HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-27, Page 4JT .,�i L T 17- -76 MWANA"t" 0, Am. 2�1, 1874. Ell; - Vv ON', ITOR. hiin Mr- Bill rsm'sfone,�� a f'one, new bure W 800 Urifore cen and Un, n c6� roirerted elections of mem- Vendi, latin 0 t 300 Eng iciers and. ldiers Were -a tire no sham NE7 ADVERTME-MENTS. this neceosAy. and have gli8b. (ff plicants) bed appr(prl, o the House of Cow, mons, the provided, $50,�00,- Public pildings (I)l ers t t1iollgh, ultimately viie- MP -1 Said nothing ab 0 RM thE (1, and tha Repair riteziabpe, $3,800 ; (2) The, ont 7 establishment of kil e Q3 000,0()0 tow ds a and Mai ar I icuten ut-Governor of Ont4rIo hm're.- blie beds. Lumber--LJohn Goyenlock, McKillop. 'eneral WolsC163 "s of Ontario, the Ca to 70 Pu T laired �he C4ief Justice these institutions. T1 Lese axe, q, ome of tor ious, C iroops had a pital A&onat, - $322,�', 0 U n*f4- il 0 r 1) rxvs 0 X—You did PubliG Notice—S.Pow-%'11. epairs and' aitatenarice, stice, Works �1, R The- ort als ario, the Chief Ju 'the items wh ich have d iminished the gur- desperate stri Lgg�e. 01 Uhari�,ellor of Ont S 3,2822. - [HerelMr. I'Vatson, a baker; ainder. Farm W apte e' d ` 244usil&i Smi aslor Onta- .$3,200 (2y Capital Acc6c iin $17 h of Febru had been o i ourt of Conamon PI "for'sale'—"Sohn Esson. Plus. -Had -It ref sed to states that the 5t Zeeve, a lawyer ValuableVarm, s, $100,900 took to instruct the P f the he Governinei ry -�o,.andj the Vide -Chancellors and Jud es 82 ColoXiizatiol to, the law of iotel accomanodatibil-I L Estray Stber-7-JOha Qq§ch, lixed for the Storming of �_Coomassle. -own Lands441 7,467 Re- too gr -aid to railways., had. they refused. ancery. Quee" nch ant of the dourtof Cht Xls-Bc uharges oii'Ci ew Arr' da—D-nn�M11 -& Duncan. Mors I is. er - fu4id Account, 0 compl -Fund, and Which of the,6e conflictill T,U nd Coll mon Pleas for Onta 0,. to $220 0�-6-9 ete 11r. WATsq�q colytinlicd—You Ile Groceries, tieedis, ',kw.—Strong & F&irle1r. aid act, Services and to C'wer" 11 ai Account asty, _-,arrovv, you correct, or whether any of them is cor- f1frul t6 r1aties, 'which, by the s, - to Settle the! Nifunicilm'. Loan 'a s b 3dr.- C ought to be had they po§g tpolled. -the� establisla nei 0 1 By-la-w—P. Adariisoll,­.County: I rk; I I ated asliamec Az> other words, for 1873, $59,982.1T; Vota ilstiiw are assigned to Su oil, or, in Lie in red , we must wait for Aher advices willing- to M and humai t Willso use�fu', Still 0. C ins-A&ellcv. these isti I imar- The RE, -9-TE- -1 am alwaYs t 3ese are he partios appointed to tq all expenditur 52,'63 95, 39. at�on. Perhaps Otic to'letermine. -earn, even f rc in x1r. h Insolvency IN e.—:61x-le IN`atson.. ast of a ses. A- 'ina ized. the account stands thUs they might I o -day -be able"to ho s ilar- no wribestdid election c, e - aw than 1, Estimated eveline. .$2,772,805 he knows more of t , 9.1 ars able,, � ba. Arrived this Week-----�A.'.-G. McDo 11. - respecting the trials of �On ke any better larger suiph S�. But we believe, 1rand the t �ce ap�P J The Last Offei—Thoraw#Kidd. IT 18 STATED that the blilf&. reuniting ew xpe diture 2,637;495 not profess to be S'Emporium. -wil: J Om. -wit] 11us in the belief, Usted ilections in the Provinces of than, be. (Laighter E. Hicks&n & Co.' country. bread B ut; tb is the Ridings of Huron for regiStration pur- ruuswl4.ck and, Quebec. 'ice -J.. aid, r6 ways, �f Revenue o I, E abuse whicb, �417, I'Vatf 01.) sees fit to give Simpson's'Cattlp, Sp 9, Robei ve in C611111). —Nft, McGowan the Conse-vative E xcess that the mokey girantell to es -was defe., ed ittee on Insolyeac`v' Notice—George S. Birrell es Poi $135,310 me I sball Dot Stand, he is Istylaply im- the money riturnedto manicipalitii for dindidate was elected,in North Welling penditau ...... last b- %.Majority -df one. III U � I Dauch ex- pertinent. (IEKCitenlellt.) Tn asday ra, ratario Legislature, lagtY Last yea:fthe revenue 'very h,-v,e not v ended in tl e establish ent of 0 x pub- cems to nu that this licen se ques— I la. .:the Bleform candidate tu re was co S$1 t* , P asiderably le than the esti- It, 8 Poo of the matter, -,aid defer f Xther coannient �ga all, lie institutio 3s, -will T eld more benefit th 'ease this Councilor SAVA e I�yht to V13 I al?,—Yoli�v' no r, Mr. -DeCosmos headed the poll in mate. Sholuld this provel : y Ulu -we (10. -ements, and the inoney ex- ton for the Oj ri- Collneilor UA PBLLT., (ill th la public unpr( v et learai d the f iii particulars day, by'a aaajor�ty of, 82, overl�l r. O'�al- ceeded the estimate, aract the expeudi- ch the�e is ev the eledtion for Victoria, B. C. Flour year, of wha dry li-obability,. speak to the peopla of this-Brovince f aii ha& CAA ELL—I bave _�A excess Over CKPC FRII -Y, of revenue 14)-_ I No SEAF, ORTH, FEB -27 1 q7, k, ted c' ndid4es rin, and the. election -was tbe raditure (201111610:, ail dasasurpli I, ves EK. 4 - it been hol Oill, lie a EWS WD CouncllorS_Iv��,( , No. vle i y CIOWY con tested. will be eve'll. grea r, t6aal, t in Dominion, or other c, ecu rities a 5 per or than the Ti ansurer, in Several Oil mena burs Nb ",Yes 1 v -;Bur .13., fi,,ures sho�.w, A Dimlriisb4pg' DIU o 11 pmr. Bit 1"r-AllN. e yo his T -wilig is I -is it F, IN I W (J 2111 rn I I T ONTARIO LEGISLATuRE. A p'qrtion. of the Dreso Of Ontario % * � i culates lipon. bave u b, n't 1 vote vote.! &c he follo (G -if oil CAIr. Campbell sub� for,tl.e purpose3 they hwrel the a THE AGMIM 111A RAI. eneral cot . U�, ust now shedding .