HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-29, Page 2MAY 29, 1874. OR, TH,)E HURON EXPOSIT 2 '71 EM -CAT, o--gth of 40. One but the people fOrnY grea- - rely a pfgpir- little dog A-rehie came to after a `1!HOX&8'11;LVCTR1C OIL) P1 es sayin as plainly as a these is KIN 7, Scaforth) .(late of Can stie the other servants wei it and c seeo.ling eyes, Sa vome of -the best oils t-hgt4rd kno A HOMELY HEROINE. ame, , had any eflect in Ition 018i -x of . Scientific Coroner a my, in his te but expressive nidtbmg they could do I of its ovm. for Ma Coin)tY of Perth. an) but these two remained. fixtv res. con 11 f on' of them went each oue.po4sessingNirtuet Ising KirAie - so. e rmod of regidenee over Jhnsion Brothers'Rnraiure tor C me this way." Kirstie rol W that May 1)0'fo ]an -a "What can bae come Ov"( Archie . Wben Archie had - boon three years age, uch.onsack, and from tho�re was --s of -st MI. KINW8 office villbe Ut_ di follow, bad though back to A [ents in certain �xea�rdporbiou uin - -C. 118 at or ith Mr. Gray,- the shephe d at Dyne- d A h esitate to uld tended to d,% night, 287 �iratie Boydone, the ra Poor man, he ffeott, Vhich, co &I -in, * and Mr. the V was, for it Jed, she was sure, 0. sent on for the, docto, �greater power, and producing e foot left to take a small: f at cozy . uy ope of the=, or 111, twentieth time that Uyl she rose 4ever result In s in -tOL look for be -es Pia e ifto Archie, with a sly h ;ba ad; and be�id", as &little child was just sitting doNvti to supper )m the useof a ion T the �rcparftt L VEIVICOE, M. D. -C� M... Physiciall, sur went to the ron-t door. r Gray offered er t embled see differenteambivatioDS. hu H isor tbe-Colintly of ITUTOD", 0 1 LTigh n 0 col -- - & i ance, that he would hi vef to look out sh a ate e with her father little party, which'had a�e P.-eheinical change tal, forming h 1. It was betw.4e -2 �nd 3 in e e in, Isibilit of Ararket alu the, old year out and the new y a compoun r�a wife in that case. Archie thanked befo�re sh( new what fear was, and there-- Avhich could Inot, by any I imation or TroporLifints the afternoon of Hogmanay,. tie last d, he will he was told the shepherd t from any other comb -streets, ntxt to the Planxug Mill. %y and bend in t en Yn- made him, and asked for a fe1v days to think. fore� klaiew every turn or iny other i greilienta, of the vear. On every. qide. -undulating all iii the glen, and his of the same i of it, whiub Mr,Gray wilhugly granted. Patti. Toiling up tile wild solitude, ber foot li�d a bad f utirely different from auythtnig �ver before CAMPB)MLI t4ratjun teof y g him and e t producer the r1ty, 31013trellil,) Cort)iier for th4c. Coniq ranges of hiUs met her ey6, and seemed after- ieeli ngs overcame hIe1r.'and unconciously. wifp was " near doid with carr ir lde, one which most astonighing ire D' ye of 11pplication w Brothers) to close in the ivide" valey from the That was on Saturday ; and on Ae rang H on- Oftiae, t door to Calilt bright Sep- foread f rc in her lips ;he cry, - 110, Archie, home. ts, and having a ir The sun was w nd, -6 1) y medicine over beforediscO I rble Work,, ,d lo in the,. noon of Su ay,,which vas )f the ver4 Itcon A world beyond.L 67 iCarrying him home said one than an 1!1� ( I -street, 0 Wherever mber day- Archie asked Kirstie it she Archie, y man, wh are Are y alcohol or other volatile li i Is cOure- seaforth,,mayl the Ii ihy:kyllitation. west, enveloped in ranre faddish te hy, it is irn tains n Pany� incredulously quently lose$ nothing by 0vaporntion haze-;. behind the hills to the horth great woul& take a walk' -with him to -the Just at this point a, little runlet of wa- co );.ybereas D,, which ca e down from the hill had possible the woman must be an Am- applied yon got the benefit oftyery droi J. G. BULL, assids, of - heavy Clouds were rolling oil, rowan -tree, and there t the place ter , i M with other prepaLratioms n4mrly all tb,, alcohol ib bitter icy, here they first met, ind whbre they sprJad itself across the path in a solid azon. J711GL e another ; A e shei it, of ice. Kir3tie hesitated but 8o slid is,. both body and son re- lost in that way, ad -you g4 only the nullquan piled one abOVL Ontario. athad'playedand worked s children h r i tity of oils which they may oontRin. at nd whistled down the vall y, bb, ad - known r fo S. N. THOIUS, PIrEl PS N Y e.-6 was no other way it was life or plied' the -doctor, who had known e . fitylc - All sur '6 be is life-long th d And NORTHROP & LYXAN, Tor n(o nt., asked her if sheould gizal "%vith& a wing ,in occAsional Enow-flake - ra and as it fa � on her coui t an on it C5 ae Oaf. nust hasten on so she yea while to the south the great ra uge of hills com anion. NO cn doubt what dea;4, and she I d's I 'don't iniud. go ong a sole Ag ntt,, forthe Domiu!44- care aid promi) ai; low a can beb- -P her husban ()Jfte 114()IIIS fr0111 .11. to 5 e- did Cross, but her f9ot �slippedand 6he E O �_ -Selecte(l stud. Elee ed. tained elsewhere. KiRstie's answer was 11.e� bad been. th lectric roe up, clear and distinct in their sliobt bit; so, good Co 'and R. Mr. A, G, 11-tDouglrb Store, ZN ow one th byri,. 