HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-15, Page 8et' not. txp6ito. DIST_ ICT ¥ATTRS. i SieRINS-1 •ZOODS.—BEA'ITY & 1.3o. have now received nd ma.rkecl off a,b or lo: prices the best and mot seleet stook ofk Dry G oils, Gro- ceries, Boots Shnes,Ready-znade Olot ing, Hgts; Caps, &c., th'y have ever received, andchallenge comparison o quality and prices of t cue goods, notwithstainV / g the enormous amoun of puffing _continually do no. Every person shou1L call arid see their stoe of Dress Goods, Plain and Figure& Lustrea, PH ts,, Shawls,. Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Englis and Canadian Tweeds, 'Cludlies, Linen, Tasso ., striiied and plain, Cotton, TWeeds, Derrys,IMenWhite and Colored Shirts, Brown o llollands. 8-4 Sheetings,,Tickings, Lybster Mills Cottons, Cott.n Yarn,l_telt Their stock of Tweeds and Coatings are also very heavy, and their Order • Department, eing mid* tile control of Mr. Gan - Kiss for amp st four ye .strs, is sufficient guarantee that nothing ut a first,.ie lass lit will be tinned out. I They h webeen fo' tunate in securing thefie Goods, toget i er with atlarge quantity of Teas, Sugars, Toba coa and IV -ported. Liquors, previous to the advanc ' in. clutiesaconsequently are enabled . ,. to offer goods as cheap as. ever at their old stand, Carmichael's lock, Main Street, Seaforth. • J.S. ROLERTs, Druggist, opposite the Ma-nsion Heti', keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Pure Drus and Chsinicals, Genuine Patent Medicines, Tr saes, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti- cles and Fa ey Goods, Perfumery, Sponges, Brushes, Com s, which will be aold at -very .low pricee. reeeetetions ens up 'ith great care, and wai anted tA the purest article juse RE 'EtvE)), fresh, at 013Farrt' Drug Store, oi pasite. the Mansion Hotlel, &nap- son!s Spice an 1 Yorksbire Cattle Feeder. ORS -Keep them in goocl for spring work, by using Lums- n Powders, the best in thb market. y R. LUMSDElsr, Druggist) Seaforth. HORSES, health and fi MEN'S Conditi Prepared only • CHEAP Stone Batter serve Jars wit largest stock Grocery. A LARGE said double, Pitch's, Cu tte -ers, Elastic Sheeting, Nu LUMSDEN'S C IDE. —Stone Creamlerociss, CroCks, Stone Churns, S one Pre - Corks, Flat Milk Pans, c. The n town and eheapost at ALLEN'S • EARTHEN Ike., the best ASK FOR tive Bitters, Appetite, &c. Assortment of Trasse , single the most approved re e, also 's aud.Pierce's Abdominal upport":. ocktian•a, Knee Caps, incliaj Rubber sing Bottles, Enemas., & . at R. met Drug Store, Seaforth, ARE Milk °Cocks, Pans, ade in Canada, at Hroxsoles. ICKSON 's Tonic Fand Altera - r Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of OPPOSITI N IS THE LIFE OF TRADE.— WALTIM SCOTT intends opening a Vartature Wareroom in 1is Premises opposite. the Market where he will lje preparedlo furnish all kinds of• houseIurnitur , either wholesale or retail, at the very lowest pri es. • ARRIVED RieKsoer's Stoneware has arrived. Call nd: see it. CORN.—J sst.arrived at TRoeias LEE'S Flour and See •Store, Seaforth., one car load of • Choice Seed Cern, tor sale inlarge or small quan- titiep. NEW SuSCR•TiERS.—T e. ExPosrrolt will be-suppliec to new subscribers from now till Jan 1,4875, for 87i cents. • FRANK P kLTRADGE offees his HOUSE and LOT, on -gb..-Street, for ale by Auction. Seo Advertise lent, . • THE INT RNATIONAL SALT COMPANY. —The forme 1 opening of the Internation- al Salt Coilj any's works at Goderich, Mill take pl peen MondaY, May 25. CORDWOO BURED.--.--•AbOut 100 cords of wood, bel 'seeing to the Grand Trunk Railway; w s - burned, about five miles east of Sego th on the track, on Monday night last. t is thought the -wood was set on, fire b a spark from an .engine. FOR THE .1,AcEs.—We learn that -two well known thoroughbred horses, "El- mira" and "Tassie," owned . by. Mr. John Peters, of Loudon, are being train- ed by Mr.. : Birrell' fon the Seaforth races, on. ti e- 25th. "Lady Defferin " will have to ook out for her laurels, . . - L A.1/0 ER P . ENIS,ES. —On aceount"of.the constantly Lncreasiug,' business at the Seaford' age cy of the Royal Canadian Bank; the p •eserit bank premises have become too small. We learn that the ' Bank ati.thol ities have sem-roll more ppm- moclious qua tem for this ageney, ie the _ the new brie building to be erected by Messrs. Elli- tt and Armitage, . BU1TER Itioicatas. — Mr. Samuel Trott, of th s village, is now busily en- gaged in th. manufacture of machine - turned butte' packages. Mr. Trott has all the neces ary