HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 3, IVEAY 1874. --"7--1111.1.11".".1.1.111 BOMA It t rth, (iite GtCarronbroot ) County a Perta. Ofile_e arh residence' aver 4ohnsen Brotb.ers' Hardware Stara, Mainast. Calls) at DR, KING'S onion will be at, tended to clay or night, 287 - "aa' VERCOE, C. Ma, PhysiciLL an, Sara pan, etc,, Coroner tor the (-utility of Huron,. oalce and Residenee, corner or Market and Rtgl steets, next to the Plaulug _ OAttlPISY.LL, (Graduate of McGill Int/T---- sity, Montreal,) Coroner for the k.;Oinity of ver. Huron. Othee—Next door to Calder 1.1rothere/ ; Alarbte Werks, and opposite iteCallum`s Rota), afein-street, Seafortla, near tile Railway Station. J. G. BULL 14.D.S., ON, Dentiat,&c., Seatorth, tai oat erica Plate w ork, latest tyles, zwatly exeauted. All 8Ur- 4len' operation:4 perforMed 'with care and promptitude, Fees. aa low as can be ola tined e/sewhere. Office Loma from 8 le at. moms -over Mr. A. G. MeDottgall's Store Maitast. 270 etaaaa'aiEtz, v. S.Lieeut ia t e and Prize - mail of Cornell "University; Ithaca, :N.Y., and liraduatelof Ontario Vett rinary Coili;ge, Toronto has settled permanently in Varna, where he will la: )und teak and willing to atteed to all kinds ot :is -eases, in all kinds c;_f"kianimals ( maze excepted) oll nds of weather, and j at all hours. Rosi'- - cacti andante two doura em Fast of Cook's T- -ranee mu. 819 iazi2Luy SURGEON. --DV. . MeNATIGHt Stt begs to announce to the inhabitants ot, oeth old Surrounding country that he has awarded the diploma of th.e Ontar_o Veterin- College, and is now prepared to treat diseases flEetaes and Cattle anal all tlomeatie an.mals. as vent/ an office hi counection with hie hams. s op, where he will be found ready to ata lend to nails. Diseases of the feet specially at- end8d to. Residence, office and shop in. the reaa fEUo & Ityan'e new store. All kilade of Vet. nary Medicines kept Constantly on hand. g a reasonable. I 229 • clauReHILL, Veterinary Surgeon, (lum- ber of the ,Ontarict Veterinary conage4begg I -oi ate that lie hah1'.returned to the practice of a • • us profession In Seatorth, and may ea all times be nsulted on the diseasew of Horses, Cattle, Sm., tarinary ineilleinea conatimtly on haud.: us :promptly attended tO. Office, at Mansion °use. S eaforth. 273 LEG, ----- . LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap... • inted Agent for the Colonial Sectuities Com- mit- Ertehe of kand. is alsoAaent for; several art , a . • a a - te Capitalists; of Toronto. who loain 3Ioney at 'pry reasonalilft rates. Interest paVable yearly .11.argts moderate. Tingbani, De a 16, 1871. I 213 .. kir e03.13Gbeel & HOLIIESTED,Barristere, At rut, torueas �tJ Law, Solicitors in elapact.ry and, osolvency Neitariea Pnblie and Convot aneers, -. "olleitors f'or the B. C. Bank, Seaforth.. Ageuts for ' 40 Canada IAfe Assitrancia Company, ;a -4480,00d to lentil at S per eent. Farina," Eel:Wesed Lots for sale; 53 _ . , 7."-- ptE'gSGN & AkEYER, Barristers and Attorneya; af LWY, Solicitors in "Chancery and Insolveney,1 'Oxvoyanee.ts, Notaries t'ablie, etc. Offices—Sea-1 nth and Wroxeter. :"47,24_,,000- of Private Funds te west itt once', at Eight per cent. Interest, payable early - 63 " E. w. c. arri7Nit, , , . IT. R. SUIR, Bariister, Attorney fn Chanel, ; • e ery, &c., voderieh, Out. Office—over j. o„, ! 1etl3 or & Co.'s mporittin Market Square. 20 ' , _ _ Sete( tea' "ea" -If eflomtal ti, :-ArtItISTERS, A.ttore.e-ya,Solicitora in Chancery, "la' &a., Brassels, Out, Otlite—two doors 'teeth of ae Post Office. lt, SQUIE Ba DANIEL McDON.ALD, Goderieh. Brassele. a 111 Cali: Z-NOX'S HOTEL, SEAFOIITH. -- Thomas Knox beg S to state to his old friends and MI the travellilig public, that he has leased the 'otel lately oncupied by Mr. MURRAY, and meJy knoWit as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and opes to receita a continuance of the patronage , 'a. liberally het:towed upon him during his many -1 * batrs 'M the lt,Otel business. Every comfort and nvenienect will be provided for travellets. Tha leieest Liquor* and Cigara only kept in the Bar. : careful and reliable hostler always in at tenelanee. 