HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-05-08, Page 1_1 ­_______,__;___,_ -,--,T .. I ... . I I I - . , . 1. I I . L - ; � . . . I ;;. ... , . - . - "I I ­ � �� 11 - .- I I . . . . . . . � ... . - I . I __ - - I I I . I � . , I I . I I I - I . . . I : -11 . ,I . _ . I I - . I � � - '.. : .11 4. 1 �, ., I � . �_ I - ____Jmr.�L � � � � . . i . I . . i � . I i I . . ; I � � ._ I - I ­ . - � I - - - I I z � � - - . -I- - - . I - - �� . . . , . t -1 A - �__, - t I I - . � � � I I, I,- 1� .- I , - - 7 . 1. I � . I- - . I . �- - I I I- 1. - - - . ,11- . I . - I � . - - , i � I I _. I . - . -_ 3 . . I . � I - , � - � _. . . �, I - 1. r � � I . . . � I - . T . . . I � I I . I I - I I % - - I I I � - . ­ - I MAY 1, 1 87 4. � .; . I . - � I ­ - . __ - I - - � _. � - ! � ------- -W - , ,� I - ----- 6 �- , — — - I . —,—�—___�, � - I � - I � I Mr, Gibaon, that. the Awassment Ito . -1 I , I it _i , I 1� o ived and anstaineOl aa no* amend. � __ . �� I lece � � -- Carried. Council mumed, tlkt , .� nre in the chair. Moved b�lr Mr. '. - - � I . , . -I I _ . . �ir, secondea by Mr. Evans, th&t Side�. __1111.1 I I . ,8 30 =4 31 - on the � _. I I , Seventh and, - And ��i . - . -lith C ssioli 30i I j -once s, Sideline . � the Seventeeu�h and Eighteenth ConL. . .- __ i iiftaalx'gideline_8�5 4nd�6 ozxwthe W. �_,--_ I I ath and Sixteenth Conem'Lons aand --- I � elino 25 -and 9-6 on the 'T MeIvOuig and ` : elith. Concessions be openecl-Carried, - CL - , I yed by Mr. Weir, alewntled by Xrr� - � - . � that�Nklessra_ Perkins, Gibsonana - X be a, %Y and lkv , coranattee to vie, I Sidel . , iaes 30- and al Goncessiom S... I '. _ - ana Eight- Qw-ried. _Ntloved Jyy ,,-4r. __ . �. I ; RrA se,ionded by Mr. Gibaoo, that W� - . . - - - , -, pal *61anae on hia contrut , � a be 'a th6 � , Rrlied. Moved, by, U'r. Gibao.0 sec�. , � ! I . w I 14 . .- eal 15�y. Mr. WeIT, that the Reeve is$ -as __ __ . it .-aturei aecording'as the work- pro. - - . I . sea to, the bridg.'6 cantractors - IL � I : - I . )� _ . I . I � - and A. -MaMichaal,, to the amouut� I ­ . � . .. 11 I , , - I , . I �M for each bridge-.0harried. INJovea-- ­ . I.. I . - I 9 � - -- -% . Nfr -1, - Gre ­.. �. , .., Gibson seconded by 1, Ir- - 1. . . I . - I t1jo Wexuter be paid. $14.fGr 9: -.,*. I . - - es- to Tarontoi, an(! $6 f ar expenses to, . '-,. . I eriel, - Carried. - Moved by . - - I I . N - I I M . � -r,; . �� I . i ,�, 1, � seconded by - Ur. Evans,, that the I � � - I ­ , i I . - - al.$ -4 for tin . : . at -Drs. be paid S for car- ! , � . g the Colleotoo,?a:Rolls in -Carried-. : I . 01 - 4 , _. - I by Mr. Gibson, seponded by Mr. , 1. , - � -- - .1i � that the Clerk, be authorized to-- .. - � ; � .. -- - I I . I Ia the, Map 01 road deviatiGns through. . . � I � . I . . � .. I .. .: - -an:Cs lot to the Crown Land Agent .... L .� 11 ..... request hira to, return it-Carria., . - . . - -- I - 11 - ; - 1. . - . I by Mr.. Gibson, seeonded by, Mr . � I .. ir, that the anditor"s r�port be receiv. I I I nd 150, copies be'printed in painplilet � I I s - , I I �, ' C,arried_ Mo,vj�d 15� Mi% Gibson%. 4.- , . � _nqe� _ �� by � . .X 1� _ .T Weir'j-f,h,�t as the Trem-, . � Ir hava i-aforined the 0-oulacil -that sever- .. .1 , . . L;erix-keepers in the . ulmiphave . I , ... I __ I .. icense :ee 1. paid their Li f or � e .current . 4- 'IerL 1z irl tlie C, - be auth - li ed to, ,notify I .11spe . . I .. ators to that eff4et, alad request I . ; . - - ' . �.. � to � act accordirigly.- Carried. � . �ved`4y Mr. Gregg, sec�iaded by NL -Jr. , �' �ir, that the auditors tepaid-Garried- f i ived,by Mr, Evrans, seconded by Mr. �� . �cm- 'f�at the Council w adiourn to . tnm._ ­ I U I ' - et.at Parker's Hotelill Fordwich on I I � 'K � th--rd I wl a Vedricsolv in , -a - I I . y Carried, I . I � . � � . �A--ILLIAm.. E, Ulerk, � I , � � . - � _ !� f- � I ; - . . Gom-ie. I 11 .1 : . � ' �;LKM, ON- ID. -Y GFYIM.RS. - . �­At a regular-- - I i et Of Life Boat Temple, No. 26, --- ' I (11 T -, held in their; Hall, Gorrie, i Yrid-&y eveain& April 24, the. follow- - . i I � � Gffto were elected for the in - , erg � ensumg I " i xxter : - BrGther Goo, SparliiD iz,'AV. 0, � � . Sister Powell, W. � V. Jr.; I 1, I � ifliolmea, W. S. ; Siste� Jalia Strong. - I I . . � T. ; Brother GewI Bassing,rdale, I - . ;�� F. S. ; Brother JiXtue* McLanghlinl, - - , - v .N�L ; Sister M. Johrt.,jon, W. I. G, . � ? � I , : I - - I . Aber R .. J. Megoill, W. i 0- G� ; Sister- . I I I . ma, Leech. X . - . # . : VV A 8 - 1'91,stter Mau - . � .gie I - � iiais, W. J)'� M. ; Sist6r E.. Hughes-, I , ! I I ; r R. H, S. � Sister 1 Jamme Ardell, � i I : I L H. S. ; Brother Re�. Mr. H*wke 11 ; T I .; z ap. ; Brother Jamo 1�lacksto'Gk, " , ; � � I � W. 0. T. - Brother; J.- D. Smitf!,' I � I 7 11 11, . . mple Deputy ; Brother'� E, W. Leech, � I . I � ; :)vmcial Depiitv. The � Temple num, . -1 , � Is, .c over 1010 Members, �m-d is rapidly � � . xeas ., � . . � -in cf. J, I . . . ----I—'- __ - I 71T___M __ i I -.-- � � I I - � CLUNTO:�', I i . I I . - I t A It R L E V� 9 R K S , � . . i f � � -HURON Sxr.&T, � . : . . . i '� . Next oloor west of the Com*.aereiQ Hotel. I � � I % , . . I — . I I I i � . I . . . � � 1110-NX.NIENTS, H '� : . E.JI)STONESy : - r _ l work of all kinds in ,4k ' merfean and Foreign -' ' � . . I rble, desig-ac(l, find executed, In the best skrie, I - , at motst reasonable prices. - . . � . I ; I ; I � . T ; . I ; — - I I . � I � ef I Im Cblor*� Xarblesup- � piefee, of flctria I I X I I � Plied 0-11. Shart Aotice. I I . . . I . . r . � 9 . I � � I ! I . . 4 — y . � I . . � I � - I . Taultexalmments and HeiLdstoues imported- I : - Wier- � . . . . � . I � - � � CALDEB', - &: C0 -PE.F.,. I � -0 I F � z I - � � � I I r A'_'��DRIKW iGALD-.r,R, Agent- . p I n . . � I I I . . - � I I k . I I ; : --D JIURON � : SEAFORTH AN I - . � . � � I I � I . . - - - . I . I � - . � -A RS, L. Eq W 0 FZ- K S-- or - .�_ .... I . I - ; - I . �_ . . . 11 , � � . I - ; I �� � . t . � I . I � F J,Ws & Bi,>oTHER,- 1 4 , - I I z - . .. . - . � (Late of Hwniito.u,) . � . z I .. dd intimate ta their numerous friends and the . ;.. . tal -Dablie that they are pre�ared to RU all . . � ks for � ­ . . . . _1_. . I . - �� - I- . - k1=en,t9,, Headatones�, I Table Yopsv . C. I . � � L g. &01 I � � I Mantle " I I z . I . 5 I � � I I � . ? : I . . . , � % � 4ite X.,owunze-III& I ,ted, z mlpo? to Order. I t � I :)rk a, the best style saul art, nnot cannot be - �Ssed, in this part of Ontario, - � - � I w - I f ,all respectfan 'Cited, ; , Y Sol, � I - . � I �� � Opposite Logan, & J-8,miesd6's store, V .