machinery for the manu- facture of tir best and met approved style of pac age, and, as the whole work is done by0# achinery, he can afford to sell them a as advantageous rates , as any manufacturer in the country. .His works are c,ei liable of turning out about 200 per day. • :BASE BALL —On the Queen's Birthday the 'Star Cub; of this town, go to _ Guelph, to lay the Maple Leaf Club, the champio is of the Dominion. The Stars play with several, new men this season, who hcnild add considerably to the strength f the nine. It is expected. they will gir a good account of them- selves in the mated:ups they may be en- gaged in. T e following players com- pote the nine who will go to Guelph on the 25tb. : arab; pitcher and captain; W. Paulin, atcher, ; kt Lattimer, lst base; D. sidle, 2d base; H. W. Meyer, 3(1 base ; Henry Cameron, s. s.; ,T. McMurray, right field ; D. Hogan, centre field; FITughCamerou, left field. • PERSONAL. — Rev. Charles Lavell preached_ in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, LucknOw, on Sunday evening last. —We notice that Mr: Campbell, • for- merly of the Royal Canadian Bank of 11, this village ut lately manager of the Woodstock ' a. enc.y, has been removed to Stratford and)has assilmed the naana,ge- ment of the agency _hi that town. —We regret to learn thal Mr. A. G. 111cDouga1l has been suffering from so severe an att. ck of illness as to be con- fined to bed f r several days past. —Mr. D. 1 . Hay, of Listowel, who was appoint& emigration agene in Scot- land by the hitario G-ossernment, scene months ago, i , we notice, hard at work. He is now en‘ aged in delivering lectures and dissemin ing information respectingi this country among his fellow country menat home; and. we are confident tha,f the best resul s will.follow his labors. Of a lecture delivered in. his native town, Gla- mis, the Dundee (leerier and Argus re- raarks: "Mr. D. D. Hay, emigration agent for the Provi ce of Ontario, mid who is i just nove on , tonr through Scotland, delivered, an a, le and graphic address in the schoolroom ,:on Wednesday evening on the superior. a.dVautages which the the Province o Ontario offers to the en- terprising end ra,nts of different classes, but more espec lly to those engaged , in agricultural pursuits. The room was e crowded by a highly respectable andi- ence, alnong ur m the agricultural ele. ment if not predominant, was very well represented. Mr. Hay, who has been very successful in the land Of his adop-- tion, is a native of the parish of GlaJnis, having been born at Cossans, • from whence he emigrated, some 30 years ago. At the conclusion a vote of thanks was ae4,kded to Mr. Ray for his able address, to efhich he suitably returned thanks." . • PROSPERITY OF SEAPORTS. —Never have the prospects of Seaforth looked so bright as at the present time. The pop- ulation. is rapidly increasing, our mer- chants and business men are extending their facilities, and our mills and manu- factories are gaining in strength and im- portance daily. Within the past three months numerous real-estate sales have taken Place at largely advanced prices, and b thread if the over o ddings are springing up in every n. During the present season, ecessary labor ,can be procured, e hundred new buildings will be erected. Some of these are already un- der way, and most of the remainder un- der contract. Of this number four, will be large brick blocks for stores, • and the remainder private residences'. But - so great is the demand for residences and buness places that even this large ie - crease will not supply it. Nearly all the stores to be built have already been en- gaged, and many Of the private houses been rented in i.t.IVance. Brussels. O. R. COOPER, Brussels, Agent. for the Ex. rosixon'Newspaper and J';i13 Printing Office.] SHOP LIFTING. —On Saturday evening last, soon after .dark, Mrs. Shnpson, of Simpson's Efotel, found a whole piece of dress goods lying in the driveway, be- tween the hotel and Mr. McLauchlan's store, evidently having been thrown there by some party. On Mondaymorn- ing, upon going around to the dry goods stores, it was found to have belonged to N. M. Livin0,tone, who liad not then missed the piece. It is hoped the guilty party will be discovered and brought to justice. STAVE )FAcToiv.—Mr. Ament has re- ceived neost of the machinery for his stave faCtory, and the millwrights are now at wiark putting it up. - -PERSOIs AL.