HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-22, Page 8DISTRICT MATTERS.
Srnott GOODS. -e- 3i&m & Co. have
now received and marke off at very low prices the
best and most select fit ek of Dry 'Goods, Gro-
ceries, Boots, Shoej, Re ay-raade Clothing, Hgts,
paps, &c., they have ev xeceived, and challenge
comparison of quality ai d prices of 'these goods,
notwithstanding the en rmons amount of puffing
continually done. Evei person should call and
see their stock of D •ess oods, Plain and Figured ,
1.,Austres, Prints, Shawl:al Hosiery, Gloves, Para-
sols, English andi Cariadian Tweeds, Challies,
Linen, Tassos, stri ed d plain, Cotton, Tweeds,
Derrys,Plen's Whi e an Colored Shirts, Brown
Trollands. 8-4 Shee lugs Tiekings, Lybster Mills
Cottens Cotton 18 & . Their stock of Tweeds
and CoAings area: o ve heavy, and their Order
Department, being mid r the•control of Mr. GAR-
NISS forth° past four ye is, is sufficient guarantee
that nothing but a his class fit will be turned
out. They have been 1a buna,te in securing these• .
Goods, together w4th a large quantity of Teas,
Sugars, Tobaccos a d I ported Liquors, previous
to the advance in -d, ties, consequently are enabled
to offer goods as eh ap a ever at their old• stand,
Carraiehael's Mock .Ma' 'Street, Seaforth.
S. S. ROBERT, ;Druggist, opposite the
Mansion. Hotel, kee s ccinstantly on hand all kinds
, of Pure Drugs an Cleinioa18I Genuine Patent
Medihies Trusses Sh alder BracesToilet Arti-'
clover land. and sown other crops. In
view of this farmers should sow largely
of green cro s, ah such as will be userul
for Winter food, a owing to the destruc-
tion of the Flove , hay is likely to be
very scarce again next. year.
Pease/ear, --On Tuesday last, Mr. Ap-
pleton -Elcoa , of Tuckersmith, left .on a
three months' tour to England. On
Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robb,
of Harpurlicly, Mr. Andrew McLeod,
of Tuckersulith, and Mr. Robert Ifareil-
ton, of McKillop, started for Scotland.
They expect to take passage from Que-
foundation of the
iug has.been com
for the coinoletio
been let fo r. A
is to be coni lete
etarly in Ocber.
largest and ands
Elliott and Arx
menced pre arati
McPhillips rope
this .buildia has
wt believe it , is
have it rea y for
c ,Toogs, Perfunte'ry, Sponges, 'fall.
., winch will be •sold at very
rip tions put up with great
of the purest articles.
ales and Fancy
Brushes, Combs, &
iow prices. rties
care, and warrante
• JUST RECE D, fresh, at ROBERTS'
Drug Store, opposit the. Mansion Hotel, Simp-
son's Spice and Yor -sbi •e Cattle Feeder.
• CHEAPSrD tone Cream Crocks,
Stone Butter Croc s, tone Churns, Stone Pre"
serve Jars with Cor s, Plat Milk Pans, &c. The
largest stock in to n and cheapest at ALLEN'S
EARTHENW ' Milk Crock's, Pans,
an., the best made ' Canada, at Itioxsoses.
As FOR HIC -SON'S Tonic and Altera-
tive Bitters, for In gelation, Dyspepsia, Loss of
Appetite, &c. -
WALTER SCOTT tends opening a Furniture
Wareroona in his p °raises opposite the Market
wherehe will be pre0ared to furnish all kinds of
house furniture, sit er Wholesale or retail, at -the
very lowest prices.
DYE STUFFS. Finest Madder Magen-
ta, Cochineal, Logw od Indigo, and all Genuine
Dye Sbuff at Lu spes Corner Drug Store.
Luarsoex's Celebra ed Coloring Receipts free.
WE 13k4 to ad "s
ens of securing g nu
gone, and the other go
in barrels for sale a S
forth. Good Swed
varieties, wholesale r
• those parties desir-
lie Seed Corn to call at
Seaforth. One car load
g rapidly. • Land Plaster
urnip Seed of the best
etail, at STRONG & FAR -
NEW SUBSCR ERS. -The ExaosiTon
will be supplied to newt subscribers from now till
Jan 1, 1875, ior MI- cents. -
HOUSE SOLD. -Mr. Frank Paltridge's
cottage and lot, inch was sold- by due -
tion yesterday, was purchased by Mr.