-I - cent. interps: i. In d inishing t stir- financial Statement, ca, pro,44sion of Core c0- Plus St.of Mr. Disrach's1iiew- Cabinet : i ig&ouz-�uppiaia oilthe desk CO_11PA,,\_TLES- ig oi Monday Wi Oil the flous6 i�sembliii sided, A i kury enjamin Govetriment bave acted 'selyaml large - dile tears r wha arg St Lord of Vie Trea' -o ay the Attorney -Gleneral UrAs move'([ for t. th4 aro pleased On Tbur§d,.. among other ret was one brin,,s ordero tlojlebaos-) O`vq ly for thead vantagge of the people -miliona. DiElraeli ChaiLO011or of ithe Exchequer, ilitroauced certain amendments to !the by CIIAIII.�ATAIN 8 Ja I the vote be taken ? ykert. db1ciDg for all corres.- terala: the cl�travagmiice of ille (xove rl I- Si 1 Stafford Nortlicote Fi!rst Lord'of plUS ir: t V Z they serve, and We trust ally �Jur bill be has before the House, relating, to pondence velatirig� to the Agricaltaral 0ICJS--�CQA, Yes J Le incorporati Farm. at GLIelphi �iid t, e, �tte! pt of the The yeas an I Days -were then called 11'ay hereafter' o may. P&DICS. He. proposed to' ma -or acli gel) 6=, kill h d hi -atorsrof the Lan (1.17 -l'u&', Political oi to for the ment $aid the sqIiandering of the Sur-. t1i Admiralty ('.4-eorge d 14unt un of , Joint 8tock Got whiGh I Iccainlulht edretary d St Depttrt ke th'e :bill Government to 'take passessim of the f - Of courA� e. a d. inc,it, Richard _Aashetoll� Seem— be as prolita)ly and wi� ely investei, -Nvhat more elastic than w hen it was H'Onse the -eit strongly Mill d f Ully mad e -Up as to how he want - and Rxkert- stripo. never: weary. of p,6- Some 6on.' I r. lly�k tar y- of State fol tl)e Forcilan. Pepartment, ti�,sb in6t, oduded. The Rkiglish aet,� Oil condbm ned �the conduct of the Govern- ed. to vote. Biat there appeared a, al -aiming -that Under G 'the C-0; IL- The We_11j_ng__to_n_,G__-ey aiidi ruce E a. Dorby &-cretary 4 6tato for the rit'rule w ii6h tj�ie present measure was malli1v 'to -ake fore-- du-biety iii th minds of soine as to ment in set ding constableS. nailwdy. try is going to th.6. d S, and that, if a Cdo al Dep4Anaent,,Efbr1 C "ria"' P ible f the hous 'on the A- whether yea" would have t �c Of v" ; fo anded' admitted to incor oration any qg ni, possession 0 0 Jae effe t Ing IS a 3tatement of th e Se re ry State for WV, Glathorne The folloA -check be al t t.6 tlie, extravageaude -trayl e w P McK oll- and 'the' voting f oror ;aiallst the increase In t ot pu MP t1a object of viliiclx as legal, cultur9l Farm. Mr. T he finalicialpos ion of the Grey d extionded. t When the Oues- Hc *dV Secrelary of &A6 for India, o them nearly every right the P at Attoriiby.G eneral, showed co elusively. number of lieenses. Nla -quis o mia f Salisbury �- T,ord High er joyed-by private partnerships. -He pro- 'Gotall te-foran. Adiiii 'stration. now and Bruce 4D " I that their action iii this! in had tion' came to qne worthy ciio� ha power, the' Provillc&`will §peedil ailway Company, In ref er- Ch4neell6r, Loa d Clait-4 Lord of the N; y 0 posed td,`modify the'eliiiase which of be coun- bummed and lj,�-axved— A allade been taken in'the ' terest' ail-cial. ruin. As a ba a 8 1 iosbury Lord. overtaken. by fill ce. to its $oiathorn Extension a the Prilvy Seal, Ear I of ,r, i�i %Jov I it neces'�ary that the ni. [)art of !the. try, and ha I had a- b6nifici,,�l of 2"act Upon Councilor Jon't know eir assualiwit 25tb of Octobe' P Isident of thE Councill. Duke of Rich- Directo 's of. a Company seeking incor- ne, ral t1ae.- farm had bow to vote (Great, laughter. for th and- to prove r last rQ R moJid; Postriamter-Genar, grief, r al, Lord John Mr. Sto from who re dy and -whOrf c to 01V vote— enewed laugh. dp, inG ling Station Qrs. -wa )OSSessloild the bou, lie had. Sav4g., F i in1be and B S� e, I i � LIABILITI]RS... X 6 `�Ov- been pla Ise e Worthy Councilor- Ibe-yourpardon, their ass6ve,ratioils, -these jot&aials a6d, -To Contract Mann p4ration, should be resideut in th P' ritish subjects. It. UP I a politiciaoils point vitll, tii hant air I o B11itdiD118. &I ........... I ........... $312 849 72 -it will be, )served tl he iiew Cabinet "do The motioll. to this- re- -ter.) RiAes, Bolts agreed to 'i". Plates, bik opinion. desirable to afford all p For Rails, It -eigii 6apitalists; to turn, after:! eing'ameiided." wa all6wed But the. gen� learian recorded his vote, wenes to foi the dfininishina tixpliis, They say that I colliposed of 2 nenlb6. The action b 1_5 and nuts ... ....................... �,37 000 00 lb induce in Canadian enterprise. Other e treasurer pr alici men carried their -point 11000 00 erall* approved by theprests. when of Mr. Disraeli their leader, Jahii Sandfield _Mae- F or Fugineerii g e-qenso3l & id Right ai thus linfit6w his Cab- to pass. Th. Oose to move the terial)evir �u Ov y ..... ............ i ......... inet is gen �6 f donald, hmicted' rer the reilis of Go F oorf W a provide th, velip I eilgit-ei p�ly, by a majority A on -e, and your porres. Switches, Signftls &-c ............ 4 500 00 Mr� _Gladstoue'4 Cabinet wits composed t enduents would A the Lbe Hou -se, into Com mitt; r-, 0 8u no iLol To Bfinkers 240 412 00 aidesabould ImaLe %a annual state- but the ppositicin Ob' ted On the pondent retire(.. jntereat Ace tint dur- of 15 members. ey were Febl. ill e ing coustruhtion ...... 4__ ..... 88127 60 --It is said f. iat on the a,4semb�.ing of ment to the party wh ich w tls ForB&lanceo' prepare(I 6 GODURICIF, 24,1874. them, there was a, large surplus in nJi,,'n`t"ofAhcir affairs for Publication, thd ground tba; th 1)1�o� tl t -,h GoUcrall Manal ement-Lftw Expenses, their Letters Patent sbotild be OU - e estimates. -will be immediately pro- enter u treasury, but nov�,'IQ and behold,- th.at Par hainent it PT oof, without advertisement, of the' ir . Pon a discussion Istry Svc ....... ......................... 17.317 00 In deferencie to the wishes The Ri Q,,u f ti Le ro ed until the 12th of Nifitreh, so. that in3orporittion. At the request of M r, ree The follow- is a copy of the bill us has diminished to the triffilig I in- t surpi, i44,33r) 2% the members lo have accepted office ree Total ..... .......... & ............ sition tbe !Attorney. Geu.6 I d 11 11 P i , troduced into 0 Ontario Legislaturefor SUM of one,1111flillion--and a half of dollai-s. S E, T ykert;��the coaa�id`eration of e ame"(1- postpone tIlle discussion of �t%l e' stiniat a t Sr le from. Mr. Di li mayha4e an �oppor -red. until the fW1owing day. h R o it"s e the reu-il: )Oil 1 Municipal' BoAlses on hand i ad to re- mnit,- was defei iting O� the ,North aaiid;� AhRid- But, whil' thus 'd-lanioring, they shilt tualty to go bef orc their constituents for dy!! from, Vullicipnlitieq -AS5,000, oses -V 7hole on 111, - -owfor regis A.48ESSNIF-XT QY BANK STOCK- las of Hul tration P I Vvent into qommittee of t4e P c4tLrall'ted to .6111ir.6 .................. $ 79, 00 00 It is also sad that the' thei 'aad refuse, to look, in the' "r eyes re -Election. iiNlr. Cirooks moved that -the r"lor -esp, -Ctiu + Ic Wh Warden and, Nlunicipal. fl -111 f, g joint sto�k c allies, t; of the bill I erexas th4 if ad n h g4t P Ilea _U 10() ; (2) TI beds ublic VA=! ance, n ,re c� d )Ilc 01 �7 0 Id alu r Fllii,� a the As- unty of Rixron have, -6. disc6ve tbi 8 —1yingliam. Quk en s Spee will niot b� read until Coinjilittee of the �\Iiole when the �several claus'esJ We agree, proper direction f r Where ffi-ne, 28 mii at $2 000 Pe mile .... 56,0 6e we Council of The Co "1 00 Par liament reassembles. J. Due from Lo,* .. ... Q 0 ese they- to.. mak or 7,159 00 dssment Act. Anielidment bill! be ie by their petill-ora, represented tbat the surplus has gone. Were ncjpu Agents ceav- to, and the; bill- rep ted to Issno of Bon's on. Sidin- n 'L�DISTM-M,'41S RHTIR _ST.—It is G o yet -aron ed.—M ''McCall moved f or its thira and fipal readili division of th,. said. 400111-1-ty: of H West 31711 RM11- I all candid ii-Icluir'y as' to what It beco d GTOMt repi -esented thAtIft. Gladst i e one has de- 19 d claring that Bank -oc IntoNorth-and ',Soutla. I-lidings th eo Way -154 m les,.at $12,0(0-1;,186,- 1 n f� I t, ad I Sto k;�I'buildiuo, '1311� A.S.IiESSALENTiWT. er termined -to n lon er take an. active ............ r s to 000, at 81 - of the surplut's, Wild ,h thqr P ofes . ..... -158,100 00 S cieties�i shares, bouds* and mortgages for tb pur]pos of B eg stratioii. of Titles On Tues ay, a ihotio.i Made toi par in r. alance defievacy .................. St ould all be liable to assess eat. Mr. -to the poople' of th _q a e( 143,377 22 read a thi sse smen t amend-' enien V Pa hallientary 'proceeding they ria lieve has b1pon s 1 ;4` 1 lb 1 B is - onv e ThE re is n) uch I -neculation as to who will time the A eT 10 ...... I C rrie ent onto show the illeguality iNgAll and zRilth Eadulgis ot the Said ree ve, i �....S444,836 22 ment act, *r: Gibson moVed to explinge ei -Ie�v liglat.i. i but'-. w -mild, at. ih a SUCCeed him at, the ]lead of the Opposi- a dinjuiticeof assessmentof bankstock CO'Unty, all-- .8 tila From the�iabove statement it will be the, Sjub-seption of -the -A 3sessi ent act d unnecessary, and- have- 1-is,may that th e at Hr. F J same e, find to t� c ion. The Obseever hOPES th' I I was absurd to argue that such that t1l e North ��aid South Ed& prayed Leir which has *n held to all w a teduction I seen (Iladstoiae' determination is not final. that at,ithe date ed, 'there WaS, -any of f bottom -of: 6eir 'g4rieyfilice had bee i tj�s w*ere mainly bi6,4d by the iich. IN ings of -the sai I Ccunty of Huaron Should the REINIDEP. ov CoomAssim — The orty�petf cent. on assess ment Of vf ter all thei� asgets were, e* xllaustbd, a de- b 4'nk sild"reholders were persons of limit- - purpose of 1egistra- V kiloaked out, a livake such a 4 towns and incorporated vil 111ages ;&Per the be reunitecl foi the Ra4er thpi N says a legraphic. des -patch was ficiency of $143 377.22. It will b 110- ed meaai6; is. the trouble calls d bv some eqiiahz�tioii_ of the' asses talent by the tion of Titleq and it