—Mr. J. R. Grant left on Wednesd morning last for a trip to Manitoba Mr. Grant expects to be gone six ,eek -s or two months. Exeter. SALE o CARRIAGES. —We direct at- tention tc the announcement of Mr. • Braund, o Exeter, in this issue Any person wising to purchase a stylish and substantiall carriage, buggy or wagon should make it a point to attend this auction sale. Walt• on. QUEENS BIRTHDAY. —The people of Walton int ncl celebrating the anniver- sary of her Majesty's birth. by a demon- stration wh ch r is likely to surpass any- thing ever. eld in that place before. •A large fund has been raised, and liberal prizes Will be offered for horse -racing and. all- kinds of- athletic sports. The proceeding a of the day will commence with a calithumpian procession. Those wishing tct pass .the day pleasantly might do N ell te attend the Walton cele- - bration. •, Zurich, • • A GALA AY:—In no place are,harni- less sports nd 'aenusements enterecl into with more est and. good feeling than. in •the lively and go-ahead village of Zurich. On occasice s of rejoicing, old and young, rich and p or, unite in the pursuit of the one -conam n object, enjoyment. On Monday, t e 25th_of iVlay, a grand cele- bration is o take place in commemora- don of her Majesty's birthday. • An ex- cellent .pr gramme of amusements. has been prepa ed, and. liberal prizes will be offerecl for competition. The sports will consist of .horse -races, foot -races and athletie ,sports. lie the evening there will be a display pf• fire -works. There will also le. dancing, "as usual." The Zurich Br ss Band. will be on -hand dur- ing the d aly to enliven the proceedings with rausi . If the weather prove fa- vorable, a (Yale day may be anticipated. , Ulf URC quested t services Sunday 11 o'cloc Mr. Tho Tempera' day after McKillop SERVICES. —We have been re- state that from this date, • ill be held regularly every Duff's Church, McKillop, at A. M., by Rev. Mr., Thomson. son will also preach in the ce Hall, Winthrop, every Sun- oon at half -past 2 o'clock. 11 • Tuckersmith. .. is Still a little distant, but the Wesleyan Methodi4s are going to build one near us, so it will be more convenient to those who choose to go.—Thm has been a very late spring, but notwithstanding a great many farmers have got their crops in, while some are just finishing, and as there has been very little growth as yet the seed sown will have an equal start. :it has been a very good sugar . year, some farmers have made 200 300, and even 400 Pounds of sugar, besides moles - 888. —OLD PIONEER. . A RuNA.wAr.--While Mr. John John- son and hs wife Were riding to church in a, wagon last Sunday, when going along the Twelfth Concession of - Grey, the horses suddenly took fright al an Um- brella before them, and ran off the road, 1 running t1e wagon against a stump and throwing Mr. Johnson out. • One of the wheels passed. -over him, rendering him ' insensible for some time. The horses ran tothe fence, which one of them juMped over, while the other re- mained behind. Mrs. Johnson, dur- ing the runaway was being tosted abeut in 1the wagon; she was hart considerab y and was carried insen- sible t9 au adjoining house when she came to,in a short time. None of the in- juries in ei her ease have proved. serious. Stanley. FATAL ACCIDENT.—We regret to learn that John II3lair, a lad about 14 Years of -age, son ofl Mr. Wm. Blair, Second Con- cession of Stanley, met with an accident on Monday evening last, which resulted in his deata. It seems that the boy was driving along the London Road, about two and a lull miles south of B mcefield, with a team, (halving a seed drill. The boy was walking behind the drill. The horses got riglitened„and, becoming un- manageable, ran away. The boy unfor- tunately became entangled in the lines, and before he could relieve hiniaelf, was drawn off his feet and dragged_ a distance of about half a mile. The horses were ultimately stopped, and the lad- was found to be usensible. Medical aid was immediatelY sent for, but nolevIthstand- ing that all Was done for his relief which medical skill could do, he died in about half an hour. Benet BURNED. —Tn Stanley, on May 6, between the hours of 2 and :.t o'clock in the afternoon, a barn belonging to Mr. Stanhury, Con. 2, Stanley, was burnt to ashes in a very few minutes. The or- igin of the fire is unknown. It was first noticed in a dun hill at one end of 'tbe barn. Mr. Wal ker, the man on the place, first notice. it when he was in the field, about 40 ro is frem the barn, and before he could r ach it, it was enveloped in flames. Mr. V Talker's house was only about seven rods from the barn and it was quite • a job o save it from the de- vouring element, the wind blowing in that directionut through the Assist- ance of the neig bors the house was saved by pouriu water on the roof. They took every a .icle out of the house expecting every mute ittwould be con,. sumed. . The loss not be se great to Mr. Stanbury as t '.ere is $250 insurance. 