HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-27, Page 8h
• REMOVAL .-BETTY & 06., have just
completeci removing' their Stock into thil Store
lately oecapied by Frederick Veal, ono door south
of their old stand. Having refttted the premises
they will in the course of a few- days be enabled to
show a splendid and far larger stork of Dry Goods,
Read3--made Clothing,. Hats and Caps/Boots and
Shoes, Groceries, Imported Cigars Wines and
Liquors, etc., in fact cveuthing in th: trade. Give
them a Gallia their new premises.
GLYCERINE. Carbolic Glycerine Jelly -
and all other preparations for chapped hands and
lips, also a nice article for use after shaving, 20e
per bottle, at Hres.soN's Drug Store.
• A NEW assortment of good quality
Dressing, and flue, °drabs, Hair Brislies, Tooth
Brushes and such go:otls, just in, at Htexsox's
Drug Store.
now offerin,,e- the balance of their Winter Goeds;
viz.: Dress Goods, Cloths, Fancy Woolens, Furs,
&c.., at and under cost before taking stook. Oome
• it, ;
' 4 early,
bushel chaff baskets, 75 cents: Large square
clothes bn.skets, 50 cents. Market baskets, school
baskets, tte., wash tabs, wash boards, clothes
lines, brooms, cheapest at Aryr„Exs Grocery.
• Oen Goons and Plated Ware not sold
during the Holidays i1I loow be sold Az consid-
erable reduction. -B. �Iicnso &Co.
Drug Store, opposite !the Mansion. Hotel, Simp-
son's Spice and Yorkshire Cattle Feeder.
3. S. ROBERTS, Druggist, opposite the
Mansion Hotel, keeps constantly on hand all kinds
of Pure Drugs and ,Ohanticals, Genuine Patent
Medicines. Trusses,- Shoulder Braces, Toilet Arti-
cles and Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Sponges,
Brushee, Combs, .5cc., which will be sold at very
low prices. _Proackftpiion* put up with great
care, and warranted of the purest articles. •
will be supplied to 1161V subscribers froln now till
ean 1,1875, for $1 25..
' PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. -All business
notices inserted in reading matter col-
umns will, hereafter, be charged at the
'rate of 8 cents per line for each insertion.
To,parties taking a yearly space a dis-
count of 10 per. cent. will be allowed.
Too LATE. , fourth coinimmication
OR the Hill's Green. temperance- em-
broglio and the Stanley Council proceed-
ing's, with other items, have to be left
over, on aCcomit'of having been received
-too late,
A Goon COLT. --Mr. Aleiander
of Stanley, a few days ago, sold a nine
. months old colt, which be recently pur-
chased from Mr. Laut, of the same town-
-ship, to Mr. James' Colquhoun, of -Rib
beat, for the handsome sam of $300.
This colt was Sired ,by Lord liasldowa
and was bred by Mr. Laut.
SOCIA14-A social was held in the
basement of the Seaforth Presbyterian
Chureh, on Thursday evening last. The
social was :given by the young mei of
the congregation, and was in every, re-
spect success'.. Speethes, reading and
music composed the programme for the
evening, itiu.1 a very pleasant time was
A Goon !ENTERTAINMENT. -Beedle's
Bell Ringerslhave announced an enter-
tainMent in the Town Hall, on Monday
evening next. This` company have se-
cured -lage houses mid given good satis-
tion in most of the cities and towns of
the Province, and we have no doubt but
those of our citizens who patronize
them will be well repaid for their trouble.
A CONCERT. -We believe it is intend-
ed to get up a concert shortly, under the
auspices of the Seaforth Cricket Club.
A number of local musicians and several
talented vocalists from a distancehaving
• promised their services on the occasion,
the affair will doubtless- be • a success.
The date of the entertainment has been
fixed for Tuesday; March 10.
-LINDE RTAKIN G. r. Mathew Robert-
• son, of this village, has purchased from
Mr. Duncan, of Egmondville, his hearse
and undertaking business. Mr. Robert-
son is well and favorably known in this
vicinity, and his recent purchase will, no
doubt, have the effect of materially ex-
' tending his aired b* large business in the
undertaking line.'
iiEPUTATION.:-A deputation, OR be:
half of the County, consisting of the
• Warden; and 111essrs. Sinclair hnd -Gar-
• row, of Goderich, and Leaded of 13rus-
- sels, went to Toronto, on 'last,
for the purpose of impressing Upon the
members of the Government aridLegis-
lature the desirability of rein -lilting the
Ridings for registration purpoies. We
• trust the mission ,of the deputation may
_ be fully and satisfactorily accoMplished.
OPPOSITION. -We direct the attention
of our readers •to the advertisement of
Messrs. J. Johns & 00., who have Start-
ed a new furniture store in the prennes
recently occupied by MesSrs. 1eatty &
• Co. This new firm have a ve y large
stock of handsome 'furniture of various
kinds, and will likely drive a god busi-
ness. It will: alao be noticed that Mr.
W. B. Po rter,li as 'reopened his flurniture
store with a fine new stook. Mi1. Pprter
is already so Well and favorably known
to the public as to require no commenda-
tion from us. If opposition is the life
- of trade; there is no likelihood. of there
beiug a deadness in the furniture busi;
ness in Seaforth for some time •Now is
the time for those who contemplate
housekeeping to purchase their fit' at • '
NA e hope soroe of our numerous achelor
citizens may be tempted to " make' hay
while the sun hines."
