HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-27, Page 6•
D ...DING aroma
The Subjea hich this club gave me
to Write an essay on is 'one in which I
have had very little experience, viz,:
" The Best Method of Feeding Stock."
I will noW give you. my Method of feed-
ing stoek, both in stunner and winter:
I believe You cannot winter stock right
unless the are fed well in summer, for,
if stock, all kinds, come inelean in
in conditio i• a I are :certain, so ear as
my experie ce goes, that the better order'
they- arep ' , in the fall, the lees it 13 es
to feed th m relight the winter. e
teaches -in tO keep lee More stock th
can reed i Telt NoW, as regarfla my
pref§r to. ;feed -them ; On good hay and.
oats.; if they ere working very ha I
would give the all the oets they 6( mid
eat, but 'if! no ovorlfine I think it t oes
themia great i . jury to feed them ery
high.—I would. prefer to feed the ' ore
peas and °ate own together, cut een
and cured like hay. Mines fed on this
I kind of food wit de well, ,and keep in
I good life. I do not agree with a former
essayist in feeding peas in the sttaw.
I have ttied it, and found that if does
not ork i well. Carrots are the :best
• kind f resits to feed to horses. Now for
my etlicid of winter feeding cOws.
First keep thein in Warm quarters, fot I
belie e the '11 do with less food When
feed iny obeys straw) and roots in the
Other food, b cause Meal and hay or
straw do not d'gest in the same time, as
meal digests e ier. I, think it might as
well go into t e fourth stomach as the
first,. As Ieliave given you my views on
winter feeding, will also give them on
slimmer feeding. I do not beliete in al-
lowing cows to roem over tetenty or
thirty eeres of pasture during the sum-
mer moutlie: The aesertion that cows
graze more 'when they have no shade
trees to alieltee them, is trim, but it is
also trim -that the heat affects their
kealth and the quality,of their milk. I
would recomm nd protection, by shade,
in au t*, le ere ae ell as skelter from cold
in wi ter. I wild soil them, to avoid
the necessity of pasturing in a broiling
sup., to gather their Ifood. Soiling is
et Wolse14..
ln 18541, hen British. army, dis-
tributed in t anspo was bound to the
East at the utbr k of the war with
.Russia, a ino orate tized mat in the un-
dress of an in antr regiment might have
been. seene an day of the week, on board
the troop-elii Oro tes, drilling his com-
pany by Squ ds, t ithe disgust of the
sailors and le s zealous nAlitary passen-
°ors in - Out- f -the -way corners of the
stearcter'somi dec There was nothing
very rernerkeble bout this officer ; he
troubled. by sea -sic ness, oaly afflicted by
a eleeplese soft of energy that seemed
When he Iwo not deilling his men or
'showing gem of the recruits how to
two pounds w ight of spare ammumtwo,
and so lath, so s to afford the lungs
free play Uncle • tb chest -strap, he might
generality be eine in his cabin with
Petchirine's.K. rsp ese on his knees, and
the Aclmiralt c art of the Euxine
epread put fo re erence. That officer
was Captain TG rne Wolseley, the pres-
Arrived at allipoli the division to
which Captain olseley's fegiment was
attached had a time of inactiVity little
of which fell to the Share of the subject
of this sketch.'
to incur ap' earl
al cornmareler,
tapisrn of a by -
fall foul of se s
that the young
initiate ; hat;
men to dispeus
stock whe
ever, was an
checked in on
broke out a
vision w Env
was, tine) gh t
fected by him
• lighter heavy.
