HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 4f I i L p --`77 ­7r— t J r E X).R URON IT It MAY 8 0S THE )1874.11 + e the Appo a J1X chors, NEW ADVERTISET) a d from one manufacturer, areft o Pe; rr C�0! cables, inasts, wire riggin An 9) top. iiot1*e.y all so6im Ate adveAfeem referred ito. River, IMme -1, she, u I ntuessed �the cerelnony. find yellow meta a iut��- '13�t had e: announce ont been made '131111tit de %thing, Aj P or inpAons to their K -he pubt in Justto thein Z t pibl are liberty to '' urchase fro Fr 4. - - I E- Citing are to be duty free. call, Arrivals—M.: 11, Counter. The du Z auoth4r,, 4nd such places as jt good ests co4ld gchrce�y i, -it,should have bd' i14,g aed. We thro h t local. pressj. is ty S-Pecific'Medicille—lWin, Grav & Ocil YvLawc� OFP- hrl Oczjx TRAV�:I#.— 5 per cent. oil pig -iron will ilof be Im. -Y'W Builders Attelitio'll—John Xidd. article clki..be Ot. Neither is.it necels- are not surprised toi learn that those of Deep, ever farmer in t e count] ould ff posed, that extensively lised in lst`ealmship agentS 08t6ate the fanig 0 aterialbe I W be f trav-61 already ro. per 6,eut 0 Auetibil. Side—lier r & Worth. sary for; the p�:@tection of *the maltufac- the --salt niannfa;ctu�ers -who halve *seen have seen t, and woulc fairiliar 0 f - iii'.30 jo 80 ng restored to the free list Is proat., Io' heir owing to re-,ent oceari disasters. classes of iron, that fortmerly paid 5 Bricks, Brick -8 iTi oo, m- iffidturer' will ffood %he &nd considered the I are 11=1111110 tions. ul��u 1116 't turer. us in with the. ondi whi4 1 1 1 Par nership. Pro - Mm 03; �aw'. Nssolutiou of A lette _r froln cent., and 'were raised to 72 per market -0h. Ill i' inferior article, to �lio condemning'it, and,we thiuk %ANlr. 'Cam- 130118 could '�Yaili inst),luct,011. at the i isti- Teadher NN'ant6d— A). Wilson. E jypt State a that a r4ce Of piginies was 11 are toremain.. al� 5 per cent; The'suga, Precentor Wanted for C. P. Church. .-detrillro t of is 0(impetifors, because eron would (to well �to withdraw it. If tution whi h has been e ecteX I or their, r6c��ntly diwovere'd ii� Centrial Africa. i dutiesj� whioli'liave excited so much Mu,gic—NNIlss Ryan. the PuU, c will lAot purchase % an inferior Salt inspection is reqn;upJ, * lich. wb d? y benefit, a to a very arge extent at' trovers , are to railiaiii for tbe preaent Elliott Tend ars Avawted— W in. 11, untouched. Finally, the dutie -ticle V en Ty can jug not))elieve, it shoulil be aftrded. in a -�cal. t as caffly pro� their expellse The cost to the couatry Poht: Auction Sale of Housq1tok! Yurnibure. 1 wines are readjusted. The cheaper cure the 40od. the interest, of less offensive -.aud' injurious forlin. �Iyo also would e� less %a the advertiseir ents At the Sou cku rvesi(luilce for p brid ife. th Oxfora Reform Conven- will pa 30 cents per gallon the y Inedium ow'ever, see pap tion held o, a Friday last, Mi it. J. D Suninier Dry Grioda� G. ODougall, every maqufact &er 1 -terigotoobtain as high, a cannot, b the' necessity of in 6he dail ers have cost inbre Ed- sori� cents per gallon aild tile htj Oil 9� ex j7 Taito ing Dep itine'n, in(r oftlie kind. As Nre have al- it would iqve cog e ai i za� 7 A. G. NIC eputati(n in tI L( market as ossible f9r Dx o f T onto, P. for Xf o I) c k, class, sparkliug wines, J I r t to make pei P 0 D all. _wf�s the ulla nimous n4minee of the Con- i Dr Tupper, in -.i hangthy speech, rey e trtiuldhopft(duces. Thehigber I his readysaid the self -interest of the manu- nouncemen thtough eve ry 1 loc . Iti-%r vei : ition. 4 pity that a ebustituen ...... p It is. CY, ed the finauelal. policy of tile. facturel d: with e. existing adily will he ' -a, cc bihe reputati(n, tlie�riore re, :ef- intheProl%rnce. TlieadloA�f1he(1Xov­ which posspsses too ibany able in en as and contended that the Filia ift 4 nielit, 1 f ec�t sale 3 1 e should manufacture ernment in his matter is not 0111 Y aI L III- has to I e lot d, nt. co, eti Irevent all necess1tv. either Is III Oxfo �epresented, by: -.Nfinister took entirely too V M tot gloolli3 ''4 in' the interests of the public or th view of the future prospects of he and sell an Hif e&ir articl.6, the reputation e suit to the entire local pro as of the'ProAr- P allow that rT I -ad after -this country. He endeavored to —It is al i d Via# fr m bi and -ild be i�lf oh&. low e manufacturer, of any inspectiOn. nlce,--�but it is also, an injustice; to the - 1 1 17 SEAFORTH, F 111 AY, 1KAY.'8;- 1874. of his er d,' k the Ss turday holiday in. the House there was no-deficielley in the reveme atepayers, hich shotild not be W CommOl1J -will be d�spenseid-with and and that the late 14overnin&lt and his I usiness iliyu�red. Each mailli- r, lailo Weil w116 bad n Quebec R�ilway. to P&SS Inst. It looks that -the 1-111ouse will I probably be pro- pledged -the count)- 'on ot e unxeWnstrated aga, -pec tion of alt' fieftirer usr,. rodnee th 'best artic e % i flit Tho Ins Huron and y -to anY addita abo eie successial-' We publish in another collawne a com- a if the instAntion was r deal' ie( to rogued ut the 