_AMATEUR 1 D RA MATIc'S. - On •their
" opening night" for the -Present season
the Seaforth 1Amateur 15ramatie Club
were favored. rwith a, full houset. •The
idays presente4 were " Cramond Bit" !
and `‘ Two T -lei its are Better than One."
both excellent pieces, well suited• for
amateur performera. The secon4 piece
was, perhaps, the more satisfact ry of
the two, the requii•ements of the first,
in the way of stage' room, wardrobe,
scenery and ot accessories, beiug al-:
most -Coo great o be successfully met by
the facilities at the' -control of the ;Club.
The acting in la th • pieces, almost 'with-
out exception, vas• excellent. Mr1 Dig-
by 'was " every inch wilting," at least,
so far as get-up aal &tyle were cm cern-
ed. The dock /ozt,i&m, of Mr.i. ayne
was a splendid. representa,tion his make-
. i :
up and • dialect ; being almost perfect.
Mr. McDougall'a Tibbia Hoicieson was
the best thing I of the evening,i aud
the part could hardly have been More
happily taken. i Mr. Porter, as "y0
villain of ye pia?' gave some good lact-
ing, lint his epresentation of the charac-
ter wasiseni what toe meek and amiable
tor a propericonception of the peat, Mr.
Jamieson, iii the second piece, took the
part of Mr. &wile, the art jenthusisst,
very fairly, while -Mr. Logan, as Charles,
was a ilgre t 'success. Mr. McDougall
made the part of Sammy veir amusing,
but his,con eption of the eh meter_ was
rather ioverstrained • although a very
silly y limei man, the Sammy of the play
could ard y have been the absolute
idiot r! pr elite& by Mr. 'McDougall.
Mr. Ge Thompson, who appeared as
.11fariwi Ili.itoieson in the first, . and as
Men in the second piece, makes a _very
liandsoLnc and well-dressed yoting lady,
and wit.h si little More atiro.ation his act-
ing cou d erdly be improved upon. Be-
tweenhei Plays Mr. Ge Scott gave a
couple of ,character songs, Which ' were
' very a using and greatly delighted the
audience. f rhe music, by Mr. Collins
and M . Lattimer, violins, ,1 and Mrs.
Grieve, :piano, was such as has seldom
been eq atled. in this town. 1 The Dra-
matic C up deserve great praise for the
efforts they are putting forth fOr the en-
terteinmeiit of their fellow ,townsmen,
and the .large and appreciative audiences
-which uniformly greet them are a suffici-
ent testiniony to their success. tVe un-
derstand a, second entertainment will be
given in few weeks.
Seed Fair.
The Alnual Seed Fair of the Tucker -
smith Beanch Agricultural Society was
helcl on Friday last. The attendance of.
spectato s was very fair, but there was
not so nuch oroduce on exhibition as
has been on some former occasions. The
quality of that • shown, was, however,
mostcrefditable„ and could not have been
surpassed in any County in the Province.
The weether was pleasant, but the roads
were not farorable,there being neither
good sleighing nor wheeling. This lot -
tee circiimstance accounts, no doubt, in
great Measure, for the small display of
proclueqd exhibited. The following is a
list of the names of the exhibitors, and
articlesj xhibited by each : John Lands-
borouglii, 'lab Wheat, Black Oats and
Two -rowed Barley; A. Elcoat-Club
Wheat Six -r wedBarley and Black Oats;
Miche 1 Heffernan -Large Oats; Sol-
omon ger on ----Fife Wheat; Henry
Chesn yt-Fife Wheat and Six -rowed
Barley ; Hugh Chesney -Six -rowed Bar-
ley, Small Peas and ,Common eats ; Rod-
erick ss- Clover Seed and Timothy
Seed ;j David Campbell -Crown Peas ;
Jainesf Lanc1sbo1)tIgh-Tvo-rowccl Bar-
ley, 'Small Peas,, Crown Peas, Early Po-
tatoes' and Late i Potatoes ; - Robert El-
gie - ClUb Wheat ; John Cameron --
Club1Wheat, Fife Wheat and Small
, :
Peas 1 iJames Chesney -Fife Wheat,
Crown Peas, and Six -rowed Barley ;
1 1 ,
Samuel , Landsborough - Small Peas;
JameS McDowell -Black Oats.; William
Murrayel-Early Potatoes and Late Pota-
toes el Jelin C. Steele -Six -rowed Barley
and la.X Seed; John G. Campbell -Fife
Wheli t ;i: William Armstrong - Club
Wheat A Mrs. Grey-Six-roWed Barley,
Comroon Oats and Flax Seed ; David
Fergeson-Small Peas' and Flax Seed;
Wm. iScett-Fife Wheat; Wm. Wilson: -
Spring F#e Wheat; Gilbert INIeMiehael-
Small Peas andFlax Seed ; Robert Scott,
Sr.-Si4rowed Barley and Club Wheat ;
Matthew Ward -Small Peas.
lowing is a list of the successful
ors: •
• Wheat, Eye. -1st, John G.
I ; 2d, Henry Chesney ; 3d,
Scott. i, ! --
Wheat,. other than 'File. -1st, .
t ; 2d, William Armstrong ; 3d,
The f
B El co
A . ic,
' t ! '
Sia-rO vett Barley.-lst, 'Henry Claes-
ney ; 2d, John, C. Steele ; -3d, Robcrt
Scott Sr.
T o -rowed B rley.-1st, Jas. Lands -
borough ;; 2d, J • lui Lanclaber*ugh.
L _
a -ge'Oa-- ts.st, -Michael effernau.
Co mint Oats -1st, Hugh Chesney ;
2d, rs.1Grey.