other in there
Upon the i
, after the defea
Alma by the
Wolsleey'e. reg
with the Fifth
Infantry Divis
handled at Ink
Captain Wols
had now shffici
ment to carry t
reforms in the
is was the privilege
re huff from the division -
on age induced -him to
Ise faith in the red-
ue' 'er captain wished to
amely, of allowing his
wi h the choking leather
n the glass marked 90 degrees
)aotain Wolseley, how -
direction this impulse
other, and when the di-
d th Varna his company
e judicious changes ef-
in the soldier's kit, in
arehing order than any
vestment of Sebastopol
ef the Russians at the
oni Med armies, Capta.in
t - was incorporated
(Sir 'Richard England'e)
on, 'which wita ebeverely
rmann. The battle gave
lea I his majority. He
ni influence in the regi-
roti.gh some of the minor
oncrtion of his commend.
such 1 an ' effectual safeguard . against • He was the fir t o cer who dispensed
drouth and heat, that, no prudent •fare with shaving he 'ranks, and, when
mer should for a moment think. of falling the rigors of th mean winter set in,
to prOvide agalist this occurrence, hY to encourager th se diers to -wear sheep-
skin coats a4c1 cep , waereby the regi -
supplying pima; y .of green feed for' such
possible needs. I think that cows will
pay better thai any other branch of ag-
ricultnre–Lthat is, if -they ere good ()nee:
I think the best breed for dairying is a
8rosS between a grade cow and an Ayr-
shire bull.
eareaa- FOR PROFIT.
By Appleton Bloat, Packersmith: '
The subject fel. discussion this even-
ing is. " The Best aad most Profitable
kind 6f Horne( Cattle to Raise." First,
then, if e far]
dairy atock for
for instance, th
quent ties ' of milk, for sale ae such, he
uot only amoag our
but also among the
eds, that would. be well
bjeet, still there would
erence in these animals
selected from the coin -
e country he would see
either in size; color or
dr Wishes to collect a
any special purpose, as,
production of butter or
manufacture of laree'
could find amp.
eorruntri stock,
well-lf -town bre
adapted to his
be a defeated clit
--while in thos
mon atock, of
g capabil ties, and they could ilet
themselves.' T
striktoie aged
While mu of And ha,Ve them he did. They may be
ties, there is no reliance upon the quality seen to this lay Ion Clifton DOWD, \in
of its progeny, as there is among the England, Svith " 3e1 Buffs" scratched at
well eetablished breedi. Hence the ad_ the time of ca ure on the chase of each
The interval b
Major Weisel
Man to neglect
The audacit
himself with a
into redoubt
abandonecll en
whole Ru8ian
Colin 5Caeipbe
front, earned
lan's despatch
the war found
a Knight Conn
Cress, and ;of t
produce a progeny like
As is the great and naost
of the native stock. •
it possesses high quell -
During the es rate fighting to re-
pulse the Russian- . ortie on the 9th of
Deceraber, 1851." fakir Wolseley, who
was field o cer of he trenches, obsertect
the left ing f t e Third Buffs, that
wa,s acting as c vet icr force to the ad -
and, movieg up t the offieer in com-
mand, suggest d t at he should order
" Excuse me, i_ ommand the wing,"
was the repella it a swer. The next in-
stant the Utter rle I mortally wounded.
" Come lads, yo r officer has set you
the example, lie do vn," said Wolseley,
drily, and I the me i , complied. Shortly
artillereewas pt shed forward to enfilade
the advanging
inforceinents le
" There is a
said WoIseley,
rest and ae tin
have theseltwo
oluitut of the French re -
iv General Aurelles de
une.for all thirms, boys,'
e to take guns. We'll
is, th Durham' or short horned bleed.
