The Huron Expositor, 1874-05-15, Page 3Thomas' Eclectric Ojj 'EN TIUES ITS WRIGHT IN Goat,. ao OW ANYTHING Or IT ? IF x 0 Tir IT IS wIaB YOU DID. but few preparations 'of inedteene xe withsteted the impartial judgment of le for any great. length of time. One of L'ECOXes" ELECTRIC OIL, pureiy a prepan ;ix oteorae of the best oils that are known, possessing virtues of in, own, Scientific is blow that metlielnee may bc formed of eteediente in certain fixed proportions of owen and producing effect's whien could ;nit frem the use of arty tme of' Wein, or in cambinations. Thus in the ` prepazatio 1 a chemical cinInge takes piece,* termini, Ind which could. not .bY any poesibllity rni any other combination or' proportione ,ente ingredients, or any otheringredients, rely different from anything eVen before Le width proances the most teet oniehing ul hat tug a \liner range of applieatieli inedielim ever before discovet ed. It corte , alcohol or other volatile liqaids, ceose. loses nothipg ley evaporation. Wherever .011 get the benefit of every drop ; whereas ter peeperations nearIv all the alcohol lat 'MIT, yon g,et only the small es which they may coutain. S. N. THOefAS. PittanseN. aoitigitoP LYMAN, Toronto, Out., ati.for the Dominion, --Eneetric—SeIected anlEieotrized. • Seafortle by E. Ilickeon & go -Iola n‘ 1LEDflti. Seatorth, (late of Cafronbrooln) ener for the County Ed Perth. Omen era 6 over Johnson, BrothersHeed:ware Store, eaThit at DR. KING'S office will be at- dav or nielit. 281 .-erEnnenE, M., D., C. M., Physielan. Sure en, etc., Coroner for the County of Timone • Residence, corner of Market awl Hig,h. aext to the Planing Mill. _ ....11PBELL, (Graduate of MORI Univer- ; alontreal) Coroner for thte 00unty of Offiee-.—Next door to Calder Brothers' Weeks, awl opposite McCallnut's :eet, Seaforth, near the Railway Stetion. ;el URGEON,Dentist, az.,seaforth, k-1 Ontario._ Plate .work, latest styles,. neatly executed. U sur- gical operations performed with Le oMptitude. Fees as low as eau be ob- lseAcre. Office hour', from poen aver eIre As G. McDougall's Store, 273 ONS. S., Licentiate and Prize - tit of Cornell University, Ithaca, 'N.Y., and. :0 of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, led permanently ie. 'CUM, where he will be .adv and. -willing to attend to all kinds of , iu all kinds of animals (mm eacepted), rids of weather,. and at ail hours. Res - ad office two- dome east a Cotakee Tem - 319 /UNARY SURGEON.—D, McNAUGHT, begs to announce tO- the inhanitants ot and surroundhig -country that he has arded the diploma of the Oaten° Veterin- qe, and is now prepaxed to treat dieeases e and Cat de and all doinestie enneals. Ele ied an office in connection with his Ixerse- ShODy wherothe, will be found ready to at - calls. Diseases of the feet enecially at- e. Residence, office and shop in the zear ren & ew Store._ AII 'kinds of Vete Medielpes kept constantly on hand. :reasonable. 229 matcmaLt, Veterinary Surgeon, (mem- •of the Ontario VeterineTy Canteen -begs ate that he hag returned to the practice of B.Saieta inSeatforth, and may at all times be el. en the diseases of Horsee, Cattle, &c. ery medieinea constantly on hand. All oteptly attended to. Office, at Mansion ietefoxtle. 273 LEGAL ,LEET, Solicitoe, Winehent, has been ape eted Agent fur the Colouitel Seertrities Cola- l',111.eland, he is also Agent for several pri- eittdists of Toronto, who loan Money at leonable nttes. Iute.rest payable yearly t moderate. ham, Dec. 15, 187I. 213 UGHEY HOLMESTED, Banisters, At neys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and ley, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. re for the R. C.Bank, Setiforth. Agents -for ada. Life Aesurance Compauy, enee.30--,000- to lend at 8 per cent. Farms,. and tote for sale. 53 _ YN & MEYER, Barristers. and Attorneys 'awe Solicitors in Chancery and Ineolveney, facers, Notaries Pub -lie, etc. Un—Sea,- 1 Wroxeter. $n3,000 of Private Funds to t once, at Eight per cent. Inteteet, payable 5a exsox. H. W. r. eranint. SQUIBB, Banieternittoruey fn dance &e., Goderich, Ont. Oflice—over 3. C. ;00.`s Emporium, Market Square. 