HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 6State of !Trade in he Country District We have recently had. the opportunity of reading a largemumbe of letters, Writ- ten mostly by -brisiness men in various parts of Ontario, in ansa er to sPecialf en- quities as to the position of trade in their reshectivelhealitioe, an. especially With reference to the results of the winter's business. - The accomita vary very pinch, as they naturally would and sofnetimes bear a, gloomy or a brig t shade, accord- ing to the peculiar type of the writer's mind. Taking thein h the aggregate, we find certain leadingf lets about which there is enough concur): nt testimony to establish them beyond mailable doubt. If, for instance, -Wehtak the north-west- ern counties of Simcoe, Grey, Bruce and Huron, we find that A argely increased trade has b en done Olon the new lines of railway. The opening which many of those new localities we supposed to af- ford for establishing a h isiness has caus- ed an unnecessary . n ultiplication of stores. Stooks in well ocalities appear to have been some -who in excess, es- peeially of woolens. T 's seems to be due not only to the o er-sanguine cal- culations of traders, In t partly to the mild character of the wi i ter, both in the beginning and. the dos ng months, and the consequent had max s. • "Under stioh drcumstances, produce is held. back; _ and from this ogain-folle s, as of Course, a tardiness in the paym nt of accounts, and an increase of entst tiding indebted- ness.1 • l C Looking next at the ,estern ounties of Lambto , Kent, .E. sex, Elgin and Middlesex; it appears- t at trade has suf- fered from the open cI aracter of the . winter, but especially lf om the depres- sion of the oil industry. The small siil- loges gene -ally compla n. . it appears pretty cieaj from these 1 tters that thelre is a general tendeney in trade to forsake the small v ages for th towns. This is an invariable result Wierever railways are opened. Some octet goods is noticeable in aill the demand, for them ha over-estimated; In the oentral countie ford, Halted's, lWellingh more:Cheerful story is (lent that the cash system into favor among the distrias. They are ne; sale centres, and, ther fore, visit the markets often, buy -1 -ss, poi more promptly, and carry 1 ss stock over; business is, therefore., -ept in better shape and more satiSfac ry to all Con- cerned. . From the so Ahern. unties of Lin- coln, Welland, .Norfolk , int Haldimanch. the_ reports'arenot flattering. In !Nor- in folk county thcl -0 is an increase of, out- standings ancl a general complaint of the smallness of cash , sales. In the Other eounties named there are more heavy goods left Over thanusual, and. an mf - ;satisfactory, season's ti-adie is given as the general result. ! . Several counties east f TorontO, in- cluding Ontario, North unberlandand Durham, Peteiboroh Vi toria, &c., liave leo re lleavy walids than 1.1 alai.. At maim- . factoring points, such , s Oshawa, less than the usual activity s reported, assa nig to the slubstitiftion latterly of . Am- erican goods far the h Me -made. : The towns generally in these aunties are not seifering from Idepressh -Lion sales of hankropt.st Latch damage insoMe lo lombering'distnicts the has been diSappointi ',nines. citation of heaVy these district, in& been quito of Brant, Oka' Peel, &G., Id.. It is ell, is corning more 'aders in these rer the whole: - la though lauc- Cks havq one alities: the rade genqally — Hon tory NoteS on H alth. To-nacco.--L-Softening, o the brain lie a disease almost alWays co fleeted with! the use of nervines in some .: _tape. fohhcco is a powerful. a&ent in its -production. Trileibling is one. of the lama Symptoms of acute, and a cOmmen i esult of ehronic nicotism. The hlinister of Public I In- straiction in Fraar4e issti 1 a circular to the directors of colleged schools, ifor- biddiug tobacco to Wale th as injurious to physic4 and, intell ctual develop- ment, Tehiteco atid'insa ity are closely connected. !It is stated upon the best - authority that of those vho.