Dairy stock may be divided into three
classee, Cows that are adapted to
the better dairy, where making hnt-
and c ws more especially adapted to the
adapt th: the ebeese. or milk dairy,
either ;of tl ese; mrposes might be unfit
for the oth -r. 'or the butter dairy we
want e ce that gives' milk of a rich
quality, ot milk in -which the oily or but-
ter particles readily separate from the
water,. and rise ia a thick, rich, golden
coating uptn
this class is of
quantity. The
more than dou
others, in the
account of thi.
readily into it
may be no rich
e --surface. Quality in
more importance than
ilk- of some cowe is of
ae the value df that of
uttee dairy, simplY on
property of separating
cemponent parts. I It
r, iatrinsically, and ao
more .nutritive, han. milk that separates
more slowly, 'th greater difficulty and
less completely .Milkmen know vety
well that Milk f the latter quality will
bear transportat on and ha,uling fee bet-
ter then. what i, commonly called richer
milk, and thot i is less injured by' soch
trausportation. In (the milk dairy, or
where cows are 1 ept for the production of
(eiantity, with b ss refeeence; to quality.
:Now we come to :the point, " What
kind_ of Cattle i it mot Profitable te
Raiser It is ni. eoPinton that the short
horn and short orn grades, er crossee of
. the improved sh et. horn male with well
selected mom° cowt of the country,
meet this essentiel feature to a very
high degree. Tlee improved short horns,
as a breed, origi iated toward the close
of the last ceetury, its basis being a class
• of coe-s to be fotindeat that time in the
counties in the north of Englaud, espe-
cially in Durham, Yorkshire and Lin-
colnshire. They were noted. as milkers,
and remarkable for ler e size: eTh sus-
ceptible were they in t e hands of the
skilful breeder, -01# they rapidly gained
a high. retutation, and, to this day, they
have maintained their position, though,
as a breed, they,have lost, to some ex-
tent, the strongly deeeloped milking
qualities of the old, stock. Thies is per-.
haps the fault Of ' the breeder, rather
than that of the, breed. _ 8oine families
oF improved short horas have retained
their milking qualities,, however, to a. I
greater extent than others, and a few
breeders hat e taken spediell pains -to
keep the dairy qualities in 'view. The
males to a remar able degree. If prop -
milking strain is concentrated in some
erly bred, I believe there is no cattle
that will e,ive moee milk, and; if proper-
erly fed, there is iio cattle under the sun
that will Make more ' beef, or feed t
e le
—Navigation Or the! St Lawrence has
opened. Several e'essels have loaded at
Toronto during the week and dispatched
East -
lseley's sword -point.
n the first and soodnd
Sebastopol afforded
* he was not the
*th which lie threw
por ion of his regiment
aloh which the Turks had
I fro which be held ,,the
atta k in check until Sir
l's 1 riaade had changed
im eftion in Lord Rag-
s, and the conclusion of
ander of the French Le -
holder of the Victorie
e Turkish Order of the
Mejiclie of the rst- lass.
- In 18,58 Sir Oarreet obtained his ma-
jority. At thet time he was attached to
'the 90th , teghlitent, from which he re-
tired on half •pay, fter seeving in the
Burmese aed the Crimean wars ; but oli-
tained the ran - of Lieutenant-Colonel,
with ea 'India] ap . ointment, in APril,
was at the sieg§ of Lucknow and defence
of the Al ii inbagle. in the Indian mutiny,
when the ' despatet es mentioned him
with praise, mill hi I conduct was reward -
Vet rank. Ile served
the war in China,
ed with a step of br
ia 1860 on the etaff
-ter-General, thitoug
for which, as flow is previous. services
in three other Wars, he received medals
a ud other tokene of distinction. In Oc-
tober, 1867, he Was appointed Quarter-
master -General in C nada, and held that
office several yetrs. . He commanded the
his skillful imantgei ieht Was justly ap-
plauded ; and he hats since his return to
England showra mech ability in corn -
in an d :of a divislon Of
he troops engaged
the autinim cram s of the last two
or three yeerse rious articles from 1
his pen upon th su jects of coasts and
tactics and drill
Wolseley more
any of his deeds
tion his pen wo
major -general's
iduitsuINT to the decre. ariOural order for sale
-I- made in this cause, b axing date respectively
on the 17th day of MAY, A D. 1878, and .the Iltla
day of FEBRUARY; A. D. 874, there will be sold
with the approbation o Henry MacDermott,
Esquire, Master ar this mutt at Goderieh,
Joseph P. Brine, attetione , at Dixon's Hotel, in
the Village of Bifteefiel at the hour of two
&clock in the afternoon, o the ith day of APRIL,
A. D. 1874, the follOwing ands and premises in
one parcel, being Let num er 28, in _the let Con-
cession of the -Township o Tnekersraith, London
Road Survey, County of- nrore cofitaining 100
OMR more or less. The 1 d ia a clay loam, of
Which about 80 acres are leered and chiefly 'free
from stumps; the remaiud r is ooded:with hard-
wood suitable for thew od. here is a frame
dIvelling house on the Ian one d a half stories
lugh, also fraMO barn and fram stable and shed.