269 eventtion & Ate -Donald, •STERS, Attorneys, Solicitor"; in Chancery, Brussels,. Out. Office -t -two doors needy of Office. , IteITIER, DANIEL MeDONAtD, Goderich. Wanda. 'S ROTEL, SEAFORTI.1„-- Thomas. N: be,, to state to his old friends and ravelling ttublie, that he he. leased the tely occupied by air. MURRAY, and. known as the DOWNEY 11CeITSE, and receive ae otexatinnance of the petronage ily bestolted upon him during his many -the hotel, busieess. Evere- comfort and nee will be provided for travellers. The Liquors and Cigars. only kept in the Bar. t and reliable hoetier alevaye iu attendance. THOMAS K.NOX, Proprietor_ lVS HOTEL,. SE.A.F011TU.- kS FOSTER bege to inform his old Is and the traveling publie thtet he has is new hotel, adjoining the Post Office where he has the very best accommoda- uan and beast. The best of liquors and the ben THOMAS FOSTER. takir.BRIke FIAlarn; LIVERY AND SA.Lk STABYARS • e—at Murray's Hotel, Sea.forth. Good ed Itrst-elass Couveyancee always on hand. S LIVEItY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. t s and Comfortable Vehicles, alwaya ,- Favorable Arraugeinente Matte with itIl'ravellers. All enters left at Ketor'n be promptly attended to. A141) STABLES it0Or North of _etel,, 'Main Street. THOMAS BELL, Proprieter- E. LUSBY i,ED AUCTIONEER for the County of , r--4#1sit atteratcd in all part, of the Connederemade personally orsent to Seaford' e will be promptly at -tended toe 327 awnet Brodie, e. NMI. LAND ,$-",I•ItYE VOD, Sottfortb. "nites left at the 31aush n House with Mx- ink- will reeeive attentiOn.- les --"Dr. Coltman and Dr. King 1*52 S. L KENNEDY, ION and oitxAmExTAL PAINTER r. Paperhanging also sittendotL to. eheap as by any other good work - hi . ei All orth•rs left with. Mr - ler. iirn at the 1.1‘r.ost-roit Office will itly aLtemled to. 279-26. P.• BR N U rc rioNFER_ for the County of !SU. S4les attended in all parts Of the !All (..rdels left at tin., Exposrron. Office emeittly attuned to, - faciPer day. Agents wanted., Ali i't f workiug t t sex, youvg or old, Make more 111 tht r spare moruents, ,r all the tu atything else: Particulars free. ie. STINSON Co., Portland, Maine. 284 AVOU) QUACKS, pl of early indiscretion, causing nervous ty, prematuan decay, &c., having tried in. Y advertised remedy, has discovered a `eani of self -cute, whieh he will send free .4)w-suffizers. Address, 3. a REEVES, Street, New York. AY .15, 1874. GAIETIES. sick man on George street ",fe fely the circus in hiss complaint, ' on day nigirt--- at least that was hat -avant reported to a caller Tu day ev A stranger who threw a ten -c °liar into the contribution -box: of Sa- vo ah church got trusted for. tive bon- a dollars' worth of goods next d y on the stfength of it. 'he world is full of men -who will • and for blest nt til at of se tra rfnIly " boss a...job% for a della If, a day, when five dollars a da. al work would not be the sli ptation for them: A printer wanted at this offic atoll who can make up the nil er so every man's advertisement as ill be he toff of the eolumn.- No abet printer nef.d apply. A sniall,boy in New -Haven ifl sation for a Short time by q daring a card beariwr the , ake one'," from a lot of °handbi fro t of store to a basket of oran - A performance of educated flea th present time attracting much tio at Berlin, At a. relent exhi on of most aecoMpliShed of t se ts, obeying a sudden impulse na. e, sprang from the table anc re age on the person. of an illus I The exhibitor was in deep tI saa he artatld be mailed unless it be recovered. The lady good nat re ired to mi. adjoining room, and ew minutes' absence, return& flea between her thumb au er. The exhibitor took it e e one look at aaid then, wita embarrassment, said, " Yonr High - swill pardon me, but this is n t the lit flea. - —A contemporary mentions n ar-sighted hen which mistook s Indian meal, ate heartilsr t n laid a nestfld of wooden kno three weeks batched out -a 'set -farniture. " a -A small bey got another boy, hat smaller than .hiniself, clown mad yesterday, ancl got hold ears, nlacing his knee in the e boy'alaack, and asked him in lone farce, just repeating the long speeehes twice without ever having seen the words myskelf, and got through it actually every word." WORKING HIS WAY OUT.