HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-29, Page 3•-•,:•••••••••-• MAY 29,1874 1111111011108MITOSEMOISIMOMMIlmillinimmift a Kum, SeafOrths °ate -of Cerroulineoa,) Coronet for the County of Port Office weak :eneenver johnson BrothersHardwate Sterol. t -St. Cells at DR. KING'S oiliee will be ea` ed to (ley or night. VeatC0E, L De O. L. Phyetelan, "geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Rairen. and Re4dence, canter of Mcirket aita taet asoleat to the Planieg — t. CAMPBELL, fitirailnate of MeGill ansteeat Montrealn Cormier for the ,Coriely Oifiee—Next door to Caltler Beotlie.a0 le Works, and opposite McCallum's Pae entreat Seaforth, near the Railway Stations J. G. Bum, L.P.S., eaa,„:unGE0x, eutist,a7e, Sento k -j °uteri°. Plate work, lutta vyles, neatly exeented. suv. al operations performed 'with and promptitio. Fees as low us can be ob.: ed eisevtliexe. Office houra atom, 8 A. X to a f. Rooms over Mr. £(+. McDougall`s Store, sest. 270 M. CAMPBELL, V. S., Liceutiate and Preen, man. of Coenell Utiversity, Ithaca. N.Y., and. anate et Ontario_ Veterinary College, Toronto, - aettled permanently irt Varna, wherehe will be. reads' and wait* to attertd to all kinds of ages, in all kiwis of animals (roan exeepteda. U Muds of weather, and at all hours, Retels cl anoffice two doors east of Cook•a Tem. e Han. sia ,•Tratraaana: SURGEON.—D. UeNAUGHT,, FV S begs to announce to the inhabitants or, orth and sun:em1th1:4c, eoutitry that he has awarded the aiplonta a the °uteri° Veterine aollege, and is now prepared to- treat diseases orses and Cattle and. all domestic animals. Be ()Retied an office in conneetion with his hers.. aug shop, where he -will be tound ready to -at- f to calls. Diseases et the acet apecially n_ ed to. Reeideuce, office aniashop in the rear Reenne uew store. All kinds of Vet - fay Mediciues kept, constantly on hand. i•ges reasonable. 229 rlaf. CHrItCHILL,Veterivary urgeon, (mem- iber of the Ontario Veterinar College,)bega timate that he has returned, to the practice of rofeion iu Seaforths and nifty $I.t all timegbe !rated an the elisease s of Horses, Cattle, &te !rinary medicines congtantly on hand. All, promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion ae, Seaforth. 2.7a LE.Ifatk.E. LEKT, Solieitor, Wbagham, has been ap- aoitxtedAgeet for the Colonial Securities Com - r of England, he is also 'Agent for several pri- Capitaaists. of Toronto, who loan Money at reagmeable rates. Interest payebIe yearly tges moderate. Ingham, Dec. I5e. aa7a. ale aCAUGHEY & H)ramaTED, atrristers, At tensile at Law, Solieitors in. Chancery an &wen Notariee Public and !Conveyancers.. Gators for the R.. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for Canada nife Assatrance Company, .B.—$80,000 to lend at'S per 'cent. Farm,, uses and Lots for sale. . 53 reaSON & 3.1EYER, Barristers and Attorneya at Law, Solicitora en Chancery and Insolvenoye veyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Officos—Sea- n and Wroxeteraaa,o0o of Private Funds to at at once. at Eight per cent. In Wrest, payable dy,53 Ls, E. itmsson.- W. C. 2.tnrZi.t. R. SQUIER, BarristeriAttorney fn Gnaw= a. ere-, &c. Godericla Ont Office—over J. C. for & Co.as'Empotitan,Alarket Square. 264 fiffelien die 211feliaonttItle LitRISTERS,Attoriseys,Solieitors in Chancery, &c., Brussels,. Oet. Office—two doors not th of Poet Office. R. agfuEn, DANIEL MaDON A "1,-0, Goderieh. Brussels. ElttiVrElf.48. NOX'S ROTEL. SEAFORTH. Thomaa - Knox bege to state to hie old friends an- d the tea -veiling public, that b.e lune leased the :el lately occupied by Mr. MURRAY; and nerly known aft the DOWNEY HOUSE, and $es to receive a coutinuance O the patronage beatowed npofl. hint during his mercy in the hotel business. EYery' comfort and. l:deuce will be provided for travellers. The ricest Liquors arid Cigar& only kept in the Bar, areful and fellable hostler al trays' in attendance. THOMAS K.NOIs Proprietor. FOSTER'S• 110TEL, SEAFORTH. Eioafas FOSTER begs to- inform