Lawrence Murp y, for $900, cash.
that the impor
- • Wellington,"
• Love & Brown,
for soine time w
nearly. reCovere
• to the announce
our advertising
Ye are glad to learn
e Clydesdale stallion,
he property .of Messrs,
hich has- been Jaid up
e lame leg, has again
. We direct attention
ent .regarding him M
• upon reliable au
residents of Go
• names we have
chopped, split
cordtvood in ten
ing ben Miller,
borne: •This ma
We are •informed
h, tity that three men,
leiich township, .whose
not learned, this spring
nd.'piled 101 cords of
days, in a woods adjoin -
the township of Col -
toe called pretty big
nall-The attendance at
s has increased sonapid-
ader the engagement of
negessary. At a meet-
, held last week, Miss
•*Was engaged for the
t,lat a salary of $230
ere are now two . male
eaeheis employed in the
n increase of three in,
is leeks as if the juvenile
dillage, at least, was
the public schoo
ly of late as to r
another teacher'
ing of the Boar
Emma Johnson
juvior departme
per annum. T
and four female
public school -
three years. T
population of th
rapidly increasing.
I t
FIRM EXTENSI Nal -AS will be seen by
a business not Ce elsetehere, Messrs.
• Wm. Robertson & Co., hardWare mer-
chants of this village, have admitted
Mr. W. 0. Reid iuiFo partnership with
them. Mr. Rei h s had the manage -
meet of the business of this firm here for
• many years, an to his buentess tent,
energy and. urba ity, is due, in no: small
• degree, the large and remunerative trade
they have este o listed, and they have
acted judiciousl in admitting him- into
• them.•,
more intimate blainess relationship with
• CELEi3RATION.-, The Queen's Birthday
this Year, falling on Sunday, will be
• 'celebrated in Sea orth on Monday next,
the 25th iust.,r on which day all
•-places of businer will be closed. The
Turf Club have engage& the services of
the Clinton Band, for the day, to play on
the Driving Park, and, judging from the
• long het of sports and. amusements offer-
• ed by the above club, we look, forward
• to the best celebration ever yet held in
Seaforth. The arrangements already are
• all so complete, that all that now can be
wished for is a fine day, fair play and no
favor. •
CLUB. -This fav rite company vvill give
one of their popular entertainments in
the Town Hall, o Monday evening next,
the 25th inst.' On this occasion they
• will repeat " • 'rarciond Brig, or • the
Gutle4ian o' Ba angeich,” which, on a
former occion, they gave with such
marked success. The ;performance will
conclide with " toor Pillieoddy.” The
Club,' duringth: past year, have given
several entertai relents, the proceeds of
which have been devotecl to the relief of
the poor of the v Ilage. The next enter-
tainment is for t e benefit. of the Club,
and we are sure they will get what they
richly merit, a bumper house. Those
wishing to securs good seats should go
early,. as we anti ipate that even stand-
-ing room will be scarce.
SEED LNG. -Fai mers in this neighbor-
hood have BOW g t pretty well through.
with their spring seeding. The weather
thus far has bee remarkably favorable
for farming open times, and the rains of
the present wee will tend towards rapid
vegetation. On • =omit of the cold dry
weather grass is las yet rather backward
for this season, • ut is now corning on
nicely. The fall wheat is not likely to
prove so bad as as at one time, feared,
derable area has been
some has been plowed
• te for a fair average
od. Clover, however,
d beyond, redemption,1
b.ave plowed up their
although a cons
badly Ittflect, an
up, yet the pros
crop are still
has been destro
and most farmer
-VILLAGE OUN IL. -At a meeting of.
the village Council, held on Tuesday
evening las , the o y business of interest
transacted as the assage of a resolution
authorizing the el rk to advertise for
tenders to ig, box and.fill in a drain on
the east si e of .Main street lima the
south side f Gov nlocle street to George
etreet, and hen West across Main street
into th main dram, or to continue the,
same f rther south on the east side of
Main s ree , if th ught best by the 06m-
mittee: A count amounting to $63 36
were passed and ckderecl to be paid. The
Council adjtinrnec until Tuesday even-
ing, the 26th hist
• GODERIC Boa. s.. --We wish the par-
ties having charg of the steamers leav-
ing Godericli wou d advertise their time-
table and bther nforniation respecting
their boats in th s paper. If they can-
not afford i an advertisement, we wish
they would send us a bill or poster or
something 1 of that , sort, which we
might hang -I upiu our office, for
the inform 'tioo. people who want to
, n
take passage by these boats. At present
we -are an ,oyed by inquiries from about
a dozen Plirsons a day, respecting these
Goderich bSiats, to which we can give no
satisfactory answer. We don't know
what object the proptietorsvr agents can
have in keeping t ese matters secret, un- '
less they heve alr ady too much patron-
age, and cid not sh to be troubled with
more., I
.a -Excavating for the
new Oddfellows' build-
epced. The contract
of the whole job. has
Talsh, and the building
, ready for occupation,
It will be- one of the
mest in town. Messrs.
itage have also come
ns for building on the
ty. The contract, for
not yet been let, but
alIs0 the -intention to
dcupation early inthe
• ssels.
[Cr it. CoioPER, Brussels, Agent for the Ex-
rosiTon Newlpaper and Job Printing Offiee.]
