The Huron Expositor, 1874-04-17, Page 3APRIL 17, 1874: EeleTe Solite:tor, Wiugham, has been ap.. el Agent for the Celonial Securities Coro, eleland, he is also Ageut for several pee_ mists of Torento, who loan Money at bualtie rat '3-; Interest pae!able yearly aoderate. ru,Dee. 218 3 -HEY at IWI.MESTED, Betristera, At ye at Law. $olieitole in Chancery an4 , Noted!. e 1u1'. toad Ctinveyancers. for the, 1Z. Seafort le. Agents for a Iefe 410,000 to letel at te pee et-nt. Farms, al Lots for sal.. 5a g Bareheere a: it Attorneys a, ektlieitoi e in Chancery anti" Inselveney, nee.. N ot at ies11t.e,t. Offices—Sea, Wroaen r. eel.aetet , f Pr; tete Putels to n ice, at keight eer cent. In Nettest, payable t 5.3 -,-... il.., mrivFat. f .._ .541.1.11.:1:, Barris:- . fn. Charle- s rit-h, ot :. 0:tie,i—over J. C. tee's Enteorien, Marie t eze-iltre. 269 ; Pieprier & ..NciDe.ltaid,. -;TERs._1:::.(;110..yg,solivitor: n Chancery, 1:•,:4( ih, ki.o.i.- 0.1.ce—tw .1 11* tn.'s, noitb of eT:.;....., . DANIEL Mt -DONALD, , el oderiett. ttrnssels. ES>14.s.'1.X.,•. • ' t. (t41'onbrook,) for Lit,. Co1.1111:,• 44 Perthel uni;.•,• and i•c•ver :f :ware Store, In DR. KINWS otnee will -be at- dr.y or night - '2.87 :• eleitC0E. M. D., C. M., lereteieittit Sur- etee, Con:mei. for the Cotet y of Ifuron. i 'Ile...hit-nee. earn. r ot Meek1 .t azel High •"; et te tite le:melee :eel - ' 1 • , . fel !TELL ;Greet:ate et etl,.(; ill Univer- '., a• lootreale Coeeear for :lei Comity of tneee—:eeet tit ir to Calt'ele- Brothers' Vorks„ and opeateite MeCallimee Hotel, fret, Settforth. uear the Itailwaie Staten. .Z. r Will ON , lIt.nt ist,Sle.,Seaf,orth, Onterio. Plete -11;ork, la.test Styles, nem ly aacentell. All stet- 'Pie- al ten e eat hate - perfermed -with romptitudek'ees as low ae elm he oh- .t,,where. Office reline from la A. ..N.L. te 5 Lime aver Alr. A. G. 2ticie.etteiliet Store, 270 OAltrIeltEl.L, V. S., Liceurht e and Prize - 4 of (30133(...ii Univereity, Ithaca,N-1,7, t of Ontatto Vett realtry Coll( ee, Toronto, .;.1 perm= utiv in Varna.. wh re.he will be , (eV- and etitliug to attend to 11 kinds a • en all kinds Of :minters tur u excepted), :Ile of weather, Pod lit all lours. Resi- d office two doors east of ook's Tem - 'Jell. 0819 tINARY SURGEON.—D. e eNAUGHT, -. begs to announce to the in altitents of :awl, surrounding country t at he has rtled the diplcnua of the ()atr: rio .Vetaire. ';'e. and is now prepared to treat diseases and Cattle and all domestic ablaut:as. He , '..,t1 an office in, conuection wit*. his horse- 4 hop, where he will be found ready to at - !ails. Diseases of the. feet Spetcially at - a. Resident:es office and ehop in the rear . an ec, Ityttn'e. new store. All kinds of Vet- ' qcdicines kept constantly on hand. Feasanablt, 229 : 11 URCHILL, Veterinary Surtaeon, (mem- '..af the Out:xi-in Vetetinary College,) begs' to that he lute rettireed to th . practice, of esion in Seafortit. end may et all times be 1 on the diseases t.1 Horse , Cattle, &e. LT methemee censtantl.y OU hand. elt _mptly attended to. Unice, ; at afensiore eaforth. 273 tat ite,e ZIA% HARP'S LIVER'S: A.ND SAL1 STABLES. at—At Murnty's Hotel, Sea:forth. Good lid first-class (etuveyances always on band. - - — S LIVERY ST.U.ILES, SEAEORTH, Ont. 1 Horses end Cumfortable Ve 1 ielett, always L Yavorable Arretteemente made with eial Travellers. All oelere le t at Ketiox's will be promptly attended to, e AND Sreatoes :—"I.hird. ;lox North of Ioter, Main Street. ' - THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. HaTEra SEAPORT — Thomas be to state to his old IfuU1ds and travellime public, that he lieji leased the itely oeettpied by Mr. MURRAY, and ; known as the 21101-VNEY HOUSE, and .receive a, continuance of the patronage Ity bestowed, ripen hint durieg his many the hotel busineett. Every et .tort and nee Nem be peerided for tree elicits. The Lientore and Ciente ouly L. iu the Bar. and. rerimble hostler al ways in attendance. THOMAS KNOX, Proprietor. E 0-F WALES HOTEL, Cli`rre Ox uto 0 t McCUTOTIEON, Proprietor. First-class elation for travellers. The Ilar is sup - [i the very best liquere aud cigars. Good !,.ttaclaecl. The stage leave%hie House Wingham. 