HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-22, Page 3, - Vi'sa sax rr• E CRUT ENGLISH E MAY 22e• 1874. mpummimnitimin.....rw : PATS PHILOSOPHY. When the winter is cola I keep meself warm When the summer is hot I keep reeself cool : It's mebbe I'm bold, And it's mebbe I'm t ; Bat a gossoon's a fool When he goes into harm ! Sez my old Uncle Dan --- A wise one, and stiddy— i What's the world to 4 man When his wife la a wid.dy ?" 1 When the soldier struts by Witb his sword at. hi side, And the rattle, rattle d ums Beat the roll and the call, He may go or may fly - 1 stay here till death omes1 For 1 mind me of all That in battlahave d ed ! I am like Uncle Dan, . For he said—troth. and did he— "What's the world to £., man When his wife is a widdy ?" - When the sailor hoist e Sail, And stands out on th' deep, Laving a sweetheart or v ife And the childer behiIl(I, He timpts the wild gale And he trifles with life, And he sinks, cl'ye mind, . Where the mermaidens sleep ! "Pat" sez old. Uncle Dan, 41111.1111111111111111111111111.111.111•1111MW aR. WHIM . CRAY'S kitro Wens SPECIFIC - IVIEDICINZ Dines all Nervous Diseases, such as Treanor% De. biliSy, Prostration &e., which, in many etteee, The prodaced ley over indulgence in the nee of tables., • aud eleohnlic epiaits ; but the Specific • more eepecially ineommended tie au unfaiii.e. :are for Seminal Weaknees, Spermateeenen, potency, and all tliSCASC'S that follow ea a sequence ef Self .kbuse, as Lees of Men:tern (71.1ireilitaLIX814.. fade, Pain in - the Back, Dintnese of -Vision ele- > me mature Old Age, and many other dise.ases that - lead to Insanity or Consumptiou. and a Prorate. :nee Grave, all of whielx, as a rule, are eret caused ey deviating kola the path of nature, and °vet indulgence. The 8pecifie Medicine la the result of a net ztudy and many years of experience in treating exeee epecial diseasee. Piit perticelars our araphlet, which. we desire to send free by meat° f.very one. - The Specifie Medieine ii old ley all Drlimista ; $3 per paekage, or 6 packages for $5, or will bt * vent byiuul ou receipt of the money, by address. elg WILLIAM GRAY & Coa witalsoa, one. 7 SOld Seaforth by E. Illekeou & Co., J. S. oberte, R. Lumsden, and by' alt Druggists. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Wholesale )ealere. 335eow _.myge DR. KING, Seaforth, (late of Carrbubrook,) Coroner for the County of Perth. Office and esidence over Johnson Brothere. Hardware Store, Calls at DR. Kra:WS otice will be at - ended te . day or night. . 28a L. VERCOE, M. D., C. AL, Physician, Sale , gems, ete., Corona- for the County of Heron. Mice and Residence, corner of Market and High teeets, next to the Planing Mill. - - - R. CAMPBELL, (Graduate of MeGill Univer- sity, Montreal,) Coroner for the County Of Caron. Offiee—Next door to Calder .Brothers7 Cathie Works, and oppoeite McCann/ifs Hotel, lain -street, Seaforth„ near the Railwae- S tation. J. G. BULL, ra.ZURGEON,Dentist,&c.,Seaforth, Ontario-. Plate work, latest •styles, neatly eeeented. All stir-. glee' over:aims performed with ere and promptitude. Fees as low as can be ob- tined elsewhere. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 M. Rooms over Mr. A. G. AfeDougall's Store, lainest. 270 M. CAMPBELLs V. S., IAcentiate and Plize- - man of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and. :reduate of Ontario Vetefinary College, Toronto', es settled permanently in Varna, wherelte se/Rho mead ready and willing to attend to all kinds ot iseaaes, in all, kinds- of animals (man excepted), all kinds: of weather, and at all hours. Real - peace and office two- doors east of Cook's Tem- srance Hall. 319 ETERIN.kP.Y S-URGEON.--D. MeNA.UGHT, r V. S., be to ammunce to the inhabitants ot ..atort-li and surrounding country that he baa !_en awarded the diploma of the Ontario Fetsain- -y College, and is now prepared to treat diseases • :Horses and Cattle and all doraestie autnais. He is opened an oflice in connection with his horse- :oeing, shale, where he will be found ready to at. rid to cmils. Diseasea of the feet specially at- nded to. Residence, office and shop ha the roar Killoran & Ryan's new store. All kinds of Vet- imery Afedicines kept constantly on hand. ntegee reaaonable. 