STALLION Sim -Mr. Patton's fine
heavy drati,ght stallion, " Prince Royal,"
was tarten ilrwith inflammation, at Bine-
vale, on Salturd.ay last. For a time the
animal's life was • despaired of, but,
through the efforts efforts of Mr. Nott, Veterin-
ary Surgeoh, he is again recovering„ and
it is expected he will be able to resume
his usual rdute in n. few days.
Ament hasi purchased pax t E, being
part of the. Melville rch "property.
The lot coittains an acre and 'a half, elide
was purc1i4ed for $150.
E U LIEN'S 10t aaIRTHDAY. --A good pro-
gramme has been arranged for the cele-
bration on londey next. A lively tinie
is anticipat d.
BRICKS. Messrs. Grewar & McNaugh-
ton have conlnlencedl the manufacture of
bricks at tlie.ir yard adjoining the vil-
lage. I
GOOD SAAFING.-Seven large saw logs,
making in all 2,008 feet, were sawn at
Vaustone's taw mill in this village, a
few days ago, in 39 mimites. This is
considered good work.
reg et to learn that -Mr.
Wilkie, Cone 8, Il wick, has met with a
serious -lossiby his 'barn and its con-
tents beingi consumed by fire. Mr.
SATilkie himself we- not on the place, but
a man named Blewitt farmed it for him.
Sortie suppo e that a spark from a pipe
originaeed the fire, ethers think that
some burnin! stumps near the barn was
the cause. The bean contained between
200 and 300 bushels of grain and a brood
mare all Of I hich were lost.
EARLY C °SING: -The merchants of
•Wroxeter have decided to close at 7 P. M.
during the summer months. We hope
this rule will be strictly observed.
DROWNED.-- A boy na-med Charles
Ahrens ,fellff a Scow into_ the harbor at
Bayfield an4 was drowned. before assist-
ance could ,e obtained, on Friday even-
ing last. The bod 'Was not found until -
8 o'clock the next morning, when John
Ferguson, a' fisherman, found it in four
feet of water
An excelle t programme of sports and
a n
amnsement for t e celebratioof her
Majesty's irthda at Bayfield on Mon-
day next h s been .prepared. Horse rac-
ing,athlet e sport and boating will be
the principal features of the day's pro-
ceedings. Good sport and a large crowd
are looked fur.
ACCIDE..Monday evening last
as a numbr. of parties were engaged in
raising a larn on tee farm of Mr. Wm.
Churchill, in the township of Hullett, a
heavy bea , which they had just raised,
slipped nd fell, -striking Mr. \Arm.
Grigg on e leg, and breaking it just be-
low the k ee.
• (raoar eale NEW ERA.}
A PP OT e Tar EN T. ---trW. 11. Lowe, Esq.,
• who, it wil be xemembered, met with
a serious accident at the Clinton railway
'station, some time ago, has received the
GoVernm nt appointment of sub -collector
of Custotis at Oeoyoos, British Columbia.
&eat' IT • OF COPPERS. -There is a
great co plaint among our merchants
for copper coins, for change. Hardly a
daypasses that *e -do not hear com-
plaints Um., some of them in reference
to this wint, and -the Government would
confer a great foam.' on- the business
eommun ty by issuing a new copper
. I
sasas To NEW&STLE. --Although we
live in a eattle raising district, and abun-
dance • of them, tali as • they are, all
around els, our butchers are under the
necessity of going from home to pur-
chase animals for slaughter, not being
able to find sufficient round here fat
enough. Oil Mon.day last over $600
worth of fat cattle were brought from
Stratford. here, by Messis. Spooner &
Thomas and Messrs. Fitzsimons & Dins -
ley. Our farmers hould take a note of
• Goderich.
named Henry Becker, a barber by oc-
cupation, came to Goderich a few weeks
ago front Lucknow and openeci a shop on
Hamilton Street w th the usual striped
pole in front. La t week he was seized.
with inflammation of the lungs and died
after a couple of 4 ys' illness. He left a
wife and family in such destitute circum
'stances that they - ere unable to perform
the last rites and he had to be buried at
the expense, of the own.
TEACHERS' Is ITUTE. -A Teachers'
Institute will be h Id under the -auspices
of the Huron Te chers' Association, on
• Thursday, Friday nd Saturday, June 11,
12 and 13. Dr. 5 ngster has promised to
be present and co duct the work. It is •
hoped that every eacher in the county
willenibrace the pportunity to be pree-
ent .
BODY FOUND. The Schooner Katy
Pringle arrived at Goderich on- Tuesday,
having picked u the- body of a man
about three miles ff Bayfield. The body
had apparently ben in the water for a
long time and w very much decompos-
ed. It was dresse t in a grey flannel shirt,
blue jacket and aistcoat, grey striped
pants, and had a rey woollen sock •on
one feet. There fwas a black hair watch
guard attached to the vest. but no watch.
in the trousers pocket was a tin box full
of cut tobacco, a 1nife, and a small rule;
a time -book withi a list. of names was
found in another pocket. - The man ap-
pears to havebeen 35 or 40 years of age.
