The Huron Expositor, 1874-04-17, Page 1APRIL 10
Impoi-tations of D
the Most Beautiful
twirl and Quail' '1
fe Direct; 'OM L.OndOn
Delaine4 Merin00s, Starting%
amber theseoritu tact Staple G
which enables him to offer goods
at-tT has taken the ieadj fillnAokr,
qtoe lz of Millinery &oda
r secured & Virst--Clams eakttert
DKriptitm, which will bo made on
Make a Note of it
)od Assortinenti
Goods, you will
honey, spend it at
- •
ai Splendid Stock of
Cheap• Cash Store,
next week.
itefalgoemlyesIERINIMMMIMINIt •
7-KTGN -1.CURSBRIa-t, T0R02•ZTO,
ilade a large, and well selected stock of
• arehiteseep AND DWATS.,F'
es Ornamental Tree
ardy Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs,
-ises, Grape Vines.
Xii.t5, 84e. Bethlin Plants, tge-
LTZBED. E. DENISON, Agent, Seaforth, •
left with Mr. Denison will be promptb14
C.T.11.1C11 AkD BERNE,
inform their old customers and the pab-
etal' 17 that they have resumed. businsa •
Laisir.nds formerly occupied by them
and BERNE.
We have on haud a
every department, to which we
avite inspection.
Zuri,ch and Beret...-.
..t.lcERY _SALE
N STAND On Gray -R04-
Earlee of a decree dated the 2c1 day es-- t
181d, made by the Court of Chancer.--
cause therein pending of Govenleet
and with the approbation of Ifen-
••et. Esquire, Master of the said C
h, the Valuable prope.rty known EtEt
4 Stand will be offered for sae by Pak --
al, by 11. P. BRINE, Auctioneer, DIE
S HOTEL, in the Village of SEtv
Tsday;,, 16th of April, 1874,
k in the afternoon, comprising 1 sole:
,tth-easecorner of Lot No. 26, in the ett,
et the Township of McKillopihs„__Ti4f,
'..=.0f 2 chains and 7S links on the (-1.L-
chains' 66 links in depth. 11Port 447
lerceted a frame house and barn set'
resent rented to Searles Leslie and ce"
Om as a Tavern. The property will b•
e. •
t to the tenancy of the present ocett;•• -
purchaser will be required slate tier -
r‘ty dawn a deposit equal to10 percents -
hue money to the Vendor or his Selicirt---•
r pay the balance with interest st 7
a one mouth thereafter, and to Sign
or the eorapietion of his purchase, SU!'
Of his purchase money the Ple`
She entitled to the possession. of rare
Iblect to the tenancy of the said
d. In all other respects the cond.iti
hff. the standing conditions of _
articu.ars and conditions of ado_
t on application to Messrs. AtcOarig
and Benson. ec Meyer, Sesforth-
st March, 1814.
G MACDERMOTT, Master at Gederir
'Ey it 1101$31ESTED,
s Vendor's Solicitors.
v ENT E flat, )
istalOta NO. 332.j
- . -.le,. =, • ,
- . -
_ 4-e r r e Sri - e•el •
1 t!elek,
ilifeLEALet PntalisLeira.
$1. 50 a Veva., 11) adirOlatett.
7 7 7
1874. • FOR APRIL. •187
- The Following. EW GOODS are -Offered at Prices not Beat in th‘e Domi on :
Both Grey and -White', all widths, from 7c to 17e.
• PRINTS—All Styles, 200 Pat
HOLLANPS-=tBoth Dressed
SHI RTI NGS—Botii Checked
erns to choose front, at froml8c to 18c.
and Undressed, at from 12o -to 3 c.
and Stripedfrem 114c to 25c. •
all prices.
TOWELINGS--A11 Widths, bvery Price.
DRESS GOODS—GO Patterns to ehoose from in all the Newest Styles and
—A111 kinds at
Shades -they are without exception th best and cheapest lot the 777 ever had.
• SILKS --Black Groa Grain, Gkcir of the est makes, at prtaligious values, this
lot will be sold at 75c, $1, $1 25, $1 50 and $1 75 per yard -25 per cent.
cheaper than ever offered. • .
sa, .
_ SILK POPLINS—Figured, by the yard, in new Blues, Drabs, Greens and
Browns, all at 90e per yar hear the Riel ease" spokee of as one ,
; SILK POP -LIN DRESSE $4 to $9 the Dress. containing special elements of trouble.
