The Huron Expositor, 1874-05-15, Page 2L
IMAY �THE HURON, EXPOSITOR9, Taomas' Eclectric oil, tainly ceive,him. more cordially than a way, ai� d the waves of the sea 'wbuld 'T ien, s if in %'nswe -to his question, to see with hi 4 own eyes the_41ing, 8to'hes �LINHTOKES. 8 '- t through the wood ; th I Vhicli h ad- fal frc m heaven. WORITUTS�,;TINFIHIIXHWFII(IjfTnoolD..- heha been received. by 1po bogy." flowtogether over it, and cover it more a ru itlin D0101; W e taken o-ff, and XNOWNYTHIN00FIT? I)'X0T,1T1J; -trees all - beat, groaning, h n 'the seals were 1 1
190 e acha furnedback, with all his and- more, till it wis altogether gone. higt. b oh TIME YOU.MD. were not in A ]ECUNGURIAN STORY. swar. Thre on the other side, are� gr�at dow, d a most t. a�.ible gale swept t be locko .7eed, there was, -e are but few pxeptiation-f,
army d all his bagigage to 'Gros P spec or a straw The of meaicqil, days, hen K theiTthe central post of p aces' - with wonderful towers ' and ii vier the a - eloud- of qny of the try Old -as still 'dein, wh h� op -w I i plain ; !and which have withHtood the impartial ju(lu t of
In the uzuk w . wag k YE ow dust 'ei4eloped all thd ot a true of Ono O . 1ingwatones I yll(
Paeba of Grosiwar4An, the good city Of the Tarki h power in Lower Hungary. churdhest of pale blue And all aroaDd thic the people for. any great Iviigth of til -lie.
ore off his clothes. . " �&11! one of
Badrul Bey Ivas loot used to be l3adrul Boyi t these is Tao>tAs!ELE0TI1XC OIL, IL Debreezin, thi6,fieadparters.of the xv. 0 -these thO sea i,� washing ; and it shakes country. al The� e reez ners, drew a I ng breath 11, begraciouto�njel TheGddof the atioD of Rix ofsbmeof tbebemt7oil 'Ihatli-r6
1-M - , - id f stormr#. H had studied 4n 11ah 11 s J kno agyar race, That after and everybody ollem. ill:las they swi- h d there, af ra each one posHossingOrtues of it.s own. Bclentiilli
ha k Mae! 3"the slint V3 0
is departure, a. a 9.Aon' dis- nia Turk b�e�auie -66_4geid au the Merest pt�iae b 1'(e i i e an Glia's schooll 14U phyAlciaivs know thut niedivill es may be fornied the itt;jglatrate who had shown tkA at I at thev tum. to rullis, and Kuiik P tppearwithiihich'he struck dowuyny in certaill ii.xed,
trifle; and. then he at once iihreAened to all bi ten clws so, plainly., that the the t(�wers and steeples f- 1 down upon Up with your larces be cried to l:? . , n-opol-tidilatoi .
W -r, and prodneing effuct N -hi h rriors. " 'fire and sword,.to aickly. eac d his horsemen. The points of the lances could
destroy the city with Turk, deaten hi-s'll-6treat so qi h other. At last the sla is..One, an 0
We must after 11ying coNhIrd screatnd the Pacha 11 0'er result from the use, of 11I)v 0130 of t r
slaualiter its. men, to dray, its women into 1�ut K, zti Pac4n, had hardly come back all you ep age is the track of t try will'scatter the Storm. P different oninbinations.; Thim in the -' 3 '14
0 1 who (fid not lelieve one Syllable of what -Prolmratiou r
sto-oillage, -to Gr .. s�vardel, when he sent toBadrul crane who is lquietly -flying across frora the iunalvys. � Out on the plain of this oila cheraical ch--tu.-c takn place, form ,
slave its treasure ing
ry,. to U13y po.,
9 e -up had been said:� "geese often kill hounds; compouiulwhicheo, duot"b)
etotheother. A:hl tlierewasanot ercommanderon a-lidtosow ith saItthe placewhere it Bey, chief- of his black cavalry, and one sid mado from any otber on lain., St rie, 4nd these heny-bearte1 women are more The gi, a on the topbf the mdu d were the raight adrosS the prai had stood. gave h" this order of the or any otho, gbt through ifferent fro anytbing Clvr bcfore
The mil -I a nd'%Tiae mag�istrates of -Deb- a match for you." and oatin-ly th To -morrow evening. soon, as it is talking a out all these changes cutting r� the tmiry of pur- outsulte. the- made, -one P�hichproiluces the ino-st.11
Whirlind, the So he 'janged � Bat Iul Bey
erg and.. dark, 4tait with.500 lirsemeut,, nd riaa th reezin proposp.1 to try with priy ,at one is just like the white church in suers th re rode the'mild The lithe a irit wi t�, itill evening. But sultg", and having a xinige of Ippli
presentg to Soot] ike the -bride �f the storm. r oor. here he s incr cation he'the iug�r of this crazy at your quicke"st to- Dioszeg. Whoever Debreezin. There is one just li p em cim e v er b - -covv
y -red. lit Tark. ��But !one day Mein Herr Stafn er in 1&'rosswardein. The roof proudly dances over the whole plain, I pardoned k1l the. ne,groes who came Lb" an ya on
you moet going out or comil-Ig in, 'ask watch -to is no aacohol or othervola tile -eks in theel so I me with hii a ; ft r zhe -rest he cut off tm" Dobosy, the kreat grandsoft of, Michael him wilat is the way to Grossklo. Ride isspliti just the sae,way." t4s\-s bei - to ouds, that all quently loivas nothing byeTuporation. jVhcl�eve;
benefit Of 11170p; Jvhcrea
,o )6 - on yo u g -,lutters free:; while on her deli- 4alf an ea of uacl� and sent thein. to applied %,on got the a
Dob sy, theAmmortal bero of 151N, be tb4 road yourself. with your men. Girlf girls!" cried out , . II h4r hair with otfier pfopayations livrly all thcalcollol�
Keep bit it till mi other, who was at the foot of the hill, cat feet, bidden in the dust, She is twirl.., 1�elgrde. 16
came a magnstrate. dnight. so, but then m. e . 0 Now she bows to e of lostin that -way, andyou act onlythe sninil qu4n.' an break across to a swampy. h1ushinghercliubby.ab.v, "itisn'tgdoil, ing fstal. and faster. tit- of oils which they nia'V' contiftim
d- y He was ani, obstinate an(! fiery nian sta;l he --wom Debreczin all came -n eadwr -where nobodv wit--heraft. 'Twil the right,- and'no the left now home safo, apil sound. - Kuzuk Pacba orr, and whe cha Kuzuk, or some foolish m you. to play with I bri w 'can nk