hie old -friends and the traeeling publia thatiee has :fled his new hotel, adjoining the Post Office tfortla, where he has the very best aceommoda- aor roan and beast. The beat of liquors and ars at tlie bar. THOMAS FOSTER. Liven. ' A. SHARPS LI VEEY AN SAL STABLES. Office—At Murray's- Hotel, Seaforth. Good rsea end, first-elassConveyancog always on hand. BUIS LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. Good Horgee and Comfortable Vehieles, always hand, Favorable _Arrangements made with amercial Travellers. All °niers Ieft at liNex's trete:win be promptly attended to. IO E Aam SZinixe:--Third door North of Ws Hotel, Main Street. , THOMAS. 131,1nat, Pro.prietar. E. LIMEY, arKiNSED- AUCTIONEF„'It for the County of rtlnron. Sales attended in ell parte of the Cori* - All orderg niede pereonally or sent to Seorth Offiae willabe promptly attended: to STI Samuel. Itrodie, C. lavwciar.., LAND SURVEYOR, Sceforth. orders left at the Mansion Hauge with. Mr. n Mintee- will receive immediate attention. refaces—De. Colemau aud Dr. Kline. 411*52 L KENNEDY, OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER and Grainer. Paperlumging also attended to. t done as cheap as. by any other goodswork- in the brieinees. All milers left with Tfr. uedy, or for him at the Exisosesent °face will neraptly atteudea to. 279-26 &I. P. BRINE, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron, Sales attended iu all parts, of the ty. All ortlers left at the lax.rosrroa. Office be promptly atteistlea ta. Lein:ore:eve (or Whites), Painful Monstrua- =. Vie( ratiOn of the Uterus, Ovarian Diseases, ent Menatraation, and all diseasea knoivn se dde Weakness. Tlity are ;repered 'with th° eest cere, miller the personal supervision of a sicien who has made female Jliseases eaeaial far many yeare, and. tIn-r are a -Medicine on li MALILIED nenstes (nu depend iu the and thee of lived" a:4 an -infailing FEMALE ItEGULTOR ail 'by all Dr og.riste every whf‘re. Price, one ; boxes, ; scent by mail free of peat" from obeervation. Ivor full iculars write for our pamphlut, which we wig xu sealed L--ovelope to any adairees on ra- ; of poet eatine to prepay n tura &gage - Fess all leffere for isialpInete ar ?Ms to WILLIA.M. GRAY & Co., Windsor, Ont. gd in Seafenh by E. iricif;46n 4S; eats. Inuts#1,29. an:l by ell driwi.liste. CYRTIlltOP ,.%; _LYMAN, TorontO, Wholesale ats:. 31.11i-cOvi :4)4)y/tient at vourb.inues,_Or vili1M- The N./61'kb; ern - igew I- honorable and pave the beo FREEaurthing e'ver befolo 'Offered. A Caell.v:ages, samples and corn- outat sent free. ,.'11.ddress at once, CLE111-4" sTT DANIELS6; Co., :435 Notre Dame :Street, !tree. 8814 l• (an •••••••••• resources o' the Dominion, ye ken." ‘,1 care mickle for c s, / he, said in a ' A great object in life-- A giant. I disappointed tode o' voice, "but eh ye ants for Cremationie •e-1,.. Burnt hae-al horse that caii m.ale tiva-thirty- or alMonds. • sic likti time glad e tibeept him." —Something in particiilar PaAoRm Nob hotaes are e mair in My line than. TeltChUiLnA.gR. coos are in -Gr e I lidna ken --The reason whyan watch s milled a what tee reply. HOwe if, I tauld him Wirt& is evidently heopust it is alwaysvial. See about it, an fie telegraphed on its guatd. tae Madkenzie Ben a fast trotthe --Farmers gather what they sow, horse te:Grant hilk 1 tbink will com- 'while seamstresses sew what they gather. plete the basin s. It -will hae to he —The two colors which are indisoern- paid. for otit o' t e Seer t Siiirvice Fun' able are invisible green and Windman's 0' courae.