The lane is 1+ miles from trace eld, 7 miles from
leading road, namely, tii e ol London Road.
There is about half an (ten of o chard, the trees
being -in a fair state of bE,arnig. The villages of
Clinton. and Seaforth are ' port tat markett,_both
situated on the Buffalo a d Laic Huron Railioad.
The land is in every respe t an hgible property.
tario Savings and Invest ent eddy for $1,000,
payable in 15 equal aunt.' 1 inst merits of $125
50 each, dated ist day of IAY, 1871, epon which
there has been paid the fi st ins alhaent of
50. The laud will elso b sold s hied to the in-
cohateriglit to dower of .Irs. ffatt, the wife of
the defendant, DaVid offatt. The. purchaser
shall at the time of Sale p y dm a deposit of $10
for every $100 of hisi pure asent neylto the Ven-
dors or their solieitcrs, an ehall pay the remain-
der of his purchase one into the Court to the
credit of this cause vithot t interest in one month
from the day of sale,Iwhen wil be entitled -to a.
conveyance and to be let 'uto p ssession, in all
other respects the ctinditi ns of , ttle shall be the
standing conditionli of he Co trt of Ohaneeq.
The conditions of •sale and fu ther particulars.
may be obtained at the o cee o Messrs. Benson
& Meyer, McGaughey & huested, in the Village
of Goderich.
Dated 27th February, A D. 1874. -
Vendor's oliclitors.
ToB airline from 11187T73
Ti 11T CANI,_
count ith the
(3r . Forsyth, Market settles. 4
Hall Rent
Stall Rent,
Rotel Licence.
Shop Licence.
Trader's Licence
-I Circus Liceuce.
Billiard Licenee, . R. Corby
t Fines.
DraM Rent
Clergy Reserve
Poll Tax 1
TaxeS per Collect° 's
B4 Interest! On Coup us. -
Street Repairs
• Officers Salaries
Charity -
School Board.
County Assessment... ...
Stindries 363 80
Balo_nee in Treasn er's hands 588 95
em of war, end modern i ,
nax e the name of Garnet .
in the field. The atten-
for him brought him a
was far below ,that < t vhich that rank
is -generally. attalne
service, and.' tbe cti
the AShantee. ex
106 19
81 50
99 50
616 00
21 50
41 00,
40 00
84 25
145 18
108 85
99 IT
54 00
$6,570 94
$210 00
-200 00
1,474 17
288 90
52 55
33 82
to in the -British
n of Mr. Card w ell
o the command of
edttioe was such a de -
that it 'startled einbl. e opinion into u lie
however, hae fu ly justified Mr. Card-
Wolseley—Soon to rbe, • it is ex.pectect,
Lord Wolseley ce C emassie—is the hero
whose nameis hilly ry man's mouth.
ANTED inamedikitely, at the Seaforth Marble
Works, two gocid and relia.ble men to aat as
Agents for the• works. rhe highest percentage
will be paid. Also atboygrom 14 to 17 years of
age as an apprenticelto t marble cutting busi-
ness. None but a stiead boy need apply-.
