HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-20, Page 77 BYLAW Ncb i I raise by !way of Loan t Twenty thousand Dollars purpme. of Purthaatilig the &masa itdad. , EREAS, the Council of the Co ration aa the Comity of Huron have resol 'ed to /me, 1 the NORTHERN GRAVEL R AD en w of aboliebaeg the cone-axe/la o Tolls eie ' • WHERE/0, to carry into _ftt the Raid ed object, it iwin be necessary or the Council said Coepetration to raise the'seine of Twenty same Dena* in the manner here' aftek Men. id. . 1,4 WHERte,e,S, the amount Of poewholeatse; property hathe County Of Halm, zrs:eciv iv future. jueisager in the same at irrespeee ef any meorae to be derived from the tempOr- ievestraent cee the sinking Nodhereinafter timed, or anT park thereof aorr lug to the revisedane, equalized!sseesmi ent Roils of the_ comity, berig for the yeer line Tb.ousand it ntatiked and Seventy -Thee rata Thirteen ,.on' One Him/teed and Ninety. Thousand te Au/aired and Seventy-Fiveleell es, 'al WFfEREAk, the anionnt di t n existing I of the said County is as folichve . Principal, _ • Theadeed and Fifty -Nino Thou, and Eight .thea and Thirty Dollars, fa- Giravei Itettcl he tailed debt ite Fifteen ul Five Efunde te means,. bearing interest at th .rate of sit pee . per atiname; The GIMIlill inte s to be peel Thousa ' V aura ot- for Ortltern Graeel Reeds in the said Cceene, Ind EighteeneDollars and Eig as debt there is no iaterest in rrie a watmEA%, it will require emend Two Remixed Dollars t b ey by specia1 rate for the p debt anti interest, as also h d. id WHEREAS' , for paying friug• equel; annual Sinking ;aid sum of awenty Thous& rest as hereineftermentioned, qual annual stieeial rate of y ne Ette4e1 endFifty-Nie el in the Deill'er, in addition to al taXes, to be lered in each year f it therefore enacted by the •or Oration of the County of Hurd t.—ThatR shell be lawful for id CountyOf Huron, to raise y any person (lir persons, body or 'tee who, may Ve willing to adv n the credit of the Debentil es ioned, a sum not exceeeItneiu t of Twenty Thousand D olio rs,, 'a tole paid het° the hands of t e Jonnty atoreeteid for the pier ebiect above *tatted. exits, upoxt um of Two• raised an- ent of the natter nterest -and for paying an and ill require undred and (160-959) a I other rates neil of the Warden of ay of loan bodies core e the same. hereinafter e whole, the d cause the. easurer of ff and with L—That shall be lawful for .1 said Ware „to cause aree nanelder of Del:/en tires to be p ter stiele atii!,,,t of money, not 1 ss than One Area Dollars • eaela and that the said Debene e shall be sealedwith the seal of the ',aid co - tion and be signed by the Warcle and comae Oned by the Teeaeurer of the said County. ..—Tliat the iaid Debentures shall be made dete in twenty' years at farthest from the day .inafter reentiOnecl for this ByeLeve to take ef- , at the office, of the Treasurer of the said nty of Huron, mud shall luxe attached to a coupoas for: the payment of the interest an. tIv, signed by the said WerdenThd Treasurer. il h.—at the ! said Debentares a l d Conpons 1 be made out . in the enereney of this Domin- no that whole' amount of said De enemas- shall exceed the betore mentioned sure of Twenty mend Dalai* and they /that 'eerie interest at nitt of six per cent. per annum, which inbere Khali bepayelfle on the first dive of July in L year, and ev.try -,,,,-ear during ette continua/we Lie said debentures, at the office G the Tress - of the said County of Huroi. h.—That for the purpose of fcrning a sinking i for the payment of the said De entures and interest at the rate aforesaid, to become Ana eon an egad iipecial rate of One -cincb:ed and Y Nine Itundted and Fifty -Ninths (150-252) of ill in, the. leoller, shall in addition to all other a and tea leintised, levied and colleted in t year upon ate the rateanIe aro eerty within Ce'enetv of Huron, during ,the continuance 01 said Debentures or any of them* 14—That tlaiie By-law shall tilde effect and ie 'into operWon apon tee first day of Jelly, i Thousand rkeht Rundred and S eventy-Fonr. NOTICE.. he above isa rue copy of a propesed By -Law e taken into- eonsideratioa by the lelunicipel nett of the Catmty of Huron, at Goderieh, in saa Conuty, OR the Fourth Day of Rule, 1874, hee hour of two &clock in the afternoon, at ch