• SUICIDE. -A very melancholy case of
'suicide occurred at Goderich, on Tues.
clay night last. Ir.. John Kay, of th
of W. & J. ay, merchants, termin-
ated his existence by shooting himself
with a Spencer carbine. In the evening
he went to the store, as he sometimes
was in the habit of doing, and, when
last seen alive, was engaged in writing.
Not returning • h me by midnight, his
family became a armed, and on search
being me.de, he as found dead, having
shot hintself thro Th. the head. Besides
being a prominen merchant, he was lo-
cal agent of the e merman Express Com-
pany. The cause of the rash act was
evidently • pecuniary embarrassment,
which had been reying on his mind for
some time.- An inquest was held on
Wednesday morrdng, when the jury re-
turned a yerdict that deceased destroy-
ed his life by slir oting, while in a state
of unsound mind. The melancholy event
,has cast a gloom over the whole com-
munity, as deceased was held in high
esteem by all.
Morris, was kick
a colt on Tinned,
the bones Of the
mes Cleiman, Con. 7,
d between the eyes by
y last, and had. some of
ose broken.
Lot 21, Con. 4, Morris, lost a valuable
horse ,on Tuesday, the 13th inst. It
dropped dead suddenly while in the plow.
Mr. Black had en id $230 for the team of
Which this horse was one. -Pose
• GOOD HORSES. Mr. John Duna, of the
township of Stanley last week sold to
a Michigan. farmer,- -a span of black
heavy draught mares for $500 in gold.
These mares vere 6 years old, and
weighed. 3,000 'poands. They were bred
by [Mr. James Logan, of Stanley; from
whom Mr. Dunn l had purchased them
when they were three years on It is
a pity' that such valuable animals as
these 'should be allowed to leave the
country. Mr. Dunn -has a yearling male
colt from one of these mares for which he
has refused $250 cash. He wants $300
for it.
HOTEL CHANGE. -Mr. William Dixon,
the well koown an,1 popular la,-ndlord. of
Dixon's Hotel, Bincefield, intends re-
tiring front . the hotel business shortly..
His successor, is th be Mr. Peter Mc-
Gregor' formerly of Kippen. • Mr. Dix-
on Willhave an au tidn sale of his hotel
fun iture and. fixin s an the 1st of June.,
, . .
Mckillop• . . .
S ARLET FEVER.,L-The trustees of the
sch ol in Section No. 2, McKillop, (Roxe
bor ,) have suspended school for two
wees, on account of the prevalence of
scat let fever in the section. , .
• .
4 e rareeinformed byMr.
Moiiteith that t e correspondent who
tatv usthe inform tion about the burn-
ing f Ms barn wa incorrect in some par-
ticu ars. The fire was not caused by a
. spa k falling from a pipe, as no person
had been smoking or using a pipe in or
abo t the premise that day: Mr. Mon-
teit L has no idea ow the fire occurred, ,
and cannot in al way account for its
ori n.
B lmore.
• • Po -Nm -The members of Maitland.
Ban - and. Mouni Nebo Lodges intend
holcing a Union Pic-Nic, on the banks
of the Maitlan ,• on ' May 25, when
speeches, songs and recitation a will be
given by member of these lodges. The
Belinere Brass Bind will be in attend-
ance to enliven t e proceedings. A gala
day is expected.
yrs ON. -An adj tuned Court of Revis-
ion vas held in te Town Hall, on Tues-
day May 19. he Reeve in the chair.,
Thelre were no appeals, but several ap-
plications were Made for alterations in
the Assessment holt It was moved by
Mr.1 McAllister,' seconded. by Mr. Ren-
nie, that the following alterations be
ma4e in the As essment Roll, viz., the
west half of ea't half of Lot 20, on the
Tenth Concessic n, be placed on the resi-
dent roll, bein the peaperty of Dr.
George Buchan n; that Wm. Wilson,
on Lot 21, Con. 5, be reduced. one and a
half acres of la d on account of the road
running throng his farm; and that Al-
fred MeTagga, 's name be placed on the
Roll for Lot N . 10, Con. 1, instead of
Win. Case, wh has sold the said lot of
land to the saic McTaggart, and has left
the township; and -that Jacob Wiltz be
assessed for so th half Lot 18, Con. 8-
Gartied. Mov d by Mr. McColl, second-
ed by Mr. Geier, that the Court of Re-
vision, for the ear 1874, be now closed,
and the Asses ment Rolls for the said
year, as now alteted, be received and
con ed. A the conolitsion of the
Court of Re ion, the Council met for
business. • All the members f the Coun-
cil present, the Reeve in the chair. Af-
ter the minuteS of the previ us meeting
had been 'lead and approved of, it was
moved bylivir. McColl. secon ed by Mr.
