HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-27, Page 7FEE. 27, 1874. nouosi"ovocakstowlortnirearnsareamme VIC 64,a HN V li lAIV v4. 0 0 0 0 X - 4 0 FOUNDRY. E SUBSCI. DBR -.71.shec to call 'the attention. the farmi e- community rn general to his- nd varied"; Coek. of Letriettl' ural Ip.plenients, consisting of AiND WOOD PLOWs,. xth the lad:- t inaproved Steel Mould Board, A G kOWS, LTIVAT RS, TJAND ROLLERS, ITARRWS, s‘urzLEFs, &c. vordd beg call Ifipecial attention to the - celebrated. ERS PLOW, bh has giv univel1sal satisfaction wherever „1. to which4 now added a Thistle Point, so Li required this part. Also, to some fu•et- ; VVET-DIZILM I•A,ND ROLLERS, From $22 to 635, Also a few 3 I First -Class: 'Wagons, ngup for Spring nae, warranted of very best EASONED TIMBER All of which will be sold at the very OWES T PRICES FOR CASH Or approved: credit. R. WILSON. sels, Feb,- 124 18-18. ict ARNESS SHOP. „mu:Issas. Substribers we to state that tbey nave -peried out a first-elass kRNESS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, :re they will keep on hand a- Phoice selection of everything in their line, sueh as mess. Saddles, Whips, Trunks,. Valises - Brushes, Currycombs, Cazds, Bells,. Blankets, leverything that i8 usually found in a first - elms Ilaniesk, Shop_ & HEAVY HARNESS, :cry dt,eription Made in tlie latest style, and • e very but ClaLelittl, at prices that defy cora- petition- od o kinanship Gnaranteed. 141..e...A...hiAS - deser ption made to order, and warranted not to hurt. Ttfully Adicited befre purchasing ..tU1 - PrOntptir Attended to. p unnik:iately North of Anna's Hotel Uberry St: et, Bromels,Grit. 7:S -CAN & DAVIDSON, proprietors FEB. 27,18-74. A Great Hand at Whist. One of the most extraor nary' hid- den, you ever heard of in cOimection with whist ocetuTed in Westminister last eek. Four gentlemen f the high- est respectability, with who X am well acquainted, were ..playing at Whist last Wednesday evening., They had been ' playing about a couple of hours when one of thena, after having dea.lt, found. his liand to consist -of the whole thirteen trumps. Tuve packs [of cards , ,iwere used alternately all the time, and this ecurred with one of themigter be- ing s uffled and cut in the ustial manner. ' Can ort, or any of your correspondents, give lather instance of this, ever having taken place ? ,. An apparently well authenticated case f the dealer hokling thirteen trumps, npplemented by three other' hands as 4.,x troordinary, was published some. ten years ago in Bell's Life. I- Our correspondents inquire as to what are the odds against its happening again. lie' mind is incapable of gnesSing the normous number of possible ways in hich 52 cards can be dealt, equally a g four players. It has been. cacti - 1 ted that if the entire population of the rth,taken at one thousand millions of tsons were to deal the cards incessant - day tin/ night for one hundred mil- lions of ears; at the rate of a [. deal by each person w a minute, they uld not have exhausted the one hundred. thous- andth p4rt.of the namiber of the essen- tially different ways in which the cards oan be distributed. The odds against the deal r holding thirteen trumps may be taken in rowid. figUres . at one hun- dred illIe fiftyliiiie thOusand millions to one.—Errelidt, Letter. ; ., e, • Outrageous Wills. . There i a pod deal of just eoinplaint of the ill treatment of 'wives during the life -time of their husbands ; but the- gre,atest 1 ordships seem to be irtiposed upon -the ioor widow, whose ''dear de- parted" makes it a condition in his "last will and &Lament" that if she Marries • again it must be at the sacrifice of all the wordy gods she inherits. Ilia is a 1 species of conjngal =shy extending be- .yond the *rave, -which, although. it may not be pi ished by law, cannot be too severely r robated by public opinion. There is a, young, healthy, handsome widow in this city, who has an income of $15,0001a year, and who wants to marry a man -who has not the slightest Objection -ro : the union. But her late husband, whose jealousy, it seems,did not end wilh his life, left a wicked will, giving all his -property to a collateral re- lative, if hi widow should wed a second husband. , We understand the victim of this outrag has offered $10,000 a year out.of her income of $15,000 to have the emel condtton cancelled, but the "party t� whom the property would revert is inexorable, And this is by no means a • solitary case of the wrongs and Iciaielties perpetratediby the diabolical wills of the dead. Weill -wow of sseverar cases similar to the one fffludedto, and it is time to denounce this sort of tyranny ini the lan- guage it inekiis. The poor dying imbe- cile who defrauds his widow of iher Sub- sistence, ii she maxry again, simply qffers her a premiumfoi incontinency, arid imposea refinement:of cruelty more outrageous [filen the barbaric c cle .that condemns the widow to the fun ral pyre of her hushixid.—.Y. ir, Mirror, ;--4—• —4-4-4*----' A Meath Velooipedie. - • A two -wheeled steaan engine, to be run on a siggle rail., is the invention of Mr. Creweof Opelika, Ga., and a, .our •ton locomoirve of this pattern has just . been built tit Jersey City for ;a street railway in [11A_tlanta,. The rail or track upon which it is td run; a• sample of, which is laid -in the yard of the builders, is composi,d of several thicknesses - of plank, built up iu the style of an invert- ed keel of i vessel, with a flat rail on the apex.- UjAni a trial of speed, about 12 - -miles an Nair was attained, and the in- ventor claiins that the speed can be al- most cloulaed on a lengthened track. Tile revolimg flange -8 ' attached., to the engine, and which run on the outside qf each wheel, are said, to absolutely lock the rolling stock to the prisna;land. ob- viate the iiecessity of the rolling stack in light tralfrie at a high rate of speed. Among the' advantages claimed for this novel railtay axe that the peculiarly con- structed locomotive connected; with it has attraotive power , superior to any other engine of equal N-v-eiglit, While its eapacity fqr. running on curvesi is very much. grea1 er thou in the two-ta4. system.. The cost o constructingm this "Iirisoid. railway," # it is called, is only ,a matter of $3,000 ca mile. , ........ : Centenarians From the return of the Re "stew -Gen- eral of Ontario for the year 1872, whioh has just been published, we find that in • that year 108 persons aged 90 asicl up- wards died, and of this number 14 were 100 years tgcl or over. The following are their names, residences and ages : Nancy Mdintosh, Yarmouth, .Elgin 100 Samuel 114Auley, Mclanethon, (.-Z-rey 100 William Elleek, Moore, Lambton.... 100 Anne Dewitt, Stamford, Welland.... 101 James S. iHinton, Tilbury E., Kent 102 Mary H. aluff, Murray, Norttiumb- erland ... . .... . ....... ..... : .. 102 Mary Mearimmon, Camden,. A dding- ton ...t ......:...... .. . .... .... .. 103 Mary Met.ean, Euphemia, La mbtan 101 Christina, Ferguson, Nettawasaga, • Simebe „ 104 Timothyt\leCarthy, Toronto, York 104 Jane Sloan, C " 106 Hector IteLettn, Erin, WellMgton.. 106 Mary Dedd, Elma, Norfolk .. : 107 Ann Caniphell, Kenyon., Stormout.. 123- , Clothing the Limbs of Littls Girls. A senSible mother, writing of chil- ren's clofhing,esay-s : I see many chil- dren whose lower limbs are quite too much e9aosetl for health or comfort. It • is not infrequent to meet little girls with dresses rip to the knees and, but on0 pair ot perhaps, cambric draWers ' open. at ,the bottinn, and thin, cotton stockings. Any grown person, or bo, would freeze if clad. thus. No wonder that so many, when tl4y arrive at the age of woman- hood, have no constitutions, [ and. are good for;, little but fashionable [invalids, whose chief business 'through iif0 is to supply the doctor with good fees: Every child shOuld wear a pair of underdraw- ers made ef- Canton flannel, (or, better still, oif ic-nor,) buttoned on to a waist or the c1ae4ise, cut as niall as the leg at the bottom and left open a little way and. extending do-v:111111(1er the stockings t� the tOp of the high, shoe, over these a pair, out inoderatelv full, buttoning just below the knae. the band is pretty, finished with a narrow ruffle or a bit of embroidery. I know many think they do n4t look as well as when