The Huron Expositor, 1874-03-27, Page 4T to, (4-rey and Bruce, between t Southern Ex - q the restoration ville and Owen 80111111, i T . I . I Orann - ; P � S of the the un� tided portion of' the I r ct the IV, id, i to 1 effe 7-t—_ teils' 11 to KillCardille- e paid by the' effor '10 �bctween Orillia And A and ships within R�ailw -fie Haun-ItOli and NOrth IV�s� the ation'Of this 0 der in Court- and t Carlists are Bay, dary b 7 veen two town Y. TT% ADVERTISEN I ittee ad ise that, subi-eat ay, -the i'dosts f apPerils are t 0: the Mon yet Tile; Comin 111N, if tl�,e Judge ecideff that —The r the ratifilc County evolvediip.on County, while -SI Gy, OF BILBOJIL ac e ileendia-ry irn Pailway. gi by him, or t, shells ii1to Bilboa, to or or Omisdon was ni ITO in ;i Tjecrislative As- e Ju t Arr)"Vod-6g,an & Jal;niieson. crossing County boun- err s are cil b n of the y resolutio bridgei 01 ver rh,,er et 1 him, aild if with ter ible, effect.. Whole stre NO icatioll r 'vod-�-Dtut6an. & D1111can. flie ad- the Clerk,lif mad6 !;,by it of lich ratif A 'be mai alne( Y 'by TheTecent eil- selnb13 (in def all re daries d to the repol' ed to be in fl,%mes. ative), 'Mr. McKellar inove(I the thbf ad- NIle Notice- Imaar lotirt Of-' on this C rder in Coul aft -John St'apf. Ctmilty by the 0 Revisi , by elit'before the city, resulpd in the -,oil is imper Incolne Franchise bill, er g of Sale`—John Dunn. .-If tile a] ipeal'be no orizAlto be made"Ont in JO ning lto'Amal­iip i in each I sus� gag eat be antli Hopw; for municipality. . esiagers of, Albia, a rt�,d a clause, w. 1) ich 1) ad been I Occul atioll by tile 1) baving inse. :Partnership. Under to amended act, Conlities* will Subsidy Fund to the railway DiAoliltion Of of th _�I_ Ei st�te for Sale—. D a;l Fraser. Ige has: tlie discretiol, of Sill( I per mi tee, -to the effect taiiied, the Stu INII agreed t) in col)311)lt Y mal 'CompAny of the . 0 to �01 shall pay the L1,9T,� MAELVRIX(, ON. N 1A D R I h - line of th that . elills determining as cc of.. 1,2 000 for tht It porti6ii of t 0 on have t all bo ndary line sum 'f $194 4Q 'ke e Com- hould not ta A) ultil Tiidosl 11�fees—A. E., Denison, ridg 9 -forming or - it a Carlist for' -atoll- and J an. 1 13,75. terabls discliz- bether or river. b es is re 11 ort ed th, After ennsid Charles. T. Doyle. (14,ys 110 Com- ally's ailway betive 'L Palwel aries. cost If within thirt" inle was read a t and arossin towrialpip or County bolindg men smarching oil Madrid. e ld r( Sealed T6(lers—'.F.�Braun- JGillgl LaIll, such to be "payable.by. sion th in ere e eivel. by the Clork, AN cc Kalakua s Notice�T. K. -it 1"A o rein A -this was one plaint has beeii r C 8L.&NDS.�PrIll sed. Aildersoji. d th, early ayments ' of .597 20 pa, Insblvon4v e­�en Ifalf _y A' lis from th �Iected King 0 OTMIT County Judgfe f the Sandwich se atia Lot for Sale—D. _LNJoi�arlane the Municipal law he then obtai has b, -ing 8 1. 11 .1 -toll, the 30till da� of June and the Roil h, n itualilo, who lately each, B oliday. had blit One of the Etc of L ry The ouse on M -bit eve th e( I Farim t%. J."S. metwen. 'oil the'same in his Ish P., 8 - purpose of wimli 119 which e m ier for 8 Huron a certifli I li'tl'� and files 31st day of J)ecembet in each ai iort s P, - j if req -aired, is to be -used di yqar, durin year- i for th- ds-��-B�att & CO. V y . I C g the perio(I of twenty -0gati-O t - 11 N -c naade, if he ould, office, WhiC eSs previous to prol %y of 1 up the bl: sin a For every to, be complitecl. ff6bi the Ist (1, "s o" list. Political. 'o Vee ed. ters P 'iign. His -is the orluted w fhe Attorney4lleneral moved a resolu- its ele con- -,o 872 all(I -t,6 the f till end there- ke littec i arn tbat namy, wrongfully. I ed in. or oil I o i. George Brown left Toronto for J oninlittee further advise ti. autlur)riziug tb 6 (1 -mimellt to take inser f!. a On the w d 40T. - M now be glad to le, I- - 1.1 or otherwise, to $titucu I ondaylast, to take part 0 ; a CIT a - -ps, Ar, 10 ters' list, ot A 3 ligtoll 011A at ie & 9,aat of aid be subi ect to st6 the chaige has I e0ni effect J, and that f rom �ny 'Vo or duplicate, the L aid `orth­we�st boundary (Ines. in [c otlatious with the Government of that .1. - tl li xy Illmitted tl ie error shall Pay the fo: lowi lig C-011(itiOUS, tbat is to 8 larl W IM U �Sjeveral bills having received A it v before tion. i f I A e degree,, through his Clerk I tb e nited States on the trade relations r I I I .-:If E TH 11RIDAY, ]XIarell 27,1874. sue therefor the t—oll co.tiditioll that . oil o W 1 S AFOA LN was, jersonlj�vho titries. Mr. Brown paid a and bena-'r, passed, t1l iit,,.