HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-20, Page 47
FEA. 1874.
F t Government on the ground4hat his PM
better. if a readjust- of per ination Dr., Holm.4 publicly statii& tha
tulle wiU t6t beguilt3 petrating so
NE' W ADVERTISEMENTS. can t b secured unOess a, lib-' have: it Or,� -no loun
'he c o,
he had wily atten d one meetin dai la,4se rfi�g posal -should form part of eval meas. t
oral saliv ry is paid. It 'is far mote ment is nAde, arid the- representation gross an i ustice upa I the people Of this in High Sehools �
'the campaign alt ing, was in ue for the amendment, and! ,onsoli(latioll
, that ineet
T4ds—L(gan 4 la
as of the law relatin to Ass el length othe�r;details
profi, to pay it good teach r & high decreased, which would probably be the County ito force up n them legis tion
Brussels. 9 sment, and
:o ice
Cop�irtnersb ip N t` E. 111okso' A -Co. apl
Y* -se, were which they do not arid w;ithold e present bill should Fur*iture—J' bhfil 9 &Co. th, Lit to, emplo a poor, teacher at 4etter and more profitable coux share the f ite of his own.. in tile
lly lit imilating fr st unanimous-'. the chage�,
Lu,niberYa;rd—'Nf4bee&Miiedonal.d. a low salary. So it not for te desirabi of ssi om. them-,,! what they THE ONTAR 7 LEOISLATURE.-
hool trustees are.otten In P_ in;;
Mr. Bet4uine, as a r for a' rural *1thonA
Partinership, 'Notipe--Kerr, Willkle� & CO. unw1ely economical in the abter of the divisions for the tw�,o Parliaments, ly d
003 SUP
ported f. I, bill- The L(
Wo %17.
McNaught. ALTERING T�E SCHEDULES. a8tituengy,
an be gained b' 'delay. The banks were, the -mainstay f the traae bill. nothing: c
'or i a e
Far f 8 1 --J. Sutherland. teacl ters' salaries: The amended bil
allient -�TS OF T#E Ou ThirrsdiLy of 11"t week, Mr. Land- tion. of the�tax-, yJ
NE v a,,
the power of has �n y one lu and'
On� Hugh Bell. Ontario P& ore
pro ce it within �sobeme.
p)ses ;6 pla er moved for a ret Lira of Orders in Coun, thing in t�e power f tb Legis;lature After sov
For ale—W. S. RobertsoA. towil,_ session rt�in, and for this reason it is a and tel"i
f GREAT 3311IAIN. cil, correspondene, yelatit, should bt
a ma jorit V of the, ratepayers o "y t - -the House �djo ir06
e to attract b iking capital
Exe a tor Municil Loan Fund Read-
s iqotice—du s(ate THE Di upariows.!�The House of Com-
at tile GoverilinelIt do not take ing to the I
ship to -c,- use the TOwnshi C ouncil to and enterprise. Probably 1hree-fourths
e. 1p
inoner now Atands, 348 donservtives and justment act of Cor wood Warited—irl' Grassi 16st session. He com-
ettle this questi 'on of reprsen-
a -ant to the schools in h t wn. up and of tho, capftlal in Outairio is borrowed' Dry oods, d Millinery—HoWniauBros. I make , g ying this infrotma�- c
-f it 300 Liberals and Rome Rulers. plained of 'delay ]a
ll S from the- ba liks, and it wa� a niAbst. uItt.
Rem id—Beatty. &.0o, ship, sue grant to be ditribu ed to the - tation. d, -ing t�e pke§6!nt se Sion. Trwl
V Gladstone tion before to burden or diBC urage those
rmit Assignee. wise policy
lllvent'A6� were dc ne this session, -both political The Reform S
'was rec with 'altering."with-out the arge a p�r, ion 9f the
varic as chools i� to the eivtd by the Queen at '"Tindsor Government will o suppli, -.e so 1
sd when he f -illy tendered authority of 04 iboth public
salar e p id the te I's e y*placing parties would'b 40 removed froul condifion on Tue orin, the L. rfislature, the sched Hibbe.
ache, , tber I I funds requi a to Carty
ould b ules to which. asge t had been 'given a his resi&t ion and that of h's colleagues.'
of uncer of
;ainty� �&nd time w and private undertakiu-s. it in he :ower -of the people -to encour- e gi en
Mr Disra
dli has been Bill ned. He year ap. atativo Mi., a
ar�,an r Air. Robinson o
pposed tb bill, from
he employment of luor Icient to the nec'essal'y 11fo age conferred -,Wh several of the Members of The Attorney a �COIXA
eff eral rebuked Mr. the convicti on it was an tic men- lig elections. Lauder for indiscri inate ttackson the of ch -rs By trus;e s, and thus' benefit the the com, Bult, if it, is left tbe� last Conservative Ministr�v. -The in
dai with the
Ure, as well as d, ntil next session ill will be hurry and new Govornment is lready partially actions of the Gave -time" t, n d declared ing
in accor
last, _SEA�ORTH FRIDAY, FhB.1 20, 874. schods ai d ralse their standing. It is wihes of his collstiuents*nd the deci-
rMed -Nvill probably be com.1)Jeted that the: recklessn -ss with which the respect ��Uccessf d.
the res 4 io, at the last,, ult"Vill fo
tw pi oposed to give the prople the cullfas Sion of. the ate conference �u Toronto, f
Within a -w e�ek. a'rges o tile metob 11
er or
ch y wich he w a, Member. lhss, saipct
The School. La-vil be much le Ory..
of. establishing two or more schools ale ocew,
powa Tnri, AU'ANVeH ExPFDrvio-.�q.Th 1(
e Pall were ma e, destro3f0lany confidence the M r. P i ce suportea th� bill: lie
which the in D" r Be( Uon V 111'all Oaze4te ule
Th re is no subject in peo-. A' hich may be too large, publishes report that the country might otQr%vise ph -tee in. them.
had alw eld that Uey $'hould ta-x,.
