The Huron Expositor, 1874-04-24, Page 4I T7 No"— APRIL 24, 1874. 1i RON, EXPOWTO T E A P!, 24 1 4 to of 0 Intercolonial Railway nuuib�,'a petition- toilla wus On the Y�zoo, ara entirely management e ' o a rigipated, as we its second NEW ADVEW SEMEN 'tempt to TS. it'has origi hilve -alread� in- still made no at arrest him. rqurei to the Govrfinient tbrough oacy, t beforfvite� lission' On nPuriug the rs f in t�E township. If, as has al-- submerged and deserteO. ing, an failed to Pon licated, t r� politiQ dised Tlloumr, iN ARKANS41H.—A prodigious read d through Coliftnittee, test the i I ated a b a. - I cam —8. 8 tark, Riell's expulsion fro eady been 7 1 ill i to be iutr, &kiixg place ill 4rkan8as over the Mackenzie -briefly explaineA, ard irj� il I Boots: and Shoes � in the Is Lad not be alme it wouldl e beneficial for motion for I I row is tf A. Macdonald exp ed his onneurrance 31r. I)orion on the g� Lumber—folin Thompson. b r of tile Gov-' Zed this e sion.for the )ur oe of re- (Alovernorhip, of- that State. Baxter was e couutr3 r. Ili Cani4daj tit -the present House, the leadiug� m6m, e . is p To Cheese Makers -1), McGregor. e ad con'stitil- I elected 4 year and'a half ago as Goveirli.- In the provisions -of the 'bill. the Measure at, as well his the leading *eform- constructill Y gerrymand - $25 Reward—Hi�aio Hannah. zime, there is no'brah-c-11 :,of industry or erninei XERCjA-VrILL7 AGV 8. f rsnchi�s Brhoks, lai� opponent, claimed t1ria incial a ficatio, ders---�Henry Wallace. era ill the 'House,! spoke in favor I of and 4�acies, we h)uld certainly sity.it wotild u led Mr, Doniville moved for a Cominit r(Merty q ali To Buil nanuh I.e. languishing J oil account of his e ection was f ra dul ent, and appe, tee Notice—M. R. Cou-iiter. pr forab.e to that itrwhiced'by the bill., but did ol GVer-CODIDE titiciii. and there is no.neces- voted for the m4ion. What s the lie e -to the Courts. The Courts decided in to, enquire into the system of mer-cautile AVanted—K Hicksciii & Co. xter will not submit agencies. Mr. M Ift e :in this )respect, Sawyer ity for dditional protec: ion, except. in course of the le rs of the Opposition? -01ameron. I is not the �outh Riding Brooks' favor. B, ckre zi had no objec- W. N. Watson. f tile ballo During -the .01 tion foan eng uiry into the warkiug of the entim discu,,sion Sir John �ifHurona' iewhichhastocomplainof to the decision,: claiming it to U illegal Nichol's Anna-tto-----:E Hickson & Co. so' -far as ev ue is con(erned. If w n,(,,Iisb-- H Brooks but there jaut be somt, leading Z:1 at the head of n rmed force, system, U'g c Ler Te�l le State mercantile repremitative8 oil tl cDlil. some 0 Tea and Coffee—' J. C. Laidlw'. cd lips, ar. A the existing division. T � $ )irit, hd, ,additiont%l protection, we would Macdonald sa,t wi;h seal when. he �outh Riding drove Baxter from tl' S House.. Gref%t Exhibition—Duncaft & Duncan. i V stanch, is bad enough, but as called out the State mittee. He buggested orf sj.- I iare inionopol , %lid instead the vote on the all Leiidment to the, amend as it Doi Baxter li taln nailies, Wood for Sae—A. J. eIntosh. nwents in 0(Ar- Se e s g Be -chive St,.rr ng & Fairley. of the increased profits & nk to the pro- nient, declaxing iii favor of 4milesty to the oth�r rilings are equally inconve veral collisions bavel taken placebe- and k1r. Do.mville accepted tb u 84 . 1�. r u -b , on & Co. ducer, the niza,nufacturer� alone would Riel was bodt being t kon, he left his nieut Mild Unillapel) Duch tween the parties in th - streets of Little tion. Mr. Young deprec,ate(l discu.s8loll Hardware Do ib � a . It m ould'be 1 a ti f .1 en at thii'stage, but thoutlit �',lr. Doiyile i Rook, the capital, n�l� there has be' e balot� and sbo Wagon& for Sale": -A. 1 M cIntosh. e I'll lstea ing seat, nd (lid not vote a,all.- In �View of bett( intr6duce and cai r through a f the bjvcdonhati have th I)( 'e it. Ii of there be y sonio bloodshed. Th4 United ttes - went iocii far in claiiiiiit. CouncilMeetig—Wir. McConnell. 0 to 'rePrfsePt the I tition" these facts, it, certainly ill becomes the . ice for t eneral recon- mman. Njr, Young C013grait, too mirch C in )e even yet, authorities refuse to U�ke active inter- feelin of the whblt mercantileco ' Morris Co -art of Revial 11. gs on thexcellent, c- organs of th it ti c6listituenciUs �n all Counties ference in the ittter. ity: Mr. Walker showed tile value of inent ICard of C. Mover.— too little ill in brn .0 e Op osition to"acouse the lie 1 ell,, f mnuf P T RA Iowa, and & VENF 311. the agencies, and referred to the fut brought f 'overnment4 and their suppo ture. Instew of r ing the tariff, it rt��-s with 6it�iated to Huron. If Mr. I - I - steamship that the leadinr banks w c( the book o rb aps its best f AB-A-Nj)aN,Fi). e I I s as PC OUlJ,, in 1.90 e installed$, t I east, be indecisioa, nd iVitli being taint d with Cameron woilld introduce 1% measure of practical -obser'Ll. Allie'riqe foundered (1-uring a- violent the agencies as it proof of tile c some. it A t. X, 11 0,5 *1 0 T to file working Clase, lowered. 11 themAnufc ture- of print- fav6ritism towar.�Is Riel. They'have tbis kind, would - meet with the ILP- tempiest on the 14th linst. She' was encereposedin tbeirreports. instanc(i, ti) 10-C 0 wrong sub- and. -would coin- abandoned when on the�point of sinking. -oil, on behalf of the retail trad hoped in evidently taken I 1.1 f the provl the people, d e of the i lug paper, for re is almost scratilly Nvitho An I talian sh' hich �iaved the larerest country, could speak to the geat �Care ject Out of whiLh to Diake political lf to tlie� flood. sense of t e 11) inonop'013". JEWerymanufa, tory is Nvo 7 h secrecy Of tb vD4t:`e- SEAFORTH, MIDA: V, April 24, 1874. itte number of those on 4oard arrived t and reliability of � the agencies, apaaild the ess the rever- to it Ifouse. e t the session the 01pen U 1.10 its utmost capacity, aud not unfre-, y Brest, -oil the lall, ringing 40. Mitchell desired to see as fair a Commit the! it up, tbh better, will it 1 be for iWi not be I owed to without this �w. - A N or- tee as, possible. Avjr. Wbite, Prepared to dmit Protect -Lon Put i: ato Practice.' qiiently it is D ext to impalsible to (Yet an sengers, and 148 of thel or( Renh -7 nst it sons arg The incolisisten arder filled in any reasonat le time. The. themselves and tl�e credit! of the-ij party. l'Ileing d e. thing can be gained by wegian vessel which is�ved .10 more of thought all enquiry was necesaarry. a d. in'siliciarity 0 To -�-ug CY %vill ot the pssengers has alsol arrri'ved at the Dymond arged that Mr. Wilk", the. leaders. (1cly. 17he first referred to some of those who hae receiltly.been a -me may e E aid with re ard to the cot- discussed in Uonil! ng is� vess the mem br for Centre Toroii to, be add t ter if ctorics.. -Y 11114 the sooner same place.' An E Ii el with to clamoring so loudly for protection, is now t On manuf the promoters dy the grievance,, remainder of the p'assengers and crew is the Committee. -he inti.inate, acquai. t. tthe.; rami. The Huron d Quetice 1 �Rail- favor of - s. c ffectuq1 mesure is evised for its expected, unless sho, 4as gone to some being pretty plainy All hii. c F th se t.Nv-o brnches a -b among the ance of that gentleman with all th 0 . 4 some ay. --revious spe; remedy the biette'r for all c( n.emed. point on the English c1oast. The Pas- tications oi trade i. Upper Canada, ina(le les,, selfish, but thaj- loudest crying for protedion, If they i J - y is, more or Blake o wd his� This, scheme is A pi-eselit ttmAing sengers unite in Praise df the conuct of him a most desirable mmber of the past-fev are 111ONY, unc u t South portion -which has, wit hill the 61)1:- to do the li siness which Bruce to his QJ Capt. Rousseau of the Amerique, who� Comillittee if the object wa-!Z arrive at, -o. if - coi-isiderable shar� of -public ttenticiii I red their' THE ExE seems, needlessly h-aying subscribed - t months, b wo m e sath lous advocates ii; off !��hit C01.11 Ird - expect they say, was cool and, b. -ave throughout, it, so-lind judgment with reference to mr- I IT R and Globe nd its merits are;beiiig freely cnvassed of protectiol" �1' alers in' -ere prevented e�cercised tl�,t the Expos notwitlistandina a fea-rf� I sea. cantile agencies,. Besidesp it'Was only fund. He ap cii lay Claim. to ail linusu.: thou,1 in 11111 fferently v-1 w the evideace- produced I —The rescuers of D'Ainerive have fair that the merchants of Toronto h d by the people of our owh County. If it di little M, &lly large share of tluE common faililiff ely fro orting,thid were com 8 oul in ced the necess - !aotion to re- have one of their members on such ail en-, sup;. Rla6l c in his pairphlet in BLIP com ell is practicable, and if the country is yet Bishi He, W�1011 ellet Id like to see' Tile f act of the leade �. of the prese to .�iependl upon 1 em. for The natiles, of Mr. Wilices, ill 11111 cover $500,000 salvage. The law' of- quiry. Go verrim. eliA beili sufficiently advllced to, suppor# it, if porb.of li�s ffirmation that'::. ,in in principle a frec. p lies ? As i is in th ese tw brancheg,. so,- t Jklej lesty fieers�have taken charge of the steamer Mr. Gordoji nd Billistcr of I 0 1 - hOntario Vx4verw e aveo' oubt,-A is W1 carried to comple oil it is certai ly do- hid beeii'promise(l d his fellow t the result of th( proceedin,gs. British Colwlnbia, were then added oppon I - 13338 If a ins aa doig servino, of favorb e consideration ugen trader, rev- aled to- his politica well i lmos t every to ents the idea, of molunti ng the pro� other. S'So at, instead o, being a bene- ani the motion i)assed. er Ja u as thap prbpooed were, coil- say, for Is. 11a expl.iiiatioi we wolild talked �of brib spen tecion horse, and, thul fit,' ail additional pi lie:iiiformation of :our conteni- THE OUTE. i gaining friends otecti# tariff would 0 t We notice that some p rsou is furni -wuld amon.ga certain dlas&, which would be siti,-�e drhw-b�ck to tructed. and properly worked. it �would orary, t iat we write and tilik. for our- sh- Mr.. Hortoir, Centre Huron, moved for have a speech 111,11d. inj-ury and senti. iing the readers of a Wlriv ni papet with a return of the immiglants carrieCL 'Ovej peGuniArily-beriefitted W a high '�protec- undoubtedly, e of very great beitiefit to selves, -and that our. view�' for Soll-th Bruce f e ttawa corres- Dawson Ro er favorof abolishing V 0 the ute, and oth details e- the countr . Weare somewhat inclined ments on public questions re'llot inould. pabalkin in the shape of tive tariff. This cl"s gin, on the y pon(Uuce. which, fo� nonsensiciLl Tating to that service. Mr. INTackelizie tions, -of coinpulory, The EtpulsiCin- ��f Riel. toAlte opinion that Ontario has i�ovr as ed by thE utterances of fhe Globe, or any twaddle an(I-downright deliberate lyin I g, other hand, saw an opt) rtainity of bringm allad-d to the ellornios xpense his suffrage. L, . ter.), IThe motiol"I'of A -for the ex- many railways as she is able- to lustaill. other pa If our contem 'or.Ary woifld snrp. Dg we h1, int work. had entaiRd on the country T I fr. Bow isses anythi ve seen in py he h�g a heavy pressre* to bear on. the Gov- gro This road, ho-%�rever, - differs somewhat pl ree, we fe I'collvillce(i for sonie time. If our cc uternparary ha is Charge for the Dawson oad'as Would not press tve 1P* p alsion of LouJ is Riel, men�ber'foi Prov- er ament to induce tile to impose rsue coil M -I the adlap. the public nominatiom ny regr for its own ieputation or re- c IZD from 'from the 11laJOritY,if iriginally estiated, el 'toba not all, of those thi, apn§e wolild not perinit a a tariff as would sebuxe to it a monopoly encher, he House of .,it hi:"lood 1. $260,000. spect for the intulligiaace, of its patros, , tation of the water route, was prove -of the abolitiol Commons, ,Vas.' carried �)n Thu-nday which- have beei projected since the him to gi publicity to th nontell 51.294, alii si6al it will'speedily close;its 6olumns aaailist of trade.- Thus7 the y litical. opp.o Thd total sum spent already ivs. ificatima, so lon a Dent q 6ommcei'nt o the pi-esent ailway di4ribes hich sometimes )pe in on of the Government and the ni,%ullf, Im ya in4jority of' 56. r 000, 9f which $800,000 was chnmd -to ed pr N light of. last e h u T Lie di mani. It is, or 'ill be, if built, trunk —An Ottwa c6rres ondent sayg the balance to operat -the ers joined hands, the former- with. the scussio wl h- took place on this capitaI, and Ing a t p The question of rociy m a!d. Besides this, there -were sever�l the debate. MEl otion was th( warmest a line, leading directly to the sea, board, I t— view of gainihg 'incremed political sup- lid most pro- I I I , reel -o the amount -of 1.45,090 still the adjoili t, N' C ilsidered as virtually ke�tled. The im- claims - t limen . vhi( tiacted - of the - session, thus far. An and de�pending for support, n6t so nlu ell NOVS OF THE WEE 11. 0 outstanding. Last yeax the total ex-- THF, NJILITIA POLIC'V OF port, and the lAtter to se6are private, 'pressson, which appeays W Ise well found - amendment *,is oved to t oil local as on thro h traffic, -an( traffic in he N. , peadiure was $387,844,, of which no While the Rousewi L'could*not be ex- G.RE-A!.r BRITAU -in allin motion to ded, that .,our less gain. Such . I Canad n -delegates h.%ve t1le effect that no action be taken -until ;,a 0 was expended in Convey- pected to work* long alill im The brought to it by, other leading roads. THF. BRrnsia BUDGET.—Il the House uccecded in th u object - of their f than $200,00 the Wbol on the iestil ony. or six- hundredpersons ove t1e Committee ow eligaed in investuat- Whether it woul&or would not be ad- mission to 'Washingto prevails here." some five- r militia being tAea u was rotten and coil1lictincy C n Sir tafford Worthoote, foundation of C route. . Recently it cost no less than 0 lasg, of London was 91 0 O; —Mi. David G. Me - e a generalutline, recently appointed by the Ontari� Gov. $679000 to convoy 150 Mato Fort the Government for tli ing the Xorthil-west troubles� report to the visble for Huron to grant -tliel bonus Ch, -Ree the E4 xcliequer isubmitted interests intis, sooner, or later, bring the V - - I i a I Budget, the I Me d asked from it, del*nds a areat 4eal on th( nnu. eadi fetu e. An ai n i a Garry. The matter -was n thatell- the force. He structure to rp -t. 