204-4t STEIt'S ROTEL, SEAR> TH. FO-STER, begto inform his old aullethe traveling public that he has new hetet, adjoining the Poet Office !where he has the very best eccommoda- art and beast. The best of bquore and lte bar. „ THOMAS rosTER. E. LUSBY, D AUCTIONEER for the County of - Sales attended in tell parte, f the Conn- ders /mule persooallY or emit to Seaforth e will be promptly attended. tp. 327 Saninet „Ntrodie, ('. c;CIAL _LAND SI'RVEYOR, Seaforth. dors left at the Mansion Ihet4e with Mx. Fraywili reeeive inameclia,tet attention. ',—Dr . Coleman and 1)r. Kingt 411*52 _ S. L KENNEDY, SIGN and 0RNAMENTAI4PAINTER rainer. Ptiperintinting also elttended to, E as cheap as by any other teootE work- businese. All orders lefe with Mr. Crfor him at the Exeoarron Office will Iy attended to, 279-26 I a. P. BRINE iED AUCTIONEER for tht4 County of n. Sales attended in all pts of the „--,e1i orders left at the Exeostron Office tuiptiv attended to. '!ANCERY SfilfLE 07 STASI) om Urcfri Road. tence of a decree dated the ed day a r, Ite73, made by the Court ot chance -TY rt cause therein pending of (iovenIock tell, and with the 2ppre1ettier4.- of Henry nt, Esquire. Master of the said Court Oa, the valuttbre property known as Les; 11 Stand will be offered for stile by Pub - by J. P. BRINE, Autedoneer, at ee 'JOIST., in the Villegel of en irsday, 16th of April, 1874,, k. al the afrernoen, .0.totirising 1 acre ellee aet eoreer ,;1Let No. ittle in the th ef the Ttren,hip oi Me1O'ill0, having of 2. chitin, asa, 76 iitEkS 4.03:, the. Gray chain6t1 finite in Llepth, Upon. the f.recttAl. a frarlte nittl I", barn and ereeint rented ter James Lcslie and 49° - tie e Tavern. 'I ne propelly will be te thc telltale.: et the present °con- e latreheeer will he reptired at the time ekte ,towit eepoeit pea to Op per COIL = f=hit.,,e 11s iney f,, Veieler or kis Solicit - Pee' the letTettee -vith iutertelt at 7 per oue mouth t -h! awl to sign alt :en of hie purl,hase, and 'even of his Laurie- e ;motel the pare Le' I tetit:i 14, WE' /1(H,1€M. th.e et to the tte,ae -y-ef the taid Leslie, • in all her re eet s the leouditions be 0,14' condithins uf the haricery. earth:eters and corelitiene ol sale may 'e, applieetion CettrigheY I :1114!•=e-Iteen .Meei r, et-11101th. :at March, lee p. mAcT,EmitreT, -."„ta.:--ter at; Goderiela. IEY HOLMES1 ED, •! Veeelor`e Se1icitere. 330- - FOR SALE, thee 'WAI.TON, BLAC4SIIITII'S 1 OOL.S and .DW1lLLM; HousE. For audy to ...TAXES Fri/TON, W.I.,-1tOn P. O. APRIL 17, 1874. fenallammerior GAIETIES. I • Too late for the fair—An ol bachelor. ' —A circuit court—The lo1 gest way home from singing school. —Sweetening one's i coffee i the first stirring event of the day. „ --Defaulters are now more _elegantly called " hypotheearies." 1 ,.._. —When is a seoldin woman most of- : fencive ? When she' as deaf as a ' P°.____stilfallyt(Inri aNiVlasTrt to in ke a buStle in the : world, take tie news i apers and. 'a piece 1 of bape. ! —They put hira in a, show-easa was. t, the remark of a rural lady who recenMy ' attended a city funeral. —A prudent clergyman, unwilling to accuse a citizen of 13ring, said he used the truth with pentoritins frugality. . „. —A New Jersey 'tobacconist, With commendable 'frankness, advertises : I shall continue to keep on hand. imported cigars of my own manufacture. —A bright-eyed Italian boy stopped with his organ before a dairy window, ' and, after playing fora while, turned to- -examine the rotai-y churn which was in operation within. Aly churn is the best, he said, at last. It makebread and butter ; yours only churns butler. , --A Brooklyn lawyer's fonr-year-old daughter is marked as ,a, diplomat in the future women's era. Recently her mother, returning from elm ch, found' her marshaling a long array (4 toy .sol- diers on the; nursery floor. . " Are you playing- with soldiers on Sunda.y, Louise?" said mamma. " Oh, these arC the army of the Lord," was the qui* rOsponse of their curly -headed commanderi. —A gawky saw, for the first time, a school -girl going through sone of her gymnastic exercises for „the , musement of the little ones at home; a ; er ! gazing at her with looks of interest ! and. com- miseration fora while, he asked1 a boy near by if that gal had tit.? " No," re- plied the lad, contemptuously, 'i‘ that's gymnastics." " Oh, 1 'tis, hey ?I', said the verdant; " how ong lias she . had 'em.?" - --"A Connecticut deacon in times was sorely trrbled scientific assertion that the .. stationary body, and. did around the earth. minister, ".didn't Joshua co sun to stand still !" "Ver sponded the dominie, "show the olden about :the un was a rot move e to his mud the well ?" re - e, if you can, the passage of Scripture where it says that Joshua ever commanded the sun to move again." . —A gray hair was espiecl by a lady among the raven lock of a fair. friend of hers, a few- days' ago. "Ole pray pull it out," she exclaimed. " If I pull it out ten will cemet: the funeral," .re- plied the lady who ah de the unwelcome discovery. "Pluck t out," n ever th e - less , " said the dark -la ired 'damsel ; is of rio sort of conse nonce how many come to the fine -raj, provided they all come in black." 