291 THOMAS KNOX, Proprietor. F'OSTEWS HOTF.L, SEALFORTIEE. ct-HOMAS FOSTER begs tb idforni his old_ "4 friends and the traveling pith& that he has- '11eneit his new hotel; adiehana 'the Post Office ittforth„ where: he has the very best accommoda- )0 fo.t roan and beast.. The btait of liquors and no -sat the hu' THOMAS POSTED.. -- € a F.T...VSLIA-E.ItY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. cad HeasesAnd Cutufortable eludes, aiways hand. Faventble Arrangement:4 made with semescisi Travellers. All (littera left at Ktoax's on, via be promptly attendeLt to. itralea ,tato &MIME"; :—Third door North of !ox'a Hotel, Main Streat. 01 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. _ ItISBY, reVICSED) A.UCTIGAFER for - the County of klittron. Snles kittended in all parts, of the Conn- : .Aril oracle nuttle pereonailv or aent to Seaforth Oflice will be promptly atieuded to. 327 ftir6taPal .113-neattiat4 C. lE., IlOVINCIAL :LAND I SURVEY011, Seaforth. All" orderS left at thdMarnaion Itouse with Mr. In Mirra--wii receik'e immediate attention. erences—Dr. Coleman and Dr. King. 4111.'62 ,..---,—• --. S. " L KENNEDY; • .aegE, sXG:.\7' and OIZNAlIENTALPAE),ITER and (trainer. Paperhanging- also attended to, It (Tone as cheap as ;by env other good work- in the hhsiness. Alf orders left with Mr. rtedy, orfor hire at the Ex miss -eon Office will fromptly attended to. 279-26 sia- P. BRINEy CENSED ArCTIONEEll for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the -be prompt y attended to. nty, AIX "lidera left at the ExetauTon Office E POR1U 11t, sobscaiber hereby' thankhi; nanuerotis pmerainierehaats and others) for their liberal prime during the past seven years, and hopes, trict lute -gaily and dose atteution to basiness, mit their coolideuee and trade in the future. ; stiug greatly' enlarged Ilia pfentiees daring .7;iiiter, he hallow prepared to pay the EST CASK PR1PE any quantity cif gited freah eggs, delitered !EGO )eafPGRII-M, igain street. Seaforth_ anted by the enhaeribea 25 tong of aood dr/ ),VIIEA.T ST 1 D. D. -WILSON. aeall!!1, 1a74. 323 - S. PORTER, Patalanto. Berilker 112111 nithaaea. Broker. 877e istEZ sE_L FoRTH. - ...ompo3a00.01. it, ow, but a feet. Ge,'; abeal..." and .killevieli• Silver at cur- aut rut; a. la lials ottena en au; ;1 farm profs- " Slersts meta witlitatt lather. ilt reives .'1*( -;:t, 411'11,3y. 2;) 1;er vent. interest get it. , .;:tit Sit/ pNIIFt/ Trot)1 1`11 -t .'; pt I f . OA, t ith tin hi... ()rider - it Let . Ifeea ta aants, w2r;1',•A tatioLe. ilon't be at he wt,o`t haat. :xta ' per ea.y. Agent:4 Walited. All eia...aea ealtang a of Lath at yeitie; or old. inake mots rk for 'ID, their spare moiaante, orop-tlie then et atra eine eke. Partieelars flee- (i- s"1:1Nsf iS; a ce., tame, Mahn:. 2d4 MAY- 8, 1874. 4101111sr-... GAI4TIRIS- Ali exchange announces dea h in high life in this fashion : The Dowager Duchess of Richmond is dead. 1 She led au uneventful life, and va pa9onate1y fond of boiled salmon." • —An uncle left eleven silver apoons to his nephew in his will, addi ig, "He .Imows,the reason 1 have not lef him the whole dozen." The nephew h d stolen one. —Lynch Iaw-is probably has d on the spirit of an old saying. Wheii despera- does abound, honest people surtender to their leaders an " ynch," and hei they take an "1'" and make a co e called 1,2•Tribe eehltitwe,r"of :the Leavenwo h Daily Argus remarks in the obituar of his paper : "We went into, the business aeterminea to run it or bust. whave bua_...ste,And . d so we go," said e mel ber of a' Boston School Committee - " ur great .men are fast departing,—first 'Greeley, then Chase, and now 6umner —and- I don't feel very walltmyself." , —A land agent in ColoradoemPited to