HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-03-06, Page 3.1 VLAR•CH 6, 1874. •glum, hes ot Colonial Securities Corn - else Agent for several pd. Toronto, who loan :atom'y at rides. Interest payable year 213 ,t OLMESTE1 Barnstera; aw.,Solicitors in ("heave re sue tries Feblia- end Celia-eye/teem ca3aete, S'urth. ,ifltsor ssaranee Conreau3, lend at 8 per cent. Farms, sale. • 53 ER, Barriat ra in al tt,ueva Mors in Cheneo.y anti ell0y, teries Publie, etc. Otte.,a—Sea. 'rolteter. te13,000 of reivett Funds to ee, at .:,:ight-per cent. Intel -eat, pa3 able 53 U. W. C. NEVI.V.. 'T.X. la. it Barrister, At tor uee fu Chaim- Goharich, Out. Office—over J. C. a's Emperium, Market Square. , eng _ AYKCID011ai d Att or neys , Sol ieit era in Chancery,. fie els, Ont. Oilice—twO doors ninth of ea a r.1.• It, DANIEL lit•DON.AD derielt. - 11.?.Le:t. a SEAFORTII. Thentaa to state to iris old frit tads and • • tat hing ptiblie. that ire. haa a hVtl. the ,•• occupied by .-Mr. and !H. Wit ati the DOWNEY 1101'sle, amt leave a continuance of the pi, tronege estowed. upon him duriug hh. litany tend busineSs. Evte-y comfort and be provided. for tr-aveliers. The u,r..; and t. -us only kept in the Bar. Oti reliable hostler ;aware in attendance. THOMAS Proprietor. WALES HOTEL, Clinfttn, Ont., iiler-TCHEON, Proprietor. runt -dna Won ortea.vellers. The Bar is sup- ' very beat iiqacts anal cigars. Good tacitta, The stage leaves tilts -.Renee ler Wingham. 204-4t F41.r$2 HOTEL, SBAFORTH-... FOSTER begs. to inform his old and the traveling public that he has new hotel, adjoining the Post, Otliee thereihe has the very best aecommoda- in and beast. The beet of -liquors, and lie bar. • THOMAS, FOSTER. ye + $PRELL, (Graduate of Meetill tniver- ISIontrealn Conaler fel- the County of Iaftlie—Next door to Calder Brothers' .erks, anal oppOeite 3XeCa11azu otel, Saeforth roar the Railway Station NG, SeafOrth, (late of Carrenlerook,) or for the County of Perthoulce mAd il.,ver Johnson Brothers' Hardware Store, Calls at DR. .EING'S office will be at- , day cp• 287 EBCOF,, D, C. M. Plivsician„ Sur- ete., Coroner for the Comity of Unroll. Iteeidenee, corner of Market and High t;xt to the Planing Mill. IAMPBELL, V. S. Licentiate and Prize- . of Cornell University; Ithaca, N.Y., ana of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, permanently in Varna, where bt will be and willing to attend to- all Undo of La all kietas of animals (man excepted}, la of weatiatz, and tit all hours. Resi- t effiee two doors east of Cueit's Tem - 'NARY MeNAUGHT, :begs to announte to the iiahribitants of ,and: surrounding country that Le has ,dfal the diploma of the Ontario Vett:rai- n, atd is now preparvd to treat dieeases anatOtiatie and all &wreaths &minutia. He W.. MX oft ce in connection -witb. Ids horse - hop, where let:will be found aeittly to at- adis. Diseases 2t the feet speebilly at - :Residence, office and shop in the rear layen`e. new stere. All kinds of Vet- et:divines kept ceeetently on hand. ailtsonahle. a'a2.9 - J. G. BULL, L.D.S., ..,--*URGEON,Dentist,&c.,Seaforth, 1---1 Ontario. Plate work, latest yles, neatly executed. All sur- gical operations pinformed with, promptitude. Fees as low as can be ob- iewhere. Office 'mute front ei A. M. to 5 mins over Mr. A,„ G. MeDougall's Store, 270 ItURCHILL, t,"etetinary Surgeon, (intim- et- the Ontario Veterinary Colleg,..-,t begs that lie returned, to the .twaetice of sion. in Seeforth,aed rimy at all times be " the diaertaes Of Horses, Cattle, ikc. extelieines constantly on hand. All Inaptly attended to. (Mice, at Mansion eafertii. 