-heeanna-ino sane from the sepposed i se of spiritnous liquors, 87 Oer Centalso use tobaeoo4 fruits implies hectors' 1. ills. The hest . FRUIT AN p I- EA.LTH. An absence . of raedieine chest ait einigra big familylcan o carry to, ,a lnewly-settled conntry is a, box of carly-beari g fruit trees, currant, gooseberry and ra pberrY bashes, an,d strawberry plants! Western resi- dents say that as long asthey have ripe fruit they remain free ftjom all disease ref3u1ting from malara. Hain Dvss.--Casee of aralysis result- ing from the use ef hair dyes are .counted by the score. The 1hrew York Board of Health, a year or two 'a4o, warned the the people of dangers from this souree. , The chief medical, ()Meer of the BrookRyn Life Insurance Qompany stated that a few years agO thast company paid a policy. -on the life of a man 'who, a poat-mortem examination 'demonstrated, killed himself by ;dyeing his hair. 1 To Oath ' i.EDFLESSNEse..—Let the full meal rn eoe n the middle of the day. Two hours a ter it, has been taken walk three or four mil s or r*le twice that number. Eit a "gilt, easi1y digested supper and plass th eucce disng hours till bed time in al way agreea le but not ex- citing. Avoid cau es of w try, and sleep ia a fresh held and well v itilated apart- ment. 0110- CO;RN Foiel)EB.;—,A Mr. Simmons avr ite . the Germantown Telegrapl . that as te as June 3, he drilled twelve quarts of of corn in ' rows two feat apart, {-in :1, third. of an acre of 'ma, and 21,p- r i piied one and a half cords f manure and cultivated twice, a man fol owing with a baud -hoe. The corn grew ten feet high. . eat up just as -tassels began. to blossom, . it made. 000 bundles, overact' ng 20 pounds 1 green, and eight pounds 4. ry, being at 'the rate of 7,200 pounds cl •y fodder per a -re ----which he judged. to o worth moro paa.- tan than hay for feedin cows. E Another farmer, in Peel skill, N. It, (Lined two bushels of corn on two and a , h ..if acres of meadow. lam after he ens, the hay, covered the drill. with freali e4 w manure, 0i -titivated fou • tunes up to Auh. 10, awl Gut with sic - e Sept. lb, laying corn cross -wise of ro vs -h.> dry fOr il oe days, then tied it up aud shocked en a 'joining grass land. He t sen reploweg ca again to all and sleri- out cutting. ii-.. ore were eight tons of coin fodder. , -- aage-e-se—ha .A Youm; MAN Wonichst; AS A FA.C1- 1 ee'ear GIRL.—Facts as follo s have just come to light at Little Falls But a short time ago a very intelligent looking girl; as was supposed, applied for and secured a, situation in one of ;the la itting millS under the name of 1 Bertha Rollins. She was quite retieen in- her department, though of an app4rently'. agreeable -dis- ositiona Seven yiou.ug men of the vil- lage had become sniittent with Bertha and, when she announced her intention of quitting the village, these young men grew melancholy )3ut Bertha left. She went to Otse o, and there: secured a situation in a fact ry, but there:her man- ners at once crea d suspicion and it was found, after a ea dully pi epar`ed. plan, that Bertha Rolli 8 was _Henry Wallace of Brooklyn; N. .., who had been: play- ing girl for A yea or two past very suc- cessfully, having f r several months been fin the employrnen of a.New York con- cert saloon propri tor as a waiter girl. Wallace said he assumed the role of girl because by (icing so- he could obtam employment, and n male attire he could. not. --Troy Press. Things t Ottawa. The following e tract, from a letter of _1the clever and rac Ottawa correspond.- , mat of the Hada' on Times, Will give I our readers some 1 ea of how things are looking at Ottawa both before and be- hind the scenes : - " One month has pass- ed since the repres ntatives of the people assembled to atten to the public busi- ness, and they are already beginning to enquire at What d, e they may expect to be released. It in y seem to those who are anxious for,: an opportunity to find fault with the Government, that there is very little to Shoat for the time spent, but a fair considera ion of all the circum- etances will relieve the .M.inistry and the House from blame. _Coming as they did into office afterla, long series ot years in opposition, the , -mei ers of the „Cabinet found much te4N3 I amain their depart- ments. They Were at first practically at the mercy of their c erks and the deputy heads of departme ts. To master the