threatened was glad to Idt alone people who bad And XORTHROP �& T uto, ont.) reason, acrai to attack the As soon- -as you have passed t�he awarrip no blessi g to the house, when. you make stretch es up, fin e by. df grees, and t6sses ; and ,'301cLgents for the Dominion. city, Mein li ar,r Stefan Dobosy sent word and come out oh the npland, you can it out in- the Delibab ; it is bad luck for her proudbead hi aher 3,nd hi( , treated BadruL Bey so nierotlessly �ber. Woe e to -anythi n g mortal o t comes from th at morlient o held thein in great to him -pick what sheep and oxeu you choose aly CA to be coied in the sky. 8 r eartlily tha old in Seafoith by E.. Rickso. Come on, tro,th the flocks aild herds. 8 keep on still with you godless ebatte'r in her way! she shatters iti"i6dep, o:nd honor. to all the w da. Ro Thereupon Pacba Kuzuk fell into a It. A16 F, o o n "'Huslk !" cried sudde ofs, an d till yon come. in Sight of Lot nly all of th6ni scatte rs i, ) co This story M.Written in the re rds of terrible rg and. commandin& his as you see the towers of Leta, cutl down to-etber and then the Words' died away. bay -ricks, and tree3, toi -n up by the roolm I troops to m -o ant, lie set oiA that sam e your guide, and take your wholel party upon the' r lips -, they all looked speell- danoe rt nd and round, like chips -in a- the Council of the noble City of , Debrec- In lws, -wit eyes mazed. whirlp6ol zin. Thou remember that.
night,_ and tl le next morning he stood be- in -to the thick Woods there yourself. w io, rea test, XITNG, Seaforth, (late of reen, a. God still Coroner for the County of Perth- Oilice a fore Deb lives� thal � in His high Heaven DR the woods you will find some. cNirecial- Wht as it that the saw on the sky? After er comes hr.r bridegroom. the ce over Johnson Brothe'llardware Sto ;1d I &m,_ here. y He knows ho to prot&t His! own re
Well, thj --,n, men, or herdsmen ; and you rAust make In the irection of fldbaz, high ov,er Thunder- atorm. He is driviiig his fierce main-st. 'CalIS11tDR. office willbe 1
Now, the city had by no means any- them lead yog through the forest, wAh-'. the sea f', the mirage, there wars the bride bf )re him, with his fire in hand ; And that His Arm is no shorter than it tended to day or night. 287
hing litke at ug out his arms for her and was then.—ON awd NTew, n walls, neither moats nor out showing yourselves till you cotme out imacre of a horseman, which appeared lie is sfratchi ------- L. vu, Rooz, . D., C. X., Physic!
t stood, indeed, on a -at the other end of it above Hadhaz. a denly upon the p.tlQ sky. A hoise. will; draw -bridges jobse her to tb e (I eath. Oi% the 'in, Sur -
I gon, etc., Coroher for the Coint, of Huron.
wide andt ver fertile plain of black soil. Then pat your guides out of the wa man, not to be mistaken, Of coloss'-d ro- love 1 of t] ese spirits f r. each other is SPECI -a-L NOTICES Office ana Residence, wimer of markud and Hit, y p h
Its sole d�f�nbe consisted of twelve and remain in- your portions, 1with a quiver over his Shoulder, SOMOthing terrible. st ' reets, next tothe Planing crumblin 'toers from which the citi- th li �ou 'withapoiited turbanon�.his head COCOA.—GRATE - I 9 stay there day'after day, Oug 41(t I an iiistant. tb*e whirlwind enveloped FpL AND COM FORTIN By athorough zen used- to defend themselves agairlst should stay a week ; but never --come with the r'eius in his. hand, rose in One Bari ul,;B3y's troop in S�-tcb a cloud of DR- CAMP"r"LL, (Gracluatt 01 2" G'11 Uni'ver-
ontre ) Coro -rfor the
These were back -to me.out of the woods ,until you instatit, above tlie".b -nowledge of 1he natural laws which sity, al nc coluity of
the roving bands of tb eives. roWd ocean. Th e sand,*. Qi no"one knewl which was for- Z� . . i I loor'tb 01h1cr Brothers)
pf brick, unplastered, and were roofed see four or fi%ro hund the op ns of digestibit an. Marble Works, nd oppobite ccillula's Hotel
ted baggage-w"agolis -feet of t1ii 1. horse did not touch the. earth orwhich was ba(ki The air was govern
witb reeds. [rhey would have fallen 'to, -coming 11 from Tokaj. The wagons the who was like a light -blue shad6�v nutrition, and by a areful application Of I Main -street, Seaforth, near the rvilway kt&tion. P darL- as:pitch. -Not One �f t1w horsemen
ces at the! of a phantom thrown across th yellow coulil see another tbroilgh the cloud the fine prODerties 0 well-seleeted co,3oa, I pie first shot. Each one -will be crowded full of lovely girLq and of them had been' provided on the baR women : they will have whi(h, wa, i so - thick tha ven he light- Mr. Epps li-as provided our breakfast ta- J. G. BULL, L.DS,, with them some heaven. ft way - of. iotten planks- Jesus Christ,, do not forsake us'!" niner did not shiffe throjh.; only you bles with a delicately avoured beverage with a stai W1111ch money and other, gold ; and� all these Ontario. Plate,
in which m, save us inany heavy doctors' led utp fro ' without,.to a introunding wollhen you will brink to mej' down to cied out- these -poor frig4teued folk,;aS cou% hear theth-un el'. e y styles, neativ eectite. sar-
Pawinc, ii arer wigoden. landi, 6) whibh gave ccess to -the -the smallest b�at. If there should be hey saw -this shadowy phantom pass by, and nearier. bills." ' 6'bfil Gazette. Made fi*gieul operations- perfornieLI Ny, -
-tpl With B th
tower; --and 8 , if ibit stairway had beeva any;men. there, cut them down.also, and —a phantom nbt terrible to us with all, -sin y oilincy 'Wateir or Milk.- care and promptitude. FtIcs its low -its can be b.