These Goods ar
The inaeand
for their cash at'
THE 7 7 7 WILL
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assoited Stook of
Ever Imported by this Establishment,
mprising all the -
carefully selected and bought at Right Pri es, and will be.sold it the very lowest
To raise lief' wa
ixT. HGEraRvBeAls.r!,,,ohaedc.ou:ncil 4 the eprperationor
Twenty Thousand Dollars for the
Y Y the County of Huron hhve re:strived to per.
p1Irpese pf Purchasing the Northern
yis:f4;oan tirchofiAlpleis I::
allAnthae wHEGraveR1 lit ttitor ttha t:rysaiindtCoouetteye.t the sad.
recited object, A will be neeessary Mr the Council
toiabfoAnintehepeadr.sowapiliEedrCoty,Brilitcrhase:iteehonetintsouttyr:oifsnentturohfeost itini,eloThif30EpTiewexatece:v; .
Thousand -Dollars in the manner hereinafter men -
of any future increase :in the same . nd irrespec-
tive of any inconre to be derived fro the tempor-
ary investment! of the sinking fun hereinafter
mentioned, or any part thereof ae rang to the
said County; being for the year One Thoutand
Eight Hundred and Seventy -Three, was Thirteen
Millions One ;Efundred. and Ninety Thousand
cent: per annum. The annual interest fo be • pee
on the said debt is Fifteen Thousana Five Hund-
red and Eighteen Dollars and Eigh Cents, ttpon
Thousand Two Hundred Dollars to ie raised an.
rurally by specinl rate for the pa -Intent of the
said debt I and interest, as also he einafter men-
And W.EU,
AS, for Paying the interest and
th• e said sum f Twenty Thous= Dollars and
interest as her writer mentioned, I will requim
Sixty N We Burred andrifty-Nint 's (160-959)- of
an equal annua -gpecial rake of One Hundred and
a 11.111 in the D liar in addition to 11 otherrate,s
turpdetiatxeths etreo tereleveine'adeinteaeaheyhtyhe.ne TO. mien 01 the
the said Count: of Hrtron to raise b wey of loan
nt Invent -who can buy where they please, who buy wherever they End the best value mupeonntiothneed,cureln4mt
from any porso or persons, body dr bedies cor-
aura of TAVentyiThousand Dollars, and .eause t• he
same to be pail into the iumds of the Treasumr of
. the County afo esaid for the purposes and with
respectfully invited to call, see and judge for hemselves.
The Latest Noyelties
Stock of the Newest Cloths intthe markef
made for such, Stuns of inoney, not less -Min One
'den tea eause any number of Debentures to be
2d.—That it hall be lawful for the raid sr-
mmarea Dena4:a each, and that the said. Deben-
tures shell be sealed vviththe seal of the said Cor-
poration and bi signed by the Warden end tom-
tersigned th_ Treasurer of the mild County,
3d.—Titat thzir eaid Debentures ahall be made
payable in twe ty years at ftirthest from the day
hereinafter ineritjoned for this By -Law to tele ef-
fect, nt the office --of the Treasurer- of the said
County of H. em and shall have attached to
r tle payment of the interest an-
nthertamlly,°Silign17303 y the said Warden and Treasurer.
4th. -.-That t e Paid Debentures 'and Coupons
shall be made o at the'eurrency of this Domin-
ion, so that wirgle amount of Bald Debentures AAP
NOV exceed the before mentioned Om of Twenty
Thousand Dellars, and they shall hear interest at
the rate of eix.liper cent. per annum, will& inter-
est shall be pa kable on. the first def.3. Aily in
each yena-, andevery yeirr during -the continuance
ARTN1ENT urer of the said 'County of Thiron.
of the said debentures, at the office of the Tieas-
5th.—That for the purpose of forming a sinking
fund for the paliment of the said Debentures and
the interest at'pe -r*e aforesaid, 10 become due
and, under the management of
Sixty /None H
tahletrie:ntaa:theeqnuel speeial rate of One' Hundred and
rates and taxes
- . each year upon
the County of -
the said.Debent
are Being Cleared t at any•Price.