� . - I � I I - X I � NIAT. - - ,TZvF:jT,.SEA_YOr�,T._a. � . . ; I . . r i I � ME1173rre. � A. wx.;,�ETT, . � � ! � � . . I - 6 - . I � P,UTH IS MIGHTY LkN.D� IVILL I I I . � I . i ; I PREVAIL.' . . i � . �- � . . - . - —.-- - . . �. fE GENUINE AMERICAN. I � . � . - : . .- I I �t � I � - I I I . . . . z EUAS H0WE . - � . . . I - . �� Ew I Nt Q. M - . - 4.v A-CHIN5 � , I . : ; , I .. - I � I - ; .' - . T-PUUMPHANM OVER ALL ! . i I I . t i . I z . ; . 7 . � I ________-G-*_ � � ... , . I . . : � . � - �F_ N X A PR E X I U IVI &- � I . . I � I — , ; t I I , I ! . . I ; . -THE ' ' - � . . . . I . INE. , -, WE SEWING MAGH � , 7 � 11 ; �. . � �� . I I , . ! J."ECEIVED FIVE' NJE DALS - . : . " . I I I � � � �� z . I � I . . �, -tt the Vienna, LZxpotiffid-h viz-: � -1 � - , I 11 . 7 I . � i I . � , I . � * I � - . I - - i X0 M-ERAL or- i PROCRESSs, - I : I � � . �i - . I . � . � I I , T I J11"All 0119 1?11�a.iw . . z . � . . ..: . I ..: I i ... L L .. . ­ � � � ... � and. - . � - � ,For Superior,'Workmans4ip, I ::- 1. I ; . - I I .- = DIEDALS OF CO­optf�ATIDX .�t�� 44 �, __ 4 �, - ­:: . I � ; -1 .. � __ 11 t 1. - - � I �,�­ � I.. . � �'Uplt-rior ey,cellence Of prodt�'ctions. See axol �`...., I � . -1 - . ­ � �. o1w: - .� ... I . I � .- 4 -1 I- . . L EXTRACT." ' � .1 5 � ,� � i z , I . . - : � . I V1E:-_C_XA'1� Auguat 2.2ud- -1 � � 111. : I . I � - I - I � .... . ,Iuwe Machine Co., N ow Tor� - b- � __�_ 'ITLP-M&�i-Ime n 1 ... I � have been sl - , ­__ 'I-" f"Ve medals from the z-.�,position, V -1r,* -1111, � I a Mulal of Proq�resm, Medal 1�f Merit for Ou�. 11 _�� rwork, and three Medals of (,,o_Gper&tiOu for ­ .. 11 � . � --- I'll . - 10r excellence of produations; 'Yours truly, - .. � - . . . . � I ; Ia. W� HOWS� .. - . � . I - ' � ­ � e abow'sVeah'; far it.qelf,and � riotwithetandi,g :_ - - I'll, ------ � dqe cillims of, 6611le firms in 1 the Sewinlg` Vrs_ - ­­. . : business, the ROXIVE still keeps the lead. 11 � ­ ; I . - 11- I - ­ _. -.1 � r I I . I i1h SUKIly iust receive:l at : - I �_-- . I . .. .- �� - - __ I- 1-. I � W� .NL.. NVATS '11911 � 1. �1� . , , * 'I irtyw f I I I . __ : . . ; , - 1.� I � � �_ Insuraneo - ant, sealorth- . :;. � i , . * 7 . . I .., "I . . I I �.- � I . . . � I - I � .11 � . il �. � ­_ . . . I_- - I . � i __. � ­ _ : . . - - I I � � i -11 � -1 L - I ,--.��----�-..-,-�l-..-.,-.,.�,-� �_­_.�_­­­­ .... --- r ;, 11 - I I , I . I , I'' � .1. �, . I . I - - : , V I '. 01 _)�r . � . . J ,� . � . I . . .� I - . - 'V ` . . . , � . , - I , I I . : - . I 1k ; � .. � - __ k. I I.' I V �"t,_ I I I . Y I I _. � 1. I I I I ; : I . t . I IV �1 I 'I . I i . ..... . . .: . . � . . I i . I I ; I f I i C J . � � � . . ; I 1. � : .� I . . � - V . — I I , - -L - I - - MENNOMMEOMM . � .1 . . - I , . .1 �. � . � . . t , - Sr�vr,NTKI YF_ALR.) I v*y"01F.E NO r,135.1i - � i . � � I � I � , � ! . 4 *�' , � I I 1. . ___ 1� - ...-- —*- — - . - I . . - . __ a I I . 11 . - - - . . , I . I .. � - , I : . r� � f ��.atr I . i ; poor 2,1 C a A#fi :i�L) �'r 4 . , I ENCLISH AFFAIRS. 1 �14 I C -4vir .. . � - . � . � I . � . I .: 1� r ! was, � , . . � I - , � - . , I : - ­ . I I : rmneral of JDi-.,.Lkv1ngoitone-7'U1Le- Fi- the. p . R, 8. i . 7 , ALE. I al Budge &D notting Bill FAR I -A F0 � . _ alnuct took i - I . . I . I I . ; I I . . t A: I of Lot1,Ccxn.10of thdTowu- -'rue clainlan gain. . Guil . B.'s"' eom"680(1 . hip of Tuck o e d 84 .ersinith, conta�Wiug 100 aeres of From an Occa8io Ad Conrmpondent � excelleut land, "PO]i 'wh-ich there � Is a new frame � . A , I state ,barn,2 ,SX60 feet, and ttlsO 41 "00d Ofthtvrd- For I ONDox, April 18,1874, - 1. and � ' I ,r it formation, ap- I ,. . I terms, whitb� are ea,ky tiad o the - 111v to )1r, ,T_ugnt S 1)_�J'E, Y, on Lo ; 1, Con. 12, of -DR. L. � I S LIVINGST 511'S FUNERA _ I hip gfti(I To-,vnship, or to the vvutlor, JK&LTER RE N- . I I . kNUCK;1&., St. Geor�,e.P. 0., Brant . Go., Out. 296 To -clay they, be,%i the mortal rcuu.Lins i a vio. , _____ ----_I.-- .--:-,-,, — . . of the lafe- David- Livin-gratone to their , to no , STE,kK SAW 10�1.h AND FAIL FORSALE.1 lait resting- place - in;;- 'estininster Abbey. ' the � . � I B- f - I Lot 31, Con. 7, MoK,illop, containing 1041 After life'a- fitful f ev 71 -rhe 'pleeps worthily 01�ie F" -N ` . I � acres, till cleared, with good biti ns anot stables,! in the place -that coi#,nns the -dust of some ceive two good. orehards, i1i fullbeaiiug;, twonever-fail-', of th . e g � I . iw, sprin.;s %thi6h sapply the mill. 'A!80� let 35, . reatest and ,E ablest of R rigland's * tlilli?a .� D I �pon.�),eoutaliiiu,.,48st-re%ofbnsh. The property! 1� beloved ones, All that could be said Man is Situated o mile--. from Seafortit, with a good ;, about our migiity Is has been said, ancl . strik v V . . *and gra eiroad thereto. Yorfurthorpurticula,rsa,pply cr-�T r �n- - -. we can only-breatbe a, sigh of relief to . -on the premises - It by post, to JOHN THOMP - think tha - t,'altbough the brave old ex. Q. C .SON,ConsVanc0 P. 0-, KinlAirn, On t. 260 1 I— . - - --.-,- - ­ . ­ I plorer did not live to ruturD to hi's native Of tb I .1 FARK FOR SALE IN, Mc KILLOP. ' land to reap the glory hehad won amid. A fu ,).�T,E,1, a ,rood Fnxm, e,oml osed of North � the pestilential perih� of wondrous &frica, E 72-f1l o � . I . For' half of lot 15 and the west half )f lot 14, Con."! we have been pern�itted'to gather to us 12, memop, containin- 100 acres, 0, cleared andi .his b&ues ,Wd to' Df ce them in ,a fitting well feiieetl, and in good cultivatio: i; balance well' � 'PI I I timboved with -hardwood; a goo frame house, receptacle., . The , aiid for tic4-ets to I ' and now log barri; igood bearing nrohard.; two the Abbey iwas far fiL excess of those that bea,11 '611 from a good. gravel, road; 10 miles if) miles aud a, I In . were Issuedby, the alwayscourteous Dean, 001 from the village of Seaforth.; thorc are, two steara . me . it Y of E,)Igl sa*mills withiTt SfA miles ; conArenimit to clitirches, 43,011sequently the � diate vicill .i, sullloolq and stores. For p-irtioulat s apply to the the ancient fane iv , crowded with rev- OPen . . I - - . - 0�riptor on the premises, orl f by lettei, to� -crent beholders ofl the'. -touching cere- . , � . Wiuthiop P. 0. : I 9 . . raony. . A lovelier 6pring day never 2801�4 JX,XM1.S 11cDONALD. � I __. ___ __1 ______ I I smiled on.- London,, &�d the favorable Th . - . I FARM FOR. SALE. I - . I weather had the eff t'that i8 so familiar N( t I ; to Ure Londoners i n'there, is an impos- N ORTH half of Lot 28, Goa. % Townslup of' � . wh a , ; � -ni -Morris, Couaky of Hnroia. conta,ming, 96.1 acres, I ing cereinomy to'be witnessed. The b -n- Do � . . - - . L 60 acres cluir of stumps, balance p ood hardwoodl nibu8ses and cars Wfre , cro,wded-for some plate bush, a small bearin.g orchard, frame barn 40x60,1 ' � " clian frame stable _10Y28. 