aWed Office hours from 8 A. 3L to.5 removed, no ane Who was in the tower leave 'de, bat which they had never Bdrul Bey's horse� trembled under Each acket is & t -
them. Whatever money yun find our scien 31 to,5
P. M. Rooms over Mr. & G. 31cDongdIlpiStort
OO., Hoilli(eopathic Chemists, London." c6lild leave it. divide among yotir soldie/rs. But.*11 the seen or heard oL This form of a war. him. The storm tore off bisturbanfr6m 0
Each of thpse nnepin-shaped towe�s women and little folks you ap to bring rior far away moved across the' heavens hisbead and stripped Illialittle banneret AIANSUFACT URE - OF; COCOA. 'We will ]IL CAXP]3_BLL,'V. S., Licentiate and Prize- ou one t t ' gates of Debreezi Under arge the cloudy ghost of a giant ;. frol his lance.; ces arded be Ito %me at Grosswardein. tna aq I ii�ow give an.ace6untof the �ro a adopt-
respa -nelUniversit and A. man of �Coi in your owLL in the next moment a crowd of new D God ! God of the Hitilgarins lame 3 Ep 0 &Co., - , . 3
but at a. etful -distance, so - that - it ,! what Y zay.1 Your head is ed by Messrs. 8 nian Gtadiiii-te of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto forms pssed'acrosIa the sky—all armed mut ered the ne to, shak-in- his fist el r h rettledpermanctit)yiul�'aim-a,-%vher(-�b6ivillb'e- shoud not be destroyed by an enemy hands take care of it.` I tifacturers of. dietetic articles, at 'th 9 attackinf, the ci ereby keepin the his or(lers and giants. $ome stood restin against their W-0 - a in -ng to attend to .111 kin, t0 . Badrul y understood ab rk the Eu'sto Road, Loildon"— founa ready and Nvilli
9 oye him, at the sty.,:, d of city fro thue inecessity of building -a new, started on The ne-gro chief was a good, horses ovpr the mirror of the deceitf ul Tbou hast, taken 6 part of thine Ca-ssell'-y llousehbld Guide, in all kmds of aninials (mail excepted.),
The I aw the towers, all that I itiah to trust -with. such a business. -He sea of home you could only se 'the own peop� e but thou nat not deliver 'ZrAft6r war, a:nd in temper, oTd.s of weather, and at all- hours. Reld.
011ie. T 'ou .9 iu all k
-pestilence and office two doorA east of Cook -'s Tem -
u thought of was that the roof of each 1 was -a &hifty fellow, who would push heads &,�l Shoulders- but there* were theft� [roll L Me'. lealo the greatest destruc. perance Hall. yo was good for n9thin g but for the stork t8 through swamp or wood through the some whqe on see the Whole body, and As soor as the brav art chief had ut- t�on of h 71 Y -9 uman life, iin'ly, because it is VETERINA-RY SURGEO-N.—D. AIC'NAUGHT,
to build theirnests on; for these harm. wbolo Kingdom without once dismount- these would be fastened to other bodies. tered tbi�- blasphemy, something hard considered by many to be of no couse leps birds stood -till eveuiug upon one leg, V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of
-hence-8ystematically ne ect- S
-ought his Y it wbuld see two shadows sticking to- struck hit i sharp on his s4oulder, so that quence and 91 entortb and surrounding'eountry that he has ing frbin his horse,;, he never bi MCI and chattere for ho*rs'long, as if they troop into qamp without pleat of meat gether, and the heads, and weapons his arm If ell lame from t ie' blow. in the see .1, until A simple, cu table disease, is con- been awarded the diploma of the idniario Teterim. -
protected the urest manner. and drink, and would carry ot: t the - or- stretc in up and down from the- p6int What was it? A gr mt block' of ice verted into a fatal palmonary one.' Ev- aTY College, alid is now preparea to treat (liveases
Paea Ku 1 k had so arranged- his Xr-t* der given him- Without fail, to fhe cut- where thby united. Suddenly all this whi h did not come al(ne; for :after it ery one troubled with what is called a of Cattle and aR domestic nubauis. He
tb has Opened an office in. connection with his horse. rival as to Angis troops before All the ting -down of every peasant -boy that led di8appeted and nothing was left in Heaven, IE t loose all itE thundee-sto-nes, 113 Is
slioht cough or cold, should immediately hoeing shop,'where -he will be fotii(i ye,10T to at- �ce and directed him. -twelve gates at - or d t4e heavens but two broad rays of light eras ina cracking Oick and hard. use " Bryan a Pul tend to cals. Diseases of the feelspeci 11YAt.
against eack � f 'the red brick towers one Now, Kuzuk Pacha iXould shy to the a�d two I in ic Waf they 19
ight-blile strips of ribbotli, upon The in sshapen stones smoshed down ont allay -irritation aVouce, an' t teudedto. Rebideace,,officeandshojiu the rear d exert a mos of r; und cannon, loaaed to -the Debreeziners,- " Where is th oke fiow? t4e cloudy ba�ckground, extending down of tl AU Le sky,—sorne as llig as an egg ; benetiial influence on all the- bronchial of & Ryan's new store' kind` of Tet-
erivary M-edicipes kept constantly -oa ban&
Muzzle, desir' igo speak to the Debrec Have you outwitted me, oi. are you to -the very horizon -e tra -by all othe slij. nsparenb nuts, or more� and pulmonary i na. , SOR
ziners in this '�ashioif. harges reasonable. '229.
