HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-06, Page 8.17
*on txpooitor.
ENIO VA C. --"-REATTY & 00; have just
completed. removing their Stock into the Store
lately occnpied by Frederick Veal, ono door -south
of their old stand.. 11Uving refitted the premises
ct and far larger.stock of Dry Goods,
they tvillpia the course of a few days be enabled to
show a sena
Ready-Inede Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Groceries, Imported Cigar'
s Wines and
Liquors, in fact everything -la the trade. Give
them a (trill in their new -promisee.
GLYCERINE; Carbolic Glycerine Jelly
and all otner preparations for ehapped hands and
lip, also e. nice arttele for nee after shaving, 20c
per bottle, at Ilies.sopr's Drug Store.
A Naw assortment of good quality
Dressing and lino Combs, Hair Blushes, Tooth
a„tBrushes and such goods, just in, at Hte.asori's
Drug Stmie.
during th
erable red
oons,and Plated Ware not sold
Holidays will Low be sold at a consid-
ction.----E: Ilfcgsoz; & Co.
J. S. 40BERTS, Druggist, opposite the
Mansion tote1,keops constantly OH hand all kinds
of Pure Drna and Chemicals, Genuine Patent
Medicine, . Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti-
cles and I Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Sponges,
Brushes, Combs, &c., which will be sold at very
low prices!. Prescripifions put up with great
care, and warranted pf the purest articles.
. .
will be supplied to new subseribers from now till
Jan 1,1875, for $1 124.
sox & YOTTNn's for pare Clover sae Timothy
Seed, as they have been careful iu purchasing
their seed from the Most reliable bowies in the
CHEAp-SIDE.. —Soda,Biseuit, Wine Bis-
cuit, Abernethy Biscuit, &c: Fresh, and only 10c
a ponnd all round at Am,sx's Grocery.
. . .
Drug Store, Opposite the Mansion Hotel, Simp-
son's Spice and Yorkshire Cattle Feeder.
CHEAP -SIDE., — Teas that are Teas.
Pure and , no mixture. Cheapest, at ALLEN'S
Grocery. 1
HORSES, HORSES.- -Keep them in good
health and fit for spring work, by using Luna-
DEN"8 Condition Powdersathe best in the market.
Prepared only by R. Loa,ZSIMN,Drug,gist,Seaforth.
THE To arleSEN DS ,The celebrated and
every -where popular Townsend Family
will give entertainments in the Town
Hall, Seaforth, on the evenings of Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday of next week.
ACCIDENT. —We learn that a man nam-
ed Chas. 'O'Neil, of McKillop, met with
an accident in Seaforth on Tuesday
night last by being thrown frops a horse.
He was ;somewhat cut and scratched
about the , trice bet Was not seriously
CONCERT. —We Woulcl again remind
our readees of the concert in the Town
Hall on , Tuesday evening next, under
the auspices of the Seaforth Cricket
Club. The entertainment will be one of ,
the best of the season and should be lib-
erally patronized.
for the .ch
on capital
Balt Cometuy of this vil
ing salt brill
leum, instead
in one of thei
y the iis-e of p
oh debt; Ma
accou4t, besi
o raubh for
mg in all $7,000
es current ex -
the voluntary
ly tiler -0u hly teeted t
of e v *lea
crude petr
process, of
carried, on
eral clays
of wood. As a result of
the ceni34ser have asce
can be made in t is wa
with wbo
of the iwo
at $2.O per
d whidh is n
he Merchants
age have recent -
e practicability
by Ithe aid of
of wood. The•
L8 successfully
blocks for sev-
troleuin instead
this experiment
anted that salt
,as cheaply as
ord. For inost
w used by our
salt manufacturers $3 pefr cord - has to
paid, se that with -crude oil at pi eee
ratea considerable saving could be
fected. The appliances eequired to ut
ize the leillare veilsine le, The oil
placed in air elevated ta 4, from whi
a pipe leae into each of he furnaces u
der thesa1Jt pan. The tan being elevat
above the furnaces, the pressure of t
oil forces ij through the ipe. Enclose
the pipe through which he oil runs is
larger pip through evhi h heated steam
is convey d from the engine. The steam
as it esea es froui the pipe inside the
furnace igaites the fluid, and the blaze
and heat is draWn backa'ards under the
pan by, the draft of the fu mace. By this
atec1, more rap-'
rnadb in a giv-
•The company
n the manefac-
s here, at least
he experithent
to determine
tting up acme
ire in course of
so that -the
. This they
roleumcan in
safely' used, a
for wood will
line into Gre Therthrned into Mr.
Cardiff's yard, a d, mining against the
barn, were beim ht t� a sudden stand
still. Neither tie team nor the boys
were itjured.
10. R. COOPER,
POSITOlt Newspapor
Townsend T,'aini
Wednesday even
Readings have
Wednesday, M
programme may
russelie Agent for the Ex-
nd,Job X3rinting Office.]
