HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-27, Page 7re. = i'fiAhon- 27, 1874. AW NO. • 1.8-74, se '.`r_iy way of Loan the sum of rents,1- Thousand Dollars for the rpase of Purchasing the hiorthera wel Road.. REAel, the Connell of the. Corporation of i County a Huron have resolved to pen. le lePRTHERN GRAVEL Iti• IAD, with of a 'iolishing the collection of Tolls ott ' .'rive Roadsin the said County. VIIE LEAS, to carry into effect the said ibjee -, it will be Decesse.ry for the Council bid C rpOration to raise the sum of Twenty id Th:glare in the manner hereinafter non- VerF.REAS, the amount of the whoIe rate - perky in the County of Huron, irreepective nture increase en the same aud irrespec- ny income to be derived from die temper-. :stment of the einking fund hereinafter wed, or any part; thereof ace-or:ling to the teed =a egnali ed erseesment Ittelentf the - may, behig f r the .ear , One Thonsanet tent.lreti anti S ventyeThree, was Thirteen . i- One Sundt a mitt Ninety Thonsand rewired and S ventenFeve Dolltrs. ainEA.% ttie amount of the existing ieite one eiouelfy is as follews : Principal, Lendred and Fifty -Nine Thou:emu' 1411 anti Thirty D011ars, for (ravel -Road s, benzine', intezest at the rate of sin per . anreine, The tennued interest to be paid aid debt is Fifteen Thome:0 Five Ronde Eighteen Doll:ere and Eighty Cents, npon ebt there ie ma interest in arrear- rfiERESS„ ii will require the sum a Two la Two- Hundred. Dollars to be indeed an, )y special lite for the payment of the I !it, ag t1180, hereinafter men- 1 or paying the interest and uel Siuking Fond for paying - 1 euty Thousand Dollars and r mentioned, it will reqniee 'a rate of One Sundred and and Fif teele in tl_ e t i6o-a.59) .4 in atldition to ell otherratee it alai enter INTILEREAS, ' au equel au - sum of T. 'lee hereinaft [ I annual 'pe •ine Hundret S the Dollar es to be leve 1 in each year. iherefore -ein eted by the Conuteil of tint [tio. of the Cbmety of Huron : e 'That it shellibe Imfril for the Warden. Of County of Simon to raise bv wary of loan ,r vers,„ or perRorts, body or bodies core -.vim maybe wilting to advance the stone Fe eretlit of the Debentures hereinaftet tied. a sum rtot exceeding in the :whole the r•Twenty Thousand Doll[trs,_ end cause the I. be petite, into the hands of the Treasurer of hty aforesaid for the purposes anti with ttet [bOve recited. , ihat it shall be lawfut for the said War- eause any uniebee of Debenteres to be n- soeh somg of money not Iese tau One A Dolltere each, anti tiLe the said Deben- iall be sealed withthe seal of the said Core u and be signed bet the Wardell end conre. id by the. Treasurer of the sold County. The the- geld Debenturee shall be made. , e .... t: let twenty years at furthest front the day tter mentioned for thie J) Law to take * "the office of the Treaettrer of the said of Huron.. and shall haee attached. tei :intone for the payment a the interest are, signed by the said Watden and Treasurer. -That the [-aid Debentures and Coupons made ont in the cm -renter of this Doenin, that whole =QUM of said DJ entures shall eted the before mentioned smm a Twenty ,nd Dollars, and they shell bear taterest at of six per cent. per annum, aniieh inter - 11 be payable on the fizet day of July he mid every year duririg the continuance iaid debentures, at the office of the Treas- the said. County of Huron. II -That foe the purpose of forming a sinking r the payment of the said Debentures aiul 'erest at the rate aforesaid, to become dne t au equal special rate of One Hundred and eine Sueelred and Fifty -Ninths (160-eeee of n the Dollar, eliall in addition to all other ul taxes be raised, levied and collected in .ar upon all the rateehle pi apt within utty a Ilueon, donee,- the continuance of , I:Debentures or any of them. , eThat thie By-law sheen tire effect and one operation upon the first day of July, ionsand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Foun. f NOTICES above is a true copy of a proposed By -Law akezt into consideration by the Municipal 1 of the County of Hurtn at Goderich, in d County,. on the Fourth Day of Jarte4874e heur of two o'eltek iu the afternoon, at time and piece the members a the Courtell neliy required to attend for the puroose id ADiarSON, County Clerk. !"