25thlinst. expenditure siiffic-ient the _-Hr. -.Cameron, of South Huron,. has in- Possible, Ord r to comp to justify .111. awq corresp -Mna proposed by tile 0 icul hir- Ott! based tariffs Commons a mun c 3 ell ag teed into the Ouse of ly with this d ow manufacturers. In' i ation fi-om Mr. John'lPowler, the be 'b' efit 6 the practi, Oildent.in Speak- or trodi Minister. IM r. HOItOn said it had - beell iug!of some' of the meIribers. of the pres- -he saille 'way,". adian. salt manu c. prin ipal projector, or as lie cAlls himself, istg, bu.t to be used aw bill to provide for 1he bection, of salt -t Vay" my uni Commorild r , ark his lot to listen to a great many auda. h Ins entHouse em. a: "T e TJ rector ' I alld the appointment of salt Inspectors. z -is con - slilffe- Aurers generall re compelled, by e Managing 'Di of tho Western' for the son$ Of* a few ol he so-called Canadian H.oftso, of C6mmoiis h, cious speeches,' a great Ina di 'The bill is q1.1iie_ lengthy, coutaining aristocritts 6 f the Pro -i ice. This is tal some queer ni�*bers, but Seldom MOM competi 3 apeeches cbec Rail- hollo P, ition of b her coll4ries, to P -0-" i Section, "!of the Huron and 0,,�� gv� hasso striking a -if oxap�ple been the're of speq9hes—but in all his experience he �1� besi;-q ality'of salt'in tlid�ir some 39 clauses, III the first place, it eii;J, 11116 the way. Froin this lettee we sliould , dge not what t1if representative -of the peo- how a great�tleal of money and -%-cry lit- had never listened to a.speech in wfifeh power. Otherwise, they would be un- that iMr. FoNvier is a adept it buil e 1, whe a t eY` tle brain ie another, and acts that�7,no salt manufactured III the ding ple, ilitend' d it should e alarice Im' all these characteristics were colubwea a. c, i b, able to get sale f theirlsalt, and tb t voted the: money for its a iblirhinent to such an exteut as in this speech, -of Province of Ojii4iio, after its pass, c �e-! railways�oii, Paper but -we fe tlers ut- age, that his impose upon the com.Ar y cliaracl the honorable gentleman from. stilt would be t1i 1; the in chemes are more el ily carri ol out i terly unfitt" to. shall be sold withi or exported from, oney they have' a n and it is to, I e hoped- that n future, e ven ed for. tbol -places in' -which r cuill they are found." p�o. berIan(1,—)N1r. Tupi or. He tl Y itiv 9ted in their aliufa e ctories Would be theory than in practice a, one, how- the'lattem t iO make thi vill. 'be the Proivince, -1i til it shall first be* P 8 O� it ceeded to show the inconsistency. &)ad -S Mac4onald was exa, .,absurdity of that gentleman's Argumetit lost:, it is, -ild ir Job I fore, elitire may possess all the advai�tages that avoided by f. lose who c n 91 spected, and dily -nianufacturer selling, t ly -unnec6s-' ever 0 it. AA in- Sary ined before. the North*16st Committee on or allowing, to be s to have an aspector to Iduce the lie ch aft( 1=1 I and concluded by pledghi elf 'to d, uninspeefed salt, vinis for it l'if he cai� only in- hiiiis Frid'ay last, land his eviAene e is -reported give, as Ile felt sure the House inanufacture'of pood, salt. 4 Self-interes wolod shall be liable to a file of not more than t duce the people to view. th4m, in- the A BILL EEN -iiitrO- ced in the to have been,' to the effe6t that, after � the, - a, a hearty 21V4 support to the Fina one thousand dollav, or imprisoilment in y c t an Yenian the lice and a health 0" Irtition. catil., I d does, same. light he' does, ho�, will prol mons, by M Tho raid in Mairlit a, in -1871,* t f bal4 Sac- House of C.O pson, ister in all the future st ges t)f this Ian Government became aware 0 arryi, n , t But if, seems to o' dinia and has pa ed its secei - id I - measure, V the 0ounty Jail'for l, period iiot exceed.'[effebt this, Mae re thoroughly than ceed in c Mr. ;Mi teliell spoke at $01K g I Out f Hal and 4pine. I that: Riel V�ere playing a len Ilh nor usthat n reading, ]I g for its obj c' the facill" n uspector coi L)[d),and if the for, -with 't00 gth, claimilig tliat the alt ,or, a' he is a deit'voring to plaly� .1 doublle garrio�. They *ere residino, on X agreed to were due to -the -moral iii-fi -ig ninety days m. ediatelv after the I , ati�n, ca ot 01 in tl tter. many strings to his qw, or else that he neiice passage of the act a a lnspoct6r is to be w irt do it; ie'Ja b tating of egrEss from railm', passen or theAmericauside andima, n ult J. 9 nOctur-' 'With of the Opposition. -do found f -a ointed, but by whom, whether by colildn6t. is exceedingly fickle" in his doterinina- cars in. olll fire. It provi es that v- 71 app nal "sits, e�borted byArmed men the ilicreas�ed I , into the tea duties,lapprov futiire the British erritory, There was rea-- diry 'on sparkling wines, oppos the -GoVerilor' ll Council, or by the salt In the second ii �,ce, the lealislat,ion pro- tiOlIs as to -action. ago ery railway P; sell car, ed the illd eveity ar ey and duties on canvas and cordage and F5 Son 'to believe that t'' _ODono- facturers,, is I _x'l eo- Maull no stated, but in the., poso�d by. e ail an this bill would his scheme embraedd