GS.—h1 account of the
y performing here on
ng, the regular Penny
been postponed mita
eh. 18, when a grod
e looked for.
TEMPLARS.—B usselS Star Lodge o
I. 0. G. T. will give' an enteitainmen
1 11 surch,ion Tuesday eve-
irogra,inthe is a -varied
ail to be interesting.
be m o e e
nt ning next. The
et. one, and cannot
LICENSES. —T e Council, at their last
is meeting, raised t e tavern license to $50,
eh and shop license $60, ekclusive of Gov-
ernmeut fees. live hotel aud one shop
Ks license certificate were granted.
he THE SNOW is entirely gone. in this
• neighbbrhood, d the roads are in a
a very bad state.
being a stnall quantity of p4visions left,•
a social was held on the foljowing
T1 profits of tea amounted to
$50 40.
FARM SOLD. —Mr. Jame Bailey has
sold his Armen the Lake l'oad East to
Mr. Da id Stephenson, 'son of Ralph
Stephen on, •Esq. The farm contains
100 acrds, and the price cibtained was
COUN( IL Menernere—'rhe Council met
pursuant to adjournment a Mr. Ching's
Hotel, o IVIontlay, Feb. 23 at 2 o'clock
P. M. the members present, the
t Reeve the chair. Mentes of lest
meeting eadeend. approved A, petitiGn
signed b 212 ratepayers, td, 92 others,
presented by James Shaw, praying the
hop hcenses
ses than is
public only.
roll Copiplet-
means, the pans can be h
idly and more salt can be
en time than with wood.
do not intend to use oil
ture of salt at their wor
for some time, but made
in order to enable their
upon the advisability of
of the. blocks they now h
constructiOn in Go. deric
fluid. can be used pi the
now intend to do. If pe
this way be profitably an
very important substitut
have been obtained. Thi is all the mor
satisthetory, as at the present rate o
consumptiOn, the supply ef wood mus
uecessarily become exhaueted in a fe
years. 1
Bell Ringers, was well attended, and in
Baer. Reneens.—eThe concert given on
Monday e -ening, by Beed e's troupe of
every respect realized the best anticipa
tions of the audience. '['he entertain -
that usuallyfurnished by traveling cora-
ment was 1 f a much sup rior order to
panics. 'T e violini music and the cemic
part of the performance were especiall
excellent, althoughi the later may hay
been, in the opmion of onae, a trill
over-dones' • 1
-1--The conduct of a nu bet of boy
and young,I;raen -aniong the audience, ii
interrepting the performers and annoy
ing and disturbing the respectable pr
tion of the audience, was disgraceful in
the extrenie. Something Might to be
clone toward the suppressicel of this row
dyisna -whips has become so conamon at
concerts, and entertainments of almost
every kinc . given in the Town Hall. It
s an injuq' ice to - the parties who lease
he hall that they should be interrupted
nd annoyi d in their perfo ances and
t is an ou yage on the publi enerally,
hould be leprived of the e jdyrnent of
vho conirose the audience that they
n enteeainment, for whic they have
aid their money, and thattheir ears
ho-uld be efiled by the h otings and
beldry a few rowdies, .who seem to
ake an especial pride in making nuis-
nees of themselves.i The village Coen-
]. should take this matter • hand. A
pecial constable should be al pointed to
e present at public ineetings held in the
all, with instructions to arr st all par-
es guilty of disturbance. he expense
such an' official would be iiling, and
the officers and directors of the South
Huron Agricultural Society will be held 8
in Dixon's _Hotel, in the village of Brime- a
field, on Wednesday, the llth inst., at P
the heur of 10 o'clock A. M., to make 8
• arrangements for the' spring eleaw.1. A ri
full attendance of directors is desired. t
, '
BURN.—We understand that Rev. Mr. 5
Starr, of Seaforth, has made' arrange- b
merits for holding. a fortnightly Sunday h
afternoon service. at Kinburn. Mrs. • ti
- Schoies has kindly placed her Hall at of
the dispoeal of the church people in the w
neighborhood and the first service will be er
held on Senday next March 8, at 3 in
o'clock in the afternoon. ti
FARM' SOL D.—The farm of Mr. McIn-
tosh, on the Buren Road, was eold by
auction on Saturday last. The purchas-
er was Mr, S. Young, of Seaforth. The he
price paid was $5,500. The property is
• a desirable one and is good value for the
money. Mr. Young intends aispOsing of SP
the grocery business and going to reside eti
an the farm. "Mr. :McIntosh" has pur- ti
. chased. for $550 Mr. Peter MeEwen's T
briek cottage in Harpurhey, into which
he will naoire shortly. -
mild be willingly borne by he taxpay-
s of the yillage, or might be made up
an increased, charge for the hall. If
ie present state of things is j allowed to
ntinue, respectable people Will not at-
tend entertainnients in the Town Hall,
first-class -companies will avoid our
town, and the revenne from t le hall will
greatly cUrtailed.
