HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 8MAy 8, 1874. EXP -iE HURON )SITO1, TI Noble T. swamp -no t far off soon fter, in addtioll, r. Knight, W. T. ti n 60V second Satu me. - prige Vord J Cli rchill, L. to which his boot,tracks, which re very told them- thq Doctor -was from ho It o a fire aliout a fodt in ame- Aminersolif Id W. Alex- peculiar wre found 'near where the' ad day iiA ' . 4 �9�-A"L Clerk. Rands, G. ClArkii To this they!made no reply, but cQ4i- ter 7 e his, pipe . felA. Lffp ran a Pin 0.4 lilikin� to extinguish it, 'The burnt aninials prescilte4 Itinu ckiJ1127 and � haki atth j �u m # ct 6 it, tl aider P. Page:, barn stood. 4 119 F. canlili, J., R6ywl& 0 Hine a sicicening appearance. blew ihe sparks" d for about half ba t the ind arc�kn -yiiig to ga admittance, tl T. e (I J,,, urorl and Quebec RailWay. At length a person-, from t im a were on fire in a H -e attentioll an hour. be h' nd the b ildings Stepliellsoll, C. . _K_Vle� -It has been brouglit to t fERS. is calculated at To the er W Tioghe� Agriculture, that DiSTRf.CAT ATT was,coming fofihe Doctbr, sh§rt tin el, His loss P',Id toi, of the Stratford Herald. Blake, T: Fear .-dountry, who of -the Minister of ent( ard, h $1,000. There was an .insurance DFAR 8, F.:-Thc objc�t of tl�is ()OM7 Or. Crossiman, Ws WQlace, J.- Campbell� working itfeclianicA come to this coulitr �,red til '06 . Ty tbr ugh the back of $5W & Co7 have iminedi4tely, ran. off 0 "addpeneut line Of C. Lowrie Mrilso F. Oucl� -a, w is to run all J- Allolo from Great Britain as emigrant -orr, J. -L all) Vic-CauglieY6 here durfil ;'a off at very low prices the yard'. Mrs. pbell at Once called in while now rodaived and; (L I with steel rails from the B.. Cartel g the summer month best aud most seledt titock- of Dry G6ods, Gro, me, of thel neighbori,' who seartbed Briissels� 'oderich, to Orangeville, a -ad W. JNrtson, J.: McGool, R. Brown, W. so prevail, and return bone ia acricA, Boott;,Sbo: s,Ready-madeGlothing, Hgt,;, [a. R. coopnit, Brusels, Agent for theEx. harbor at �r high wages no - lso from I he city of London, via Strat, Harrison,., ITaylor, W. aroundfor tVe-men, but could find S. Rogersol the f all and work ther_'� cztps, &a., they ha. 0 evet recel'Ked! and challeng POSITOlt Nei rspaper and ob Printing office,] Coming On,, W ity and 'pricem F ot those goods, t eouil)arisou of qn. race of them. . Her husband came home Ltirfeville' direct, Best, H bo UL*A Y Nift h -UNG. -A very large ford, and, illence ' to �Or;. Medd, S.' MeVittie, Jr., J- as emicyrnts at th6 expense of, the no twithstauding p ie. enormous amount, of pliffing shortly after and renewed the search, fiavi ng a �. unction at that town, thencO Lee, J��, d6ne.; -Erory person shoidd call and ineetinc,,.Nasheld,inBrussels'on Friday Shabbrook., Ji,-� Kerr, Tnion� of �ress Goods, Plain and Fi.- but wihoutsucodss. Theydidnotagin or, T. -Hon. tie their steel ared nigr1it, in f lie intevest of the Huron and by Air laii e to ewmarket, Uxbridge, NValk T. 2-Auggridge, J' E. 13- WOOTS ibagnificent es - Ants, awls, Hosiery, Gloves, -,Par& retnrA., It nlay be that, these "are the Lindsay, , terborough, Oibawa, Montreal H. Rad� d, Sr., G. Eno, R� d ground in the town of `l3m,11t_. Lustres, P Qu6bec E ailway, �wheu speeches we Cole dence an Canadian, Tweeds, 1080 sols, E U-1ih an pranks of "some foolish personsi wl t A. Wattp and Queb making it shorter to Ottawa -�Vaitel.w. Hai�lift J. Wat Linen, Tasso t ped 6nd plaba3 Cotton Tweeds -eighs their prudence; wler and the leading ford, bas been Vur6hn.,�ed I y the Bralit. sport out%i delivered: jy Mr. F� AV� ford Youn, 9 le Quebec by;about 70 miles G. We Lod' s' College in connection DeiTysjMen's i te aXid* Colored Shirtsk, Brtbw�, desire for in th(- locality in f.,vor of the schune, by 1.00 tt, A. Campbell, R, Brigham pect. If so it would be ad, men ollands. 8-4 Sh0tiugs, Tioldipts Lybster 2 -fins or,self-res ig the follow- than by tl a present Grand Trunk route, Sanderson., H. J, Cumming, with the anada Presbyterian, Church. the close of the eveniu catten9,0otfonYarn,&-e. Theirstock oi Tweeds vi8a, ing of from 7 ble that t1ley.sbold not repeat them, Stock to the aimo lit S25 to 10 cents pez W. lciore,� 1. Shobbroo, S -o 5,000 has alj�eady 6, non. was carried unanimijUsly being -4 sa, ITiles, G. TV tll ex Iresolu: " s are also very heavy, and their Qrder or they may arr their full further than. ty bushel on, �heat and in fteight, also $3 P J. Crozer J.' Webster, T.. Nolan, G. been -taken -up in Brantfod,. The Di r Zter the cob.tiol of Mr. G�trt- L, D t, bein, n nticip4te, Yand receive a dose of ved by' Joh ', McCrea, seeaude Dep&rtme, un M 0 NISS for the past f ur years, is.sufficiant guarantee hey a rs, besides sixhours ol Noble, W. Brottdfoot, It. Rogerson, J. propose building a comillodious by James Johnston, that after hear 9 