Riel---His Prosecutor and His
. .
TheOttawa correspondent of the Tiam-
ilton 'Times gives the followipg interest-
ing particulars relatiVe to the proceed-
ings in the Riel case in the house of
Commons, and description ef the mem-
bers'of the House who took the most
peoneinent part in these proceedings
To many of your readers, .even of those
'who have perused a fell report of the ex- the
aminations of Clarke, Hamilton and Mc-
Vity at the Bar -of the House, it may yet
be a matter of doubt as to the feeling of uil,
the House With regard. to the propriety an
of Riel's expuleiath Furthermore, the th
quiet attitude and let- aloue Policy of the
Mackenzie Government have produced a
great amount of anxiety anion thosee
who are- so. far away that they cannot
comprehend the design of such non -com-
mittal tactics. Of bourse, it must net
be inferred- that anything has occurred
here to entirely eolvd the enigma, but
is possible that a few -descriptive para -.1
graphs .0,bout some of the characters who 1
have been most forward in. connection
with this investigative, will help to clear
the minds of any who have not under-
stood the intention of the questions, or
the scepe of the answers. •
Previous to the opening of the present
.sessiou of Paaliatnent, it wee common to
I hear the notion expressed that the Mae -
Kenzie Ministry had some difficult ques-
tions to bandit), and it was customary to
in p,n earliest and forcible manner, and
has the air -of a man who acts from. strong
convictions: of duty. So far, he has
spOlten altogether in English, which is
for; him a work of great difficulty ; hi
language is necessarily book talk," and
he !is often- unable to remember the Eng-
lisili word eceded to exprese his ideas,
file. aim. of his questipus has been to
,-ehOw that Attorney--G-eneral Clarke has -
a pereonal quarrel with Louis Mel ; that
issue of the Bench .warrant, and-
eke's eubsequent efforts tp arrest Riel
the result of that quar-rel; that
rke does not believe, Biel guilty of
crime, or • worthy ol puniehment ;
t Clarke has been actuated. by person-
ialice to such an extent that his state-
eits are not werthy.of 'credence ; and
er particulars in the same category.
WOrking steadily in conjunction with M.
Ottimet is M,
Louts FRANeoTri GEouGh DAA3Y,
thc member for Joliette. This gentle-
man has -only asked. a few questions him-
m a
8HAWLS—New, all the new Styles, from $,2 to $12.
ACKETS—Splendid Value, ,
was bought dnring the money panic in. New
JACKETS OF SILK:—Erorn. $4 to $20.
Some went so far as to suppose that the
• Opposition could at any time break down
- '1 9"4, 52 25 and $4. 50. This lot the Government majority by forcing a,
settlement of thie question, thereby alien-
Tork—Ileally a Berge ie. ating either the entire Frcneh Catholic
Vote, me disaffectine the Orange and Pro-
HOSIERY AND GLOVEis—At milmard of Cheapness.
UNDERSKIRTS—Li great variety, from 90e tlo-$4.
RIBBONS—Plain and Watered, very cheap.
MUSLINS-Dress from 5e a yard. 20 yards for 1.
QURTAINS—New Patternslby 7,„-ard or, piece.
LACES—In endless variety. :
', though. he has probably suggested.
ny of . those -which were read out by
neighbor from .1Laval. - M. Baby
a little - below the ordinary stature,
h dark complexion and -short, black
iskers, arranged. ' in the " mutton -
p " style. He speaks French fluent -
and is also a good. English spea4cer, -
ugh he has not as yet attempted eny-
thileg like a long spedch hi either lane
gu4ge. Mr. Maslen,' member for Terre-
bolkne, made a long speech Before the
Eaeter holidays, an ii,ecount of which I
se4t you at the time During the later
investigation he a ked no questions,
the ugh he watched t 0. case with unceas-
in intent, and occasionally rose to ' pro-
test on some point of order. On the
Mi listenal side Of the House, near the
r of the chamber,. sits .
P. for Marquette, Manitoba. He ie
ut 45 years of etre,. With iron grey
r and beard, stout 'solid in frame,
well florid in complexion. .' Mr.. Cunning -
ha came to Ottawa a few days too late
for the opening of the seSsion, aud un-
it' d critics took advantage of the fact to
ius-nuate that there was 'a remarkable
coi cidence between the there of his corn -
in and. Riel's arrival in the country.