Bkc/ sfJohn Landsborough ;
2c1, Jlaines -Lin sborough ; ;3d, James
.ni•h ll,; Peas. 1st, Samuel Lands-
borou,k1; 2d, 1:',1 vid Ferguson ; 3d, Mat-
thew W rd. • ,
Cr zo0 Peas. 1st, James Chesney ;
2d, D 41 Camp ell ;. 3d, 'James Lands-
borough.1 , . I I
Tia ot, ty Seed, 1st, Roderick Ross.
Cto ;ea Seed.- -rst, Roderick Ross. •
Pia J'eed.-1 t, David Ferguson ; 2d,
John `. !Steele.
Ea, ly1 Potatoe --1st, James Lands-
borou h ,; 2d, W Murray; 3d, jellies
Land borough. -
Lat Potatoes: -,1st, Wm. Mirray ;
2d, J Mes Land borough ; 8d, William
Muria y.1
A censiderab e quantity of - seed
chang al bands at air prices. The follow-
ing ge tlema.n ac ed as
Geo g Walk • and S. c,Tarnochan,
Tucke smith ; J rnes Thomas; Seaforth ;
James Scott, MeKillop, and Abraham
Taylo , Hullett. 1, ,
l I
WE LEvAls- M c HODIST Soetaa.-The
social ni the Metliodist Church, Biuevale,
on W dnesday evening. Feb. 18, was a
very pl'easant a air, although not as
many were presen as was expected. Af-
ter ref ethments had been served, Rev.
IL Kc'1uin took he chair, and the en-
tcrtainincnt coin enced, which consisted
of speec1ies, reach gs, recitations, music,
&c. _Mout 10 . o'clock thelassembly
broke up, havingl njoyed a very pleasant
time. IT e procee is amountee to $17 35,
which is to be app ied to purchasing fur-
niture 4r the min ster's dwelling
Srav.$ FACTORY. -Mr. White, of Lis-
towel, and Mr. St wart, of Bluevale, are
building a stave actory in this village.
They are purchasit g any a.moant of soft
elm for the purpos of ina,kingl staves.
(!ettLINR-.- A match game' of curling
took place here i Thursda3., Feb. 19,
betweene the Win ham and; Bluevale
Clubs. On accoun of the soft weather
the ice Itas in very , ad order. The game
lasted hatlyeen thre and fear hours, and
was keenly Contest d by the rival clubs.
The following is th score
, n raciaraI,E. WIN'c:HAM.
linr- ...-ct o. 1. Rink ,_...\ 0. 1.
c. Ff erbent,
S. Kent,
J. Heans,
.J. Mitche 1,
B. 'Willson, .
F. Pattets )n, sk.., 3 G. Cassie, sk.„ 10.
Rinkr... 0. 2.. Rink No. 2,
W. Dougl ss, C. Elliott,
A. Farrcia:•
J. Ainsley,
W. MesSe -, T. Gregory,
R., Da,vids'la, sk , 33. W. T. Bray, sk., 10.
- !
Wal on.
of Walten Public Se
the. contta t for the '
tion to the school bui
Cardiff, hi tender be
price for t e workais
,ET. -The trustees
ool have awarded
ection of the addi-
ding-to Mr. illenry
ng the lowest. The
• Okerszriith,
APPOI TMENT.-At a special ineeting,
of the Tuckersinith Council held on Tues-
day last, Mr. Wine • MeConnel was ap-
pointed Clerk and
the late William.'
late the Connell
smith or their go
the services of so
fill the position so
late . esteemed
From. a ' personal
Cannel we can tr
tertenan to fill Ale
could not be got,
live to serve the
are sure that h,
as his predecesso'
Feuetees' Cieue-A meeting of the
Tudeersmith Far leers'. Club was held at
Btoadfoot's sc oo house on Friday even-
ing last. Ap let Elooat, Esq,
. occu-
pied the chair ubject for discuusion :
The " Best rile 'hod of exterminating
Canada thistles." Mr. William Lands -
borough intrOcl ced the subject in a
forcible and r ctical speech, followed
by John' Han a , John Landsborough,
James Lands or Ugh, Calyin Campbell,
Thomas Thorp, nd the ,Chairman. The
general (min* of the speakers was in
favor of sumin e•fallowing as the best
method of ext r inating the thistle, al-
though by pl ng early in the fall,
gang -plowing r Cultivating in the spring,
and pulling t1.e thistles in the last of
June or the nit week in July, they
could be prettyell checked; but it was
impossible to ill Offal completely, so
long as every armee does not cut his
thistles and p vent them from seeding.,
as the farmer ho: cuts his thistles suf-
fers from the carelessness of his neigh-
bors. Subject for disenegon next meet-
ing "Fencin ," to be introduced by
Mr. James Lai dsborough.
Treasurer in room of
{nil': Vire congratu-
d people of Tucker-
cl fprtune in securing
a person to
long ,occupied by the
C1lerk and . Treasurer.
nowledge of Mr. Mc-
thfully. say that 4 bet-
e responsible positions,
and we, trust he may
tovenship as long, --we
„will as fait}ifully-
• AucTioN SA E PosTroesen.-The auc-
tion sale advei ilsed to take place on the
3d of March, n the farm of Mr. E. For-
syth,' Lot 31, Mill Road, Tuckersmith,
will not take lace, at that date, having
been postpone until further notice.
The funeral qf the late, William Muir,
Clerk and Tr asuree of the township of
Tuckersnnth,J took place on Saturday
last. The hi h dteem in which the de-
oeased was h Id was manifested by the
immense ass mblage which attended the
funeral to pa a last tribute of respect to
his memory. I The . funeral was one of
the largest hich has ever taken place
in this. Coui V. The procession was
over a mile n length, and was composed
of about one hundred aud ten vehicles.