-Y' Clerk's Mee. 1 Fele 26, /674. f 32'3-14 lat FORTH AND HURON RBLE WORKS. SSET & BROTHER, (Late of Ilarailtole,) intimate to their' numerous frienFls and the etuldie that they are prepared to till all fee eelete, Headstanes, Table Tops, Mantels, 8ae. f,e, Monuments imported to• Order. of the best style and art, and cannot be 'ed in this part of -Ontario. (respectfully solicited. iposite Logan & jamiesones StOre, MAIN-SREET, sEAroRT}r. MESSET. !! CLINTON- s RE31.L.E WORKS, • C'ROX STREET. • door west of the Commercial Hotel, KU:VENTS, HEADSTONES, ele of all kind in American and Foreign tkleeignee and enecnted in the hest style', mist reasouttble prices. re,riatts eTIaT,lc SP a AM lil;e11„ WI Short Notiey te Ileirtnuents and Ifeadetones imported LLDE R & COOPER. ANDREW CALDER, Agent. H PORTIER„ •'-.1.1oreteraleke.r and Excharee Broken t • STREET, Sj,Ti FORTH. SU,DRO„0139.01. This ie no blow, lett a. fate. ; ctreertletelze end Attu titan Silver at cur - ret • s. Inteie mom y ten ,intel feria prop - ;ben s wee, witieett lather. Reeeivee tleeeeit, ILId pay e eti leer cent. interest :eel. et t it. 'left Set ep eekene, .Pleee fete/ :11-'00/ thi, h;uhrgt " amp-. with the above ceeltele wentier- nett ? in your wants, wishes and eette, don't be afraid, he won't inlet. 822 - ED. OV ED. _ 1. r 0114'1 FITS0-34\-- , Calduet-maker and t-ndertehe!, Wartereteue to JORNSON'S OLD STAND, usin-Atieet. Seaf.4-t11, e Du hani aqnperior stock t Frani. tom fe, f•rpry I, 1, J AV" 'VISE .1 T. .UNDERTAKINCt. letrehaeeri Jr. Tholua Deli's HEARSE pared to attend funeral:: on the shortest ither in town tn. country. Cornea, All Sizes, tstantly on hand. ee. -e• refee. eeeeeeeee.F MARCH 27 -1874. - .-Feeeete-t-e. ee e , . DatereSting to All. A Book -publishing, Office has -been opened in Guelph by Mr. J. W. Lyon - ' that bids fair to be a criadit to the place. The work he is now engasted in publish- , ing and sailing is admitted by 11 who have seen it to be Ono of the nost vain - able books in the English hop. ge. It . is One that all religions; and pares join . in s.ecommencling. It is entitled " The ' polar and Tropical Worlds," 'written. by Da, Hartwig, President of Heidelberg -University, the oldest University inthe world-, and the one that holds the highest rank. Over 1,000,000 tcopies hasie been gold in the old ceuntry ; 20;000 copies have recently been sold in Newk ;Bruns- wick and NovaScotia. The book is es- Pecialiy valuable to Ualuadiana, from the fact that it gives the Most correct history of the Hudson Bay _Fur Company, Brit- ish Columbia and Mhnitobas as well as along the whole line of the projected canatia, pacific Railroad, from Mentreal io Fart William, thence to Fert Garry, through .Manitoba, and British. Colum- bia, to Vancouver's Islaad ; giving full infotniation in regard to the mill, climate, prodhcts, rivers to be bridged, mountains to be tunnelled, cost of builcli g. tS,,,c, ft also gives a full account of esVfounds land's forests, swamps and fisheries, and the fisheries of the St. Lawrence - Sev- eral chapters are from the pen of our own Lord Dufferin—fiaely written let- ters from Iceland_ and "The Higher Latitudes ;" aud what makes it still fur- ther attractive, it gives reliable ialforapas tion in regard to all the colonies of Great Britain., Hindoostan, Cape Colony, Aus- tralia and the Islands of the Sea .; while more than one half of the great travel- lers whose noble deeds are record.ed in the work are either English or Scotch. The work contains the most important information from over 150 explores. It is embellished with over 200 beautiful engravines, either ph.otographa or draw- ings with the pencil, taken by travellers frOM nature in the Countries to which they relate. It treats of Natural His- tory, Physical Geography, travel and adventure, which makes it interesting