HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-20, Page 34", c OLKA'O FEB. 201 1874., Or -IT • N-6 POSIT R. `SIXD.OJV Q Y ;. -TTBLIO' AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, mess:Saddle and Collar Mk NUFACTURER,/ ITA/K-ST., SRA.E OF TILE SCOTCH COLLAR. iceassortment of light and heavy Hamesa, BelLs, Horse Clothing, &c, kept constantly Itepairing promptly attended to, and moderate. Remeraber the paceisign. of telt Collar. VI. H. OLIVER. ECI c)TICE. ft..:WOOLENHMILLS. Sttbseriber begs to allEHIIIICS that hia Fee- ': is naw in full operation, and would call on to the superior stock of Cloths that he and, whieh he is offering at prices that vinee all a the benefit of a local factory, assured that all will realize the saving over dion,.aa a proof, see the following prices.: weed% 65c to 70e. tilled Cloth, 75e to 900.• Tweed, bile to $1 10. , Flannels, 55e to 70e. -Union Flannels, 50e to 70e. Blankets, &e., on. hand. -; Grey, Bed, and 'White Stocking Yuma I:dowers through the county, who were y supplied Ity nay peddler, will be waited, a few, days by my son, who will either take or striiply them at once with the articie ; r Rate wten ftrehased by the Piece. FnIling and eastern Carding attended to. N EARLY CA IS SOLICITED. THOS. R. FOSTER. OVAL. ,1 MARIRTH'SRAVINC MO DRESSI140 SALON beaa removed to new premise% adjoining Efn Logan's old stand, s,ncl opposite W. Rob- S.- CON Hardware Store, The proprietor 'state that he has fitted up his new shop: ery ennvenienee, and is determined to make st-clat's establiahment„ He has also on Mce stock of t_gS CIIIC_YONS AND BRAIDS atest styles, He is also prepared to- take in DlES HAIR COMBINGS, ave ni straightened and worked into cls, Belts, Switches, Curls, ite. ,es reasonable. e' Wigs furnished on the shertt.st notice " than city prices. tespectfaid aolicited. - WILLIAM NEWMAN. S. Toi KENNEDY, SE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Grniner, Paperhanging also attended to. se cheao as lay any other good work - the busineSa. AU orders left with Mr. Y"fr ot for hiM at the Exeoanron Office wilt tptly attentIed to. An iraaginary quantitV.-A lady's age. 7 - —In What tone does a ghost speak' In. a t°21Mbositylleis* very tight, 'said, a thief who was trying to open a bank vault. -44s. Partington rises every morning at theshrill call of the ehandelier. a., -.A. suspicieus wife, On being ` asked where her husband. was, replied that she was very !much afraid he was Miss- ing. — josh Billings says ; "There ai.-..'t enrty thing that will kompletdy, hire lazyness, but a second wife has. been known. to hurry it some." —The follOwinv question is respect- fully addressed toc'the clergy : Whether a person who sits in the , gallery of - the church is responsible for deeds done in. the body ? —A Titusville paper ays : "A man called at one f our stor s yesterday and vainly essayed to get, on either numbers 11, 12 or 13, "shoes. ; The storekeeper then suggested that he should put. on a thinner pair (!)f stookings and try on the t box." 1 • 4 1 —Two deacons once disputing about the proposed( new grave-yatd, ', one re - Marked : "I'll never be buried in that ground as long as I live." "What an obstinate man !" said the Other, "if my life is spared. II will." • : 1 I—The most appalling ease of deafnets t ' at we ever !came across outside of the ai ylum was that of an ola lady whO lives i st across the street from the navy y rd. The other day they tired a salute of twenty-one guns. The old lady was o served to start. and liSten as the last was fired, and then exclaimed, me in !" It was about 2 o'4ock on Friday morning that Mrs. Hennessey, thinking she• heard a noise in -the kitchen,' crept out of bed and to that rpm to see if it was not Hennessey, who had. beep ex- pected far several hour. On reaching the kitchen, she found her lord aadi mas- ter sitting on the floor, With his new silk hat in between his knees, and in the hat several dried herrings, aa-szl about two quart S of water. HennOssey was eyeing the mixture with profound gratification. "John