head on po senge 01 V no first-olass lit will be turned :buckshot. for'fheir pains 4, thin- but' ad Quebec will Young, S. R. Richmond, W. -wing, refurnishina the house i tb b t d othe time saved The Huron al e8 out.. They-litwo'baen fortunato in seenrw" t as-, e.41anations froni 'Mr. Fowler an I's 'Pen witb7n6t less th-rai K 1-vicII-Ito W. style, and harvin Good -.5, together With & large quantity of �)ec ithe cou�truction of the Huron cross and onilec-b sh H. r g it opened -at the earli- James Y erooe, broth. res the Province Sgars, Tobaccosli ' d imported Liquors. preNrlouE; PE-Rso ailways running �-n MailloS, Mailles-1 IV. YOaUg- est date possible. and Queb(c Railway to Goderich, with a other r' J. Bari, to the advauco in �tuities, consequently $re enabled er of Dr. Vereoe, of this town, has ob- rth.to Sarnia, this meet- of Ontario, all of wbich;will be. largely blut, J. Scott, Ir'"'nin, A. Laudenslas- tained'a position in the Manitoba Mou b h via Seafo -A cleier escape from jail -was maAe to offel-goods as 64cal) as ever at their old sbalid, nt. X`Pc liald, W. Tiplad, 'G. Scaforbb:. ed Police Force. Mr. ATercoe left for iDg, believing that if the proposed line of interested, viz.: A. McDo at -Berlin on Thursday i)igitt of last He r a -ins. railway w b i Grand Tr 11h 18 Bob0s,3790011 an cDonald, who ws. onle ailt and running it would d Pe. Armstromr W Mair, W. Ba11, J. Knox, 9- i t Toronto on hursday last. em H week by one.Al cr-gist opposite the bel 2 Buffalo ai d Huron, torborouggh, E. Elkin G. YouXigblutj J. J, eat boon to this section of country, nud Pot ettle tim6 a,go convicted of burglary,. Iwitb� his couipany1bere, until about the 8 Wallin,# i, Grey and -19 Cobour or- and wo gr ljourn�d to meet agaill at unsion Hotel, keeps constantly oni'and all 1A of Bruce, borough, n they take their de- uld. ju3tify the County Counc Council then a( Miller, a colored man, for forgery' 11,91 of June, he it H1rO11 in submitting a by-law in aid Of 4 Do. Seat] I ern Exten. 20 Grand Junctin, 1,011(lesboro, o of Pur -e Dra id Chomicais,- Genuine Patent r. Verco 11 j lay 30. appears that Miller has been e'n a.,(red in e has 21 T=t 'Valley, Shoulder BTaces', Toilet Arti- p&rture for . anitob, 9 the enter rise at thejunp meeting, if ksome out door work lately,'and by some �Ies and Fancy ' Goods, -Perfumery, been a resi,d e it C f this vicinity, for Ove r 5 Stratford ind Huron, 224ppboarg and -Mar whi -very two Y$ ar 1 Moria, means procur Brushes, Combs, c�, eh -vy�ill be sold at 6 Londonai d Huron, ed suit of cld�hes, whiCh 4ndl during that- time has p �Sible, io that the ratepayers may low, prices. lerei crip,tions put up -with graGrey and 23 Miagston ftd Pam. L opportunity.of approving or dis-- 7 Toronto were onned by McDonald,; whose jail who Will h- e ar, care, and wairaubt d of the parqst arholes. made. many rarrii f riends', -join 11Y roke, proving of the scheme. Bruce, �b COUISCITL N11YIFITING. --The Court, Of Ro- suit was stuffed and placed in his bed in, with -us in mishilig him success in his al? 8 mt.Forest Extension, 24 ftockvilleandObtawo f T rFD,. -fresh, at new occq large number 10 9 Hamilton ind North 25, C�nada Contra], forAhe to-wilship of Hay was hel& his cell, while -McDonald poper. was Xus RECD, n p n and home,., r Rr, iox. -A vision imp- niembars of Melville Church C 26 Prescott and Otttiwa: in J-hey-roWn Hall, Zurich on Tuesday, - hi ing'somewbere near. intbeeven. DrarS-tore"oppos,te the Mansion.Hote.1, S he tb6 -Mr., Al. ander Davidson,, of A oWosteri, an id sbire Cattle Feeder. 10 Northern, 27 ObLawa and1la-utreal -n ISLI Hotel, left ou Monday moi - grog so -09 Spice and 7ation , 6ssembled in the old Melville May 5. The Court was f ally constitut, ing the Jailer locked the cell containing Commerci 11 North Sin 000, :28 Credit Vftlley, - 01�urch.on Friday,'eve-ning last and pre- 12 Ontario Oi utral, ed by the -members of the Council bei ur to the re 119 the dummy, aud put Miller, the uegro in cr last, on v three - months' to :29 G. at Western t( Horsim HO:RZES. ---Keep them in godd iDetroA, aU- present and. orn. There be- into another cell. Some time during,,ili' Itig Lit- 8- Old Country Mr.' Dviason has been selited their pastor, Rev. Mr. Ferguson, 18 Toronto and Nippi- duly �w health and fib for, spring work, by usi 30 G ern c owl sing, with a pu e of $117 and the fell ing no cases of appeal before the Court, night, McDonald picked the locks and mi's Condition Powders, the best in the market. suffirijig froi i ill heolh for some timel cr 14 'Whibby ar I P b. Perry' Sarnin. 13 Bowmai ville find ondon and P anire, seconded liberated, _Aaliller. The outside Prepared only by R. Druggis orth � r. Ra i the prin ipat object t, Soat address wl dch was read by Mr. D. Ste 017, it was moved b an( of the trip is oved, -and the jail -walls to its rastor ion Reva �end and Dear Sir: It gives roe Lindsay ;Stanley, by Mr. McColl that th t of Revi- wer lying with the 16 -Midland sion be a,djourlier-1 ti CF with a view at* Durina ar e Cour locks e rem & his bsence te inteiets of the' " Com- muCh- pleasure in comp .92 A ada Southern, _11 Mity 19, to meet Scaled. 