HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 5MAY 8? I874a kora, *cables, masts, wire riggrag, _ems er wed yellow metal, sheathing, eita Diting are he be ditthr free. The duty he per cent. ,on pig -iron will not be jets that extensively used materialhee tg restored to the free list- Other assei of iron that formerly paid A per and Were raised to 7.; per cent., e to remain at 5 per clad. The auger Ake, which have exitsa Innen heete oversy, are to remain or the present itched. Finally, the duttea ea nea are reeisljusted. The eheaper class iu pay 36t cents per grille's ; the medium ,rts 69 cents per gallon and the higher aste spszkling wines, -$1 per gallon. r. Tupher, in a lengthy speech;reviewe the imaneial polies,- Of the Slovene eat, and conteuded that the Finance inistee took entirely too gloomy a aw of the future proapeets of the .entry. Ho endeavored to show thee ere was no sletieiency in the revenue,. d that the late Government had not edged the .country to any additional -pentliture Sufficient to justify the in. - eased tariffh proposed by the 'Finance itheeer. hie. Holton saidd it had been S- lot to listen to a great laity audth, his speeehee, a great ma ty disinge- has speeches, some t shonsirahle eeeies—but ill all his ex oerienee he d never listened to a speect in whieh these characteriatics were combined ,suelt an extent aa in this speech al ,hortorable gentleman from otaa.. loath—Mrs . Tupper. He then Ito_ Vied to show the inconsiatenaly an turdity of that gentleman's argument, ' a concluded by pledesinh himself to . a e, w.„ as he felt sure the House would a hearty support ta the Finance . inter in all the future stages of -this ttentree Mr, Mitchell spoke at some lgth,,. elainsiner that the alterations 'hed to were Sue to the moral influence the Opposition. He found fault with S tea duties, approved the increased ty on sparkling wines, opposede the , tie a on eanvaa and co doge,: and co- islett itt the decieion o the GOverne nt to leave sugar aIOI4L. He' denied et the late Government had rendered tre.ased taxation necessary, forgetting, earently, Mr. Tilley's hewu. admisaion, it a deficit would havd to be provided i in the present se.ssitin. Mr. Mac- ezie, Montreal, ridiculeil the attempt Dr Tupper te show there was no de - I, and contended that the national tlit,- Would be strengthened by the ak adenission of the Finance Minister. s. Afl Smith, had a very large inter- n tp-building, but thetas' take the pe4ibilitrof saying the', duties to be hchsed were right and jest. The ship - g intereat hadi ityng been highly pros - Ouse and the ship -owners were among Wealthiest meu in th4 country.. It a only fair, 'therefore, that they should ir, their proportion- of the pulelie hur- ls. Ile spoke of the large ontla.y for ithouses, the abolition of local dues, 1 other advantagee granted, to the pebuilding interest, and declared that experieuce was that the Government, re disposed to do the fullest justice to i Maritime Provinces. Mr. Oliver iwed the neceseity for the Dominion Iertaking great public works - in order; develop the country, and aid the great crests on the prosperity of which the ure of Canada dependec .. He was de - Ma of opposing o innterest, but light the ship -owners 4ug1it well of- d to bear a share in t e public hur- ts. _ rhe tea duties WO; CI. bear light - not exceeding. a .dollar a year per dly, but he believed the cigar duties re adjusted in a manner unfavorable the home manufacturer. After some ther discussion, the resolutions were Leaned in, and the bill framed upon in was read a first time, 'later name AND PEMBINA RAILWAY. -,pon the grant of h650,000 for thecons setioa of the Fort (u iv and'Pembina, lway minister up in '(lonetnittee of -TIT, Mt heaelteuzie explained that . Sionstructioa of the roas this year de - 1 sled eh the7decision of he bondhold- : in nische hands the , mericau line t, as to whether it contd be carried Re understood thatithis matter t 1 e decided by the c eterniination Vorthress, t� make or re , ete a grant of 1 that hadlapsed, bat he nets mferm- Committee of Congre s had report- fhvohably. His furthe - explanation Id he more properly ne de evifen he Olt do-wn. the Caeadian Pacific: meas - in a day or two heace. He believed route ofthisbranch wodd be on the !bank of the Red Itie-e . The grad.