HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-04-10, Page 8„_- ft: inamsommessmomeN111111111111! Kutrott expooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. TILE undersigned, .in returning thanks to their numerous eUstoiners and the public gen erally for their very 'beral support in the past, beg to state that th4h Mr. MCIMELiar/r is at pros mit in the eastern ir4arkets, carefrihy selecting a fresh stock of Dry &ods for the Spring and Sun mer trade. We ma, further add that he Will also purchase a large t o Imported Wines and Liquors, Boots and 'hoes, Teas, Sugars and Gen- eral Groceries, all o which, We expect, will arriv) ha the conree of a f iv days. Buyere, fail not ti call early and have fiat choice at BEATTY & 602.9, Ca•rmichael's Bloek, tain Street, Sertforth. J. S. ROBERTS, Druggist,, opposite the • Mansion Hotelkeeps constantly on. hand. all kitiels of• Pure Drug a and, Cheniicals, Genuine Patent Medicines, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Art,i4 cies and. Fend)? Goods; Perfumery, Sponger', Brushes, Combs, &e., which will be sold at ver v low priceS. Pkerscils) tiaras put up with greet • care/ and warraluted pf the purest articles. 1 , -CHEA.P-SIi.).E. -Socia, Biscuit,. Wine Bis- cuit, Abernethy BiBo lit, &c. Fresh, and only 10.) a ponnd allround at ALLENs Grocery. , Just RECEIVED, . fresh, at ROBERTr, Drug Store, opposite! the ..Mansion liCotel, Sin4 son's Spice and If orktrbire Cattle Feeder. , 1 , CHEAP -SIDE. 1,-;- Teas that are Teas Pure and no mixtUre. Cheapest„ at A LEN 1 HORSES, HOlts16.- :Keep tern in good. health and fit for spring 'work, by using 11/IF liklles Condition Powders, the besf in the marke Prepared only by R. LumsDEN, Druggist, Setfortt A LARGE lot of good qualitttGlasswar last arrived at HIGHS1WS. FRESH Garden Seeds just, arrived a HicESO/eB, ' . w COMMERCTAL, al other travelers visi ing Seaforth should reniernber that the Corrune dal Hotel is the best house in town. It is patro ized by the reerpeetable part of the traveling 4ribli . Grocery. JUST received, a car load of Lan 1 Plaster, in Barrels and Bags, at, 0. R. COOPER' , Brussels. • ' * FOR the beet selection of English 'kra, • . Papers, Plain and Figured. Window.Blincls, C. R. Cooera's Brussels News Depot. I NEW SUBSCRIBERS. EXPO4TO t will be supplied to new subseribers irom noy ti 1 Wan 1,1875, for $1 00. — • thir Supplement. . On account of, an unusual rueh of advekis manta, and espeCially therm of ,Mes,..fs. DUXCAN DuricaN and E. ilrofsosr & Co., we re eorapelle 1 this week to isSue a twelve column sippiamei3t, addition to our -usual sheet. Our s bscriber wi 1 observp that we ho not allow our i ereasing ac- vortising patronage to encroach ian the iar e amount of reading matter wo are Fileoustoin t give. • 1 IMPORTAN'r wciuld realin our readers of the important auction of real estate, ithe property of the Meslsr. Meyer, which takes Iplace •t- Powell Hotel, Seaforth, on Thursday 16th hist, at 1 o'clock P. M. DRAMATIC cison.-Weund srstandth another performanceevill be given by h Dramatic Cab in about two we k ” Dick Turpin and Tom king," a se io comic drama, land the farce " Poor Pil coddy," will he perfermed. • - FRUIT TREts...---As will 1 e seen b card. elsewhere, Mr. Alfred 1L at the Royal' Canadian Bank, Seaforth Denistm has been appointed agent for the Erect - ton Nurseries,! Tetonto. Paeties intejtd ing to purchase fruit or ornamental tr e should interview Mr. 'Denison, as tr e plied frorri the Brockton Nurselie are Of the choicest and safest ,'kincl. 1 • CHAWIRD AritetnL—The Cl uton Mon 7 tor has relapsed into the hands of IN r Holmes, and will again. -be i suecl as h .Neur A -a, and Its polities hanged t Reform. Weibelieve that t e cause of Mr. Grigg's failure to make success. o the Monitor was his devotion o "Libe Conservatism." Had the papgr LO changed polities, it ini4h have gone on prosperously enough, bi t it seems that the Contervatives in 3linton sr not strong enongh, or the It formers ar not liberal enough, to pure it a pape like the ifonitOr to live. 