details of official rol ine, and at the same time correct manyea uses of llong stand- ing, involved. a greaI deal of work, when uudertakeh in coni tion with ordinary Parliamentaryadatie This Will partial, ly account for aOme di ays n prosebut- ince the business of t e session. Another thing that is now evident, is that they have promised , Ihop LONG AROO-RAMIE for the legislasingle of sinale session. To . , reclean the promises I made in opposition, it was nocessary'for the new Ministry to 1 undertake soraeiradi -refornis, butprop- er consideration of ti e new measures will reclaim., more time than. clan be given them before it will b, necessary to allow ;the members to go lairue. It is now-sen- erally admitted that a few, of the meas- ures alluded to In th Speech from the Tho -one had. better e left for another year. In this eate ory conies the one for the establishni ilit of a Court of Appeal. van ARMY OF 0 FICE-S F-TKERS 1 who present their el inis through theif 1 local representative-, ontinues undith- Iinished. . For the go d of the country it is to be hoped that n large proportion of thesenien are lying ‘nt of employment 1 - 0 1 waiting for.a realiza Ian of their wishes. I Their demand§ heel' been a source of : some emboahassment tp the d partniental ll heads, anclithey hav had n. ore than a ) fair share of trouble f oin an ther cause ll Many grievances ' of old ' sanding are l brought once more t ) . the front by com- plainants whe had 1 g ago ( espaired. of redress from the late lovern lent. Each seems to think , that 1is own coMplaint has a particular righ Ito firsi a.tteutiou, and the winner rus alis of his nature have made 'buy w rk in at depart- ments. After , Whi el the mciss of exti.a work will be real ed, and, from the character of the rnen folios, there is little c ,L TA Munsters •are s into arrears aga re best,friends are lrepu s .r less polite, t at •BRIEECYfteITS 1 RE t en' AccEPTARLE. Of course the e is; .ome ecmapiamt of this kind of us go, W rich is in 'striking 4ontrast with ti e neeligent urbanity of hose who lately lauaged the office hen any hod. co*lJ. get ii eourteous Phonaise that hi pasi lwoiiltl tie atteaded ti, though mo S bf 1hm-4xpehience.cf the ' sh pe deferred e hie]. aketW the heart sick. NoW eve ry ii n has 4 watch his pt rn for an int rvi ,,„ and aiiia,y retire . happy if he has an encouragement, for no empty pronai es trh scattered broad- cast. - There is, at I ast, one man ,n the Cab- inet who has un lert 1, -en more work than he ought to att nap ol do. I refer to Hu. Mr. Mack nzi , lPrernier and Min- ister of Publ. W o ks. The Depart- mental work r WILL ].E 'N‘ ELL, DOE; , Mackenzie -know ptural injunction, fiudeth 4.4 do He has ander his cult and intricate ortanee of 1 which t of the lilinance ties are much more the su ervision of way co , strnetion, seen .that the time 0 positiOn of the s THE 'HURON EXPO ward are Ott etel 't6 of nore in- terestt1antqfoe1 allays excepting the one -tplio.xit e:Orrisiral,of Riel Near; ly all the-meenhers who desired to AIR THEIR ELOQUENCE, , have nOW had &chalice to do so. In the future, there will be less windy de lam- tibn; Php diacussion of the Elaction law, in. Committee of the Whole, was a curious affair, taken in its entirety. The same ideas -were enunciated dozen times by different members, each seeming to think that his verbal sanction would. add weight to prhvision of the bill. The only good result that could follow Was to give a Teat to the reporters, and, they took so much advantage of the Chance that readers at a distance could form little idea of what a nuisance a redund- ancy of able .speakers may become. Nimmels TREES! TREES 1 TREE! JOHN GRAY & CO., BROCKTON NURSERIES, i.ouoavio„. - Offer for sale a largo and well selected 4:4ek 01 STANDARD AND ' DWA.RF Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Choice Hardy EVeg,reens, Flowering Shrubs, • Efardy Roses, - Grape Vines: ;Small Freits, &c. Beddin Plants, &c ; - ALFRED E. DENISON:Agent, Seaforth; ;Orders left with ;Mr. Denisen willbe prbmptly attended to. March, 1874, • 09-12 BY-LAW NO. 1, 1874, To raise by Way of Loan ,the snTn of Twenty Thousand Dollars for the pn.rpcse- of Purchas112g the Nor!thern ,Gravel Roa „ HilltEAS;the 43ouacil of the Corporation of the County of Huron lutisi resolved Oo pur- chase the NORTH I RN GRAVEL ROAD? with the view of abolishibg the collection of TC ls on all the Gravel Road d in the said COUllty. And WHEREAS, to carry into effect the said re'cited object, it will be necessary for the COrtneil of the said Corporation to raise the stun of Twenty Thousand Dollars in the manner hereinafter men- lioned. 