At the late residence of the deceased,
prior to the ormatioe of the procession,
an appropri te funeral service was held
by Rev. T. • Golasmith, • of Seaforth,
of whose c ngregation Mr. Muir had
for some ti e been an adherent. The
following g ntlemen, all of whom had
beeu old and esteemed friends of the de-
ceased, actei1 ae pall bearers : _Alexander
Broadfoot, David Mitchell, Robert Car-
nochan, litobert. McCartney, John
Broadfoot, iJohn. Landsborougle The
body was iliterred in the Egmoralville
burial ground. Messrs. William McCon-
nell and George Sproat i are the execu-
tors of Mr. Muir's estate.
TEA IViEETING.--The annual tea meet-
ing at Len M. E. C.1hurch, Tuckersmith,
on Thureday evening, 49th inst., was a
decided success. • Although the roads
were bad, and the weather, unfavorable,
yet at ail early hour the house was com-
pletely f11ed. The "spread," as might
be expected. of the people of that neigh-
borhood, was magnificent and. abundant.
After all had been plentifully served, and
" fragments" gathered up, Mr. J. Fitz -
i' Was called to the chair. Rev. J.
6 ,
M. Collins, of Londesborough, was in-
troduced to the audience as an old and
valued f end of many present, and in
an earne t and forcible address illustrated
the " enefitS of the Gospel." Dr.
Campbe 1, of Seaforth, followed with an
eloquent address on `! The Characteris-
tics of tie Young 'Canadian." Rev. H.
B. Palmer, pastor of the congregation,
was then called upon, and with appro-
riate compliments and , congratulations
losed up one of the mot pleasant _and
"nteresting meetings • ever enjoyed by a
appy people. 1 The interest of the meet,
ng was greatly enhanced by the appro-
nate mimic furnished by an excellent
hoir froin Seaforth. -Com.
T1A. MEETIN I. -A very successful Tea
eeting Was held, a shore time ago, in
Ir. Gracey's C urch on the Th ames Road,
sborne. Several excellent addresses
1 ere delivered, and the choibest music -
vocal and inrtrumental enlivened. the
roceediegs. Everything passed off
plcasantly and the affair was a marked
success 1 ioth physically, intellectually
and financially
ASSESSOR.= t a recent meeting of the
Usborne Coun il, Mr. Robert Montieth,
of Farquahar, was appointed Assessor
for the current year. A better appoint-
ment could not have beep made, and it
is a pity, that so excellent an official
should be, allowed to do the service for'so
meagre a pittance as $55.
-I--- •
! Varna.
SELLING- OF a --Mr. James Bonthron,
of the post office store, one of our most
enteriansi g and energetic business men,
:aflflOUflCeS a clearing sale of winter goods,
o make room for large spripg and sum-
er imporitatio s. Mr. Bonthrou prom-
ses good bargains, and his worcl in this,
as in other respects, may be relied upon.
Com. i
1 .
• .Exeter. .
i; {1103 TAE ,riAt}s,]
PAP.A.M-On. -On Sunday last as Mr.
Vitchell, Of Rcdgerville, was proceeding
unne-Ward fron ,E.xeter his horse drop
)ed down when above the village. Its,
oins had bee° e paralyzed.
:BIG PRICiE. Mr. R. Manning, of Ex -
ter, olie Ida last 'Week sold _a last
awing's razaLlaMb to Ma. -Lea-is, of SteJ
then, for ..i..)0. ' - These gentlemen along
ith a few others in the neighbothood
U0 doing a no de work in the way of
mprovieg stock. ." So say we all of us."
THE SCRIPLeS.-On Monday evening
last, a meeting was held in the Court
Room, Exeter, at the call of the Coun-
cil, to give tl.n. ratepayers • an opportu-
nity of expressipg their views as to how
the money coining from the Municipal
loan fund ahould be I expanded. The
Reeve, Mr. George Willis, -"was appoint-
ed to the chair, and amiounced the ob-
ject of the meeting. Mr. D. Johns
moved, second d. by Mr. Gregg, that
, ;t
this me_eting request the Council- to ap-
ply the money coming from the Muni-
cipal loan fund toward., paying for the
schoolhouse to -te erected,' After con-
siderable disclusaion, the motion was car-
ried, as was als(, another, moved by Mr,
Eacrett,:and seconded by Mr. Verity, td
the effect that the trustees be requested
to purchase an acre from Mr. Ross north
of the old school site, and have all Ma-
terial renuived. from the site previously
selected tolit.
A.1 Slander Refuted.
To thleil
e tor of the Theron ..E.Vpositor.
SIR : 1i your last week's issue was a
statement concerning one Eliza. Reid,
who, it w s averred, had eleped with a
married nan nained McNev'n. I deny
the State ent, and pronoun e it a inost
base and iia1icious falsehoodi The whole
statementi is false from begin ing to end,
and the uthor of it is devoid of all
principlel or manly honor. He might
have employed his time mcle profitably
than in manufacturing such a scandalous
lie, and sbiding it to be published in the
ertained the
unished for
eir is law i*
public papers, before he ase
truth, 4icl he shall be
defaenation of character if t
the land My sister canie honae the
• eveninet'f tho same day she left Luck -
now, and is at home at the firesent time,
sick with erysipelas. We halve good proof
that she left Lueknow in dompaey with
a man axed his -wife who were coming to
Gocleric , and she walked the rest of the
way h?n e. She was sick l a week at
Luckno v and wanted to cane home, but
the nnfeeling creatures she lived with
would nlot let her come hoine, but want-
ed her ire Werk, sick or well. The girl
was no able to work, and that was the
cause o , her leaving in such a suspicious
way. suppose they thotight it a good.
opportunity to get up a sensation in
their `I usually quiet aeal slaoral" village
of Lucloow. Please give -tli is a promin-
ent insertion in your next paper, ancl by
so doing you will oblige a respectable
family, who feel deeply the slur that
rests on their name. Yours respect-
fully, , • SeRAle REID.
itaarraan, Feb. 22, 1874. ' .