-1d � British fo�ces topk poss6ssion of Coo- He q uoted the ct of last Session to show eper an
pl� of �thi country Uke a de! The ateI; Wil ra
or ich- nay be so -formed as -to rendei lia� Muir.
not property, but the income from or
aders wi bill
Massie, the capital of A antee, oi the that -full authority vas tb
mor �vely 4ter" Sit' -1. erein. giveli to
est than that of educa:- it diA cult for a portion of the,section to produce of !property. and this
)i illy f our rp, deeply re&et 29th 'of January, nd would commence the Governtne S anil preseO
correct any
nt to inaccur-
accorc c. 11Tll
learn A the Q'udclen d. ailexp'ucibed their In back to the coast on the 2d acies in I - tion, nd the -6 is no branch of the pub." avail the, nselve's of the benefits of the to I with tbat'principl -e Attor.
the approI ations under th act, ney-General moved the dj4urrlment; of
he Be iol n4f a- existingsallool. This is a desirable im.- ev� a for! the oovernmelit andregul IV.441 -
ron's o' was a
death of )lie of dest and m6t. of Febr and assured the HoILte he had bee
U"re- the dwebate, A greed to.
ation of' which lit is more diffie�61t to frame provei ach'; and one, which will allay dis- esteemed M'Villiam —6ir Garnet Wolsdl y lias made r- fill to observe closely the terms of the -ang
I ements for bimse his White tesolutions agreed tot by the Legislature INV, e1co laws atceptab�eto 4ille whole community. tista 6tiol I
and Tr�asurcr of the
nd remove hardship in many Town,&hi Clark' On Mondy, in reply to Clarke
ich the acl Ing -ve the Go d. Coast' sll subsequently found -
troops to 16 w.
The I of Wellingt(n, the Attorl-le e imo t
force for the government Sectons. 4n tis'age of,' free education township of, Tuiliersinith' who died at for y '0�
now in nral said
on th-e Ist of March. �d. Ithd J.?eet
isuOue-sted byMr. Laud.
t h- er Consideraion
-Y,.—D B -e, the er that the the Goverrit ell I und Tight ide I wck
of ih and Pablic'Schools is. pqrhaps, there* is i p rea,-4on why any, children his residenc oa Thilrsd�ty last, at .9 settleq,�uit wit.1i the inu-nici- the
r e tn' f it,,
vere( counfiv 'GO
the beft and. iiiot efficient We have yet,, should be �kllowe 't h questio, -whether they E hould dur- ir Trwzl
d to grow up in ignor- ol rorh conggstion lof the traveler, re�orts th�iit h has disco I pa ities in, the of NVellitigton. had -on, intr quee a meas
I I itic, 0'
e the pres t sessi ng the I s -t
the true Mount SI'ai. It is situated 'be� n Made in ord�r affeefthe late elec-
evjoye4 Yen ance. )arents Alte so Inc I eren to ure for the- f rintin of new counties or
B e to it there re*mny
e -r.0 u as, born in the Parish Of day's journey north as of the villge,of tious, but the Attoliney-Getieral showed
'Welf the readju ent of exis
Objectiplia and As n o law can be the fu are are of- their childr'
en as to Kirkmich el, Ayl-shirei Scotland, in the -Akba Arhbiaj at in and
at it itude of 5,000 that long before tho�b events transpitad, di
perf-ect d �or er; y
we o: mot 'know but some, of neglect to 'give at least partial year 1807 and at -an earlv age rem t ove �lie level of ie sea.' Dr. Beke the matter bad been Ili course of Aettle- mos V
oved fee
these o jeotions ale well fornded and, dd,al says he found the -remains of nimals ment. Cat oil, jthe� should certainly be pun-. to Enlan where he resid
ed until 183
4 �e, Wellill, t, ien moved ent quite a nruml
that'- had been sacrificed. Ile also, dis- In reply to Mr.. 8inclar, the. Treas- Mr. Clai thati roements Might be made. Still, ished f )r ch neglect, as by th neglect whea he emigrated o
Ila covbred eui who.. d. to sh4
Cmad, and, '
which he urer explained under 'what circumstances to n- 4ke. certain ame -merits in
S itic inscriptions. his bilf ---
it will be generally admitted, ur[der the -they not.0 Ily inflictan injury upon their, J une t he 3ettled in the copied.. tb R ailway -arant was made to the' mu -n- the I explained that
S-%tl)e year and
pres 1i up g. .08
bilt 0 the c' kersi itb,� on the 4rred �o., an ot to th any - - - - - - -
en! law, the catise of education has ebildre ommunit Ili townshi A Tac icipalities. above r e ch-kn Top ed did not affect
y f
e) weri
vnced ni-ore ra idllv.than eve before. order, if pi?ssible, o 'Mke the compul -or 'ch prillciple, bu Were needed through what
p on which I lie lived, v� r siilc(� ROYAL it,
ad d Enipei of the county of' Bruce�l whi at one time
ry -St. P ersbilra oil -the -was expected t(h reunve it. He appeared to A-ustri r ed at showed )e accidental defi ts i 'the
obiecti� is taken by some t te pres- clau., of tl 6' existing daw more where. he ied.
