HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-20, Page 52 74. ARO onsiderable ftther as -bitten on Mr; a n's was loat by Yeas, aye, AUCTION SALES =It 23, ou Lot 26,Lneolne: Farm Stook rt Little, prepr p. auctioneer. olnesday, March, 2, ou Lot 2,5, 4, H. .R. S., Tueltersi F and Implements, the yertyaral te Wm. Muir; J. P. Irine,atte- maday, March 26, on Lot 13, Con. 2; • Farm Stock and Imlcneut. Gibson, preprietor ; Brine, March 27, 0it Lot g Con, 2, UO, Farm Stock and 1 lemmata Down, proprietor ; A 13!i hop,. ano. lay, March 27, on Lot 2, Con. 2, llop, Farm Stock and I ements, of the Iate Richard 01 , J. p. auctioneer. 1.a,va March 27, on Lot 7 fa. R E. salon, township t of Sta ey, Parra , and ImplementS, Ja !attar ; D. McDougall, a tioneer. inlay, March 30, on Lo Con. 6, Ssauley, Farm 'Stock d Imple- John Workman, pro rictor ; Me, auctioneer. ' aday, March 31, on Lot 8 Cori. 11, S., Tnekersmith, Farw Stock and meats, James Faison, oprietor ; Brine, auctioneer. doesday, April 1, on Lo Con. 6, S., Tuekersmith. Farm tock. D. m, proprietor; J. P. 13 me, alio- -April 7, on Lot 11, Con. no .Farm Stock and Irnplements. nen, proprietor; P.. Brine, neer. Bliwras. eara—In MeKillop, on arch 16, wife_of Mr. Alexander H rne; ! Bet-, of a daughter. Seaforth, on 4ach 5„ itlaa e a Mr. Donald J. MJ4eau, o a lghter. Seaforth, on Mr4h 4, tho o Mr. Thomas Allen, of &sou, rar.A.D< —111 TuckeraMith, on reb 3, the wife of Mr. 'William itehead, of a daughter. I " :a:11'4 -1a Seaforth. on Fell. 28, the e of Mr. James Wright,lofa daugh- , —In McKillop, on March 13, wife of Mr, Jerennah In . -Ara, of a xghten, - K.-eln Morris, on Iao1 10;- the of Mr- Robert South, of a. son. ' ia-m—In Brussels, on! March 17, wife of Mr. Philip Sparling, of a aghter. [ma—In Brussels, on Maaoli 18, the fe of Mr. John Parker, Of a son. Clinton, on MarCh 15, the fe Of Mr. James Miller, of a daugh- asn.—In Hallett, on March. 12, % wife of Mr. Jamea :CO -nigh, of a aghter, aun.—In Exeter, on MarCh 17, the fe of Mr. Robert Pielalkad. of a tighter MARRIAGE acna--.Melizop.—At thele mmercial otel, Seaforth, on Marehi 11, by Rev. illiam Graham, Mr. David Taylor, liullett, to Misa,-.Martha McLeod, the township of Goderich faN—POLLaNn. —At the residence the bride's father, on March a, by ay. W. C. Beer, Mr- -William Slee. an, to .7.1iss Sarah Pollaild, both of abarne. ---Ross.—At Maple Cott4ige, Stan - y, the residence of the M.' els father, i March 3, by Rev. Joh a Ross, Mr. imes Lee, of Seaforth, o Mary M., cond daughter of Jame eoss, Esq. 2.apav -.BOLTON. —At the residence the bride's father, on Mach 11, by ev. W. 0. Beer, ML 1Juncn Me. Irby, of East Nissouri, to Miss Mary nn BoItora of Usborne. w—Taviant.—At the residence of e bride's father, on Mara' 4. by Rev. aaes Broley, Mr. ,Jabez 'Drew, of innesota, U. S., to Charlotte, third a liter of Samuel Taylor, Esq., of -ile. - ma—BIssErr.—At the relsidence of e bride's father, on Maieh 4, by v,. M. A. Wright, Mr, Sanniel Fish of Poderich, to Miss Family Bissett, ColbOne. DE.ATEIS. Melifflop, on March 10, tharine, youngest daughter of Mr. gh. MePhee, aged 5 years. "5i71,1.. -Tan the township of Hay, the Lake Shore Road, on March 14, iUarn Turnbull/ aged 61 years. • ER. -In Triekers-mith„. ati the res. ce of Mr. WilliamS rah 12, John Draper, 'KLIN.