11ickson. & wly escaped falliDg. The snow ride over the. an P.- m. itooms over inantel. of snow, gins't the purplish sky. love of er childhood and of lateryears, nar loi Sold in Softfo)r Kirstie looked round in, all. (JiLrectious, and the surl.-never shone On a prouder, now began to fall I Ore UiCkly allCI in night, and a happy New Year t( you Lumsden. Main-st. lar e flakes, and sY; hadqto trust more all." Vold QUACKS. but could see nothing of herl husband, happier Jl,ride. It was aii additional for the, path than actual . Kirstie was not "jaear deid, but she M CAMP13)CLL, V. S., LiceDtiate, anit Prj7 e. source of happiuess, too, ilie fact that to hemory rly indiscretion, eansi) inervol A- 7man Of Coviell Ithaca, IN -1., and A VICTIM of ea tried Collt, -to w- h o ha d been absent since the-'� early got a great shake, and for some tin �e was Cn and on �she.went, however -Ex debility-, premature decay, &c., ha -v Graduate of OlarioVetoriDai ge, Torun wish. they were to live in bet old home, sig morning, and saying to h6tself, A quieter than her wont -as if till -tile up the graver an v&M every advertised rem�dyj has c6vere(I has settled permanen tiv* in, wherebe i fli thOugli many one- woald I ave thought 3he bad gone n6arly a n 'lie wi L1.8end free t atten;�to �ll kin'(1..; I saw 1iiin safe iVs ga unto be a W4 hi eb. found ready ala -d. Willi.-lig 4 irlei, wh suddenly Laddie -gave a the wings of Death bad really passed simple nietins of seif-cure, Sj diseases, in all kinds of Animals "Ishe Glos d the do niGht, I doubt, or it a, solitary place enough. It was three g. r, at all hours. Pesi.. She pu t -oil dooriii cast of Qokl� Ti-�ui,� t :stretched acer ack, aad abou r short, jo 'Tew Y`Cir�- in -all kinds of wenthe miles from Auchdns t as fa yful' barknd she aw a dark closely by her. Orie lasting trade, he to his feliow-sufferers. AdidresS, H. i and return ireside. that- nighl -he ed to the o2a the' path. It had of her exertions r 78Na8sau Stxeet,N dence axil 0111 ce two some pewts. made herself certain th'at the roin the nearest sbepherd's house, and. objee r after t1dekly peranee Hall. Was indeed Archie be w r tJ, e hills, com- as leaning pretty 'brown, hair Was eve was away quite up amo g kettle wits bbilinc,, so 'that s -be might, hie- after being 'WGHT tne "Imasli" the tea, . as soon -as 1iie c. manding a splendid view of one of the agai list a large stoue, which seeined to streaked with gray, Are eumlly 777 -7 ETERINART SRGE Oveiiqst.of tlie,lov'ely Dumfi eisshire ha v a bro. ten his fall his hair wa pow. ill for a long time,. became ev V V. S., bag H to a u nonn4('e to -the hihn'bitituts of in ; then, dr.�`WiDQI forVard the table, 1*- but all his. 11U(1 ­Jug 40U)A�T�y ;-"3 face was white hnd strong nd hearty agait Beatorth, and 'su=o thirt he has which was lready set- for teal,:she sa- It Ayas a roomy conliortable Cot- iliri t �eYs ps were Jivid. Kirstie his life after was infitlenced by that wild been aardedtlediplomci�of - the:Ontario Vc�tei-in. e, whibewaslied, With thLitched roof, rig' . an his 11] doi;vii on a low chair, a -lid resumed --her ag 3 orli, in aryCollege and is now prdi)ared to tre As nice ga ofHorseoundCuttleaud all He rden ift frou Id ti o elm trees ney -,r do bted but at he was dead, and night in Glen Dyne, and the legi e oof.upation of rocking th -ra,lle. Inside, it was the picture threw h self on ttl�-ground beside him, simple faith taught him ection th hi one - lie by big wif u. -one aid FA H'Ll_!!N has opened anoffice in com h ahe bent over the fair little b i -by it con- A STAHDARD Chan- sho "ng shop, where li will be found raily to at- forLt the kitchen espaciallyj wlith wit 1, a er of agony when suddenly his, 'Whenthe " Laird Came to Ai of ttis tained, thp firelight lit up a very homely f com 'Lend to calls. t�f the feet specially at - sanded fl�6r:,, clean as ands could 'eye � opei ed --a curi4tis look came into sack, next auitumn,' for the shooti g, he May be found in �uy suit frora en "I i f t, low tones ; was so plea J face mouth rivlina in width the fa- t' dedto. the rear a i 'ti 'llow. his face sai( �n ain 11yan's new Etoiv. -ul kiu4L-; of veti. on ke the, (lr(;sser,: �ay nd ke sed to bear of Kirstie a ex- mous Met, of Harden's; sma I gray eyes I did of Kill �1'ored V S. " Is that you Kirstie ? I ihoot I Wag ploit, knowing the glen -Well, as he 3 orivary Medicines kept constantly on haud. and i low forehead,,and yet e face was attern pLates and maay-C bo vt 1, - age at Dyhef lot to A GA JU 110 Charger, reaBonable. --229 points. the,lol IIA to dee alania, and never see ye that lie gave the cott, G. AWDO' ag!., iettle by the fire, 9 not *Ahout The -noath. pigs r lifetime, brum- Mai r. her and Archie for thei .4ad the - antique clock. Whi h belonged disclosed two rows of pearly teeth the CHU11CHIL-Tjeterluary -stood "Oh, -vrh est wheest, Arebie, wheest," isiug to build one, if required, for ar other T J j List . I ber of the Ontari 'Veterinary 4College,.) begs ey6s were frank ith