17 'Vctoria, �. Nooietown Br'ch me by his wishes of i6tir friends present, and also -the reqirernents,;of t4e amended statute NIrs iliza Young, nineteenth mereia" will'be wellattended to Ann U e I. railwa3 d adherents of your con- L lak* bh nost co�nplete a _C 1r ed CHEAPSIDIIR.-Stone Cream, Crooks partner, Mr. Johii Campbell. the nlemb#s a After the Court of Re'vIs"On wiff- of Brig,h m- Young, Of Utah, -is ad linection. in the Domililion. The Com' the Council went into ,ko Stan s, Stone. Churns, Stone Pie- J. Af. McGregor, who has been grogai, ur resvect for your co I nto e I Butter Cro(k .&a. The ton, �o express o bonuses fr6m the counties, session;' all the -v ertised to 'deliver a le t r in , ro 401-ve a_rs with Ca0si F16 AMU Pans, baracter as a man, as! a pany expec's members present the Reeve taking the g -on Tuesday t largest- stock in town �nd tlietLpest a idu ' a dpacriic-ul.�rly as our pastor. townsnd illages to of $7,00( on a visit to his friends in Hur'on for con On " My Life in Bolidage," zee anp the �mount chair, and the inin-Lites of the previous -next. This.1ady has been leuturin . In Gr eery. some m6nthq, left -on Monday last for 9 -.%Ud to a211your acceptance of this s Mile, nd $3,000 per mile frou. meeting being read and approved. A many of the principal cities and towns in Manitoba, Mr. McGregor has been quall per A LARGR As oitm entRof rrusses, . sing tol.len f r esteem, and - we earn'esbly Governmen . It is the �ntention of th( months past,. and, double, of tie - most ap�rc 0 O�,,ou and your amiable partner. Company 0 Make thiir line the ver3 resident of IVN�innipeg fof about a ye communication was read from theColin- the 1-hiited tates for some wed ni�ke, also and is.so.wel pleased with the country, fir that il of Tuckersmith, -,%,ith reference to -and is said to be a pleasing.and acconap. fdsuppory -a Fitch's, Cutter's v ad Pierce's Adomin ell -in life, Mis. Ferguson, may long be best in the Province, as the gi des wit. statute labor, when it was moved by lished elocutionist.- -Ps, India! Rubber that on the present occasion he has tak ers, E lastc Stock n -s, liueo. 0% Ve a i ves very few. and no brid�inc Zheetin Nursfn "Bottleh Eema�, &a. at R. his family red to nd 1�bor among us. Mr'. be easy, ou McColl, secondea by Mr. iN1-cAlhs;- S 9 with him, and intends be- SP Ir. _N a buggot into the --Oile'day last week �o led, in id sen sible, worth spe.- king of. eply to the said com- a, a permanent ter, that the Clerk r H.' W. c rguson" li'd i his usu. Corue Store, Seaorth-i' coulin, resident of *thei k lt� will ran ri po -re uor er of" a little boy, son of M mnner iendl relA- l6ng tl ater.slied, thyo h the whole an of the fi 3a.ks ans Prairie Prov_�I_ce, y municatiOn, stating. 6at this Conneil -isted between him of 0 tario. Smith, near Waterdown. It causea ;RTHEN-wAF.Y. Milk -Cr4 EA� -Rev. H. I B. Palmer, who has berill- tic ns that lways ex $20,000 perl mile will make agrees w ith the townsl1iip of T 5uch intense pain., that after a while the. the best made Iin Canada, at HICKSON!',. road, and 81P,000 per mile tor of :the 2We'thodist Episcopal nd his co regation. A very pleasant a firt-01488 to equalize'the '.statute labor at the rate. child fainted., HIS m other and Sister O. AsK -r- uR HiOCSON'S Tonic and ,kitera- pa 9 C, la�y.'aii that the Clerk 1vibil refresh tive Bitters, Dyspepsia, Lqss of Church of -thi village, for the iocial", ments, and excel- winequipi with. ailypilp rolling Stock. past t'% of 755 cents per( for 't amilling his' er in the sunli,,r,,,ht discov- Appetite, kc. years, has -4een removed, by order of le music,: followed. It will be a le to take 30 I cars in trail: erpd to their horror tbat a large bug% -had. where the Graud Trunk c4n. only take 20,, - be instructed Jo seildlil a list of (lays' Ia- ex '­VACAT10jr.-On account of some re, bor to be -pertormed! by Ray oil said Conference, �o Pailihill. Mr. Pidme-, -F, LiFE o 02PO81T-1OX I Tu r, Trd keeping the working exp ratea a considerable istarae Iato enses at tfie ver pe et b London Road,aud agking tll� same rew gin t F niture- 'with his family left for his new field tf pairs being done to Knox Church, Brus- WMTEIR SCOTT interlas opening a ar lowe turn from the to-wnsh' Smith a li '0 ilai at be, abl t( the orifice, and was struggli val Wareroom in his prerniseq opl)osite the Xarket labor on Thursday His success(?r sels, no s vice will be held in. that sb I a jp'6f T ker here is Liev. J. W Cutler, -late of S'F.