229 • CUURCHILL,Yeterinery Surgeon, (mem- - ber of the Ontario, Veterinary College,) begs intimate thmt he hae returned to the practice of -Ls profession. in Seaforth, and may at all times bet east -ate(' on the diseases of Horses, Cattle, &e. eterinary inedieinea constantly on hand. All Ms promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion, Ouse. Seefoeth. 2,73 LEET Solicitor Wingham has beertap- , f .- pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Oom- of England, he is also Agent for seveinl pri- teiCapitalista of Toronto, who loan Money at ry; reasonable rates, Interest payable yearly Laegee moderate. Wingitam, Dec. 15, 1871. . 213 . e f elestuGHEY kcs. HOLMESTED, Batristers, At- e- itorneya at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and solvency, Notaries Public and Couveyeneers. liciitess for the R. C. Bank, Seafertla Agent e for F.: Canada Life Assurance Company, s.P.—,a30,000 to lend, at 8 jeer cent. Moans, awe ens; Lots far sale. 53 I RicSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys - ap Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolveney, ey yaucers„ Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- it tle ua Wroxeter. .$23,000 of Private Funds to es -at once, at Eight per cent. alInterest, payable . 53 11. BENSON. 11. W. C. ArEIYER. IL-2 , r :B. SQUIER, 13arrister, Attorney fn Mane- ').ery, &e., Goderich, Ont. Office—over J. C. dos & Co.'s Emporium, Market Square. 269 , 1 [, Seentier Se Aleb0.11.111,11i, I IRISTERSI Att6rne3-s, Solicitors in Chancery, &I., Brussels, Ont. 0.ftice—two doors nostb of tist °nice. t.iSQUIER, DANIEL AlcDON7A.L1), f Goderich. Bru seela. about your false i'our dress cost'a 4ver be an ideal : as a whole squ Don't marry a onaan ought to Don't marry a glass, or tight Who curls his had imts scent in his reyelids, who ails long and p an almond shape, ed gloves, takes and tells you so, a red erava.t, if h ----there is ne sur Character than h look at that firs 'siting cards an and who always buttonhole. . Don't marry a man wb.g1 keeps bull- dogs. He is sure to be like hem. ' Don't marry a man -who ge s up early. •Tothing makes a person s insufferably onceited. 1 Don't marry a man whom s obody ever Says any evil of. Be sure t at he iass a poor creature. , Don't marry a man who 11. esn't smoke ieed who prid.es.hiMself upr it. - Don't marry a nn who a a great ad- miration for Dr. Johnson. He is sure to be a bear. Don't marry a man whoihar nts things. Invention is the offspring of ecessity. Don't marry p, goo_d-na ured man. Good nature is to a man wh t the gilt leaf naughty boys sometim s adorn a s ' arrow . with is to that unhappy bird. All the other Sparrows get round and peck at him. . aw• O.' 1 • Joaquin Miner in I aly. At an evening reception I observed a man who had neglected both broadcloth a d gloves; his hair hung ay r his fore - ph a:::In,eht,s aran;d,h, his thin boots had i TJoaquin eotqulivinginMdilotrn at. e of IVIarcellus, among th aid scrap shops, studying the neglecting the form and cere soleiety imposes On all but its 1 was seated with him later was invited by a lady to d.anc dined with. the. exeuse that tired from the carpet since h let in his lea. "Perhaps 1 wOuld give us the war dance, a gentleman near. , "Oh, do ler, "pleaded several young lad `• Well, now," said he, "ft w orlthree evenings ago when, begged an hour and a half, I try the war dance, but I ha begun preliminaries when the jeeted, and of course I had. to k` jvVhy, how strange, Mr. M did you do ?" "Naturally," s was going to dance it in cost hadn't gone any further than coat. and vest, whea the peonl as I told you." e doesn't write l any lettei now, for if Ihe attempts it Ithe perso filla his thOughts the whole{day and hat is too great a sacrifice of time; and s for read - any, he lets them accumtil te a while and then presents the bundle o a friend. -1Florence Letter.