HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-06, Page 6r st r , L,s sqes by Diseased Stook. Thd allowiog system of taking e re of stock, pursued by Mr. Medd, the oted Englis ffirmer, may not be, as a whole, applic, he to stock raising in this country, still it contains some hints worth rerneni- bering : I h e, as a farmer, been rather fortu- nate i avoiding loses, for I have escaped tinder esti and, with trifling exceptions,! pleuro-pneumonia, foot and Mouth dis- ease, alma! -pox, scab, rot,. foclt-rot ; also I heave and measlesiu pigs. Although I .1 ha.ve in thirty years, sold 1'3 ,000 Aporth f ' of fat stock, my losshas been ncler ;309. - Horse sto k has not fared so ivdll, for the lease out ts to two-thirds as innch as that on all othclr stock; and yet I , ra tol :that I hay no reasf.iu to Complain, as we work our hdrses o severely. . I at rib ite my ex.emption f Inn lb the foliowing causes , , 8lielteril ventilation, and. ciiLculation ot air. ! ,. Wel -drained land and deep pultiv tion. Avo di 'g, as tinteli as possible, our- chasesin 'airs, and markets. Bre din our own sheep. Rea ug calves (until the ca hie pi Tsol tio from contact by fq cling s and by s edding cattle in cover closed an well -ventilated ya •ds. No I se, ing Let large for eit er sh cattle. An tuns e and regular sepp y of va kinde f °oil; intermixed a d pro 1)rePalccl... . Good ter alwat s a,vailab e A v canty supply of tu nips ( iiiangel breeding animals ricir to par- turitio] referring cabbage and kohl- s to ry ) t leep, , in - ever p or erly tabi. i 1, • . .. I attach the Utnibet import rice to shel- ter fealiat y animals, especially to protect them ftom theteast or north-east winds.' - Prof.. S: -0 de -attributes man evils to the east wi d, and; 11() -doubt, there is a souud, . reason or he ol.d. adage--. "•ni on he wind is in. the east, - 'Tie neit er lit for man nor bee t." An ,easteriv wind broug • t us • the cholera of Itebruary, 1832.- , How die rent are our feeli south ' ti, st wind, Coming to ns over 2,000 ile of water, Where -at from the east it asa4s nearly all the war overland. Prof) Si e onds justly says "the air may be vitiatedt by an admixture .10 various , . mattellin and Prof. Tyndat has eaglet- ened usas ,0 that fact. • - . . The,chill caused by an easterly wind is disagree ble, and timed:14611y peteep- . tible, ,An eatterly wind once cost me i thelost of everal healthy calves, and we •_ know that t caters our hedged with cat-. , -'erpiiia4„ or beans with the' dallier, and. - our peat with thegreen fly. • I have seeu. even. sheep ;17fected by it .. I never tura 1 - • out hairy .apireals except; occ ionally in the suniener months. ' My less s have al- - :most alway occurred to out of to- or h iry ,animela or rola draughts of celd air. - - ...--e•-•..---. -I- i ,p,it as ing in California:- . I - The fatm r in this State is aipersen of uncomnian . eseurces and ingenuity... I think he us a his•brains more than our farmer. 1 •I lo not mean to say that he - lives better, for he does not His house is often sh Irby, even though he be a man of ar' Cet th, and his table i not un - frequently 1 itlitiut milk. He buys his butter with his canned vegetale es in San • Praneisco, ‘'nfl bread and. mutton are the ichief peat o his living,- both being uni- ttersallyt 'ere .1 here. . But in a antigiug _his landthe tieplays greatenterprise, and knows how .07 tit his. efforts to the eh- , . mate aud wet , Thus in the tie lands, - when they ire first drained 4 finds it imposeible tt work the soil with cattle - or horses, 1)t this does .not pre -vent him froin putting hi. a crop, for attet burning off the tuleal which are tell reeds, and the high grlsses, he sows his hundredst el acres )iritl 4;'coffee-mill wheat -sower, ' .atal coollytnrus• a flock of sheep on the . . around,edriVing . them compaetly and slowly over it, .'with the help t•)f dogs. to keep the flankstof his flook from scatter - ng ; and wheat. thus ." 