HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-13, Page 7, 0 _ _ • — - - — • • ' t 4-7 It - '!, . Soilit:tg CO We co not 'know the na er in this section, to whom d for so satisfaetor system,- as is recor r it a veluable Ofl1 d in the N. Y. s made *with fou ten acr s. " The land was in good in 186 gave 25 tons Of cuttin , s. In September two aces were sown to loads of fine manure then pread on the deeplYI plowed and sulloiled ; thirty top, plbwed in With as one-horse plow. rye an4 grass seed son, and the ground rolled. Three acres more were next plowed, dressed with twenty-five loads of ntantre, left so till 6pritig, then cross plowe, ad d, and- sown with al bushels of t oats, 1) bushels of Peas pee acre, ... ` and dr seed also with 300 lbs of anano indebt soiling consid appear trial w; S. aiof iherfarM- the public is a trial of the ed below, but. . The article Tribune. The teen cows on condition, and ay from two of that year, e, first being . . res N ere e grass, but also dressed with 300 lbs. of guano and 2 bushels of salt and planter: Another acre .of sod was plowed, treated the same as the /ere ;ground, and additionally with four loads of hog manure harrowed in, and planted to 4 bushels of dent corn in drills three feet aartmidi as thick es a corn planter would: drop . it. ,- Two--acr more were planted in the tame manne at intervals of two weeks. On the la a smalll dressing of superphosphate lime- 'was applied in the place of ho manure but not with as good a resul. Feeding began May 1, from 'the ry The co -s were all in milk at this tim well fe pounds During creased about- o fodder were st. bled all day, excerpt that the were dliven about forty rods to wate twice a day- and left oat about an hou e. The various green crop d as they matured, but they ore of each than the cows coul eat, soi4e was left *to ript. Six load of hay *ere made, and fif y bushels 0 oats anld peas were •gathered, which With a ton of oil cake and the bay i winter, ! carried the cows i through t February. The butter made was large ly in excess—neatiy double the yield o the previous year. In addition, the ma mire heap was immensely increased, an thirty-six hcres of pasture left free fo Mowing or cultivation. With four acre more devoted 'to root cross the o7ne thinks he.coul I; have-sustailned tke cow through the whole-year—thet is, one cow to each acre. .. 4110,0110.--1 Farmers Ought to Live Better. es r, st of t. 6. life wi e, distur by this and ea the univ4 er part not a, ie 4-7 IVIAROg 13, 1874. and inviting, and said itichtsweet things at the door, that itneeitind nattifai rot' Liberala to drop in ; it was not like go- ing over to the Conservatives it was only ha ing a chat with Colonel Taylor. It is sat sfact ry to find that the Home Rulers re to • kminority even- among Irish mber ; but the Colonel would probabl be ore than e. eh fon theft'''. I( even if hey ere mord. eroust will be just t e man, too, for the mod- erate Lit) •ral whom Mr. Gladstone has alarmed ; h convince 'thetn t at fidelityo the r, principles require! t at they alai ke care to give at least a tacit u poet o a Conservative Oove ment. he orld knows not its great st men; d t ere are many who fan y that the Hou:e of Commons is sway d by gni, • s of lloquence, and who fail to catch t sm.11 talk in the back-groun 1, which ally governs divisions, but is never r orte .—English Letter.. Feat of' trength and -Dtwinff. The unns of Brentore, were edwa s noted fat thei bodily strength and m Is, bearit g. i Iy friend, Neil of the Ki as he w s ca ed, because he genera y Wore th,, " ga b of old Gaul," was wide- ly knant, i for 's extraordinary muscular' power; I shall here mention a few feats of stre h m his part which I myself witness 1. hey had a fine black High land bu , -wi h a tremendous_ head pf animal horns ; t is. latterly became very was twice within an inch of my him, awl to this day, if I am in sleep, it is ahnost sure to be lack hull. Well, one day Neil re 1 the byre, which, as was real fashion then over the great - Caithness, and still hngers in locclities, extended from the fire,-plec , som thirty or forty paces the one long range, often with a- wide door at the f tiler end, like that of A cart - shed, by whicha season's a ccumelatiob of dun as in. spring carted out to the field, e t r which it was built up wit turf. Oi the. occasion referred to, t e byre was undergoing this annual proses All of 4 eidden the bull came rushing in at:this igable d or, while Neil was stain ing a,b4iii the niddle, or near the do r o usual ntra, 60 to the house. 1 -Sone . t mg hat ern; .gedethe' brute, 14W with fi rce Or s glee ng, and head set for com- bat, 'ori ca e. Neil prepared toIre- ceive Iiii , and when the beast was going t3 etrik nto 1 inn, swift as a molunta ,cet, anal vith he strength of a pair of .1iensabe eizec the bull by the oras !- :a id with one udder jerk laid h o V e keel of hs ' back ! Here w c 4 t 1 sa, t, 1, and, had given about twelve of butter a day through April. the flint week tbe butter in- to fifteen pounds. lEach received ie and 'a half bushels of the green er day, in three feedings. They y r r s e d s f n O - f d r s r s proverbi, (1 ring perform g g eat sti cc mmo c tmes 1 rem in pursui tains, N dodges them by leaders, though ) heads, illi ir he they sc t ed a ing the rushy crash ant whis was to be Neil in t "You go " till yet and then et ur each ti were f being Now, it is • a fact, not withstandin most of the luxuries, and that whic,h, goes to make up a. good living, passes through their hands, thenferrners, a - a class are.. . the pooeestiede of any. It -e 'all under gaud the diffetence betwe n a well-fed animal and one. poorly kept. Does, the: - ' .quality of food havn any les. effect on the human System ? • :Hence, li say, farmers cannot afford to live poor. I noticed one .great mistake among farmers last fall; The -re has been ,a Ierge atneent of poultry . raised this, season, none_ too much, how- ever, if if had been ptoperly marketed af- eter 'teeing kept a proper amount for home consuniption. - But Most, farmers • :have kept every turkey and chicken until - Thanksgiving, then thrust it all the Market at once. ' ' The result, was. they found. themselves selling . poultry- at ten cents &pound .that cost fifteen to raise ; - many no even. sparing any for their own- .. Thanksgiving dinner. 'Now, would it not ! be. vastly better to have Marketed, say one-half the,acteal amount, and -realized li a fair profit on it. Then, ..f the other half was more then the fa : Hy required,: n.: . to dispose of it occasionally, as the -mar- ket demanded,: I.know tit t with those Who have raised quite an . amount of poultry it has been feed,. feed, feed. r But - after poultry once gets its growth and is in good flesh, a . ' small quantity of grain Will suffice to. keep' it so. siderable amount • can be p posed ef in- a family of half a Then, a con- ofitably dis- dezen. Let your salt pork rest in the barrel, where it will keep, and place a large-sized tur- key across your table once a week. It is one of the most healthfiul kinds of meat, and will sometimes care a family of large boys of the Western fever, for it is a -fact that nothing goes further to- ward making people contented than good living. • I. The Model Parliamentary Whip. But Mr. Mr. Disraeli's greatest treasure, a a treasure beyond all Duke, and worth the whole cabinet ten times ever, is Col Duel Taylor. Who, you may ask, is Col- onel Taylor ? It is possible that this fa. thous name may not have crossed the ocean. Indeed, there are probably many people in this country who have never heard it, or who do 'not appreciate all that it implies. Colonel Taylor is not a great orator. You never find his name in the -newspaper reports. Nor is he a great administrator. He does not sit in - the Cabinet, but he is something more than the Colonel, for he is the einem of the party, and a whip of the old sehool. Since Sir W. Hoyter 'retired the Liberals have been' miserably served in this re- spect. Mr. Brand, (now -Speaker, ) -was -too cold end formal ; Mr. Glyn. (now Lord Wolverton,) too fusey arid didatic ; Mr. Adam, too soft; and. Mr. Arthur Peel. too inexperienced. Consequently none of these- ever had a real hold on their flock, and there was al vays a risk t of their being deserted at a c itical mo- ment. A story is told of Sir W. Hoyter standing at the door of the Hoise, chink- ing some money in his hand. and explain- ing: when asked what he was after, that he had five eonnds, and wanted a couple of Trish members, We are bound to'sup. pose that this coarse sort of bribery is now obsolete ; but that only makes the . morel influence of a bland, iinsinuating manner ninre important. There are ways of obliging a Man besides giving, him a couple of sovereigns, and Colonel Taylor lavishes his solicitude m all whom it is his business to approach. He is a tal I, broad sh ouldered handsome TT ishm an, with a soldier -like mustache, hich em- phasizes instead of hiding his irresistible smile and bright, corn m unicatine, under- standing eye. The Colonel is not a flu cut man. He does not talk much, He is a great conversationalist. but' without using many words. He has a frank, familiar, off -hand manner; and an ex- pression of kindly interest and pro- tection, as of a father; or per- haps rather a big brother. This is very taking. It would be an insult to human nature to suspect guil in such openness and candor, or to look for the wily whip under cover of the gond fellow. It was Colonel -Taylor who get up the ! cave which was so fatal to Mr. Gladstone I s the g of the ne pies !a tra o oldnehs :actually realized. T itch A feat requirese no only mber another occasion, 'when,'. rigth, bet, what is m uc i Use dexterous cleverness and d . the •esenee of mind. • of n me horses in the motile - •and I had tried. all sorts of dri e them home, or secure catching one or more • f the: at to no effect. , Just evl en w we had one, „up Went thei , • nel ofl niaki crack; 'Whet teueli l°"•" 's thein back ; th y willbe sure to keep this _ track. ' .shall hide in the bush, - ane land-fli ;" The order Was duly obeyed you shall Olettl . seeta new kind of High. the horses driven becka and just as ' the . foremost btery steed is prancing pest the hazel bash, Nei starts out and seizes him by the tail ; and by a swing of ha own 1e(l t- e horse right abou „ els and their tails, long the bra,ckens birch and hazel leavith their glee. clone ? A bright idea e ve y centre of his " don tide hollow," sa, get beyond the vagal the brae -and dm - body whi helcl hiin there ed him. The and Ne train: ;1., an angl �f sixt mires a veep fm Sir Edward Lai dseer M aric I came up and 1 altme horse strainin fo ward PUSS (Prom Miss Young's, Toronto*) DRESS ..14Y./) MA.ATTLE MIARE.-R Two doors South of the!Commereial MAIN STREET, `SEAFORTH, 818 • r Di? You Want Money. Mt HAMILTON PROVIDENT AND LOAN SOCIETY. hicbiporfttedl A. `D. 1871, pursuant to Cap. 58, Con. Stat. of U. C. OFFICE—McInnes Bloek, Corner King end John Streets, Hamilton. CAPITAL, - $1,000,000. ...edam, Ho - President ; vey, tCharles Dewar, J. X John IIoPher Bron, E. W er; Orerar aut. Intending1 tereste ,hy offered by thi . DIRECTORS. , President; W. JL SanfOrd, Vice - 1., McInnes, A. T. Wood, ex. Har - Gurney, A. P. Skinner, lummer Kerr, Alex Turner, Jo Harvey, ion, J. M. Williams, M. P. P., John Hyman.—H. D. Cameroni Treasur- Solicitor i A. McEachern, Account- orrowers will consult their best in- munining the advantageous terms Society, before going elseWhere. /Special Features. No Lawyers Fees charged where the security consists of Farm Property, and when the Loan is not less than $400, or for a shorter period than five years. The fall am tint Of the Loan handed over to the 13orrOwer. 