HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-04-10, Page 7APRI 1 • 7 SEAFO THAI ewtugrnksett ax1,1 IN$TRUMENT 1.-R, LT 14 E C MACHINE OLTARTIVIENT. !ake pleasure in atating to the pnbile, that .r F at all times have a stock of all elle atelarea ZicWillg Machines, with their varied. pre. ions to merit, that the pnrchaaers may he able it themseha a at one est ablialiment; without . Inane" The wheie Nee Of the em en, ami still is. .1 l( by transien s. My oli!eet is to ea ntion the pab asth ivtn /12.-thiag lett star:tiara Maebio of Rennlar Establishttl noenta, a het cow. at. be foluo, and whose warrot t and gaarioatol, )aqtril on, end if the intrelutsk,r ia net soitoa the 1:nue( they Una, they want, OAT oar, hag ,:',rivileoe or entuntiog, it for any other. Wp. at all timea 11, UM frc !I!tielz 04 the 'ince met Webster Maehines. as wen as ea the. somaord makes, iwhich etre bp paid for co- , ; ,• ‘z1.4..y terms, or if no. sa •y, call be , eae tor any ether that luny be dosi:-e 1. NiEJ !CAL ISTRIIME Q. C. WII.I.SON ilay the - tii cin..lizosioal Instrumt nts, botla • 'cc and Qeality, ht eloote, 1,0 sari assed. aufactztrera of ltiFtnonents which he sena A reparation that daao out be queationed,. :ills for no seeetebelass titans. '1 ite Mathlt- and *teitinoty Plazio Ham - 41E1 ESt.eV Organs and Meheleons. • ft CULTURAL IMPLERtilititS, as Straw Cutters, Grain Ore..1!ers, Root in., Sean. n :sinelint a :nal lieree lancers, all best, anntya ott Lead. ON 1.4ARROW'I'*-. Now is the time to purehase The Best in use. oniy on hand. Cali and get one before they L goitio In the veer 1870. 1 t•I•old 3-0 of these Ars ; 1871, :CO were it by reo ; iti. 1872, 1,12'..111; aner rn 1876 my sales re:ached over This is the hest road that eau he effered sat4faetio1l WOielt the II ort toys give. IC. WILLSON -ittriket-ith,o,scitforth. 3 5 ..:RMERS, LOOK HERE.:, lost -class P;ove &net forget to callon •• t 4, WILLIANISON, ess taken so maoy prim sat the Provincial itions On several years past. I would eall attention to my thaN DEAll PLOW, 'nivessuelt entire satisfaction to all who hale n %alio; good werk axol is very light of -As a proof the superiority of toy Plowtover ufati other ranomfactnrera, intending par- s shoald remember that I took the 1st prize proviacial Exhibition of 1872, and tho 1st d prizes at the Provineita Exhibitien, 1878. (la of repairing (hem to plows on the shortest AISO Grey plows properly repaired. Call nnixte before purchasing, elsewhere. 0. 1,VILLiamsosa .r.-",eaforth. , ThE. SEAFORTH OW C TORY, ROE gc HOGAN, RESTORTit. klareet the atteation of tl,e Otreriog Qom - to their Superior PLOWS. THEIR IltOlv; PLoW emu a general fai'orite. tool with improve- ade since lastsea...son, they have no hesita- aaratiteeing it to be at least eonal to any maoufactured. tm111111111.1lispattsts-ata_o_ 1: THEIR IRON BEAM PLOW, den handles, la one of the best and most for general use, manufactured. -3-1U-Nra.)P3 & EfOGAN facture the celebrated THISTLE GUTTER PLOW ought Iron Beam. They are the only trers who supply this favorite plow with t Iron Beano 'Ills plow is Soid for 17, trice at which other D1f1Dufacturers sell on beam. • SCTIFFLERS, :on and wood, roaale to order ort Orice. 1 description promptly attended to, the very best material, both in iron smed and parties purehasing from as pott getting a good and durable article.. NiONItOE & HOGAN, , now manufacturers,. Seaforth. ay's 'Mould Boards kept on hand for 326 IERS1 1. VILMA M GRA sS I ss,a (arra es 17.elo.,hvjiio sold off -.i.o. told ento to, i- new I usily ma1111- .0.M4 AND B G I ES. rag and durable. _es are stylish, foal, being. made et the Otetial. awl by tirat-clasa weik.men, are o, give eati,faetiou. oosithea :l ou as favorable tome 0 trade, LONG CREDIT. -is determined to telt cheap, and win ,e only eliort credit. and General Blacksmithing attended WILLIAM GRASSIE., APRIL 10 1871 -ca:aa THE aeaa EXPOSITOR. 7 Early or Late P1cywthg.- The *success of any crop grea,tly pends upon the proper preparation of the ground. The proper preparation of tho soil consists as much in the time' as in &the manner of plowing. Many fields are renderedalmost barren for a series of years by unseasonable plowing, A heavy elay soil has frequently- been so injured by plowing while wet that 20 years af- terwarci it had not recovered its pi evions fertile condition. At this season of the year there is greater danger of this mis- take than at any other. The desire to be ahead. of one's work leads many to Rlow their fields before the soil is sui, hthently dry. The mechanical effeTsf the pressure and the peculiar plaStering action of the mould. -board is to render the clay tough and plastic, so that wb.on it beeomes dry, it breaks into lamps or clods, which cannot be disintegrated, and remain in thin solid state with knily- their