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tron exproitor.
BEArrn & Co. beg to ‘inferin their cas-
te:nen a id the general public that they :have re-
ceived a plendid stook, of t-ipiing Tweeda of the
newest ad choicest patterns. Their tailoring is
done by the celebrated cutter, Mr. Garniss, who
has been so successful.; in making first-class tits
for their easterners dining the past four years. •
Pricvs very lo w, and fits' guarautced..-13EA1TY & Co.
J. S. ROBERTS, Druggist, opposite the
Mansion Hotel,,keeps eonstantly on hand all kinds
of Pure Drug and Chemicals, Genuine Patent
Medicines. Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti-
cles: and Fancy Goods; Perfumery, Sponges,
Brushes, Combs, &c., -which will be sold at very
low pricep. Prescriptions pt&t ap with great
hcare, ant warranted of, t e purest articles.
CinEeke-Sine. —Soda, Biscuit, Wine Bis-
cuit, A.b methy Biscuit, a. Fr;sh, and only 10c
a pound around at Arzn:.N'S (rr)cery.
Drug St e, opposite the -Mansion Hotel, Simp-
son's Spie and Yorksbire Cattle Feeder.
011E Lp-SIDE. --.Teas that are Teas. '
Pure an Grocery. •
no !mixture. Cheape4, at ALLEN's
I t,
110R.ES TfIois ES.- -Keep them in good
health and fit for spring work, by using Lints
DEN'S Co dition Powders, the best in the market.
Prepared only by II. Irtmis,p nu, Druggist, Seaforth.
• , J
A: 1,. ROE stock of Whitewash and
Scrub Br ashes at Efres.soN's.•` "-
ONE new improved: Gardner. Sewing
Machina or sale cheap at HICKSON'S.
have dub ed their Grocery and Seed Store the
"Bee Hi e," very appropriate. Give thorn a' call
and you vi1ibe used well.
VRESif Garden ,Seeds _ just arrived, at
• WE e have a 'stock of Oil, Cake
nett week.—E. HICKSON & CO. ' b
will be supplied to new subscribers from now . till
• jan1,187 , for $1 14.,
. 1
- FOON . --; The person who lost a gold
shirt stacl in the 'Town Hall on Tuesday
evening last can have the same en appli-
cation eit THE Exeostroaeoffice.
THE ASSIZES. —The Huron Assizes
opened it Goderich on Tuesday last, be-
• fore Judge Morrison. The business be-
fore the Court is light. • A report of the
cases tried will be given next week. Mr.
• David 'lass, of London, is Grown prose
cuter. •
NOT REPRESENTED. -7 -In the schedule
of convictions by Justices of the Peace
for the. County- of Huron, for the quarter
•eliding March 10, Seaforth is not at all
nepreseuted. Can it be that the Morals
of our town. are improving,: or are our
consta,bies and justices relaxing their
Vigilanee ?
THEATRICAL.—The Townsend theatri-
cal company gave, three performances
hen. The hall was • well filled - each
evening with an appreciative and'highly
pleased andieace. The Townsends are
undoubtedly. the best troupe of the kind
traveling, and , win golden opinions.
nrherever they go.
EARLY BIRDS.—Mr. Wm. Newman,
the well-known birdsfencier of this town,
informs us that on Wednesday of last
• week, March 11, a pair of canaries be•
to him. hatched. out a brood of
young birds, three in number, which are
now a.*re and doing well. Mr. New-
• man chellenges the County to produce a .
smarter pair of birds than the above.
GOOD LEC'rURE.---1-Our citizens will
,have an Opportunity of listening to a
rare litetary treat on Tuesday evening
neXt, On the occasion of Rev. Lachlan
Taylor's lecture. • All who can possibly
make it convenieut should attead. The
subject, ” Travels • and Experiences in
• the Great North West," is one which
cannot fail to be interesting,' end especi-
• ally so as the lecturer has just reeently
. returned from a prolonged tour through
that country, including the Provinces of
• Manitoba and' British Columbia. The
lecture will be given in the Wesleyan
• Methoditt Church, and will commence
at 8 &deck.