an enquiring emigrant, that all that was needed to make the place --a paradise was a comfortable climate, w ter, and. good society. "That is all tha is lack- ing in h-11," was the reply. —Mr. Cobleigh left off his fl rinels on oa Thursday, and on -Friday mo ning he quietly said to his wife, "Mid Coblaidi ged by iiddergloads dab gwick I' —The "- bump of destructive ess"—A railway collision: . —Mrs. Partington is colleoti g auto- crats, anl will be grateful for a y speci- mens of the handwriting of ex guished char:lotus. —Alittle boy heard his moth r tell of 18 head. of cattle being burnt t 6 other night. "Weren't their tails bur t also?" enquired the vetdant youth. GOMPREHENSIVE.-:Preceptor : "Now; can any of you tell me anything reniark- able in the life of Moses ?') oy : •" Yes, sir. He :was the only man who roke all - the Commandments ' at once." —"What do' you feed to yo r pig ?" asked a neighbOr of a Al:mayor' er, Who bought such an animal last N aierriber.a Corn," he said. "Do you f ed it in the ear ?" "D4 'yOU think 1 /1111 a fool?" said the Manamoker, sarcastica y.. —An Irishma,n, who had jus landed, said : "The first bit of mate I ever ate in this country -was a roasted potato, boiled yeaterdity ; and if you c on't be- lieve me; I can .show it to you, f( I hare it in my pocket." — An old lady with a large family, living near a river, was asked she did not live in constant fear that so e (Adler children would be drowned. " Oh, no,": she replied, We have ouly lost hree four in that Way." --Wlitn her new bonnet ;corn s home.' and doesn't 'suit her, or when s xe is suf- fering from 'any other .aleat ef,' true s3mpathy ex -presses itself best b letting her severely 'alone. .No properi educat- ed female wishes to undergo the inspec- tion even of -f:taiiliar acquaintan .es, with I her -eyes looking' like inflained r t -holes. --An Iiisliman was brought before a judge on oliarge of stealing; a widow's pig. '1't," said. the judge, "w ,en you - are brought face to face with the widow - and. the pig on the great judgm ut day, s what aecount can 'you give of :y drself ?" "Wal you say the pig would be t ere, yer c honor?" " To be sure I did.?' ` Well, thin, yer riverence, Pcl Say, s. Mal- s oney, there's yer pig.' "; •11, 94. An .A.berdeenshire 'Far IS er. • Yveeks and months, might pall on the most ardent appetite for the sensational. Mr. Skertchly attended them all,—iii- deed, it would have been the greatest breach of etiquette to have declined them, on the•rele that it is the duty of *revelers to see all that is to be een, but he confesaes over and over again his re- lief When darkness ,;e11 on the excited `scene, and the .Icing sent him his "pass rum," for without 1`11)11 in _gallons and demijohns no action :n daily life is com- plete in Abomey. —London Times. . see -- How to Put on a Corset. At this juncture t e Coroner desired to shoW to the jury the course taken by the ball, and for this Purpose produced the corset worn by Mrd. Iurkhart at the time of the tragedy. " ou see," said he— and here he drew .thp corset around his , waist- with the 1 a in front—' the ball . Must have g tie in here from behind. No, that can't be, either, for the doctor says. the ball went in in front. Confound it, I've got it on wrong. Ah this is the way." (Here the (ioron- er put the , corset ion upside down.) Now, you sec," poi ting to the hole in d directly over his have gone in here. r, the handsomest e in. " Dr. Still - e got that corset s. Stillman blushed, 1 " said. he, " I've i I oughtto know "Yes," said Mr. . You had it right tti•ings goliu front, m together in the ? I think Isiught If you it, t e fullness in the pose that's going OU ,put i13 011 118 aid., Dr. Stilbnan, the hips." "No, tier. " that full - else --this way ; indicated where he light to go. - oulig ni.an with a note book utider ht the ladies Ed- 4Salocrir .e e. very Tian! hedto oonvey the w nothhig whatev. e jury laughed" the to scorn, and onei t he thought the If so green about d to appear. The orter, and it is )r�bablll that his LS limited as was garment, which rest hip, "the ball must No, that can't be, ei .Here Mr. Motile man op the jury, br man," said he, „" you. on wrong." Here D Ake a peonv. "We been married twice,. a 130w tosaig a corset," Mather, "but you do in the first place. Th and the laaies clasp t babla - Don't I know to, I've been marrie look here: (pointing to top) . 