- Mea while .hae sent him ti buff. • several cases of ampa e an some guid —There is one town in Conneeticut Scoteh whiskey whilk Bis Excellency that is not afraid of the measles. It's was jlcased to mark as muckle bet- fladdarn- • 'ter than Bourbo . —rate subject of cream-ation, says the , Li 117 is awfu' expensi e liere. I pay Giaphic, might with propriety be dis- 'aboo $10 a day at the Willard House cussed urning the berry season, - ", and. canna even et Na oos blackit for •• —Women. are fast becoming familiar Iless than twenty ve ce , though' maist with politics. We have heard of a WO- ithei folk dinn pay z4r than ten. man who believes so tb,oroug14y,hain1i.a- They hae Made great h ower yon tion that she blows herh.uaband bp three /11017. Charles 8 miler's 4 aJbh, but as I I tunes a day. - tauld Secretary 1 ish, xt as settin! an —A darky givee the following reason bacl example tae ak si a to-do ewer 41 # fa an why the colored race is super , ior to the arte as arha hi his 'e time uncloobtedly white : All men are made of clay, and, a traxter tae the airty. like the meerschaum pipe, 'they are more I'M sorry to ay th the raaist cor- valuable when highly colored. Irup-r! in -Arlene s are rocht tae • bear —A small Aberdeen child, being asked lag&itist the Treaty. T e ring in Oppo- by her Sbn.day school teacher, What did ,seetion tae us hae a vast amoont o' the Israelites do when they crossed the mooney tae sp d an are unco un - ]d. Sea ? answered, I do aot scrualmlous, Ye hae, iblins, heard o' ma'am, but perhaps they dried them- the female lobb sts ashington, wha selvesare employed to exerci e the seductive —A Hartford gentleman, who had. 'influence o' wom n's ch Son them wha tarried late at a wine supper, found his can withstan' it • er fo o' temptation— wife awaiting his return in a:high state Wad ye think t, mo one o' these of nervouseess.. Said. she, Here I've weel-loo'kina br wla -b skit hiazies cam er daylin an ante -room Represtntatives an' pit s aro nd my neck an' rdie, mon, but I'm unco " I !was .muckle sur - she mast hae made a said, " It's a' richt ; ye're Geordie B400n o' Oanada, an' ye're here shoot yon Treaty business, are ye no?" 'Aye," aid I. " Weel," said she, " jist let t1ie Teery gang tae the deil; an' come wi me t e Ne -w York for been waiting and. rocking in a 'chair till up tae lale i'he it - - , my head swims roand like a teJess of the House o' so where I've been, ilesponded he, it's her saft white a in 'the atmosphere. • : ' , said; "Hech, Ge Nsaid an - infeahent bus- glad tae gee ye ,ba—nal, io•etnihiingn4s me so -much '0/ Balaam. prised an' thoch - and his ass as two women stopping in mistake, bat sh church and obstructing the way to in- dulge in their everlasting talk: , But you , forget, my dear, returned the -wife, meekly, that it was the angel Who stop- ped the way, and talaam awl his ass who.complainecl of it. —A lady mentioned by an exchange is mother of a large family of children, and they are all rather diminutive. Aafew days after the birth of the youngest, not long since, a little niece of the lady call- ed to see the baby. . After looking at the tiny specimen for a few minutes, the little girl said. : ; Aunt. Maria:, don't you think it would be better to have leas of 'e4 mid have 'em 'bigger ? - —An inebriate some littletirne back, got into a ear in. Boston, and. became . very troublesome and annoying to the other passengers.. so much so 'that it was proposed to eieett him ; but a genial and kind-heaited reverend. doctor, :who was , also a passenger, interposed fer him, mad soothed him into, goed behavior for the remainder of the journey. Before leav- ing, however, he scowled.. upon'the occu- pants of the car, and muttered some words of contempt, but shook hands warmly with the doctor, and said.: " Good. day, my friend ;. I see you letow what it is to be dru4-." ' • —People who are overwise must ex`pect i ; to pay for their win S, as. th,e Iowa man did. He went *bac On his own true love :be.c-ause she .a e' °Maas,and the jury gave her 83;2 0- clamitges. How. mach better for hi if he ho. offset her 1 by eating Limburger ebeese. , --A cynical writ r says ," Take a company of boys ch mg but erfiles ; put long-tailed qeats on the boys, and furn the butterflies into d liars, 4-1c1 you. have a beautifed panel -am of the vorld." Jirauel Briggs, George The following lett D.. B., we copy fro tional. It speaks fo Editor National : I have most simpliftant n ws