HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-15, Page 9at
urn txpeoitor.
SPRING- tel-OODS.—BEXITY & Co, have
now received and marked off ab very low priees the
best and. meat select stock of Dry Goods, Gro-
ceries, Boo0, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hgts,
Caps, &c., they have ever received, and. challenge
eomparison 0 ' quality and prices Of these goods,
notwithstanding the enormous amount of puffing
.0ontinua11y done. Every person should call and
see their sopa of Dress Goods, Plain and Figured
Lustros, Prints,, Shawls, Hosiery,' Glom, Para. -
..sole, EziglielL and Canadian Tweeds, -Cliallies,
Linen, Tassesi striped and. plain, Cotton, Tweeds,
Derrysplenls White and Colored Shirts, Brown
• liollands. 8-4 SheetingseTiekings, Lybster Mills
Cottons, Cottm Yarn, &a. Their stock of Tweeds
and Coatings are also very heat',, and their Order
Department; being under the-contiol of Mr. iGu-
for the past four years, is sufli int guarantee
that nothinKaut Et first-class iit vill be turned
out. The- ee been fortunate in securing these
Goods, togotLer with a large quantity of Teas,
:Sugars, Tobac eos and Imported Li tiers. previous
• to the advanee in cIntiott, conseqnen ly are enabled
• to offer goods, is cheap as aver at thilir old stand,
GarruichaePsiBloelt, Main Street, Serforth.
J . S. RoaEnts,-Druggist, abosite the
. Mansion Hotel, keeps constantly On hand all kinds
'•of Pure Dings mad Chemieals, G3niiille Patent
Medicines. Trusses, Shoulder ilracei, Toilet Aati-
clee end Fancy Goods, Perfum ry, Sponges,
Brushes, Comlis,e., which ,will be sold at very
low prices. _Prescriptions put t p with greet
care, and ma -united of the purest ar toles.
JUST REt.!EIVED, fresh, at RonE4s'
1 _
'Drug Store, opposite the Mansion aotei, Simi).
sorils Spice anti-YorksbireCattle Fee er.
HORSES, Houses.- —Keep th in in good
health and .fit for spring work, by using Mims-
cazees Condition Powders, the best i the market.
Prepared only y R. LUXES -HEN, Drug dst, Seaforth.
. -
CHEAP'S, DE.—Stone ere m Crocks,
Stone Butter rocks, Stone Churn , Stone Pre-
serve Jars wit Corks, Flat Milk Pa s, &c. The
largest stock i town and cheapest at ArzEN's
Grocery. •p. •
A LARGE assortment of ,Tru ses, single
and double, d the most approved make, also
Fitch's,. Cutter • and Pierce'Abdominal support=
era, Elastic St ckings, Knee Ca,ps, Lithe. Rubber
Sheeting, Nur 'ng Bottles, Enema -3, &c. at R.
Luaisneies Co er Drug Store, Seaforth,
EARTHEN. ARE Milk Cro ks, Pans,
a., the best made iU Canada, at Hies -ores.
ASK FOR ICKSON'S, Tonic a d Altera-
tive Bitters; fo Indigestion, Dyspepia, Loss of
Appetite, &c.
Wareroom in hi
.where he will b
house -furniture
very lowest pric
• inteade opening Furniture
:premises opposite he Market
prepared to furnish tip kinds of
either wholesale or r tail, at the
, ARRIVED. -42HICKSON'„8 Ston ware dias
a ., ra, I
arrived. Call end, sea it.
CORN. --Jost arrivea at 1.110AUS LEE'S
Flour and Searp Store,- Seaforth, one (jar load, of
Choice Seed. Oozlii., fox sale iularge or 'mall (jaini-
• NEW SUB. CRIBERS., —The frogrron
• will be supplied to new subscribers from now till'
Jan 14875, for 741- Gents.
•-andi LOT, on H tali Street, for Sale y Auction.
• See Aclvertisemen,t.
—The forma opening of the In &nation-
al Salt Com any's works at oderich,
will take plaeetem Monday; Ma 25:
CORDWOOD BURN-ED.—About 00 cords
of Wood, belonging to the Glaand Trunk
Railway, was burned about fiVe -miles
east of Seaforth on the track, on Monday •
night last. It is thought the v< oat Was
•set on fire by a spark froman engine.
• FOR THE PACES. —We learn that Lwo
• well known horoughbred hordes "El-
mira" and `Tassie," owned by Mr.
John Peters, f Loudon,. are being train-
ed by Mr. 1. Biarell for the Seaforth
races, on th 25th. "Lady Dafferin
will have to 1 ok out for her laidels.