time and piece the members elf the Commit hereby required to attend for the purpose esaid- PETER AILS AIS ON, County Clerk. traty Clerk's ince, terieh, Feb*2 1374. CARPE Rem, AND, OIL CL(1)TIISI rkably L At HOFFMAN BROTHERS', Semforth. Fs:414FO-R11 AND IURON ARBLE_WQRKS. [EssE+, & BR ERI tiott,efTremiltonil Id intimate to 1ieir uumerons fr emla aud the aI public tha-t they are reia4ed. to fill all * for Unle/ItStetlilstones, Table Tops, Diantels, ete .1foint14, impol-ted to 0? der. ot the besCstyIe and art, artd cannot be thispe,it of Ontario. respectfullytiolicited. Opposite Loan & 3in:desalt's Store, NAIN-SREET, SEAFORTII. MESSE.T. g$ IESSET. -(..1LINTON R B LIE WORKS UROLV TREE Xt door west Cf the Commeteial Hotel, UMENTS HEADS ONESit 'ecri of all kid-. in Americaa cued Foreign esignea and executed in the best style, et reasonable prives. (les of rr!III)?/.hd igarbie 'Viol 04 Nh'irft otde nate Menumeate and Headstones imported. ALDERr & COOPER. DREW CALDElle_Agent. Lh N SI. PORTER', ,se Banker and Excelling( Broker. ,.$(1,T..11ToBTIL 4TALI solop0,000.01. This is nit Mow, but a feet. VS Greenbacks and American '.1.1v.er at ear- ut rate*. Lend* money on otad farm prop - Shaves notes without hither. Iteceives Y on et/ posit; tied pays 20 per tent. interest DI1 von .et it. Hides, ShPep Skirts, Py,Trooi at the Nuke:4 prices!. . this is done wilh the above capital, wonder-. r it mitt? Hamlin your want, wishes sad palms, don't bib afraid, he wont bust. 322 •MARCH 26,, 1874. T130 Hill's Grerm, Pontroversy. • To the Editor of tO Ifunon Expooitor. Sul,: In. returning to this subject again, I have no wish; ler do I think lit ' at all necessary, to, follow master Wm, , Watts through the mists and mazes of : his. epistle which appears in your' issue ' of the iith inst. Tnere is nothing tange ible in it—nothinglnew—it is siMply a puerile, wordy attempt to justify what never can he justified.. T can imagine the : reverend gentleman who provoked this discussion, looking' down With scorn and contempt upon this little group, 'Personi- fied by Master Watts, who have consti- tuted themselves his defenders ; ond fer- vently wishing that they had been rocked to sleep with sweet lulabys by their mothers when they rushed. to de- fend .him in the, newspapers. I am " much mistaken in the opinion I formed of the -reverend gentleman's grasp of in- tellect and vim, if ever he would descend , to the petty subterfuges' ef his Would-be defenders He won1c1 never for a -single raonaent palter with common sense and a doable meaning, as they do, and. try to make it appear that . his allusions to the Mackenzie's were simply remirnscen- ces of the past, and. nad no reference whatever to the present or future. No. I hope he is far too honest a man for •that. I give him credit for sincerity in making _those allusions ;; and that they had, with him, a meaning and a pur- pose. The party with,a7, hich he is al- lied have ever held forth that the Mac- kenzie of '47 was an unmitigated rebel, and. a scoundrel to boot e and they have ever and anon tried ' to id.entify the Re- form. party of to -day with him and. hiS doings. 'It is notorious that for days before the election, it was bandied about M ma,ny parts of the toWnship of Stan- . ley that the leader of the Government of the day was related to the man of '37, and therefore a rebel ,also ; and num- bers in Bayfield believeci it just aS firmly • as they believed Lake Huron washed their shore. This perhaps affords us a clue as to why politics pame uppermost in the reverend gentlemft's mind at the =time; and th.at in his z 'al for his party he forgot, for the mome t, th-at he was ; in Hill's Green, and not, in. Bayfield, and that he was a Minister of the . Gospel and a- temperance lee nrer. There is another point in ' this c miection, which 1 wish, to call attention to, which is per- haps even more " serious," to use a phrase of friend, Watts viz.: That this lecturer should, even by implication the most distant, have associated the , name of a leading member of our G inent with the name o one who he :is. Pleased to believe and. d signate as hay- ing beeu a miserable rebel, a coward, 'and bad and vile in very respect, as • Such references and allu. 