—A l'qew :York corresponclent -writes of the late Fitz JameS 0:Prien : " O'Brioif had a penchant fel. moving from lodgings to lodgings, leding his library in pledge for rent until he redeemed it or notified the landlady of his abandonment. Books came to him. freely from ptiblishers, and a ne-w one soon accumulated. He once found hinattelf involved in debt to a number of .small but annoying 'creditors. , Necessity spurned him into action. He laid in a supply of beer and provisions, eL. • bought a coffee-pot and a few cans of preserved ;milk, wrote on. a card "out of LL kind town," nailed up his door, himself in- side, and ;Wrote himself out of debt by poems, 1i:tag-tittle sketches and a play, in two -weeks., ce)ming out of Ws self-inflict- ed ireprisonthent healthy and happy,- to fete the event by a two hundred dollar dinner at Delmonico's, at which. the guests reinained until breakfast next Morning." • THE PA, ...A SURES OF IMAGINATION. —The cynic defined love to be an insane desire to pay smile young woman's board. An old bachelor in Orleans County, Vermont; pondering marriage, set the table in his lonely abode, with plates for' himself and an imaginary wife and five, children. He then sat down to dine, and as often as he helped himself he put the saine • quantity on each, of the other plates, and surveyed the prospect, at the same , tune computing -the cost. He remains a bachelor. ade a ietly -ords Lis in es. is at tten, e f its took rious ir, as truant was *his best pertorme - land could redly after with fore- gerly, th n 1 It. 4. t TM: UNKINDEST OUT.—We recom- mend the following to the Premier's se - hat a rims considefatiou. For such an em- er alley as this he will do well to pro. vide by adding a clause to his Election bill. It is 'a fact that • at the election for Staleybridge in Lancashire a voter drew the image of a, donkey's head on - some. his ballot paper,- opposite the name of on the one of the candidates. When the re- f both turning Lofficer came- ,to examine the all of votes, .he rejeeted this paper, On the a very ground that the Voter had. put some wdust ereof, s, and f par - 1, rsuasive manner if he would -e him mark upon it try which he could be iden- at white alley of - hien? The • in the affirmative. How e • settle thingswhen one goes lieright way !' • . —A coaple recently applied to ersey justice to be marriet techising the, lady the .Justice. hat- she: h.acl a husband living, and had ever been divorce d from _ hi oung man thereupon, deel,arecl t bstaele was- . insarMonntable, ay- re, tified. sy it is •out it a Ne'w 777 . On learned . The at the nd , the remony could not take' pia e. "1± hat ia the trouble," said the would- " just take my litt e pistol nd shoat that nasty husband of mine on hepot." Thin l<Po-win' Dog of Tra kee. He came in from Truekee eadows, yesterday, did this level-headH clog. He rode in by the side of his ne ter on a load of potatoes; He was not dog, not a dog of blue blood, and gree. He was a tall, gaunt, haired, wild-eyed looking brim of unrecorded pedigree. As th carrying man, dog, and potato for it time in front of a ..saloon in street,- one of a, party of half loungers thereabout made som in regard. to the appearance of t when thus snake ye horny -ham sy-headed tiller ,of ye soil: thataia'ta, -party dog, 1 k like me, Oakes no pretensions heaaty—but he's just the knotinest dog that ever wore hat. He's got more instink, that dog has, -an' more They are Dressed Genteelly. pen'tration, iusight into hunian na- tar', jist in that ugly old cabeza o' his They are Dressed. Comfortably than can be found in. the heds a a whole laza fall of yer eddicated to 41111011=7" 777 0 cc 0 cc 0 0 . -• HO A If yo want to see. 