LARGER P MISES. —On account of the
constantly llecleasrng bitsines at the
Seaforth, age cy of° the Royal anadian
. Bank, the pe sent bank premi es have
become too mall. .We learn hat the
Bank author kies have securedm re com-
ma:diens guar te.s for this agenc 7, in the
the new brie building to be er cted by
Messes. Ellio f and Armitage
Acta A.GES. -- Mr. Samuel
Trott, of thi
•gaged. in the
turned butter
all the necess
•fact -ere of the
style of pack,
is done by m
sell them at
any manufact
works are ca
200 per day.
village, is now bi sily en -
manufacture of Machine -
packages: Mr. Trott has
ry machineryfor the maim
best and . most approved
ge, and, as the wh4le. work
ehinery, he can a, ord to
as advantageous iatee. as
trer in the eouutrjy. His
able of turning ont about
• BAsE BALL. On the Queen's Birthday
the -Star Clt b, of this town,I go to
_ Guelph, to pl the Maple Leaf Club.,
the ahampioe Of , the Dominion. The
Stars play evi h several new men this
season, who s mid add consiclerlably t�
• the strength o the nine. , It is eXpectecl
„• they will give a good account of them-
• selves in the matches they may ibe en-
gaged. in. T e following player e corn-
• poae the nine Vito will go to Guelp1i on
tlie 25th: J. arab, pitcher and captain;
W. Paulin, c teller; • R. Lattimer, 1st
base; D. 8 lis, 2c1 base; H.- W.
C. Meyer, 3d.b se ; Henry Cameron s. s.;
J. McMurray• field ; D. Fioean,
• centre field; • ugh Catuerou; left fierd.
• PERSONAL. ' Rev. 'Charles well
preached in the Wesleyan Met oclist
Church, Luck low; on Sunday evening
last. . '! 1
—We notice that Mr: Campbell .for,
merlv of the "o -a1 Canadian B4ik of
this village, let t , lately manager :df the
-Woodstock ag ncy, has been removed to
Stratford and i asmein-lied the manage-
ment of th.e ag ncy in that town.
—We regret to learn that Mr. A. G.
McDougall ha been sufferiea froin ' So
severe an attaek of illness asto be:con-
fined. to bed fo several days past.
—Mr. D. I) Hay, of Listowel, who
was appointed enigration agene iu :cot -
land by the 0 tam Government, time
months ago, is we notice, hard at Work4
He is now eng, b crbed in dcliverina lectures
and disseminat ng information respe ting
this country a ong hie fellow cout try -
men at home, d we are confident that
the best results will follow his labors. Of
a lecture delive edin his native town; Glee:
rnis, the Dunde Grokrier and Argus l re-
marks: "Mr. D. D. Hay, emigration agent
for the Provin e of Ontario, and who is
just now on a tour through Scotland,
delivered an abl and graphic acldresa_ in '
the schoolroom on Wednesday ev-ening
on the superioi advantages which the
the Province of Ontario faffers to the 'en-
terprising eraigr nts of different clasees,
but more espeei Ily to those engaged in
agricultural pu uite. The room Was
crowded by a ighly respectable audi-
face, aguang -iv m the agricultural ele-
I —
m nt if not predominant, was very well
re resented. Mr.„ Hay, who has been
ve y successful in • the land of his adpp-
tio •? is a native of the parish of Glaniis,
ha ing been born at Cossans, frpm
wlience be emigrated some 30 years ago.
Ati the conclusion a vote of thanks was
awarded to Mr. Hay for his able address,
to 'which he suitably returned thanks.!'
th ' prospects of Seaforth looked so
bright as at the present time. The pop-
ulation is rapidly increasing, our mpr-
eh' nts and business men are extendhig
th ir facilities, and our mills and manu-
fac ories are gaining in strength and nil-
po ance daily. Within the past thee
mo ths numerous real-estate sales have
ta en place at largely advanced prices,.
an buildings are springing up in every
dir etion. 'During the present season,
if t e necessary labor can be procured,
ove • one hundred new 'buildings will be
ere ted. Some of these are already un-
der way, and most of the remainder uln-
der contract. Of this number four, will
be 1arge brick blocks 'for stores, , and
the Iremainder private residences. But
so gfreatis the demand for residences sakcl
cre e will not supply it. Nearly all tie
bus ness places that even this large i -
stor s to be built have already been eh-
gagd, and ma,ny of the private hou+s
• iti Still a little distant, but the Wesleyan
Methodists are going to build one near
us, so it will be naore convenient to those
who choose to go.—This has been a very
late spring, but notwithstanding a great
many farmers have got their crops in,
while som.e are just finishing, and as
there has been very little growth as yet
• the seedsown Will have an equal estart.