a bra'lich from intended for he coliveyane of passenaars bue ilanned further di turbances after incided in the decision of the Gvvern,. Brussels to an am, -61 W! introd-aced is.left blalik, to be filled Sarnia, anid anlatiOn oil railways, C onstrue E PaSE- the m ec inense addliticifiar xpeuse ap,4 laboy upon 9, ted d eit,tb bus Of commullic tion -with, Can - m ent to le ve sugar alone. He�' dem oi a up, we suppose, it, Cc ittee. This the 'manufacturer and -would thus dis. for part - of the dista�lce, at I last, with ac, ada, cloised fok the wi and were - en- that the late-.Govermilent haLl renderoad Hill of the bill in question, sball have a e age London Huron' and Brice. deavl9ring enlist th, co-operation Of' increased taxation Iiispector is to recerre'a Salary from th and rest ict the e f the But the doorg; thereof is to ol ien t] necessary, forgetting, el cour so hillryet" Sir- J. A. 3 facdonald ther'e- appai e -m-notnt, and is Gov'i to be7 responsible to 1 manufacture. 0 �,e of thp -reatest now, :judging frpm his -letter, he has freely botb� outwards and inw,%rds.1 Pro- rently, 'Mr. Tilley'sown adiniaii6n. uponi applie -to Bishpp Pache to induce that a deficit iwould li-aveto b6 provi6d of Ed ad Revelime. He is sources'of we& to' th the �'Yhnistei is country is its abandoned this,, &nd bas pitcbed upon a vi Riel land Le ne Sion is also made compellil g a coull the count"T Or in the- present session. 1 to qi A csouro(!�s, and of these salt is propose allies to liavj the doors of a 1 pass senger 16Y IT &V dig- kenzie Montieal,7 ridiculed fbe a t rull, bIS p attemp also to"furnish.scoutity for the due arid niincral r new idea. He now Bisbo Tach( se(I to admi proper perfor -malice of his duties. The Que of the. leadin, branches For. the branclifro a intentions on 'th a' part of these of Dr. Tupperito show t) was 110 e- m. Orangeville to L ndon, Via cars used on. r ilways In C iada ax d co: Mon. The reasons thea assigned were first duty of this Inapector is to divide development 1 is interest ah powers structei fiCit, and contended that the national of It an immense Stratford, and to obt, i runni-My d previ ni ' a to the pq sE age of I he that the general state of .7 fcoling'Of Man- credit- would be strongothene d. b y tho Salt-113-al�ilgl territory of the Province am ouut of c lital is required. III this Over tile Great, IN-Testern from I on the I i dpn to -actalter ol'so bhat the all y -will C Pel� �ea�l dy itobal and other Pr6v ine 3s, as well as the frank admission cof. the t - Finance Miiiistdr, as inany inspection districts as he Province a very J#' Sarni Apparently,' Mr. Fowler; 1111a f elections pen(ling in 187!,�, made their ab- NLI-r.,A. j. Smith had into ge nallount of capital ia. s both JI owners of oars a i ng a very large nitor.- wa�. T. M. e;ccssary and, subject.to the has alread ay j-ud(_,e n y eew invepted in the salt not yet got hie; scheipe tho sence for -sometime de firable. III 't" est in hip-bu dina but would take 'the _rou6[crh1y i ma- to co W�t I!, the provisio Ii;, of the a t, Olinection,.3irJohiiA.'ilacdonaldurked responsibility of i sayinLy e duties to approval of the Minister of Julaud Rev- ii,aliufacturiilg�, tur 'ad, within si mouths after its dr conipliancewould be the most imp. osdol were. at. The 8 siness. The' : raily� bi expendi ed He %vant9-- to: build a � th;1 assa. e, ellue'a e that thE rig i an Ju ppoiii-t for each"'4i. strict Ono� or ture of this capita I has added materiall and lie wants' to -get. Goveruilpent land Ii 1 .1. y able, upon conviction, to a ine (if 1 0 ndue -the Ini- ping In R, oil. L�ffecltlnal argilmentl rs, n e terest had lourr been highly pr�ls- more Deputy Insp6c j -who sliallhoid -to ffie wealth &I A prosperi u icipal assis, talice to build it. These perial Government �ty of fhe in less thau.1$50, and $5 per w, w i foi - ea P'll to grant a generaland, perous, and the ship -owners. were amolag office at the plpasu" '71 a af- seem to be A lielhas- we unrestricted Amnesty. le siibsequeritly the wealthiest out the Only A after. the laying of the h Lforrrati( u. a 6nt Bishop T, ache $1, 000 fr men in the country., and f oin the Secret was only fair. 'ti 'd .1 ierefore, a t e t r AY, INLA.). a' [le shall bQ respon.-, forded a very ilia I definitely d'ecild'ed ont As poin 8 act during which ihe required c I- re Servii-ce money to ly. the needful bear their proportion of ibe public b�r- or whose act - e -of the Inspector,. country, Int, at, il,o.sanile time, it ll� equate retu m' td the e e� that they ihoul to h angi a r - he Inspoetol istogivcbisentire� capitalists.v Thus fa-, the' ac to par- �Tliis bill rAllovid e� fol Early in 1872. N sible. _V sections of. country he will supi inaniih, ture not made funds. allo a very Xr. Donald A. dens. He spoke of the large outlay' fbr time- and attentiou Zo the duties of 1�if �ticip 3- of- salt inCanada beenanythi.' ate in the benefits accruing from the hecessa"T Smith I rr'vea at Ottaw, 6 to attend Re hghfhouses, the ab g but imp ovement in ffit con8tru c- tl on local duo�s f - Seas , ob of office, and