rl , is expedient to discovery, �hey pircf�r to. go OIL flound:"r- red4ved at Ca e!Coast C4stle, oil the Wlwk faqiirc� in the past bad Droved. If 61 tyl ticed at hi the above statemen an 28tb. January, -from the-' ekpoditionar oun . Council, The C6unty Judges Lrant the. prayer of the Said petit -ion ing iii the dark, an4i to r I -v e� i a the p -0 - y b1iik stock- were assessed, a widow with TOII,1' York Majesty, Therefore, by. and with fesse slirp ite.m. of [8 1,68 100, whi c the compan ex- foi:0e, announcrig that Cobmassie, of HU Eh'ill arld -Simcoe tb' riving f` I at a"' In- had A pht this list' uctio a upon 9 1-1 , - d `beli6if at 6jie lus bei n $$,000 so invested, de )III the. advide ad consent of the Le(rislative oap en( er a year in squandared1by the Reform Government. pected �to realize, from tie sale of onds �tal of Ash-aritee, had S' 'r t, �ed to, c4laae of would pay $10( X do * )son) Hssembly of the Province of '6ntano, GenCral Sir 0--arnet, el�y the law, a�id he - M I .. GIV, held in. Wols and that M;Iklng t4x, iile-'a professio nal an n, on Sidings, ip f ws . L 'Upon, -from, and put down as all asset. the King and ]I Is family wer'r prisoners. They also dle�laim la�'St6aldorixti tones of Be wl justice" -thq ambladialent !'he - roposed ellacts a's 111M ai iliconie of $5,000 a, year, would pay after next, the North and be 4dopted.' -e th �se sitlirg boil shoul(L -e fol (Is could be is,, tied, q np, AsHANITE Titi&'Tv —A corres- Af1d com iderabl the xeokless e:xtravagal1ce of the Govern- how- ast ti no more.;. If, as Mr.' ..L&Call: proposevd, discuss�.oli 'on Mr. Gib 011, In South Rddimm of the -said 'Conlity of 4 ev thb Wellington Compmay had dent on the a 14 Co, writes that meat, aild t he only instances -wh all I �i Ile to tax inortgages, the man Huron sball be reunited for t1le purposes ye- p tloie _�ee� signed by rs to(k proin- to rece. ve treaty of peace has thev Which Mr -Bishop and oth' T-1 file Sanction of the , -reat (4 f ilho bad. to borrow would pay the tax aid the -,irho-' e Attoria.6) 4, 'eneral Said thpy'caaa poiait to Laid call exxtrair�tgan Wolse, in of Recistratiorl. of Titles, a Le ce ent parts, tb �on,, we Leral Sir Garnet y and -the i4 the sha: 6 of increased inteTest. e the increase all the salaries of th King of Ashanbee. The War Office has -had of, PvIO1 I'Vesteri. COmpany. `Ihis Sancti P his attchitiOn --b LiEly been County. of Raton sball Upon, from. and would, in lifac 1 -., t, pay both to r what he particulari� directed t �e clause. -after the 'egis� It Said - ay; form. Oil. i -, learn froma'4after addressed by :Xr.Wc- received no information of 16eace ba-ving o;I%,ned and.1,what'he owed. tration. Divis ..i, - the _Ple(6 1A e stich 11, ng of the P civil servalits, the furalishi Ir. Rykert was eviden�ly not i the coal,- Y Late thA I Or Count d: the G iverill, Pr�sideat, to ie Treasilrdr of be concluded with the Ashantees. u all. appropr a e liamentary �); I lags o ice mo opposed the ex(naption of upon the ju�e *v as ill- try Offi6e for e said CoUlAy of ii-aroll - vs. --Dr. Living- , i I , , straction P�lt 1, i�� VINGSTONNE:8 4VM,,nN. ank Stock and argued shall be kept i the town of Goderich in Ontario', un(Jer (late of 15th December, b, in faV( r 'of taxing tibn for the encouxageallepLt of inaniaig sta*e's remains wore expected to reach tended --whd.n the act Nil- f d. He would like -to coDsider th r With the said Coint and the appointment Mr. Anlauh favo -ed exeirip- 1873 -t1lie Gi eat West mortgages. P 71� tion, and. evdai in these it4his, when th I - Company POSI- Zartibar on tie 120th Feb ruary. 'Elie in a t KJ -ospe ity 'f the the 'ar or the North lZidilic, Of ti�n, anadbolaredthe pt 0 tively �efiispd to 'give. Co to 13 t4 alsequently, C%mcrou xpe ion will proceed 13 'al, 't d V e vietv of framing, an el'i of a Registi cornplailits com e -to be 61�xama ed ialto, cc tin try4at gely d epenJed apoi I it. _�k r. ious suggestio -L -on shall have -no the a' U** and prop- the said Coalit of B n I I I aly docu S, Viis iteniof tsset is destroyed, %aid the I quit v a mad a the '11 1 to obtaila. ; , 'a )Oke as the ropresen ative of a Ussiall they are found to be -Utterly groundless al y h -left by the d Hd accordill(fly ano �ed t! e er III disG furtliet �ect r1pon from, and: after the petor.. rape'lly in reality is. -al and urbLa: -In 4ef �-Iency o the co cc ustitnendy, both ral I �� E.Vrlc OF adjonria. A of the debatIR Wh It said, day. poll, froin, andafter the and UiLworthy of co-aisR'leratiou. The AZ,�_ AuTHop..—Shirley its ch araef eF, and,supported the proposal w 1- ; was 2. over' 00,00. Our readers w I� mei Fil me - Of thel Session day last fact of the jIliatier'is ill Ow Br ks, the lic ve ist, and draniaiic in- agreed tia. The'l.rernaiiidei i"zioned aforesaid. all that the oliterj 'v �r]umen in the interest of the of the G +.1-k A . 