4 _ :And WILEREAS, the amount of the whole rate- able property in the County of Huron, irresPective of tory future inerease in the same and iriespec- tive of an income to bederived from the tempor- ary investment of the l sinking fund hereinafter inentio.ued, or any part thereof 'wording to the lad revised earl equalised Assessment Rollof the said County, being for the year (inc Thousand Eight ilundred and Seventy -Three, was Thirteen Millions One Huiadred and Ninety -Thdusand Three Hundred and Seventy-FiveDollars. . Afla: WHEREAS, the amount of the e4isting debt, of the said County is as folleWs : Principal, Two Hitudrediand Fiftv-Nhie Thoositud Eight , Hundred and Thirty Dollars, or Gravel, Road Debentures, bearing interest at thereto of per cont. per annum. The annual interest to be pith on the said debt is Fifteen ThouSend Five Etuncle red and Eighteen Dollars and Eighty Cents upon which debt there is no interest in arrear. An WHEREAS, itiwill require the sum Of Two ' Thousand Two Humbled Dollars to be raised an- nually by special rate for the payment of the aitid debt and intereOt, as also hereinafter menl- 'ctir9cAnalletiln*IgilVaHniielliquEalr a'nuf irallS)Tnilitligthe interekt and ng, Fund for paving the said sum of Twc4ut3 Thousand Dollars and interest as hereinafteal mentioned, it will ruquird au equal annual special rate of Ofio Hundred 'ma Sixty Nino Hundred end Fifty -Ninths (160-/)59) ot a Mill in the Dalton i addition to all other rates and taxes to be levied m each year. Be it therefore emitted h,v the Council of the: Corporation of the °minty of Huron: lst.--Thatit shall b . lawful for the Walden or the said Comity of Hu .on -to raise by way rh loan from any person or p raons, body or bodies coi- porate, who may be eN illing .to milvituce the SSTIN . upon the credit of titre Debentures hereinafte; mentioned, a sum not !exceeding in the whele the sum of Twenty ThoneandDolfith; aid ciese aid (-tame to be paid iuto the hands of the Treasarer of . the County aforesaid for the purposes and with- , the object above recited.. . 94.—That it elutll b den to cause any nu 4 • ma de foranch sums - liondred Dollars emit tures shall be sealed 11 1"ho not hold port- nger otf it gettiug t preem t the prin- a busy ! that their d with' lints, more 1 for all who knoy ill r that he obeys the 8 'Whatsoever thy h it vith thy mig it." conarol the mot d Department, t1.e 1 ra,t4cs equal svi h t ialinister, while he i arclnoes. Add o t a the Intercolonit 1 11 ii and it may be r add leftlfor the res ons b leader of the Go ern Of course no e ang •session, but the int r party would not su became 1 -'resider t of some °awl- positrm leave him:afore ime o give to depute - severely tax hills e i rgiess anal would tams from alaroai ai to his Supporters in the House. ' A noticeable fea Parliament is, bat date , THERE et E . q " w mr4" on either side o th _Rouse. The Op- position is so small any necessity for a r secure unanimity in other hand, the Mi strong that things h, vo been allowed to a. lawful -for said War-, boreal- Debentures to be money, not less' than One- , and that the said Debene ith the seaVof the said Cor- SITOR, WATHP CLOCK AND JEWLRY. R. .00 NTER TT.A.s one of the'Choloest and Cheapest Stock of tehes, Clocks and jewelry to elect from in the Count -y. E ery „Article Warrante to be as Represenqd. Prices are lower than any other House doing a sm trade can afford to offer. The. Stock largest and best s looted in this eection of the wank. • A. call of Inspee ion is all that is required to amyl ee , the most skeptical. of the truth of these statements. Just received, fnll stook at the ' EL4311 N WATCH ES; 'Watches, all differ ut grades, including the renowned "-Lady Elgin.' is the the best dmerican-made A Large 4Mortinent �t very hiancionw, Sil ,er Ware sta as Cruel Stands, Cake Basket4.4., They are worth looking t, Oold Chains in, rendlass variety. ()pairing pronintl attended to. M. R. COUNTER, Mainas reet, Sea,forth. 