rougo edges worn off, at the fliost, for many 3rearS. No after cultivation can redace thet soil to a mellow condition, and a, laase portion of its fertility is lock- ed up M tio se clods, where the roots a the crop canoot reach it. In the pro- portion in which the, roots'are prevented from entirely occupying the fertile laver of eculace soil, the crop is reduce,d befem its proper yield. Besides, a sea in such & condition sailers excessively from heat and drouth. It neither reccivess nor holds nearly the Ramo quantity of mois- ture that a. mellow soil doeS, and. it parts with what it has with -the: greatest facility. Here is another in:intense less, whicth„ added to that already Mentioned., becomes raioons. Lighter soilS are sub- •ject to the same, ill effects, but in a less degree, until they may beconiesandy, when the existence of a considerable de- gree of moisture in them becoMes desir- able rather than otherwise, becauee it • gives the requisite cohesion. I , becomes. a matter of conside -ation to sdect the best time to plow in the spring. Our rule has been to clig up a sPadefull of soil and. thrown upon the grEnin.d.If it breaks apart, loses its cohesion, and be- comes a loose hea,p of mellow soil; the ground is fit for the plow. If, on the other hand, the earth, retains it form, and the surface which has been in con- tact with the spade is full of water, sod- • denand is smoothed as though it had' been plastered "with a trowel, the ground. is not as yet fitto be plowed._ This last will apply to clay, loamy and gravellY soils. Sandy soils are difficult, toiinjure in this way, and in some the water may fo ow the plow in the furrow Without Escapes. l A few years since, on a cold Winter's night, the thermometer ranari.i g below zero, Judge Ashman, at the Sault, heard a lend knocking at his door. The Port- ly and good-natured. Judge, aroused from his slumbers, went to the door and en-, quired the object of his untimelY vieitor. "Why, Judge," said the knocker, `f-1 •am one of the two prisbners 'confined On your jail, and. the other fellow has broken out and escaped, and. I have come to let yoa knoW it." "Has he broken out'' said the Judge. "Yes, ,and gone off," said. the prisoner. The Judge, knowing that escape from the Sault in winter was impossible, asked his visitor if he had. any wood at the jail. He said that there was but very little. " Well," said Judge A,, "take • some from my pile, go :back and make yourself comfOrtabie." He started,- off with a load, but suddenly turned roimd_ and called out, "1 say, Judge, what shall I do if Vother fellow comes back again, to -warm himself ?" "Take a . Club," said the Judge, "stand. at. the • hole and. beat him off ; don't let him in. - •1 I'll learn him the penalty of Iescaping ' . from our jail." After wanderilig about till nearly frozen, the prisoner did come. • waaan himself, ; but, • back to the jail, and earnestly li1nSfel: cgged.to be let in to 1 low prisoner told. him that it Ivae Gen- trary to Judge Ashman's orders, and i that he could not be accommodated. there, , and, the fellow had to wander about till 1 maiming. Prisoners after that ner tried. , to escape in the winter at the Sault - The prisoners in:the old jail at Pontiac escaped about the same time. The i Sheriff called upon the jailor to account 1 for it, The jailor said he couldn't see i how it w --as &Inc, for the day before be 'had examined it, and the largest beles i were stuffed full of newspapers, i but the 1 prisoners were desperate fellow. The Shirt that Opened Behind. • A man in Greenfield, whom weshall eall Vrilliaaa, got up, the other lnorning, and 1 )ceeded to put on a shift which Jus wile had just made- for hirn after a • ,new pattern. As she stood. at - he mir- lier, curliug her hair, she heatl a sup- ressed sound, half -way between a gro-an ii)p and an oath, and turning round said, latighing; " Why, my dear !" "Shut i up !" he ejaculated,—" you are a born ifool. Never let a woman attempt to iit a shirt, she cant do it; it is one of the- impossibilitiee." "But William ?" de- precatingly. " Don't pm talk ---let me Wk. Do you think I'm going down town in this rig ? A pretty disposition you've got ; just because I happened to find a little fault, last week, with your ironing, you must go ani make me a shirt Without a bosom ! Such conduct?, ma-, 'dame, is unpardonable. Shut up, -I say, I wou't hear a word ; when a starched. • shirt -front is the only finery that a man indulges in, is he not excusable for bea' ring particular in regard to that, I should like to know ? And this thing Sets like the devil. Look how baggy it is here in' -froat„ and feels behind as if theaewas a board bound across me ; " walking up and. looking in the glass, hitching up 'firat one shoulder and then the other, af- ter the indescribable