cliticklina at me ? You mayl have - to Jesus Christ !, Turks and Tartars on, like 5he.head of Badral Be 'a own Mace, druggi9ts and count- dealeri. Y Price 25 dozen lumps cents per box. Instantly t. :ere came out of the city a laugh on'lh:e other side"of your' mouths, the watell for us." stud led wibb. rikils for . CHURCHILL Veterinary urgeon, (mem- Wh T. ber of the Ontario Yeteri-nar CoRege,) be i -
Greek w-med Paiiajotli, W, o, -altliough a Still,,) t This was the cry of the crowd of won d be frozen together ac that. where- WOOLLY Holms. W- oolly hor natve of Sta?nbo.ul, as, established in Isea are to ilithnatethatbe ling returne(I tthe practice of"
women as they huddled all together, ever the I eavy thing fel 1, it gave a mur- Debreezin; Le was all Old acquaintance not so 'rare 'as many suppose, not such his profession in 'Seafortli auti mayat all timesbe A long line. of coantrywagons is grind- without elp and without counsel, there. dero is . b.ow. The lig)ltning flashed- sulted on the discas , I of Pach reat curiosities either, there are many eo n es of Horses, Cattle tim
a. Ku2,.ik. So, when the city had ing along the highwai from ;Tokaj to in the ' a of the great deseft.. 9 Veterinary medioies constamfly on hand. -All
from one -nd of the 'at, y tq the other; to be found in variou a parts-o.,f the coun- calls promptly attendeci to. O&e, at Slansion
any nice affai to settle, they regularly adhaz.. Iu -- is the caravan from The'lln plain was piled fetlock -
am era clagped their babies in and, as he .White tiy, but we doubt if they -Ouse Solt rth. 278
sent this Ge with the s e to the —500 wagons, one n- their arm IDebreezin behind an rushed with them to the deep Nvitl.'..blocks of i4e, there was will ever prove a Facha as valuable to. tlieiri owners as the ojqe 1E C, i L -1, belie, he would iminedi" other, crowde�l full of women nd gikls ; wa The madens scattered on the gro loud that you would have hibited by -Ba imagine . their- I
9. gone. lin
ately impald' not one man among th t1lou 4h ritum. ; we em, nor a boy ig road even their' beloved Scarfs and their t , was being er ished by the fall owners Well at do the ma&trateg in 'enough to hold, a whip! 'The women earring�,. thinking that, while the robat of the he vens. would consi( r tbem' more -�ala- ? Debreezin Sal ble: without theivoo'l',fet this rough and, X. LERT, Solicitor.. their a: hers stop 41 n ap- were o:wn.-teams-ters. All the #rei ed to collet these, they could Ul�h Karim All, h Ekber c �nt for the Colonial securiticst;om- tJr e
ej 0 t�
I 711eo
% it
tied pointed Ag
Your exe � lency, the tr woolly state of the he ir indicatesthat the nth is, that- folk they had in the party �ad, their be hastening on their flight for they ont t disappointed slave hunters, fly- pany of England, he islso Agent f017 everal pri-
this'Sefan bob( drunken d01 -r- hands bound tight in baby. clothes ; foi- all knew I hat the troop must e watch- ing wil�Uy before the ley. sling-stoues, horse is not in' a- healthy condition— vate Capitalists of Toronto, ho At
When your darne to us, he im- theywe probably bide-bonud, or suffering from very reasonable rates. Interest payable
are only zursing babies. So many .'ing for them. whic i were banging dom/n upon them, medately put� ill the Young girIs, women women and some disease which occasions this unnat- CImyges moderate. So many, girls togetheir, yon Away, away T6 Bossormeny ! with hor from every sid;, and. ural appearance Winghanx, Dec� 1-5,1871.
r d rage, and children �AG,wagons and sent them n such cases use
cad guess what chattering � and crying Haste, haste I We inuattleave the track. whic they had never seen in their i lives away to Tokaj. Then he had the order there wits; nd what queer liotions they aaste Darlev's Condition Powders and Arab- AJ-cCA_UGW,-Y & HOLITE e The struggle,,; of their Horses, i, Hea� STE D, 13nTrh;ters, At �� I Rerale 3) it will pu.r Ana
cried round t e. Town, that whos6ever brought aldrigg, the way with. them. i So the oor army of wom— dy*1 dy the torneys- at'Law, Solicitors in Chancer�yI � 6 �L L V�, mavle t e
had any value: 3le property should tear it . Will Master Dobos drive the Turks fear, turn 1113 blood, correct the a )pc:tit ove all Insolvency, Notaries Public -nil e, rew, a
y aside. from their way. All alarm MO e horrible ; and, if any one i obstructions from. ti,e -lui, " Solicitors for the R. C. gs and liver, to pieces, hew. it' d6wn, or throw A into a"way, from the 'town ? ""Til I he reall' Ithe line of wagons followed at the risk of kept up his 6ourge for an instant, the
y the Canads, Life Assurance. the wells ; an J, as, soon, as the enern frighten them?" Tbatis all they have and give to th( coat -a sleek N. the very lives of the beasts, th � went terrible lightning was to �-) much foi him, and B—A'P0,000 to leuty at 8 per. cent. Farims,
�'i ing appearauce. 'Bay, . it. Houses and Lots for sale. WIS over the prairies, w f )Uld at I here tbae'sre elas no flashing here and crae' there, ----while shoud seize tl e city,, they sh( to talk abo�t, as a'whole week era 58 I Remember the nairte and see that the once set it on Ifire in orty places, by a -ad oq� of that their little hear a Itrack. Nobody Sang any. more ; but pouring- d)wn upon fh church into every to an Attrneys fire into every many a ps�lln came to them %a they rode ice, -as mi'lions of. diem ads and silver- at Law, So)icitrz 7111 d ght �nough, I I cntell you. 'SON &
the of