. [The false report abovelreferreiI to was
started by the Luckno Sentinel, and
has been copied by nearly all the papers
in thil district. We trust the Sentinel
and the other papers which have given
• currency to the slander Nvill. now make
the °ray reparation in their power by
publiehing the above ! contradiction.] !
' MoKillop.
FARM SOLD/. -Mr. Alexander Smith,
of Mckillop, 'has sold his farm, being
Lot 28, en the Fourth Concession, to
Mi. Francis McCulloch,lof McKillop, for
the ium bf $5,600. Tips farm contains
l00 ' cres, with good bulildinge, and is in
everfr respect a desirable property.
. I
• Brusse s.
[C. E. CoOrzu, Brussel*; Agent for the Ex-
rosnton Newspaper and Job rinting Office.]
BUSINESS. • - Messrs. 1uncan & David-
son,i who, a few months ago, started a
hartess and saddle sh in this village;
are now 'doing a s , endid business.
The keep a first- class fitock of every ar-
ticle in their line on ha el, do good work,
and sell cheap, and srel well deserving of
the liberal patronage awarded there.
For particulars read thtbir advertisement.
ing of the patrons of the Brussels Cheese
Factory, for the purpose of revising the
Auditors' report, &c., was held in Par-
ker's Hall, on Friday afternoon last.
There was a goodly number of the pat-
rons present. The Auditors' report,
which was read and passed, showed. that
the amount of milk: delivered at the fac-
tory for the season was 684,873 pounds,
from which 64,789 poueds of cheese had
been made, being 10i pounds, nearly, of
milk to one pound of cheese, which, af-
ter deductingthe cost of manufacturing,
hauling, &c., realized the patrons 74
cents per pound. Mr. Leckie is about
renting the factory to Mr. Hugh McCart-
ney, of Grey, but it will be run the
coming season whether rented or not.
PENN Y READINGS. -The Penny Read-
ings held on Thursday evening, Feb. 19,
were a great success in both the carrying
out of the progrannue mid the number of
the audience, the Hall being filled to its
utmost, even all the standing room being
taken up. We are glad to see the pub!
lie taking such interest in these enter-
tainments, and hope they will continue
to do so until the close .of the season.
As we have said before, the programme
was carried out very successfully by all
who took part in it, but we cannot allow
to pass without special mention the su-
perior manner in which the reading en-
titled. "Woman's Rights" was delivered.
by Miss Barton, of Brussels, and we
hope before the close of the season that
she will favor the public with another
reading. -Mrs. Sage's performances on
the musical glasses were highly appre-
ciated. The next Readings will be held
on Thursday evening, March 6, when
piano music will be substituted for the
organ. A good programme is being pre-
pared, which will be issued on the Tues-
day previous.
BIBLE SOCIETY. -The annual meeting
of the British and Foreign Bible Society
will be held in the New Connection
Methodist Church on Friday evening,
March 6, when the agent will be pres-
ent to address the meeting.
EDucanortaa.--Whether is it the pop-
ulation or the thirst for education that is
increasing in Clinton? Two or three
years ago; the public school was under
the care of six teachers; now seven are
found to be indispensable. The High
School, which was, at that time, taught
by one teacher, and held in one room,
has- been increased by another teacher,
together with a,n additional room. The
school is in a very flourishing condition,
• so much so that, owing to the increase of
pupils lately, the board of trustees at
their last meeting, took into considera-
tion the need of having a High School
building erected. It is attracting pupils
from great distances, and. has a very fa-
vorable prospect at present of rising still
higher in renown, as there are two
•preparing for Toronto University next
fall. one of them for honors, and two for
McGill University, Montreal. Let us
hope that they may all succeed in
such a manner as -both to make them-.
selves renowned and to reflect credit on
Clinton High School. -
81tamaa CAR SIVA L. -The second mass- 1
querade of the season was given on the ,
Clinton skating rink, on ;Wednesday of
last week.' The ice was in splendid con- 1
dition-a, rare occurrence this -winter- -
and. induced a large number of our young
folks to don some odd but attractive cos-
tumes, and render the occasion success-
ful. The Monitor says the costumes were
numerous and varied., and "built" with a
due regard to the beautiful as well as the
ridiculous. The Globe and the -Vag
were each represented in a very approp-
riate maaner-thecostumes being com-
posed of those papers respectively. It
wef_ tif
was a pleasing'sight to witiiess the two
start ot arm -in -arm and glidc over the
glassy clernent in a most Sociable man-
ner -a recedent which &mid govern
the futirc conduct of tho two political
war E rses.Other cost nes attracted
the adpiration of the Oectators, such
as the Quakeress," the ''Fairy Queen,"
the 'IGipsy Queen, " '1 "Huntress, "
" :ATMs immer," s t.Normani ly Peasant,"
&c., r,111 represented b., ladies ; and
among, those •ropresente< by the sterner
sex were " Quaker," ''smoking •Cos-
tume," " Robin Hood " " Cavalier,"
" Sailor," the " Old nglish Gentle -
Man, "I&c. '
Wroxeter. .
DEATH Oi GEORGE 1)N. -We regret
to record the death o George Dane,
clerk Of the Township ofi Howick, in his
74th year. Deceased wms a native of
the County of _Fermanagh, Ireland; where
he was well connected. He has discharg-
ed. the duties of Town hip Clerk in an
able and efficient manne for the last 18
years; and was universajily respected for
his upright dealings, mind- judgment,
and other sterling qualities. He was a
man of a strong . physical constitution
and was able to discharge the duties of
hisi office until' within a few weeks
of his death, mull his death has made a
Nail which will notleasily .be filled.