Sary d'he li�ed uutil Ju -st, cordi.. ily ConsoliA i ,tot of last
0 oa As pn� 0
rie 12th inst., ind was in a re- that the strict letter f the limi-hd, bee year
en!tlaw'lon.accout�itof'tbLes-triDg,�ney Of effctiv i is pro o§ed to arnend it eo as next be W)ald h: e been resident A ceived by' -f. I to this 1,
a e Czar nd. the members' Mr. --Deaco oppwei ..of complied with in my[arding the -nioney d aliv, ary to ions, - .4 -
I some of provisions but, the oarryng ta trustees to ascerta- I the num- He- wast e the Imperia.. family. I ow
Tackbraini�h for 4 nicipali1tZS in 4 thee Muti- ' al law so er
Luestioll to o o n,, aft the
to the mu
on tin,
out qf these, very'provia n the bcr o ren of Ghoal ae,whicli have first'Clerk �nd Treasurer �f t �4
ions has blee THE Czln GUARANRI?,-, Bruce hd � contrib' ot lo the late act solida the law I
rmer was given oil ty
he tow g,?an(l di
-Monday by Wcfflirigtou, Gre� 4 dl� e Road. as a Dr. Baxterpointed out th uecessity colill is
means o1f raising the Standard and effici- not ait�ndb�d some 'school at le st four ship I 'o'tinued to 11 the join theCzartdhis ImperialRoyl, 1) 0 so much of the line as for some of tie alteratioi)8 6sed
shQ boJe., but o ly t uld be
dency of iour -teachers of, iiic,reas* moutbs ;n �ach and to Zilose A officer, "wi'10 14'wed -isblf and rofi -Ili his speech lie the 'Eatipel Hence it
o; r The tto th
y it to hill p of traversed the county! itgelf. neral a, tesy,
grall in
c u ag to the man cipality �s death H I to h n Deacon as the t-divisabirity frequent,
the, facilities -and ccomodation lof -our tax w Lil of gl upon ti par 1dre
f bos ell Germany; 1he Queen of Ell and,� the had 'no, Clain'
until 11 t -respect of to f
al th Q 11 an o th' -Q
was appoul ed to these of4c :Eimperorl A himself wo, 1ph t,3 1-1mr-riston,
schools. This has been do h- a, pumisbrili t for tl tir nelect. There es- in 1843 -lid the 't? miles from G4 changes iu-t1l,,, Municipal laN� d b ped
Out i_n..fl C a6rf 'an eserve th e e Municipalities mention tee
due burden' upon -the now much con made especially in and has, onsequently,, lield' ti The in which th ed the Select Commt on the
peac, of the world. 1 o ii t h bill
Lem .3 rince of a es;t as -the relwesentative of had therefore partic-l'
th'i 1 )ated. wouln be referred., wauld it to cor-
taycpayel�s. s County, M 1�ast, a 'raral distri t.j on a count of ,in addition- years. He as v most all( the Queen, ')owed his and then Mr. Ilyk )011 er argued that Ons rectin
the al'terati gaccid ntal errors. i
tv�ry rovement- 4as'jtaken al teacher 1, aViDL., t in e! Be be employed, if the cartef a . C% R niper Joseph responded, re- made th Huron, �oped the
ffi. I d. was eAlkr as anxiou N ho
Mr. Bisho
"1 0 Jles showed hey Snutb
-wai, -al. -,n y "Mr.
iteratiligb.4 sentiments of the Czar. should not ha-ve. proceWded in haste "with k alloweid to go �o a, COM.
place inhis' respect. The- S anding of pupils attmiding school exceed a and zealous or t ie welfarel of his muni- bill would
ilsuch a measure, He h6li uld mitte ge might
een"very mi it li� d been hil' own proper - CONTSTITTJTIONAL CHAN-GES EX SPAT'Y.— vet find the scUeme i �matdre, and S'Omre be
eved they wo e, in or r that soine ch.
t4 aised, certain nu
e teachers has b ich ir �nber, t is' now proposed cipality as i'
ade to eet the difficultie 3 odcasi
0 - V lOvMeIlt of inoni- ty—in fact, e se �med to eberish feel- A dispatch, dated ri eb. 16, says Th
t allow h -mail, w
a Ad the school acco ha� been �Of
thq Chai
e of the ppropriiations incorrect.
e d by tile present law in reg ir
d to
tly improved.. TlIese two advance tor ituts, Mdrid Government i rids -takincr a Nir. OurrieLtbought iie Opposition bad the� t I]
uch as ist, so that, ing that self trid Tack4smitb were rite -1
gre, c unty b e nom, inatio of
bridg es 'aind
pleb scite of the contrytoauthorizz' oil tile lef t I _N1
il be oompara-, insepaably conn ct e the I little rF_
steps cannot fail to have a beneficilal ef- the additio I expen e N%, I mon to
mp Irin He testified Reeves.