wer made fri signature of Hurd & o. is on each p -"k- and then that pvery. one Sbould seize his i ' One of" th� wagons w* as full of yo Iage. Northrop & L T ito, 01.1t. P Convoyancers, N otaries Publ un cr land manY, a heart sighed to itself, as' stones, pot bed down out of the heavens., who sang, over and over aggain, a d. Sold by all lorth alul Wroxeter. $23,0001cof Priy4te Funds to had- one); 'girls they looGd back upon the frightful dis- -A-Ilah 'a Allah; thei e is no help bu 'y spe4r or in-outA his hqrse (if he prop-rietors It 'est at once, tit E ight percent.. I erest,paya and then woi, Id he ' Dobosy, tell the old song, �Wbicli you may hear to Itaince, m medicine -dealers. Call ble
an would cry out to Heaven: in him," a cried the pr(destined fXurks I veaxIv. y
0 VaS -day an where between the Theis's God above .1 protect !KEPT ALIVE BY, F LLO 81 Hirpo- from*wii1ch g tethey should rush out; t W lifu us as they ru. �ied here and theire, wherever -iv� C. iou 4 they retreat' from here and Molda : and truly at PHOSP: JTES. from our carsed enemy, as Thou their horse � carried them - Apart riushed that rieverinor - should- aiy of them so' My: ducklin ry dives doiyu. inthe wn ter, ch the] - haod just leja us so wonderfully ; saveL to the' This is to certify t at in the auturrin W R. SQUIER, Barrister, torney in Me fore git whi otnc much as even LL, n his face towards Deb-' F Ail in th(�cctuntry of No Land; k Goderich, Ont. Office—overT. C. thy popr b andmaidons from his puTsuit, ; and there of 1867 1 contrcted se.vere, cold and Debio-rery 69 4
For maium7 clls out,to her,daughter �he ,ht among the & ho�," ein y were cai C 3 2 recai. M i Herr Kuzuk, how could cougli, and -ws seized with pains iii -the - — All the w1ty off to Poland for we-ha;ve, no one but Thee to rest upoD, trunks and'tre a hich vrerelung down L .9 be justified,, sb-quld the e' v avert anoth chest ud b 'Or another o#e wold-sing er part pressed for- Your H I igh . n . es 0 Lord, God of He by the gaje ck. I oUained medical ad- Sultan inquire what has become of the e, b1itL the preserffitions efffeted Mtorneys Solicitors in Chame V113
-grea AndL th-, Lord had indeed another ward, and so plunged ato -the raging
no BARR' r I The &c.,13russels Ot. tomee—,two(i,00n
(At Of lebieezin, which has so. INIere shall I hitle? !;e(l, I tun tied!- miracle in for that day. stream whic,h, the swampy b ook goo( whatever.. cough ke no,, tb of loyal.�Jy pa� �hee� i
Id . pt grow to the.Pdsb oince. wors Ti6d hibud. and foot,-, i As the f - ghtened women looked back In'
had swelle( in half an our a ter e, and other symptoms set in W. .,gQ
f the Imo DANIM 21-cDON.&tD, which has such distinguished from -loud Goderich. fur rte so many taxes, And in irons, to boot.. in nt to moment, the which complicated my case,,ulitil finally 271 U1E. R,
whole sky breaking of these e, who tried advisers, and h, S; so richly f urnished the This song 1was very much in fashion as given I bebbid th n grew black, just where they ip to die li�- to ride thi,dVgb storluomkept all the thr�e physic -e ? Will he, then - God kniows, the goor ho said I was far ad -via' d 0 -army with flon and forag,
I . 1 HuncrariaI'llhad eent4eterribleplintoms. Instead wayin its'path andWe,e hustled and ace in consump- then, be please,� that your Hi right 'froni the bott b se gia4t ghosts which had been beaten b' nd - Ould.not re over. I had been ghness has sung it
11 I c y t for mile§. Wheil it h
to ashes and sowed the-' heart. -1 ad
burned t1ds cit chalsing e4b other, the wholeL horizon L Spe fou rteen mi on n #t 1.1 a 011, Gf is of, th y could not asting a.ce with salt w1liere-it ��od in righte- This time, the. girl sting it all through- between tlie heaven and earth' and- rally more' an 5 . ray itable to per orm, the lightest _1CNOXS HOTELY SMAT011TH.e Thomas nt its f ry, Bdral e u adually w" ]Knox, be-
pl, 0 00 horsemen.
0 of his _s to state to bis oia frienas And
y and the travelling public, that he lins letised t
oas uger, bec',use your water -pipe no th6ir weary w, and their qUivering Service, and fast app oaching the
all- the bire -wood of Hadbag, were' dark -Some twLnty of them were
Mortally end.- Hotel lately occupied by longer drew we 1, and bufned unevenly?" voices flung, it up into the time I had lie heavens so as lnight ih the distn* -A t.LtlliS
ce. , First, the wounded, 11iing here and 5her6 with gap- b eard of Fel- formerly - kn'�wn as the DOWNL;Y EOUSLP, and
Al this -tvleln Aerr Stefan Dobosy had.L higli tha the poor ittle lark..s hardly. mou tains, )f clouds stood shrp aganst -OWS' Compound Syrup' of hopes to a, continuance of the atro, age
1110-WOUDds in their breasts, or with their ho- n.
Hypop p
so liberally bestowed uponhim his many
ein up heads knocked in, or their ribs broken. -)Iiite but sOM6 Of MY fam.ily noticed instratedPria;jotito say; and!here- dared to sing* back ;igin. When 'mid the sky t ien. the wind hurled -tb word. years- iii
peated A word. 1 oi day came, the whole catravan restel he letter the hotel busiues.,;. Everr 7 1 ment mote d I een thrown in their horses convenit0nee be provided for tra-vellers. The
higher and hi Ma-uy ha f rom Capt. concerning
,her; in a mo 'YOU Conft aded th-ick-akulled Gal- de the edge of the green mound vyhich the great %tretched as far a" he cure it had effected in his case
and I choicest Liquors and CigarFj only kept in the. Bar..
bjaqk,pile a by the ice; others were 1 luried in. it so
vinst cried the -Pacha angrily : �4 'he is rose above the broad pus could
Zta.* 117ho. you as persuade A careful and reli
ae; then thae mbved across completely -hat von cou d hardly see a -nd fQr some of the ii attendunce.
s, d to se
jusl d 291 3 iij� n . 0 n Propric-tor.
