HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-04-10, Page 3N.PRIL 10, 1874. coccuenciatoacacmcmccamma .Ast -whisper to him that n infinite number of care; tesimal difference in their wll have entained that for which b seni& to 1)P.MANB ABSCISSA.' Ly friend's hand in silent adMiration. I could say a listened te the man of aid proudly. " You shall eaetical euginee,r.We t of the Mississippi and ItWV level locality. We :reon a model Taehypomp. hereunto the Prefeseor, why not hie fair sister We Will take them a h.ehall iutehnatortish the lie shall place .kbeeissee a and bless you both with ormula. Ilucaeta shalt con - de r the ±renius of Riv- have rinteh-to do. We Joeeph the vast amount ,o be employed in the con - the Taeltynomp. We: must Ii army ld workmen to ef- r.ruetion, for we are to an- , load spece. Perhape you. your bankers." impetuously to the door. tie no delay. op ! ret Gott* Willen tel Rivarnl. launched his inoroiug and I haven't too latc. BoN T P. In with a eraeh, and I was Fu, down, tiaetcn, ! felt as og throteeh illimitable Spam (' set:uterine as I rusha whether 1 hould llers lenal. or stop at the ati eternity. Then, • suddenly and painfully ay eyes. Around me were 'Prof. Surd's study. Under -0, unyielding:, plaue whieh 41 waa Prof. Surd's study /a titc wee the black, slip- !, el chair which Lad belehed Judi as the whale served front of me stood ur. niaisnieo ru with a not unpleasant vening, Mr. Furnace. Let np. You look tired, sir. eva fell asleep when I kept taaiting. Shall I get you. a -1? No t By the s -ay, since ex ietter3. I find that you -are r old friend, Judge Furna.ce. t- inquiries, and see no reason wad not make Abscissa a. d." an see no reason why the should not have succeeded. toeif. NOTICES ete—Erre's Coco.a.—GreerEe 'eXFORTING..—'' By a thorough iof the natural laws which Operations of digestien and lid by a careful application of perties of well-Seleeted coeoa, las provided our breakfast toe delicately flavoured 'beverage save ns Marty heavy doctors' Service otazette. Made Water or Milk. A is labelled---(Laerss _EPPS & :epathie Chemists, London. -.Tung oF C000.a.---"We will aeeoutit of the process adopt- rs Epps & Co., man - of dietetic articles, at their iie Euston Road., Landon"— nesehord Uaute. years' experience in. using i-Pielniouic Wafers" have M to be the most effectaal 'coughs, and ireitatiens of the ied, by cold, or unueual exer- vocal orsans ; publi€:. speakers wtll finarthemmoet beueficial. Freedoiu from all deleterious rendere Biyauls Pulmonie 'ough and Voice Lozenges, y for the most delicate per - caused. them. to be hehl in y all who have used them. .i.mediciae dealers at 25 cents iCSIBLE.--1-lorse dealers who I to know what effects their iehase "Darley'_s Condition ti Arabian Heave Remedy 5. and feed it to their horses bse of improving their cone bh •0 always does —others 0 by their example Re- name, and see that the f I4UFd & Co., is on each 'Cortlirop & Lyman, Toronto, otors for Cauada. Sold by !dealers. the bodiit, vigor Wanes„ En the effects of old age, res - (climate, insufficient nourish- ( -bearing, rapid growth, ex - Fellow -a' Campeau:id Syrup of Utes will impart the vie vita a*tit SOtan restore the un- Mgh. The fevr-stricken in - ay have had hi S recovery re- fantile weakness, will rapid. - !meter the influence of Fel- mind. Syrup of Itypophos- ien hope forsake e the poor let him not proerastinate an ey moment gained is iuvalu- lisease, is positively curable ...!otapeultd Syrup of _Hypo - • its earlier stages, while E and hopeless cases life rolonged, and the p&- !. capable of perfekaming avocations for years, feel- . on vonience from his malady. aethinatic—the b-ronchitis y both became sound and ueing Fellows' Compound pophosphites. The dispirit - can be assured of success - nal treatment of his disease. ion returns when nervous j 1 T e,Stored. edows Compound pophosphitee renews nervous coneeqaently cures dyspep- the only sound manner of pepsia. viz.: Tone the lac - ay blood, ; tone the lungs to bleod ; tone the nerves to eIe frein blood. The blood, d the nerves constitute the stomach is the organ of th- as FellowsIlypophosphites trength to that organ, it will tt cure dyspepsia. E1 es comearian ELIXIR. OF VrES AND CALIaiAYA, compoSed !Lt s et Nutrition, may be taken in 4itioa; of the body with benefit, 'ts the Digeation and Assimilation he far:ea:jou of Healthy Blood. .Natile,fe gnat restorative in Ner- al Proetration, ariaing Irma over - ad and bedand when combined 1:tk the specidc for ChM; and Fever diseases, it constitutes the tcrost able preparation ever used in re- Foreee, and enereizittg all the 4old at $1 GU. R L 10, 18t4. GAIETIES. 