'There -was nothin in the barn at the time.—Coir. • COURT OF RE VIS ION.—The Cou.icil met as a Court of R vision, at Varna, on the members pres nt ; the Reeve in the Chair. There - es only oue appeal • against the Ass ement Roll. •Hugh Love, 'Sr., Esq., a pealed against the as• sessment of ;John Vorkman, on ot No. 10, 8. B. Mr. D nald McDoug PS as - Monday, May)5, •t 2 o'clock P. 1. Alt sessment was racluced 825; Robert Dennison's asses ment reduce $50. Moved by Dr. Voods, seconced by Mr. Keys, that $ 20 personal p operty • assessed to John j.Workman be struck off the Roll as he ias left this -Los nship, and the land und • which assesSe 1 is the property of ano her party — Carried-. Moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr: Keys, that the by-law now read, as- suming a road all \venue across Lots No. 1.3, 14 and 15, in Ithe Fourth Concessic,n Of this township, e now passed and for- • warcied.to the Cot rity Council for appro- bation—Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods, seconded. by Mr. Keys, that sub ect to memorandum of agreernent made, with Mr. William Turner,. Sr., this Council let a contract for Fitting in a culvert, filhng.,up the grlly on the Sixth and Seventh Conces ion Line, leading to Bityfield river fron Varna The Council adjourned as a C urt of Revision to meet at Drysdale's If tel, on Saturday May 30, at 2 o'clock 1. M., as a Court of Re- vision and for ti e transaction of other general business. - WIL1.4ael PLUNIZETT, „ 61inton. [PROM THE NEW ERA.] - HOUSE ON FIFIE.—The house owned by .1r. L. Kennedf, on the Bayfielcl road, aught fire on Sunday morning, from "a ark from the Olienney, and vies burn - g quite briskltr when it was SE en by me men on the road, who by the a.ppli- don of a few pails of water, soon put it out of dange . ACCIDENT I CLINTON. z --A painful oc- currence ,took place on Sunday after- noon, at Mr. • J. B. •Racey's funeral, whereby Mr. IcGarva had his left arm dislocated. at the elbow, and his son, bout seven y ars of age, his arm broken elaw the el low, the other. occupants caping wit out injury. It: a:years iat immedia ely after the hearse had. ft, the churc yard gate with the Gorpse, e line of c rriage-s become somewhat mmed, eau ing the breakage of the ckyoke of - Mr. R. Irwin's caeriage, ightening t e horses so that they broke oin the lin and. ran up • against the nce, throw" g out the occupant3 and ing the da age above stated. OLD RESID :NTS GONE. —Death, is last few months, has striekefi down veral of oi r old residents, and since r last issu , two m.orehaee been taken , 'ay. The first one, Mr. J. B. Racey, d. been ailing for some time, apparent- asif his p ysical powers were entire - prostrate( , and gradually deelined 1 death sued. A. week before his. ' ads he was removed to Tuscarora, here his mother resided, it being hoped. e change vould prove beneficial, but rapidly f iled, till Friday last, when expired his forty-sixth year. Mr. ce had en a resident of this village about foiirteen. years, being engaged the mercantile business for the greater Aim' of that time. He was an ener- tic, pushing inan, generally carrying a successful. termination whatever he dertook. The estimation. in which he s- held by the community may be thered. • from the fact that over sixty riages, some of them from quite a dis- ce, followed him to the grave. He ' ves a wife and six children to mourn. less. —Another death that we have to re- d is that ot Mrs. Brown, relict of the e Robert Pitt Brown, of Salsfieet, ACCID ..N T. --orie day last 'Week, as Mr. Ale,: McLaga,n, of Friarton Brae, , was hite ing a sparisof horses to to a seed Tv drill, th animals became frightened, and c e., ran off. ' NVhile endeavoring to stop them, sp Mr. M nap. as thrown down aand M had his Shoulder dislocated. so ca Blyth. AccTpENT.