'iloiv doyou s to be filled up unless'. suggest?" " That, "why, that goes ovei it don't," said Mi. M ness goes someveher and here Mr; Mather thought the fullness At this a pale -face voice like a robin, an his atm, said he tho ways clasp their corse paIe-faced young man nocently, as if he w impression that he kn �r of the matter. T pale -faced S7oving ma of theni intimating t young man • was not 1 women's dress as he ti i young man was a. r therefore exceedingly knowledge was • fully apparent from his su gestioni the Jury- man to the contrary otwithstanding. Here another juryan disc4Naared that Dr. Stillman had the corset pn bottom side up. " Doctor," aid he, " put it on the other way. • Then the doctor p t it on in reverse order, with tbc lace 3 fr nt. This )Ought the brillet soles di -eetly over. the tails of his coat. I don't- think," itthat the bullet wen No I don't think )1y. " Confound. it, ix Married men. -in th that knows how erset." Here the Chronicle eporter, who had everal sisters and al ays keeps his eyes pen, advanced and c nvinced Dr. Still- man and Mr. Mather after much argil- neut, that the laces' of a. corset go behind, and that the garment s clasped in front. After this explanation the course of the -- millet was readily tr deti; and, found to. bear out the exPlanatice afforded by the we physicians. • . . 81111 Mr. Mather, in there, Doct3r." t did," titias the re- t s mighty funny— s room and not one .nt a woman's few -.years ago there resided. near the classic " Gadie," in Aber& enshire, a farmer whom we shall use th liberty , of ailing John. His steading wa,s be- side a thorouothfare from:, the low r to the. upper, part of the Garrioch distri t. One; night, during the snot,v-storm, he lite Rev. Mr. Cook, parish minister f Glatt, was driving past; and bewildere by the 1 snow, drove his conveyance ove a steep bank and upset it. He cried a oud. for., assistance. John happened to ear and going to the spot, belted dOWia on the minister, and exclaimed, "Ay t his may be a warnin' tilVs a'!" IV hat �iay be a warninf till's a''!" said Ma Cook -harply, "Nac to gut drunk," was John'2 laconic t answer. "To you mean, sir, to. say t that I am drunk ?" "I'm nae sa that d ye're nae," answered Sohn. Cook u remarked that if he impeached being drunk- he would. prosecu If ye wasna drunk, what WiS 3 tunablin' in there than ?" replied perturbable John. At length IV got set to rights and. drove home days after, it occurred to John -t at Mr. Cock -might 'bring hirn to tro ble,. so, trudging away to the Manse 'o (Matt, seven or eight miles -distant, he waited: on the minister, who received hi kind- ly, and askeci him to :stay to .dinner. John remained, ibut unfortunate] 7, when parting, said—" Weer, gweed da3 Nvi,' ye, an' I hope Pll never see ye e same state again." In a hut beside John's steading there lived an old worolai , called " Meg Wood," or some such nam . John would fain have had her rernov d else- where, but Meg Was not disposed to flit, and as she was reputed a wite , John was afraid to push the matter to xtrem- W,y. In course of time, John sa his ac- qUaintance. the Carpenter, pass no' his door, and said, " Faari are ye gain ?" "To measure Meg Wood' for her coffin," was the reply. Is she deed ?" agerly inquired John. " Yes," said the carpen- ter. " But are ye share. ,she's deed?" again inquired John, somewhat i credul- ollsiT "Yes, .1 arn sure she is dead," repeated the carpenter, and urning away, he heard John , " She widna flit for me, but hes the y for bet ; ay, frith is he !