It has been a very good sugar year,
some farmers have made 200, 300, and
even 400 pounds of sugar, besides moles-
A Ru --
era.way.:-While Mr. John J phn-
sbn and his wife were riding to church in
a wagon last Sunday; -when going along
the Twelfth Concession of Greyi the
horses suddenly took fright at an um-
brella, before them, and ran off the road,
running the wagon against a stump and-
• throwing Mr. Johnson. out. - One of the
wheels passed _over him, rendering
him insensible for some time. The
horses ran tothe fence, which one of
them jumped over,
while the other re-
mained behind. Mrs. Johnson, dur-
ing the runaway was being tossed
about in the wagon; she was hurt
censiderably and was carried insen-
sible to an adjoining house when she
came to,in a short time. None of the in-
juries in either ease haveprovecl serious.
FATAL ACCIDENT. —We regret to learn
that John Blair, a lad about 14 years of
age, son of Mr. Wm. Blair, Second. Con-
cession of Stanley, met with an accident
on Monday evening last, which resulted.
itt his death. It seems that the boy was
driving along the London Road, about
two and a half miles south of Bruce -field
with a team, drawing a seed drill. T.1a.
boy was walk.ingbehincl the drill. The
horses got frightened, and becoming un-_
• ma.nageable, ran away. The boy unfor-
tunately became entangled in the line,
and before he could relieve himself; was
dra,Wn off his feet and dragged a distance
of about half a mile. The horses were
ultimately stopped, ancl the lad was
found to be insensible. Ailedical aid was
immediately sent for, but notwithstand-
ing that all was done for his relief which
• medical skill could do, he clied in about
half an our.
• BAR BURNED.---Tn Stanley, on May
6, betw en the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, a barn belonging to Mr.
Stanbury, Con. 2, Stanley, was burnt
to ashee in a very few minutes. The or-
igin of _ he fire is unknown. It was first
noticed 'n a dunghill at one end of the
barn. Mr. Walker, the man on the
place, first noticed it when he was in the
field, about 40 rods from the barn, and
before he could reach it, it was enveloped
in flames. M. Walker's house was only
about seven rcids from the barn and it
was quite - a job to save it from the de-
vouring element, the wind blowing in B
that direction., But through the assist-
ance of the neighbors the house was
saved by pouring water on the roof.
They took every article out of the house,
expecting every minute it would be con-
sumede The less will not be se great to
Mr. Stanbury as there is $250 insurance.
There was nothing in the barn at -the
time. --Com. , •
COURT OF BEVISION.—The Council met
as a Court of Revision, at Varna, on
the members present; the Reeve in the
Chair. There was only one appeal
against the Assessment Roll. Hugh
Love, -Sr , Esq., appealed against the as-
sessment of John Workman, on Lot No.
10, S. B. Mr. Donald McDougal's as -
Monday, Mar 5, at 2 o'clock P. M. All
sessment ; was reduced $25; Robert
Dennison'S assessment reduced $50.
Moved 4- Dr. Woods, *seconded ' by
Mr. Keys' that $120 personal property
assessed o J'ohn Workman be struck
off the Roil as he has left this township,
• and the land under which assesSed is the
property of another party — Carried.
Moved by' Mr._ Anderson; seconded by
Mr. Keys, that the by-law now read, as-
suming a road allowance across Lots .No.
13, 14 and. 15, in •the- Fourth Concessien.
of this toWnship, be now passed and for-
warded to the County Council for appro-
bation—Cerried. Moved by Dr. Woods,
seconded by Mr. Keys, that subject to
memoranduna of agreement made with
Mr. William Turner, Sr., this Council
let a contract for putting in a culvert,
filliug up the gully on the Sixth and
Seventh Concession Line, leading to
Bayfield. 4er from Varna. The Council
adjourned. fis a Court of Revision to meet
at Drysdale's Hotel, on Saturday, May
30, at 2 o'clock P. M., as a Court of Re-
vision and for the transaction: of other
general bu Mess.
rented in advance.
• Brussels.
• [G. R. 000PElt, Brussels, Agent for the Ex.
Posisjox Newspaper and Sob Printing Office.]
• S oP LuTING.—On Saturday evening
last,J soon after dark, Mrs. Simpson, of
Sim son's Rotel, found a whole pieceof
dres goods lying in the driveway, bp-
twe n the -hotel and Mr. McLauchlanrs
.stor , evidently having been throviin
theri: by some party. On Mondaymorii-
ing, npon going around to the dry goods
stor s, it was found to have belonged. to
N. 1E. Livingltone, who had not then
iniss -T1 the piece. It is hoped the guilty
partjr will be discovered and brought to
justi e. - •
ST 'VE FACTORY. --1-Mr. Ampt has re-
ceive most of the machinery or his
.stav factory, and the millwrights are
now t work puttieg it up.
PE SONAL. —Mr. J. R. Grant left, on
Wed iesday- morning last for a trip to
Mani oba. Mr. Grant expects to be
Crone ix weeks or two months. 1
- &VIE OF CARRIAGES. —We direct at-
tentiqn to -the announcement of Mr.