4.4 • 3, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. --A Tipperary gentlem• an was asked why he thd not take a newspaper. " Be- cause " said. he,-ney father, when he died:left me a good many newspapers, and I haven't read them through -yet" —The caution of the New Engla.nder givMg an answer to a direct question waS illustrated to me, says a correspon- dent, the other day, when I asked' an Eastern friend of min' e, whose family were not noted for very active habits, Vas not your father's death Very sud- den ?" Slowly drawing one hand from his pocket, and pulliug down his beard, the interrogated cautiously. replied, \WM, rater sudden, for him." WaRY.—A Texas man reeently de - dined to eceive a telegraphic dispatch from a yellow fever locality lest he Might ' catch the disease. —A. young bachelor, who had. been ! appointed sheriff, was called upon. to serve an. attachment agaMst a. beautiful young widow. He accordingly called upon. _ her, and sani, " Madanr, 1 have an attachment for .a.'rou." The widow blushed, and said that his attachment was reciprocated.. "You don't understand. .me ; .you must proceed to court." "1 know it is leap -year, eir, but prefer you to do the courting. "Mrs. P-----, this is no time for triffing ; the justice is waitingt" • "The justice! why, I prefer la, paiaon." —A sheep -stealer who had long es- caped conviction was recently caught in the very act,: and civilly asked what., ex - case he had to offer. His answer was apt. He had. to admit that he had killed the sheep, but he added, with some in- d_guation, " And if another attacks me in thlt way, see if 1 don't kill it too'!" —A debtor who -owed. eight hundred dellars_ offered his creditor eight promis- sory 'notes of a lnindred dollars -each, payable on the to day of eiglat OonSecti- tive months, which were accepted. ' - The first note was protested on its becoming due : and. Ott the creditor's asking the debtor for an explanation, the latter said, " The fact is, my friend, I can't pay you anything, and divided the debt into small portions to save you the shock of losing it all ati once." DRIED APPLES.—This is an article which is just noW plentiful on the mar- ket and in groceries. The editor of the Name Cttizen has a weakness for driecl apples, and. saw some nice ones on thc raarket the other day, but taldug the - precaution to remove the top layer, found that all that glitters is not gold. The effect upon his vision was to produce the following effusion : I loathe ! abhor! detest! despise!, Abominable dried apple pies ! I look good bread, I like god meat, Or anythlog that is fit to eat; But of all the grub beneath the skies The poorest is dried apple pies. Give me a toothache or sore eyes, In reference to such kind of pies. - The farmer takes his gnarliest fruit, 'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard to .boot.; They leave the hull to make us co -ugh, And don't take half the peelings off. Th.en on a dirty cord they're strung; And from some chamber-wind:Ow hung Aud there they serve as roost for flies • Until they're ready- to be made pies. Tread ou my corns, or tell nie But don't pass me dried apple piee. , those studies ahead be selec a for:early youth which train the pow* of O)eser- vatibn, those for later -years hich train first "we the reasoning faculties. .14 the, plac , without saying ' grt mmari would correct -the. pupil's faulte of speeeli. Teach him that, to lie Means one thing and to lay =Alen and 'insist upon his using each in the rietht cennee- tion The dictionary is su cient au- tho4ty, if any is asked. In the second placei we would take up the study 'of wor 18, point out their source6 and their hist San tuif 0-ua 6 00n( ed gen was served called it " yeal.;" teach him that I: ord8 change and shif4 and have meanings appropriate and inappropriate to lieir career. Of course, this tudy might be carried to _ a degr e *hv re it would. become abstruse, butthere is a sufficient field where. it would be a s mple and e6chiliarating investigatio4 of t iings entely within the reach and:. cm pre- henSien of the young. Teachers ca .do a vast deal also in