AN IMPRO VEMENT. ---,Quite an improve-
• Meat in the seating of the Town Hail
hes been made by the addition of the
gaThiry seats at each side of the door in
the rear end. A much larger number
eau no' be comfortably seated, and
those on the gallery seats can have as
good a vliew of the platform as if in the
front of the halln Another improve-
ment which is much required is the
covering of the stairway leading to the
entrance door of the hall. At present
A is actually dangerous to descend, the
stairs in the dark; and especially so
in a crowd. The stairs should be cover -
so as to keep them, il.ry and clean; and
a large lemp placed at the bottom that
people May deseend with safety.
j .
will be seen by th minutes of their last
meeting, which we, publish elsewheee,
the directors of tit- South Huron 'Agri-
cultural Society I ave decided, to hold
• the anneal spring how, for the exhibi• -
tion of entire stoek, at ' Bruce field, on
• Wednesday, 22d ad April. The :prizes
• this year are more liberal then they have
ever bee i before, and we anticipate the
• show wid be one o• the best 'ever held
under the auspice of the society. • On
account of the number ef excellent ani-
mals which have been imported into the
• County during it' pest year, we • may
safely predict that the competition will
• be keen, and, that he stuck lain be of e
quality tot to be s 'passed in the Pro-
1.1111.11( Vol& ME TIN U. —A meeting of
the officers and d rectors of the South
Huron Agriculture Society was -held in
• Bracetield on W dnesday, was
• A fair majority o the directors was
present. The; Pr -sident, Mr. George
' Andersoa, in ithe, chair. Communica-
tions were etad from Alex. _Ingram,
- claiminn a prize fo- a. foal at the last
• fall show. lir refe ence to which, it was
moved, seconded. and. carried, that the
prize claimed by Ir. Ingram be paid.
Statements were also read from Mr. Mc-
• Gee, claiming prize for rod onions, and
Mrs. Gibson for quilt and for socks, at
at the last fall show, when it was moved,
seconded and carried, that said claims
be not allowed, as the proper time - for
the disposal 'of such has passed. Con-
siderable time was then spent in prepar-
ing a prize list and. rules and, regulations
for the next spring show, after which,
it was Moved, seconded and carried,
that the pring show for 1874 for stal-
lions and bulls be held in the village of•
Brucefield, on Wednetdaye the 22d
March, 1874. It was next moved, see-
• La
onded and (*tried
asmuch as the sp
in 13rucefiel4l sine
Huron .4.71turl.
there has n, t beet,
dation here, ofore
recommend to ou
that if there hem
accommodation _f
that they onange
the spring isiow ii
accommodation c
solved unanimousl
for 1874, in.'connec
be held in Exeter,
phen and. Usborn
Society. The in
meet again in Bruc
the next spring sh
o'clock A.
unanimously, thii4 in -
g show has been Iheld
he birth of the'Sputh
Society, and that as
sufficient acco o -
the same, we ould
successors in office
t better or sufficient
the current rear,
he place of holding
• future, to where uch
be got. It wa re -
• that the fall how
on with the society,
union with the Ste -
Branch Agricultural
eting . adjourned to
field, on the day of
w, at the hour qf 10
COUNCIL G. --A meeting of the
village Commit s held on Tue clay
evening. The auditors' report for 1873
Was received an1 adopted. The Clerk
was instructed to rave the abstract of
receipt and expo d ture published in the
Exaostaoit, and o post up the detailed
statement in his f ffice. The following
accounts were pas ci and ordered to be
paid : James Ile therlaed, for shade
trees, $2.70 ; A. t.irrie,, lor taxes on
market stall rcfu ode& $2 ; E. Li sby,
for attending at jti wn hall, five nights,
$7.50; W. Elliott, 'or telegraphing, 65c.;
widow McLeod a allowed $4, as char-
ity. A petition v sneceivecl from John
Smith and Other r specting sidewalk on
Ilieh street. Mr. F. Seegmiller (save
notice that at next meeting he will move
bylaw 59 be amended
the amount charged
market scales. The
d , to meet when called
that clause 17 of
so far* as relates
for weighing o
Council adjourn
by the Reeve.
The 71-unoni mid Quebec Railway.
- A meeting of th • ratepayers of Sea -
forth was head in t e Commercial Hotel
Hall, on the cycling of Thursday of last
week, for -the jpupose of considering
matters conhect cl, with the construction
of an extension of the Ontario and Que-
bec Railway fr m Port Perry to God-
erich, with 10, lprai th from Brussels to
Sarnia, via Seaortii. The meeting was
called by Mr. Joh Fowler, the projec-
tor of the scheme. The attendance, ow-
ingf to the shortno Me given of the meet-
ing, was not ve y 1 rge. The Chair was
taken by Mr. tens p, Reeve, who •
duced,Me. Fowler ()the meeting:-.; Mie
Fowler explained t ttitire was now hs,vr
Mg a bill pa -sed through Parliament, in-
corporating the s henie he advocated.