'Many a nes would have allowed his poht6I convi tions to be shaped by his 1 asiness quiremente, bat sueh a man is not 1.1 Urine0- We can admire his levotion 't his party amel hie faithfulness to his coi vietions, even iwhile we cannqit comMen • his business prudence. • SABBATH.40FICOL ANNIVERSARY. The anniversary- services in coneectioi • with the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbat 1 School of this: village were ?,eld in th -church On Friday evening. la,st. The a tentlance of spectat(1;rs was quite larg the church being well tilled. The exe cises consisted enainilv of examinations f the classes And singing by the scholar The childreta Were all .seated on raise gallery seats at •the erid of ithe chum • commencing near the floor and extendin over the pulpit to near the ceiling. Th arrangement was good., a,nd the childre thus seated presented'a very pretty sigh • The examinations were conducted b "Messrs. Hill, Brownell and Gay, and t e • ready and intelligent answ;es given b the children to the .varioue questio s showed:that they had bee ti well grown - ecl and thoroughly drilled:in the truths (f Scripture. The infant class, under t e Charge of Mr. Brownell, astonished a 1 by their prompt and .correet answer The singing Was very good, and ean piece elicited applause from the audienc - During the evening several- prizes wei e distributed to the successful competitm s by the pastor of the congregation, Re,. • C. Lavell, whe, in preseaing . the priz addressed. each recipieut hi an e coura,ging and comelimentarY manner. . - REAL -reSTAI ..r.uTE .. at ,11ANGES.--11,Ir . Wallet Elliot and. Mr. A. Armitage,' have pu '- chased the INIPliillips property, adjoit - lug the Commeroial Hotel, for the sum f $2,300. We believe it to ir the inter - tion of Measii. Elliott and .st.rmitage to erect, diving the coming saintlier, on the front lot, a brick block, 1-1' birth. will od- cupy the whole front.. This block will be large enough for three ood store. We are glad. that this vakialle propert hes fallen intci the hands of such ente - prising._ men, and. that en() er addition is to be made to the mane handsomIe business houses of our thriv ng villaga. We ha,ve every confidence tl at the en- terprize of thee t'eentlemen will be falltr rewarded, an di that their ,venture will be as remuneratiVe to themselveS as it: wi 1 be profitable and beneficial to the vi - 1 lave. 1 -We also learn that Mr.. 4 neehan has Purchased the _opposite the Nrcling Mill, re ed by Mr. Duncan. of 1 E Mr. Carnochan intends ereetiiig a privet residence for his own use, and a inol • ' I handsome sit atton he could not easily have .got. T etc is . in all, about four acres, and the piiice paid was $750. • OBxTu4tY. record th de which toolk • husband, in iug last. Mr that slow but •tion. She ha several mont not confined t • esteemed her man place on ue. the largeet e processio4 be length. r v 'N e regrct this week to h of Ms. James Beattie, ce at tlfie residence of her &forth, Ion Monday morn- . Beattie was a victim of sure destroyer, consump- been in poor health for s,• but until recently was her room. She was much large circle of friend.s, for rtues. The funeral took day lett, and was one of -ei seen in Seaforth, the n over half a mite in PE RSOIN AL. he nuiy friends of Cap- tain Tho as Jc &sou, formerly of Bayfield, nd brothe lof Messrs. George and Het ry a Itso i of Egmondville, will be plasea t le rn that he has been a,ppointec to rorn tient position in the North W st IN o lite Police Force. The force, it s eepected will leave for the North W st bo it the 1st of June. In the mean -me CptaiI Jackson is in com- mand of t ie ortlion f the force at pres- - ent locate in T ron , and will continue to occup th's posi lon during the ab- sence of fol. Fr pc the Commissioner. The Capt i in 's bo u soldier, and will, we have eve rea on to believe, dis- tinguish hims 11 n.1 is new position. ,--We are lea ecl o again learn of Dr. Stewart, late of, Br cefield, distinguish- ing himself i • th 011 Country. It will be remem er d ha la short thne ago,. this gent emu' ca riecl off numerous honors itit Dclin ser h. After •leaving Edinburgh, h re ai ed to Lendon,, Eng- land, wheie 1 e I as spent some months attending the hoe it Is of that city. He has recently ia col ferrecl on him addi- tional honor!i, a ng been elected a Fellow of the Ito al College of Surgeons, England. DL SIbeart has now been absent from Ca 'adL something over a year, and w4 10 rul it is his .intention shortly to rot len o his country, Where, no doubt, a 1icraivt practice awaits him wherever he inay ecate. -Mr.. Wtn Si ere of the firm of Sla- ter Brothel's, of t is Village, arrived home from Scotland on ftiesda,y evening last. Mr. Slater carne iut in the Prussian to Portland, dind rep His a very stormy voy- age of 1.0 days.