to Ogre- municate to the dela ded pu lic through the naedime of your high -to. ed journal. The Reciprocity frreaty is in a fair way of accomplishrorent Ceorge Brewn says so. I have just this xnomen .received a letter from him, hich hasten to Tay previous toyou perus -ts—as thus- ly—viz.: ' ' WASHINGT N, D. ., May .18. Ma Gum FRI ' 'BRIG Se— • Yell nae doubt h e been ex.pectin' tae hear frae Me laaig s e, ba I hat. been sae muclde engagel .on. t e important 'ark whilk ilrocht Vie owe here that I had \.rarra little tun foa fr'enly corres- pondence, ye -ken. 1 . may ay noo that I think I hae secure I the Treaty beyond doobt. 'Losh mon ut we made a gran' mistake in. the outs t by which we micht °hae lost the haill o' or trouble. e It was a' the varra litsii in pertanee tae obtain the favorable opeeni n 0' •Prealde.nt Grant —an' I'm told. by 1 ng-heided. politicians here, wilti ken h m weel, that you'a maist easily dune y -,makin' him some wee bit o'., a pres eit. Ilka mon. wha contra it maun pay e gies nrn a ' hoose rriage an' eae on. s at firat 1 ees invented should say the Govern - , a week or twa ; an' I'll pay a' th ' wi' oe .ye, ye sh ' te,ann! awa frae ;was up tae. N ' my idace, ye'de , wad late mecum :whilk shows t men o' high uns important poseeiions. lassie but maiit iproba padded. an' like ' aist 0 men. She was 1 in th seetion ring; a than. yesterday, a leadin! Senate The IlEiWa. o' on the Huron just, reached m proptiety o' mal . . alloom' us wha ave seats ;in it already tae retain Oor places, o' course, Vested interests maun alye be respeckit. Yours, U., . . GEQ E BROWN. You had bett r procure he services of some competent trauslittor and have this done into readable English ini It is so vol inou a with interest ' t at I need cormaients .or ex. atiate furt itical sitbation.'t* .1fLail/EL 13n. Graclua Cobocon Tonorro, May 2 18,74a 4. avants an office or a tribute to Ctesar, anither a braw c. When I heard sloe, n etori thocht they were ibling • by the Tories—Del ocrats. —to throw cliscr dit on ment, sae I enea o' he Breetish- Minister an! wad e it he telt Me it was true euou Sab I askit him wad it not be -weel ae pit On. the free list for he (Rob that 1 wad. be glad ae priui cards for his docht r, free the best style M he j My face in a varra he President and tell him the wed.din' o' charge in at lau hed in manner, an tauldMe that -while the President_never refased onything that was offered' frae a bull pup or a box of cigars tae a hundred thousan' dollar maus'on, he -wadna alloo his deceesion tae b paltry consideratio considerations, ye 1 the Globe a paltry ijiflneueed.by smcan is as yon. "Paltry ou," said " dye ea? censideration ?" He sayin' h ' &dna txeetly Mean that. It's weel 1 r ye, y didna,," eaid I t tl been h1nisabe- tweea us since. eweirer thocht .it micht be Nitel tae 0 er Gr nt something mair valuable, an' ..ac whe aire had. oor portanity to e wi.' a He has made . ve aen an inco SG »ner a lc mon, an' there has 1,1 first interview I to do sae. I presente abeelity I possess, at me, smoking a ci a word barrio.' " k an o 00T ea nathe ar an' ins" " e'll hae -a braw time, expenses." Gae awa eless • limier," Mid I, er, as I saw what she o,gin ye had been in '1, 1 ae nae doobt ye ecl tal the temptation, e adv ntage o' placin' ervin' prineiple in these She- was a braw ly a' painted an' the Yankee wee - pay o' the Oppo- ' I siiw her nae later clos6 conversation wi' • :- he•dct e7dis . I' th ion o' the Senate ribution bill has considerin' the Senate elective JOHN . . 0 One-horse Baker and Exch MAIN STA T, 6 CAPITAL • This is "RIM Greenbaa -1-P rent rates. L ertsse Shaves no money �n•i deposit, —when you get it. Buys Bides, Sh at th All this is done ful, is it not ? H expectations, don' SO o blow, but d so replete not add any er on the pol- GGS, D. B., k.rgniveraity.. RTERI nge Broker. AFaRTH. 