- ,v.-oetIcl be , very ciliate , ml the only ,hrtant cost would be the iron and h mater; . required He further ed that the Governmett bill would Ode for altleontracts being laid be- eParliaraent before they weve acted , ut in, the pi eeent case it was e they iniehht have to proceed be- t • , uldh be possilde to take the e Reuse upon the contract for motion. THE racme RA LIMA V e tea \ 'EV. - / tIe vote for Pacific: surveys, Mr- kenhie gave explanations as to the resS mock in the Lake Supetior re - kith res.pect to the Western see- iexpIained that the era:Meet dile tiea' were Presented loyt'the Cascade -i mountains. In no place had a s hirable route beeui found than with a gradieut of 1501 feet to the forl an stuinterrapted slope of 15 , , , e Without any level reaches. He t oneto explaiu the stqs- taken, by isiziag survey parties, to tsseertain Loest ,line of route, so ft.s to. eruard 'tst any poshilde fail-art:h. Their In- Pnial Railway exnerithice show -ed - i inexpetlieut .it was th commence i wo ks wttheett the fullest *forma - i Del 'winos ineinuated that axe- t Gevermitent wines- hot keep- htith with British Cohnubias ines- i as they were not prepated to i }ledge wive:: to commence thei actual work • tistrectital this year. hits A I acken- holied that no matter ,leriv anxioua hoverument might he to eommence oad, it wae impohsible :for them to E until the s it rvess e'ere-h( an pleted . .q flf HU IfoN AND TIeteeEnsetiTtf. Wednesday last, hit!. ( `amain, hawed the flouee hats Commit-. 1 tt an . it to amend the tiet 35 Vice whiter the hownehip (of Tuck - tit 1 the Centre Riditer, and to '.c it to the south Vidithe (of the ty of fithren. lie said that fours ;oil' the residenteaof Tucker:smith had to be detached from , the Centre ,g and attached ttl the `shawli Rid - :11e admitted thee the di I14(. wo1.11 eunie discrepancy in regani to ohlh et, but the etieet of it would he to ✓ the ferat id the hoath Ridieg more us than at preseith , i Lowell said he ilentelit the party hom the Iuomortilhie geuthenan be- l nits in favor (of rept% eentation by :ethyl', but to add Tueheismith te tstli Riding of Huron eouid. *ditnee with that principle. lie MAY 8, 1,874., found that the Centre I:U(1in about 22,000 eleetorseeancl Riding- 25,211. it 'Mitch t manifestly unjust to still fur,t the discrepancy by, the, addi township of Tuckeramith. to Riding contained thes i*Ob. erefdre, ,be er increase 'eth of the the South Mr. Cameron said that th -lita;ioi‘agle gentleman was not so asexiou about this point when the con.stituenci. were are ranged by the late Goverame h Ile, re- prodncecl, amid the laugh r of the House, Mr. ,Rymal's chelebra ed plan of the Centre *Riding Of Huron. Mr. Kirkpatrick heldthate f this, Bill was passedet should not be allowed to come into force until after t tis Parlia- meat, because if for any reas it the rep- resentation of South Bu on in this House .should. begrime vacant before the disso- lution of this Parliament, a d another election consequently take eal ce, each of ' the electors of Tackersinith would he having two votes for represen ation here to one which each of the oth r electors would have. Mr. Dorian aaid that wh n Ottawa and. Hamilton were,allowed t o members 'each the same perseins obtaine two votes who only had. one before.. " Th reason of this was simply that the a rangeraent woula favor a parteoular par y, but the honorable gentlemen did not r se then to ntak.e any objection,. The la e Govern- ment had also found. it cony° ient to di- vide the City of Toronto into hrese con- stituencies, becau e th.ey t ought by im t doing this they wo ld carry t o of the rani perhaps the three. II thought they should pass this 1Bill ' : order to remedy An iteustihe done b the late Government. Mr. Rymal rose, amid lau hter, with his diagram in his hand. II said that when the iniquity with reg rd to this County had been , perpetrat 1, he was one of those who raised his v ice against it. He always thonght it wt., the duty of a Government to