al con- blishm anel -sweet " grandfathe 4i. I - to Kirstie a, grandfath' I dred �aad . f iloni tile Mouth she wail ad ye'll I break in heart shepherd. Kirstie was amazed b yod Ne, Priae9sta to intimate that he has retarned to the prZetite of tiding trathfuless an them'.;; and her bout hnu� y 4L 'eafortb, and mayt all tinies that way." measure At this gift, an f the deep', dark precipitou. glen whi dinna speak d it was a mys- his pxoiessicin in -j be 'forehead was crowned 'with masses of fe co'r ti ued, after a moment's pause: tery to her why people called h isulted. on he th er a "he ;ook its nameL from file' D ne, a little up to thick, soft brown bw She -was re- For Finest Clothing always V*erinary meilitines �coipitantiv on haud� AU t )urn wd�ch btawled alono, the foot. I slipp A at the edge o' the brae. and I markably tal, neadv six I feet nd calls lixom]" ;tly attuniletl to. Office, at M. iou §Plendidly proportion�'d, with the' Archie entered oil hi4 dut es. at h1ar- Main JiLe dwamed,l for I wakened Housei Seaforth. '273 excep IE 4CN. TIES m hich were iiUms, and they Wer6 a�-ied on the cauld a6 stane, wi' Laddie licking, my SPECIA.L NOTICES, tion.of herarms, w And following at Auchensack, fac( ; so I aent him',hame, puir* beast. BP.9-A-KFA8T.--EPP.S'S COC-OA.-G:?ATi,­. THE LATES 6. T t4OVE at the tirne of her marriage -just a. O."Manay in J11L vhen there was'a dalnc e barn and No help "ould (16 meguid now, irsti�," F UL AN D CO-INTFORTING. By a tha -ough year Wore this-ther.:e were inany k It. LE FT, Sohititor, AVIngliam, -has -been ap. making. id so time he aid as m answe emaral. merry- r to the thoughts knowledge of the natural laws which laid on the Counters as fast as they 4me out. t, passed upon, the fa6t that she was two or pointed-kgsmt for the Coloilial Securities Com - f digestioi and rough her mind at govern' the operations o phny of Engbiud, ba is also -&geut for several pril- ad slipl�cd away,, ever, r sea,, on seeming wh oh were passing t!i . I three inces'taler than her'busband, al)pl -sl ie thong "'aly! lbg is broken, and nutriti -a . reful icat, n of vate CapitAlists of Toronto, Nyho Joan Aloney at' than the list, Kii ht, thel moment. on, and by ca who was little and slight,'with a fair, PPler le ratL. 1uterest, payable yearly 11,11 h-41 "l, ppiest of all, the' dark days� of I've' huri iby aide nd wi' the darkness -properties of well-select�d (0,30a.. -n ok young- ere boyish. face, which hit the fine and the storm therea, nobody fit to help Mr. Epps has provided our breakfil at ta- Clad er than. Kirsie, though he v -as 25 and vinter, since a little bi )ssow came upon Geritle Dec. 15,1V7L -1213 6 November day, and i 114f heir cup of me gin they were li�ere and it wad be bles with u delicately avoured beverage she was only 22, Archie I �rydone let , Barribters, At apjness to overflowin;. 11; ws love- ho ks before onybody could come. , Of which may save us many heavy do 3tors' McCAUGRFY 4 HOLli'M, STL thenilaugh. way, and could 4or(I to do Have -these advd tages, among ot 6rs: torneys at Law, -ors in Chauce)--v- ana azette. ade Ithe Civil �Vico G g, n kniew go well a� himself Y, fair littte infant, wi, ih Archie's blue-, Kit stie, oman, I in Inn leave ye anc Insolvency, Pablic anil aneerm& a Solicitors for the It. C. Bank, Seafoi7th. Agentsfor what a treasure he bad go this home. - es . ",d flaxen hair' ' n(t he was, if weo bair i," M addeld with a choking simply with Boiling. Water or Milk. -e. -&nee Compa))y, ossible, morre pasion e ly wife of his. el� fond of it Each packet* is laboll d­4AXES R ?FS & They are Dressed In Styl the Canada Life Aj;stu 1 *1 disti did not ns er for N -$30 000 t(�leiid at 8 per, cent Farme, -e lassie Of vn hirstie herself. 11W a moment, Co., Romceopathic Chemists, Lbnd)n." - B.- " L When, Kirstie -wa's 'a litt Houses and Loti�for sale. 53 hap and then her face lighte r ' I Kirstie thought of h py lot, with d up with a -look MANUFACTurz OF COCOA.-" Wl� Will eight years old, her father and mother They are Dressed Genteelly. Mony a deep, unutterable th nk*ftxl iess as he of 'iigh vesolve, and 'h now give an account of the process opt - died of fever "ithin a few weeks of. each S aves e sai, ENSON & Barristers anil Amo3-3143vS rocking* he ar at Law 111 �a absehtl )3 Y She tin e, Archie, I h wondered why the ed by Messrs. James Epps & Co., man Solicitors Chancery . a Insolvency, other. and left her- frien4l-,sis orphan. y -eatj strength and my ufcturers of dietetic articles, at their They are Dressed Comfortably. Conveyaneers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sega - who was a ivas one of those wome a wh( have great Lo d gied me gi Strangely-'enougth, her f Torth and W-roxeter. $E3,000 of Private Funds to aft, L arm s, but I ee I t now and if it be works in the Euston'Road, Lond(n"-' ifficulty, of utterailice, whose words are h- ba th 0 It ry herding ght per cont. Interest, paSable shepherd als(, vsat once, at L I aw, but their thoughts man), and above will) I will save �ou, this nicht." CagselVs ROU86hOld G?zidei They 9r.