manner of men try- ing a new garment • His wife dared not . speak, -but bringing a good-sized. mirror :from the next room, she held. it up be- hind him for a moment; and. perceiving by his eliop-fallen expression that he saw the point, and the front, she ran dolair •stairs to settle the coffee, and see that Bridget had set the table geometrically. As -William walked down to his office, that ening, he said. to the first -friend that he met, "1 tell you, Tom, that lit- tle wife of mine is a born genius; Look . t is s iirt now; she cat and Made it all herself. Do you see, it's open be- hind ; no confounded button -holes to bother. a e oy„. Just. send your wife up for the pattern." And it was by the way of Tom's wife that Lizzie first knew that William was pleased with his Shirts. —Danbury Sews. 1 -----,-----.... 1 , A TRAVELED GENT. --The Portland • (Me.) Pre.48 says that five years , ago a gentleman in that city scratched his name on a nickle cent and sent it on. its trav- els. Eighteen. months after, WS cent came into possession of Lowell, s,e4431xint- , • 1 once, who marked his nam Two years, later it turne sylvania, and. came into he former chum of -the Port ande nizing the name, he film. 'bed. the coin. One day this wee who started the cent on t.s ti making- a purchase in al LoN • when the identical nickel, whi pocket five years ago avae han in change. The Credit S ste upon it. in Penn - ands of a Reeog- . s a1so on he an els aS 11 st re, left his I te him • The gtedit system in rata' buSiness has received a good many ha c knoeks lately, and the following cum.• by Mr. Angus McKenzie, of pin, its the nail so excellently on the Ileac that we Make room for it: "Having ried the credit system for the las six ears, lwe must say that we found i alik unsatis- tory to ourselves and our custo ers—nn- satisfactory to us for the easoi that We were. deterred from kee Aug , stock of goods equal to the requi emen of customers, as we were never c tain, 110 matter what amount we ba( on our books, that we. would bd able to met our payments as they matured unSa. factory to many of our custo ers e- callSe we wished them t( pay heir counts when when clue—to ot ierS, • ho pay promptly, that they should be axed to pay the losses and extra dxpens s of e general. Icredit - system, Cons tient y, in order that we may be able to ta,brsh busittes second to none in thi coun we have:determined on *Bina for c sh or produoe only. We arel satisfi d frdm what we know of those -ivho retofdre favored Us with their c Stom hat our determination will meet heir approval. No doubt a few.wh.o are so we ded to the credit system that thy -won d pre er paying for a dead. than 4hor e, will go elsewhere for -14F go 8. But we have no fears of losing our, c sh aid prompt- aymg customers *as Ave will e in a po ition to offer th na cial clucerne' ts—but anticipa e-beisi able to secure t e eastern of many wth sought otherlaarkets in order .t° get, , alue for their money." • • 'OW • The "infethalpiu Ili REV. THEODORE Our brave brother, Mr D. 11 threw n Nvell-aimed shell into Christian Convention, as embl Free Assembly Hall, Ecinbur days since. ' Several nob emelt clreds of clergymen were presen the practical questions p opose Moody to answer, Was th s one shofild be done in regard to th perance !among us?" T s tone land. right "011 the raw," curse is the bottle. gave this condensed repl large question, and wou time. But as I come fro the ministers scarcely ev fernal et iff, I think it w day for., Scptland when hurle the intoxicating cu table. -Then they would flnence with their people." This Short, sharp spe eh pr prodigious impression. It is widely Published; and co amen the Scottish press. Ha. so rest of -Us Yankee teet taller out so p -ump a rebuke, it mi provoke some warm ret rts. Moody i kina just now ,,inI th work God. is. calling him o, an 1 a the royal. prerogative to spea, own Illins1.- If that one pithy of his could be heeded, the w of Scotliand. would be chan twelvemonth. Hitherto he in churches, and a Majority' of h ters, have clung to the d ' ki with a I terrible tenacity. 1 drinks *aye been supp ied, quantiti' , and freely used in the 732, ment-rooms s of the Gene/ al A At the h. spitable dinners CriVe 6 burgh duping the sessions Of th blies, wine and a,les are furnish universa y. If this s gl lrious now in piogress shall ba sh t i from the' house'. of Scotti h 0' irili the way ' be cleared f r a reformati n among the ma ses. There is a moral power aine ing had thingt by the ri ht • e. g "intoxicating beverages," and vinous stimulants." • slip into ood. ieople's houses, under mild. eupho ous • ithets, they clo not excite alarm. BA uppoSe that Resal Dr. should offe glass of Madeira, or of hot to( clys to Jud , with the startling ii v tatiora "Conic, judge, try a glass of the nfernal stuff withme!".. would. th ti pl taste quite as palatable, and go OW lite So smoothly? •. . : -, For one, I thank Broth r o ely for a well-chiosen. name for he brerest curse that has ,ever stolen in, ler re- spectable Skirts, to d.estro ' li uspolds, and to damn souls. The sho I ed in Edinburgh ought to echo isver oi r own land. Th,e "infernal stuff' st'll nestles in thousands of Christian fam es in America. 