ed, ndl that ail in
e ion 33 of tit
C to the satisfapti(
repeal of `s on 0 onstitation d time
-upon the progress'alid arancement, riiiii g, .and ill ofilly be required jul
feet tiv4l� t )U of Me country geer. The bill was d -y to one N -as tn injury fp the other. of 1869, relati to A 111011 toais li-xvilm, bea
119 al - Loan Fund and referred. muride
tioils at season th hen."sistnce to Mr. Muir w, snever mrriea pn had no of scheme, and alled ttention especially Tnesday the Assess, A'mend-
Lc e peratively necessary for the stability d I
-the past three years thp �eacyr w present. Q vernment. It also c
-re has b absolutel o archy, s im ally with'
of our educat-onal.institu
more the regular Mont Ma I
y neces- TL harine and the 'iment act p- ssed through Co
I relations in his -.0 utry. �By his own oil- to the attitude of St. Vat Ile
done in the Way Of im., ee
the"' sproving air s6liciol sary for till efficien conduct of templates substituting the Ordinary County of Lincoln ill proof of his asser. Consiacrable discussion 'took place on
ause thls Uast
�'erltano s President of the Conservative to gee the act so far a:m- ended -its �to ad- the Co 'on a inot
rounds than had een Aone energetic an as indu4ity he sue- the Constitl4iolial Cortes, with tions. He Q011r. Currie) -hop 1, how several cl. houses and I ex ever,
School. Of 11 the pir posedamendrq4ents,
ai ed, n convei�iiicr a fore- t he h;k '11) e eu ai
ceeded',, 1011 to ex. unge
in ten years previously! Had A not;been the one wk ell will 6 hailed with t publiP init of the moueydistrib 1 3Ir-lar-11
he farm into oil of lie most lfruAful tn uted Tro-Ir e to tile Mu- th clause ex nipting ban stock from
ai YELLOAV FE-sint.—Reports"from, Sorith ipalities- being 'approp school m -u i ip, I aion. The' hfor the str nTney. of some of ;he p�ovitt most satuisf * �fion is t at allowing trus- handsome in the ('1ounty of Huron, aij 111C mo#on, h(,,)Iw-
riated to a
d Allierica, sta�e that the yellow fever con- e WaS-glaa that S,
d ot -r sell I t1 it* p resolution was ever, -was 1081; by a large
-a purposes. Lauder' I sions in the' 8chool law, these iinjp�ove, tees it op an iorl ies to par-, laying b nd ti to 'Jr Trw"
y a considerable 'am besides. nues un. ed in Elio, and -cholera is then carried. the bill was re orted Without �an�
Id not havdeeh nimle to in librarieS,the au' ments wQu very
Rear- chase for!
-He possessed :iixh seiiqe of honor great violence in Ba' p or to wh�m hola,
i 0 enos QEsfto.N, or, PRL1V11,_EG.E. mportalit a=dmeirts.
ly so great 'An. exten, It,has, no di nbt, th6rizedlboaki, t as' they int Ayres an
su h places;
dof y how
earity, an( Was iniall WLlose W 'ilhatlls Easl- I)n-rham, on the LL.
u: Ord Col. IN
ose cities.
-ern but now hat my.be able, to the best had -is his I aeai
9bat Money to m6 th t - people SCROOL.,331
-is -is gom a its
�ed from th
W. orders of the day'being -willed, alhided'. to
bond. Re was ad DIPATH 01, A- King The Attorn�y Geneial ti the tl: 0119110 t'
de, the people are , 11' -114tofore, i Of the the late gross. hisinuati
no e the ment, 11 these Ifooks Ila(! on
made by the second reading. of the ebool. b'll. In a, been r neil 19'
and generous o a fault, and any person Satilicl-I �Pands, Luanhlo died, oil ithey are M�a leader of the Opposition, rejudicial to'l
forcible, but co�lcilifttory P_ stronges, to be purclia ed at th, Dep" rtnienta De- in needn, who he Feb. of"bipilchitis. very able and.
poorer, and' the, schools are gre Aly b
I considere& iorthy arid
(Col. W, illiarns) personi4 c n
fited. sitory, i
rder to seCure the e, he. explained and'defelad-ed the
overu-� i wbom. had ollfiflellc�*�, nei"er ap, honor. The allegation j%t in. the form
r e. Parla ame aid to 13- 1) 1 ANIT Irres of the incasklire. ris, faith
H68TIL1111E.S. —A Fort Larnue
ow befo went aict. Lit, her After, th�� s pealed Aill
I �N prinu;pil feat Ab tuent th po. in was,
im Ili v, for Lss�s of an innuendo, tb4` Col. Williams, --ece- mo -entbI
desptch:saystht Lieut. Robinson 11 L tinate la
r1na-1pal :pjovislos of wbich we Ove will be givEI'll n att-z whdre the books it in his I tance:did he have bei g a candidate in opi osition t) t'tlic bill Would lbe reffer-
4ui when it On risinfr to msll
Corpo rat1I Clolemell, before reported as sur- Levi -Ross, for the presentation of
to leader it, Bis Diem. Committee
p 0 in powei 'to Mk. red to a
last w6ek, fi�r-the improvemen are pura iaz c. This oes away ei t ad. 6on- eil. mad as perfect,a le, be
East Durham in the no f Comillons,
L'Oulided 11).
ItirelY ory will be 1)i �Urishedl by allS poksib
I ig C L11, , bad be
solidation, a� tilic- pres )1, 'ENVO woll Id
w. !Nvith tb —a llpp,�,rent Monopoly W* propose ito inorporate it' several
cut' Scoo Companies of caalry under Captain is ien
ifle Circle Of varmf vi i's
ej kud acquaint been induced to retire Ili consequence -ovision in ids
Wih Most a the -am, er)dments oo in the scllo� r! ibook tr le, which has lonrr nd Lieutenant Allison, have be pi s in a consolidated chool law
uir's: death is sudden ell of comilluilleations that -bad passed be- act to be bitro later in th �essioh. ;ent in pursuit of the Ii1d
in this bill exisle...