The scheme wa to construct a railway,
to be called theHuron and Quebec Rail-
way, from Goderie • to Port Perry, there
to connect with he proposed Ontario
and Quebec Rail ay, with 'a breech
from Brussele '[tc., arnia, via Seaforth,
and to connect wir • American lines of
railway at iS ' nia. This- would be a
through competing line . with the Grand
Trunk. By t es ro te the distance from
Seaforth to M htre I would be some 30
miles shorter tl1cuir y the Grand Tnink.
It would-be a ;nue easier road to con-
struct than the G and Trunk was, ow-
ing to its passing through a more level
country; and could be constructed for
about one-third lessIthan it cost to build
that road. After showing the benefits
which his seli pee w uld confer upon the
country in th ' we, of competition, &c.,
lie referred to the amounts which would
be required. from the municipalities.
The Company would require in bohuses
from this Ceunty $5,000 per mile. He
said that $4,0(0 per Mile had been &rant-
ed in bonne s to the London, fiuron
and Bruce Railway, and contended that
this road would be , f very much great-
er advanta, 0 to the people than that.
Besides the 5,000 per mile from the
County, he ould require a bonus of
$100,000 frq Godnicehne. and.,_$20,.000 ,
from Scfo th.-----: It- he would only ask
hese boriuse On condition that the mu-
nicipalities which had already granted ,
bonuses to the London, Huron and
Bruce, wouldibe relieved from, their ob-
ligations to that Company. He believed
he could make arraiigenuents with that
Company by whicl this could- be ac-
complished. 1 The Foaci which he pro-
posed -would be of ten times more ad.-
-.vantage to I ondoni than the road they
proposed to build 'themselves, as rune
would hegiven to the Lou -
over this road.- The bo -
d, he said, would only
amount to about 4 nulls on the dollar of
assessment, or $5 hn each 100 acres
ot land, and he felt _atisfied that there
was not 3ne owner of a hundred acre
farm in the 1:nunty ho would not will-
ingly give more tha $5 a year for the
benefit whi h such a road would
confer on him. i e concluded ' by
stating that iso soon as the charter of
the road wa sanctioned by the Lieuten-
ant Govern fe he ould call another
meeting when he•wo ild more fully dis-
cuss the project, amul lay his plans be-
fore thud. The tutt1 amount of bonus
Ir. Fos_vler from this Omni -
,e of 55,000 per . mile, would
' besides the additional
Seale h and Ci oderich.
ock, i-Jessrs. D. D. Wilson,
mug powers
don Compan
ems he ask
required by
• ty, at the r
be $400,00
bonuses fro
Dr: Gouin
Wm. M. 0-r Ity, and lithers spoke strong-
ly in favor o the seheme and. gave Mr.
'Fowler ever a ene tiragement to perse-
- vere in his .rk. tllhe following resoln-
tion was p sed animously : Moved
by Wm. MGray seconded by D. Be
Wilson, '' hat tii meeting approves
of the sche e as hlhi4 down by Mr.
Fowler ; th t they onsider it feasible,
and that, if arried ut, it would be of
great benefit to this village and section
,of country." A vott of thanks was ten-
dered to Mr. Fowler when the meeting
ca-meto a el se.
appointed be the
within the City of
take his departure
rejoicing that Mr.
ministry have bee
authorities c f the
thus seen fit to pr
friends in his old p
regret at his dep
preached his farewe
on Sunday laet, an
lar duty at Bayfie
He commences hi
parish about the 25
meeting was held
Church, Bayleld,
.if last week,
stonily hatule,e of
absence of iteighi
well filled. Rev.
the congregation,
After an excellent
ladies, addresses we
Messrs. Denby, R
and Goldsmith an
A choir discoursed ek
Maggie Gibson presidi
. Davis,shaving been
ishop to a parish
ond.on, is about to
orn Bayfield. While
avis' services in the
appreciated by the
Church, who have
ote him, his many
rim will feel deep
ture. -` Mr. Davis
sermon at Varna
ill perform a simi-
on Sunday next.
duties in his new
very successful tee-
the Presbyterian
Thursday evening
twithstan.ding • the
e evening 'and the
; the church was
Gibson, pastor of
cupied the chair.
furnished by the
delivered by Rev.
, Sieveright, Ure
by Mr. j. J. Bell.
client music, Miss.
0' at the melodeon.
ing for the children took place. The
The following evening a .siriiiilar gather -
proceeds are to e applied t purchasing
al buggy forlhe minister.
[0. It. COOPER, Brussels, Jig t for the Ex- •
roarrou Newspaper and Job l'-'inst - g Office.)
_A GOOD CHANCE.—Mr. Leckie intends
commencing on Tuesday _nett to sell by
auction theremaindenof his -*inter stock'
The etock is all new au ia good condi-
tion, and bargains will un loubtedly be
going.- Parties Wishing to nake money
should attend this sale.
WEATHER very fine; oacs broken up
business on the is -hole nit ad
Anonenetree--Mr. Not nal} -Benton,
bench hand in Mr. Be mett's sash an
door factory, had his le • Lind badly cu
with a circular saw,- on Wednesday af
ternoon. . Dr. , Grahaa dressed. th
wounded hand, and at 1 st accounts Mr
Benton was doing wale !
SHADE TREES.—Our tON411Sinaii, . Mr
Livingstone, deserves 'KO - credit fo
the enterprise he has rowi in plantin
shade trees. • Fer sever 1 se sons past h
has' planted trees, but ome of them al
ways died out. He ha ag in replaced
them with larger ones, soni being from
six to 'eight inches- n iameter. It
would be a great , imp •ove cut to the
-vilrage if more 'proper y lp lders would
do the same.
ceased. The vetdict of the jury was to
the effect that deceased came to his
death by the a cidental discharM4 of a
'loaded gun; bu what caused the in to
go off could no _be ascertained.
EitucAnONAL. The f0110Wing is
fi0111 a letter fr nfl Jr George Ho
Deputy Superintendent of Educ
Toronto, to J. R. Miller, Inspec
Schools for South Huron, ackno
itig the receipt ef his special repo
1873 : " No. 5 sborne, under the
agement of Mr Thomas Blatclif
first-class B te her, is one of th-
country schools that pays anythin
a a decent salary $500, to the to
It is an excell =IA school, and th
t appears to be c mplied with in
- spects. The 01 ief Superintenden
e congratulating on on this satisf
. state of educati nal matters, in yo
trict, the result
munition, trust
✓ your efforts unit
g Huron are in
e with -as fairly
_ Ushoine."
and Deputy Reeves of
sat in conference -with
oil, on Tuesday and
week, trying to settle
population of those par
were in the townshi
Grey, in the spring o
general census was ta
, ceives from the Goven
) the surplus money accc
sus of 1871. The Ree
Brussels signed. a cer
to the Lieutenant G
us. The Reeves
Mom is and Grey
eBrussels Coun-
ednesday of this
n the respective
S. of Brussels that
s of Morris and
1873, when the
en. j Brussels re -
en its share of
rding to the cen-
es of Morris and
ificate, to be sent
vern r, agreeing
that the population of that mut of Mor;
ris in . Brussels in 18 1 should be set
dawn at 380. When the Council rose
there was a differen e of, 6 between
Brussels and Grey. he Reeves of Grey
declined making a fin 1 settlement until
the next meeting of the Grey Council
The number arrived a was 434 by Grey,
and Brussels 440, slowing a total in
Brussels, in 1871, of 20. Brussels will
'receive as its share of the. surplus fund,
in the neighborhood o $3,000.
Tucker mith
FARMERS' Clem-- he regular weekly
meeting of the Tuc ersmi h Farmers
Club was held, as usi al, in Broadfoot's
School House, on last Fri ay evening.
Mr. 'William Landsboeough in the chair:
Mr. Appleton Elcoat read an excellent
essay on " The Best and Most Profitable
Breeds- of Horned rattle to . Raise."
Speeches on the sem& eubject were made -
by Charles Rutled e, Thomas Thorp,
Calvin A. Campbell, ober Landsborough,
Enoch Turner and tile Charmara The
opinions of the spea ers were expressed
in favor of the Durlr rn breed of cattle.
Subject for discussion next Friday even-
ing is " The Best P incipletof Planting
Fruit Trees," and al o of ' Cultivating
the Soil." Essay td be road by Mr.
Enoch Turner. The essay of Mr. Elcoat
will be published ne t week.
ACCIDENT. —AS M . WM. Alexander,
of the Second Conces ion of Tuckersmith,
was engaged in wo king With a horse
power straw -cutter, on the arm of Mr.
right lia.nd. caught in the knives of the
Thorp, on Wednesch y last, he got his
.machine, inflicting a 0 ost painful wound.
been closed at the
. certainly have been
Had his hand not
time it wonld ahnos
cut entirely off.
FARM SOLD.—Mr. James Fauson has
sold his farm; Lot o. 8, Cop. 11, H. R.