— Bay./ Joto nal. Marriage by Telegraph. Somebody,—it is s lit aterial who,—on. Jeing lcd. td the blo k, ad4iessing the executioner, said.: " (J,ome ; use dis- patch." History repea a itse f. At Bona- parte, Ia., two young )eopl met at the telegraph office, waitil sr to be married. At Keokuk, in the tel grap office, sat a clergyman, ready to >erfor the mar- riage ceremony. It as to. be done by elearaph, 3and. the bri legro in, awaiting he happy moment ( f his execution,' oubtless made use of the ame phrase aga. Dispatch ttered, years ancl ye' o,. 1 came from the nunster directmg he pair to clasp hand as a brief pledge ; dipatch No. 3 was he acquiescence of th ies ; and dispatch lessing: In this age aph, there is no reas y lightning should. n nd common as clivor he latter may be all t ained by reason of th un with N 6 him. t e deein' w the im- t r. Cook t Some b gr a ; dispatch No. 2 contracting par - 0. 4 the priestly f steam and tele - n why marriages be as popular es by lightning. e more easily oh- foriner. 3 ,---- glirs`pircus scaip- 'ho too gentle youth was he accuraCy of his when the .leonine h ang,ty claw and it with the air of -----eaaaae— Drinking *Freaks ofl the I itantE of ,Dah1omey. Court life tt-t Abomey is anyth 'lig but easy; and least of all daring the annual "Customs," which, with little inter- mission, la:it for months. ,! Some people may think that it is an easythin to sit under an umbrella like the, " Orr at Mo- gul l3aba," for 16 hours at a stret h. the monotony ofXourt routine boing elieved by driuking rim and muscatel, he ni- CeSiiut firma of gnns, the furiott dances of nadreds of A Means, and occ sional hilarity being consummated. by t .eneral pas de deux with tno King, the e a several victims thrown from from spilgaht form, tied, up in baskets, whose heads were slowly- hacked off by impiomptu executioners, aJl the great noble. Peting to discharge that horrid. duty. - 0n such occasions the King, after dance to rouse his spirits, drinks spirits r wine out of the skull of a petty king w mil he had slain with his own hand, wh Ie the whole infuriated crowd demand to be led against the hated Abbeokuta, that t may be broken and destroyed utterly. Such C°11rt ceremonies, prolonged for da s and ‚4 11 hab- A LIONESS in Forepa ed a Baltimore boy close to her cage. Th endeavoring to exhibit saliva at short range, maiden mashed him wi licked the blood froxn an epicure. FARMERS A The Cham Harr TENTION-.. ion Iron w,4 ALEX. STEWART SEAFORTHI, J' AS on hand a large num er of Iron Harrows . of his own manufaeta whi h he can MIT- -antes as beilag'one of the b st wor ing and most serviceable Harrows made. nefcrnce is made to the following gentlemen am 4 ng ot ers who have these Harrows in use : F avler, Hallett; Wm. Fowler and N. Cosens Tuck rsmith ; jantes McIntosh, Hugh Grieve, ,A.ngn. McLeod and Charles Dodds, McKillop ; John Sellers, Grey. These Harrows are guarante d to ve satisfaction. A millibar of first -doss LI E -WAGONS for sale. Wagens also made to orde , or painted if desired. liorseshoeing, rep iring and general job- bing attended to prompt' - as Usual. Charges moderate ancl work good, Remember the brick karaith shop, Main Street, Seaforth. 327 THE HURON PLAN 1tX., STEWART. * 1 1_ i • • i • NCI MILL. .21:IESSRS. GRA] 4: SCOTT ,EG to announce that t ey have Commenced business in the shop 1 tely en:copied by Mr. 3lartin, and are now prepareld to fill orders for Sashes, Doors, _Minis, Mouldings, And all kinds of planed iuhIf.be. • CHEESE BOXES AW SETTERS, ALM GATES H1 RACKS, &e. I A, good stock of Seasoned 4nmbor on hand. • Factory and lumber yard on Goderich street-, near Main street. - jig Sawing and Custom Pliining neatly done. A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. •,• WHO WAN- 8; CHAP DRY GODS? .u.i If you want td seeIt Good Asortrrient 1 1 0 H - ' of G od,s1 ca. I at HILLi'S. 0 u.i , , 1 ir-i 1 1 ET - 0 a. LL 0 0 cc 0 • If you want t buy Cheap Goods, y thein at HILL'S. If you want to get F MILLIN A good assortment of 111.