enriching the ci rent vocabularies of their pupils. i. The hunt for eynonyins for common wierds 5 ight be in- de a most agreeable task. If here is aiything melancholy in this world, it is t et spectacle of a young irl who is stulyiiug French and taking miisie les- son jbut vrho in this richest of 0.11 lan- gut i under the sun can oily e)4)ress her a, miration of anything bfr the Single epith t " nice." All study in the Airec- tio s which we have thus hrieflyr and. ruce1y indicated is the very Bst *par- ati( n for the study of style a little later and. or the cultivation of one's own co and of English, for both of lvhiel eses grammar as now taught islprac- d(i ./lepub- ry, not as far back Perhaps a,s the crit or the .Greek, but fa' enough to 13. to the child the mystery of lan- d, tell him the story of thasio man. nest and how the slave Who butcher - e victim called. it "calf, 'wljuiie the 'man conqueror upon whose ta)le it Grammar. The death of Millard Fillmore has sug- gested, a *discussion curiously distant from the occasion. The New York Pribune bestowed a side -thought upon his defective education, especially in grammar, and his skill notwithstanding M the nse of the English language. Al- though his style may have been no model, yet he never found difficulty in eXpress- ing himself with correctiiesst and. force in English of ordinary purity, a general characteristic of our American. self-edu- cated men., though not ten men in Con- gress, perhaps, could parse a dozen lines of Milton. The Co4ge Courant takes up the subject and. adds something to ear knoviedge of Fillmore in, the; assur- ance that early in his canoe and, more or less, all through it, he was a devoted. student of "grammar M its larger import," that is, of the construe- pii tic4,11y worth -- A_ TR, LIVI , There isLurnber inMeKillop, at the • VICiORIA STEAM MILLS, • ea .of And JOHN GOVENLOCK Is the man to supply i . LWAYS on hand a 'large, stock of :ill kinds of Umber, which will bo sold at prices which not be surpaseed in this- Comity ifer cheapness flee. 1 D dining and Fencing Lumber in, ATdetA' material. Parties buildteg or bu3ing SHINGLES, LATH,' and every description of lar e quantities will be liberally ddalt with, and • w* find it to their profit to give the abundance. VICTORIA MILLS a trial before purchasing el bwhete.I • O .DERS CUT AT All orders left at the Mil th bp P. 0. will receive rn-mbor 32 DAYS NOTICE. or addressed to Win- rompt attention. Re - JOHN GOVENLOCK'S Vitoria 1jj1s is the place. 000 BUSIN r ss A dim Sale of Taveijn Sian Lois in Zur/ ich n Pari HANCE: and Village Credit. pm:mance. of an ordaj of the pourt of Chan- . cen- alatea the Sth d y of January last, Rod ra de, in re Hill, upou the applicatien of the infant e ilclren of the late Ca. par ELL, by Catherine EC 11, their guardian, therd will be -,old by Public A. ctioti by Edward 134ssenbeiacy, auctioneer, w th the apprebation of .Erenry cDermott, Bsq.,. M ster of the seid Court t Goderidli, on he l7thJayofAP1tLJI...111. 1814, At 1 o'oloek in tae afternoon, at -TICE VICTO II TEL, no ZIIRICH, two parcele, the f() ng very desirable SEEDS! WILSON SEEDS I AT tat SEEDS! &. YOUNG'S, SEAFORTH. :MST RECEVED A FULL STOC. OF FIELD AND CARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WARRANTED FRESH AND @00 1'. SWEDE. TtjRNIP,S. Westbury Improved, Nvhich has taken prizes, wherever grown.; Carter's Imperial, one of the best varieties gown in this country, Seirving's Lnproved Porple Top, also a good variety, and well known; White Dutch Swede, new variety, highly recoMmended. FALL .TUFItY4IIPS. White Globe, Yellow Aberdeen,- and suleral other well known varietiee. CARRotrs. _ White Belgian, White Orthe, Long Orange Scarlet Intermediate, ad d others. MANGOILDS. tion of of theelansuage, the origin Of words may, viz.: Pima). No. 1—The. large and com- and their proper force, and the whole na- o(oaious two-story tram Tavern, known as the toreof ale tongue. v etoria Hotel, lately ker t by Caspar Hill, in the V1Iage of Zurich, withi barn, driaing shed and This suggests a great change in the 0 o thouses. Also, one-fifth of an acre of land ad - study of gitunmar, which has,already be- gun in the best schools, and which, we trust, is destined to supersede entirely the old routine parsing. Grammar, As it has been taught, has been- the driest of all possible studies. bright child often is taught to chase