1 —Here is the late t chr mo. dodge. A preacher "up conn ry" oft-rs to every person -who shall no miss one of his sermons for a year the gift of "n ele- ga,ut ch roam." I Maybe that Js putting a premium on the habitof sleeping, in church. ; --A Delaware mai cod-liver oil fur four consumption, and h that he never had. ana bonsu ii is the madestman i America, and his and in children haven't said • boo" -n a week-, at On C ; —Peace iS preserve 1 in a 1 eusehold in itical l aged all th has been taking rears o cue the Is just founcl put ption. He light t4ro candles, shut down, nd, . wait quietl ;burned. out. The one consuniec1. first gets up a the ho ise forever, ta the clo hes,that are woliu at the time. Everyt ling else become the property of -the oth r party.— 'Vince zed Land of the White Yephant. Forgetfulness . - the. house, sit ! until they are whose candle is -ionce and leaves rig nothing but i Words. 1 . -it i .Dr. bercrombiereco ds an nstan.ce of a gentlaman. Nvho unif rnaly called his snuff-box a hoo0sheach When reminded , of the error he probab y recognized it, but his tendency was, nevertheless, in this di ection. His physician hypothe- tically traeed the orldity to an early and. long -co tinued association of ideas. The cientlen an had been a tobacco merchant in Vir inia, and had h id his attention well oc aipied with hogs ;cads Of tobacco and bo. -es of snuff. Thi$ may not be a sufficient explanation, but it was the only one that suggested itself, as he made no sunaliar blunder wih other words. _ Certainly a greater di iiiiculty- was pre— sented by the gentler/ an who always called (c)a1s paper and )aper coals, sys- . ternaticlaIly, as it Wou d appear, trans- posing tlie nieaninas of the two words. , Both st bstances, it is t lie, are used in lightin a, fire ; but this 'act does not suf- fice to ,solve the puzzle. , An inability to remen ber the names of things mark al extensi reniem ometimes presei 'ts itself in a re - le lvay. A gent eman engaged in e agricultural ffairs could not er the spoken i1ames of things, but recognized them di ectly when writ- ten. I . e arranged his daily duties ac- cordin ly, with a degrel of success that could, hardly be expected under such cir- cumsta ices. He kept efore him in his busine s room a listofhe words which D were most likely to oc ur in his inter- course with his vvork en. When any one of his men wished to communicate with 1131 on any suba ect, the master Estelle attentively to what was said ; the so nd of the words did not convey to his 3' d. the idea of the things or com- moditi s signified, but it (1.h. suggest to him itten words whieli lo, therefore, prf)cee( ecl to consult ; the sight of the let- ters fo mine- those v,rords a once gave o him th4 necessary clue to t re meaning. The pr cess was noteworthy ; the sound of a w rd, when spoke shape f the word whenwr+n, and this ), s ggestecl the shape uggeeted the idea or mental pic- ture of the thing signified. this appears to have been a, permanent p culiarity of mind, 4r, at least, of long continuance, uneoniiected -with anyparticular malady. In another case, which I came under the notice f Dr. Gree0n1'y, aqady, consequen1 on an ltpoplecticht, losi, her memory of names,I but retained it for tliiugs. Al- though a good housewiie. s e could. only (Erect her servants ancl trades -people by pointi g to the things U0flCeInui1g which she me int to speak._ 411 went on well na rega1rd to the other words of a sen- tence, at, when she came to the _names of thhjigs memory fai ed Ley, and she could. nly convey her leaning by point- ipg.