ions. In July. '8'he as
ar Couven t,
ank ydu for tha d L e weet yoll" gIr
evo'ion h ':30.—Public Lecture by with brown hir, I), -
It 1A. N I
tiug�,� with healt y I
e is se
qWl figure. Sh I
..jority of waint-136
unaffected lnanac�'
An only -daugliter,
-dul -by
, . 8ed n.rt oiily ,
Z61i her Telatives, aua
surrounded -by t mase -
Ellow, her attelltio)ln, 81
Iyas to be cr
ri�ra ularly
ave e`ec
vcould 11 . apef
Parents, however.-
ven, in tbe -ndu
ting' tbeirdalighter
freely in gaycties"
them always
parties -Or anly lartye el
I is not much of wtall,
ly a dancer, and a
at fbat�
Mr. Algernon Sarl
23 years -of age, and 1
Tag o -on of . )Nfr- - El
U,imp - ir ,.
sh�j,ne A.-dand
E. �b - - 7A
was Tecently, , but is r
of -P�arliamen r
COUTItry ne
271aes his Boll
daughter no ot
-the 'loss 1 -of his eldest
ay. He I'S
has a good voice, And
-artist. 'Mrs. Slartoril.
oa all over Burope..
tolis, was'eallt-&U-a - in
- Tb
.Many- �e �jartorls
-ally from Sardini;tl
fhenceoll acc011rlt.`�
Ing Huguenots. Tlit
1001-i-13- yoting gent
-, - feet cliMi,
.,.aboiit ve I`
ly built,
'and stout
(which he parts bi
eyes, brown nioasta(
It has bc
some trnth that I& C
sembles that of the
Met his bride on ba
Months ago, when N
turAina f rom her E
Sartoris, With hi
in,, to America to 10Q
owned by --the elder
40h,eese Fact<
For the � f ollowi n g I-
tiORZAna prospects lu.
factories in tln'� 1411r,
present seasou, We d
.0 atf ont Beacwl�
given by the 1,010 rie
, V
ihe f actol: Jes liA-10�v 01I
to a, Circular adiicq,�
proirietor of the B-0,
the -report Contains n
eral of the factories f ,
be of interest, t0,0111' 11
Commenced -operal
;about 250 zwvs. C-01
John Broa&oot, Wa(l.
jsee and chieesemaker,,
ellimenee ovem
ceive, -about 8 0 lbs. i
er, Peter- '3traith
Straith. Prospects
Make this sewzon, al,
,district axe not ht ic,
done, anA t1lie
Commieliced opera -1
400 Cows, and 2,887
152 patrous,, of w -lion,
milk. Prospects
ch-eese-maker, Juhli
Coln, M-�enced opera]
about 400 cov-1-8 ; owl
lelleesemaker., Samuv,
J, Mra-shincytou- t -X �
Caldweil. 'PrOSp'e`C1-J
though Twautof fec-1
1 ')I`� of 0
�gOo(l 8L`11
re Wci
Commeueed oper.
theeselualker, Jauaesli
Jameis 2NICE'weill.- X
Comaneiic&l q)ei-1
100 ocows and-, a
lba& �of milk ; ownel
ebeetem, ilker,,Mm,
tee.. Prospects gov�
vjxu R ()-N 13 P.01
ners., ltob-,?vt8on
analker, J-ohli V-mO
200 c-)-ws auil a IL'i
libbs. of milk - explo
Tihos� Tapp; Cowl
Fra-d'Gis and W,.
are altrora
Coml 111-�Cmceii opent
eows, and a daily 4��
lbs. of lililk ; exPe,
MOM tl)W!, ; oWlle',-,
inal-wr, INta. Clkar
Wtsonl .1ohn A -Iii
13 11. 1-1 IF Fib
have t6o inilk of 5,114
N1111 not be operl
abont 'i;50 eows a]
;),000 (it milk
makl:r., A. J. �Collil;
Diclk,ou, J�,iiij Ila
iwit.7vi% Vro� pt -c
Spitf�t of tbe backv:
alore milk �qlljilllr
-has ja%t 1),11 "C1031
was bailly b,-,Iil14,-
ralub it was
and siq-ru-1,
wor0ly 4 all 14i
llainvd A141�:
honses frola Wal.,
4escaped to
the fmrst!s i1t1b`0!-,4fZ1
fusea to give thel