Geiger, th4t R. Brown, Reev , be and. is
hereby authorized to superin end the re-
pairing of Ithe Centre Gravel Road, and
rties to do
cOoll, sec-
aniel Mes-
each $13,
t Hill $12, for attending Sur-
e surveying swami for drain-
ed by M. Geigtheteeve call e seconded
that he employ responsible p
the work. ' Moved by Mr. It
onded by r. Geiger, that
ser and G orge Bauer be pai
and Augu
veyor whi
age. Mo
.by Mr.
• a special
as Mr. Ba
survey of
shin, to ta
terror, catn
tion he had gon ; curious y enough with.
e-tealring back om the ree-
the cub still before it. Alexander de-
cided. just then. hat he w uldn't go any
further; he did 't -want see the moth-
er, although he °lad heaa her in front„,
and. started. bac t aftet the young one.
The old she bea ' did' not offer to. show
herself, and the cubs were captured. alive
and .conveyed te the barn. • The tracks
of the mother have been observed near
the place of confinement, and we may
expect to hear of her sp ecly demise.-
hat l'
Twent Cent Pfeces.
cColl, ti
eeting of the Coun as soon
, Surveyor, has co pletecl his
he swamp lands i this town'
e into considerati‘m and pass
a by-law ia connection with the same.
The Council adjourned to met again on
the first Taesday. in .Tuly.
Iluen Lova, S., Clerk.
• Tuckersmith.
under the au-
spices of Royal Oak Lodge, BarnOlg
in Town -
T., Tucke
send's Gre
smith, will be hel
ve, at Broactfoot's
May 25. Spea
will be the oeder of the day.
FARM SOLD. -Mr. Willie Gibbings,
of the Huron Road, Tuck rsmith, has
purchased the farm of Ir. Joseph
Stephens, on the opposite side of the
Huron Road, in Hullett, be' ig Lot 6, on
the . First Concession.. 'flat farm con-
tains 61 ares, and_Mr. G:ibbings paid for
it $2,500. Mr. Stephens has purchased
a farm of 100 acres in the ;Vett settle-
ment in finllett. '
GOOD TEMPLARS.----The following is
a list of lhe officers elected for the pres-
ent quart r for Royal.Oak Ttriaple Tuck-
ersmith. The meetings of his Temple
are held egularly every week in Fowler's
School 1 ouse, and are, we are glad to
learn, lar ely attended, especially by the
young people of the v cinity, and
the Lodge is in a flourishin condition :
Brother James Cudmore, 1 W. C. T.;
Brother Cyrus Turner, P. i W. (1 T.;
Sister Mi s. G. Crich, W. V. T.; Brcter
Asher Cosens, W. S.; Sister H.
Duns -
more, W. T.; Brother Jaines Turner,
W. F. S. Brother E. Oiinl, W. M. ;
Sister S rah Crich, W. I. G.; ðer
Geo. Cric i, W. O. G.; Brother B. Wild,
W. Chap ; Sister Jane Elcoat, W. A. S.;
Sister Jane McDonald, W. D. M.;
Sister E ima Crane, W. R. IL S.; Sis-
ter Kesi h McDonald, W le I. .S.;
Brother noch Turner, T.
'Coulee e ItlaaTitto.-At aspeeial 1 eet-
ing of C uncil, held on the ;29th nit., all
the mem iers preseiit, it tints moved by
Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. Sp oat,
that as he Council of M ' Killoplave
forming Art of Union S ool Se tion
withdra 11 that portion f Mc ' op
No. 7, uckersreith, and n as it is not
expedier to continue. saiil portion of
Tuckers iith as a separatel School Sec-
tion, it shall be divided as follows :
That Loi.s 19 to ,.23, both iinclusive, on
the Firs[; Concession, II. J. S., be added
to School Section No. 6, and that Lots
part of 12 to IS, both incl*sive, on the
First Co cession, H. R. S.;lancl Lots 14,
15, 16 and 17, on the Secom1 Concession,
and Loth 14, 15 and 16,' oi the Third.
Concessiep, H. R. S., i. added to
School Section No. 8, to take effect from
.and after the 25th day of De ember, 1874,
and that the Clerk be instructed to frame
a by-law to that effect.
--At a' meeting of Council, held on
May 15, 11 the members 'resent, Com-
municati us were read fi-onithe -town-
ships of ay, Stanley, Hull it- and Mc-
Killop, i answer to a proptosal of this
Council o equalize the statute labor on
the Loud ii. and Huron Roa s, Hay and
Hullettla proving of said preposal ; that
the Clerk be instructed to furnish a de-
tailed st, tement of numb l' of days
statute la or to be applied tbithat por-
tion of reed opposite each df the above
townshipa and to furthdr1 correspond
with the Clerks Of McKillop end Stanley
-with a view of effecting a \li :le arrange-
ment with then. By-law, div aling School
Section Ne. 7, read a 1st, 2d and. 3d time
and passed.. Moved by Mr...McDonald,
seconded by Mr. Sproat, that James
Lang be authorized to pur hese 5,000
feet of cedar plank to be us di for steal
culverts throughout the towtship, t be
delivered at the following pia es : 1,000
feet at James Lang's, Lot ,,, Con, 2,
L. R. S. ; 2,000 feet at Da-vid Walker's,
Lot 31, Coll. 5, L. R S. ; 2,000 feet at
Wm. Sproat's, Lot 10, Con. rp,i H. R S.