— // the Year 1?ou ut. 4e; a Lord . Palm rston. Lorc Palmerston sw yed the House of Comm ns by his eloquei ce, he attracted it by his presenbe, and ' e,nlight- ened i by his it, and. kept it in a prop r state of mind by his untiring xhaustible good. humor. He was a great statesn an, a great pol- ader, a great ju bcre, .a gheat man - a d manipulator fmankind ; and e e qualities he i sed primarily, 1 Ind to say, for ti e good, of whole and the ;whole House; and sec; , no doubt, to th great advantage 4 political part -which had the inainenIse honor and ad antage of having him foi- theieleader. I cannot express to you tbje admiration. w ich I felt for the mere lintellectual and physibal power which I -have seen Lor 1. Palmerston ex- . art, -alien I have see him rise,' with tnore han eighty year on hiahead, and answe at 2 o'clock ii the morning,. a long, , nd *intricate del ate --picking out all th topics that req ired explanation, discarding from the co sideratiou of the House all irrelevant m -ate , and putting forward in the cleares possible manner that whic,h was inap ital. t ; and that With° t a single note or 1aving to ap- peal t4 anyone to a,ssis i bith or to refresh his m. mory. But gre_ tly as we all mired Lord Lord Palmer ton's intellectual power i there was on thing which we admit' d even more, an which goes home to ev ry Englishman's nairicl ; that was Elkader, Ia., by a lor hung imthe bedroo peation of thc family g withy raw -hide in of the uvenile bearino, on its- am. bo halndie the legend, ' Boys, please be partie 1, kind to your mother.' ondly ':, -.., eir of th - Mary's Lit le Ldnab ' A contemporary fires a 1.1ast at " a 1 ... very disagreeable elaall of 1 correspond- ents," Who are! con •taintly, sending in - familiar poems with the request that they may be republished. We have 1 s, long been accustomed to this desoription of " literary person," and. receive an average of half-a-doz al communications per week from them asking! as to print copies of verses that tre to be. found in 1 all the school -readers. The latest re- I quest of this kind cemes froth an Oak- I land subseriber, who lwanta us to print i " the beautiful little pastoral about I 'Mary's Little Lamb." Not having the 1 .original at hand. we . from memory : Mary possessed a dimiuuti, Whose external `covering w the cougettled acgaeoas preseuts insurmountable earners to raitrOad- travel on the Slants, 1 And even -where that Mere peregrinated The juvenile SOUtild0W11 N as certain. to get ttp and get right after her. , are forced to quote.; 1 1 I ve sheep, 1 a is th void of color as ail which occasionally It tagged her to the /uplift eb-dispensary one dee', Whieh was in contreventic eetablished usages; c It caused the other youthful studenti to cachin- and S, nate and skyfuegle. never pureive adoletteent mattort in au edifice de- _ He W' V tt,ta to the dissenainitibu of linowledge. and And so the preceptor ejeeted -him from the in- terior ; is ex raordinary senst4 of duty-Lhis in- domitable industry and perseverance. Lord Palmerston was th most regular and. constant attendant f his 'Govern- ment n the House of Commons. He ; But he continued to roan? in the hannetlictle vi cinitv, . - And renutiued in the neighlbor hood until Mary () e nee more becaane visible1 ! • I ' " What CSTISM the javeni e `aheep tohanker alter , , Mary so ?” I Queriea the itamisitive chi1 edien of their tutor, "Why, Mary heetews much affection upon the little animal to which the windis teMpered whim Rhona you must be aware,' The preceptor with alaeritl, responded, -.ill* 4114 Characteristics of. tiie Brymese. • The Brumese are a simple-minded race, frank , and. courteous, indolent in their habits, fond of amus ment, delighting in gay color's, friemlly with one another, and. hospitable to st r angers. They lead a quiet life, smoking, gossiping, and sleeping throughoutt tilie day; and singing to -wild. music thrduah; half the night. : Their ettetuMC is a Model of .primes al simplicity. Both sexes wear A short white jacket. The men Wind a lAcce of red on yellow silk around the hips, while the Nvomeii rejoice in .asquare piece of the sameiaterial, which is wrapped around the body, but SO slight- ly fastened as to 0 Jen at every step. Both men and. worn° 1 leave their hair long- ; the former gat ler it in a bunch on the top of the hea , the latter -comb it straight back and ie it in a knot be- hind. The peetneral f sal. is rice. !This is the staple of every i asal. Besides this, their toothsome nnei i liteludes salt fish, a preparation of prta erved fish which has arrived. at a high ep curean'odor and a variety of fruits. Betel -nut is extensive- . 