NORTH TiliDIN G SP RING : Sisow.—The
ring Shoes. of the North Riding Agri-
ltural aociety for the exhibition of en -
'e stock, will be held at inton, on
uesday, April 21.
SOCIAL. —There will be a soCial in con-
be seen by advertisement elsewhere, Mr.
A. Armitage, assignee of the estate of B Je
nection with. the Methodist Episcopal
Church, on Monday evening next, 9th
inst., th be held at the reincleece of Mr.
bit I,Velsh, Seaforth. •
Shantz, will offer for bale by public elle. •
tion, at Murray's Hotel, on Saturday,
next, a ooneiderable arnoent of valuable
property. Among other things, thei.e
will be a new piano, Which a few months
ago cost soniething over $500. The
property Nyill likely go off cheap, and
parties desirous of obtaining bargains
should make it a point to attend.
SEA:FORTH COUNCIL. -- The village
Council held a meeting on Tuesday even-
ing. The following tavern licenses were
granted, viz.: J. Murray, T. Knox, D.
D. Rose and James MoBride, and. shop
license to james. Murphy, Killoran &
Ryan, T. Kidd. and L. Beatty & Co.
The following accounts were passed:
Lumsden, $2 20, for stationery, and. J.
IL Benson $2, advanced by him to Mr.
Burdick as eharity. Motion wa' passed
requiring the Auditors to make a deteil-
ed statement, showing the items of re-
ceipt and expenditure. Council adjourn-
ed until Tuesday evening, March 12.
IN:Wit:a-NUE. —The annual report of the
Directors of the Agricultural Mutual
Assurance ,Association of Canada for the
past year is before us, and stows the
company to be doing a large and profit-
able business. From What we can learn,
we believe this company to be one of the
best farmers' conipanies doing business
in this section, - The agent for this part
of Huron is Mr. Charles 'L DoYle, who,
through his persevering industry' in be -
hall of the company, has succeeded in
securing for it a very. large :patronage
from tlin farmers of Huron.
CH Gnu{ FINANCEs. —The following
statement of facts and figures was given
by the committee of nia,uageniient the
other evenina at the social iu. the Canada
'Presbyterian'"Church, Seaforth. The com.
mittee announced that for the period. of
Mr, Goldsmith's pastorate no subscription
had been taken for any purpose till this
winter; tlist all the nioney .raised by
the church has been contributed by plate
collections and pew rents; and that the
committee by such voluntary contribu-
tions have been able to pay all current.
expenses, ($2,00 per annum,) and to aP-
ply $5,000 on the capital account of the
church in the space of three years and a
half. They have now, by a subscrip-
tion circulated through the congrega-
tion, raised an additional Sinn of 2,000
, _,,Oy Specia/ Te/egrapi4
. h 5 1874.
The opposition to the reunit ng of the
Registraticin purposes has been ! with and; South Ridings of . ueon for
drawn. It has been agreed ithat Mr.
W. T. Hays, the present North Ridine
-Registrar, shall receive an equilvalent of
efee00, ia lieu of being deprived of his
office. 1
i 1
' . Bayfield. 1
Sontaa.-i-A soiree will be held in ss.,
Andrew's Church, Bayfield, onl, Tuesday
evening neat. The proceeds are to be
applied to purchasing s a buggy for the
pastor of the congregation—a very laud
able object. i
• •
musical enterteinment will be given iu
the Brucefield TOWLI Hall, on Ithe eVe-
ning of Friday of next week. Irlie pro-
gramme contains some excellent musical
selections,.and the musicians comprise
the very best local musiczd talent. Mrs.
Grieve, of Seaforth, give several
piano solos,,, which will, we are sure, be
appreciated iby all who attend, as the
lady in question is a pianist of no ordin-
ary merit. pie Messrs. Paine will als,o
favor the, audience with. violin selec-
tions-, which, we have no doubt, from
the reputatim of the gentlemen 'named,
will be a rich treat. The Misses Broad -
foot, the Messrs. Scott and Mr. Miller
will sustain vocal part of the enter -
he .concert throughout
one of the best whichshas
some time, and it is to be
people of Brueefield and
ow their appreciation of
promises to b
been given fel
hoped that th
vicinity will s
good nausic by turning out e)?. initz,v.v On
Friday ea -ening next
RUNAVAvOn Saturday, Feb. 14, as
a son. of Mr.: exander Forsyth, of the
Fourth Connession of Morris, wa.s hitch-
ing a span of, dolts to a sleigh, a younger
brother got en the hind part of the con-
veyance. The hories, becoming frighten-
ed, started suddenly, draeving the boy
who was hitching them against a wood
pile, forcing .liiin to quit his hold on the
reins, and then ran d.own the concession
HORSE DIED. As Mr. Robt. Jones, of
Grey, was drivin into )3russels on Mon-
day last, his her e fell dead on the road.