113 tat V.E rialale'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. !E. -,—At :quanta's Hor1, Seaforth. Good id trst-clas:: Conveyanci•s always cni hand. c-- iVEi S TABLES, SEAFORTIL, Ont. aflorsee: and Comfortable Vehirles, always_ FavoralAe Arratigements made with Li Travellera. All orders left at E.Nox's till be promptly attended to. am) Sraeraes:—Third door.North of ,Otel,Main. Street. • THO-MAS BELL, Proprietor. Alta/ma JECrodie, E., NCIAL LAND, SURVEYOR, Seaforth. iders left at tl&(.Maus iuHou.v.-ith Mr. `l Irray will receive immediate attention. es—Dr. Coleman and Dr. King. ;32 S. 1, KENNEDY, IGrN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER 'stainer., Paperhangiug ease a ttended. to. Ile as cheer as he- any °titer good work - be Al/ orders left with Mr - or for hint at the Exrosircni, Office will tiy attended, to. 27g-26 TOi TIIE PUBLIC (W risk' Notalirif AMER, ICA. I,.5...',EQ:OENCE, of frauds thar have been ie d upou yon by two or three int/Matteis 11- time took the name of the New York - Oceapany") making and telling some- ich they can " Holloway's Pills and Oint- int which, for a seraton, were freely sold parts ot the Biitish Provincee as my Vills and Ointment„I have, for some time sidered it my duty to motion the publie,. the im•dirtrit of the press, against buying lions articles. Stidgments have been ob- atinst alais Bankrupt Crew, in one case by Saud,• who, when about .to levy, at the i of Oetelter last, found the name. of the Conn:6a* had been painted out and that `Sol VI.Se substituted. Many respectable ;!L the British Provinces, who obtain lay tlireet frare here, have very properly t. that I should, for the benefit of them- ni public, insert their names In the lint it may be known that my medicinea ftex•nine from them. The following he Lira% alluded to; 'and I particularly ti those who deaire to get my medicines leati of the lfonsea named.: Messrs. jartowei,..v. Co., Halifax, N. S.; Messrs. •f- Cie, Fittlifax, N. S. Mes-tra. T. B. Soxs, St, jam, N. B.; Mr. T. DES AttetteWn, P. E. I.; Messrs. ictorii B. C.; Messrs. Mooim tk. Con Vie- JttliN PALL E , Chathitm, N. B.; Iqceen. 00., Moriti eal:Mesar. J. WiteEn atitiltde, Ont.; Mr. H. J. Paean Toronto; era:e SMITH, St. .folin, N. Ilae 1.1r. ;are Cr( alerich, Out.; MeserteEtraor ia; Co., a Mr. J. ClIAWNEit,- St. JObn, N. B. Brarifinit:4, it. John, N. B4 PI:1001`, Windsor, Ont.: Mas. Oatese-e, IN. S.; Mr. Gnome C. firer, .fr., Freder-- .D.; Mr. W.11. Tfroiresox,Haebori(Irace, T. J. M. IXXLEY, Fredericton, N. B.; Messrs. en.x, Montreal. •Aly Pills and Ointment inutfactured nor sold in any part of States. Each Pot mut Box. beare the civertunent stamp, with the worda, "Hole Pilla and Ointment, Lontleit," engraved The fur-flieints are sold at the lowest net pricea,in tpututitiea of riot Inset than th, viz.; Se. Gil, 22s., end 34s. per dozen ;Pills or pots cif Ointment, for which re -1 ruut b sem in advance. • 1110MAs IIGLLOWAX. ...Chi.rni•its and other vendors of Efollo- 'mine Pala mad Ointments may have their liserted la the local papers if they will adf here - 5 1 533, Ox.forcl Street, W. O. Dec, 1, 1S73. GAIETIES. "Came to his death while being bit on the head with a long-handledestewpanIn the hands of his wife," was. the verdict in recent case in Illinois. —Rev. Gent- —" But you !really earl xiave no seriousreason to wiShl. to be pal -b- old: from your wife." Rustin-al' Well, sir; I like my wife well enough ; but, 31ni see, she don't please Mother. ' •—" Paddy," says a joker, "why don't you have your ears cropped ?