1Y; used. Smoking is uniVersal ainong all zips and both sexes. Mlifmese boys be- gin to puft' chL-roots of fraorant tobacco in some cases before they- rave left their mother's milk. The the are lazy to a fault, and lounge stretel ed. upon the ground, while their wives are at work in the household. The na riage ;knot is loosely tied. If two pers ns grow tired of each other's conjugal society, they. t 4 o'clock fo r ights, weekly t until 2o'clock in the morning, leaving except tp take a cup of tea. s always accessible- to everybody ways courteous No reverse, no taunt no weight of years, no labor, no exerti n -that he underwent ever seemed for a moment to distr rb his temper or sour is good humor. He had always a courttous wordfor a friend ot a foe, and he ne er seemed to ink that it was anyth rag wonderful th!-at he was able at his ag to undergo the c exertions. Lord Palm rston was not o ly a great political leade and a great sta estna,n, but he was a gre• t Englishman, a d his life should be an 'example to -the ig est and lowe3t of us for whatever luty.he undertook he did it, and did it thoroughly. Al- thoiigh he had the so ie y of the whole world at his disposal re never left the Hous when there wa work to be done. --ii-• la a RE some persoi Athenuum to suggest Dickers'; wOrks shot " in 4aasieal English this aernark able bein guage. of the lower o to ale*. ar ill print." lar spellin' his name Sam recounting the st in fine upper-class langua THE ,HUROX Atat dot t tor 410 • FARM TO RENT. T OT No. 80, Con. 18, McKillop, about ,IG-seres --1-1 cleared and in a good. state of aurae ation, con- venient buildings and an orchard on the premises. To let ou very reasonable tame. Immediate poesession given. For further particulars apply, by letter, to J. S. .McEIVEN, 829-8 Kincardine P. 0., Ont FARM FOR SALE TN the Township of Stanley, situate 1 on the Bayfield Road, 2 miles from the. Village of Bay- field, being the oast half of Lot No. 6, ,Beyfield Road, north, eoutaining 96 acres of excellent land and in a good state of cultivation, 55 acres cleared and well watered, the btdence it well timbered with beech, maple and cedar, there is a good- !mann barn and shod, and a log dwelling kunst). Fax further particulars apply to 11. ICHING, -on th premises, or to PAUL CLEAVE, Lot No. 4, Bay- field Line, Goderich Township, ne r Bayfield. 327 FARM WAN ED N the Connty of Huron, 100 or 00 acres, most] cleared and free.from stumps. Must be first class soil, with good orchaid and iutitouildiiigs,nO particular abont the house. App y to . MARSD eN SMITH, 825 Brussels P. 0 , R. . 3 !HOTEL 'F0RS1 LE. mns. uonEinTsoN, wishing to retire from th 'ILL hotel keeping business, offers for sale the well-known dated, in Eginondville, now ocoupiet by her; half an acre of hind ettaelied to the hotel good seables, good Well, and ever Y other coneeni ouce for es:trying on the hotel' bitsinese. Part the purcha se:money will be required in cash; th remainder will be Mowed to go pu easy install eneots. Apply on the pro -tilled tc 810 . MRS. ROBERTSON, EMU° ihinG FARM FOR SALE. TZEING- composed of Lot 1. Con 10 of the Town ship of Tackersmith, contai. king 100 acres - excellent land, upon which filelx, is 11, new fram barn, 38x60 feet, and also a good ofeherd. Fo bermse -which are easy, and other in fortuntion, aj ply to Mr. ;rams DAVEY, ou 1 ot 1, Con. 12, o% said Township, or to the vendor, WALTER REX- WICK, Sr., Ht. G-eorge P. 0., Brat Ont. 29 FOR SALli. WING Let 84, Con. 7, McKillo e containing lt/ Ja' acres, all cleared, with good barns mud, e table two good oreherds in frill bearin ; two ne-er-fa." Ing springs which supply the m 1. • -Also, lot 3. Con. 9, containing 48 acres of bus . The propert is situated .6 miles frau Saab o th, with a goo I gravel road thereto. For further articulaes apply on the premises. If by post, to OHN THOM SON, Constance P.-0., Kinburn, nt. 260 • FARM FOR SALE IN cKILLdP. FOR SALE, a good Farm, col posed /) Nort half of lot 15 end the went ha of lot 114, Coi. 12, McKillop, containing 100 acme, 50 cleared to I well fenced, and i n good milli vet oh Inane ce w eil timbered with hardwood; god. fri1/11S hOliSe and new log harn; good bear' lg orchard; to miles and a half front a good grat el road; 10 milts from the villnee of Seaforth; th re are two stea n sawmills within 11A luau ; convet lent to churche sehools and stores. For pertieur rs apply', to t proprietor on the premises, or,l if by letter, o Winthrop P. 0 . 