01-1fl nf 1:14-'a '0".Q +U. .114 4 WedpeQrin ",no a alill- 111, 1 bo' I understantl .41 ;+- and thl orials, certifi�,.vtes fe-gi OL-. C511- VL V which is being raised against the Ontario 3��ricultura� classes. These assessments endars, ments, doctiments Cr is, (lead. -ppos 7 Pll;lch) discussin he. ost:iaiates, in stri �and ;C0111 oted fort s ine time Ot though; w -,re foi' 1purely local purposes, yerainient for extiavaganceand squa,11 I alild, r IDI. —A, despatch to tion 1101,�7'of course, cons -able ault to pa Gio JTbe pers, relatind, to the registration of, or orkilt I 11E FAM IN15 N k. id been w g.- The gteater po hereforo; he farmer derived no benefit .;he tti other iiistruin�Dts ' or doeu ments and dering the Surplus is foundationless, and It of the Tivws from''Calcutta sais that 28,- t firld. with anclat staterne t, bat all f ro them. But, on the otli,*r this; ellj,'y is Owing to the contilac­ 000-, 'were c aPers relat'.n� to'the r 11 purpQ, persons are istrossed.1 by want of all their obl� ect iolls if th � -in tration of, or tax has been piit forth for the sole 6( 14n( lyi on bank st ck would ost frivol- P elo. Z ru mieats or documents a;ffecti possession! 0 a 11 d; w 6 itt ]I ee led by other lust h of -injuring those iitow in power by crekt. i &4iiuisli�the financial resources of t real estate iii, t ie N ­ tor '..'who refises to give lip f food in the (Is -icts of Ilier-boot all(' oils natil.). re 1 B cg he tile House, whi-6 h it al. was orth Id(.1ing of -the I after e the XOad or; dlow it � to be worked ui�til 0 glipoor, in III Pres.id.eady of Bengal. coilutry, .:aud so restrict capital *ad m*e I is se!d +1 ex-pialued, n sed. it ing a f eeliliog, pf. distrait and alarm. in th e d- it a p Coualty�of Huxon, an I aid. -11 order to issist them 0111 0 The same despatc . says it is estimat ore difrlcul� to obtain disodunts. The d registered. in. the lie is p, f thap, but for V le d fur 1 legistry Office, at t1le, vill nual-4 of thebeo 16. TI.-tere -%;vis a, - tiTil( alis4ed by Gov- L age of Blyth, P - en le them to -ret I ern ment, 50000 persons would perish. taX, 'too, was grossly ukeq-lt al. Tlaey in tll�liistory of their difficulties and. or in any way: ornam- cr part of the records -in this colart-try -,ihen thci,( The Llc�nse, lawl no power -to tax 6, k -at C,k if the 0ria-Isl0f e said 1'e- tr Of- L:r Y ause. fdr alarm, a Y. y erioh. iq fice -shall be t sferfed ibtry c pany Sk. to Bit J� 07 Questi6,4 in Odf- 1 and inetal th lally it the 'extr the road into operaiiou, the com Flomj�, Ru 1r. Isa, tt, member --head-quarters, 9 alk we re be ond 0 -ick ad elect for Parliall ut for IAmei to t e te -Ivas ' I , f the ba gi frommthe (-.r verrament a subsidy,of tlfr, boundaries of the. Province. Tkke and mismanagement 'of it, Office for the County of Hurou, to be - dressed it ineeting of thd Home Rule Ad- fo Xtich1dalteresti was felt to h6w the 000 per milc� froin Palm wstoij to, XVii cy- instarice the Bank of Commerce, hav- &e. 7 illance Minister w e n Tlilers, ;whian t ay, of Go sociation, Dubli a, Oil IV J: asd, He Ing its obief'office in Ontario and the license dule tiowwould be se kept at the To n derich, and shall t ham, nisteaL.I.Of the allo ance of $2,OPO clai ed that th re would be' ed in G,od- ala;ke and form part of the registers re 183 support- Z) c�. forcec to auue:et...Paxliamen�., year af t --a Xlerchants' 1�, hayilig its el' Irelliperance men iief office �nk, erich. ement in th rongly ob- ords and niu-nineri-ts of the' Said office per mile fro& WincrIlam to Killdardil�e. ers of the Rome Rule mov e me at 2NIontr6al. ! They could tax only the yehr.�*ith th-c confession that the e.xpei- IV i, now Parliament, This number included I I I betli r jected to the issue or M e I an ten and the saille sh I rank In the order and e; or ot this assist, ance, Or -NArliat diiidends of the Shareholder ;ft the lat- licenses,, while the other t e said North -vrctely qiceeded the revonue, at,,d y (I h diture 1, 24 alected in England. Hie expressed to I . were de- , ate of their r gistry in 0 but both st ance, 'v �i '-Ove J - ock and divide' ds would t) �y bad in such order and assist. dveh by the G I'- the opinion tha- 11 11 be L the Consin-, -.it*' T$ ternaineA to have fou r Afi, either as Riding! as i e that tli�e coUlArk wa� f * ully' ruaniiiR e taxed �n the former case. The holdea: alooll or tavern lidenses. I%p ment, will, no doubt, be . made pub ic ernfrient would nA. last' b yond three it -was - a date been ke k tered in tb e Registry ilito (lebt. 1.'hcre was tlam iust cause of Stock in the Batik of Commerce would Of - 'of sess ion matter of doubt which part ailt Coulaty -of Huron And o -esent session rould pi�ove fee for the sl -Or A in. B before the cl as of tllae'p� s of ParliAmei '50, 000 ut n. "lat tho r6verse I,, a year oil the stronger, much ii)terest f tl I have to p $1,000 TJNITFD �14TATFS.l 2s feltas to the Recristrar (f the- said County Shall ent. The cause as- th' -expundi -es the Ontario -liani worth of .,stock; the man wb6'liad in- the I li�,t- It was to be ,,,Iet� -It a have the Sam. e.j )owers and duties with the ca pa, that � e tht:6 is kept STEAM ',��--ThcCom- ve3ted it) the Mereliant8l Bm'lk WOUld. Council peotiug last Frid I o - i - Signed by tl President' "for so large a mis3ion to test tie operation, of t largely witliba, the steam oil so, follow- -respee to then', a,11(l to all sear reveatue, and also tha cheg, cer- ay. Only �'_,.580, So