Hennessey," screamed the liady, "what are you doing ?" ' "Me ?" inquir- ed Mr. Hennessey, with a look- oftl sur- nriSe. "-NVIIY., Matildy I'm (hic) Start- ing in (hie) acquarium for your Christ- mas." , 1 A BIG THING ON 'ICE, --A_ , • ruiner" for a Milwaukee house was a few days ago in La Crosse, arodons to vet aoross the river on the ice, but was told it was dangerous, so' he -got on his hands and kneesand. craWled across, hauling a skiff on. the ice to get into it in case the ice broke. After he had crawled' about half aeroSs, and was tired and discouraged., he heard a noise behind huh, and thinking the ice was breakina, he got on his knees and said his " Now'"I lay me," just las- a load of wood came up behind him. 1The ice was a foot thick, /and some Other runners had played it ' on him. Hie is searching for the fellow who told him! the o . , , i ice was thin. 1 ' SANG-FROID. —The railway gatekeep- er of an important :Crossing, not Many miles from Boston, is an inveterate check- er -player. A i short,I time since he be- came so absOrbed in k game with a friend that he took no note of time, until his ' visitor, hurriedly jumping to his feet, said, "Gars coming ! better be moving, Jim." Glancing at the: cloak, Jim il-e- cepted the hopelessness of the situation, and as the tram thundered by the open , . . . gates at forty mites an b.our, calmly re- marked, without risingl frail his seat, " That's the New York !Express. It is ;your move, Mt. Jones;" 1 II. • ell. , , A New A.rkansas Traveler. ' FrolarrhanfraWs Play. I 1 The scene is a dilapidated log cabin , 1 Arkansas. Its character, a trapper seated on an inverted tub playing the first part of a familiar air upon an old violin, and his Wife and .I-4ilciren in • . the background. A strange enters, and tlie following colloquy ensues : - ' Stranger—How do you d�, sir' Axle you well ? 1 ‘ t Trapper ---Stranger, kip you call a man who- eats three squaiT I meals a chink§ hearty, and sleeps' sound, " well. ' (Fiddles.) • . 1 Stranger—I think I ;could. ' How long have you. been living here? ' Trapper—D'ye see that mountain thar? Stranger—Well ? ' i : Tr per—That wor 1)!Yar When I collie h'yar. (FiddleS.) , ; Stringer—Thank you for the informa- tion. t I Trapper—You're welcome. Str nger—Cau I stay here to night ? • Trapper—Well, you can't stay h'yar. Stringer—Row long will it take to get to the next tavern? trapper—Well, you'll not get there at ,all if you stand that &Olin' with me all night (Fiddles.) Str nger—How far do you call it to the D. Xt tavern? Tra.; per—I reckon it 8 upward, o' soxne • diata co. Str• nger—Do you keep any spirits in the h use ? • Tr per—I guess thar. is plenty down m th graveyard. (Fiddles.) Stquger—How do yOu cross the river Trapper—The duck swim •across. (Fiddles.) :ah.ead ? Stranger—How far iS it to the forks of the road? : Tra?per—The roads ain't forked yet in ; these giggires. (FiddleS.) • Stadrngera-Where doe's this roacfge to? Trapper—Well, it ain't moved. a step since Tve been li'yar. , Str nger—Why don't you repair the roof o your house? Itmust leak, " Tr?, per --Cos it has been raining like" all ore tion for throe weeks. ' (Fiddles.) Strainger--Why don't you mend it when et ain't raining ? . Traiper—Cos then it don't leak? (Fiddles.) Strager—Why don't you play the secondpart of that tune? Trapper --Cos I don't kn w it ; kin you?' Stranger—I can. . Trapper --- You kin ! Lo k h'yar, strang r, any man who cap. pla,y the sec- ond pa Is t of that kin go right into Con- gress o to it. Strad ger—G-ive inc the fiddle. (Takes ! the lid le and plays the entire tune.) ' ' Trapi, er—(Yelling with . joy)—That's • it, by goll ! Do it again stranger. M IS BORLAND q Ya,hey (Shaking hands.) H'yar, • €1 (From ;Miss Young's, Toronto,) DESS AD.1tiD AfAiTLE MAR:ER Id. i Two doors Sijrith of the Commercial Hotel, , . 