Mr. J. Nott, V. of Brussels, made a
post-mortem ex, minatien. Congestion
of the lungs was he caese of its sudden
TICE TEA. MEE' ING held in the N. C.
Methodist Cher h last Wednesday eve-
ning Was quite a success. A eery plea-
sant evening wa spent, and the church
was quite full. -
Too BAP.—N thing definite of the
eailway opening et.
I INSPECTOR.n.ar. J. N. Knechtel was
appointed Taver Inspector for Brussels,
by the Village Qouncil. It would be
well for those terestecl in the liquor
trade to observe the law pretty closely
in future.
Condie, of thiap ace brought an extra-
ordinary larg Ip d of logs from the farm
of Mr. Boy ii to -Messrs. Gibson &
Black's shingle mill, Wroxeter, a few
days ago. The 1 ad consisted of 3 pine
Ir. Condie thi s this is rather hard to
ogs, measuring 8, 41 and 44 inches in
, iameter, amd c ntaining 11 standards
nd 75 feet, or 2, 36 feet, cubic measure.
Lnayneo.-----V regret to learn that
i essrs. Frater Jago, whose foundry
, nd machine sip was burnt to the
mind a few w ks ago, cannot make up
eir roinds to st rt afreah. They have
ecided to go t Wingham, Where they
ill go -into prat ership with Mr. Rob-
rtsou of the f udry there. There is
r ow a splendid ning here for any one
wishing to start businees of the kind,
as our citizens a most anxious to see a
f undry in oper tion here. " •
SOIREE. —A d soiree was held in
the Presbyteri Uhurcle Bluevale, on
hursday *wenn. Feb. 26, The sleigh -
sig being good, 'd the evening, not tee
c Id for people t get out, the church was
crowded. to the oor. Tea was served
up in a first-cla style by the waiters,
a d the ladies ho got it up deserve
great credit for t eir taste, and the man-
ner that everyth ng Was prepared. As
soon as tea was ver,- Mr, John Messer
ac dressed by R . Mr. Jones, of Brno-
tik the chair. he meeting was then
sells ; Rev. Mr. rown, of Wroxeter, and
If' v. Mr. Pritcl ard, the' pastor of the
c urch, and oth re. The choir, under
t e direction of its leader, Mr. Pugh,
fa ored the au mime with excellent
m isic. After pa ing all eapenses in con-
ceeds ansounted o $102, which- is to be
n chion with the tea meting, the emi-
u ed in painting he chureh, and paying
the old debt on t e gallery.
WEATRER.--- uring the last few days
th snow has a most disappeared, end
th wagons . are beginning to rumble
th ough our stre ts. The ground- is SO
ba e that farmers are talking of plovving
an 1 sowing in the course- of a week or
t o. '
EmovAr..—M . Charles Herbert, who
h long manage the griet mill, belong -
in to Messrs. 1 . H. e& J. Leech, is
ab-iut leaving B1 evale to go to Luck -
no •, to take ch rge of Craig & Smith's
la go flouring mills. Mr. Herbert is a
jolly fellow, and an obligiug business
man. and we are very sorry heals leav-
in us.
G derich.
FATAL AoCIDER '.—We regret to learn
that two or three days ago:, a fatal acci-
dent occurred in Colborne, by which a
little girl, granddaughter of Mr. Sallow 8,
was burned to death. It appears she
was frying palace es, her mother being
out at the time, a d it ia-supposed the
rease caught fire and enveloped her in
a es. 'rwo stua 1 children were with
he lin the house, ut they could render
no assistance.
iEW Reraantene ,E. Attrill, the
Baltimore gentlena m who purchased the
Ridge and adjoin ng property a short
time ago, paid God rich a visit last week.
We understand it s his in ention. to de-
velop a new ent rprize ere, namely,
mining for salt. e intends to sink a
shaift 12 or 14 fe diaineter to the
salt beds which u erlie this section of
kountre- and dig o the slit, insteade of
pii ping the bi•in and evaporating it.
Th sinking of th p shaft evill involve an
ex enditure of at 11 ast $30 000 or $40,-
00 , but should. th salt be found suffici-
en y pure, it will pen up a new source
of ealth, as there is an unlimited mar-
ke for rock salt f r packing purposes.
W understand op rations will be com-
me ced in spring, nd we sancerely trust
Mr AttrilPs eirte Hie may be rewarded
wi le abundant su ess.
ing conne-ction
Ch rch, Elinaville,
to e quite success
th Township Ha
part 5. After t
pis ice to the goo
the ladies, they r
wh re a public
the pastor in th
an instructive a
by e' ev. M. Meth
ing " Rev. H.