- - -We notice th, (Mewing card in the Strad°, d papers " Mr. S. T. Church, Music Teacher, ( ajte Precentor C. P. Church, Sod nth private instructions on 'violin aud o al music. A large cla•Ss of juvel les nted immediately." We wish Mr Ch itch every success in this new anc li rgcr feld of labor.' Br kSels- [C. R. CoOr 'it, 13 Bois, Agent for the Ex• peratTon Nowsb I irer an Poh Printing Office.] SPRI'NG Snow. 'We would again re- mind our lea ers, f the Spring Show of entirestock o be held at Brussels, on Tuesday ne t. , here will likely be many line au male e.. exhibition, and all who take an i tete t in goocl stock should make it apo t to e present. ACCIDENT. Wh 6 assisting at the fire on Sunday e enin last, Mr. B. Gerry, of the firm ( f Fi Illeigh &, Gerry, met with -a severe acci erit. He was stand- ing on a lacid r, at Considerable height, when it slipp d. fro under him and he fell to the gr rund. •. LEAVING ' owes. Mr. John" Stewart, Who has for n any e rs occupied the po- sition of heac cler ,ncl beok-keeper in the store of 14 r. Le4Itie, is about to leave Brussels. .N4 ic. Ste vart has entered iuto partnership N. ith hi brother-in-law, Mr. D. Mollison, f Oh ord, and intends en- gaging with 1 im in. the mercantile busi- ness in tillat_t rivin villa,ge. Mr. Stew- art is an act ne a 'd thorough business man, and we congr tulate Mr. Mollison on securing s valu hie a business part- ner, and. the eople ofClifford on acquir- ing so good a itizei :•• • Firere-On `undMv evening last, about 6 o'cloek, M . Elijah Freyne's dwelling house, north f the bridge, was discover- ed to. be on fir-. Smoke was seen coming through the oaf.' NVith -timely assist- ance and wit great xerti ns the flames were kept u der, a d finally pat out, • but not until t•he 1 f lia I. been badly damaged. • Oen MEPC ANTe all eceiving large stocks of spri ig gee( e. . J. ' Lebkie has • had his y painted on the inside, a great improvement. . 4.-3. Anderson, late of as ope ed a new bootand CGANG '.:S. -Wm. Grall'am, urchas el Lot 1, Con. 12, Wm. IcCra,e. ' The farm res, elle is situated on the half ile south of Bruse ce pai was $2,000.--Mars- f Bru els, purchased the , sold y auction, on Tues - $4,9l5. The farm is two russels and contains 100 1 Scott has sold his house of la d, on the Gravel of Be ssels, to' Mrs. 0. . Hays has rented iaI Ilo el, lately occupied {Ln ett, fare Wm. Laird and e hou e thoroughly reno- PAINTING, store all new I thereby niaki - I • anmel Cal vacant lo ently os nnonclvill SHOE STOR Manchester, shoe store. PROPERTY M. D., has Grey, feom contains 50 a Gravel Road; sels. • The p den Smith, Sinclair Fan • day. last, for mules from =res. -San -1u and one. acre Road, north Sinclair. HOTEL. -11 the Commee by Wm. An is •having Li vated, LICENSE, Council, belt tavern limes mercial Hote Pnx-ssis RE 1, bert t a sp meeting of the on Tuesday evening last, was .trauted to the Com - teals: The penny read- ings, for 7th bone 't of the Sabbath Scheel Libreay of M1viIe Church, came off on Thurs ay ev Miner of last week. A -full house -itnessed the performance. The vocal aid instruthental portion of the program., & was participated in by Dr. and Mr:. Grallam, Miss Humble, Miss Barton, Mrs. Kay, Miss Kay and Master Aden Kay, ind Messrs. D. St6W- aet, Alex. S ewart, „Win. Me-Gra,e and C% R. Cooper Readings were given by Miss Barton and Messrs. Livingstone, -Stewart, M Denald$ 'Wilson • and Dr. Graham_ "- he Nigist Before Waterloo" was reeited b Mt. J. R. Grant, aud the "Lazy Socie y" wad 'delivered in char- acter by Mr, r. McC illieuddy. The pro- gramme throt ghout as well sustained. . God. rinla overiship. Accent:met Delta .