to the child. It treats of Botany, Geology, e • currents of the Ocean, their influenoe upon climate and life, which, with the maps and cheats, naakes it invaluable to the scholar. :No school. teacher or ad- vanced student ca,a afford to do withont it,- or any family who wish to - inform themselves in the cheapestand most re- liable way. No book could be better got up, as regards paper, binding, or material, and its cheapness brings it within the reach of all. The following are the opioions of our Pastors and. School Inspectors in regard to this work, each of whom thoroughly examined the book itself before giving their testi- monials. All have taken a copy for their own use, with one exception. Smile - of them say they never before purchased or recommended a book- sold by agents : g TESTIMONIALS. - . As requested by the Publsher, Mr. J. W. Lyon, of Guelph. I have looked through a work on =‘ The Polar and Tropical Worlds." by -Ha wig„ and edited by Dr. A. 'II. Guernsey Even a cursory examiination of the a ove work is suffieleat to, show that it dontains a large amount of very in terestin t informa- tion in regard to the Physical Geograpjiy and Natural History of the ts a) worlds of which it treats, and I cloubtj not that the very creditable manner in svhich the work has been gotten up will aid in ob- taining for A a readySale. PALMER,, , Awnsun. ar_M. A., Archdeacon of Toronto. I bear cheerful testimony to the ad- mirable style, and the get-up othe book: for as regards goodness of paper. clean- ness of printing, and thebinding, it com- pares favorably with the ;best specimens 1 of English works. It will be a matter ! of special attraction to Canadian rearless that this work gives the de rest ancl truest recital of the life and p °ducts of • Manitoba, and the line of the , projected . Pacific hadroad. It also supplies many valuable extracts and illustrations .of Polar life from Earl Dufferin's works, "Higher Latitudes." . , IA-716Mo! MANeTtimE; Pastor of the Congregational Church, Guelph. . I have earefuly looked over Dr. Hart - wig's "Polar and Tropical Worlds." it is a book of vast and varied; interest, exceeding well written, and profusely adorned with very appropriate illustra- tions. Its vivid deseriptions of scenes so different .from our own ecannot fail eto intereat and instruct the young, while the mature student must derive much valuable information fromeite pages. It iswell worthy of an extensive. circula- tion.Jot Ho, D. D.. Pastor of St Andrew's Church, Guelph. After a cal eful examination of the "Polar and Tropical Worlds " I have • ;much pleasure in testifying my concur- : :rence in the foregoing recommendations 'of the work by Archdeacon Palmer; Mr. itlanchee, and Dr. Hogg. Being familiar :with the literature of A.retic explora- tions, I can especially certify to the cer- :reduces and excellence of that part. of the hook. hope, it may have a wide .sala Wm. F. Craton Congregational Minister, Guelph. "The Polar and Tropical Worlds" what it professes to be; a compilation from the most recent and valua,ble • authors on the subject contained in th'e °lime. The part on the Polar World is pa. icularly complete, and eantains aU thatwi probably be ever -written on the subject, 115 further exploration. will 14) 4iscottraged, and the present volume sontains all that is really valuable or en- tertaining on the subject. The work- manship in both type and illnstratinns dspaetiaolz for itself aid. needs no esitihlebet ; W. R. EA r„L. Pastor of .N._nox Church, Guelph. , The volumee—for there are tevo in one -s-are stotehouse of facts. I have read -- iattipiti-alrYy day d- \\,4h i nterest, e ieen ebreirted, instructed. Rini. relia unr,,, and no means one of the eahhisea4r.facinated. The -work is a most eexa.efer trashy kindIsrich as is often offer- , r sale. The illustrations are finely ited and lihkike, the letter -press it -rate, the paner excellent, and the is fir bind ns elegant_ This volume worthy of a Plane in every household library, aud most cheerfnily and heartily corn- raemt tile work