* ed b,y. 3dr. -Use irlicre lie will be prepaxed to furnish, . IL11 IdudS of church for th6 nexb. f oar or five weeks carl'y f reigh at a greatly reduced rate, rretreat oradvance- which. was the c MOV - Allister� house furnituxe, either wholesale or rotaii; at the -e ud of the exquisite, tortm - er wbich the Vile pid'stor, R. giving the i oautry the whole benefit:of McColl, that -S,25 be I Davids. seco ded by Mr. very lowest prides. Lool esliortest bestand clitapestroute to out for adverbisement ev. Mr. Jones- has been suflering. ith great gi en a vacautida an I a visit- th ghi-rlg full pmrticulisrs next week. y d. has gone oi -_ rante(I to improve the road betw-e poor boy had been i I the greatest markets of the world, that i sece of . mind the mothei hooked a' Tiiu' GOD�,_1110)1 FouNatty--lVe are tolhis frien s. Lots 3 -and 4, i�'orfh bolindary�Carfldd. p"re erpool. Sir Hugh. Al iece 'of wire, and managed to t iWe6k, new ol]�,`, Seconded by 1 r. rl ad to bear pf the continued and ilICT& Montreal ai A LiV small 1) REGEIV&D ,styles i n I)g P.,�Oaperty , 0 SIDENVALKS.-At meeting of.Council Moved by k1r, �L T6Q e Straw Hats and Bonnets, Millinery Goods, Blftck el the insect outf his car. this establishment. held on �vfo aday evening last, -a resolu-- lan and his friends have tak I not less Rannie, that tlW Asses'Sor be paid Lustras, excelient vae, Brown HoUrik Cr- From, a comparatively small beginning, than $800, 0 )O worth of Stock in the -On ti n was passed. to have the sidewalks on being his salar m full for the year IS 4 pots in Vapestry ai id 2- it h nt manage-' Ply Wool) fit W- T -T T its risen, nder the effivie I tario and Quebec Railay, besides an b., sides of Turnberry- treet, from -Carried. A,J(;ved by. Mr. McColl, s c- one door north of le Po§t Office. Mel erintendence- of Mr, Runci- ount 4 wo' e ek in the rthern' Colon - t I stree to Hawks str et, put in a_ m onded by Mr. T.:B. Qeighor, that b-; 777 man, to be qn4 of - the foremosf manu�J ization road, Ile is President of those id for 40 lo -a f el th)rough st ate- of repair and to be made ert Doig be p, FRANK oers' his HOUSE ds a g and LOT, on High Street,. for Sale b)- rie . th -in this section of, Is expe Jed lie Will con y N Downey, 4ii(T- 14 loads got facto s of e kind two roads, d It i C, a hiliform grade. t b I Ir. See Advertisement. -the Godericb, iglaj- trol the countr Of it the gr( test bulk of the cavryin� go Y. y mes Clochl -aiia, mounting to .82 70 says We had no idea the Goderich 4' DIED IN UANiTo.BA.-News was re� a trule over -110th land and lsea'froni Li-v Ot -such-an extensive concerk1i 'ce Yd On urday. eveping last, from ol to . M...", )itoba and. or flie.blance. qf all �ld accoumt, it�� _1\_ENV 8 UBSCR; 1BEP.s. -The Expairrop. Foundry was po i he Far West -A initoba nnoancinc, t Ell 611 be A I he death of Mr. being certified o, and:that. the Clerk �e ppied to new subscribers from now till as iu is -W6 are not -always to judge bk The Huron and Qur-bec Railway Oom ins Tan 1, 1875, for 874 cents. P(. ter Ferguson, late of the townshi of trileted to tff�r Mr. Doig to sen(�. . A STANDARD 'OF FASH; I' X cl� appearances -in A. we found It p are ab)ut amaigarn hig or making Outsi Gi ey. iTis death will be greatly regret- ertified accou C Iperfect hive of industTy, there beiiii, unning ri angements with the 6reat - n MA. meeti f the Coll, Seconded b)r j -\Jr. RA Ia ted by his 'arge circle of friends that h e about 40 men employed. The concern ip Western Ea w Collipa V from Londo' May be f ound. in ny, suit from ay ay r Ill, eld on sd that Henry 11rurni be paid $, fo th, Couneil was li, n I lef b behind lim whe he left for I prlllcipa�,,Ily engaved. in the mnufctar' to Isrni. 1: etroit And P)rt ta -ii. -it number of accounts weq,e 6rderbd Illy, s 1 ing a ditch-Crried. Moved by whe of boilers and: mill machinery, extensbi�, to )a last- Summer. that freight cn be shil)ped from an Me I _Coll, to be paid, and,someother bus'- secon d b Mr. J. B. Goigh&1) A. G. AlcDOUGALL'S mmor, 1 . Y. orders for -which come from Seaforth and i Station in Cinada to any: station in th )cp ness tran; The next, ineeti r, will Clinton. � A, 120 be e : eu&ed -on roads, 0 . tb at other places. A new order was receivedi United Stal es without t�ranshipment o.? be, on My 12. � - i - - - hated as follows, viz.: culvers FROM THE NEW ERAJ be distri from that place the other day for the el�_, changing of aars. This W�11 give Canada r oil Coll. �, $10 Blir au. et s oil Ld Lino rine %ad works of a large mill, the engin.6. SOt. Mr. J. Johnson has sold what she w, nts to make �enrailway Sys, Cons. 3. One Price Lt`sablishmam- 7 X -T E. -,A Ivill- and 4, Lots, '25 and 26, Urse power, n6ar Blyth,. to Mr. A.-Rutber- tem complel e, and compete suceessfully, 1. uorr C _k� fr. O., C. 'to b6 3-5 h. Th� busines-, ]!Iii farm- forc 26 Con.