TTAS One of
-1-111- County.
Prices are 10
largest and. hes
A call of Insp
just receive
Watches, all di
A Large Ass
e Choicest and Cheapest Stock of Watches, Cl ek-s and jewelry te select from in the
very Article is Warrarnted to beias Represented.
er than any other Honse doing a small trade ca
selected in this section of the country. -
orent grades, including the renowned " Lady E
4rtment of very hand -sonic .Slilt,er,War
.-c., They are worth looking at. Ool •
Repairing promptly attended
afford to offer. he Stock is the
gt skeptical of the imth of tliese
H ES, the best American-made
such as Crztet Stands, Cake
Chaim in endless 'variety.
only fu-st-class Leather and make
a Horse, and guarantee them to
Our HARNES,' we can recommend to any one, as we us
n none but iirst7rat Harness. We *arrant our Collars not to ga
uncollected. Tax e; for 1.,tilM 1•1"-* give entire eakisf ction.
Audited the Trees rer's Woks, =pared. vouch- I ShOp Oppoeite ;Va. ion Rouse, Sertfortit.,-
erb and found them orrect. .1
sA.Itro ITTA 4-13E: Auditors.
diture poeted up in the Clerk's office, which any
one is at liberty to examine and 1) here any de-
sired information respectinE RIMS will readily be
-pEG to inform the publie that they have re-
-2-J.nmyed their Lumber "SC to, the lot between
the 'Merchants Salt Compel y's Works and Mar -
keep eons antiv n hand. a good assort -
which they are prepar d to s 11 at the lowest posid-
hie:prices, for Cash. Also. n hand any quantity
of the best ACTON E.
Builders and other will fi d it to their advan-
tage to inspect our s oek, a d ascertain ou.r prices
to offer good indue emitrAtssr caashm
160 wallia0NseALDrs.
tj. WARD,
I beg to state for the information of farmers endethe public gen rally, that I have as good la stack of
Harness on hand as any in town; and I am determined not to be undersold by any other establish-
inent in the Connty
BELLS and HORSE )3LLNKETS, all kinds, constantly on
and. Also TRUNKS and General
dred and PritanNinths -(160-959) of
r, shall in addition to all other
e raised, levied and; collected in
all the rateable prOperty within
uron, during the .continuanee of
6th.—That. t 's By-law shall take t6ect and
come into operetion upon tire first da5 of Znly,
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy -Pour.
The aboVe is a true eOpy of a pro sed 13y -Law,
itthe said County on the Fourth Day of June,1874,
at the hour _of two o'clock in the afternoon, at
which. time:and place the members (lif the Council •
are hereby: required to attend fo the purpose
County Clerk.
County Clerk's Office, 1
Goderiab, Feb. 6,1874. f
ate Of Hamilton,)
Would intimate:to their nurnerous friends and the .
general public that they are prepared to lill
orders for -
Monuments Headstones, Table Tops,
Mantels, &C.
Granite Monuments Imported to Order.
Work of ihe best style and art, aitd cannot be .
surpassed in. thi.ft part of Ontario -
A call res ecteullysolicited.
Next doon west of the Commerkialt
And work of aBi kinds in Ameritan and ForeLen
Marble, designed 41 ekecuted in the best style,
and. at most rett4onable prices.
Mantles of Yrarious Colored 21 rbk sup -
Granite Mon
ments and. Headstones imported
s no blow, but a fact.
"RUTS Greenbatks and American Silver at bur-
-1--' rent rates. - ends moue); on good farm prop-
erty. Shaves riotes 'without lather. Receives
—rnownheeynoyttudegierotsflte. and pays 20 per cent. interest
Bieus irides., i keep Skins, Puts and Wool
at t te highest prices,
All this is -don with the above eepital, wonder-
ful, is it not ? and in your wants, wishes and
• expectations, do 't be afraid, he won't bust. 42
Cabinet-Imaker and Undertaker, „
Mein -street, Seaforth,
Where he has on hand a snperior 'stook f Furni•
tnre Of every description.
Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell'e HEARSE
I am. prepared to littera funerals on the s.hortest
notice, either in tfrwn er country,.
coliftns, Ail Sizes,
pc, h:11 ups Liu
t bi fair to be a,
in.: 31r
ks in
Dte Hartwig
IS admit
0730 0
ard Nova, Scotia.
(4" ii.„41:11 nvadlis1:13.Bleathy (:; a u n a --
At it gites the mos
il'Irt.,."11rtgliNV5illtiiiialinto-l'bet,h, enancde
to iVanceaver's isle
ineormation ire regard to
produets, rivets. to he brid
to Se tannelied, cost of lei
also-givts a full account..
- oral chapters are from
own I rd Duifferineetin
ters from Iceland and
ther att -active, it *tree re
in' rteiii::ivntil: ed:::- On;14101:1;:lafinied Sect!: 8:tfhat
Britain, Hindepttan, Cep
itTshl ieee wmt feer 1 Ekiashelo:ndetatiinsietrhtB1.01e:gr,
-engrae i, either. phat
they re ate. It trea
- ad:yenta e„ winch mak
ei;rorneilet1 es ate 'd lif
;nape an 1 chfa mak
the echo ale 4 zehool.
liable w y. O book OO
materia, an i e
within t le re li of al
are the opirt of our
each of hom. horough
menials. All ihave take
their o use, With one ex -
of them ay th -k never
As re nestei by the
-through w.torle on till%
Tedirotpeidcabl3 DU're.r.414.s.el'f'. obtery,..1
cureory mite tion ef tin
large amount of Very intere
-ton in re ard t4, the ,Physi
of -which–t trea S, and
the very redit ble manner
work has been ttert up w,
I bear heel iAtl.eesiltianeloanl
pares favorably with the b(
ef English worte.4 It 11 -
of special attraction to lee
that this work gives the ;.
truest r tal of the life am'
Pacific IL ih-oad, It ale
valuable extraot. and ;1
Polar life from' iiarl D401-
• Pait:r 0 the ongreg4tio
isalga:reb‘n: tni ) 1 4)2 ' rf _ VasatTar:dPkaitrall ;
i.adexutcocerrneetl:tian well Writteni a
is -well worth*y se°burt1P11:eicli-
the matuire stu fe.nteen.::
A !ter eel e
much ple re i
rence in he fo
of the woik by
-with the litera
the book. he
Co igrega
viiht:tTt peolefersas,
from the mos
!Teaks for itself and aleois
dishua° Tb' t4P1 Ilittahoe'rely jeiltilii alupiail 1 'IlitlITrsltilifoleYetilsarepli )t)(11Y1Telbnie::‘0111,::Prt 1:It:sal
manship in both type awl
diecouraged, ant the pre.
contains all that ie really NA
t nee,
:adreb aavsetio, :eh: na . e (II- fill laeorila
eati mdfa:syf if)eaTe 3:11 tattye lee itghThhtueell, la
breedinlif(1•11.0ibrnI,E camje and 110 111U
ecbxee1ear:attelT:nycikirai. eh ae i
is first-re:I:el, at:I-hilt:1.e iii:srter::1)
TicTii:I. tirif 1. )-oArtl,e, t ti.ie:c'i.,,i14.,:11 is.f
of a place in ev y ishel:uleu
and T most cheer idly and
nu:1( g;:eti .3 ii,ex;:ii) f„inetniotisaiee:11:::::a si ii.onifyfzit) cordial '
m 14 ,11:a4,o.r,T, ai!cti:ti t ;hoe
parts of our earitNl'ialolifce'L