Moved by Mr. Lang, seconded by Mr,
Sproat, that Mr. Walker bel authorized
to purchase 12 stone hammers for statute
labor purposes, to be left with the fol-
lowing parties : James Lang, James
McLean, James Paterson, Duncan Mc-
Donald, James Mahaffy and David
Walker in London Road Snrvey, and
Wm, Sproat, Wm. Chesneyt Win. Mc-
Connell, Nathaniel Cosens, ancis Fow-
ler and Christopher Dale on uron Road
Survey. Moved. by Mr. Walker, sec-
onded by Mr. Lang, that the. Clerk be
instructed to procure 12 copies of the
shop and tavern license act af 1874, and
furnish each Councilor and tavern keep-
er in th:e ownship with a copy. Moved
by Mr. V alter, seconded by Mr. Sproat,
that the Olerk be instructed to write to
Mr. Bay asking him to appoint an early
day to meet the Council forson's, the Clerk tnotify the
membersof this Council tfaen. to meet the purpose
of deciding on the size, phth, &c., of a
new bric e over the Bayfielc River, near
Mr. Die
Mr. Bay'. Moved. by Mr i McDonald,
seconded by Mr. Sproat, Mr:
S12 be
paid to Irugh Chesney for alcaring mit a
gravel pt on Lot 7, ' Con. 15, and that
Wm. Chesney, Alexander' Sproat, D.
Manson and John Dobie, pathmasters,
be paid 10 each to assist ii tilling grav-
el, and Wm. Charters an I Peter Mc -
Tallish 1)e paid $6 each for saine purpose.
Sums amounting to $20 were, on motion,
grantedias charity to five indigent per-
sons. The Council meet as a Court of
Revision, and for other , business, at
Dill's Hotel in Harpurhey on Tuesday,
May 26,1 Wm. MeCon., ELL, Clerk.
, Grey.
BEARIS CAPTURED. -Ono evening last
week as Messrs. David and Alexander
..11urray, Con. 9, Grey, and a neighbor,
were in the swamp, their dog discovered
two bear cubs. The whole party gave
chase, ancl succeeded in treeing the
ttoungsters;The tree was'quicltly felled,
but the aelmals eludedi capture, one
darting beneath a " tin nip,' encl. the
other atriking for the heart of the bush.
The latter was pursue( by" the 'dog,
Alexander following as closely as possi-
ble. The quickly accum ating darkness
prevented him from pla y' discerning
the object of his chase, ailed forced him
to rely almost wholly on Sound. Shortly
an ominous growl was heard in front,
and then the dog, apparently filled with
It will be re embered by t e rea ers
of the E'u?osIToJa that some two Months
ago 1 wrote an rticle on the tweuty-cent
nuisance. On &pri1 7, 1 addressed: a
note -to Hon. V1r. Clattveright, Finance
Minister, calling his attention to the
subject and as
same time I wr
tive, Horace
his service in
the attention Of the Government: To
this Mr. }Torten 'replied! 'on the 10th,
that I had placed.the matter in the hands
of the proper party for redress, and as-
suring me that he would -press the mat-
ter on the Finaace Minister's attention,
and he thought I might rest satisfied that
it would. be duly attended. to. We
might, no doubt, have greater evils to
complain of, but the -fact that this an-
noyance has been promptly attendecl to,
as announced in your columns last week,
will give fiatisf+ion to almost every per-
son who has occasion te handle money
in our entire co -Autry:
g redress, and at the
te our good representa-
orten, Esq., requesting
ipressing the matter on
R THomrsoN.
'CONSTANCE, May, 18, 1874.
-Mr. D. D. Hay, of Listowel, whe
has for some time back een acting as
Ontario Emigration Agent in Scotland
returned home qn Mondaly of last week.
Mr. Hay has be nreaalle from Scotland
to assume imp rtarit du ics in the On-
tario Emigratioili Department at Toronto.
His position will be equal to that of as-
sistant commissioner. A practical. man
and thoroughly posted on the wants of
the country, the Goveria ent could have
made no better choice tIan that of Air,
Hay to inaugurate and carry to a success-
ful issue the .prdposed changes in the sys-
tem of Europeattemigration to this Pro-
-The engine honsc alai stable, of A.
Stewart, proprietor of t d town wood -
yard. Brantford, wa.s a stroyed by fire
on Wednesday .inornin . Two horses
also burnt to death..