1 incidental expenses naay includ- ed in repapn nts. Repayment may be rnade to fall clue at such period of the ear as is most convenient to bor- rowers. . The Loan ay be paid:off at any hue on equitable terns. For Loan Tables and fullparticulars aPply to =Mon. JAbraIf. BENSON; Barrister, 818-18 Yaltiatcal, Seaforth, HORSE BLANKETS .4Vearly Given, Away Ab HOFFMAN BROTHERS', Seaforth, *-1 1:1• 7 There is Lumber inMeXillop, at the VICTORIA STEAM MI LLS, And ,JOHN GOVENLOOk 1 IS the man to supply ii-,. ALWA.TS on hand a lar„ge.stock of all kinds of saber, sylaich will be sold at prices which calm t surpassed in this County for cheapness of priee. - Draining and Fencing DItsys6es• in abundance, Also SHINGLES, LATH, and every description of ; builders' mateiial. Parties building or. buying large quantities will bo liberally dealt with, and will find it to their profit to give the VICTORIA MILLS a. trial before purchasing elsewhere. 1 ORDERS MITT AT A DAY'S NpTICE. All orders left at the Mill or addressed to Win - member throp P. 0. will receive prompt attentir. Re- ! JOHN GOVENLOCK'S 825 TictOria, Mills i s the place. :Pback, each at about SHROUDS ! SHROUD in opposite-dre tions, or the sculpt r of " The With end Tam 0' Shantel.' 1,1 - • tl -when " Ae pting bro ht tiff her moister hale, But 1 kftbehind her sin grey tail." On another oc asion, I. saw him_ catch the same*spirit d animal by sheer speed of , foot , by th long flowing tail, and hold him ' s before, till I secured him by the head.. Fro') t .Recollections and Ad- ,. we? titres f For y Years 11 yo, in John 0"roat Ottrna : CA HEAD 0 RPETS AND LOOR bIL CLOTHS, 1 i?enuo-kably Low,, Ab HOF-41IAN BROT.sfs,118', Setiforbh. THE ACRICUItTUR L MUTUAL ASSUR- ANCE SSOC ATION OF CANADA. ,FIC LONDON, ONT. CIATITAt, (1st ja utirYc 1873,) $280,681 94; with ‘-' over 26,( 0 Poli les in force. Premiums re ceived in 1St j, $87,0 0—an increase of over $9,000 :on the kr; haat:ie. s of 1871. This old reliable Company—t e sues siful pioneer of cheap farm instmuse in Canada issuing now monthly nearly as many Policies as the whole yearly issue of il majority of Other Co upanies in the same line of busiaeSS in t C coin IT, distributing th,Ar risks in such a mann '- that under no apparent possible calaMity ox cOnting ncy, a heavy chfain ould be madelon the'r capita , has decided fe a ord pro- tectioiln to th tlowner • and occupiers of :Isolated Dwel lings in Cities, "owes and Villagks at rates that yi•ill clef ny res metable or responsible office to eutiunderi . . Intendiug izisurers ,will note : That this is the ouly Fire Mt tual th t hes deposited with the Re- . ceiver.Genw land een liceneed to dp blistue:.:s tb.rolighout t e Del team of Ottnadali That the assets and pi ofits of his Company accumulate at the niembeit.' credit, rffording a sure fionl for the protection is inembe •s, end keeping doWn the cost of insurance instem of (as with stock 4empanies) being distrib ted ani ngst shareholders': That it insane s not ing Imre hazardous than Isolated ' Dwellings, Fi nu Pro terty, Cheese Faetories. Coun- try Ch irchas a d Scc ool Ilouses, has no branch • for tie.• insto uze of i ore dauferous prorrty, and 111 enclosed li ‘Ids of arm. That, having, besides a large Pro 'um Note papital, cash always on hand, it is e toned topay all honest claims with- out any nun cossary delay. That in the past eleven years this o ea has dlistributed over "half a mil- lion of moo y!' in atisfaction of losses to its • members. ! pays all (bun 1., by li ihtniug, ucluding ict: 8 tOek 1 Your snap rt of th own merits. It is el has done marc to pro the other Con panics feet that the corupet been copying Or pia necessary cot dition Give the. Old Preference. i Company is solicited on its arced for this office that it ide ehesp insurance than all ornbined. It is a notorious i g Companies have for years • s and adopting ourrates as a oftheir existence. Farm Favorite the Applieatis : by mail promptly attended to. CHAS. T. DOYLE, Agent, a few years since. He made it so snug 30641 Box 39, Clinton. .ROBERTSON,1 CA.thNET MAKER AND UNDERTATMR, Johnson's 014 Stand, Main street, S aforth, has now on hand a good assortment of S 1R.0 --D S Which he can urnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. 25 DANIE BOokbin L 1cGREGSR, H. just res -"-- used in th ed to &A:mute, atest syles, all REGISTERS, Ruled, Printed notide, and a Ladies' Wo OLD Boundt All communis ed, will receive er, Harpurhey, Seaforth, ived it large Sock of the materials buSineas, and is now fully prepar- n the sh.orteat notice and in the ordershe may be favourawith. EDGERS & BLANK BOOKS OF A1Y Klan, nd made -to order, on the shortest t prices which defy competition. Boxes & Fancy Cases Made to order. .11TD IVE TIT /3 0 OKI'S' nd repaired at city prices. • . itions addressed to the undkirsign rompt attention. DANIEL 1'4oGREGOR; Seaforth, (Harpurhey. REDU GREAT TION SALE To continue ANOTHER WEEK ' At HOFFMAN REOTliERS., Seaforth. TiE SEAFORTH LUMi3ER Y A R . MABEE & MACDON ALI) BEG to inform- the pnblic that they have re- moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants S tit Cempany'e Works and Mar - Mill. They will keep 4=841110y nn hand a good asSort- ment of ALL KINDS OP LUMBER, dressed and undres8elh1 Also LATH Am) SHINGLES, bill of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest pOssi- ble prices, for Cash. Also. on hand -any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. Builders and others -will find it to their advan- tage to inspect ortr stock, and ascertain otir prices before purchasin elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good indu ..em en ts to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. J. p. BRINE, T ICENSED AliTCTIONEER for the County of -1-J Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Conrtty. All orders left at the EXrosiToR. Office will be promptly attended to. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A LL theft indebted to the estate of the late F. LL Veal by note or account will save expenses by calling on Edward Cash at once and paying the same. EDWARD CASH, 320 A. G. MeDOUGALL. het, tyre !.•,- , • =INTir: a GREAT OLEAPi.MG SALE WILL OF DRY GOODS - LAST A FEW DAYS: LONGER. Goods are Being Cleared Out at 'any Price. DON'T MISS THE CHANCE. E. HICKSON & Cd'S EMPORIUM. A Fine Assortment of Tea Sets Just Arriving. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS. TO BE. DISPOSED OF AT COST, A Good .i -sand Lamp Complete ;fir Twel-Five bents. Our Stock of Plated Ware in CRUETS, CAKE BASKET by the beat makers in America, 1 RODGERS' CUTLERY A HIIER COOLERS, &c., manufactured now -complete. SPECIAIITY. Our Tea,s and Sugars cannot be surpassed for 4nality and Flavor. 10 pounds of our best Dollar Tea and 10 pounds of BrigliJ, Stint for $10; 10 pounds of good 80 Tea for $7, 11 pounds of good Sug,ar for $1 ; 10 pounds splendid 50e Tea for $4. • A Good Stock of Fresh Drugs, Patent medeines, itc., always on hand. Butter, Ttllow, Eggs, Dried Apples, &e., taken in exchange iCKSON & Co. MR. 4 Returns thanks to the public for their cordial support drain tinuance of the same. He will not be found advertising st ight years, and asks "LARGE CONSIGNMENTS, which are never made, or fabulous quantities of goods t forth to hold, or askint; twice the value of an article to make areclaction from the priee they are getting a big bargain; b the following maains of Trade : 3 I cOn t would require all the Stores of Sca- the unrefiecting customer thia that by t in the past, follow closely to Buy in the best markets and on the best terms. Buy only such articles and in such qu ntities as a make quick returns. Sell such articles as can be recordmor.ded. Sell at the lowest possible advance. Sell at one price only. Sell for cash. And will give to customers ail advantages that will are from long experm.nce, 'character and moans, and thus contribute towards making