Bramid, of Exeter, in this . issue. An
pease' wishing to purchase 'a stylish and
subst ntial carriage, buggyoe wagon
shoul make it a point to attend this
aucti n sale.
Qtl mals BIRTHDAY. —The people of
Walt n intend celebrating the atiniverk
sexy o her Majesty's birth, by a denionL
stration which is likely to surpass any-
thing ever held in that place before. A
large fund has been raised, and liberal
prizes Wil1 be offered for horse -racing
and. a 1 kinds of athletic sports. The
procee ngs of the day Will commeuc
with ' calithumpian procession. Thos
wishing to pass the day pleasantly
might do well te attend the Walton cele4
• Zuri913.,
• A G eLA DAY:—In no place are' harM-
less sports and amusements entered into
• with nrre zest and good feeling than in
the liv ly and go-ahead village of Zurich.
On occjasions of rejoicing, old and young,
rich a d poor, unite in the pursuit of the
one ec Mll10.11 object, enjoyment. Oa
Morti4aiy, the 25th of May, a grand cele-
bratioi is to take place m commemera-
,, . _
tion cif tier Majesty's birthday. An ex -I
cellent programme of amusements has
been prepared, ancl liberal prizes will be
offerechfor competition. The sports will1
consist' of horse -races, foot -races and
athletio sports. In th.e evening there
will be a display ef• fire -works. Thera
will idso be dancing, "as usual." The
Zurich:Brass Band will be on hand dur-',
ing the day to enliven the proceedings
with laic. If the weather prove a-
vorabil , a gala day may be anticipate(
CHURCH SERVICES. —We have been re-
quested -to state that from this. date,.
service tli will be held regularly every
Sunday in Duff's Church, McKillop, at
11 &clock A. M.,. by Rev. Mr. Thomson.
Mr. Thomson will also preach in thei
Ternper)ance Hall, Winthrop, every Sun-
day afternoon at half -past 2 o'clock. •
ACCINT.--OHne day last week, . as
Allx. McDpgaii, of Friarton Brae,
was hit hing a span Of horses to to a seed
drill, the animals became frightened, and
ran off. While endeavoring to stop them;
Mr. McLagau was thrown down amd
had his houlcler dislocated.
ACCIDENT. —A painful accident occur-
red at Blyth, on Monday afternoon last.
A Mr. Walter AlcGowan . ancl three of
his children were corning to Blyth, when
about a quarter of a mile from -the village
the tonghe of the wagon dropped, and
Mr. McGowan was thrown out,. and had
his collar -bone and one rib broken. The
children escaped with slight injuries.
I (4240TE-tit ACCOUNT.]
--Mr. Walter MeGowan, of East Wa-
wanosh, ii avina broken the tongue of his
wagon on, Monday, May 11, was coming
to Blyth in the evening to get it repaired,
having it tied with a strap, which loos-
ened. and .the tongue fell down an.d
stuck in the ground, lifting the wagon up
in the airi and throwing Mr. McGowan
and his s n and two daughters out. Mr:
cGoai got his collar bone broken and
one rib de , checl from the spine, causing a
rupture of the lung, together with a se-
vere. bruise on the head. One of the
'daughters was slightly wounded on the
'head, the rest of the party escaped un-
Gosii.EN—LurnovEmENTs.---Tri Goshen
people ire improving their farms very
rapicilv'indeecl.--Mr. Speiran has just '
finished a 'very nice frame house with
kitchen, hec whichas quite an im-
posing appearance ; he also has a fine
young orchard doing well and likely to do
well.—A few days ago Mr. Young had
a large frame barn erected, framed. be7
Mr. A. Hunter. --Mr. Oliver is going to
build a house durin,g the summer which
will make Goehee quite a respectable
looking place. We have a very comfort-
able school houee although it would be
none the worse of • a_ well near by, and
some other improvements. It has been
built over a year. We have also several
saw mills around us which improve the c
the country to a great extent. A church 1
. HOUSE ON" Fati.E.—The house owned b
Mr. L. Ke4nedy, on the Bayfield read
caught fire OD. Sunday morning, from
ing quite b iskly when it was seen by
spark from the chimney, and was burn
some men on the road, who by the appli
cation of a few pails of water, soon put
it out of danger. -
currence ,took place On Sunday after-
noon,- at kr. J. B. Racey's funeral,
whereby Mil. McGarva had his left arm
dislocate,d at the elbow, and his son
about seveniyears of age, his arm broken
below the elbow, the other occupants
escaping without injury. It • appears
that immediately after the hearse had
left the church yard gate with the corpse,
the -line of carriages become somewhat ,
jammed, • causiug the breakage of the
neckyoke of Mr. Re Irwin's carriage,
frightening the horses so that theybrolee
from the. line and ran up against the
fence, throwingout the occupants and
doing the damage above stated.