000,000 01. fol. and American Silver at cur- ds mo ey on good farm prop- s without lather. Receives and pays 20 per cent. interest ep Skins, Fars and Wool high st pricPs. ith th; above capital, 'wonder - din ear Wants, wishes and lee a d, he won't bust. 822 iA ST • -1-4EAT MING -aa' called, for on Anderson John Aron, James Burns, A. G. Bell, joseph Bryans, Edward Biciwnlee Robert Barrett daaill Blaekend, N. Burk, John Cameron, /ohn Clarke,M. L. • Clarke, George Clarke, Miss Eliza Crawford, Mrs. M tilde ' Cahell, Mrs. Chisholm, Miss Dean, gra. Barba n Douglate Dobson, James Dunbar, James Forss, W. Gibson, Daniel Getz, James Hayman, M. Hill, W. P. Heegmn, John Jamieson, MiseDevenla Jamie, J. G. jeer, A. A.. Kerr, Miss Kell° Kay, D. Kenezer, Ja D. Little, Mies Jessie . Lonok, Joeph Lawso-n, Joseph Logan, David MeMurran 3. 336 OF LETTERS the S afortb. Post Office nn - ay 12; 1874 : cGonnegall, Robert John cLelland, John claillop, John cGarva,lohn N,fcNafr, A. - iJIcDonaId, D. J. cOlymont, sAlex. c-dillan, Laucblin Morks, Patrick Moorehead, James Moore & Co., A. Vann, James W. 01st, Wm. 1 obb, Charles BobbsonaJ. W. Robinson, John Rose, 'Alexander Rowley', Patrick Sage, Daniel Stephsnson, Margaret J. Sutherland, Walter $tone, Mrs. Mary homes, Mr. 'Unarms, John hitesides, John Hiltons. John alker, John W. B • Wits*, Samuel illsan, Mrs. Maggie rest V. T. Wilson, Richard Wattles', Betsy Ann TenBigmond, Wm. S. DICKSON, P. M. A. ciovEINLcpcic OULD beg %axe to thank bis numerous cus- Wtoraeas for their liberal patronage extended to him silica oomMencing I i I- , TIIEL L ' .ITIBER .TRADE, i - 1Ie would; also iiiform thepi that the same strict attention; shall bt paid to he blisiness is in the past, andrall ord TS sent t -Winthrop P. 0. will be promptlyattend4d to. Bui/c/inp, a-nd ist glowerecl never sariig weei, aweel " or siccan doubtful' expr ssione. smokes the waist expensia e eigars b . they cost him mietliing a.vaa for they t me the office -seekers gie him mair th ten men could use. ".Weel," said. he last, D'ye think noo ye Could gie oliy tangible proof o' the be city is gam' tae be tae States." " Aye," said 1, a line Durham bull and have on. My farm at 'Sow 'Pak--jist tae. ye an idea o' the ilatnral productsa. 11 nefit Recipr'e- the Uni d send e coo—whilk Ie GRIST A Which will be in tember. Fencing LUniber Ge7lerally 071 Rand. aasagements jor the ereaion of a TD FLOURING MILL working order by the first of Sep- 832*12 SAMUEL TROTT, Menefee -wee of Machine Toned Butter• Packages 'Of a Superior Quality. All order, either Wholes Ie cr Retail, Promptly' SEAFORTH, ONT. 886 ' 0 0 CP CD CD CD CD 0 r+ CD CD (/) I 5: • CD FLA FLAX I FLAX! ortaut to Farmers, dersigned having purchased the Seaforth Fla. Mills, formerly owned by Benjamin Shantz i tends carryieg on the business, and is prepared to contract with Farmers for TiHE GROWTH OF FLAX. LI ERAL INDUakMENTS , , Extende to Farmenk who will furnish GOOD .1. GLEAN ,AND, and. iii all cases CASH will be paid on °livery of Flax at my mills. • SEED and further information can be had at Mr. Rill s Store. 380 • JOHN BEATTIE. , TO CHEESE FACTORIES. D. McGREGOR, BOOKBIN.DEB; HARPURBEY, Would call ,attentiom to his Milk Books, Pass Books and Large Slieets. The Best and Cheapest for Keeping Accounts in the Province. Sold by JOHNSON BROTHERS, • 333-6 Hardware Merchants, Seaforth. LUMBER LUMBER. • TH Subscriber returns thanks to his numerous friends and customers for theliberal patronage they have shown him for the last 18 years, and hopes for a continuance of their favors. All par- ties in want of LUMBER For Building, • Fencing, or Draining, Will find it to their advantage to give him a call. JOHN THONIPSON, 333-8 Steam Saw Mill, McFillop. THE SEAFORTH PACKING' HOUSE. HAMS AND BACON Thoroughly cured and oi excellent quality for sale wholesale and retail., -1 s5he Trade liberally deolt with. All orders promptly attended tp. THOMAS STEPHENS, 327. Proprietor. WEEK, New Tweeds, Denims, Brown and. White Duck dottonades, &c., FOR MEN'S SUMMER WANTS. ALSO, A SPLENDID LOT OF BLACK MOURNING GOODS, Black Crape Cloths, Black Me mattas, Black Bon Black I TEN IMPORTED COACH