for his patros. A HAPPY .NE TV ssfiti?. W. HILL, Blitanni a Bonse, ado- g the Post Office, Seaforth. WATCHES, CLOCKS it.ND qEWELRY. M. R. COUNTER of the Choicest and Cheapest StockOf Watches, Clocks and Jewelry to select from in the AS o County.ne Every Article is Warranted to lbe as Represented. Prices are lower than any other House doing a small trade eau afford to offer. The Stock is the largest and best selected in this section of the country. A call of Inspection is all that is required to convince the most skeptical of the truth of these statements. Just 1:leaved, a full stock of the ELGI N WATCH ES, the best Americart-made Watches, all different grades, including the renowned "Lady Etgin. • A Large Assortment of very handsome Siler Ware such as Cruet Stands, Cake Baskets, dx., They are worth, looking at. Gold Chains in, endless variety. Repairing promptly attended to. • • M. R. COUNTER, Man -street, Seaforth. , . HARNESS TRUNKS, BAGS, WHIPS, COMBS HARNESS 1 COLLARS, . VAISES, LASHES, BRUSHES, &C AT BELFRY & MAY'S, SEAFORTH. Our HARNESS we can reeommend to anr one; none but firt-rate%Harness. We warrant our Collars give entire satifation. • as we use only first-class Leather and make not to gall a Horse, and guarantee them. to Shop Opposite Mansion Rouse, Seaford?. BELFRY 86. MAY. COME ONECOME ALL' AND BUY YOUR J. HARNESS FROM WARD, SEAFORTH. I beg to state for the information of farmers and the public generally, that I have as good a stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined. not to be undersold by any other establish- ment in the Couty. Furnishings. BELLS and HORSE BLANKETS, all kinds, constantly on hand Ala TRIM an General C4-177k7P1 13 J. WARD, Main -Street, Seaforth. i • rn CE r 11,„ 1.11peetae1e staurAltrit — Lad ink n the WI utHinig the Cho dIaa: 1118nTilltiVe:r7othh- ::::kninoinuemse last Tuesday et Mr._ Wing 3 T tt°17*re--stUoleylltile vuio Off3NtilIr! COrititEnt of As* etite 0 eeptiox Wingn st so 43f Chi the ol n.: an ,on ere0c has also received a tr ) tt , . and I see that new bah e e; mhuoeis.ea:eeci.h:en::: boyvepr ii it is ge erally conceded 11 Mr. A ng's restaurant lisp echetfsr he more exclut TobeenIttoi b taoinideifi-tstheprColpiiri tinhrateheai-si 3138intap°r.egui ke htiiShe:taiYh'onIstetaefl. easiona y taking a whi II teeindasue tmhe::anairsre9:Sc' among hem Chet Sing, a. of mu e, who speaks street. But *Ir. Wing art of mining a hotel master of‘ etiquette, an( restaur ut a, very exist() I pas ed. flap place c. day ev nng, jun.-mare ment o which it 'was shrill n. , tee- of; a Chinese: my att ntion, :and enter office oi the ground floc.) with m friend Mi. Ain . slkitathadelei.si I 17'9: rilx 1. di itIataht° gentlemen)fiettlhlaeti tremel recherche." On I le,arn d thatwereI t -i-) the party I Should not eonside .ed an intruder U p any I ind to go up si, tea andlook on. I left i with b a brss-bowed- of the cashier, an eat a, Way San Lungs treet, aims to the -latter anotle to &realize the rj 0 0 1 0 SEAF9RTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. nntsET ik BROTHER, (Late of Hamilton,) Would intim4e to iheir numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for -, Monumenls, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, Ike. • Granite 14ronuments Imported to Order. Work of tile best style and art, and cannot be surpassed inthis part of Ontario. A call resp4tfully solicited. - Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, MAIN-SREET, SEAFOBTII. E. MrSSET. 11. 10:SSET. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS, ErRailr STREET, Next door -west of the Conunercial Hotel, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and exeotted in the best stye, and at most reasonable iniees. Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on, b'hort Notiec. Granite Moutunents and Headstones ireporta to order. CALDER & COOPER. 