this last few months, has stricken down
several of oar old residents, and. since
our last issue, two more have been taken
away. The first one, Mr. J. B. Racey,
had been ailing for some time, apparent-
ly as if his physical powers were entire-
ly prostrated, and gradually declined
i till death ensued. A. week .before his
death he -was removed to Tuscarora,
where his mother resided, it being hoped
the change would prove beeeficial, but
he rapidly failed, till Friday last, when
he expired. in iiisforty-sixtb year. Mr:
Racey had been a resident of this village
for about fourteen years, being engaged.
in the mercantile business for the greater
portion of that time: He was an ener-
getic, pushing- man,- generally carrying
to a successful terminatio -n whatever he
undertook. The estineation in which he
was held. by the community may be
gathered from the fact that over sixty
carriages, some of them from quite a dis-
t. . .
.MAY• 15, 1874.
mother of the late 'R. P. D. Browny of Meredith
this village, also of Mils. J. B. Rackey. the evil efl
She had 'been in fe4.1e health for sone courts of j
time, and had recently come to this *lb munity, anc
the change wonlcl
her hopes were vain,
life on the iath
age of 72. 1VIrs.
Lge, believing tha
prove beneficial, but
and she departed th
inst., q.ttheaclvanceU.
Racey has the sympathy of the entire
comun nity in her deep affliction, having
lost a
the sh
have a
on the
has fin
age of
other, brother and husband ii
rt space of three months. We
so to chronicle the death of Mr.
Irving, whol has resided. in this
or nearly tw nty years, carrying
usiness of all mber merchant, and
shed.his cour e . at the advanced
6 years. .
.Colb rne.
—Tn t e early parof the year, W.
Young, Esq., Reev of Colborne and
Warde of the Count , expressed his ale-
termin tion to give $25 for the purchase
of prize to be , distributed at a competi-
tive ex naination of e sea-eral schools
in the ! township. Subsequently the
township Council vo yewtdioAaousn o
.tatn dle ifi elmok, i laetkeehesdste,uoi nfmf2g7, ti 7th. sosheotf
that wi h the 100 pm cent granted- by
the De• artment, ther will be given $100
s to be distributed
Secoad--That no
worth o booke to the
townshi' of Ccilborne,
teacher i held lately it
—To ho d the examm
day of une, the wiz
on Do • inion Day.
more th three pupik from each class
be perm tted to compete. Third—That
• the pupi s be examinedas follews
Form 1 .—Part II. rst Book. Read-
ing, Spe ing, Writing Tables and Men-
• tal Aritl metic.
Forna iI.—Second IReader. Reading,
Spelling,. Writing, Arithmetic and
Geograp y.
Form 1—Reading, Pelling, Writing,
Arithme ic, Grammar .Gedgraphy and
Composi ion.
Form II. —Work t be written on pa-
per, sa •le subjects in Forrn Two,
and, in additiore Sa on Prefixes and
• Form V.—Same su tjects as in Forth.
Three ith the addl., ion of Canadian
• and Briti h History, Natural History and.
Aetricult ral Chemistr
Form ..—Same as in Form Four,
with ad ition of Pk siology, Algebra
and Men uration.
The wi rk in no case shall extend be-,
yond tha prescribed n Programme of
• Studies. Canadian Hi tory to Nage 132,
British story to eucl of Plantagenet
Period, ienitural C emistry to Page
76, Natu 1 History to Page 50, Human
Physiolo, one-third of Cutler, and
Latin Ro ts in Fourth nd Fifth Forms
to Page 76, inclusiv . Fourth—That
printed p pers be distr buted to, Third,
Fourth aid Fifth Fort s. Fifth—That
the thank of the teac ers be tendered
to Wm. oung, Esq., add the township
Council o Colborne.
In -our
bate on A
Riding of
we inaclve
remarks o
We now g
the report
Mr. Far
County- of
body did.
done evron
wrong too.
effect that
er a right
circle. H
tion of rep
been brou
the North
ceived by
able gentl
stake his r
ematen ded
ty ought n
We should
with our h
was not su
good if t
(great laug
ing the Co
man expec
this towns
him in agat
be a disgra
this little t
orable gent
was sport t
as it was w
• i
ng case wa
Samuel 1VIu
Y was an acti
, who is a fa
a borne, to re
fendant, w
his daught
Janet Murr
ness box wi
deposed tha
the Towns•
father had
20 years; I
lath of Janu
ant,land hay
for four year
me to a pa
months after
Church int'
T.1 -
that; ; he wa.
addresses to
he had impro
result of whi
born on the
was then liv
fendant was
child was bot
the child was
came to my
whole of our f
Farrow's Speech..