1he tween theifnager of tb� Midland Rail -How,
i'dially gree. Itis J, U-. PT I _'cte
we co _Ailex I. lthoitcyli Tic had been "lioux are reported s raiding in almost r. T at de cribeA the m an� he had e tic. Mail
ri their dings w1h the Sobo6l law road and the
toil Local GoMerunient. Col.
lerinr rilcld ers d s �i t1ite-subject dealt ' ith. by
-very direction, burninor ranches, mur- Wil re M--ived thr'- t4:
posed to rec tile Council of rib- of a bad. cold fbr bout' ' , alloPted to col Ret all the infoLroi4tion in
liams indi itantly re�ented this M- his powei oi
lic Instr ic on, 'IV., le Goverr a eut seciA to be ac 9
id introd-tice' o i all, twited -in -,tn tualing Stock. 8inec he- had
-%veek previous to ]is death neitlier him -
i 4tth
ba M0
—7- elective ele imailit. Ttoc wil 0 m solely b ci putation lipon' his as a t hp becom,
in- y a ire to. L g ve, us n efft ent, self nor ny of his riends susp ecte(r that member of the Hose an�l declar.ed'there e bill, nd co Resi i the . ouse, in
Members on W
d, Lt th
1y -conversant with C(1, gnation of Mr.'Blake. was not one woild -y. sides of
and inteLt�sted ' a e s� e time, a- ner. of t
nythiiii, cricus i as the I - I
tn matter -with r th in the'sto, ordcr to it a coniplete and prac_ dD what, .1-16, ulitry. ly le was not In, Y Way oililected
the educt�ionl interest as p ill a stis �actory law-.. The, Malt. Oil Tu: We, understand that Mr. Mke has�'re- with tical meas He admitted that im the hi
s of the co or's
last be L' �.t U
tended a the Nlidland Radlway,. a bad no com-
'NJ acoonald's)
aaare to have represel italneandinent, roposL�d h a v e, vie. believe ernment,'
daned his poktion in tile Gov
tAioll in council. IlleetiLD last 8- ebool ])ill
-of the Tow, s�ip Cort' mullictionmith ally One
and pt.:
-his is good, far* thili ten delicy, and,. no oints to whic�
the ll 1 onti eted with "iter T there were maiv p ob
s it ctoes, 1111t. ar Aill Upo Mundville, %lid -oil Wedncsdy lie was d INIr 4-i that road previo '4.4, L
I a 4. 4r 118 to his retirement
r man 11' Ile
-Ovanien G iniL
doribt, bef th e bil. i's p a,
bt. -made in udid, e- 1, but, lie was aterse
A`01AJ1%:;11 ront the from the ca Was bftli. I R re-C-1-ect R.
greater'* -60
the co=p lillpro eilts I will be;
ssed. y in -Clinton. -wh- ther lic.bad. Crone Oil bus Covernment !is alzogether (,I-,. -hasty or. too fit quent changes a6d pre-
li- personal
Vom ,Nlr. 3J. 0. Canier
ion of the Coune'l f Puldic, suggested ai I d add- grounds not Politic y
A . . - -urnin bome oil Alredne_.J, �L I aia]S' ItStateillell�it fal.cePtilIg ferred -therefor to leaxe some f these viousl
ne". 011' ret ali as lid is in entir �.fhlle ac
osit, t COL Willi, Oil
Instructi Hitherto %lid ev �,i.i miller dd. to rni, fo So the -11�ellt lie ha, d
an eord with f he Administration -oll.e I I as untouched unt 1 C a s rived 'A
day iii(flit, he ` (-ty latter wa I they had rej iveid,
coml. "1111cu r S pewlially corblernedl still re e
tile first, Point of tllc�,r �Olicy. His resig further trial. �n effecting
gard, soyn-el rg(jical cilor for Ile
.'the proposed amendment, th e people— ed it ii$ postiblb tbab, the ho4ility of arh, 20;
arly *to -inatter of deep regret to his aliges, too, ini the collstitutioni of the xi)eriend, ipe(
the ta-x-payer84iave no direct VOiCE the Q ga
_1by In rea the Afidlaud Railwa"y to Col. 11"illia
I time of being ill, and relir'ed e, be a
0 s[e 'n Rb resentati agues the 11inist y and to the Council of PubUlc IiiStrucr, fieer of inu bch'. er
P bed. During the rl'liglitj--� Or towards r y
ion an the ar-
was prompted b 'Collisip between its
t c.
sent, -ive in that body., Thl; is I'Ve believe t is the intention bf the I morning, lie b -c ninch Worse, and ervices managers and the Local overnment. rangement epository; e qpacitv. t,Ht
repre at country, alt4ouizli his Valll�'ble a of �he D
am Nvill still I I avail, clai inved atlky )'lit al�d gratified
nou right. It i qu proper hat able in liament. he d t -b
ninent it C Was s ti for, but did not , agaill. re on to imp blame
Ontario G'Ove Ot to int�odu me�lical aid cl ar Col. IV illiams;
tile e Not having 4 Department, f, Aled-the a
'J be of cell - to the members of teemed frivild. the eb
8 resigna- it thL, man-
Gevverliment sliouldsbe` reiprcmmt�d it as-ure this session or the re,�dj-usttt reach him in titne t ph& c manne, the one o
a me, �ation in the inost en.,
i I el ally service. tion does'not" necessitate any faither-po- denounced, 1`2 and agerrientof the. 6ther. But it was necea- tlj,�Iilan waig oil of tb
is, also proper that the In aind 1, ticat movel
Speal in vety warm. these sallry to brin- -tl'em into hairm6n 7 with, 1AM, -tn offer hi Servi,
ment'of the re )rese4t, 'on in th Local -He passed. (I y �ents. -will, wc-
Ilie'l a va-bout 9 o'clock This event
wanton and libel � 8
Teachers Should be re-�resentcd, but scusibly',relieve those of our con- the spirit of T,.116 times.
Legislature. n fact, t is state that on Thursda, IV , -S upon public
y forenoo j Thus peacefully Parlianlent,. 11L V
id personal 6a,-a6ter. I He dia not The Cou:rcil was
lis t -se had bee Web,
teralioraries, )0io, si ice Mr -!,Blake has a, com. posed at gen
inverse to iticreaa. ended. the earbi I . Cal e6r if ti -
people should also have''tbe privilege of' the Governirm it are pr4seilt of til eM wh
y wonder, he c
T L wit le ilig. of one of the bleen ill offic wi thou t arse taken by as -Members of 0-1
the re r dy
being represcalted directly. a portfolio, have
Ae . b tiina nee of b y8oa
p !Sent.% I e Local earliest pion er, of H ron. b,11,,,nit�,o ail- 10 about the the leader of the 'OPposition, at that J�crl I were hardly lis g
I -I.-dr;fy of the or reco iz in the country d
Council should beL ma in own
electi% .1 Rou 'Ili th s we tio gentlern iavilig 00 fe -thaen referre - I o the
r meetings were priva-1
e; OXII C a (Aovern- C S _1 11 an ed of1the day, allk "sclonvyr*
t11T k th",
htazoa Ti -int, W �-011owers. -Af- thei
uer a fewi words from
e x., thle P�O- ft
Robinson and j_t 111*31
majority should be directly To ns, le ment wre in� jerro ?"e (10 not know 0 '1; -IR ms of this paper will Kd6srs., Boul�tbee ce dibgs were 4A published, anA even. the Th. PolifiL
V H F, It
HE 1�.TR, P -A, e !Rykert,�!, the subject
a tly
th�it there -is �aj' ly great. iecessity for an as dropped.
to the people, who contri late t �e in on,, yt� Politic 1. W, the Votes were not recorded. Pr4etical- 310
be found ah e oIli th
e New York. rit L al)l
I., . 0 1-:- h ly.. tl e in, -L: s ve1re ap
0 1�*�-- "VING 13ANKI. I
systel i increased r -sentatio t r that A Toro
f�rtbe support of our Schoo a4d membe fii ence in, the
ar ip
o. correspondent says it IS
tboso Who collioose T�
le, 611. "th'e Liq'i rl Traffic, Pbohibi-t pointed for life, 411d. were all
The Goverlinictit propose to fri ail CO-LuItt-y wot�ldj ul�derstood that a caucus On Fri liost who
be very much ben' of t 1G_ opp , I day, IvIr.1 Crooks iliIoved'the see-; lly
�fitted 081- irres nsible. The beads
tion qrLestion, ich Ve Commend t the ti D members -will b be Of C( lle,,ii& overinnel
Alt 0 end the
_ld Shoftly to pro_ ond readiDgL of his bill to m bers of uLe C U A
0 150
lowance- to Pabli* School tea L iers - i r thereby, is desira)le that tile. ch- As -i who were als& mp_
P ' ' I pt, p, I
thoughtful consi lerat o� of oux Tea( test artainst b 3c; hpv as f oresi Laidowl
each pupil who passe
lers. C. Cameron being any Sessalent act, the prilicipb6l feature in seldom attended', these etings. 2b "s a(ldresis, -Uld el
a the Hia an Dominioll, Par- longe-r"Ibader. He isattending, too mucil lie exeniption �f bank stock then referr Ith tbre�sin m-ures 1
visions for th,:, 'Local
The Subject of I)robi )i which is t me
tion- is
examination,, alid is admitte 'its ed td the changes irl. the Con- h
d int sholl I ld be t1IL ame. To to'.his own law interests from taxation. The Treasurer e
have inlflort. c61n Canada, and to satisfy Ills irtered stitntion of the Council �nula lbe -rilla ill ;
followers. llykort into along -and eiliborate th and allufled. to
High School. Teachers -are alsc) t r - a -Coutity (ti %lid Lau are both argument in
-w Or
i� led Ili 10 c proposed e woubl �be
-ious foi Ile thev
16 ay f one it Will doubtless recei 'el all impetus frol .11 hange in respeeb of �hc de.
ceive an additional allowance for ea6h 1 Parliament 1 i ambit -,the pt)st, but t l. e ge 'I., order to point Out the distinction be. p
a 4u6ther way for th 0
Wry, and-whtlst d -to-if-1-111S coll)[Ary 14e,
ef-e +
e the anti-li or crusad �iiow goilir, on in i feeliag is in fa�vor of Deacon. tween general an& lidilig thetreten-
(ILI 1.