redress he wrongs which had been committedb their pre- decessors. An outrage had ndeniably been committed on the peo Ile of the South Riding of Huron, anl he now charged the Government with a direlec- Con of their duty * not hayg brought in a bill he remedy the wron s done by the late Government in their redistribu- tion of seats. Be again ex ibitecl his diagram to the Ileuse ancl rh inted out a wing whieli he Baia it was no» proposed to chop off. He wanted to have the wrong which had. been done to his County redressed, so that if his houor ble friend from South Huron were tu ed out of Parliament, he wool(' have a,. air chance to come back againi. Dr.- Tupper strongly oppose the . bill and. warmly defe1 cled . the livision of 1872, and. affected. much ind gnation at what he alleged to be an ia tringemeat upon the principle of represe tation by population. , Mr. Cameron r lied with 1 iieh spirit and energy, justif mg the ae ion he was taking in exposin the mon trous pro- visions of the act o which h' bill was an amendmehtal e had mid ubted faith in the present Go' rnment, b t like the honorable -menthe for Wen worth, he thought they shou d ha,ve dea t with this question th.emselv .s. fle bel eved, how- ever, they had -1.1clo a presS f business . on their hands 0, at they had not the time, and he ther fore thou ht it was .his duty td take i up. . Sir John A. M cdonald, w th a good deal of warmth, a tacked M . Canaeron, .and in the course if his remas imputed to the latter that e was mo'ing in the matter to secure 1 iniself a s fe reelec- . tion if his ,seat wa contested n the pro- ' i test now pending. He defen led the bill : for the reclistri ution of t e seats in i 1872, which, he ontended, as as fair ' and just as was p1 ssible un er the cu- . zumstances, and he repeat' d that he thought its provis ons shouli be allowed to hold aocti tor he ten ers contem- e .reasons, and because hey 'believed him to be a man of unitnp ach ble character and great activity ot d spo 'ition, that the Government wanted to ye Inn apt' pointed resident ag4 am Chief Immi- gration .Agent in Engl lade and although he was not ested. 4ith ambassadorial powers, still it was,tv Liteve a man 'of established. eh.aracter and status in so-. ciety, to whom might be e trusted from time to time even po itic missions to. l the Imperial Governtient. 1?0GA.AT ch 1TAM1JiSa i sell.Goods ust as Cheap as any Sop i Seaforth. BIR718. SIMPSON'. —In Windser, o wife of Mr. Robt. Sini LOGANS—In Stephen on,. May 2, the wife of -Mt of a daughter. C.1RERA.R. —In Brussel, on wife of Mr. James Sj. Ore , a IVIARRI ROS3301tOUGIF-- DOCHERTY. Hotel, Brussels, on May 1 Davey, Mr. .Tdmes Ihisbor to Miss Jane Doch.ery, May 3, the son. of a son. uskoka, or athea Logan, pril 30, the r, oftt SOn. At Parker's , by Rev. R. u,gh, Gorrie, roxetet. DEAT S. Ut sborne .on A iril 24 Thos. M. Taylor, son of John aylor. aged 14 years, 7 months, 123 (la 8. KmiNtDy.—Th. Tuchitisnaith, on. May 3, Aim, eldest daughter of Mr. John Kennedy,. aged 6 yeara an 1 3 months. MCDONALD.-1i Tu k ram' h, on May'5, Archibald McDonald, age 52 years. Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, May 6, Marie second daughter of Mr.- James Leatherland, aged 12 Years. BRECKINRIDGE. ID rey; e on May 6, Wzresoth—In Stank , May 1,oses M Marshall 13reckizir dre, aged 64 years. Wilson, aged 86 yrs. Ant_ENnean.-eahn S a ley, on April 30, John Aikenhead, d 62 team • FERG U SON. -2-At Pale tine,' Manitoba, on April 17, Mr. Peter Ferguson, Sr., aged 66 years. . KLOTZ.—At his father's residence, Pres- ton, Ont., on May 13, Christian Hein- rich Klotz, aged 37 !years, ison of Otto Klotz, and formerly a resident of Win- nipeg. 'hicRiereher.—In Mc illopeton• May 1, of inflainenation of thehlungs, Mr. James McFadcleu, aged 64 ,Years. LEE. --In McKillop, en Thursday, April 39, Jane, wife of vir. William • Lee, aged 58 years. THE MA KM1.8. SE ORTH, May 7, 1874. Fall.Wheat, per btishel Spring Wheat, per bushel Bailey, per bushel Oats, per bushel. Peas, per buehel Butter, No. 1, Loose Eggs • Flour , Hey • Hides Lamb Skins °nee... Sheep1 skins ,each MurrniuHides............. .. . Salt (retail) per banal, Salt (wholetkale) per -barrel Potatoes,per bushel • Oatmeal t3' brl Wood. Beef Clover Seed Timothy Seed .5-1 18 to $1 20 ... R. 15 to 110 ... 