Shall u ' I. ion,, and then told hi m, with the con - (it be enga,(;ed iii aily a profitable busil as, and. should be e*n- constructionof his proposed r�adj h e is tion, of p.Isseng and other advantages graill to er cars, and there li* 110 currence of Mr. Aichiba�d that lie (Mr. ship-buildili&'interes and declared th 1piloss or oc lipation, all, r,ed other bu,, ol shall 1-co-dra' r he than dis violently ata"los o determilie. If he d couraged. e a t oubt blIll it �ill be6oi 11tho it Smith) had supplied thelfurther slim of Ins e arcely suf- is anxious to build a road and,"if he de- e%alif-, -91QM a4- Jv– Xf– A aperience was not be connected, either directly or in- 1 The margi Of rofit is se, that the Governme4 VU were disposed to do the fullest - tice unival(l. 8 requx d-trectly, with any Salt t ere.%t on sire m anufaq, ory. ficient to a Ord r it, i sition. This Sir. n easoilable iiit" a municipalaid to build lie should Joh A. Macdonal'd the Maritime Pro-vinces. _11r. oliv�r settle 111,on a distinct 4114 definite r _P Secret Servi ion nty Inspec id by the capital 'inve7 ted. This, beifig the onle ised to pay, bat th ce allowed the necessity for the Domini I The Dep t a are to be pa I ronn r XEW18 OF TH E_ _V E inolley being exhausted he �bad ea I t public works -in oi4rl, route, and stand or fail b no funds undertaking gr fees collected tr the manufacturers. case, it- is certai ly unwise to increase 'it. Let him il:nine4iately at- hand, y and t]IIe money. to develop the cot, and aid the gle4t 11try, Gli RAT BRITAIN. The fees for inspection not to exceed one the expense of roduction, tovithout in select the rout! he considers he best still remains un e I $ ELL' ON THE ready been paid. it has al�- interests oli the prosperity of which fAq cent per barrel for each barrel of salt in.: ally"way enli.%] L ORD RU.S$ V�sHl � -olits. The and confine hillaself to'that �oute, in- TR-E.Ve icumentary evi- fu the pi XGTCN a own b. do i 1 ture of Caiiad�ldependjd. He -was (lb- "baR, with Sir er o sp , ted, and. three mills for each bushel measure und asideration will 'ha-ve 'stead of da-wolling from point 1 to point Y. —III le House of a, 1oid -r. Ar -ohii siTous 'Of OPPO g 110 ec� Lord dence that J 9 sin interest, bitt Russell,, in wit] �d avVilig alt in&pecto r Ilia otion ca - A. Macdonald and Sir ()eorge E. - Car- thought the ship-owilers 12light -well at - of bull- s, U Salt must first this effeet',and this reason it shquid endeavoring to get one -section to bid i on the Ore 11 Ad f 011 ng for papers bou' try tierA knowledge t d Riel's reti `= negotiat re- ford to bear a Share in the public %4 - be inspected in, bulk-'aud afterifards in not be allo-wed id become law. We againsit. another, and the people Will� be- isaid, and Feillian raid questio th ment, in Cartier's interest -from Proven- dens. The"tea, dutiesmmnil the ritish Poo ye felt tha of Ad ii a !Ia- fla arge, and any mal lutacturer . packing have Shown abolv.. that the new bill gill to thillk lie is really in eariii t t] Le honor c f (�her, to give. Cartier th est, a EJ ngland had.b4len touched il L the AVaSIL- �Mr. Archibald diree eat ;., also that, ly not exceed ig do , r a year per or caUS111(y, salt to be packed, before it is . is unnecessary' aii ill serional ti . corresponded f a, -at he believed the cigar duties uncalled fory aild w y consider the meri s of his ington . treaty I �egotiations, t io� liation, nily, b I with Riel and - Lepine to - secure the co- I were adjusted in a nianner unfavorable I -ious to the manufac- scheme and the adva1Ita,(=-,,,es it offers. characteK_ low ied, and the iattional i - opertation of themselves mid their follo, inspected, is liable to a' heavy- penalty. � that it will be injill facturera. After Some 'It will thills' be seen that Salt not sold in 1 turer we'shaffi It -,sta jeopardized. On w;. to the home manu I Low proceed to show His letter would seem to indio�atc that. er, e 0 inion. gen- ers (luring the'Fenian Tai'd in I R71 told further' discumion, the resolutlons weie X or of c(nipeilsatiol. them that their- so doing the �conocurred -ulpoini ate he has done.this. But, if lie hills, I' . iiii and the bill framed bulk must b e* inspect ( twice—boore it that it is :au, infiir�gement.. on priv, orally e is'ted i j fav I et it would bd is Packed and after� it has to Canadian, pfferers by 1he -Feniail way.to secure favorablel consideration.4 been Put into rights. I be kno wil., let him plainly -tell �tlie peo- raids, but he' did notapprelLend a repe- When!Sir G. E. Cartier a death created them was rel first time. the barrel or sack. The Deputy Inspec- No man, or COMM 'IV Of M. P" fin.11 0" 1 1 4.1-4 1, 'L _4r 4.11 1-1AID'"'Ll �Iln P e as idiandonest, his pir ese. I Ile trusted XXIAL" XUATUM lissels riliat Great in 1872, a fre: E ver seem afi (111 red th visit each xhann-, in the in ald to rig tor is also di �i' - W sh vacancy in Provenclier, fact -ft oulot Ul)on tho� grant �)f 0oo for the col�- a �,e of Salt without the branch, and that. he intends ri.E king his BFitain k Sir J. A. Macdonald- andiffUr. T�vngevin,, stnlction_ of the F 6rt , U� factory daily, examin anything in asse ion of hei 111XV Ia the brine in 'the -e ge a -mount 01 money' all on that by way of Stratford Ind Loll- I In Bisbop, Tache beg- )R I t T d*t of a ]a Ju4t rights. at an terview i %pen I ure ailway comil Ik up in Oommitte6 of e furni AL LABOX, QUESTION. So his offices to pre - a, IT TiaF, AGind, ged him again to it' ta4k- arid plans, ik found not to b ck shing thill necessary appliances. I U at t 11 Supply, -Mr. 2NIack-en-zie explained th vent'Riel from Standing fc r Pilovenclier D( e ziiq �A_,;:Rshys the 0 the'coostruction. of the r" his yeara 'he c< 6-n order it to be IiAthills in�esti eir capital they do to build both, alid it is tim. He reftised, saying lie ha.4 been deceived (Ion to Sarnia He cannot sure', Ltend pure or clean, y i Th k -Out 'of f, e tha; he. had arm oad t ubmitted pended 6n the decision of ebo old- laborls will Soon bb '-,,Z I a* le purl) -jug the mo tb thrqwn the u Ih way, or if* the pang, ill I i so for ti o e :)f mak too often already, and wot at definitely settlefl upon either. Ho far %a to arbitrationforsettlemeilitt. T[ic I'dinterfere no ers, in. wht)se Steam I hands the American lillb ilidgment, are not- as'alean its they aut of it.possible So long is -a more. Sir John'A. Vacd nald. then al- A 171 hip Prussian Irom Liverpool for Que they eiru- bonuses are concemed, they will depend was, e J y their eans in a legitimate man Should be he call all d d' d -vi.. it to- I as to whether it could be car 7 order and cause plo, bec, took'O.Li't 150 Wa lude 4-o his inten �,ngland f F_ ] - 0 tent oil a judicious thoice Of bands and 180 6, hildre-li to fir d homes 111. and - proin- ner, to a great ex. rwick hire arm, after 1b out. He understood that this mat them to be e fall session of 18 73, emptied and cleaned. "He the public h a nc r'i(-ht to know what re- route. Mr. Fowler's policy of would be decided by the deternlina tioll has also t I amine the Salt in Fsendiiig e e -do all he c lid -ace the I of 'C' o wake or raliew a a,rant of 0 xt steanick in- ised to� ould to ex Canada. (if the Same Neither br nos Sprawling all over the couTr_- line -,will carry 150 laborer� frDlil theag.. A I tlie bins, turn their c, pitev. bi ings them. alich. Ii perial Government to take up th6 whole g'e on' and if he finds it t' tha'tl hssidtlapsed but he was ilifo rin� ob such as he thinks- has a disin. eres;e'd party any right to try, and wetending that he ultural listri ts. The questiciii. Bisbep.Taclie asked foi *,a ouglit not to Pass il,§peetion, it is his ldiict' 1�ian, from Liverpool, t�. 0 t Sir ohn A. -Mae- intends rl�c -StEamer cas'. -ritten pledge, which Sir ed a Committee of Congress bad reporti- A - o 300 ag' donald refused. ' Bi plallatioli or rs for the.Un t, ol St tea W U (, ben coil iore properl niade Nirlien- duU thnribusiliess. "The bill fidelice of the people in' him, -may and John A. Macdonal y ate, to I lem. i� -what. manner they building tIlcm, all, is destro in �the con- ric'Itural I%b ache says Sir ed favorably. His further ex dutY to order it to* be removed from the ! 31 Shop- 0' shall I I I � Canadi. d p romi 3ed to give all billisand aced �Yith second quality Salt, -1 . I . brought -do-wn. the Canadian Pacifle meas - in qyestion dopi vels the owlier of the prove a barrier to his �accomipiis�i aninesty 4 pl. I nalol denies Ing ally Sir John A., Ma -,dd ure in aday or two hailee. ea I or -%vitli the refuse, as I ie may deem �r ago�mo Op- man, nt an this, and while admitting that he per- Ile bleliev d. control of his own prop- practical result whatever. S'e r rx 1 c ent ,red er. to com- BILBAO I �VPT URED. . the route.of this branch wmild. be oil the Aiiy manufacturer refusin sonally�desired all amnesty explains Ir aftern4 that east bank of the Red River. The gra& I erty, -and ljlacc,, it in the hands of Bilbao. on! att: d4y T a ere public opinion i ply -with the instructions of tbo Ii, C anad especially in in was great ejoiding, and a g161 ral u- ff Woul ct Id be very easy,' - and -the -onl e �Ion- it, - and who,, should it prove, a culture. -LPplicaltion for a -it 'amne paid agent, i?vho lias' no direct interest The Provincial School of Agri- - that a dire 3 Ontario ade it necessa tor.in this matter is a bject to tation Th municipality M, ImPortalit cost would be the iron an a -heavy C, ant gratulaton. despatches to 8 es y sh penalty. "The Inspector has also ir,ano and. co, on(' n'Ot other lklaterials required. Ile ftirfliet 6 from him I , or.his ov rnment. the failuke, a In other This institution was to liak,,e been Concha. everal detach stated that the Government bill wo ufl 4s to- oss. power ed larties o Of (lesignatilig the size and kind words, our 1114 manufacturers are. nOt opened oil the !at of M Carlists ar surrendering to t e Repi bh- provicle for all contracts being laid be - ay 'stated cans, but ION PA T ors, to be allowed, t) con e main body of i.e in mr- ENT. acte' 6f packages, to be used b Maiiiiifhotur It i; fore Parliament before they wei d, duct. their busi- that there is 3iet. only accomod4iOn for' gents have retre4ted in great d sorde r in �qA upon ; li ut in' the Present -case it wo and malluf4ctuxers hard to furnisli-L the I neea in su h i naur ier as they may think -a Iiinitednuinbe;r of'students - ibut on the diree'ti6n, of �`ho THE probable they might have to proceed be' 4 necessary help to enable the Deputy,: best, but mu at le i-ve i Province o Gru.3er-: N ts conduct,to the account of the mode ad Additionkil despatcheE On t! e motioi ing the report fore it would boi p Inspe o zoea n for receiv pted� by the On rom Bil- r. ossible to take thol `tOrs to illsPect dt when. they (le- I'dictation. 