ma e open at the bottom'ibut hey are ertainly mucli more confortab e and sen ible. orgia Go . D. B.' Grab Telly, county, Geor most r niarkable sch world. He was acbni law34r in 1832. S strieke down with He tu became pa body b ing helpless and axrs up to his el time e has taught se his b4& . • His school condi en, and he Manyt stinguishecl ated 1rem . Col. Gral Colonel was never ina 60 yeis old. He and is cousin to Gov. Carolin The ooj,,Tea her. _ of Teni ermine, a, is prob bly the. hol teacher in the ted.to the ar as a on after ie was cute rheu • atism. alyzed, hi whole except his hands ows. For a long ool while 1 g on s.in a --flot rishing S making iioney.. ersons have groan - m's sohoo . The Tied. He i about s a fine s holar, Graham, of North 1 , dlantagee of Unli ited. t,• Currency. Soul ique, the fekmer Empe or of Hayti, 1 as a firm bel ev-er in the olicy of inflai on, and cairri' d his theorie into practic Whenever jjthe funds i the treasur ran low, t ,e printing p esses were p t in operation i and currenc was i▪ ssued eely to move l'the crops an4 pay and dye oney itry ans the ex$nses of the dusky Empero his colored Court. At the end of years, and of the En4eror's reign, was more abundant than in any c i in the World, and the luxinious Hay thought 'nothing of payink $5 for a digar, and $50 for a diluter fpr one. The' only drawback to this stale of gen.eral pros- perity was that it was hut .a tolerable dinner that one could' bu for $50, while it took about $2,000 to pa for a respect- able suit of clothes. 9.00.• 4. - CONJUGAL. —Here As a flower culled from the advertiiingl, columns of the Montreal Witness. It is a41 °nee a warn- ing to recreant spouses an a model for 'students of logic : S1E01AL NoTioE !— I beg to contra et rabid call attention to the advertisement '1wherein , JAMES STEWART states that I, bis wife, left his .bed an& board without cause or provocation, which is ifalse, for I left his board for the very hard language he made use of towardsnays lf and son ; and what he calls bed. was nothing else than a litter of straw, I liaving taken away my blankets and left ' .—Sanaizt STEW-AltT. 11 • INDISPOSITION OF 'i'HE• bzmt. --The Czar lips become indispoied. In the meantime the Emperor of Austria is entertained. with brilliant fetes by the Grand Dukes ancl other members of the Imperial family. [ 1 REDUCTION 'SALE To cont tie A;oTHER W EK At HOB k MAN EROTELL•RS', Seaforth., -SELCT SC 00L. $D MUSIC CLASS. ISS RYAN, Organist of St. Thomas' Church. Music: Olass and Selegit Scheele Kidd's Block, MAIN STREET, i ?EAFORTH. • Piano in the 'chool Room. . 1 TERMS: Instruniental Music, per t*ra. of 12 weeks S6 Vocal Music, per term 1 6 'Vocal andInstrumental Music, when taken to- gether... ; 8 SELECT S 1100L. English Branches, inch:di; g plain and fancy work. Higher branches, per tennoof 11 Weeks $5 Children over 12 years.- .1, ...... 4 Children under 12 years ; 1 8 Payable in advance. -JOHN S. PORTER, • One-horso Banker •:nd Exchange Broker. STRE.E2.1,' Si FORTH. CAPITAL, -_ $0,00,0,000.01. This is no blovi, but a fact. Greenbacks and A:iiierican. Silver at car- -1-" rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- erty. Shaves- notes without lather. Receives money on deposit, and pays 20 pe cent. interest -when you got it. •:1 Buys Bides, Sheep Skins, Igurs and Wool ctt the higl4st All this is done with the above capital, Wonder- ful, is it not? Hand in our wants, wishes and expectations, don't be afraid, he won't bust. 822 THE HURON 14.4111N61 MILL. 21ESSRS. GRAY & !SCOTT pEG to announce that they hove commenced -business in the shop:: lately 1occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to hil orders for Sashes, Doors., Blncls, Notildings, And all kinds of planed 1innber.1 • 'CHEESE BOXES NU SETTERS, FARM GATES, -FrrvY. B,AcKs, &c. A good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Factory and lumber yard on Goderich street, near Main street, jig Sawing and Custom Planitg neatly done. A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. PUBLIC' NOTICE. J. R. WELLL. MS SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY, TN returning thanks to his