1 00 to 110 45 to 050 0 58 to 0 60 18 to 0 20 - 010 00 to 600 0 00 to 21 00 00 to 5 50 50 to 1 00 00 to 150 p 04 to 0_05 125 105 40 to 0 60 00 to 600 50 to 800 , 00 to 550 00.to 700 50 to' 4 50 perenoxeMay 7, 1874. Fall Wheat, per bash18 V 1 20el.• Spring Wheat, per bushel. 0 12 1 14 Oats, per bushel .. . .. ... ..[ ...... 46 0 0 50 Baxley, per bushel. 05 0 110 Pens, per bushel. 0 58 (d) 0 62 Batter 0 18 0 0 20 Potatoe 0 45 0, 0 55 Eggs ' 0 00 ee Gan Hay, per ton, 25 00 ky, 27 00 Clover. .... . . Thuothy s • . .. 600 el) 62 • 3 60 to 400 -plated by the Con ederation et. Loh Mr. Mackenzie answered Lir John A. Macdonald, and c ted the cas of similar bills to thel prese t one, whic Sir Mtn A. Macdonald ha supported. Ile show- ed the fallacy of the latter's argument, and as for his pri ciples the Were not up for every pa ticalar oe asion. ije (Mr. Mackenzie) had votec with Cameron. in 1872 o prevent t is outrage, and how could h now vote a ainst a mo- tion to redress it ' After some ft rther dit ssion, the House went into 'ommittee n the bill, and reported it f r itsithird eadiug. MR sae -aches .ANaPhaN MIGRATION GENT. In the House o Tnesday ast, on the vote for emigration chiming tp; in reply to Mr. Holton Mi. Alackenzi made some explanation with respeet t .agents in Europe. The Government ntended in future to mutt' lize the. s stem more completely than t ithe to. r. Jenkins, the agent in Lonc on, would ave direct supervision over he Person employed, and more care w uld be tale n to ensure that, they should be 4ptalifle for' Oleic, yolk. Co-oper tion j with he seheral Provincial agente would also'haela be secured. Sir eltii:Maed held, while. not condemning t e appointn ent of Mr. Jenkins!, severe] criticised the speech delivered by that gentleman some time ago to his consti uents in Mundee, and that sue?i utteran es coming rona a Can- adian official wodel lieve t e effect of lessening. his infl ienc with the Horne Government, and tha the aovernment should instruct him.to be ma re guarded in his rerharks in inture: Mr. Mac- kenzie said the right honor ble gentle- man would not e. hect him ei her to de- fend or blame Mi. Jenkins fo the speech referred to. It 1. as mad.° e�.tirely upon own responei ility as a member Of the 'British lioase Commons, and in no way connected with his oapacity as Agent -General of Canadae thought, however, that t e right honorable gen- - tleman had chara terized ratl er strongly the pungetat desc hption Mr. . eukine had given of Ins po meal °ppm eats. Mr. poitical. Jenkins WaS sel cted as A ent-General for Canada ia th first taste] ce; because he was a Collodi. 11 and. livi g in Eng- land ; because h hadan *tit 'ate knowl- edge of canada nd. eyeteeth ng relating to it, and alsoof In1ancl. anc everything relating to it, an especially f Immigra- tion matters. It would. be 'membered that he wea: Secretary of ti e National Emigration Leagoeeand that he was the author of seversl prodoch ith of note upon emigratiou, both to South and North America, and the Au.. trollop col- onies. It would also be kuo n to those who were acquainted with. olitical so- ciety in England that he pos essed in a great degree the confidence f the great body of the lahoring classes al d of trades' unions. -ileWo13 practically their legal agent in London' ; and. thus havithes an intimate connection with the great lently of peoplesfrom whom our emgrants were drawn, he was a highly deair ble man to hae e in that position. It w ta for these Fall wheateper 1 $2 20; spring wheal ley, $2 50 to $2 90 ; peas, $1 10 to $1 15 $1 25 to $1 50 ; hay, butter (rolls) per p butter, ekeg,) 18c to ON, May 7, 1874. . Pound;#1;21.0 te $2 t6' $; bar- ath $1 40 o $1 45; potatoes, per bag, per ton., $12 to $15 ; hund, 20c to '28c; 23c. ! Tottoevro, May 7, 1874. ' Fall wheat, per bushel, $1 I30 to $1 34, spring wheat, $1 22; belle: , $1 32 to $1 33; oats, 48c; peas, 7c to 72e ; butter, pound rolls, 23c to -c ; butter, 21 large rolls, 20c to 22c ; butter, tub dairy, 22o to 24c, eggs, fresh, per dozert,_12c to 13c. .1" , . i - • ' BUFFALO LIVE STOCK , MARKET. BMA°, May 7, 1874. CATTI.E. —Receipts te-dayei includieg 1 ear reported. to arriye,' 595 hhach rnakfng the total supply for the week,. thuts far, 6,715 head, or 393 carsietgaiest '367 cars for the same time last week. The mar- ket was active with a good attendance of buyers, at an --tc advanc4 bn heavy cat- tle, and. hc to .