TheConcourse of people assembled at
his f neral was the largest ever witness-
ed i Howick, over 125; vehicles being in
the 1brocession.. The funeral service was
prea hed in the Weeleyan Methodist
Chu ch, Gorrie, by Rev. Mr. Cooper,
Bru sale. The building, which is capa-
ble of seating 600 .perSons, was filled to
(eve flowing, and many left, not
able to obtain admission.
S BAG Snow.-TIe Ilowick Branch
Agricultural Society intend _holding a
spring show at Wroxeter, on Walnes-
d4, 8th April. ' !
FOUND OUT., -For; smile time past
M ssrs.I Younte & Moore, grocers, of
W '<meter have been missing at various
tirnes articles Of the i.-Jefock, and have
been at a lose to conjecture he what
mInner they disappeared. On Thursday
evening of last week the proprietors of
the store determined to keep, watch, and
accordingly retarned'abont 10 o'clock at
night, when they , discovered in the
store two young lads named Sage and
Farrella of the respeetive ages of about17
and 19 'years. The' lads were nabbed,
and after being severely reprimanded
aid badly frighteued were allowecl to
depart in peace..., _
• Gitey.
A GOOD FARM $01,D. -Mr. D. Mc- -
onald has sold hils farm on the First
on.cession of Greyl,to a Mr. Brecken-
r dge from the Cou ty of Waterloo. The
f rm consists of 2� acres of excellent
1 nd, and was soli]. or $6,000.
A NEW BRICE: ARD. -Messrs. M
1 aughton, & Grew r, of Brussels, haie
leased one acre of isnd from Mr. John
irincent, of Lot 2, lJon. 9, Grey, for tie
urpose of making nicks thereon. The
oprietors speak llughly of the quality
of the clay for biektinakin,g purposes,,,
and feel colan'clent t4bat they will be e.ble
to turn out bricks qual to the best in
e market They frwe already received
several orders.P•reliminary arrange-
ments have been made, and work is
about to commenc .-Post. ,
SHEEP KILLED. On Thursday 'morn-
ing of last week, IN r. D. McDougall, of
the Seventh Cone ssion: of Grey, had
twelve good sheep • maied by dogs.
Couizen, Mtearer i. -The Council met,
pursuant to adieu innent, in the TOWA
Hall, Zurich, on Teesclay, Feb. 24, 1874.
All the members' of the Council present,
the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
previous meeting were read and approv-
ed. Moved by Mr. McAllister, seconded
by Mr. J. B. Geigher, that 'Henry, D.
Woods be refmided tile sum of $8, he
having worked .his Statute label. for 1873,
and the amount being charged on the
non-resident rollse-,Carried.- Moved by
Mr. McAllister, tete:hided. by Mr. Ren-
nie, that the folloWing pound keepers,
fence viewers andepath masters be ap-
pointed for the present year, viz.: Fence
viewers -Wm. Whitlock, Christopher
Eacrett, John Northcott, Wm. Riethi
John Iletty, Samuek Thomsen, Solomon
Martin, Samuel IL ; Warner, Robert D.
Brodrick, Daniel Hamaker, Gottlieb
Muller, Jacob Kercher, Wm. Turnbull,
Sr., and R. B. Bailey. Pound keepers -
Henry Boller, Michael Kercher, Charles
Wilson, Nicholas ' Diechart, Solomon
Martin, John Troyer, George Moir and
James White. -Path masters -Thomas
Ching, Wna. Earl, Benjamin Case, James
White, Wm. McEwen, John Gilchrist,
Robt. Mclefordie, Wm. Hollingshead,
John Petty, Robt. ,Carlisle, John Bell,
Wm. Chapman, Ntlin. Campbell, John
McMahon Wm. Clarricka James Mc-
Donald, R. Reynolds, David. Dick, Jr.,
John Johnston; Stephen Troyer, Conrad
Soldan, Wilson fMcShirray, Henry
Riechaet, ilichardlEaton, John Bell,
John Troyer, Robt. j McAllister, Samuel
Carlisle, John Jtitiz, Henry Willarte
Daniel Zeller, - 1ieiry Islie, Solomon
Collier, Solomon Ma itin, John Diechart,
Thos. Kelly, boob Reder, Wm. Lehman,
Jacob Slenchter, M2 thias Wurm, John
Diechatt, Henry Ceiz, Walter Fed,
David Mostittlar, David McKay, John
Hunter, Andrew Kipfer, Godfrey Nichol-
son, Christian Oswald, Samuel Gabel,
john W. Becker, Henry Volker, Joseph
'Wideman, Smithson !Thompson., Henry
Hoffman, Christian V. Muller, George
Eidigheffer, Ch ri stiau Shuch, Wigand
Trimmer, David 1 ia4, John Kalbiliesch,
Joseph Bushey, David Dushcarin, Henry
Boller; 'John Jacobs, James I eylor, John
Shoclie and Wm. Matiee-Carried. MONT-
ed. by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Mc-
Allister,: that the Clerk notify the Coun-
ty Treasurer that the smith half of the
south half of Lot 14„ Con. 4, has bc..en
wrongfully assessed. for 1871, and that
the taxes for the said, year have been
paid, and to charge the same to this
township -Carried Moved by Mr. Mc-
Ctoll, seconded by Mr. McAllister, that
the: 52 be paid to Richard Eaton, he hav-
ing paid for statute labor for 1873, and.
also done the work- C`arried. MoVed
by Yr.-Rannie, seconded by Mr. J.