4 Bi game at Marblet3. There w almatch;Made in the Twen- ty-second Ward, Ne - York' GAY, to shoot 1,000 marbles for$500. ! The com- petitors ,vtlere :the -we ; -known bu,tcher, John McKew4n, and Fritz, the barber, IticKewentiveilklis 350. He is about five feet eleven, alill beforethe gre so fat was one of the bat made men ever seen. He has been an athle of note in his day. Frit is `0, faino a German barber in Seventh Arenue, near Fiftieth street. They call: him Dutch Fritz. He weighs 180 pounids, is.'five feet ten, well made and finei looking. 'They are both brunettes', but Mcli.k.eWen is rosy, while Fritz is ale and sallow. In spite of his size, 'Vic ewen is 'decidedly the ha,nd- „ Bonier man. The match Was Made in Fritz's shop" early On I Mowilay inorning, while Mc- Kewen was being shaved. Fritz's little boys were shooting marbles in the shop, and McKewen eyeing! the 'sport, while enjoying' his Ohave, /aid, "1 was the best marble .hot in Iray day in this lvard." "I'll bet yoh weren't any better at that than 1,11 said Fritz. "Ne boy could. pl mp out the taws by he side of .1 me." " I'll- et, I Oould have beat you," said McKe-wen. " I'll; et yon could not do i now," re- torted itz. " Wh, t'll you bet ?" said MeKewen. " Two hunOid and fifty do ars," said Fritz. sad McKewen, a. tails of tie ma chwerelquickl It was a reed y their! friend two shot ld sh 'ot at 1,0001m the man ho , 'lumped. out 6 d the. de - arranged. that the rbles, and 0 marbles first shot d beteclared the winner. The iaLws flew round th neighbor- hood and rDwd athered so rapidly it was nec ry to hut the doors of the .barber's ud dinit only a ',united numb er ectat�rs. Mr. Bogert, a mutual fi oend,' was eferee. A ring was li chalked rt the., floor and the rules of the game wee set led. hey tossed a penny "to decide whether they should shoot 25 marbles . t ea.li inning, or 100. Fritz was in fa or o 100 marbles. But Mc- Kewen's riends would not agree on ac- count of is s' e. Se great is his obesity he was ob ged to shoot in a peculiar po- sition. vet ',time he stooped to hoot it was ne essa4y for another man to be ready with a lhair, which he placed in front of MoKeiven to support him, as the knelt on one lknee and sent his alley ver ac essa hop f sp spinning in the rin 25 shots t "backers b other toss the first was 100 t ing at his missing 1 e five yards at the taws ,rJlle penny came down for the inning, and IlicKewen's gan to book. their bets. An- dea4lecl that he should. ihave hot, and the betting on, him 89. i McKewen led off, shoot - 25 !marbles, hittitg 10' and in V . .- . . ' wiich -were scor d. to him Fritz, follo ed,ihitting 8 and issmg 17. Bets on M-Keiven rose 125 t 75. The next mem MeKeWen Was not so- skill- ful, petha, marbles toll a tdio much elated,: trikinv0 .13 of the ring. Frit, Was more careful and pluxupecl oat 24. This sent the bettin up ,2 to iiithe Dutchman's \. favor. Th.-, g.ane continned-% -th varied success, soi et mes onebeing the fhvor- ite an(.1 so ne mes the other, until the expiration . f li(alf the score, vith Fritz ahead 10 ar les. Time, 3 hours and 40 minutes cl- both men. exhausted. They took dn hour for rest ail refresh- . ments. When th nlien appeared in the 4.-oom for the 'second 1 inning, much to the l sur- prise of( all, 11Keweii looked as fresh as 1 a rose and Calnl and codl as a May orn- ing. Fritz iookecI a little too ex -cit J. for the kiwwing ones. McKewen lec off, hitting 15, isSing 10. The sturdy' Ger- man followed, qrecluciug his score bj- bit- tiing 7 aud n is4ing 18. The scores vari- .ed, but the d - 11-antave as clearly o i the - fat man's side as the galffe progres sed. -The butcher. on by his greater powers of endurance Fritz becarae so thor ugh- ly exhausted by the seventh hour that it was JleceSSry to give him strong s mu- lants. McKewen too water. Both men su ered, but were game tO the last. -When Inine hours had ela, sed, McKewen was!, 100 marples ahead, and in 27,minutesiand 55 seconds more the referee decided that the game was ended by the fat *ian's havingscored 1600. Fritz's score stood 469, Making McKewen the winner 14 131 marbles, amid the tumultuous at)prause of all, even the Dutcliman'a ba9kers. URST OPEN, 'One ght last vieek, Johi Log n's Old Stand. CAU E—A RGE