'The first stoueshave,' ne dmient to the amen !enlnent to conduct the "Crown b-u,siueq- of hich are s follows Tot rose rev- 1 1 i1c I d, if less i -eady cm- 1111twas,%ioved, whi circlim o 11 � gaged the close atteiit� of the Go militla shoul stances. If the r ad wer6'built at the Welland assizei3. iMr. Glass re. vern­- ell in fact declared enl LC Of the United Kingdom, in the year ah nmenced, t.0 � tumbe, and the ith tba the cri iel is chara as, prpposed, and fliciently. worked, we ended March 31, 1874-, ;677,335 fused the appoijitmi,-ut. in his letter of. ment, and th4ky had advertised for a con- be better- pa;id ania me hollowness of the profesisions of the po- 900, ex- 9 .&T Of innIfti- re a more fficieni refusal, Mr. Glass sayls - When I con� tract to secure the 10 een ow be- e(l is a poilt.cai crime, 'all havenodoubtbutitwould boworth to ceeding Mr. Lowe's.estimates.by;C3,574,- dfene. I It was'. to litical portion of thealiace is n d that an isented to -take the ba ines's at- Goderich; grants at a minimum rate.of expense. . t Huron ill that is- asked from it. But 000 ; the gross expenditure in the I I e purpose of a, Cuningham, N r i -tte, wo d ranted it,did not occur to i e that this - u d Mr. la ql ill pleri-ence. that -the mill, Coming vidn or tl inesty should be gi to all those same yeal was ;CNA56 000 CO vice hacl been saved, we shotld never favor the granting -of Th$ 'ja- he construed as a polit Cal favor, because . be able, at the proper time to -show there W)o took p in the rebellion, Riel in- Supplying a "in the revenite, cludes th suiu pai'd fcr Whe Greneva ti; -nd-s -etion with ot ally L bonus, —to this -or any other road, of what had so lately' transpired at Ot. had been gross fr& in. Count, the spirit alia * -V i elided. The�vbterec,orde4l` was not, in award, bti t does not include the e: x - the Governm ent. have Uen co mipelled to �tawa, considering that the two Govern- Tiie motion was then -men, rather than by. this matter. 1he tariff on -centain articles arLd: a'. y sense a unless the debent es for the amount be pollees of the Ashantee war. The exce;ss increue party vote. The motion tuents are so entirely is#nict from ea agreed to, The first esseDtial. allowed to remain in the custody, of tle of expenditure over estimate -v was supported ind among the iini-b OP by members Or SALT. pose(.� Va"' 156 ',other. I find, however,', that my op- IXSF9CTI0'- their:chief, and it or 1. refined sugar. 000. . The total revenue for the cu ' I rrent nicipality until the roa( is construct-- finalle. nou -L Huron, moved -to place the whole'for� lug a sp Mr. Ca eron, But,.no sooner d Of both parties. A 1 i e majority of -the r, e n d i ng '.N,f a o the Government carry arg 3r roll 31, p ed and fin working ordor to within at literpretation. -upon t as they b, ve rol of a -1 a, o Alenel pres mtatives stippor l for a Oommittee of the Whole, for Wed- fi out this first protective step thn� a Oi Ltario, re ted the estimated at f,77,995,000, and the tot, rsu i one throughout in reg -tr -A-riny, as eilditill it -C72,503,000, leavmiig a inxp on. The' action,of the it Ottawa. While th4nking dicated. Then it Wa holisheard ihose political pro- otioi for e '111 -ii least, a Ifew miles of the municipality. exp (1'to mv conduct nesday, on a resolution dect ')g it ste I srplus of :e5,492,000. Thes, you for the ex pedient to provide for- the in sp.ectin of ilitary Col tectionist�. They sdd-mly lose all love' H)use, under t It,%irm-reported �Oine time, ago that a estimates tabli�b NNU e. circums6nces will be tind . onsideration -I ADust ask that you salt manufactured in Cnada the ap- are virtually based oil Afh-. 3-ladsto e I ISpecial meeting of, the County C'ouncil -mill provide some ciiherill person to perform I pointmen Point Plan, If not so s by a very large m. 'Ority of the in-'-pectors—Carried for the ma, wafacturer, bE cai§e in protect- 1 ell or 6'(1 t of salt r the p ose (f con- he duties of Crown Counsel at 9t. Cath- I establishment, for the' was to be call.'ect fo urp G OF T.Uk SURPLU Iig'him the -1tets O: some of them- peope Of thel �ountry. -'I,. whether THE por of �offlcers, These ycii sidering the pr6pr ety of subnii�tiiig -a ford North cote proposes to di,� pose of the I Relves are: to be sli tl y'6f the 6rMe charged to him or —The- seconder Of Holtows am Mr. Scatcherd moved for all Orders eive an ikh y taped. This (yi; t in CO by-law, granting bonus, to tb� rate- sarphis - b3l reducin It the incol: le tax . one. ncil, &c., to the enugra tariff oil i, not, o anamnesty or r wheth branches & t4e pubho refild suga'r -will, to a -ver- er. entitled to 1111y ill tl Le poun ent in the 11'el case i rais Elou. Malcol in tion of Mennonites fro.- yl pe d,abolishing the duties 'I in South Russia to -inies: payers-. 11"hether Or not this is Ontario, � lot Mr. fameron, no is, at the resent tilne, ail outlaw. utilize thein in 4. na -fr. Mackenzie had no doubt were 11"I considerable extent, limA the importation on sugar f -om the ist of creating 'outli Hirro'n, a§ stated the first re- Ca' da. -Ai "O e 1�e.done we are not in a position ad(itioival� fr-, rininable ani lanA and b of the arti � e, ild.. will lwa great meas- and a fug tiV1 roli-I ustice. This is * iulf to -the that this class -of emi,,gyants -would, from sion of the Govermy -cl 0 sa' fes. )orts. Mr. O'DonohielT d ing ie nation- V, - U )e donie To allow The scheme, howe . v �,r is well wotJ1iy.cXie oroilto, an theirhabits of iXdus;try and -steadiness, -Montreal or eariles on erat ounci %ii( a person, under suc I ion of the 0 000, 000 ill tell y mrs con- �embiors from this Province who voted lers at' the viriare th, e only be mostvaluable. N1r, Young said these this -institution. 111 -hi re place the. -wholesale do, a(t,wilich caD'n tl nt of �C450,000, redue r. Cameron, Ontario I mercy of the local ingnufacturefs. Tile. h.-cirCILDIStallCeS,, to. tributin 1,000,000 to gl� the re ief of local peo le were models of thrift, an -d indus. p p Ocd�apy a -set in if for its considertion a specil ineeting t,xatiol for Mr. Holton's aimend'ine t and gainst ed. -was waruly ap � roi manufacture or refilling of sugar is Parliament would be , 1. - 0 i id abolishing bon e licenses. try, and lie believed bout the best class I inembers who -bake :2. or ex.z Ision. i utra-g� upon Re measures, it is estimated will I that could be brought into cou brllea 9f industry, -%vi ic 11 is As yet in its. and justice. if is necessary, one should certainly be The, Air. Bowell's motionf 2= a ilry. .1 the m- ilitary affairs of 1 called. absorb ;fC,5, 30,000 of the surp. us, leav-111, Mr. Cu-nninallam Riel d6ire to Occupy se, n111GY-in. this country, but which, if c- at iii Par- 9 would like to be as- 'Mr 7AMEN a residue of - DOMINION ' sured. of tbec'fact that th-jese C462,000. the Oban- PA T -soon be: liament, let him comply with th ;ome in impor- e re- Collor of tbeExchequer had Veloped, would The Ne Tariff. Concluded were real Gonsbicra ion Of i ly eomincr to nitGba,' nd tholi-0 A tantinterest. Yetnot itl t di this qu renleuts of �he law. He is his speecb, Mr. Lowe ros RIEL EXPitb-' ub. vr A is an, lug now a It is, n6 doubt, e ail(- exl)ressed feared that if they did th-e- would ulti� Our last week's Pa I The �ng t as unpleasanti for a h "i - I is cordial amentary s nbp. fact, wd now find -ni fuLitive from justice. Le approval of the I udget and y in osi afl� of the lai ar w th tedy go to. the States, -wbither so many Rev.., Peter F raDcis him deliver Government as it iiI 1111popul, the itgrecolnniendations.� Therewlittionfor is brought proceediD rsday, had a) read�'gone. Tlie niotion Nv,as oar. o Thu Mouthed protectionsts; as well as the himself lip to ille uthorit� Cis, and, if a Priqst f IStratford, -tar, people, to be coin led, to -increase taxa'- the abolitio"f the sugar duti 6tb inst.- It.will be e* p as) as pro- membered tb at ried. political protectionist journals, denoulic- J ur y f 'his hill, in- r. Bowell had IHAIllilton, ren se( in e budget, was immediately Mo- NTROVEkTE D E IItiono Tax, il maybe keduced to the PO col noGen moved and passed. ion for the ex 11 10 ouis ir t, then'lle is free to become a mem., very lowest figure, %nd no Rio], Kr.. Fournier introduced' the bill the policyi which, ;tdcording to the' 0 adverse criti- ember for Pr, that auumend. Stratford 0 n 8) un thIs elltel-I)rise bei .of the 1-16n io theory, ohould­builLt u -of Comi ons. Until FUN -EP -A Olt L1V1-1q-GSTONF,-- The funei nleudb th Coutoverted Elections 114aft, oderich in: .9 cisin be'elicited or- fault found, but the - al of oved by M.. Holton to the hient, was ni trai and eurich thwco ry. It is true that such.time as this is done, tha House uan- mome Dr. Livingstone, on. Saturday, in act of .18 3. He expline(I -be prilici. passed befe aboat 8 e� -was a ended by pl charges tobe as foli-ows creaed there is a genei al Westminst.-r Abbey, 'ffc- not with due propriet3; ut it is in ct that as a Commi, tee had been at ire into the cause there is but oue, a t most two., sugar 1 -wi a re- oute y. -eady appointedto en cojaeyilT to ess the It seems that the Dom�inion, an immense tlu,'o%,, ine uding a full r ';reating a special i�oui t with inc- 5 I refieies in the c urity, subl&t; toli's coil eP� (if the- commotions the Northwest s, Wi8b,ed to witu lit , so tilat tile iin- I to its awn resentation, from which had a lo rs of th:�; overnment have been coinpelled� e Royal Geographical t*'n of the -Lieutenant Goveilio t the peo f a high ari' nection with it. 0 ociety. e Queen and Prim ot yet r-pappi ted, further con- position 0 ff oil that atiel e of Wales several Prov'nces- te to e be areil . th e tariff 01 certain artides, in sent Eideration Of Mr. I�iel' case,be postpon- and viciu$y availed 1.1, to . I their arriarres as marks of respeot )-emitted for triAl by the oi- iaryt-ri- b is,-disgustitig to observil the efforts J �Opp&rtuuit� thus nffb� ed and th en great �eiit, Create a mono- order to raise the iecessary revejtiue to for the (lee asedo at an a Onion to the b. in other c.tses o-civi1jurisdie- ,ent - th, linii-factur But, acco put-fortli by. the poly of. 1. rding to osition to The Baroness Burdett amendment was moved by �klr. M eccas PI) ineet the expendi 3ure. This hhs, of COUttS Se: t some beautiful flo oisseau. tion. �c ifor ofte t ma;keolitoal y ces commItte arguments of our. protec, D 86 the, Gov coll. The wer8- for an aninest Pietitions will 'be tried by on plaice in ' Jiiseph's 1 tio ist 1,pi a re.was special funeral se ice early the Northwest.' p course, caused siderable cor�nieut, rvi udge, subject to the of ap. eal on Cathoh, Church in i pity in the day anothAr wa 'hursday the de- questions of law. to the full Court. In. I- of Toronto and which s hel,il by Dean "he Govern- and ot a'lifttle gruidblin It is;a I'Ate was resumed by qr. M friends, the interest should spread, and "nalent ill thi affair. On 9 Stanley on undy. on, who the. home C cci ty the eic, in ac 1: inei it are ise(t of laxi cordance with the prevai the ompetifi( 46come so strong matter that equire it to bo. done-. —Dr grav Ces con- astftte of the x u reumstan at circumst eviewed:the several Queb of tri 'Rie noes i Lxingstoliels e is in -the laected with tro iug law in other matters, appeal will be as to prevent a I. Ily mi -ger of illon9poly. to justice- It is said Bat Gov- ceiltr libleli in the Northwest P,Iwa�scornpl'etely� for this the people, and not the e of t �ie -%vot part. of tie. Dave- Of made on questions 'Withstanding tht long--, Now that they are 6 nd h dl -.,Of fact as well; s of they h%vo got what they 0 for allov ing him t ob' 0 erninent, are to bline. Th -sup )ofted' A bey, near tlial i of George can aw. A n v -rein the bill is the'. e pe ey he latter, 0 el featu e enter the Parl, ell � ui tephenson, tile celebrated ell duct- in reltion to those$ e ineer. power given to any elector to secure by r1lors. dil have been crying f6r they a,17e.-not a.bit t b 1 -di I �Lgs an I d per- their representatives in pledging the blie buildin vents nd hi:i3peech of the more hppyi but " rather "the' iniWlig sign his . n —The gs ii: r hm. G'Iasgow previous 4me on the velling. He a,-gu,ia(J tl�at in the face of petition an investigation ij)4- the -acts reverse. Colin were clo 0 y mammoth undertakin4s and ed s and draped, all flags a and conduct f a defeatedu e Ceremony. The While the ain of the. in_ -mei ibership roll f Hou e, nd up een candi th grocers co � D1 on lie belief in an airinesty having b entei -prises, - all of v rhich require the ex- half-mast, in recognition of the funeral I The bill also provides for exminations Bishop is blie of i t erease ill. the tari� Oil sugar, beciviiise !this basis' -ail cusation I -of Dr. Livinistone in London, ranted, and the i114111U now piroceeding Vmp"thy- penditure of vais s of nion . So Before a Cominitt before the trial,, in or(ler to save needless the their -trade i tlit will be limij. -with Riel is 'fo'Imillted THE; OLADIANT.—The pp ication. of ee Of The Houte, either costs and loss of �tinle to t the co _he '"�, t thel1a.' -that now, if the revenue of the amendment to the amendment ties. - ite by w .-; p untrY Orton, the Ticbborne- Claimaut, for it ed., nd the rdfiners rejoice, as their prof- I The cau�atioit i so ridicallo is as to be ropoeed as., The A efeat a icanfdate, Pal, pacy is0nmnni owd. lish sufficient funds to prose- new t -by Mr. Mou�sseau 'should be seat, Ma_V -be examined asa witil of hands I I e if he claims the rial, �as been denied. itis will be I a1m)st unworthy] ss Sir arcrely inerea �ed, the farmers of notice. It is -not to GIRANTT( Gr-NERA-L WOLSE1EY carried.or if not thai reseflution then L --- . Cute these landerta ings, they inu 5t not .—The John A. Macdonald be au -cised -tlia,t any the amendment of r with s t Aeliv:�v rentlas. they are not to me4ber of the M, Holton, oine sligh will be indiffe .13P HOlise,of (OmTnoli8 has votedagrnt of Teservations,* expressed. his complin if in ad(I tiol levy is made ;E25, 000 to ;i Garnet r Wolsele r. Bechard, in a very animated and telling aPproval, of Pastoral ath.- teremoniE s--forta a v any perceptible degree' -�ffected. But, Gov . ernment is required t� personally to increase the illoc me. The defnien- the bill speech, delivered in Freno Mr. Bl4ke urged tbt it waula 1 let the duty on agrie-hl arr&t-Rid. There tire no, an b a,,,e cy Locx OuT.—A look-aut'of 15,000 h, supported be desirable to extend tbe'right of appea' one,- splienaid. and i tu ral implemnts, Mr. Holton's amendment.-M.r been for months nio-illits to, about 3, WO, 000. T raise miners 18 tb reatened in Cornwin. Jette', in m&,tere of fact to the ful1 are !