-A',hole plain, looked hk I commene d to take it in ac- b abstinate '!a crazy enough to do built up this mou d I, 'Are our bone i'n' it other masses of. a dead blue gray, and hand. The I : edicine. THO31A.
e.a w .9 i y it hat be say uzuk wished, in fact, it; or. somebody's 61se ? -Prdbab'IYL Only'[ ou. could hear the muttering of a giapt's wilderness.., own W1 over 'With white and 'fdance w' h directi na�'and -before I
not to be ausw.� rale * for destroying so ours, because the, whole region ioun& FOSTR'S 'HOTEL., SEAr-011TH.- voice h* I iad 3ed half a bottl able to re -
w icl L said, R-�-r-un!" little pebbles,.ali: SOL
flne a ei zin ere is so v . ery white and ho cold 1 u e was Sume light Nj
ek of the palmi, oasis of r, thi- FOTER, begs to his aia
�ty as D�6trec merely 'a order th oold. The 'wagons rumbled on' with th� These soii3 roirk in n y shop, and. not- T-no'"s
to apease his olva ill -humor ; for at th, al. There waso.n*o villa e and no to W'n in � I , I V friends and the traeling, publiv tha I9 horses at a galop, till - they f re. ithstarlding that in � disease ew hotel, atlioinii)
e, 10, has
ound rest opia bd ne r se�n ice b o
time there iv as u th e huiLf ari, I vas - so opened his JaL
an low. theneighboth6od. Here -and � t4ere yo ': v e far advancedas to be g the Post Office
U'j at the illad of Bossormeuv "Wonders uppri wondars !" said the ii curable, by mak- eaf th, Vhera he has theerr best 11
other -ceommoda.
lands o city so thickly settled would come on an open - barrileto -.what inguse
crestfallen- Badl! Who can of it from t tiOn fox mat and beast. The best bf liquors and
nd wel provismed in a d4y's journe, ' they calleda "Trlya,"Surronticted al Bey. i -ie o time during the y- �y! Batdrul B y wal-ted two days in. am.- fight against 1-fea;'ven 9 TIds is Strnge last three years, it h sustai�ald my* w1gars at the bar. FOSTEit- ne a ll� C The city was soi ces ry iLn that-, la e, bay -*stacks; and ev6n tl ;trength and enabled n e to kilo e iese were 'very., bush in� t e Hadhaz woods. - H -had ffod, Whom I heseurigarians serve; and c about
that, had it notll�een Standing, the' Tarks fa apat:b. There was no trace'of culti clone to the atter ll. that Kuzuk Pacha he works wmdels to show: his love of nd attend to my -wor I feel certain would have thod ght. itnecessary o build vated 1 And the who e plain Wf4S given! had bidde ;him do. If he asked the tht:m. Alla preserve us -from the wrath tho had I uf;ed it at a earlier sta,,,:,e of the disease it wo,uld I A. SHARP'S LIT -E- RT A13N la,e e: ected a ptpar- 9 5
one there. tip to.sheepaud cattle. way from nybody, lie sabred him at of the stran a God T.
"The vavabo rowled the. .-But the " fata morganat, what the' W . Oth --At 21urni 'teaforth. -good I 0 . 1 feet cure.—NAT�- 1-1. . y1li Hotp], A.-:
once, by f thanks, so that be might And now I te began to as b If how 'oi4. Ra Horsesandfirst-ci s'douvey in, Z, Ows very well that I Hungarians ibb," and other tell no t le )een acquain vinlor Pacha call "Del otales oEvery troop kept the very'l IZ_:uznk' Pacha wonl�l Isultsie t e d - w ii'tjh' b e case. of �Nll` donot wish to destroy his city.; and people ',-Mirage., —that wonderful, fanci- place appoin ed to it and, if aay un- Whether he H. L LL'SLIVER-y STABLIP_9, ORTH ould believe him. when he eighton diri, g the last five ess me in this full an many -colored rqfle g therefore lie drc a to BE Nay;
ctiori in the wittin wa farer, Stumbled upon them, 1 CaMeLbaick w th his troop a cut up, after 3'ear, we, the undersigi ed, f Lilly indoi, . se Good Roviep, and Coniortable'vehielf-),, lofty toue. Yet should I reeeive him Air,which yott in a On hand- Fft'voralile Arraugements -with
above stateftient Commercial Trmvell,ers. All orders left knox's
the ade by him. .
P he prairies of him- in no ime. For this -chey used -whether Ku HOTEL, will be promptly attended to. y see on the steppes of Badrul Bey ild his men made ail end of be bad'et e women ese pe: him; an d R Davidson' Is el Be rijarn, iii,'J. out here ii on t-, open. I knaw I'shou"d world, and t ' A
ej k woutcl beli v6 in such a make him, in tliat case, travel such -the AVest,— uld b tiggle them very their silent arrows, notr eboosing to risk miracle as no ND S`rA]31�
iy- a wo R, Horton, N. S., R, OFFICE A his foo4pr e of them ha ever heard of P, 18731 Rs:—Third door NNorth of
r oa d th ints wouldhe ma,rked da by showing.its ravishing pictures on Knox's Hotel, mainst
d 1) the report ofl their.noity- muskets. before. e J�ould not ha e . any better with bloo -the enormous plalus of the Hu'hcrarari Nobody c' uld discover them and voucher OF TREi MOST N TABLE PR 221 T1-IO),,1A,3 BELL, Propietar.