1 Ladies in infineutia f milie,s still offer it at vveddifigs, mild a vening parties. it stands on the table o thou- sands of church -members. 'Ph ons Of minister., elders, deacons, clas 7-1 acielis, and. others who rule in ChrIst's flo k, are often among. the victims. Is it mit time for a new Crusa.de against t e " i fernal stuff" within the pale of he Cl istian Church? , The noble uprising of W stern to assault the dram -shops of Oh Indiana with spiritual wea ons is ing the nation. God speed them! , are extorting praise from even secular presses that have D. ver d lisp a syllable against th rum - Although in some places their may be but transient, yet they temporary respite from the avoe " infernal' stuff" in their ommi. They are demonstrating th t wom do something besides bakirta b -e teaching Sunday -schools. But how Many people ho a the Ohio ladies, will banish the "ii stuff" from their own hou es the present revival in my ongre I have seen what need tiler is of - cising this demon of stroll clrin. the homes and the bodies oll th os avhom God's Spirit is stri ng. moment tie mightiest revis al tins ever knew hangs just on ne qu will the Church of Jesus C trist, t aaainst this "infernal" urse a bottle and the clrainshop, with th spirit and in the same stren h. th, tin Luther rose up agai st R Evangelist ER. Moody, ie great in' -Lae • ,afw nd hu Among for Mr. Wh'at intei ies Se t- or the -national rother Moody "at is; a d a lo g a laio 1 whe -e r tot the in - be hapPy every minister from his. own have reat i 11 1 cluced a adreac y d on y of the blurtpd t ha e ut Mir • raighty lie hits out I is enten e le fa e cl in a s of her minis- usag ohol'e amp e nf rbelsy n Edin- Assem- almoist revival • bottle istia s, 01'011. h y ca vora n o a di thr - • They • thoSe ed to tower. uccAs aain. a f the ities. •n can (1 and plaud_ fernal tiring ation, - exor- from with t this ation stion, se up f the same t Mar - me ?— .12"m01,110"F=7-•-• WANTED. 'VW -ANTED immediately, at the Seanart1 Marble " Works two good and reliab e men o act as Agents for the works. The hiihest pe centage will be paid Also a boy from 1 to 17 sears of age as an apprentice to the markile entti g -busi- ness. None but Q. steady boy neqd apply. 327 • MESSETT BROT 811 RS. a • LEG.ALL x M. LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap- t" • pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Com- pany of England, he is also Agent for several pri- Natte Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates. Interest payable yearly Charges moderate. Winghttra, Dee. 15, 1871. 2113 oCAUGHEY & HOLM-KSTED, Barristers, At . torneye at Law, Solicitors in Ohancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and. Conveyaneere. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada, Life ASsuranoe Company, N. B.-00,000 to lend at- 8 per cent. Mains, F1011608 and Lots for sale. 58 BENSON & MEYER, Barrieters and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers; Notaries Public, etc. • Offices—Sea- 'forth and. Wroxeter. 6'281000 of Private Funds to invest afonee, at Eight per oont. Interest, payable yearly.. JAS. H. BENSON. 11. 7. 0. MEYER. AT R. SQUIBB, Barrister, Attorney ft Chanc- • cry, &o.'Goderich, Out. !Office—over J. C. Detlor & Co.'sEmporium, Market Square. 269 Squica• • sTsaARRI8TBRS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, • &c., Brussels, Ont. Office—two doors *0W.) of the Post Ofilee. • W. R. SQUIER, DANIEL McDONAtD, 271 . Goderich. • .Bruesela. in EDI] CA ?.t. • 1)11. KING, Seaforth, (late of Carronbrook,) Coroner for the County of Perth. Office and residence over Johnson Brothers' Hardware Store, Main -t. Calls at DR. KING'S office will be at- tended to day or night. • —287 -1-4- L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physieian,'Sw..- -1--In goon'etc., Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and. Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing Mill. J J 11. CAMPBELL, (Graduate of McGill Univer- sity, Montreal„) Ooroner for the County of Huron. Office—Next door to Celder Brothers' Marble Works, and opposite MoCallum's Hotel, •Maiu-street, Seaforth, near the Railway Station. • • J. G. BULL, L.D.S., • URGE ON, Dontist,&c., S oaf o rth, L' -Ontario. Plate work,.' lateet styles, neatly executed. All sur- gical operations performed with care and promptitude. Fees as low as can be ob- tained elsewhere. Office hours from 8 A. !M. to 5 P. M. Rooms over -Mr. .A. G. McDougall!d Stow, Main-st. I 270 AM. CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate end Prize - man of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College'Tbronto, • has settled permanently in Varna, wherehe will be found ready and willing to attend to all kinds of diseaties, in all kinds of animal(man exeepted), in -all kinds of weather, and at all hours. Resi- dence and office two doorseast of Cook's Tem • perance Hall. • ' 310 -VETERINARY SURGEON.—D. MoNAUGHT, .T V. S. begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth and. surrounding country that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontario 'Veterin- ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He has opened an office in connection with his hem - shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at- tend to calls. Diseases of the feet specially at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the rear of Killer= & Ryan's new store. All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. Charges reasonable. fl29 T J CHURCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon, (mem- J- • ber of the Ontario Veterinary Collegn) begs to intimate that he has returned to the practice of his profession in Seaforth, and may at all times be consulted on the diseases of Horses, Cattle, &c. Veterinary medicines constantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion House, Seaforth. 273 'LIVE LIN. tp A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SA.LE STABLES. -1- • Office—It Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horses and first-class Conveyanees always on hand. ptELL's LIVERY STABLES,ISEAFORTH, Ont. Good Home and Comfortable Vehicles, always on hand. Favorable Arrangemente made with Commercial Travellers. ltall orders left at Knox's HoTnn, will be pikiniptlY ettended to. OFFICE AND STABLES :—Third door North of Knox's liotel, Main Street. • 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. 011.12?,IL S. K14°X'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. — Thomas Ituox liege to state to his old friends and and the travelling public, that he has leased the Hotel lately Occupied by Mr. MURRAY, and formerly known as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and hopes to receive a coutirmance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him duriug hie many years in the hotel business. Every coinfort and convenience will be provided for travellers. The choicest Liquors and Cigars only kept in the Bar. • A careful and reliable hostler always in attexidance. 291 THOMAS KNOX, Propqetor. pliltINCE OF WALES HOTEL,' Clinton Ont., A- C. J. nIcOUTOTTRON, Proprietor. Fiat -class accommodation for travellers. • The Bar is sup- plied with the N -Ory beet liquors and cigars. Good stabling attached. The stage leaves thisHose everyday for Winghaan. • 2 FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, THOMA.S FOSTER begs to inform his old ▪ friends and the traveling pablie thet he has opened. his new hotel, adjoining the Post Office Seaforth, v, -here he has the very best accommoda- tion for man and beast. The best of liquors and cigars atthe bar. THOMAS FOSTER. E. LUSBY, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of -17i Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Coun- ty. All orders =de personally or sent to Seaforth Post Office will be promptly attended to. • 327 • Samuel. Brodie, C. E., 1-p ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Sea forth. All orders left at theMansion House with Mr. John Murray will receive immediate attention. References—Dr. Coleman and. Dr. King. 411*52 S. L KENNEDY, TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER •JLand. Grainer. Paperhanging also attended to.. Work done as cheap as by any other good work- man in the business. All orders left with Mr. Kennedy, or for him at the. EXPoSITou Office will .• 279-26 be promptly attended to. J. P. BRINE, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of 1-4 'Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the ExPosrron Office will be promptly attended to. Tnomas' Eclectric Oil, WORTH TEN mIatzs ITS -WEIGHT IN C -OLD. DO YOU : NNow ANyiatiNo oF IT ? IF N oT, IT IS TIBIE You DID - There are but few preparations of medicine which have withstood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is THMIAs' ELEOTnIo Om, purely a prepar- ation of six of -some of the best oils that ate know, eacheone possessing virtues of its own. Seientifie physicians know that medicines may bo formed of severaling,rediente in certain fixed proportions of greater power, and. producing effeete which could never result from the use of any on.e of them, or in different combinations. Thus in the preparation of this oil a chemical]. change takes place, forming . a compound which could not by any possibility be made from any other combination or propertione of the same inboredieuts, or any other ingredients, and entirely different from anything ever before made, one whieh produces the mostastonishing re- sults, and Laving a wider range of applioation than any medicine ever before discovered. It con- tains no alcohol or other volatile liquids 'conse- quently loses nothing by evaporation. 