—A painful a,ccident occur- red_ at Blythe on Monday afternoon last. A Mr. Walter McGowan and three of his children were coming to 13lyth, when about quarter of a mile frora the village the to gue of the wagon dropped, and a Mr. M Gowan was thrown out, and had b his coller-bone and. one rib broken. The es ti le th j a ne fr f r fe do th se ou ha ass ly ly til de children escaped with slight injuries. • [ANOTHER ACCOUNT.] —TVtr. Walter McGowan, of East Wa- wanoala having broken the tongue of his wagon on Monday, May 11, was coming to Blyth in the evening to get it repaired having it tied with a strap, which loos- ened ild •the tongue fell down and stack n the ground, liftieg the wagon. up and. his son and two daughters out. Mr.. in the air, and throwing, Mr. Mcaosvan McGoivare got his collar bone broken. and one ril detached from the spine, causing a rul-m1 of the lung, together with a se - le vere seruise on the head. One of the (laugh ers was slightly:wounded on the head; he rest of the party escaped un- hurt, . p Grey. GoS'erEN—LeienovemENTs.--Tn Goshen_ th people eere. improving their farms very he rapidly'incleed.—Mr. _H. Speiran has just he finished a very nice frame house With Re.. kitchen attached which has quie an im- for posing appearance ; he also has a fine in young orchard doing well and likely to do ' po well. ---A few days ago Mr. Young had ge 9. large frame barn erected, framed by to Mr. ..0.Hunter.—Mr. Oliver is going to un build a house during the summer which wa .will Make Goshen quite a respectble ga looking place. We have a very comfort, car able school house although it would be tan none the worse of a. well near by, and some other improvements. It has been built er a year. We have also sev-eral saw mills around us which improve the cor the co ntry to a great extent. A church lat lea his - mother o the late R. P. D. Brown, of this villa ve, also of M J. B. Ra.cey. She had , :en in feeble ealth for some time, and had recently ome to this vil- lage, bell ving that the change would prove ben ficial, but her hopes were vain, and she d parted this He on the 11 th inst., at ti e advancecl a e of 71 Mrs. Racey has the sympathy of the entire communit in her deep affliction, having lost a mot en brother inia husband in ' the short space of three months, We have also o chronicle the death of Mr. William I vingwho has resided. in this villade for • early twenty years, carrying on th bus ness of a lumber merchant, and fi has fi ishe lehis course at the advanced age o 76 3 ears. 1 Colborde, To VNSII p COMPETITIVE EXAilINAITON. —Tn the early part of the year, W. Young, Eq., Reeve at Colborne a,nd 'Warden of the County, expressed his ele- fermi atio to give $25 for the purchase of prizes te be distributeci at a competi- tive eXami ation of the several schools in the to • nship. Su usequcutly the township 1 ouncil voted as like sum, so that with he 100 per c nt. granted- 'by the Depart entithere w 1 be given $100 worth of books to the yo ng folks of the township o Colborne, t a meeting, of teachers h lately it w s decided, First —To hold he exaimnatiin on the 27th day of Jurr, the prizes ti be distributed on Dornin on Day. 8. cond—That no more than hree pupils rom each class be permitt:# to compete. This-it—That the pupils ie examined a follows: Form I. I Part II. Fir t Book. Read- ing, Spe T bles and Men- tal Arithm lc. F_orne I. Second Re. er. .Reading, Vriting, Arithmetic and Geography. , Form IL Reading, Sp lling, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and Composition Form III. Work to be written on pa- per, same bjects as .in Form Two, and, in addition, SaxonlPrefixes and Affixes. Form IV. Same subjects as in Form Three, with 1 the addition of Canadian and British History, Natur. lllistory ancl Agricultural Chemistry. _borne , V. --Same as in Form Four, with addition of Physiol 'gy, Algebra and Mensuration. The Werk in no case sha extend be- yond that prescribed in P ogramme of Studies. 1" Canadian Histor to Page 132, British HistorY to end' of Plantagenet Period, Agricilltural Chemis ry to Page 76, Natural History to Pag 50, Human Physiology one-third of 'utier, and Latin Roots in Fourth and' ifth Forms to Page 176, inclusive. ma—That printed papers be distribute I to, Third, Fourth and Fifth Forms. ifth. That the thanks of the teachers e tendered to Wm. Young, Esq., a,nd t e township Council of Colborne. Mt Farrow's. Sp •In our Parliamentary repo bate on Mr. Camerons bill t township of TuckersiLith to Riding of Huron, published we inadvertently omitted to remarks of the member for N We now g ve them as they the reportof the Ottawa Tim : Mr. Farrow knew as much about t County of Huron as almost! any oth body did.He said because others he. done wrong, it was not our duty to do wrong too Ile had shown plans to the effect that the present County was ileitis; nor ugglrlaeet'ai t 3 (eeada- •tre Riding 1,512, and ot been clo- the honor- ar tepte ar r. e