pat ons for past fay- -a- ors, would state that lie is o -w making exten- sive preparations for the cloniin year, and will be prepared to furnish Pumps, Cisterns, Cheese ctetory Tanks, and water supd ies generally. His purapi are already so w411 and favorably known that any praise, of ihem s unnecessary. : - Allnotes and accoinits now dile must be settled at once. A number of OVOTd_110 likotes and acoonnts will be jilaced in Court fot- collePtion if not irame- cliately paid. ' 812-13 ' J. B. WILLTAATS. OLOU68. BREANFAST AND SONTA STIAWIS NEARLY GIVELlr AWAY, At HOFFMAN BR06TERS', Seaforth. , STOVE,. Of all kin g It S . Carmichael' Pure good and W13iTNEY'S. CUSTOM Of all kinds promptly cuted. 808 ' • 8c. TINWARE a, and in endlirs . HI Blocik, Main , [ stlrcet, and o kariety at EY'S Seaforth. retail at Airs. ; , ORK and neatly exe- WHITNEY. OAL 01L, heap, wholesale . attended AIR'. SEAFORTH *INTE WILLIA In preparation construetion SLEIGHS Which will be sold, short time. The for the durability out by it, is su )vill receive sati • ; A number of the way of Wag CARRIAC WORKS. 0- ON 1 SIE oas1 n; has num er o • 1 I 1 CUT ERS 1 forash, this establishment of artic es turned that nrchasers , DOuble RIGS, yetonhiand : [ L GRASSM. , street, 8 aforth. in or on in i--- S it 1 OMI' for th A as repn and 1 dent factio 'Oat 'Ingle )ns an' VIL GRA1 sleighing • large ND anal, cheap ation of elegance guarantee . and Buggies, IAM oderieh PETS AND -ably BROTI:LERS' trA FLOOR R - At Ef OIL mar. FFMAN CLOT Low, "'eaforth. LIS1 REMAINING 1called fOr o Ashmen, Georg nllard, Wm. Burns, Thomas Boyle, J. H. ;14.1e, Wm. ' urtin, Thos.• Chamberlain, S. Cartey, S. R. Carty, Michael Menton, James Crane, Rev. Isaap Carpenter, Edward Doyle, James Dann, George Eckert, John• Egg, F. S. Grey, Mrs. JaneTaylOr, Gillespie, John ra.rdner, D. B. '.00d, C. IIill, John FI'll, Casper Henderson, Alex. Jones, H. 322 OF in thc Feb. a. ' _ - LETTERS Seaforth 4,1874 Leslie, Metz, Murphy, Mem McDonald, Mola• McCaig% Purcell, Patton, Pugh Rice, Ross Robi Rodg Stern, Shannon Taylor Whitefor Whitely, Wright, Watson, Watters, Young, Si : Frank F. ing, h Thos. John S. Daniel John Roderick son, rs, Sa & J DI Post 0 o co Michael Wm. 1. Wm. Wm. k G•oi•ge g. P. S. Robert uel John ahem Barnsd • , Wm. Vm. eorge anies John hn KSON P. nn- ' M. SEAFORTH SASH, DOOR , rim subscriber -1- customers 104 him since comnencin trusts tha-t he in of the same. Parties intend Liim a call, as he hage stock of all DR DOORS, 1LINDS, SHIN , He feels confident %tho may favour but first-class weIrkmen 11." Particular 201 JOHN A )LANING D BLIND thank in with to keep S, satisfactio patronage, to Custom MI 1L, FA TORY his n • •• erous ext oided to Seafo th, and a con mutilate do .we to give on hand a ER, GS, ETC.- • to those as none 'lang. 0 OT- begs] the li y be 1 ng to will c, kinds PINE SA.811(10 'LES, of llim with attention ave to eral patronage business vored uild wonld ntinue of I LUM , MOULDI LATH, giving their are employed. paid H. BRO.A.DF bANIE - AicGRE OR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seafo h, T_[AS just rece ved a large Stock of the aterials used in the business'and is now full prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice an in the test syles, all orders he may be' favou ed with. BEGISTERS, LEDGERS 84 BLANK BOOKS Or ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed a d, made to order, on the shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition. Wo k Boxes (.6 Fancy Cctises• Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOO CS Bohnd aind repaired at city price All communications addressed to the • • dersign- ed, will receive rorapt attention. DANIEL McGREGO , Seaforth, (Ear whey. DRESS G 0 0 Very li FOR ttle more tlianf ask 'ng At HrFFMAN' BR0T1-114•RS' Seaforth. OPENED OUT, FOSTER'S OLD STAND. JAMES WRIG T J1AS opened in the store next thL Seaforth Foundry and adjoining Foster's Hiotel, a full /and complete STOCK OF G.ffOCE IES. Kis Teas arf Good, ; s Sugars Cheap, And his 'Vic 8 Strong. Call and gi them a trial. 