�ej 7ru:,; i),. for instance, be raised the manufacturer two warr tits out for this uld vote for MMr. Holton's amend wo Court, as e Fin anee M 1 tistar proposesi to ill ment. enjoyed by Quebe, to all the Province& oi -the Ch�irch forl will, of Course, be plea his arrest 8o�me q ost expert CARLIST&—The Carlists in the nort] Ili a temperate and lawyer -like speech ] sec I' the groce�r wi f. the n e approved hiobly:of the otl mend- croa$ the taxation (n spiri ous h4uors, of -Spain he expressed his opinio� that, the Britis ler, the 'be incliff6re n vernment , I deeteotivg in th have organized a Go t, but id f armer, who wil country h ,we We i Oil teas, �ugars, inents �'adoptec[ in this tobacc os,' j C with a ref, flar cabinet, in- -vO el -'s inei,tsure. The oron. Bish!qp V have-topaya In the aert. for hinih and is y ave failed 9hip matlarials, aich Gen. pre edents cited did ll�bt justify Ri o pri,,e for his imple- bill was then Mail a second time. and Biihop velvets, silks and a few Other Mi Adniiial Ven- expulsion, He regaded his offence as a i te(l, that WWt to apprehend But, noillwithstand. I ments, will be indi lit. Protection is al hin� s4h ar-- 3�1'0 is MJ ster of War; political one, and ad ed that a, THt ELECTIO_V BILL. I alet Mirlis..r of Fqreign Affairs, and atio.n. ng these facts,1' the Gov;, ticle'. As'an increse ,has.to be I[Dade? should be deferred -pen ing the report of Xr. Dorion in a s eeeh of som e-eng-t h, After the ce!rernoxl� verywell in theory, dr tol�rge Cal rnment re Senor Pinali Minister of F inance and Ili- I - as a politi p 'it cannot be denied bti the Committei- nowi pleted t P . -rea --ry, but whe, it is pu ini o practic blried because Vie . (10 no secure his t tht these' with terior. M din of the Elec- Blisbop e, those r. Ouimet "nicived the second perhaps one exception, supported the a Preacll:ed the ermon, who are inj are the Irticles 81EGE OF BIL13-ko.—T e vigorous li endm6nt to the amend- I tions bill, He dwelt lnre particularly iarreot. The whole thing i trumped can- u riously affeet -,dbyit-%viU soon 11 -'Of wbi�ch the -seniees, i which should pay additional t; y the national troops oil the ment, -lad had not coniluded his speech upon the clauses ref errjupr. to thoa-bolition �Iibute. -Cry out gainst it, r �1`08e, ana the clergy n o ana btear how stro 11g. land ht when the hour of recess ilarrived. He re- 1h ped upon wliblly &lid Crlist Positions before of pablienominatious. ilbao begins -to solely to The shipbaildin ut ��rest is one of much tell. e ballot clauses, I 8 011 Cathlic ly the preju . g i timed after y my have 'urged, as is now th e dice the people against tl - Several - points recess, nd when he coil- the abolition of th. ie Govern- bombard ad by the G property- qualifica- importance, nd is it yieldi la"gialy to Republic4lis have been evacuated by chided was foil �y Air. Laurier tion, and thia adoption of the several pro- ne. Besides tile ase -with the wholesale ment, and not because the -1 ent I �Owe ocers. Sever yoverilm the rl� our prosperity, it � is not advi . who spoke in I ng ish I with little less" vincial franchises, -aT,,,e Uumbo al of' the 11 satile to "Insurgents. 1 It is reported. tha., the Provii�eets'.of Ontxrl aadii.ig' pro ection.1stg—DIen are, in ny way'deservincr of cenure the is"- fluelicy than he bad on J former oca. Dr. Tuppe followe in A food �f the Carlists is x alisted, and. from the Unitefl, place, any check u on As* expa�slon. Ply ( Sion d who, at, the 1, ii�ade it a test the matter. But, eveD. supposig tile add to .1 that th Dien ire eating lio ,se fleh. reseed -the 11oaze in his own language. make it appear that the last above- r The other articles mentioned ar' Jux- all( iNjol ;Ly Taorniug question, but who happen'to be -conliect- iGovernment %re'l - in their luty in this I i - 0 Ji- rplied himself to the argument � �a u WFATEi. that mentioned- Provision accoinpalliedby`� : ries lid, although in Mo ed with the wholesale grocery tra, iirespect, which tl) y 'Nlississippi ias taken place, resultinc res-2at at, t de; ae, ey 'axe no such ac- both ri inundai- (11 of roeral u' e by INUNMUr Ui the the had no evidence before them to with --sir ackenze's former pinions. 'Who were D at the present time in Ottawa . endeavor- cusations from; s ch,a ell andpoor', could easily bi,doue I justify the expulsion Of �Riel at 11,e- pres- He found fault with the proposal to ad- qu;rter do not ill previous (&Y left Strl ing to induce $Without. Noiieo'Ltlie-nic',tnl)ecolisi(ler- great do-stru 1 ent nioment; and, t�-erefbre, should opt the Provincial frachiqes, makiDgy a where a"magi'll -the Goverl ent to with- ome N.vith very good grace. The po- t on of propertyin Louisiana adopt the, amendment 'of Mr. Holton. charge, in passsi.ng, Ot a n in, ee, III I ed impos- Pitical leaders of lose.who dol idward Islan(l; re- against the Local Gove Ifair lgisl tio I and Alabmli". The reports frc Lower Mr. Sindair, Prince E I ed as mong the necessaries of iift� and Arkansa a4d draw that port: wil of th(ir Policy so lond, White Riv rhment of OV4 0, er f,i i"e gloomy garded the ing duty.on. refined'* These men are - �y decry the ppre ent G I although many would"probably not like accounts of' the issue before theRouse overi ment, were I to be inundation. Immense h ScOti,%. He opposed the abolition of y proved, an to be,deprived Of them th hers of'stock have b I& vote for- the mo- Public nominatio quite willing to wear the - p@ I , yet, if Rum (I *011 protection shoe wer for thre Y�ars after the mur- eenAxownea, ton. Mr. D( Jas, and also the propos- -Y a ny 8 sire them and must hae them, th(i Md. actual jardin, in French argued al to make sheriffs'dild of eoun- 'until it comniences to - !V can I - estitution prevaih in manY against Mr. Mon Pinch' their own er of Scott wasucimmitted, nd during places. sseau"s, propositi feet, -w-hen they endeavol: to throw it off afford to pay someth[n Captin Porter Ion and ties returnina -s. holding that the AUCTIOX g more for them, , of ill,,, stearpLer ii -favor of Holton's amen offidet I Alice, repo ment. office should be filled by for �U tl 'is time Ri was it la- --ge, and As it is necessary"to raise n increased rts the -wliole of tie Amite at'll-fila April 26, e a i ter. The river generl- else. So it erson ever heard of ail att einj t t n e i i d in o D. -alid ilapqse it on some o _Valley uud , w. Mr. Holton's seekinfir to whose conduct the Government could be P, d' ay the action af tile H use I t bein,:,* revenue, w n s c k f from twel 0 ' ulitilt'the beld responsible. would be with all classes ould ly has a ba The most ar- d to arrest him SO thaf ve to fifteen Committee now sitting shall have report- Mr. Blake contrate(I the co, feet, but now the wate evell.were -be done in a war which will be less op- r is four feet' e(j, was .1411let of 1. Brine, .7 dent protectionist9vould speedily aban- t the'dqy 45f tile Gove:rn next put and lost by Yeas, 76 - the present Goverlim ent with that of 1pellit to secure over. the ha;nks, and has w pressive to the peoplix, and less in* - ' aslicd way ,he Tli*-1�8day, Jarious the _Apri don his protective, -views' the moment it �he rrost of Pie[, fault sh houses 11aYS, 117. Mr. Mousseau's mendmel late M - f qVld not be implements, &c., nd the in nbringinfi? Oil th'i clee- Ray, r in favor of an amnesty was R t Put and 1 tions as uea N to the interests of trade, than b, the habitants h ' e fled to th- rly as Possible 6imultalleously, affected inj uriously the pa rticular braiich 0 rs und with th'em for not dbin in six , virlieri a1V e higlLer lands 'N I and reviewed tileol p,-sitioll ()f the latter lost -by Yeas non he wha Pter. 27 ; Nay of industry qr bus�ines, in which he mode proposed by the Finance a they ire Dow in a destitute c' s, 164. Mr. berry, t thei predecess iBDwell's naoti4 dition. 0'ell on in favor Oi RiePs ex- to ileftrl V -all the refo night be engaged. M failed to, Jeff. Thomson Chief 8 , i rum they now took fi�ew of thosd who ; ecoluplish in t tate 11, -ar rom Bat6n slon was tboll Put and carried by credit fo`r, I Zbt; lgt niolnent in'- rm lar e ye s. More than'' MR. C-k-MERO'N, INT. P. fo'r' South,� Hu- En&leer, t4egraphs f 4 it acere in col`porattul now clamoring r rouge as, 124 - 'N 'Iel mI'-i the nicasure, Dow in- puidd are are si s, the late enten' 8t1 .1 ays, 68. 4 propri of April, that the Hickey Dr. Schultz thea moved, aid�Mr. troduced, but uot lj,agse(l -anit-Governor of roll, has introduced I is bill tollave th crevss0is 1,200 feetwide, e ni oba, who -asses Mwell seconded, the formal the whole he diti iioj�, re�pl,rd their professious, or �vouia be willing to tni appointed by the i township o nd P on f Tuck Smith attached to seven feet ci� water at a veloci the -ai)olitioa make onal sacrifices! to endure it, 1Tte G 1 Pore roverniment, nd who wo of* eight Louis Riel be expelled. 1 aral miles per la�ur. Two I motZnis h -e-' Of ubhe 110mivation�� with particular dis- rked un- 1' the South Riding of FIuron for ivhich electo -lee RL 8 even should it be be#efi.�ip to the cotm- er their intructions,'shook. -asses are each 150 feet u 0.111 're' eldred carried on the same diviijo 'ut wide, 1) hnds with purposes. This measure has been intro- Lt Will be I favor. It Might happen the liew niethod. S. jobl THE INC ILWAY. I -woul( closed in f days. Advices fron, ya­ 01, prid Prietor 4 tryge-nerally- Thepresett demaudJor �t el, ud, it is dmed with him and duced, we believ 1101 compliance -%�ith a z I encourae,,e shani nonihiations, but .T. P. Bri, saic e, le, I I n I A 00 City T that Greenwood and Bur- ay, the House at its after oon this might be avoided by ring the transferri the ission Passed the bill nominator to deposit a Ing sum of [n y 0 e R 6 T7 No"— APRIL 24, 1874. 1i RON, EXPOWTO T E A P!, 24 1 4 to of 0 Intercolonial Railway nuuib�,'a petition- toilla wus On the Y�zoo, ara entirely management e ' o a rigipated, as we its second NEW ADVEW SEMEN 'tempt to TS. it'has origi hilve -alread� in- still made no at arrest him. rqurei to the Govrfinient tbrough oacy, t beforfvite� lission' On nPuriug the rs f in t�E township. If, as has al-- submerged and deserteO. ing, an failed to Pon licated, t r� politiQ dised Tlloumr, iN ARKANS41H.—A prodigious read d through Coliftnittee, test the i I ated a b a. - I cam —8. 8 tark, Riell's expulsion fro eady been 7 1 ill i to be iutr, &kiixg place ill 4rkan8as over the Mackenzie -briefly explaineA, ard irj� il I Boots: and Shoes � in the Is Lad not be alme it wouldl e beneficial for motion for I I row is tf A. Macdonald exp ed his onneurrance 31r. I)orion on the g� Lumber—folin Thompson. b r of tile Gov-' Zed this e sion.for the )ur oe of re- (Alovernorhip, of- that State. Baxter was e couutr3 r. Ili Cani4daj tit -the present House, the leadiug� m6m, e . is p To Cheese Makers -1), McGregor. e ad con'stitil- I elected 4 year and'a half ago as Goveirli.- In the provisions -of the 'bill. the Measure at, as well his the leading *eform- constructill Y gerrymand - $25 Reward—Hi�aio Hannah. zime, there is no'brah-c-11 :,of industry or erninei XERCjA-VrILL7 AGV 8. f rsnchi�s Brhoks, lai� opponent, claimed t1ria incial a ficatio, ders---�Henry Wallace. era ill the 'House,! spoke in favor I of and 4�acies, we h)uld certainly sity.it wotild u led Mr, Doniville moved for a Cominit r(Merty q ali To Buil nanuh I.e. languishing J oil account of his e ection was f ra dul ent, and appe, tee Notice—M. R. Cou-iiter. pr forab.e to that itrwhiced'by the bill., but did ol GVer-CODIDE titiciii. and there is no.neces- voted for the m4ion. What s the lie e -to the Courts. The Courts decided in to, enquire into the system of mer-cautile AVanted—K Hicksciii & Co. xter will not submit agencies. Mr. M Ift e :in this )respect, Sawyer ity for dditional protec: ion, except. in course of the le rs of the Opposition? -01ameron. I is not the �outh Riding Brooks' favor. B, ckre zi had no objec- W. N. Watson. f tile ballo During -the .01 tion foan eng uiry into the warkiug of the entim discu,,sion Sir John �ifHurona' iewhichhastocomplainof to the decision,: claiming it to U illegal Nichol's Anna-tto-----:E Hickson & Co. so' -far as ev ue is con(erned. If w n,(,,Iisb-- H Brooks but there jaut be somt, leading Z:1 at the head of n rmed force, system, U'g c Ler Te�l le State mercantile repremitative8 oil tl cDlil. some 0 Tea and Coffee—' J. C. Laidlw'. cd lips, ar. A the existing division. T � $ )irit, hd, ,additiont%l protection, we would Macdonald sa,t wi;h seal when. he �outh Riding drove Baxter from tl' S House.. Gref%t Exhibition—Duncaft & Duncan. i V stanch, is bad enough, but as called out the State mittee. He buggested orf sj.- I iare inionopol , %lid instead the vote on the all Leiidment to the, amend as it Doi Baxter li taln nailies, Wood for Sae—A. J. eIntosh. nwents in 0(Ar- Se e s g Be -chive St,.rr ng & Fairley. of the increased profits & nk to the pro- nient, declaxing iii favor of 4milesty to the oth�r rilings are equally inconve veral collisions bavel taken placebe- and k1r. Do.mville accepted tb u 84 . 1�. r u -b , on & Co. ducer, the niza,nufacturer� alone would Riel was bodt being t kon, he left his nieut Mild Unillapel) Duch tween the parties in th - streets of Little tion. Mr. Young deprec,ate(l discu.s8loll Hardware Do ib � a . It m ould'be 1 a ti f .1 en at thii'stage, but thoutlit �',lr. Doiyile i Rook, the capital, n�l� there has be' e balot� and sbo Wagon& for Sale": -A. 1 M cIntosh. e I'll lstea ing seat, nd (lid not vote a,all.- In �View of bett( intr6duce and cai r through a f the bjvcdonhati have th I)( 'e it. Ii of there be y sonio bloodshed. Th4 United ttes - went iocii far in claiiiiiit. CouncilMeetig—Wir. McConnell. 0 to 'rePrfsePt the I tition" these facts, it, certainly ill becomes the . ice for t eneral recon- mman. Njr, Young C013grait, too mirch C in )e even yet, authorities refuse to U�ke active inter- feelin of the whblt mercantileco ' Morris Co -art of Revial 11. gs on thexcellent, c- organs of th it ti c6listituenciUs �n all Counties ference in the ittter. ity: Mr. Walker showed tile value of inent ICard of C. Mover.— too little ill in brn .0 e Op osition to"acouse the lie 1 ell,, f mnuf P T RA Iowa, and & VENF 311. the agencies, and referred to the fut brought f 'overnment4 and their suppo ture. Instew of r ing the tariff, it rt��-s with 6it�iated to Huron. If Mr. I - I - steamship that the leadinr banks w c( the book o rb aps its best f AB-A-Nj)aN,Fi). e I I s as PC OUlJ,, in 1.90 e installed$, t I east, be indecisioa, nd iVitli being taint d with Cameron woilld introduce 1% measure of practical -obser'Ll. Allie'riqe foundered (1-uring a- violent the agencies as it proof of tile c some. it A t. X, 11 0,5 *1 0 T to file working Clase, lowered. 