to the publie. • Tilos. L. DavroaoN, M. A. a D-, PaRtnr, RaTtist Church.; Guelph.. M C.F. LyQN : _have examined thebciutil volume, "The .1,?olap and Tr%) t Worla, " p n (1. have no hesitation g ving it my fordial approval asW9ra k Of sterling value. Pi contains a most interestina and. important hietorp toilv'pelay°.11;t41:huras tri‘abret(1,in of which onn-ipara_ generally known and the name of the celebrated author is a tii.ient guarantee for its authenticity and dxcellence. Those parts which treat ' enet e• ofthe northeri portion of ()lir own coun- try will be especially int resting and valuabld to Canadians. It 4ertain1y de- serves—as I trust it will ave—an ex- tensive sale. I. B. owassra Pastor; W. M. Oh. rch, Gu lph. I can most cordially reco )mend 'ChB Polar and Tropical. Worlss" as a oolt full of valuable information ,and ho e it may have an extensive cire iation GEORGE ATOOD, Primitive Methodist Min ster, Gu lph. I have carefully examin 1 the vo ume entitle& The Polar ncl. Ti ical Worlds," published by Mr if. W. L on Guelph, and regard it as a imost val able work, aucl the only, one, iso far s know, which gives in such a conde sed form the knowledge that has bee ae- quired down to the preset day on the aubject of which it treats. The stye is simple, clear, and interestfing, so tha the reader does not weary. !The info ma- • tion is important. No on6 can be - M - out the book who wishes to be in any degree conversant with tlie recent ro- gess of geographical adventure. rese rch and discovery.. While it must at ract the old, it possesses peculiar charms for the young, who, if furni4hed with the opportunity, will spend 1 pleasant and profitable hours over it. Pie typogr hy is everything that could be desired. he illustrations, of which there are a out two hundred, are bea,utillul, and coi tri- bute greatly not only to the attractive- ness but also to the usqfulness of the . book. Every -family shmild have a opy Aly 211- lie • --and I should judge it ti• be emine serviceable to teachers.+-ROBEnT RA/sICE, Clerk and Inspector of P Schools, Guelph. In this work, now brought before the Canadian public by M. J„ W. Lyon, Guelph, we find the itwd admirtble volumes of Dr. Hartwig 4n ", The P lar .and Tropical Worlds" coitibinecl in .4ne. I am convinced that few readers - hesitate to say that the erscellence of the work fully justifies the abtraitivenes of the the rk the title. I heartily u many who have recomin favor of all who can app so calculated to interest iite with Tided it to rJciate a d instru_ct. Thomas W Ramo E, Minister of Chalmers! lhurch Guelph. I have examined this stork. -% ith •are and interest. The matt r of he • b•ok cannot fail to interest and in truct all who read A. The pre ent e ition is handsomely got up, being printed on he best of pa,per and exeelletly botund. It is a work that I can heartily reeomni nd to.all ; but especially to those who are teachers and instructors lof youth, a it contains a rich fund of inilormatikniw, ieh they should possess in or er to * par it t t� their pupils. JA.S. lin uns Inspector of Public Se- oole, st D vi- . sion, County of Wellinaton. T examined. the work aid found it v ry instructive, a•nd can reccimeui its pe u - sal to all. L. Joni S. St. Bartholomew ClAir h, GuelPh. - FROM LORD Dill' BR N. GOv ERNMENT Ho. SE, 0 awa Sin: I have the .honor Ito ahlt owledlge the receipt of your letter of Fe . 24, to- gether with two copies of "T • e Pcillar and Tropical Worlds," -on's) acid sed to His Excellency the Earl df Daffarin and one to myself. The worltfappea, s to be a valuable one. * * * Hi 's Excellency says that Irons a curs ry . inspection of itsen contents it appears al- culated to fu '1 the objects for hich it has been published; viz. :Ito , e tend in Canada a knowledge of'the ' p ar nd tropical worlds. I have the hon r to e, sir, your obedient servant• , II. C. 11E1'0 ER, E Governor-Genera.rs 8 creta y. TO. J. W. LYON,' Guelph,lOts .4 !.. ! I —Gue1p71, Mercury. -a • 40.: ! Is it Vorth While to Stu Gramniar 1 ' . Vhen. Ir. Millard Fillmore c ied