-they are antirely too long for a man." Yours," replied Pat, "ought to be lengthened ; they are too short for an *ss." •g --A „gentleman at a dance reinarkei to s partner, a Witty young- lady, that the ' room was too close—he must go out and get some air." After an absence of haif aa hear he returned, when She ask - ed him. if he bad not been' to the grra,vevari, as his breath smelt •.of the re--‘ I see," said. a young lady, "that 5 isome printers. advertise -blank declara- tions for sale ; 1 wish I could get one:" 1" Why- ?" asked the mother. "Because, ;ma= Mx G -----is too modest to ask me tol marry him; and, perhaps, if I should )fill up a . blank declaration he would !sig -11 —A youth, youth, passing down Fourth street, lsaw a handsomely -embellished speci- men truss hanging in a shop window, and_suspended frorn it a tag with this legend : "Patent Rupture Truss ----none 'like it" " said. Rusticus, eyeing it with suspicious looks and. edging away apprehensively, "1 shouldn't think they would like --" Got anything foaa a sick Man to - read ?" inquired a pug-nosed boy at a news -Stand the other day. "Yes, any- thing you want—Bibles, poems, religious books, Chri.itktrt Herald, and so forth," -eplied the eierk. "Bibles !". echoecl. e boy 4 "do you think dad's a haugel Gimme a lively dime novel—one with an njua scalping a soldier !"—Detroit Free • ress. —A Sacramento dealer in hair oil, who dd on the principle of "No cure, no ay," has sued. one of iis bald-headed nstomers ; and the la ter demands a aid -headed. jury, ia ord r that he may e tried by his:peers; —Chorus of 'ladies to comely curate ho is aseending the ladder to hang ( ecorations---``;Ch, Mr. Sweetkaa do a,ke care' Don't go up ! So danger - us ! Do come down !" "Oh !" Rector arcastically) " ReaIly, Sweetlow, on't youthink you'd- be ter let a thar, r ed man do that ?"—P aneh. - —"You cannot taste id a lecturer. Natur u to sec our food." "T a forward pupil, "how an at dinner ?" " Na s ered the Professor, m with eye teeth." in the dark," has intended en," inquired bout a blind ure, Air,". an - has provided —It was at a party tha some young 131ies were discussing the relative beue- its of the sparrows and th worms, when ore• of the fair ones appe, led to young F. zletop, who had. j-ust joi • ed them-, and ; 11,1 not caught the drift 0 the conversa- tion, " Which do you thit k the worse, worms or sparrows ?" 1- 'hat did . the stt;pid. brute Ao but innoc. ntly answer, don't knoia ; I never h d -sparrows." A. picture in Punch'.' Almanac for 1: 4 represents a scene in nursery. A 1 0 ie seated near the fire and a little gar is kneeling before her, vhi1e.anether lit 16 girl -says : "Maud, please men- tio i Pin. so dreadfully tiredi I can't. say nan e to -night, but I'll be s re to lei:4cm- ' ber to -morrow !" - Sir Richaid. Wallace 1as. endowed Paris • with drinking -fountains. All Partsians are not grateful t6 him, 1ow- evek A man of an•enterot'sing charac- ter vent to him and asked foL a loan of 50, qoo francs for no parti ular cause. Sir Richard, laughingly 4aid, "No, that k you," upon which th ;. injured in - 1 divi1 ual rose, took up his chapeau, and , revenged himself with the Temark, "Ater all, your fountains are very poor affairs." • —At a recent funeral in Danbury, where several organizations -were in at- tendance, no erape badges were provided for a female society. _ The President, af- ter fidgeting about in a manner peculiar to her unfortunate and happy sex, sud- denly blurted Out : "1 declare ! I don't. enjoy this funeral 'one bit !" • The an nouncement cast a gloom over the ene tire gathering. —Danbury News. I JA TETI:4 GEORDIE. —" Well, Janet,•has ed VIII Morton of a neighbors '• wife. . your husband no come hame yet ?" ask- " 'Deed no, W, ill, he's no hanie. ; but I'm . - sure his lugs micht ring, for I've raged otter him this twa days, and, My ecrtie ! . that's naething tae What hell; get when he cc Ines home. I'll-----" 'Stop, . 