-The number of sighatures to peti-
tions for a prohibitory liquor law pre-
sented to Parliament durin the present
session from thp various Frovnces , has
been as follows Ontario, 84,831 ; Que-
bec, 12,565, ew Brunswick, 13,536,
Nova Scotia, 113,437; Prince Edward
island, 3,340' • 3ritish Columbia, 208.-
Total, 127,817. :
-A most brutal prize fight took place
early on Wednesday noIning, a few
miles below Windsor, On the Canadian
shore, between *Detroit beuiser named
Charles McDonald and another pugilist
from St. Louis,
There - were 27 'rounds
Donald came out
fight was given
of foul play.
After getting back
not being satis
shot Creary, bu i
• Mo.,
against 11iint.
The sta1ze
to De
ed with
not fatallyt
lnaaned Creary.
ought, and Mc-
vietor, but the
on account
was $1,000.
roit, McDonald,
the decision,
A LARGE Ass ertment
and double, of the
Fitch's, Cutter's an
ers, Elastic Stockin
Sheeting, Nursing
most as
I Pierce's e
s, Knee Cap,
Drug Store
Trusses single
prOved male, also
bdennnal support-
India ftubber
Enemas, &c. at R.
CALL and get
coloring Receipts, 1
Stock at Haca-soals
, ,
one of IlSonson's new
E and • Utlery, a full
• TEND :
v013, the erection .
-I- feet. deep, simile,
premises of the sub
Tendeas will be op e •
made.if satisfactory
work -must be ioni
336-2 • GRA,
• to the one
-alba& All
-.A and an eward
on the 26th
leted 'one
TANK 20x28, 7
now in use ou the
material found.
of contract
of MAY, and
month from that
'pieta Municipal Co
-1- Tenders up to t
construction of eigh
tection purposes.
ing to plans and sp
Clerk's office, and to
tion of the Street Co
either for wood or
The lowest or any te
nail of Se
• 0 1st of JUNE,
Water Teas
aid tanks to
ifications, to
be located'n;ti
• mittee.•
brick Tai
der not ne
orth will receive
1874, for the
for fire pro-
be -built accord-
be seen at the
der thd direc-
artiee ma, tender
k, or for both.
essarily accepted.
r,IOTT, Clerk.
THE subscriber h
-a- Fowls, can su
The Houdans aae no
ties are of a high ord-r,
Some light and dark
winter, hetet early,
mothers. Price $1
346*8 •
ving a nu
)Iy a large ruinber
1 -sitters, th
and are
e rahmas, whieh
re good sitters
er dozen.
ber of Houdan
of EGGS,
ix laying quali-
hardy fowl. Also
lay well in
and excellent
Township of St
BAY MARE, about
seen was heavy info
this time. She was
11, near the village e
giving such informs,
ery -will be suitably x
88644 K MN
t 29, Con. 1, London Rceid.
alley, on Monday, May 11, a
0 years old, and when last
1, and may have foaled by
ecu on Monday evening, May
f Egniond.ville. Any perfon
ion as will lead to her recov-
• warded.
IE GRANT, Clinton P. 0.
• undersigned
Auction on SAT
P. AL, at Foster's Rol
a lease for one or thiiee
premises on Main
him as an hotel. . The
in advance.
386*4 JA
ill offer
el, in theVillage
years of
Street, recently
rent to
for -sale by Public
MAY 28, at 2 &clock
of Seaforth,
the building and
occupied by
be paid quarterly
JN thematter of T4
dividually, as a
under the llama. s
The Insolvent hae,made
Estate to me, and
meet at the place where
ried on business, in
of 1869.
as well, in-
the fiam trading
film of CALDER
assignment of his
are nodded to
lately car-
of Seaforthin tlIA
ineraber of
3,1e and
the creditors
the Insolvent
the 'Fillets°
County of Huron,
the Stli-Day of Jung, Next,
At 12 o'clock, noon,.to receive statements os his
affairs and to appoint, an Assignee.
Interim Assignee.
• Dated. at Goderieh, Ole 13th day of May, A. D.
1874. 386-3
IS traveling in this seetion this season, and wiR
be in Seaforth eVery WEDNESDAY afterneon
and evening atlinoxls Hotel; in Bracefield, every
THURSDAY noon, t Dixon's Hotel ; at Rippen,
at Shavers Hotel, on. THURSDAY night; on
FRIDAY, at Snell's Hotel," Rodgeryille at noon,
and at Wilkins Hote Exeter, at night; SATUR,
DAY, at George Mon eith's, Thames Road, at noon.
"Pride of England" was bred by j, Leonard Esq,
of Marfleet, Yorks ' e, England, and was iniport-
ed by W. W. Peek, 1 sq., of Stanley, in the year
1870; he is 4 years Id; color a beautiful Cteve-
landBay ; synunetri al form and gOed hoofs; he
is a splendid spec'', en of the pure bred coach
TERMS -To iy .
. ie,ateaaT,r
Bjos, proprietor.