he other day, most of- the Inotice -wh eh his death occasioned mentioned he f ct that his pariy eduoation had; be n n g- leeted, and that at the itiMe hat he began tls study of the laW, at the age1 of 19, he had never seen a graanna r o a geographY. Yet Mr. Filluiare, both in writing and speech, used the Eng ishl n- guage with. about the visual pr priety ; aud, like most of our respectable public men, he never lapsed into very glaning - solecisms. Of his geography we re not so certain, but his knowleOge wa • prob- ably suffieient for all ordihary eis erfnin- cies. It is the accuracy with w loh so many of- our half-edneated or elf- cl.: sleeted men write and s calk ngl sh 1 which is orprising ; and here i noth- ing like A, we suspect, an evliei eiselin the world Yet this faci Ay d es not come front the, study of gr. molar. There are not ten men in the House of Representatives who eoukl par'e en lines of Milton accordiug to the iules of Lindley IS array ; yet . these .igen len en• are never guilty of two negativ s e n- ployed to Istrengthen the negatio , e en when they are denying charges of fralid. and corruption. The Vice.Pre ident, who was, yhen a boy, a-sheen:sake s ap- prentice, denied that he had ever 1 eenj a Know-Notaing in respectable Ei glib. These are flacts which may ,.vetll 1 ad. us to revise oikr notions of the! n.eces ity of study,ing g -ammar as it is usually ai4ht in our schools. Our simerihan ac•uraby is Etta be attribu ed. to the geneiial, ha.it lot 1 reading. - t is in this way t,hat ths Ma- jority beco I e tolerable grammaria s by rote, and !speak correctly simpl cause they ;.speak at all. Tiaciver s . re made to agree with their • norni ati cases instihetively and as a mat. er of good breei ing. • Small mistake re ‘1. made, as t ley are by the best, wr ter ; but nobody notices thorns...except rof s- sional teac ers, who, in their tui la make just z s many. —el'. Y. Tribw e.- 1 , Ly THE H GOOD BUSINESS GH Auction Sale of Tavern Stand and illage Lots, in Zurich, on Part Ore TN pursuance of an order of the Court f Chan- -4- eery, dated the 8th day of Sannery ant, and made, in re Hill, upon the applieation of e infant children of the late paspar Hill, by ealiherine Hill, their guardian, there will be sold b9 Public . Auction by Edward 1 Bossenberger, etioimer, with the approbation elf Henry MacDerm bt, Esq., Master of the said Court at Goderich, on 'Kite 17th Day of Luintru; A. D 187,1, At 1 ohlloek in the afternoon, a VICI'ORTA SoTEL, IN ZOE CII, In two parcels, the following very desire le prop- erby, viz.: Pareel No. 1 -The largo ral com- modious two-story frame Tavern, Imo\ n as the Victoria, Hotel, lately kept by Caspar H11, in. the Village of Zurich, with barn, driving hed. and outhonses. Alsoeone-fifth of an sere o hind ad - Joining and. composing Village Lot No. 2, Knoll's survey, :Village of Zurich. Th18 is cons tiered one of the best tavern stands in the rieighbo -hood. A transfer of the Licence for the Aar co encing in March,1874, will also be given to the •nrchaser, the latter to procure the requisite eerti state and consent of the munieipal officers to 'melt transfer. Pareel No. 2 -Village Lots Nos, 64 a-nd 10, Knoll's survey, Village of Zurich, adjoining w eh other, and containing together two-fifths of a -acre-an old building en tem Init. • TERMS -10 per cent. in cash, thn of sole, and the balance as follows : For the t vein prop- erty a sum sufficient with said dopes' to make two-thircls of the purehase money in ne month from time of sale without interest, the re- maining one-third to be secured by m rtgage 011 the property, with 8 per COM. Interest, pitymble in three to five years, at purchaser's optio a. Intereet half feaely. The buildings to be insur d for $600, and the policy assigned aa callatera . For the Village Lots, cash in one month fro time of sale without interest. There will be • no reserved bid. The °eller couditions are the s uding con- ditions of the Courb of Chancery. For Anther particulars apply to s. -Frill at the hotel premises, or to Michael