Ue ta,in it is ' that the member for Mar- .
qrt tau appears to have a strong hies in
fa or of ItieltanCt a fixed hestility, which.
he takes no pains to conceal, against
„ At erney-General Clarke.' The ques--
remarkable for nothing exJept the ab- tie is which ' he proposed. on Thursday
sence of news from its whitens and the ; I 4-
D. au were not well worded, aud, illdg-
present° of an unlireited number of Gov- nisi. *from' the difficulty the Speaker had
eminent adyertisements. -Al r. . Bowel!. i in reading them, they Were not Well write
got into Parliament in this way: Some F ten, whieli affords presnmptive evidence
years ago, Hon. Billa: flint, the CAA Cunningham and the; Lite Horace
, for the building of some reed in Hest-
Senator, had a Railway bill, providing i. Greeley -Were somewhat alike in their
, : chirography. Many of his questions
lugs County; which he int -a sted to Mr. _
1 i wee ruled out of order, l and some of
T. C. Wallbridge to carry tl rimier one of th in were proposed only for the purpose
the Houses. Mr. Flint was displeasedl of -
peoducing at. effect upP4 the- House
frays the damaging ideas insinuated' in
thew. They might fairly be classed as
leading questione, for many f thein con -
hat should.
testant vote of Ontario. How far this .1 re`
idea may have influenced
The Member for North Haethigs, it is ea
impossible to say ; but, for. aome. reason,
at the very first of the sessicin,_ Mr.
. Bowen assumed the poeitimi of prosecu-
, tor in an attempt to expel Louis Riel,
M. P. for Provcricher, from membership
. in the House. The cimumstances of the
member for North Hastings are some-
. what peculiar. He is a man of about
At 16c, 20c, tee, no, 30c, 35e, 45c and 50c a yard. No reductionl im these prices made in buying whole
These Goods are Splendid. Value and. custcyruers and thie public generally
Invited 'tbhive t- 01em-and lodge. Abr. Themselves'.
re cordially
Attention is called to the to' owing B autiful and Seasonerb4 Styles of Clothing ;for Mon and Boys,
which may be seen, alining mat y other V trieties, on our counter:
A new and handsome Style in Fashiona. le Fabrics. It ie -Nett, Dressy, and keeps its shape well.
The "Doubi
Breasted Sack" SuZt
IS Easy and Graceful, adapted for eithek dress or business. he Vest is either double or single
breasted, and has the new notched cella The Pautware from a new model, easy in wear - nd sung
in fit
Is &model of beauty. It is of seasoner le weight and peculia4 finish, is Conservative in tyle, and
adapted. for persons who prefer quiet au1 indonspicuons dressidg.
Ie.the'most dressy boldness suit on our 0
It is quite seasonable in price, and is selli
eters. We have it in four different s
g very rapidly. -
ades and fabrics.
Represents the double breasted out away, made from a Dark i31ue Diagonal, or hree-twist Borges,
Blue, Olive a-nd Brown Paletots, Blue, Clive and Brown Trico s, and Silk Mem Go do. This is a very
etYlivdi garment, closingthrec buttons high on the chest, and is v ryconvient for business or street -wear.
the id a that it will have a general run..
, 1
from Worsted Diagonals, Blue, Brewn and Drab Venetians. Material Front, nade to throw open
op to bottom.. The popularity of this garment is so rapidly increasing that we' now entertain.
1 t
L 1
AII 'colors, all styles, all of the best Foreign and.Domestic F br es. In this line we defy corapetition.
This Department is under the mnagement of
Gents' Furnishings Complete in
every Department.
A Large -Assortment ,of BQyv Ties and Windsor Scarfs.
HATS AN D CAPS—The Latest •Englisl; and Aineriean Styleih
To call and see the Nei Goods whether they wish to buy or not.