'stop, Janet," interrupted Will, "I've iconic wi' news o' yer husband, an' ye mann bear up while I'm telling ye • I thoehamyseP as ,audt's ony minister tae break the news 6' his----" " Oh, oh," shrie ed Janet, clutching Will by the arm, ' what's came ower my Geordie ? • Oh naai, can ye no speak? Hat ye nae . `mercyl ! Oh, dear? thae 'railways • where dad ye leave him lyin' ?' 1 " Calm; yoursa, Janet," replied Will ; " yer husba al's no lyin' na.egate ; he is—is—" "Het . !" put in Geordie, who at the preem certed signal stepped fdrward and was ii atantly clasped in the arms of his 'weep' g wife, while Will delicately withdi cw, mutteringas he -Went, " I've gatotdaat ye aff in the meantime, Geordie, l gained my half mutchkin ;: but losh : hae HU rey on ye when the relapse eomes on. her ,,, ; . Tit PLEDGE All' SPUNKY,P0114T. A TALE IOF "STIRTUIDUS EFFORT A.D. HUMAN PER,F±DY. , rt's all very well flor preachin', But preachip'.a0d practice don't I'm posted on virtne and ternp'ran e, And 3 -on can't iiing it in on nic Jest toddle along with your pledge, • e. Squire, •Ef that's what ton ‘vAnt me to sign ; Betwixt me and. yeti, I've been thar, And I'll not take any in mine. A year ago last Ptah July • A lot o' the bo3 a were here : .e all got coraered, and, signed ti pledge I ,- Fur to drink nO more that year. -There was Tibalain Joy and Sheriff • M'Phail, ! Ancl•me and Abner Fry, And Shelby's bov Leviticus; And the Golyerf-Luke and 9y. ..knd we anteed up hundred, In the hands o'l Deacon Kedge, Fur to be divided the follerin' Faith 'Nlongst the bofrsIthat kep' the pledg And we .knowed leach other so well, - Squire, You may take Oly scalp for a fool Ef every man when he signed his name Didn't feel dead snit of the pool. Far a while it all: Went lovely ;. We put up a job ue.xt day Fur to make Jo 'lieve his wife w s dead, And he trent hoine naiddlin' gay. Then Abner Fry be killed a man, And afore he as, hung, M'Pha.il Jest bilked the idder oaten her shee By gittin! him sewd in jail. , But Chris'mas scooped the Olieriff—* ' 'The eggnogs gathered. hi ' in— And Shelby's boja Leviticu , Was New-Yeairs tight as sin. And along in Match the Golyers Got so drunk t let a fresh biled owl. mild 'a looked, loagside ' them two young meia Like a sober temperance f wl. Four months alone T walker the chalk ; I thought my heart Would break, And all them boys a-slappin my back, iAnd axini, " What '11 yo takeV' never slept without dreamin' dreams Of Burbin,. Peach, or Rye, But I' chawed at my nigg r -head, and swore I'd rake that pool or die. t last—the Fo'th--I hump d myself Through chores and break iast soon, hen scooted down tb Tagga 's store,' For the pledge was off at i oon ; ud all the boys WAs gethere( thar, And each man hilt his glas., ratchin' me and the clock, quite solemn Fur tijoksee;c the last tainute ' ass. e clock struck twelve ! I raised th sympathy for the ney for any of these e chances' are against ing from itr—Gtor. City . If you Send ery cheap goods your ever heat - apes. BY-LAW NO. 1874, To raise by way of Twenty, Thousand purpose of Purehas Gravel 't,oa.d. • e oan the sum of Dollars for the • g the Northern AvIITIREASu t the Council the Corporation of the Comity of Huron it We resolved to pur- chase the NORTHERN G AVEL le.).A1V with the view of abolishing the c Ilection oi Tolls on all the Gravel Roads in the s id Comity. And INIAEREA.S, to carry into effect the said - recited obj et, lit willbe nece -sary for the 0oencil of the said Coiiporntiou to ra se the sum of Twenty Thousand )ollars in tho mar nee herehrafter men- tioned. 