throUgh the sen- tences, glibly naming the characters of the successive words and imPosiug upon them such fanciful relations as " govern- ment," "agreement," and so on. There is a persistent claseification and naming of tvords which teach us nothing about them. In the "examination papers" of Cornell university, for instance, we find, this requirement "Explain what is meant by proper, common, nominal, pronominal, participial and compound. adjectives," Ord boa° ? Ancl. hew _does this shuffling of tho adjective pack help US to play our hand •.? The analysis of sentences into subject and, predicate, now more generally taught, is a _great improvement upon this, but grammar -is, we suspect, capable of a still higher and more profitable development. It Seems to as that a clear distinction should be observed between learning our own language and it foreign one. Aper- °' approaching- ea foreign 'latignage, otherwise than by oral communication, is compelled to stidy its grammar as a clew to its translation. Tedious iter tion and familiarity with Jame and all other conjugational afflictions is the only entrance to a book knowledge of French, but it is absurd to say that a person born and growing up in the English language gains greater facility in its use by the repitition of I love, thou lovest, he loves," etc. Most of the corxection of the ungrammatical conversation of school children is enforced, so fay as it is en- forced at all, bv the diligence and. ex- ample of the 'teacher, rather than by what the child learns from the grammar. But, so far as grammar is intended to teach the structure end organism of languege, the issue we would raise is whether it ought not to be postponed. till the pupil has morc inabilityes; very little study of the Principles of uni- versal. 'grammar, as developed in the Latin, at the age of IS or -2.0, would profit vastly more than term upon term of the parret-like parsing of less matUre years. Real grammar involves a degree of analysis and. logical :power of which children are not capable. But there is a large field of grammati-. cal study, where the mere exercise of the power of observation affords a rich re- turn. In general it seems to us that 81 9 ining aud composing tillage Lot No. 12, Knoll's vey, Village of Znriph. ThiS is: cOnsidered ono the best tavern stande int he neighberhood. A ansfer of the Liceuce for ie year eommencing in March,1874, will also »e given to the purchaser, th,e latter to proeure thol requisite certificate and °Unseat of the raunicipa of1cer:30 such transfer. Parcel No. 2—Village L ts pox.64 and 65, Knell's , adjoining each other, survey, Village bf Zane and containing together1 two-tifthe of an acre—an old building on one Lot., TERMS -10 per cetit.p.n cash. at time of sale, and the balance as follolvs : For the tavern prop- e-ty a sum sufficient with said. dapoeib ' to make t o -thirds of the purche4e money , in one month from time of sale withent interest, and the re- aining one-third to be scoured by mortgage on t4ie property, with, 8 per cent. interest, payable in three to Avaiyears, at p chaser's option, Intereet half yearly. The buildiitigs to be basnred for $600, and the policy assigned as • calleteral. For the Village Lots, cash in one month from time of sale rithout interest. ahere will be one reserved lid. I The other d oncUti ns are the standing con- ditions of the Cottrt of 0 =eery. ' For farther partieula s apply to Mrs. Hill at the hotel premises, or to Michael Zeller or Charlee Bauer, Zurich; or Sincl ir & Seeger, Barristers, Goderich. I Long Red and Yellow Globe.—All the above varlet* have been purchased from tbe best and most reliable Seedemen in the Country, and will be sold cheap. Special indueemente offered to Jobbers and parties purchasing largo quantities. GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND PROVISIOS CHEAP AND GOOD A$ USUAL. Daily expected—Our Spring Stock of Crockery, which will be well worthy of Inspection. ILSON YOUNG. 