-A sad case of accidental d ath Ise urred to an infant ehild, son of sir. John NN estop, of Cod- erich Towns ip, on . Wednesday .of last week, The person in charge of the child. had left it for a short time in bed, asleep with an elder One. When she re- turned she wits horrified to find that the older child had lain Over the body of the baby and sme hered. it. An inquest was - THE 1-1F1(011 EXPOSITOR. dered in accordance witb the above. facts. The case is all thd more sad, as Mr. Weston, only a few, months ago, lost his Wife, and has now to mourn the loss of both mother and child. a Wroxeter. FOUNDRY. -WO are glad; to hear that Mr. Gallaway, formerly bf the Lucan foundry, intends coming t4 Wroeteter to start a foundry and r1achin3 shop in company with Mr. R bert Millen. As Mr. Gallaway is apu hing "eusiness and an experienced tradesman., We have no doubt the newfirm will drivel a good business. 13RA.R HUNT. -Two bear paid. our vil- lage a nocturnal visit a few nigl ts ago. Their footmarks were 1iraclec1. right through. our streets and a company of sportsmen rallied, rifle ir handi to cap- ture the audacious quad upeds They followed them to a Swan) ab ut two miles from the village, wh ro br lin had taken refuge, and the Ni irods ave up the chase as a bad job. • FARM SOLD. -Mr;. W Mani Miller, Turnberry, has sold his fa m to i r: John Hooey, NVellesley, for $3, 00. SPRING Sn-ow.-The • s ring *how of. the liowick Agricultural ranch, Society was held. at Wroxetcr o Wednesday, the 8th inst. The wea h.er ions fine; and the show was quite a access. Some of the horses and bulls were really fine animals, while the sample of grain and seeds were first class. elow is the prize list which we are e abled to give through the kindness of Mr. Lawrie, liorses-Best heavy draught litallion, the Secretary of the society : • " Young Byron," Wm. Hay, Turnberry ; 2d, "Lord Dufferin," John Nott, Clif- 14 ford. • Best general purpose tallion, "Young Golden Hero,' Willie .Riley, Hallett • 2d, "Young Sovereigia" .John Colcleugli, Clifford. • .•, • Bulls. -Best Durham ball, with- pedi- gree, "Young Dix*" G. Illoffatlt, Mor- ris ; 2d, 44William Wal ace," Samuel • Eeriest, Ford.wich. Best grade bull. John McTavish, Howie • 2d, ','recket Willits, Howick. • Grdin and Seeds-Bef3t "bush is Fife spring wheat, William iv ns ; • Wm. Sanderson. Best 6 bus els anet other variety, Wm. Evans; 2d, George; How- lett ; 3d, Wm. Hastie. est 6 bushels 6 rowed barley, Wm. Ev ns ; 2i. , Win. nestle, • Best 6 bashels.b ack or Norway • oats,, James Then:mon • d, Alexander Thomson. • Best 6 bushel white er com- mon oa•ts, Wm. Hastie ; 2d, John Mc- Tavish. Best 6 bushel pe 5, any variety named, Wm. Sanderson ; 2d, Henry Smith; 3d, Alex. 'rho .on. Best 2 e bushel Timothy seed, Tho las Pope. Judges of Stock -W •. Armetrong, Brussels ; John Sample, B •ussels e Robt. Currie, Wingham Judges of Gia.n,--Robt. Clark, ,Wrox- eter ; Samuel Black, Blaevale ; 'James Hennine, Turnberry. 0 Bliteleale. Scr000a EXAMINAIToN. The examine, tion. of the pupae of S ction _No. 10, Morris, was held. on March 31, The weather being fine; the attendance of both pupils and visitors was largel The seholars were examined. in., the afferent assisted by Mr. Duff. The schoh rs del - branches by their teacher, Mr. Du' mage, serve especial credit for the manner .in which they solved the knotty problems • branches during the dar. . After the 1 which were asked them 'n the -a:aide-as close of the ex.ainieation, the pareats ex- preseed themselves AC wel pleased with the progress ,which had b .en made dur- ing the quarter. , :BODY • Recoeinnen.-1 he body . of young Galla.gher, who, it will be remem- bered, was drowned nearly six weeks ago in the southern branch el -the Maitland River, was recotered last Satnrday. The funeral took place on Stmday, from his father's residence. The funcilal was the largest ever .seen in this part of the 1 country. „ Rnsueteen-As will be seen by dver- 1 . Zurich. i , tieement in another column - Me srs..J. & W. Grandy have resumed bush ess in Zurich and Berne.' The temperer • sus- pension of the firth 'VMS, we undeistand, necessary only to obtain an extens on of time. The assets of the firm. Were large- ly ill excess of theliabilitie.s, whin have all been paid. up in. full. We tru.t. the future success of the .firin will b such as their entehirise