'a I of Good call Good Assortment If you want to y Cheap Goods, you will I them at HILL'S. If you wait to 1 get Full Value for your Imoney, spend it at BILL' `. THE OFTEAPEST LOT OF MILLItERY .AND MANTLES IN TOWN. A good asalOrtea 1 ' 0 One door nerth o nt of BOOTS and SHOES., and a Splendid Stock GROCERIES, - At HILL'S Cheap Cash Stor the Post Office, Sealorth. HSVO Elad' c1V3H0 A STANDARD OF FASHION 1 • . May be found in any snit from A. G McDOUGALL'S One Price Establish/men& For Finest Clothing always up to the times. a pretty high de- ' ` - . . , 81-?aggr- THE LATEST NOVELTIES Ie beast , : ' . wagon ' . Are laid on the Counterfast ass as they eome out. s, hatted North C , - . a dozen - , • 'reraark Gentlemen. Clad Here SEEDS! WILSON! & e canine, ed, &ow- ' Fellers, o e' o nateral urn d us t a Have these advantagesomong others: • • They are Dressed in Style. ppodles an' side -W hat I pit for is regd.= human sense ; the darndest clog! Now ef I c from town perfectly sober Wi him to look after the ranch) it do your hearts good to see tha -off what a sense of appredati of me. Fellers, his gorgeous stands aloft ; he skyugles runs on afore inc a serapin' up with his - hind. feet, sendin' a-flyin'; he holds up his head in a cheerful an' manly ton escortin' me forward an' feelin. he'd holed a woodchuck 1 come home full of tangle -leg, ers' delight and. terrantiler that is the darndest sharaede ever saw. He jist takes one ook at me .HATS AND an' he knows it all. Down g ies his tail, he lops his years, hangs his h ad, , squats la the Latest English, American and Canadian his back, an' looking back rt w an' then., Styles: . he slinks off an' crawls under the barn— actually ashamedqo be seen about the that I own him. I tell Sroil, fellers, he's ; , GENTS' FURNISHINGS premises fur fear somebody'll find out the cussedest dog for right lU.t an' out Compleie in the human senat se thever was se a in. these ! , parts, and. Truckee Aledders i pisoud that he war pupped. that 1"—Calif linia Paper. NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. ndogs— el him They are Dressed in Well Made 1IL he's jist rnents. me home n I've left They are Dressed -ould just ments. dog show n he's (rot They are Tressed Economically, Gar- in Well Fitting Gar - tail then bout; he he yearth SEEDS! SEEDS—IF of N6TED A.T YOUNG'S, SEAFOkT 1 JUST liE0EVED A FULL STOCK OF FIELD AND - CARDEN ,SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WARRANTED FRESH ..AND COOD. SWEDE. TURNIPS. Westbury Improved: whieli has taken prizes wherever grown, Carter's Imperiali one of the best varieties grown in this country ; Scinting's In:proved Purple Top, also a good varietfe and ell known; White Duteli Swede, new yariety, Inghly xecoramended. And they s -elect their Clothing from the Fresh - the chips est, Finest axed most eompli ete aesortment n et - an' barks forth, under the management of of voice, - - prouder'n a T at let me • . • heep-herd- juice, and 't dog yer K. Anderson. CAPS FALL, TURNIPS. Mite Globe, Yellow kberdeen, and several other well known varities. 1 I . CARROTS. Whitt' Belgian, White Orehe, Long Orange, Scarlet Intertheniate, and other'. - M/344GOLDS. Long Red and Yellow GIoben-All the above varieties halm been enunha.sed ITO)31 the b st and most reliable Seedanneein the Country, nu& will be sold cheap. Special inducements offeret to Jobbers and peados purer ming large quentittes. . 1 .CROCERIESli LIIQUORS AND PROVISIONS CHEAP AND COOD A Daily enpected—Our Spring Stock of Crockery, which willbe well worthy of Inge (union • WILSON & Behind the Scengs. 60thena the well known aetor and im- A large assortment in personater of Lord 'Dundreary, in an in- ' terview in After-pinner, says : "Does acting tell on me ? Yes, ind ed, i it: does. Until the last. tys I have never , From_ 65e to given myself more than fou t weehs' rest . two ear it a -year. 1 have noticed the wear and tear of my constitution because my lab- -ors are heavier than the pubhe know any- thing about. I will give the work of one day, when there is a matinee!. 1 perhaps MEN'S SHIRTS, Remember the place, 777.. EesOnsserrysiossmillsm.smou.sot-s. -sa•smos rr _ A. G. McD OUGAL L. i have a scenic aroperty re nd phearsal at , 9 o'clock, company reh arSal at 10 o'clock, and this rehearsal 1„ sts until 1 o'clock, 1 have half an honir for lunch ; go On the stage at 2 o'clocll, and act till half -past four ; I dine at five ; from six to seven rest; g s o'clock on the stage again: • the performa.nce is over at ten and a 'half, or a quarter of ieven ; and then I am so weary that fter a light supper I am compelled to o once to lied. In my early clays wbjen a star ac - of buying printed. books, I al3vaeltireincisuteenatcl- tor had to write out his ON 1y written and studied twelve long parts a week, and each of these were seven lengths, making an aggregate of twelve times three hundred and eight lines of - fresh matter per week: This Wa.