NEW gTOOK OF FRES GROCERIES. S REDMO D has opened ;out in Sohn all'S old, an well-known stand a. nice-stoek jof FLreQ h GROCERIES, corapr sing everyt ing which should 6o_found in a firsterate Grocery tore. FLOUR and FE ID on hand. f He °hats a ea , and will guarantee satisfac- tion. 319 J. REDMOND. • AND W EAR GITS, An Olct-Fa$hioned Mother and a NewiTashioned Boy. • Some time" ago, a Mr. I3uckleby, who lives over in Berrien county., Mich., di- rected her son Samuel, -a lad of 14 years, • to take a turn1,, at the churn. Now, as Samuel had set his heart on goin.g 9.1 -fish- ing at that very time he "got his back up" and flat4 refused to agitate the cream. The c4rv-ature,was promptly ta- ken out of his sine by a slipper, and, •with "tears in his eyes," he went on duty With the dasher. In about half an hottr,„and durillg the brief absence Of his moth, his ey, ` fell upon a plate of rfly- poison, and bright, stnart thought struck him. ',ust.before Mrs. Buckelby came in, Samt41 lifted. the fatal platter to his face, and1 as she entered he put the "poison" fro* f his lips with the dram- atic exclamation: "There, mother, 1 guess you won!t lick me no more !" Now what 'did this( iSpartan dame do? ' Did she shriek foil a doctor and fall into hysterics ? Nt much. She simply took Samnel by th il !nape of the neck, lifted him deftly into the pa-ntry, beat ;the whites of six ogs together, and told him to engulf the Sloane instanter.; he refus- ing, she calledithe hired girl, and ; in a twinklina Saanifound himself outside the o - albumen: TOn Mrs. Biick.elby began -preparinaa a millstard emetic. Seeing this, bsain's pluck 4-pso1ved, land he cm:at-Ilene- ed begging, cling, "1 was only tryin'; ir to skeet. ye." 11But the stern mother was not to be softigned, and Samuel had to • swallow the minstard. . He was then forc- ed to take' a clia'se of • pain killer, and had his back rubbficl with " Vicsor of Life," and his stomach with the `rOil of Glad; • iaess." Then the vomited up everything but; his boot S and sockz. This being over, he took seven Ayer's pills, two • spOonfuls of castor oil, a tea spoonful of salts and a blneapill, And now, if you want to behold the maddest boy in Michigan, just say "fly -poison" to; Sam Blickelby. strang r, matte. yourself at horcie. You can stay week—liv and die h'yar if it's a. greeal?le. H'yar, Sal, bring out that Jug, an? go dig some saxafrack • root, an' make the stranger a cup of tea. Shake hands again, strangei. By: gell, you're a trump, you -are! Play, it again f ,MAINI 8TREET, SRAVORTH. • 313 Albtu s, Bibles, 1 ily Bi les, plain a illust uted, Pocke Writ' g Desks, Dressing Cases, Cases, Meerscha NSISTING OF estaments, Prayer 'Books, Fain - d illustrated, Ohildren's Books, Diaries, Pocket Hooks, Purses, ork Boxes, Ladiete and Gente ewel Cases, Ink Stands, Cigar Pipes, Toilet Sets, &a. EWELRY. Gold and Silv r Rings 'plain and far*, Brooches, Ear Rings, B celets, 'Gold tfads, Plated Studin Gold Sleeve Buttons Gold Pens, ; Gold Pend]. Cases, Geld aiid Plated Lockets, Watehes, Charm!, Gold Chains, Alberts, &Ea • GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY qiE411,ING SALE. HAIR ORNAMENTS. -.MUSICAL INSTRU.NENTS. Violins, Concakinas Accordians, IllOntlh Organs, Violin strings,' tlinedt Italian. I Alpo TOYS ilor Girls and Boys, at LUMSDEN'S, 815 Seaforth. REMOVED. REM,OVED. M. -:R013ERTSpN, Cabinatanaker'and Undertaker, HAS REMO17ED his -Ware-roomsto r ; JOHtTSON'S , OLD STAiTD, • Main -street, Seaforth, 'Where he has oi hand a ;superior steek of Furni tuijc of every deseriPtion. C4LL 'A.ATD SAW IT.. . L NDERTAKING. Having pitch wed Mr. Thomas Ball's HEARSE I am prepared t4 attmid funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. offins, All Sizes, Kept constantlyion hand. SHRO DS !. SHROUDS ! 