1 Aud'WHEREAS, the atm nt of the whele rate- able property in the County f 11m:on; irrespective of any Ritmo increase in th name and irrespec- tive of any incOme to be dori ed from the tenipor- ary investment of the sin ng fund hereinafter mentionetle or any part ther of • aceording, ; to the last revised and equalized A sessment Rolla of the said Count, being for the year One T1i4onstind Eight Hundred and SOVOIA3 -limn, was Tim -teen Millions One Hundred a a Ninety Thpusand Three Hundred and Seventy Five -Donal -S. ' . And WHEREAS, the am unt of the existin,. debt of the said County is -8 follows: Principal .lvol Humana end Pilty Me ThousandEight Hu dred and: ¶1hut D1h is, for Gravel Road Deb ntaares, bearing .interes at the rate of al.& per Cent. per Runtime The aim al interest to be paid on the said debt is Fifteen housand Five Hund- red and Eighteen Dollars and Eighty Cents; upon which debt there is no interost in arroar. And WHEREAS, it will require the sum Of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars to be raised an- nually by special rate , for the payinent of the said debt and interest, as also hereinafter nien- tioned. . I -- • - I And WHEREAS, for; paying the interest and creating an equal annuell Sinking Fund for Paying the said sum . of Twenty Thou and Dollars and interest as hereinafter Mentione , itwill require an equal annual epeeiiil 'ate of ne Hundred and Sixty Niue firindred an 1Fi1ty-a inths (160-969) of a Mill in the Dollar, in ddition o all other rates and taxes to, ho levied in each ye r. Be it therefore enacto by thci Couneil of the Corporation of the Conn y of Hu on: _ ' lst.—That it shall be awful fo the Wardell of ' the said County of Huro to rai e by way of loan from any person or per ons, bod . or bodieS cor- porate, who may be will ng to a vrince -the EiRMO upon the credit of thi Deben ures hereinafter mentioned, a stun not i3X Ceding n thn wliole the sum of Twenty Thonsa d Dollar , and canoe the same to be paid into the ands o the Treasurer of the Cciunty aforesaid for the puiposes andawith the object above reeited4 1 2d.—That it shall he 1 vful fon the 'said War- , den ,to cause any nun* r of Debentures to be made for such sums of noney, not less than One Huraired Dollars each, and that the said Deben- tures shall be Settled witl4 the seal Of the said Cor- poration and be signed b - the Warden and coun- rtersigued by the Treastir r of the Said County. 8d.—That the enid payeble in twertty years hereinafter meetioned feet, at the office of th _ County of Huron, and them coupons for the pa :mially, signed by tlie sal( 41 h.—That the said D shall be made mit in the _ jug, - And took one lovin' pull - 1 -sifts holler elar front- skull ti boots, - It seethed I couldn't •git full But I was -roused by nf'fiendis laugh. That might have railed the lead -- Them ornary sneaks bad sot t e clock • lk half an hour ahead ! 11 right," 1 squawked, rne ; lest order your drinks we'll paddle Up to the De And scoop the auks ; Nit when we got to gedge's, What a sight Was ;that we s w ! Th Deacon and Pareon Skeete, s. the tail of a game of Drat bentureti ha11 be made t furthest from the day this BY -Law to take ef- Treasurer of the said shall have attached to lent of the interest en - Warden and Treasurer. bentnres and Coupons urrency of this Derain - ion, so that whole amount of said Debentures shall not exceed .the before net Thousand Dollars, and th e the rate of six per cent.' tioned sum of Twenty .y shall bear interest at er annum, which inter- est Shall be payable on th first day of :Tilly in each year, and every year luring the continuance of the said debentures, at the office of the Treas- urer of the said County -of Huron. 51th.—That for the purp se of forming &sinking fund for the payment of th Haiti Debentures and tate interest at the rate af resold, to become due thereon an equal special rllteof One Hundred and Sixty Nine Hundred and igy-Ninths (160-959) of a Mill in the Dellar, shall ii addition to all other rtes and taxes.be raised, I vied and collected in itch year upon all the re. cable property within he County of Huron, durittg the- continuance of he said Debenturce or any of them. 6th.