1 ,
MAY 22, 1874.'
• - • - • • -
Black and. Colored.
Barlstone Gingliams, Stout, Beotek,.
Grey Cottons;
Toweiings, ,
Bleached Daraask Clotb.s,
Cotton Tieke,
Table OR Cloths, &,
Printed Wood,Bri nzeandMarble,
• - Flannels,• .
Clothing, -
Tweeds old- Clothi3,
Gents' Outfittings,
'Gents' - Ties. awl Scarfs,_
MUSLINS-AZways a Large Stock en -
Of every description.
Having got our Immense Stook in before the*
advance ba duties, and doing a much larger trade
than we over did before, we are enabkd to offer
really first-elass goods at mueh lower pikes than
former years. Ladies are respectfully invited to
call end see through our
Large and Beautiful- S ock.
Every Novelty of the Season on hand at
lIVIILOIGE NO. 3:eeel'
•110US.r. AND Li
Par rash vrto
weal on the premises ; lai
Posseseion givoi inainesie
ticalere apply to 11. 1-.',)E.7,1
T OT--..\;-(), 5, Con. 4,1Iulle
J.Jjef..8.*J nitre!, cleared,
north braerh (,)1- the 0
through the 1:S eere bireh,
the premises to the prean
ErS-G composed. Lo
ship of Toakeramith
barn, MAO feet, and
-REIS& f,iot 34, Con, 7,
neres, all ei.oar,,d,wit
two good. orchards in fa:
s,Jringa which :-.1opV
.Con. %containing acrti
is situated flan
gravel road thereto. For
ou the pren&es. PI by
SON, Constanee P.0., Ki
011 SALE, a good. Fe
bail of hit 15 and the )'
12, McKillop,eontaining
well fenced, and in g430d..-1
timbered with hardwoig
and De -AV log barn; goo(
aniles and a half from up;
from the village of Sea-fo-
sawmills within 4)1 nilletk
schools and 1.-ztoresz. For
proprietor on the preta
Winthrop P. 0,
TI -013. SALE, a quantity
cord or in bulk, also
bulk. Apply at the IRM).
T11:41.11114,. 1,/altab1.t foi
thr. AaronCarriar,'; Wets
, - -
erection of a Grit and r
Con. 19, l.Ki ep, toljoin
anl sp.eilleat ern b
The lir..-ust or any tender'
un:ese satisfactory.
heret )(or,. sult.si!itil
signed, as Millen?, in th
in the 'County of Illeam.
ha s• been this any- 4iiSSOI
Ul dbm owing to the ,s;.'
paid to SMI;r11,
all elaitini against Ca •
presenteil to the said Ai
th-T.: !guile will be :iet,t1•.2,1.
WitneSq-ALLAN Mr.
• Dated at Derntt this 4th
any of May, A. D. 1S71,
TyS•I", ON SAT l'
Lot ;SQ.. 20.
Hotel, on the Gravt) 15,
P0Cli13-1300E, 10111.1it
11.1S0 Six Vr‘lnii
favor of the untiersigned
tinder of the above will
upwi kaving it at the Si
the r;sidence of theowth
cautioned egaiast pz.rch
notA t,f hand drawn in al
ine extipt tio.,-‘• eon
'1j3', Mnnicipai Coutic4I
J-• P011 -ms up to the la
tonstruetion of eight W
teetion purposes. SahL
ing to plaits and speollic
CI& 'A's office, and t•)be
tion of I be 1-4,r4tet C, num
either for wootl orIn
lowvr.t. or any baulk
"play; subscriber havia_
Fowls, eau vupply
1176u411)5 aro zum,si.
are of a high onler..;
8611.1.` light it na dark
WiTit r 1tlm early,ure,
nuul.ers, Price
TIlAYED from It
MADE, out 11N
Se4-11 WILS ileaVY in.
this time. She was ".-eei
11, alvarthe
ring suet) inform atioi
( re wii3 be suitably mar
::53-4 XENXII
N :be matter of LOU
as a 1111
t he name. styl
The inaolvent hs mai
F -ate to tut% and the
)tit"t at tho piaef.;
ried on ltuabielea in th.
eeunty of Hu -en.
an the eth
AI12 o'doeis, noon,
aiwr!5 und to appeiet
bat, al et rrod.4.11;-11,
7 yeete
l'an.-,t hound and t-tne4
4:14 T Rea
NEW33BlUFZ `e -
the 1i:ilia:
814. lum 14; ing
reedy for deli \ ery by :i
:se 75 per 1.4-o0 ieiivtit
tee at yard.
egl. $0)1' 3.":".,•Via 11'1 ti
111).11 ill thy Cg Allay (.1 Hui,
(ally l,c pinaleased throe
zed agents. Orders ;,;ha
or myself will not be fit
men have been appoint(
the County of Huron
Whiffen and- L.. Murpi.
Clinton; and L. S. Wit