d the- Coun- 8 istime. i We should not be like the Istlihmalite n with our hands against every one. o was not Sure that it would do us nand' R good if the member for rJuC1cCrSwitI.i p (great laughter,) would. SUCC ed. in divide t ing the County. The honorable gentle. r n maexpected to be unseate,l, and then i this towuship of Tuckersmith would put t ech. t of the de - annex t e the Sonth last wee notice t rth Heroi. ppeared i er a right angle, nor a tria circle. Be was glad that the tion of tee resentation by po been bro1 ght up. The Ce 'contained 122,791, the South the North 21,862. He had ceived by the caricatures of able gendemau, and was.] stake his reputation on the ir contended, that the division o ty ought not to take place a Meredith addressed. -bhp july briefly on the evil effeets of briiiging such suits into courts of justice, aUd before the com- munity, and Was fo1l,ow6d by Mr. Sin- clair, who severely skmatised the con- . duct of the defendant. and the two ruffians Who had unblushingly gloried in their sharne. His Lordship also con- demned the introdUction of such wit- nesses, ad rebuked the defendant in terms befitting the oecasion. The jury rendered a erdict for the plaintiff a.nd $850 damag s. • Bush Fires. Fires are laging in the woods in many parts of Mi higau. Reports from Mus- keg= state hat firee have reached with: in a mile ax4 a half of the city, with_ the wind blowiii almost la ;gale towards it, and unless the wind bates the City will bin immense danger. ;Heavy fires are reported near Grand Haven, and along the line of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway yetiveen Ionia and Grand Ha - int and Pere Mar - cut off all com- varts, and on the Saginaw Railway rge quantities of been already de- tails soon the fear - be repeated, om the burning 1 has lulled, and. d out of danger. ve . raged, in the 1 I Marilla and El -- York State, and of Bennington, ole acres of wOod- pt ,over and left te. Four farm stroyed, several rdof y the to nllfMlrodioilla. flair - 1 being unprecedent 1 destruct on. Rain is great- drouth nil"; of aghiaw Bay fires racts of timber, eral towns and von. Fires on the F quette Railway ha,v munication north of • Jackson, Lansing an • north of Areona' 1 valuable lumber have stroyed. Unless rain ful scenes of 1871 will A late despatch woods says the win Muskegon is consider Extensive fires h woods, in the towns ma, Erie Connty, Ne the adjoining town Wyoming County.. N land have been sw blackened and desol houses "havebeen d barns and 40 or 500-c Oii Satu.cd rowly escape ly needed, th ed for this se In the vici have_destroy . villages. . edlarge and. are threatening se Imlay City-. has beeili threatened for 1 AT - two days and nights. , Heavy fireti are also sweeping the pine , woods on the Upper MiSsissppe. i At Ridgeway, Iowa, the fire burned 1 he loss is a 'the town. bout $100,000. all the storea and dwellings but one in • HOFF1MAN BROTHERS. . Twenty re idences, 121barns and sev- eral piles of luma ber ' Oshkosh were burned ; loss $50,000 Kennedy's aw-mill ne r Clare, Mich- NEW LACE SCARFS igan, four d lliiags and million feet of logs were b -u ied, laie, ,20,000. The latest news fr re. the forest fires in Michigan i more encouraging; a light rain has bee fallingi at Muskegon and Grand Have a and tie tires in that Id- cinity and al ng the line of the Detroit and Milwauk e Retinae' are entirely ex- tinguished. Light Bret are reported along the lin of th.e Flint and Pere Mar- - HOFF!VIAN BROTHERS'. quette Rae ad, north of Saginaw, but . no danger i apprehended, except at Clare, wher _heavy fires are raging. Fires are still raging along the line of the Detroit a d Bay City Railroad, but less violent. The fuses ott the Jackson, Lansing and., aginaw Railroad, north of the Saginaw, e not extensive, and the loss in that vicinity is not very healty. AT For fifteen nfules north of Wenona, on the Jackson, iansing and. Saginaw Rail- road, the fird has burned out several hundred feet of the track, completely - blocked_ the rad -With fallen trees, and_ destroyed a million feet of lumber. Heavy fires 4re 'reported.. hi a lumber camp, consis -rig of tents, harness, sleighs, and h uses and outbuildings be- ing completel r destroyed, the men hav- ing barely es aped. . The destruction of tiru.ber ini this eection is greater than in 1871, The fil s in Isabella County are quite exteneiv ., and nine]] valnable tim- er is being d stroyed. A', fire on Satur- ay, near Hat Hill, on the Lake Huron hora, is repo ted. to have destroyed a arge quantit of logs. Fires in the eighborhood f Flint and. alrnig the line 1 the Port Heron ancl Lake l5ichigan . ailroad. ares reported, and in many laces farmers' have been -fighting fire for he past two days. In some localities eh" is now falling, and indications are n favor of quite an extensive rain hroughout the State. No loss of life is reported. ' EEW ..