'sheeped in," as they call it, has borne sixty briehols per, are. Nor is this alit Unless he i de- pends upon a volunteer crop next year, he must plough the .ground. It is _ still, haft -evert cmennonly too light to bear , up horses, and so. he shoes these . animals with. stout wooden. sabots, eleven Mates long by eight btoad, and thus they - an • wallf. at lem re and drag the pleugh after them: ' -- • . The gathe I'M of the wheat ' rep gees -, on on all th valley lands- with headers, and you Will find on all the 'fain: s in the Sacramento ,alley the best laboreeavine - treachinery employed,- and human. lab • lei • which is alweys•the most. cost1S, - put to - • .f. its best and lest profitable use. Ti ey tailhere of steam ploughs 'a d ste, in, wegons for -coannoir toads, and hate 10e" doubt. the steam. ploagh. will he '.fi •st practically and generally used., M th se • . • . Cab fbrma _ VallOY% where - I have . • e en furrows two miles long, and ten eig •t iierse teams folhating eachother.-0 ir. Ilarp?P'.* Treekl,y. .. . . . .gv•-•---7-------n A .New Use for Chicken Feat . . ers.• . . • Chicken feathers -are , among. tli s -e - waste -products .cif the farm of which • in) regular means Of utilization has h:eretot fore been euggested. Myriads of then). ft, e a. 1- n a les with. a. a re strewn oVer the barn -yard, and pack - d into the floor of the chicken -house, or re converted into nuisances by the ind, which bestrews them over lawns nd flower -beds, or drives them into open doors and. windows. The down alone' is, We believe, occesionally used, as a *stufli jig for pillows or cushions, and sometintes - employed as an. adulteration goote feathers ; but the long plumes of the . wings, sides and tail- of the bird, uniese made into rude 1)1111(11es to 'serve as dus- ters for the housewife, are generally te- garded as totally worthless. " According to statistice. very care- . fulIy complied. says a writer _ in La rIture, " we throw away yearly a quan- tity of chicken feathers ethe iatrinsic value of which is equal to the money whieh we pea- cnit for cotton. , A start- ling statement, but the euthor coneidert it -tree ; zuul lie proceeds to explain how the feathers ae e prepared: to render them valuable : The operation is ti cut the ume portions of the feathers from th pi stem lry means of Ordteary haml-scissors. The former are ;placed in spliatities in a coarse bag,' which, when full, is eltesed and subjected to a thorough kneading with the 'hands.- At the met of five minutes the feetheret it is stated become ; dissagg,regated 'and felted together, form- 1 ing a down pekfectly heM0geneotts and ' of great lightness. It is eren liettter than natural eider down, becanee the latter contains the ribs: of Ott ! feathers, Which give extra weight. I The material tIntS prepared is worth, and readily sellFi in 'Paris for about • $32 " pound. About one-sixth troy ounceS I this down can he obtacreed from the featYters of an ordinary ,sized. pullet ; and this on the ab ve va uationis worth abut t twenty cents. It is suggested that, through • e win er, children might collect all the ethers about a fatin, and cut tlie' ribs on as we ate stated. By the king tim a large quantity of down would be prep, red, w ich ceuld be dis- poical Of to up olsterer, , or employed for doniestic uses. Goose feathers may be treafted in a s • ar ruiner, and thus two! -thirds of t it prod et of the bird uti- lized, iti ead f only bout one-fifth, as is at present th case. chiclem down •s said to form a beantiftll cloth when a oven. For a,bput a sqfiate yard of the aterial a pound and a half of down required. The fabiie is said t ) be 11,1111 st indestructible, as, in plece o fraym or tvearing, out folds, It only s ems tol felt the tighter. tklees dye r aclily, aIul is thoroughly Water -proof. here at pears to be a good opn'ortemity h re for sone ingenious per- ionitoinvent achine to cut and. tree the :feathers. Americau. More Stoc and otter StOck. ! AORICIULT RAL-mquAL.ASSUR- ANCE AS OCIATION OF CANADA. -1 HEAVOFF OE, -. 