arliamentary report of the de-
. Cameron's ill to annex the
•f Tockersth th to the South
Huron, publi Lied last week,
tently ornitt d to notice the
the member or North Huron,
vd them as t cv appeared in
• f the Ottaw
ow knew as uch about the
Huron as al ost any other
lie said bee. use others had
, it was not tur duty to do
He had. sho vn plans to the
he present 0 unty was neith-
angle, nor a triangle, nor a
was glad tha the great ques-
esentation by population had
ht np. The , Centre Ridin
2,791, the So ith 21,512 au
ad not been de-,
of the honor -
as prepared to
1,862: He 1
e caricature
man, aud
putation on tie matter. Ile
hat the divisi n of the Coun-
t to take plage at this time.
not be like the Ishmaelites
nds against very oxie. He
e that it wo ld do us much
O member f r Tuckersmith pia
ter,) would succeed in divid- -th
nty. The h norable gentle- rai
d to be uns ated, and then in -
p of Tuckers ith would put th1.
d reported. -
---The Govetnment 'announced a day
dressed • th'e jury briefly on
of bringing such suits into
!like and !before the coin -
,was olloWed by Mr. Sin-
clair, who sC.Vere y stigmatised the con-
duct of the defendant and the two
ruffians who. had. unblushingly gloried
in their shan
demnecl th
nesses, and
terms befitt"
rendered a
$850 damag
'.g th
is Lordship also con-
duction of such wit.
ked the defendant in
occasion. The jury
t for the plaintiff and
Bus Fires.
Fires are agin m the woods in many
parts of Mic .igan Reports from Mus-
kegan state -that res have reached witlf-
in a mile aarcl4a ha of the city, with the
wind blowille alin st a gale towards it,
and unless the wit d abates the city will
be in immense da ger. ! Heavy fires are
reported near, Gr, nd Haven, and along
the line of the ' D troit and Milwaukee
Railway yetW;cen onia iand Grand Ha- AT
v en. Fires On- the Flint and Pere Mar-
quette Railway h ve cut off all com-
munication north f Everts, 'and. on the
Jackson, I.anSing nal Sa,ginaw Railway
north of Areona, ' -large quantities of
valuable lumlier .h ve been already de-
stroyed. U ess ramn falls soon the fear-
ful ecenes of 871 ill be repeated.
_ A. late despatch . from the burning
New Lace Capes
woods says he ind has lulled, and
Muskegon is keisidered out of danger.
-Extensive fires , have; raged in the
woods, in thei towiis of RVIarilla and 'El -
ma, Erie County, New York State, and
the .adjoining: town . of Bennington
Wyoming Co en ty. Whole acres of wood-
land have been 'swept ,over and. left
blackened and desolate. Four farm
houses have been destroyed, several
barns and 400 Or 5 cords of wood.
• On Saturd.aiy.the itown of Marilla nar-
rowly escaped destraction. Rain is great-
ly needed, the droll h being unprecedent-
In the. vicinity of Saginaw Bay fires
ed for this season.
have destroyed lerge tracts of timber,
and are threatennal several towns and
, ,
-villages. I ‘_'
'Inlay City: has been *threatened. for .- AT '
two days and nightS..
Heavy firei are also sweeping the pine
Woods on the Upperi Mississppi.
At Ridaewhae I wa, the fire burned
all the stores and c .ellings but one in
'the town. T e loss is about $100,000.
Twenty res deuces, 12 barns and sev-
eral' piles of luinber at Oshkosh were
burned; loss, $50,000.
logs were buri ed ; loss, $20,000.
Kennedy's an -mi near Clare, Mich-
igan, four dw Rings ncl a million feet of
The latest ews from the forest fires
in Michigan is more ncouraging; alight
rain has been failingat Muskegon and
Grand Haven and he fires in that vi-
cinity and. along th line of the Detroit
and Milwau.ke Railitoa.d. are entirely ex-
tinguished. Light fires are reported
along the line of the Flint and Pere Mar-
quette Railroad:, north of Saginaw, but
no danger is apprehended., except at
Clare, where heavy fires are raging.
Fires are s
the Detroit a d Bay City Railroad, but 1
raging along, the line of NEW LACE SITANIVLS
less violent. Theifir es on the Jackson, 4
Lansing and S ginaw Railroad, north of
the Saginaw, re not extensive, and the
lose' in that -einitV is not very heavy. ' AT
For fifteen les north of Wenona, on
the Jackson, ansingi and Saginaw Rail-
road, the fire has burned out several
hundred feet of thel track, completely
blocked the roed with fallen trees, and HOFFMAN BROTHERS'.
destroyed a nil]ion feet of lumber.