S., Tucker -smith, to Mr. Thomas Nott,
of the same township, for $ ,500. The
farm contains 150 cres, a: d was put -
chased about two ears ag fro re Mr.
Cameron for $5,500. This shows how
traPidly farm. prop•rty is iecreasing in
value in this Count . MrFtnson leaves •
the farm on the 1st of April, and,having .
purchased a house nd lot i Exeter, hp
tends to remove to that vil. age, and to
retire from farming for a ti e.
S e hen.
oCIDENTL Y ILL ED. --We regret to
learn that a farmar, who resides near
Brewster's Mills, in • the tiownship of
Stephen, named , Jones, wa killed on
Friday last by leis straw-sta k falling on
T. PATRICK'S bAY. —The ITrishmenof
Cerronbrook celebrated the anniversary
of !their Patron Saint by a supper. at Pen-
dergast's Hotel, on the evenng of Tues-
day last, the 17th inst. At he appoint-
ed hour about 150 gentleme sat down'
to en excellent repast prepa ed for them
• b ,) the host. In the company were quite
a iurnber of invited guests from Seaforth
and other neighboring villages. Supper
being ended, the chair was 't4.ken by Mr.
Thomas King, end the vice- hair by Mr.
John Carroll. •The usuall loyal aid
patriotic toasts having being lisposecl of;
the chainita,n, in a neat spec h, gave the
toast of the eveniug, which vas enthu-
siastically received and resp ndecl to in
an able and lengthy addre s by Rev.
Father Murphy, of Irisht wn. The
reverend gentleman dwelt• 4t consider-
able length on the many virjtues. of St.
Patrick, and admonished his tschnirers to
imitate as closely as possible those vir-
tues, and show by their mode of living
that they were werthy followers end ad-
mirers of so great and so gc4od a man.
Meny other toasts—regular and volun-
teer—were proposed, honore 1 and ably
responded to. The speeches were pleas-
antly interspersed with musi and songs.
Professor Ferguson, of Gode ich, was in
attendance with his Irish Harmonic
Pies, and delighted the hearts of Irish-
men with the beautiful and cheering
music which he rendered. A, very pleas-
ant evening was closed at an early hour
by singing "Auld Lang yne" and
God Save the Queen."
FATAL ACCIDENT.—An inquest was •
held by Coron,er C. T. Scott i of Wing -
ham, on March 10, on the body of Rob-
ert Lockridge, a boy about 3 years of
acre• who resialed with his father, Joseph
Lockridge, on Lot 13, in the 'Thirteenth
Concession of the township of awanosh.
From the evidence it appea s that de-
ceased was at the house of o e Michael
Kerr, who was moving to Wingham. A
loaded gun, which was staieding by a
partition of the house, somehOw or other
wept off, and immediately aft rvvard the
boy was seen lying stretched but at full
lengeh, his head and shoulder being out-
side, the door. No one was in the house
at the time of the accident b t the de-
trof, fo
rd, a,
U re -
r dis-
of your zeal and deter
that you will not relax
all the schools of South
s good a conditio a and
mad teachers as No. 5
PUBLIC DEBwa. -. A public ebate
= took place on londay evening, arch
.16, at Eden sc • oolhouse, under th aus-
ices of the Go d Templars of tha, place.
rhe evening be ng fine very many urned
out to listen to the discussion which was
carried throng i in a very spirit d and
well concluctel manner, and coi]rfcrrcmcl
credit on the speakers. The q esti n
was : Resolved, That Napoleon cco -
plished more g od for his country than
Washington di1 for the United 'bleb.
The affirmativE side was led by H. C.
Brown, who, in his usual lively a d.
pleasing mann r, delivered a very flashy
opening address on the subject. Mr. P.
Dempsy led the negative, and i ade a
very eloquent and able reply. fter a
close contest between Mr. Bro n and
Mr. Duque, their closing adt. zees*
the decision I as given in favor of the
affirmative sid .--Tins.
AN OLD RE, IDENT GoseE.—We regret
being called ' pon this week to record
the death or a other of Huron's ioneeea
in the person f Mr. William T rnbull,
who died. at I is residence, Saubijs Line,
township of Hay, on Saturday last, in
the 61st year of his age. The deceased
was a native f Glasgow, Scotland. He
emigrated to this country more than 30
years ago, war amongst :the first I settlers
on the hauble Line in Hay, and was for
several years ' a inembe, of the township
Council. II was an energetic nd use-
ful1 public ma and an estimable privet
citizen. . His demise will be mourned b
a large family circle, and. his memory
will be long iherisheci by many friends.
SAD ACCID 1,NT.—On Saturday laste ri
William Jan eson, an did reside t of
township of ay, While workin in the
township dr in ou the 'lake lore, in
Stephen, me with an accider t which
resulted in is death. Mr. anneson
was an Engli hman by birth, w. s about
ada over 30 1 ears. H owned a farm
50 years of a e, and had reside( in Cane
on the Lake Shore Ithad in Hay, of
which township he bad' been a resident
for many years. He had ne or been
married. We have not been able to
learn the cor ect particulars of , he acci-
dent whichatised his death. I
SCHOOL E emenaaose--A p blic ex.
amination of the pupils of the chool in
Section No. 0, Hay, was held n Friday
last. The xamination was onducted
by iVk. Peter Strang, i the te4icher, as,
sisted by teachers froin the adjoiniog
sections, and passed 6ff in manner
highly erect table to both teacher and
pupils. Mr. Strang seems to be a hardi.
working, e ergetic teacher, and th `
school cann t but prosper und r his tui
tion. After the examination as over;
Mr. Biicharian was appointed to the
chair, and htort speeches werel delivered -
by Messrs. F. Seller; J. Odium E
Battle and1 R. Moir, interspetsed with
singing by he pupils, after which all re-
tired to tilleir homes appere tly, well
pleased with the day's procee nags. .
Thomas Strudey has sold his house and
lot in rn. to Mr. Tho as Oliver;
mail car re . Mr. Walter Willison
tailor, has also sold his lot to Mr. Chas
Granger., Mr. Willison has purchased
another lo ftom Mr. R. N. Adams, in a
better situ Mon in the village on which
he intends erecting a dwelling house and
shop. Mrf tjohn Stapf has sold his
-dwelling house and blackSmith shop to
Mr. Hughameron, trmerly of Sea -
forth. AI . Cameron • tends carrying
on the hie k naithing business in all its
branches il Mr. Stapf's old Stand. Be
ing a first -lass mechanic, in an honest,
obliging bimsincss man, he viL be sure to
do a large business. Mr. Stepf intends
removing o his farm.
NICELY T APPED.— 011 Wednesday
last a boy by the name of Richardson
was ransa kipg the house of Mr. A. W.
• Spaulding in Gorrie, while the family
were awa , and, on opening a room door,
was shot iji the arm by a pistol attached
to the do r. The would-be thief was
caught. I
M1.SCELTJANEOUS. —News items were
very scarce for a considerable time, but
the past two Weeks have been very im-
portant. on s to our rising village. In
the first piece we are to lose the Regis-
try Office, and the village as a whole
will feel the loss to a very great extent.
The second matter of importance is the
P et Office We were stenewhat taken
by surprist (but agreeablY) last week on
opening th, EXPOSITOR to find the an-
pouncement that D, B. ,McKinnon was
a _pointed mostnuaster in the room of P.
J. Rooney The change was long and
'anxiously ccsirecl by the people of Blyth
and vicinity for two reasons ; first, they
never want d P. .1. Rooney to be postmas-
te , and second, many complained that
thby could not get -their letters as
pr raptly as they could wish. The
change was made 80 quietly that few of
the villagers heard anything about it
till it appeared in the newspapers.
here is (meshing ledge of the In-
de cadent rder of Good Templars here,
beng organized since last September
an I now n mbering over 70 members.
Th y are taking steps for the erection of
a g od hall,. which will be an improve -
me t, as at' present there is very poor
accemmodation in that line.
slIr. Bay or SOMe other cif the County
offi ials could find some work in, this
vil ge in rernoving the sawlogs from
the road at the north mai, as there is
very little more than ten feet _width of a
track in si me places.—Cent. •
LEvxNe THp TOWNSHIP.—Mt. George
Dickson, eying rentedhis faith in Mc-
Killoptto is ,son-indaw,and hating pur-
chased an thee- farm in the township of
Morningto , 'County of Perth, about 12
miles nort of Stratford, intends remov-
ing, with I is, family, to his new farm, on
Tuesday a xt. Mr. Dickson's ; removal
from McK llop will be regretted by his
many frie ds and neighbors: 1
at the Te
members a
and passe
get 100 co
for their s
narey be p
lector—Ca Tied. Moved by lt
seconded iy Mr. Bell, • that
Shannon e reappointed • tree
his furnish ng satisfactory secu
that the fo
keepers be
the fo
beine ane
MEETING. —The Control met
perance Hall On March 7;
present. Minutes teed and
The auditors' report being
was Carefully read, Ocamined
, and the Clerk inetreicted. to
is of the abstract printed and
and the auditors paid $6 each
rvices. Moved by Mr. Kerr,
y Mr. Bell, that J hn Me-
ld $75 for his servic s as col -
r. Kerr,.
urer, en
ity - also
mer feuceviewers aier pound-
eappointed—Carrie . Moved
err, iseconded by Mr. • Bell,
lowing accounts lie paid, viz.:
. hannop, Treasurer $11.90,
ror in J. Montgomei y's taxes
for the yea 1871; Samuel Smi ft, $11 for
services as' Tavern Inspector ; Wm. Jas.
Shannon, Reeve, $10 for • attending
school -nice ings, postege, &c., Solomon
Shannon, 63.50, service as Treasurer,
postage, & ., and $1 to each of the Re- 1.1
turning 0 t bers-for 1874—Carried. The
following petitions wereresented
From W. rstrong and ' al ern pray- 7,11
iiig the Co incil to grant a tave, licenee '-a-i
to Matthee Chambers; from Alexander
Merchie a Itl others, praying the Coun-
cil to gran a tavern hcense Ito Robert
Hannah ; rem Joha Kerr a' d others,
praying t e Council to gran., but one
tavern lice se on the gravel roard between
Seaforth a d Walton. Moved by Mr.
Bell, secon led by Mr. Hays,1 that the
motion pas ed at last meeting limiting
the numbe of taverns to twe, and the
license at 1$60, be now rescinded, and I
that four houses receive license, viz.:
Leslie's, u annah's, Chambers', a.nd
Davis's aril that each pay $25 to the
tomhiship, , xclusive of the Government
fee. Mov d in amendment by Mr. Gov-
enlock; see iuided by Mr. Kerr, that the
motion pas ed at last meeting! relative to
the tavern:, limiting them o two, be
not Tenn -sled — Amendmen t Carried.
The Comm adjourned to itet at the
Temperane Hall, on the firs Saturday
in April rt xt,,when the Court of Re-
vision will e held.
• I
Revision f
be held at
Friday, Ap
tion of the
hi Section
-the roads t
and pupil
number of
adjoining s
part in e
pupils ac]
ready ans
asked, sho
fully, taugh
studies. T
in the proc
and the c
F' REVISION. --The Court of
✓ the township of Grey, will
Dames' Hotel, Cranbrook, on
nil 24, 1874. '
LAMINATION. —An examine -
scholars attending the school
No. 3, Grey, took 'place on
12th. Notwithstanding the
weather and the bad state of
e attendance of both parents
was very large: Quite a
teachers were present from
ctions, several of whom took
amining the: . classes. The
itted themselves in a most
aimer, and the correct and
ers given to the questions
ed that they lad been care -
and well grbund.ed in their
e greatest interest was taken
edings by all those present,
rnp1imentar remarks made
upon the ee iment condi on of the school,
must have been extrem ly gratifying to
the esteem d teacher, Mr. Robert Fer-
guson. At the conclusion of the ex-
amination, Jr. Feagusou -was presented
-with a ma Uficent .fam4y bible, •accom-
panied. by . flattering address. The pres-
entation w s made on behalf of the
scholars of the school le[v Miss Katy Mc-
Lachlan. a d the address was read by
Alexander trachan. Mr. Ferguson, al-
though ap arently taken quite by sur-
prise, made a suitable end feeling reply.
Appropriat addresses *ere delivered by
Mr. Thom s Strachan, Reove of the
• township, a d others. After partaking
of refres emits, which had been pro-
vided in a undance, the pleasant meet-
ing termina ed, and parents, visitors and
pupils left or their homes, highly de-
lighted witi day's proceedings.
Acant-N —On Monday last, Mr.
James Aik ns, while cutting some straw
for cattle; ith a straw -cutter, on Mr.
Livisthn's arm, Hullett, had the third
finger of hi left hand cut off. lie was
endeavorin to adjust the straw in the
box, when he knife descended and al-
most compl tely severed the finger from
his hand, illy a small piece of skin
holding it on. Mr. Aikens acted as his
own physician, and jointed the detached
piece to th stump -and bound it bp, and
he is in hopes it -will grow together
again.—Mo litor.
met on M
all present
pointed ove
George Stu
granted to
Union Hot
the Helme
be paid for
$15. Angu
paying taxe
hug sustairte
The arrears
Road, were
said lot hav
the year 1
being in
sum of $10
ney, he bein
in conse,que
which has p
for about 7
adjourned t
Monday in 4.
a Court of
Spring 8
entire stock,
North Hut
April 21.