- 5, 1, grain buyer, 01 to o 3 100. sua has z house and lot, opposite -w and ;,o hi ng so rapidly.that they have rent- f rs the thro-- gh sideline bet eeii Lots V5 the M-arkct, to Mr. James McCarthy, for for as well a�l tb e local busi .520; Con. 6, -opposite Lots 17' an, d 1 8, For Finest Clothing always up to the times. ed the Old foundry on the opposite ide�, FULLIN-q VIILL CHINTGED HANDS. -Mr. ness for the whole Domini n, also for t $40; sideroad between Lots 10 nd 1), $1,000. Ir. �ogn has aso sold her w4ere they will have their 'm(lialdilio' , . T. It. Foste, has- disposed of his Woolen whole West rn States, it eing the sbo co ttagre and 1�t opposite the - tist en the Far 0 "L Con. 4, 60; aublebrid(re $20 ; culvert 1700111. The air fro'ni.the fanwill be cod- - est - i 0 3 t Vcctory, wAh the custom carding and 6t route be:Nye NV nd Liv' between Lots 10 aAd! 11, Con. & $5 o Mr. Vm Ault, fo.r $85 ve--e(-1 to the furnace across the street iii f u- ling macl �inery thereini, to Messrs J. erpool by ox, r .thousand miles than by Blind Line at iot:12, (Von. 3, $30; Blin I I ipes under -ound. Agricultural iiji!­ ffs -%.I?ho intetict to carry clai way oston through p- gi �It�_ 1'. Gib, -of New York or B NOVELTIES- lfor,&r LAM reoreb to learn Line between lots 17 aind 18, N. B�, $I-- business oil their own aceount. States. J -1 k FONVLE R pleinents also.-foral a branch of theirl th, NV ellin 8 ithat the fine y ouil�g stllion o 01 Concession lihe Lot 17 A16 0 - f or th6 -,Ao-rks, plows, straw cutters, &c., 'being $ a, ton, the, property �Ov EloRqE D.. ct).- -The Stallion, Youli 0 Concession line 8 aaad� 9,, at Lots -'13 alid the Counters as last as'thr-y come out. Managing DiLfectoi Western See ers. of thi Huron & Qu�'-bec R. R. Go. rae io-umb e turned out in 1, Are laid on 14 feli e Lots -*5 and 6, Con ame'. lme, and I., rd Pi ortupc,'� owned by Mr. G. �Ask"- qo Si( 0 Alat he for t 's .- I Brown, h -b4 tion, I king barrd hooRs is another arg6 will not trvel on his ordinary "O"te' bran, h of their trade. There is . grea� ibb, died on 2 foliday night la3t 10 ;-boundar� Lots 1*4 and 105, Con. 0, Hullett. $10 boundry ]Lots I 9 nd 20, Coii. until further oti6e. - He is t - race- LIL�ni�ncl fo t liflanitnation. Webelieve-Mr. As�-- r tbain y millers and salt Hu P, -.AM r. N-lurdie, of Me.. .10, :e ia 'T with intends to replace Youli I -lard Nr,.w TEAU GentlemenClad Here Vl '10; sid'* e 'Lou 10 and 11 coli, ni� i 0s. AltogethelL the Goderich Foun 9 Murdie, bas I 0 I S aFie rtune by n imported horse. Killop, son')f Mr. Micll�l rst,%-nd dr�, �s a cri�,dit to -the town." C sio I Ut I 0 and 1 1; el iff . -We a n d6 be I eii(saae L as Mr. Vercoe's succPSSOl' Lot 13, $25 bmindary Lots .19 nd 20 I Goo:D -so- US vil 01 8e 'Itiorl No. I 41111ett. -V in that the salt I IcKillop, in cho:' " ei f t' Coll. 10, pening, The: Qu"een'a. Birthday, in Sed 0 stre F laue have m � d c arrangements Nvith the of Zurich, inlo ots -a fhe Co rt a. orit*es of'the Grand I ie They are Dressedin Style. buIding an addition to No. 7 School Reyisiou. &- the towship� of Hallett, 13, to L. L fs SOlue yeal-s caforth has takeii House, McK,illop, was let on the 15th was. held at ondesboro. o�i Friday, Ma3 Sion line at FAL6(Isburg, 'S'15 boundar $65 Conces- and 6, Con h 'runk f6r tI forth, ONTR--wa LET. - The contract for CIO U 11r 01 $20 si4el betwden L co-Avevance of s in bulk- from Seaforth to Ic arranaements vre..sq thel, (l iu this' section in the colebra-, in t., th, Walton, f r 1, pursuant to adjourn n All th( A aoro.. Tliese e to F rquhir Smi Lot on Con. I t, $'15 - Concession e T ae Dressed GenteeHy. hwaraoblo that an -r manafactu�ers Cali ey C ay) is 0 1 ting, far- members ol Couilcil ton of Her M' 'ety's birthl th pri�e- t, acude so, sent. Mr. J Lots 17 and 18, Con., �4, $10 Con. theiii, salt i t e A meri I programm pp Mov sell can. I:. irket juLlgiug froID: the splendiL 1-11,zhing. &c. Britton ointed ell irrnaii. sion line.Lots 21 to -25, Con. 14, $201, ei pon, as dvn g,cous terms as"'! tl ie sued�this -year bythe DA-,;incr -Park As ey are Dr�ssed Coruffortably. t. A few Mr. Warwick, see lided by '.NLlr north boundary lots 1$10- ed by _N Cone th. 9 -11 sustai I: uckersmi tit Canadian mark days'agi. Mr socition, our thiivin town wi Monteith tat the follo ing appeale line 12, at Lot 13, 442b ideline rohi -the e, Maiager of Afeielhants' its el I �viab e reputation. On' account. of 1118E.tsis.-!rhe first case of cases be disl Qsed of As folidlivs, viz.: Lots 13 and 14, 11,�$M; They are Dressed in Well Made Gar-` Salt Company 1. ere, effectcd a sale "Of 150 the 2-1th f allinr this year 'I liompson, J. Mulholland an( -1 sideline bet i Lota i-6 an -4 16 L. A. Oil unday cetebro-spin Ilieningitis of which we I Errtt, R.' we tons of coarse salt, to an- extensive Chica- ille ce]oI)kati.011 will be held on the 25th Oil ar remaill as assessed Ihave heard in this se'cti' this season i J. Huffm E., $15 Lake Road it 1,6ts 31 nd'32 Z=O t� -t6n d ver- If the woother be favorable, we anticill T paaking bouze, at $9 per: eli has resulted fatally. A young daughter AVestcott bq reduced J. ung $20 Lake Itow I at L $3 01 Spr ot�s.26 and 27, 16 e d. This is th -, higliest flaure ever reid- pates#ie best day's sport on this oc They are Dressed in Well Pitting Gar, - i , 't acres casioil of Mr. John Kennedy, of TuckersmAll redced ei and. -40 . . 