-hd advance on Medium and common stock over last week's prices. T116 country dealers were doing the bulk of the business. A large number of cat- tle were shipped east in first hends.. Sales comprised about'f,Qob thead. ' SHEEP A.ND LAMBS., —Recemts to -day, including reported arrivals., 2,000 head, making the total supply foil the week, thus far, 7,000 heed, a- 'nst 5,200 head a for the same time last week., The mar- ket was active with 41 Offerings disposed of at full prices. Clipped sheep at $6 50 to $7 50, wooled sh ep, $8 po $8 75. HOGS.—Receipts -day, tucluding re- ported. arrivals, 2,70 head; making the total supply for the -eek, thus far, 16,- 300 hea,c1, against 16 100 head for the the same time last veek: The market was lifeless. Buyers indifferent. York- ers, $5 to $5 60; he vy hogs, $5 76 to $6. ;I' HURON , NEW YORK ORSE MA/aKg11, TUESDAY, May .5, 1874. The local horse trade of the week un- der review Was only fait The general demand,although quite steady, was with - (hit special activity. In the market fdr work horses arrivals and.sales were Rif- ficiently well balanced to prevent seen - initiation of supplies and prices were, as a rule, well maintained. -The- persistently bad weather had a, depressing effect upon trade in higher priced stock, and if, ohr- iiag to limited supply, values have net been materially affected, the aggregate Of sales of fine carriage and road horses has been. certainly reduced. Distributions through the agency .of the public auctiOn marts were somewhat larger than during the preeeding week; good stock brougl- t about its current market value, but i - tenor animals are bard th gee rid of, e v n under the hammer. CALL and get one of HICKSON'S neiv Coloring Receipts, free. PLATED WARE an& Cutler, a ft41 Stock at lixoesoels. AUCTION SALE OF AGRICilLTURAL iMPLEMENTO, SEASONED LUMBER, TOOLS, &c. 1,4Jj. J. P. i"... at the SEAFORTH . On St 1 o'clock 1 1 dozen plowe, )lo-ws; 4 Bugar mantity of ;ools ; 1 saw apcis and dies, prose ; several large number i,000 feet of Bruce's patent land and in :Oust; thag tongs, &e. The -whole Nithont reserve. All sums 3 months' peeved joint lelltar will /mounts. i J. P. BRINE, N. B.—As all parties indebted end settle on 187 HOUSEHOLD , 1 ivrit. 3. P. LY -A- powgim's DAY, MAY, .ng valuable Mir couch„ a erm. chairs, ;ables, 1 parlor ;able eover, sips crockery, 1 featber bed'', ;able, 1 cloek, Aher, articles TERMS—Cash. 385 BRINE will self by Pubtic Auctieta • . i FOUNDRY FRIDAY, MAY 15,1874, I P. M., sharp, the following vainah property: 8 different kinds; 1 dozen ga kettles; 2 road Hampers • a large bbit etal ; 1 set of blactsmiths bam gumming machine; a quantity from i- inch to n inches; 1 cider sets blacksmith's tew irons ; of plow points, laud sides and slipe elm, basswood and maple lumber;.1 wood sawing machine, second good- order, and many other artic10 of htutuners, - &times, saws, gas Pilla , of the aboye will positively be so . 1 0 g f a ; d t >- e s. -s . t - - y es El, g if TE Bill 8. • of $5 and under efteh, over thatamom credit will be given ou furnishing a notes. Aeliscount of 5 cents on tl be allowed for cash -en all credit KERB & WORTH, Proprieto auctioneer. the Proprietors are giving up linsine to them are requested to c11 or before the 28th of May. , KERR 85 'WORT FURNITURE FOR SATE I3Y : AUCTION. BRINE will sell by Public Auction HOTEL, Seaforth, on SATO 164874, at 1 &clock P. M., the follo Household Furniture, viz.: 1 hor:c 1 leather comic, 6 cane seated chair', 1 *Monier°, 1 centre table, 2 fan stove, carpets, oilcloth, picture:, 2 kitchen tables, -cook stove, «to glassware, 2 bedsteads, 1 math° blankets, chamber WILTOf 1 dressb 2 looking glasses, and a number too numerous to mention. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. PRIVATE 1 MR. 3. P 4 -v -L- Hebei, mit of MAN, Street, oppositejhe smith, nt present ontaining then, pantry, eard water eumps e at iPlendid vegetable front. This aessable to.the effords it that mayere town. Terras guit pumhaser incumbrance. between 8 and ply to J. S.PORTER, or to 335 RESIDENCE FOR SALE B AUCTION. BRINE will sell by Ai -talon at Powel at 2 o'clock P.M., on THURSDAY, t that comfortable cottage on Hi Residence of Rev. Mr. Gol oconmed by Mr. 0. C. Wills° 4 bedrooms parlor, dining room, k geld good UAW: - there is also no (never failing), Boit water cistern, wi good brick dairy and ash house, prams, also flower garden house is pleasantly situated, very business part of Itho town, a rare opportunity . to acquire proper king become it ,business part of t — $350* down, and time for balance. Title perfect. The property may he viewed tuay d 5 P. M. For further particulars a or T. P. BRINE; Auction° F. PALTRIDGE, Galt, Proprietor s e h 1 - , t - d h a ii e- cl y le o "o ay I - r, . _ M) . I SS 'RYAN 1 I I KIDD'S BLOCK, 1 . Teacher of Vocal and Instrument I•.. JIlusie. - .05 1 ve en d- _ . - TENDERS WANTED. THE Munieipal Council of Seaforth *ill Mee * Tenders up to the lst of JUNE, 1874, for tlhe constreetion of eight Water Tanks- for fire p tection purposes.- Said tanks to be built acco ing to plans and specifications, to be seen at the Clerk's offite, and to be located under the direc- tion of the Street Committee. Parties may teneer either or weed or brick Teaks, or for boil. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptr. 385 WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk . . T EACH ER WANTED. i R wanted in the Junior Depctremeut TEIGEIT the. Seaforth Public Sehool, Sereices to co reence on the 18th day Of May. Salary $230 annum. Applications to be addressed to D. WILSON, §ecrett4ry, untie THI.I.RSDAY, the Is day ofsilley, 1873.4 • ' • ' ' ' D. D. WILSON, 835 . Secretary Board of School Truster! - 1 of ii- er D. th : FREOENTOR -WANTED . - VOR Canada PrehbYterian Chureh, Seaforlie. -A: Applications to be sent to ALLAN McLEAN, 335 Drawer 14, Seafo4h. BRIOK-S, TORN _ , , _ ',BRICK .. Pt JAMES SPROAT HAVE now their Brick Yard iu fell operati n miles ease of Egmonclville, where t ey have now Thousands of Brick - /Unfitly-Almeided of a, superior gaality and size. .385 &. J. SPRO T. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIP. - INOTICE is hereby given that the partnership -Le heretofore subsisting between us, the und Isigned, as Millers, in the Toweship of Stoll in the Comaty of Mixon, and Province of Olathe 0, has been -this any dissolved by -mutual conse t. -to 14 a to)o - paid. to ADAM SMITH, at Berne, nforesaid, nd . all claims aganist the Bald parnierslup are to , be presented to the eaid ADAM SMITH, by wh ia. the tame will be- eettled. I All debts owing to the saidpal ere re Tono_NTo LIVE STOUK MARKET. TORO,. TO, May 7, 1874, B EEVES. —There' w re about 300 head offered at this market during the week, of which the largest proportion were stall -fed, a,nd.of good quality. The mar- ket was firm ancl fa ely active, and all offered foul* ready sale a-; about last week's quotations. A pout one-half of the receipts were taken for shipment, and the rest sold to meet local require- ments. W e geote ss at $5: to second -clash to $.4 -0, and. rst-c a ;14 25 one 5U only JOHN WEITI, . ADAM S3IITH • Wituess—A_LIAN MITCHELL. Dated at Berne this 4tb • ; clay of May, A. D. 1874.) D4.3d LOST. LOST from Lot 5, Con. 12 H. It. S., Tuck 'r - smith, a YOUNG COI, EY Ds fee, about 14 • mouths old; color, black and , white; ansmeas. to l the 110.113C of "Yip." • Any one returning him .to the undersigned or giving inform etion reepecting him will be suitably rewareed, neat /my one har- boring him after the publication of this notece- fire4 third-class $3 60 to $ will be prostituted according, to law. , Sieear. —There era, rove of year- 834*4 SOHN SCOTT'. linos in for which .$ as Paid, be- PUBLIC NOTICE. sides which. thare wer onie scatter - clads at $8 to ird-cla,ss $4. ' to. $5, with he local de - nig lots in; We (pm. first 0.; seeond-olass $6, and t LAMens,--.Are selling receipts about equal to maul Gohie.