Zelle or Charles Bauer, Zurieh ; or Sinclair & Seeger, HENRY MACDERIVIOTT, 828 Master at Gioderich. Barristers, Goderich. THE SEAFORTH PLOW FACTORY. MONROE & HOGAN, SEAPORTS, Beg to direct the attentidn of the fanning com- munity to their Superior PLOWS: T.HEIR IRON PLOW Has become a general favolite, and -with improve- ments made since last season, they have no hesita- tion in,guaranteeing ib to be at least equal to any other plow mInmfactured. *PP' T-Fr-paIt IRON BEAM PLOW, With wooden handles, ie one of the best and most useful plows, jor general use, manufactured. MONROE & HOGAN: i Now manufacture the celebrated t THISTLE CUTTER PLOW With Wrought Iron Beam. They are the only manufacturers who supply this favorite plow with a Wrought Iron Beam. This plow is sold for Rai?, the same price at which other manufacbiners sell tire cast bXM. beam. SCUFFLERS, Both in iron and wood, made to order on the shortest notice. REPAIRING of every description promptly attended to. None but the very best material, both in iron end wood, used, and parties purchesing from us may rely upon gating a good and durable arbicle. MONROE 'it HOGAN, • Plow Manufacturers, Staforth. N. B. -Gray's Mould Boords kept on hand for 326 -repairing. FARMERS, LOOK HERE, ; • If you want a firefeclass Plow don% forget to call on -• 'WILLIAMSON, Who has taken eo many prizes at tlhe Provincial Exhibitions for several yelirs past, I I would call special attention to my IRON BEAM 'PLOW, which gives such eneire sittisfaction tip all who have used it. It makes 'good. work and is very' light of draft. A.s a proof the superiority of my Plowtover those of all. other menufacturees, 'intending pur- chasers should remenibefthet I took ehe 1st prize at the Provincial Exhibition of 1872, and the lst and 2nd prizee: at the Provineial Exhibition 1878. 411 kinds of repairing done to plows On the shortest notice. Also Grey plows properly repaired. Call and exhinine before parehneing elsewhere. 327-12 • wruan.msoig, Seaforth. - r THE FARMERS' FRIEND! - • WILLIAM GRASS&, Of the Seaforth Carringe Works, haying sold off all his sleighs and tatters, is now biesily inanue. -fat:Wring WAGONS AND BUGGIES. His Wagons are strong and durable. ' I His Buggies are stylish, and, being, made of bhe very best matdrial, and by first-eless Workeeen, are gunranteed. to give satisfaction. ; He is in a position to sell on as,favorable teems as any in the trade. I • NO LONG CREDIT. Grassie is determined to sell cheap, and will hereafter give only short credit. Repairing and General ,Blacksmithing fronded to as usual. WILLIA.M GRASSIE. (lees not come of early drill -0g. I re 4:0 GENTLE VAYs.—There are a tholsa d gentle Walls which every person may put on without running the risk of liei deemed affected or foppish. The )lelks- ant' senile, the quietaterdial bow, tlhe earn est Mos em cut in addressing a f rie d, - the inquiring glance, the graceful att tion, will nsure the good meanies of even a Churl. 'Above all there is - c tails softness 'of manner which shou cl be cultivated, and whihh adds a chain t alt almost else ely compensates for h k of beauty, and inestimably_ enhances e Utter, if it does exist: .t ...Z....4 'W. - BORLAND, (Front Miss Yourg's, Torontoo DRESS ...VD Mizi.VT4E JLI • - Two doors South of tile Coinmereial -I, 311IN STREET, SEAPORTS. • • k 7:! - ' : t1 EXTRACTING 'IlEET1-1 T .- 1 V .): -1,...A--.., , ,-.- - ---,7.-.7.:',,,,,---'3.- "t•'_.: ›, A gXPQ I •a,",...eteeneneneneee. „ NICE8T ; - tee G ARRIVALS,. Jt8T OPENED /UT H A SORTIVIENT OF PRINTS DARK PRINTS LIGHT PRINTS, PINK PRLNTS, BUFF PRINTS; LILAC PRINTS, BLACK PRINT MOURNING Evr Brougitt into Seafora. PRINTS STRIPED PRINTS, CHECKED PRINTS, PLAIN PRINTS, FIGURED PRINTS, SPOTTED PRINTS, CHINTZ PRINTS. SEAPORTH AG CULTURAL IMPLEMENT, Sowing Machin e, d MUSICAL INSTRUMENT "F7, M -0- ?VI SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. take pleasure in stating to the pnblie, that shall at all times have a stock of all the diffenut kinds of Sewing Machines, with theirmeried pre- tentious to that