—That ffh.is By-law shall take effect and come into operation upon tlhe first day Of July, One Thousand LCight Hund •ed and Seventy -Four. ou've got con's . _ Th h -ad shook 'exit the hef menu& ; Tbe Parson's luck was fa'r, AO he raked, the minute we g The last of our pool on a p'ar. So no more temp'ranee for me, ilOw it's all very fine. But pz fur myself, I thank ye, not take any in mine. —H nude clari in th privi whol rola age, resu1l o all, who vice a the a • tipe 1.' s 'Freckly. Joilx •NAr RUSSIAN MILiTARY Law- , of Russia, has ;issued a a g every male liable to con army, and repealing the lege of providing a substitut .:. The male population of Ru sia and. d, on attaining-r•the 20th ear of ill be required to draw 1 ts, the the dtawinF.,,, settling, nee for is to be.enlisted for act ve ser- nd who is not. Those draf ed into my will be liable to lifteei years' serviee, but may be allowed to g home - on furlough after six years, to be called o eut when needed. Youl a m n a who have attended school will be allow- ed a -aeduction ot their tetra of active service proportionate to what th y have learneit. This is the most 1 vdling military law. in the world. FL ssia is evidently a good place for soldier . Snophva—The statement is ma e that t e weiol,en trade of Great &Atli! could irot be e rried on to anything 1 ke its p assent extent without the use of s toddy. T e latter is mixed with the wool M the. pa portion of one-third to two -t xis in sot e of the manufacturing distric s, anlil is wed in the production of cheap road - clot s, fine cloths for ladies' cape', pad- , thugs,linings, cloths used for roll h and loose'great coats, OffiCe 3oats, pant , pea - jackets, blankets, 4k0.1 A consii erable quantity is used in the forna of flocks for beds. ;felted cloth is extensively manu- factured ; it dispenses wit1i sphming and weaviiia d_epenclina on the felting prop- erty of;wool by reason of the curl in the fib 11 • i b the and milling ; and such cloth is used foi table vers,' i' use spreads, caapets, pad lings, druggets and. the coatser and thicker kin • ds tot "covering- stpain boilers, steam p,ipes, ship's bottonis beneath the of the t-thar, quire : Hay. • ase de- eription ancient • • • re. ie process s carriedon aid of Iwarm moisture, wesaare I A ( ooti JERSEY Cow.—The Jerseys are,working their way into fain ily pe s or as fa- t aud butter cows. They are lie- custon ed. to kind. treatment ahd -plenty - of foe( in their native island, and their trae p aCci seems to be in the village and its subarbs, or places where bat one or - a two co vs are kept; rather than upon the farin i i large herds. A small Efteera sixteei ths grade heifer, sold two years ago fa nt Poqummoc Farm, Conn., has made a remarkable record. She is one of the tmolty fawn animals, With dark • points now in fashion, whose comeliness , is -blame!: t by some to damage the milk- ing qualities of athe breed. Since she caane i. to the hands of her, present pro- . prietor, she has had the run of a good pasture in Summer, and some eitia feed in the s able. The past season at four years id, slie was making Over two pounds of butter a day, of the finest gliality, such as is very properly called lt-edged, and wouldi,sell at $1 a pound the e ty markets. he would be call- / M a hajtdsome cow of any breed, and yet her 6eauty does- not seem to be in- ocofilitp. atiale with rich milk and plenty • 1 copper. • I A WarcH. Fon $4.4 young ftaunei sends me a circular, sent out from New York