'oils must tend, in every caseto decrease that reverence and respect which every good :citizen owes to the powers that be. No 'matter what our personal opinions may be, or our political predelictions either, or whether Sir John,' A. Macdonald or the Hon. Alex. Maekenzie farm and lead our Government for the time being, as those in authority over is, they are en- titled to our obedience, and at all times to our respect for the positions they oc- eupy. All observing, intelligent per- Sons- admit that the tendency of the Young Canada of the day is towards dis- respect for authority, and that if ever this country becomes Republician, or Annexation prevail, that this devil-may- care, Jack- is-as-good-as-his-masterism, will have ranch to blaene for it. It is therefore much to be deplored. •that any teacher of the people, far less 'a Minister of the Gospel, should pander, or give ,countenance, no Matter how remotely, to this feeling. Any ordinary observer must perceive that this feeling of con- tempt for anything, and want of respecit for superiors, is wide -spread amongst the youth of our lani, from .the child • starting to vaIk, tie tile full grown man, and will conclude, that unless a com- bined movement is made to :repress it, lsy all who have intelligence :and infln- once, that the bright futare' we often Pictute for oar young 1Dominiclu will Vanish tte a dream, Here and there ,% Young man will be f4.ind taking his place in the ranks Of every -clay workers, with an intelligent and clear apprecia- tion of the heavy job of work which lies before him,, and 11enest4 vowing to per- form his part in life's straggle like a man. But it is much to be regretted Oat far too many of our young men are mere shallow triflers, igeorant, arrogant and conceited, and wiser in their own estimation than seven men Who can render a •reasoe4' Unless dire experi- ence causes a change to come over the spirit a their dreams, it is net hard to predict the future of th4 country, whose destinies ancl fate are cokunit,tecl to such keeping, I have a few Specimens of this latter class in my mind's eye. With your permission, Mr. Editor, I will try, to daguerreotype them, and 1 can assure you I am. going to give yoa no fancy picturesit sometimes happens that • nue fast model young man. terns_ re- llgious. With him, generally, it is a Passion, not a feeling, and lasts from one month to twelve months. To do him euetiee, however, while at it he is industrious and energetic.1 He masters eat and awful truths, in an incredible • short time, and has them as pat On his tengue as songs are to a ballad singer, • and forth he eomes to convert a world. All is plain sailing—no cloiibts and fears • annoy hirti—" he boldly enters where angels fear to tread," and. chalks oat the way to Paradise as plain as the road to Brucefield. But it is to be noted all the time that he is the friose intolerant of beings, if you clo - not pronounce his ahibboleth just exactly as he does, and to the mark -with hiin to a very hair's breadth; then sure, you are consigned, without the least compunction, to a Vace which shall be nameless here, and 4>iiiwhe%Tellt111 1ope- none, even ef this class, But again :—It oftimes happens that • Our younss Canada turns a politician, and IR this phase he is a curiosity indeed. His boast is that his father was so and - so, before him, arid that he is the same; he would. not turn his eclat—not he:- nnot for anything. But study him a li 1 le; -watch him closely, and you will 111. seven cases out of every ten, that whatever prejudices the father ma,y have imported. with him are confirmed and intensified in the young scion, that. he is deficient in common sense and in- tellect, and far behind. in that sturdy in- tegrity which claaracterized the father. . In short, he is often an ignorant brawler; does the eheeringe and the groaning at election meetings; is a nuisance and a bore to whatever party he may be allied. with, and is the most bribing and. bri- e le creature imaginable. Such a sup- ple voter is he, that if the new fangled ballot -box keeps hirn within the law, it XPOSITO will be a great success 4idee --IA which , I am doubtful --very. 1 ., „ And lastly ,...