'of an individ kn bao'say that thd Ctrlists* cont of, I he Commit. e of Supply -use ual who has lint tario Government lor "'mal),ing own ii ae to 3ur 'r on the Finance Sense of the Hlo -upon the contract for, 0 81 -re and call a196, be required to open render to I fir ist6 f farthi dire Aly. at stak -he Republican tro)l.' 11 Sday 0 last week de- I its c6nostruction. r One e. If this their intentions r �s lie egardinc, the inali n( against thE attacks ad e THP PACII'l-C RAILNVAY 0 age- hope to recei Bilbac is barrels and sacJ�js. 'Elie act further pro- is rot. ari ve esty. y fei led.1imself I v ery ItE AS 11 atl agpn ex 11 Mcroil,chinent upoa privato me Ilool In -lice, then it would d6ubtful if aP -e modifieatio:us 116l has induced to 'it and regulation of it it is begil Ln' to me upoa his 'Budget Speech and vides that the holiad off c resu On the vote for Pacific Surveys e of the I ghts with a vergea pearance, I rade is reviving, ajil the ob b �.en Mackenzie gave expla; , ati % even the number des�red ilas th Ong as to thq tor shall be located i1i ]T'odericb, and the "be. difficult t' 0 irn"Lgiue what would be. structions ?Iaced'in the river make in thepro osed tari by the repre- pFogre been obtained. Iii this matter the Cxov -% - made in.the. Lake '83uperior re - J to pre as Depiity Inspector 'a the ent sentiations approp ch of Gove en Im, 91011 -espect to the western sec - rumen'.. war ires- a re required to tralis- Bat this is' that lave be* il�iade -to"ll not all.1 -The salt 'mantifac-m ernment have seen fit to adopt With. I ape ir, I - C, ained . tbat'the grcate,�t Jif� mit to- the In ' cto are 11.9 policy gels, are i em ndeavoring-to-effect t e operation,of tion lie exii A I weekly, a full re- oved Jovellar late ap- ra ng f)lre Stu tain-Gener tl of Cuba, ]I, lea were presented by thoCasca& even;to be allowed.to kaep remarkable. Only for its e ia �us of d ars, ficult, port of their proceediiigs. These rep ta P1 y -is arr ved. Th 0 - la ieir bu6ne"' crets an Ad ition, of onoi-sixth 6 lz A main I . we understand it, the a 0 :o4lr net r: aee haA aj to themselves As bt)dy, of th6 Carlists is t, $h equal to, .1 1 a -Ile, to be eat object of the in- Re all'. enu tXov ange of m6untains. 11 ered. in books kept 0Y.T,11.e ih nudef e Altl,,ongo- Do the Minister hz�s ne I no pl, ey are to be enquired into by an stitution, isto alMird 4r10 * essarl y called i-7nore fxi�,oral route been found tb=; Inspect o, 04 sons of our- 'af Dur IS dO'Wn 4POn hiwerlf'a vast 1 unt hos- one with a gradient of J.-io feet to all! or for the se, and are to be ofEcious a Serran. a e 0 purpc iri-psponsible person and by farmers -tit opportunity of &ttaini g dd at M�aolrid xPi6ct- tile �critiJblgm aild, ast h thO n on Ratu e, I t open for hispection by any perso b nec� abroad to the.world The intile for -in iiiiintelTqpted slope of U9. n, who h iiii. lazo rd -ay xt. Id'the House, inhabi&%nt in 11most every case the tate ild miles ally level reaches. H agricultura familig.. b in so thorough scienti 6 of' Bil ao were wi, tit bread ments a %Y wish to see them. e, h -e been Went 9n to explain the steps takeii, b e. last arguments presented to I� that those Wh ged in the same :If this be the case, one would ii�turally we 0 ait engag dliring th ek -of the ge. Re - These are i�v few of th- a mcril IM nd7 tho. e,whol.tre an OOPS ost (Ijainetijeally a. e promilient business, a Publiran of the m. ite organizitia-sur.voly p not for that �uppose tb, ave been v orious. In arties, to uscertain I announcement of the.' sever h, po har- thebest fine -of rout at the� ature' out of tho�' terms and New astile. -n( S of the bi i. it has evi&_ matter, alski misbel alus a, Valencia 1 oncle -these o10 fe actor. It has been na easy task to ree e, so as to -guard ntly may-kn,mylas much.about their 6peoling, witha, statein s in And. be en f Fame with, -e it C, 11flicting -interests a I against any possible failures. Tfl-eir I1 - I gi are, and opil dons, but the cordi 11r. private us less aft',Ldrs. as they do thefil- and conditi -Lpon -%vIli 'on of the 'I tercolonAi Railway experience� showedl 0081 rhe ei feet of tili V1 al ro.Tepti. ch studelits will s ictorY -will tend 8 Cameroli, is 1111title'dto credit forthe. at- Selves. A ura re an( mo ified tariff by the ise shows lex ow wodId on r farmers like to be accepted, and. alyo cement )8errano'js Ad. 133 to enco tellitio'll. he has devotel i I tber nece ary P- herent an to cor that I' ho -W peolient