11ENRX MACDERMOTT, 329 Mester at Goderich. TEAS, i\A A.: IT ± T bi3 A - AN THE 1 NORTH -TV -EST TERRITORIES. LINE OF TRAN PORTTION FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. [ S,EALED TENDERS addressed to the under - 'a' signed, Will be recei ed at this Office up to the 20th April next, for WOT log the 'line of transpor- tation leading from T. der Bs y to Fort Garry, during the ensuing s ason ot navioation. The line is in two sections', z.: the Eastern Section, extending from Prince Arthut'S 'Landing to the North-west Angle of th Lake of the -Woods—and the Western Section, fr m the North-west Angle to' Fort Garry. Tende s may bo for the whole line, or separately foe ei er of t ese two Sections. The plant an.d building new on. the route, will be timed over for the tana . being ior the rise of the line, to the party or parties to lsjbom the contract for this service may be awarded. Schedules -of 'plant =et buildings ean be seen t this Office, ad at I the following Offices, viz.: Pb1ic Works, To- ronto: Alan Macdougall, Esq., q. E., Collingwood; Inland Revenue Office, Sarni • and Office of Lake of the Woods Road, Fpijt Garry.. All ad- ditional dutfit required. must b provided by the Contractor. The Means of transportation to be maintained on a scale sufflcxelit to mist= the conveyance Of passengers and t freight over the route without delay. The rate for freight and. l, passengers, and bonus for the Iseison, to be speci- fied. in the tender. The Depatment does not V' d itself to accept the lowest, or any tender. Further information can be- obtained at this Office, and at the above mentioned Offices. By Order, 1 ' F. BRAUN,Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 19, 1874. 29-4 TEAS, TEAS. Fragrant Pekoe, Shouchong, Flavored Teas, Strongly Ileconnnonded for Family Use. • J. C. LAIDLAW'S _FAMOUS .Lifi-XTURi OF FINE TEAS. J. C. LAIDLAW'S thorough knowledge of the Tea Trade enables him at all times to OFFER VERY SPECliAL VALUE In this departiment. Purchasers o Five Pound Parcels ancl upWairds liberally dealt wail,. J SUGARS. Brown, Medium, White and Loaf Sugars at the Lowest remunerative Price's. JAMES C. LAIDLAW, Family Grocer, Seaforth. 1874. SPRING THOMAS' KIDD Is Daily Receiving his Stocl , 1874. of New Spring Goods, - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Of Seaforth and the surrounding country will find it to which is MARKED AT THE FURNI THE ONE THI A NEW FURN UNDERSIGNED HAS 0 -1- Kinds such as their advantage to Inspeet our New Stock, eing LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. - A Call is .Respectfully Soltciled &efore Purchasing Elsewhere. TITOMAS KIDD. TEAS, TEAS, UR, FURNITURE. EG NE DFUL COME AT LAST._ TURF STORE IN SEAFORTH. BNED 0 T A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE OF- ALL Carte Seat, Wood Seat Ad Spling Seat Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofia, Side- boards, Cen re Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, (f.!. We will also be prepared to do all kinds of ORDER WORK, PICTURE FR AMIN(4-, &e. RTAkING. When au& is required you will 11 d it to ydur advante.ge to patronize ns. COFFINS will be kept • on hand or made to order. Shill20 DS alwakept in stock. A HEARSE to hire in connection with the business. With an aequiredknowledge of t ie hutbaes from fourteen years experience we respectfully solicit a share and a trial of public patron ige. No ye to monophly. To enable us to sell cheap and a so to sa-ve ixpenseB we will be our oNvnportei. TEAS. A large quantity of Green Teas, Black Teas, Gunpowder Teas nd Japan Teas, J. JOHNS & Co. N. B.—A new Piano for sale or ill be give in part laryment for a house. OF EXCELLENT QUAILTY AND AT VER1( LOW PRICES. ALSO A FULL STOCK OF General Groceries Wines, ; Liquors and Provisions. The Subecriber wishes it understood that his &oos will Always Give Satisfaction or t7ILe Money will JAMES be returned. URI -41Y, DONNER EUEI, UN BLAZEN VOT YU MENE. W. B. P.ORTE He gibs F nnyture R NOT_ DED avay for noddio' tu-morrer. T BEG to notify my numerous fai ri ds and c stomers that I have again opened out a new Furniture -1- Store next door -north of M. R bertson'e, lwhere everything in the housekeeping line may be found, and at from 20 to 30 per cent chat ea than ay other place in town. - Wake up ye Old Bachelors and g marriedat once, and give me a call before going elsewhere. You will save a fortune by buying from ru. Try it and be convinced. 