—It is `when 1 our young friends play the role of', teetotalers that they are seen to the 'befit advantage. It This fieldm sees best suited o their in- stincts and calibre --W ere tb,ey learn fast, and come into n ticeearly. We a will suppose our model yo g man, flip- pant of tongue, and thirsting for no- toriety, becomma a membe of one, of - the Temples' of"Temperane , I believe they are known by. By sheer force of arrogance and assumption, he pushes up to the chair, and is a Chief.' There, for a few months, he sits in Majbsty, clothed 1 in fine raiment round his neck sur- rounded with mysteries and passwords, and guarded trusty brothers , 0 f the trade, armed - with pointed I painted. sticks. (Poor flimsy imitators of oldl and revered . y ious organiza, ons • reverend with age, even when Solomon, the great King, was. young.) * To one he say go, and he goeth ; and to another ;he se:3 s come, and he cometh; and, with -mehT panderings to his vanity; who can blarne 'him, if, when he emerges from thi school he thinks himself "nae s ma' heep-shank bane ?" Great social problems which have hithcrto taxecl. „'tiic iiigcnuity of noted philantrophists, andiu9zled far- . seeing veteran statesmen are easily solved by him. Like the great paterit,medieine man, he has discovered the great panacea for tie cure of " all that flesh is hej.r to ;" a,n.d in season and out of season, he is incessantly roaring to all aiid suudrie wish to be im— try to annot be a mil are at •` Come to our Temple if yoi safe !" Try to reason with tell him that his panacea success in the world as man present constitutdd—that his nostrums have, when tried elsewhere, beenfailures, you, and ou are a you know would not extreme end of a ha,mnier whieh had been liger, the used to drive a tap into a bee barrel. Unfortunately, however, for the consist- ency of some of those gentlem n,1 respect- able hotel -keepers, in our ounty, tell, that -when they call for a r freshment, they insist upon having something stronger than simple; raspberry for a drink. and. very likely he will infor not very politely, either, that /ictr ,or a drunkard, and that nothing, As for him, he touch, not with the tip of his ria To sum up my specimens,' wish to re- call to the recollection of yoin- readers a communication which appeared in your colunins, signed " School Boy,' hailing from Turnberry, who was drawecl in ridicule and lashed into silence, with a few ‘vigorous common sense strokes from the peii. of friend Ferguson / Insult a School Inspector ! Why, thati is nothing to our young Canada—there lis nothing sacred, or secular, up to the Queen upon the throne, but they would insult and contemn, if, thereby, • they could get an airing for their theories and ivhims, and gain a little notoriety; I hope that the friends and well-wishers of M ter Watts and his prompters may not lae able to discover the smallest Vestige of a like- ness of him, or them, .1.1 the abovepic- tures, for I am satisfied that if they do i. not, that the others will not, 3an.not, see theraselves as others se them lie may however, now, be better able to under- stand what "forbearance " is. There is one thing which appears to lay heavy at the hearts of this knot of Religious, Semi -political, temperance Daniels, who sit in judgment lupon your humble servant, and. I am rather sorry that I cannot just yet relieve them. t do not put my name to my ommunica- tions. Well, from their standpoint, I daresay they do not understand it, and in think it a crime. But the ought to know that I am no miseio ary—that having never graduated at any temple, I -have no great prescriptions of cure for my fellow -men, and, moreosier, that I have no inordinate thirst for ' popularity or notoriety. But rather like he triecl and -unassuming doctors who ta.s a diffi- cult operation to perform. Fe quietly, and. it may be sorrowfully, makes his preparations for removing tbe diseased member, so that he may save the patient. Who ever hearci of such, blazing it abroad in newspapers, -that he - as about to do so and so or hadidone this or that ? None verily ! If his operation it weeded, the consciousness of ' ha'ving done his whole duty was, applause suffieient for him ; if it was a failure, the saine sense of duty done, bears hini up faef.above the taunts and sneers of the small fry of his -profession, who, with envious aii-d "mali- cious neighbors, too often join sn perse- cuting him.. Therefore. I beg leave, once more, to be allowed' the :very small • boon of being known as, it is no very high sounding " Alias " surely," STAND SQUARE. [Nori—Tho above controeersy has become ex- tremely- tiresome, end we trust it will shortly close.] Stephn. COUNCIL MEETING. --Stephen Colin' cil met on March 2, 1874. Minutes of for- mer meeting read and signed. L All the members. C. Prouty and H. Doyle were appointed tavern Inspectors. . Licenses next Council meeting, i , eh party lla for taverns to be $35, ad pasiile before f not 8 so neglecting to get no license. The fol- lowing : . . ress. 