it -wa to con)nl. the Finance NWster s 'N I to the subject. hav has )een to a very great works without the faRest filf orina-11 an iDSDECtOr a)?pointed over -them., respondili&Y depi ess formation, would be published, in a me- ve regr(t the bill ill; S Lic, h that, in the who, n insilluated that' But the follow( large extent su exil 11 il the power by lqwto dict dium. where those for whom. -jvas in- cisive vict r p have treate'd- Was give ate a of the Preteiide�. If - a de-' ed, ecessf ul. He he I tio '�Ur. DeCosmos i M, interests of the publ, y 117 been gained, it the as 1 the present Goveivililiq t wer t 1,11 de-Ellitt, e i C )t ke 1 Ic; as well as --of the is O'lly - temporax aq ep- to tbenias to-Wiat particulatkindof E!,rain I teAded w uI( be n os likely to I. �of a a uestion y, a n A colimlilently, t ee it ort time -,With British Columbia, ju 'W6 are; compelled t iAanufaaturer�;, when the in- ve incy faith brought, do 0 �ro- thevshould d',row on certainfields, hoNi� il bo dri�, en entirely from Sp tn- wIX a, temporary and e Ontario Go'veriiiiient, howe pro - ed to pleave test Against r, Seem h mal budget. But it had to c re- much as they were"ilot prepar 118 This leave 8(�nlr no at ;be VISIC ts passagE. it is linllebes� they should sow C%l Ld cultivate that mol b themselves to coinmence the actual wor,:K membered that we art, en;ering upon a; 1 of construction this year. -Ally. ary aild 1111ca1led for, ailid would ItILS head i 4-11 army and go ve cut nd I Muse what kind of cattle they 'should raise, Past, a long Iac I C le u- ]i to �have tho dit differen y. 0 D nient career of heavy expendit, re on capital zie repheol that advertise settinz forth all the pre�ender�,to the thr e pra, ti- how. anxious a -useless wa ste of publio iiioue lil matter ca autages of the institution andall- Y; it and the condition' in Pie adv, Illy supplessed 1 4 o, the times are th P, G over-, which their cattle alcc�unt, while1he sip, iment might be to z�owiliitenee would tell to fetter; re stritt and impede should be, before UNITED 9TATES-. notlindicative of the Conti ivance of that the- road, it 0 ey. could a( 7, -,JI them? i lioulicing the terms upon which sindents -Was impossible for thcni to' t1le progress (if a young b 0 VnE An buoyancy -we have eXpellieneed do so until the snrve ut gr wing and C A -N S Ak TROUBLE. in the 1-aut 1>1 auch of posed, as solution for the A. kpnsas if- an was better,,, so mrn wcre, c()nlpIe-+e(J. And, if they faile, I or refused to com- will be received bas been published iu. th It is VrO- threeorfourpa3tye AND TVeXERSMITIT. inimensely impori, C 'the leading daily papers, tvlier' a no ir C the em On We inal".1fac' 'ply with'the dictuion. of this official, 110 theref&e, to iaeot ture, and, -lastly, it is I t ficulty, tol resubmit the cla S of the 9"n-9jay last, -Alr- calineron, a gross interfer matter how albsurd they migrh� e h annbunce-ment. has nN N, -nors to the people 0 and give c onfidence nd 4 ousider i sue been nia le i yel er&eIley at H ence with'the pri�-ate r ilits of citiz n a stability to uroll, 1DOW'd the House into oillinit- 7 ces of it, be ilie the cow'itr , �ven A -ih,e tee on all act to, anire to a heavy fine or hilt. 'single local or wee"k-ly paper t. iat 1�1 L e-1, _Tjlo�'N T -9T 8 - — I t i s t e d cog of some present we oe III the first Place, f le'll, this legrisl 10 that f jucoli renion ald the act -prisonment.- tb erei I attacks 611 11 w Or,' h' 114 Admin- moo][ifications a ce. The Cap. 13, (1ptaebing tbt to nship ofl'iwk- ow would a miller.' have seen. N Qw, if. the inforilidtion istr the tiarit propqsed by ermnith f Mui the, cciltr(,� it, idillr. , I t lion a� llation I in _k1rJ Cartwright are y the in tion has not beeii azked for, that we are like to be dictated to' by' a (4overnmelit conveyed in this advertisement I &to] ani. 0 was on- f 11 111 his j' annex it to the 'Nouth. 11,idi ft, of the .11*lvare of, ait-laer by allufactur C q hat tl ( I , 1( U %t in t ely for the benefit of busiiie�sg ave not I reed upon the ch, S "auntyof fluron. Re- �_ifti(l that foul.- ers or Official who had no: pecuniary i itere. ir' Ouse lie" e of the. Tato, ali( eY first proposals Re , ts7blis d ditTerential. C the public,, nor is it men b ows r ecessaxy for the his affairs, as to ality of I cter off a tlu�ies oil q ar ic es I tsof Tilekersmith had th flour he I there would be- some se hicli,' thos paying fifths oE tile I-esitivil qu, Shall provide for t iise in, Publishing w I llic"Case 15 I)er cent. ad f)alore?) protection 4 either. If the s - 1� 'I. Some of these, asked of c to be (letacht, -oil, thc� C.&II Should make and Sell, and the k' Urrelic A belief is re - lent f, tre. ind and it ill th nt when. it 110 p he n c daily city papers, 1) tiltat, of ature df Iuxuries� were to pay 1 1 "Nutith lZiol-I I IIg m re will be done at t] is sessi on 20 -er. cent., aud the bul� of then, 1(i- ing. He facturing busin�-ss --%%verea monopoly, Such quality Of grain h,- should g -rim, and i is desired to meet the eye of the Pid ng and atLached to tli(,- legislation mi it �gricul- 0 f (-'on re on finance measu te - admitt d that th clialigie W011141 week's rans- tnrla'l IV a, Waste ot P g )C- tiecessary for the then have the result of his community, it is simp if aF N G. Peri cent.' The! whole� of, Ithese duties in cause some discrepancy i i negaro . 