11 themAnufc ture- of print- fav6ritism towar.�Is Riel. They'have tbis kind, would - meet with the ILP- tempiest on the 14th linst. She' was encereposedin tbeirreports. instanc(i, ti) 10-C 0 wrong sub- and. -would coin- abandoned when on the�point of sinking. -oil, on behalf of the retail trad hoped in evidently taken I 1.1 f the provl the people, d e of the i lug paper, for re is almost scratilly Nvitho An I talian sh' hich �iaved the larerest country, could speak to the geat �Care ject Out of whiLh to Diake political lf to tlie� flood. sense of t e 11) inonop'013". JEWerymanufa, tory is Nvo 7 h secrecy Of tb vD4t:`e- SEAFORTH, MIDA: V, April 24, 1874. itte number of those on 4oard arrived t and reliability of � the agencies, apaaild the ess the rever- to it Ifouse. e t the session the 01pen U 1.10 its utmost capacity, aud not unfre-, y Brest, -oil the lall, ringing 40. Mitchell desired to see as fair a Commit the! it up, tbh better, will it 1 be for iWi not be I owed to without this �w. - A N or- tee as, possible. Avjr. Wbite, Prepared to dmit Protect -Lon Put i: ato Practice.' qiiently it is D ext to impalsible to (Yet an sengers, and 148 of thel or( Renh -7 nst it sons arg The incolisisten arder filled in any reasonat le time. The. themselves and tl�e credit! of the-ij party. l'Ileing d e. thing can be gained by wegian vessel which is�ved .10 more of thought all enquiry was necesaarry. a d. in'siliciarity 0 To -�-ug CY %vill ot the pssengers has alsol arrri'ved at the Dymond arged that Mr. Wilk", the. leaders. (1cly. 17he first referred to some of those who hae receiltly.been a -me may e E aid with re ard to the cot- discussed in Uonil! ng is� vess the mem br for Centre Toroii to, be add t ter if ctorics.. -Y 11114 the sooner same place.' An E Ii el with to clamoring so loudly for protection, is now t On manuf the promoters dy the grievance,, remainder of the p'assengers and crew is the Committee. -he inti.inate, acquai. t. tthe.; rami. The Huron d Quetice 1 �Rail- favor of - s. c ffectuq1 mesure is evised for its expected, unless sho, 4as gone to some being pretty plainy All hii. c F th se t.Nv-o brnches a -b among the ance of that gentleman with all th 0 . 4 some ay. --revious spe; remedy the biette'r for all c( n.emed. point on the English c1oast. The Pas- tications oi trade i. Upper Canada, ina(le les,, selfish, but thaj- loudest crying for protedion, If they i J - y is, more or Blake o wd his� This, scheme is A pi-eselit ttmAing sengers unite in Praise df the conuct of him a most desirable mmber of the past-fev are 111ONY, unc u t South portion -which has, wit hill the 61)1:- to do the li siness which Bruce to his QJ Capt. Rousseau of the Amerique, who� Comillittee if the object wa-!Z arrive at, -o. if - coi-isiderable shar� of -public ttenticiii I red their' THE ExE seems, needlessly h-aying subscribed - t months, b wo m e sath lous advocates ii; off !��hit C01.11 Ird - expect they say, was cool and, b. -ave throughout, it, so-lind judgment with reference to mr- I IT R and Globe nd its merits are;beiiig freely cnvassed of protectiol" �1' alers in' -ere prevented e�cercised tl�,t the Expos notwitlistandina a fea-rf� I sea. cantile agencies,. Besidesp it'Was only fund. He ap cii lay Claim. to ail linusu.: thou,1 in 11111 fferently v-1 w the evideace- produced I —The rescuers of D'Ainerive have fair that the merchants of Toronto h d by the people of our owh County. If it di little M, &lly large share of tluE common faililiff ely fro orting,thid were com 8 oul in ced the necess - !aotion to re- have one of their members on such ail en-, sup;. Rla6l c in his pairphlet in BLIP com ell is practicable, and if the country is yet Bishi He, W�1011 ellet Id like to see' Tile f act of the leade �. of the prese to .�iependl upon 1 em. for The natiles, of Mr. Wilices, ill 11111 cover $500,000 salvage. The law' of- quiry. Go verrim. eliA beili sufficiently advllced to, suppor# it, if porb.of li�s ffirmation that'::. ,in in principle a frec. p lies ? As i is in th ese tw brancheg,. so,- t Jklej lesty fieers�have taken charge of the steamer Mr. Gordoji nd Billistcr of I 0 1 - hOntario Vx4verw e aveo' oubt,-A is W1 carried to comple oil it is certai ly do- hid beeii'promise(l d his fellow t the result of th( proceedin,gs. British Colwlnbia, were then added oppon I - 13338 If a ins aa doig servino, of favorb e consideration ugen trader, rev- aled to- his politica well i lmos t every to ents the idea, of molunti ng the pro� other. S'So at, instead o, being a bene- ani the motion i)assed. er Ja u as thap prbpooed were, coil- say, for Is. 11a expl.iiiatioi we wolild talked �of brib spen tecion horse, and, thul fit,' ail additional pi lie:iiiformation of :our conteni- THE OUTE. i gaining friends otecti# tariff would 0 t We notice that some p rsou is furni -wuld amon.ga certain dlas&, which would be siti,-�e drhw-b�ck to tructed. and properly worked. it �would orary, t iat we write and tilik. for our- sh- Mr.. Hortoir, Centre Huron, moved for have a speech 111,11d. inj-ury and senti. iing the readers of a Wlriv ni papet with a return of the immiglants carrieCL 'Ovej peGuniArily-beriefitted W a high '�protec- undoubtedly, e of very great beitiefit to selves, -and that our. view�' for Soll-th Bruce f e ttawa corres- Dawson Ro er favorof abolishing V 0 the ute, and oth details e- the countr . Weare somewhat inclined ments on public questions re'llot inould. pabalkin in the shape of tive tariff. This cl"s gin, on the y pon(Uuce. which, fo� nonsensiciLl Tating to that service. Mr. INTackelizie tions, -of coinpulory, The EtpulsiCin- ��f Riel. toAlte opinion that Ontario has i�ovr as ed by thE utterances of fhe Globe, or any twaddle an(I-downright deliberate lyin I g, other hand, saw an opt) rtainity of bringm allad-d to the ellornios xpense his suffrage. L, . ter.), IThe motiol"I'of A -for the ex- many railways as she is able- to lustaill. other pa If our contem 'or.Ary woifld snrp. Dg we h1, int work. had entaiRd on the country T I fr. Bow isses anythi ve seen in py he h�g a heavy pressre* to bear on. the Gov- gro This road, ho-%�rever, - differs somewhat pl ree, we fe I'collvillce(i for sonie time. If our cc uternparary ha is Charge for the Dawson oad'as Would not press tve 1P* p alsion of LouJ is Riel, men�ber'foi Prov- er ament to induce tile to impose rsue coil M -I the adlap. the public nominatiom ny regr for its own ieputation or re- c IZD from 'from the 11laJOritY,if iriginally estiated, el 'toba not all, of those thi, apn§e wolild not perinit a a tariff as would sebuxe to it a monopoly encher, he House of .,it hi:"lood 1. $260,000. spect for the intulligiaace, of its patros, , tation of the water route, was prove -of the abolitiol Commons, ,Vas.' carried �)n Thu-nday which- have beei projected since the him to gi publicity to th nontell 51.294, alii si6al it will'speedily close;its 6olumns aaailist of trade.- Thus7 the y litical. opp.o Thd total sum spent already ivs. ificatima, so lon a Dent q 6ommcei'nt o the pi-esent ailway di4ribes hich sometimes )pe in on of the Government and the ni,%ullf, Im ya in4jority of' 56. r 000, 9f which $800,000 was chnmd -to ed pr N light of. last e h u T Lie di mani. It is, or 'ill be, if built, trunk —An Ottwa c6rres ondent sayg the balance to operat -the ers joined hands, the former- with. the scussio wl h- took place on this capitaI, and Ing a t p The question of rociy m a!d. Besides this, there -were sever�l the debate. MEl otion was th( warmest a line, leading directly to the sea, board, I t— view of gainihg 'incremed political sup- lid most pro- I I I , reel -o the amount -of 1.45,090 still the adjoili t, N' C ilsidered as virtually ke�tled. The im- claims - t limen . vhi( tiacted - of the - session, thus far. An and de�pending for support, n6t so nlu ell NOVS OF THE WEE 11. 0 outstanding. Last yeax the total ex-- THF, NJILITIA POLIC'V OF port, and the lAtter to se6are private, 'pressson, which appeays W Ise well found - amendment *,is oved to t oil local as on thro h traffic, -an( traffic in he N. , peadiure was $387,844,, of which no While the Rousewi L'could*not be ex- G.RE-A!.r BRITAU -in allin motion to ded, that .,our less gain. Such . I Canad n -delegates h.%ve t1le effect that no action be taken -until ;,a 0 was expended in Convey- pected to work* long alill im The brought to it by, other leading roads. THF. BRrnsia BUDGET.—Il the House uccecded in th u object - of their f than $200,00 the Wbol on the iestil ony. or six- hundredpersons ove t1e Committee ow eligaed in investuat- Whether it woul&or would not be ad- mission to 'Washingto prevails here." some five- r militia being tAea u was rotten and coil1lictincy C n Sir tafford Worthoote, foundation of C route. . Recently it cost no less than 0 lasg, of London was 91 0 O; —Mi. David G. Me - e a generalutline, recently appointed by the Ontari� Gov. $679000 to convoy 150 Mato Fort the Government for tli ing the Xorthil-west troubles� report to the visble for Huron to grant -tliel bonus Ch, -Ree the E4 xcliequer isubmitted interests intis, sooner, or later, bring the V - - I i a I Budget, the I Me d asked from it, del*nds a areat 4eal on th( nnu. eadi fetu e. An ai n i a Garry. The matter -was n thatell- the force. He structure to rp -t. 'The first stoueshave,' ne dmient to the amen !enlnent to conduct the "Crown b-u,siueq- of hich are s follows Tot rose rev- 1 1 i1c I d, if less i -eady cm- 1111twas,%ioved, whi circlim o 11 � gaged the close atteiit� of the Go militla shoul stances. If the r ad wer6'built at the Welland assizei3. iMr. Glass re. vern­- ell in fact declared enl LC Of the United Kingdom, in the year ah nmenced, t.0 � tumbe, and the ith tba the cri iel is chara as, prpposed, and fliciently. worked, we ended March 31, 1874-, ;677,335 fused the appoijitmi,-ut. in his letter of. ment, and th4ky had advertised for a con- be better- pa;id ania me hollowness of the profesisions of the po- 900, ex- 9 .&T Of innIfti- re a more fficieni refusal, Mr. Glass sayls - When I con� tract to secure the 10 een ow be- e(l is a poilt.cai crime, 'all havenodoubtbutitwould boworth to ceeding Mr. Lowe's.estimates.by;C3,574,- dfene. I It was'. to litical portion of thealiace is n d that an isented to -take the ba ines's at- Goderich; grants at a minimum rate.of expense. . t Huron ill that is- asked from it. But 000 ; the gross expenditure in the I I e purpose of a, Cuningham, N r i -tte, wo d ranted it,did not occur to i e that this - u d Mr. la ql ill pleri-ence. that -the mill, Coming vidn or tl inesty should be gi to all those same yeal was ;CNA56 000 CO vice hacl been saved, we shotld never favor the granting -of Th$ 'ja- he construed as a polit Cal favor, because . be able, at the proper time to -show there W)o took p in the rebellion, Riel in- Supplying a "in the revenite, cludes th suiu pai'd fcr Whe Greneva ti; -nd-s -etion with ot ally L bonus, —to this -or any other road, of what had so lately' transpired at Ot. had been gross fr& in. Count, the spirit alia * -V i elided. The�vbterec,orde4l` was not, in award, bti t does not include the e: x - the Governm ent. have Uen co mipelled to �tawa, considering that the two Govern- Tiie motion was then -men, rather than by. this matter. 1he tariff on -centain articles arLd: a'. y sense a unless the debent es for the amount be pollees of the Ashantee war. The exce;ss increue party vote. The motion tuents are so entirely is#nict from ea agreed to, The first esseDtial. allowed to remain in the custody, of tle of expenditure over estimate -v was supported ind among the iini-b OP by members Or SALT. pose(.� Va"' 156 ',other. I find, however,', that my op- IXSF9CTI0'- their:chief, and it or 1. refined sugar. 000. . The total revenue for the cu ' I rrent nicipality until the roa( is construct-- finalle. nou -L Huron, moved -to place the whole'for� lug a sp Mr. Ca eron, But,.no sooner d Of both parties. A 1 i e majority of -the r, e n d i ng '.N,f a o the Government carry arg 3r roll 31, p ed and fin working ordor to within at literpretation. -upon t as they b, ve rol of a -1 a, o Alenel pres mtatives stippor l for a Oommittee of the Whole, for Wed- fi out this first protective step thn� a Oi Ltario, re ted the estimated at f,77,995,000, and the tot, rsu i one throughout in reg -tr -A-riny, as eilditill it -C72,503,000, leavmiig a inxp on. The' action,of the it Ottawa. While th4nking dicated. Then it Wa holisheard ihose political pro- otioi for e '111 -ii least, a Ifew miles of the municipality. exp (1'to mv conduct nesday, on a resolution dect ')g it ste I srplus of :e5,492,000. Thes, you for the ex pedient to provide for- the in sp.ectin of ilitary Col tectionist�. They sdd-mly lose all love' H)use, under t It,%irm-reported �Oine time, ago that a estimates tabli�b NNU e. circums6nces will be tind . onsideration -I ADust ask that you salt manufactured in Cnada the ap- are virtually based oil Afh-. 3-ladsto e I ISpecial meeting of, the County C'ouncil -mill provide some ciiherill person to perform I pointmen Point Plan, If not so s by a very large m. 'Ority of the in-'-pectors—Carried for the ma, wafacturer, bE cai§e in protect- 1 ell or 6'(1 t of salt r the p ose (f con- he duties of Crown Counsel at 9t. Cath- I establishment, for the' was to be call.'ect fo urp G OF T.Uk SURPLU Iig'him the -1tets O: some of them- peope Of thel �ountry. -'I,. whether THE por of �offlcers, These ycii sidering the pr6pr ety of subnii�tiiig -a ford North cote proposes to di,� pose of the I Relves are: to be sli tl y'6f the 6rMe charged to him or —The- seconder Of Holtows am Mr. Scatcherd moved for all Orders eive an ikh y taped. This (yi; t in CO by-law, granting bonus, to tb� rate- sarphis - b3l reducin It the incol: le tax . one. ncil, &c., to the enugra tariff oil i, not, o anamnesty or r wheth branches & t4e pubho refild suga'r -will, to a -ver- er. entitled to 1111y ill tl Le poun ent in the 11'el case i rais Elou. Malcol in tion of Mennonites fro.- yl pe d,abolishing the duties 'I in South Russia to -inies: payers-. 