City, offering a god watch for the above sum, and wishes- t knoW if such a watch is: of any value.I It is cla,imecl that the ntire works of this *watch are made by jnac1iinery, and that it cau be sold att1e price. "stated. At the Elgin watch -factory, wh re all parts of the watch are also maa e by machinery, it reqtiires 0 an av rage, about four days' work qf one haa d to make a watch. This, w uld show that no watch could be sold lt $4; nor is it probable that those parties ever send out a watch ih return`for themoney remit. - ted; and it is .no doubt. another May- nard. & o. scheme to get yoni money without iieturning any value.' The kural population are robbed of limmense sums annually ty this clasth of sharpers,Ibut, akthis is their own fault, no one has • NOTIOE-a The above is a true copy f a proposed )3y -Law to be taken into considerati n by the Municipal Connell of the County of Buron, at Goderieb, in . the said Comity, on the Fourth Day of June,1874, - at the hour of two o'olocl, in the afternoon, at which time and place the in enbers of the Council • are hereby required to attend for the purpose aforesaid., _e PETER !ADAMSON, I Comity Clerk. County Clerk'Office, 1 Goderich, Feb. 26,1874. f s 25-14 1 NEW LOT OF ; DVNDAS CJ?" -TONS At HOFFMAN BRIOTHERS', Seafoi4h. AND NEW YEAR GIFTS,' 00;NSISTING 0 Alhume, Bibles Testaments, rayer Books, Fam- ily Bibles, plai and .illuatratet , Children' BOoks, illustrated, PocAet Diaries, Po ket Books, Mines, Writing Desks, Work Baxes, adies' and Gents Dressing Cases'Jewel Oasee, k Stands, Cigar Cases-, Meerschaiun Pipes, Toilit lets, &c. EWEL Gold and Silver Rings, plain anil limey, Broodhes, Ear Itings,13meelets, Gold Set ds, Plated Sbutle, Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold ens, Gold Pencil Cases, Gold and Plated, LoCkets Watches, Charm', Gold Chains, AI orbs, &e. GREAT BA CL GAINS IN JEWELRY. ARING- S, LE. • HAIR ORNAMENTS. MUS.TCAL INSTRpi_ENTS. Violin, Concertinas,. Accortlians, Month clans, Violin strings, frinest' Italian. -I , Also TOYS for Girls and Boys, at R. LO..NiSDEN'S, • Seaferth. 315 WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STR NG, SEAVORTH,, Will Loan Monav at it LOW RATE. OF INTER- EST. either -on F Inn or 'Village PrOperti. Parties requiting money should apply to him. INSURE YOUR PPOPERTY AND YOUR L VES. A. Strong, S aforth. Is ALSO AGENT lrOR The Scottish II)evincial Insurance Company— Fire and TIM. The Western Insurance Company, of Toronto— Fire and. Life. The 'Isolated Risk Insnrance Company of Canada. , Terms as reasonable as offered b/ any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. OFFICE—over Strong •lt Farley's Gfeeery Store, Main Strit, Seaferth: 262 - f • ,EXPOSITOR. THE FURN1TUqE, FURNITURE. ONE THING \I-EEDFUL COME AT EAST. A NEW FURNITURE STORE IN SEAFORTH. TH 141 UNDERSI "L Kinds stieli a NED HAS OPEED1 OUT A LARGE 8T0CK OF FURNITURE , OF . ALL • Coro Seat,- If ood, Scat and .?riing Seat :,Chairs, BedNtqads, .Sofids, oards, Centre Tchies, Lown4es; Mattresses, dc. 1 We will also be prepared to do all inds of ORDER WOR1C, PICTURE FRAMING, &c. UN When Sah is re nixed you willfind it t on hand or made t erder. SHROUDS the business. With an acquire,1 knowledge of the bus share and a trial lot po.blic patronage. To enable no to sell oheap and also to s t - N. B.