-CASSINIERE :CAPE8 - AT HOFOMAN BROTHERS; NEW asslinere IVIanties AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS?. 'Sw Lace Capes AT ,HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. Nil,/ LACE MANTLES AT NEW LACE SHAW LS him in again. (Cries of order.) It Would be a disgrace even on this House to let this little thing pass. (Laughter.) Hon- orable gentlemen might laugh, but what death to us, was sport to them might be as it -was with the froga. Usborne. MURRlAY VS. MoEwEtr.—The follow, • ing case was tried at the Lofridon Assizes:: Samuel urray vs. John cEwen--This was an ction brought by Ithe plaintiff; who is farmer in the to nship of Us. borne, to recover damages rom the de, fend.antt who resides in th township of Blanshard, foe the loss of he services of his danghter, Janet Murry, caused bef seduction. The first witness called wee , Janetiflurray, who appeaied in the wit, nes botc with a child M her arms. She deposed that she lived wti her father in the Totenship of UsborneLjnd that he father had resided there 1�1 upwards o 20 years; I was 18 years of age on th 1.0th 0 January last; knqiw the defend ant, and have been acqua nted with hi for four years; one night he went with me to a party; I met im again two, months afterwards at t e Presbyterian Churcih in Usborne and requently after that ,,e he was courting m , and paid his addreSses to me with a v ew to marriage; he had improper connect on with me, the result of which was a hild, who was born lon the 28t1a of ebruary last; I was then living at my f ther's ; the de- fend4nt was away from ome when the child' was born;' I did n t see him after the child was born • nre, ions to that he camel to my father's 'house, and the ia whol of our farnily wer there; this was on tie 26th of Decernbe last ; when ask- ed by my father to m rry me. he said " heldid not disown mellor the child, and. he knew the .chilcl. was lijis ;" he pretend- ed he had no place to taike me to; that was the last time I sawina '• he has not menial. me since; I n er had connec- tion with anyone else; hink the defend- ant is over thirty years f age. ;For. the ce Mr. W., R. M redith, who ap- d. on behalf of Mr L. M. I Clench, James Hill, a ne thew of the de- nt, who deposed hat he had im- r connection with Janet Murray on 1872 and 1873. illarton, testified intim.acy with id 1872, and had . It may be re- • ses for the de - e with consider - general opinion ad been brought dant to damage ) heracter. Mr- ' d_efe pear e fend' ie f prop seve al occasions durin Joseph Hawkey, of F that he had imprope 3an4 Murray in 1871 told ames Hill about i mar ed that the witn fenc gave their eviden saebelmto be that they eluctance, and th nurpOselyby the defe ilie piing woman's —The Government amiorniced a day or two ago that it would; withdraw the twenty cent silver coins from circulation, as fast as they were presented at the banks. It is to be hoped that the pro- cess will go on as ra id l a's os ibl though it is hard to pronounce anything in the shape of good money a nuisance, yet the twenty cent pieces are as much a nuisance as good moneyl can well be: PRIVATE RESIDENCE 'FOR SALE-' BY AUCTION. R. J. P. BRINE will seldby Auction fit Powell's Hotel, at 2 &Clock P.M., on THURSDAY, the 21st of MAY, that comfortable cottage on High Street, opposite the Residence of Rev. Mr. Gold- smith, at present occupied. by Mr. 0. C. Willson, 'containing 4bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen, pantry, and good cellar; there is also good hand water (never failing), soft water cistern, with pumps '• a good brick dairy' and ash house, a splendid vegetable garden, also flower garden in front. This house is pleasantly situated, very ac- cessable to the brisiness part of the town, and affords a rare opportunity to acquire property that may ere long become a business part of the town. Terms -- $350 down, and time to suit purchaser for balance. Title perfect. No incumbrance. The property may be viewed any day between 8 and 5 P.M. For further particulars ap- ply to X. S.PORTER, or J. P. BRINE,•Auctioneer, or to 335 P. PtLTRIDGE, Galt, Proprietor. _ AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE. THERE win be aold by Public Ruction at Knox' -IL Hotel, in th.: Viillage of SEAFORTH, on FRIDA MAY 221ict 1874, At 2 o'clock P. M., ithe following lands and prem- ises, pursuant to a.poWer of sale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at time <If sale:. The Ivest half of Lot No. 8, in the 7th Concession oil the Township of Ilullett, in the County of Hukon, containing 50 acresonore or less. The,aboi MI a ery valuable property, and is situated es S. go d section of country. For further particiflars ap dy to - • LEYS & MaltliaRIC •' Vendor's •Solicitors, hurch Street, Toronto. _834-3 TO I31.11 A NEW BRICK YARD -4.