280*4 JA...11-*R F Me:DONALD STEAM SAW MILL AND FA ; FARM FOR SALE. -111 BING LOT 27, Con. 14, Township of Enlle 1, -1-1 containing 139 acres, 30 acres vleared, fra e 'dwelling -house end log barn the prernitie ; situated 2 miles from Blytb, o the Dlyth_ a, d Croderich Gravel road, and 10 miles from Clint. o udes b oro gli For further particulars aeply to ;FAMES BRAI Land Agent sate 330-8 . , FARM FOR 5 EVEN MILES from Clint on KJ 16, Con. Hullett, containi acres cleared, remainder hartle Fall wheat ; log buildings; voun venient to mills, aurehes, echo° 330-4 ALEX.. MellelP LE south hall at etr, 50 aaes ; 5 tode, 4 acres in °reliant a 11, ailci post offi .0. Bendon P. 0 FOR SALE OR ENT: Teet.RM Lot No. 19, r oath half Con; 7, Um is, -12 100 acres, 50 cleated; balance • all- good ha wood bush; log barn, new frame barn and • g house ; the farm is well waterel.; 3 miles ft in gravel road; _good bearing orehtud ; 5 miles fr; m 13russels. Possession at any ti e. For fart er particulars apply to • DAVID MAXWEL Proprietor, 330*4 Brussels P. 0. HOUSE AND LOT IN EAFORTH FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 'REINO No. 1.04, on the South side Of St. J Street. :Offers to be male by letter, p paid, to DUNCAN MeFARLANE 329-4 • &gene, 109 St. Jtt es St., Monte! al. _ st REAL ESTATE F R SALE. HE 'Trnsheees of S. S. No. 7, Stanley, will ell by Auction, at HILL'S G EEN P. 0., on MONDAY, April 13, at 12 o'c ocle noon, 0 'E ACRE of LAND, eituated trie South east or- ner of Lot No, 11, Cou. 7, Stant y, butting on he concession and siderceid. Ti le inchsputa le. Terme, Cash. DONAL FRASER, secretary Treasu er. Stanley, illeteh 20, 1874. 829- ./ _AL INT .1 `1" CD :13 LA_ AND THE IV ORTH-TVAST TER.RITORI S. LINE OF TRANSPORTATION F R PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. , EALED TENDERS addressee to the unler- I KJ signed, will be received at this Office up Ito he tation leading from Thunder lln,y tp Fort Ga Ty, liueis in two eections, viz.: the Eastern Sect on, 20th April next, for working the line of trans or - during the ensuing season of navigation. ' he e-xtending from Prime Arthui' Landing tohe Nortb-west Angle of the Lake o the Woods-6nd , the Western Section, from the North-west Aiigle I to Fort Garry. Tenders may he for the whole line, or separately for either of these two Sectiqns. The plant audbuildinge new on lam route, will be turned over for the time being, for the use of the line, t.) the party or parties to whom the contend for thie service may be aWartled— Schedules of plant and. buildings can be seen et this Office, and at the following Offices viz.: Public Works, To- ronto ; Alan Macdougall, Esq., C. E., Collingwood; Inland Revonne Office, Sarnia.. and Office of Lake of the Woods Road, Fort' Garry. All a d- ditiOnel Outfit required. must be provided by the Contractor. The means of transportation to be I maintained on it sole suilleient too =sure the 1 couveyance of passengers and freight over the route without delay. The rates for freight ind passengers, aud bonne for the season, to be et eci- Bed in the tender. The Department does not I bind, itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Further information can be obtain/el at this Office, and at the above mentioned Offices. By I Order, , . P. BRAUN, Secret ry. 1 Departane.nt of Publie Works, IeING DwicENs. Mrs, General, or I Ottawa, Mareh 19 18'"4 I very much like her, writes o The ! REMOVED. REMOVE 1 ---- other prunes, rism, and potato . ------------- ., 1 that an edition of i M. ROBERTSON Id be brought out— i 5 " ' I.think," says • . 3• 9-4 1 , `r that the lan- 1 Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, i dqs ought never i HA.S REMOVED his were-rbotue to ' . Imitteine old -Wel- ; .! without a We, or I JOHNSON'S OLD. STAND, , ry of the sausages : Main -street, Seaforth, ;e. . 1 Where he has on hand a superior stock of Ft ifli tnre of every description. • , Mil. Itiskin has I CALL A.YD ..S'E If.; IT. RUAKIN'S LATEST. - I SEEDS! SE*DS ! SEEDS I AT WILSON & YOUNG'S, SEAFORTH. FIELD AND JUST RE °EYED A FULL STOCK OF CARDEN SEES OF EVERY BESCRiPTIONI, iRRANTED RESII AND GOOD. SWEDE TU RN I PS. , , • Odbury Improved. winch has taken prizes, etlherever grown; Carter's Imperial, nne of the hest vat' dies grown in this country, Sapling's Impr vett Purplo Top, also a good variety, and well inioaen White Dutch Swede, netv variety, highly rem ended. ALL 4URNIPS. White Globe, 'Yellow Aberdeen, na several other well known vaiieties. CA R ROTS. -White Bergin, , White Oithe, Long range, Scarlet Intermediate, and others. IVIANGOLDS. Lbw Red and YeUowI Globe.