HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-20, Page 31874. 'rioiiaa Ze1etttie 01.14 7aaiTS WF.IGICX (.1001i no vou ZOW ANYVIINa OF ? IF XoTi iT IS TratE rOr DM. • a tkre but few preparattone Os medicine tee withetood the inaPertiel .10.8raent of 310 for any great length of ti 'egoleassahaueante OIL, primly` six of some of the best oils the, possessing virtnea of its own.. , One of & prepara re known* Scientifie us know that methane:4 may be 'formed al ngrediente in certain fixed prioportimia of alwer, and producing effects aalsioaa, could itlit front, the two of any one mr them, or in, ; canibinatioue. Thus in the •pt•eparation it& chemicel change takes place, forming und whiabeould not by tiny poaaibility be. y Otter combination or ;1O'onertione ante isateeasients, or any other ingredientEe irelv different from anything ever before ae w'hicleyroduces thal most aetehishing re', ati haYlaSt a wider range of; application e medicitie ever before discavcaaid. It eon!. ) alcolual or other volatile liquids, cons°. loses nothing be evaporation, amerevex you get the beitent af every drop ; whereall her preparations nearly till the alcohol 4. hat way, and you get only the sinaal quail. ile -Which thee may contain. i S. NI THOMAS, Pur.4s, N, Y. S'Orril/WP ,t.- LYMAN, Neat -castle, Oat., • i .--Eleetaic—Seleeted and Eie trized. in lieaforth baale. Rieke= ' i Co and R. , * xe 41;ftt-at. Female itemtedy. , son mose.F.' 1,Fattor„itc.ul, pans. !invaluable medicine is unfeiling in the of all ta ea• painful atel daneereus. diseases (:. the female vonstitatio ia eubject. lb . Ilia remove .. . 41110$structiOna, Leealy ern, may he relied 0 . arriva 'Jade e, it le peel -dial lysnitett It will e. t Linea uriug on the monthly period with nts for 41w Dominion. ri▪ ne shoald not be taken by Females ;tlit! first thrae moixtha of Pregu ey. as tlaey to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other are vf Nu.:17.ms and Spinal Affectiens, i the baek and limbs, fatigne on slight ekk palpitatien of the heart, laysteries, and !these pSils will effect a cure When all other 4o.b-,41; and althomea. a powerful do not eontain iron, cahazta, antimony, or • hurtfil to the coustitutien, • " lirections in the pamphlet aroma each p, witichahotild be carefully Presto-red- a;es, Ni w Ytu k., Sole Propriaor. $1.00 and ts for post a gr. enclosed to:N-0104 & Lyman'. tie, Ont, lakileral agents far the Dominion, inret ledthe containing over 50 pills by in $caforth by E. Iliekson & Co., and astleu. 197-9 NOT 'N.VITAT YOU EA.T. BUT WHAT n digest 4 that makes you sttong. Uulea,e ad taken 'as perfectly eissots-eo.; assimilated entvertedi into pure blood, g-eneral nervous Orsical prostration inevitably • result, the _ . ,ayetem 13 hapeverisbekl ; degeneration of Ll'aus and tissues follows, tied if there be tary preeasposition to serofula or consul -rip_ will surely be developed and the constito- naturals koken down. The femadation let 1).ealth an4 a sountl mind is a 'Vigorous stoma aul perfect natiition. Dr. Wheeler's Cork. t. FIrn()if Phosph.ee and Calisaya is NO- • own remedy for dettaageraenta of the digee- arpras, parely physiological, harmless, and ively certain to restore uervousiend raus CEARAL LEET, ointedAgOnt for the Colonial of Engiattd, he is also Agent ;I:tpititlists of Toronto, who reiteonablei rates. Intereet motlerete. agliam, Dm. 15,1S71. exua has been Sc amities C for several p hem Money able yea 4.-c-G.ttEl.k. 110-IXESTED, .Barristers, At lornevs at I Law, Solicitors in hancery and vency, Notariea Publie aud 'onveyancers. Lters for the R. C. Bank, Seafort Agents for anada Life Assurance Comaeoly •l;.---30,0011 to lend at 8 per pent. Yearns, a7sand Lat), for sale. 53 • _-. &SON & MEYER., /larristers :Sul Attorneys a. Laav, Soliaiturs in Chatteery alid Insolvency, :eye -fleets, :,,Sotaries Public,' ete. , Offices—Sea- t and Wroxeter. es:13,01e) ef Ptitate Funds to st at once. t t Eight per cent. Interest, payable iv. ee s, R. tiaseeon. to WC. 3IIIYIE:11. t It. Stat Elt, Barrister, Attorney fn Chane - 1 :s ery, SA: ., Gotlerich, Out. Ofited—oVer J. C. ' - Co.'s ' llipodiun, Merkst S inane. 