'LONDON, .ONT.: , etemetra (is January, 18780 $280,681 94, with • over 36,000 Policies in , force. Preuiiums re- ceived in 1872, s 87,000 -an increase of over $9,000 on the huge bu 'bless of 181. This old reliable Company -the ucceesful. p-,oneer of (dump, farm insurance in Ca iada•s--issiting now nvinthly ' early as nian.s. Polici s as the whole yearly isime of a majority of oth r ConvanieS in the same line of businesejn the onutry, distributing their rieks in such a manner that under no apparent . posisible celarnitY Or contingency,"a heavy drain 'cotild be made oretheir cepital, has decided to afford pro- tection ts- the owners and ioccupiers of Lialated Dwellines in °Woe, Towns end Villages, at rates that will'ilefy any respectable or reaponsible °Moe . . . i to cut tinder. Intending insurers will note: That -this is the only Fire Mutualim that h (1 posited with the Re- ceiver -General and been licauced to do beeiness throughbut the 'Dominion bf Canada. That the assets and profits of this ConepanY accumulete. at the menlbors' credit, taor • g a sine fund per the t proteoti • n of members, land coping down the cost 1 of instils nee, instead of (as .with stook companies) being di *tribute amongst 14hareh01ders. That it instuee nothin more hir4cirdous than Isplated Dwellin s, FarnI Property, C,theeseFactories;Coun- try C}ix1chcs and School'Housee, hes no branch i _ for the ma'am() of more dangerone property, and s pays all 1anage by lightning, including live eteek ' in male, etiblield of . farm. That, having, besides Premit m Note capital cash always on Our Wee er farme a, in the .revolu tion of times, should pot lose sight o the importanc of stoc raising as one of the:m.0st impo tent nches of.farming, 111 a finaucial taint, to market the .pro - duets ef •the f: rm meh ias possible, thiiugh cattle, hoes or sheep, remember- ing that is pa EC best tc feed stied stock. Better have. 'few tl oroughbreds and gre4es than s rub sto at any 'nice, and when on e esta,b jelled with good stock, 7with ju idiots t •eatment a farmer can rely upoe. , steady demand. and good prices- while s rub sto k is a drug in the market. Fine stock c sts more in the etart, but the f ifferenc ts soon madc up in early niaturi sap riot quality and greater. size, "hile it takes the snipe feed and _lobo t, in a shorter space of time. 1 -_ Feriners, melte the s art now; secure .good Derhani ball, nd, perhaps; one or two heifers, land w n you once be- come acquainteil with he merits of the short horns, you will w nder why people' will coil:Ulm to raise scrub stock, and you will also be convin ed that fanners can't afford to raise scrub stock on farm land worth frpin $50 to $75 per acre. - Most farmers tecogrn e the importance of liaartng improved bre ds of hogs as no one evauld thiuk of fee ling corn "to the old lmig-legged breeds; and. what is true of hogs.. is true of she p or cattle, and even of hotses, that th money is salatle out of., the better class of stock, while eommener 'stock pays ittle more than the expenses of raisiat. Western far- mers, get good, stock, an 1 with good care make the best investme it for money, ifreetelet Agrieviturist • EF.M2.4 OF COLD IN FATTENINO.--A producer of pork in Mu kingum county, Ohio, Who has inade xperiment with hogs With a -view to as erten' how.- far cold retards the rate of ttening, reports the following .results : arefully weigh- ing the hogs fed, and he COM fed to them, and estimating po ic at four cents per ponnd, he found the what he fed out (luring. the first week in ctober returned (in pork) 80 cents per b shel ; the. first week m November, 60 c nts ; the third week, 40 the fourth tw ek in Novem- ber and die month -of De ember, 25 ; the first half of January, 5 ; he list half, 0; In the October week of . he experiment the weather was pleasan and wa,rm. , gradually grew colder tit the latter pert of November, from. ch time it re- mained about stationary till the 1st of January, after NVIACIL it -ran' down to zero, and below in the la, er part of the menthe The hogs wer well sheltered 11 a good pen with plan floor. Le-At:pi- eataral Report. Iatrotnetatee OP Coaatet PoNCITA.