so richly merits. \ ' • - , , . \Blyth. ACCIDENT. -OR Tuesda,y, April 7, while a eircular. saw,tin Carter's .8 Mill, was in motion, a boy name ward McTavish, held a stick to th of the saw, which drew the stick at his hand over it: • Oa, „examini hendhe found he had leSt the fir eeconti finger's, and had the oth cut considerably,: as the result playful act. -Coat. McKillopt San AFFLICTION. -In this week POSITOR will be found the obitua tice of the death of the sixth c these deaths have taken place w Mr. Hugh McPhee, cif McKillop few weeks, diphtheria being the Of a family of eight; McPli now but two left. This is a sad b hit& d Ed- . back d also a the. t and r two •f his s Ex - y no- ild of . All thin a dense. e- has reeve- ment, and the synapathies of the entire community is with the afflicted parents. COUNCIL MEETING. -The 'Council met at the Temperance HA on A hi 4. Members all present ; minutes re, d ahd confirmed. The 'Council procee d to revise the Assessment Rolls, as -pr ‘vious- ly published., .and, after investigat ng the Rolls and. heariwn and. deeidine t a.p- , sec- sment d. and •eceive d now The end to peals, it was moted. by Mr. Hay ended by Mr. Bell, that the Asse. Rolls, as now revised, be receiv the Court - closed; the Assessor his salary, also the Treasurer's bo presented. be actepted--.Carried, .follewing accounts, &c., were ord be paid, viz:: $15 12 t the Treasurer, being for error in balance. of school , school appropriation and divided ier the lit moneys, said. sum to be added o the ' Inspector ; $5 to James Leslie and :35 to Charles Davis, taverdkeeperS, beMg an ' error in - the amount of :their intense ; $17 55 to the Clerk for regittering births, marriages , and. deaths ; $10 to Hugh McFee, as also $6 to each of the widows, Hart, McKay aaid. Pethiek, for charity -Carried. The followin peti- , tions were presented froin Mr. Meyer and. others praying to be etacher, from 'Union School Section No. 7, and ,annex- ed to School Section No. 2; from John Beattie and_ others praying to remodel School Section NO. 2, and; from Bernaed O'Connell and others praying for grant held On the body r the child by Dr. and 2. Moved by Me. 'err, seConded to open up side reads 5 and Ei, COns. 1 Stanbury, of ayfiel. , and a verdiet ren- by Bell, that the Clerk be iustructed to notify the Tnekersinith Council that this Council intends to withdraw the McKillop portion of Union No. 7, Mc- Killop and. Tuckersmith, and that the 'Reeve take action thereon. fortwith. The Council resolved. -to take no: action on Mr. •Beattie's petition, and. posePoned the consideration of Mr. O'Connell's pe- tition Until next Meeting - Carried. • William Campbell and. others were al- lowed to work their statute labor lunsh- hag the Sid.e-walk to. Seaforth, in accord- ance wth their petition, appointing James eparling pathmaster. 14lo-vecl by Mr. Ha d, seconded by Mr. Bell, that a by-law 6 passed, authorizing the Trus- tees of s Chool Section No. 2 to borrow the sum of $1,350, for the: erection of a new School House, to be paid in three equal ae. nal installments, with interest • at 8 pr cent. per annum --Carried.. • Movecl ijy Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Govenlo 4r., that the request of -David McLang Ain, George Maloney, amuel Smiley, Alexander Munn ancl others, to be taken from Union School Section No. 11, Walton, and annexed to School Sec- tion No. ,7, be granted • the Reeve to take • the necessary proeeedi;igs thereon forth- with -Carried. Moved- by Mr. Goven- locln seconded by Mr. Kerr, that Messrs.. Govenleek and Kerr be authorized to let the erection of a new bridge on Con. line • 10 and 11, Lot 24, on Saturday next, llth inst., at 3 o'clock, on the ground-- : Carried.. The Council adjourned to meet iat Leslie's tavern, on Saturday next, April 11, to appoint pathmasters, &a. Joule O'SuaelvaN, Clerk. • • •Tuekersmith. FARMS PURCHASED. -At the auction sale of farm4 at Brucefiehl, on Saturday - las t, the farm'belonging to the Messrs. Garry was purchased by Mr. John Work- man, late c',:f Stanley, for $3,870. The farm contains 100 acres, and is a, choice lot. Mr. Workman has made a gond bargain. Thei Moffatt farm., which was eold by order of a decree from