50 years, self-made ataltquite seccessful
in business, a resident of Belleville, for:
many _years back proprietor Of • a small
Tory newspaper in that towi, which Was
with the way -Mr. Wallbridge maua,gedi
the bill, and shortly after the session was1
over he published a card in Jhe Ha.stings1
paper, stating that he woul
neves suji- i tashed, .the substance of 1
port one .of the Wallbridge annly againhave been coinpriecd. in thel answers, to
Flint was at that time a .1a1 eral. in poli- ! proper questions. The general effect upon
tics, as were all the -Wallbridges. At , the House was to pi.ovokea smile or a
the next election MackeuzielBoivell came
ou t as a candidate u Flint patrou -1
age. King Billa„as be w
called, owned the village of
apd a large part of the
Elzivir, aud had control ove
of land and timber limits in other parts1 ready attacks made by Mr.
so that the3- did little or uot
le popularly
al Clarke in the presence of the members
toweship of for Marquette and Selkirk. Mr. Clatke
gh and en-
hit; to dam -
t be out of
cheer, especially when Mr.
alluded to some Ba,cdhanalian speee
made in Manitoba by AttOrney-Gener-
large tracts ; wa's able to ward off the rot
of the North Riding,: of }Listings. His '
due bills were the curreDcyl of quite
uke tor-I:eel, and commenced to nee his man of the ill-fated Great Western train
section of the country; the men in his place to mention among thp e who show walking stick- on the: impersonator- of which was burned near Komoka some
employ receive them at his _Mils in lieu
that - adividu,a1 in. a lively style. The time afro, will be tried at, the nsxt Mid-
tiop tire name of
a good dual of interest m the Riel tines -
fellow was glad. to get out of the old dlesex°Assizes, which ;comme,,nce- at‘Lon
i;lION. JOSEPH EDOUARD OMICRON, inan'e way as soon a possible, -and now does on the of May. Some fifteen
the member fey Quebec Centre. Several
quostions have been asked, .by this gen- ine-Riel " in a hurry again. NI estern Railway Company, for injuries
declares that he -won't be aught " 'play- nits for damages against the Great
tlernan, quite: pertinent to the inquiry
tie -About two weeks since, a ewe be- received by individuals on account of the
for which Hon. Mr. Clarke waS longingstun-
to Mr. W B Heath of Lot -10, accident, will also be tried at the same
maned. His main connection with the
(Jon. 1,London 1 owns tp, gave birth to Court. The amounts claimed vary frene
.-- B. h. '
exi.mination has been, however, the sOlf-
a lamb which died. shortly afterward. ' A $500 to $10,000.
1111 osed duty i of keeping Mt. Bowell in
week later the same animal gave birth to —Mr. Alexander • Stewart, a plow-
er. Mr. Cauchon has a ,good-natured
a fine pair of lambs, strong and healthy. maker in Cameron .& Co.'s foundry, Galt,
way of interposing his objeetions, but he
This freak of nature is considered some- died very suddenly a few days ago. He
atielts to a point with the pertinacity of
what remarkable. had retired the previorta night ha his
an Englishman ai'well as the vivacity of
a Frenchman. Mr.. Holton. is the stand-
ingereferee on points of order, and dis-
puted. questions .*areo..generally settled by
appealing to him.
be refused, 200 ladies will visit the opened, and $2,000 subscribed on the
—The Mitchell _Advocate states :
" Tbere was more drunkenness and row-
dyism on the streets of Mitchell on
Tuesday evening, than we remember wit-
nessing for a long time, from which two
pretty eerioes eases ef assault occurred."
Judging from this, there are yet con-
verts to be made in that town.
Senate lobbiee daily and engage ;devd-
tional exercises till their purpoae le ac-
complished. :We are afraid_ that the fl -
fluence of hot toddy will.bc more potent .
with the hardehells Of the Senateithan
the prayers ot the ladies.
—The dwelling houSe of Mr. Riclhard
Pincombe, of Vsborne, was deetroyed by
fire on Wednesday, April J. . Mr.! yin.
combe was himself from home, arid his
wife and family were ix the bush making
sugar. Before any of them reached the
.honse the flames bad gained euch head-
way that they 'ciiuld not be extinettished.
Loss about $1,000: fneurance, $500.
—Harvey Farrington, formerly of1Her-
kimer Couni-y, .N. Y., now of Norwich,
Ont., is the noble 'ancestor of Et family
whose forte is acheesta They manage 17
factories. 6,200 faithful: Cows work night
and. day to supply them with -milk, and.
last year the mighty product was 2,200,-
000 peurels of cheese.
—The house of a respectable widow
lady, living on the Governor's Road, in
the township of Burford, was attacked
a few e'Venings ago, by twe roughs who
attempted to gain admittance to the
house by hi caking in the doors and win-
do-w,s While they wete attempting- to
break in the 'door, the lady, who. lives
alone, fired a shot from a revolver
through the door. This did. not prevent
them continuing their ttemptto gain an.