11 ti) pop- rotection of the public - But it is not, actiolls—thei-Illimb -of barrels of flour money to mak" f us iol )0D SUBST ))I -N(_ - new Or'- future will be li ed at unif �rin rate of I'l, ulation'l but the effect Of I it woul 1 0 to of e the auliouncemont in t I per� cent. The additional revenue thuis render the form of tile �joutll 11itibig wore in Vel�or h t 41 b '-at r the supply being frequently Weater than he had sold, the nu, subgidih land that ��%e' e is Fair pres- accruing lie proi)oses to jppl y n re( 11 nberh�, had o hand this way. There is not one farm nit, the demand and the er 'A pect of pla. i lue- co venient than tt pretiL Lblic. Jim e tera boilig able to: raise half the -rates on other taxable articles. Pit close- and the quality_m� told public forthe in- live hulldred who has the"opportuality of A cr6p. Bowell 81.1ill lie tboludit the part), quently not restricted ix-theiX -cliase formationand 1guidance of hi tea the duty, propogedwas six cents to whom the Iloilo' Pui On is c(impeti- z' perusing the daily papers, and rable genth"ll);III bc- we veil- -A Wtersbu g, it for to any particular inarket or. green tea and'four ce for black luatiufactur- tors in businesi ? This is preci cly the ture to say th Va., despatch 8 tea, longed was in favorof repitt-sentation. by fa" tbat iree 1 popul amoi I people, cents respectively.. Ship, %U- position in which thle Salt Manufacturers the farmers of. this Pro'vince has eve h If good and properl -made salt C, the a grE at The duties will now b r and tj tation, but to aild Tucker.4inith tA) )4,e at not one in TtY c, revival thore 3g the eis ;e ng 11faterials t e South Riding of Hilroll 11 -a r over 500 bpilig baptised by imrlersion in o+ are.to be paxtially reliev, v, chain, an� in accordance with that principje,, He t at found that the 00 - about, 29,("00 -F-ading uujuwt 1'. =311ifegOy tile township of Tuckw fliaing, '.C;ameron sav rntleman W I a e0l polut w1len t, Jailgea by 0 late anMl V -the Cenire RiJillg 1(irl"Patrick Was pas$ed it ghoul come iii gic-lit, b6cau reselit. A011 of *11outb h In -w ol I �comoi v Ca luflon "0 " t1lis Par] election -'Onse ent] ,rZ Tv -the elelto 11aavilIg t# w-0 V to -one would have. ,eacb. tb,61 same perso who On] y had 1; ne; b. th'is was sim.� ly t-1. -woul,! fiLvor aPaleti hono Jn h- A-nq d Als I fo 111 viae tbt f stjtuoncig�b, call" dointidist wool guj� p.e- aps the�_­; 'h mla ass they Sh To edy An in' neti Govern Mt. Mr. mal rose,', his4diangArram ir' his'� -when tile County I h,.d be* en MIR of those, whox", Jle�ahvsys tho ,of a G. veruMellt -which lia-d-be6n. toll decessars. -An out-'. 01 -been c0=01 South Pdkliuji 'of ,ebarged, ti -,OVeM - T 'heir tioli �bf 41uty i in A bill to remedY the late, Governmei tion of zeats., He. iliagram X.. � e wing whir -h -be' said to -e-hop pff.. :He wroilgwhicUlia 12 Tearessed, so *hat- T, froin sri-�th Huroll, ParliaMent, lie WM to teom- e back Again D r. Tupper stron and, w-aTudy Aidep 1877-2, MI-daflectea' wh.1t 110 alleged to upon the prini�ipie population. 3Xr. Clainer-on re4. gn:d energy., justif * Y visionslof thelar-tt an ame admebt. in the wesent -Gto honora),le mt�mbev fhouc,h 5they Js�hMTI 43 t - � over, -Chey had iiiel ,on their hano;-�. th tinle, aad he. the�4, .his dut y to Sir J ohn A )d W� Zeal �of 'wal-M . 110 %1 -aud 111. 10 to the Tatter tbat 1i Xnatter to geore b tign if His seo; , t was test nolw -pending. for tb� T tribi 1872. which, lie 0 and J'Ist as P4 -cumstInces, and is) to -cf, Oi r It plat :b I Yt e - oull 13' el. bills V e It, 610 A. Mapdonal . agal �of -ea o h If , na'a and as f6r hi- p rh up f oi over�r pal 01r. h'JZ1,Ckd�1ZiC) Camemil. in li,872 t Aild hic w co -011(d be. , t I t(. redreos it.' - i I X ter souie -fill 0 - ..,,ent., nto tc, and Ported it fo X P_ J E a"\� X I N i C. 111t he no e -oil 40,te r �.emjgrativt tuo AM R-Oltdin -Ur texpla.l.ation. iwitui Europe. , Tli�e Go- futivre - to .'43'eutra the i� ent 111 110114 supen izion. 4 ver All and in , W101 that lbe.y sb 0111&,� UoH, pera 'be not candelaiiingit' Jenhills" ddivolrea by that -a gaott'a hu- "Oonstp adial-i'official. wox lessening his iufl- G40VC;1 % Incllt& an4 Bhoull ins till-tict 111, in Ws rem'arhs kenzit said,the r fend or blaine Mr rof&red to. - It �i -his own raspon,6b 'way �conne�tcd A ��on t`,:G'cile,��Xl of llowe�er, that tb tleln-an had chara the pa.,3,-iit�41eso give,il:-4 his 1) 3 Jenhi , lis Was Selt for u4wvla ill. tbo he wr'�-,i a ulmnadi, land becww-oe h1l, edg�e_ t.)f Cam vla r to it, 1.11141 al-�o of relat�'ng to it .1114. 1 tion ff that �u_- %V_-�- '81,-C: -It Ni-mil"I who W4:rt� akIfIllal, -Ciety ii) );.,III all 11 grf-itt t1q-'re0 the botly of thel-al,or unwill-s' Hx*, W.%-. agent ill Lon.1oll: intinlate connejoti of Pqople-froin v '417.�Il, lie. was, Z), ZJ ha;-ve, in th�aht posil