the -Court .of Chancery, was purchased by Mr. John Aikenhead. This is also a good farm, and was sold. very reasonable. Fartereas' CLUB' -The warmest and most interesting debate of the season as held in Broadfoot's school house, on 1, arch 27, When the subject," Baying from Agent," was discussed, James 'Broadfoot in the chair. The essay pre- pared by JaMes Landsborough for the occasion, wf*h appeared in last week issue of the EX.rOSITOR, was a clever pro- • duction, in the way of exposing agents, and in disclosing the dark doings of fruit tree • agents especially. The essayist seemed to understand the tricks and schemes of fruit tree agents pretty well. One point which weakened the effect of the essay, to some extent, WaS its being shown, by another speaker, that he, Mr. Lanclsborough, had, of late years, beeu doing a good. business as a fruit tree agent hiniself. Nathaniel ()owns thought people should unite together in order to pet agencies down, and was of the opi- nion that it would be more satisfactory to purchase from the manufacturer than from agents. He spoke very hard. of fruit tree agents, tor buying up nursery refuse and giving them out to farmers for the best of fruit trees. Appleton Elcoat believed nursery men cheated the public in sending out useless trees, and not the agent at all. But, if bad trees did hap- pen to cense, the agent always got the blame for it. He said that agents, in trying to Make a sale, would very often throw off a part of their percentage, when the maisufacturer would not, con- ' sequently, the agent was the best man • to bay from. Calvin Campbell said it was the farmer's fault in buying from agents. : Granges should be formed.; he thought, combinations were as necessary among fiumers as in anything else, and that they should combine together and buy from the manufacturer, on condi- tion that they receive the percentage themselves. The speech of the evening was made by Edward Turner, in favor of agencies. kb e thought people were very foolish in baying from agents what they had. no use foie while, on the other hand, if an agent came round selling what we were actaally in need of, he thought we could bay to better advan- tage from the agent than from the mann- feature; and that agents have been of great service to t le country, by having ageigultaral • and other machinery on head. from far-off e tablishments, so that people can see and judge for themselves. He spoke of the fe rful rascality in con- neetion with the.fr iit tree business, and said. that nursery men were to blame very often for sending out inferior • trees, rather than their agents. Some of the speakers w14 wanted to do away with agencies thought "granges"should be organized them h the country. Mr. Turner refuted tbaf argument by saying that " granges " w re being organized in Canada to -day, b grange " agents, and . that they s mild be cautious in adopting the " gra ge " system. Robert Lan dsborough said that.= farmers were the only class of Men, in the world, as yet, without combinations, and that they were. in many reSpects very ill used. He believed it would require the united voiceof the, people throughout the coun- try, in order to effeCtually do away with agencies. Samuel Carnochan spoke to the effect that reliable agents were of great service.to the people, in giving all the information they could in then re- spective lines of business, and also in -supplying friim the factory, that people niaY see and examine for themselves be- fore buying. Sainuel Landeborough made a few remarks against agencies. He said that pedlars and agents were an uncalled-for uselesi elasss of men, and that" the most satisfactory_way would be to purchase directfrom the manufac- turer. 'Cyrus Turner spoke in favor of agerieies to the effect thet they could not be well done withont, and that, as far as dishonesty was coueerned, the producer , was often as far off. the mark as his agent. Mr. Vercoe; Mr. Noble Whiteley and Mr. Hamilton, Visitors., also aeldrese- ed. the club. Mr. James Broadfoot, chairman, gave the closing speech, and, in behalf of.agenciee, said they had. been. in the past of great service to the coun- try, but he thought the time was coming when they would be done away -with to . a great extent.e--coe. Gorrie. BASE BALL. A public meeting was held in McLeod' S Hall, Gorrie, on Tues- day evening, Aptil 7, for the purpose of reorganizing the -Narrow Gimp base ball club of Gorrie. The following officers were. elected: President, A. McMichael, M. D.; Vice Pre 'ident, Geo. Basingdale ; Secretary, C. G. Besanson ; Treasurer, J. D. Sims. Director -John McLeod, Robt. Toombs and. Jas. McLaughlin They purpose hav'ng their first practice on April 14, if th weather be favorable. APRIL Ot 1874. _HMR. DENT WOULD would again -say ito the Public that his Direct importations of DRY GOODS Laye T T ,ati arrived sa e in Sesforth, and are all opened out, the Most Beautiful . , Dress G ods of every Texture and Quality' Ladies Suvone7 Jackets in Silk, Cloth,, _Direct front. London. Ladies' Shawls in al the new 2atterns, Fancy Sldrts, Prints, Delaines, Merinoes, slat' tines, carpets, AND Which would. requi all been imported never touched here has this season s equalled for style, prepared to take o BOBtl possible ma 0,AT DENT'S is WHO ui 0 If you CI) 0 Lii u..' 0 1— cc 0 If yo 0 N ENDLESSGYAR1ETY OF -FANCY DRY CDODS1: 13 a whole eewspaper to enumerate: Remember these, with the Staple Goods, have irectfrom English and Scotch Markets, which enables him to offer goods at prises efore. Ferseveral 1100.80XIS past Mr. DENT has taken the lead in Millinery, but assed hielformer self, having laid in such a stock of Millinery &oda as minuet ea piality'and price in the County. Having secured a Fillit-Cluse Cutter, he is dors for Gentlemen's Clothing, of any description, which will be made up in the en 1 CAR LLOAD 01? STRAW HATS ON HAND. Place Make a -Note of it. A TS CHEAP DRY GOODS? wa t to see a Good Assortment of oods, call at 111-LIJS. want to buy Cheap Goods, you will get them at HILL'S. If you wa t to- gall Full Value for your money, spend it at HILL'S. THE CHEAPEST LOT OF LLINERY AND MANTLES IN TOWN. A good assortment of BOOTS and SHOE'S, and a Splendid. Stock 1 GROCERIES, n _ • At HILL'S Cheap Cash Store, ne door north of the POrit Office, Seaforth. - • :HSIVO Had dV3H0 ARRIV4L OF THE StEAIVIER ETHIOPIAN. Balance of our SPRING DRY GOODS ca•ij ill be ).n and Marked n. eict wee LOGAN & JAMIESON. IMMIR • 1111313ert. SCH001, Examettes.TION.-- he exitmina- tion of School Section Ntt 3; Hibbert, taught by Mr. INTilliam. Gardine , took place on the 31st • it. The l !examination was conducted b Mr. \Villain Ga diner, assisted. by Mess r Naismitle, Claik and Gibson. The cl ses sho red r mark- able proficiency a. far as tl ey we -e ex- amined, which sh ws that Mr. Gardiner is doing his duty faithfull3f. Aft6 the examination was ver addr $ es were de- livered by Mes rs. Norrl Morphy, Clark, Gibson an Naismith. SCHOOL EXAM ATION`. qu rterly examination of th school in Scheel Sec- tion No. 5, Hibb et, under !the tui ion of Mr. Nasinith, too place on Frid y, the 27th ult. Notwi hstanding the p. aver - able state of the reads a large nu ber. of visitors assemble; to witness tie pro- ceedings, the fair ex largelypredominat- ing, who added nn t a little to the eclat of the occasion b displaying their 'well filled.baskets of I. e choicest edibles, to which ample justice was done by all. The examination was prineipall± con- ducted by teach rs frcan neighboring sections, to -who e well aSsorte4 pro- gramme the pupils seemed to be " quite at home." In f et, the nthele was a grand success ; he pupils acquitted theraselveS in a v ;re, pleasing and credit- able manner, sbo Mg skill and persever- ance in their sc iolastic training. To- wards the close toe audience was enter- tained by.short a d pithy, addresses by some of the parents and sonic four orfive teachers, who co plimented the Section in having a tea her of Mr. Nasmith's . Grey. STRUCK BY AN- AXE. -As two sons of Mr. William MeDonald, Con. .6, Grey, were chopping, the head of the axe whieh one of theni was -wielding flew off, and struck his brother on the lip, cut- ting it entirely through from the nose to the month, and breaking one' of' the in- cisors. The wohlid was sewed up, and the boy is now progressing favorably. - Post. Spri4g Shows. - Spring Shows, for the exhibition of entire stock, will be held as follows-: North Huron, at Clinton, Tuesday, April 21. South Tiuron, at Brucefield, Wednesday; • Stephen and Us soe, Exeter, Friday, AAppraril 7;7;m Grey, at Brussel , Tnesclay, April 14. Hibbert, at Sta Ca, Thursday, April 23. A LARGE ASSO and double, of the Fitch's, ,Cutter's an ers, Elastic Stockin Sheeting, Nursing LuusinN's Corner traent of Trusses, single most opproved make, also Pierce's Abdominal support- s, Knee Caps, India Rubber Bottles, Enemas. &c. at R. rug store, &earth. TREES! TREES! TREES! - jOHN GRAY & BROCKTON NURSERIESTORONTO, Offer for sale a large and well selected stock of STANDARD AND DWARF Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Choice Hardy Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Hardy Roses, Grape Vines; Sniall Fruits, &e. Beddin Plants, &c. ALFRED E. DENISON, Agent, Seaforth. Orders sett with Mr. Denison will be promptly attended to. Marah, 1874, 829-12 .RESUIVIED'E3USINE.SS.. • & W. GRANDY, ZURICH A2V,1) BERNE, REG to inform their old eustonaers and the pub- lic generally that they have resumed business at the old stafids formerly occupied by them in ZURICH and BERNE. We have on hand s NEW STOCK, Very full in every department, to which we rag- pectfuny invite inspection. J. & W. GRANDY, 331 Zurich and Berns. CHANCERY SALE OF ' TAVERN- STAND on Grey Recd. TN prasuanee of a decree dated the 2d day of October, 1878, Made by the Court of Ohaneeil in a certain cause therein pending of Govenleek vs. McDowell, and with the approbation of Ilensj MacErerraott, squire, Master of the said Court at Goderieh, tlie valuable property known as Les. lie's Tavern Stand will be offered. for sale by Pab- lie Auction, by J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer, st POWELL'S HOTEL, in the \Tillage of SEA - FORTH, on Thursday, 16th of April, 1874, At 1 o'clock itt the afternoon, comprising I sere, Off the South-east corner of Lot No. 26, in the 70- concession of the Township of McKillop, having a frontage of 2 thains and 78 links on the Grey Road, by 8 chains 66 links in depth. Upon the property is erected a frame house and barn and stable, at present rented to James Leslie and Oc- cupied by him as a Tayern. The property will be sold subject to the -tenancy of the present Mew pant. The purchaser Will be requited. at the time of sale to pay down a deposit equal to 1-0 per cat of his purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicit- ors, and to pay the balance with interest at 7 per cent. within one month thereafter, and to sign an agreement for the completion of his purchase, end upon payment of his purchase money the pee' chaser shall be entitled to. the possession of tile property su'Inect to the ;tenaney of the said Leeire as aforesaid. In all other respects the eonditione of sale will be the standing conditions -of tb° Court of Chancery. Further particulars and conditions lof sale oral be obtained on application to Messrs. McCaugliel Frolmested and Benson. kt Meyer, Seaforth. Dated 31st March, 1874; S ster at Goderiel6 McCAT1 GYM. MYA&C.IIIDEOB231STAMDii, Vendor's olicitors. • 9OTTO »SHBothi Gr - 8t '1"7011.1TASN-TDASII-B371:ish3 *1 SDHAIMRTAISNKG, (3-4 TABLE( all priees. TOWEL' Pili GS ---All DRESS ' GOODS— Shades-they are We - SILK1Set-N-1-41. be SGOrld)Sal,:f cheap* than ever s S. ILKBrPo's,e9n , 0,L11 1\ 4atS-9-0: ir,SILK PO UN PR SH AWw.LbSChtewLailingt .jAiH.AA0:5KK: EEETR:. —AOsNI:ed;l:Glit-41 t UN DERVRpiTaiiiS: RIBBON. MUSLI NS -Dress fro 'CURTAINS -New P • LAO ES —.Oa endies AS EO At 16e, 21e, 22.e 5e„ 200-, 35e, 4 pieces. 1. These, Go are Splen. Invited TAILOR Attention is called to the • which may be awn, airiong nni 115 E • A. BOW an ndSonre Style I The 14 - Is 'Easy and 'Gralceful, adapte breasted, and has the new not frt. TH Is a mod•el of betnity. It is o adapted. for persons who pre! Is the most dre,>sy business s lila quite seascinable in price • TH • Represents the double breas Bltie, Olive and , Brown. Palet stylish garmenti closingthice Madeira= Virorited Dingo* from top to bottom. The pa the ides. that it Will have a g. GREAT S , All colors, in Ertyles, 11.1I of 1 This Depeatinelit is under t GelltS Fnrnjs MEN'S WHIT MENi 4ILL WE LA A La gd Assor To tall and se he New 000