I Iloeal talk".atio'll, alld to tio
pupil who Passes such examination, with otheil, occasio 4 confusion arid in show that the incide ce i ii If that stitution, express�d the 1V lmli
couvenl- Ohio aiidotiier n iclit vri -
tates. In VieNLY Of this, —Mr. -T. Daly has been electo<o L s ofAhe latter did belief that underithe ilew system- libria- t lie 14,)")l
honors. This, we think an excelley.it ence. it the epreselit, not properly applyt-o the I'
ation'lli the Do- it represent No h Perth in the L liblders of sue
ild e- ne-lit, and I
Cal Legis h riLes would. be iniprove howv
274 over tments as those lie pttoposed. to re- VerY little had bbell
provision. Well that bobb. si ej of the question lature by a, ajority oT inve% d
done in that clirec-
It will encourage teachers mirdoin Parlia, &allt could'be decreased, should be fairly�'pres al�'%ed; The argli, ()o IT. heve from assesstrient.* He
the course u 0
i lit be a( -dsable not to increase the Pointed Out, tioll Ilitberl-q, and the Q T: ver ainent
on to ad as it Mig
Ments in favor 6 pi�ol ibition are quite of h reM� boped
too, in
to put forth extra exerti reoran, his lopponent' is
—All the Id menibers, viz arks, to bow to see a large increase �m the n up f, fty iii� acri
many of the pupils un der thei r charge repre'semitaiio LtheLocal. But,-ifthi Donald larg� an extent th.6 um ber and i
prlpilS So td te efficiency of the litra�rjp "A
ith Dr. lid Gunnillg_ i beliefitted by 8 follow upbu the of a
Of th to 1pal�y�
anilot be do Itse iii the, Local ase is present(-- d ta�tattton citing removal of present
as possible. S 'familiar to the I is
ajo it of readers the A. Sni Schultz, Riela
owners iof real esta
v:%nc?d have, c. 1. all illeree
opposite view. A ham, have been ek. eted in anitoba. 1, instances in orouto all -restrictions,' The -
I very frequently, to receive extvj instruc- is n('Cess order to have the. con- T d el' he
very ab 'This does not look much like 'f the sew re of no �Atto y-Gerieral'then rapidly rev'iewe
an 0 rile
ly a ely in �he axticle an p e r c.. of t)le M.0
stituencies 6ch,-as nearly is possible eople of the Prairi vIllce Were a icipal emaining po:raons 01 the b-jl,
tion after regular teaebill(1 hours and I p ;the r
for -e- 1,)ro ess th,
to the progrel-'s of
referred to above revenue beitia e Pe' ded �n I cal I
0 linprove-
;was followedby
.!a aada <
Inuch aissatilqed -with, the poh of tile inentg, or the' ii er6st on! moneys applied
any teacher givinff alike. But, etlier there be orbe not collutry
Such: instru-cation
Goverument,4 some. would lik" to have, Mr. Rykert who re -cel
should be pa�d for his time, and trouble. an increase of, rpr6seiitation, there cer i -to improvements ioed. the! invi- hati.
e IcIve. all telad'*g -Ia4elY to tation of the'Att rne) -G by
C ritish Colunibia, 118 b I'
8 ovision tail xeneral t dis-
cuss the meas Po ,cy of -the tA-
llyslioulld a readjustment - of con- of whieh 0 much a been said has As a spe imen of the flap -doodle in- argued against gendral t 'are Without party bias,
nay be said that by y
It u thi 6 ' ' -1 - : enhance the value of real p6perty., Ile tile it �-at
said, has sp
dulged in by :some of the Uoniservativ- d.
0 ail
teachers will be encouraged, tc e presentation I y popula- �,ibbu amica ly settle( . i Wbilst offerii3q no oll -of a PC IM
d vote stituencies. b ation for loc
e improvements, and held �t to be unjust hostility ta the
n r
born tile res
�nain fe&ttl of the bill expressell th fornii giggaill.
Mr.. De Cosmos papers, we e 16 act the followin choice to burden tlioSe who did 1 not participate
'Litentio 'y MI .
ern- opini
C be- aunion. Parliament. In any appreciabil lu dergo
time -and tbOse w tion is even ino e� necessary in, the Local flas withdr wit from t e Local Gov 1, fro local conteml. y, auent in them to on that it wr)uld
wishL to. advance, which slioull be tbar. Morse e to 1,11 obiparly 1144 et -111 11
ment, but JIB colleag the North H' -on election e eitent, -With many irnportant aiteratio-
stowedupon others. .,' I ag es still continue to &IT V ar- ch, lIs at the hall&- a tkxce lit
fhere is lio dariger the latter, the are hol(l office. )n 1
aestions de araes foi- carryfiig them �6t for th
alt with It now urn� OatL row followe Alc'Mahon d e of tile 8c]ect Conialitt
311 a you
of this, under,the presen that the It a severe ail gave him i benefit of others. 'the oil, as' ee before it 'V-Oul that
InOre espeeiauy, -.re X�
st of a p rely local nature, i him,
It must be remember'ed that former sub ects1bf a lodal and sectional n
t systel'4' of in, more of a gene�ral nature, While in the di if i abbino, -where.vev he met e in the bill bd in-ade acceptable to the Ou ;,I and
1 spection. culty W� whilell oorLec il ered it which embodies the �Main rincipleof the the Country. : 1 H t
I measure is as followg.- at the- lii�a(l -mir'lluhli�'
ad had no eference 0 the policy of the eVerY M ti he shares held Mr. Bethune w
aS ee 1rg by Dr. Holuies I
the teachers as, Well , 8 It 4.f Brus- I by any person i th hil St C'�%Tmressing bis op- lieved that true horv-'
the people, are I character are commonly,co 4 n idered. Dominion G sels, one'd ie-mo§t flue "I e CaPtIal stock of any
rovergme t regarding nt alldlpopular Ilion th-At tbe Cotincil of 1'Ub1iCIn4
that incorporated or ch Ali. 'Maaelizie. and
spectol'. in r: it will.be Seen that, spe4 A'rtered bank. doin' 3truc.
closely 10'oked. after by the In rq This being the J�a 0, kers of Vie Riding. Tlii� is do. It 9 tiOrt '"'as a failure (lid not (Jes
Province, --terripts made by -thit 117141,er theit 1.1114
soltbat the. t _i business in this Prov�ifc ire to imake
-he repiltation. of the Inspector depends I if ropli according to population dedly rich d e, shall -�empt this a subjec
iti 1, , were it not for tile Sen- from assess t of reproach- PT ritInver abulidalitly.