that they were actually l6de, (no P, ingthe �mu. 8 and c #her matturs relatin deficiency, we crive in his Own. Nvords as canals hav e decid I to recommend to the it t, wo, 3,0pe, to d 0 Ific c the e-.qien.diture each. year is' 1�ss thr. to ofleringa;' capitalist a premium in that e-%,il,) a, a New York Legi., 1, ture the liassage 6f an your torresponden 2 Ind. hinasOf them as if tll. follo, W'S kt tlie, tinia the Finanei'll - ca! 9 e r gisti of the deeds, the eattalatus sanction ;e of S920 a ye a�r to take his money in the Couracil Chabiber at e kactly half instrume s lits to which e -d parliani act glviaa� to Ba:,ter $35, 000 in consider- t6 lit dacum eF�1' "Al U to se 'ch,6me w. e on of th6ir own Province. They had to t 7 Vclo�k P. X. Ev Ave fai (-t: that there'is either d of his e rompt and grom am. d, the dron luark at ati pas fr, axte they relate hti L een effected in the said ilig SeVe4 the B, er e P't I meet the competition of Qneb c,. ifor bus was very fhvorable. d no so ­ oiler la, d bo lie cai al, and $15,W0 to Dob- ice in the town of Gode al, orlthat the Governme t c, a� -rich. for alan S oil t inesc,-like, the Town Y ers aseem- Registry Offi eal neither there nor in aay other couaa�ry bled aild coin � iwedtheir� ciperations� �fairly gl_ all larl I bill oil his plac g three ofthe boats of me ors. Af ter -om &(.-I after the da fairly -be cN�rged wifli extravagant y be., A th bUb our own had so suicidal policy been s . UcecssfulIV. disposiilg o a;l 'LOU: 8 3. Upon and h al. M' 'reeal above meaati6n� y crease ool - place in t1a e E nglish an,, r- en even su,­e�ted If th taxid, bank st6�k items, the' minor Bu gini e r ey e "ket alto egier unpre edented 9 This would haveto raise thE 8 t his )-Ltejit on th (:all : G f d there sball be paid out pending tl�e pitbli� money. r of the Commission, was in fvvo _�Ilsin�ss of the "e renin a was of the amount :,)ayabl-e to the treasurer %I th.- ball, ir -raies commende& -by the Cound going�, into of the County., strange as, it 1­iay very Men of a ivarding the 3N 0, 000 pri �,e to Baxter, from the -surplus fees re of ibtere", and the farmers at Committee made a ch tia ge in oil r f nancial arrange- wit i the secoil I Prize to Dobbins to i I bf the whole, t '� cpiisifler the . ceived by the Bxeaistrar of the United d.,' - who axe i -i ow acting the part of alarn I- di1ers would Ultimately have to pay for license quesiltion'. Coun'�eik 'amp, e in vi ions of the said Cou-nt , to William ments of It 'least $80, 000 - increase on so Y -wliien the expelidituro, is kept lar- cov�r his expens is. nae. further discussion, the the chair iThere were f 6 ir een ap Torrance Ray., �,sq., Dow ists Afteri "R ANCE A s Pplied to th a line from Pal- Registrar of the iro pli.- ly wit�in the reve EPUBLICA:�ISINX e4 t1l, and one 1 to calits f.,O ve ! licenses. . I the -�rhen. ti URS on a�ieladm ' t of Mr. JkleCi ing, for the Di - 9 C I _ I . — Ex- r ta' rn North sum of $600 merston clad; sanle':'offect- were each Sued essively The ball was opened, y. Councilor yearly f the erm of five years. Kilicardial.6, while the rate Pro ident Tbier i, in a letter t Gove-imbient k el ep within. "their cDwed' o the -Re-. or pU; to'tbe Housei and lost on a division the latimber* to be of la-bor h, s increased at least 2 5'_ pn Pe r Plulbl'cfLn calid-id-An for the 1 7 Sloan movina that btit plain Sailing 9,hea aft-ar which the report Gould s(�e Liotl.�l �ssembly, 0 was passed, and dlec ares.that exrerience has issued be liuiite r cent." T1 is 'May -al be true,'but it xend6red his. Ato ten 0' naacilo &v_ COUNCIL '_,AEJ "17I.NG. TheVillageCoun- the third �and, last reading of the bitl age mov and wore perfectly s�%tisfied With t1je coavictioninvineille thataRepublic is ing in amend I cil met on 1'aqday evening last. Tav- Seems to us 1hat'neither'the in that it be e Gov nent Of public affairs at the only pos i ern licenses were a anted to the follow - crease an 6Ad for the following day. anatiagel I cralm, fulafteen. ent for ,r the price abo tIrE EST1MATES. ofirou or I was sufficient France. The RFEyE, (Mr. (4' ro-w, parties Z. av i dl: w1len the amilial expoliditure ai )—I am. in Y on & Camp a n Friday the- greater portion of the favor of giving'license to these ten recru- g -use so great. a icielicy as, $300,- c to ca GE�'ERAL. J. . I ivery! of the analuail reventie by -.thous def siti was taken u bell, Callum, 8imon 1"owell, p by 'the del lar hotel keepers, bu James Weir, & D; Cut R � ij,,arioN. —Despatches th,""L t the other four ap-' r 000. There Ir 'T, --ry, T. Poster, e o erain were never krao,%vt to t speech by 'tvlr. Crooks, the plicat-ion' th G eiat nust h4ve .1. een a miriCalell- fr�oia�i Nagasaki saytliat the i . asurrectiou. I�Udgi 8 are from saloon �eepers who James Ross abd Jobn I lation made - t, or the)re has - ­ $ Passmore ; and 0 0 the, outsc ding, and the situation. is critical, Provincia�'� Treasurer. Fr in this state- knowing that they can't ;&et a saloo� shop licenses t4 Wilson & yo p ye,%r without ha, cr is sl�rea d U Vint, ex deT aa:o, James been MmMism an tit seenis that the ac t soriewhere.' How- The! insurgents are advancing oil that license come here h Wright and Jailties Laidla-w. no gemen tual receipts their cr�dit. ypocrit e 11 endeav ex. ever, the pe e of the sac d - 1, se to .1, 1 y 1ditures for, the year .18-;3 were oring t� get a licen J"e; aa Sb am h o ses to be $15, ind shop hicen tel been We ftte free to admit that the S' tion interested "a ev ast accounts were so near all expeal Ses S eceip f,�, i '1 1' iga resil I ts -were preparing to tei. rf the are honest en le them t fees. The follow. r. q th money f(r P'aclp $3,314,506 Expenditure, e have paid th e road, and tba.