---The price(4 gold in Netv York 1 I is quoted. at 112k. •;rs C. WILLSON, Seaforth, hs -.been been apponit- k-i fttl sole ftgel It for the (tele); rated Mathushek Pi- ano in the Cone ty of liump,and this tearer/lent 'an only be pnrcha sed -through him or his- dulynutkOr- ized agents. Orders given to others than my agents or meself will not be filled. The following gentle- men have been appointee to act ./as my agent in the' Cowley of Huron: Thos. Connors, IT. 1'. Whiffen and L. Murphy, Seeforth ; C. Doheety, Clinton ; and L. S. Willsop, Cecelerieh: 0 C. WILLSON, Seafottle 820 • EXPO.b ITOR: E 1. I ISECES io a flounce that he hag h , deseriptio ever brought tq , the Hot Weather (*y it come quiekly)en hand a number f the Scented Net tirely through it composition, and will ltiongiite W tehes received the et being on. these Watchea is a sufficient REPAI.R _AVG PROMP WANTED -500 0 Spectacles. I have received inst hereafter at $2 r pais, case 25c extra 1 V A LS. COUNTER 1 Weenhantl the largest Stoat of Hair illiirstatn nts of every oWn, of Seaforth,i(We say TOWN new). Also, fo 'the eommg curdy° and Varied., took of Fancy IL? ants. El has elfee tam ccs—This is sot thing new; the.Necklace is scented at- e ain its perfnmeeo years. Another case of tho. e Celebrated en day. The fact hf the name of Theronas Erg. ELL & SON **rhea of their rpilability as Timepieces. ' ATTELY ED TO 48 rStrAL. NOES OF OLD LD AND suargR.. tions'from L zarqs, Monis & Co. to sell theiic Spectacles 004 of at $ 51;:t!a formerly. R CQUNTER. 7 7 NOTED, 77.. THip POP FOR STY Just Received, ex. Stea Ntlff SUM Which will be SMALL P130FITS All 0.00 s Marked i AR ESTI3LIEFIMENT 7 7 7 SH _ND CHEAP GOODS. r PRUSSIAN. flora Glasgow, a variety of ER offered at prices KY 'GOODS, suit ehe times. AND °(2U1 -0K RETURNS. Plcsin ures. .No Two. Prices. A'4 G. McDOUGALL. ' THE. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. DR. . WILLIAM CRAY'S After 'Manz, SPECIFIC MEDICINE Cures all Nervous Diseases, such as Tremors, De- bility, Prostration &e,„ -which, in many cues, are modue•ed ire ver indulgence in the use of tobae- co and zelcoholic spirits; but the Sped& Metlicine is more especially recommended as an unfailing cure foe Seminal Weakness, Spermatonthea, Im- potency, and all diseases that follow as. a sequence of Self Abuse, as Loss of Men:toren Universal Lassi- tude, Pain in the Bonk, Dimness of Vieion, Pre - tare Old Age, and many other diseases thet 1e'td to Insanity or Consinnption and a Prema- ture Grave, all of which, as a rule, are first ceased by deviating from the path of nature and over intlulgence. The Specifie Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of expenence in treating these special diseases. Full particulars in our every one. which we desire to send free by mail to The Specific Medicine is seki by all Druggists - at $1 per package, or 6 packages fpr $5, or will be sent by mail atereceipt of the mance-, by address - mg. WILLIAM GRAY & Co., Windsor, Ont._ Sold ill Seaforth.hy E. Hiekson & Co, J. 8. Roberts, and by -all Drugedsts. NORD/ROI' & AN, Toronto, -Wholesale Dealers- 385eow LUMBER, LUMBER. MBE Subscriber returns thanka to hie -numerous- friends and custoiners for the liberal patronage • they have shown. him for tee last -18 nears, aed hopes for it continuanee of their fievors. All par -- ties in want of For LUMBER Building, Fencing, or Draining,. Will find it to their advantage to give him a call. JOHN THOMPSON, 838-8 Steam StINV Meleillope 1\1- U1 I 0 INT Ar JOHN KID has jest receive a large stoek o &c., lalundell, Spence & Co.'s best Raw Alia Boiled Lins be sold cheap. Havi g purchased my stock for cash, I Remember the place, ne door south o Allen's Grocery bes Montreal Cat Nails, Giese, ed Re, Spades and Shovels, all will hot be undersold by any Maiin Street, Seaforth. thy, Paints, of which will in the trade. 