- TrON.—The importance o: correct punc- tuation, was strongly i histratecl, the other day, at a meeting o the Ways and Means 'Coniniittee, -wile it was shown that a comma in one pl ce was worth $2,000,000. In the tariff bill whit& went into effect August 1,18, was extended by the ace hundred. articles. Arno -,added was ' fruit plant semi -tropical," for the p pagation aud cultivation. the bill, or in the process for official printing, a co .ed after 'fruit," and all by placed upon the free toms officers, however, n change, continued to co fruit until the error., N The Ways and Means C now agreed to report a bil comma, in accordance wit the law of 1872. The , illegally collected is not f 000, a-Aaterican Paper. 2, the free list ition of several g the number , tropical and rpose of pro - In engrossing of copying it ma was insert- l ruit was there- ist. The cus- t noticing the ' lect :duties on as discovered. minittee have to remove the. the intent of mount of tax r from $2,000 - MON area STEER.—M r. Tobias Lites, a large hand, it is enabled to pay all honest claims with - years th s office as distribitted over "half At mn- out sny mecesrry delay. 'That in the past eleven lion of Money"( in satisfaCtion of losses to its memberS. Your Itipport f this Comany is solicited on ite own meeits. It is claimed or this office that it has done more t provide cheap insurance than all the other Comp Ms combined. It is a notorious fad that the cm paint; CoMpaniee have for years been ceslying oar plans and adopting ourrates as a necessary condition of theirlexietence. Give 11.41 Farina Favorite the Preference. 9App1icktions b ProMptly attended to CHAS. T. DOYLE, Agent, 806 -ti Box 89, Clinton. Do. Intl Want Mon6r. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT AND LOAN SO!ArET Incorpolited A. D. 1871, !pursuant to Cap. 58, Con. Stat. a U. d. OFFICE-ettenenes 13lock, °ismer King and 'John ' Streets, HamiltOn. . • DAPIIAL, - - Si,000,000. witEcTql1S. Adam Hope, President; W. E. Sanford, Tice: President ; D. McInnes, A. U. Wood, Alex. Har- vey, Char es Gurney, A. F. Skinner, Plummer Dewar, .T E. Kerr, Alex Turner, John Harvey, John Multerson; .T. M. Williams, M. P. P., .Iohn Brown, E W. Hhinin.-H. D. Cameron, Treesur- or ; Crerar, Solicitor • A. 41IcEachern, Accotint- ant. iii Intend' g boriewers will Consult their best in - krauts b examining thel advantageous- terms offered by this &MeV, befoie going elsewhere, Special Features. No Lawiter's Fees charge( where the security coneiste o Farm Property, id when tho Leen is not less than $400, or for a shorter period, than five years.1 • . The fall moun of the Loan handed over to the Borrower. All it eidental espouses maybe includ- ed in repa mite • ' Repaym uts m y be made, to fall due at Such !period of he 3.ea as is most convenient to bor- rowers. . The Loin ma; be paid ; off at any time on equitable terms. I - For Lai Tables and full particulars apply t' - H. D. CAMERON, Treasurer, Hamil ton. JAMES. IC BENSON, Barrister, Valuator, Seaforth, 818-18 BLYTH SHINGLE, HEADING _ AND • PLAINING FACTORY.. ffiHE Stibecriber haying leaSed the Mill for meny years Worked .y Mr. William Curtis, is prepar- ed to euppl shin les and heeding in large quan- tities at th lowest market prices. Partioularlat- tention peal to OUSTall S WING PL.A.NLIVG. Firet-class iShingl s guaranteed, as none but good Sawyer/I aro em oyed, the best quality of Pine used. The ighcst priees paid for good Pine and Timber for Heading. . The subsciibes is aleo about to erect a. now Shingle 1;41 on Lot 30, Cons 2, List Wawanosh (two miles from. Manchester), which