—A farmer' in East Garafraxa was hav-
ing an auction sale recently, and in or-
der to have a tannin.' mill in thorough
working order, sent to Fergus and bought
a combined seive, for which f-,:2 50 was
-paid in cash. His disgust may therefore
be imagined when the -mill, combined
sieve and all, was linocked down for
_$2 50, that being the highest bid that
could be obtained for 4!
—James L. Scott, a farmer fiear Galt,
owns a ewe which gave birth last spring
to three lambs, and this spring to six,
and is not yet quite two years old.
Three, other ewes on the same farm
brought forth. three; lambs each last
spring, and the -whole'of them are doing
well. Only one of the family of six
died. These ewes must be prolitahle, as
well as prolific. •
- -On Monday night, of last week, the
store of Mr. J. W. _Broderick, el -Lucan,
was entered by some person or persons,
and about $1.50 worth of goods abstract-
ed therefrom. An entrance was effected
9' through the cellar, and the goods
entrance. She then opened the door, Selected_ and removed—these consisted
and, as the men. went th pass in, she of flannel shirtiugs, and ready-made
knocked the foremost; one down, and
dlothiug, and -damaged and inferior ar-
then fired three shots ftom her revolver ticles were not ta,ken, the thief or thieves
at him, two of which 4rok effect, one in silo -wine a nice appreciation of the NYalue
the lee and the other in the side. Be-
fore the lady could rel ad the revolver,
the comrade of the wo nded man picked
him up and carried hi off, and nothing. soil of a garden in Guelph.. His bugs
has since been heard. of them. ' Rowdies .ship seeined to pos.sess all the elements
and evil -disposed persons will not be apt of life in a dormant -condition. and would,
to molest this lady again, no doubt, have revived with the breath
—The ladies, of Chalmers' Church, of coming spring.
Woodstock, have .preseotod their pastor, , --Au exchange says that the hieh
Rev. Mr. McTavish, and Mrs. Malley- price of barley, the coLaparative certain -
isle with a very handeome silver tea ty of the harvest, and the great deuaand
ma ice.
—During last year, the County Coun- in Canada, point -to it asi the best crop
for that grain in the States, as well as
c3i51 ovif,oIlivaesstuciagpshiu)arieda $a2uldo fkoirllebdouinut vthoant
in this section is, if well harvested, bright
that fanners can produce. . Barley grown
County. e Guelph
• and clear, aud commands a superior
ilfereitry says : "Now price in Chicago to that raised elsewhere.
df1L--g°P;se. other day, a potato bag was
found about 18 inches deep in the frozen
that seeding. time t is approa.ching, it
would. be well for farmers generatly to be
aware of the fact that no Guelph buyers,
with scarcely an exception, will buy
what is known as tea chaff sprieg whhat,
as it has been weighed intim; balance h,utl
fouud wauting. One of.our leading Mill-
ers informed us the other day thet it
will not fetch within ten. cents of other
spring wheat, that 'it does not makel the
proper quality -of floui, and that millers
don't want it and Won't buy it. Farm-
ers had better, therefore, give is a wide
berth, unless they choose to. lose by
growing it.
—A good. story is told of some mis-
chievous wags in Hamilton,- who, being
at a loss to raise a little !fun on the: lst
of April, played a practical_ joke 011 ta
certain old gentleman from the country.
They told. him that Riel was in town and of the note would have chataged the
stopping at a well-known hotel. r.Che case.
old gent immediately became furious and —Me. Hugh Thompson, a noted gook
demanded to see the !scoundrel. Ac- breeder. of East .Nissouri, 4 -et week lost
eordingly a man was.brought and in- An imported cow, valued. at $1,000 In-
troduced as Louis Rid, M anitaba. He digestion, eaused by overfeeding, is sup- -
did not stay long, however, for the old. posed to be the cause of death.