T esentatioli the Oppos, In P inent for' 'to tbe �Oliief
Tess t make cqitaii out tences pl,Lce'21 Municipalior other 15,
9 and followingl it upt'rinten-dent, Although he be' The fo1lo-,h7b1A- tna'st
:In the main upon the e'-fficiency'. of the was desirable. D oil Parlia- Ofit we local rates or taxes, but�i an lieved
IV the OM
will be o m nell p i vd er lost. would have c6noluded. it was i ten(le ydnterest -that the course
redit of inent,-i is muc eman
t In ed in the talxeen by thaii-
schools under hi char(re the c ore reql: dividends, or income derived &m an' ch4irniall al -111 ally ML
I I . I ti
j d Y ill wiriting letters to the iiewspapel 7� 9�`l lenlen T'1711tr
the general ef. Local, as wi for what a re#owued writer call sar- such sbares held by zo such
kasm." We I
the schools is a ged �Y7 thoiot it, some C 411Y 111isonlresident as bail appear�.a lately, and t ki t',h thean The 1)(2
�a in -
ficiency of the whole scho6l, and so long have an LI -Lie Ji6dvaiit ove' to Come
Mr. a re of listerlin - to an address by .1 r. Me- with- part in POI tical contests llad, le,,zJ;8* nel poilded to -in- Mr.
�011utieS Will IN THE HousF,, on Ti sday last, a J ave never had tb pleas. in this Province, shall be d6emed
age 1` others.. McLeod gav, d notice of xe,: I
in add to be liable �O_. as$essm.ent ell
it bill to aijilex N21abon, brit w( bavehe I
the feelino, of confidence once plaqed thu Lfwal
as this is the case, tlibare is no danger of When -question (if local C6n. arc severa of AIr. under the 35th section: of the 'Assess- him.
cern, or even the 'several to-wnshi� l_! Farrow's, -a d ive are free to corif
ps (f Ashfield Cd u
rif ss that ell proceed, W, k
er 11119Sware most irreg- r.
ct of 1861).':" It will..be seen ular, and
'his allowing any of the schools to stiffer of general int t, come to be consider- borne and" if the above StfL,tement� relviardin these ! -
meur, a
VV&-wauosh t the South Ri�l- altogether oppozed
if he can prevent it. It is tpo often the ed, it is entlemen is from the foregoing Mar�_ ;�
not JU I at a consti W I Ou Sys-
tuency in 9 correct -Mr. ijeNlabda. must i e- t e stocks tem, of go ve, I
He re ar t �reqpo Pled to 1) Mi.
ru po r tool bldepd, hich if
$)rent] ry ti
with OpulatI( of six hundred should TI -lis is, we p xenipted, th-e exemption I Coun il as behind.
case that those. ho, are elif sted with a 1) g of Huronj for Regis ration Purposes. be a vei 1' themselves are e I
the age
a et off to the bill I common rf does not aPT1ly to the interest or divi all
Ming part
Ignorant of the w4lits all(I 4 t
al in pf)rq is worthy of crede' of the incolue of
Mr. Glibison, for the re- is not. With ard to the
the financi agemeat U our�l public' have the same i opresentation ai one of lice, he (lends for
introduced �y
rLdred He did, 1) o t d ire to -P4 the t )aslts of f
Schools are gaid, d mo by -the Salary a twelve hu 11 . . , P -b" th�3 trnth�ulness J holder Jeri ed from the rural polyalatioll.
re, of the reinainin, part of tAi iL
i This is the Position il'iting of thl County and the abolition - ice, no the viL�e_el
thF sentei Oppose the Government prou0s.118 tairinian pri
teacher demands than by the efficiency 'occupied by mat constituen 0 comment fr Mr. Itykert wag �trorigly oi�ipo
cies at the of the N I li OM. us is necessaiy, as: L�v - I Bed to garded tile Coundil of Public'I ii..,,tl i rts re ri-1;10 q
't , Riding egi Office. th ed� Professitm-,
of. th
ery e bill. He - saw in th' ir '11
ail named iligg anALl -Tpaes, q�
The bill of N�% speech R -ii, evident design -to exelilpt per- woulfl be to pl le
e in tario. That. it is un knOWS the kentlem but considered tb only ef'ytectual"*tion,
dividual as a teacher.'� It is present Je 0 at u r e it's
time in stry person who Tr
McLeod W � d not rem- knows how ve reform 114rd
ry easily "Dr. Rol ji es, of sonal Property fr ai
ace at the hea(l of ov mif�i
r OM taxation alt' IT ed-
ugether, Ucatonal System 4 respoilsible _Nli� ister
iimpossible to have a well cola: ducted just, eve persoil will Admit, and that a dy the evil omplainei call ".0orner poor L�ckie.�
,ry e I of t
he least B ussels,
and claimed that, if ban k: stocks were I of the Crown.
land useful school unless there of 1�
the wishe
be remedy should b� none will deny. degree, and er that thosei who are not ac- exempted, other descriptions of personal.
given w not me S of But. in oed
!at, its head a competent teachier, If, to reme4y tho evil, �ve must have in- a 0 -people of this ed with. the gentlemen ma* 'form property were equally Allit. Currie W.U' of opiiiio-a there: were n
i :vast Majillity of th an opinion as On -titled to the too DZ -N OP.) eve I
and' the services of such a teacher creased represe4i�ation, the sooner we County the correctne I Tl'ollia , e.x-l'%
88 pf the -same Measure of reli many High Schools, an(! showe(l fliat irig
th Itel: (_-inti
ntario Legisla- statement, we , ay, A bill of his I they were ai�� More liberally th�n the
trust the Say that at tl4e nom- (Mr. Rykert's) had beel. the 1 Common Scho texes
11T� to
opposed b
y ols. He disa�prov�-d
of J
V b"