-s)-,aue for u will get your money, spend :it at HILL'S. I THE CHEAPEST LOT OF ' ERY A TD MANT IN TO VN. BOOTS and TOES, and a Spl GROCTIES,- t HILL'S Cheap 0 One d or north of the l+t Office, Seafortle LES endid Stock of ash Store, 1i SEEIDS SE DS 7, WILSON 84 YOUNG'S, EAFORTILI. FIELD AND .CA - 1 WAR ST RECEVED A PULL STOCK OF DEN SEED 'OF EVERY JESCR1PTION, ANTED FRESH AND od OD. SWEDE TURNIPS. Weathary Improved. which hoe taken prleee, whe -ever grown.; Carter' Imperial, one of the be0 varieties [nnwn m tins countr,4 ; Scirving'slmprov a Purple Top, also a ood variety and well known.; -White Dutch Swede, new vatiety, highly reconnn uded. 1, FALL TURNIPS. White Globe, °now Aberdeen, and several other well ; 'DONVll varieties. CAR7OTS.' White Belgian, te Orthe, Long Or fige, Scarlet Inter ediate, -and others. , . MANGOLDS. ... , 1 reliabld Seedemen in the Oo ntry, and will be sold cheap. S "peciali . offered to 4 bbers Long Red and Yellow GI be.—All the above tar °ties have been putducements chased from the best ancl most and parties purchasing larg qoantities. I r CROCERIES, LIQU RS AND PROVIS ONS CHEAP ND COOD AS Ub AL. • • Daily expeeted-Our Spring Stock of Crockery, iithieh will be well wi rthy of Inspection. ; -1 .311111.10111111.01111.411111MMIPIAMMonoMitamaisSnym T' • GRAND MILLINERY WILSO & YOU, Af.PENIING ON MONDAY, APRIL 2 UR. KIDD would announce to the Ladies Of Seaforth and sa engaged the services of a " I TH. TT M rroun ling country that 'e has FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, , From one of the most Fashionable Houses in the P.iovince, to take dbarge ment, whici comprises all the leading novelties of the season in . . Ifa,ts, Bonnets, Bonnet illaterials,iFlowers;* Feathe s and Ribbon,, In great variety and color. Also:a large and eleganti assortment of HAIR coops,. i Such as Chignons, Braids, Coronet Braids, Switches, &c). All :these goods a e neer and of the latest importations from the Enropean and Ametiean raosicets, and have bean sele .ted vtith great are and judgment, - 1 , 1.:-.- An early inspection is selicited, and all orders will be attended to w th promptness, and dbne 1 in the neatest style. TIIONT.A8 KIDD, Main trent, Seaford]. of his Millinery Depart- TE AS, TEAS, TEAS A large. quantity of Green Teas, Black Teas, Gunpowder Teas an japan Teas, a OF EXCELLENT QUAILTY AND AT VERY LOW PRIES. SCN GOLDEN PADLOCK. _ffi_W 0 0 1_10 __A_TDS ONITREAL GUT NAILS, • Car Load American Waterlime„ fr.ilTE CAR LOAD •SP.ADES AND SHOVELS, 0 1TON4'L AMERICAN L ANNEALED FENCING WIRE, Oiled and Galvanized, - T- HINGES, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS AND LINSEED OILS. -Stock of ororilthing in our line. !JOHNSON BROTHERS, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. tagc NICHO 'S ANNATTO, itI THE BEST MADE, CD 0 0 _ twit standing the lute duty that lui-s been put on TEAS we will give our customers the silvan - of o r early purchases, by sslhnt. ati olt1 figures. • 10 lbs. ofvery god -Tea for $4, 11 lbs. of our best ollar Tea, something extra, for $9. 'E. HICKSON & Co. ; POI? Irra DUTY ON TEA AND COFFEE. Notwithstanding the imposition of a heavy Tariff on _LT 1 ) C 6 ir i • • LAIDLAF Continues to Sell at Old Prima. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST .)WAS AND COFFEES TOW,N GO TO AIDLAWS, Next door to the Post 011The, Main Street, Sea oath. STOVES & TINWARE - Of ell kinds, and hi. endless var ety at MRS. WHITNRY'S,, 1 Oarmi haers Block, Main stree eaforth. COAL OIL, I Pure, goo and cheap:0010105de awn' tail at Mrs. WITT 'NE "i:7€4 1 € CUSTOM WORK , Of all kinds promptly attended to an4i neatly exe- cuted i " 308 MRS. 