—All the aboveneecties have been purchased from the best and raost . reli bre Seedsmen in the Country, and will be i4 la cheap. Special inducements offered to Jobbers and parties .purchasing rge .guanti ties. GOCERIES, LIQUORS AND PROVISIONS CHAP AND GOOD AS USUAL. Daily expected—Our pring Stock of Crockery, which will be well -worthy of Inspection. WILSON & YOU -NG. wrocamszmmimeamm•riar-amarilOW Arai TEAS, Fizsagrant C. LAIR' TAS, TEAS. ekoe, Shrchong, Flavored Teas, Strongly RecoinMen.ded for Family Use. AT' S ifikaro OS MIXTURE OF: FINE TEAS 1 _ J. C. LA_LDLAR'S thorough kno-lslellt,q of the Tea Trade enables him at all times to OFFER Purchasers of wn, Medium, Five ( ite and Loaf VERY SPECIAL. VALUE In this department. Powind Pal eels «nd vpwards .dealt With. SUGARS. Sugars a the Lowest remunerative Prices. JAMES C. LAIDLAV,- Family Grocer, Seaforth. GRAND OPEN INC MILLINERY 'ID'S 70,1V117301:1.TITS4 ON Iy1ONDAY, APRIL 20TH. M KIDD would ate -flounce to the ebgageithe services of a 1 dies of Seaforth and surrounding countey that he has SS MILLINER, Front one of themost FRS 1 nable Houses inthe Province, to take charge of his Millinery Depart- - limner winch comprises all tie leading novelt es of the season in • •. been ,gnilty of a clev r atilitarian idea. 1 UNDERTAKING. ' - He istired, he observ s, of seeing the Ox- Having pitrehased m Mr. Thomas Dell's itE.,uisE ford. und ergraduates ma,ste all their phys- I am prepared to attend funerals oz the shottes it ical e ergy.in -erick.et . matches and boat notice, either in town or country. • races ; and. so he sug men hould proceed. t kind Land beautify th ests, that the young d9 good to man- t la ..-ighb?•,rhood. of the c ty. Accordin ly - he University lads have picked. up he shovel and the hoe and have crone out tol the number uf fifty or sixty to dig itches, mend roads and hedges, and., gene ally adorn the Brit- ish la dscape. There has not yet appear- ed y proposition o an intershoveling . competition, but that will probably come in time. Mr. Ruslf-in's suggestion is much1 to be commend d. , Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. 1 HAMS AND BACON Thoroughly aired and of exellent quality sale wholesale and retail. The Trade_ liberally dealt with. All 0 promptly attended•to. THOMAS STEPHEn t, 827 i Propletor. for dors ' Hats, Bonnets, , 13 In gr at variety and coll. 1 i I I Suchlas Chignons, Braino, importations from the Eni.r judgment. Veit. ' An early inspection he the neatest style. . onnet .Mate? ials, Flowers, Feathers and Ribbon-, Also -a large and elegant assortment of HAIR GOODS ' $ • oronetl3raids, Switches, &c. All shese-goods are ne* -mad of the latest ean and American markets, and have been selected with great care and s solicited, and lin orders will be attended to with promptness, tend done TliblY1AS K.IDD Main Street Seal() th. EAS, TEA A large quanti y of Green Tea, Black Teas, Gunpowder Teas and Japan Teas, Or EXCELLEi\IT QUAILTY AND AT VERY LOW PRI Genyral Gr lways G 1 ALSO A FULL STOCK OF : s. ES. 6eries, Wines, Liquors and Provisi9ns. Subscriber 1 wielies it understood that his Goods will Satisfaction the Money will e Tetarned, JAMES _MURP1-11r, FARMERS ATTENTION, The Champion Iron Harrow. ALEX. STEWART, SEAFORTH, TTAS on hand a large number of Iron Harrows -14-3- of his own manufacture1 which he ean guar- antee as being one of the best working and most serviceable Harrows made. Reference is made to the following gentlemen among others who have these Harrows in ttse: Frank Fowler,. Ditilett ; Win. I owler and N. Cosens, Tilden ; James 5IcIntosh, Hugh Grieve, Angus McLeod and Charles Thais, MeKillop ; John Sellers, Grey: These Herrows are guaranteed togive sat Isla -di -on. A number of first.eless LUMBlejt WAGONS for sale. Wagons also Ikeda to :order, or painted if desired. Horseshoeing, repairing and general job- bing attended to promptly, as usual. Charges moderate and work good. 'Remember the brick blacksmith shop, Main Street, Seaforth. 827 ALEX. STEWART. STOVES & TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at MRS. WHITNEY'S Carmichael's Block, Main street, Seaforth, COAL OIL, • Pure, good and cheap, -wholesale and retail at Mrs. WILLTNEY'S. CUSTOM WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly exe- cuted. 808 MRS. 