11"hether Or not this is Ontario, � lot Mr. fameron, no is, at the resent tilne, ail outlaw. utilize thein in 4. na -fr. Mackenzie had no doubt were 11"I considerable extent, limA the importation on sugar f -om the ist of creating 'outli Hirro'n, a§ stated the first re- Ca' da. -Ai "O e 1�e.done we are not in a position ad(itioival� fr-, rininable ani lanA and b of the arti � e, ild.. will lwa great meas- and a fug tiV1 roli-I ustice. This is * iulf to -the that this class -of emi,,gyants -would, from sion of the Govermy -cl 0 sa' fes. )orts. Mr. O'DonohielT d ing ie nation- V, - U )e donie To allow The scheme, howe . v �,r is well wotJ1iy.cXie oroilto, an theirhabits of iXdus;try and -steadiness, -Montreal or eariles on erat ounci %ii( a person, under suc I ion of the 0 000, 000 ill tell y mrs con- �embiors from this Province who voted lers at' the viriare th, e only be mostvaluable. N1r, Young said these this -institution. 111 -hi re place the. -wholesale do, a(t,wilich caD'n tl nt of �C450,000, redue r. Cameron, Ontario I mercy of the local ingnufacturefs. Tile. h.-cirCILDIStallCeS,, to. tributin 1,000,000 to gl� the re ief of local peo le were models of thrift, an -d indus. p p Ocd�apy a -set in if for its considertion a specil ineeting t,xatiol for Mr. Holton's aimend'ine t and gainst ed. -was waruly ap � roi manufacture or refilling of sugar is Parliament would be , 1. - 0 i id abolishing bon e licenses. try, and lie believed bout the best class I inembers who -bake :2. or ex.z Ision. i utra-g� upon Re measures, it is estimated will I that could be brought into cou brllea 9f industry, -%vi ic 11 is As yet in its. and justice. if is necessary, one should certainly be The, Air. Bowell's motionf 2= a ilry. .1 the m- ilitary affairs of 1 called. absorb ;fC,5, 30,000 of the surp. us, leav-111, Mr. Cu-nninallam Riel d6ire to Occupy se, n111GY-in. this country, but which, if c- at iii Par- 9 would like to be as- 'Mr 7AMEN a residue of - DOMINION ' sured. of tbec'fact that th-jese C462,000. the Oban- PA T -soon be: liament, let him comply with th ;ome in impor- e re- Collor of tbeExchequer had Veloped, would The Ne Tariff. Concluded were real Gonsbicra ion Of i ly eomincr to nitGba,' nd tholi-0 A tantinterest. Yetnot itl t di this qu renleuts of �he law. He is his speecb, Mr. Lowe ros RIEL EXPitb-' ub. vr A is an, lug now a It is, n6 doubt, e ail(- exl)ressed feared that if they did th-e- would ulti� Our last week's Pa I The �ng t as unpleasanti for a h "i - I is cordial amentary s nbp. fact, wd now find -ni fuLitive from justice. Le approval of the I udget and y in osi afl� of the lai ar w th tedy go to. the States, -wbither so many Rev.., Peter F raDcis him deliver Government as it iiI 1111popul, the itgrecolnniendations.� Therewlittionfor is brought proceediD rsday, had a) read�'gone. Tlie niotion Nv,as oar. o Thu Mouthed protectionsts; as well as the himself lip to ille uthorit� Cis, and, if a Priqst f IStratford, -tar, people, to be coin led, to -increase taxa'- the abolitio"f the sugar duti 6tb inst.- It.will be e* p as) as pro- membered tb at ried. political protectionist journals, denoulic- J ur y f 'his hill, in- r. Bowell had IHAIllilton, ren se( in e budget, was immediately Mo- NTROVEkTE D E IItiono Tax, il maybe keduced to the PO col noGen moved and passed. ion for the ex 11 10 ouis ir t, then'lle is free to become a mem., very lowest figure, %nd no Rio], Kr.. Fournier introduced' the bill the policyi which, ;tdcording to the' 0 adverse criti- ember for Pr, that auumend. Stratford 0 n 8) un thIs elltel-I)rise bei .of the 1-16n io theory, ohould­builLt u -of Comi ons. Until FUN -EP -A Olt L1V1-1q-GSTONF,-- The funei nleudb th Coutoverted Elections 114aft, oderich in: .9 cisin be'elicited or- fault found, but the - al of oved by M.. Holton to the hient, was ni trai and eurich thwco ry. It is true that such.time as this is done, tha House uan- mome Dr. Livingstone, on. Saturday, in act of .18 3. He expline(I -be prilici. passed befe aboat 8 e� -was a ended by pl charges tobe as foli-ows creaed there is a genei al Westminst.-r Abbey, 'ffc- not with due propriet3; ut it is in ct that as a Commi, tee had been at ire into the cause there is but oue, a t most two., sugar 1 -wi a re- oute y. -eady appointedto en cojaeyilT to ess the It seems that the Dom�inion, an immense tlu,'o%,, ine uding a full r ';reating a special i�oui t with inc- 5 I refieies in the c urity, subl&t; toli's coil eP� (if the- commotions the Northwest s, Wi8b,ed to witu lit , so tilat tile iin- I to its awn resentation, from which had a lo rs of th:�; overnment have been coinpelled� e Royal Geographical t*'n of the -Lieutenant Goveilio t the peo f a high ari' nection with it. 0 ociety. e Queen and Prim ot yet r-pappi ted, further con- position 0 ff oil that atiel e of Wales several Prov'nces- te to e be areil . th e tariff 01 certain artides, in sent Eideration Of Mr. I�iel' case,be postpon- and viciu$y availed 1.1, to . I their arriarres as marks of respeot )-emitted for triAl by the oi- iaryt-ri- b is,-disgustitig to observil the efforts J �Opp&rtuuit� thus nffb� ed and th en great �eiit, Create a mono- order to raise the iecessary revejtiue to for the (lee asedo at an a Onion to the b. in other c.tses o-civi1jurisdie- ,ent - th, linii-factur But, acco put-fortli by. the poly of. 1. rding to osition to The Baroness Burdett amendment was moved by �klr. M eccas PI) ineet the expendi 3ure. This hhs, of COUttS Se: t some beautiful flo oisseau. tion. �c ifor ofte t ma;keolitoal y ces commItte arguments of our. protec, D 86 the, Gov coll. The wer8- for an aninest Pietitions will 'be tried by on plaice in ' Jiiseph's 1 tio ist 1,pi a re.was special funeral se ice early the Northwest.' p course, caused siderable cor�nieut, rvi udge, subject to the of ap. eal on Cathoh, Church in i pity in the day anothAr wa 'hursday the de- questions of law. to the full Court. In. I- of Toronto and which s hel,il by Dean "he Govern- and ot a'lifttle gruidblin It is;a I'Ate was resumed by qr. M friends, the interest should spread, and "nalent ill thi affair. On 9 Stanley on undy. on, who the. home C cci ty the eic, in ac 1: inei it are ise(t of laxi cordance with the prevai the ompetifi( 46come so strong matter that equire it to bo. done-. —Dr grav Ces con- astftte of the x u reumstan at circumst eviewed:the several Queb of tri 'Rie noes i Lxingstoliels e is in -the laected with tro iug law in other matters, appeal will be as to prevent a I. Ily mi -ger of illon9poly. to justice- It is said Bat Gov- ceiltr libleli in the Northwest P,Iwa�scornpl'etely� for this the people, and not the e of t �ie -%vot part. of tie. Dave- Of made on questions 'Withstanding tht long--, Now that they are 6 nd h dl -.,Of fact as well; s of they h%vo got what they 0 for allov ing him t ob' 0 erninent, are to bline. Th -sup )ofted' A bey, near tlial i of George can aw. A n v -rein the bill is the'. e pe ey he latter, 0 el featu e enter the Parl, ell � ui tephenson, tile celebrated ell duct- in reltion to those$ e ineer. power given to any elector to secure by r1lors. dil have been crying f6r they a,17e.-not a.bit t b 1 -di I �Lgs an I d per- their representatives in pledging the blie buildin vents nd hi:i3peech of the more hppyi but " rather "the' iniWlig sign his . n —The gs ii: r hm. G'Iasgow previous 4me on the velling. He a,-gu,ia(J tl�at in the face of petition an investigation ij)4- the -acts reverse. Colin were clo 0 y mammoth undertakin4s and ed s and draped, all flags a and conduct f a defeatedu e Ceremony. The While the ain of the. in_ -mei ibership roll f Hou e, nd up een candi th grocers co � D1 on lie belief in an airinesty having b entei -prises, - all of v rhich require the ex- half-mast, in recognition of the funeral I The bill also provides for exminations Bishop is blie of i t erease ill. the tari� Oil sugar, beciviiise !this basis' -ail cusation I -of Dr. Livinistone in London, ranted, and the i114111U now piroceeding Vmp"thy- penditure of vais s of nion . So Before a Cominitt before the trial,, in or(ler to save needless the their -trade i tlit will be limij. -with Riel is 'fo'Imillted THE; OLADIANT.—The pp ication. of ee Of The Houte, either costs and loss of �tinle to t the co _he '"�, t thel1a.' -that now, if the revenue of the amendment to the amendment ties. - ite by w .-; p untrY Orton, the Ticbborne- Claimaut, for it ed., nd the rdfiners rejoice, as their prof- I The cau�atioit i so ridicallo is as to be ropoeed as., The A efeat a icanfdate, Pal, pacy is0nmnni owd. lish sufficient funds to prose- new t -by Mr. Mou�sseau 'should be seat, Ma_V -be examined asa witil of hands I I e if he claims the rial, �as been denied. itis will be I a1m)st unworthy] ss Sir arcrely inerea �ed, the farmers of notice. It is -not to GIRANTT( Gr-NERA-L WOLSE1EY carried.or if not thai reseflution then L --- . Cute these landerta ings, they inu 5t not .—The John A. Macdonald be au -cised -tlia,t any the amendment of r with s t Aeliv:�v rentlas. they are not to me4ber of the M, Holton, oine sligh will be indiffe .13P HOlise,of (OmTnoli8 has votedagrnt of Teservations,* expressed. his complin if in ad(I tiol levy is made ;E25, 000 to ;i Garnet r Wolsele r. Bechard, in a very animated and telling aPproval, of Pastoral ath.- teremoniE s--forta a v any perceptible degree' -�ffected. But, Gov . ernment is required t� personally to increase the illoc me. The defnien- the bill speech, delivered in Freno Mr. Bl4ke urged tbt it waula 1 let the duty on agrie-hl arr&t-Rid. There tire no, an b a,,,e cy Locx OuT.—A look-aut'of 15,000 h, supported be desirable to extend tbe'right of appea' one,- splienaid. and i tu ral implemnts, Mr. Holton's amendment.-M.r been for months nio-illits to, about 3, WO, 000. T raise miners 18 tb reatened in Cornwin. Jette', in m&,tere of fact to the ful1 are !�ej 7ru:,; i),. for instance, be raised the manufacturer two warr tits out for this uld vote for MMr. Holton's amend wo Court, as e Fin anee M 1 tistar proposesi to ill ment. enjoyed by Quebe, to all the Province& oi -the Ch�irch forl will, of Course, be plea his arrest 8o�me q ost expert CARLIST&—The Carlists in the nort] Ili a temperate and lawyer -like speech ] sec I' the groce�r wi f. the n e approved hiobly:of the otl mend- croa$ the taxation (n spiri ous h4uors, of -Spain he expressed his opinio� that, the Britis ler, the 'be incliff6re n vernment , I deeteotivg in th have organized a Go t, but id f armer, who wil country h ,we We i Oil teas, �ugars, inents �'adoptec[ in this tobacc os,' j C with a ref, flar cabinet, in- -vO el -'s inei,tsure. The oron. Bish!qp V have-topaya In the aert. for hinih and is y ave failed 9hip matlarials, aich Gen. pre edents cited did ll�bt justify Ri o pri,,e for his imple- bill was then Mail a second time. and Biihop velvets, silks and a few Other Mi Adniiial Ven- expulsion, He regaded his offence as a i te(l, that WWt to apprehend But, noillwithstand. I ments, will be indi lit. Protection is al hin� s4h ar-- 3�1'0 is MJ ster of War; political one, and ad ed that a, THt ELECTIO_V BILL. I alet Mirlis..r of Fqreign Affairs, and atio.n. ng these facts,1' the Gov;, ticle'. As'an increse ,has.to be I[Dade? should be deferred -pen ing the report of Xr. Dorion in a s eeeh of som e-eng-t h, After the ce!rernoxl� verywell in theory, dr tol�rge Cal rnment re Senor Pinali Minister of F inance and Ili- I - as a politi p 'it cannot be denied bti the Committei- nowi pleted t P . -rea --ry, but whe, it is pu ini o practic blried because Vie . (10 no secure his t tht these' with terior. M din of the Elec- Blisbop e, those r. Ouimet "nicived the second perhaps one exception, supported the a Preacll:ed the ermon, who are inj are the Irticles 81EGE OF BIL13-ko.—T e vigorous li endm6nt to the amend- I tions bill, He dwelt lnre particularly iarreot. The whole thing i trumped can- u riously affeet -,dbyit-%viU soon 11 -'Of wbi�ch the -seniees, i which should pay additional t; y the national troops oil the ment, -lad had not coniluded his speech upon the clauses ref errjupr. to thoa-bolition �Iibute. -Cry out gainst it, r �1`08e, ana the clergy n o ana btear how stro 11g. land ht when the hour of recess ilarrived. He re- 1h ped upon wliblly &lid Crlist Positions before of pablienominatious. ilbao begins -to solely to The shipbaildin ut ��rest is one of much tell. e ballot clauses, I 8 011 Cathlic ly the preju . g i timed after y my have 'urged, as is now th e dice the people against tl - Several - points recess, nd when he coil- the abolition of th. ie Govern- bombard ad by the G property- qualifica- importance, nd is it yieldi la"gialy to Republic4lis have been evacuated by chided was foil �y Air. Laurier tion, and thia adoption of the several pro- ne. Besides tile ase -with the wholesale ment, and not because the -1 ent I �Owe ocers. Sever yoverilm the rl� our prosperity, it � is not advi . who spoke in I ng ish I with little less" vincial franchises, -aT,,,e Uumbo al of' the 11 satile to "Insurgents. 1 It is reported. tha., the Provii�eets'.of Ontxrl aadii.ig' pro ection.1stg—DIen are, in ny way'deservincr of cenure the is"- fluelicy than he bad on J former oca. Dr. Tuppe followe in A food �f the Carlists is x alisted, and. from the Unitefl, place, any check u on As* expa�slon. Ply ( Sion d who, at, the 1, ii�ade it a test the matter. But, eveD. supposig tile add to .1 that th Dien ire eating lio ,se fleh. reseed -the 11oaze in his own language. make it appear that the last above- r The other articles mentioned ar' Jux- all( iNjol ;Ly Taorniug question, but who happen'to be -conliect- iGovernment %re'l - in their luty in this I i - 0 Ji- rplied himself to the argument � �a u WFATEi. that mentioned- Provision accoinpalliedby`� : ries lid, although in Mo ed with the wholesale grocery tra, iirespect, which tl) y 'Nlississippi ias taken place, resultinc res-2at at, t de; ae, ey 'axe no such ac- both ri inundai- (11 of roeral u' e by INUNMUr Ui the the had no evidence before them to with --sir ackenze's former pinions. 