0 THE FARME " S OF HIJRON. FORSYT 'S PATENT WROUGEIT' IRON PetEbhaNt thCey:fare TILE undersignec ibeg to direct thli attention of t e Farmers of liar -I- now prepared t' take orders for the above fence which is Without onubttoththee fa BEST AND MOST Parties desirousl of giving this' fence a trial sh • uld-leave their orders at once so that it can be SCA01.11,s1 DURABLE FENCE 114 USE preparcdfor erecti repairs for TEN Snow will not ace will not destroy it. This .Fenee will be Five Wire Fence, Six " TERMS—All sur it early intpring. The proprietor will guarantee this fence o stand without ARS. The ben fits of this fene over all others are : 10—D •ability. 2nd— rdate or bank against it. 8rd--"he wind. or frolit des not eff et it. 4th—Fire 5th—It is warranted to turn all us of stock, no matter how lniachy or vieious. furnished at the following rate • ier rod 4 C I 41 50 S .von Wire Fence, plirod.,.. ........ 1 68 ght CI CC CC 175 tion of fence ; over that ft111011 t three months on of fence. For laitge orders special arrange- ation given. on application to R. Counter, et, Seaforth; or Hughl Cameron, ondesboro. FORS TH & Co. 1 41 s of $25 and und cash, on compl credit, an approved note to be furnis ed on complet ments can be made. Orders taken aid further info', Maim street, Seaforth ; or George For yth, at the Mar 320 11 TO T F RIME'S OF We have much plea.ure in informi ' BleLEOD, Ki The KIRBY Reapin The KIRBY Madhi Farmers who were pr as to the merits of o The Kirby Machine equal to any machine make and can supply REAPER, the BURD WHEEL MOWER. Farmers who have nis supply them with fir4 HU ON. g you that we have Secured the services of pen, as Gener 1 Agent lar the sale of ! em have not yet sent at the Kipp Machines. are simple in raadei and are p o Farmers for OK INDEPEN . MeLEOD will ,d the Kirby. W class Mathines. CHARLFS MellE0 , Kinpen P. O., JABIES MARTEN,St. Helens P.0., o 13nAierronn, Marcia, 1874. ecu fully intr n Reaping Ma on.struction- sitively the li he coming s ENT SELF- upply punt trust the Ira Yours truly, . CHARLES And Mowing MAY 8, 1874, SEAFORTII AGRICPLTURAL: IMPLEMENT, Scaring Machine, t MUSICAL :INSTRUMENT 1\11 13' Cull rIT SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT.- ' take pleasure in .stating to the public, that I shall at all times have a stock of the different kinds of Sewing Machines, with their varied pre- tentions to merit, that thepurchasers may be able to suit themselves at one establishment, without inconvenienee, The -whole face of the country has been, n.nd still is, frequented by transient persons. My object is to caution the public agairist buying anything but Standa.rd Machines, and of Regular Established Agents. who can al- ways be found, and whose warrant and guarantee min be relied on, and if the purchaser is not suited with the kind they think they want, they call have the privilege pi charteing it for any either: Vie have at all timea a new and fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well as all the other standard makes, which ean be paid for on very easy terms, or if not satisfactory, can be. changed for any other that may be desirel. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT& 0. C. WILLSON Can defy the voila on Musical rnstruments, both in Price and quality, he cannot be surpassed. The utainifacturers of Instrunumts which he sells have a reputation that. dare not be questioned. He dells for no seconcl,class firms. The Mathu- shek and Steinway Piano: .1'zince, Mason & Ham- lin, and Estey Organs and Melodeons'. ACR:ICULTURAL IMPLEMINTM Such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Machines and Horse Powers, all of the best, always on band. IRON H.ARROWS. • Now is the time to purehase 14.1 • ._•—,. .. < a. r . 4 .17" u3 0 - ale" LL 'adhines. <c tinted into the County of Bur n, but those te.