the purchasers tnay be able • to suit themselves la one establishment, without inconveuienee. The whole fare Of the country has been, and still is, frequerkted by transient persons. My object is to caution the public against buying a nyt but Standard and of Regular Established Agents, W110 Call al- ways be found, and whose warrant and guarantee .can be relied dri, and if the purchaser iS not suited with the kind they think they want, they eau have the privilege oi cnanging it for any other. We have at all thnes a now and fresh stoek of the Florence and Webster Machines, as -well the other standard makes, -which can be paid for on very easy terms, or if not satisfactory, can be changed for any ether that !luny be desirel. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. WILLSON Can defy the world on Musical Instruinents, both in Price and Quality, he cannot be surpassed. The manufacturers of Instruments which he sells have a reputation that dare not be questioned-. He sells for no soemul-class firms: 'Ile Mathu- shek and Steinway Piano. .• Jince, Mason & and Estey Organs and 3Ielodeons. ACRICULTURAL IMPLEIVIENTS. . Such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Machines and Horse Powers, all of the befit, always on hand. IN GREAT VARIETIES. z Il\TSPOrTIOI\T NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' N. B. -A new lot of SPE Cheap Cash Store. NG. DRESS GOOD will be opened in a few days. TEAS, ...ramsmosa,Mornommia TEAS. Fragrant Pekoe, Shouchong, Flavored Teas, Strongly Recommended. for Family Use. • ' I DIRECTORS. Adam Hope, President; W. E. SanfOrd vice. President; Molinies, A. T. Wood, Alex. Har- vey, Charles Gurney, A. F. Skinner, Pin/Inner Dewar, 3. K. Kerr, Alee; Tomer, John Harvey, Sohn Meleherson; J. '31! Williams, M. P., P.. John Brown, E. W. Hyman -H. 1). CarLerou, Treasur- er ; J. Crerar, Selieitor ; A. Menu:hem, Account- ant. COLLARD'S IRON rrIARROWS. NOW the time to purchase ••••••• e The Best in use. A few only on hand. Call and get one before they are all gone. In the year 1870 I Pbad 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 50 wtre sold by me; in 1872, I sold ; and in 1873 my sales reached over 150. This is the best proof that can be offered of the satisractiou which the Harrows give. O. p.- LLSQNs Market -street, Seaforth. 325 Do You Want Money. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT AND • LOAN SOW,MTV. Incorporated A. D. 1871, pursuant to Cap. ,t)3, Con. Stet: at U. CI. OFFICE -Mernnes c...rner King:and John Streets, Hamilton. CAPITAL, - $1,000,000. J. 0..LAIDLA IRS PL.1/0 US MIXTURE OP FIXE TEAS. „ S. C. LAIDLAWS thorough knowledge of the Tea Trade enables him at all times to OFFER VERY SPECIAL VALUE - trchasers .of In this department. Five Pound _Parcels and wpwards ibeall SUGARS. Brown,. Medium, 'White and Loaf Sugars at the Lowest remunerative Prices. Intending borroaetre will consult -their best in- terests by examiniug the advsntagetais terms offered by this Societe , before. genie; elsewhere, Special Features. No Lawyer's Fees alleged wht re. the eeenrity consiets of Farm Property, and when the Loon is not less than e400, or for a shorter poioa thau . five yeers. dealt wan, eaTinherfeeplal;:iniat of the Loan haudell over to the • , : Borrower. -All incidental expellees men be inelud- . 1 Repayments; may be made to du e at Such period of the year as is most COOVCIfiellt to bOr- , rowers. The Loan nine- be pniti off at any time -on I equitable termite - I - For Loan Tables and. full partienlare apply to I II. D. CA:4E11i iNe; . Tee:tearer, eitimilton. JAMES IL RENSON.-Banneten Valnator, Seaforth, - 8i8-13 JAMES C. LAIDLAW, Family Grecen Seaforth, $EAFORTH FOUNDRY. KER.R & WORTH Wish to inform the people of Mum and public generally that they have leased the Seaforth Foundry. .for terna of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all kindle of • Castings, Straw Cutters, Sawing. Machines, Plows, and other Farming Implements - PAIN. . CCARTWRIGHT, le I). S„ 'Snrgeon 'Dentist . attends; in Seaforthi at Knox's Hotel; re first Tuesday au deVeitnesdny of each menth in 'Hilton, n. , .5...77- - -..........,....