9 - Lake Road from Lots � to'll, $,40- ar- ed far Gaiia an the Chicago r In addouT ed, to meet ever: :witiies�ed in this County. afflicted with e tsonand X, Ball, truste -C ents. cl was. it, and died ,on Still' �Is, exempt,'be- ried.-, Ilie 01111cl macet, and peaks well for the superior' prizes both for the athletic sports all day, the 3d Lust. church I it-Tue dayi,­1VT� i J� S)�ihcombe, re- o' s ty 19. quaity of Seaforth alt. horse races are sufficiently liberal to in�; 'ace It ed $200 Sloalil- d eigl H. Lov-F, Sr:, C1 n and to biinol red They are Dr6ned Economically, lively competitio 11 (I'll ce Hibbert. acres wid $ M J. Churchill, reducet due Rx' Soi-D. -Mr. Bailey Lupton has luced 200 tanl notice tht the Goder- many first,class thletes and steeds fro IFA $400 A. M Dermid, re(' ich, 8tar has fre qtionly of lte ihformed. neig,liboring nd distant tolvals. �Tbe oll.his faria Lot 29, Con. containing And they select thqXr Clothing from the'Frtsh- ers it, that it h, a -rig- st eir Clark rieducc cl half an acre nd $15 - A. MFw_ Al q adthe I e - folo vrilla is the programme of the -N.8E.-The menil-mrs of the est, -Finest and xiost coi il)lete asortment mi Sta- -ulatiou o,� any pa.par ii h, Uoility 100 acres, to Win. and Henry Ebe essed in pla e of J. John,. a i, hiri" I Rutherf ord. ss proceedfilg-s Bayfield Road'P�esbyterian Churell are the management of of Bgmoiid ille, -for- $.4,400. Sol). - J Brw afiefil assesosd in. plac f orth, under We have� -no doubt but theot(& enjo The farm e of S. 2d fuglies and Ys Gs_,NtEs'-Standhio, jump, Ist Miton A. about erctillo, -a mallse.for � th �,.ir 1)astor� Cp J. Hughes s- -as liberl pai -Ona�:e as its ni6rits en- wa 3 a zuperwr one, . 11.) A li�erl subscription jump, Ist 82, 2d$1 hop r. Danby. ',ruililing 8, instead of it 1 ltev� title it to, but il sho Ad not reitem, to a s t ep aftcl jump, lat $2, 26d ;il--; r 19 d for Ut 15 Con. i has been! s I M JlVells heading it I Mr. T. -K. *Anderson- ecur1f, r. ttenient whic[L it knows to be incor r i being ssesEed noii-resid,,ait.; J,, Cum- hop step nd jump, Ist $2, 2d $1 W oxeter. with , I 00. 00 rect, wh I C:h -evoi y In; ai nd boy in its REOVIOVAL. -Mr. Wtn1 Robinson, en- milig reduco(L on Lot 21, Coll. 12, Of- ning race, 100 yards, Ist $2, 2d. $1 run.� 0 - Carried. Tl e Court then djourned to �knows to le. inicorrect and -which &i eer of tb 0 liang-race, 200 yards, Ist $2, 2d.$ 1. -I, s pta e, has sold his house ibbeit, 1i,; ameet againAt Londesbor% on May 30, 1 every fiAellig6it re,%der in -the County ning race, blf mile, 2d 82; pn. I an d lot to E r. Brawn, and has removed HATS .AND CAPS 1874. ere it, considerable sick -.1 might k-liow to be incorrect. We m4 -e tillg the $to e to St. Marys where he bormory resided. D I of Staffa, and Ist $2 2d $1 three ii on May 9, at I liess: in. the neig iborhoo c iothged rAce, 100 yards 7 JSt m his new resid- the Statement, boastf ally, b' Dr. Bawn li re oved to -The Co ncil met. g, Charles Harris $2, 2d $1 In th6 Latest Engli8h, American and Ca Londesboro. All the also some deatl s. Mr inforintion.- of unfortunate adver- e ce, here he will contipuehis busi- members present. rac e 100.yrds, Ist I'M, 2d,�$2 -whel, 13 and Mr. Do -each lo ornier meeting read and co- : Me tiser -virlao -might-be deluided by the mis- barr(1w. Minutes of f ia. d. St a ne,s. a200 �ads, . (blindfolded,) I child last Thursday ni firmed. Moved by Mr. Ao -ni statements Of O idy cioitemporary, I Ist $4, 2d 'Q�2 poiao race, Ist $4, 2d $2, ilteith, see- i Oilded liy r� W, has- . at the, peti- i thlt the HURONZ 1, Irunning race ---4 t.hlk twice s Urnye a. citiciflatiopt as the tion of J. St tpf and othei s � praying for L�,At the' usa'al San dy Temperance GENTS' FURNISHINGS I purse $55 -open to ll three 'year olds,�. IOUR -Court of Revis- an outlet of water, -be not gTanted ; that meetingin Ottawa, on Sund last, an ever ha(t, Gis - liow, or ever will ! ay �ialf Iile . heats, best. 2 in 3, btch� ion was hel&on May. .2 ; all the mem- d to J. Indian chief delivered a very e lvive. be grant( teley, an in- ffective, bexs Sworn before tbe Clerk. After digent persor. , oil and 4p of veight�, st *horse ��30, 2d $15, 3LI $10.1 Complete in th, It N the prayer of T. M, propriate speech n the subject o. 2, farmers' trotting race -7 -purse $30 hearing appe'll ts and examining the NremT On 8unday i all 11-veen nd oi hers, and thai ; � 1 0 be grant- intempernce. He hs � listened to -Open Oil sliorses owned throughout wit NOV ELTIES st, about 11 o'clock, , In rol.., it was, moved 'by Mr. Hackney, ed to Win. 