- year Of Dynefoot, - a, the C'Ottag which are Dressed In well XIZ�de G -Some JAS, Ir. BENBOX. n. W, . WEYEW, &R her religion was truly a part of her- Ye're no tit to c�rry me," Archie re- A SnRET WORTH KNOWING. she returned asa, bride was e same in 1 ments.' eiand her dail Jife. Tbe.Jun had now mo strat ed feebly and think what a horse 4ealers have discovered that I y the -which she passed l happy childhood. y R. SQUIER, Darristc-rAttorney fu Chanc- et and darkn6ss was now coming, on" roai Kilatie." ii�e of " Darley's Condition Fo-wderpi and W. ery,&e-', Goderich, Ont. Olfite�overJ-C. Of ...-chensia.-k, Mr. Gray, t4e.farmer of Do no k -en th �hiie the wind iviiisued inore slitilly e road better than Arabian Heave Remedy" their horses They are Dressed in Well Fitt, Gar- -Datlor &,Co.' -A XaThet quare. her father's m aster, t her the. farm - than ever, and witli, an ( erie sound, which. ony herd in the courlticy? she replied, are so much -improved in every respect' 'house, and ther meuts. e s4e remaii�ad till she e I - 'ed first as a . little -girL �iaile hir ah -adder. She was becoming "a ild wi mann -ask for help higher than that, they will readily sell for froil- . $25 was ma ri r herd about Archie's long- man a. then s Durseto the'chilaren,t and fillapy e con- -anxious n they would (they ally to, $60 each more th, They are, nomically, ju &c., Brussels, 01A. 'Office ---- two doors uoitb of ued absence- He h d left home in - .1 Ls. sh( knelt besidial her husband, with at a cost of not more than $1, each. Dressed Mco as.dairy-ra. aid, lt W�s during 'the two wise) the Post Office the morn the first peep of day- the sno w falling upon �her up-turncd We consider this a secret worth 1, O -w - or three si miners which she spent h&rd- ing, Wit4- W. R- SQUIX11, DANIEL M-cDONIALD, light, to climb th( InUi according to h orse g from the Fresh- Goderiah. he'.firs- kiiew Archie is fac, and the wild wind whistling round, incy, and one -which all rho own I S, And. they select their Clothinj 2�1 1 M;TinN-els. ing, the cows that a a and in Cfew simpt.6 words, as if a a- est, Finest anahiost complete assortment in Sca- duAoin, andintenled to come hom should not fail t Brydone. Ile was aelicate puny boy, e, as he o profit by ; it is url que �e usually (lid-, %bout '11. She tri wei e spe, ).king to a near, and loving friend, tio 1I forth, nnder'the managementof ed? nably tb e best borsemedicine ever sol� who ven then looked yo ar, for -his a d the -t -ad see th the years, and his parents feared at one time meanwhile, to� elilm 'her nxiety by , 9, k aid of lie Almighty arm to, Remember the name, a KNOX!S HOTEL, liBAFORTH. -Thomas p her T. K.'., y, and k.ee signature o that he wa' going. to be lanie, though he hinking that som thing migt t have hap - gui e lit r perilous f Hurd & Co. is on e.wh pack-, knde�lson. nox begi; to state o hii4 oIA41 friendsand ened to one of he heep, or that he fee* from. -falling. - Archie Brydoe, eVen ge. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., and t1w travelling public, thut he ha,.,t the grew out of it -afterward.- His father ight- have' bee de aiued, gath6ring in the in dat of pain 1and weakness, felt p�ropietors 'for - Canada. Sold Jy all Hotel lately occnp3ed ky Mr. And had taken- a dairy on the neighboring known as the 1) WNEY and former]�N 0 into in , eparation to the, th ever known inedicine dealers. - was get t�,, one fo ai he had n efore truly he farm of Barbreck, and Archiei es to receive it couthi�aueo of thd Imironage pproaching 18tor Aeng h she heard- -17 the tack of herding, a tery n cessary one -his wife: She th(m lifted Archie, as HASTY CONSUMPTION - Ur E 1) B HATSAND CAPS so liberally upon him his many in those great stretches of Itorland an, d" he dog, sqatchin at tie & r, and joy- gar tly and as tender] as she could ; but FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES. years in the hotel businej;r. Eyery conifort d ve deep gro 0011TU1103 W. ny, 7 �ully saido berec If He c inna be far he a arl. and she found he 0,-A.R)BO5r!,.k1t, X. F, Jan. 3, 1871. ce wil be pro-yidea for travollers. The pasture, where there were f a , if Americ Canadian choicest Liquors and Gig=s only kept 1D tho)3=,., 11 In the Latest English, an an ff noo; buton iliClthe door the ha( aial -led quite a, Maybe it's M ii.. Jmr. s 1. YELDOIV s -Der i r enjoy- _pei- . 0 Alearefu.laiidxehal)lehoqtlor--tl','f.tylil�lattcll(-Ianee. propei- fences- In their pastoral I � I al f "Y" better," she murme"� became usapar .0g, instead- of ri nuing. Joy,ully to the' wi.nna came mea the two chi separ- ed he to this tourit;y in May, 186 1! 291 9 ENOX, Propriitor, i6ble companions. Archie. was a smart re or curlina hii iself ip be a6ath one of know till t.he dano.,r's past$ Then, founa a countryman of mine laborlil ig -un- i boy and a good.reader, and many a- les- Lhe' lli&m, as Ohe asly 4.id, b'egan to with.. another tipwaiid glance for help, der. some disease of the lungs. I r acom-1 FOST R TE SEAFORT.11. . 