-At his residence in Howick, -March 1, John Franklin, Sr., aged - years. H. --.En Hay, on March it, of cep-- ption, Elizabeth, eldest daughter DougaId Smith, Esq. Grey, on March 16, Tvlary cy, youngest daughter of Mr. John aged 5 years and 2 months. roat, on aged 77 MARKETS.. SEA FORTE, March 10, 1814. slight rise has taken place in the of wheat- within the p Ai account of the bad roaa little coming in. Delive e over a dozen kakis• st s there la LOS do not per day. are scarce, and can scare -.1y be got ical consumption. Barl y is DO* St out of season, and thee is none Batter is still scarce &id dear, *gilt deliveries_ Eggs I have d -- and are are likelyto atill_ fall in n account of foreign markets- he- -ell supplied, and an unuStiallY tity, for this season of tbo year, be- t forward. We quote : 05±, per bushel-- .......44:1 1.8 to $1 1-9' tat, per bushel -a_ .. . '.1' 1L3 to 1 15 Per tbushel.-- . — - ... 1 5 to I 25 perhushel- .....- . . . .. .. . 8 to 0 40 • Per buaind.„ ...... - -...:. - .. at ha to 0 60 626 P'. .... - ' . - ' - - - - - -- - - .. 0 1to 0 11 - . . .. . . - . . „ ..... .. - .... , . 0 r to 6 00 J skins. each5 00 to 550 ... ,.... 0 50.to. 100 v skint, each 1 00 to 150 ----------------------------0. 04 to a 05 t retail per berrel,.... .. . . . . 1 25 4clie1esaie) per barrel.L.... mew ) per bushel - .t,.. 0 40 to 0 52 iead tr bit.. - . ... ... . - ... 6 00 to 6 km- - - -- ----- - • . . . 3 00 tt.4 55 or Seed „.. . 6 00 to 6 00 2, ' . - . • . • ..... ;15 )0 to 18 00 Uzi Oa to 4 la , Cnuta'rot Ma,rch 19 1874 valiVileat, per bushel. if'D 1 .18 Spring Wheat, per bnhe1 1 10 0,1 18 oats, per bushel, . • . 0 45 0 50 Barley, per bushel. -.. ... . . ... 1 20 0 1 80 Peas, per bushel...... . . . . 0 58 @ 0 60 0 25 0 050. Potatoes. ..... • • -. 045 ON 050 ggg.. . . 0 12 0 14 *perton, „... 17 00 a 00 raovtr.--- 50 00 TiraothT.11 - • 75 to 4 00 .... 800 50 _ • TORONTO, March 19, 1874. Wheat, 611, PPr bushel, $1 '23 to $1 30; Wheat, spring, $1 15 ; barley, 86 to $1 40; oats, 45c to 46c; peas) 70e; dressedhogs per 100 lbs., $7 50 to $8 ; butter, pound rolls, 40e to`43c ; butter, line rolls, 35d to 380;. butter, tub dairy, ne to 38c; - eggs, fresh, per dozen, 189 to 20c; eggs, packed, 14e to 16e. = irJoNpoN, March 19, 1874. *hits fail wheat, per 100 lbs, $1 to $1 - 05; red fall wheat, $1 80 to $1 85 ; sprink 'wheat, $1 90 to $1 95; barley, $2 35to $2 60; oats, $1 10 to $1 13; peas, to $1 03; potatoes, 75c to 80c ; hay, $10 to 13; dressed hogs," $6 50. to $7 25; . batter, rolls,, per pound, 349 to 40e; 'butter,. keg, 32o to 35a, • , — TOROFTO CA'TTLE. MARKET. BzicvF.i.--The receipts were fair (tar! ug the past Week, and good cattle being in request, Prices of these were fully maintained. Extra would. new bring $5 25 to $5 50; .firat-olass, $5; second, class, $4 25 to $4 75, and third-class $3 50 to $3 75. The following' sales are noted: One car, average 1,400 pounds, at $70; one car, average 1,300 pounds, at $65; one car, average 1,100 pounds, at $4.5q; one ear of cows, average 1,200; pounds, at $4 40; one car of oxen, aver- age 1,500 pounds, at $4 25; one ear of mixed, average 1,2001 pounds, at $48 ; - one car of bulls, average 1,500, pokinds, - at $3 75. A few choice steers sold at 1 ,SnEEP.