Gei /her, tl • t 1 y b. , 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 and .7, 1874, as now read- the third
time, be passed, and that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and attach the seal
of the corporation thereto, and that l ,000
copies of the Sall1U IJC printed in pamph-
let form for distribution, and that the
Clerk be instructed to carry out the
same. Moved by Mr. Rannie, seconded
by Mr. J. B. Geigher, that the following
accounts be paid, viz. : Henry D. Woods,
statute f labor for 1873 refunded, $8 ;
Win. Irwin, blacksmith, repairing scrap--
ers, &C., $2 10 -Carried. Moved by
FEB. 27, 1871
Geigher, that the following persons
granted a certifioate for tavern license for
the next year, -viz.: Conrad NVagnea '
Farmers' Hotel, Nicholas 1)iecliart:
Zurich II tel, John Prang-, Huron llotel,
Mrs. Ca,herine Hill, 'Victoria Hotel,
and Will am lieynolds, Sa,reiAa Hotel --
Carried. Moved by M la I tanni e, second-
ed by M. McColl, that this Council do
now adjo o m
nal, ti) again on 'Tuesday,
April 17, at the Town „ Hall, Zurich, at
10 o'clocl A. M. -Carried.
: RUGH LOVE, SR.., Clerk.
• . . 111111etti '
FARM $01,1). --Mr. Andrew Young, of
Lot 10, Con. 14, Hallett, has sold his
farm of 50 acres, to Mr. James 'Holmes,
of the Township of Cartwright, County
of conptellosTratiefsorreViMgcatsohthe AS1 ria tleTao, ufnegt
the purpose of, taking up a larger farm,
He intends selling his farm stock by
auction, rtot1ce of which will be foundia
o 11r sae
isell% •
Tovtamis.---The Municipal
Council o tal4 township of Hallett Oet
at Londes ore'. on Feb. 23. Al! the mem-
bers pres nt. i Minutes of former meeting
read and coafirnaed. Moved by Mi.
Warwick, seConded by Mr. Monteith,
that the following accounts be paid :
T. Steph Men, $11, for coffinsi &c., for
J. McSlie ry. i Dr. Appleton, for medical
attendanc on deceased, T. Rice, 80e.,
for liquor ogrrdaevceea,foserd(zeicalseGai_Pcopane,ieri '
fAorpdeigtigtiirio r was read from Thomas Car-
bert and then, praying the Council to
forin a n v scbeol section . A petition
was also r ad front Thomea Mena -Ain and
others, pr ying to be attached to S: ,S.
No. 4, Go erich Township. Moved by
Mr. Mon eith, seconded by Mr. War-
wick, that the petition of Thos. Carbert
and others praying for a new school sec-
tion lay ver for future consideration
• and that t ie petition of Thos. 3.‘loIlvain
and others .raying to be attached. to S,
S. No. 4, oderich Township, also lay
over for fluture consideration-Carria
• A petition was read from Robt. Thomp-
son and otheis, praying the Council to
granteom l relief to John D. Staples, an
old. and i digent man. Moved by MT.
Monteith, seconded by Mr. ;....ttiver, that
the prayeti of R. Thompson and others
be granted, and that John D. Staples be
allowed. $1 per week, to be placed in the
bands of J.. Britton.- Carried. Moved -
by Mr. MOnteith, seconded by Mr, Stia
ver that lMessrs. Snell, Warwick and
Britton ar hereby ,appointed to examine
the site fo a bridge on side road 1041,
Con. 3, ani also be authorized to 1
suitable bridge on said side -road, if
essary.- arried: Moved by Mr. Stiver,
seconded by Mr. Britton, that obe
a -
(*ranted for tilling gravel on. -side-road
5-6, Con. 13-14, under the eupervision
of J. Warwick -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Mon*ith, seconded by Mr. War-
wick, that a by-law be prepared and
passed; authorizing the_Trustees of S. S.
No. 9, to blorrow $1,200 at seven per cent
interest,. for the purpose of building a
new schoolhouse, said sum to be repaidin
five equal annual installments, the first in-
stallment to became payable' on Dec. 31,
1874 -Carried. Moved by Mr. Monteith, •
seconded by Mr. Warwick, that the
prayer of the petitions of the following
gentlemen .'for tavern. licences be granted,
they haying complied with the Provincial
statutes and our township by-laws relaa
tive to tavern licences, viz:: George
Brownlee, of Alma, R. J. Cook, If Man-
chester; Jeremiah Whitely, of Sumner -
hill; John Lasham'of Londesboro, and
Robert Brownlee, of Kinburn-Carried.
Moved byi Mr. Warwick, seconded by
Mr. Stiver, that by-law No. 4, of 1869,
relative to tavern licences, be continued
in - force for the present year Carried.
Moved by Mr. Monteith, • seconded by '
Mr. Stiver that the Treasurer's report for
1873, as audited, be passed, and that the
Clerk get 50 copies of said report printed
in sheet form for distribution-Careied.
Moved by Me: Sliver, seconded by Mr.
Initton, that the account of the Treas-
urer for the' amount of $20, paid. tn T.
Wallace fo one acre of land for site and
approach 10 bridge, known as " Bing -
ham's Bride," and also $3 90 for deed
and regist iling. be passed. --Carried.