0" - 7 ;SE R be 's old flincyly. ipon,her, an she set Dut on her dangerous way, It Mendp s to inorm d yon S G E NTS' FU NISHRIGS J ump faw, d to whine v yrup, tried at the dr.ug-, R ' As son, he -aav-e Kitstie, who was a diligent, THOm gists in Ha-rbor Grace, but thought I was! friends and the trayding public WiLt-he has, �itif Uly she Co Id not un lerstand the would, %y this time -have been per� -though ipt, pupil, for not very at a1.1 opened his new hotel, adjoining'the Post 011100 hen X e her heart ' a but was a little moon- -the name at their e dompleto W the Senforth, wheno he, has the vr best, -cennimods- reason of chis at all, w. uddenly an feetly dark, ther6l Wq tirnes of helit inve ting y At OtIfer idea burst upon. bar m. �41d, -vv ich speedily lig t ji fit mouoh to. show the ruare out- How w, in April. 1870, Mr. tion for nian and bi�ast. The best of Iiiiiioi-s and greater tbil her intel dgar! lect. cigars at the bdr. THOMAS d �ecamioacertain y�. -krchi was ill, had lin �of the path and ihe glen. Th times he would readalou. her, while e path Joye r. sted a ay with everyl alps, somew d tom (if q k consiuihpt�oii, sc bat E bart himself. per here on the NOVELTIES OF THE 8 she' -work -ed her stockina an, slieltered its'lf, was by -this time, quite covere A g.had come for help. I-withanow andevery step was taken in, hills, and the was unable o walk across the r( by am old plaid. whi�h.,l�res 'ved them 104111 ie e 1 e, She shoolt, off a eadly faintness which. un' ertai ity she hardly knew if she hav ite, pains in tl I f, &like from sun, wi.r d land rai, Ing 110 appe they pass- A. SHAR P'S LI EW AW STABLE, S. ame over her at the'th-ought;- and, rous- T.. ed. many happy hours. Fin lly,. Archie -were ke ing the path at ll. Strong as nervous . systen. -unstrung, dry, hickIn Offloe-kt Murray's Htel, forth. Good 9 A large assortment in e must lea, a to iw ave gtock- iwgherselfshedrew the tire tog6ther, she was, shestaggei�ed'at times under cough, &c. Fortunately, I learne I bliat Horses and rind -class Conveylluces 111'%Ivays on hand. thoughG h in case of sparks,- placed the cradle on lier burteir, while � ever thing %round your Syrup could be obtained t', Mr., is for hi m self, And, un, r Kirstie's Ing E LLIS LIVERY ORH, Ont. y -sa I Y, tuittion, soon becamo:nehrly a clever, as one of the be�la for d throwing looked NVild "and weiO in the half -dark- D'arin's, in St. John, and immediatel MENS SHIRT BGood Horses anil Conif orbible a plaid about heii folloed tie dog. nes and the thick -falling snow. " Lad- pl�locured some (showed one to N H. on hand. Favorable with she was herself ; and so her drearn a -of Duringthese, reperationi �Laddie" di of her and guidin Commercial All 03rtivrs left at N,-NOXIS a coinpion-knitter under the rowa. ie " tro %ing in f rou g Thompson, who -.ordered a supplfrom� From 65� �o - HOTEL, will be promptlyattended to,, 110- ve had stood stil ald mot ionl& IS as a statue -het on hIr W4, wa; the O'nly glealil Of yQ11 at tree were realized tho h i y different- once.) 'this wa;s Tuesday afte OFVXCX ND ST-AXLEs:-2.rhird door 'Ninth of e gh� at she anticipat61, - -bad. She went along more nooa-- at 'Ili he -took the preE ciiibe4l ly from wh, as dreams but when she oved tow.-rd.th door cow'fort ;he Knox's :he u ed *Ah delight, fawned upon byitistiLet than by sight, an d after a dose, and iii tb�,e morning he deEcribeq so oft' MP 221 T11011AS 1311LLVroprietor. en are. Remember the place, 777. 'her, -and then bounded I Two bppy summers pa�iied in tiis ia4ily forward we wy W ile she bega'n to. think that she e very result§ notified on th6 W1 apen, E. LUSBY, f. I the glen.1 in the directioul� The ord'n- must be comin' near the montla. of the' His -appetite return, �uci way, and then Arcltie, havir r, outgrown 9 a. n began to i ICENSED "OTION R fi)r the County of his lam eness, was sent awy.to farm ser- lary route along Gleti Dyne !was to climb glen, When suddenly she remembered the vo;-racious oo ; the dry, 4ac L Huroii. 99ex attended in all partsof the Coun- he becau-i ep hill *hi nel "s"t A. G. M< DOUGAL eftLoith vice and, when. e od er, we 11 t Itfie e behind'Dyne tha­17ea into loose, but, dblenl ty. All orders madia per�omaiy orsent tos -ste ch Tog - sheet of icb across the. pathway, If she ing cough 27 'foott. Could hardly cross it then, what. was Post Office will be promp y nl�tcwled to. and then to keep a, foot -path which. to the Highlands as a sh. hard. For to attacks, finally disappearing ltogether. twoor three years his faIthe and mother wound along tile top o I the glen for about become of her now, with a heavy burden P�ins left his a Ae his hand' resuiii -1 . as nq hei e V 1 1 3 c(1 it' TO THE -MEMBERS THE Tle ineda.tBarbrooLnd,-�iry,.L%udKirstie a mile. T fence or protec- u�l the snow covering the -path, so that usual steadine�ss, and before he filislik' --rorth PROVINCIAL L&ND1 Rc�- 10 an :were several sh� coull not tellwhem-, going? te*11 bot All 6rderh let lit im obeasionally -from them , :t' u whatever; d there' health was (I uite re if�red, 7a I -people who had missed to -day, no,; a more licaltliy'llic- r90 1! urraol- -will