Heavy fires are reperted_ in a lumber
camp, eonsis rig -of tents, harness,
sleighs, and ho ses and outbuildings be-
ing completele destroyed, -the men. hay- NEW LACE POINTS
ing barely esc, red. The destruction of
timber in. this e.ction is 'greater than in
1871. The fires in Isabella County are
quite extensive, and much Valuable tina-
ber is being destroyed-. A tire on Satur-
day, near Hare Hill, on the Lake Huron
shore, i$ reported to have destroyed a
large quantity of Jogs. . Fires in the
neighborhood of Flint and along the line H
of the Port Huron and Lake Michigan
Railroad are reported, and in manv
ces farmers ha,ve been fighting fire for
e past two days. In some localities
n is no -w falling, and indications are
favor of quite ale. extensive rain
oughout the State. I No loss of life is
Casslmere Mantles
. (Cries of (Tier.) It woul
e even on thi Mime to le
ing pass. ( aughter.) Hon-
emen might ugh, but what
them might e death to us,
tie the frogs.
ray vs. John McEwen --Thi
vs. MoEwE —The follow
tried at the London Assize
n brought by the plaintiff
er in the t wnship of Us-
or two ago tha
twenty cent sil
as fast as the
banks. It is t
cees will go on
though it is ha
in the shape of
s: yet the twenty
8, a nuisance as g
over damages from the de-
• resides in t re township of
oe the loss of the services of
, Janet Mur ay, caused •by
he first wit ess called Was
y, who appea ea in the wit -
1 a child in h r aims. She
she lived wit her father in
of Vsborne, and that her
sided there f r upwards of
as 18 years
ry last; kno
• been acquai
; one night
y; I met h
rards at the Presbyterian
borne, and fr quently after
courting me, and paid his
• e with a vie to marriage;
er connectim with me, the
h was a ch id, who was
28th of Feb ary last ; I
g at my fath r's ; the de -
way from ho e when the
; I did not ee him after
born; previo s to that he
father's ho se, and the
mily were th re; this was
n the 26th of !December las ; when ask -
by my father to marry me, he said
he did not dIisown. me or t • e child, and
e knew the child was his ;' he pretend -
he had no eilace to take e to ; that
as the last time I saw him he has not
arried me si ce ; I never had connec-
fence Mr. W. R. Me edi h, Who ap-
on with any ne else; thin the defend -
5 is over thiry years of a e. For the
ared on behalf of Mr. L. NI. Clench,
llerl James Hill, a nep ew of the de-
ndant, who deposed that e had irn-
oper cormectiton with Jane
veral occasions during 187
seph Hawkey, of Fullar n, testified
at he had improper int acy with
net Murray in 1871 and 18''2, and had
id James Hill about it. It ay be re-
arked that the witnesses or the de-
. -.
nce gave theirt evidence wit oonsider-
le reluctan.ce,land the gene al opinion
emed to be t It they had been brought
urposely by t e defendant ito damage
e young woman's character. Mr.
• ed
f age on the
the defend -
ted with him
e went with
m again two
° se
1 th
tance, followed. him to the grave. He m
leaves a wife and. six children to mourn fe
his loss. ab
—Another death that we have to re- se
ord is that ot Mrs. Brown, relict of the D
ate Robert Pitt Brown, of Salcfleet, th
Murray on
and 1873.
it wonld withdraw the
Or coins from circulation,
.were .presented at the.
be hoped that the pro-
s rapidly es possible, for
d to pronounce anything
good iiibb:ey a nuisance,
cent piOces 0,re - ,as much
od Money can well be.
Hotel, at 2 o'c
21st of MAY, that
Street, opposite th
smith, at present o
containing 4 bedro
chen, pantry, and g
hard water (never 1
pumps; a good
splendid vegetable
front. This house
cessable to the bus
affords a rare opp
that may ere long
town. Terms —
suit purchaser fo
incumbrance. The 1
between and 5P.il
ply to J. S.PORTE
or to
335 F.PA
will sell by Auction at PowelPs
ock M.1, on THURSDAY, the
omfortable cottage on High
Residende of Rev. Mr. Gold-
cupied by Mr. O. C. Willson,
ins, park*, dining room, kit-
od cellar; there is also good
-Ring), soft water cistern, with
rick dairy' and ash house, a
garden, also flower garden in pleasantly situated, very ac -
ass, part of the town, and
rtunity to acquire property
eeome a business part of the
850 down, and time to
ha1anee.1 Title perfect. No
roperty inlay be viewed any - day
For fulther particulars ap-
, or J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer,
TRIDGE, Galt, Proprietor.
THERE will be so. d by Public Atiction at Rnox's
-1- Hotel, in the Village of SEAFORTH, on
FRIDAY, MAY 22nd, 1874, .