10- hougc� two: rood wells with' hours prior to the tine -fixed fortbe in - o , � the I ,^ - pumps. The above hum. is sitilat(ld I iiffle north teiment, and,'in shop t, 411 the city turned . been . of Brussels, anil on',%- 1, wila off tb e gravel roaM Out to'��ee the crre,i � t Illan' home to his F or terms, &c., enquire on the prei Ases or to - � . . 0 tion. ' ; 332-4 , C. It. COOPZU 13russeds P. 0. i last I long home. - � W ,' i ie. , Solemnities began yeclrj , . . I . � —ij -with a funeral;ser i �e �&t the premises of . I .. I I 000 I Owin . . FOR SALE, I 1 the. Royal grapIl ical- Society, in Sa- 1 � a M . Vile, Row at whibli all the mournei:s IN the'Vill f WALTON, a.. b1L1CKS,,NnTHrS 11 o i SHOP. T1(1�5"OOLO-.I3 and 1) VN'LeLLING ROUSE. For were presant, The 'Inner shell was lined ' pai­ticnlar� apply to - JAANS FULTON, - with cain1b,ric and enclosedin a lead coffin. firtic . I . - 'for a I I 'Walton P. 0 - The. outer case was of English. oak, an ; 331-7 � i . I _ - � - ----. - - I - __ ____ � inch an"d a half t ic ,i and rench polish- '100 r . CHANCE FOR A W-OkKU �G *XAJ � W: I ed. It bad four' rows of brass nails and . Jubee . I . a , massive han(Ile , ancl ornaments -of the, e"de T"rI )I th tcalowiaghu-m. to zentpreser ts % i*re chance, . . I . ' consists of &o " Torch of I-afe tin r4dnity, all gilt and . p- ' for a working man: The farri I _. 1 1 -�t I in Co acres, and, is lot; 83, Con. 14i ArcH Mop, - 11 miles' burnished, whiJe O� ie lid was 4 brass from Scaforth. there is a laK-,e tin o I I � t"Y of ly"' plate bea,ring thja f9l1 wink in"scription : , Y"' timber en the lot, at -N,hich t4e lez see ,could find � I I - . . . - I - employm eut the greator purb of theyeariu ou tting ' DA.VID VtKOSTONE, . . a) while tit the same time hE could raiie crop enough Born at 114 �. *rkshire, Scotland, % I to keep his family, &he owner bei ng desirous to I , ,-Crth'il� . I � Poul arntrier ant.- ThiE is it splandid Died* at Lala �ch-,','.�I'ifriea, make,.cmeh an gem . . . I Valu chance for an industrious man who wants to got a I .. I , . 4ChMia- 1873.11. . . . start. Particulars way be obtainedonapplication . I I . .1 � The -coffin Was- -Ered with abeautiful (in the preinises, or by letter- to . . . 3921*4 .. PATRICKILYAN, Walton. .�: YvQvet 'pail, and a o rued 1�y wreaths of Poul - . � I a,melias &n . - . . white ct a,, p).1m brauclies, seut � . I 'V &111 I I . - aroness I'll aiidetb - coutts . . CAUTION. . - by the J3, I The 1. . . I I TI Public are lxf:�reby c[Lutiouc( against sivin,& hearse was drxwn b ifour horses. It W i fib, G E 0 1'. G I N, A DO) \ L LN C- r, ar a di b on m Y . has been my lot tr, w,'tness it. number of COIA Tir.l � �`, . _. crr+ L, : and distingu accollie. without my written ordo �- and consent, intermants of ,,, ' ished estin as I will uot be xesqjousibLe for an) - debt3 she ma Ct I � . ' ' I I � . :1 men in Westminster � Abbey and St. .' contract iii. iuy nattle from thiis (late. ­ ' : . . DAVID DOWLINCT. i I Paul's, but I never Saw one 80 gi all(fly - , � - . . I . �. 11 - ,,*.E_-,ro,iL-rtr, April 4, 18.74. . 331-4i solemn as that wbio. has thri led. Lon Quel - , ! - . . � . 1 7-� don's liesm this day. . i . Onki . _. WOOD FOR SALE. , - - "ov rkm TOBY BUDGET. IN Ylr'�SALD-, a. quantity of Stove Wootl by the -Sir St . afford Norilac: e,*tbe Couserva- No w . Iso a quautit� )f Cord �vood, in ot I curd or iu,bn1k, a . bulk. -4-pplyat-theHmuou Odhiage Works,.Sea- tive Chaarce4lor: of th6,Rxcheiquer, has , - I forth� - - . . I dealt'with the ruagn ifibent surplus of L5, - 33i . :A. J. _1­1cINT0SH. 000; 000 bequ ea.the�] 'to h im b y Id r. Lowe, - In — I . - WAGONS FOR SALE. � .and it must be' admitteol that he has the . -ly in- -. li.&LEi CUEXP, a number of second-hand .dealt withit in a u stei annei The plan FOR . . I ion of t1 e tax on sugar, a re- `�'a­ons suitablo for milk wa 1,04s. Apply at final re'Diss' I Prov- �, - 5 the Heron �a�riacle NvVorks SLal'01 bh. I duction, of ,one peni y on the income-tax, dair . 0 I " - - 8103, I 1, � A. J. McINTOSH. � the abolition of.the tax ou horses Of all Tow. � I . f courge racers, are . NOTIGE TO CONTIFLACTOR-S.- I kinds, including " 10117'�_ . . . goine of -th6 featii, � es �of the Tory Bud- tario SEALE,J) TF,-NDr,,r-,S -will bc� i-ceived by the * - undersigned until 11IONPAY, J'T_N�'Uj I 1, for the get.. F or: the mt, rates have been re- N erection of a Grist aud Flofirin.­ fill on Lot 25, lieved in re6pect of the hiaintenance of of tl -Con. -lot MaKillol)) oidjoinimg the � �,w Mill. Plans - pauper lunatics ancl . and specificutions �an . be s6eu it, 'his residence. . . polic6,. by the appor- gleai The lowest or any tendox not nee ssaaily accepted tionment of a derta-, n aun� from the. ,in- figur . � I tinlesqsatisfrotory. 1 1 � � perial Purse, and tb i we ha's been a further `32, � YORN G OVEN'LOCK. - - , - , - i . I I reduction of the i ational debt. The . I OTICE. . - � comments,011 the 'Pudge I t, they scarcely . I � . . . I I . , . . . , amountect .w - '....',jussio�, were not, on (" re r ' the. whole, unfriend] Y, and Siv Stafford ' I THE GOUT OF REMION . Unil -C, Olt the Towns�ip of MORRII i will ,b.51(1 its North ote May I faitly be said .to have - __ I . 44 d one" b efforV as B. NL . jir%t sittim, at thc;rO1VN'1U_LL, scor . . t � Y, is in den Brit . On SATURDAY, KAY = rd., next, , a Chance.1lor of, the Exchequer. I I Cornmene. � in- at 10 o'�Juek i lxl'. AD parties iii- . HARD ON TIJI: � BEIrTING MEN. 8pal � . Frer terested will o I . pleas I e frovern tharr selves aceorCL- ,Professional bettiniz men, especially Da;n iugly. .. � . '. .. � xG, those who own or ha-�ie shares in Aport- , I - W. CLEC I Clerk. . lieVv8p"pers, .are ill, a state of great 8t. Clerk's,oflice, Morris, April 2.2.1874. �: 833-4 11Y9 LS t. . . 7 _­-_____-____ I �- i - alarm. - The Betting�l bill, which has I I I 'Miss .BO . RL �, ND been in, opera.tionoli�,. this side - of the it : . . I I Tweed since , 1867, ip out to be extend- Brit . (From Miss Yonug's, �Toi onto ) . .ed to scothCnd. , On Wednesday niaht chee . . I � i . � � � . . thebill was rea,d fo " � the second time, nice DRESS A-tITD AfiCATTLE JYA AER and, -,although one IA the journals f have witl I., . . - . . . . . , ­ . I � named is n ' ot witaout a hope that the not . . Two doorH South of the Comme.cial Hotel, � . . � . . more - objectionable . ieatures. of�j� the that i I � I I ' - - A -MAIN STRED"T, s . r"A v G R TH. 813 � measure wilil,be-m,)di.iedln,.comixilittee, . . ' .. - . I .. . . : that the bill . .., - I it is ghrowdlly su pe ted J � . . ' h h �ou d by pushed th Jh and pasW � � . RE;dOVAL. . - I will be . . I the Lords in its integ - ty. The efAct of . . t, . � . I .. i tile extellsioll (if �tl e prohibition to I . ' TKE SEAFOIRT� SHAVINC AND HAIR I Scotland will be to 0 ut, up �at on� fell givil . - I ; I � 1 swoop all. . -tfie.gam ill agencies there, to DUSSINC SALO N i won � I I purge,all newspap rs of -advertisements whi J_JAS been remov6d to rnwoW prem es, aajoiniing , - Johi,iLo,-Ct,ii'sol(ist�aad,a.n(,I - ositk3W.Rob- referring to g&m__ ing and to entirely . gAM . oyer ertson & Co.'s Havdware Store. he proprietor I suppress bletting t ou h the medium of ano . . begs tostatc that lie has fitted. -up, his new sholy the Post office.. ' I ere'can be Do doubt . tere - with every conveiiianee. aud is dote -mined to ma,Le ieapersp, . .journals, which all -it a, first7elam ostp,bli�hmout, ,.-Be has also on that the che i. , �rti ig * - ,kof - 0�m - - hand a, nice stoL .� . derive a c, . era le evenue from ad to h __ . � . . . � . ­ lbet ing commission � LA DIBS CJ -11 OXONS A Y 0 BRA IDS , vert'semefit i s of i M i I ag,eneies, will tind I b di cult to. struggle Part I . Of the latest -styles. He is also 1>ral ared to take in on under - -the * new, reqime. One well- .the ku ' . LADIES HAIR CO.NIRINGS, _, own, sporting pr! nt Is .notoriously de- - g I . . . cliti . . And have them straightened %ufl worked into , Pendent on the kil A of advertisements fyin .1 I 81117-- the3 Braids, Belts, Switches. i "uria, &.c,. i I shave mentioned, ,nd dt ' will not . . . prise mein the lew ;to see it smash up � . I I . . enq Charge% reasonable. . . : 1 altogether, - Tho b," 1W.111 com6 into OP- -has . I Gents'�Vhrs furniched. on the. s Ortest soiice i eration ' . the 25tb of May, 1875. 1 . on coil at lesq than city prices. - 1 �- . . I I ` - T103- CLAIMANT 14 -ND. HIS COUNSEL. MOB A call is ruspeetfullysolicitc.d. � ; ave . I � Are we niver to � b, way "07 . I . - � . ,done with the o -52' WILLIAM -,NEWMA-LN-. 9 1 -hr. 'h- �Lealv the ill-used Q. . . . ! Cl &�imailt.. I man - -1 - - � I . I . ,-. _.__ .. J . , . . . I C. hasstaitedap er which he calls the ily ,,, WHO WANTS M KEY? � .) � I i --- � Biplishvian, f9r tl �, express -purpose, it tion would seem, of raidno, funds for a tes- tlle f - TP . C_ A. S -10N, G, SE AFORTH, timonial to , -himse, E ! Ifis .name is au- to I �Vill Loan *Monvy lit tt LOW PATE, OF Y`XTEE. nounced in 1-iig letti rs enou,gb, as the ed- ch L,`,T. eithpr on 1�arui or ViUage Pr )erkyl itor, and he must I e responsible in one Been . 1'-,Irtiv.,rtqxtL,-in,,�'Ittoiieyshoulcla]il)lytohiti-t.. ..i way or another for a soreaming appeal fices � i . . . � I . � . , which is made% by a personna med Orr for E J-N'�_S'URE your,, -PROPERTY . tile sum n ' f �e3O,OOO to provide the doctor -11 -_ ,� AND'YOUR LI 'ES. with an annuljy. owever, there is noth- , : � Ing o 14 � . . � ; . I � . like being Etraialitforward. , Dr. . �._ I ill I � nt a teitim. x I I . t Kenealy wa o ,' ial and he says shor A. Strox�g, "SeCaforth. - so.. -The solie tors f 8outbarapton have pres � . I r addressed a- n1eillorial to�tbe Lord Chief a,oltl . IS AL$0 AGE'�_\T FO It I - : I I . Justice,. cointlimentinc, ibim and his pres T6. ."it-ottish Pro*"�ineial litsurauge Company- I n I 1ire and LifL.. . ' I brother juolges on the resolt of the trial, clos The W-terit Insurauce Company ofTnronto- � I , . 1',ive and Life ,f . 1 expressmg their hi,gh appileciation of the the . The­'ls ' � I ' Mast6rly ability and fearld.si course dis- .olaVed Ril,k, Insuranee Clompany, of ,� I pres . C111MdR, ; I I played'the Lord C�hief Jiistice, and en- _N ' � . Ia, . -rcrInq as reasonable as offere(I by any other : tirely reciiprocatmh' his a propriate re- ent LIP -11t doing hjjsines�., for rLliable Coi upanies. - � marks ,and. obse . rva.ti( the conduct sl,t I 01FIOL-over .'�',troiig st, raiiiey,s (ri-neery , � . '� � ('17(� � . 0 - )Iuin Street, Kenealy. to-uay ,the irrepres- -­ _ _ __ .­ Seaforth. , - . .252- ! of Pr.' I I _ ___ _ � . . Bible Qi 0 has made an ap�lication for- pra3 . . AVOID - � I what think you-alnew'tri4l' Thevery qu p QUAID S., . . , . . nervous ideaishorrible. T6 other nialit a meet- It i A"TOTI,11 of eariiindiacretion, cit asilw . P � 1. debilitT4 I)remature decay, &c., I Laying tried in. ing I �was held at tfi, e St. James Hall for nil T, has diseover6d a the' Purpose of -raising mon vain every advertised remed. . .1 . � ey for INI ra. an$ . Ineanis of Hc#­eurc, which lie -%,ill send free � - , 0 1 1 , sill f(-MOw-ftff0r0rs. AddreKs,J.H_1MEJ-ES., . t 0 �jlp_ Orton (6therwise Lady Tie hborne) and ans 74 Nllar,p,ij §trept, New york. I I her children. There was a iscene. The the . . I . . . � . I . i . I . ! . . � I I � . . . - � . . i � . - � . I ! � I . - . I I I . - I . . � iI � I . . . � �. - I . - . . : . - I � . . . I . i � - I -1 � ­ ____.it,____._-.-.__- ---. ­­ ,----.— ,___ _ _�:.__ --.-- ___ --.-- __ , - . . - . - - . I . I - . . - . . I . . . . . . . I . , - � - - � . . I . . - . . . � - I. . . - - I - � . I - - - . I. I - - - . � - - , � . , . � — . - � 4-1_ " . , - i -1 , 7±7-- - ­ ­...- - __ - ____ .; : I � __ �_ � I I , . 1 . . . ... I ; I . � I I I . . - - � - - - I - . � � - . . . . � Iffei'leAly Bnowmals, PJZbJj'.J:e-J.,j. I � z . - .., . ! I 01 50 n Year, In avilvivnee. . F, i ww�wwnms�___ : is 18740 , i 5 # — I . � , FRIDAY, MAY . � I . i : I I : . I i . . � — 1 ;. - . . I . ­. mp� � i I . - � . I . . I I . . I utes of last session -Enulisli $1-,500, Tbe total 1 nil mber is French, 4,501) T , I I I as; follows : -Nlurdery 4�,.; rape, 2o - ' � has been Printed at .a -cost _.______._,�__4,__ I ; I I I � I I . I wotpan, attired in deep mourniqg, p J . mec-ting Once =ting I ; or t"Vice. i A more ely be - Omf0eration. 619, with her children, marched on !to latform. 'A'Ar. Skipworth, barristtr, meeting comeived. -Very - q many of tb � children wouriffil3g, . � ith I ' 3 - wi intent to -murder, 1 , .of $.11,,,54. The cost of the department- . � , ,the! chair. The apologie's of . , ,� -,I , 11 dfor Onslow and other dlstingui4h- r. are rejoicing M a Their moeti�igsi ivere Sa-vionr cleari,ly foun d. of their!, own or- I s 4 poi a b b �:,& with intent to nurder, I ; al piinting for the year ending June . a . C? ill X 1873, was M: ,972.59 ; aud for the, i ig w.,lr on Her Majes. a i i so lug, I ; levy , . �. � v 7 M athisers we�e read, , It m1as � . . I . gailizing, �n�l conlucted , . by thep'lselves. till . si-* Months ending December .30, last. 1 ; piracy, 4. No exectitlon has been ­ I . i In thi-. depart I d tiat Bogle was full of rheuinat: GS I shall givIc som e quotations from a let- Mitchell'�.' " The I carried t1au any ot.her offence $19,703.23. s'Gationery - into. effect for� ' . . - ra � Of of nieut the -v lue of goods used during the � COUIA, not be present, aud �hen M.r. I � . 1) wortli " spok8 a,pie-ce Mr S. i s ter from Ilev, .,Vlr. NY says,' ' , ork, " lie � has been chai acterized murd murder. persons qonvicted -3. 7 ar 22 were executed. I A. year ending J -ane �0, IS ' , was $36,16S.- . . . . lent, idiot ; �what he said is " untblia'g, . by -in-Lich believing � I prayer. 11�e have a . 08 ; for the six Months endin- December . -Pall wheat in the Colin y of Bruce, .1) I - body ;" but it is worth ,noting t . - at tl . I morning praye, � eethig, a union nooll �- '. I , . I 30, -1873, S-24,749-82. and, wil be .� cept that sown or; riew 1, ll . MODtion of the names c , I Meeting, -,a mo rars' nieetiilcr� a boys' I qr an � entire failure this season. Already a -.A- curious relic of the -wreck of the . . I f Jastice and Mr. Hawkins �were I ko- Meeting and' la girls' meetti�a.z, - The I a . large area has been plo ed up, and Atlantic was brought to.ha)ht a few (lays . d4ith groans'and shouts of " btilrn work. has als 0. i , accil chai 'Ic ori col by there,is u"daing .since n e of a pa;ssenger's ticket still miich*left' which j L, . i the sbap I - ibbet them;" wbilea-poor old ! ". " .q - ' qui.ehiems and Jxwe r. There has been from , resent appeatoi'ces , ,ty ted half in German and lialf 111 Ell p . N1 ill not p, prin '. leanip b, tppened to bear a rather ' s very little Phyla a demonstration -tears for the cutting sboul a it be I J t. I lisb, from that ill-fatetl st -hip. t . .who iDg � resemblwace to AJ r. Aawkins, � often, but no Y( ice, and. little surfa,ce . _. r. I S. R(,binson, bffitia� a9signee of I was take -vi from the stomach of a pre- , * I i ho. was alleged to' be the, eiiiiiient 11 r excitement. Th power with vhich 1�apa�ipe,� . and aii old resident of that served salmon in the possession of Mr. ' I . ) s f�ither (of coarse he wa� nothit)(Y (T'o(I has accoin lied thepre�achi "" 0 P [ace I d pped dead in his offic J arnes-Votinan) Of Toronto. . I 1:. . ; I I I P�l I I - I -Mr. B. B. 0 undas, has been =!,9- the word has I een such as [to break! Oe�, of D' - e kind), was nearly torn to pie I Situllayl,loWbile transacti-nd so .me busi- - nny"thiug in connection witli. the (10-NVII All OPPOSLti011. Very I ew bave n � . -osed- to be appointed County Attoruc-y of the Conn - t ,ss. Heart (Jisease is. supi - ,e Mr. 2 � , been brought inider conviction ivho have t� le c� Ilse of death I . ty of Wentworth in plai;e of the lat . i8hmau is that it is published at the 0 , . - 1: � I lustitutlon.,� Edited by Dil not beeni convert col. I do not know of . - , essm. Ogilvie, of .- :V, ontreal, on S. B. Freem. an. � lual 9 m' . L-.- ­e�; I -The firs -c tbrougli line steanler of published by a Scotchniqll I one -who h,ts atta ided the ' eetings with '9 tuT clay last Con] ', purchase of. Man, I I o lias not I the- season, froin _Nloutreal, arrived at 3.1taral1v would exy)ect th(- T)rint to anv meagure of : -egularity ivb t e propertv- in Goderich. oki which to . I the' title of VY -7 1 . led to Yield. - A considerable e I zq1�ihman. NVhaza been compel I able e ect their new flouring mill iind elevator 1 Hamilton on Saturday last. � strang-,�xs orvisitors makillg a, b ild ng. Opera ions will be commenced -Advl.ees from' -Newfoundland -say tbe, idtio.0 of ecceutrica! How long the number of . , I - islonan, will live before it lays itz- Af passing sta,y here are among th� trop es 'at oil e. The 1)uilding will �'Cost at least number of seals brought in is very,consid- . for: libel is more than I can say. offfirinegrace. Infidels;druilicardsand $60,0)0, and will bave a capaciby of 400 1 erabfy sborb of last season, and thecatch , " � . 1. I , J U -'s, I Us. *111 � I -Ols -of last year. . . . I ed have -been, reaphed and barre.s a clay. This iv bi lif t will not reach two-tbii I I . persons . ! )0 a � 1-9 I - . (I : _­_­O�Oapw_ - (�egrad . -at at fortle County towni. God�tich ig be- A large portion of - the seals brought in ! � i i escue 8ome ()f those singld.d o I . t) e I Trade in Dairy Produoti i.' firat as the most hopeless arei now re- grinni i to freshen up in itsi dld age�. were not half g�own, and consequently I � ; Joicing.in Cbri�t. Several of o 1 ar profes- - � 9. i � z the production of oil will not be' more . i ,-On Saturday aftornoon Ia little boy . single feature in .the trade of the. sional men, an(j,,- few of Elie most promi- of faur . ears old, sou of,! Mi I % P eter than half of that of last year. i iniou is more satisfactory to contchi- nerit business In en have received the . Y_ i . I Costello � of Dun-ioier str,rr, t, Toronto, -A� young Iad nained Walsh, employ - than the mark,ed and ,striking message of ipeicb. It has rea0heil high , I � . . � � i I whilst playing in the )rard.-i rear of the ed in A. T. 2v1cl)onal&s sboe store, Lon- , . ! 0 . - ; I 11( poor, . I ge N�hieh has oc&urred in respect to I and IOA�, rie'l a , the be4t and the house, accidentally fell back1rards into a don, was sent to the bank on 6aturday .11 ... I es%imai that I -� 1i roclucts of the dairy. there ha8 1 worst e there I are now post-holej recently dii (T ana artly -�lled morning with a chequo for ,over $1J)00, . as not been . : I Ail ' aying !* a ilecidediucreasein the proolike- upwards of fi�,e h-tindi-'ed persol" who XV,Uh water. Some c , in. which he got cashed, and he h, and'export of choose during the past I -ome to lay hold of ChriEt more or' dr . I I . tiie vicinity souncled m, -and the seen Since. It is supposed he took one � � i have c all al!,111� 0 , . � . . butter having dqcreased SOMeWhat w less firmly -as tlmir Saviour 0 for the � I . ) niothn, of the cbild bastene(to his res- of the trains for the States and has I kie. e ( rhigged bim.from the bole in . g to the fact that obeese'has, in ,a I first time to see their ,securi in him, C C, escaped Avith his boot�y. : imsure, taken its place. W6 have [since -the present year -began. Another ' I I " a I alulost lif eless con(lition. 'PY' the use ,i -A few (lays ago as tNV`O women in at. dea that the prooluebion , of these characteristic of late is, the completeness : I 01 Yr staratives he was a,gp.in brought Catherineswere lifting -a boiliz full of les ivill-be'stationary, butwe look of the work in niany of those who have ., I I , . I round. . � . . � I i boiling 'water from a stove, the vessel continuous increase, substantial if been brought t Christ. ,N1411y 111ve s tTll I -Political feelina seem t run entire- -e of them apid. To show our total exports of ,in( -%if . I sNpped from the han,is of 'on - cast themselves oa Christ f-613, . I now I v too bi in e chants and '. Be and butter during the fiscal year . . . .1 gh amom, the , . and ,the water spilled over them both, - � 0 rejoice in .the possession of the peace basiness men of London -the -less. A few severely.scalding thtem. - . I & )) � � 4 June 30, 1873, -we reproduce fr in wiiich passeth all understandin",. I I fficial r6turns the fallowing fig les I sho I I t 'i t to say tbatl when in eyeriiDgs agoo 30 members of the Bbax( -of -Mr. A. Melville, of Fullarton, has . 11( 110 oil I t Tfad ) a . e Ol-mers, wit�drew from a foal frorn T. ColquIlou-n's im orted. ritrast -vvitb those for the preceding n ern1toyer. of labor, told ine t1l, . I I - . Mitchell, a j ... stitution. Tli(, canbe �ssigned - borse, ` Lord ffaildo," that measured . - i . . � . 'It - be P : : ff St iM- i . that there Nyas. 7�108 ma�i e � ative me�nbert made four fe�t is.round a-hd h) inches across -the . : . .111�e t -1 I . CHEESE. . t, - n st- ing that.the Conserr, I provtment e ifidelity aud t a ' - : � ' Of aipmatice of black-ballitio, ,tA cau"didates breast, when two weeks old. . 1 1871-72. 1872-3. worthiness oTtho.'e his eniplo�yees who woposeol by r%,C-fOTM weAeri. , The ex- -In a few days all -passenger cars on - i (Isexpol......16,424,026 19,4-83,�11 had made a profel-ion.of faith. I What a - i � ten e d,f so u nple."ant a feolliwz Among the Grand Trunk will be provided with -$1,849,284 $2,280,412 t. p I I e .do. 4.... � "I'tin d to � imon I I I 0 J)3Y 1 - i tie bl',isiness men of th� Fores.t Citv does. the celebr;%teil "vacuum" aii brake. ; e ! BUTI!Ell. � There Must any -in Canlada who , . . I : � I I ot gur well for its fiiture commercial : not i A test has shown that by the use of i k ill not , , I - this wor �wi . i ! 1871-72. 1872-73- are � wonderiDg i erity. I this brahe a beavy train inay be brought I ds6xpol......19,068,448 15,208 33 spi-Itad. I think a visit to iMitchell p"' . . . I , erdinand Keefer -of 8t. 10atharines, to a st, -, space of One 1111-11- . , a] that i s 1 . , andstill in thL e do. .....$3,612,679 $92,808;(79 )vould convince ai y one that , on comin - down St.Lil-S On ,"%'VedDeSday f 40 � ' i ' the .� ate, though it li-A-d- attained a speed o . le share that each 'of the Pro -vin -es required to bring, ,an ontpourin� of morning, turned round to I,,,') -Pk -at the I inilts per hour oru. pwards. - . . -i- Spirit in any plac . is faith on tl�e part of , � ributed to these totals will be int, , � clock: before going out, and f,h11 suddeDly -The old "' Black.14orse Inn," on the - cr allid -Nye�e as follows : i tbe*ople. � �Are )ray but we do not ex- to the floor, dying ill a I fe1v Minutes. . . 0) i � 1�osevffle road, uea:r Ayr, was completely . : i I pecian au.swer-, 'hich sho-NN's hat our 1�eart dise., Be -was the cause of his d eath. destroyed by,fire on Fridliy last. �t was I :BV,r.rE.P,. : onErEsm I i . . h TI ,�ork has . A . I . ; I praying ismot of ait . � I e ' 0 sce� to be get- insured for As full value. - " Low _' Nlud,ye` � . . llys, lbs. . . . Deaths fr m. this disease . ?. already begun in some neighboring lo- t, T ) -' )cc ......... 12,005,634' 15,689 , 494 Ing alarmingly prevalent. 1 a well-known character, was its landlord . calities for whicXspecial prayer -was of- � I - � rio 2459,391 -3,875,f 60 -'t',Ie find the following sosible. clause at the time it was burnet]. - I * ­­ ) lfere�dat' the mecf'iiig§ in �ditcbell. I - . - I and John -0 ole on I a Scotia ... . . It in the presentment of th("-, G74'n I Jury at -Mes-,rs. "Franklin . , 726, 1 a7 16,'97 c I 0 . will be,6,ri in other places, too, ' t' Brunswick. - 17,661 � - H 1 s erth County As�izes .- " A I Wednesday last put 50 lbs. of net ilear I ! . 1 somi as the people re.ffly ask fok it. -B. 1, . I . � i . - ----4- � .1 A . Prmbylerian, Zay 1. I large number of the cases th4t came be- 1 Point Puter Light, House, and tool in , � � Total. .. - . . ... 15,208,69.3 19,483411 i ,. . . . fore us .arose out of the late �,lectionz in i 2047 trout, which when drQ�ssed. averaged i . . - I f "-go- —i . I - � I . . the returns Quebec -is credited with , . the 11�orth Ri(ling. It is to- lile regretted ' seven lbs. each. These ,at five cell ts a C nada, ; ' � � � , uk ese products, the cax- 1 � that so inuch ill -feeling Should be i6aii- 'pound at the Beach are. worth S 8 :'). 4 5. 1 . . . - - I t the press, In prop(,rtiQn to the . ation of whic 1 it is.'said that Dr. \Viggiiis, riacipal fe,sted on these occasio�;is -- th,I,' net this is the best . , ,11 is-tb,vt -,wbile that - , ) . . ince has a large and most important of �lie Blind II)Bfitute at Bra�itfo)'d, is ' irrespecti.,�e of paxtics, should1try to fight haul ever had in tha� locality. . . t 11 1). I I . n -usti -ing in the Easteriij engaged Oh a biogiaphy of ho 1�t- 0 . I out their contests on other tbi'a politicai - �-iud -y, contei . I . -The X�netary Tivies says . I., It is ! John Saudfield.M ctlonald. I grounas, land that personal��ties should liships, she not only gets credit top I I I � I too early. yet to know anything of the ut that of On- I � Messrs. W-. 1-1. Carpenter & tio., of be. so freely indulged in at such times. I of the course of the woc)i market for the - � also. . I I 0 1-fllia, ha:v e rece [ved - zlie con rwet for The private ebaracter.of -our ublic, men 1 -coming season. WoolQn goods are still ; . . ext I(A us see -wbo are the purchasprs conveying passongers .and f reigilt traffic I and of those aspiring to be tich should ' � �� � . � il much depressed in the States, and were I � I ess 01.1 xtreille oc- I it not for 0 . iese articles. This information �We I froniThand i B.t to Fort Clraqy. The not be referred to, unl I the smallue-is ' f stochis prices i I . - � . i with some care from the offi(141 far& for each passenger for thi3 season casi011s Such a course has no teholency i would not be innintained, which are 2 to . � '4 . ! levat� �ubiic sentiment, and, as a I �. es. They are as follows : I is fixedat $1 . F4 ach passenger is allow- to el 343. per 113. higher than the. ourrent rate � � ..) I . ro afy le, the results of su ch a course i at this time last year. A small lot of ! . - 13U11.rrE',R. I C-REEsE. 1 od 200 pound of .. -eight or bag, ,,�j free, general ri:� I . , 1871-72. 1872-73.'i but f9r each 00 p unds over 201), $2 will . are that sympathy is , aroused'for the in- . 1,000 lbs. Cauada combing sold on the . � . a -wheu the 'Iba. � - .3 1 1 O� . I . lbs. I r be charcyed. - � : 12 dividuals bused, particulaa).� spot in Boston a'few days ago at 65c. 1 I matter assumes the form of pot-i-secution. " ciirrei,.-.,*,, it Britain..-. - 9,839,169 18,787, 25 � �Mr..' Andrekv Moiris, of I --is towel, J 7 and the stock there is lield at I . , 619, 53 1 was a few da s at,o, crushed th � ough an 'The A,, ainilton Central F4ir is'to be 4 . ed States, . ... 2)237,164 . I Y 0 that price, though only abou' 60c. is of - .A. Provinces 1,031,010 - 8,19 1 held on the 6th of October, ajid -last four fered. 1920,00011ibs. to arrive f rom Can-. 4 1 inch and a-lu If bc ard floor, by a heavy . I I sh W. Indies 162,915 8 ?39 j, stick falling on 111111,' while he was assist- days. The prizes -will be mdre;valtiable ada, have been sold at a 'g,'Old price 1,13' , . I I � ish'W. Indies' 56,860 6:318 1 irig at the ,?ai )g of tbe now NVesleyau than those of last year. . I bond equal to about 621a. per lb. cuirren- I ' *2 . -On Thursday f last -%�eek, Mr. cy there. . I � ch W. Indies ._. .. - - . �24 1 Metbodist cil"11c,ii building in Li t6wel. . o � . . . . I Andrew Marshall, a prodnc4 dealer of -Between 400 and 500 tons of pressed I � ish W. Indies 101 916. -1- - 11 u, recei poin ted I I ' i I Bishop Cri�i � Stratford !shipped over the C3 I Trnnlr- I hay, and about 70 tons of straw have . Domingo. . -. . . , 91000 . i,zopal Diocesebf Ram- ) . 'an *1 - - Bishop of the' 'Pi ;1' c'a'r loads 11 been shipped from Pa i station this , to Liverpool, via P6rtland,' ris : 3ierre.. - - . - - - 62,989 192 1 i1top, . 1. L . i i with hi pril ate Secretaryi intends 0 peas. Bing e � I . 1� f This is the laraest * I � ship- 1 spring. I I � ais, i �, I ment ever made from Stra�ford. The i -Of crop prospects in the County of . ap P e, there -fore, that (T'ro'at I leav'ncr for ome about the 23d of the ain takes nearly the whole of 6ur i lit nionth. ' i - - ' I I 1 Prose, I i 'freight on'the consignment oanted to i Wentworth a Hamilton exchauge says : 1 . . ; i - . � � Be ond three -*fifths of our butter. IA i - 'holesale over $2, 000. . I - I 61 From enquiries - . . ' . _NJr. Lewis, a erk. in ti) . made generally we find ! trade in this latter article was done i dry -goods establishment of Bilere I & 8on, -Mr. J. L. Poett, Vete ipary. Sur- that our country cousiiis have no, 'very I the West Indies which we olo"t London, a few days 'ago walk d from 'geon of Stratford, has receiv,pd the ap- I warin prospects to entertain of the suc- . is capable of very large ektension !in Z 1c, a di4tance of . , and bac I � I London to Lucan . pointment of Veterinary �,)ur eon in the 1 c�813 of theirerops this �eason, and that - . directio'n.-310,11da7-y Pimes. I . I . .. 1 34 Miles, in sevenhours and 13 ' i t . I they feel correspondingly desp � i . 1111111 es. IN-Iauitciba Moun ted Police Fo � ce. ondent in. . � . __ ___ — � I He).,e111XiD6datL an011ebour orest. - I .e consequence. In the vicitlity.of the city : . J I le- -A large. numbpr of the fartmers of tb . . 1 T, Lindsay, a og, w a a and the bord:er 'town ships the fall wheat Th' ReVival at Mitchell. � 1 -,At a Saw mill County, of Lincoln bai,e ree -iftly been I - ? I i i �_ . ille thi t ba h r- , cut.1 ow (lays agol',w ieb turned Out 850 badly fleeep 1� 11 - I . .,rl by a ill I r lo 111i,s bt4' . is so ba,dly wititer-ki d .1 a a a , � - t,V -3NN7RL40N, M.A. f ' 51� ,� -imbnlatings- ttirough the Ounty sel- -the inevitable res ,� � BY �r - w. H. R mr and �3 fp uncl mr luin- ult. Some _et 0 . ! feet. of clo. . I ,f port - , vest must be have thouglit for some time back lof I , In 375 feet izg goods and merchandise * very low , . I b 1 king in .1 1,375 feet f good, I fields ire so bad that thBy will be re -sown - -aders some account of the ; � or' aking in -coffee with other grain. No Spring crops hdve Jor your rL 'al,able lumber ta en out of one log. C . . � prices. He offered 40 pounols of i derful on-tpouring of (,'-od's blessilig " -��Jr. J. H. Hoden! of Belle ille, re- 1 for $2 ; calico at two �n d U half been -planted -yet and plowing is back - cents � . 'V e sr�' Kilmer, Jltow & per yi,rd ; nmie yo.rds 4 L broad- waxd. The, -tras -njured and eb has been going oil in' Mitchell fpr cently sold to 'Me of -�xtra Ine s is badly i . . � two inonths/. I was forestalled ��y I Co., Walkerton, C 'unty of Brued a fine cloth for $2, and so on. He - exp la . ined the farmers talk of large prices for hay . - er correspondent, but there are i i- - YO1111b, Ayrshire b 11, for 8225 ; also A that the store he represented as Belli .Rg I during. the approaching Winter. In _ sting facts -of still later date of which r, i . ,d -do so on I most Places the clover is killcd off en- � splendid Ayrshire cow for $300, and a below cost, but could afford vlio truly love the Lord.m,ill delia A I � accou of large sales, �The g,ods would I tirely, as the alternate weJt and frost � .. 0 . sucking calf for $1 0. ut � . . I call. - : . be delivered within a week frbm (late of 11 have heaved the very roots of the plants I . i - I I eetings have been held for the most � - Mr. R. Young,l of the town hip of I order,but one-half the mone must be I inches out of'the ground. In ,conse- - simillitaneously in the Prqsbyteria�i, 1I Carrick, has. a ra ii iamb, whi.- was paid in adv.a nee. The Lincoln tes appear i quen0e of � this it, "' Predicted. there, will I I - Wesleyan, and the Bible Cllristi�ii I born on April 15, .-a d which nowiweighs to have been takeu iu very re dily, and i be no clover crop this season at all. . . � lnonst� . e i , I 1 60 DOUnds. This: I tie .r of the relies, alid in aR with th4 most 9�a�i- : idler emiarates from t e'cou cr results. it is now ten!, weeks sme , be ly tribe is f rot.n. a pure Lekes*r ewC the sW`11 - . -ntrY 1 -On Thursday morning of last week, - 0 . . with a large sum of mon � - I about 4.o'clock the guests of the Cow- 4 l able impor ed ram. , I ' t' : began. The number . of - anxio is ty valu, I I -Rev. Nl�r. Hunter, of Metcalfe street I mercial Hotel, Stratford were a . roused 11 t I , I I -drers has been very woncl:erful. �t i -A short time a o a man name 8am, i Wesleyan IMethodist Church� Ottawa, 'by the report of a pistol-dn one of the I . . I . I . all along seemed as if p. i.epidemic )f ;- ue) J\JcLean -1�hei as coi'fined ill' the ,I � - , -a I � I , I has b�enofferecfa salary of $4,000 per 1 bedrooms, and rusbing in the directio . . ,iction was- among thepeople; the , (Inelph jail t0i a,� it his 'trial f r rob- I annum and a f I . � . �. X . urnislied h to tak e � of the sound, found that a young man t liulikely 3�finding their I)ing a p * . persons wero g ost office ' i on the Wel ington Ouse - I C�a charge of a church in one of tl�e leading ' named Frank Counter had been shot in . . into the -meetings., then bEginning -4o , P,ailway, escaped Ifr in the pris n about I eitnited 8tates. , , . - . . . 0 , , cities of. th t the left leg above the hilee. . His pistol I - ifest deep personal anxiety, and reai 1- ' seven:o'clock in the vening, and I asa not - &-,I 't. Western , was found on the floor. Counter was at * � - . A t is stated that the Grea I ilol willin gly ,waiting to receive dire,-, - since been heard fi�101 .,. � lt�,quppos ol that i Railway Company are now �Ogotiating �: thp. time in bed, the quilt of which was c' - ' � I I . One v 0 . 5 'theturn-key ftbelistitntionwas a orypleasincy circumstance 8 0 Jon was ribed I � bridue ' burnt for a space of three or four inches . I � . . I � for the pur*cbase of the suspension' . . � act tliat no controversylitu ever aris I ; to let the prisoner, f ee' " w Clifton. The price to be piid -is re- , square. . Upon being interrogated, lie I ' '6 .'; at . I I L_ mol'away,the ,interest into a wrong .'- ag,) a prisoner na 'o -5u.A. tilider de','v1T.'h !'I ni , ) - I ,, ported to be $600, 000 * $1 100 600 more Z3 IlelL 4 � . stated that be had intended to go to Contro-versy on such-oGeasimis , sentence for rape, qry nearly e caped , I . I .than the original cost, but �uch less 1 London, on Wednesday evening to buy % � . � . ; s to be one of the"devil's.best artl- ; from the same jail. Ile had Wr ched ' - I. I than it could be constructpd fat at pres- . a brick maah,lu�,-hi-viii(r $406, for 'the I . a bar from an iron b I te , a, o. ith it - � I I . . r to chock the SpiriCs 'work. *1 ` Ll n I Purpose, but was prevented from doing I 's t� st . , - m _ - I le been, lield ' had tria'de hole throu"li. ."e' 'o I of , ent. vangelistic weetings b. I De al . 0 I -On April,flO a co -w beloiigiTL to Mr. � So, and concluded to go in the morning. � �lia Presbyte'rian Church every ev I- I his cell. Had his ;1oceedings no been � , . I . I , David McClure, of the T ship of lie w6ut down to the station about mid - the beginning. At thel-le me t- , noticed for a few I-Rainates 1OJJLY.r, be , , " - val of the trains . Ir", ! 0 Kin1g, gave birth to -twin calves the fol- night, and after' thp. arri ) ti. slugill" of (Iospel 11Y1,11114S and � muld e' sily have maole his escape. . 0 0 . a, I � lowing -day another cow beloilgi g to the ' came up -to-%N-n and went to bed in the . I � ^ t, pointed Prayers by the people i . h east of I - L� � -In the country �prth ea, - Ont- 1 same gentleman, also -had twin calves ; ,'Commercial Hotel, hariging his 0othes, ent are proininent features. 'Shf) rt ' real, the fields, are yetioovered with now, '� and stranger still, on the day I after, a COntaillffig, as he saysl' the :85400, oil the . . � resse's by s-Licli. ministers 'I" May 1)e and ther e is still gat sleighing. : third cow 'bad twins�--all doing be- ; bedpo8t, � i6aving a pistol on the table , are delivered. Then, -it the . I , wit . q , . he , - -it his bedside. Previous to going to -wh�,n . -It seems that i-twith d, ing flue healthy calves. - . . e,.an eiiquirers' meeting is held, . Lstan' in I . I i reports which, foir so�ae - time hwre�beten ; -The following figures will -our bed, he met a man m the passage way, l'almediAd acceptalice of , Jesus iis 1. . tlay - with his boots in his hand, who upoke il,L,,. : in circulation to the c ntrary, the ron- ' readers some idea 'of the annug , I sed ii,pon sinners by personal deal : 0 clock he was awaken - diff o�._ - to, Orrev aT ilway is to Ze con- � required for the public printing of the ', to him. About 4 . , iy prayei� meetings are held- at , . . - �, . - � - . I � It ' structed to Teeswate�. It is exp cted ' Dominion: The cost of.public4tion of : ed by seeing a mz�u with a Peaked cap on, times in the day, and by, difforel' . thab work will be resu�aed in a few -w�peks the Cana�a Gazette for th ding I standing over him, to -whom he spoke ; ions. of the People. _' en The -it all I and continued until th� road is in,v�ork­ June 30, 1873, was- 1,3 179 e8lyearr�ve',nue, I a moment afterward he was s-)3ot. I . . .. - "an " ' ; Of $676 1 . ne interesting feature - tile -e I $ increase or � ,,931-89. ' vThiq shows I money was gone, and the pocketbook in 11 - rer meetings is the sending 1 ' n of ro- 1 ing order. � � Over the previous. yeari owiiIIg to he in- I which it had been was fouhd in the , sts for prayers for certain persoll'6. 'I --kt the instanceof I'Mr. Dymond,', the e of paper and the in reased yard of ds creaseJ prie ,�� , near the baek door, TNXo trace i quite impossible to estimate 6e I member for Nortli. York, who inten 1, to t t of the deed could be . � iber of such prayers which have bein ; discuss the abolition �f cap4al punish- gratls distribution. For the six 0onths i the perpe ra or rin- the de - .11 ' wered, but many were ' manifestly � -ment, a partial return �-as been laid on ending December 30, 187 3, the ex0endit- founcTo and no person answei g . I ure was $1,M6.93 ; the revenue, 455.90. scriptio-a given, was seen in the house � j . wered %within my knowledge'. I hAd I the table of the House�'� It includes�� all . I . . . I I -An edition of 22-000 conipm of th Stat- during the night -'- r � 1. . � - � . I � . .- � . I I . _-, I . I . � I . - � I I I . ; .1. - i. 1. . , . . . I . � . . . � ... � I . . . . I - __ X. , . I .- . . , I I I � � - I . . � I . - I . o� � . - . , . � . I - . i I - ,� 11 � M �. ��_M_ RA . - . pleasure of addressino, the b s' the commi-tuals for capi�ai offences since . . �. I . 0, OY � It I i . � I .--- . . i . I - �J I i I 1� I I . . � . . 1. .1 . - � . - . �, I � i � _m , I I � . . �� I d. � C . � - �_ ''. -1 . 11 � b" . . . 11 J! . . . . . . . . . .... � - J � - . � ; . - � : � I . i . '. � . . .... �� .... I I . Ji ­ -_ � �__ ­. " I I ,I,, � - - ,;___: . ­;�, -4 1, I --.--------- -______. - . � ­__ _1 .- _ . - ­­ ­ --- ­ _1_--__-1-- --.---- -_ -_ - - I . . �_ - J_ -­—�, . . i ____ - �--.--­ I I I I . I I � . . - � . I . - . ­­.;—"­.-- ­_.__.�4_.__[ . --�--�--�l.�--.=i--i.-�------�'—it-4—��---,.—�,—� __�.L__�i_;��_._ ;,--- �_­�_ ��- �-__­__­ �-- _,____j__.____-_