‘ aeily managed, very. durable, wili de their work eh/ On-IY,.1873, min, form their tom opinions /htest running machines in the D minion. We son the KIRBY COMBINED 3, OWER AND AKING REAPER, and KIRBY'S ets, giving all information and ce niers of Huron will sustain n NEW TWO- lificates liaten our efforts to A. HARR S, SON & CO. 320 3& - TRUNKS, BAGS, WH I PS, r COMB FIARNES 1 COLLARS, Ow • hl VALISE LASHES, BRUSHS, &C Y'S, SEAFORTH AT BELFRY & M poratron and be signed by the Warden. and court, • 1 USty. ', • tersigned by the Trees rer of the said Co r !lin—That the said Debentures shall be made, payable in twenty years at furthest from. the day hereinafternientioned 'Air_ this fly -Law tcS take el-. feet, at the office ea the Treaeurer of- the saitl --County of Hurou, aed shall have attached to them conpoits foe the paymeet ()lithe intemst nually„ signed by the said Warden and Treitsuren• 4th.—Tlint the eaid Debentures and Ctupone shall be made out the curreucy of this Donnu- ion Re that whole automat of said-3)ebeutures shall not' exceed the before mentioned sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and they shall bear iuterest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, whieli litter- ' est shall be paylible on'' the first day of Ally 111, each year, and every yeardttring !the continuance of the said debentures, at the office of the Treas- urer of tlie said Comity of Huron., 5th.—That for the Purpose of forming a sinking find for the pa yineet Of the said Debentures and - the interest at the rate aforesaid, to become clue thereon an equal speeial rate of'One Hundred and Sixty Nine Hmelred end Fifty -Ninths (160459) of a Mill in the Dollar, shall in addition to all, other intes and taxes be raieed, levied 'and collected in ellen year upon all the rateable property within the County of Huron„ durmg the continuance of the said Debentures or any of them. 6th.—That this Be -law shall take effect and ; come into operation. upon the fiNt dal- of Oue Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Four. - ! The above is a trtie t;ci be takeu into cousi -Connell of the CotrutN thci said County, on t at the hour of two wldch time and place O0 hereby required aforesaid. County Clerk's'OtlIce Goderich, Feb. 26,187 TICE. opy of -a prciposed By -Law oration by. the Municipal of Huron, Goderich, in Fourth Day of June11874, 'clock in the liffernohn, at he members of the Council to atteud for the purpose PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. . 325:14 lint is nt en"gb' TO THE •PUBLICI AT LARGE can be made this sts of . the Refonn if Mr. l‘lackenzie e Council, or took hict woulld not so W. H. OLIVER, arness, addle and C ollar - -MANUFACTURER, re of the 241141.2V:STI 4,5f.E.A.P01?T.FI. p to the present r' corn ground, and See( t The stalks were der, and. eaten clean witi Op - at there is hardly ognized "whip" -to eir ra,nks On the sterial party is so go at aloose • ends. Most • of the 1 ,de-. .bates have. bee!" towed tax' , go - as " Open," :, and - the had -policy ' of so' - doing waa apparent i one ease the other alight, . When Seven, loyal .-Mlinisfitial supporters had exprcased thenaselves in opposition to what at rwards tarned ou a to be a. pet, Sebetil of the *IiniStry. Though there was • ne risk of alienating support, the want of proper precantions ' to have thepolicyof 'the Cabineh under- stood ani eaplained'. y individual con- versations was felt,' and the lNlinistry- woeld do well to tak a h.nt foni the occurrenee.. . It has been intimat al in a se i -official way that the/., _ sosinha- with.; moss about the 20th or 25th. Of May,. ut it is hardly considered poscible that tie busi- ness will be finished 411 soon: Co mittee .days. The debates i m this tipie for- iri work is still atsits hei ht, and a .nnmber of. reports may be -pected i • a few - 1 1.1 `t:e4 0 esh 0 "IT SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. . , A choiceassortment of light and heave Harness, 'Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, Sen, kept ;einstantly on hand. Repairiug promptly att(31.l&tl to, and charges moderate. Reinambertha( epli:re,Te,TcIsign.m.of the Scotch Collar. w IMPORTANT NOTICE. NEW BARBER SHOPIN SEAF()X1TH—The are respectfully invited to give Mr. oremns a eali in his new Barber Shop in the Mansion Hotel. The best attention given to Shaving and Hair Cutting. Call and see him! (ive him a Trial! Razor and Scissor Shea -peeing strictly attended to. Come one ! Come U!a wit: (MEW'S, Sea forth, Satisfaction'given. 