fc OPE R_ or words than to fill those 1, TIES of Dr.When-ler'S
Pan exed 'earnestly, that 'the pusA, Yet the people of those re&wi nobody c( 0 )ixir of Phosphates ron b lin
)DICI War the airls ud the very chests, hich he had and Cah,saya is its sustaining- lower during active residents of Debredin were resolute o are so much 'accustomed to them,. that wonien of D-breeziai that they -were so brought with him for the el mental and IE. LUSBY,
ve-Is of the Physieul e\ertioi. Business neu., -and just as soon as the higliest degree, they pav no Indrettention to th�ni th i�ear No !And God?—He saw them �-, Debreezin gir 8 full of itors, elergynien, lal ATJCT1OXrg1.,,R for the County of
dL WS the Pach shoal ;have te hunder sling- v3 ErS, i�byl icians, and all Vc
engaged in any( Sales a
sound- to sha o in the, sunshine. There might I th or of the Delibab He re- Stones as the. 'had fallen rom, heaven. a)13lic,tjo]1 requiriu g great tv f the Con -
in up, 0;,! Itende(I in alip art,, ed, or cc%linG Fired the Nvhol� c 0 v�e e m I and cousequent fa igue,-wih fin tjiir All orders made personally
ity be the sight of i %aiva se, a 'but n body aied tber t �Iue(ly inTalun orsent to seaforth
I 0� 0 ble, as - it -tvi]l nable them ri �o the po6r women rushing He ivtl�uld Sh Nv thc�-al` he Paclia to Post Offite will be promptly attenle,j to,
wou Id. at once J:urst atu'flhoes,i aud would thin to ac- k of going tb ere to swim; or o� to destruction, and streched out the at of misfor- confirm his I -tarvelous o y compli.%h their work with ce,rn arative ease. Phos- 1) �Lao 0
,tythillo, woull be &I. the there mightbe the:s- ht of broad forests ; %�hole disola� of this hidden treache y eve ost ; foi I
tulle. f Lime is an actil.-e Igent of nutrition, Bro(Ke, c. c� III Aitu ting more thap flft-v 1) r cent. Of the ays- treasures h, Ll id the wom- and nobody would go there for shade. b-efore them.1 Praised be 8o he fill four of n ; Phosphorus, a -MAL L.VNI) ad bee buri d. His hol ca and children were, ready fa on-tbe- All the citi6is nd p, -daces which the 'y th iron -bound tei werful 'erve Tonle - Ph7os- powerful 7 All rdleftlt t
In L111 p irL e of Iron, a blood mak a lfouse;ovith Mr.
-i brii and b de the name i chests to the t
Other Side of the rheiqs the ine would Fata Morcraiia" represent are imaoes to a�lr(.,cable Tonic. Sold by alle ; and Ca"611"' all John 11111-j-,-tv will reej�ivc i3l,
y, the ScOIts of aw r u tt t,on
aill eutirdly accusto 0 At noon of'the third d, ving them, t' o and two, o er tbe backs d a en On.
be one wojuld seize a Scythe, 'which they are Ref4ences—br. Coleman alil Dr.- m ng�
med Bdral Bey zie into the thick of the of the pack-h'rses whi 411#52
Ich h hd brought ftCJ[11e I —
another a sabre . nd eveii then they and nobody pys- any more thought to Wood to alnnourl�ce to him tha in the dis- i with bim. T make a- re or his treasure, L KENNEDY,
L could hardly do-%Stlfficie1it execution to them.- than you do to Pepper's Ghost t6krice on thelprairie, there was a long h6 locked the trunks bims f, and kept PER10DI AL PILLS.
saisfy tbemselv a, so highly ex,sp0,ated wheu you see it. J u's t at this tim e, tb e tr'ai ftin sigh P-, whi 'HIS invaluable mediciue ich. threw up a per- the keys, and �ealed the lo,n a with H t T unfailing in the alld ;)jt(.11jled to. woald the Delibab was every morni � cure of all those painful ant danieroui
y be. particular- f t loud of d�utst, as hundreds of wagons, i Two weary Ol.ays they toil d 4 d i,'.R e a F, c s done as chf--ap as I),%, all otllt� goodwork- back be- towhich the'female c0listituton is subject, it mau ii The Pachn, smv Pa,iiajo 31 the ti Was ly good humor. Hot and heavy blazed one after an6th&-, came traiting, on. t' fote they cam�j to -Nmean- a`21111C11Y, or for him at the I., x 1*0, Ali orders e will cure, inay be mli-G(i on,
right. The. Deb,,eeziners had, for o ce the,sun down upon the Puszta ; so that That is. the�l while the -wreaks of the" sh- tered army I be proitiptly tittended to- back �he earth cracked o en, and the deep Badrul Bey Ihimself rushed to th 279-26 the triumphed mrbim. Hecalled t9gled toget��er once more ' ome had i a.,;hfjrt thne, briug oil the in utbly period with
p e top at], f,
11 troops lie had deployed before the gates sbil ll *broke into little bits. - This is !of a little hill to look around him. Was broken bones � all were Younded or I' - rog P. BRINEt
he ha�d the can -no- ed about, and he just the day for the '.' Fata _11orgaaa" t -mous giant whose bruised; therepwas not.on '
These Pills thoul(I not be tiken by Female o J.h�, perhaps, tl�ie enoi c he (lid not AT'CT1O�Z.ET:,-1,, how mercy to the De- delight in. A troop of young iils who :shadow appeared on he heavens, with shoW a bruise a sear. uriugr the firtt thr(C 711011thE said he would s as L 9 ut at ny they aye Safe. recz t d to see the wonder rail up to the 'his quiver on his back, and the pointed -Meanwhile, from mornin till b ure to brin,r on m� 11uron. Saeatteliti,d it all parts of the
iners ; tht they inigrlit be tranquil, Willi e iscarriag b thcx All I,Lft, I night he would do them -no harm tiat in f a- top of the green motind, and looked out 'tarban on his head ? Will be prowntly attvudd to. the bl In all caes of Nervous an azincr s�n streamed town upon pit. d pinal'Affections ins in tbe- back an(l -lillibs, fa i'llie 0n!;lightcx_' tare he: �vould treat them graciously. upon the. sky- �Thatisthey! Latthem. come near. them. Drop by drop, the W ter trickled -He specially praie ed Herr 'Stefan All around them extended a sea of el"LiOn I I'lPitatiOn. of the he rp h, er I Sterics, and anted. L�obody can put them on their guard,— out of the iron-lbound trunks and dried , wl4ites, these piUs will effect a e ire wiien al run 0`5 TO $20 !,'ll of w4aking