3. KIDEe A FULL :SPRI DRY FULL .1?. -11 -an 'Wes. THE IM.POR "PRIDE -L. triteeling in this be, in Seaforth and evening at Knox' THURSDAY noon, a at Shaver's- Hotel, FRIDAY, at Snell's and at Wilkins Hote DAY, at George Mont "Pride of England of Murfleet. l'orkshll ed by W. W. Peck, • 11370 he is 4 years hind Bay; eymreetri is it splendid spec' horse. TERMS—To insm 884-5 RIC OF STOOK OODS ANI MILLINERY AT OFFMAN BR T ERS% CHEAP CASH PARTIICULARS T les (ool (.,"•(spes mace on ED COACH HORSE, OF ENCLAN •ection this 1.1(11:4 11, ODA will 'ry WEDESDAlY afternoon • Hotel : in Exuepfteld. every Dixon`-: Hotel ; at Kippen, on TIIVIISDe.Y night; on otel, Bodgerville at noon, . Exetcr, at niftlit; ni?Scign. „ England, and , yes import - sq., of Stanley, in' the year – ' Ild.; calor a. btaptiful Cleve- al foal, et10. en of Lbe pure bred coach1J"lof al form and goo hoofs; !I T .1.0v0a51. ed LABD H0THAlh Proprietor. 333 TORE. NEXT WEEK. A. GOV'E NLOCK WOULD beg leave to thank his ninmeroue esis- • torners for their hbenil patronage extended to him since commencing , IT j5 17 NB EP 17 1? DE; He synth' ftlso inform them that the same striet attention shell be paid to the business as in the past, and all orders sent to Wintheop-P. 0, will be promptly attended to. Building and Fencing Lmnber Genf,rally. on Band. He has made arrangements for the erection of it GRIST AND FLOURING MILL Whichwill be in working order by the first of Sep- tembet. 832*12 BOOTS AND SHOES. A- FTER an experience of '25 years shoemaking in Canada, and haying been the first estab- lished in Seaforth,1 now offer to the public, a Very Large and Well Assorted.Stoek of and Shoes Of every kind at very moderat9 profits. LADIES' 'FANCY BOOTS AND SDS OF' EVERY DESCRIPTION. I. am not in the hfthit of BLOWING and prais- ing my Stock, but will sell fts cheap as it is po sible to do. . Give me a Call. 388i1.2 S. STARK, TO CHEESE FACTORIES., D. MCGREGOR, BOO.KRLVDEI1, IIARPURRET, Would call attention to his Milk Books, Pass Books and Large Sheets. The Best anti Cheapest for lieeping .Leeounts itt the Province. Soh? by JOHNSON BROTHERS, 388-13 Hardware i•e-rclients, Seaforth.. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. Argsminv e6 BROTHER, - (Date,of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their irareerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fin an Orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, . Mantles...66c, Granite ..ilfonuments Imported to Ordi.r. a Work of the best style end art, and eamot be surpassed in this part01Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, MAIN SThEET, SEAFOItTII. E. 31p3sErr. 11. IsfEeSErr. Court of Revision. the kVsortest IVO iee lanCi Latest • SEAFORTH, be held in the Council Room, TICE Court of Revision fer the Munitipality of TIOFVMA1\ On TUESDAY, MAY 19, i At '7 o'clock P: M. -when the Aseeelenent Rolls will be revised and _Appeals tliseosee of. All iixtert-sved I will please govern theintesfeee necoreingle. Veil. ELLIOTT, 384_3 . , Clerk. BROliHERS. i NOTICE. 833-2 Ai BRIG remly 7Ci 75 WANTED. • t,11to go to Virginia; ftrst-class and perate; none other need aPply. E. HICKSON & Co. TO BUILDERS. - IV BRICK YARD has hem started within e limits of Seaforth. First-olass WATER ' are now being manufactur d. and Will be or delivery by the middle Of 'June. Price Or delivered any 'After in Seafortb, boyard. HENRI"! WALLACE: t LOST. ' 1. on or about the lst of Aptil, the one side 1 a GOLD IMKET. The LoCket represent- nightHead. Theiluder Will be suitably ed on leaving the -same at M. R. COUNTER'S Jewelry Store. : THE COURT OF REVISI0e: for the Township of Tuckereinith will meet at Dille lit Itch hale purhey, nu FRIDAY, tile 3:;:a duy of SIAY, at the honr of 10 o'clock A. M. 332 MeCONNF,LIe Clerk. POCKET -BOOK LOST ---$23 REWARD. OST, ON.,SATI'liDAY, the 18th inst., bet wt.( 1 - Lot eee. '2,0, Con- 11, Alelkillop, any' Hotel, on the Gravel Koad, Brtoll N r.E.ka Ell POCKE1-I300K, containing ASV reS65 itt S .5 and hie bills, ale0 sie proreieeory elutes, all Strewn in favor of the undereien, ti, pun +elites pap re. The finder of the Me' well nee is e a- rewind of $-.:27.• upon leaving t ae the leen foleh Post Mike. or at -the eeleeeneeese ein owner. The publie, are hereby eantion ed. age: n t pUseluodur, er negothating iuiy notes of hirta 11.11: -milt my favor, as there ere nolle due me except those contained in the lost pocket-, book. 333 HIRAM NANNA11.,