'INIcKenzie, On' the rayer of I evening 1. )y to f�mer mrkei I attention. His -OF THE 8EASO f f, Njillell, &Li(l 3 the Count, of Huron since April, I p Wotso Nvas awakened h -874j! - sewilded bf Mr. Elder, that William tile attire in fall chieftain'i costume, with petitiOIL. nm to be a y that never Avon public mone , in ton's assessment for the north half herinva noiscat one 6f the back - w' d ell- 0, in- V� In. the hauds of . Milleu.-Car- buckskin suit- w iih red C ilk Scaf, IT 0 tirely used foi- faiii, mile heats, I % -T Sash, h t * dows-of his ilesu ence. 11 getting lip of Lots Xo. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, COD. 5.. I it and feAbers, and paint- -A largre assortme ri oil, seconded shoulder nt in b ver, that the Following ad s the ob. to scertain the calie he was astonished best in 5; go as f hey ple e, lst horse i be reduced to 51 per acre that; John by' -.%fr. ti ed with regular war PaLlit, w, iniikeepers (I.S10 3d No. to see thr .3 Lot. Counts be pal I G'rgg for 1)rlllt- J ttention. H bad -medals on ee mer. stnding it the iiindow, Ke -s be assessed. for north part of VIZ.: ect of much e oneof _wbom eudeavoring to 5-opeM to all horses, o 3, and sohtli part of Lot No. 4) Con. jilir MIEN'S SHIRTS2 trot 1�se S115 J A -Ne tles- for statiol: cry, jv- &tts & his breast inherited from his fatbernd aftQ r 11 L v-1 g opeaed -in ii inile, heats, best `0 t Job the ssh, the blinds, i 'O*" - 17 ; tha ii, Owens be ssessed for the Co., *R2 25 for medicine h r ihe late. J. L one Ile r ' ived himself 1 5 to Ist horse 2d 830, d De:, -o otel i - - . grg i(44father, all e7ce 'M� III - or shutters. ii-Ztsou a place7 of Th - t ouce wak- OS - Potts _Ajc"�Jlerry U. Reitl - f tb 'i 0 ce �13 IC for gravel_ froni,,i e Prince of Wah s while on a visit From 65c, to 82 60, r. --purse 9, 30- he Pourt of ; Revision be noN' t rdby Mr. WarNNick, 0 a cued his sons, blit. othew ct6uld tyet and t1lat t !oul ont, the- fellows had rall off. Bef ore for orses oned III the C_ ity of P� Hur I on that never be,it 3.15 previous to clo ed-Carriod. 011ded by Mr. .Monteith, tfiat a by-lw -A little b�fore twelve o'clock on ( the Court of Revis- 1) prepared aild sed reducin had grain retired, they returned , - c pas g the Saturday night 4 barn antl its contents Remember the plate, 777. 171 4, ud rega.1-arly used as d iv- ion the (Jouncil Nvent into session. aud commenced throwing, stones at the April, IS I to All . iianiber of (lays sttute lal)or owned by Mr. �Jo*bn 1'rairers, of Fast 4 lia-1 the members present; nliu,Etes of previ-", Whiuli the pei ed e Asseis' ort house, Mr. 1,11shy, constble. Sent (, hor es, mile licats, best- 3 in;-) from the town 400 1 f - Oxford, a sh 11 S�;, Ist horse �3)5, 2d RIO 3d 1-tlice the scoandrels must hve, sus- - n I %. Wise 811, L11 bu -liable - - of Woodstock and consisting of hay, for, buf ous niecting read and confirm,_ -d. -Move.d lileift Poll, or othei -ain., imp to the 3r, secondt,-d by r. Hack- Carriell. T116 read ndrum- In dditio A. G. McDoUGALL- %bov P-Ucted this,- as they left I)efove he ar- e, there will be by Mr. Eldu qe,%ring,,% 2ioise of feet'on "the rly ill thu; 1 that Lot 2), Con. I) L_sborue' Moved by M V. ',ti ver, secon(l (I teri:u' fo b vr - all 6" iead, an(I valued it .32,- HORSE FOR S)ALE. e nts In the evening'the , aforth' .8onie tance off, Lusby if be removed from School ection No. by Mr. Bri oil, th"tt the pr6posal of -,00, were tot or thivillg all consuilled 1) th' Tuck rs lith, reltive c ellec horse lone got 1) will ifte of th eir po y.fire.' One m -eat in thht direction-, and passed ree � l)- f! i to S,cbo e 11 to tl diff r loose an([ ran aw-ay to tile F01111611SB, 7 years old ()f color lin, d ular entej-tai lents ill th'eTown. Hall. I ed by ' r. Seconded by Mr. of St' and true. Apply to nivil. walking la I(,, but (lid not recognize tutr rnied Ily the ranted sound labor perfo - -Woods, but it li (I to be shot'slabsequent- respe Ifter the clo e of the dranitic entertii 334 t -,TRO --\-G,& the m- Of eclun c he had no opportunity , - I- " linater, tbat [Mrs. Clack recuive J$8 for tive tow.ishil)6 oil the bou I a olA man uan disply of fire Moved by y a &nt tliLfe will be ll( �Lry of Hill- ly Lrly on of telling wheth.cr they xver6 the persons rehaf-Carried. i Ie-tt nd Tucqersmith, be �ccepted, pro acson wass. air �sted­a`n I loilged ii' tb a AUCTION S k"t L E OF REM IESTAT J (IriVin I who had beeii InDlesting Mr. 