'WHITNEY EA OIRTII PLANING MILL, ' SA H, O'OR AND BLIND EIACTORY T . eu • hirn s trust of the Par Um a large ALSO A FULTt STOCK OF General Groceries, Wines • Liquors and Provision. • The Subsciiber wishes it understood that his Goods -will Jays Give Satiecction or Ow Money will be1ii9-etilrned. JAMES M Chequered Store RPHY, Main Street, Seaforth. SEAFORTH FOUN KERR & WORTH Wish to inforin the people of Huron and public generally that they have lease( for a term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Castyags Straw Cutters, Sawing Plows, and other Farmingg Jmpl We are also prepared to do REPALIIMG of every description. The undersigned have had long experience in the Foundry business, and are satisfaction hall their work. 287 KER'R & RY. the Seaforth Foundry achines, ments repared to guarantee ORTH. sub8criber begs leave to thank his nirmerons toniJ&s for the liberalpatronage extende4 to nee ounnencing business in aforth, and that he may be favored with a-eontinuance 1311.111 les i tending to build -would do tvell to give call, as he will continue to keep on hand a took of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER., S , DLO S, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, •S INGLE6*, LATH, ETC. He eels 'onfident of giving satisfac4on to those who e ay f vourlim with their patronage, an none but • st-el ssaverkmereare employed. 1 . art* ular attention paid to Custom Planing - 201 JOHN 11. BROADFOOT. THE SEAFORTH LIT BER YARD. AEE rik MA:CDON ALD BE4 to lafortn the 'Public that Viet, have re- m ved their Lu.mber Yard to the lot between thel; erch nts Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall' M' 'Ph v wiJI keep constantly on band a good assort- ment f AJL KINDS OF LUMBER, tItessed and .undressed Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which the.* are prepared to sell at the lovest possi- ble price, for Cash. Also. on hard any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. Builder. (old others will find it to their advan- tage tio ins eat our stock, and ascertain oar prices befall par ha sing elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer god(' indticeraents to cash porehasera. 160 MABEE & MACDOALD. OPENED OUT. FOS ER'S OLD STAND. -J M ES Wp.IGHT J' AlI ened in the store next the Seaforth ry and adjoining Foster's Hotel, a full and compl STO Of 01100-11ES. i4 ea are Good, His Sugars Cheap, And his Spices Strong,. CaI BUG give them a trial. 323 JAMES WRIGHT. BURST OPEN., One night Itist week, John Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE—A LARGE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES% TAMES REDMOND bas opened out in John " Logan's old and well-known stand a-niee stock (if Fresh GROCERIES, comprising everything -which should be found in a first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and -FEED on band. He solicits a call, and will guarantee satisfac-, tion. 819 J. REDMOND. SHROUDS 1 SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAVHIR AND UNDERTErrilli, - Johnson's Old Stand, gain street; Seaforth, has now on hand a good . assortment of STIIR/CYT-TID S Which he can furnish cheaper than they got elsewhere. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. rt CARTWRIGHT, L. D, S„ Surgeon Dentist kj• attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of eachmontli; in Clintnn, at tbe Commercial Hotel, on tlae following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to tall., if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas, may be teen at my offfee office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and Ira - pro ;ell stylea. FillMg done in gold, &c., in a Manner which cannot be surpassed. 237 - REMOVED. REM�VED. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware-roomto JOHNSON'S' OLD STAND, Ma.in.strent,Seaforth, Where he has on band a superior stoek of Punt - tore of every description. CALI, AHD SEE IT. UNBEETAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortee, notice, either in town or conntty. Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand.