HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-13, Page 27 7-P 4 , e••• TH THE SMUGGLERS. %%Jarrett ;FOR THE SEAFORTH Exaesrroa. - Before the establishment-ot the pres- ent system of police in Ireland, called " peelers," the quietness of. the country AVall in the keeping of a few old police- men scattered through the at -minim towns and villages, with. a 'revenne.. Officer sta.:, tioned on various parts of the coast to look. after smugglers. Theae offices were not' a sinecure, as smuggling and making petheeh whiskey were carried on in almost all quarters, and although these officers were empowered tocall the military to their assistance in times of trouble,. they very frequently found. that body aery lukewarm in- the pursuit of smugglers and illicit stills, so that -they were often in extreme danger from- the violence of those persons epgaged in the traffic. The country round the beauti- ful bay of COurtinasherry afforded grand scope for this busineis ; the precipitous rocks around the bay were• tunnelled, and here Were numerous stills constant-. ly at work, besides being places of safe7 ty.for the deposit of the amuggled goods brought from. other countries. To. add the! other faellities, a large perpen- &liar' rock called "Horse Reek" stood okt abeut five miles in the bay. On this roek many a valuable cargo was landed, " aa good sized. vessels could anchor right beSide it in high water ; and as almost every farmer living along the coast kept a beat, and was interested -in the ven- ture, it was speedily taken off and de- posited in the various caves until in op- portunity offered fornonveying it away. The most daring.srauggler who traded - ore this coast was called Captain Jack, a ! man evidently. belonging to the higher classes:ape-well:el, smart .and bold, whpse vessel, (a neat, fast:sailing sloop,) isr•a,s manned, by a dozen dare-detils, every one of whom woeld lay down his life for his commander. They had an unlimited supply of arms, and the vessel Carried two small swivels. ButiI must say that Captain° Jack never intended to use his arms except in ea,se of dire necessitv. He trusted to stratagem, at which he was an adept. • . In the village of Drunmalagne, on the western side of the bay, was atatiened a ! revenue officer called Phil Cassidy. He was proykleal with a small cutter and a crew of six men, and with all his exer- .. tions he was very ,selclom so fortunate as te make a prize, one reason for, which was that one of his !men was the pa agent of -Captain Jack, to whoee filen he always gave notice of his niaste movements. But 1Mr. Cassidy was su that he !was now to be rewarded, by grand prize, for he had by some mea learned that Captain Jack's sloop w corning into the bay, and he was off his cutter to mtereept him. The night was! dark and the wind light, and Captain Jac*, having loOked in vain for signals °from, the shore, Was - creeping along, hugaing the land, ve en, lc taming a point, the . look -Out eri d. " By all the saints, bat there's tease dy, the thief !" . " Captain, dear " cried Yat Dorm 1. an, (who was called he gunnea) • will' •you lave me blow hi ' out of the Nvathier-? By ray sowl, but I can do it All a jiff,y. " No, no, 'Pat,' said Captain "J4ck, " we'll do better than. eommit murder. We'll allow him t c ane on bgla,rd qu'et- ly, and then We'll take them all pri ma: ers." . • - Meanwhile Cassidy came dashing alongside and sl outed,' "Ship, ah what vessel is that V' . . " The Green Isle, froM Liverpo answered Captain jaelc, 1' who are yo " His Majeety's! revenue cutter, Mr. CassidY. Lay to, !Fted. let me come on• board." - "Now," said Captain .Tack th Iiis Men, " let six of you coneeal yonrselves at first,- and when I seize Cassidy do- you all throw yourselves en diis men ;" and speakina aloud. he said, " I -suppose I must obDey your orders, but you will find that I am but an lienest trader,"- and fl, rape betel; thrown to the Cutter, Cassidy c and three of his 331_01I jtimped on board. 0 " S 0, my fine fellow," said -Cassidy i flourishing his cablass, '' I have lon ' ("f k been lookina for y !ti, but 1 have caught you at last, and a uice haul I shall make," he added, ..s his eyes glared. on the kegs and hOXO VVillell he beheld. But the words vere Scarcely spoken when Captain. Jac '-' with a violent blew on the face felled iim to the deck, thiJew , himself on him anl soon he was .so dis- -e no farther resiat- the Captain strtick :men jumped on the Whilst 0 sidy and hui en were On. their way te! Poll's cabin th *sloop dashed on to Horse*ck and-waa seen _surround-, ed by bOatstland when the crews were told bythe Catttain that -they need mot be in a great huray, as he had Cassidy and his crew prisoners, they gave three hearty cheers -which woke the echoes of the bay. Bat *hen they found that he in- tended tp aiberate theta on his return they too Were dissatisfied, and it re- quired all tile Captain's influence to get them to prdanise that they would not in- jure either Cassidy or his men. As soon as the vessel was unloaded, and the Cap- Ii4.1 tain had h4d a private conversatio with Poll, preparations were made fot etum- ing, and various were the conjectures lof the country people as to the Captain's conduct, bet all agreed, that he . was a daripg, find fellow, and one who never broke his promise. On the return of the vessel the Aignal gun was fired, the gun- ner and hie comrades were brought on board by t)re spy,- who, having reeeived some money, returned for Mr. Cassidy aild his me6 whilst the sloop stood out to sea. s may be imagined, Cassidy was raging it the usage he had received and at his disappointment in haVing a rich prize lip from his grasp when fairly (as he tho ght) within it, and he vowed that he w eld net be entirely disap- pointed. , O, instead of steering back r into the b he landed with four of his men, and awing a geed idea of the di- rection th 1oads would be taken, he, with some hired spies which he obtained, crossed. thel country, and before daylight came up with a number of horses, each carryiag Wes or boxes, and attended by a strohg griat'rd of well -armed men„who, having kept a gopd look out, perceived Cassidy before he did them, and before one of his larty approached the horses they were' severally . attacked, and a regular melee ensued in which the guager's pirty wen badly injured, and some of they liveS Weald have paid the forfeit of their purshit only for the ex- plicit orderire alavays given by Captain Jack that &life should be taken where it was possible to &Void it. Meanwhile the horses were being speedily driven away, whi st CaSsidy's party gathered themselves ter in a sot against all Captain Ja diately inf outrages id upon him, de- the lavvless r's Grew was d ea with a latg a were posted RS as )1 9,1 up an y smug k in returned to the cut - ht, vowing vengeance lers in general, and articular. He imme- rmecl the authorities of the hich ad been comanitted li rat ;so well did. he represent state o the country that his r ubled and he was supplied r cutter,' and proclamations in all places offering. a large reward for the apprehension of Captain jack in partibular, or any of the perSons concerned iii the late iettrage. place the Green Is e was returning with Whilet tlfiese piceedings were taking a valuable ca,reo,,and the Captain, having been informeeby eorne secret friend .of all that had taken : place, was equally vigilant to countelaCt their plans, and being aviare that sPies were on the look- out in eVery direction, and especially was the " shebeen" at the . cross roads, kept by Peggy MelVIahon, well watched, being the resort of anaugglers. But Mrs. McMahon was acqhainted with all their plans, and. having been previcusly in- structed she pretended to be. much sur- prised when; on thel evening 'on Which ahe sloop was signalled, a disguised, man !came in at her back. door, who, with an excla,mation, she called Captain -Jack, requesting to know lif anything wrong had. occurred: ''' Ah " said tli. stranger, ." I have made a 'bad job of it this time, and Was obliged to leave the Green Isle, which is off, no one knows" where. I shall stay with you to -night; and get me something to eat, for 1 aan half starved, but be aure yon let ao °lie know I am here." This ,piece hif news was immediately conveyed. byl the serya,nt girl who was also in the septet to Cassidy's spy, who, believinw that now there was no doubt of 0 . metering -the Cap ain, set off as fast as ars could • send him. aeross the bay to nform his employer. Cassidy's joy new no bound's, whilst, with his wh.ole orce, he hasteeed. to the "Shebeen," be - ng pow almost sin e of his prey, and at ne stroke gratify s i'evenge and obtain, he large reward. So having laid his lans for surround lig the house, he was uietly closing on- it when a man, fit' a meat state of excitement, rushed from e. back door, fired at randem amongst hp party ancl took Ito the fi.elds, jumping ver hedges , and. !ditches, - hat not so imbly bat that Cassidy's party, who =ere now in hot pursuit, felt that after time they should ibe: able to overtake im, feeling - certain: that the fugitive as no other than 'aptaiu Jack himself. ncler this impres ion, they, continued. he chase Until day ight, when the man, aving led -them several miles, turned. owaads them: and with a laugh asked hat they were pill:suing him for. and arting off like a dber was soon out of ght. Cassidy at once saw that he was ricked again; and his rage knew no ounds, whilst he and bis party a.rrived. at the bay :ouly an time to learn that the sloop had arrived, was unloaded and had returned.. Such were the expedients of this daring smuggler, in order to prevent the shedding Of blood; but at the very next- trip, Cassidy, being determined. to take him, was joined, flsy another small - cutter :with a• crew of '.ten men, lay on the look out for a • week, about the time of the Captain's return, and was reward- ed by seeing the Greenisle coming slow- ly on, keeping under the land. The night not being dark they were seen by the smugglers, who at once divined their in- tention of boarding them from their -sep- arating from each other. Captain Jack, acting wita his usual promptness, at once gaVe the word to " cleax for action " much to the delight of his men, who at once armed, themselves with swords, _pistols :and boarding pikes. The loeg swivels were loaclee4 and the Captain or- dered that, if possilsle, Cas.Sady's cutter should be SO far disabled as that only one drew should be able to come along- side " and. of them," said he, " we'll lhalte short work." acCordingly; as soon . , as the cutters Were -within range, a couple of well -directed shots from the swivels nearly cut Cassidy's in two, so that it was with the Utmost difficulty theY could keep he? above water, whilst they speedily :made for the land. The other cutter, -regardless of the fate of their companions, pressed boldly forward to the side of the Green Isle, and now commenced a desperate hand-to-hand struggle in their endeavors to board, which was determinedly opposed by the snaugglers, Captain :Jack himself thrust- ing Many of thon !back into the water. At length, fairly °dispirited, and with a great part of their number badlywoand. ed, they compelled, to retreat and join their comrades, but not 'one 'moment too soon, for they had aearthely time to re - abled he coul it hi a ance. As socht Cassidy the bAhlei others fram b hinci, but their resistas .ce was but Wing When , they saw theh. Captaau Jack t the cutter (who hi -as on board, Nvideb he In a few seconde ey nd firmly :bound, 'tend commander C10 Wri. Ordered the man .in his friend) to 4onic did very quietly. ware all disarmed then the Captain Gilled the gunner into the Cabin. " ow," said he, take two men with yeu and sring these fellows in their cutter to P 11 Duty's cabin a keep them