will be ready for work on the 1.4 of January, 1874: ;Wantedsa firstklass Shiugle Suwyer to Om - 311 -13 Th3r on 6 11 s anurAlln CA. RTER. h 1 t J. • mene • - 8,„ SELE T SCHOOL AND MUSIC CLASS. \JfISS Orlststrist of St. Thomas' Church. Aland Class and Select School, Kidd's BlOck, MAIN S REE SEAFORTN. Piaho the ASV/A 0 01 ROOM.' 1 . T E B. M S ": 1}, rust -rumen al4fus 0, per terra of ,12.wooke......4$6 'Vocal Musi ., per term • -- s Vocal and astanniental Music, when taken tO- 5 ge6her 1 ; - siasEcT sostoon, 8 , 4 English Branches, inclading plain and fancy work. Higher brenehes, per term of' 11 weeks Children over l 2 yeare 4 4..thildren under 1`2 years on4 Cumb rland County, Payabie in iidvance. mister steer, . Penn:, it the owner of a which he is fattening for markets, The -animal m east red in the 'preseuce gentlemen, who, attractec the large size of the ani number of miles to see hi sionS aro as follows: Ar 9 ft. 4 in. ; around stomac around flank, 9 ft. .2 in. ; 9 ft 7 in. ; around neck, front knee, 1 ft. 9 in. • ac pin to pin, 2 'ft. 9 in. ; a toss kidney. of horns to ose to rump, . 1 in. The des away, the d, but a, num- t at the time, ,000 • pounds. ch overgro late& and it that the one up the beam 3,400. • 8 was carefully he New York 4 0 11 !NI f a number of by reperts ef al, traveled a . Hi 8 dimen- und the girth, 1, 10 ft, 2 in. ; 'round breast. 5 ft. ; around oss be:At from 3 ft, 7. ; from but enc rump, .9 ft. ; from tip of 11 ft. 5, in. ; height, 6 f nearest Scales being four animal could not be weigh bet of cattle dealers, prese 1 estimated -the weight at However, the .weight of Si animals is always over -est would be safe th presume in question will not bring at any figura above 3,200 REMOV t THE SEAFORTH SHAM DRESSING SAL ON L. AND RIR . One -he .VATY PORTER- ; rse Daiiker and Exehange Broker. .S.EL FORTY. CAPITAL, $0,000,000.01. 148 is no blow, but a fact. rYS • TIAS been removed to .new prelnises, tulioining 1 . John tar We old stand, andpposite W. Rob- / ertson & Cm s Hardware Store. The proprietor 1 l)(' -t0 etate that he lms fitted 1 p hie new shop with every tonvenienee, and is clef enuintel to make it a first-elese eeteblielmient. He ha e ahm on hand a nice stock of LADIES' ('HI(.7...1-0..INR A_ Of the latest etyles. He is also pr t pared to teke LADIES HAIR, COMBINGS, , And have them straightened auli. worked into Braids,. Belts, Svritches,- Curls, &c, Charges reasonable. • GentsWigs ftiruished on the at 2.ess than city prices. A cell is respectfully solicited.. 807-52 :- ' WILLIA "D BRAIDS i hortest notice NEWMAN. enbacke and American Silver at cur- rent rates.. Lends money on -good farm prop- erty. Shasiea notes without lather. Receives rioney on depoeit, antl pays 420 per cent. interest -when yen get it. Buys Sheep ;9kin.4., Furs and Wool at tbe highe,Rt prices. All this iS -done with the • above capital, wonder- , 11, is it not,S Hand iu voile wants, wishes and -peetations, don't be afraid., he won't bust. - 322 SPECIAL NOTICE. LINTON yifOOLEN P11111.8. THE S ubsc riber hew; to' an nonne e tha t his Fee- -4- tory is isow in Mil operation, apd would call attention to the euperior stock- of Clothe that he hes on hand,. which he is offerinesat prices that will convince ell of the benefit of a local factory, feeling assured that all will realize the saviegover importation, ail a proof, see the following prices : uion Tweeds, 65e to 70c. - , s. • Plated, Cloth, 75e to 90e. Tweed, 85e to sl 10. Plannele, 5-Jc to 10c. tuion Flannels, 50c to 70e. Blankets, 4.tc., on hand. Gres) Red, and White. tocking Yarns: My easterners through the connty, who were formerly supplied by my peddler, will be waited upon in a few days by any son, wha will either take orderk, or supply them at once with the artiele deSired. 