4\1. IJOBERTSON, CABINET 14 ERR AND UNDERTAKER, Johi son's Old Stand, Main street, Sea orth, has now on land a good - assortment of i S C)T.T3D: Which he can fo1imishboa.per than tb.ey can be got elsbwhere. • 25 WHO W NTS. MONEY1 A. STRO G, SEAFORTH, wintoan money t a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST. either ou Fa m or Village Pronerty. Parties rcquirin4 money should. apPly to him. INSURE tOUR PROPERTY AND 0 -UR LI -YES. A. Stro g, 'Sea -forth. IS ALO AGENT FOB The Scottish Pratfincial 7nsu1m1ce Company -- Fire and Life.t, The Western Insufance Company, of Toronto— Fire and Life, The Isolated Bi k Insurance Company, of CAIlada. — Terms as reason ble as offered by any other agent doing busines for reliable Companies. OFFICE—over trong & Fairley's Groeery Store, Main Street, eaforth. I 252 $5 TO $20E daY* Agents wanted. classes of • working, people,. of either sex, yeun or old, make mote. at work for as in their spar moments, or all the time, than at anything e se. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON' & Co., ertland„Maine. 284 AVOID Q ACKA. A 'SUOMI of early indiscr tion, cansing nervous 2=-1- debility, premature dem:&c., having tried in vain every advertised rerne iy, has discovered a simple means of selPoure, a hich he:will send free to his fellow -sufferer. Ad ress, J. H. REEVES, 78 Nassau Street, Nov York. TO THE PT)" LIC OF Xt EL I TISIII N01141 AIME HI CA. TN -CONSEQUENCE of 1 fri uds that have been -1- practiced anon yoti by tw u or throe individuals ,(whe for a Hine took the na e of the "Now York Chemical Co pany") inaldn and selling some- thing/ which t .ey call " fibll wa.y's Pills and Oint- matit t," and "allieh, for a ea on, were freely sold in many parts of the B iti h Provinces as ray genuine Pills nd Oirttmer t, have, for Some time past, considered it my dn'ty o caution the public, through the medium of pe n:ess, against . buying. these spurious articles. nd e ents have been ob- tained against this Bankrap Crew, n one case by a Mr. Cassard, who, when a out to levy, at, the latter end of 'October last fo nd the name of the Chemical Con pany had b en tainted out and that of Samuel 'S: ose substituted Many respectable w firms in the British Pr vin :es, who obtain my medicines di cot from ere, have :very properly suggested th t I should, or he betiefit of them- selves and the public in •ert their names In a e papers, that it may be know • that My inedicines can be had genuine irons t em. The following is it.list of the firms alluded t ; and. I partieularlv rectenmend t 'ose Who de ire a get my medicines .to apply to some of the 1 ons.s named : Messrs. AYERY, BR -11 & Co., Halifax al-. S. ; Messra, FORSYTH & Co., , N. S.'; Messrs. T. B. BARRER & ONS, St. 3 bn, T. B.; Mr. T. DES BRISAY,Ohall ottetown, P. E. .; Mesars• Lastannr & Co, Victo ia B. 0.; M ssrs. MOORE & Co.. Vic- toria, B. O.; Dr. JOHN ALL14 N, Chatham, N. B.; Messrs?. Mw 0 & Co.,M ntre ; 14IeSsrs. J. WINER & CO., Remi ton, Ont.; It r. Ff3. Rast, Toronto; Mr. A. 0 :sraran SAIIT , John, N. B.; Mr. JOHN BOND, oderich,.0 t.; M ssrs•ELLIOT 4.t 0o., Toronto; I! . 3. Oscan NEB, St. John, 'N. B.; Messrs. Ha.,-INGTOli BR THE is, St. John, N. B.; Mr. R. S. PRIDDY, Win sor,1 Int.; Mrs. ORPEN, Morden, N. 8.; Mr. GEO 1GE 0 HUNT, Jr., Freder- icton, N. B.; Mr. W. II. HOMI SON, Xlarbor Grace, N.F.; Mr. J. M. WILEY, reder cton, N.B.; Messrs. W. & D. YEHAE, Montre 1. Ms -Pills and Ointment are neither anufactur d nor sold in any part of the United tates. Ea • Pot and Box bears the British Gov rnment eta, •p, wi h th words, "Hol- loway's Pil s and Oint sent, ondon," engraved thereon. he medicin s are Isola ; at the lowest wholesale n t prices, in uantities o t not less than .£20 worth, viz.: 8s. 6., 22s. and 84s. per dozen boxes of s or pots f Ointment,. for which re- mittances nst be sent in advance., HOMAS HOLLOWAY. N. B.—C emists an. other; vendors of Hollo- way's gen e Pills an. Ointments Inay have their names ine rted in th local papers if they will please appl here— .„ 533, Oxford Street, W. C. • London, Dee. 1, 1873 817-26 Jusir RECEIVD AT WILSON 8c. YOUN SEA,FORTII, A Snlondkd Stock of NEW and FRESH FR1JITS, such as Raisins, Currants, and &pry descri tion. of Canned 1ruib, r11 of which will he found. good value. Their I Stook WIN ALE •••••1•••••••••••• GROCK[ERY AND GLASSWARE. ct CROCICERYI'and #GLA.S8W.ARE is the Best and Cheapeat In Town. ES 0§4..LIQUORS OF THE BEST & PUREST BRANDS, iWholesale and B. dell. AhT4 PORTER _FOR FAMILY USE, IN GLASS AN.D WOOD. GROCERIES Of every des ription in abn dance, and cheap. Good Ten from 40 cents to $1 per pound. FLOUR IND FE1!1.lj always on hand. Goods delivei of Charge WILSON & YOUNG. in Town Free ,HEAPER THAN EVER. .11.6 SUBSO IBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A LARGE QUA_NTTY OF TEAS, SUGARS, FRUITS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES AT PRICE MUCH LOWER- THAN THE CURRENT MARKET VALUE, • Is enabled to give the public even BETTER BARGAINS -THAN HERETOFORE. get their share of the The goods are now in stock, -and the inhabitants of Town and Coultry are invited to come and Going at the Chequered Store. JAMES MURPHY, •.Main -Street, Seafora. SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. KEAR,_ WILKIE & Co., Wish to irltorm the people of linfon and public nenerally that they have leased the Seaforth !Foundry ; for a, term of years, and are now prepared to manLacture all kinds of Castings, Straw Cutters', Sawing Machines, 1 Pio s, and other Farming Implements ; We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every description. I The nudersif*d have had long experience iu the Foundry business, antl are praPared to guaiaxttee 1 Satisfaction in a1 their work. 1 287 GODER I C KERR, WILKIE & CO. V•ScrraINSMINIMIZISITMOMPII.11111r, NDRY. , The Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Co Beg to inform tlie public that they are prepared to reontract far . STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, 6110T, AND SAW MILLS SAWING MACHINES, &c. - Oh hand—OtON AND -ITOODEN PLOWS, with' steel, bOards GANG- PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CT3TTERS, &e. SUGAR AND POTAS KETTLES, GRATEBARS,wN BoxBs, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND OX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT. NOTICE. T MINTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All otders addressed to thei Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. A. _EI3DGE, Secretary and 'treasurer. H. HORTON, President. R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. GARDENER 41M111/1111111/OWe SEWING MACHINE • IS A STRONG • ASY RUNNING- MACHINE, • WELL AD AP TED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND ight Manufacturing Work: the Fairs held thronghout the Dominion, this Mitehine was put some very severe tests by the BEST JUDGES TE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE • AND BY THEM AWARDED 13L Prizes in 187i1 and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of Construction, strength and-durabilityrecomraend it to all classes. It has a -complete set of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSIRUOTIONS IN ALL 1:11 ATTACHMENTS GiV_EN FREE: OF CHARGE. Gardn0 Sewing .11/ achilze Compow, Hamilton,Ont. PETER GRASSIE, SEAF0ItT41, Agent for the County of 'Huron. 286 • 4. P. BRINE T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for t Huron. Sales attended in all County. All , eiders left at the Exn will be prompftly attended to. -a, • e County of arts of the SITOR Office BOARDING. TT COLLADA has leased_ the la ge and com- modious honse, on the Salt W rks Gromads, adjothingthci Itailway Station, andhs fitted it up as a boardin -ho se. Good table ani1 comfortable rooms. Persorls wishing a pleasant boarding- house shouidl apply, as there are at resent a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less than ho alrges. 228 • STOVES '8(.' TINWARE 601 all kind, ana. in =Mesa variety at MRS. WHITNEY'S) Carmichaers Block, Main street, Seaforffi. , - COAL OIL, EAFORTH ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMOT, Sewing 0,Inehine, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Our Sewing 11p:whine Departm nt.- 1 take pleasure in stating to the public,aithat I l shall at all times have a stock of all the erent I, kinds of -Sewing Machines, with their veil d pre- tentious to merit, that the purchasers tatty to suit themselves at! one establishment, be 'able ithont inconvenience. The :whole face of the clottntry 1 has been, arra still is, frequented by transient peisons. My :object is to caution thei nubile against buying anything but Standard Machine% and of Regular Established.. Agents, who Ian al- ; Pure, goad and cheap, wholesale and retail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly exe,- cnted. 808 ; NES. WHITNEY. ways be found, and whose warrant and guarantee can be relied on, and. if the purchaser is not suited with the kind they thWt they want, they can' have the privilege or changing ib. for any :other. We have at all times a new add fresh stock1 of the Florence and Webster Machines, as wella4 all the other standardraakeS, which can be paidi for tm very easy terms, or :if not satisfactory, teem be changed for any ether that maybe desired` Ittuaical tumirtiments.-0. 0. WIttLSON can defy the -world on Musical Instrumen 8, both 1 in Price and. Quality, he cannot be sal -passed. The manufacturers a Instruraents ahich Ihe sells have a reputation that dare not be queStioned. He sells for no second-elass firms. ThelMathu- shek and Steinway lianot ,i'rittee,,Mason a Ham- lin, and Estey Organs und Melodeon. Agricultural ' ilinplentettng,—Saeb. aS Straw Cutters, Grein Crushers, Boot Putters Sewing Machines and Horse Powers, all of the best, always on hand. O. C. WILLSOIN, Main -street, Seaforthi. 319 THE CANADA SEWING M.CHIIE COMFY IItTOI Established for he purpose of, Menufiteturing a Sewing Machine Winch should ea.eel all others M any market, and thus take a lead for Canada in an important In•anch of business throughout the world. Their inosti sanguine -expectaticam have been realized, and their etterts appreciated_ by au unparalleled demand for their now _c4ebrated Webster" from everywhere they have yet been I introduced, and although ithas taxed their Man- ; ; nitietory to its utmost limits, they have Made and sold more machines in a given time, fiorn the start, than any other mannfa.ctory in th4 world. Muth envy hag been tlin consequence liona our American neighbors who had hoped to Lid the !•• ! monopoly o this patticular branch .01 by:milieu, but nothing that they now can do ;will ;prevent the "Webster lrem gaining that rePutation which its merits entitli3 it to hold, and those merits will be presesved intact by employg only the most skilled meehanicsonid the best 'Material • that money sill furnish. They have had but lit- tle spare time to attend and exhibit at bake, but wherever it Was don, the Webster" was vlotori ons, and twenty-three First Prizes in Ontario alone against all. copiers, American or Canadian, fell to their lot during the past two mouths, and haven() doubt that, had they exhibited at every Fair in the Dominion, where a just alserinaination of the merits, and. benefite to the ptiblfe to be gained -was the objet in view, that everiprize of honor would have been theirs. It hats "been the objeet of this Company to give money', worth, and, whilst challenging competition), either for Fine or Heavy Work, or work of analladivhatever done on 8, Sewing Machi.ne, the price -charged for the "Webster " is the SEOE0 as that asked tor many inferior second-class' maehines, whilit the pomplete set of attachments Supplied. are of the !wiry latest design and best worikmanship, ana for 'varied and Complete work, with simplicity and ease bf opera- tion, far beyond in Value those sold withany of the best American nraehines. The demand; for the. 6 Webster" for Greet Britain and Ireland, Eelgium,_ the West Indies, card South Araarica, AS well as everypart of oar OWE Dominion, isimpreeedented. It rimy, therefore, easily be intagined, that so pow- erful a rival Would not be allowed to pa SS umbel- ; lenge.1, by the American manufaeturer, and every means has been adopted to prevent the "Webster" from being introduced into the 'United 'States. o. a WILLSON SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Ifuron.; 1146