The Ccun ili then adjourned to meet
again at Lendesboro, when called by the
evening of
S. S. No. 4
bled at tDeakin-an,Deakan,
aig th
of the pu
dress, con e.ining I warm expressions of
him for the seivices he had
uring the three years and a
hich he was engaged as their
he following is -the address._
read by Mary E. Turner, in a
clear and_ ordible manner, winch 1 shall
give verbatim et literatim: "Mr. Deak-
beloved. teacher and friend,
past three years and a half,
upils for that time, request
pt this trifling gift as a token
tion and. respect towards you,
knowledgement of your abil-
ity as our teacher, and: of the trouble
and labor you bestowed upon us in your
successful endeavors to advance us the -
various branches of learning. Please fa
accept thei gift, and with it, our most
earnest wishes for your happiness and
prosperity." In replying, Mr. Deakman
said that if there be anythine which
cheers a teacher in his arduous 'duties it
is to linew that his services •are ap-
predated. We have tangible proof to-
night, in the fact of so many of my.
puls being present to do me honor. It is
true I havie often ehastissd you, but it
has been 6aid of our Heavenly Master,
" Whom he loveth, them he also alias-
ten6d." n too, have often felt that
whilst anyi hand was extended to 'Met
the punishMent, feltthe rod was satur-
ated with love, and the heavier the
strokes the more loy e accompanied them.
He (the teecher) said he had often felt
the great !responsibilities resting Up01.1 _
him, so fa k• as their edneation was con-
cerned. He hoped he would. ever en-
deavor to ',do his duty in advancing the
pupils in Whatever section he may be en-
gaged. He strongly erged npon them
the necessity of diligence in the several
branches of educatiou, and if only faith-
ful to their duties, some of 'those present
to -night might become the h000red
struments in the bands Of God of leaaling
many from darkness to the marvellous
light of the Gospel.
The rest of the evening was spent in
speaking, aiuging and other amusements
util the Midnight hour closed this inter
sting and profitable meeting, leaving
heir tea.cher with a heart full of grata-
uod.e4.to_ctloiem.parents and pupils of S. S.
Friday, Feb. 20, the pupils of
township of Howick, aesem-
e residence of Mr. Robert
heir former teacher, and pre-
• with a beautiful album, con -
photograph of_ a large number -
ils, aceompanied by an ad -
gratitude t
half in
which was
man, our
during tb
we, your
you to ace
of our' affe
and as an
• Mr. McAllister, seconded by Mr. J. B. N
T OT e54, Con. 4, 11431
J7,4 deed and in good
spine- creek runningli.d,
4har4;11 One and thrmle.
don Road; good frsni
house; ,good stable., Ti]
ply on. the inornise,!;„ or
82614 AD,11.1
TN the ibounty Mut(
-1-- cleared and free froir.o
class ,soil, with gooi ort.
particulsr about the inn
325• ,
Vati..U.ABL.,Z FA
1.EING.west ofiLot
brick house, time b;
plenty of water, c.111fre.
4'000 only.
-I: Con. S, Morriscon;ii
cleated, Well lenek and
vation. There is 4
SaW, hiviu by water, %all
ber convenient; Merl'
orchard, also a good fran
is a. school and. two churl
lot. It, is situated vitt]
quarters of a station Of: I
Brace Railway. If the
-will be rented. For 1
the proprietor on the pre
Ho•wit, el
AA -Rs. ROBERTS07..C.,1
-0-/- hotel keeping bp.
well-known stand, in *1
by her ; half an aere of I
good stables, goot1 well,
mule for carrying on the •
the purchase money will
remainder will be allowe
monis. Apply otethe tpx.
SID MES. 110
-1-4EIN-Gtomposa of L
ship of Tuckersrait
aloellent land, upon wIt
barn, 38x110 feet, and .al,
terms, which are easy,*
ply to lir, JANfr S Dfix,
/mu Township, or to the
WI -CE, Sr., St. George 2.
TlItEING Lot 34, Con.V.,
3-7 acres, all cleared,
two good, trehartis in f
ing springs Which auppt.
Con. U. eOntaining 43 at
is situaWd 8 miles fro
gravel road thereto. For
-on the pwinaises. If by
SON, Constance I). O., NJ
SALE, s. good
bali of lot 15 anAl th
12. McKillop, touts:tutu
well fenced, and 511 goo
timbered 'with hardwoO
and new log barn; goo
miles and a half from a gi
, front the village of Seafo
sawmills within Si utiles;
schools and stores,. For
proprietor on the pre
2804,4 ,
riitlyi Iva z
LOT No. 12 and part
Concession of Grey,
50 cleared and in 'rood
Gravel Road, 12 mile'. fro
.276 ANGUS MeM
A LARGE commodiou
two sets of Tools.
House, tither with the ti
lot on -which the liouse
land and a full supply of
bushes, and au unfailing
liberal. Apply, if perso
the premises, Kinburu,„
•(IN Mortgage Beenrit
such periods, 11.041
118 the applicant Play Ile
3:22*52 AG
public are respect
Oremus call in his
Mansion Rotel The
SIILVjS axid Hair Cutting
bim a Trial Razor '
strictly attended to.
Satisfaction given.
• tity
TUE Fanner who i so
1T8MS and a STIOU
will please tali for the!).
ariangements about tbk
prosecuted as the law pm
32.'04 1
A LL the i Sale Notes nit
• riff, of Grey, aro in
and-unist be pria nto.nr
c. WILLSON, of 8
spleageafor the
ono in th( Connty or Huron
only be purchased -throng
iz ed. agents. Orders given -
Or myself will. not Ite,fill,;
men have been appointed
the County of Huron
Whiffen and L. .Altirphy
Clinton.; and L. S. Willh
320 O.
JN exehange fiw a few
and harrows. Apply.
frEliZDERS will be reccis
of brat -class green lisp
wood, to VI2 four -feet in
ed op the Public 'School
before the lst day of Jul
does not bind himself to
A hal