South Tiuro
. April 22.
Stephen .an
April 17.
Grey, at Brussels, Tuesday, April 14.
South Perth, St. Marys, Wednesday,
April 1.
North Perth. at Stratford, Thursday,
erich Township.
ROC EDIGS. --The Coun
E Ncil
ch 9, 1874. The members
Jos. Whiteley was ap-
seer of highways in place of
de-. Tavern licenses were
Charles Robinson, of the
and to John W. Ross, of
:vile Inn. The amount to
avern licenses WAS fixed at
Crews was exempted from
for the. year 1.873, he hay -
d heavy losses by fire lately.
of taxes en' -Lot 21, Huron
refunded, amoineting to $23,
iug been doubl assessed for
71. John E "ott's taxes,
o $9.30, werci refended, he
egent circuin tances. The
as granted ugh McCart-
in very poor dircumstamrces,
cc ethaving a disabled hand,
eventect his doing any work
onths. The Council then
meet again o the seemed
lay next, said neeting to be
pring Sho s.
ows, for the exhibition of
will be held aEi 'follows :
n, at Clinton, Tuesday,
,at Brucefieldt Wednesday,
Usbonae, Exeter, Friday,
April 2. .
Hibbert, at Staffa, Thured y; April 23.
New Cloths. an,d Tweeds,
EW 1100TS 41 SHOES.
Thoroughly cured and of -excellent quality for
sale wholesale and retail.
The Trade liberally dealt with. All orders
protnqy attended to.
pia,a, to
riIIE Troliteecs of ,S
.:• -Li by Anttion, at H
- MOKDAY, ,hpril B.S,,
Atilllil of ;IAN», e;im,
net of LOC N42. /1., Co:
ilo1 tE,SSiOnli. l :anbidt
Te MS, Ca0.2.-
. Stanlevarell 20, 1
THNT cim.4ortable 4.`
pro:qpn Occupied 14,..
lion is retArad and
part f thi:Itywn„ 1:3„,w
with,nmni. A first-,
apply to -3-4 Purttir.
82,„ti-4 1
eleare0 and in a g
venient btabli.,,, and
To let. on. :very rill-
polasession Oven. 1»
bv!letter, 1.0,
Ti'C)R SAil, a 'House,
5eaf.)011, next .
house 31:3x.:1.2 lot one -f
robnis ; kitchen;
sold cheap 14,r
rg the TOwnship
-1- Bayiield lio.:1, 2 :II
tield, bein- p3e cast it
Bad, nor hi, youth'
and in a g )( d state
and well v4ered, t ,
with beee' Ooaple atitti
barn and :iled, and
11101).tir pal -Oculars a
premises, br to P.1.1.7L'
field Line, (ioderieh T
Hx-s- TTni-e4 known
been Lloing• a goioi
oi privat.4 ti,rms for
ilig out of itO busine
will b.. Rol...Ioum the morn
the south -.a!Ie of ate
k -r_ any °nil going int
P,)ssession t.tiven i Inn
titam apliy t-, J.
Title inAlil-ilutable.
13P7, 4 :
/ i. —
OT NI, 4.! ea. 4, Iii
leare 1 •,titi in it.011:-
spring titities: running t
I:1;1110; fit t.,:uni thrke ,
tkni Boall i go -al fra
himsv; g...iii -raid,.
ply on 1114 'Ir.t.nii•.-t,
12.6 4 1 - Al
n.. -'.t
-" bria
NO;t1A-r, -,ca
4,11114 (E1- Ai:,
OR s. on -
Con. 11,1ll:.
4.• wt•ti fe•e•-.4 :
v alum, 41"ii.bp•
s 'to -i-. al
S.,,'Ill)f)lh.11.1 1%.")`
qrters a
3 later= It: ti
_t' iii b., rpu
'Lie pet ma:
AlIts- IWt.T
t .IS0
hi) iztal:in 4 .
mllkito %at= statil, ir
Ity her; 11:01 an a-ru =,
piod stablo-, tz.hoil 's.v!,:
owe 1.04,:Oying on z
tlhoviro,11,,v awn
lemaindo.'wili v .1.4.
‘An ply on t Is
:1:11) ' 1, M31.S.
PI: -11
tit in tito
in titt=?
lay 1,- =
with an -i
barn. 14, 117,..1
forth, al:il 0!
ard bt ;a
Mir fari.,•vi.+1„
. known ., 4t+,.1
MAreb:1*--1 t
will be .ceeived tox
Enquire Wi abi,ve. •