'Who were D at the present time in Ottawa . endeavor- cusations from; s ch,a ell andpoor', could easily bi,doue I justify the expulsion Of �Riel at 11,e- pres- He found fault with the proposal to ad- qu;rter do not ill previous (&Y left Strl ing to induce $Without. Noiieo'Ltlie-nic',tnl)ecolisi(ler- great do-stru 1 ent nioment; and, t�-erefbre, should opt the Provincial frachiqes, makiDgy a where a"magi'll -the Goverl ent to with- ome N.vith very good grace. The po- t on of propertyin Louisiana adopt the, amendment 'of Mr. Holton. charge, in passsi.ng, Ot a n in, ee, III I ed impos- Pitical leaders of lose.who dol idward Islan(l; re- against the Local Gove Ifair lgisl tio I and Alabmli". The reports frc Lower Mr. Sindair, Prince E I ed as mong the necessaries of iift� and Arkansa a4d draw that port: wil of th(ir Policy so lond, White Riv rhment of OV4 0, er f,i i"e gloomy garded the ing duty.on. refined'* These men are - �y decry the ppre ent G I although many would"probably not like accounts of' the issue before theRouse overi ment, were I to be inundation. Immense h ScOti,%. He opposed the abolition of y proved, an to be,deprived Of them th hers of'stock have b I& vote for- the mo- Public nominatio quite willing to wear the - p@ I , yet, if Rum (I *011 protection shoe wer for thre Y�ars after the mur- eenAxownea, ton. Mr. D( Jas, and also the propos- -Y a ny 8 sire them and must hae them, th(i Md. actual jardin, in French argued al to make sheriffs'dild of eoun- 'until it comniences to - !V can I - estitution prevaih in manY against Mr. Mon Pinch' their own er of Scott wasucimmitted, nd during places. sseau"s, propositi feet, -w-hen they endeavol: to throw it off afford to pay someth[n Captin Porter Ion and ties returnina -s. holding that the AUCTIOX g more for them, , of ill,,, stearpLer ii -favor of Holton's amen offidet I Alice, repo ment. office should be filled by for �U tl 'is time Ri was it la- --ge, and As it is necessary"to raise n increased rts the -wliole of tie Amite at'll-fila April 26, e a i ter. The river generl- else. So it erson ever heard of ail att einj t t n e i i d in o D. -alid ilapqse it on some o _Valley uud , w. Mr. Holton's seekinfir to whose conduct the Government could be P, d' ay the action af tile H use I t bein,:,* revenue, w n s c k f from twel 0 ' ulitilt'the beld responsible. would be with all classes ould ly has a ba The most ar- d to arrest him SO thaf ve to fifteen Committee now sitting shall have report- Mr. Blake contrate(I the co, feet, but now the wate evell.were -be done in a war which will be less op- r is four feet' e(j, was .1411let of 1. Brine, .7 dent protectionist9vould speedily aban- t the'dqy 45f tile Gove:rn next put and lost by Yeas, 76 - the present Goverlim ent with that of 1pellit to secure over. the ha;nks, and has w pressive to the peoplix, and less in* - ' aslicd way ,he Tli*-1�8day, Jarious the _Apri don his protective, -views' the moment it �he rrost of Pie[, fault sh houses 11aYS, 117. Mr. Mousseau's mendmel late M - f qVld not be implements, &c., nd the in nbringinfi? Oil th'i clee- Ray, r in favor of an amnesty was R t Put and 1 tions as uea N to the interests of trade, than b, the habitants h ' e fled to th- rly as Possible 6imultalleously, affected inj uriously the pa rticular braiich 0 rs und with th'em for not dbin in six , virlieri a1V e higlLer lands 'N I and reviewed tileol p,-sitioll ()f the latter lost -by Yeas non he wha Pter. 27 ; Nay of industry qr bus�ines, in which he mode proposed by the Finance a they ire Dow in a destitute c' s, 164. Mr. berry, t thei predecess iBDwell's naoti4 dition. 0'ell on in favor Oi RiePs ex- to ileftrl V -all the refo night be engaged. M failed to, Jeff. Thomson Chief 8 , i rum they now took fi�ew of thosd who ; ecoluplish in t tate 11, -ar rom Bat6n slon was tboll Put and carried by credit fo`r, I Zbt; lgt niolnent in'- rm lar e ye s. More than'' MR. C-k-MERO'N, INT. P. fo'r' South,� Hu- En&leer, t4egraphs f 4 it acere in col`porattul now clamoring r rouge as, 124 - 'N 'Iel mI'-i the nicasure, Dow in- puidd are are si s, the late enten' 8t1 .1 ays, 68. 4 propri of April, that the Hickey Dr. Schultz thea moved, aid�Mr. troduced, but uot lj,agse(l -anit-Governor of roll, has introduced I is bill tollave th crevss0is 1,200 feetwide, e ni oba, who -asses Mwell seconded, the formal the whole he diti iioj�, re�pl,rd their professious, or �vouia be willing to tni appointed by the i township o nd P on f Tuck Smith attached to seven feet ci� water at a veloci the -ai)olitioa make onal sacrifices! to endure it, 1Tte G 1 Pore roverniment, nd who wo of* eight Louis Riel be expelled. 1 aral miles per la�ur. Two I motZnis h -e-' Of ubhe 110mivation�� with particular dis- rked un- 1' the South Riding of FIuron for ivhich electo -lee RL 8 even should it be be#efi.�ip to the cotm- er their intructions,'shook. -asses are each 150 feet u 0.111 're' eldred carried on the same diviijo 'ut wide, 1) hnds with purposes. This measure has been intro- Lt Will be I favor. It Might happen the liew niethod. S. jobl THE INC ILWAY. I -woul( closed in f days. Advices fron, ya­ 01, prid Prietor 4 tryge-nerally- Thepresett demaudJor �t el, ud, it is dmed with him and duced, we believ 1101 compliance -%�ith a z I encourae,,e shani nonihiations, but .T. P. Bri, saic e, le, I I n I A 00 City T that Greenwood and Bur- ay, the House at its after oon this might be avoided by ring the transferri the ission Passed the bill nominator to deposit a Ing sum of [n y 0 e R No"— APRIL 24, 1874. 1i RON, EXPOWTO T E A P!, 24 1 4 to of 0 Intercolonial Railway nuuib�,'a petition- toilla wus On the Y�zoo, ara entirely management e ' o a rigipated, as we its second NEW ADVEW SEMEN 'tempt to TS. it'has origi hilve -alread� in- still made no at arrest him. rqurei to the Govrfinient tbrough oacy, t beforfvite� lission' On nPuriug the rs f in t�E township. If, as has al-- submerged and deserteO. ing, an failed to Pon licated, t r� politiQ dised Tlloumr, iN ARKANS41H.—A prodigious read d through Coliftnittee, test the i I ated a b a. - I cam —8. 8 tark, Riell's expulsion fro eady been 7 1 ill i to be iutr, &kiixg place ill 4rkan8as over the Mackenzie -briefly explaineA, ard irj� il I Boots: and Shoes � in the Is Lad not be alme it wouldl e beneficial for motion for I I row is tf A. Macdonald exp ed his onneurrance 31r. I)orion on the g� Lumber—folin Thompson. b r of tile Gov-' Zed this e sion.for the )ur oe of re- (Alovernorhip, of- that State. Baxter was e couutr3 r. Ili Cani4daj tit -the present House, the leadiug� m6m, e . is p To Cheese Makers -1), McGregor. e ad con'stitil- I elected 4 year and'a half ago as Goveirli.- In the provisions -of the 'bill. the Measure at, as well his the leading *eform- constructill Y gerrymand - $25 Reward—Hi�aio Hannah. zime, there is no'brah-c-11 :,of industry or erninei XERCjA-VrILL7 AGV 8. f rsnchi�s Brhoks, lai� opponent, claimed t1ria incial a ficatio, ders---�Henry Wallace. era ill the 'House,! spoke in favor I of and 4�acies, we h)uld certainly sity.it wotild u led Mr, Doniville moved for a Cominit r(Merty q ali To Buil nanuh I.e. languishing J oil account of his e ection was f ra dul ent, and appe, tee Notice—M. R. Cou-iiter. pr forab.e to that itrwhiced'by the bill., but did ol GVer-CODIDE titiciii. and there is no.neces- voted for the m4ion. What s the lie e -to the Courts. The Courts decided in to, enquire into the system of mer-cautile AVanted—K Hicksciii & Co. xter will not submit agencies. Mr. M Ift e :in this )respect, Sawyer ity for dditional protec: ion, except. in course of the le rs of the Opposition? -01ameron. I is not the �outh Riding Brooks' favor. B, ckre zi had no objec- W. N. Watson. f tile ballo During -the .01 tion foan eng uiry into the warkiug of the entim discu,,sion Sir John �ifHurona' iewhichhastocomplainof to the decision,: claiming it to U illegal Nichol's Anna-tto-----:E Hickson & Co. so' -far as ev ue is con(erned. If w n,(,,Iisb-- H Brooks but there jaut be somt, leading Z:1 at the head of n rmed force, system, U'g c Ler Te�l le State mercantile repremitative8 oil tl cDlil. some 0 Tea and Coffee—' J. C. Laidlw'. cd lips, ar. A the existing division. T � $ )irit, hd, ,additiont%l protection, we would Macdonald sa,t wi;h seal when. he �outh Riding drove Baxter from tl' S House.. Gref%t Exhibition—Duncaft & Duncan. i V stanch, is bad enough, but as called out the State mittee. He buggested orf sj.- I iare inionopol , %lid instead the vote on the all Leiidment to the, amend as it Doi Baxter li taln nailies, Wood for Sae—A. J. eIntosh. nwents in 0(Ar- Se e s g Be -chive St,.rr ng & Fairley. of the increased profits & nk to the pro- nient, declaxing iii favor of 4milesty to the oth�r rilings are equally inconve veral collisions bavel taken placebe- and k1r. Do.mville accepted tb u 84 . 1�. r u -b , on & Co. ducer, the niza,nufacturer� alone would Riel was bodt being t kon, he left his nieut Mild Unillapel) Duch tween the parties in th - streets of Little tion. Mr. Young deprec,ate(l discu.s8loll Hardware Do ib � a . It m ould'be 1 a ti f .1 en at thii'stage, but thoutlit �',lr. Doiyile i Rook, the capital, n�l� there has be' e balot� and sbo Wagon& for Sale": -A. 1 M cIntosh. e I'll lstea ing seat, nd (lid not vote a,all.- In �View of bett( intr6duce and cai r through a f the bjvcdonhati have th I)( 'e it. Ii of there be y sonio bloodshed. Th4 United ttes - went iocii far in claiiiiiit. CouncilMeetig—Wir. McConnell. 0 to 'rePrfsePt the I tition" these facts, it, certainly ill becomes the . ice for t eneral recon- mman. Njr, Young C013grait, too mirch C in )e even yet, authorities refuse to U�ke active inter- feelin of the whblt mercantileco ' Morris Co -art of Revial 11. gs on thexcellent, c- organs of th it ti c6listituenciUs �n all Counties ference in the ittter. ity: Mr. Walker showed tile value of inent ICard of C. Mover.— too little ill in brn .0 e Op osition to"acouse the lie 1 ell,, f mnuf P T RA Iowa, and & VENF 311. the agencies, and referred to the fut brought f 'overnment4 and their suppo ture. Instew of r ing the tariff, it rt��-s with 6it�iated to Huron. If Mr. I - I - steamship that the leadinr banks w c( the book o rb aps its best f AB-A-Nj)aN,Fi). e I I s as PC OUlJ,, in 1.90 e installed$, t I east, be indecisioa, nd iVitli being taint d with Cameron woilld introduce 1% measure of practical -obser'Ll. Allie'riqe foundered (1-uring a- violent the agencies as it proof of tile c some. it A t. X, 11 0,5 *1 0 T to file working Clase, lowered. 11 themAnufc ture- of print- fav6ritism towar.�Is Riel. They'have tbis kind, would - meet with the ILP- tempiest on the 14th linst. She' was encereposedin tbeirreports. instanc(i, ti) 10-C 0 wrong sub- and. -would coin- abandoned when on the�point of sinking. -oil, on behalf of the retail trad hoped in evidently taken I 1.1 f the provl the people, d e of the i lug paper, for re is almost scratilly Nvitho An I talian sh' hich �iaved the larerest country, could speak to the geat �Care ject Out of whiLh to Diake political lf to tlie� flood. sense of t e 11) inonop'013". JEWerymanufa, tory is Nvo 7 h secrecy Of tb vD4t:`e- SEAFORTH, MIDA: V, April 24, 1874. itte number of those on 4oard arrived t and reliability of � the agencies, apaaild the ess the rever- to it Ifouse. e t the session the 01pen U 1.10 its utmost capacity, aud not unfre-, y Brest, -oil the lall, ringing 40. Mitchell desired to see as fair a Commit the! it up, tbh better, will it 1 be for iWi not be I owed to without this �w. - A N or- tee as, possible. Avjr. Wbite, Prepared to dmit Protect -Lon Put i: ato Practice.' qiiently it is D ext to impalsible to (Yet an sengers, and 148 of thel or( Renh -7 nst it sons arg The incolisisten arder filled in any reasonat le time. The. themselves and tl�e credit! of the-ij party. l'Ileing d e. thing can be gained by wegian vessel which is�ved .10 more of thought all enquiry was necesaarry. a d. in'siliciarity 0 To -�-ug CY %vill ot the pssengers has alsol arrri'ved at the Dymond arged that Mr. Wilk", the. leaders. (1cly. 17he first referred to some of those who hae receiltly.been a -me may e E aid with re ard to the cot- discussed in Uonil! ng is� vess the mem br for Centre Toroii to, be add t ter if ctorics.. -Y 11114 the sooner same place.' An E Ii el with to clamoring so loudly for protection, is now t On manuf the promoters dy the grievance,, remainder of the p'assengers and crew is the Committee. -he inti.inate, acquai. t. tthe.; rami. The Huron d Quetice 1 �Rail- favor of - s. c ffectuq1 mesure is evised for its expected, unless sho, 4as gone to some being pretty plainy All hii. c F th se t.Nv-o brnches a -b among the ance of that gentleman with all th 0 . 4 some ay. --revious spe; remedy the biette'r for all c( n.emed. point on the English c1oast. The Pas- tications oi trade i. Upper Canada, ina(le les,, selfish, but thaj- loudest crying for protedion, If they i J - y is, more or Blake o wd his� This, scheme is A pi-eselit ttmAing sengers unite in Praise df the conuct of him a most desirable mmber of the past-fev are 111ONY, unc u t South portion -which has, wit hill the 61)1:- to do the li siness which Bruce to his QJ Capt. Rousseau of the Amerique, who� Comillittee if the object wa-!Z arrive at, -o. if - coi-isiderable shar� of -public ttenticiii I red their' THE ExE seems, needlessly h-aying subscribed - t months, b wo m e sath lous advocates ii; off !��hit C01.11 Ird - expect they say, was cool and, b. -ave throughout, it, so-lind judgment with reference to mr- I IT R and Globe nd its merits are;beiiig freely cnvassed of protectiol" �1' alers in' -ere prevented e�cercised tl�,t the Expos notwitlistandina a fea-rf� I sea. cantile agencies,. Besidesp it'Was only fund. He ap cii lay Claim. to ail linusu.: thou,1 in 11111 fferently v-1 w the evideace- produced I —The rescuers of D'Ainerive have fair that the merchants of Toronto h d by the people of our owh County. If it di little M, &lly large share of tluE common faililiff ely fro orting,thid were com 8 oul in ced the necess - !aotion to re- have one of their members on such ail en-, sup;. Rla6l c in his pairphlet in BLIP com ell is practicable, and if the country is yet Bishi He, W�1011 ellet Id like to see' Tile f act of the leade �. of the prese to .