reeeive hinneili-ite ion.. If4r heart sank within her she remem- and olin attelit but bvent-iLl they went td,a la-rge dair; sad stories told )f AGRICULTIT Refereuceq-bx. Coleman m -d1ow �,veilal years their' f -6 in the arkness, had baked tb at it. was near that vi�ry spot to be found on our streets and it i�i th Y, arid for sL down in G, 00 e � 'tnogo' ne r he dict not know- whether he were, dead wander the edge, and so bad th tpocr Tom -Clarson was killed, and opinion of all, had he ii-otbeenfo-1 S. L K11KNEDY, Corn 11-611( . Just two W or alive but she did not forget h' e to a violen feltas if she could not move -:another letting youi: valuable Syrup of -typol OUSE, and in a before this, an u[ifortahatie man had p afternoons i u er- at P. Just at tbi a- ray of and Grainer. ljaperh:ugfilg� 111,;o a monient ph would now be in his %nd orl. fine Sum u a in �sphit�es, h Mer, sometimes N6hzed as far as - the islied not, far from,the ruouth of the glen. mqoLlig it pierced tbrough'the' (h-ift, and grave. He happened to be in IV. H, MUT . Mauin the busiuvss� -Ml onlvrs ](,.ft Nvith Mr. (lay before yoi r firsi Kenuedy'or for him at the EX P0,,1T011 0111CC Will rowa-tree, with -%Vhich lie insepai�- lie w" a packman., hh� a1donkey, who Shp-VIred her youlig Archie's hbad resting Thompson's th e was well-known at all tlielfarm-bouses; onlIer shoulder the fa, be promptly to. 279-26 ably ssociaed. A rea surprise was ce w3s more I)OY- shipment arrived, nd tool- fout 8 a we.. 1 -to-do Y, r, 'ings bottles to in re for li�r, however, for he cauie an 19 man e d tb e I the %dor, which ho, wa$ contents of so: d was, in hi' I isl thari ev* r ih its pallo �111:1 Labr, ASSURANCE HIATION a well-sort(d pack' the os badk to Mr. Gray's -as young herd. Kir- wl of fair har 1�y (larnp on 1is forehead. -very anxious t do, but had*no 'I fot J. PIN Bk JEj which range(I f rom ribbonk an&- jewel ED ALICTIONNEE1. for Jhe County had not heard the name of the young ry Nclw - at rengthil *seemed to come to h or them himself. o other. Medici iE L Is Huron. Sales nttended in -lill pin nf the d hearJ to note -paper, hiir-pins and stay laces. iling with man who coming; indeed ha thp aight, and new courge lie ever ptescribe, reprr�mend or t n a bul OF CTNrAA41. Qounty. :Ul It-,ftat the Office t3 -rs. aitt noth about him, except that he was: la fact, itwas d 681 1 to supply all tile ani fai h to her heart, and she went you I have also recopamend,�� it t( will b' nkled to. bravely on a few more steps, nd then, another consumptive, but have Ac t ear little wt nts of a female poflulation coming from, the flighland§. She was o were si t the aldom ab4 0 indulge in lux- to her joy a otiud herself from him Fine , as he lives in a in the kitchen lone when he came i d surprie, f it wsz but th undersigned begri to announce that owing goingr a shopping. Tom Carson,- sl e out on the hill -side, -far past the dan- p�rt of bliv. sland. Hoping tl hat'was shin -i ury of T HE to the -sudden disappearance of hi.4 repiesenta- the packmai, w ls, tlie refore, a oreat fv- full upon *her as she stood Inaltilict the' pre,ous place. She. ha&. -Vas sed it safelY give you some encoui to ly. because o ve in Huron, he has returned to ti porridoe, in the cook's aibsance; and af. O"Ite,: and no f his wares, - an'.1 quiptly, not kno-wiug of the danger y urs, t -C D. H. 13UR ter a. iniatite's quiet survey he was car- but because he w cheery, pleasant til 'he bad the'wind to I W is gone tid ' irstie remembered well NE OF THE '410-81T NOTABLE 111 PE1�- -drift in tain that this � tall cirl with the grand fellow ; a contend With rLOW, and the snow CLIN 170N -heeliir's Elixir of PI o phateti 0 TIE, 8 of Dri 11 Lf I figure wl plain.face was no other tl�an what constbrDaA-on was caused in the. h- face; but in her' thnkfulness she and CaRsovals A# snilitaining power (�iri: 1Z activ u his old friend Kirstie. I - as if she c uld overcome everythin ruental and phy,4icul exertion. Bifpilil For a few weeks to take re now I I r�( 0ons from the kitch.e. a Ancheria" k Nvben ruinor f Ll 91 8- 'Dell ily arose that, Tom -'/arson had those of the ruenibers whose -disappeared ; aill son -1 was wittlin a few yl�Lrds of the* P11 111 1 Ell I ac'.1p(ire dur- Di(I ye ever herd the coos for o d pby wis thou ht th - some one must i4g great ing MAY, JUNE and t' Ly. Owin r to oireum- -days, Kirstie? he said at and It o On do.)r, Then her strength u 'hisses'em, ged in any ovcupatiouorequi body, now tterly 0 application and consequent fatigue, will th% ut I f0w policies '0 gth, very quietly. Made aw witill him, for the at ke ia�led ; shestruggled with beating stances over which he ha� n heart remodv inval b it will ellable the n to a have been allowed to ex 1 0 It'hesle, Uwever, will len have X ii, r, "a" re, -is Now y mded to, and U policies oon expiring Preserve iis'all !" ek-claim-ed KU of his pacl�, wli ch as -t w, car's na laboring -eath ag� t her wc,%k-- co-riplisb th comparative.ease Pho be first atti rstie, %ins It was oill ne; a, as if it w resome physical obstacle vvill receive