HORSE, i "PRIDE OF ENGLAND," Itraveling in this section this season, and will be an Seaforth every WEDNESDAY afternoon and evening atKnoits Hotel; in Brucefield, every THURSDAY noon, t Dixon's Hotel; at Ifippen, at Shaver's Hotelson THURSDAY night; on FRIDAY, at Snellar Hotel, Rodgerville at noon, and. at Wilkins Hot I, Exeter, at night; SATUR- DAY, at George ado teitlds, Thames Road, at noon. "' Pride of England' was bred by 1... Leonard, Esq., of Marfieet, Yorksiii e, England, and.was import- ed by W. W. Peck, Esq., of Stanley, in the year 1870 i he is 4 yeartiiold; color a beautiful Cleve- land Bay; aYinmetaacad form gaol good hoofs; he Le a splendid specimen of the p,are bred coach horse. TEEMS—To insure fl foal, $10. $84-5 BI D HOTHAM, Proprietor. ong which are z Cord,Black- Ticiimese Cloth, Black Para.. bazine,1 Black French. Mertttos, tres,-_Black Silks, &c. We have also been ppointed. agents for FLOOR OIL CLOT S AND COCOA MATTINGS: We have eamples of each on ad, and et them to fit any fdZedhall or room. Call an Se Samples. 1- LOGAN 8,z; JAMIESON. aws AT SI SEEDS WILSON & YOUNG'S, SEAFORTH. JUST RE ByED. I FULL STOCK OF FIELD ttilF GARDEN. SEEDSI OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SH AND GOOD. WARRANT D FR SWE E URNIPS. ver grown; Carter's Imperial, one Of OA best Purple To, also a good variety, and well knolvn; nded. Westbury Imprchod, which has taken angzes, whe varieties grown hi thia country; SeirvingasTmprolve White Dutch Sy/de, new variety, highl recomm FAI4L RNIPS!, White Globe, 'Yellow Aber een, and several other well known -varieties. AR R TS. • White Belgian, White Orthe, ong Orange, Scarlet Intermediate, and others. Long Red and reliable Seedsmen and parties pureh M1ANG LDS.. ellovr Globe.—All the ibove varieties have been purchased from the best and most In the Country, and will be Bola cheap. Spooled inducements offered to Jobbers shig large quantities. GROCERIES LIQUORS AND ROVIS ONS CHEAP AND COMAS USUAL. Daily expected—Our Spring Stock of 0 of:acorn w ich wlflbe well worthy of Inspection. WILSON & YOUNG. PENIOG - GRAN. LLINERY P 0 TR, I -CT 'NI bN MON6DAY, APRIL 20TH. ICIDP would.announce to the Ladies engaged the services of a f Seaforth qua surrounding country that he has FIRST -CLAS MILLINER, .. . , From one of the est Fashionable Houses in the rovince, to take charge of: his Milliners' Depart- ment, which comprises ,all the leading novelties of . the season in . 1.. Hats, Bo nets, Bonnet Materials, Flowers, S'eatIte2T and Itiblionl _ , , 1 ; 1 Itegreo,t variety nd.coaer. AlsoTat large and eleg HAIR. assortment of OODS, 01.aNTON MARBLE WORKS, HURON STREET, Next door west of the Commercial Hotel. • NIONUitENTS, ilEADSTON'ES- And Work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at most amenable prizes. Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on Short Notice. Granite Montements and Headstones imported. to order. W. H. COOPER, Jr. - 277 T. CALDER, Agent. Stieh as Chignons, Braids, Coronet Braias, Switches, &c. All shese goods are new and of the latest importations from the European and American ma-kets, and have been selected with greet i care and judgment. . An early inspection is solieited, and all orders will be attended to with promptness, and done in the neatest style. THOMAS KIDD Maiii Street. -Seaford). , ,dwiatioashaimmob TEAS, TEAS, TEAS 'A large quantity of Green i'eas, Black Teas, Gunpowder Teas and Japan Teas, OF EXCELLENT QU ILTY AND AT VERY LOVA( PRICES. AL..O A FULL STOCK 01? • General Groceries, Wine Liquors and -Provisions. The rtbscriber wishes it u Always Give Satisf ,ction or derstood that hie Goods vrB.1 the .Money will beireturnedt JAMES MURPHY, Chequered Stone Main Street, Seaforth. AT BELFRY a Our 'HARNESS we can recorame none but first-rate Harness. We w give entire satisfaction. Shop Opposite Mansion 110 ar_-••• - COLLARS, VALISES, - SLASHES, BRUSHES, Ike & MAT' SEAFORTH. - SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. MESSETT BROTHEI?, (Late of