1 ARRIVED THI Five Bales and Three Cases o IN 'LI -HE TAILORING Can be seen one of t CHOICEST STOCKS OF SPRING C PATTERNk WEEK. New DEPA OTTIS 0 And Finest Makes ever brought into Seaf This Department is in Mr. TK. A harge Of derson Fing Goods. TMENT„ THE NEWEST rth. ORDERS* PROMPTLY EXECUTED AND A :FN IT GUARATEED. NOW OPENED. A BEAUTIF L SHOW OF NEW AMERICAN AND ENGLI H HAT AND CAPS. NEW SIL 11,i SCARFS, BOW EW COLLARS AND A. AND. TIE VFFS. G. IVI?DOUGALL. MR. HI Returns thanks to the public for the$ cordial support durin tinuance of the setae. He will not' be found. advertising '"LARGE, CONSI which are never made, or fabulotis quantities of -goods th forth to hold, or asking twice the valde of an article to make a reduction from the price they are getting a big bargain, h the following maxims of Trade: ; Buy in the be Bny only sac Sell such arti I Sell at the 1.o Sell at onep: Sell for cash. And will give to customers all ad means, said thus contribute toward LL the past eight N M E would requir the unreffectin t will, as in the t markets and on the bat terms. articles and in such quintities as will - les as can be recomme ded. est possible advance. ea only. anlages that will ari making for his patro. S years, and asks a con - TS, all the Stores of Sea - customer think that by past, follow closely to ake quick returns. e from long experience, character and s. I 1 IFFY HEW 7E44R. Biitannia H W. use, adjoining t e Post Office, Seaforths WATCHES, M. }JAS one of the Choicest and Chen County. Every Article LOCKS AND Li, R COUNTER - WE LRY. peat Stock of Watches, Clocks arid Jewe ry to select from in the Warranted to e as' Repr sented. Prices are lower than any other Ho largest and best selected in this sect' A call of Inspection is all that is re statemente. Just received, a full stock of t Watches, all different grades, inoludin so doing4 small trade an afford to offer. The Stock is the n of the eountry. aired to convince the most skeptical of the truth of these o ELGIN WA CHES, thi3 best American-made g the renowned "Lad Elgin.' A Large Assortment of very andsome W Baskets, &e., They are worth looking at. G Repairing promptly atten ed to. M. R. 0 UNTER, Mt HARNESS H re such cts Cruet Stands, Cake Id Chaius in- endless variety. TRUNKS, BAGS, WHIPS, COMBS AT BELFRY in -street, Seaforth. RNESS I OLLAR VALIISES, LASHES, BROSHES, &C & MAY'$, SEAFORTH. Our HARNESS we ean •reconime d to any one, as -we 'use only first-chiLeather and .make none but .fiTst-rate Harness. We arxjant our Collars not to, gall a Horse, and guarantee them to givJeetntir67;oit iasfaee1tis; °1; Voj) 0 ,etion Seoforth. J3ELFRY & MAY. *COME ONE, Special Rates when Purchased by the Piece. 1 Cloth Falling and custom Carding attended to. IN EAltLY CALL IS SOLICITED. THOS. IL, FOSTElt CdMELj AND MY YOUI HARNESS 1 FROM 1 J. WAR1), SEAFORT I beg to state for the information of f mere and the public generally, that 1 have as good a stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined not. to be undersold by any other establish- ment in the County. BELLS and HORSE BLLNKETS, 11 kinds, constantly o6 hand. Also T.11TINKS and General Furnishings - 0 -3773E1 ° J.WARD, 214 CET agarias 3Ald-A1.N3M1 "Ti tfi e's zicl ti }—k 1-4 0 0 1=1' 0 f**3 0 ri2 M fee tO ONIddOHO BRITS FOUNDRY. THE S1113,40-RIBEE wishes to call the attention of the farming cmunranity iii general to his large and varied stock of Agricultural Implements, dansistinetof IRON .ititiD WOOD PLOWS) With the *test improved Steel Mould Board, - GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, 114ROWS, SCUFFLEitS, &c.• He would beg to call special attention to the celebrated FARMERS' PLOW, Wbieh has given tniversal satisfaction 'wherever used, to whieh is now added a Thistle Point, so much required in this pert. Also, to some fast - STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLERS) I From. $22 to $115. Also, a few First -Class Wagons, Getting up fOr Spring use, warranted of very best SEASONED TIMBER. All of -which will ha sold at the very LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH 1 Or approved -credit. WM.. R. WILSON, Brussels, Feb. 12, 1878. 