- that the change was to any I of the t 0 cou 'na the is IL; day of Aily'rik'mt it Shall be nl&de third rev ffinC5 e aCYO o pay to illy per- visit '0 Wa,,,l =4=� 10,111d. of t116 House adjournt�d, to. ineeti On 1=� , , lmyvl�� iijigton a' , I Illesday r amei i dment bill -is Originally sain of shL few weeks* 0 N ic , V 7! % ar to tj made. e lig c pve, own tol for proro �r tion. I rl ill liavi sh i Do:ninioln Parliameint. (to to have such and p',diminary enquiries clause son ar,., ern xtunarit-G"Ov I�IZOR (A"17ION7. E 'Arod le - ances to be favorable, benow re. Lipu between Pahlic-rs- repealing PAying t� the ju(� I Cou` 'I thatthe Contained 0 T� the c sts in it ay st or circit is 1w selsion e third Pa c rred in al net %�rliole line of rai f e -which error corrected upon more form, _1otia- Excellent) that section of I" . f OrDler act ly c turn.q'tc enter toili iti Ld Kilicardiiie b as actual ome On Titesday-111.1c r the Lieu� me.R"t of the Doinli ion of Ca;uada opened ay tpplicc Oil alld the p, - tio MLI- Its. tenant (IDN"er'1617 11 aathori�pd a port ion or a section- of a respect of such t is to be hoped that his mission III col �rol of. the X ttended at the Parlia Ossession Pit in tioll Ursday. 'M r. A ces- th e e * S ate givin '1011, Into t 116- P mid after on Th nglin, of G es & es ilot re-liew eniin6ntly successful. Coni- Ment HO is ]')a of municipalities,. ing of these penalt! may e in Com�.)?.ny, -and ill opq�a by t1l( or a gi Oup nici to 101 ineasuws ^which 12 (jlork from d11jr �Ld(litional Pell Pill,!Cly I . ev of his ter, N. was elected Speaker. Be- alties it aaking of the inconsisten or by, a s t sist Etily railway comp&1ly.1 —4, 1 ;tpl 1301: vants and Ngelits, those 0 aid as ti scssioll� pro. latter the positio 0 an� y ai ize( sed durin& le 741 si&� the formal'oponing of the� session,. Nj- 011gf-111-i 0ot13. This 1) in their pretentions of, oth6r Compait dilly , athok I in been. I ng to it tichi I oom�l ittee, IlLow.ever, some aineud change rema:rks L Grey alld ro cyllect tl Le House. an ex ecollo�l th�t 1: ehalf by the-Welbil9tol!) y I I the election of:81walcer was -the 01 Ie It r through- -use, but o I provision, and, n fact, It I 1 1, v Leg- i t wh made to this cla M. 0 Cameron, who le,%ves his 'Compally, with all mell. Bruce Railway btisi�ess;', tratisadied.., The Speech from out, imposos� considerable additional la- islative duties every little while, --what.11 have lot yet learned. liecesX, ary and con�veiilent station houses vllat 11 ure w 'SP S.1Z ;i WN to p essioria Cal rii�g A� es. tllo� Tbr#ne will b6 delivered to -day, rof I Is ill to attend it is to be hop that the dang�rous and bor and responsibility upon municipal awl other facilities f6l� the Conveyance of en in . e r - g Assizes opened in tho WhI6i� the' House will adjourn until'Mon- o incr%%sed the Cc its, alld -who has not be district traversed, and The oryl- Clerks, and entitles t1- em t r r%nted to railwaY. 0 the Uatfic of t1m unjust powe Goderich on Tuesday the Ho so at all durin the past week, ess in reply. that -the arr" lyel), eiiis for the operation C o ur t -Moada�y the addy inierativoil, Which, ii mally instances, On to his private, lig panies irL this respect by the former act, rem I but ba been atteridi the road are such as will secure the T'%larcli 1 r. Justice Morrison, prts!Y� robably be Cie of oornor s P es, canpocket.a. T ing co 4 ceall `will p a re to su�ffi litly, a I th& G ailed. Ive is now eutire�y too me, full ml)ose(I the busille�,� 3 at the Assiz 'ties. ing. e follow Grand TL�i ha:s b6eii ery uA, 4te�l ii'IIY Cur t continuance of these -f C�li wAll the of a Honor Jur, Jo ep Ir. Thomas, Moss, I. P. for aI allowance air Oil condition that his a�n h ve4 b: N1 abor they have t6i V. Smith, Foi cm- z Ag y "ec me t ewar ,,) Ond— otice,., n this connection, tha r d t1lem!'for the 1, session, regret to aham, Om i I 1 1 e ktriot but whell-it comes to iiew, e W. G. A lto an(l -seco l tilly and half Kirk, JO -1 Lewi W st� Toroi nded by - s p 9 in Council may, aii br before the said Ist FiLiltoll, Win G r. nicipal Coin - f Via all's coa.Von workinlymall.' a of July nex . t, mina inu per orin.., Any Assessor who willf the CA. comj* a h6li- toi , D In is aon 311emor,from 1N7*6.v-a ScotiiiI, after hiCh day direct that payment Rings' pe- impr p . il ally li diet Benry Tiviatliers, John lb ki what an the Chai. id oils to st mit' railway by-laws, on ' a o erJ3 i isserts, naIme in the As- i s pay day wi thout d )arly out of r t s.. e assumes, Railway F d (should I, the rame ecome the� practical work of the, session -Zi' be made to the said-Co"inl. as es es any person at� or , t!) ition oi fifty. �re'-eh Iders'. is stiliallowed sessment Rolf . . . i t i o i i It' Moseley I Matin in er, Sohn Pam. air of Nirtu b Moseley, Un .Richar( Wit in eitheri furiously ho descauts on the ex- ith, John Shirra son. not entitled � travag�nce and cor5uptn John Slemmon, R, to stall(il. I I ess of the Gov - m,, eace. 1 � - - rate7 of two nore, sden Sm once poin Blitit is one so unjust and too high an amount, wi. i in and bo the more, IQ .4 i I , applicable thereto )-at, case to any pe� thousand dollars'(� 2 000) p6r mile of the Robt. ')mylie, A much claalger that we give- tb f the yailWay," betwv�n Pal- Thomps( WM. Warner, Thos. Yearley. fraughtiw th so in the unici al Act. nother ses- thereto an apparent ri�ht of voting at id portion.o -ship b at, durill a have nd:1 drbt iii-ing the- late general election, rie-fly addressed the 9 —D merston and IN"ingham, instead e -tile His Lord Dur'.1 le therece�,ntsossion of the 01, -will'be made to ally e ction or who I willfully inserts Conseria-tivip call es i'a Huron, as said almilal mileag& rate of $1,94 40, at Grand dury, congratulating them on the sic $uccessfu' :effort d t'�e'r'te wout to,, atigma- islature,,a'n act has been passed. the Assessment well as'o-Isewbere, teriant-Governor lightnesE of the criminal Calendar, after have �h� ob'oxious -provision ex- any 4etitious' name in f the', Lielii dismissed t rduties. P and �lle Option a tize their opponents as revoluti6ilists, iich al important amendments heni to thei sever i_ ­T, e ; we Roll, ill Council. pungedii Thes mendments which or -wh winfu]13 and improperly iversal harge them with' favoring. un ilig these resolutions the.Treas-. 'The following -cases were disposedof,: to the' Municipal"act passed (luring the I r6m the Assessment e ate -on In movi reerred OT lits any n4*me the recent deb N have to with others of minor; I apffrage. During F urer remar ked, that the results Which- vs. Lake Superior Naviga- -nth- -n to recov �A. In the oath prd,vious session. or affirma�- 'n wilI make a marked im- Roll, Mr. M�Kellar's Income Franchise bill in mpany. —Actio er bal. ses any r. ers o a: impo.A., i or asse� oil at too low those who had contributed to the S g tion C) inisfere s an ad- egislature,everyRefoymmem- E f or wages. NO def once. Ver f an ekten- 0- the effect e'lit _�e, 11---hile favoring ­r-ealized and unless diet forpla�wzi# for $175 67 L. tion t6 be adin d to voter,, A' case to the L 0 1 L ern Extemsion, o this line had expected ance du provem in e Municipal act, all an amount, with ifftehiii in eithe 0 C that ber wh%po from it were not B., ditioil has been made t person of :,e effective and a sion e f r�nchise, strongly con(LeMn plaintiff. )rive any ed lis right to will rel deli, it vote) oule fall inta Dokle for th I .. i . - 611 W W del someaid -wer� giv as the voter has been I a resid ent, "within e suffrage, Atle tthreeptom- factory� lotion thereof before a e i F!�� -tors whose Hagyard Vs. Walters.—Action on a shall, upon collvi univ the hands of the coiltrae indnici�,ality -for which the election i's I 1� I - fl:� lo.`,�I, etent j' sclictionj be liable inent rn mbers of the Opposition spoke 14 - p iir - court of conip im 3 the Company had not been able pro note. Verdict for plaintiff IiLi, cla, on by -M to a fine ex 11 p not ceedi g $200, and to rn� et. The ex ectation of the munici- 'C, helIcl for;one month before the &Iection,.. A laood Law to 3im- str gl 7'iii favor of manhood suffrage. for $116 96. ameron prac d that - rac ice, and one venw 0 sinclair & s he Adulged 0 ent s far as to mov �U' he is—or his wife is—a house- T in by both. p t untif the fine be paid, or to e a �s in contributing to, its coustruc- Garrow for plaintiff _eftger "A 8 Of en, -necessary, h4 amend aent to the bill, to the effect that Pa"t" -ere itical. tion i v that, if 1p would for defendant. cookin Assessment prisorim. holder or. tenant in such muui�pipality. 1 9 in the c6mmon tizens over 21 years —Aetioii on d by the Government, should to, me imprisonment jail for a all ma e ci be af 'orde and, if Brev�er vs. Brovyn. prom purposes, has beco. 1� Some might be In the former act, the instructions as tolls ioi�r e ectio exe e a� 0 not done, th y eeding ,ix months, or to bav g lit t vote. this vere ey would have issor n te. Verdict for defendant,- rey4lerip a so uncharil that this tion, have both sue ine imp isonmen da e local elee S munici ali es nrcurn� nce gives f elections in townships divided �into war discret co, rt. With uch He e, r I - �j IV Pon this point. Munibi- co to whip of the political'paxties of this -W i us th - " PAY 01 3er Me for the 154 mil mion et al. v.s. Luxton.—Action, the: mode of hold ng nominations and p s to be scandalous. In many iff period not tle�enough Wsay i on for plaint' B. L. Doyle,, h t, in the l, pre a goo.1 'right 'to complain of injustice. NNIalcom -ant tty fair inde :plafred that the bonus of $12,000 for defer A ion of ill e hinged but! es which the city- * -Car rev were some hat ambiguo In 6 penalties li!%ngin Ver their heads,we Provin�e�has olutionist� in its ranks. of Ha�'ntiltorlhatd;votecl was subject to on covenantin chattel'mortgage. Ver - as pal afl�a; rs, o far the candidates were amended &A the�e ;instru6tions are more -tent moved by the diet for, laintiff by consent for- $284 50. fancy thero axe T the �pproval of the fel voAssessors, no matter — he. ast amendn Great 'vVestern. 0 plainly and clo� rly �givein. in townshi concerried, werc entirely 1 at sight of. a - Ps I ader 'of the 0 0 Y, Benwrt I ' -th r which had not Camero & Garrow for V ay C strong ei )O�itical prejudices, le ppositidn in the Outari Plaintl i -to w, ie*,w tole 'cranible has been to secure a how di rt ard'd the. nomination for Tb Legislaitu re received but 7 votes out yet een given. The intention -of &..Meye for defendant. may be, Who 'will have the hardihood to nt, -vs. Larkin. —Ac. the Municipal Council of a of 31, to ai-A the Ont o Salt Company Reeve must be held at 10-o'cl6ck, in the majority in the overnment was not r ad ust defendant as ship owner for factli e bogus votes. 9 -ripe, in order that a. attempt to manu Co any nor -to add to the Value --of tion. ce4ain �poli ical at n r I 0 0 1 r o G tC e y .d t 0 i b n I 0 Is F ff c ee B e C b t I ry C01111ty 17-br ges o .1 esl al' 30 lig el e t! orl ini el e "11 atl!n by I bul 9 T 0 1 01 'it all s � archin� a R forenoon, on the same day as formerly, barrels of salt in asl clause of the act simply t� give not deli be appoi ed The followlin an, ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. their property. 'It was 9 T At im ugly. appoiAt at place prelTio ed by the partizai'L Assemor might i i ntribnted Chi6ago. Veraictforpla-intiff for$176, the m1unicipalitie 3 co ;all be fficientl will have the effE ct of putting a stop to s which had iff Mr d for ek, who'would y unscrupulous and for ouncilors at 13 Coliricil 12 o'cl o THE IULLOT BILL. -e benefit of rail- Cameroil & Garrow- for plaint -it to its construtti6n th ical party at t1le pra( St. Catherines, for defendant. Aice w�ich lJVety commonly re- io favoli hii own polit h they would. Miller, f or in each On Thursday the Ballot bill came up ommumcaiion$ whic. WAY e township Oace at iuch ays for the purpose Of 11 e if the. Gov- DeIon7 vs. Caldwell.—Action for - I -gation by adding names sorted to no-1vad stated Lppearane i�41 d as shall be reviously fixed by by.. 6ost of his pbli for'tliivd� reading. The Premier not have, to.a s i - 1 1. '-he nk �,00da under aelhattel in I . . " No person +.);!3.f Aff4p, refusedA -1�roposed aid. Mr. taki ortgage I- makin votes I reads : due conside ti I he had con- ernment A Returnhig Officer has t ap_ t before saime became due. Verdictforde- o, be o the On 771liell. . Ilau no right, to e on, 5 was glad -i that the claims :of this & shall make, execute, accept or become a eluded t accept the am--ldments Pro- Gibson. -wh al ich should be A. I -I.- VEY 'ro". A, A 4- i..��+.h �-r W& the f 'ant I with leave to plaintiff to �enter Ai -in and lea np off others APIA for each ward and zed enc eLL vir. U a IC UIL, 011, L VO pos to any lease, deed or other instrn- t If -or $10 damrges should t: every County in the Party i 0 candidates for on. ln� &I oaos moved: le House back int:) Committiee Goveinmen. Ile contented that roads verdic case the nomin& na of 0 .1 party to any verbal I not receive suf- Court a e fit to allow the same, Me- I undi eds of vo thel office of Councilor for each ward Province, tea have been ment, or bee. me for the rpose of insertin� them. The of t a description dic leyebY a co e al roin, en and 'aughe & Holmested for p �aljy arrangement w' lorble in- House il vine izone into Committee, he fici the Goverrim. laintiff - Ben. n - Mac e A0 af ace in the respective d d unm Je in this Way aiinu re- oil M wards, the, tion should a er dant. in ajly�l land, hou�e or ten uk OR were sanctioned urrung Offi nt than that con - I(, th by'! terest ement is explainle tll�t the' Chi f 11ropositicin of tho t the road in qu6s y for defen cers-so appointed shall an on(� e rolls Mor vs. Whitehead, —Action for Pr the am6I dments was to !� e the deputy eeive a larger gra conferred, i order to 4ualify any pprson r the nom -nations, The absurd the Court �f R-nision, which too of ten Returii4 Officers the Po r of counting tained. in t&e .'esolutions. Mr. Crooks two pro ssoty notes. Verdict t an e C g ith the prin- tifl iice wi bion 4 and any person .for 01,454 05.- Cameon'& Garrow.. la Be: requiring that by-laws which have was as p�-rtiza a, as the Assessor and to"vote'a up the Votes t the cl6se of the poll, and repli(d that in ac'corda cla ntiff - Sinclair & Seager f( violating t1w P] 011, order down by the House in regard for plai r de. -4 r Vision of this secti that they shall laoce a state� ciple laid to be voted on b the people, be -pub., CouncU tIlere as no' practical re y 0 - I a polled for to aiding railways, the grant had been fendant.1 the men Ii ed in a new'sl5aper. in tlie County-. �-ye are'! glad t ntario Govern- besides Wii!4 lia, le to y other penalty t of Ithe number of vote er- each to in the handla of his tepre- made as large --agt possible. After some Arehei vs. Kiltin.