'I% Hodgins, 1 f lowing parties made applicatio for licen es MNevils, SP P. Buckley, W. Baker, H. Bacleneour and W. Breen. Mrs. Flannery to re- ceiVe aid to the amount of $16. lePetition of Trustees of School Section No. 12, to be empowered. to borrow the sum of $1,000 to pay for Wilding sch '61 house; payable in two years. • Petition:granted. The following parties:were appointed. fenceviewers : J. Snell,' J. BiSsett, S. Hogarth, J. Mathewson, W. Holt R. McPherson, it. McArthur, Sr Joseph • Tetrean and E. Deitreich. Po ndkeep- ers—W. Cockwill, T. Sha-pto . James • Mathewson, P. O'Rourke, D. ta,h1s, J. to and H. Soulon. ) sll d.i.r. Be •cl Hill, 0. Mitchell, G. Tetrean T. Mar- ha,i1_ re- ceive $8, balance of former r solution. Moved by ' Mr. parsons, sec nded by Mr. Fulton, that -the Clerk drift a by- law svitla reference to the Municipal Loan Fund, to obtain from -eaid fuisd $3,000 for past improvement. CoUncil ad- journed to meet again on 1 the first Monday in April, to further tpportion surplus money. • C. PROUTY, Clerk. -N OT 10E. Pe° partneiship heretofore exiat.ing1 etween the ruidersigned, as Founders and M .hinists in Seaforth, has tbie day been thsso1vet by mutual consent. January 81, 1874. • Gel L411LES KIE. _ . • . • DANIEL F R. CLEOPHAS ORTH. Witness—F. 310LAIESTE1. The business heretofore carried on by KERR, WILlerel & COMPANY will In future he conduct- ed by the undersigned, under the mune and firm of KERR & WORTH \ Who will pa y;I all claims agaiust the late firm, and to whom alli debts due to the firm are payable. January,81., 1874. . DANIEL . CLEOPHAS rWORTH. Witness—F. HOLIKESTED. • 324-4 • I FAR ERS, LOO HE If you want a first-class Plow don't forget t canon G. WILLIAMS N, Who has aken so many prizes et the PrltvinQlal Exhibitions foi several years past I w41d gall special a tentign to my IRON ELM LOW, which giv Bauch entire satisfactio to all who have nsed it. It makes good work an is very light of draft. A o. proof the superiority f ray PI wtoyer those of 411 other manufacturers baton g par - chasers sliould remember that I took the lst prize at the Pr venial Exhibition of 18 2, and the lst and 2nd rizes it the Provincial E ibition, 1878. All kinds bf repeiring done to plow on the shorteet notice. so Geey plowa properly repaired. Call and exam e before purchasing els where. •I 327-12 I G. WILMA SON, Seaforth. PL Tli_SEAFOR H W FAC ORY. MO ROE &. F-OGAN, SEAFORTH, Beg to reet tho atteution of the farmin munity t their Superior PLOWS. g cern- TH IR IRON PLOW Has heenine it, g neral favorite, and with iniprdve- ments made stnce last season, they have no heeita- tion in guaranteeing it to be at leapt equal to any otherplow manufactured. THEIR, IRON BEAM PLOW, .. . With wooden handlee, is one of the best anil. naOst useful plews, foie:emend use, manufactured ! 1 M6NROE & HOGAN Now manufacture the celebrated THISTLE CUTTER PLOW With W -ought Iron Beam. Tho Y are the only manufac urers who supply this favorite plow with a Wroug t Iron Beam. This plow is sold for $17, the same price et which other manufacturers Bell the cast ron beam. • SCUFFLERS, Both in eron aud wood, made Co order on the shortest •otice. • •REPAIRING of. e ery deseription promptly attended to. None tit the very best materiel, both in iron and woo , used, and parties purchasing from us may rely epon getting a good and durable article. MONROE & HOGAN, Plow Manufacturers, Seafoeth. N. B. Gray's Mould Boards kept on haid for rep airin •326 THE FARMERS' FRIEND! WILLIAM GRASSIE, Of the S eforth I Carriage Works, having sc4ld off all his s eighs and cutters, is now busily naane, f acturin I "' • W GON:S AND BUGGIE": His W loons are strong and durable. , His Bi ggies are stylish, and, being made of the very bes material, and by first-claes woritmen, re guarante el to give