323 W. B. PORTER. Chequered Store, Main Street, Seaforth. SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. Tc(ERR & WORTH 'uJaoavaS SPLE 0 0 0 a- ••••••0••••••••••• 144.4.4/44/744/./4/1/4/4..../....../414.144/44/41.14/14.444/443.440.444141 DID GOODS -0- 0 0 r; A LARGE ASSORTMENT: FARMERS ATT NTION. *OPENED OTTIA The Champio Ironi FOSTERS OLD STAND. Harrow ALEX. STEWART, SE FORTH, HAS on hand a large number o Iron 'Harrows of his own manufacture, w -chile can guarantee as being one of the bestwo king awl moat serviceable Harrows made. Refe nee is Made, to the following gentlemen among o hers ash!) have theE;e Harrows in use: Frank owler, Iiiillett ; Wm. Fowler and N. Cosens, Tuci,ersinith; James McIntosh, Hugh Grieve, Ann Is MeLe d and Charles Dodds, McKillop; Joh Sellers Grey. These Harrows are guaranteed to rive setisfaction. A number of first-class LUMB1 R WAGONS for sale. Wagens also made to ord r, or painted if desired. Horseshoeing, repairing and general job- bing attended to promptly ea usual. Charges moderate and work good. . Remember the brick blacksmtith ehoP, Main Street, Seaforth. . ! 327 * ALE : STEWART. Wish to inform the people of Huron and public generally that they have leased the Seaforth Fennell, for a term of years, and are now prepared to manniaeture all kinds of Castings, Straw Cutters, Sawing 'Machines, Plows, and other Farniiiig Implements We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of ever Y description. The undersigned have had long cerpuienee in the. Foundry business, and are prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their ivora.' _KERR &I WORTH. 287 STOVES & T1 Of all kinds, and in endles MRS. WHIT Carmichaers Block, Main str COAL 01 Pure good and cheap, wholesale WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM Of all kinds promptly attended anted. - 808 MR THE HURON PLANIN WARE variety at E S et, Seaforth. 1 nd retail at Mrs. ORK o and neatly era- . 'WHITNEY. MILL. _MESSRS. GRAY A: SCOTT BEG to announee that they have eommeneed business in the shop latelY occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared te fill orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, "Mouldings, And all kinds of planed lurnbe1 . :' , CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATE, HAY R CES, &a. A good stock of Seasoned Ian Factory and lumber yard 0 near Main street. Jig Sawbag and. Custom Plan 'A. GRAY. ber on band. Goderich streets, neatly done. W. H. SCOTT. SEAFORTH PLAN' SASH, DOOR AND Bit THE subscriberbegs leave to t -1- customers for the liberal pat hire since commencing busbies trusts that he may be favored of the samej Parties intending to build wo him a eall, as he -will continue large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LU SASflE DOORS, BLINDS, M SHINGLES, LA. He feels confident of giving s who may favour him with their but first-classworkmen are em eParticular attention paid 201 JOHN H. B • G WILL, D FACTORY JAMES WRI Glri • T -TAS 43 n 2.1 ed in the store next the Seaford). -kJ- Foundry and adjoining Foster's Hotel, a full and complete STOCK PF GROCERIES. His Teas are Good, His Sugars Cheap, And his 'Spices Strong. Call end give them a trial. 328. . JAMES WRIGHT. BURS* OPEN, One night last week, John Logan's Old Stand, CAUSE—A LARGE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. JANITIS REDMOND has opened ont in jam Logan's old and well-known stolid a nice stock of Fresh s ank his numerous nage extended to . in Seaferth, and 'th a continuance o keep oUi hrd a ldBdEo itwe,111 to give TILDENGS, 11, ETO. tisfaction to those atronagei as none loyed. to OustomiPlaning. OADFOOT. GROCERIES, comprising everything which should be fotmd in a first-rate Grocery Store. . FLOUR and FEED on hand. He solicits a call, and will guarantee satisfac- tion. 819 J. REDMOND. SHROUDS! SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, . CABINET ivratesea AND UNDERTARRR, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a -good. assortment of SI--111.0TTIDS ViThich he can furnish cheaper than they got elsewhere. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOTIT PAIN. 0 CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist ‘--/ • attends in Seaforth, at Knox's hotel, the first Tuesday andWednesday of eachmontha in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days andFridays. Thereinainder of the tiro.° at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new ate reotestee to can, if at Seaforth and Mint t days of at- tendance. -1 Testimonials of ovet 'patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in gold, &e., in a manner which eaunot- be surpassed. 287- $5 TO $20 per day. Agents wanted. All classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & 0o.,Fortland,Maine. .284 a