'Wtson or g park. ney, seconi,led by Mr. Brock, that Mr. vided tl t; pier day- be a -11 jail at Woodstook, and on 'Monday he inot. but it is., iE every way likely they 1� ardv*s tender f or abutment of brid�,e Of that the Clerk be was examined HERE ill be solil b 4 y Pliwic etinn at Iiiix1l Usborne. b­the'Ma or and associate T H0142� in, the Village of ,--)EAFOUTH, �ou were. Oil the w me night, ;t- little after be ccepted d that John .Str,Lnrr beap- instructed to write to thei to tlit ef- Ma&trate, anxi tb - -1 I e in -N -T t, ion T681ilt- s igat 12 o'clock,, the r(sidance, of Dr. Campbell 'Fir,. -On Wednesdayj POited inspector to visit the work as feet -_-C FRI arried. The followilic, otfic DAY, MAY 22nd, 1874, r, ers ed in the prisolix being sent for trial. a often as he %liks necessary -Carried. were then ' Cainpbell, who was i last, , bout 10 A. Mr. Robert INIon- al pointe -(l : Fe aceviewers It appered iii t ic evia4ce that Jackson At 2 oclock the following anil pr6M- inna 1171 in. the 0 e( lsei purAllunt to a power of sale contained -Lse, was te�thi Thames Road, Usborne, was car-- t o .1 by Ir,, Aunteir, seconded b J. lone with a sm hot y Watt, H, llen, A. 81ohn, W. Ball, had a. gruda, �ga;nst �Ii- Travers for ed 6t Of whih will be produe Vf waken ed by a I ad ra, -it the front rying, somethiucr into the barn and sinok,- h mpliance with thc re- G. (lovier, J. McCool. Poundkeepe posed inju I h timeof sale,, -Theo t' �l Ir t at, in I co rs -- some Sup woug, I anc as b as half of Lot No, 8. 111 i door- On going ;o theivindow and look- ing attlie, sanie time. Holet his pipe fa.0 quest of a petition from the Exeter Dis- Rawls, A, Taylor,. Il. Robertson, T. heard to say he een 7th Concession of. the Toi"qhip of Hullettf ill I 0 tnding on oil aome strvr in the barnya-rd,- he pick- trict iff -some ing out she saw three men s Teapheii' Institute 'soliciti ),id i Hgyard,i ., -Iteynolds-. theCounty,of Huron, contai-abg5o acres,nio" 9 Ptlimasters_ day. . On Satan ay nigrhf"Te left Wood- or less. The above is up, supposing Aisbillent of all lns'ti- a very valuable PrOpUtyt the steps� She alled to thear tu ask edit it to be out, and put to r s the e�tal i F, Fowler, R, . Clark, A. )&Donald, E. stock the worse of li(�UOT,,-Ind was seen and is situated in a good section Of coimtrYF ocket. He wen g C. ason, (I. Carter F or further particulars apply to t in%o the tuto Library,� this Council graut $10 1 Va I what th' wanted, They replied that it into his I ey ds said purpose C. going towards Travers 1farm a little be- LEY -13 MeNURRICH, Vend17'8 ctor. 4She barii nd caiiw out aain, and to hissur- toNvar -Carried On 1110- F hey waated to see t4e Do owler, A. M 4alker, W. ii1c, J. Me- fore the fire, hild, he wa discovered in a 384-3 Church treet, Torolat(l, �jo ed FARM -N 001 ,composed of Lot el eXACe. ent 11and, upon N�hi bal'u), 36&-60 feet, 41U-0 :teryas, which Are O"Yi Aul ply to MT� JAMES TAVF2� said or to bhO V ww.K, Sr-) 4eorge, P � 0 S.TW,T SAW L�, at 31, *)U. 7, )d JJ *6res, an two ,gooci orchards in 11111,4 ing spriogs,wInCh supply Con, 1.),- ,containMig 48 Aer" a is SitnoLted f) 211flas �170�11 grAvel Toad theretio. on the prexxilafl&.. y p( Con,,3tanze P. O., Kin -good FaT FOR half �i 10t 15 Rua the well fened, una in -,00a �cl b red with harawoclai log barn; gooai as a 11, 11111- from it go< fy6in the -village -of SpAlOt -1 8t0r P sehools -04L VOr ; tor on he preini� PrIVIL"elo., 280*4 ]FOR A I tiae -village of WILM [,,-SHOP, PaTtivulurs apply, to W0_01D F4 Y) SALE U4 " , nantity ( 'cord. or i�'blil also a! bnlk� Apply at Ze forth. WAIGG.Vii FOR S" W11L;go=, sultatilb M8 NOTICE TO: D erection of A Orist. and :V Con, 10, AlexillOP3 wljoi* ond splecificat-10im c*11. b The lowest �or any te&der unless TTHE OV9T. _F -OR the Township -of -Comme-neingat teretAea lease ga clerk's Office, Ulorriss) Ar Court of THE� Court �of -Revision SEAV ORTH,,wiU be I On TUESIM be revised ania ApPeals lc'W 'willp-lease govera thernsi M I SS 1-Fenchrr of VoOal -TV40JERS. T,EE Xlmlcipal 00=cil Tpanders up to the 11.4, traetuQii �Gf -eloght, W, tec#on PUrposes" Said , ing to -!plans and 'speeillc� and io be I tion of the. .Street Caihnill either for w9od. or - bri The lowest or any tender4 TEA10HF,R =euce on the 18t dayX Annum- AppricatilDPH -6, WILSON, Seereta;yj, un seerets;T�y FOn- �f-ftnft& Pmb-N1 :385 D1ZS0LUT10';ff -i-C -TICE is berebivad hretof-ore fabs'ie'ti Signed, as miuersl in t In the County JH� has been. twi 4 A114obts ONVUtTo thses V1114 to ADA- M 41 J )XIVX.R. lall cl-lbus against the 2 Presente,d to tke, . the Same will be settlea Dted at 0b, Of of Tlik-ersmit vill, PutheY,on FRIDAY, &., hou'T Of lio 0tioek A,. M 432 W, Poci"T-3300K u LOST, ON I X,,3ATuRDA Lot No. 20, icou, be on . - conta $10 b -i s, nh;0 six prol, fuVOr Of the unilergiglac. fluder of the Aboye,wil� Upon leaNing it at th4e I the residelaee 'cautioned a -mi t, nst notes of ),dud, fte me-rMelept thob ed book V0 T40R a7 ye Vle 1 rante�l 0 dt P Ll 0 C.., WILLsoN, of 'a . 11 ed. sole OintheCounty0fIrm �Illly be purebasea tjjr� Ized agents. Or&ers gh-6 .Or Myself WM not bo a 111en have been appoiniti- the - ()Olmty Hapron 4muton; and L. sm.