-t• the limits of Seafo 'BRICE are now being in ready for delivery by the $6 75 per 1,000 delivered $6'at the yard. 38344 DERS. as been started within h. First-class WATER nufactured, and will be iddle of June. Price ny place iii Seafortb, 'HENRY WALLACE. • CIIANCE FOR A tORKING MAN. THE following farin to re t presents a iare chance -2-• for a working man: Phe farm consists of 50 atres, and is lot 881 Con. 14, ?IcKillop, 11 miles from Sesiorth, there is a arge quantity of lying timber on the lot, at whicn the lessee could find employment the greater pi.rt of the year in cutting, while at the same time he could raise crops enough to:keep his family, the owner being desirous to make such an arrangement. This is a splendid chance for an indu trims man who wants to get a start. Particulars nay be obtained on application on the premises, or by letter to 81324 • PATRICK RYAN, Walton. , HOFFMAN BRCITNERS".• NEW LACE POINTS AT H0FFMAA1 BROTHERS". NEyi SUN HATS .AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'. NEW PARASOLS AT • HopFirwiAN BRoTHERs% New i1k Umprellas AT 11/ HOFF AN BROTHERS'. 1 FRESH ...klIRIVALS OF EVERY WEEK AT HOFFM1AN BROTHERS' 'CHEAP CASH STORE, lSEAFORTH. • tllEVIENT 11. NE W1101,,ENO. 332' • .-:.#1410; 65tat MUSE MDL PHEIP for cash or to •" Roxborough, ..rown well on the premises ; a pOssession given imine ticaleas apply to" ROB premises, or to B . EDEN FARM F -QEING tomposed of L ship of Tuekersmit excellent land, upon whi • barn, 38x-60 feet, and als terms, which are tEISVI a /Alto Mr. JAMES DAN • said Township, .or to the WICK, 'Sr., St,. George STEAM SAW MILL -10tEING Lot 34, Con, 7, acres, all cleared, wit two good. orchards in ing springs which suppl- -Con. 9, ctwataining 48 act is situated - miles fro gravel roadthereto. on the premises. If by SON, Constance FARM FOR, S 1"710R SALE; a good F X half of lot 10 ana the" 12, IkKillop, containing. well fenced, and in good" timbered with bardwo and new log barn; go miles and -a half from a from the village of Seal saWmills within 31.iniles ;schools and staresror proprietor on the pre Winthrop P. O. 2804 FOR TN the 'Village of WA StCOP, TOOLS and partieulars apply to 331 -ft: — WOOD VOR SALE, s. quantity cord or in bulk, also balk. Apply at the Hu forth. 839 WAGONS VO1V,SALE CHEAP, Wagons, suitable f the Huron Ca niage W 383 NOTICE TO 0 BALED TENDERS • undersigned until 'erection of a Grist and Con.. 16, McKillop, Rojo' and specifications can The lowest or any tend "mless satisfaetery. 832 DISSOLUTIO NTOTICE is here heretofore subsist signed, as Millers, in in the County of Mir has been this day dis All debts owing to the paid to ADAM swan all claims against the s presented to the said the same will be settle Witness--AtTtAN Dated at Berne -thia day of May, A. D. 187 • POCICET-BOOX TOST, ON SATURD; 4 Lot No. 20, Coe Hotel, on the Gravel It POCKET -BOOK, cont. $10 bills, also six pro favor okthe undersign" finder of the above upon leaving it at the the residence of the oW utioned arm,„ lust r -notes of hand drawn due me except these book. "333 A. 'IXTO%-tLD beg leave tomers for the' him 4inee coramen THE L Ile 'would also inform attention shall be psi eal3t, and all OraerS promptly attended to Building CI71 Re has made arrs GRIST AN Which will be Ji1 w tember. LIST 110pEMAINING -4-"" cailfd for on M. Anderson, John .Aron,-jamts Burns, A. G. Joseph. Bryan, Ed.WATAI - Brownlee, Robert 33arrett & Hill 3312.ekeud, N. Burk, john Cameron, Zobn " Clarke, M. L.: Clarke, -George Clarkeilliss. Eliza -Crawford, Mit. Mut. Cahdll,31rs. Chishohn, Miss Dean, Mrs. Barbara Douglas, James 11. Dobson, James Dmabar„ James X"Orss, W. a. B. Gibson, Daniel Getz, James 1Layman, M. Hill, W. P. Reeginn, John Jamieson, Miss Der Zuole, J. G. joor, A. A. Kerr, Mits Hellen ▪ Kay, D. Kenezer„ X. D. Little; Miss .Tcsit Lenok, aosepb. Lawson, joseph. Logan, David McMurray, J. 686 SANIU Machine Tur Of All orders, either