—The receipts *ere of a very litnitiadcharacter, only one or two droves coming forward, for which ;there were buyers at . LAMBS. ---Are also very scarce. ' For one lot, all that, was offere ---$6 was paid. , K MARKET. • ch, 19, 1874. BUFFALO LIVE STO BUFFALO, Ma CATTLE. -Receipts to. ay, including 17 cars reported- to a ve, 612 head making the total supply for the week, thus far, 3,485 'head, or 205 cars, 'against 281 cars for tl* same' time Tad- week. Market was slow for want of stock to operate with, at strong prices. There was a good attOidance of buyers. Sales comprised about 1,100 beak. 'among which were 25 Panada stockers, averag- ing 865 lbs., at $4, and, 16 Canada stock- ers, averaging 803 lbs., at $4.34. The highest price paid was $6.65 for 53 Il- linois steers, averaging1,492. SuElgl. AND LA-mos.—Receipts to -day, including reported arrivals, 600 head, makinh the total supply for the week, thus far, 3,200 head, ag.int 5,600 head for the same time last week.- The mar- ket was slow for want o stock. All offerings disposed of. W quote sheep and lambs of all kraoies at 6 to $7.50. • HOGS. —Receipts to -day, including re- ported arrivals, 1,700 he, making the total supply for the week, hue far, 1-0,- 100 head, against 12,700 'ead for the same time fast week. The market was slow and dull. All offerin:t disPosed of. Yards bare of stock. We q ote Yorkers at $5 25 to $5 50; and eavy hogs, $5 50 to $5 '75. • NEW YORK HORSE rRKET. - • TUESDAY, Marc' 17, 1874. The local horse trade of t e week nn- der'review, as compared th the pre- ceding one, has shown a n arked provement in all, its depar meats. At • the Bull's Head Market the was a fair trade in ordinary Westernia d Canadian draught horses, averaging n price as : Canucks, from. $100 .to $125, iailroad horses, $140.; stage horses, • $165heavy werk horses (1,200 lbe.), $200 to $250; prime truck horses (1,300 and over), $300 to $350, Iiiht har- ness horses, from $200 to $3 The in- qui7 for higher priced stoc was fair, ' but only few sales of car age horses were effected, ranging frsi $800 to $1,200 pet' pair. A large number of , horses was distributed t rough the • agency of the leading auctun marts, and stock warranted sound realia cl about its • current market value, wh' e 41oubtful and inferior animals were kn'.eked down • at exceedingly low figures. SAW MILL OWNERS AND L *SEAMEN ATTENTION. TENDERS will be received by t e undersigned -h until FRIDAY„ the 10th Am' next, for a supply of He.ralock Lumber from. 10 tb 18 feet, and from 18 to oa feet in lengt Tenders to state the price per 1,000 feet ofeac of the abate 'kinds, delivered in Seaforth. Fro • 50,000 to 70,- 000 feet will be required during th seaaon, to be delivered accordmg to order. • .3284 JOHN N. MARTIN, Seaforth. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THAT comfortable cottage on Ifigh Street, at -1- present occupied by 0. c. Wilson. The situa- tion le retired. and very ceneeuient to the business part of the town. There is hard and Ifoft water With pumps. A firet-class garden and every con- venience- Title perfeet. For further particulars •apply to I. S. Porter, or to the proprietor, • 8284 •PALTRIDGE, Galt P. 0. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC- AUCTION. The mildersigned will offer for sale by public auction, t Dixon's Ho- tel, in the Village of Bracefield, at t.ie hour of 1• 2 echask noon, on the 4th day of APRIL, 1874, th.a following lands and premises, bein. Lot No. 18, in the 2d COIICCRSi011, from the Lo don Road, in the Toweship of Tackersmith, in Go nt.yof Itarhin containing 100 acren more or.less. The land is clay loam, of which 84 acres . ar cleared, 75 acres free from stumps, 16 sores he vily timbered withbeech and maple, good log hou e, stable and barn. The property is situated 7 nt les from Sea - forth, and ou a good road. There i a good orch- • r bearing (dime fruit. There are, acres sum- mer fallowed, and 40 acres plowed. Terms made • . I known on day of sale. This is a ra e chanee for. purchasers, as the property will be scjld. eheap. For I partiedlars apply on the premise to JAMES & JOHN GERRY, Owners, or to 00.117011.4Y & HOLMESTED, Solicitors, Sea rth. Offen will be received for said farm up to tie day -of sale. Enquire as above. 32841 EGG EMPOFfUM The aubscriber hereby thanks his numerous customere (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by attiet integrity and close attention' to business, to merit theineonfidence and trade M. the future. Having greatly enlarged his premises during Ie winter, he is now prepared to pay the i IGHEST CASH PRICE or any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered tthe • s . EGG EIVIPOR/UM, lain Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons ef good dry clean W.H.BA.T STRAW. f -• D. D. WfLSON. Shahotan, Manila 18, 1874. 03 . t 11'NG AltRI Auction lige of T Lot4,1nzuri IN pursuance of au O17, dated the 8 made, in relit% upoiij children of the lute Hill, their guardian, Auction by Edwar vetn Stand and Village h,onPartcredlt, vier of the Court of Chan- li Of den ary hist, and the applieatio of the infant CasPar 8111, y Catherine herewill be sol by Public licissenberge with the approbation 4 HenryMac]) Master of the said Co rt at, Goderich The ll•th Duey of A*11.114, A ,At 1 o'cleck in. the afternoo THE VICTORIA it 0 BL, In tato.pareels, the f.41 erty, viz.: Parcel rnodious two-story Victoria Hotel, latel Village of Zhrioh, outhouses. Also, 011 joining and compos sureey, 'Village of Z of the beat tavern it transfer of the Licen in March,1874, will the latter to procure consent of the muni Parcel No. 2--Villag survey, Village of Z and containing toget old building on one TERMS -10 per c and the balance as erty a Ram sufficient taro -thirds of the pur from tine of sale a maining one-third to the property, with 8 three to five years, at half yearly. The bui and the policy mud Village Lots, cash i auctioneer, ruiett, Eq;, on D. 11:19174, at URICR, owing very de irable prop. o. 1 -The lai o and cam- erae ; Tavern, • own as the kept by Caspar Rill, in the ith barn, drivi g shed and -fiftt of an aor of land ad- Villlage Lot 10t 12, Knell's) rich.; This is e nsidered one nas in the neighborhood. e tor the year ommeneing so be given to t 6 parchaser, the reqUisite ce4tiftcate and pal officers to s eb, transfer. Lot§ Non. 64 and 65, Knell's adjoinhig teach other, er two-fifths of ob. t. in. caeh at ti llowa : For the tavemn prop - with said de sit to make hese money in 'bhout interest, be secured by ortgage on ier cent4 interest, payable in urchaser's optician Intereet dings te be insured for $600, ed as Icallateral.•For the onu month from time of 14o ctn. asre-an of sale, one month and the re- sale without inteeest. There will be One reserved bid. The other con 'time ate the standing con- ditions of the Court • Chancery. For further - 'aortic the hotel premises, o Bane; Zurich; or Si Godeiich. ars apply to to Michael Zell clair & Seeger, MACD 528 ••Master JULIUS DUN I -Treasurer, Amu& ,ilth MUNICIPALIT F S . Hill at or Charles I3arristers, OTT, Goderich. 73---D5n IkeBalance from 1872 G. Forsyth, marke scales Hall Rent Steil Rent Hotel Licence. Shop Licrence.. Trader's Licence, . • Circus Licence.... •. • • , , ... . . .. . . . .. .... 41'00. Billiard Licence, L, r. Corby., .. -7.... 40 00 Fines84 26 Drain Rent . 145 18 * Clergy Reserve.. - .. - a. ... ... ....... 108 85 Street Watering Tax. 99 42 PollTax 5400 Taxes per Colleotor' Roll.. ... . . . . . 3,578 68 • g.) Total. . , $6,670 94 AN, he FORTH. • 0954 87 106 19 8150 9950 540 00 616 00 21 50 Interest on Coup: $210 00 Sinking Fund 200 00 Street Repairs......4.1... .. .. .... . 1,474 77 • Pincers Salaries 288 90 pharity 5255 • Prineing. / •. 88 82 pohool Board 2,550 00 • County Assessnaezit r , , 487 46 . Forsyth, market oer1 825 70 r tmdries. ........1.868 80 Balance in Treaffurer a hands. . - . .. ▪ 583 95 1 Total Uncollected Taxes or 1873 udited the Treasure 's lagoks4 comp era and. •found them cor ed. A. kflMIT8GE, J. S. TOWER, •Al detailed statement Of the receipts &tare is posted up in the alerk'm ;office onelis at liberty to exanctiUe, an4 wh sired, information respecting items wil readily be givelo- • ' _a__• __ 827-0a .• WM. ELLIOiT, Clerk. TENDERS WAN'liED. 1 ,S15th of-APRIL,for the erection and completion ALED TENDERS will be reeeivect. up to the .. of an attaehment to the sehool house in section No. 7, ltdeltillop. _Plans and specifieations can be seed at Strong & Marley's, Seaforth i Stretton.'s Hotel, Brussel, and Post Office, Walton. The e Truatees do not bind themselves to accept the lowetit or auy tender. ' Trustees -john SwalloW, Wm. P ard. Wm. McLa•ughlin.• ' , W11. POLLARD, $eoetary, 3284 altou P. 0. ,r1 $6,670 94 ... •1695 red youth- Auditore. and aspen - which any re any de - TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENDERS will be receiveql. tip to the 8th of A.PRIL for the erection of a rick School Hou 'e, in School Section o. 10, Hay end to be - comp1eted on the 415th d y of Novebiber, 1874. .nders will also be receieed for the completion of the same school house �n the 15th day of July, 1875.; Plans and specifications can be seen it the house of john McEwen, Let 25, Con 2 Hay. The • Trustees do not bind themselves to 'aceept of the lowest or any tender. JAMES WEIR, JOHN MeENVEN, L Trustees. 827*4 H. ROLLIN GSHEADJ BRICKS! BRICK $! building will please be r in mind •ir! pt t the undersigned will comment) 'the menu - fad e of first-class building BRICKS, at his old yard, i near Egmonaville, as soon as the 'weather will Permit. Bricks will be supplied as cheap as they can begot from any ether person 828t4 • • JOHN BOWDEN. , i C " P $VC H 0 M AN CYg OR SOUL 1, CHARMING." , T_Tow either sex may fascinate and. gain the •-11-1- 1 ve and affections of -any person they choose insta tly. This simple mental acquirement all can ossess, free, by mail., for 25 •Gen s, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Ora e, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. Af queer, excitiug book. 100,OQ-0 sold. Address T..1Wiragatt Co., South 328-e o w Frigliti Street, Philadelphia, Pa. --- • • EXECUTORS' NOTICE. • •MOTICE istereby given; to all pax ies having LI blaims against the entatoof thel Ito Richard Cluff, in his lifetime, of the tewmihip ,Of McKil- lop, County of Huron, Must hand the same, prope dy attested, to John Beattie, S &forth, on or be re the lst of April, 1874. All claims not then resented. will be barred from settlement. MITrAles indebted to the