27T ANDREW CALDER, Agent. -JOHNS. PORTER, One-horse Banker tind Exchange Broker. illfAhlr STREET, SEAFORTH. CAPITAL, - $0,000,000.01. TitiE is no blow, but a fact. • . . . BUYS Greenbacks and Amerietua. Silver Iii cur- -4-" rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives money on dposit, and pays 20 per cent. interest- -when you ,let it. Buys nid; 'VW]) .151ins, Pars and Wool a4 the Nyhest prces. All this is done with the above -capital, wonder- ': ful, is it not 2 Hand in your wants, wishes and expectations, don't be afrid, he won't bust.- 322 REMOVAL THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON HAS been removed to new premises, adioining John Logn`s old stand, and opposite W. Rob- ertson & Co.'s Hardware Store. The proprietor begs to state that he bas fitted up his new shop with every eon \ eniene, and is determined to mile hitanad afirnsitc-eelastsosocesotfablishment. He has also -013 LAD1.ES CHILLVOSS AIVI) BRAIDS Of the latest style. He is also prepared to tak-in LADIES KATI', COMBINC-S, And have them straightened and worked into Braids, Belts, Switches, Curls, 8ze. Charges reasOnable. at Gleenstss'tWhair eiftyrnpirishceeds. on the shorte4 notiets A. call is respectfully solicited. 807-52 WILLIAM NEWMAN ‘, in his profits. !Chine and two ar intnivals he d the families he city he does lit conducted by i Mr. Sint; will -rs vSittrnt A SMAL1 1,Ve r etched the seem was div ded into four Or one ka( ing into the (,th headsr se abnve the. lean p f glimpse ('1 tabon les eei Chinanpn Beaked at the smokin or .eating. But l O f com , u on dealt ,a4ii. I were at ird. in blue eott black woolen nets of line ise ft ity. T iis was the pIebei Chinese restaurant must it detr ets in now cratic r pntation of Mr. I tablishn ent that is net le: vulgar souls that frequ story n ver penetrate th third, 1ne differenee in tertainri ent -would alum: for no leinamtm, unless: and has been bred to 'e...N will eithink of living cents a41av if he can ,ge teen. . . Thro gli this second $t in crat, wi le calm indifferen one abo vit. And set ti my gait' and I. As we scene of ' he festivities t)( tary In ] the inineleii song and iddl, and the pany pa Lead to take a roe and ha]1 surprised at ft tor. It wa a large room glass ti )(an ot)eniag oi through which I (listin', lines of a bakony stmt. darkness .ornamented wr and Chelese lanterns. srtooste)eavocaellyntle idms c.ant(lhies apartme it was ,oecupied and his I ihes. He was• the 1)OttOnt -Of 4 band boa Itoa‘fiiainbtgr)..Lnat tziii3t7ya, It.(1ils )liweivailiii ed. on te) ) ef it. B is falai leoked Ike ahnonds of till polite, noiselesA anti artl; aealea iih CIL liat, milell id but he ,eilned very etig; he re& -ted xnuch tred ii,, bet An in ereeting feature the aleo e in the northern some eight feet -wide Contained a, gelidity paint Jciss, eurr,mildva 1)y silt -I, 111.1tlf;:ii:iitli ce)rf{ t'lllisiti'i"l rece%(f s)Net-! large Fos, Envood table— it fully six or sevefl feet in 7:(3 fvaedtile),:tri);1 ol'ittiele-(7.1-:t,(1'; 11 was the supper of tiae \ ..Meanteti:AtrliPellcI1):11:1%,Nue''-! at the fu"th- end of the a the engir 18iiidiaci')s i(nei4e aeLllea‘rea wome, all of these bulr:' soi„piii.)iinigi stpt„ledcatottinfigii Ntliz,,,I. fectionerea hate and sita4 ea. bed by us to -ill time, ) play* converhsg, and in the e:1-,;-;,ex-,ici4:ltiag cigarette ,: At the fennel every (.fl'At one vel)rner of the ape platfinen iu a rre(-(!i-1 thet Iminlit l aml dep opium inta, awl oa either , struntenea t ilainanian vaile --,:zaliii,sl:stit.ri 21(1clii' a TeactItliiian; i l‘t.i.,• stone areee, Beside tlee from whieh a flame the 11 11 man a he usual Cliiiwst: extended on it_ it w:.,. heIyt 11111'17(13 " {Aa-itilii(-:LI1'2111(711'1el . 1 and although they elseia)ll; ptraeie,n,tianigeid mienn. zheittlelleaMrt. t ze tie ieliiini)8(gte, 'el i li 'lees: isvkilin:e ir.kiiocaersiitti:1:1 fl AC1 ahunghn if°1 eYur : Nfe) :1°11 I. lel; f: tlr hiall meli f 4 °l. t e -{1 wall '11 ; 3 er I 1 1.cr other, axibmed the was; were two tidAers, hired' • •