271c3• SEA FcRall AND HURON MAR6LE WORKS. IVIESET EiROTHER, (Late of Ifamilton,) - ks'• Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general publfe that they are prefeired to fill all orders for Menumenti, Headstones, Table Tops; Mantel, tec. Granite Monuments imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this pint of Ontario. A call respeafullysolieited. Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, MAIN-SREET, SEAFORTH. CLINT' ON MARBLE WORKS; ucRox STREET, Next door 'west of the Commercial Hotel, MONUEr, HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in ArneriCan and Forelegs Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at moat reasonable priees. E. MESSET, IL M.ESSET. Mantles of Various Colored Marble slip - plied ou Short _Noticc. Granite Monuments and Headstones imports -4 to order. CALDER & COOPER. Malti-Street, Beafortb, 277 ANDREW CALDER, Agent. Ti* MARC THE BRIT 11:.:i.u:?.er(omm;e:F e131-3 of sixteen MinxisiT re of eomparatit1 137, the Lord 1>i aa cenOrShip of the Right }Ion. Be first 'Lord of tint Minister, is so wel Itheearssutttvetoefr7ircii of him. The. Disraeli, the fait) osiliv8kf LYffivit,A was bora- in Lonthi lirmpirriisocr bhyf took novels, beginning fell4!)edtbrief i Duk Fleming, Airota clontesstemat.trnbrheeboz sna was defeated, but he was returned mons by the Con which c eastitnenet liaraent for the tei ago. Despite instability made raeli has been far political principles. intsllt English statk Parliamentary fain late $ir Robert 15, agitation -on free twenty-five years I edged leader of the Under the late E administrations, :N1 cellor of the Exehei 1868, he was' app: . Prime Minister of ; t he reeigned at the Mr. Disraeli has party in ntore than ehe term. He be,s with being in advt Mr. -Gladstone hu hind his. Bat tliq Mr_ Disraeli's found more traetal party surrounding well has Mr. itis ferces., that now. only 50 votes la th according to one! latest utterances., chanee of a lengt than would a -Lib Radial majority '1 Mr. Disraeli leaf% ty-five years stela tary history. To j feet that thetConse a great majority Of cracy in. Europe, al its leader, is la descent ; that be: the adVantage of a without fertune no capital ,but hi death of Lord Pn 'Iri.adsditvolirthPeufhalei being in office aloe erai opinion whie statesman of the Mr. Disraeli has the House of Coin as a master of jure never met with a r Inore t made him famous, of them, completel- lark- of the late helped to place hi position. In 1868 honor of Aechniar lilft- w)eeetllie tmi ItegT • field. During. his raeii eave the weft ary eoetributione I ad t sl en() /2 ri;t14 Whir Disraeli is a D. C. burrgh;,eaTorrfuse itie aeorn Trusfcci-of the Nati :rteet and. last non-politital honor upon him in the IA the University of ( TIM EAR The Estri of Doi for Foreign Affairs ' and was born in with honors at Ca,. and immediately In 1848 li. was Lynn Regis as Lon he held for twenty, cession. to the peer Under Secretary - Affairs 'during his tion. In 1855 Lo. by Lord Stanley's 1 him the Seortary Ike, but, faithful dined the office, Earl. of Derby's he beeaane Secreta 'Miring his adminis falirs the famous was dissolved, and handed over entire 1816 he was appo for Foreign. Affairs. until 186& The d 1869 transferred. Lords, where he zeast powerful deb members. Of late gained universal forts in behalf of s at admirable spe general infermatioa ania,leletolitoi day. LR Tli0Right: n niontioeair asn0fthiat to it8iti91:taynd College, Dublin. lish bar in I.844. Lord Queen's Dei)s17 ueens.'(1"7 ki etivat kat .A,.tonlulaa i4tii had ni one of the iar Bari. His E xtraor easestriefsianileloor he had to decline tirely. As Solieite et Tel In'3,1 eat dhisur ieveryng !leodZet°of bt3e°t111;1" passioned orator ef he became Atte he was elevated to - Cairns -of Oarrnoyi Lord High Chan raeli, and has sine -43'.4ciTtil°ivhe8rdaDulTi*ukin'''abernilorlif: