HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-13, Page 3MARe4 131 1874. iiiiibitimmessolsimossossassammossese (-LAW NO. 1 iSt4, etsaiy way of Loan. the =inter nty TneuSand Dollars for, the )(Ate or,Purchasing the Heathen( rel Bead. a'AS, the Cowicfl of the Corporation Ot lountyo Huronhave resoleed tc pur- NORTHERN GRAVEL R lAD, with !abolishing the collection of Tolls on kVel Beads in the said County. EEREAS. to cane into effect the said [ect, it will be necessary for the Council , Corporatiou to raise the sauna Twenty Dollarg in. the milliner hereinafter men- MMUS, the amertnt of the wholelinte- rte.- in the County of Huron, irrespective are increate in sante and irreapee. income to he derived from the terepor- ment of the slaking fond hereinafter or sny peat thereof according to the an equalized Assessmeut Rolls of the ity, belief.; for the year One Thonsand eked slid Seventy -Three, wag Thirteen (hie Hiendred end Ninety Thortsan,d idrecl and Seventy-laive Dollars. akREAS, the atuount of the exiSting a mid Comity isateg follaws Prirteipal, dred ana FifteaNine Thou:et/al Eieite Ana Thirty Dealer:a for Gravel Road a, heal -nig intereet tile rate of sit per auanta. The animal intoreet to be paid 1 debt is Fifteen Thonsand Five. Hord- aniteen Dollars and Eighty Cents, upon t there is no intenaet in ax-rettr, =ES, it win rettnire the sum of Two .Two Hundred Dollars to be raised an special rate for the payment of the and interest, As also hereivafter mane EEREAS, for paying the inteteet and e equal comma Sinking Fowl for payitig ata a Twenty Thousand Dollars and hereinafter mentioned; it will require ming special rate of One Houdred arid Hundred andFiftv-Nintlie (1604)59) of he Dollar, in addition to aIl other ratea to be levied in eeelo year. 'nem* enaetea by the Counci/ otha of the Collate of Huron r edit shall lie lewfuleforthe Warden of ennt.e Of Heron to raise lnway of loan terson or peritons, body or bodies cor- e.reae- be williug to advance the same 'credit of the Debentures hereirtafter &sten not exceeding in, the whole. the catty Thousand Ianlars, and cause the paid into the lut-rels of the Treasurer of ; aforesaid for the purposes and' witb above ;melted, it Wean be lawfu1 for the said War - me any ninal:er of Debentures to- be a, eh soms of money, not less than One aellars each, and that the Bent Thoben- ' be sealed with the seat of the said Goa. ad be eigned lay the Warden and coon- ey the Treasurer cif the said County. tt. the said Debentures shall be made ;twenty yeareatifurthest from the day r•itientiOned for!this By -Law to take ef office of tliej Treaeurer a the said r Huron, alai Shall heve attached to one for the payment cif the intereet an- nedloa the said Warden and Treasurer. ittt the said Debenteres - and Cotipons- Ode out iu the cin-rency of this Derain - t -whole =omit of said Deberauenq shall 1' the before mentioned sum of Twenty Dollars, and they shall bear interest at six per ceutper annum, which ;rater - a payable on tho first day of 3niy in :and every year anriug the coutmiianee debentures, et the office of the reas- said County of Huron. iat for the pinpose pf forming a sinking paement of tlte said Debentureand .st at the at aforesaid; to becOme due; 1 equal special rate of One Iluedred and e Hundred and aaaty-Ninths (160-9)9) of 4e. Dollar; shall in addition to till othet 1axes be raised, levied arid coReeted iu (von all the rateaale property within c of ICurou, during the continuaoce et ebentmes or any of them. mt this By-law :than take effect and operetiort upon the lint day of -July, sand Eight Hundred and Seventy -Pone Ner7CEf lve is a true dope of a proposed By -Law Uinta consideration by the Manicipal ! the Conetty 01 Huron, at - Gedexich, in. !outtfy, on tee F )orth. Day of June, Ian,: it- of two o'clock iix the aftemOon, at le and place the Members of the Council iy required to attend for the purpose PETER. ADAMSON, Connte lerk's Office, 1 )Feb. 26,1874. f 1305-14 .:.TO THE I'VBLIC OF Nom lee.,QaterAX :Alma It et. tEQUENCE of rends that have been •adanpon you by two te: three indiv!icluals tine tont the name of the " New York Company'a makine and selling some - h thee call Holloway's Pills and Oint- 1 whfch. for a seasme were freely sold etrtel ot the Brizish Provinces 41,S my Rs and (nutmeat, I havefor somb tante derial it my date to cat/tato the priblic, e medirmi of the press; anainst buying ous artadee. Jnite.nente ha' e been obe nit this Bankrupt Crew, in one ease by ird, who, when about to levy, tit the f Octeber last. found the name Of the ompany had beet!. painted out au:). that Voite enbatitnteci. Mane respectable re Biatish Provnicee who obtau my direet faint here, lave very properly but I sheind, for the benefit of theta - the plink, insert their names lii the t it ease be known thin no; medicines 1 genuine from them. The following he finne alluded to; and I plutic ulitrIv those who deeire to get lay medacinea name of the Houses named: . esses. r ;neva & Co., Helifaxi ; N. S.; essrs. a Ce, Halifax, N. a. ; Messrs. . B. Sons, St. Jobe, N. Ila Mr. T., Dees trlintetown, P. E. I.; Messre. F_!.‘4•G•LBY oria, B.C.; Mesers. aloctee & Coo Vie - i, Dr. it.etx Pam.Ex, chatham, N. B.; xi,* & Coo -Montreal; areesre. 3. Wiann alton, Ora.; _Mr. II. J. Rose, Toronto; inS:k•X •1"..MITtl, St. John; N. B., Mr. . Godelich, Chit.; XesernEernoa e; Co., dr. J. Cicaraixee, St. John X'. B.; nnorie, 'Windsor, Ont.; atria 0 USN, NINGTI2N DR() 111E1.:5, :-*A. 3011., If B.; S.; Mr. Geoeco.: C. lirXT, Jr., Finder- ; Mr. W. II. Tno AirsoN, Harbor Grace, X. Wiene, Fredericton, N. ila Messrs. ma, Montreal. afy Pills and Gild ment manufactured nor a ad iu any part of 'atate. Each Pot and Box beans the eminent sunup, with the words, "Hol- e and (hutment, London," engraved :he mealy:nee are bola at the lowest, a prices, in quantitiee of not less than -viz.: Ss. an. ees., aria ale. per clozert Is or rote of Ointment, for which re - met be taut in advance. THOMAs II (1LLOWAY. .miets and other vendors of Ilolto- EE mal Oattritente may have their (.-d in the /flea) papare if they will here— t 533, Oxford Street, Wr. 0. 1, lana 317-23 AVOID QUACKs. et tate; ineieereti)n,eaueine nezvous -.1,rerliatun• decaz.', 6:,c+ having tr'...ca in Avertised remedy!, hag discovered a. • of stir.- u hien in.. will send free veer:llama. Atairees, J. 11. REEVES, treet, New iL int par day. Aeolifs wanted. fail Al! elasses of wl,rking ▪ ta•. yonne or ola, make IT/Ore •F, in titer :Tare netinexite; or ail the hit arty thing Mo.. Particulars , free. T1NSON Co.,Portlanti,Modue. , 284 WED., REMOV4Ete 1-ZONERTSONI; iiiet-maker ana 'Von( raker,, retvElY Ins ware -morn. to ANSON'S OLD STAND, Main-sto et, Staeleth, cto liaml a imperial. stock 01 Aunt. Lure of evely description. LL Ax2 SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. ed Mr. Thome Bell's IIKAitSE to attend foramens oi . the shortest zt town or country.- flina, All Sizes, ri hand. LRCH 18,74 THE NEW BONNET. i A foolish Attie maiden 'bought a foelfeh little bonnet, • /7" -- With, a ribbon and a -feather, and iaate : - of lace upon it ; ' And that the othermaidens of the ilittje town might know it, She thought she'd go to meeting the next Sunday just to show it. e ,,, • . , But thoueeth the little bonnet was scarce • larger than a dime,• . I The getting of it settled proved to be a work of time $o when 'twas fairly tied; all the tells • had stopped their ringing, And when she came to meeting, sure • enough, the folks Were singing. So this little foolish maiden stood and waited at the door ; And she shook her ruffles out beh nd, and smoothed them dawn before. " Hallelujah ! . Hallelujah !" sang the choir above her head : I ,-.. "Hardly knewt you ! hardly knew you !" I were the words she thought they 8 id. This made the little maideal feel so very, very cross, ,1 That she gave her mouth a _twist, her • little head a. toss, 1 For she thought the 'very hymn t ley i sang was all about her bonnet, I With the ribbon, aad the feather, nd the bit of lace upon, it. - • . And she would not wait to listen to the sermon or the prayer, . ti But pattered down the silent street nd ] hurried up the sta r 4 ' • 1Till she reached her h tle bureau, and in a bandbox on it Had hidden safe from critic's eye, the ' foolish little bonnet. Which proves, my little maidens, . that each of yon -will find - In every Sabbath service but an echq of 1 siyolliyir iiintitii:airs, l; And that the littlehead that's filled WI 1 Vill never get a blessing from serm las or from prayers. —Our IYou.nij Folk, GAIETIE A small -lady "aged. 'Ave, lwhose pa had not 'brought her the usual new clothes for Ohrietnaas, was heard toj privately re - Mar L that she guessed s "la was hold ng on f r a rise in the rag market." — iPIte old theory aboik hearing he rciur nur of the sea in a shell is said to be a hu bug. For, if you will hold a be v- et hd,t, or a goblet, or a p ckle bottle, or an o ster can, to your ear you will h .ar t e. ame delicious murmur.. - - ne ef our Southei..n. exchan ;es e s of " a gentleman who was erre t - n the charge of 1 coukterfek lig ekles." It is impossible to believe ti, 'at ay " gentleman" in pos.eession of h s five ceases would engage in so hese a hu iness. huudred years ago or so an an T- d te was current of a Colonel of a British Regi nent of Foot who wrote a petit' n tq G •orge I1. requesting the privilege of eieh ging into a regiment then abcut tc el sbark for America. As was c s - W rd , " and your petitioner, as in luty tenet y the petition conclnded wit11,1 the b IIR 1, will ever pray." The King, lin Oen ine the desired privilege, returned the fficer's petition in person, havik &rat hed oat the word_ " pray" and at b- stita ed the word " tight.", •—" What's hay ?" .asked. a man of n , Ilene t granger in Burlington, Iowa, the other morning. The 1?. of H. told h at $13 - 0, and .followine the man a.rou d ti. the acion; as he examined the bay veey caref lry. He expresieed himself as per - peal satisfied with the price and liked diet oks of the hay. "Shall I pat it into oar barn ?" asked the granger. Well, uo," the man said, "1' have no. bern, I only want a good clean straw pe chewi" The hay merchant looked aslif he we ald like to make him eat the wholie load .--`- A Good Mao Gone to Roost" was *e headline in a Western papei's obituiry. 1 —' He handled a gun carelessly-, a d put hs angel plumage on," is another West in paper's obituary of John Devine, of Naples. 111. , —Reading na. the merning paper -that Thalberg had been emb lined 'by his widow,1Th:tee-gins remeakedthat be knew several in arried men who were kept ali ' e in a pickle by their wives. A little four-year old Waterto gi I went running into the house t otljaer day, exclaimin fa "Mamma, ma m , live seen Jan.- Frost !I've seen Jac Frost!!" 'Where did you see him, my darling ?" queried the mother. " Oh I Saw the tip of his tail hanging over the ea es." She had seen t an i icle. 1 —Mr. Hornaby, of 1.1'on. du ,Lac, at- tempted to go down cellar 14e other night to iget pitcher of cider. i Hi wife warn- ed hall to be ca.refal and n t break the - 1 pitcher. He slipped on the first stair ho ifieel : " . ' an fell to the bottom, ekinued his el - hoe -s and knees, biunped his head, broke his noSe, tore his coat, and landed on the cellar door a total wreck, bit saving the pit, her. Mrs. Hornaby cal ed to him in accents, MrII rna.by, Mr, Ho naby, did you break -• the piteher ?" He growled back. " No, I. -dida't, bat by blinder I will." And he did. -. — — ----o-o-e. i osh BillingS'S SPioe-box. 1 .N, est eve..ry one luvs to isten to a slan- der, ibut there aiut but pli,eW - but what des se the author oY it; , Iilueet a great meimy-men Whoze talk in liIje a buntch of tire kraekers when they.are first touched oph, full or pop for a fu miunits, and then all in over. AN•Ithout munny, without friends, and withinit impudence, . in about, az low dawn M this•world az early man,kan git, and keep virtewous. . After a mau has passed the age of 57 *nil all he hall find to talk about and to br4g on, iz that he has got more pa•in- o and 41kes than enny ;Iv the rest ov hiS nabers. - Th4re in nothing that a man iz so ceie tain Olv az he in (A= what he sees, and yet tituu arelitlel iz itiot.l.iing after au that deceives i Beware ov the man who in altruze reddy to swop old friends for new ones. The •dog that awill plaollow - everylealy aint weith a kuss, , Wh*ipla midst I alwuzz like a, phool or a *tier, for they do hold gnat good , hands: ' lr rid km iidenshally undertake to explain .I hal had people set down bi mi side, a sunithilie to -na of -gra•te im' portanee, and after tl m 31 nmuts bi the watch, 1 not only didn't kilo what they hat! been; trieing to tell, but had forgot a god deal that I knew before. • One ost the most perfect 'viktorys yu ;., kali achi we ever enny man iz to beat him in p liteness. Youngman, yu had better be :honest than cunning, and it iz hard work, to be both. Llont tell exalely what's the matter OV me, 410 I an allwaize j net a leettle shy ov the woman.who wear. her hair keit short. I = It (Right to kure .the , pride of enny man when he retleflets that there aint no one living but What -Owes more to the -world_ than the world owes' to him. To •be s. familiar- with ei ery one and preserve your restiekt and here esteem, iz an evidence of the mos remarkybel talents. Thegrate mistake that nny people mi ake z to think that they az made be- fore the world waz instead ov since. A Mother Killed Grief. The Indiana,polis Sentin 1 gives the following account of an i eident Which happened," it said, in awfordsville, Ind., on Saturday last :* he depot had • been broken into that Ilona and some money and. a quantity of tickets stolen Ifrom the office, and thinge enerally up- set, by a party of boys. extents were lissued, and, among them, cos for a boy Inamed Mike McNeal. , Ab 9 11 t midnight ithe McNeal were e: ed upon by the officer of the law, and i fermed that the boy Mike was wanted, at the same time reading the warranti Mrs. Mc- Neal was astounded, an said there must e a mistake. None of he boys would be guilty of theft, she knew, and it was 'all a raistake. Her feeli gs 'overcame er, and she fainted. The' officer, how- ever, bearing the warrant had no ether course to pursue, but to 4e and the boy. The mother again fainted, d, when she returned to consciousness; the officers #greed to let the bey reels] -.until they lifteat bad been sworn out. Mike" had seen the party by wit m the war- peoved to be the one, they would return tie'the house, if not, he 4-04 d ,cf course iiat be arrested. The office found, how- ever, that except in name, r Mike" was net the boy. The teal crap -it was Mike McNeal, a cousin of the forme. The officers returned to gladd u, as they supposed, the mother's hert by telling her the boy was innocent. To their horror they reached the house and found MTS. M eNeal dead. The shock and grief combined. had beea so 'great as to k41 her. The affair caused considerable excitement in town." • THE Beam TO Go TO -JELL. "—Re- cently, at a revisal meetiog in the north part of the county, the exercises of the evening were closed by a general invitee tier] to all who waeled to go to heaven to;rise. The entire congreg tion . with a solitary exception in the sh pe Of a boy, robe- to their feet. The co luctor then vairied the invitation by as all wile> wanted to go to hell to aris The soli- taty exception erase to s feet. Cf course the good. people were candalized. and the result was the a rest of the youth and his trial for di urbing the meeting. But, to the inten e disgust of these liberal souls, Ithe Cour held that if the boy wanted tko 11 11 he had a perfectright to do 0, amd at such did not necessarily disturb the eting with- in the meaning of the 1 w ; and„ dis- missing the case, the boy e a sent on his way rejoicing.--. Wrigitt C (la.) • LINGUISTIC PROFICIENCY; 4 TEE Rus- staxs.—The Russian natiquii is the one which speaks' the most tuaAes and Which speaks them the bestt One may go' through Germ y and iot hear a word of French- sp ken, but he will be sure to hear it when. he reaches the fron- tier of Russia. The Russien schools and gymnasia for girls are of Vie Wiest ex- cellence, sand in smile of the rls' schools iri Moscow the dresees are ' a brown, to prevent the bad feeling w ich might arise from a coMparieon of ( resses and toilets. WHITE AND 00 0 eED COUNTERPANES Exceedingly 61 eaP At HOFFMAN BROT 1\/1 1 AND 9', Seaforth. NEW YEAR FTS, Albnins, Bibles, Testaments, Prayer BeoksaFarn- ily Bibles, plain and illustrated, Chil an's Books, illuatrated, Pocket Diaries„ Pocket Books, Purses, Wrefing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladie ' and Gents Dreasing Cases Jewel Case.s Ink tends, Cigar Cass, Meerschaum Pipes!, Toilet e &c. CONSISTING OF. JEW 1...RY. Gold1and Silver Rings; plait and fan y, ' Brooches, Ear Bin es, Bracelets, Gold Stasi kited - Snide, Crold Sfeeve• Buttons Goal Pens„ G -old Pencil Case, Gold and Plated' L o eicets,'Watc(hes, Chaena a Gold , Indus, Alberts; (tc. 1 1 1 • 1 e,t 1 1 CREAT BARCAIN$ IN ... WELRY 1 •1 • . - .i - I CLEARING SALE HAIR ORNAME TS. elf-US/VAL a eon oi_bubs„ BREAKFAST SH AND • . SOI4TAGS, LS NEARL Y GIVEN' Al Y, At HOF Fm4.11 BRIpTIIEBS ,Seaforth. STOVES Of all kinds, MRS. Carraichaers B Pure ; good and ehe WHITNEY'9. 4. TIN ARE alndt in endleite varie y at TITTNEt Se ock4 Main street, Se forth. 9IL, holesale and rot il at Mrs. Pi CUS 0 OR Of all kinds prom tl ttende to and estly exe- cuted. 808 Rs. aiNEY. HURON TJE L. NINO ILL. ESSR S . GRA Y SCO DI to announc )- that they have c nianenced -8-1 business in t p lately oecup ed by Mr. Meetin, and are nclw pr axed to fill ord re for Sc-tshes, .00r Moz s, And all kinds Of anedl lamber. 1 - 1 CHEESE BO ES AND SET ERS, FARM GAES, tY RACKS, c. A good stock of Factory mad in near Main street. Jig Sawing and A. GRAY. i eason d Lumber on and. ber y rd on Goderi h street ustom Planing neatly done. W.H. COTT. S COST At OFF N ;BBOT Oho* Caeh Store, SEAFORT PLANING M L , I SASH, DOR NO LIND FACTORY THE subscriber be s hew to thank bis antierons -1- customers for th pateonage ex ended to him since cornmen mg,, bu ineee in Setif rt , and trusts that he may favo cal with a ce t' mince in1 the same. t Parties intending to build vonld do w o give -him a call, as w 1 continue to keep o hand a large stock of ell ki ds of DRY INE LUMBER, S SilEPO, DOOM, BL NDS, MOULIN SHING- ES, LATH ET He feels contden of givitig satisfaetio who may favour hi with then patronage, but first-class 'Ivor nen are employed. IParticu1aratt eition Paid to Custom 1 291 JO N BROADF D S GOO rce t� those ae none OT.. 0 FOB Trery littl imor tltiacn askingt At HOF 1 0.16•E El) OUT MAN BROTHEES'aS FOSTER' JAME eaforth OLD STAND. WRIGHT TT AS opened in the store next the Seeforth -a-a Foundry and t djoinina Foster's Hotel, al full and complete • STOCK OF OCERIES. _His Teas core od, _Httis i'ugars Cheap, And! his Spices Strong. Call and give th 823 m tr al. JAMES WRIGHT. HATS AND . 030N.NETS:' 11 AT ASTONISHING Lb* PRICE'S At HOFFMA 7 BA01111-ER8% . Chertp,aali Store, Seaforth 1 BUll' ST OPEN, One night last s-eelc°, John L gan's Old Stand. (4 CAUSE—A ARGE NEW SOCK OF FETISH GROCERIES. vsrpp AvEs REDUOND has opened out hi john an a " Logan's old and kirell-known stend nice stock Violins, Concertinas, Accordians, Mo Violin strings, tiniest Italian. Also TOYS for Girls and Boys, at U. LUMS 815 . Wig() INA N TS M 0 ? 319 Lth Organs; 11 of Fresh 1 , 1 • - GROCERIES - . comprising everything which should be found in a first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and FEE on nand. Seaforth. He solicits a Call, nd will examinee ,Hatisfac- tion. J. EDMOND,. Lei A. STRONG, St AFOETH I 7 F INTER - to him. Will Loan Money at 'a Low RATE EST. either on FILYM or 1yillage Pa0P Pm -HI requiring money should app , INSTI E YOUR PRO ERTY AND YOUR LIVES. .ti ,, A. Strong, Seaforth IS ALSO AGENT FOB The Scotfish Provincial Insarance Fire antlLife. ; The Western Insurance Compan,y, oi Toronto— Fire and Life. . The Isolated Risk Insurance CoMpany, of pompany— Canada.. Terms ae reasonable as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. , OFFICE-aover Strong .tit Fairley'd, Grocety Store, Main Street Seaforth. 252 HOGS! HOGS! Wanted at the Seaforth Packin liog3/441. House • MR. THONLAS ST HENS • TAKES mnehnleasure in inforr4ng his numer- Ja bus custonnars that he has r commenced the Pork Packing business in his 41 stand, North Main street. Having secured the services of a practical $ausage-maker, the public can rely on getting a first-class article in either SAUSA.GES OR SUGAR -CURED 11AMS. Those in need of such would do wql to kive hima eall before purchasing elsewhe . All orders promptly attended to. ,P. S. ---Highest price in cash paid for CORN COBS. THOMAS S PHENS, 810 Main s eet,Seaforth. e • TUE ONE THING NEEDFUL 00 Can E AT LAST. A NEW FURNITURE 'STORE IN 4gAFORTH. UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE OF ALL Uiids snob as • Seat, Kid Seat and Spring Seat Chairs, steads, Sofas bocirds, Centre Tables, Lounges, Mattresis s, cf:c. will also be prepared to do all kinds of ORDER WORK, PI UNDERTAKING. NVI4n such is required you will find it to your advantage to patmnize ts on haiid or made to order. SHROUDS always kept in stock. A HEARS the bulaineas. Wlti an acquired knowledge of the business from fourteen years experIT share 4nd a trial of public patronage. - No eye to monopoly. TO 4nabte us to sell cheap and also to save expenses we will be our OWn N. UBE FRAMMG Side: . COFFINS -();•ill be keit te hire in conteotion with ce we respeetfollyesolicit a tier. J. JO NS & .—A new Piano for sale or will be given in part payment for a hcins 0 ' DONNER UN BLAZEN VOT YU- IVI 41; W. B. PORTER NOT DD YIT, He gibs Funnyture avay for nod_din' tu-nie Ter. IBEG to notify ray numerous friends and customers that I have again opened out a new Farniture Ste]. e text door north of M. Robertson'e, where everything in the housekeeping hne may bh found, and. at Irani 20 to 80 per cent cheaper than any other place in town. Wake Op ye Old Bachelors and get married at onceand give me a call before going elsewheas. You will save a fortune by buying b:oin me. Try it and be convinced. 323 . 13. PORTER. THE LAST OFFER SELLING FOR CASH THF LAST OF MY SPLENDID STOCK OF p stry a-11 wool Union and H ALSO FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Cut to fit halls from 20 feet square down to 4 fe 04IL IMMEDIATELY. , p Carp THOM4VS KID ts. INT c5 izt c 1 JUST RECEIVED AT WILSON &. YOUN SEAFORTU, A. Splendid Stock of NEW and FRESH FRUITS, such as Raisins, Currants, and Canned Fruit, all of which will be found good value. Thei every descriPtion of GROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE i the Best and Cheapest in Town. WINES & LIQUORS OF THE BEST & PUREIST BRANDS, Wholesale and Retail. ALE AND PORTER FOR FA3fILY USE, IN GLASS AND WhOD. GROCERIES Of every description in abundance, and cheap. Good Ten from. 40 ciente to $1 per pound.. FLO UR AND FEED always 071 havd. Goods deliveqd in Town Free of Charge, WILS.ON & YOUNG. CHEAPER THAN EVER. i-1 i SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASE]) A LA.RGE QUANT ITY OF TEAS, SUGIARS, FRUITS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUC LOWER THAN THE • CURRENT MARKET VALUE, Is enabled to give the public even BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. The goods are now ,in get their share df the stock, and the inhabitants of Town and Country are a:sited to eome Riad Going at the 4equered Store. JAMES MURPHY, Main -Street, Sea forth. ••=4,47— a.Y NOSNHOr `1983 H1088 ti 0 iSMIODTH OIdcTO 0). c1.2 .A NEW LOT OF DUNDAS COTTONS At HOFFMAN BROTHERS', Seaforth. e ( TO THE PUBLIC' AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar MANUFACTURER., MAIN -ST, SE4FORT11. fr.1 SIGN OF Tilt; SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice a s sortment of light: an.d heavy Harness-, 'Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, de., kept constantly en hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and eharges moderate. Remember the plece sign of Ithe Scotch Collar. W. R. OLIVER, NEW HARNESS SHOP. BRUSSELS. Ti 4 Subscribers wish to state that they have -I- opened Gut a first-class HARNESS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, Where they will keep On hand a choice selection of everything iu their line, such as Harness, Saddles, Whips, !Trunks, Valises Brushes, Currycombs, Cards, Bells, Blankets, And everything that IS usually; found in it first- class Harness Shop. !:..IGHT & HEAVY.HARNESE, if every description made in the latest style, and f the very best material, at prices that defy com- petition. - Good Workmanship 4uaranteed. coma.,.A:Tts (11/1 every description made to artier, and wan -anted not to hurt. 1 A. call is respectfully solicited before purchasing 1 lsewhere. ' 1 Repairing Promptly ttended to. - J Shop immediately North ol Annet's Hotel Turnberry Street, Brussels, Onti 805 DUNCAN. & DAVIDSON, Proprietors WHITE BLANKETS AT COST PRICES At HOFFMAN BROTHERS', SeafOrth;