�iependl upon 1 em. for The natiles, of Mr. Wilices, ill 11111 cover $500,000 salvage. The law' of- quiry. Go verrim. eliA beili sufficiently advllced to, suppor# it, if porb.of li�s ffirmation that'::. ,in in principle a frec. p lies ? As i is in th ese tw brancheg,. so,- t Jklej lesty fieers�have taken charge of the steamer Mr. Gordoji nd Billistcr of I 0 1 - hOntario Vx4verw e aveo' oubt,-A is W1 carried to comple oil it is certai ly do- hid beeii'promise(l d his fellow t the result of th( proceedin,gs. British Colwlnbia, were then added oppon I - 13338 If a ins aa doig servino, of favorb e consideration ugen trader, rev- aled to- his politica well i lmos t every to ents the idea, of molunti ng the pro� other. S'So at, instead o, being a bene- ani the motion i)assed. er Ja u as thap prbpooed were, coil- say, for Is. 11a expl.iiiatioi we wolild talked �of brib spen tecion horse, and, thul fit,' ail additional pi lie:iiiformation of :our conteni- THE OUTE. i gaining friends otecti# tariff would 0 t We notice that some p rsou is furni -wuld amon.ga certain dlas&, which would be siti,-�e drhw-b�ck to tructed. and properly worked. it �would orary, t iat we write and tilik. for our- sh- Mr.. Hortoir, Centre Huron, moved for have a speech 111,11d. inj-ury and senti. iing the readers of a Wlriv ni papet with a return of the immiglants carrieCL 'Ovej peGuniArily-beriefitted W a high '�protec- undoubtedly, e of very great beitiefit to selves, -and that our. view�' for Soll-th Bruce f e ttawa corres- Dawson Ro er favorof abolishing V 0 the ute, and oth details e- the countr . Weare somewhat inclined ments on public questions re'llot inould. pabalkin in the shape of tive tariff. This cl"s gin, on the y pon(Uuce. which, fo� nonsensiciLl Tating to that service. Mr. INTackelizie tions, -of coinpulory, The EtpulsiCin- ��f Riel. toAlte opinion that Ontario has i�ovr as ed by thE utterances of fhe Globe, or any twaddle an(I-downright deliberate lyin I g, other hand, saw an opt) rtainity of bringm allad-d to the ellornios xpense his suffrage. L, . ter.), IThe motiol"I'of A -for the ex- many railways as she is able- to lustaill. other pa If our contem 'or.Ary woifld snrp. Dg we h1, int work. had entaiRd on the country T I fr. Bow isses anythi ve seen in py he h�g a heavy pressre* to bear on. the Gov- gro This road, ho-%�rever, - differs somewhat pl ree, we fe I'collvillce(i for sonie time. If our cc uternparary ha is Charge for the Dawson oad'as Would not press tve 1P* p alsion of LouJ is Riel, men�ber'foi Prov- er ament to induce tile to impose rsue coil M -I the adlap. the public nominatiom ny regr for its own ieputation or re- c IZD from 'from the 11laJOritY,if iriginally estiated, el 'toba not all, of those thi, apn§e wolild not perinit a a tariff as would sebuxe to it a monopoly encher, he House of .,it hi:"lood 1. $260,000. spect for the intulligiaace, of its patros, , tation of the water route, was prove -of the abolitiol Commons, ,Vas.' carried �)n Thu-nday which- have beei projected since the him to gi publicity to th nontell 51.294, alii si6al it will'speedily close;its 6olumns aaailist of trade.- Thus7 the y litical. opp.o Thd total sum spent already ivs. ificatima, so lon a Dent q 6ommcei'nt o the pi-esent ailway di4ribes hich sometimes )pe in on of the Government and the ni,%ullf, Im ya in4jority of' 56. r 000, 9f which $800,000 was chnmd -to ed pr N light of. last e h u T Lie di mani. It is, or 'ill be, if built, trunk —An Ottwa c6rres ondent sayg the balance to operat -the ers joined hands, the former- with. the scussio wl h- took place on this capitaI, and Ing a t p The question of rociy m a!d. Besides this, there -were sever�l the debate. MEl otion was th( warmest a line, leading directly to the sea, board, I t— view of gainihg 'incremed political sup- lid most pro- I I I , reel -o the amount -of 1.45,090 still the adjoili t, N' C ilsidered as virtually ke�tled. The im- claims - t limen . vhi( tiacted - of the - session, thus far. An and de�pending for support, n6t so nlu ell NOVS OF THE WEE 11. 0 outstanding. Last yeax the total ex-- THF, NJILITIA POLIC'V OF port, and the lAtter to se6are private, 'pressson, which appeays W Ise well found - amendment *,is oved to t oil local as on thro h traffic, -an( traffic in he N. , peadiure was $387,844,, of which no While the Rousewi L'could*not be ex- G.RE-A!.r BRITAU -in allin motion to ded, that .,our less gain. Such . I Canad n -delegates h.%ve t1le effect that no action be taken -until ;,a 0 was expended in Convey- pected to work* long alill im The brought to it by, other leading roads. THF. BRrnsia BUDGET.—Il the House uccecded in th u object - of their f than $200,00 the Wbol on the iestil ony. or six- hundredpersons ove t1e Committee ow eligaed in investuat- Whether it woul&or would not be ad- mission to 'Washingto prevails here." some five- r militia being tAea u was rotten and coil1lictincy C n Sir tafford Worthoote, foundation of C route. . Recently it cost no less than 0 lasg, of London was 91 0 O; —Mi. David G. Me - e a generalutline, recently appointed by the Ontari� Gov. $679000 to convoy 150 Mato Fort the Government for tli ing the Xorthil-west troubles� report to the visble for Huron to grant -tliel bonus Ch, -Ree the E4 xcliequer isubmitted interests intis, sooner, or later, bring the V - - I i a I Budget, the I Me d asked from it, del*nds a areat 4eal on th( nnu. eadi fetu e. An ai n i a Garry. The matter -was n thatell- the force. He structure to rp -t. 'The first stoueshave,' ne dmient to the amen !enlnent to conduct the "Crown b-u,siueq- of hich are s follows Tot rose rev- 1 1 i1c I d, if less i -eady cm- 1111twas,%ioved, whi circlim o 11 � gaged the close atteiit� of the Go militla shoul stances. If the r ad wer6'built at the Welland assizei3. iMr. Glass re. vern­- ell in fact declared enl LC Of the United Kingdom, in the year ah nmenced, t.0 � tumbe, and the ith tba the cri iel is chara as, prpposed, and fliciently. worked, we ended March 31, 1874-, ;677,335 fused the appoijitmi,-ut. in his letter of. ment, and th4ky had advertised for a con- be better- pa;id ania me hollowness of the profesisions of the po- 900, ex- 9 .&T Of innIfti- re a more fficieni refusal, Mr. Glass sayls - When I con� tract to secure the 10 een ow be- e(l is a poilt.cai crime, 'all havenodoubtbutitwould boworth to ceeding Mr. Lowe's.estimates.by;C3,574,- dfene. I It was'. to litical portion of thealiace is n d that an isented to -take the ba ines's at- Goderich; grants at a minimum rate.of expense. . t Huron ill that is- asked from it. But 000 ; the gross expenditure in the I I e purpose of a, Cuningham, N r i -tte, wo d ranted it,did not occur to i e that this - u d Mr. la ql ill pleri-ence. that -the mill, Coming vidn or tl inesty should be gi to all those same yeal was ;CNA56 000 CO vice hacl been saved, we shotld never favor the granting -of Th$ 'ja- he construed as a polit Cal favor, because . be able, at the proper time to -show there W)o took p in the rebellion, Riel in- Supplying a "in the revenite, cludes th suiu pai'd fcr Whe Greneva ti; -nd-s -etion with ot ally L bonus, —to this -or any other road, of what had so lately' transpired at Ot. had been gross fr& in. Count, the spirit alia * -V i elided. The�vbterec,orde4l` was not, in award, bti t does not include the e: x - the Governm ent. have Uen co mipelled to �tawa, considering that the two Govern- Tiie motion was then -men, rather than by. this matter. 1he tariff on -centain articles arLd: a'. y sense a unless the debent es for the amount be pollees of the Ashantee war. The exce;ss increue party vote. The motion tuents are so entirely is#nict from ea agreed to, The first esseDtial. allowed to remain in the custody, of tle of expenditure over estimate -v was supported ind among the iini-b OP by members Or SALT. pose(.� Va"' 156 ',other. I find, however,', that my op- IXSF9CTI0'- their:chief, and it or 1. refined sugar. 000. . The total revenue for the cu ' I rrent nicipality until the roa( is construct-- finalle. nou -L Huron, moved -to place the whole'for� lug a sp Mr. Ca eron, But,.no sooner d Of both parties. A 1 i e majority of -the r, e n d i ng '.N,f a o the Government carry arg 3r roll 31, p ed and fin working ordor to within at literpretation. -upon t as they b, ve rol of a -1 a, o Alenel pres mtatives stippor l for a Oommittee of the Whole, for Wed- fi out this first protective step thn� a Oi Ltario, re ted the estimated at f,77,995,000, and the tot, rsu i one throughout in reg -tr -A-riny, as eilditill it -C72,503,000, leavmiig a inxp on. The' action,of the it Ottawa. While th4nking dicated. Then it Wa holisheard ihose political pro- otioi for e '111 -ii least, a Ifew miles of the municipality. exp (1'to mv conduct nesday, on a resolution dect ')g it ste I srplus of :e5,492,000. Thes, you for the ex pedient to provide for- the in sp.ectin of ilitary Col tectionist�. They sdd-mly lose all love' H)use, under t It,%irm-reported �Oine time, ago that a estimates tabli�b NNU e. circums6nces will be tind . onsideration -I ADust ask that you salt manufactured in Cnada the ap- are virtually based oil Afh-. 3-ladsto e I ISpecial meeting of, the County C'ouncil -mill provide some ciiherill person to perform I pointmen Point Plan, If not so s by a very large m. 'Ority of the in-'-pectors—Carried for the ma, wafacturer, bE cai§e in protect- 1 ell or 6'(1 t of salt r the p ose (f con- he duties of Crown Counsel at 9t. Cath- I establishment, for the' was to be call.'ect fo urp G OF T.Uk SURPLU Iig'him the -1tets O: some of them- peope Of thel �ountry. -'I,. whether THE por of �offlcers, These ycii sidering the pr6pr ety of subnii�tiiig -a ford North cote proposes to di,� pose of the I Relves are: to be sli tl y'6f the 6rMe charged to him or —The- seconder Of Holtows am Mr. Scatcherd moved for all Orders eive an ikh y taped. This (yi; t in CO by-law, granting bonus, to tb� rate- sarphis - b3l reducin It the incol: le tax . one. ncil, &c., to the enugra tariff oil i, not, o anamnesty or r wheth branches & t4e pubho refild suga'r -will, to a -ver- er. entitled to 1111y ill tl Le poun ent in the 11'el case i rais Elou. Malcol in tion of Mennonites fro.- yl pe d,abolishing the duties 'I in South Russia to -inies: payers-. 11"hether Or not this is Ontario, � lot Mr. fameron, no is, at the resent tilne, ail outlaw. utilize thein in 4. na -fr. Mackenzie had no doubt were 11"I considerable extent, limA the importation on sugar f -om the ist of creating 'outli Hirro'n, a§ stated the first re- Ca' da. -Ai "O e 1�e.done we are not in a position ad(itioival� fr-, rininable ani lanA and b of the arti � e, ild.. will lwa great meas- and a fug tiV1 roli-I ustice. This is * iulf to -the that this class -of emi,,gyants -would, from sion of the Govermy -cl 0 sa' fes. )orts. Mr. O'DonohielT d ing ie nation- V, - U )e donie To allow The scheme, howe . v �,r is well wotJ1iy.cXie oroilto, an theirhabits of iXdus;try and -steadiness, -Montreal or eariles on erat ounci %ii( a person, under suc I ion of the 0 000, 000 ill tell y mrs con- �embiors from this Province who voted lers at' the viriare th, e only be mostvaluable. N1r, Young said these this -institution. 111 -hi re place the. -wholesale do, a(t,wilich caD'n tl nt of �C450,000, redue r. Cameron, Ontario I mercy of the local ingnufacturefs. Tile. h.-cirCILDIStallCeS,, to. tributin 1,000,000 to gl� the re ief of local peo le were models of thrift, an -d indus. p p Ocd�apy a -set in if for its considertion a specil ineeting t,xatiol for Mr. Holton's aimend'ine t and gainst ed. -was waruly ap � roi manufacture or refilling of sugar is Parliament would be , 1. - 0 i id abolishing bon e licenses. try, and lie believed bout the best class I inembers who -bake :2. or ex.z Ision. i utra-g� upon Re measures, it is estimated will I that could be brought into cou brllea 9f industry, -%vi ic 11 is As yet in its. and justice. if is necessary, one should certainly be The, Air. Bowell's motionf 2= a ilry. .1 the m- ilitary affairs of 1 called. absorb ;fC,5, 30,000 of the surp. us, leav-111, Mr. Cu-nninallam Riel d6ire to Occupy se, n111GY-in. this country, but which, if c- at iii Par- 9 would like to be as- 'Mr 7AMEN a residue of - DOMINION ' sured. of tbec'fact that th-jese C462,000. the Oban- PA T -soon be: liament, let him comply with th ;ome in impor- e re- Collor of tbeExchequer had Veloped, would The Ne Tariff. Concluded were real Gonsbicra ion Of i ly eomincr to nitGba,' nd tholi-0 A tantinterest. Yetnot itl t di this qu renleuts of �he law. He is his speecb, Mr. Lowe ros RIEL EXPitb-' ub. vr A is an, lug now a It is, n6 doubt, e ail(- exl)ressed feared that if they did th-e- would ulti� Our last week's Pa I The �ng t as unpleasanti for a h "i - I is cordial amentary s nbp. fact, wd now find -ni fuLitive from justice. Le approval of the I udget and y in osi afl� of the lai ar w th tedy go to. the States, -wbither so many Rev.., Peter F raDcis him deliver Government as it iiI 1111popul, the itgrecolnniendations.� Therewlittionfor is brought proceediD rsday, had a) read�'gone. Tlie niotion Nv,as oar. o Thu Mouthed protectionsts; as well as the himself lip to ille uthorit� Cis, and, if a Priqst f IStratford, -tar, people, to be coin led, to -increase taxa'- the abolitio"f the sugar duti 6tb inst.- It.will be e* p as) as pro- membered tb at ried. political protectionist journals, denoulic- J ur y f 'his hill, in- r. Bowell had IHAIllilton, ren se( in e budget, was immediately Mo- NTROVEkTE D E IItiono Tax, il maybe keduced to the PO col noGen moved and passed. ion for the ex 11 10 ouis ir t, then'lle is free to become a mem., very lowest figure, %nd no Rio], Kr.. Fournier introduced' the bill the policyi which, ;tdcording to the' 0 adverse criti- ember for Pr, that auumend. Stratford 0 n 8) un thIs elltel-I)rise bei .of the 1-16n io theory, ohould­builLt u -of Comi ons. Until FUN -EP -A Olt L1V1-1q-GSTONF,-- The funei nleudb th Coutoverted Elections 114aft, oderich in: .9 cisin be'elicited or- fault found, but the - al of oved by M.. Holton to the hient, was ni trai and eurich thwco ry. It is true that such.time as this is done, tha House uan- mome Dr. Livingstone, on. Saturday, in act of .18 3. He expline(I -be prilici. passed befe aboat 8 e� -was a ended by pl charges tobe as foli-ows creaed there is a genei al Westminst.