321 MONEY ADVANCED ON 31ortgage Security, in such stems and .for suth periods, and repayable in such manner as the applicant may desire. Apply to A. G. MeDOUGALL, Seaforth. 322'-'52 Our HA.RNESS we etin recommend to any one, noue but first-rate Haliness. We Warra It our Collar give entire satisfaction. - Shop Opposite IlianAton, _House ,Seaforth. COME 0 0 The Best in use. A feW only on hand. Call and get 011P before they are all gone. -Inth yea1:1870 1sedd 30 Of these Harrows; in 1871 50 ev4-e sold by ; in 1872 h. Ohl Th; ana in 1873 'my sales reached. over 150. This is the best proof that ean be offered of the satisfaction which the Harrows nive. dir 17 0- WILLSON . Market -street, Seaforth. 825 FARMERS, LOOK HERE, nen , If you want aiirst-class Plow don't forgetto callon (;',. WILLIAMNON, as we use only first-class Le ther and make •antee them to . 'who hits taken so many prizes at the Provincial not to galla Horep, and gua ' Exhibitions fot several years past. I would call special attention to nay IRON BEAM PLOW, whieh givessuch entire satisfaction to all who have BELFRY &*MA_ • L • draft. As a proof the superiority 1,1 my Plowtover , -v- lised it. It nin kes good work and. is vein- light: of , those of all other inannfactnrers, intending nine NEI COME ALL AND Y YOUR HARNESS J. W -1-1• I beg to state for thei inforniation of flaa ors and t Harness on hand as ny in town, and am deter ment in the County. ! BELLS and HOBS!il BLLNKETS, �J1 kinds, eon Furnishings. Ot-V-3E41/ M 313 1 SEAFOR _ chasers should remember that I took the 1st prize e public generally, that I have as good a stock a 'net" ndt te be Undersold by any ether establish- ; tantly on hand, Also TRUNK and General ' rr J. WARP, Seaforthr .FORNITI'OREI THE ONE A NEW - pm e, UNDERkIGN -11- Kinds MC 1 as Cane S'eat, ' We will 'als Wheri snch is on hand or ma the business. With an ateii share and. a tria ' To enable ue FURNITURE. THING NEEIWUL COIVIE ATI LAST. URNIT RE SI -ORE IN SIAFOliti ID HAS OPEN D OUT A ARGE- STOCK OF '"O'ItNIT'dfl.E OF ALL Tiro d Seat and bocl-ds, Centre be ireparei to do requited you will find i to 61der. SHROUD, redk4cwIedgs of the b of eblic patronage. sell cheap and also t N. B.—A neni Piano for sale or will print' Sat Chairs, Bedsteads, Tables, Lo miles, Mattresses, (LT. 1 Pfas, kinds of RDER WORE., PICTURE FRAMING, &e. ! EPERTKING. . . No eye to monopoly. l to your adva et tage to patronize us. COFFIN'S' will be_ kept al -Ways kept i stock. A. HEARSE te hire in connection with einese from 4urteen years experien. ce we respet fully Halieit a , Save expenses we will be our °Importer. -1 J. JOHNS & i Co. ,iven in part payment for a house. PT.31,WI'173 1)0,NNER B. POR He gibs Flinn -1- BEG tanotity ray nuinerons friend + Store next door north of M. Robe rind at from 20 tio so per Sent cheaper t Wake up ye OW Bachelors and get save a fortune by buying from me. 1 323 E'TJR,N Ii BLAZIlfa, VOT. ALENE. R NOT DED YI are avay for n t11-morrer: abd cantomers that I have again opeoed out a new Furniture son's, where e rything in the housekeeping line ratty be found, la any other ilace in town. , I rtried at once, and give me aca1u before going elliewhere. on Try it and b convinced. 1 W. B.1 PORTER. at the Proeincial Exhibition of 1872, And the lst and 2nd prizes at the Provincial Exhibition, 1873. All kinds of repairing done to plows on Unshelled notice. Also Grey plows properly repaired. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. 827-12 • G. 'WILLIAMSON, Seeforth. , THE SEAFORTH PLOW FACTORY. MONROE & HOGAN, SEAFORTH, 33eg to direct the attention of the farming com- munity to their Superior PLOWS. THEIR IRON PLO \V Has become a general ;favorite, and with improvements inade sine last season, they have no hesita- tion in guantnteeine it to be at least equal to any other =plow mafaclured. TWEIR IRON BEAAT PLOW, With wooden handles, is one of the best and most useful plows, for general use, manufactured. , MONROE & HOGAN Now ruanufacture the celebrated THISTLE CUTTER PLOW With Wrought Iron Beam. They are the only manufacturers who supply this favorite plow with a Wrought IronBeam. This plow is sold for $17, the sameprise at which other manufacturers the cast iron beam. SCUFFLERS, Both in -iron and wood, made to order on the shortest notice. REPAIRIN(1- of every description promptly attended to. None but the very best material, both in iron and wood, used, and parties purchasing from ne may rely -upon getting it good and derablesatiele. MONROE & HO(hAN, Plow Manufacturers, Seaforth. N. B.