Hamilton)) 'Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general publie that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones,. Table Tops, Mantles; to, Granite Monliments Iirtported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A esalrespectfally solicited. Opposite Logan & 3ILM16}1012S Store, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. E. itissErr. ' H. MESaSEr.r. RgmovAL. THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AND HAIR , DRESSING 'SALOON T_TAS been removed to- new premises, adjoining John Logan's old stand, and opposite W. Rob- ertson & Co.al Hardware Store. ' The proprietor begs to state that be has fitted up his new shop with every tonveniene.e, Audis determined to make it a first-class establishment. He has also on hand a nice stock of „LADIES 0111GNOATS AND BRArDs Of the litest styles. Bo is also prepared to take in LADIES HAIR COMBINGS, And. have thean straightened and worked into , Braids, Belts, Switelies, Curls; 4te, Charges reasonable. Gents' Wigs furnished. on the shortest notioe -at less than city prices. . A call is respectfully solidited. 807-52 • WILLIAM NEWMAN. SHROUDS 1 SHRPUDS I M. ROBERTSON, . CABINET MAYTIII AND 'IINDERTAREB, Johnson'sOld Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of ' 01732)-S Which he ean furnish cheaper than they got eleewhisre. to any • ne, as we tale only first-tilass Leather and make nt Our Co net to gall it Iforse, and guarantee them to e, Seafor h. • EXTRACTING TEETH IVIT11013.T PAIN. Ccs, CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S” Surgeon Dentist attends in Seaforth, at litiox's Hotel, the first TuesdayanaWednesdel of iBachraonth; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, ea the following Thurs- days and •‘lidays. The reinainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if et Seaforth and Clinton, On tis first days of at- tendance. Testimonialieof over 500 patients who have had their teeth extr.atted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my °face offtee in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial tuntim- pro red styles. Filling den° in gold, &c., in a manner which minuet be surpassea. '7 237 - STOWS & TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at MRS' WHITNEY'S/ Carraielt, ors Block, Frain street. Seafoxth. COAL OIL, Pure, good and cheap, wholesaleand retail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly exe- cuted. 1308 MRS. WRITNEY. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY sme. sanbscriber blase leave totnank his numerous d- customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing aasiness Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with it tontinuance ofth0Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will dentinue to keep on hand a large stock of ankinds ef' DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Be feels coufident of evaiasatisfaation to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-ciass workmen are employed. 1...Partieularattenti0 paid to Custom Plantng 201 JOHN BROADFOOT. THE 13 AFOR.TH LUMBER YARD. M.A.BEE & MACDON AID 'REG to inform the public that th.ey have re- -" moved their Lurabee Yaid to the lot between the Merebente Salt Coinpany's Works and Mar. shall's Mill, They will keep constantly on hand a good assort. ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES,all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Also. on hand any quantity of the best ACTON LIME, Builders and others will find it to their advans lege to inspect our stoek, and ascertain our prices before p nrehesing eisewls ere, as we are in a position. to offer good bale cements to cosh purchasers. , 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. 0I4ENED OUT. FOSTER'S OLD STAND. JAMES WRIGHT HALuelentratintogrfl.oiszstaelforitti and complete sTocx OF GROCERIES. Bus Teas are 000d, His Sugars Cheap, 4nd his Epiao Btrong. Call -and give tlaem a trial. BELFRY & MAY. 828 131, anialES WBIGHT. '-•••••••,••••••-4.. •