there °curdy bound un oar return, aud nal gun let ,Dohei with you to the sl return and liberat fore thee get to t be all safe and wo Bat, Captain ( " what's thanced r the dirty, main! blt hang every soul of to the men, an' we of them, an' p woat trouble us an f • P tki a rid 81 til t eri you hear the - ty, our spy, come 'off op,. and he, pan Oen the ethers, and be- e bay the cargo, vill be miles away." eah," said - Donovan, f all this trouble wid ckguards that would ? ,Tist lave them II melee short work omiies ye that they - more:" "No," said Captain Vick, " you must not injure them, al d if you. did it would make things worse for -us, far then, in- stead of -.having m ly. Ca.ssidy to d al with, there werdal pprhaps be a h 4f dozen scut hi his 1 lace ; besides I siii,11 never take auY ma. i's life except in s If defence." Much ahe in et th wishes of the crew to let them off so ea ilv, Cassidy aed is men were lowered jilt° the cutter, and attended by Donn •ran and two others they steered_ across the bay to Poll Duty's 1 cabin, This was a 1 old hut, built above high water on . the side pf the 'bay by some fishermen, and now sometimes (but very seldom) occupied by Poll Duty, who was an eccentric woman who came sto the country about the time that Ca,ptain Jack litit made his appearance, and it seems that she knekv all his secrets a,nd was so much interested in his affairs t at she was always th' first to -notify the people when the s oop was coming 'n. She was a, powerfu ly built woman, led.a roving life, always 'welcome amongst the Captam'e friends, and wore a man's cOat and hat' and travelled with a , heahry stick, and she always knew where e guager and revenue fo!ificer were, and he best time for moving the stuff. - Captain Jack was very kind to her, and woald supply her with mere money than s e would accept from him. m ve the wounde frpm : Cassidy's ca- ts when she went down. - 1 aptain Jack no boldly 4.malied on to hi old landing, w ere, being met by his fri nds, his cargp as quickly taken Off, an his sloop agai headed. for thegoeean, b this time, t theesurPrise of the CY w, having tak n our old friend, Poll Duty, on board. When the Green Isle ha , after several hours' Oick en ered a retired reek, which was often us as a stappin place captain Jack ca ed the men to "fetter, and, having re- counted many of le hair -breadth. escapes which they bad t ,gether, continued : I had hopel that my career, as a smuggler, would nd without taking life, and even now, I ope, we have not clone so. but for all the rest am well pleased h our action,- a nd the way you stood me." And now, co reales," continued the tain, "1 ha,ve to inform you that we have taken our 1 t venture together, for before we commenced this voyage I re- ceived news from home, -in;which it ap- pears that great changes haye taken place which oblige me to give up. my present life. This is why I have. brought Poll Dtty on board, fix' as she has always fol owed my fertune, she is deterthined to lo so still. But to prove to you how mi ch 1. value our fidelitai to me in the pa t, I have concluded to present you wi h the sloop and her belongings, and m agent knows where to foward the sums due to Me 'on shore. Yon will, therefore, put me and Poll, with my per- sonal traps, on ore somewhete near Dub- lin, and, I have enly to add, that if y on con- tinue in the bu.siness you will endeavor, as far as possible, to take no man's.life, and, if you get into aay gteat difficulty you shall not want a friend,. as, although I aM obliged tb leave you,- I Ishall never wi by Ca forget yoU." - The passions and emotions of the crew at the hrring of this unexpected news, cannot be des ribed. They cried, they cureed, they b gged him. to remain, and, when asslured. that it was impossible, they thanked iira in the most grateful manner fpr his generous gift, and. having, by his advice, eleeted their future cap- tain, as soon a$ they had arrived at the pla e indicated, Captaia Jack and. Poll Du y were put ma shore, and the smug- glets sailed off. for a fresh cargo. But their career was not a long one, they ma4e a few trips with indifferent suc- cess, not eying the master mind of Cape t tairi Jack to ditect. them, and large sams being offe ed for their captain, all the revenue officers alOng the western -toast of Ireland were on the look -MA for fhem, and so, in passing !near the. (Ad head of Kinsale, they were fairly poanced upon by the la ge armed cutter placed. near that stati n. To aeaist, wmild be per- fect, mad ess, as ai few shota from. the heaty gu s would have sent them to the bottorii. hey had, therefore, no alter- native bil to Surrender, and they, with their ves el, were taken to Kinsale, whence t ey were speedily soot to Cork jail, to be tried/ for smeggling and other high crim s and misdemeanors. . But no sooner had an a,ccoent of the capture appeared in the papers, than two eminent laWyerS arrived;from Dub- lin, (one of the being no other than the famous Dan 0' onnell, just then coming into notic ,) an being introdpeed to the reisoners, they informed tliern that they had been mpl yedl by a friend to defend them, and they had no dolibt that they would pi 11 them throng . And well 1 they kept their premise, for by the tinfe the trial erne, on some mySterious in- fluence me s -us d by which the prosecu- tion of all othe charges was abandoned .except sn uggling, and so 'cleverly was the affair manalged. ihat they, were sen- tenced onl to three nionths: imprison- ment, wit 1 the loss of the yeesel, which, however, vas, by some means, again re- turned t thein. ' And although the lawyers w uld. ive no information as to their &let d, they ha,d no donbt bat it was their ld 0 ptain jack: From t is ti e forward. shauggling .was carried o onl on a small scale, and, although vhiskey was still tiaade, the interest, in the ma,nafacture was greatly lessene.d. • Sheltie, m gen. roare maim up Gien ye . fleei