828 1 TAVES IGHT. • XITJria\Tirrt.TTIP, pro-aawiti-crp, DONNER UN BLAZEN VOT YU MENE. W., B. PORTER NOT DED Y1T He gibs Funnyture ava,y for n.oddin' tu-morrer. T BEG to notify my nunn3rons friends and customers that I have again opened oat a new Fu -a- Store next door north of M. Robertson's, where everything in the housekeeping line may bo and at from 20 to BO per cent cheaper than any other place in town. Wake up ye Old. Baehelors and got married at once, and. give me a cull before going elsewhere. will save a fortune by buying front me. Try it 4ud. be convinced. 1 323 [ 1 , W. B. PORT* i. ar,.............sannwer 1 - tnre und, TEAS, TEAS, •TEAS Fragrant Pekoe, Shouchong, Flavored Te, Strongly Recommended for Family Use. J. C. L A ID LA W'S FAMOUS\ JIIIXTURE 01)1.7.N.E TEAS. J. C. LA1DLAW'S thorough knowledge of the Tea Trade enables OFFER' Furch..aserS o VERY PEC1AL 1 In this de a.rbroont. -Five! Pound Parcels and upwards- li SUGARS. liini at all times to 1%/AL.ug rally dealt :wit Brown, Medinin, White and LoafSugars at the joaest remunerative Pies; ; JAN ES C. LAIDLAW. i?prnily Groeer, Seaforth. ; 1 To TH1E FARME4S OF ,HUNRO • 1 FORSYTH'S P4TENT WROUGHT IRON FENCE 1 ., 1 Tmadersigned beg to -direct the attention of th Farmers of Huron . to the fact that -they are now prepared to take order'p for the above fence, -which is without datibt the - : ---2- ' 1:DURABLE : ------.- 1 ; BEST AND MOST FENCE Parties desirous of giving this fence a trial shoiild leave their orders at once, so that it C.IM be prepared for erection early in spring. The proprietors will guarantee this ; fence to stand withont repairs for TEN YEARS. ' The benefits of this fenceover all others are : : lst--Durability. nk2nd- 'Snow will not accuintilate or btirk against it. 8rd-Tt e wind or frost does not effect it. 4th -Fire will not destroy it. 5th -It i8. lirranted to turn all • ds of stock, no matter how breachyor viCiotia. This Fence will be furnished at the following rates : Five Wire, Fence, per rod. $1. 50 I SeVen Wire Fence, per rod - 1 38 Six " " , i"F ..... ...... ..... 1 60 I Ei ht " •• •• •• •;,.. 175 TERMS -All sums of $25 and. -ander cash, on com.ple ion of fence' . over that amount three months' credit, an approved note to be fbrnished on completi D. of fenee. For large orders special =Imp- ments can be made. Orders be en and further in.formation given on application to M. R. Counter, Main street, Seaforth; or Geer e Forsyth, at the Market, Seaforth; or Hugh Cameron, Londesboro. I 320 FORSYTH 4%• Co. , SEAF R T H 'FOUNDRY. KERR3 1/STILKIE & Co. Wish to inform the yeople of Huron and public generally that. they have leased the Seaforth Fonndry for a terni of years, and are nowlprepared to manufacture anthills of • Castings, Straw Cutters, Sawing Machines, Plows, and i other Farpaing Implements:. We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every debeription. The undersigned have had long elyerience in the FOundry busiuess, and are prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their work. ' KERR, WILKIE & CO. 287 GODER1CH FOUNDRY. The Gocteriobj Foundry & Manufact.uring C • Beg to infOrm the -public that they are prepared to contract:for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ;• FLOUR, GRIST, AN'D SAW MILLS ! SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IROIN'i AND WOODEN ?LOWS, with st el boards; 41 -A -NG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAI -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND P(STIASTI KETTLES, GRAPE -BAR, w ON BOXES, <ie.; COOI“NG, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. 'SALT PANS MA E' TO ORDER: ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTING, AND BLAeKSMITH WORK, BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON 811ORT NQTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE PONN ER TUB LAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. Ita- All orders addressed to the Company or Se rotary win receive prompt attention. A. II3DGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President. k. RUNCIMAN, G neral Manager. nmonsoimmearamasammszasillifi...nts GARDENER SE iNG 7.-TptitCHINE; ISA STRONG EASY RUI\TNING 'MACHINE; WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manufacturing Work,. 7-•• Acissowssoonomeal‘ WHITE -AND C6L6RED COUNTERPANES Exceedingly 1Chap At HOFFMAN' BR .TIIERS'. Seafath. THE SEAPt9tT1 LUIVIBER 'YARD. MABEE & MAGDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have re- moved their Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt •Comparty-8 Works and Mar- shall's Mill. • • They will keep constantlY onniluid a goodassort- ment of ALL KINDS OF IT ER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH 'Nil sinNoLEs, all of which they ELTO prepared th at the lowest possi- '•1 ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will • us.A1t to their advan- tage toinspect our stock, ndiascertain our prices before purchasingelsewher ,u4 'we are in a, position - to offer good luau cements t c4.slx purchasers. 160 MADE MACD ONALD WHITE B 4NKETS AT COST -PRICES EfOFFMAN BR9THERS', Seaforth. ENTIRE HORSES FOR SALE. T 3'. FISHER offers for salp the following well- • known Imported Stailiols "YOUNG. PIE COCK.," Road and Carriage Horse—nber beaten at any - exhibition in Ontario. 4• .4 JOHN R Heavy draught horse; 2,000 ounds weight; dark boy, no -white. These horses were imporle 1872z and. call - not be surpassed. in Conadai My only reason for selling them is that I am rctiing to some extent from the business. 3.3. FISHER, 32244 • Colborne Tow4hip,Ifeurniller P. O. , HATS AND OONNETS • AT A STO NISHING L P.R_ITAS At HOFFMA. BROT.34 0111S), 'Cheap Cash Store, Seaforth. "TRUTH IS MIGHTY' AND WILL PREVA14," THE GENITINE_ 7INIERICAN • ELIAS FiOWE SEWING MACHINE TRIUMPHANT OVER ALL ! VIENNA, PR MIUMS. HHOWE SEWING MACHINE RECEIVED FIV MEDALS .1it the Vienna ExpoSition, viz.: CRAM MEDAL OF PROCRESS1 ffiEjOAL OF For Superior Workulanship, and THREE' .111E.B4.LS OF CO-9FERATIO1 For daperior excellence of pkoductionit. See ex- tract of letter rbelow: • "EXTRAC ." • - Vreixtu, 'August 22nd. The Howe Machine Co., New York : Gelinnnw_EN-We have beeu successful in ob- taining five medals from tlie Exposition, viz.: Grand Medal of l'rogress, Medal of Merit for su- perior work, and time bledalsof Co-operation for superior excellenee of yroductions. Yours truly, G. 'W. HOWE. • The above speaks for itself, andnotwithetanding the false clahus of some fn•mt; in the Sewing Ma- chine business, the HOWE still k.ceps the lead. I! A fresh supply just received at W., N. WATSON'S, I 308 Insurance Agent, Seafo• rth. At tho Pairs hekl throughout the Domini n, this Machinewas plit • to some very severe tests by the BEST JIIDGI_Es DIE 00 U_ATTRY CO UL.D RODUCE AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, atd 26 Prizes •i 1872. Its simplicity of constrnetio , strength and durability reconnnend it to all c asses. It has a comitle •et of attachments, and; does all Mazer work. . INSTRUCTIONS N ALL TH I44 ATTACEMNTS GIVEN FEE 4 OF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Company, Ont. PETER GRASSIE, 's-E4FoRTH, Agon fo the County Of Buroul. 286 te ST -1..A. LAS AT COST PRICE At HOFFM.A,IN BROTHERS', Cheap 4ash Store, Seaforth. Ann torVarir is runntsiten EVERY FRIDAY MOItNING •TN SEAFORTH. TERMS.—S1 50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising ',Rates. • First insertion, per line, 8 pl ents, substou t in- , ; sertion, 2 cents each time, p* line. CONTRACT BATES. 011e COIUM.11,, hotiline ye„ar . .. . ...$3605 0000 '3 months 20.00 c)nlel'Ye'ar h . ... . 0t°3 8 raonths 10 00 One-fourth ,11 boli3,11ef , yLear20 00 1'2 00 " ." 3 months ...........8 00 12 00 C/nireigh,,t4 "c'hualel Yeal•• 8 00 8 Months - 5 00 h One-twelftone year 8 00 . 500 ." " 8 months. . 4 00 Business Cards, (6 lines andinder)r year., 4 00, Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, not exceeding 10 lines -first teouth,41 ; after first month, 50 cents each mon* F Advertisements of Famt and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceedinglO line -first month el 50 3 each subsequent ineitgi, tients. Births, Marriagse.,.a.nd-De4ths-Grati8. Advertisemei.etazwitliont fipecific directions 'will be inserted tillforbid, and. _charged accordingly. nonpareil.. Advertistments ineasmurceilmb.yui6137011,01;foins011iid. .:( Half •411 44 C4 It it - 'half 4 • _