satisfaction. I He is 5 position to sell on as favorable teems asanyia the tra le. 0 LONG CREDIT. Mr. G aesie is determined to sell cheap, aid Veil1 herealte give orgy short emelt. S' Repining and General Blacksmi thing atteleded to tie ns 1. WILLIAM GRASSIE., FL X 'MILL FOR1SAL TN PUI SCAM:1E of the power •;) sale con mined -e- iu a c etain lortgage, dth ated ejlend Feb maley, 1878, aul made by BENJMIN SHANTZ end wife (de mutt having been made in the 'mime t of the p •ncipal money and interest secured y said mo ienge), the following valuable property will be • erect for sale by Public Allicbion by J. P. BRINE, Anctioneer, at JOHN MURRAY'S MANSION HOTEL, • n the V' age of SEAFORtH, on SATU DAY, fl t ' e 21st Day ofMarch, 1874, At 1 o'clock P. M., vi.: Part of Lot No 10, in the • 1st Concession South of the 1 uron Rad, in the township of Tucker- - smith, 1 rtaing i 1terb of the Village of Seaforth, coata* ng abou four acres and one quarter, bee lug the land on which the Flax ill and ShOds belong: e to Beejeroin Shantz, ar4 erected. Upon elle lane is built a Flax Mill, flan e, 72x46, wi h an en • 6 house attached built f brick 2646. Also sh ds for the- atoring of Fla • 40x180. 1he buildinc s have only -been erected a out two years and are u good repair. There is jipon the pre u- ises the following tirst-class machi ery which N iil be sold with the property: 1 steam engine njnd boiler, 25 horse power, built by Jacob Beek, of Baden; 10 ecuthine knives; 2 flax, breaks 2 threshil g machines; 1 patent hydraulic pre s ; 2 fannug Jnillg; 1 Fairbank's cales, capac ty 8,000 p nude. The land will be sold subject to ttho claim o the Goeinloek estate thereon, and to ehe couditi e ns centaaned in the agreereenb for per - Oen se 1 bhb seine. The pureheser will be , at liberty o remove the buildings 'me maohineryi if found d sirablo to do BO. The purchaser will be require to pay to the Vendor or his Solicitore a deposit if 10 per cent. of his purehase money -at the tim of sale, and to sign a centract for t e oomplet on of his purchase, end to jay the baiarLce of hie p chase money with inteeest at 7 per oe b. within kitty days from the day of' sale. Fint ext particulars and the conditions of s le will be ade known on day ofsale'and in the • meanti e may be proeured by intencling purches- ers fro the undersigned., M CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, • Solicitors for Vendo s. March lth, 187 427-2 EXT \ACTING -TEETH WITHOU PAIN. C RTWEIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dent st e -e• at ends in 8eNforth, nt linox's Hotel, the first Tuesda, andeVedriesday of each ruoeth; in Clinten, at the C mmerciel Hotel, On the following Thurs- days an Fridaye. The remaindee of the time at his Str tford:oillee. Parti s requiring new teeth are rclquested to if at Se forth ana Clinton, on the first days o tenTdeatint. ne.oniais over 500 patienbs whohave had their t eth. extracted by the use of the Gas, tie seen at my office office in Stratford. Teet inserted in the most subetantial &tie im- proved tyles. Fiilhg done In gold, &c., in a manner wjhikh cannot be surpassed. I27 - e at - PUBLIC NOTICE. c. 'WILLSON, of Seaforth, haubeeti app int- • ece tole agent for the celebrate(' Mathushek Pi- ano in the Cotuity of Huron,and this instrumeut ctn only be:purchesed through him or his dulyaute r- ized agents. Orders given to others than my ageits or mys ril will not be felled. Theefollowing get& e - men h e been appointed to act es my &genes in the Co inty of Huron: Thos. Connors, UI. P. Whiffe and L. Murphy, Seaforth ; C. Doh Clinto ; and L. 1 S. Willson, Goderich. 320 0. 0. WILLSON, Seafor h.: %L.P. BRINE, T IC leSED AUCTIONEER for the Conn y of H ' on. Sales attended in all parts of tle Count . All orders left at the Eeposeroa 0 ce will be promptly attended to. TEAS; S I Fragrant Pekoe, Shouc TEAS. SEAFORTH 7 1ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, ong, Flavored Teas, [I *ongly Recommended 'for Family Use, J. C. LAIDLATIV'3t FAMOUS iTir XTURB OP.71117, 27E4. 1 • X. C. LAIDLAW'S thorough knowledge of the Tea, Trade enable OFFER VERY SPECIAL In this departeneut. • Purchasers of Five Poznd Parcels cczt,l 11,2noards SUGARS. hi 1 at all times to L U 1. - Brown, Medium, White and 1oaf Sugars at the Lowest remunerative Prides Sewing ch lure, and MUSICAL I NM -NM ENT M ..E-) 0 13, ± Tf M SEWINC MACHINE 1763ARTMiNT. 1 tako pleasure in stating to the public, that 1 hall at all times baxe it stock of all the different inds of Sewing Machines, with -their varied pre- entions to merit, that the purchasers may be able suit themselves at one establishment, without neonvenience. The whale fade of the country as been, and still is, frequeeted by tiansient persons. My object is to eiution the pnblie egainst buying enything but Seandard Machines, - and of Regular lesto.bliehed Agents, who can al -i dealt withways be found, a•nel -whose warrant ami guerant dam be relied OD, and if the purcheser is not suited • With the kind they think they event, they Call have •the privilege or changing it fur any other. We have at all time a new and 'fresh stock of the Florence ana Webster Machinee; lie well as all the standard makes, which eau be paid for on •eery easy terms, or if not satisfactory, eau be i Changed fax any ether that may be desired_ I -JAMES C. LAIDLAW, Ff„,mi.41y. Grocer, Seaforth. Can defy the world on 'Mnsieal 'Instruments, both th Peke and Quality, he cannot be snepaesee. • Theenannfileture.re of Instruments which he sells' have le reputation that dare not be questioned. Ile sells for no second-class firms. The Me thu- shek and Steinway Piano,'erinee, Mason & Ham- lin, and Estey Organs and elelolleons. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. WILLSON SEAFOrtTH FOUNbRY. l(RR & ORTH I Wish to inform the people of Huron -and public generally that they have leased the Seafoith Foundry for a term of years, and are now prepare cl to manufaeture allkinds of Castings, Straw Cutters, Sawing Machines plows, and bther Far ing Implements We are also prepared. to do RE AIRING of every des ription. The undersigned hay° had long eeperience in the -Foundry business, and arc prepared to guarantee eatisfaction in all their work. • 287• 'KERR & WORTH. TO THE FARMERS OF HRON. We have =oh pleasure in inferming you that we hn,ve Remind the serer] es of Mr. CHARLES McLEOD, Kippen, as General igentfor the sale of The KIRBY Reaping , difeeen - •en La e •Weenneleet-- e • 'ee;e'vm" ' eaxeeletr"' " dK,11.4;41,. ' I ! The KIRBY Machines lise not ,et been fully introduced into the County' of Huron, but those Farmers who were present ab the hippen Reaping Match, in July, 1878, can ioim their own opinions as Co the merits of our Machines; The Kirby machines are simplb in construction, easily mauaged, very durable, will do their work equal to any machines made, and are positively the lightest running machnies in the Dbminion. We make and cau supply to Farmer for the coining season. the KIRBY COMBINED MOWER AND REAPER, the BURDICK INDEPENDENT SELF-RAleiNG REAPER, and RIRBY'S NEW TWO - WHEEL MOWER. Mr. MeLEOli ::ill supple pamphlets; giving all information end certificates from Farmers who have used the Kith e We trust the Farmers of Huron will sustein Us in ear efforts to supply them with first-class MacHines. es. Yours truly, •A.JIARRIS, SON &,CO. CHARLES Mole -MOD, Kippen P. 0., 1 A„„e—te JAMES MARTIN, St. Helens P. 0., I ee• BRANTFORD, March 1, 1874. 1 326 And Mowing achines. To THE FARMERS OF HuRioN., FOR,SYTH'S PATENT WROUGHT IRth.N FENCE. TEE undersigned beg to clireet Ibhe attention of the Farmers of Huron t -I- now prepaind to take orders f r the above fende, -which is without doub BEST AND MOST • I ' Parties desirous of giving Otis fence a trial should leave their orders a prepared for erection early in spring. The proprietors will guarantee this repairs fax TEN YEARS. The benefits of this fence over all others are: Snow will udt accumulate or bank against it. 8rd—The wind or frost does will not destroy it. 5th—It is warranted to tern all kinds of stock, no matter This Fence will be furnished at the following rates: • • Fie Wire Fence, per rod. 1. $1 50 j Seven Wire Fence, per ro Six " - 1 60 Eight " TERMS—All sums of 825 and under cash, on completion of fence; over that credit; an eppeoved note to be fui ished on completion of fence. For large ments can be made. Orders takei4. and further informacion giveu on applioa Main street, Seaforth ; or George Forsyth, at the Market, fieaforth; or Hugh Cal 320 the feet that they are the DURABLE FENCE IN USE. once, so that ib can be enee to stand without st—Durability. 2nd-- ot effect it. 4th --Eire ow breacher or vieioteat 168 175 amount three months rders special arrange - ion to M. R. Counter, erdn, Londesboro. GODERICH FOUN DRY. AGRICULTURAL IM LEMENTS. Such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Maehines and iHorse Powers, alt 01 the best, always on bande , IRON HAROOWS. Now is the eime to plurchese The Best. in nee. A few only on hand. Call and eeV one before they as all gone. In the year 1870 I geld 30 of these I irowsi in 1871, ,50 wtre sohl hy ; in 1872, lisolti 741 • and in 1873 my eales reanhed over i0. This is the beet proof feat can be offered o tee satisfaetion -which the Harrows give. 01. Ce WiLleeSONe Market -street, Seeforth. • 325 TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL?' HE GENUINE AMERICAN • ELIAS HOWE EWING MACHINE( TRIUMPHANT 0 -VER, ALL ! 'ENNA PREMIUMS. THE OWE SEW!NG MACH INE • RECEIVED FIVE MEDALS At the Vienna Exposition„ viz.: L -7-Lora 1 The GodericIfFoundry& Manufa turing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contracltfor STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS; FLOUR, GRIST, A. D SAW MILLS SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with stOel boards; GANG pLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, Asc. COOKING, PARLOR ANI?BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO OR DE • • ALSO, IRON AND BRASS dASTINGS, AND BLACKS IITH WORK; BOILERS AND SALPANS REPAIRED ON SHOW NOTICE. T WENT! TO THIRTY -HORS, e POWER TUBULAR BOILERS general e On hand for sale. ' t attention'. CON, President. - Ali orders addressed to f.he Company or Secretary will receive prom A. HODGE, Secretary as.4 Treasurer. H. HOR R.- RUNCIMAN, General Manager. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE IS A -STRON EASY RUNNING IACHINEI vv.imi, ADAPTED F R FAMILY SE AND Light Manufacturing Work, I tomeveby ry Atthe Fnave•shseeldyetrttsho glee Domc, ini I P BEST JUDGES TEE 00 U.14TRY GO ULD I &DUCE AND BY THEM AWARDED - this Machine was put 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. ses. It has a eamplte F CHARGE. alum, Ont. wpm., • e County of Huron. € i Its simplicity of construction, stAre gt, h and durability recoinmend it to all cla ••. set of ttachments, and does all ds kinef work. T INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ATTACHMENTS GIVIde FREE Gardner Sewing Machine Company, Ha I PETER GRASS I E9 SEA 286 Agent for t CRAND • MEDAL OF PROCRESS/ _MEDAL OF IVIllan.ii`E For Superior 'Workmanship, and. TintEE MEDALS 02- CO-OPERATION For superior excellence of peoiluetions. See ex- -tract of letter blow: "EXTRACT!" VIENI:A, Anglia 22m1., The Howe Machine Co., New Yerk GENTLE:URN—We have been I euecessfal in ob- taining five medale from the ! Exposition, viz.: • Grend Medal of Progress, Medse of Merit for su- perior work, and three Medals el Co-operation for superior excellence of produteions. Your truly, G. W. HOWE. The above speaks fax itself, and notwithetauding 'the false claims of some firms ijii the Sewing Mae c • e busiuess, the HOWE still ceps the lead. A res) supply just receivel at W. N. wATs 30 Insuranee Agent, Seaforth. 'r1)11,eXturrot61035itior PDRLISRED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING • IN SEAFORTIL Tanme.-81 50 per seat in edninee, or ieee at the end of the year. Wittes. First insertion;per line. 8 colts, eitheequent in- sertion, 2 cente each time, per line. CONTRACT RATES. 0110 column one year .. .. neel0 00 " 8 months ....... . .. 2005 Ili)) e , 00 half • 2:11 2015) iffi00000 one year • One-fourth o3uPel°311-eath: " half„ — . .. . . 12 OU le 143 months • • • 128 l0/111) One-eighth one year 1 ”• half "...... .. . ; 8 00 8 months.....• 5 0nli-t-welfth one year 8 U00° " " half •.... , 45 0000 •Bti't,+-ints‘; Car°431, c)itiutlitses and n-ntlertj le year.. 4 00 Advertisemente of Strayed, Yost, Found, &e., not exceeding 10 lines—first moath, $l; after firet month, 50 cents each month. , Advertisements of FIRMS and REAL ESTATE fax sale, not exceeding 1.5 lites--fiest month eel 50; each subsequent month, 75 eente. Births, Marriages, and Deathei—Gratis. • Advertisements without specific directions -wile be enserted till forbid, and -charged aeconlingly. Aelv'ertesements measured by a scale of solid nonpareil. 51cLEA1 BROTHERS. • 14 Half IC 4; 41