'Wherever applied you get the benefit of every drop; Nvhereas with other preparations nearly all the alcohol is lost in that way, aud you get only th.e small quan- tity of oils -which th.cy may contain. - S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N. Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NoTE.—Blectric--Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Mason & Co and It Lumsden. The Great Female !Remedy. • Ion MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. THIS invaluable medicine is unfailing in the -1- cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy 'cure may be relied on. To married ladies, it is peculiarly suited . It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Thee Pills should not be taken by Female during the first three months of Pregnacy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any othet time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinel Affections, pains in the bask and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, those pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and altlaough a powerful 5.5 • remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiniony, or anything hurtful to the co bitution. ll directions in the p phlet armand eaeh pa ka.ge, whioh should be ea efully preserved. Job Moses New York, Sol Proprietor. $1.00 and 12i cents forpostage, enclosed toNorthop &Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agentfor the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills by re urn mail. - Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & 0Q., and R. Lumsden. 1 197-9 • Li) BROTHERS', f MYER'S BLOCK, MAIN-STCET, JrT'4L a21Jul BONN TON'S AMERICAN LIGHTNING SAWS, Wm.= 0 0 L -I (I) TO THE FARMERS OF HURON. We have much pleasure in informing you that we have Secured the services of Mr. CHARLES McLEOD,, Iiippen, as General Agent for the salt of The KIRBY- Reaping The KIRBY Machines have not Farmers who were present at the as to the merits of our Machines. The Kirby machines are simple equal to any machines made, and make and. ean supply to Farmers 1,-) REAPER, the 13ITRDICK INDE - ' 'WHEEL MOWER. Mr. McLEOD Farmers who have used the Kirby supply them with tirst-class Machi CHARLES McLEOD, Kippen P. .T.A.3111ilS MARTIN, St. Helens P. BRANTFORD, March 1, 1874. Cin a S [F1 I if 1.CI S ,SIVIfOIH GM)" —Acid 00tat.e tor (fate. F4R1VI TO RENT.! LT No. 0, Con. 13, McKillop, about 40 acres (geared and in, a good state of caltivation, con- venient buildings and. an orchard on the premises, To bet on very reasonable terms. Immediate pos4ession givenFor further particulars apply, by letter, to J. S. inteEWEN, 3294 Kincardine P. O., Out. • = __I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. VOki. SALE, a House and Lot on ' High Strdet, Seaforth, uekt Alex. Stewart's residence; house l8x.2'12-, lot One-fifth. of an aore ; two bed - romps; kitehen canna.; house new. Will be sold' cheap for cash. For partieulare apply to AL X. STEWART, Seaforth, or JOHN DUNCAN, Bra sels. • 827-4 FARM FOR SALE TN the Townehip of Stanley, situated on the Bayfield Road, 2 miles from the Village of Bay- field being the emit half of Lot No. 6, Bayfield Road, north, containing 96 acres of exeellent land, and kla a good. state of cultivation, 55 acres cleared. and well watered, the bala-nee is well timbered with beech, maple and cedar, there is &good frame barnt and shed, and. a log dwelling house. For further particulars; apply to R. CHING, on the prenlises, or to. PAUL CLEAVE, Lot No, 4, Bey- fieldLine, Goderich Township, near lanyfield. 827 1 FOR SALE. Hotel knenkoa as Ross' Hotel, which has eon doing a good business, will be sold cheap on private terms f4 cash, as the proprietor is go- ing tint of the business. Also No. 5 storehouse will be sold on the emu° terms. It is situated on the snail side of the station. This is, a rare chance for say one going into hotel or grain bnsiness. Possession given inunediately- For further par- ticulars apply to J. It. ROSS on the premises.. Title indisputable. . I. R. ROSS, Proprietor. 