- ' 1' " hair, ma arcl. o ivinity to ou of ss man -who ow how ,an who w cots wi or his wlaiske ps, whe inted, car who wea s ix and ho if he be fair a inthcatipi s neck -t e who lia a brillian ears a rcis how much woman ean man who rs, saps every o cook. ars an eye - high. heels, taches, who Or bleaches as his finger fully cut in four-button- 'ee quarters dark wears ky blue one of a man's ; I always enamelled monograna, - . bud m his "Stay at home with your Biddy; What's the world to a man When hie wife is a widdy ?" FLOTE.1,14. ff.X.'S ICOTEL, SEAFORTH. --Thoma Eltaex begs to state to his old. friends and tlie travelliug public, that he has lemeed the -1 I lately occupied by Mr. MURRAY, and Orly known as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and et to- receive a coutinuance of the patronage e any beetoeved upon him during his many L -e in the hotel business. Every comfort and eelienee will be provided. for traerellers. The ;tit Liqtiors and Cigars only kept in the Bar. . lid and reliable hostler al ways in attendance. e THOMAS KNOX, Proprietors ' . (t OSTER'S HOTEL, SEAFORTR„ OflAS FOSTER begs to inform hi a old !iels and the traveling pnblie that he ha0 :Ilene new hotel, adjoining the Post Office- Ifele, where he has the vele- best accorarnodae ey. man and beast. The best of liquors and ,5 at the bar. THOMAS FOSTER. •-_-1_- _ _ esesea — _ _ LI 1, EIV.EKV. i . 'PHARR'S LI VERY AND SALE STABI;FIS. fe,eee--set Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good • s ineteiret- class Conveyancealways on hand. 1--- — -X 'S LIVERZ STABLVS, SEAFORTIC, Ont. oed Mattes mad Comforteble Vehicles, always aryl. Favorelle .A.rrangernents made with aeteial Travellers. All oedere left at Rafox's ie, Will be promptly attended to. [I, L. AND STABLES:—Thira door North of ,.: -rot ti, Main 'Street. THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. , E. LUSBY., :..."`SED.AUCTIONEER for the County a Salsa attended in all parts af the Cowe- ll orders made personally ereent to Seaforth will be promptly atteuded to. Sae-iv:eel Broglie, 327 Let the scholar sit up And write late and lo To insure hiin a name— He may sit up for Tile Give me but a full cup, He may have all his Fre ; For it's stuff, Wye see, -And not worth an old song!' Let us live, Uncle Dan ; Let us live and love, What's the world to a When his wife is a wi idd.y ; an d3"? BIDDY'S PHILOSOPHY. What would I do if you was dead? And. when do you think of .clying ? I'd_ stand by your bed, and hold your I head, , And, cry, or pretind to be crymg.1 There's many a worser man nor you— If one knew where to nd him— And mebbe -epany a bettelr, too, With money to leave behind him ! But you, if I was dying to -day,' (I saw you now wbei you kissed her,) I tell you, Pat, what you'd be at -- You'd. marry your widdy's sister ! You'd make an illigant coepse, indade, Sleeping so sound and 4iddy ; If you coald see yourself as a7ou•led, You'd_ want to come back to Biddy ! Yon would be dressed in your Sunday best, As tidy as I could mak you, With a sprig of somet iug - on your breast— And the boys would c rae bet wake you. But you, if lavas dead in your stead . (Do you think. I never missed her?) I tell you. Pat, what yon d be at— You'd marry your wiel y's sister 1 The undertaker, would_ dri e the hears* That has the.big black eather : If there was no money left in your purse, Your friends would club together! They'd. look at your cold remains be- fore They followed. you down to the ferry And the coaches standing, at the door Would go to the cemetery! But you, if I was once in Fthe box (I wonder her lips don't blister,) I tell you, Pat, -what you'd be at— You'd marry your widdy's sister! When you was under the ;sod I'd. sigh, 'And—if I could do without you, MelDbe I've a strapping lad in my eye' Would come here and talk about you! A little courtin' would be cliVeitin' A kind voice whiepering, " Biddy 1" And a kiss on the sly—fdr What's the hurt in • A man consoling a widdy ? But you, before I was dead at all (Now don't deny that you kissed her,) I tell you, Pat, what you'd. be at— You'ci marry your widdy's sister ! —R. H. Stoddard. GAIETIES. A matter-of-fact olhl gentlerdan thinks it mast be a very small 'baseball- that can be caught on a fly. , —A pugilistic Irishman in England being bound over to keep the peace on all British subjects, remarked: " The saints help the first foreigner I meet." , —" Hi 1 where did. yez . get them trousers?" asked an Irishinans of a Man who appeared to be passing with a pair of remarkably short trousers on, "1 got them where they grew," was the in- dignant reply. "Then by My conscience, sai1 Paddy, "you've, palled them a year too soon." literal -minded yopngster was picked: up by a visitor -of the family, Who, handling.hina on hi S knee, said : "I wish I had this little boy ;" I think there's money in him.", To ,whicla promptly responded- the ; child : "1 know there is, for • I swallowed a cent when 1 was at grandmas the other day." ;---A little follow, 5' or 6 years old, who had been wearing undershirts mach too small for him, was one day, after having been washied, put into a gar- ment as much too large AS the others had been too small. Our six-year-old shrug- ged his shoulders, shook himself, ,walk- -ed around, and finally burst out With : -"ga ! I do feel awful Ionetome in this shirt." • Advice- to Women—Who Not to Maary. ' • VINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR., Seatortb. i ;ado rs left at the Maneien House with Mr. 'Murray will receive immediate attention. net- Coleman, and Dr. King. 41.1.*5a • L KENNEDY, 'SE, SIGN aaid ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Graieer. Papenh.angieg els° ettended tos loue as eheap as by any other good work* the bueinese. Ali orders left with Mr. iv, or for him at the Exeosnren Office vsal !uptly attended to. •279-26 - de P. BRINE, AucTio-sEER for the County ;aren. Sides attended in ali parts of tha s. Ail orlers left at the Expo:in-On office premptly attended to. 1•111111 per day. Agente wanted. All classes of working - of either eex, young or old, make more .- for tis in their spare moments, or all the, ban at anything else. Particulars free. &G. STINSON & Co.,PortIand,Alaine.28 Don't marry any man ov bristles with habits as E ladies do -with an.gles. Don't marry the lively m 1. Don't marry a man wh stops your Mouth with compliments; i akes desper- ate love to you the first une he sees you, and talks about kissin . That man ttahkenins. kwomen are'fools ; ut he is mis- . Don't marry a inan who ells wonder- ful stories of which he i always the hero, and in which lie lways distin- guishes himself by extracjrlinarr wit, or sagacity, or courage, or presence of mind—these qualities not being, as a rule, conspicuous in him. " .Don't marry a man whq has a great many sisters. Such a, nihn is always Spoiled; besides which it ie not pleasant to be engaged to a 'man who knows all r forty. He iglish young If o polish. said my in the the - old. iron eople and ony which pet lions." when he . Hede- 'e had re - got a bul- Ir. Miller suggested ! Mr. Mil- es at once. only two ter being__ agreed to scarcely ladies ob- 've it up:" Iler, what id he, "1 ime, but taking off obj ected, is 777 t A STANDARD OF FASHION May be found in any suit froni C A. G. McDOUGALL'S One Price Pistablishine4t. For Finest Clothing always up tla the times. THE LATEST NOVELTIES e laid on the Counters as fast as t ey come ont. Gentlemen Clad Here Have these advantages, amoug others: They are Dressed in Style. 'I'liey are Dressed Genteelly. T ey are Dressed Comfortably T ey are Dressed in Well Made Gar- ents. • TI:My are Dressed in Well Fitting wits. fi They are Dressed Economically, • Gar.. • And they select their Clothing froii the Fresh- esteFinest and most complete assort4ient in Sea- orth, under tho management of • , r: TK.' And H ATS AND C Iu the Latest English American a Styies. rson. PS d Canadian GENTS' FIIIRNISH NGS Comphlte in the NOVELTIES - OF THE EASON. A large assortment.in 1 " MEN'S' _ SHIRTS, From 65e to Remember the place, 777, •A. G• )CO GALL. BACON AND qAms FO SALE. T1TF, undersigned h.ve on hand at KIPPEN about 25 tons of Superior Smoked Rams aiid Side Meat, Which they will sell Iby the ion or in smaller quantities on reasormbte terms. JAM:ES & GEORGE PETTY, Kippen P. O. 300 MANCHESTER HO . ARRIVED . THIS WEEK3 New Tweeds, Denims, Brown Duck Cottonades, Stc., FOR MEN'S SUMACF1R WANTS. ALSO, A SPLENDID E nd W JOT OF BLACK MOURNING GOODS, . 