said estate must also 1 settle the same on or before the above date to Mr. :3 John ' eattie, who has been authorized to grant noel ts for the same. •- JOHN BEATIIE, •} 4 x,.,ecubore. PHILIP SP RLING, Seaforth, Feb. 17, 1874. •• 324-6 E. LIT'OBV, a. 1- ICENSED ATJCTION"EER for the -s-4 Heron. Sales attended in allparts ty. • All orders made personally or sent Post Office will be promptly attended , * County of f the °ma - to Seaforth o. • 327 WEAVER'S LOOM FOR 5 E. VOR Sale, a Weaver's' Loom, gomp ete and in -I; g od. order. An excellent bargein can be had. of thi Loom, which is all eomplete a •d ready for I work a's it stands. Apply to •.• i 'ROBERT CAMPB LL, 3274'3 -1 La 19, Con. , M Killop. •za , WANTED. .UTA 'TED immediately, at the Seat T Y• VVrOrkfi two good. and reliable me Agent for the works. The highest EL Will be paid. Also a boy ftora 14 to age as: n apprentice to the marble c ness. ;,rone but a steady boy need ap 827 . • litTE§,SETX BR rth Marble to act as percentage 7 years of tting busi- ly. T et DIRS. NOTICE. A S I Ihave all notes in niy posses& n given to Th mpson Moitison , lot 83, Con. 17, McKillop, and clat'ed 10th April, 1874, said notes can be paid to Johm Morrison, WinthrOp, when • lie, If not paid when due they will be left for eoll WILIJAM HAR EN, 8271 •, • R.ockspin , Co. Leeds, _ ; BUFFALO ROBE LOST, • , • LOST,Ion the 4th of March, betweenalIcuinah's -1--‘ Tavern on the Northern Gravel Reed and Sea - forth, a Oriffalo Robe, lined, and with red. fringe. The finder willbe Bnitabbr rewarded upon leav- ing the isarne at Beirs Commercial !Livery, Sea - forth. • 321t2 • 6TALLION FOR SALE. ' VOR.SAI,E, a fine dark bay heavy draught stela -1-: lion, rising three years, stands 16nds high, and. weighs 1,600 potuads • ;by Old Wa, work and a Messenger mare. For taiiher particulars apply to ROBERT McCALL, proprietor, Lot 17, Con. 8, north half, Monis, or to 8213-4 ' 1 C. 31.004PEll B11186016. I NICEST DARK PRINTS, LIGHT PRINTS, PINK PRINTS, BUFF PRINTS, LILAC PRINTS, BLA.Cic PRINTS, JUST OPENED OUT THE S$ORTMENT Air Brought into Seaforth. PRINTS STRIPED PRINTS, CHIICKED PRINTS, PLAIN PRINTS, FIGURED PRINTS, SPOTTED PRINTS, CHINTZ PRINTS. • MOURNING PRINTS IN GREAT VARIETIES.' TINTS Eariaolv NEW GOODS ARRIVIG DAILY •AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash &ore. • new lot of SPRING DRESS GOODS will be opened in a feW day.. A PLENDID All GOODS. 0 0 0 LARGE ASSORTMENT. SEE DS, SEEDS, S1EEDSm I 'FIELD SEEDS Consisting of Red Clover, White Clover, Yellow Clover (or Trefoil), and Alsike 01 Ter, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Red Top, Italian Rye Grassi, Xen.tueky or Blue Grass, litingarian Grass. Turnips of the following varieties, Carter'e, SkirvIng's, Hall's Westbury, East Lothianand • the Celebcated Grey StoneMangolds--Red andYellow. GA DEN SEEDS IN E/N, DLESS VARIETY, Either Papers or Bulk. FLOWER SEEDS A CHOICE COLLECTION. Go early while there is a good 6usortm.ent. Farmers or Gardeners who buy in large quantities liberally dealt !Mt. • GROCERIES, FEED AND PROVISIONS Always on hand end for sale cheap for eaah. Go ds, as usual, deth,erec either in Egmondville, charg , and Promptly. STRONG & Harpurkey Seaforth free of FAIRLEY Seaforth. 514 & CO'S EMFORIUM. A Fine Assortment of Tea Sets Just A4rivthg. A LARGE ASSORTME9NFTAOTF oLoAsMT.PS TO BE DISPOSED • A Good Hand Zamp Complete for Twenty -Five ants. Our Stook of Plated Were in CRUETS, CAKE BASKETS, BUTTER COOLER4 &c., 1r:envie-dared I by the best Makers in America, is now complete. k. • R DGERS' CUTLERY A SPECIALITY. Our Teas and Sugars eannot be surpassed for Quality and Fltivor. 1 10 pounds of 0117 beet oiler Tea and 10 pounds of Bright Sugar for $10; 10 pkinds of good .80 Tea for $7; II pounds la good. Sugar r $1; 10 pilittrids splendid 500 Tea for $4. t 'A Gdod stoci4 of Fresh Drugs, Pateiit Medicines, &c., always on hand. Butter, Tallow, Eggs, ried Apples, o., taken in exchange. TAKING AT • STOC W.M. ROBERTSON IP AND • H JD MERCHANTS. -SIGN ( CIRCUL MAIN STREE F THE R SAW. , SEAFORTIL SEEDS, SEEDS FRESH, CON GODERI AND CHEAP. STREET, SEAFORTH. Seaforth, March, 1874. 827-4 • NO ICE. • - T WILL not be respo • aible for any debts non- -1- traded by my wife, Ti rgaret Brown, from and after this date, as she left my dwelling without any jus cause. j. W. BROWN, Lot 16, Con.11 , Grey, County of Huron. Detail ,h is23d Febrile 1874. 82643 CAU ION. raili_O public are herelk cautioned against giving -3- credit to my son, WILLIAM 13ELL, or any of my family, without a written order from me, ILS he Nvell and also changed his has married against my name and religion, Catlin NS disunion in the remain- der of my family. Aa• • HUGH BELL. Dated Hullett, Feb. 19,48'4, 8&1*4 E. HICK -SON & Co. IN CHAN6ERY. SCOTT VSj 14OFFATT, pURSUANT to t-nfrhe decree a dune' order for sale made in this eause, bearh date respectively D en the 17th day of MAY, A. . 1878, and the Lltla day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 1874, there will be sold with the approbation of .enry MaeBerinott, Esquire, Master of this Oo5±t at Goderich, by Joseph P. Brim, auctioneer, at. Dixon's Hotel, in the Village of Brueefield, 4t the hour of two o'cloek in the afternoon, on th4 4th day of APRIL, A. D. 1874, the following iand and premises in one parcel, being Lot number 8, in the lst Con- cession of thd Township. of T ekerstnith, London Road Survey, Chanty of 3Iur n, 'containing 100 acres more or less. The land s a clay loam, o f -which about SO acres are oleard and chiefly free from stumps; the remainder i wooded with hard- wood suitable for firewohd. There is a frame dwelling house ou the land on and a half stories high, also frame beam and frathe stable and shed. The land is 1.1 miles from Bru efield,7 miles from. Seaforth and -6 miles from CI nton, and. is on a leading road, namely, the,„ ld London Road. There is about half an are of 1 orchard, the trees being in a fah• state of heroin . The villages of Clinton and Senforth are impotent markets, both situated on the Buffalo and -e Huron Railroad. The land is in every reeped ali eligible property. . There is upon the property a ortgage to the On- tario Savings and. Investmen Society for $1,000, payable in 16 equal annual 113 tallments of $125 50 each, dated 1st day of M&3J, 1871, upon *which there has been paid the first i stallment of $125 .50. The land -will also be sol4 snbjept to thein- cohaterig-'ht to dower of Mrs. loffett, the wife of the defendant, David Meffa t. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay dciwn a depoait ot $10 for every $100 of his purchase Money to the Ven- dors or their solicitore, and slaJ1 pay the remain- der of hie purchase money uitb the Comt to the credit of thie.CLUILSe without in,erest in one month from the day of sale, when he ill be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into possession, in art other respect e the conditions of sale shall be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. The conditions of sale and further particulars may be obtained at the offices • of Messrs. 13enson & Meyer, McCaughey & Hohnested, in the Village of Seaforth, and Cameron & Giarrow, of Ithe Town of Goderic.h. Dated 27th February, A. D. 1874. (Signed) H. MACDERMOTT, • Master at'Goderiela. pENsimi & MEYER, Vendor's Solicitors, • 826-5 'FARMERS' •ATTENTION. The ..Champion Iron Harrow. ALRX. STEWAIIT, SEAFORTII, TTAS on hand a large number of Iron Harrows ."1" of his own ananufacturei -which lie can gun"- atitee as being one of the best working and in slit serviceable Harrows madeJ.3eferenee is ma date the following gentlemen amen _others who have these Harrows in use • Fiiuuk Fowler, Hallett, Wm. Fowler and N. Cosens, neltersinith • James Mantogh, Hugh Grieve, A gin McLeod and Charles Dodds, MeNillop ; j lin Sellers, Grey. TheseHarrows are guaranteed to give satiefaction. A number of first-elass LU, ER WAGONS for sale. Wagons also made tO 4iidei, or painted if desired. Horseshoeing, repuit ng and general job- bing attended to promptly as usual. Charges moderate and work good. Remember the brick blacksmith shop„ Main Street, 8eaforth. • 327 AREX. STEWART. COURT OF REVISION. Toarratobip of IT elliallop. '1 'hilt Court of Revision tor t e Township of Mc- Killop. will be held at itile TEMPERANCE HALL, Winthrop en the tfirst Saturday of April(, being SATURDAY, Apr 14, 1874, when all parties having appeals to nutkie against their as- sessraent willplettee be on han1 end govern them- selve)3 accordingly. 827,4 JOHN O'S LLIVAN, REMOVED. RIEMOVED. - •'M. - ROBERTSON) Cabinet-maker and tindertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware-rOonia to JOHNSON'S 10L'D STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he hamen hand ii supenior stock -of Furni• lure of every (lescription. • GALL 4.ATI) SAT IT. UNDERTAXIING. - Having purchased Mr. Thoniae IILAR SE I am prepared to attend lune -41s en the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, Kept conetantly on hand. Insolvent Ac4of 1869. In -the matter of i BR2TJA,1flY S'ITA.NTZ, i an Insolvent. i i T TM', undersigned, A. AlltMITAGE, of Sea -1-9• forth; have been appointed Assignee in this matter. Creditors frre reqpisted to file their dolma before me within enembnth, 8.na are here- by notified to meet at any -office in the Village of Seaforth, on Saturday, March 21s4, -.1874, .at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur- 1 pose of the ordering of the est te generally. Al ARM TAGE, Assignee. MeCAUGVEY & HOMIEST D, Solicitors tor jassignee. *Seafoith, Felt. 19, 1874. • 824 •Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of JOHN II. mcciAmr, Laokent. T THE ainderstigned, DIXL11 WATSON, of the •1-7 Town of Goderieh, havebeen appointed A0- signee in this matter. Credit r:i in are requested to file their claims before me *wit ' one onth. DIXIE WATSON, e Interim Assignee. BENSON & MEYER, Attorneys at 'item. Dated at Goderich, this 286 day of February, A. D. 1874, •285-3 Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of TIM ANIS 117LSO2%T, an Insolrent. • A FIRST dividend sheet hau beenprepared open to objection until the l6th day of Xarchne%t, after which dividend will be - 0. h. AnIRELL, magnet', Datea Febram 25th, I 8254 ft