—Ejectment. V o dida bell. If, shall pay and has been �olished, and. all such ment have Bec ed, the passage of -a meas - prescribed in th t sentati-V at the polling! booth. This fqrther discussions the resolutions were diet for 1plaintlff. B. L. Doyle and -0� to t the Bum f one hundred doll Council rati- Rob' so.4 for plaintiff Sinclair & Se forfei ar and the 0 der i 1r, ag-er by- aws havip, :n w to be published as ure during the I e session; which seems P would oerve to keep up iii interest in agreei to in nt. :fied. da . I for defre b,* to iny person suing the res. of all election among the vo- Nifalon vs. Carter Brothers.—Actioll fo erly—i aper published in ther well c4wu lated to check this �,rowing with costs of su ters which he looked upon as of equal PAIMENT OF cRIMIXAL WITNESSES. entitled therefor ina:uy courtof c9mpeteiitjuris municpality, re is no paper evil. ThE me ure vhicli is impo -a resolution ex- to recover for a quantity of wod deliv- Or: if the rtEqice with secrecy in recording the Mr. Rykert. moved List diction and an y person who induces, 8,- Was pu�lished in the !municipality, in the one An Abt respe4 ting -Voters' Votes. ' The amendments were greed pressi ngr regret that the Government had ered to d efendtants at their salt wrli-s mpts -to ii Auce nother'to comridt 1;ohalf of ratte to, and: the bill read a third time aud not aout the intention expressed Senforthl; It was 'alleged on ey- General nea!rest to in a bounty town papper. introduole� by Attorn .14OWat; ior im an 0 n -0 i: ffence uilei this f3betion, shall incur Passed-' bv tha.vote take 14A year, of brillging defenda�ts thatAhe w od wasdurfei a ended. aci gives to the Council of d.7 so �Manifest to all was the ii ecessity a ill to provide for 1 'the payment of quality 4nd not according agreement, it W is allow INCOME L ct applies to Vo - The la -nil the law a like penalty." every murlizpali�y the power to pass a Ron lMr McKellar moved the second. criminalwitriesses.. The Attorney -Gen- a d the paid into Caurt ^311 they coii� for it, th ed to bec)me 8 l ment. ters' lists of the presen� as well s future -red I - - side worth. Verdict for defendante, read' i I -law preventing the g�owtli of Canada almost h6ut lisct sion or amei d u ��J of ihe Income Franchise bill and eral' xplained that he' had. desired to by years. in do rem legislate i the d' ection. indicated, but withle e t. laintiff to move'for fa 11 it af arked how desirable it in thi6tles and r ns are, stringent, an Ot wee a e 10 & Holmested, for was In so th t th rge class of inte g had lound the-su'bject'to be attended am, ount. Mccaughe i ready hdbandry, andcompelling. the destrue- fords e'�..,!,,er elector an easy an and there plaintiff Cameron & Garrow for defend- If WS OF TBE WEEK. ,itizenal-whom the bill affected s o d th unexpected ch lised. The qualificati for was at difference OJ ants. tioTi thereof, and also appointing -an of- ean if coess to the voters, lists. NE be enf 1 0 gre F opinion as to i Vhanc a m ns -sv, men are wed vs. MCCA alic) to vo ng, e D e e et al. —Action on rew ]a vine r flee -with power to �riforae sions under the explained, although left blank� wh6ther the Pro e o County should the provi litiff in ar e e pp een a e, Of h lich by-law, ior regulating his duties -vote who av-e' o right to vote, the peo- the ill, would be $400. Mr. R �ket bear He could not esti- account. Verdict for plai gainst mate e total ost at less than $60,000 Thomas Mccanse for $253 and or the i, 6F PARLIL, M-N.NT. —The 01-BNMNG Im- and M'. Boultbee, *while agreein wi n for T- 'I -remu- ple will. ve h-emselves to, It anc for determining the amount of perial Parliament reassembled on the niple desired a other d4 I eiidants. —.al. C. 'Camero the Pr of 'the bill, th, the or $70i000 a year, I in le P 'Royal Speech embraced -hat the law only refe finally de- plaintiff Will, Squier for Thomas Me- n on he shall feceive. Councils have will be p served I ro 19th inst. he, qualifi ation too low, and approaching time for Consideration before ly' i a variety of topics, am ng them -age. They eir rislative ABsemb in foreign rid. Sinclair Seager for other de �erto ed the power of passing a to elect 0 a forl ;he Leg too ne ly to universal suffi ding the' matter in his own mi My 0 atonS, a th 4 was glad to mediat�ely afte ro, w1iich were ascribed as most' pointed out that mechanics and laboring McM inu. :hear the subject fendants aw pre th -and com- The 111V at ini r by- of the Duke Of —Seduction—Action venting the grow. I ' i o attention of' the Gov - friendly tle marriage men night, according to their under- was engaging th Jones vs. Scott. has ade the usual alphabeti- it Iling the destruction of these weeds, . ; EdiAburgh, referred to as a pledge of at the Cie andi of tbemea8ure, be entitled to ernment, as w one