'An:tong which are Black Crape.Cloths, Black Metz Cord, Black Tia/MC86 1 qnattas, Black Bombazine, Black French M Black Lustres, Black Silks, &c. We have also been appointed agents for oth,, Black rinos, ant - FLOOR OIL OL9,THS AND COCOA ATTINGS. We have samples of each ori hand, and got them' to fit any sized ll or room. Call and See Samples. LOGAN & AMIES 11 N. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEpS .1 — 11 - WILS N 184 ,YOUNG'S, SE,tFOR ELD JUST RECEVED A FULL STOCK OF AND CARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY DESPRIPTION, WARRANTED FRESH AND GOOD. SWEDE TURNIPS. Westbury Improted, which has taken prizes, wherever grown; Carter's Imp 'al, one of the beet varieties grown in this country; Scirving's Improved Purple Top, also a good va iety, and well known; White Dutch Swede, new variety, highly recommended. H. FALL TURNIPS. White Globe, Yeikev Aberdeen, and several other well knewn N CARROTS. arieties. 1 :Whit d Belgian, White Orthe, Long Orange, Scarlet Intermediate, and others. i NI AN GOLDS. Long Rhcl and Yellow Globe,—All the above varieties have been purchased fr reliable Seledsmetl in the Country, and will be sold cheap. Special inducemen and partiel pure seing large quantities. GROCERIES LIQUORS AND PROMIONS CHEAP AND G Daily eXPected Our Spring Stock of Crockery, ivhich will be well worthy of WILSON & m the hest and nost s offered to Jo bers OD AS USUAL spection. , YOUNG. RAND OPENIING OF MILLINERY AT rr e K I ID ' 8 M CD 1::t N MONDAY, APRIL 2(/ • MR. KID would announce to the Ladies of Seaforth and surrotinding engaged the MITI es of a • • FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, Froin one of the most Fashionable Houses in theProvincee to take charge of ment, which comprises all the leading novelties of the season in Bats,i Bo nets, Bonnet Materials, Flowers, Feathers In great variety a 'd color. Also2a large and elegant assortment of HAIR GOODS, country that h It Millinery De nd Ribbon- jas Such as Chignons, Braids, Coronet Braids, Switches, &e. All shese goods are nee: and of the latest importations fro the European and American markets, and have been selected with great oare and judgmeAmnt. early speetion is solicited, and all orders will be attended to with promptness, and done in the neateet sty e. THOMAS K.IDD, Alaip. Street, Seaforth. TEA TEAS, EAS. A lar e quantity of Green Teas, Black Teas, Gunpowder Teas and Japan Teas, OF EXCE General LENT QUAILTY AND AT VERY L ALSO A FULL STOCK OF . Groceries, Wines, W PRICES. I) Liquors and ro*ions. The Subscriber wishes it understood that his Goods .wi Always Give Satiqfaction or the Money will be JAMES M chimed. RPHY, Chequered tore, Main Street, Sea orth. HARNESS! H.ARN .v+S TRUNK, BAGS, WHIPS, AT Our HARNES none but first -re give entire satis Shop Opp - y ( (((110 COM BS BR ELFRY & MAY'S, SEA COLL/1M VALI fi we can. recomto any one, as we use only rst-oh Harnese. We warrant our Collars not to gall a H( rse, a action. ite Mansion Bouse, Seaforth. BEL ES, SH ES, S H ES, ORTH 0 ss Leather and i Make d guarantee thOrd, to & 7 7 7 THIS ' 1kt 7 7 7 ••••••,..... OPULAR.EpTABLIEHMENT 7.7 7 NOTED FOR TYLISII AND CHEAP GOODS. Just Received, ex. SteaMer PRUSSIAN. from Glasgow, a variety of NEW si) MMER DRY GOODS, Whit:1h will bel offered at prices to suit the times. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. All Goods Ivfa4ed i Plain Figures. No Two Prices. A. G-. McDOUGALL. HE DUTY ON TEA AND COFFEE. Not-withsianding the imposition of a heav7 Tariff on rr A._ A. ±'T 0 0 P LAII!)LAW Continues to. Sell at Old Priem FOR THE BEST .4ND CHEAPEST -TEAS AND COFFEES TOW.N, GO TO SIGN OF THE LAIDLAW'S, Next door to the Rost Office, Alain Street, Seaforth. COLD EN PADLOCK. '1" -NAT CAR TAOIDS MONTRAL CU .T NAILS, One Car Lad American Waterlime, ONE CAR OAD SPADES AND SHOVELS, TWO TONS AMERICAN T HINGES, . ANNEAL D FENCING WIRE, Oiled and Galvanized, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS AND LINSEED OILS. • omplete • k5tock of evvrgthtng 292 our • . JOHNSON BROTHERS, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. sTcwEp & TINWARE. . Of all kinds, and in endless variety at MRS WHITNEY'S/ parmiehael's Block, Main street, Seaforth. COAL 0114, Pure, good and cheap, wholesale and retail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. , CUSTOM W IIK Of ail kinds promptly attended to and neatly exe- cuted. 308 MRS. WHITNEY. 'SEAFORTH PLANiX MILL, SASH, DOOFIAND BLIND, FACTORY. 9-wE subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous eustomers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing business hi Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of tharetisearinet. ending to build would do well. to give hhnL a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, S'A E 8 , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LA.TH,1 ETC.: He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those wile May favour him with their patronage, its none butfirst-class workmen are employed. Particular attentioe paid to Custom Planing JOHN H. BROADFOOT. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD MABEE & M.A0DON ALD BrtG- to inform the public thati they have re- -"-moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between thd Merchants Salt Company's -‘4f-orks and Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep constantly on ha d a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LOAM '11, dressed and undressed. Also, LieTH AND S IINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at he lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash, Also. on ha d any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. 13ui1ders and others will fuad it o their advan- tage to inspect our stock, and ase rtain our price be ore purchasing elsewhere, as we are in a position to ffer good inducements to cash aurchaaers. 16 MABEE & MACDONALD, OPENED 0' FOSTER'S OLD STAND. JAMS WRIGHT TTAS opened in the store ne t the Seaforbh " Foundie, and adjoining Fo r's Hotel, a full and complete STOCK- OF GRO _His Teas are Good, • His Sugars Cite And his Call _and give 820 them a trial. ctP, piees Strong. 5 WRIGHT. BUST OPEN, One night last week, John Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE—A LARGE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. _TAMES REDMOND has opened out in- John • "Logan's old and well-known stand a nice stock of Fresh GROCERIES; comprising everything Which should be found. in a first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and FEED on hand. tioHnb. solicits a call, and will guarantee eatisfac- 319 J. REDMOND. SHROUDS 1 SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAITER AND UNDERTARER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of SI-11:L0T-TaiS Which he can furnish cheaper than they got elee-where. - elf--reeeeaseseeeeesalts-e. etasseen, sere -re -a - asee A EXTRACTING TEETH ;WITHOUT PAIN. 0 CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist N -J- attends in Sea -forth, at Knox`e Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at hie Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if et See.forth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be Seenat ray office office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner which cannot be surpassed. 237 - JOHN S. PORTER, One-horse Banker and Exchange Broker. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. CAPITAL, - $0,000,000.01, This is no blow, but a fact - Buys Greenbacks and American Silver at cur- rent rates. Lends money on good farm pro.. erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives money on deposit, and pays 20 per tent. interest —when you get it. Buys _Hides, ,Sheep Skins, Furs and Wool at the highest prices. All this is done with. the above capital, wonder* ful, is it not? Hand in your wants, wishes and expectations, sena be afraid, he won't hust. 0 - t