P01 ts to confirm
Re . J. Holmes
twe n Religionanc
we interspersed
the choir. Votes i
ten ered to the ch
ladi s who furnish
the company dis
with the evening's
CounciLeot to grant any
and, no ' mole tavern heel
necessary for the traveling
The Collector returned his
ed. Inspector's &St report read. Mov-
ed. by D . Woods, seconclec: by Mr. An-
derson, ijhat the application of John Les-
ter, for e arties maned ther in to be add-
ed to thi Berne. statute la or beat, be
granted, and that the na4ies of those
parties be taken from existjng beats and
placed. o i a beat for Bern
cle, to work un-
der Dav'-McKay, pathmas er—Carried.
.Moved by. Dr. 'Woods, seco ded by Mr.
.Anderson, that the Inspector shall re-
quire frohi all parties who 4ia.y be grant-
ed a tavern or shop licensel payment in
full, at latest on the se ond day of
March, 1874, and in defaul that no cer-
tificate be issued.—Carried Moved by
Dr. Wood, seconded by Mr Castle, that
with a View to reduce th number of
taverns, be it resolved that for the cur-
rent year, no party nor- any house shall
be licensed except those now approved
of by th s Celina, and tha no transfer
Dr. Woods, that the following
be perm tted except by spe ial reSolution
—Carrie . Moved by Mr Castle, sec -
ended b
parties applying for tave and shop
licenses be eligible to recei re certificates
by conforming with such re olutiOns;rby- -
laws and. laws as may- be in force : John
Pollock, George Looly, `V illiaxn King,
Thomas Champion, John Turner, Wil-
liam Dixon, John Morgan,, Robert Drys-
dale, Henry Shafer, He ry -McCann,
Fritz .Ahrens, for tavern, and. Robert
Morrison; for . shop lice' se—Carried.
-Moved by Dr. Woods', seco icled by Mr.
Castle, that the Clerk be i Istructed to
direct the County Treasurer to withdraw
the following lots froni the ist of lands
in arrears, and charge the taxes thereon
to the township, viz.: Lots 261, 481,
463, 450, 417, .397, 364, 76, 732, 711,
603, 594 and 327, all in 13..erfield—Car-
riecl. 0 uncil adjourned to sneet at Pol-
lock's otel, on the -firs Monday in
April, at 2 o'clock P. M.
e WILLIAM PLUNK rr, Clerk.
I .• .
. Tuckersmit
•AccragYr.— On We.Ines4iay morning
last, as Mr.- John Cowan,j of Tucker -
smith, as driving along the Second
Concessi n, with a load 4f furniture,
when ne ely opposite the lresiclence of
Mr. Jam s Dickson, the front wheels of
the wage dropped suddenlfr into a rut
in the ro d, which caused t e vehicle to
jolt, tin. wing Mr. Cowan violently to
the groin d. Mr. Cowap w s. seatecl on
the load driving the team, land fell be-
tween the ' horses and thei wagon, the
front wheel of which struclif. him on the
back. ortunately the horses stopped
immedia ely, or the wagon would have
passed over him, and the Iresult might
have bee 'fatal. As it was Ile was pretty
severely injured, and had to be assisted
into Mr. Dickson's house, -hen medical
aid was sent for. Mr. Cow -n was taking
the. furniture from his old f main: Tuck-
ersmith o .one which he jhas recently
purchase1 in Hullett, near J0linton, and
to which he was moving.
on Feb. 17, 'at Elliott's
field. resent — D. Wal
Reeve, aims Lang, Jam
and. Wil
Council met
otel, Bruce -
the chair. The following mons were
ter, Deputy
s McDonal.
am Sproat. Deps ter, Reeve in
appointed as fenceviewers, oundkeepers
and pathmasters :
Fenecv ereers—George Sproat, A. G.
Van Eg end, John Tempi ton, Samuel
Smillie, David- Walker; Vohn Scott,
James roadfoot, Sr., Francis Fowler,
James la1las, William ooper, Sr.,
James M Donald.
Pound Tepers--John Dill, C. L. Van
Egnaond, James Forsyth, John Robison,
Peter Aikenhead, James Davidson,
Andrew Story, George Chesney, James
McLean, ,Donald Stewart, George Nott,
John TeMpleton, William Stoneman,
.Alexand.e Forsyth.
Fatima stars, —James Dev reaux, WITI .