aent was evidently in earnest in his dis- —The -conductor, engineer and. brakes-
-A man in H amilton drew a note,
promising to pay $100. He used the
printed form and did. not close tip the
blank devoted to dollars, and after pass -
Mg it as a negotiable paper somebody in-
serted and fifty" after the one hun-
dred and before the printed word, dol-
lars. The note, thus altered, got into
the hands of an innocent party, who pre-
sented it to the drawer, and the Court
of Chancery decid.ed that the maker of
the note was liable for its face, because
through negligence he did not draw a
line between the written word and. "dol-
lars." Any testimony that the drawer
.might offer to establish the fact that he
gave the note for $100 must go for noth-
ing, as there was nothing.on the face of
the note to, show that it had been alter-
ed." Evidence of alteration on the face
of wages ancl'spend them at his Store i,n-
stead of money. It will ,he easily seen
that when Hon. Bina, Flint made up his
mind that Wallbridge should go out and
Bowen should go in, the task WW1 already
half done.. The election was over;
Bowell, the Tory candidate, was elected.
He has held that seat ever since, and.
never since that time has ally one been
aware of the political standiug of Senator
Mr. Bowen is even more cif an grange -
men than he is a Tory. In his pblitical
party he has only held about a fifth ran k,
not beinhe possessed of the abilitrrequi-
site to rise higher; but in the Orange or-
der he has for some time *stood at the
head of the list and filled the office of
Grand Master. We find him, then,
moving to summon Attotney-Geueral
Clarke to the Bar of the House in order
to draw from hitn testimony which
should prove Louis Riel to be a fugitive
from'- justice, and, therefore, un worthy
to hold a seat in the House of Commons.
The case has been conducted by him,
with some skill, partly bis own, and
paWy borrowed from Palmer, who site
beside him, and. from Kirkpatrick (the
man who thought John A. made the:
crops good) who sits behind him. I have
said that Mr. Bowell 18 adore stronglyi
attached to Orangeism than Toryism.=
As the case proceeded it has been plaiu.
that the cause of his political friends
has not been advanced by the results of
the examination: At one time ,it was
rumored that he would back clown from
bus task and leave the inxestigation un-
finished. His course was making bitter,
enemies of Masson, Onimet and Baby,1
age his evidence. It may e
dealer, of Toronto, broutht an action fo
A petition 6• C6anfeaeda.
t lou containing
7,405 signatures was presented to. the
House of Conamons from the city of Lon-
don, a, few days ago, in favor of a pro-
hibitory liquor law.
DirectOrs of the Western Fair
AsSociation at a recent meeting have de-
cided to hold the Fair this year at Lon-
don:, during the week comthencing 291th
September. About $11,000 in prizes
be offered.
Miss Iluntley, of Ingersoll, en d.
the corporation of that, town for damag s
for injuries sustained. last autum 1,
through a defective sideWalk, by whieh.
her, leg was broken. The case was dis-
posed of at the Assize i last week, the
jury giving Mies Huntlety $800 damages.
-e-A,widow lady, nam d Letitia Davis,
a grocery keeper and sewing -machin
men who follow closely on the Opposition!
• side, but who are all advocates for aroues-
damages against the Ala I Printing Conn-
ty to Riel. But he has returned. to the 1.1
Tinfor defamaion of c aracter, at th
Assizes at Toront , and obtained
charge anew, and on Thursday ni ht, af-;
ter in vain attempting to get the 6 overns..
meht to take his work off his hams, Mr. and in lIanail-
Bowen gave notice of a motion f r the ssage over the
expulsion of Rich This will ke p his wires to his friends in B antforcl a few
peace with the ()ramp Societies, al d. his days ago : "See ninth ch- pter of Isaiah,
guardian, Senator Flint, has clecid cl not sixth verse." The dusty old. Bible was
to let him run again for North Ha tings, hau).ecl down in an ins ant, and ' the
aboFe chapter and verse N ere hunted out
andl found. to explain a 1. The verse
reads, "Fr unto us a c ild is born--
unto us a son is given."
11 the --,Decayed oranges ilay . be . - good
t man enoiigh for some things, b it they shouldl
asked, notbe eaten. A son of! Mr. W. Hay-
cock. of Cobourg, after c nsiderable suf-
et is a
with. a
o 1 amrelE:
a verdict for $500 damag
mod.est young has
ton sent -the following m
consequently, he need care little about
poliaical status. Leaving the pros cutot
with this descriptiou, to otice
the men who have been pro inent as de.
fenders of Biel. In connection wi
exa,mination of Clarke, the foremo
has been
the member for Laval, who has
the majority of the questions prop
in the interest of Riel. M. Oui
young man, seemingly not over 30,
thoughtful, intelligent face and se
expression. He wears a light mou
sits on the .Opposition side betwe
sieurs Masson and Baby, speaks
fering, died on Monday
cat* and other member
wh4 had partaken of th
slightly affected.