—Gray's Mould Boards kept on hand for repairing, 826 THE FARMERS' FRIEND! WILLIAM (MASSIE, fc'anettiauezeafeata Carrinee 'Work 9If ell his sleighs and cutters, is now beeily nranu- WAGONS), AND BUGG-1ES. His Wagons are strong and durable. gnIalii.as:tene:iteosgia,:ee ssitt3t-ilsisfahe,::: hello( made of the very best material, and by 1h-elass workmen, are •118Riliely.iiniuthneit)orasidteib.ii to sell on as fevoreble terms NO LONG CREDIT. Mr. Graasie is deterniined to sell cheap, and will hereafter give only short credit. Repelling and General Blaelcsmithing attended. to as usual. WILLIAM GRASSIE. ....a—i— ILaitioax:i.:nrlintoneeoxwziontsis131.reit:tnfilLoghtS) 1 way for la in to that he, an 1840, went to bud::::17ege74 7 ct::: i iatiN atoan-nnkissnii:r74:' we siali.if)tit direct int4ercou1he w irbgfiebilruedviseieeiamgntsrmi:elel:eaeir;b1n!dftt:litlitstCh:ii:laialriintt:tPv:-Ia:11tylillihl'aso°10tItifsri9il' ail°hatistshexpin°ualhlinthtehrealvwalaill ITuabnrshuidee•oeraners:Ehhtsiesrn:v:i;huar:artsaaeen::„:0,' tvoviwthala.d;:g4nt:thoef s:1 seodutjaa,tslit riira'b'ObLt41111 , Kalahari esert whiK the Bakw in, a tribe' was the c lief, ahd- in Kolebeng, where he 1 iYue:Arat sao jI0 8321 bs es ingj..irisy, I his futur eareerl as a consider le -exenrsioi he ° 1 1 le a Pd3-qu'nYa, life 2rsti-T lat::: for purposes of Sport and freqt ntly made tie, b.er s eclth. 0: visited tile L NI reached the rive Zai. one of th impohtanit for o nh* .cevcah,lin acanaittaieof%elit:e:a3io.w iinenceLiingsto ivaelnsjri0aei One made his iii t eh Africa pessible the any one e se, ihade Ix land. Sebitaane, Livingstone, African he had. eve] warrior, a legislator, sician. As a, w rrial regions r land about I prepared iihe way fin of them by LivingstO he gover d wise?), tl made great;. and, shoal aim.0 powor an norrecti are incidental tel a ly.4 has achieved in.ilitar Lkiallpa:eat, mIielgailVSanieal one of his tomposi Makolcilo who atere ) 1861. NN: e were in ,1 It WAS e euing.1 Th d.ay had 1,)en stOrnahl of the heavens and c all on the deck of ti the inelescrihablle bea. .At*Livinhstone$ req, the Maleclolie, sang ,1-1 Sebit1a114, and .t Mij for one of the grand When Lihingstine -fil Sehituan4 was 43-* it was srinh by sor ehosen warriors, sh-lh his hut, as; his spil Speaking' ot this ail stone says ; " He 1 best speertnen of a ' met.. I. never felt s the loss (if a IA& : tw2olgillnitili;to ssilliie ?v4-: h just hetniil before la awl not ti) realize as eeedings Of 11.0e. W11 Sebituanb had impli stone, aild(it was th Sokeletne and. the tl, gave hia influence enabled Lini. to seeuf men whO traversed ' rico, with him, and operibt this feat a pos Livingstone migh •Kolebeeg, or in its misaionary for y a desire to travel upon kina, _mission p.m: avihiteela.otdiont;;I:ali life. Many Duteh the outskirts of th during the Kaffir wt. lor less hyelees men] lbleod and Viol_hilee, natives as 110 ibet6 strove to roiltliCie i '''etre!Ittiti:134 1),Bealligs,,atii11.1tykrire, 0 Thal children ' into alai' wothen learrie 1 ti 0 , , k .11 . he had labored for carry on his 1)118510).1 mission tation, an stroyed is jytIRerEl desolated All lhoi; bene svas destroj was not dismayed. possessiii of 111-q devote los life lieho4 out to Christianiti rggehoitsolcireAinfle' aca1:1 ed wrong, that * tahhiloedrifiyIbilio)ol*ssialllvil oizi ze, ar -r;;I:tli117.,Sshi ;0ofli);et1'1.-i Ile eonductol hi tCoaszlatritanataana(1,,.tpr', improve ' hilnself prepare himaelf ;:it means for the grea set himself to do. l !Aim: i.c.fitssii. eceit.s.: atietlit:1,,r: I: ,si..1:::Iiiiti::131;iliiir, recoheiled 111111 4-,. hi11ljs'lEii' ha3giaeEiii its:,Ieiii likelyo have alsh int:lnIt't1alij:airalr tilSie(.11 5:1:tne ir:n-irt::lia support him ; tha co/mine-or with ---watls]lenom.h1Litirl''oine':, fl(:.,wzialfni tahtis tiet4, 11 -°1f'l!iLti,:ti z:rpt 1eet't