that excited brought to recover damages for sedue- dA -not possess ap- cal vot6ris bu they list,; as provided for in the friendship between th a two great. em- . ote, d they were strongly opposed to m1i6h interest in the eduntry, and he be-- tion, of laintiff's & the power of vote, Lughte;. Verdict for Garr.OW ille Ashantee war, in allu(Iiiig to aC 0 After some furth- lie*e(. there was fre�114ntly a failure *of pl for $200. Cameron & officer, whose all Electio' shall have a pires any. all oposition. poi�tiilg ty t, 1868, he any. all TL pr dajesty hi� ly complimented Sinclair & Seager for �de- nee with -him which Her h er discIussion, mainly oil the clause re- justice from the reluctance of persons to for lainti rould e to e orce compli 81lffiCi6�,Ltjhumbbr inted to enable p lie forces which have been operating oil it latin o income th6 bill was read a see- make the personat attendance fendant. 1 9 d� a" to sen C to be delivered either C ;ast oil tlie� r courage, discip- the law. This is certainly a move in the the Gold 0 on&+t* e. Some of those who t6ok part -urtontailed. Mr. McMi et al.— on th3 Co Crosby said Ander� ont al icken ona qr by i he payment in __ry ld endurance; he Indian famine, on er- had pers e ;,Of *itnesses was re- V tion, bat we would lik registered letter to ev I line ai t rig] it direc- in the d bate ontencled that it was that Action ' covenant ortg, If the unic on to alleviate *hicli no c st is to be spared "Xrollg to t, C imprtance diet for 1 aains. NX 0.11A i eke n 9 %X thellaw ne a step. further and made it memb ipal C' neil in his income derived frOIll a gartLe d as a. matter of mu h Tlaintiff the liecessity of faciliting the transfer 81larry -%vhile others cont reai fro r $1,3511 46, and for other defendant, 'Is to Pass such mum lity, every postmaster, every in ME County, ended that the there were compulso upon Couci cl] a 01' lad in England nd Scotland, and incoM'(' which entitled a man to votA differances of opinion as to the mocle of Ann T C1\1icken. W. It. Squier for by-laws a-ILd appoint such officials. We public khool leachef, theTreagurer of kindled mi4ters the liquor question, tild also entitle him to pay taxe tiff Sinclair sho S: Oil p t. Mri. Gibso4 approved qf pay plain i det&na­ Provident Socie- thatr income iminal witnesses' but would have ant trust. that every municipal Council in -the. i nicipality, the Sheriff of the a -lid the laws. affecting ing ci ties. The moving of the Address in re- d the Clerk NDMIN11STRATION OF JUSTICE. thqm. I will a, Vail itself of the privilege County. bhe County Judge an )rovided b�k the Conty. The -Crabb:vs. Archibald. —Action. or ye yon ly gave ri�e to inter 3sting debates in The Attorney -General moved to go amenhnent of Mr --.Ryik -wasthen put V $500, subjectto ert i�rdict toy plaintiff for of the ace, arld aso post one in some, 11rded by this clause, and appoint' of - e oth Houses, that i. e Upper Chamb r into Cpmmittee oil the administrat n�;s 36. ion of and lost by as Mr. Gow award (if W. R. Squiet; Cameroik o conspici us pla6e 'in his own office. tb have bee the more vigor- justicE bill. The Opposition strenuously th ficials whose es ecial duty it sliall'be t en moveZean- �J!Lnd'ment expressing Garrow for plaintiff Davison & ohn& P appering OAG ell spicu- one. mo fa see that these weeds are pron�iptly de- t h ust post his copy in a con In We Com ns, Mr. -Gladstone opposed the motion on the ground that satis ction at the e�planations of the t on for def dridailt. le House to abstain it was wrong to proceed ithi so iMpOir tment Dledged his 1 -side of tl de- I.. n.h's school building, and th GoVemment with- _r ect to"the pay -1 Herr vs. Oliver.—Ejec N10 �ed ar. n. If some' ch 1 0 1 iff; W. stroy, d kept' do from factiolis opposition to the Minist 'nt of witnesses. vote this was' fence. P. F. Waler f or laiitt rY- taut a measure at so late a period of 1he m Onp Officers' re eliloined to post theirs in An ste�. as tliJ s be. not eedily tk-en the SP amendment to the Addiess was pro- sessio and insinuated that theGovern- c i ied by yeas 35, nays 14. 11 Sqni�r for defendant. aryl Cailada thistle will ere long gain the their offibes. e Clerk is also to tran�- posed, but afterwards withdraNYTIL. ment- lad purposely delayed the bill un- THE CENTRAL PRISON WORKS. IN otion. MI. 01 mages f or alleged seduc, mit- in'!: Manner tell copies to . the RkruR-j, or, GEN. WoLsrMFM —General tilth( last. The Attorney -General de- Lauder 3n6ved an amendment to ti on tor t cover d -er oi. gri m tery o, culturists. in this. us for Sir Garnet Wolseley' disembarked at feiidei I himself from the charge. of hav- reduce the vote. for -maintenance of the tion of P�aintlff by -defendant, f -1 _ 'a C ilty. Indeed, it is with the greatest mebek of th House of Commo 1 la ed the bill Ion er than could be Central Prison. Mt. �Graham moved, in This ca$l e was ch by some Portsmouth, On aturday, and reached ln� clq�y aracterized the Coil ity the member of the oi( difficulty, even no-%-,,-, in many places, 131don the same erridon. Upon aN and expresse( his belief tha amendment, a iesoluti�n declaring that very h�d swearing Verdiet for plai t y, and to each of thie lightin laterlo a station he met -the o use might very fairly and proper a -arrow h1t they - are.kept under subj 6ctiOn, 9 a t the action of the G�ernmont, with . re tiff for $350. Cameron & by! the me st thrifty nd careful farmers. 