--J-It is said that, enc uraged by the ness man and citizen. An informal meet- 1 common cows sold at fro
abolition of the bar in th Commons, thq
Ottawa ladies intend asing the Senate
to abolish its saloon. S uld the request
ast from this
s of the family
delicacy were
—A few diys ago, on the arrival' of neual health, but about 2° o'clock hia
wife awoke and found. him shivering -and
an express tram on the Grand Trunk' at
Stratford from Sarnia, the cofiductor 're-
sanwoaltielg ilvimer,ybligiltule. outhe oethnydeahveoarie. endeavored
portedthat a German family en route from
mutter incoherently, and. becoming sus -
Kansas to New York, some of whom
showed every appearance of small -pox, picious, aroused the family, who arrived
were on tbe train. A second' car Was just in time to see him draw his last
immediately procured, into which the
passengers were transferred, leaving the
infected family in the coach they oc-
cupied, which was locked and. sent l to
Buffalo. The matter created no ,little
excitement, and the car was ordered to
be taken back to Brapbford on its arrival
at Buffalo, to be thoroughly cleansed and
—Mr. James Ross, of Pilkington, a few
breath. Apoplexy was the cause of
death* He was 47 years of age, and
leaves a wiie and. large family.
—Some weeks ago two men were ar-
rested at Hamilton on the arrival of a
Toronto train and were' Sent back; for
trial on suspicion of being the, persons
who shot Dahl at York:0.11e. 04 of
them named Taylor was discharged on
his own recognizance. .Now that he has
days ago sold a three-year old team horse disappeared it has been discovered. that
for $250, to Professor McCandless, of the
Ontario Model Farm.
—It seems that three steps are needed
manner, from the Allegheny prison, and
to secute . the outlawry of Riel. The
for whose apprehension a reward is still
first was the issue of the ordinary war- . offered. by the American authorities.
The second was the issue of the Bench rant, which was done 111 September last.
--Considerable consternation was ere-
me days ago.
as Mr, be taken on the 10th of June next. The day afternoon lasV, by t re behavior of
effect of outlawry is, we believe, that it an infuriated bull, The • nimal had been.
warrant in November. The third. will ated on Dundas Street, Loudon, on Tues-
convicts the outlawed person. of the of- apparently driven some d' tance, and be -
fence with which he is charged as fully ing over -heated and st rtled. by the
as though. be had been tried and found strange sights that met this gaze upon
entering the city, becam
fiercely rushed at several p
of the township of Ushorne, was passing- ' temPted to
A. Dawson,
pass along
the residence of Mr. F. Simpson in Ful- menacingly held. his positi
barking, seized the leg of Mr. Dawson's i lengthened period, and see
to the total stoppage of
larton, the dog of the latter, without I
horse, whereupon the animal 'took fright) ed "to do or die." Partie.
. _
he is no less a, person than. the famous
American thief, Luke Egan, alias Brush,
wlib some time ago escaped in a daring
wild. He
rsons who at -
he sidewalk,
in the road.
travel for a
ed determin-
at whom the
a.nd running away, pitched Mr. Dawson ferocious brute directed attention
.from the buggy which it smashed, and scrambled hastily over th.
through its own body, killing itself al- ably
fences and_ thus narrowly
fatal goring. Finally,
finally ran one of the broken shafts
almost instantly. • of several gentlemen, he
—*When it became known in Montreal move into an adjoining y
that Mr. C. J. BrYdges had resigned his was secured until he coole
to be harmless.
posit]. 71 as Managing Director of the
At an auction sale ne
Gran Trunk Railway, a movement was
the county o 'entwort
set on foot for the recognition, in a sub-
stantial manner, of ha S services as a busi- farm tlf 100 acres sold for $6,040, cash,
ay with,. were
at on sheep at
escaped prob-
by the efforts
s induced to
rd, where he
down enough:
r Rockton ia
recently, &
ing of merchants and. others was held to Pigs which a man could p
take steps in the matter, when. it *as de. der each arm and run a
aided to present a suitable testimonial to sold at $5.12 each, and co
Brydges. subscriptiou list was from $14 to $20 per pair.