his au4cuLlion. befo. expiration. neFly upsettilir the. porri,.Ige in her time., was UUU4 ally beavy. . phate of Lime -1. an active a-Lut of in y - P coustituting more than fifty per cent. of t" SY4- thereof. wJ6etured, hu veVer for nothing was and she did inaage, though how she tem; Phosphoruo, a powerful'Ner agitation; than, as tbe fire� blazed tip, C C ve,Ton e; P11014- Trustin to be favo f h, re4 I with- a cc' tinuance. of to the Aa - and disclosed the fair eurly bead ud heard o 1111 but whela at last the neyer knew, to reach. the house, entew phate of Iron, a I blood maker; d 0 the noble patronag iiitUerto given which lay, t- hat winter -for sever- a��,reeable Tonic. Sold by all DruggisLs blue eyes she remembered so well, S*110w, door, place merry th Archie on the lon 'settle ricultnral," 9 in. gent1rinen, s Ia she �;aid with tearful eyesi ai:ld trembling &146eks, had- taeted, th,� Mystery W. by the fire -side. and then--full-on the Yours r6hie' Bry- poor To Carson with his flo r peifectly unconscious. Poor OB 111-M-10DICAL PILLS donke A.9. Tv' OXIJE n this be you., A solvetl,'aad voice is pack 0 11; unfifflil dope? a. M Ito -see you back acrain. y and hi ere found at tbe di 1101n. from one to the other, not OW und, Ont., THI of.all thosepainful anddan;rerois(�iseas 0 Dyne 36 District Agent Grey, an'd Huron. Uyt . G D k wing wl-fat was the matter, nd bowl- to which the feihale constRution A i;i bject. But what a, -art you fled mt, for mo a bott in of - le It was supposed is, cure athe time I've wondered if ye weile that lie had bee a coini a to Aucliensck, "t � pitill Ing ully, while the baby was wailing moderates all ex4ess and removes all obs Lr etions, Cure Lencorrhii-a (or'Whites), Paifl AieDstrua- alive.` where -he Nvas, gret iavorite-that be in the c -adle. Hel p, however, 'Was near find a speedy care may beelied on. tion, of the Uterus, ovariall Dieasesv BACON A MS FOH SALL 'Absent 31cimtruat` n, and all dis k n ail 11�o married lade.9, itis peculiarby sni-4 Id It Avi: I I(Aliveand heaty," replied Archie had beeLi overt ken b' the storm -that at haud-and in afew minutes two Men y in a short time, bring on the Inonithly p,:rird -wit emale Weakness. Thi.y are i)mparell. with the hide the t -ed the, cottag 0 - un( ve with rther forced lau.crh to he donkey ha- lost its -footiug, and -in from .4. chensack entei e- rVHE lerrigned ha. on hand nt� RIPPEN ons of greatest care, uutler th�; Of S -to Mal, he T - ey had been', sent rather against thei Tliese Pills h3uld not be take Phvsiehin who bn-s made ftirnale emotion he really felt when he saw how his efforts ave the poor'ani about 2.5 t. r �n bi ated she wv.� !"But the truth is I had perighed ai)ng i4 during the first 4hree months of Pregus -y as they Superior -Smoked H. LMS =d Side Meat study f(j., 011 It was a sad will, ancl felt as if they were on Nild- agit iL re to brin-1 on Miscarriage, but at a the eep are su othel wearle( e; but, when they arrive time they are safe. i Whiei they will sell by The ion an,111f.101ill., I o" the Highland; ; it's a dull story, and cast a d Lde of gloolm.' go)se cl as d at r in $mj1ler hour antl time of 11L-vtj hing beiricy alone in a house for months, over Glen Dyna, ivhlch�- indeed bore no th � honse, they were horrified at the In all cases of and Spinal �ff quantities on reasonable �erms t I would try the low coun- good name alre,, pains in the bac and limbs, fatigyrie an slight el - JAM E103 GL6rGlJ" PETTY, one and I thotiah d thankful that dy. 'LS Kirstie toiled up state ortion, palpitati n of the heart, hy e, an a 300 Milipen P. 0. L frL('t try. an. Cal a back ppallingly afresh childish faey- as they thought it full t lie hill, it all 91 eri� box, AI; 5 -.Lx box(--,, m;ii if post - at whites, there Pill 3 will G-Rect a cure whe i all othOr -memory. owerf�l pSyC 'Archie was surprised to �nd, as time to her have been the means of mans have failed; and prh i N oil). I)- )t, .11irb Nye will althou, writ(, .311phl raul imiony, q HOMA �Yy 0 A SOUL end in it sealol to. ax!y Oil ed on, and he ana Kiratie dropped About haf-w.:Ly ni) the steep, precip�t- brngin� them to Dynefoot so opportunely. remedy, do not ecintain iron, pass ous side of the glen ther4i anythj��g hurtful to the congtitution. ceipt of povt ointo their old. f riendly -tern ran a very har�, Phe c 2-ildren at Auchensck we how little te ex- CHAR I N G.'� Full directions in the pamphlet ar d each I Address all letterN for oi- i4lls it) chan,,ed she Nvs in mind ffOrn what she row, insecure fo)t-pt 91llect the "Tod's tr Mely fond of Kirsti, and it was a fa- p pre sl�kould be earefull i HOW either sex m fascinate gain the �VJLJJAM (;I'AY'& e v IM'l : guile 6kag S1.00 an I ons 0-J th path, owing to a fox- rroNv lip nea e* york, Sol Proprietor. love and affecti any penqo� ey cObse used to be the s.%me a e -less the vorite musenient of theirs, every af- Tb _VZ & all creature, stron grr as a -rock -fo� �ruth and head ot the persons ever ternoon, as th dusk on 12� cents for'post e.enclosed to.