1111811cc, sful candidates at the last elec- with a perfect -ovation from the dense ly t e it into consideration. His: d I to the Central Prison, had 15een plaintiff�; IV. R. quier for defendant.,. uty ass ho ha assembled there. to th. country required that he should actuated by a sin Anderson et al, Vs. Alc,2N-Iieken et If it were only those wh6 allowed them tion. Pon each of these copies of V In of people w core desire to serve 'the PoA says that prob- urge ts adoption, and in the course of pliblic interests. IVIT.. Graham's aniend- Action an account. Verdict foil to,grow at suffer6d, there would not ters' ts there requires to be a printed le scussio ubject to award of 1. ably General lWolselel, will be re -warded I d n he introduced two arneild- t le ment was carried by� v ote of 34 io 17. ti, F Tonts 111- 3q complaint. Bilt, or on certificate over. the name -of of 'ener the bill, one fixing the num- nior -fudge. W. R. 8 be SO 11111 h reason or with th ajor-G al, and men into TA1AfIGR4!ITION.. uier for C%l k Nti t 0 -a k-pellsion for two ber o. new Judges as three absolutely, i. Boultbee movi3d a motion con-- Sinclair, Seager for defendant. unfortunately, one dirty farm -will, in a th k to the effect that such list is 500 p(. r zlinum. einovuig any for vote the o her'r du h entirate of the Publi Colusiy Vs. Suerus. — Action -whole lieighbo�bood, elill. e pres SeAson, olsoll a corre P8t of all -persons entitled to ty damages (lone by t fire. --LThe Highlanders returned from the con tionali of the Election Court expe nnection with i setting 0 an thos who really desire, and laor for a rnember for the Legislative A&- Ashantee war landed on Saturday at est lished for the trial of Dominion gration. Mr. Hardy! believed there tled and withdrawn. y the Assess ent Portsmouth. Tenthe usand people wit- on petitions. The last clause of no Oil -wn b in 'overn ha&d to k ep their farms free from the. sembl as sho lect L of the'policy of the G P pe4, can ot do so on account of the Roll 6' the.'. i�lnnicipality, and calling nessed their dxriva. the ill wag finally passed, and war, meal -the' eople vie-4ed with m. ore favor Que vs. Dorothy Ridley—The F194 ell P rder of thP36 epo ted to the House. than their energetic #omotion of was indicted for the mu Trn.ii,.—A Com- r immi- oner e lessess. of a thriftless neighbor. 'upon voters to oxamine the list, and- DR.- LY 0 app6itted to investigate gration. He moved Ian amendment ex- of her'children by drowning,lin' toW®r. is a scourge from'which almost if erro. 8 ae perceived therein to take mittee has ell i a;_os, to pres., ing , th�t the Government ship of Qrey_on the Iqt of Nl- T 01 Friday P. resolution was moved' Charges g. st Dr.' E enely, counsel for ev�ry fariner in the country suffers, more immed ate st�ps to have these errors rat;Ef an Order in Council granting aid WO d not relax 'in �heir efforts to elf-- The full particulars of the ocurreU&-'_ the TichlSbrn claimant. Nalr. Whlley, or less, lld all sho-uld unite in tir re A 1��otice the same effect is d a. cis that a similar committee to tl, e Canada Southern branch from St. courWre immiaratiOn. Mr. Hardy's were at -the time. The prisoo- ging ctifidd em Thoinas to th tile bodies to &.180 tolbe insehed in -s'ome newspaper in be ppo in�ted to invesigate the charges e -St, Clair River, -which, am'ei idment was carAed by a large ma-_ er was committed to Goderich jail, upon Lr fr. awkins. �fte� Na little discussoin, was carried. jority, after being there about two months against NL C 7 or Cloun linseli'ves of the effective facilities pro" 0 the in ty. If incorrect L) I- Io Lunatic Asylum t rooks moved that this House N was sent, to th PALACE tCAR.S.—()11 dication. The ioters' 1 A�N do r' ify'the Order i M Rykert mo -ad Jur at the Fall -All' vi.�led by 1. w for its these ts are subject to revision ts we�it on in excursion n Council approv- ve�jl as all amendment don. The Gra y day, 70 jour lis b�Igainst het e ed y1iis Honor the Lieutenaut-(.1overn- g re,,� olutl0n in favor of allowing the '-Nlu sizesbrought in true 0 1 in the palace instant, granting id to v ter or person entitled to vote. cars, or, n the 16th nicipal Loan Fund money to be applied in all three casesi. blie was brou". tInstle ill,'pector in each township would any nd ie papers, contain flattering 10 -the Wellin(rton, 0'rey and Bruce Rail- to tl Le purpose of forming school fund. from London last wq.-k and Pliced at mode of conveyance. of the Judge, ,is regards the comr 1 a mere nothing when compared -with The Nci. aean so i th, Wft ornpal outthat lier trial. Th 0 be' 'by from Lon 1 C ly, which Order is: to the fol- The Attorney- Poinrte(I e fa her Ilaving dro oCl.[11)1oylli(r L1, competent man as thq Count Ju(l,(,,,e' at th instance of TO 13 CARD- uld be deriv OP F' k g effect this -was a vote of censure on the, (4overn- ecl the children was idearly est, th' benefits which wo d in right f the pE rson or persons complain pe lias intimated that. r Po h Committee of Council have had 11 ment. He recapi lated in'a fe oil bebilf of the Crlwai, and the ell, the nnuq]. Saving of labor. alone. The ed of o vote, h to be final. Parties p- tu Archbishop INIanning nd nine. - other kderation the memorandum of i hshow the 1111( eri coil ven on a former oc- (1,unce for the defence to easons he had giz aclu.9'e in, old act respectingr the pealin� to the ad required to give Archbishops -will be created.Gar(linals it the Honora no afl ri ble the Treasurer, dted the pasion - for t: ;�liting to hur ied she was insane at the time she c6millf Maint 28tli (lay of February, 1874, with refer- chai tges in the Act'of 187 3. After some ted the deed. A number of the 11010 boundary line bridges, otice, Of their intention to appeal, iii� the next Consistory. ei cc -of ley. (I'scussi(I)n the nouse divided, bors testified to the fi I ioued so much discussion and Writing to the Clerk of the municipality, enec to the application of the Wellington, furf.. 1 b that she which oc cis THi,, FRFNen has resolved Ordy an(t Bruce -Railway Company, that 1 andi the and l tiry 1 after the (late wheii motion! wt lost by yeas 16, always been a loving wife th last Juliemeeting of oil to adjourn on March 28 -until ay 2. it inay receite aid from the 111ailway I 34, mother, bui that foro some time e r posted. Parties p- Ilia County Council, has been amended. By L-iiT EPPORT FOR THE Fund1or that portion of their line of FURTHER A115 TO RAILWAY. the, unfurtunate, affair her Manne e Maintenance of -al bridges peaing do no require to make any cIB- A deputation of Royalists will soon -Visit rail way -which lies between Palmerst( Oil Saturday Orders in Council were changed, and she had expressed to 6010 th. t act t1h ord� and make a last on the main line an Wigham, being r ts over rivers forming or crossing the boun- posit for the payment of, costs. The Comte de , Chamb atifiel, g to the Torort- of her friends that wicked though The fAzt 1 �ng been 8atisfaCtOli jzutyto . Fned a, Verdi on the gmqna df %sa.1 ,er Wals're e � mu action 01 the 60win wit.1 proll'ably Ve. Sol! ji Roc"kwoo; _"Vin im , borhoiu, I lbout �, i� 14 sane" - At for the (Crown prpoller. vs. `PretericeS. Tlle-&-f� with fr. kiulently Ibbi av, e bill 0� R,.350, fr�)J �Iof Seafo by f4sel bs of z loub o k o in NO t est lv�ivh he,�,as� L T16 affair 411PIP 3�.00tt 11obertson, t ta 1, oral of tLle sai(I 1.14$ could not t1le e ridcnce and Swo., Holine-9 or ,)ueen vrlz� . M -Y s ,;asei We -Graiad Che co att r1losed. the biliginesE 11- 5ed of b� prial.y_ I is fil, �e PreseutWl I ry We the G -J dy the �),u,�ean, 'be re visi t6d the j&il t� an an(L jorderly -at" -'to, say, -al happ .jous c7flarge. -at t] _aiiii �fmd th ixge t4e 1eeper W -i t "ble . a # � they �Can cumsto3ices. NATie elerg�wen of th-, ns la#eily have I their 8-pirittial 0 as might it th%i. will kin� the latu intual 4omfort to the w*,y. We W-01 it bebrolliht b e coulit� 00iineil e som� slight rel� bund t jail for tl h"ging of g to eqngratu-146 pe th�t the Con. Ig maint'ain its -Tx )MIS 4na - a Striel IA ae . e. 'Of Whim tted-. AISX.. per the ling ub ,oil OM e Lit 8 and. )ared-, *heu WE Ake, f lit. justi(e! to e g I I I to t yet i'' .. : trip Pod the fa -k h -'�been Nrer, 'reis p vppea�ai agh e havri at, be roa&'-1L as here is no 'M. B11 St4laey, Far aw zts- ohn Wo, P,, bil3o, anctionool a march o Y.1, -rsu R R. b 'puck I plem Its. JAWA F B ao, auctiol e sday, Apr. HAI R. S.� Tuekeriir-� t rhursc April 1, 10 - m r Northerl -,ravel useho, a Furnitt, p1I =eMi" Bar ltoi Q Lam.ber s, preprriet tit ricer. I Mon&: -q ?,. April f L. R. 8.,i T-u-&-erstr Farin S'. an Robison, ro-prieto tibileer. Tiles& �V' April W-eirullo4p,-'I Farni 8 Joseph Dinen, pro, auctioneer. - D -am. —In Tu,*-er th7e Wife of _\I r. Eau. g i of MI am; 6 1 of a san, -the Nv f�, of TNIVI. Aaugbt'. i RITvin-F.- -Tn 1%c7 the. wJfc of 11 soil. !,I C Q) I - A I ME I It. — I I I tht. Wife of �'Mr_ a, dlanghttr. 1JXNTF,1L ---III Bru- the wife of -Ar. daugliter, r 21) ili, of a qpu. i AW 1, i A Allwft, Could Kyn. 13, Clizabeth llavdkill-,, an( 1A -An's Janct I., vou'uc John plaoei on Marc - son of Ir. IR years. A