up wit'a een ; an' + to ye, We ye gie in to till a, ere there Ill n o' the N the grun' soo the polish gentlemai ing the th man. . It's aye ktigin', ohn. I \ or! bagonet cl 'shed. Y yer best in' my man fechtin' like • a map, ye' Titomas' Eclectric, irit e WORTH TEN KNOW imEs ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. DO YOU NYYKINO ()PIT P IioNoY, IT ie 11 There ara batTIft Yi°)/pDalpro:tione of need,ieiric ,e,e, twitheicpho ho pelt° 7 rtb:utoy6.40rteheat. ilenazgatrilioail ttindegiu. eounte 0of -7 the'Se ie Tito s' EVEDYnIo OIL,'Iptirely a peeparee U ation of six o -some off thebest oi that are knOwn, n... each one pos essing virtues of it own. Scientific flt 0/ physicians,know that medicine): may be formed of quatet face an' w • wide ope re's a great Ane at '11 ea laddie 1' But gie he enemy, he'll urn ye i in' thiug at eat dirt ; a be a hole in 'a crystal wa' w Jerusalem near enough to o lat ye creep thr u!.." as ever Alexaud r Graham, d thinker and swe t -mannered , opened his mu b. concern- ngs which he love best, that moment the most poetic orms came peering oht in the most rueged speech. I rec on, sir," said She e, Jacob 3 had a fou .hten out his battle That' jist it, my boy. nd because he wouldi a get up and fech manfully, God had o ta,k in han'. &ye heard tell o' ge erals, whan their troops war rinniu awa', haen to -cut thi man doon, shete that ane, and lick ani her, till he taned them. a' richt face abo t and dra.ve them on te the foe like a s ate ! And the trouble God took svi! Jo ob was na lost.upon him at last." " An' what cam o' Esau, sir ?" ask -e a pale -faced maiden • with blue eyes " He wasna in ill kin' o' chiekl-wa he,i sir ?" I `I` No, Mappy," answered the master ; " he was a fine chield, as you say ; but he hot (needed) mair time and gentler treatment to mak onything o' him. Ye seethe had a guid hert, but was duller kin' o' crater a'thegither, and cared for na.ething he qould. na see or hanle. He never thoucht muckle about God at a'. Jacpb was a‘nither sort -a poet kin' o' a man, but a sneck-draWin' crater for a' that. It was easier, however, to get the slynesseot o' Jacob than the dullness oot o' Esau. 'Punishment tellt upo' Jets like upon a thin-skinned horse, wh uraf3 Esau was mair like the minis- ter's powny, that cau hardly be made to unnerstan' that ye.want him to gang on. But o' the ither han' dullness is a thing that can be borne wi';' there's na hurry aboot that ; but the deceitful tricks o' Jacob wax na/to be endured, and sae the tawse (leatheir strap) came doon upo' 1 " An' what for didna G-od make Esau as clever as Jacob ?" asked a wizened - faced boy near the top of the class. " Ah, my Peery !" said Mr. Graham, "1 canna tell ye that. A' that j can tell is, that God hadua dune maliin' him, aa' some kin' o' fowk tak longer to make oot the,' ithers. 'An' ye canna tell what they're o be till they're made oot. But whether vhat I tell ye be richt or no, God. mane hae the verra best o' riz- zons for 't, unnerstan'-t himser, I mea his cratur firs coficluded M English, " g diligent, that • stiveralingredients in:certain li ed -proportions of greater poem, told producing a cote which cdeteld uever result 4mn the nee of any lone of them, or in * different coenbinations. Thint in the prom/Mien of this oil a chemical change ta es place, forming 1 a compound which could not by eh possibility be made from any other combined me or proportions of the mune 'ingredients, or any other ingredients, and entirely different from an, thing ever before made, one wh eh produces the le et astonishing re- sults, and h ving a wider raiige of applietition taiue no ale hol or other vela De liquids, cense- than any me ieine ever before dreovered. It eon- quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you. g t the benefit of evOry drop ; 'whereas with other p epatatitins pearl all the-aledhol ie loet in that ev ne-and you get on y the small quan- tity of oils which they may cent iin. ' S. N. THOMAS ePirEnri>, N. Y; And NORT HOP & LYMA , Newcaetle, Ont., Sole Agents 1 r the Dominion Nerree-Ele * trie-Seleeted. en 1 Electriked. - Sold • in Se forth by E. Hie son & Co -and R. Lumsdeu. The 44.caat nen a 1 e 5013 10sE81 PRItIODIc, able utediftine is hoee painful and weal° conetituei xeess and remov ne may be relied ire married 1 idiee, it hepeculiarlysu,ited. It will o. short tim , bring on the in nthly period with regularity. These Pilla hould not 'be t keu by Females daring the lir t threennonthe o Pregnacee n.s. they are sure to bri g on Miscarrittg , but at any other time they are s fe. - In all cases Nervous and pains in the b ck and limbs, I Tars invah , cure of all (1' to which the inoderates all s and a speedy e. Remedy; Penns. unfailing in the langerousdiseaties a is subject. It s all obstructione, phial Affections, tient° on slight ex- ertion, palpit tion of the he rt, hp:Aeries, and whites, these p'lls will effeet-a are when all other means have failed; and alt ough a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, callauel, antimony, or Ifl anything hurtf to the constitution. Full directi ns in the pamp let around each package, whie should be'crirefr lY praserved. Job Moses, le eye York, Sole Pr Prietor. $1.00 and Northop &Lyman, or the Dominion, over 50 Pills by ekson & Co., and 197-9 124 cents Ione Newcastle, Ont will insure ft. retitrn mail. enn'es" S ohl in • R. Lunisden. take, enclosed t ,i4eneral agents ottle, coutainin caforth by E. H _T- M. LEET Solicitor, Wiugham, has been • pointed Ag nt for the Colontl Securities Com- pany of England, he is also Ager t for several pri- vate capitalist. of Toronto, who loan Money at very rettsonabl ratese Interekt payable yearly Chargeti mode te. • Winghann D c. 15,1871. issf chAUGHE torneys n fusolvency, N Solicitors for t the Canada Lif N. B. -S30,0 Houses and Lo ENSON & at Law, Sol citors Chance Conveyancers, 're:inn-leg Public, forth and Wrox ter. $23,000 of nvest at once, r t Eight per cent. & HOLMEST Law, Solicitors taries Public .0 e R. C.13ank, Sea Assurance Comp tny, 0 to lend. ,at 8 ar cent. Farms, for sale. 53 BYER; Barrietdr • and Attorneys and Insolyency, t . Offices -Sea- ) ivate Funds to._ terest, payable. 