269 : Sditier & IteDontalid, i,llatISTERS,Attorneys.Selicitoas in Chaniety, aata, Ilrusadias„ Out. Odice—tea ,loore 'loath of Post ()thee ____ lre SQUII.al, DANIEL Mc 1)()NALD, ' Go lerich. Brussels. IX 0.1'ili taai. -...-,;0..N.'S HOTEL, a;EAFORTH. — Thoimas i Knox beta; to- ata -to to his Ohl friends and ( the trivet ing Public, that he has leased-. the i tel lately Re:allied. by Mr. .IttrItRAY, and aerly kuowri , as the 13OWNEY IICSUSE, and ws to eeeeile a contittuanee of the patronage 4beraliv hi. owed upon him dtuing his irlany rs in the hotel business. Every comfortand veillei'ee Will lie Provided for travellers. The -,,iceet Liquors and Cigars only lta pt in the par. arefril alai reliable hostler ai way ii in attendance. 91 • THOMAS KNOla Proprietor. a _ ......... .4 ._ .INCI". OF WALES HOTE-L, Clinton, Out, El J. McC1TTCHEON, Proprietur. First-eIass ointatodation for travellers. The Bar is eup- al with the i.ery best liquera and. cigars. Good bring attached. The stage lea es. this House ry day for Wingham. 1 204-14t ...ea— , FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAF:GRTIFZ. IOM.A.S FOSTER begs to iliform his old frietads and the traveling pill lie that he has -ig.tel his new hotel, adjuiniug tbe Post Office Lforth, where he has the very beet aeconunoda- a for mart and beast. The br•st Of liquors and . are at the b • T1.10:\IAS FOSTEA- SUED SCA I, . CAMPBELL, (Graduate of aft:(rill tin ver- .'iti, aloritreal,) Coroner furl. the County of son. Office—Next door to Calder Prot ens' ride Worke, and opposite )fc4all-1.111's Hotel, io-street, Seaforth, near the Itallway Station. , • KING, Seaforth, (Ede of Carroubreok,} - Coroner for the CollItti of Perth. Offiete and 'deuce over Joiswean Brotin-rs` Hardware Store, in-st. Calls at Dl L KING'S Office wilrbe at- oea to day or night. 1 1 287 , I L. VEILCOE, M. D, C. M.,• Physician Stir- geon, etc., Coroner for the Comity of Fluron. eestral Residence., corner of Market and. Higb- . Lc:eta, next to the Plauine J. G. BULL, L.D.S., 1..zURGEON,Dentist,&c., Seaforth, Ontario. Plate work, latest styles, neatly exeCuted. All sur- gical operations performed with oh- . to 5 tore, and premptitude. Fetes as law as MD eleewhere. Office hours from 8 A. over Mr. A. G. MeDougigs IS • CAMPBELL, V. S. Licentiate and m id Col nen I'Mvereity, Ithaca, , ana *dilate of Ontario Veterinary College, TorentO, setzleS permanent:Iv in Varna. where he ai1ibe utid rezttly anti willixn; to attend to all km s 01- aeases, in all kinds of animate (man exee ted), all kinds of weather, and at ill hours. Bed- ;ntee and office two doors east! of Cook's Tem - a,19, ee Hall. SURGEON.—D. McNAUGHT, V. S., le -as to aeueunee to .the inhabitants of ortit aed surroundiug cornffty that hi hjao u awarded the diploma -of the Ontario Veterme Culleea. and is now prepared to treat di. eaSes 110 cral: 'Y rear • Vet - hoar , ilturaea and Cettle mei all domestic animal upenee tu office in eonuection with hie ii•wing slap, where he will be finnd ready !.al to calls. Diavaaea of thelfeet apecia wle.l to. itt•,iitenev, office RDA s/WP in thQ Kiiluran Jvut,s uew store. All kinds o (Lzittrv.2.d....iicines kept constlantly on (carge4 re...ionable. J. CHURCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon, rnom the Ontario Veterin.try• College beg! ice, et- ? iDtiUlatt thtct lie has team -mei to the pole proteaaiou in Seaferth, anti May at all ti eabo. (qf the di,ieases of Horses e, eze., ietermary medicines constantly on hau , Cat kits eromptly attembel to. Office, at M Ltisipu' ouse, Seat, xtb.. 27S 1.IVEKV. A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE ST °ales—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. eorsea and firat-el ties Conveyancee always o RELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORT God Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, hand. Favorable Arrangements