\orthol !LYmax, inetantly. This simple mental ac uireinent Sold in b-, E -1-s,)n S. tri watel Torotto, 01 neral agents for the Do3ninioi, can possess, free, by mw 1, for 2 5 ( Puts, tog er the a eth oberti, 111. and thorough ecept the game- I foi -ighb pearincy in the window. will insure a bottle, containhig, over 5) pills b� with a Marriage Gaide yptian 0--facle, Dreams, ight, ly -dilselfi4h. 1'vfr. and ventdred aone in it, R keepers and the shLepe ds and a r the usual Mrs. -urn Gfay were* so miiclitt�ched to her even they W eri, [oil cr time, none ret Hints to Ladies, &e. queer, c�citing book Agents. try. i� e cept in broad an )ehre they could not understand it ldins"4forthbyE. Hickson Co., and 100.000 sold- Address WILLIA:Ill &CO�,,SOUth that they looked on her alm8st at a c1iild did not care to 030 Z t where this path at,all L�,he an� iiversafy of her wedding R. Lumsden. Eighth Street, Phill1a it, Pa. 82&-e o v of the house, ad yet she wa� so uncon- daylight. At t3e ite turne. wh; Lt -ould be the mabter 9 Miomas' Eciectric oil, rlay. Agei�ts want�d. pays 01., Scions of any special favor that she. qn d out frolln Poll face of the hill. da, toc OUTFITS voided all j ealously OR the' part -of her bega. i a to jump upori'llis $5 TO 1"20 ffl classesl of working of auythin- ever bvfore Laddie." Mast, Mr. ar d Gray became U11- WORTH TEN TXXJ�S ITS WFGHT IN GOLD 1 0 9. FREE -un few steps alon y th.emselve1s, aild sent off the two ftrit, 'Coln, fellow-servartts. Archie staid stadily' mistress, then, i a KNOWANY�HXNGOFIT? IFXOT,ITTS people, of either sex, XcUng or ol , make more s, TIME YOU DID - at -work for us in tkeir Yae mome its or all the lete oulffiti4ent fre(t. at oil M n, wlio a eW e I on at Auchepsack, and became almost the path� and orning back, he Wag �1 ed at the very time when There are bill preparations of medi time, than at anythinp else. Partioulars free. MONT DANIELS o., 28 otr Da his tail, and lo( ked up at her with e. their he] p was inost ded. whichhavewit tood the impartial -Ju( en Address G. STINSON& Cq.,Portlani 11aine. 2.84 Montieall much a part of the 0111sehold Kir- nee r lug di�- f T A,Ny 29, 181; 0AX PRO at obj eat in 1i Its for in e '1t,UhUiLuAgR., --The reason W.-fth is evid-ently ,on its gnar& -Fariners gatlher ,Wbile se-awstresst-g sel f two.,Golora v li, I . A�ble are -Im gr� buff. -0 —There 03 One, t -�ba w i4i Of is Uot - fr;1 'Ile nlight L111 -ring the IX -1 Cussed oiriell arefo"t with politics. Nyi1a ll�, inan who believes so� tion that she blows b I times a:day- -A da -1-11Y, giv4us 4 ..%,�hy ti -,,e colored white men 111re lik_6 tile ineerschali'mi Valugble-whvil higbl� by her SundayaC11,001. the fsr-welites do vy& .l P�,ed Sea? alaswere(- bu t 1) el hi, Selves. -A, Rartf Orai 91� tarri�ea late e.,a win; Wl.f,.e awaiti-zig In-$ re of nervousiess. eon -�Vaitinfg aria PC heaa -swims Touli where I've '1,)Joent� thoatmosphet said Othin.. bawl and 1-1i -S ass as two! ,church and ObAru<, duige. in theirew-0.1 Orget�, m, y. mi It Was: Ikly, that I ed t1ile way, and �who -coinplabie& of i .-A Iatly mention!, m4ther of a large fal they are all raiher� &ys af ter ifie birthi long sinee, a little ni �6a to -see the balb� L tht tiny V ec imell f�- "Mu. tlli7nk it ;f lerri and bave "eni �-Aal inlebriat-A-1- got in -to a Car Very troul)llesonxe �other POR�Zf--Diaers, sid propos W� to -leiecti Rhid-h earted re% -em' also a pnsseu ger, in'l soothed hian iiAA) remaincler 4 the J49. i 'h 8 mg, so' Pauts 'of the tlull wer6 - o, f ennftlnf�� nmrmb- with h4d 4-4 (31�00d, qlalIy, lily frid *),-at ill is tio be �drli to pay for their whii 14,�, went b1d, love beeanse �she Jury gave her much better for hJ beatin- LiInbar"A y. 0 --A Wmpanyl of boysa� I lon - CQ.ats iratV a beaul tifiq pauorw iiinuel Briggs, The. fbIloNving D.. B., tiollal� I have most -Iwl� nillinicate. to tile clZi, the uwdiula 01 )rol; The ReciprocitA, .way of 80. 1-mve, jast 'thi" letter froun laiw)! lay pre,6011,-, -tlo �yv: ly, N�LA. G:UID Fral Tr 111,Iz dolibil Ii,oax Aie- hu;g sae nilit. e k 'WIWI u4i- hmd varra littlj� tia polidence, Y'a k -ell. I en I nk- I hae, 8 doobt. Loslanvot ,Mi�stahc in the on- hae lost the haill, ,o' the varra, firs t the favl)m, 1)1(� ape -all, 17111 told licre�lj ke3l t w�ee- bit 'o, a lir-� wants all ofiiC*LA M triblitou tu Cau8ar,, 'ther . aiii a bra -,v Whcn I 1war4l. �,it thocht they Were by tlit- Torivs -I -to throw Illent., saC I ent, Nlini-Aer an' wail� 2\Ie it wa-, tnw� 4�11 wad A not be It on tlls.! frve list f4i that I vvatt be ud;i -cards, for his ALt' tke lw-st �,,tyk, My mc,u In a var tauld �Je that W) bull pup or a bo.X' thou!mill di)llar al - his dtCet-t4on tat� paltry, Collsidv ra the G& -he a I.Ix-111 apologixcld, s.kyja that. 11 It's NrvA 1- 1 hayt: tat -11 1110311 an' there. twoull 11's sinoo.i 11lielit be Nrct'-1 41 Inair valuablol 111 first illtervii:w I do I prese, abeeliky I Imss"u, at mv, smoking. a WOrAl or 8nu&us t6(21 11411-4 they cost hilin ur Ine the olfieu-.,V4 ten nl�eli 'Coillil Iii Ia ,zt; " D'ye th; ony tall-ible or City: is gaull 'tates A YQ fine Durham have on My f!trtn ye an, idea o- f