-r Abbey, 'ffc- not with due propriet3; ut it is in ct that as a Commi, tee had been at ire into the cause there is but oue, a t most two., sugar 1 -wi a re- oute y. -eady appointedto en cojaeyilT to ess the It seems that the Dom�inion, an immense tlu,'o%,, ine uding a full r ';reating a special i�oui t with inc- 5 I refieies in the c urity, subl&t; toli's coil eP� (if the- commotions the Northwest s, Wi8b,ed to witu lit , so tilat tile iin- I to its awn resentation, from which had a lo rs of th:�; overnment have been coinpelled� e Royal Geographical t*'n of the -Lieutenant Goveilio t the peo f a high ari' nection with it. 0 ociety. e Queen and Prim ot yet r-pappi ted, further con- position 0 ff oil that atiel e of Wales several Prov'nces- te to e be areil . th e tariff 01 certain artides, in sent Eideration Of Mr. I�iel' case,be postpon- and viciu$y availed 1.1, to . I their arriarres as marks of respeot )-emitted for triAl by the oi- iaryt-ri- b is,-disgustitig to observil the efforts J �Opp&rtuuit� thus nffb� ed and th en great �eiit, Create a mono- order to raise the iecessary revejtiue to for the (lee asedo at an a Onion to the b. in other c.tses o-civi1jurisdie- ,ent - th, linii-factur But, acco put-fortli by. the poly of. 1. rding to osition to The Baroness Burdett amendment was moved by �klr. M eccas PI) ineet the expendi 3ure. This hhs, of COUttS Se: t some beautiful flo oisseau. tion. �c ifor ofte t ma;keolitoal y ces commItte arguments of our. protec, D 86 the, Gov coll. The wer8- for an aninest Pietitions will 'be tried by on plaice in ' Jiiseph's 1 tio ist 1,pi a re.was special funeral se ice early the Northwest.' p course, caused siderable cor�nieut, rvi udge, subject to the of ap. eal on Cathoh, Church in i pity in the day anothAr wa 'hursday the de- questions of law. to the full Court. In. I- of Toronto and which s hel,il by Dean "he Govern- and ot a'lifttle gruidblin It is;a I'Ate was resumed by qr. M friends, the interest should spread, and "nalent ill thi affair. On 9 Stanley on undy. on, who the. home C cci ty the eic, in ac 1: inei it are ise(t of laxi cordance with the prevai the ompetifi( 46come so strong matter that equire it to bo. done-. —Dr grav Ces con- astftte of the x u reumstan at circumst eviewed:the several Queb of tri 'Rie noes i Lxingstoliels e is in -the laected with tro iug law in other matters, appeal will be as to prevent a I. Ily mi -ger of illon9poly. to justice- It is said Bat Gov- ceiltr libleli in the Northwest P,Iwa�scornpl'etely� for this the people, and not the e of t �ie -%vot part. of tie. Dave- Of made on questions 'Withstanding tht long--, Now that they are 6 nd h dl -.,Of fact as well; s of they h%vo got what they 0 for allov ing him t ob' 0 erninent, are to bline. Th -sup )ofted' A bey, near tlial i of George can aw. A n v -rein the bill is the'. e pe ey he latter, 0 el featu e enter the Parl, ell � ui tephenson, tile celebrated ell duct- in reltion to those$ e ineer. power given to any elector to secure by r1lors. dil have been crying f6r they a,17e.-not a.bit t b 1 -di I �Lgs an I d per- their representatives in pledging the blie buildin vents nd hi:i3peech of the more hppyi but " rather "the' iniWlig sign his . n —The gs ii: r hm. G'Iasgow previous 4me on the velling. He a,-gu,ia(J tl�at in the face of petition an investigation ij)4- the -acts reverse. Colin were clo 0 y mammoth undertakin4s and ed s and draped, all flags a and conduct f a defeatedu e Ceremony. The While the ain of the. in_ -mei ibership roll f Hou e, nd up een candi th grocers co � D1 on lie belief in an airinesty having b entei -prises, - all of v rhich require the ex- half-mast, in recognition of the funeral I The bill also provides for exminations Bishop is blie of i t erease ill. the tari� Oil sugar, beciviiise !this basis' -ail cusation I -of Dr. Livinistone in London, ranted, and the i114111U now piroceeding Vmp"thy- penditure of vais s of nion . So Before a Cominitt before the trial,, in or(ler to save needless the their -trade i tlit will be limij. -with Riel is 'fo'Imillted THE; OLADIANT.—The pp ication. of ee Of The Houte, either costs and loss of �tinle to t the co _he '"�, t thel1a.' -that now, if the revenue of the amendment to the amendment ties. - ite by w .-; p untrY Orton, the Ticbborne- Claimaut, for it ed., nd the rdfiners rejoice, as their prof- I The cau�atioit i so ridicallo is as to be ropoeed as., The A efeat a icanfdate, Pal, pacy is0nmnni owd. lish sufficient funds to prose- new t -by Mr. Mou�sseau 'should be seat, Ma_V -be examined asa witil of hands I I e if he claims the rial, �as been denied. itis will be I a1m)st unworthy] ss Sir arcrely inerea �ed, the farmers of notice. It is -not to GIRANTT( Gr-NERA-L WOLSE1EY carried.or if not thai reseflution then L --- . Cute these landerta ings, they inu 5t not .—The John A. Macdonald be au -cised -tlia,t any the amendment of r with s t Aeliv:�v rentlas. they are not to me4ber of the M, Holton, oine sligh will be indiffe .13P HOlise,of (OmTnoli8 has votedagrnt of Teservations,* expressed. his complin if in ad(I tiol levy is made ;E25, 000 to ;i Garnet r Wolsele r. Bechard, in a very animated and telling aPproval, of Pastoral ath.- teremoniE s--forta a v any perceptible degree' -�ffected. But, Gov . ernment is required t� personally to increase the illoc me. The defnien- the bill speech, delivered in Freno Mr. Bl4ke urged tbt it waula 1 let the duty on agrie-hl arr&t-Rid. There tire no, an b a,,,e cy Locx OuT.—A look-aut'of 15,000 h, supported be desirable to extend tbe'right of appea' one,- splienaid. and i tu ral implemnts, Mr. Holton's amendment.-M.r been for months nio-illits to, about 3, WO, 000. T raise miners 18 tb reatened in Cornwin. Jette', in m&,tere of fact to the ful1 are !�ej 7ru:,; i),. for instance, be raised the manufacturer two warr tits out for this uld vote for MMr. Holton's amend wo Court, as e Fin anee M 1 tistar proposesi to ill ment. enjoyed by Quebe, to all the Province& oi -the Ch�irch forl will, of Course, be plea his arrest 8o�me q ost expert CARLIST&—The Carlists in the nort] Ili a temperate and lawyer -like speech ] sec I' the groce�r wi f. the n e approved hiobly:of the otl mend- croa$ the taxation (n spiri ous h4uors, of -Spain he expressed his opinio� that, the Britis ler, the 'be incliff6re n vernment , I deeteotivg in th have organized a Go t, but id f armer, who wil country h ,we We i Oil teas, �ugars, inents �'adoptec[ in this tobacc os,' j C with a ref, flar cabinet, in- -vO el -'s inei,tsure. The oron. Bish!qp V have-topaya In the aert. for hinih and is y ave failed 9hip matlarials, aich Gen. pre edents cited did ll�bt justify Ri o pri,,e for his imple- bill was then Mail a second time. and Biihop velvets, silks and a few Other Mi Adniiial Ven- expulsion, He regaded his offence as a i te(l, that WWt to apprehend But, noillwithstand. I ments, will be indi lit. Protection is al hin� s4h ar-- 3�1'0 is MJ ster of War; political one, and ad ed that a, THt ELECTIO_V BILL. I alet Mirlis..r of Fqreign Affairs, and atio.n. ng these facts,1' the Gov;, ticle'. As'an increse ,has.to be I[Dade? should be deferred -pen ing the report of Xr. Dorion in a s eeeh of som e-eng-t h, After the ce!rernoxl� verywell in theory, dr tol�rge Cal rnment re Senor Pinali Minister of F inance and Ili- I - as a politi p 'it cannot be denied bti the Committei- nowi pleted t P . -rea --ry, but whe, it is pu ini o practic blried because Vie . (10 no secure his t tht these' with terior. M din of the Elec- Blisbop e, those r. Ouimet "nicived the second perhaps one exception, supported the a Preacll:ed the ermon, who are inj are the Irticles 81EGE OF BIL13-ko.—T e vigorous li endm6nt to the amend- I tions bill, He dwelt lnre particularly iarreot. The whole thing i trumped can- u riously affeet -,dbyit-%viU soon 11 -'Of wbi�ch the -seniees, i which should pay additional t; y the national troops oil the ment, -lad had not coniluded his speech upon the clauses ref errjupr. to thoa-bolition �Iibute. -Cry out gainst it, r �1`08e, ana the clergy n o ana btear how stro 11g. land ht when the hour of recess ilarrived. He re- 1h ped upon wliblly &lid Crlist Positions before of pablienominatious. ilbao begins -to solely to The shipbaildin ut ��rest is one of much tell. e ballot clauses, I 8 011 Cathlic ly the preju . g i timed after y my have 'urged, as is now th e dice the people against tl - Several - points recess, nd when he coil- the abolition of th. ie Govern- bombard ad by the G property- qualifica- importance, nd is it yieldi la"gialy to Republic4lis have been evacuated by chided was foil �y Air. Laurier tion, and thia adoption of the several pro- ne. Besides tile ase -with the wholesale ment, and not because the -1 ent I �Owe ocers. Sever yoverilm the rl� our prosperity, it � is not advi . who spoke in I ng ish I with little less" vincial franchises, -aT,,,e Uumbo al of' the 11 satile to "Insurgents. 1 It is reported. tha., the Provii�eets'.of Ontxrl aadii.ig' pro ection.1stg—DIen are, in ny way'deservincr of cenure the is"- fluelicy than he bad on J former oca. Dr. Tuppe followe in A food �f the Carlists is x alisted, and. from the Unitefl, place, any check u on As* expa�slon. Ply ( Sion d who, at, the 1, ii�ade it a test the matter. But, eveD. supposig tile add to .1 that th Dien ire eating lio ,se fleh. reseed -the 11oaze in his own language. make it appear that the last above- r The other articles mentioned ar' Jux- all( iNjol ;Ly Taorniug question, but who happen'to be -conliect- iGovernment %re'l - in their luty in this I i - 0 Ji- rplied himself to the argument � �a u WFATEi. that mentioned- Provision accoinpalliedby`� : ries lid, although in Mo ed with the wholesale grocery tra, iirespect, which tl) y 'Nlississippi ias taken place, resultinc res-2at at, t de; ae, ey 'axe no such ac- both ri inundai- (11 of roeral u' e by INUNMUr Ui the the had no evidence before them to with --sir ackenze's former pinions. 'Who were D at the present time in Ottawa . endeavor- cusations from; s ch,a ell andpoor', could easily bi,doue I justify the expulsion Of �Riel at 11,e- pres- He found fault with the proposal to ad- qu;rter do not ill previous (&Y left Strl ing to induce $Without. Noiieo'Ltlie-nic',tnl)ecolisi(ler- great do-stru 1 ent nioment; and, t�-erefbre, should opt the Provincial frachiqes, makiDgy a where a"magi'll -the Goverl ent to with- ome N.vith very good grace. The po- t on of propertyin Louisiana adopt the, amendment 'of Mr. Holton. charge, in passsi.ng, Ot a n in, ee, III I ed impos- Pitical leaders of lose.who dol idward Islan(l; re- against the Local Gove Ifair lgisl tio I and Alabmli". The reports frc Lower Mr. Sindair, Prince E I ed as mong the necessaries of iift� and Arkansa a4d draw that port: wil of th(ir Policy so lond, White Riv rhment of OV4 0, er f,i i"e gloomy garded the ing duty.on. refined'* These men are - �y decry the ppre ent G I although many would"probably not like accounts of' the issue before theRouse overi ment, were I to be inundation. Immense h ScOti,%. He opposed the abolition of y proved, an to be,deprived Of them th hers of'stock have b I& vote for- the mo- Public nominatio quite willing to wear the - p@ I , yet, if Rum (I *011 protection shoe wer for thre Y�ars after the mur- eenAxownea, ton. Mr. D( Jas, and also the propos- -Y a ny 8 sire them and must hae them, th(i Md. actual jardin, in French argued al to make sheriffs'dild of eoun- 'until it comniences to - !V can I - estitution prevaih in manY against Mr. Mon Pinch' their own er of Scott wasucimmitted, nd during places. sseau"s, propositi feet, -w-hen they endeavol: to throw it off afford to pay someth[n Captin Porter Ion and ties returnina -s. holding that the AUCTIOX g more for them, , of ill,,, stearpLer ii -favor of Holton's amen offidet I Alice, repo ment. office should be filled by for �U tl 'is time Ri was it la- --ge, and As it is necessary"to raise n increased rts the -wliole of tie Amite at'll-fila April 26, e a i ter. The river generl- else. So it erson ever heard of ail att einj t t n e i i d in o D. -alid ilapqse it on some o _Valley uud , w. Mr. Holton's seekinfir to whose conduct the Government could be P, d' ay the action af tile H use I t bein,:,* revenue, w n s c k f from twel 0 ' ulitilt'the beld responsible. would be with all classes ould ly has a ba The most ar- d to arrest him SO thaf ve to fifteen Committee now sitting shall have report- Mr. Blake contrate(I the co, feet, but now the wate evell.were -be done in a war which will be less op- r is four feet' e(j, was .1411let of 1. Brine, .7 dent protectionist9vould speedily aban- t the'dqy 45f tile Gove:rn next put and lost by Yeas, 76 - the present Goverlim ent with that of 1pellit to secure over. the ha;nks, and has w pressive to the peoplix, and less in* - ' aslicd way ,he Tli*-1�8day, Jarious the _Apri don his protective, -views' the moment it �he rrost of Pie[, fault sh houses 11aYS, 117. Mr. Mousseau's mendmel late M - f qVld not be implements, &c., nd the in nbringinfi? Oil th'i clee- Ray, r in favor of an amnesty was R t Put and 1 tions as uea N to the interests of trade, than b, the habitants h ' e fled to th- rly as Possible 6imultalleously, affected inj uriously the pa rticular braiich 0 rs und with th'em for not dbin in six , virlieri a1V e higlLer lands 'N I and reviewed tileol p,-sitioll ()f the latter lost -by Yeas non he wha Pter. 27 ; Nay of industry qr bus�ines, in which he mode proposed by the Finance a they ire Dow in a destitute c' s, 164. Mr. berry, t thei predecess iBDwell's naoti4 dition. 0'ell on in favor Oi RiePs ex- to ileftrl V -all the refo night be engaged. M failed to, Jeff. Thomson Chief 8 , i rum they now took fi�ew of thosd who ; ecoluplish in t tate 11, -ar rom Bat6n slon was tboll Put and carried by credit fo`r, I Zbt; lgt niolnent in'- rm lar e ye s. More than'' MR. C-k-MERO'N, INT. P. fo'r' South,� Hu- En&leer, t4egraphs f 4 it acere in col`porattul now clamoring r rouge as, 124 - 'N 'Iel mI'-i the nicasure, Dow in- puidd are are si s, the late enten' 8t1 .1 ays, 68. 4 propri of April, that the Hickey Dr. Schultz thea moved, aid�Mr. troduced, but uot lj,agse(l -anit-Governor of roll, has introduced I is bill tollave th crevss0is 1,200 feetwide, e ni oba, who -asses Mwell seconded, the formal the whole he diti iioj�, re�pl,rd their professious, or �vouia be willing to tni appointed by the i township o nd P on f Tuck Smith attached to seven feet ci� water at a veloci the -ai)olitioa make onal sacrifices! to endure it, 1Tte G 1 Pore roverniment, nd who wo of* eight Louis Riel be expelled. 1 aral miles per la�ur. Two I motZnis h -e-' Of ubhe 110mivation�� with particular dis- rked un- 1' the South Riding of FIuron for ivhich electo -lee RL 8 even should it be be#efi.�ip to the cotm- er their intructions,'shook. -asses are each 150 feet u 0.111 're' eldred carried on the same diviijo 'ut wide, 1) hnds with purposes. This measure has been intro- Lt Will be I favor. It Might happen the liew niethod. S. jobl THE INC ILWAY. I -woul( closed in f days. Advices fron, ya­ 01, prid Prietor 4 tryge-nerally- Thepresett demaudJor �t el, ud, it is dmed with him and duced, we believ 1101 compliance -%�ith a z I encourae,,e shani nonihiations, but .T. P. Bri, saic e, le, I I n I A 00 City T that Greenwood and Bur- ay, the House at its after oon this might be avoided by ring the transferri the ission Passed the bill nominator to deposit a Ing sum of [n y 0 e R