'WHITNEY. THE HURON PLANING 1111112 MESSRS. GRAY & „SCOTT BEG to announce that they have commenced -1-' business in the shop lately occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to fill orders for . Sashes, Doors, _Blinds, Mouldings, And all kinds of planed iumber. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, HAY RACKS, &c. .• A good stook of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Factory and lumber yard on Goderich street, near Main street. Jig Sawing and Custoin Planing neatly done. A. GRAY. Well. SCOTT. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH! DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY Tni subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous -1- customers for the liberal patronage extended to hint since commencing business iix Seeforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a eontinnanee of thftietei P e inbending to build world do well to give him it call, as he will continue to keep en hand a large stock of all kinas of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASIIES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, 'ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with theirpatronage, as none but first-classworlanen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing.) 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. THE SEAFORTH LTJMBER YARD. MA_BEE MACDON ALD TkrEG to inform the public that they. have „re- moved their lennber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep const en fly on hatiel it good assort- xnent of ALL KINDS OF 1,1711113E11, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHE'iGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the, lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Also. on hand any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. Builders and others will find it to their advan- tage to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices bopre purchn.sin g elsewhere, as -we are in n. position to offer good inducements to cash purch.asers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. • OPENED OUT. FOSTER'S OLD STAND. (TAMES WRIGHT AS opened in the store next the Sea -forth Foundry and adjoinieg Fostele Hotel, a full toul complete /5 TO C -K OF GROC ERIE S. His Teas are Good, His Szwars Cheap, . ad his ..S'piees Strong. Call and give them it trial. 328 JAMES WRIGHT, BURST OPEN., - One night last week, John Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE--aA LAR,OE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. JAMES REDMOND bas opened out in a Im. • Logan's old and well-knewn stand a nice stock of Fresh. GROCERIES- ., comprising, everythingewhich should be found; n a first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and FEED on hand. Ire solicits a call, and will guarantee eatisfae- tion. 319 J. REDMOND. SHROUDS! SHROUDS I M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, • ,-()hrieett'S Old Stand, Main itreet, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of STIR/ OT./ID S Wbieh he can furnish cheaper than they got elsewhere. l'''..1.1.-;:::::----Ar-e..f."-e :71'e -t --r.'- 'I:kt .i d. 1--.17,-‘ - I EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. Chequered Store, Main Street, Settforth. c't CARTWRIGHT, L. D. - S„ Surgeon Dentist ‘--it attends in Sear/wile at Knox's` Hotel, the first Mos& y and Wednesday of eaeh roonth; in Clinton, , ' at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at , his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to eall 1 , I if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas, may Ibe seen at ney othee office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most eubstantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner which etumot be surpassed. 287- SEAFORTH FOUNDR KERR .4it_ WORTH Wish to inform the pecIpl of Huron and public generally that they have belied. the Seaforth Fotindry for term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Castings Straw Cutters, Sawing Machines,3 iPlows, and other Farming Implements We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. The undersigned have hlad long eaperience in the Foundry business, and are prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their Iv rk. 287 KERR & WORTH. $5 TO $20 per day. Agents wanted. All classes of ;working people, of either sex, young or aid, make mote at work fortis in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON it co.,Portittud,Usine. 284 50- v.• 44 eee-e-