� re y t elusive of Govetiamen has dim lalishad, Ir $2,160,212' leaving asurpi and we are'glad of us c f revenue come and ask for a salo ing accounts were ordered to be pald lea on license. -what benefit to- a over expenditure of �824,294, At the lic-lor SA.VAGE�l make the motion for Coun -*q IV, Alt. - III their last �ght the Of try is a 14 it"is now big i! time' that they we e re- Con I Julins Dulac 63 a- 03 for woo(1- ceivinor so ne r troops 0 11 A(heen captur( plas, if it be: not �xpended ? ,The 0 1 faith. � Ten hotels Town Hall &"Po,",eij, etur The i G end. of ihe� year the Sum. to the credit of for fourteen in 900( ov- Duteh ail! im- ;t .1 75 for 'board r-6,059,1.95. A gairtet can't ac; e e ra e o this a e I ernment w(uld not be justifiecl ill portaut folt, kill ng 2 of its defenders, I he Provii1ice was .S 49 tarrio mirplus. lias dininisheil, but let, �s 3 thi are 0 be placed liabiliti fpl- to,.. x. rs th, $-_ on -was all es as The four new - am)licants It .4 giving to Thelloss to the eky6dition 0 * six ave ti-, is company a larger sub- y htm,s : Railway salar ..—WiLL1113f ELT,10,rr, Clorli7.. see in -tti way it has been , 'a'squ I Aid Fund, $1,3,00,572 ; all de� - killqd and fifty -a x wounded. good accommodation Sidy thall, to 'Other compi nies whose en- DTSC T.—The Als-at lway Subsidies, 1872 and 1873 00'.1 The RElsvF,—No SAL:E,9, ad. Reformers aud-Couservatives ah ike o x'rENT AT-TCrPION .1 It be of equal benefit -to the dep Laties bave w it h erprises an 000 duelunder IvInalicipal Loan Fund have denamided that -aid be crive ra" from the Reich- CO1_LUCilOr S-A.-VAGE, — Saturday, Feb. 2 'n to ral D04't .-interrupt 28 at the Commercial i Adjustmelat 'act $3,115,736 ; total lia- me! country aild equally entitled to aid. stag'; and returrie o Strasbourg. Hotel, 8 AVIII.Vi. The C,overainclit have sun bilities, eafortli, a valuable parm, Lot Coal 3416,308 ; so that, at thE end p ply becialase they have f,' en into arr I The REFvE-8tick to facts, then 'NO. -13 Con 1i Hullett, Hiarr,)Il It-oad. Avith this deall, ears i of 1874,tater providing for every o-,vigt_ Coune and, xad have gralit6i P611tioal. SAVAGE—The I I r,e- ciilt�sh y and are cons§ quelatly not in a position to ing! and p facts 1--1)Onald proprietor f, P. $1,300,OW for the assistance -.'Of thes �o.bable liability, and eyclusive I and- if you, Mr. Garro Brine, auetioaae�r. T& report is �nr'runt that. Ron* E. B. W, can�t iold. your Q Ointed Chief Justice Mil,re of - ily balance f rom. current revenne over tongue—' fultil their eligage�ments. The (�overn- enterprises. Both Political Parties 11'o �d is to be ap' of 11 current exp Thursday, at Johlastoll's Ro- F -A 'di. ofthe Province of address the chair a9T cut shouldbive them the ai the enditure, there will be a clear The RFVvE—Don't speak to me at all tol, 'Wroxeter, ftforses, (larriages St s d. are Ma;�,itoba- Mr. Vood is ired a settlem ent of the Municipal Loaft'* an well fi tted to surblus to the cA t e' boldli Such a position. ' It would (cries of order chair"I Harness, j&c. Win. Johnst., X justly elititl&-1 to and th n ta6 such robab- 4 proprie- Fand. The Government have t tilis P $1, 42,837 - -The revenue for the, cur- order and coinfusion.) tor - C. Yeo aIactioneer. -4ie steps as ly be the stel�pin:r,­ stone to the -%A H 1compel thern to fully carry gu bern a- i realb year,41874, desire, have made a settlement,- and the is estimated as follows V -enairof thatProvitice, , d W 'Marcli 6 ()11 1,ot 243, CO tori4:1 Councilor SAvAvE coltiall, Friday, 4, 7 Cash in �aaak, 8277,948 ; Interest on must have more 17sborne, Fa r I :Out their eno,' I'M. ilt is that. the in lifilcipal 10igeinents with -the- people. accomanodatio Stock --and Implements. est ities of thi ome of the s apporters of the Ontario Deposits 111(i Investments, $150,000 Councilor SLOA-N James Balsden, ------- Gov raiment are . hindignant over the dig- Troprietor. ave in the past man- an an Province, which h Crown L' ds, $684,288; L;asual Rev- license the �re _i�ntelsp_ �wli.