§. to ar- rive at the mere question of getting the words into my head ; the analyzation.of the character being another thing to 'do afterwards. I have had to study all day when 1 was not ra ehearsinor eating and to go straight home fromtlhe theatre at night and stay up till thre4 and four and five in the morning'I have :been obliged to get up at 8 o'clock tbe same morning, read my parts ever again and go to a re- hearsal at 10 o'clock. .I got my memory 80 well cultivated. that 1 at last would ge4 my wife to read through a • EGG EMPORIUM. USUAL TING. GRAND OPENING MILLINERY AT • 1 ID ' 8 ±\ /I I CD ? IT 1VI ON MONDAY, APRIL 20T RIR. KIDD- would announce to the Ladies of Soolorth and surrounding engaged the services of a FIRST-CLASS. MILLINER, , From one of the most Fashionable Itouses in the Province, to take charge of li - _ met, which comprises all the leading novelties of the season iu i _Hats, Bonnets, Bonnet Materials, _Flowers, Feathers In great -variety and color. Also a, large and elegant aisortineut of . , HAIR 'GOODS, 'Such as Chignons, Braids, CoronetBronds, Switches, &c. All shese goods are n w an , importations from the European and American markets, and have been selected . yin.' i . ti-• An early inspection is solicited, and an orders evill be attended to with p nmpt judgment. ' . in the neatest.style. THOMAS AS K IDD Main Str ot , - , Tbe subscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers (merchants and others) for their liberal by strict integrity and dose attention. to business, JAMES MURPHY, to merit their eonfidence and trade in the future. I patronage during the past seveu years, anii hopes, the winter, he is now prepared to pay the 1 Cheqiiered Store, Main Street, Sealorth ...Pa*. Having greatly enlarged bis premises during • HIGHEST CASH PRICE HARNESS ! HARNESS. ' ,Fuottrhaeny qattntity of good fresh eggs, delivered GO- . EEMPORIUM; TRUNKS, , , COLLARS, INLA Street, Seeforth, - i\\\\\\\f W clean -WHEAT STRAW. LASHES, by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry !BAGS, WHIPS, ! ill\ \ i / VALISES, - D. D. WTLSON. .e 328 SEAFoRTH, March 18, 1874, COMB a BRUSHES &. . , g 7 onntrr that be has 7 7 7 , TH IS POPULAR 'ESTABLISHMENT 3 7 7 7 FOR STYLISH AND CHEAP GOODS. -just Received, ex.. SteneneEr PRUSSIAN, from Glaiigow, it variety of NE* SU MMER Which will be o ALL PROFITS DRY GOODS, ered at prices in suit the time. 4 ANb QUICK RETURNS. All Goods Marked ii Plain igures. .N -o Two Prices. A. G. McDOUQ-ALL. E DUTY ON TEA AND COFFEE. Notwithstanding, the imposition of a heavy Tariff on 3DCQFPEE Lte.IDLAW Oontinnes to Sell at Old Priees. 1? THE BEST 4,.Y"D CHE41-"E,.52' -TEAS AND COFFEES IiY TOW.S, CO TO • L AIDLANV'S, • Net door o the Post Office, Main Street, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE .. Is lililinery Depart- ' . C entl'1)ibbeee `, .1 TE of the latest eae Care and esif, and i done eaforfb. A large quantity of Green Teas, Bionic Teas, Gunpowder Teas and Ja OF EXCELLENT an T QUAILTY AND AT VERY LOW ALSO A FULL STOCK OF General Groceries, 14Vines., Liquoi-s and as, N COLDER PADLOCK. TWO CJ?r IODS TREAL CUT NAILS, Car Load A iE rican Waterlime, GAR LOAD SPA'DES AiY_D- SHOVELS, WO TONS AMERICAN T HINGES, ANNEALED FENCING !WHIR, Oiled and.GalTanized, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS AND LINSEED' OILS. Complete Stock of evvr1jthivl—i721 oler line. . TOV Of all Id MRS-. JOHNSON BROTHERS, .1 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. S 131. TINWARE !,1,URST as, and in endless variety !It. - One night last week, WHITNEY'S, Carmichae s Block, Main street, Seaforth. . OAL Fore, good am cheap, wholesale and retail at Mr. HITNETS % CUSTOM WORK 0 all kinds p °raptly attended to -end neatly ex I cnted. . 