At 2 o'clock P.111., the following lands and prem-
ises, pursuant to a Power ol sale centairfed ill an
Indenture of Mortg ige, which lw11 be produced at
time Of sale: The u est half of iLot No. 8, in the
7th Concession of the TownShip of Hullett, in -
the County of Huron, containing 50 acres, more
or less. The above 0 a very 1v&nb1c property,
and is aituated ittI a good section or country.
For further particulars apply to
LEYS & MATURRIOR, Vendor's Solicitors,
834-8 Chnr h Street, Torosto.
A NEW BRICK YARD has been started within
the limits Of Seidl:nth. First-class WATER
13RIC1C are now being manufadtured and will be
ready_ for delivery I); the middle 'of June. Price
$0 7o per 1,000 delivered any place in Seafortb,
•,=•,(i at the yanL
THE following farin to rent presents a rareehance
-I- for a working rnan : The farm consists of 80
acres, and is lot 33, Con, 14, I�Kilop, 11 miles
from Seaforth, there is a large quantity of lying
timber on the lot, at which the lessee could find
employment the greater pu.rt of the year in cutting,
while at the same time he could raise crops enough
to keep his family, the owner being desirous to
make sn.eh an rurangement. This is a splendid
chance for an industrious man who wants to get a
start. Particulars may be obtained on application
on the premises, or by letter to
3132*4 PATRICK RYAN, Walton.
New 'Silk Umbrellas
i\.a 1 D i 1-1\i- p, -sr
• SEVENW 11 VEAL 1-{4
N. 3371
'Ate 6$ft4t
onExt, for -cash or to 1
.) nOxborotigh, Townsbi
en the premises ;st
possession adven iminedi
ticalars apply to R013E1
practises, or to B. EDEN,'
1911to BING composed of Le
ship of Tuckersraitli
excellent land, upon 1whi-4
barn, 38x60 anti Abu
terms, which are ,ensy,uxi
ply to gr. J A NIFIS DAVI
said Township, or to the
WICK, Sr., St. George P.,
STEAM SAW 31111.1.
'RE L'5ie Lot 34, Con.
• acres, all cleared, iti
two good orebards in fill
ing springs which supply
Con. 2, calataining 48 iterti
is situated 6 utiles troll
gravel road therete. For,
on. the premises. If br
SON, Constance P. 0., Et
rolt SO)
7fi3 Olt S.- LE, a good Fa
-3:half of lot 15 and. the
12, McEillop,eontaining
well fenced, and in giaoti
timbered with hatalweDi
and new log barn; goo -
miles and s, alf from a an
from the village 1Seale:
sawmills within 3N miles ;
schools and. stores. For
proprietor on the prenr,
Winthrop F. -0.
Tx the Village of WAL1
particulars apply to
.woon Pi
1\)11 SALE, equantitY
J.: -cord or in bulk, also -01
bulk. Apply at the Ilur
Wagons, suitable to
the Huron Carriage Wo
undersigned until
erection v.! a Grist mid. I
Con. 10, MolLillop, aajoiti
and specifications tan '
The lowest or any ten&
nlitaC$6 SatiNfit.et<01-.
VOTICE is hereby gh
"4' heretofore subsistii
signed, as Millers, in, -el
ni the County of Huronj
has been this ilay diesel
All -debts owing to the si
paid to ADAM SMITH,
!, all claims against the ra
preiented to the said Al
the same -will be settled.'
mitea at Berne tbis
Awe of Mee; A- D. 1 4._
4 Lot No. 20, ton.
Hotel, on the:Gravel Bo
POCKET -BOOK, .0outil
$10 bilis, 1:1_1s0 six pro
favor Of the undersigna
finder of the above will
upon leaving it at the ,
the reSid.ence of the ow
-cautioned against pure
notes of hand &aim
-due me except -those
'AT0UL)3 beg leave •
toiners for their
-him sinee eommeneing
-TYR •.Z.Z731-
He would also inform
attention shall be paid
past, alia all orders s
promptly attended tO.
has made Arra
Wbicbw5J bo.in.
-1-4' called for en May
Anderson, john
Aron, James
Bell, joaeph
Bryans, Edward.
Brownlee, Robert
Barrett a Hill
Blackend, N.
Burk, John •
Cameron, John
Clarke, M. L.
Clarke, George
Clarke, Miss Eliza
Crawford, Mrs. Mut
Calle3i3 Mrs
ChishObn, Miss
Dean, Mrs. Barbara'
Douglas, James H.
Dobson, S•rro es
Dunbar, James
Fors, W. J. B.
Gibson, Daniel
Getz, James
Hayman, M.
Hill, W. P.
Heeginva John
Jamieson, Miss Dev
juole, Z. G.
joor, A. A.
Kerr, Mies Hellen
Ray, D.
Renezer, J. D.
Little; Miss Jessie
Lenok, Joseph
Lawson, Joseph
Logan, David
MeMurray, J.