—A new P ano for sale opvill be ERTAKING your advantage to patrInize us. COFFINS Will be kept aye kept in stock. A 'ARSE to hire in confliction -with nese froni fourteen years experience we respectfully solicit a - 'to eye to monopoly. ve expenses we will be or own porter. J. JOHNS & 'yen in part paYment for a house. FT_TRINTITIT DONNER UN BLAZEN VOT VMENE. . B. PORTER NOT DED- YI He gibs Funnytii re avay for noddin' tu-rnorrer. It33EG- to notify my numerous friends au customers that I have again opened out ii new Furniture Store next door north of M. Robertson a, where everything in the housekeeping line Ma be found, and at from 20 to 30 per cent cheaper than any other place in town. Wake up ye Old Bachelors and get married at once, and give nae a call before going elsowere. Yon will save a fortune by buying from me. Ty it and be convinced. 323 • W. B. PO ,,TER. THE LAST OFFER. SELLING FOR CASH THF LAST OF MY SPLENDID STOCK OF , Tapestry all wool Union and Hemp Car ALSO FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Cut to fit halls from 20 feet square down to 4 Met. CALL IALTEDIATELY. ets. THOMAS KIIA). 1NT MYMR'S BLOCK; -MAIN-STEEP, SEA.FOJ3T.FI. `,S8 H±Od8 • 3 • HILT, Jct isliDIS attt= tts Q = 5,1T11 nee z TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. •W. H. OLIVER, Harness; Saddle and Collar • MANUFACTURER, SE.ilfraffT.R. tt JUST RECEIVED AT WILSON & YOUNO'S, g A Splendid Stock of NEW and FRESH FRUITS, such as Raisins, Currants, and every descrip ion of • Canned Fruit, all of which will be fonnd good value. SEAFOICTIC CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Their Stock of CROCYERY and GLASSWARE is thd Beet and Cheapest in TOwn. WINES & LIQUORS OF THE BEST & PUREST BRAND Wholesale and Retail. ALE AND 1)0011ER FOR PAWLY USE, IN GLASS AAT.D 11706D GROpERIES Of every description in abundance', and cheep. Good Ten FLO UR AN D FEED alivays • on hand. Goods delivered of %cove, SIGN 0FTHI SPOCEt COLLAR. A choiceassortinent of lig)* and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horae Clothingi ttc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Rememher the place sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. NEW HARNESS SHOP. • BRUSSELS. TiTg Subscribers wish to !hate that they have • opened out .a first-class = ca HARNESS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS;:, Where they will keep on hand a choke selection • of everything in thelOine, such as from 40 cents to $1 per pound Harness, Saddles, Whip, Trunks, Valises 1 Bruhes Curryconibs, Cards, g OW21 Prea 1 ' Bells Blaniets, : • And everything that is usually found in a first- ' class Harness 'Shop. WILSON & YOUNG. 110 CHEAPER HAN EVER. TH 11; SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PU CHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF . TEAS, SUGARS, FRUljTS, AND CENER L GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN THE CURRENT MARKET VALUE; Is enabled to gi e the public even BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE,. The gpods aro now in rtock, and the inhabi ants of Town and Country are invited to come an() get their share of the itm.,401.1., Going at the Chequered ii4tore. Ra-.&1Ns AMES MURPHY, • Main -Street, Seaforth. 4 LIGHT & HEAVY IHARNESE Of every desmiption made in the latest style, and Of the very best inaterreitaitl,il. tpricea. that defy com- Good Workmanship Guaranteed. 001.41.J.A.ELS Of every description made to Order, and waaranted nor to hurt. A call is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. _ Repairing Prontinly Attended to. Shop immediately North of Anna's Hotel -Turnberry Street, Brussels, Ont. • DUNCAN Sti DAVIDSON, • 305 Proprietors REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBEEXSON, Cabinet-maker and Ondertaker,: HAS REMOVED his ware-rooma to • JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand it superior stook of Fami- ture of every deseription. • CALL AND SEE IT. UNDER,T G. • Having purchased ldr. Thooss Bell's HEARSE Ism prepared to attend funerals en the shortest tiotice, either in town or country; Coffins, All SOH, Kept constantly on band. •