213 * 13arristers, At n Chancery an6 d Conveyancers. Orth. Agents for ver-gnid maybe for us to i se best •a' rizzons for Esau for the;Creator links efter av-a' (nf all). And. now," O-raham, resuming his to your lessons, and be ocl may think. it worth %Ville to get oh faster with the making of you. "-Pro Afalcolvt, by George Mac- donald, in pincotes. yearly. JAS. n. ELNSON. .,_. _ (AT R. SQUI *II, Barrister, A torney.fn Chane - 1, V Y • ery, &c., Goderiele, Ont. Oilitte-over J. C. Detlor & Co.'s mporium, Mark t Square. 269 1 SPECIAL NOTICES 1 13REA_KFAST.-EPP8'S COCOA. -GRATE- F L Ate]) COMFORTING. -" By a thorough k lowledge 'of the natural laws which vein. the operation's of digestion and trition, and by a careful. application of t le fine properties qf well -selected e0t30a, r. Epps has provided our breakfast ta- b es with a dellicately flavoured beverage N may SajNrC us many heavy doctors' b Service Gazette. Made s'mply with Boiling Water or Milk: aeh packet 'is lalielled--JA.MES EPPS & neHomeeopathie Chemists, London." e t .acturers .of 'dietetic articles, atlitheir orks in the !Euston Road, LondOn"--; - twit's Rouseltold Guide. A ,BEAUTOPUL "HORSE. - There is n thing that ean, contribute SO much ✓ uder the hol•Se beautifel and 'elegan t improVe h's-condition and make hi a 1 that is de liable, as " Darley's d tion PewderS and :Arabian Heave,Item- e y ;" it has heen used by many persons N own' valuable. carriage find ether. h rses with decided suceeos, and so well p eased are they with it • that they ale ays keep it en hand in case..of emerg. e "cy e it May be given at all, times with Perfect safety. Try it. Remember the :name, and see that the. si nature of ; & CO., iS on each. p jekages ITOrthrop & lepnada, Ne w - c stle, Oet., propsietors for 'Canada. 8 Id by all medicine dealers. Colds, when left to tl emselves, frequently ,bring ptilinm wry complaints, which lea,d to that dis -,ssing and fatal disease, consumption b t, if attended to in time, " Bryan' P \Yam's " are a, certain reniedy ley -stop the irr itOtin cough, and soothe a 6 I I KANUFACTCRE OP COCOA.-" We will w give an account of the process adopt - by Messrs.° °James Epps & Co., !plan - I. have now onl to, add, that some, yearS aftei the a,bos e tranSa.ietion took place, a gentleman, who was ,iacquainted with Captain Jaca as a emaggler, denly met, witl him in LOndon, when, after: litqe itation, he acknowledged' that he was th man, and, having retir- ed te an hotel, e teld him I that he wai the Younger of two loons ; that the' farn- ily was one o wealth anc'h influence ; that he. and hib bristlier had 'a serious quarrel, bids reselted . his leaving home in 'age. t, and ha,ving fallen in with, smile rock. ese cliaracters in France '- he becan e a ;smuggler "; that Poll DtitY had nurs d him, and, having been driven to t v rge of insanity by the - losS of has and and son in a Eitorin hehen fishing, sh had resol ved • to follow him ! through th WO ; that his elder broth- er havine ied =serried, Ina' father ad- r- VertiSed fo his Only to be ncle ed with, th fam noW the ac -nna estates ow ed L an ial mentr whi h erted in be alf and lastly, that although he had amply provided for his nieree,' Poll Duty, (which by the way was not her real name,) she Often in sectet wished foehthe reckless life which he 1 cl when ecaling -the rug- ged coast it loci King out foe the smug- . J. A. to t, . c. 3tEY.F. Sqs ier & Rudd, IRAIIRISTER , Attorneys, Soli itors Chancery, &e., Brussels, Ont. Ofilee- eve doots noeth of the Post Office. W. R. SQUIBB DANIEL ▪ cDONALD, 271 Gochnich. 13rnesels. STOTEisess Tz'NOX'S OTEL, SEAT' RTH. - Thomas -1-3"- Knox beg. to state to hi • old friends and and the teavelli g public, that e has leased the Efotel lately o cupied by Mr. MURRAY, and formerly know as the DOWN *Y HOU 'E, and hopes to receiv * a eontinuance f the p tronage so liberally bes owed upon him during is runny years in the h tel business: E •ery comfort and convenience wi lbe provided foe travellers. The choicest Liquor and Cigars milt- kept iii the Bar. A careful and r Liablehostler ale ys in attendanee. 291 - THOMAS KI1 X, ProPrietor. pRINCE OF -1- C. J-.1 MeCU accommodation plied with the v stabing attach every day for W WALES EIOTE J, Clinton, Out., CHEON, Propr etor. First-class for tenetellere. l'he Bar is sup- ry best thinkers nd cigars. Good d. • The etage 1 aves this House , 204-0 FOSTER'S HOTEL, S THOMAS FO -A- friends am opened his new Seaforth, wher tiou for man a a beast. The be cigars at the ba THO ORTH. 'TER bags to inform his old the traveling e blie that he has hotel, edjoining the Post Office he has. the very PLED. CALIA est aceommoda- t of liquors and IAS FOSTER.. ni Telt; CA3fP13 1- -Li LL, (Gnidunte of ,MeGill Univer- sity, Mont •eril,) Coroner foe the County of 1' I Huron. Mee Next door to Oehler Brothers' Marble Works, and oppoSite M *Callum's Hotel Main -street, Se orth, nearthe B ilway Station. Talt. ICING, "eafortb, (late -Le' Coroner foe the Comity of residenee over ohnson 13rotheee- Main-st. Calls t DR. RING'S tended to day lor night. LT L. VEROOE, M. D., C. If -1--1-. geon ete., Coroner for the Office and 'Reel ience, Corner of (313 streets, next to the Planing Mill.1 f Carronbrook,) erth. Office and Hardware Store, dice will be at - 287 . Physician, Sur - 'minty of Huron. inlet and High A, M. CAMP ELL, V.'. S., Licantiete and Prize- mau of C rnell UniversitenIthaca, N.Y., and Graduate of 01 .to.rioeVeterinirey Cpllege, Toronto, *neatly in Varna, wherehe will be :willing to attend to all kinds of kin& of , animals' (man excepted), ‘-eather; and . 11 ,honrs. Resi- two doors east of Cook's Tem- . 319 le has settled pen ',found ready am diseases, in all in all kinde of S deuce and office &ranee Hall. , . retern, in such •a forin steal by those acqaaint- 1 ily history ; that he Was r ledged aeir of the large t y , the familyi, and held osition in t4e Govern- e uence he hod( freely ex- - f bis former companions 1 ...-•41.- . An 0 igirial Bible-t4esson. 1 . i . The teac ler called u -p the Bible -class,. and Malco m skit beside and listened. That *morn] g they had. to read. one of the- chaptei - in the history of Jacob. __ " Was 3-, cob 3, good. man ?""be asked, . as -soon as t le reading, each el the schol- ars ic turn akii g a verse, was over. An a,ppaaentl universal eXpression of assent follmcd. ; halting in its wake, however, c me he voice of a , boy near the bottom of the class : . 1 . " Wasua he same dooble, .ir ?" " You a e right, Sheltie " said the' master • " he 10a4 double. I must, -I find, Pu't the question in another shape. \Vas Jacob a ba man ?" - Again cal e a ch a burit o yesses that . it mialit ha e b en taken fo a ohneral b - hiss. Bet l'mpi4g in the rear came again the half-clis enti nt voice of , onsie Joss, whom the ast r has just a dressed as Sheltie : " Pairtly sir. , " You th uk, hen, Sheltie that a:man may be bot ba any good ?"i , " I dinna kepi, sir. I think he may be whiles a e • daf whiles the ither an' whiles may e it wad ,be ill to say whilk: i Oor coolie's hi es in twa, mi 2-s whether he'll du wh t h 's telled or n ." "That's he battle of Armageddon, d strengthen the brOnehial tubes, al ing all irritations and inflammation ley are also particularly. adapted fo e use of singers aud public speakers Id be all druggists and cmintry deal . Price 25 cents per box. VE.1. leltIN Ale Y SUli (e'l*: ON .-11) . McNAITGIIT, T. S., begs to announce to. the inhabitants of . Seatarth au 1 • • ry that he hruf ✓ been n.wartied tie diploina of the Ontario Veteriu- ary College, and is mew prepared treat diseases ' of Reuses and Cattle and all elmne tie animals. Hi - has opened an o ice in cornier:tie with his horse - shoeing shop, ere he will be fonnd ready to tit- ., tend to calls. iseases of the feet specially a.t- t- tended to. Residence, oilice and Shop iu the rear d of Kinoran & Ite.an's new store. All kinds of Vet- _ erinary Medicines kept constantly on Inind. O 1 Charges reasonable. 229 M. POUCEIET, in his great work, " Th U iverse," says that "Anatomically an pi ysically speaking, the human. mechan is n is very rude and coarse compared t t d exquisite delicacy revealed in the or nism. of certain aninials. But in us, th in ellect, the mese sceptre of the uni rse, predominateo over the apparen perfection a matter. Through it ma al me approaches the chosen creature w shine near the throne of the Eternal a d. form a bond of union between Heaven al d earth. lf in his structure he belong to our sphere, he seems already to elevate hi self toward the Supreme Essence by th splendor of his genius." A grancland inlosophic truth, and yet howscompara ARCH 13, 18 4. 7 BY-LAW NO I a 1874, . To raise by iiway of Loan the sum Of ITwenty housand Dollars for the IATTIEPurPREcAges, tlie CPUrEHoitcrneaclhiloialscItinif,\,y.egthiehCseooirT:Aio:rart)tot,illowvneiurtonrh! GraVel:Rciv,sA. • tchhvven sNeitchwtheeoC:NaillIi?olibli31}11ing the collection of Tolls en all the Gravel R4dsin the Baia County. And WHEREAS, to carry into effect the said recited object, it twill be necessary for the Council Thonsend Dollar4 in the manner hereinafter men - of the Raid Corporation to =is: the srun of Twenty 1 ti.°.Anned(LWITEREAS, the amount of the -whole rate - ,:stile property in the Conn ty of Huron, irrespective of any future inc)fease in the same -and- irrespec- tive of any inconeh to be deriviA from the tempor- i&irYienitniovieletr, oein:tanl ptitnret t8hirleiknionfg afcacn0111xlilinegreitilOaftteh: last revised and equalized .Asseesinent Rolle of the said County, b.eing for the year One Thousand "INEliigllilitonlis iniOanreedllarri{xidSreeldenatnliiNnineletlev-"TI‘bioultienend T, in-Aneed,Hwnllnti•edEAatd, tSheeveanmtyoeuFlilvtclo)folltahres. existiaz debt of the said Cinnity Nees follows : Principal, Two Hundred mid Fifty -Nine, Thomerna Eight Hundred and Thirty Dollars, for Gravel Rout Debentures, bearikig interest at tbe rate of eie. per cent. per annum. The anneal interest to be paid io.enatahnedsEaiidghdetbeetni. Foinfttic.:isniulld'h(Enzhoti+.31:Cle%vtes ,11u-npon dil- , which debt there is no interest in nrren.r. And Wei.EREAS, it will inquire the sum. of Two. Thousand Two Thindincl Dollars to be raised an- nmilly by spec:Jed; -rife for the payment of the said debt and interest, as also hereinafter men- ti°A.Z11-WHEREAS, for paying the interest and creating an equel minal Sinking Fund for eae-in the said stem of 'wepty Thousand Dollars and interest as herein fter mentioned., it will require an equal annual e ecial rate of One Hounueni(irreodf anthde a Mill in the Dollar, in addition to all other rates Sixty Nine Hundred Ana Pi fty-Ninthe (160-959) of anEdetiateethsetroebfoereleveinetteleietiedeable, teh-eetirc. Corporation of theiCounty of Huron.: let.-Thatit sha11 be lawfulefor the Warden of the said Count•y of11:furon tb raise by way of loan from any person () persons, body or bodies tor- porate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit Of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, a snm not exceeding in the whole the edm of Twee ty Thousand Donlan, and cause the same to be paid into the bends of the Treasurer of the county aforesaid for the purposes and -with the objeet above recited, • 2d.e-That it ehall be lawful for the said War- den to cruise any number of Debenturee to be made for such sums of money, not less than One Henulred Dollars each, and that the said Deben- tures shall be sealed withthe seal of the said Coe. poration tind be signed by the Warden rind Colin- tirsigned. by the Treasurer of the said County, e • 3d.-nThat the said Debentures shell be made payable in twenty years at fmachest from the- day hereinafter mentioned for this By-Lo.w to take ef- feet, at the office Of the Tree:niter of the said Cminty of Huron,* and shall have attaChed to them coupons for the payment of the interest an- nually, signed by the said Warden and Treasurer, 4th. -That the said Debentures and Coupons ahall be made out in the currency of this Domin- ion, so that whole *punt of said Debentures shall not exceed the beftere mentioned Imre of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and they shall bear interest at the rate of six per 'cent. per annum, 'which inter- est shall be payrible on the. first any of july in each year, and evetv year dining the -continuance of the said debentures, P t the office of the Treas- urer of the said County of Hnron. 5th.-Thet for the impose ,of forming &sinking fund for the payment of the said Debentures and the interest at the a•ate aferesaid, to become due thereon au equal special rate of One Hundred and Sixty Nine Hundred aud Fifty -Ninths (160-959) of a Mill in the Dollar, shall in addition to all othez rates and taxes be raised, levied and collected, in eftch year npon all :the rateable property within the County of Huron, during the continuance et the said DebentureS or any of them. t6th.-That thie Bylaw shall- take effect and ecnant into operation upon the first day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred. and Seventy -Four! NpTICE. The above is a trne copy of a proposed By -Law to be tnkeu into coneideration by the Municipal ucil of the County of Hueem, at Goderich, in the snid County, on the Fourth Day of June, 1874. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and plate the members of the Council are hereby required to attend for the pmpose aforesaid. PETER I:ADAMSON, C.ounty Clerk's Offiee, 1 • CiiiilltIsC2:7; Goderieh, Feb. 26,11374. f 1 TO THI3 PUBLIC A..111:31;CA. TN CONSEQUENCE of friends that have been practiced. upon you, by two or three intliyidnata ttbo for a time took the name of the " New York Chemical Companyn making and selling soine- thing which they gall " Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment," and which, for a season, were freely sold in many parts of the British. Provinces as my genuine PAN and Ointment, I have, for some time paet, considered it My dute- to caution tha through the medimn of the press, against buying these spinious aetichCs. Judgments have been ob- tained against.this Bankrupt Crew, iu one case by a Mr. Camara, who', when about to levy, at the latter end of October Nst, found the name of the Chemical Company had been painted out and that of Samuel Vose substituted. Many respectable firms in the British Provinces who obtain sny medicines direct from here, hlive very properly suggested that I should, for ale benefit of them,: solves and the public, insert their mimes In the papers, that it may ibe knoevn that my medicines eau be had genuine from them. The following - is a list of the firms 4lluded ; and I partieularly recommend those who desire to get my medicinea to apply toesome of 'the Homes_ named •: Messrs. AvElly, Bnown & ,Co., Hftlifax, N. S. ; Mesers. FoUsYTH & Co., lialitax, N. S.; Meesre. T. B. BennEn & Soxs, qt. John, N. 13.; Mr. T. DE,S BRISAY, Oharlottetoivn, P. E. I.; Messrs. LANGLEY & Co. Victoria, 13, (i.; Messrs. Moonh & Co.. Vic- toria,'E. C.- Dr. ;Torte* Pannnx, Cheitham, N. B.; Messra. Mu'enio & Montreal; Messrs. ;T. WiNtit & Co., Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. 73. J. Rosen Toronto ; ''ele C . Se • , John, N. 13.: Mr. JUIIN BOND, GOderiOb, Ont.; Messrs, ELLIOT & Co., Toronto ; Mr. J. gli-AtoNE.n, St. John, N. B.; Messrs. Henincerozt Buirrnnes St John N ; .71er. R. In PRIDDy; ,Winclizor„ Ont.; Mrs. 023.)13N, Mordeni N. S.; Mr. deeees: c. HI -NT, Jr., Finder- itton, N. Be Mr. W.11. Tuomesox, Harbor Grace; N. . _ . Vinnv, Fredereeton, N.13.; Messrs. W. &' D. YELLE, Montreal. My Pills and Ohitment are neither mantifaCtured nor sold in any part of the United States. !Each Pot nud 13ox bears the Britieh Government stamp, with the words, "Hol- loway's Pills and Ointment London " enennyed thereon. The 1110101es -are sobl at the lowest wholesale net ',rites, in qtrantities of not less than . J. G. BULL, L.D.., .4.'20 worth, viz.: Ste; fkl. 22s., and ;els. per dozen e - boxes of Pills or pets of Ointment, for which re- - URGE ON , Denit'st, &c., Seaforth, mit t epees • must be salt in advance. . Ontario. Platt; work, latest THO:ITA:i HOLLOWAY . t 9 yles neatly - . - • . - f g e al operations mrformed with care and Promptitude. Fees as .1( w cap be ob- S t • in 8 A '11 t 5 LI, Office. hours fr , P. M. Rooms over Mr. A. O. Mc ougall'e Store, Main-st. 270 • P ti ely small t e number, and rare the geaias, displaYed in proportion to the number of the earth's inhabitants. Were man to corform, MORE to the laws of health ankl of nature, ilici be less addicted to the gr tification of ,his passions, it would not be necessary te advertise Fellows',Com- po ind Syrup of Hypophosphites as a re- st rative for the powers of the brain and ne •vous system, while the world's progress in enlightemnent would indeed be mar- ve lous. - - - - --- Is' NOT WHAT Y013 EAT, 13UT WHAT You digest that makes you .strong. Unless th food taken is perfectly dissolved, assimilated an converted into pure blood, general nervous all physical proetration. inevitably result ; . the whole system is irOoverished; degeneration of the organs and tisanes follows, and if there he hereditary predispositimeto scrofula or consul:rip- tio it will surelybe developed. and the constitu- tio gradually broke?' down. The foundation rof go d health and a sound mind is a vi orons st M- ao and perfect nutrition. Dr. Wheeler's CM:il- l-mend Eivir of Phosphates and Colisaya is Na - tide's own remedy for derangements of the diges- force. tiv organs, purely physiological, harraless, and po itively certain to restore nervous and muscular 111 J. CHURCHILL, 'Veterinary ;Surgeon, (2neni- - • ber of the ntario 'Veterinftety ' College,) be.gs to intimate that e has returned tO the pra.ctice of his profession in Senforth, and inay at all times be consulted on th diseasee of Renege, Cattle, &e. t ." eines constantly 031. hand. All ttended- fa. Offilee, at Ianaion 273 • calls promptly House, Seaforth. rp A. STTA RP'S LIVERY AND LE STABLES. -A- • Office -At 11 urray's Hotel, Seaforth. 