398 MRS. INVIIITNEY. . SEA.F RTH PLANING. MILL., 1 1SASH, DOOR AND BLIND; FACTORY '. • i ergo subscriber begs leave to thank his eminent s „ 1-4 customers for the liberal patronage extended o him inee coinnenCiflg business in' Seaforth, aijd trusts that ht4 may be favore'l with a continnan a , Parties int rating to build wonld do well to gi4e i! of the same. Lilian a call, as he will continue to keep on hand large stock 0 all kinds of , , D ' Y PINE -LUMBER, , I S A S II E en PR I C ES.Doom BLINDS 'MOULDINGS , SU NG -LES, LATH,': ETC. )-,' i 1 He feels confident of giving eatiefactIon to thoee iwho may favour hirn with their pannonage, as nolie but first -ants -workmen ere employed. t...' Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. i THE SEAFORTA I j,ITIVIBER YARD. F royisions. The Subscriber 'wishes itunderstood that hie Goods ev111 er ' e . t ! , . Altt;trys Give SaWm/ion or the Money will be rebtrned. John Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE—A LARGE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. TAMES REDMOND has o'pened ont in John tJ Logan's old and. well-known stand it nice stock of Fresh GROCERIES, coMprieing everything whieh should be found itt a first-rate Grocery Store. • FLOUR and FEED on Ilan& Es solicits anall, and will gttarantee satisfac- tion. 319 3. REDMOND. MABEE & M ACDON ALD lotEG to inform the public then they have re- , ji-P moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mer - 1 shall's Mill, They will keep 0onstautly021 bend a good asscirt- 1 ment of AlliL KUCDS OF LUMBER, dressed and 11 undressed.. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES,011 of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, eor Cash. Also, on band any quantity of the best ACT On LIME. Builders and otb.ers will find it to their adv 11- tage to inspeet our stock, and ascertain out pr ces before purehasingelsewhere, as we are in a posi ion Lo offer good luau cements to cash puephasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONA BACON AND HAMS FOR SALEI THE undersigned have on hand itt KIPPEN -1-• about 25 tons of • Superior Smoked Hams and Side Meat, Whieh they will sell by the ton or in smaller quantities 011 reasonable terms. JA:MES & GEORGE PETTY, 300 Kippen P. 0. AT BELFRY & MAY'S3 SEAFORTH. Our IIIINESS we can recommend to any one, as we use only ftrst.elass Leather and mike none but firet-rate Harness. We warrant our Collars not to gall a Horse, and guarantee them 1to give entire satisfaction. Shop Opposite li[anion House, Secy.- orth. • ene. BELFRY & MA , SHROUDS! SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortnient of STIP, OTTI) Which he can furnish cheaper than they got elsewhere. OPENED OUT. i FOSTER'S OLD STPliNIP. .1 4 JAMES WRIGHT 1 , I_TATS opened in the store next the Sea arta lel- Foundry and adjoining Folder's Hotel, a full and complete STOCK OF C.ROCERIES. i• 1 His Sugars Cheap, I And his Spices Strong: i I Call and give them a trial. , 323 JAMES WRIGliTe His Teas are Good, - -nean EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. 0, CARTWRIGHT, L. D. Se Surgeon Dentist •-i• attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Ifotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesdr& of each month e in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Tillers - aye and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are reqnested to call, if at Seeforth and Clinton, on the first (lays of at- • tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who hone bad then. teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office offiee itt Stratford - Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved styles.. Filling none in gold, &c., itt itInsnmer which cannot be surpassed. 237 - JOHN -S. PORTER One-bprse Banker and Exchange Broker. 11:AIN STREET, SEAFO1?,TH. CAPITAL, so,00p,000.ol. This ie no blow, but it fact. lott135:8 Greenbacks and American. Silver at cur- rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes without lather. Remixes money on deposit, and pays 20 per cent. interest —when you get it. Buys _Hides, Sheep Skins, Furs and Wool at the highest All this is done with the above capital, wonder- ful, is it not ? Huta in your wants, wishes fluid expectations, don't be afraid, he won't bust. -32a 4--