I 1 OL Dobosy fo his re,golute. and courageous raging waves, as far the horizon v ther up
failed; nor old, inake d said he would bear him no from this there stretched up to the heav- ;Of a sudden the clust-cloud that o c in nb in th(jr spar(- Wcliuent%. tir alithe conduct, an as it came to'. the surface. pl-100e, Of eithel. ex t a powerful t, ork-for
was Arrived at Grosswardein, the black o11). anything hurtful to.thec(,iiLj i u ion. ill -will on account of this Skillful tri- ens all the different all "-Y, or time, than at al)vthin� adow-pictures,— -approaching wavered for a moment ; and Bey, with his ]1ame arm an h fi*e. ang-d Pull directionn in the paillp lot &rol Ind each 284 umph. " Nay, riore, should he ever be blue islandso-8wilamula in the sea, which 'then,, instead of approaching leisurely, as 'head, went ab once to K P a. c),aO2 I, packagc-, whichshould be c arefuliv preserved. -in trouble, let hird come tome,he,can would grow larger and higher' as th ' lbefore, turned ha' ;Tob Mlorem, �New York, Sole Prol rieto1% $1,00 and AVOID QUACKS. ey stily on one side, and told him his Story, and wai in terror. 12A eutR forpostage,enelbs(.d to rely upon my piotection - and, should looked on, all covered -with green forests ,the (I be seen wi 7 carriages conl th the poor Kuzuk Pacha'p heard the at ry with orthop, & Lyman, ICTI)l of early indiscretion nit a 1 T45ionto, Out., general &gents fo the Dominion debilit in the 'morass. I scornful face, and would not J believe a 1 w4l insur a ottie� containing over 50 pi]U = Mein Herr Stefan Dobosy ever come to of leafy trees. 1hey could see the re- lbeastis, galloping awayfro b containing b AV T, prenlatin�e d v, & hAl Ug 'I Grosswardein, he must certainly find the flection8 of the trees pointing (Iowa into Badral Bey looked on in a raae "Who word of it. Ba return mail. vain (,-'very advert vered a rul Bey orderi,ed in the ised reinedy, bus disco' Sold in Seaforth by E. Hie son & Co., simple ine Pachat's house; tile Pacha would cer- the water then the islaind would sink �ould have betr,ved us iron -bound trunks, and begged !the Pacha and anOf Relf-ture, ivliit-h he -will send free % 1�-� Lumsden, to his fellow-sulterers. Address 197-9 78 -Nassau �Stroet, 'xew Yrii.
nian on x orge
rus in his c
assed tile el P bt- Itt lea*t t
i V le ser�aut reporteil to a ho
__�A,str Yer bill ilito the -contributiou
got truste
wortli, of goo
is f ,in of
ben tiva 44
balf a day,
Avould not 'Sc emptatiOn foT them. A prioter Wilitell Zt,
Inedial ly tO15 of he Of a prinier CPU ap! I)ly- ll j)oy in —A sala, ,ensalio)a -fdr 4a �hnrt a card bear
frou). a lot i
front of �a store'to a —A performance ofe&
t1le prescirt, tilne -,tttractil
tion at t a re2
one of th tilost =OmPli
sects, obeying a ag from tb4e nature, S.Pra� . T.ef ungre- ol hlady. Thxbibitor wO
the tril-at was bi� be9t
saidlie be, r6n,ed
b, y.
recovered The WL
retire to ,n ew niilliiteje� between --her t!
nTh e erX U.avene look at it, an(, tie saidl
n(38S kvill. pardoia me, but
rig,lit —A tntemporw-y_ 0
near -Sigh -td. 'hen whieli.�
for India,11 meal, ate b
theu lAid a nc-stf ul Of '"I
in three weeks hatched 0
lor-fuiture, —A small W3� got 0O
, , ib -
what smaller than the boy"s ba-ek, midaske
if hel
persuasive, that White alk"y of liwn
plieAl in the affirniative,l
I p Settle thigs �when Oil the right WZY 1 couple receutl i -
Jersey Justice to liel�
jeat c bisimr the lallvbe
that; she hw1a husban d.:
never been dilvoreett-A
111an threupon obstacle w -DIS i'11811ru"101tt
cerellinn I y colild alot that is all th-I t rouble-,)) i
be bid -e, ' "I'll inSt tA`
and shoot. that nasty the Bpot2l 0 -0 -
The Dog
lie V.
ro d�a in by the sille a. Joad of He.:
dorr not ;-.L Aogg -of b -
gree. of (1oor, will
in f ron ty �o f a f
street, one f q Intkiin rs thereabout =
6c in r-egi-tra to the appera.
w -hen thus spake ye hol
iller of that like inell beautyb�t he's 3";
kn. o w i ats t till at 4vt-
got nire that pen'trati-011, aill! illsie"At
turl, jist iii that tban -call, be found. III -0
f Za full of yet 4eaklic
for. m re-atdar hurnau.
It he from town 1perfrectly S6,
him to Iota., 'after the r4'
-do U -T htiarts to!
off wbit -i of ap,
of 111e. 1:�llers, his. il
sauils . aloft - he SK -3
r1i af orc� 111e.a Sera
-with his hind. fact, yin' - ht- holdZ up b�
in a-ch-cerful all' 4U,
escortiu, me frward X0
hed boled a Avodtbl
tome houle full of taul-,
ere delight, nd, teft
that is the darn(ItA A�.,
evr sa-w. JJe jizt tA-
an' he knows it ll. he lops his yearz, his looking
he sliDks off a -a' actually ashniell to I
premiscs -for -fear that I own bini-' I t6
the :cussedest do -I, fo)
parts, iid Truckee )44�
hewar pupped thar Bebind thi,
pesonaterof Lolr4 tervi,(:�w i -a After-DIJ
a-atingtell on me L111 -til. the la-st twi) X
'elf Iom tb
a�ily'enaY7 I haveIii
teaT of my constitutij�i
ors are heavier tb,.%,)x f
thin-cy about. I will i'
da,Y3'wheu there is a 1
have.�% scenic an(I p.,
9 ,01clock. and. this rell
ave half'
10 I li� �910 11 the at half -past four ; I di -I
to seven -rest - at S AgAill ; th perforni. :
and a half, or a Supper ed- tor 11a;(l t,() of buyinp 1 4D i ly Written alill a 'Week, and each 411
ail timieA three hund fresh. I')cr rive at the nire Words into my h'When I as not rlit
to go traigylit hoine Stay 1�p livg,e itna"t�hde Monitil- ?D
to get up at 8 O'elo(
i`1ead iny parts ovev
hearsai at 10 07cloct-
so Well my