Murray, ohn Devereaux, Ai drew Story,
Thomas Devereaux, Wm. Mundell,
Thomas Oeremell, John- actandless,
Leopold Van Egmond, Alexa dee Sproat,
Thomas Hills, Wm. Ches ey, Henry
Chesney, David Manson, James Burgess
John Dil , Francis Fowler, Ebenezer
Walker, harles "Dale, - Sa nel Crich,
William ilcConnell, James Cudmore,
George Sproat, James Towns nd, Robert :t
Carnochan, john Debbie, ugh Mc-
Donald, lexander Broadfoot, George
Nott, Wm, Sinclair, James Yoimg, Peter
McTavish, John Robison, Seined Lands -
borough, 1 m. Bell, Wm. Cherters, Rob-
ert McAr hur, Wm. Paynb, Andrew
Bell, • Join Lawrence, Jr., 1 arnes Mc-
Lean, Joh Finlayson, Jame Paterson,
Robert Hu ston, Wm. Westc tt, James
Riley, Du can McDonald, D ncan Me -
Gregor, Ja es Nott, Donald IcDonald,
James Ma affy, William Eld r, Robert
Lang, Du can McLean, W Gilders,
John Scott Thomas Robertso , Michael
Williams, ,ohn McLean, Jr., ohn Mac-
farlane, Rebert Elgie, John Fraquier,
'Manes Dallas, V'm. Carnocha I
Moved. 1 y James McDonali, seconded
by Wm. Sproat, that all ship keepers
selling liq ors pay to the municipality
the sein of $25 for township license over
and above the Government license—Car-
M ved by James Lan
I'm. Sproat. that the sur
charged all tavern keepers
MU Dicipality for license dun
suing yeare-Carried. The sum
On motion, ordered to be pla
hands of David Walker to ass
The annual tea -meet -
Pi the Bible Christian
elclon Feb. 25, proved.
I. Tea Was served in
, commeiscing at half -
company had dorie
things provided by.
aired to the church,
eting was organized,
chair. F,ntertaining
resses were delivered
rell on "Bible Read -
Gracey an Some
r faith in the Bible."
on the "Relation be -
Art." The speeches
y sweet music from
of thank a were then
oir, speakers and the
the provisions, and
reed, highly pleased
ntertaininent. Their
, second ed
of $20 be
ithin this
g the en -
of $10 was,
ed in the
st indige
persons n Harpurhey, and $Z was grant-
ed. Dr. Orenms.
A special meeting of Coen
the Deputy Reeve was held
liot's - Hotel, Brucetield, on
.Present—D. Walker, Dep
James McDonald, James Lan
liana Sproet. Moved by W
seconded by James McDo-nal
1. called by
at Mr. El -
Feb. 24-.
ty Reeve,
r and Wil-
. Sproat,
, that the
resignatiori tendered by Wra.i.McConnell
of the offiee of Assessor to w
been appointed at the meetin
cul held ore the 19th of Janu
a,ccepted—Carried. • Moved
McDonald, seconded • by Ja
that William. McConnell be
be appointed Clerkirof this
ich he had
of Coun-
ry last, be
by James
es Lang,
wnship, at
a salaey of VW and Treasurer at a sala
ary of $65, and Registrar of Births, Mar-
riages and Deaths at a salary of $5 per
annu — Carried. I The Council ad-
journ d. ' I
Th Council met on Menday last, pur-
suant to adjournment, at , Cock's Hotel,
Oen, . The following iriembers being ,
preaei t D. Walker, Deputy Reeve,
James Lang, James McDonald and
liam proat, when it was moved by
Jam ee McDonald, seconded by William
Spree, that the following taverns re-
ceive ertificates for lideece for the en-
siling. ear: John Cock, darie.'78 • Edward
Ella* Brucefield ; John Daily,'Egmond-
vine ; Mrs, Stisan Robertson, Egmond-
ville ; John Dill, Harperheii—Carried. 1
Move by Wm. Sproat, Seconded by Jas.
McDo iald, that the application of Wm.
Van mend. for a certificate a tavern
licenc be not received until the Tavern
Inspector report to this Council that he
has t14 aceomod-ation required by law—
Move by JaMes Lang, seconded by
Wm. . proat, that Samuel Smillie be ap-
pointe Assessor at a salary of $80 _ per
an-num—Carried. The Council adjourn-
ed to meet at Egmondville, on March 16. -
• Exeter.i
Cefeeeo-as.—Within the past few d
a num er of changes have taken plac
the pr prietorship of hotels aud liv
to be ree rocal, and advise that in dig.
enssion ;instead of declaring oppo.
nent's Aatements as "the worst defence
he ever read," and then misrepresenting
them, Mills showing himself nonplussed,
that he meet the issue squarely wheie
though he may be vanquiShecl, he will at
least recgve credit forhonesty of inten-
tion, which a plausible alias can never
gain. YOurs, Wm. NV,A.T.r.
At the hou4of 12 o'clock, noon, the following val-
uable effects4, belonging to the estate of lleirnamin
Stantz., Insblvent : 2 lumber wa,gonS ; 1 pair of
861.) sleigbe;i horses ; 3 its harness; 1 carriage .