mad keumercial Travellers. AU orders left at Issatra will be promptly attended to. OFFICE AND Saaaese :—Third door N inox's Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Fro itEg: 000a hand. 0 wit rta tor. MARCH 20,1874. - GAIETIES. a A man was boasting that he had been. married for twenty; years and. had never 'veil his wife a cress word. Those who now him say he did not dare to; —Are blacksmiths, who make a living by forging, or carpenters, who do a little counter fitting, any worse thaximen who sell iion-steel for a living ? —What is the difference 'between a farmer and. a, bottle of whisky? One husbands the corn, and the other corns the husbands. • Matrimony," said a modern Bene- dict, the other day, "produces remark- able revolations. Here am I, for in- stance, in ten short months, changed from a sighing lover to a loving sire." —It is rather remarkable that, while several thousand ieet are required to. make one rood, a single foot, properly applied, is often sufficient to make one eivi—liVe are told that 300 years , ago la- dies combed their hair just as they do to day Dila won't do in a civilized land and. among obseiving people. Three hundred years ago lathe S used. to comb their hair on their headS—now they hang it over the back of a chair l to comb it. . —Refinements of modern speeeh. Fe- male Exquisite—" Quite a nice ball at Mrs. Millefleurs, wasn't it?" Male ditto Very quite. [Indeed, really Most quite." —" What is h aven s beet gift to mane?" asked a yung lady on Essex atreet, Sunday ht, smiling sweetly on a pleasant-lool g clerk. " A hoss, replied the young man, with great pm- dence.—Danbuey a\l'etos. —A female at confeSsion acknoWl- edged that she used. rouge. " For what purpose ?" asked the father. ", To make me appear captivating," was the answer. "But does it make you more -beautiful ?" At least, holy father, I think it does." The, priest took the penitent out of the confessional into the light, anti, in her face, observed, " Madame, you may paint without offense, for you are still very ugly." A clergyman at tha exaMination of the young scholars of his punday School, put the following 4tiestion : "Why did. the people of Israelset up a - golden calf ?" "Because they had not money enough to set up an ox, was the = reply of a little chap, who took a dollar- . and -cents view of the matter, —During Col. Tom Scott's recent visit - to our city, liewas hailed on the street by a little bootblack wit - h: "-Boss, have yer bots shined ?" The Camel pleas- antly' shook his finger at him, saying : "My boy, I am no boss." The little waif swung his box over his shoulder, and, eyeing the great railroad king from head to foot, replied : "You're boss of yer boots, ain't yer ?"—St. Louis Globe. —An English gentleman, the other day, who was addicted to the exceeding- ly repreheasible habit of always asking his friends to partake of casual stimu- lants, lad on several occasions invited a teetotal friend, who had refused, but who wished to return the compliment in seine way. One day, therefore, the Good Templar seized his companion's arma when passing a post-oftice, and said, " Come in here, my dear boy, and. have six-penniorth of postage -stamps," —"A policeman in Detroit heard that a citizen of Twelfth street had been bad- ly injured., and he called at the house to obtain particulars. He found the man lying on the lounge, his head, bound up, and. his face badly serittehed. He asked: "What's the matte ? did. he get run . o•ver or fall down stairs ?" "No, not exactly," replied his -wife ; " but he wanted. to run the house his way, and I wanted to run it my way, and there -he is." • Curiosities of Memory. There are examples of memory -so very extraordinary that, but for the beet of authority and frequent repetition, they would be too incredible for belief. Portius Latre, says' Seneca, retaindd to the last a lucid remernbrance of all the declamations he had ever delivered. Cy- rus, according to Pliny, knew the name of every soldier in hi army; the same is repeated of Mithridates, who could re- peat the names of his vast army of 80,- 000 men. Scipio knew by name all the inhabit- ants of Rome, and it is'said likewise of George III. that he never forgot a face he had once seen, nor!a name he had ever heard. Themistoules could call by name every citizen of Athens, although. the number amounted to twenty thousand. Both Napoleon 1. and Napnleon IlL had. extraordinary powers of memory.- It is said, of the first that he could repeat the names of his fullest regiment, having heard the list but once read. Later in life. discovering :one of his old aeldiers in a certain stone -cutter, he was able at once to tell the rank he had held in the army, the exact corps and regiment he belonged to, wheie he had. served, and the individual character he. had borne for bravery. Napoleon III. could retain an incred- ible array of names, figures and, facts with perfect accuracy. His memory had undergone a severe training, no doubt, during his early seasons of imprisonment, when it was perilous for him to carry written memoranda about him. But never daring to trust solely to the sense of hearing in its action upon his memory, it was a, fixed habit of .his life to write in a note -book whatever he wished to preserve, anti then destroy the leaf. Seneca complained of old age when he could not, as formerly, repeat 2,000 words in the order in which. they were read. At a certain recitation of his class, when a student, 200 verses had been un- connectedly recited by the tlifferent pupils, when he repeated them, from the last to the first, -iii a perfectly reversed order, 4i.nd without misplacing a word. Phe Druids taught their whole cirele of sciences in 20,000 verses, which stu- dents were called. upon to commit to memory, and which frequently Occepied a space of 20 years. Wind. Tom. the negro piabist, affords an example of marvellous Memory. All that he knows or performs he has eitlaer heard or improvised. His repertoire em- braces the vast number of 5,000 distinct pieces, Estimating the a,veral'at of notes in a single bar to be eight, and. the aver- age number of -bars in a single perform- ance to be .200, we discover that the facts retained. by the musical prodigy aroo,00. amount the astounding number of 8 Liszt and Rubenstein, the gifted pian- ists, are both accredited with the posses - of great. memories. It is related iT.Iso of Wiegis, a German violinist, that upon the discovery that the score of a certain valuable opera had, been lost, he ,volunteered to wilite it from Iiemory. Phis he- stecessfully did, to the nicest detail, and was paid therefor a hand - 140.1110 811M 4-.4 money.many an occasion Wiegis accur ely performed his 'UP' part at the opera who he w s so. intox- icated as to make it za .eessarr to provide him with his instrum t andi rightly ad- just it in his hands. i Rollin tells us of th : . emarkable mem- ory possessed by.Adri. H. JOhn Wilson, the painter, Queen E #, betb, and Julius thosar were about equ: ly endowed with this valuable faculty. The eonversation of the historian Macat 1 y exhibits an in- finite store of perfect appropriate and correct quotation, w14.1e Prof. Parson could recite very in ny lengthy poems with an astonishing a, curacy. Racine could recite 4p the tragedies .of Euripides. Euler, t e mathematician, (koala repeat the YEuc .d. Lord Granville repeated the New T atanie t from be- ginning to end, in t te original Greek, and Cooke' the trage iiikii, is said to have committedto memor the c ntents of a large daily newspaper Straznicky is said 6 know the name and place of every o e of the hundred thousand volumes vo times of Astor Li- brary. The same wa of old said of the librarian Magliabacl , who, besides knowing the name o ;every book of his vast library, could re i at the contents of a great number of th itfl, and would tell any inquirer not onl twhat book would best satisfy his wishe , but the chapter and page where the* • Eisired data would be found. 1 Mirandola, would c mit the contents of a b ok b three times over, and conk repeat = the words ba kwarc forward. Thomas C mer c memory, in. three -4ontlis translation of .tbp Bi when an old man, co of Virgil, word for.* Bossuet could repea Bible, but all of Horace, besides man a still more astonis any of these is that when required, could found in his library were reading. , Mr. Henkle throu 'Speculative Ph.ilosophy has light an example of in mory surpassed in ancient tr mo This gifted iiieividua is one Cortney, an humble I, lumbiana County,' Oh literate and nearly bl hers the occurrences Jan. 1, 1827, when old. Mention any date forty-four. years, an what day of the wee i ner of weather pre ail individually doing o Mr. Henkle, paying Mr. McCortney, pro a journal for forty-fi several severe cross -e -Mr.' M cCortney to be cokreet invariably. We will conclud onr chapter by quoting a very rem. rk4ble instance of loss of memory. In 1870 a resident of Elmira, N. Y., acci en ally struck his head against a bean,. nd was rendered in- sensible thereby. Fro he effects of the blow, however, he ve readily recovered, and three years passe him in the enjoy- ment of apparently •eract health. At the expiration of this time he was taken with acute pains in toe bead, aocompan- ied. with violent spas 4. He was prompt- ly attended by his p ysiians and again recovered bodily heal Ii, lit his memory, so far as concerned al events which had takee place sine h date Of his ac- cident, three years b for', was 'a blank. Ile greeted his partn r ill btiiness as the school -master he had known him to be before the beam and lisi. own bead had come in contact. H 11 nolunderstand- iug or comprehension f the state of his business, and persisteld ix treating ac- quaintes formed in the three! years past as though absolute strangere. --What is still more extraordinary, he was decided- ly puzzled, much to the embarrassment of his wife, to.account f r the existence of his two children n i • the fatal three years' interval. Village Overwhelmed by a 1 • Swollen River. to memory reading it frequently as well as mmitted to an entire ; a d Leibnitz, Id recite the whole td. • ;not only the whole Omer, Virgil and other works ; but Tug example. than t Carl eades, who, rl peat any -volume really as if he 4 the Journal of brought to hich is un - ern times. Daniel Mc - corer Salem, Co- o fie is quite ii - 1 ; he remem- eve y day since ii wa nine years ollaim in the last he tells instantly wasl, what man - d, what he was- onversed about. erso ial visit to id. d himself with e ear , and after 1Minations, proved Haetyax, N. .S., March 1 dainage was done :in Sherb borough County, abOut. nine this place, by a freshet, imm last. The St. Mary's IUver by the. rain. . and thar. • couple of miles above Sherbrooke there .is a natu- aal darn of rocks across t le r ver; beyond which .for several miles i is alled Still- water. The ice on this pe tien of the river' broke up in coneequenCe of the hore of the val- thd•river where - to cene was a hr light down great num- re; uprooted of the tor. the village upon whicha; boiling sea: and.. Every cattle, . were —Immense ooke, Guys - miles from Wednesday was swollen freshetand flooded the a ley. On the left bank o Sherbrooke is situated. t fearful one. The flood thousands of tons of lee . an hers of logs. Whole tre s from the banks in the ccpiirs rent. The solid ice b 10W remained firm, and. the fats ,Sherbrooke stands beeathe a Boats and canoes were i4 de house was Heated, he T E ACRICULIVRAL MU ANCE A1SSOCIATION UrtAN ExposrroR UAL A001-- F CANADA HEAD OFFICE, L NDON, 014T. el.A.PITAL, (1st Xannary, 1878,) $280,631 94, with `-1 over 30,000 Policies in fo se. Premiums re- ceived in 1872,$87,000—an increase of over $9,000 on the large business of 1871, This old' reliable Company—the successful pioneer of cheep farm insurance in Canada—leauing now monthly nearly as many Policies as the whole yearly issue off a majority of other Companies in the same lin of business in the country, distributing their risk M such a manner that under no apparent possible calamity or eentingeney, a heavy drain couldl be made on their capital, has decided to afford Pro- tection to the owners and occupiers of Isolated Dwellings in Cities, Towns and. Villages, at rates that will defy any respectable on responsible office to crtt under. Intending insurers will note , T at this is he only Fire Mutual that has deposit° with the e- ceiver-General and been Hemmed t do busin ss throughout the Dominion of panada. That he assets and profits of this Company accumulate at the members' credit, affording a suie fund for the protection of members, and keeping down the eoet of inauranee, instead of (as with stock compn.n es) ,being distributed amongst shareholders. Tha it insures nothing more hazarthms than hole ed Dwellings, Farm Property, CheeeeFautories, Cofin- try Churches and School Honaea, has no bra eh for the insuranee of more dangerous property, 4.nd pays all damage by lightning, iecluding live steak in enclosed fields of farm. That, having, besides a large Premium Note capital, cash always on hand, it is enabled to pay all honest claims wittth- out any unnecessary delay. That in the past eleTen years this office has distributed over "half a mil- lion of money" in satisfaetion of losses to its memberEk. ; Your support of thia Company is solicited on its own merits. It is claimed for this office tha it has done more to provide cheai insurance than all the other Companies combined. It is a netori us fact that theammpeting Companies have for ye re been copying, our plans and adepting our rates s a necessary co dition of their eistence. Give the -Old Farm Favorite t e Prefereite . Applications by mail proniptly attended to. CHAS. T. 13064f driven out of town by- p no] s On horse- back. The women, elf dee a and aged. people were taken awayl in boats. Many families abandoned. th lir Ijiouses ' alto- gether,•while others took r fuge in the upper stories. TWO bridge. in the vil- lage, and. a, large bridge over the St. Mar 'a Zia a , are atme new vessel nearly ready for launch ng was destroy- ed, and much timber ct. Tied away.- The day after the flood, the mountains of ice and the logs, trees, and, othdr debris, be- cm.e frrz i solid, thatathe village is noW imbedded in a frolen sea. i The ruin is indescribable ; it xttends a mile and a half in length by a mile in breadth. In the event of a sudden td aw the vil- lage will be quite destrOyed Samuel Brodie; C E., pROVINCIAL LAND STRIVE -011, Seaforth. -1- All orders left at, the Mansion louse with Mr. John Murray will receive Mime( into attention. References—Br. Coleman agal Dr. Cing. 411*52 4 S. L KENNEDY TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMEN "-Laud Grainer. Paperhanging a Work done as cheap as by iitny o AL PAINTER so attended to. her good work- - man in the business. All .!prtler; left with Mr. Kennedy, or for him at the iExro:uon Office -will be promptly attended to. II 279-26 • AVOID QUAC S. A VICTIM of early indiscretion, ausing nervous debility, premature decay, &c., having taie d in vain every advertised remedy, hes discovered a simple means of self -cure, Which he will send free to his fellow -sufferers. Ardrees, L H. REEVES, '18 Nassau Street, New Yor • 1$5 TO $20 pet dealays.8 As geonits mwoarnted. Al g people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work for us in their spare montents, or all the j time, than at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & Co.,Portla i d,Maine. 284 STOVES OYLE, Agent, Box 39, map. &. TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at MRS. WHITNEY' -S, Caudle el's Block, Main street Seaforth. I COAL OIL, • Pure, good and Cheap, wholtaial and retail' at WHITNEY'. CUSTOM WORK 308 Of all kinds romptly attend3eiltso. itwiand neTaNtlSjx.&- cnted. THE HURON PLANI C MIL. MESSRS-. q RA Y SrOT.T. • 1 BEGRto announce that they have commenced business in the shop lattily Occupied by . Martin, and are now prepared o fillprdera for Sashes, Doors, Blind _11-1O;uhlings, 1 . And all kiwis of planed lumber. • . • CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS FARM GATES, HAY RAMS, • • • A good stock of Seasoned Lumber on band. Factory and lumber paid on Goderich street, near Main street. •• _ Jig Sawine, and Custom Pia ing neatly donei- A. GRAY. W.A. SCOTT. SEAFORTH PLANpG MILL, FUF!NITURE, FURNITIME. THE ONE THING NEEDFUL COME AT LAST. A NEW FURNITURE STORE IN SEAFORTK THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE 'OF ALL Kinds such as Cane Sfeat, Wood Seat and Spring Seat 01w ii Bedsteads, Sofas, Std• e- boarde, Centre Table& Lounges, Mattresses, l&e. We will also be pre are ; to do all kinds of ORDER WORIC, 'PICTURE FRAMING, &a. UNDERTAKING. When such is required you will find it to your advitntage to patronize us. COFFINS will be kept on hand or made to girder,. , SHROUDS always kept in stock. A HalARSE to laire in connection -with the business. - With an acquired knowledge of the business from fourteen years experience /we respectfully solicit a' Share and a trial of public patronage. No eye to monopoly. To enable us to sell cheap and also to save expenses we -will be our own port6. 1 J: JOHNS & Co. , 1 -i- . N. B.—A new Piano for "le or *ill be given in part payment for a house. DONNER UN BLAZEN VOT YU MENE. B. PORTER NOT DED YIT, He igibs Funnyture avay for nothlin' tu-morrer. JBEG to notify my numerous friends and customers that I have again opened out a new Furniture Store next door north of M. Robertson's, where everything in the housekeePing line may befotmd, and at from 20 to 80 per cent cheaper than any other place in town. Wake up ye old Bachelors and get married at once, and give me a call Wont) going elsewhere. You will save a fortune by bu ing from me. Try it and be convinced. -323 W. B. PORTER. SASH, 090R AND BOND FACTORY THE sobseober begs leave to thank his numerous -L" customers for the liberal patronage extende to him since cemraencing businees in Seaforth, ad trusts that he may be favored *ith a, continu nee of the seine. Parties intending to build would do well to ive him a call, as he will eontinue to keep on han a - large stock of all kinds of DAY PINE LUMBER, sitsitE:s, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, He feels confident of giving Satisfaetion to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are emplofed. r....-Particelar attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. CLOUDS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS AND SONTAGS, NEARLY ,GIVE.,k AWAY, At HOFFMAN BROTHER I I S', Seaforth. OPENED OUT. FOSTER'S OLD STAN iG JAMES WR HT TT -AS opened in the store next the SeafoIxth ' Foundry and adjoining Foster's Hotel, a full and complete STOCK OF GROCERIES. 1.11:1 Teas are .Good, His Sugars And I Call and 323 is Sfices Strong. give them atrial. ,TAME, WEIGHT. HATS AND BO NET'S AT ASTOSISITING LOW PRICES At HOFFMAI BR )THERS', 1 Cheap dash Store, Seaforth • BURST OP On night last Week 1 . EN, John -Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE -7A LARGE NEW STOCK OF RESIT GROCERIES. • TAMES EDMOND has open d out in John " Logan's old and well -hums -1i st lid a nice stock of Fresh GROCERiES, conaprising everything which should be found a first-rate Grocery Store. tion. OUR and FEED on hand. He solicits a call, and will guarantee satieface 319• 3. REDMOND. THE LAST OFFER. SELLING FOR CASH. THF LAST OF MY SPLENDID STOCK OF Tape§try all wool Union and Hemp ' ALSO FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Cut to fit halls from 20 feet square down to 4 feet. C ALL IMMEDIATELY. ` i00`r $‘11aAW Carpets. 5 0 THOMAS KIDD. 1\T 0 '1" C JUST RECI\i ED AT WILSON & SEA_ Fourrn, YOUNG'S A Splendid Stock of NEW and FRESH FRUITS, such as Raisins, Currants, and every description of Canted Fruit, all of which will be found good value. GROoKE-RY AND GLASSWARE. Their Stock of CROCTerRY and GLASSWARE is the Best and 1 Cheapest in Town. WINES & LIQUORS OF THE BEST & PUREST BRANDS Wholesale and Retail. ALE AND PORTJR F6R FAMIL y- USE, IN ()TS AND. WOOD. 'GROCERIES Of every description in abundance, Ld cheap. Good Tea from 40i cents to $1 per pound. FLOUR A.ND TED__ always on Hind. of Charge, Goods delt-qer.d in TOWA Free WILSON & YOUNG., CH EAPER THAN EVER. TIM SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF TE SI SUGARS, FRUI+S, AND CENRAL CROCERIES, AT, PRICES MUCH LOWER THAT THE CURRENT' Ise Is enabled to Itire the public even BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERE The goods are now get their share of the I AB.KET VALUE, OFORE. stock, and the inh bitants of Town and Count are invited to come and Going at the Chequered Store. .e GAI JAMES, MU PHY2 Mai :Street, Seaforth. NOSNHOr `,Sa3H1O88 V Sc. TOZN. Oa (3 A0 f-. s ao Naze WAR OC .'S, DATE'S, BUR/.1:S AND HIGGII1TS' 1-4 INT T".S Ohidd0fD TO THE PUBLIC 'AT LARGE. W. H. 01.11VER, Harness, Saddle ijand Collar MANUFACTURER, SBAIFORTII. ANY 'SIZE, 0 SIGN OF T137 scour' COLLATt. A choice assortment of light an.d heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clofning, c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing prompt] attended to, and chargeS moderate. Remembe the place,sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. TO THE PUBLIC OF BRITISH NORTLIC tilLMERICA. TN CONSEQUENCE of fronts that have been -1- practiced upon you by two 4r three individuals (who for a time took the name ;of the " New 'York Chemical Company") making and selling some- thingit 'which they call " Hanel% ty's Pills and Oint- ment," and which, for a seas() , were freely sold in many parts of the Britie Provinces as my genuine Pills and Ointment, I I eve, for some time past, considered it my duty to -tion the public, .tui through the medium of the pr .ss, against buying these spurious articles. judgi ents have been ob- tained against this Bankrupt (mew, in one ease by a Mr. Cassard, who, when &kVA to 'levy, at the latter end of October last, foinad the name of the Chemical Company had been peinted out and that of Samuel Vose substituted. , Many respectable firms In the British Province , 'who obtain my rity medicines direct from here, ve very properly suggested that I should, for Use benefit of them- selves and the public, insert then. names In tte papers, that it may be known Putt my medicines can be had genuine from thorn. The following is a list of the firms alluded to and I partieularlv recommend those who desire t in get my medicines to apply to some of the Honse ' named: Messrs. AVERY, BROWN & Co., Halifax, N. S.; Messrs. FOusvni & Co., Halifax, N. S.;'Messrs. T. B. BARRER & SONS, St. John, . B.; Mr. T. DES BRISAY, Charlottetown, P. E. LI Messrs. LANGLEY & Co., Victoria, B. C.; Messrs. i1ooicn &Co., Vic- toria, 13.0.; Dr. jonn Paaes. Chatham N. B :- Messrs. MnXDO & CO., Montrea ; lessre. J. IVassn & Co., Hamilton, Out.; Mr. H. ;J. Ross, Toronto; Mr. A. CIIIMAN SMITg, St. 'John, N. B.; Mr. ,TonN HON». Goderich, Out.; Muesrs.ErzioT & Co., Toronto; Mr. J. CHALONER, : St. John N; B.; Me/3SM HANINGTON BROTHEI S, St. John, N. B.; Mr. R. S. Pitnene, Windsor, nt.; Mrs. ORPRN, Mor , den N. S.; Mr. GEORGE C.411-uNT, Jr., Freder- icton, N. B.; Mr. W. H. TuomitioN, Harbor Grace, N.F.-' Mr. J..M. \Vaasa, Frederietam, N. B.; Messrs. W. & D. lune, Mondleel. My Pills and Ointment are neither menufacturtel nor sold in any part of the -United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British Government stamp, with thewords, "Hol- loway's Pills and Ointment, T.,andon," engraved thereon. The medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quantitlies of not less than _X,211 worth, viz.: 8s. eid, 9,2s., titi 84s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Obitinent, for which re- mittances must be sent in advence. N. B.—Chemists and other vendors of Hello - way's genuine Pills and Ointm4,nts may have their names applyinserted here —i n the local [papers if they will please London, Dec.1,51387322. OXfOril Street, 81.177: C. 26 WHITE BLANKETS AT s COST PRICES At nonmix BROTHERS', Seafiortb a