`�czi� Tues(lay, Ma; h 10, L)t .6, Con. 10, THE A811AV, TEE wAr.. s(- enis to' be one covery of the fac , tliat in one:of the most 1 gular 3 have fully Struggled to pay-'tbe'ir debts and I enu , 82211000 ; Licenses, 880.000 ; Al- d stables, o;they those thiAgs which nobody knows important depar ments of th willsh t uperi(�r Farin Stock 'Solortion of e Gove-ral- go a taxes, $5,000 ; L 0 'It t e stables Iiii1lett, 8 keep their credit good, c%W Stamps, $4 - YO 10 Rogerson, proptietor as well as -those i ment there lurks a:�pecies of'detectives, 000 - Edu they lose money by thein J I-,. lial'u; auc For thE last two weeks chtion Department, $50,000; -6- tioaleer. ything abolif. that succeeded in kee who, while boldl'. - -a responsible office Fu lic institutions !;_�530 000; FederalSub- Councilor Roimwrs —P811 ping out of debt -the. cable des )atches havia been, report- mak it; their partlicular b COUlICi10l7.8LOA_1T— One man st $:300 Thursday, -much 12 oil DA '34 Con.' will have -the magnif�cent sum of $3,115, - Usial and Allow Bss to -aive Sid ances, $1,233 9 total by -his Stable last year, he-�-(c nfusion, 3, L. R `i., T c "-rSQtl* Farm. 18to ing that the i 'war was over, that, Coo- information in rel ation to Government estimated �evet:iue ek 736 distributed J $2, 1) 1 The es- durin e speaker. s and 772, among them for local massi C g w irch th Implement IV. was in the ban inatt-,rs to the %position, to be used timat ex at down.) e, the c�pitad, K Cooper, pro ds of ed i enditure-for 1874 i tol- oun dil� improvements. Al�'�classes recognized il as A. prietor ; J. the British tr6ops, and tilat & arnei agaipst the Goverinment. WATSOX 7e have P. Brine, ailet,ioneer. 1OW3 Government $148,877 plenty of stable rc -to Friday, Niarcil 1�3, 1 ir oln in this The 'the necessity for 'a. Prison, an Wolseley defi itely decide Lenislatioll . $11 _,)t. 1(), C(),,. 14, --It is now d that the 0, 2,050 ; Administration Albio I m o4- f- 4-1, C haq- made a t -eaty Of Peace Doinair-1011 P n stable— Hallett Vn,. < 4- 1, -r arliarnei -;I L 4 7 FF, B - 2, 7, 18 BTR IL n xie -of I )I_AWT-R0RNk-E- jz& AJotm, ;on Feb. I A ,M�-,T, Zj, of �Njr. Geo. A�' iC11-10113.—Tri -B,1711_14sci� iwifs-eof , r'. B'dward, 4 Rbr, ;'tbp, wifemf _�lr. _1'91� Cort. 13, Of a Son. At Waftoni :,wife of Mr. Alexa -11 1daughter. JDIM�&,N­111 '71'eaf-brtl Mr. Wife of � ter, �Qf a dau 331as 7 -of entworth. ol Mr_ Bro-wns Atilarns, Brntf4mL min. _4,41)3s, Alf earetta, Lawrasoxi-, 'of James Lawrasou- i f i2o Rev. T. GiN.- y Dlak,% to J! 'White E-q. 4� Jo n �26, -- by ReY. T., aaala Well; to ;both. of 2juriell. :Bt%L--I1i Detroit, 01 1 MatilAa --Chrbstena, a�_ell 2 ytars ;V. At 8towe� I "G r y5 on ilaughtet -of the hi T_ I I il, 1 ATIA-1 Busiliess on the b4sk for the past 'Wio ,o� grabi. ha -vie been ux:� as seasoai. of the- year�_ ticied.ithat, there is. 4 U I the prices of all kil� 1 onts, and. -the primce filr 40,'31y by IDeal "aaana- z line a price is nar,,K-et reports from S ar, ana me wood remain uwaAai g Whelct, por butibel. arky, per bushel, -0As,.perbu-ihe1__ .-.. Tafts, per bu4K�l_ — M atter, -N,0� 1, Loose.... lour Mwi�ain H-Hides.�� ­w� ...... x 'Sjilt (Xetail) per bam, 1,, _ � Z�lt twholesale)per baxrel Piot-at. oes, (new) pwr bushol, hrl.. _P sea u-(igs. v Tlmothy.see(L, Fall Wheat, per 1M ]W; Spring, Whent, 111-ir 100 per 10 0 As 'r eas WT. por Lo-si)o,­ White Jall�Wheat t6 '.-*.2 ; red, 1�$l 83 $1 90 to -,,1 00 ; barlej a ��)l I I to $1, 142- , "s; 6 potat�ms, 75� ton'. W_ to 1$14 ; 41ri 7 5t ; 1;uttek" � 1 olk,, lt�r, �wg, 215c to 28e. lurnk*ruo 1xviZ, sa 'TT P ts ee cars reporte(I w king the �Wtal SM -1 Ua J 8 -2 Ila 186,cars for �he Z��MIP he m� &urb3g thli, n1ornill w itli a light �vt, at strong !last wed r 2ceipt Of .��jorab( ere was a . � `4 75 i lbs., bi--ought ,-3 1.) A veragriii (r L350 lbs,, -b". Cana& steeri bronght s4 - 0 68 aiverramn.9 9 6 9 lbs- b P 11123kinc, the total Sul thus fari, 8, 200 head, a f` the isaine time Las was inoderately Ileceipts at last iveek�i f Ve Canadian sbee,.; 11<mIads"I bIrought Q`4 X),*: Hoc, ---Reoeipts to ported arriva - Is 1,700, total Supply for the M' -400 he,-ull agaitvt time last 'week. '8110w anddull, with b - offering, ana that *f V. 11ote Yorkers at 45 heavy hogs �5r) 7,5 to FOR �S A ITALF jutere Chces,� 124 W. 8. Ru PUBLId TuEpenjon, vho, op the I arv, took fron, the g Stable.. either a W 111PIellielizs anct. InebriawAsymm, and institutions where I With the Kin$. Now a report e 'd" tch of busines o v , us Ice, 02V0,060; dtication, 8500,- Councilor 8 _IL havp, s H ESTR" 6mes. ispa s n March'> LOAN- n orty Ousel'61(1 Furilitilre. Andrew Young, gi %Y, I CLUE into the premi,_4 -6. 2001; Public, Institutions, Mai4tenance, teams standwg outside ihis wffter. f proprietor ; Chas. 11amiltoll, anetioneer. the poor, the -blind -ind the deaf of our 1 from London, of date Fob 25., rep ---Notice is in the official Gazette 1 $330,375 f'=migration, kV.&ThON_ Lot. 5. Con. R, Tnckv 113, Lot 24 Coil. 10, beginning of November that itander.piovis ons of the 6th Section Frid cult�tir will ay, on the 31st Ja a' eat $90,200 latific In- not allow Mr. G -and Implements. country might � $133,464 ; Agri� Councilot be properly cared. for and ing that uary a el.Arlts, Literary and Scio �roceeded I of the act to ma ie better provisions re- I stitiltions, ar)row, to come ere and Farm Stock 1 L-A HTEERS—this springm T instructed. H Ray, electio 'Is sayli, a they pT I)ropprt.V5 I'ay The Gdv-ernment have met battle had been fought, i a whiell over spect' g OsPita and insult respectable men b3 Peter Geiger, Pro ietor E. Bossen- a: petitions ai3d matters Charities, $43 020 'Miscellaneous Ex. % want to keep sham hot berry, auctione tell Or. k_2 _77�_:�� A-