1 totter amlibuffalo robe; 1 walnut sideboard,
walnut soffii 6 walnut clutirs; stoves and a
quantity of ixipes -, 5 bedsteads l - 7 mattresses, 4
sets spring; a writing desk and book ease ;- 6 dresst
ing tables, 13 tables; 21 common chairs ; 1 saddle,
bridle, and imatingales, and a vttriety of other
Household Otoods too immerous to mention Also 1
WEBER PIANO, 1o.12, new, cost $525. -
TERMS—rTerms Cash, except for the Piano,
which will bla Sold on 4 months' credit by furnish.
eayias ing al:Tr°Yea', ena°113°{1A.nolResit. IITAGE, AseigRee,
ery S. P. BBINEI, -A.uctioneer. 3264 -
stables in Exeter. Mr. John Pratt pui
chasedj from Mr. E. Christie the Brit-
annia House, arid. Mr. Hawkshaw pur-
T ARRIVEDchasedRollins' livery stables, which he
immediately sold to Mr. Christie.
DEA II 01' A STALLION.—On Sunday
night ast, a line stallion, the property
of Nies rs. Hunter & Pinaombe, of Us -
borne, pame to his death by uo unusual
means.1 While tied up in his stall, he
threw �ne of his fore fee over his halter -
shank, and choked himself to death. On
Tuesday morning, he Was found dead.
He wae a valuable animal, and his loss •
will be deeply regretted by the farming
C01/113111 ity.
SOIREE.—On Monday el ening last, a
soiree was held in the bisement of the
Wesley n Methodist 01iurch in Exeter.
About 1150 persons were present. Tea.
was pr aided by the ladies of the Divi-
sion, 4d the handsome sum of $27 62
was re lized. Rev. Mr. Lund occupied
the cha r. A pleasing election of mu -
sir; wa rendered in-, god. style. by the
Kirkto choir. Revile. Messrs. Kettle -
well an Logie delivered.addresses. Mr.
Logie's as the speeph of the evening,
and he kept the audience in wrapt at-
tention or a length of time.
evening last, Messrs. W alien Hodgson
and James Oke, of U borne, arrived
honae with their two imported stallions.
One of these a heavy draught' horse,
which Mr. flodoson purchased a few
months ago, in Whitby township, is a
model in horseflesh. The other, a trot-
ting horse, which Mr. Okb purchased east
of Termite, and for which, we are in-
formed, he paid $2,000,1ie a beautiful
sorrel. This aninaal is What is required
by the ast people of this fast County.
Mr. Hodgson 'now owns time first-class
stallions it
•I Tuckersmith.
FARM SOLD.—Mr. ,Tolin Grant, of
Con , L. R. S., to. 41r. Biers from
Tuckersirth, has sold hie farm, Lot No.
West Niesouri, for $4,400. The farm con-
tained 100 acres, and is One of the best
farms in. TuckersMith. Mr. Grant
speaks of going to Manitoba.
The Hill's Green Squabble.
To the Editor of the H117074 Expositor..
You will, I sespect, be getting
weary of the "Hill's Gli.eien . Temperance
meeting eontroversy ;" bit as in your last
issue is published a commnnication from
"Stand Square " in which, besides per-
sisting ill his charges, he tries to make
my statements of the things he had re-
ferred to fappear as grounds for some of
them, I hope you will allow space for a
few remarks. He represents what ho
calls the main part of his charge as fullyadmittel This, "that of giving a dose
of politics under the guise of 'a temggr-
mice lectere," is by no means the nlISst
serious ; but allowing such tol* the case,
what are the admitted grounds for it?
They aree that a story was told of a per-
son who Was alluded to as being of the
same name as one tion traversing
this region, having to fly Ithe country for
treasonable actions. Asl this was well
known tol apply to but the person, near-
ly all at the meeting, I' believe, came
with "Stand Square" t the palpable
conclusioiii that William Lyon Macken-
zie was the person allude4r to, and that
Hon. Alex. Mackenzie 'ev s the one of
the same narnewith him. Well, I fancy
there ma' have been seiveral persons
otherwisethan good of the same name
with the Premier, but the idea that re-,
ferring to them as such" caa be matter of
calumny to him is simply absurd. And
as the parties of the present time were
in no way', whatever spoken of, if this is
politics, then, the ponclueion must be
that a person once engaged in public
business eannot be spoken of without
"mouthing" them. If thils "is what he
calls a dee of politics, there can be no
objections to this charge, but. his 'mean-
ing of the phrase should h4ve been given
with it. But be strained as it migilit, 119
plea coulne found 'in it for launching out
into a tirade of abuse upoin the lecturer,
so he must needs invent alie, repre'sent
it as coming from hirn, and then defame
hirn for uttering it. This is what was
characterized as mean and contemptible,
and it is What mixed with the rest gives
plausibility to the whole. But he says
when I prove that he is wryng in saying
that the preaent Premier Was affirmed
by Mr. Rice '" to be a nep ew, or some
other relation, to W. L. Al ckenzie," he
"will be prepared with re tithing testi-
mony." It is, I believe, an established
rule that if a charge is made and denied,
until substantiated, it 'slassuld be con-
sidered as un!ounded, arid so, though
b.mple evidence that neither this nor
anything of the same meaniag was said
can be obtained, I will„ awlait the proof
which he, who is welilsnown in this
place,/ ie so chary of giving at home. IT.
of de
s that "I write at the instigation
igning men." There is a, mutual
that unwarrantable and false
s agaiest a person Who incurred
them!by fa'voring us at trouble to him-
self, jsball not go uncontradicted; but
that l am a cat's-paw to others is quite
on a par with the rest of his piece. I
cann t see in what -his forbearance has
been exercised; and for the Scriptural
pasedge he quotes for my benefit I have
only/to say that, with wheal he advises
shall be l
Inc e tarry for, wisdom does not always
com , of which fact " Stand. Square's"
lett rs furnish ample proof._ In return
for his counsel I hope I
allowed -
ez ;
Cloths and Tweeds,
P *=1, mts,
There is
umber in Mellillop, at the
And •
Is the man to supply it.
A Ewers on hand a large stock Of all kinds of
-4 3" Lumber, which will be sold at prices -which
cannot be sua-pa4sed in this County for cheapness
of price.
Drainigzg a3 -6d Pe2zcilzg _Limber in,
Also SHINGLES, LATH, and every deseriptionof
builders' material Parties building or buying
large quantities will be liberally dealt with, and
wifl fixelit to their profit to give the
a trial before purthasing eleewhere.
All orders left at the Mill or addressed to Win-
throp P. 0. will receive prompt attention. Re-
Victoria Mills is the place.
AHALF intereat in the Seaforth and Kinburn
Cheese Fact ries. Apply personally to
324 W. S. ROBERTSON, Proprietor.
. person, who, en the 12th or 14th a Fehrtt-
' ary, took front the gmaiata in Mr. Powell's
stable,' Seaforth, either accidentally or by design, s.
bundle of bags, containing twelve new and three
old ones, will please return there to Powell'e Hotel,
Seaforth, at once, otherwise legal proceedings will *
be taken, as the person is known.
Seaforth. neat
house 3th(22;'I0t oret
rooms; kitchen;
'sold cheap for CS61
N the Township
Beyficid Road, 2:1
Add, being th4; .at I
/load, north, tontainl
and in a. good state
and well watere-I, 11
with beeeh,
barg avd k:hed, an
further parikelfirs
premises, oz -to PAU I
field Line, Goderich
MAIN Hotel know•al
•J•• been Aloing• 1. goa
on private terms for
ing out of the lanviX
will be SOW. 3»1 the sa
the south side of the
for any one going
Posseseion given in;
titulars apply to „T„
Title indisputable.
1,124, Con. -4,
eleared and in *Fp.
spring, ereLk ranning
e'tterd; one and tirre
don Road; good f•
I house; good stable,
ply on the pre ises.
T17 the Count
cleftred atm ree I
cle.ss soil, with good;
paxtitultsr about the
10tEING. 'worst, of
brick house, trap
plenty a water, aoif
$4,090 only. Apply
SALE, on rt
Con. 13, Morris,
cleared, well fenced
vation. There its a
saw, driven laa- watcr,
her convenient. T
orchard, also a good
is a. schoo1 and two e
lot. 9 is situated I
quarters of a etatioN
Bruce Railwav„ 9t
will be tented: For
the proprietor on th
31.2 -
11-L hotel keeping
well -blown stand, li
by her; half anare
good stables, good w
ence for tarrying ou.
the purchase inoneyl
remainder will be all
ments. Apply on th,
310 MRS,
EING romposet
abip of Tuekere
eatellent Iand, nye:
barn, 38x613 fret, and
terms, whi are eat -
ply tO Mr. JAMES
said T wwzhip, or t.
WICK, Sr., Si. a"tama.
STE....k.7.4 SAW MIL
*ptEtXt.1 -Lot 34, Cm
acres, all clewed
two good ikirehards
lua aprineat
Con. 0, containing IF
is situated
gravel road thereth.
the premises. If
SON„ Cont:tauco P. 0
VOR SALE, 41. In
Itraf of kt 13 :03.1
12, McKillop, centai
well foamed, Ana in
timbered with hard
inid new log barn;
milesi and a half fro:
from tbe village of S
SawMits within
schools and sforea„
propaietor on the
Winthrop P. 0.
land and a full sup0
bushes, and an unfai
liberal. Apply, if pi -
the prerniStS, Klub
822 '
:1972such. perio
.se the applicant, ma
fIN'Mortgage Sr
public are re
Oremus a Ciin itt
Mansion Hotel, T
Shaving and 111111
him a Taal! RI
'Strictly atten4t1
Satisfac tion
LL the S
riff. of t*rey
ond roust be paid
ebeebe 1.7actor!
(1.R4347ERY, Provi
'am for tiale iIIittft
to go aant of the I
terms. Stock not Is
at the store 800,
el° thing es tablishut
cd sole ageid, fox
ano in the County of 1:11
only be purchased thr
Lted agents. Orders ti)
Or myself will not be
an have been lappoi
the County of H
Whiffen and 14 Mu.
C11-14400; and L. S.