'Good Horses and. first- lass Oonveyaneesalwn.3-s on hand. ,••• • ••.•••••, - • • - • • •• ••-•••••-••.• ••••••••• PELL'S LIVEI Y STAl3LES, 81;e1FORTH, Ont. (eood Horses and Contforeable "Vehicles, always on an . avoi able Arrangements made mith Commercial Tray llers. All °rat:x*4 left at KXoX1S HOTEL, will be p °raptly attended:to. OFFICE ANI) $TABLF)S:-Thirdl door North of Knox's Hotel, Ma n Street. .221 THOMAS BELL, Proprieto Saint elli- -r-otrie-, Cr; • pROVINCIAL AND SURVEYOR, Realm tin -a- All orders lef at theMansion House with Mr. John Murray wi I receive immediate attention. References -Dr. Coleman and Dr. King. 4114'52 . • S. L K:ENNEDY:i TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMEN TAL PAINTER and Grainer. Paperhanging also attencledto. Work done as eheap as by any other. good work. man in the business. All order* left -with Mr. Kennedy, or for 14xn at the Exroarron Office will be promptly attended to.. 279-26 N.B.-Chemists end other vendors of Hollo- way's genuine Pil Nand :Ointments neav have their names inserted in 41.e Meal papers if they will e 511., Oxford Street, W. London, Dec. 1, 1S73. • - 31.7e26 AVOID QUACKS. VICTIM of early indiscretion, cruising nervous prema titre decay, &en heving tried in. vain every etre-el-deed remedy, has dieeovered a meane of eelfeeure, which- he will send free to his fellow-sniferc44. Address, H. REEVES, N , rork. $5- TO $201eurdet.,:s'gi:,'fies,N1':tant? . people, of -either. seX, 'young •or om, innko more at werk for us he .their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything a-ze, • Particulars free. mistress ce STrehssts h co.. resthne, maim. , '284 REMOVED!. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-mak(T and rn.lvrtalt(T, HAS REMOVED his wrire-roome to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -stet -et, Seafertle Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furnie ,,ture of eeery description. CALL AND ,S'..EE IT. UNDERTAKING Having purchased Thonnis:•Bell'e HEARSE I amepreptired to atteail fnuerals th.c shortest notice, either in town -or country. Coffin*, All Sizes, Kept constantly on haul. t.. MAROT THE N A foolish Rae m !little bonnet, NVith,o, Tibhoni of late uponlit And that the et town might kn She thought she Sunday just to ut though the h larger than eedi he getting4 it _ work of time ; !So when 'twae f; I had 'stopped th And when she i ensnigh, the. fo this little foh I waited at the It And site shook h and smoothed t ' Hallelujah ! ehoir above her ' Hardly knew v were the sysnale This made tlie very, very eros. hat sbe gave be little head a ti On Slie -tliOnglit sang was ail i:lig N'ith the ribben, the bit of lace n Kl she would ne, sermon or the p nt pattered detee ; hurried up the s - II she' reached , in a bandbox on ad hidden safe foolish little bon A 'Inch proves, ms -each lq you will - 1 every Sabbath . hour mind ; Aild that the little silly little airs, Virill never get a 1 or from prayers. GAT 0 Arissitmlnallisl,la!:,,17,1-ale, n t bronght her ths mark that she hues -0 for a riSe in tile. -The 01(1 them- ::shro a, t3n, is: ti ei.o. rao, , cfl tatighl ;itsleioee; a, el:imbue% For, it li the eame deliciehe i =One of eur , efsp aks ef " a genth DU the chatioteu,s-„E m isles." It is imp, - ha i:five' -f eseeennttsleesesNa‘i a busineSs. . ' -A hunarea yew aae wws ettrrent of , Begimens of FoA h teoxt(heEttonrgglen,;1?; li.ntrohrshes to embark for tonsary the petiti . w -Ids, 41 and your ' bo. nd, will ever p gr, "'Aim; the desire the ()niter's peritio , ematelied ont the' W, sti nted the word " ---h: What's bay '...'" hoaest granger in 1 other morning. Th $1,1/4 40, and followi th Wagon, as he exl pc: etilyllis%inlill:deNevixtil th lOoks.ef the haj int ' your barn ?" - ' Veil, lie," the ba n, I only W1131:t eh- sv." The -h-rly e4; ke woul& like to mal , k --d" A •: Goo'd Mill w - the he:ell:Me in ob teary. . v.\ vu -sh":eislilmlelisilagbis32-sell:alsilleou'binii:: of 'Tapies„ 111. , Itea,ditse ni the - T Ober°. Ld bees wi ow, Auggins !ve eeseral married Men in iDiekie. b 'their i A little fourev fair !went running , et est Klay, exelsipsis ma Pere see].) -iiick. F Pr st !") , " Where aa Hine r queried e Saw the tip of his ta. eaves." 'She had ses te sr:Zit-1. toligooriziai,i Ka, to et pitcher of eiiin ed. hhn to be easeful.' pitcher. ' He -slipped and fell to the both -is hosks ansi knees, bum his nese, tore hie vow pcietlitredr,i'kr'Ist.otl-faloil2nr;1 ho rifled accents, " H.Heorigiar,1:1y;le:_ilidbaye"oku, .1 • by thunder 1 will." . - -saes Josh -Billings' Most -every one ins der *§:til, there eint le .dest4e the auth(ni (A- ' I ineet a great Itien iZ Ike a bunteli ef .1 the ' i'ls.; first tialtlii i for a fu mienits, and \ 'ithfaul..»iunny, wit lout impudence, . don n in this. weeld ;1-.1 and keep virtewonzz. abiAnfitteIlial:::altual):alsilid ' to ifrag on, is that he aed akes alan eines S taiclal'ire,):%-ceil'I:ejl'it:sdiih- 1.::i 1:111;1:1;:fsitz-tzt.i: ii eh a ftel- re(list. ';:i>es-:v1:,..ptilE1 f"iTs. ai:litill'sev,:ilr';;12;1. taltie:::lill fi:11.17a,11.1"tinle)11'., "i'll:1-?riiitle1 1 hare h:a41 pc=ipic :- satillitiIit`kailniton.;:a1,41:1.41,1fy;a1 after 'bailie; :31- in i niii not ,inly didn't kno w'l trieihg to tell, Mit li deal !that i knew befol ( /tic ()v t)ici nix ktt pe kan aehieve over emit him in politeness. Vi'r)ung man, yn bad