8274 FARM FOR SALE. 24, Con. 4, 'Hay, containhig 3.00 acres, 75 eleared and in good cultivation; splendidland ; Spring Creek running through it; geod young or- chard; one and three quarter milee from the Lon- don Road; good frame barn, 86x56; good log hous ; good stable.; For further particulars• ap- ply oi the premises or address 82 *4 • - ADAM BERRY, Xiamen P. Oa FARM WANTED TN the County of Huron, 100 or 200 acres, mostly cleared and free from stumps. Must be first- class soil, with good orchard aud. outbuildings, not partieular about th4 house. Apply to •t MARSDEN SMTTH, 325 a Brussels P. 0. • HOTEL FOR SALE. RS. ROBERTSON, wishing to retire from the hotel keeping, business, offers for sale that well-known stand, in. Egmondvi.ve, now °coupled by her; half an acre! of land. ettaeled to thc hotel; good !stables, good Well, and every other conveni- ence for carrying on.ithe hotel business. Part of the pdrchaSe money twill be required in cash; the remainder will be allowed to go in ettsy install - menta. Apply oil tli.e premises to 810 , MRS., ROBERTSON, Egmontiville. FARM FOR SALE. BING composed Of Lot 1, Con. 10 of the Town- ship of Tuckeramith, containing 100 acres of excellent land, upon which there is a new frame harn,383:60 feet, and. also a good orchard. For term, which are easy, and other information, ap- Ply to Mr. JAMES VA.VEY, on Lot 1, Con. 12, of geld r2ownship, or te the vendor, WALTER REN - WICK, Sr., St. George P. 0., Brant Co.; Ont. 296 STE4.M SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. B'ING Lot 34, Con.. 7, McKillop, containing 104 sexes, all cleared, with gooti barns and stables, two god oreherds ili full bearing; two never -f ail- ing s rings which supply the mill. Also, lot 35, i Con. , containing 48 acres of bush. The property is sitn.ated 6 miles from Seaforth, With a good gravel roa,d thereto. For further particulars apply on the premises. If by post, to JOHN THOMP- SON ,Constance P. 0., Kinburn, Ont. 260 • FARM FOR SALE IN 3IcHILL01'. VOISALE, a good Farmm , composed of North t -1- ha of lot 15 and the west half of lot 14, Con. 12, M Rillop, containing 100 aeree, 50 cleared and well f need, and in good cultivation; balance well timbered with hardwood; a good frame house and new log bartil; good bearing orchard; two miles and a half from a good gravel road; 10 miles from the village of Seaforth; there are two steam sawm lls within si Miles; convenient to churches, schoo s and stores. : For particulars apply to the prop etor on the ,premises, or, 4 by letter, to JAMES MO1D0NALD. 'WluthropP.O. 2804 1 'And Mowing Machines. yet been hilly introduced into the County of Huron, but these iPlion Reaping Mateli, in July, 1878, can form their own opinions in coo,struePion, easily managed, very durable, will do their work re positively the lightest running machines in the Dominion. We for the coming season the KIIII3Y COMBINED MOWER AND ENDEN1 SELF -RAKING NEAPER, iind KIRBY'S NEW TWO - will supply pamphlets, giving all information and certifieates from EEDS, Consisting of Red Clover, Mover, Timothy Seed, 0 or Blue Grass, Hung viz.: Carter's, S the Celebrate We trust tbe harmers of Eliuoyx will sustain us in our efforts to es. -Yours truly, . • A. HARRIS,- SON & CO. °" Agents. 326 .5.5.5511555.1W - SEEDS, SEEDS. IELD SEEDS te . CleVer, Yellow Clover (or Trefoil), and. Alsike s chard Gras, Red Top, Italian Rye Grass, Kentucky rian Grass:iTurnips of the following varieties, Irving's, Hers Westbury, East Lothian, and Grey StoneMangolds—Red andYellow. . GA_RDEN SEES IN ENDLESS VARIETY, atherin Rapers or Bulk: FLOWER SEDSA HOICE COLLECTION. i. Call early while there is a good aSsortment. Armen or Gardeners who buy in large quantitieS liberally dealt with. GROCERIES, FEED AND PROVISIONS . . ' Alwayson hand oaf for sale cheap for cash. 1 • Goods, as usual, delivered either in Egmon'dville, Harpurhey or Seaforth free of charge, and Promptly. STRONG & FAIRLEY, Seaforth. GODERICK FOUNDRY. The Goderich Foundry& Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for • STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND ,WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG PLOWS; CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, & . SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &e. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various hinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. Axis°, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS BEPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO TeiiiITY-HORSE POWER. TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to tie Company or Secretary will receive promptattention. A. 113DGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President. R. RLINCIMAN, General Manager. mosisportmeinemomen. AGRICULTTI AL M:UTUAL ASSURANCE ASSO IATION OF CANADA isme.reamons TO HORSE MEN! ,ROUTE BILLS Quickly, Handsomely and Correctly • Printed HEAD OFFICE, - LON ON, ONT. AT • SEAFORTH. TO THE PUBLIC.—The uuders gned having THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE' -IL lately been appointed to the Gies and Bruce agency of the above coCUTS to select from. Huron agency, to which latter ha lately been company, in a dition to his xqr 6 added the Townships of Goderich, Hullett and • REMOVED. REMOVIED. Tuckersmith, lately held by Cherie Morrow, of Clinton, will hereafter reside in OWN SOUND, visiting all parts ot the Grey, Brut and Huron Agency limits periodically. In ender that his interest in Huron may not languis4 he has ap- pointed as his represe.utative at Clinton _ MR. WILLIAM CUPIMING A young num of energy and pereeverance, in whose hands the interests of the people will be as closely attended to as heretofore. - Members of the Company will be Waited on in- variably for renewal before their policies expitie, and we ask for a continuance of the arge patron- age hitherto enjoyed by the "Agri laurel" on • its own mdrits. It has for the year 1873 iesued ov 13,000 pol- icies, with a considerable decrease in the amount of fire losses. The Company is 'dill authorized to issue cash'policies for three year's, s well as on the mutual plain having deposited vith the Do- minion Goverranent,all statements o rival -agents to the contrary, notwithstanding. Thanking the people heartilyfor t e large pat- ' renege given him, the subscriber apes yet to retain a place itt their favor for hims lf and rep- resentatives, while in hie extended ield he will visit Huron as often as possible. • A.ppli cations by mail always proml tly attended to by WM. CUMMING, Knox's Hotel Clinton, in the absence of the undersigned. Respectfully, • 334 CHAS. T. eD!'srLouEnd, Ont. JOHN S. PORTER I One-horse Banker and Exchange Broker. 1 - al/AIN STREET, SEAFORTH. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HIS REMOVED his ware -rooms to . JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, • Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stook of Furth. • ture of every deseription. ,CALL- AND SEE IT. UNDER,TAKING. ! Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE am prepared to attend funerah3 on the shortss notice, either in town or coontry. Coffins, All Sizes, ,Kept constantly on hand. • THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD. MA.BEE & MACDO:N ALD BEG to inform the public that they have re- moved their Lumber Yard to the let between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall's Mill. • They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Aleo, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at thalowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Alec). on hand any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. CAPITA]. - •$0 000,000.01. Builders and eth.ers will ir advan- , tage to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices. This is no blow, but a beforepurchasingelsewhere, as we are ill D. position Mel. to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. UYS Greenbacks end Aramaean Silver *et cur- . rent rates. Lends money on goo qty. Shaves notes without lathe Money oil deposit, and pays 20 per —when you get it. Buys Rides, Sheep Skins, Frin uuZTrool at the highest pricos farm prop - r. Apreives ent. interest All this is done with the above capial, wondor- wishEs an bust. 322 ful, is it not? Hand in your wants expectations, don't be afraid, he won' MONEY ADVAN =.13 ON Mortgage Security, in such a ms and for such periods, and repayable in • tich manner as the applicant may desire. Apply t 8224'52 A. G. McDOL-GA 1 L, Seaforth. PUB)...110 NOTICE; n C. WILLSON, of Seaforth, bat been appoint- ‘ --1 • ed sole agent for the celebroted I ithushek Pi- ano in the County of Huron, and this int trument can only be purchased through him or his duly author- ized agents. Orders given to others On n my agents or myself wM not be filled. The following gentle- men have been appointed to act as my agents in the Cotmty of Ewen Thcs. Connors, TJ. P. Whiffen and L. Murphy, Seaforth ; 0. Doherty, Clinton; and L. S. Willson; Godericln 320 0. 0. WILLSON, Seiforth. THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. • -• • HAMS AND BACON Thoroughly cured and of exeellent quality for sale 4holesale and retail. I The Trade liberally dealt with. All order' promptly attended to. 1 THOMAS STEPHEN, 327 • Proprietor. • NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us, the undersign- ed, George Gibson, David Black and John Moffat, as stave and heading manufacturers, was this day dissolved by mutual eonsent, so far as regards the said John Moffat. All debts due to the said partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged, at Wroxeter, where the business will be continued by the said GEORGE GIBSON and DAVID BLACK, under the firm of GIBSON & BLACK. • Dated at Wzometer, this 23d day of March, 1874. • GEORGE GIBSON• . DAVID BLACK. JOHNMOFFAT6 Witness—ROBEBT aluLIN. 2.3 5,