- at the Commercial Hotet on the folloWinee Thurs- . days' and Fridays. The feinainder of the "time at , his Steatford. office. I sati ! There is Lumber in McEillop, at s he VICTORIA STEAM 1111.1S' W Aml JOHN GOVENLOOK Is the man to People- ie. kLIVAYS on Lend a levee see ;it ef kinels of 1! • imonc.tro , which will he se till nhich are else prepared to do REPAIRDTO of eveiT deseripAtn. • :cannot he seri en, eti in thie Con oty for el.eneness e undersigned hex° had long experience- iu the Fetindry business, and are :•tpared. to guarantee ; of Nice, 7° faction iu all their work. KERIZ, & WORTH • - • (Jilt/ • TO 'I -11E FARMERS OF ilTJ'RON,. 1 I 1 , I 'Mho S Tii !..;:i 4 7.;...C.- LA -fel, ittel 1 t , t. e re ..i:;ittlen of Parties requiring new teeth are requeeted to call, . . if at n'eefceeth tine Clinton, on toe first, Idayt of at- ea - 7- I ) 1 . • F I P ANENT WROUGHT IRON FENCE hirg,,p,..--•,-2, .:i ! b. iii,....,.1: 0,A ..i.;th:and builtlef; .1- 1,-:-I• J. P. ,tt". - ir:11.:.iw .. li:,:..ing Testimoniale of over 500 patients wile have had F. uPSI1HS . , :will iind it .o tilde prelit to ;dee their teeth extracted bee the use of the Gies, may . be seen at my °hire office in Stratford. i TIfF Undersigned beg to direct the attention of the Fanners of Huron to the feet that they are , t• , VICTOR' A Per, L LS Teeth inserted in the most substantial end im- , -I- tow prepared to take melees fer the above fence, which is without doubt the proeed styles. , .Folin., dm.. in ,0i 1, oz.c., iu 'a manner which. i'l _____ ...,...... 4,.--.....- - ,.. ; - cannot he as surphed. ,' • . 237- BEST i PLISLIO NOTICE41.." 0 c. wir...f..so-N, of Seaforth, ha zlyi.tel appoint . - ed sole agent for the celebrated Ai athrtehek Pi - alio in the Count v of Tierce! „end this inetteinunt can - only he purehaeed threneli him t -r his dale- slither - heel e gents. Orden: to others then nay agents or myself will otet be ell; -I. The fellowiee, gentle- men have lenn aepeint cl to act re my agents. in the Comity of Herta' Thee. Coltman U. P. ,tuiti L. Merely-, Seaferth ; C. Ilioherfeh Clinton ; and L. S. Nri.liOte 1 43t) em, lerich. 0. 0. WILLSON, Seaforth. R • J. P.-. BRHIE T ICENSED AUCTIONIeER for tho County of Huron. Sales attended in all prole of the i County. All balers left at the lerroetnte Office 313.; wiu. be promptly attended. to. AND MOST : a t-fial la 1-4r '!'"da 4411 • DURABLE , R FENCE ORDES C ITT AT A DAI 'S 44-43TICE. . •• Alt t.1 ft th IN USE. Pinto t. rev. net ! etenet member Parties desirous of giving this, ftncc - trial should leave their o-i1er t ence, so filet, it ean be . prepared for erection- early in spring., The proprietors will guarartee this feeee to stand Is ithoht repairs for TENeYEARS. The benefits of this fence over ell (Ahem are : 1 et -lennbility. i Snow will nee accumulate or hank against it. Si d -The wind or heiet dine ion (iffeet it, 4th-1ire -lf ); I • (-)VEN n te; . s ;ere:et:ht.; is ne will not destroy it. 5th -It is warranted to tern all kinds of stock, no matter hew breaehy or vicions. - - ---------- Tlii Fence will be furniehe at the following rates: STALUON FOR SALE. S..t LE, it fiut: dere 1te evv .iteht stal- IL ECM, rini.. i i:ti.2 Iii high, and wenete lent'lil 3 1 hy 01.1 '-i".1"--Win":1. and a 1leqi=v11r1 mare. For fin thee 1.1y to BOBEleel eleCALL, proprietter, Let 17 Con. 13, north half, eelorris, or to , 026-4 C. R. COOFE11„131.tiesels. Five Wire Fence, p1er r?:1- .$150 I Seven Wire Folio:, per rtel 1 08 1 Six " ; 160 I Eight " .4. , ii 1 to ,. TERMS -All sums of $25 and under cash, on completion of fence ; over that amount-, tbri'e 284:Mao.; . credit, an approved note to be furnislawl on completion of fence. For large ordere special arrange- „ meets can be made. Orders taken and further information given on application to M. R. Counter, 1 Main street, Seaforth; or George Forsyth, a.t the Market, Seaforth; or Hugh Cameron, Londesborn. 320 _ FORSYTH & Co. I - ".• L tag a 1 1 - 3